Blood Dragon FAQ/Guide - Guide for Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon

Scroll down to read our guide named "Blood Dragon FAQ/Guide" for Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon on PlayStation 3 (PS3), or click the above links for more cheats.


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                            |   FAQ/WALKTHROUGH   |

                                   By Sokkus

Guide stats:    
Time taken to write : 20+ hours
Word Count to date  : 16,000+

Last Updated: 6/5/2013


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Welcome to my guide for Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon! I hope this guide will be able
to assist all of you 1980's action afficionados out there! If you see any
errors, have a tip or an alternate strategy for a section of the guide please
head to the contact section and flick me an email to let me know!

If you like what you see here, be sure to check out more of my guides, reviews
and podcasts at and consider donating to my Paypal if
you are feeling a little generous!

Note: In its current state, the guide is pretty much complete and it currently

   > Full walkthrough from beginning to end.
   > Side-Quest Guide complete.
   > Hints & tips section.
   > Complete enemy and & strategy guide. 
   > Complete VHS tapes locations guide.
   > Complete Television Set locations guide.
   > Complete Animal locations guide.
   > Complete Dr Carlyle's research locations Guide.

Join me on Facebook      \

I have started a facebook group for readers to keep track of the latest updates
to my guides, you can find it here:

Donate to my Noble Cause!\

After a few generous emails and suggestions from readers and because donations
seems to be a growing trend among other contemporary guide writers, I have
decided to put in the option to allow you to donate some money to me for 
helping you out if you wish to do so.

Although I make these guides for free in my spare time, I probably don’t 
need to point out to gamers that purchasing games is an extremely expensive
hobby (games in Australia cost on average $90 - $120) and writing guides for
them can be a very long, incredibly difficult and thankless task at the best
of times, but one that is very challenging and occasionally rewarding.
Considering you could be paying upwards of $20+ for guides in a game shop,these
free and easily available guides make a cost-effective substitute. Whilst most
are happy to use and move on without a word I would move that a simple donation
is a great, easy way to say thanks if you feel that my guide has saved you some
time, money and frustration in some small way.

By no means feel obligated to donate just for viewing my guide, but if you are
feeling a little generous I certainly won’t object! Any amount is appreciated
whether it be 10 cents or $10.

Thankyou for all that read this far, if you are interested in donating, my
Paypal address is listed below, if not, skip down to the table of contents
below and get stuck into the Retro world of Farcry 3: Blood Dragon!

Paypal ID:



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Note: To fast travel to a section of the guide, copy the text code next to
      the section of interest. Press CTRL +F and paste the code in there to
      jump down to where you want to go in a flash!

  / FarCry 3: Blood Dragon Campaign Walkthrough   \__________________
  \_______________________________________________/                  |
    |                                                                |
    |  1. Enemy Types ........................................ [ENMYS]
    |                                                                |
    |                                                                |
    |  2. Campaign Hints & Tips .............................. [HNTTP]
    |                                                                |
    |                                                                |
    |  3. Campaign Walkthrough ............................... [WLKTH]
    |                                                                |
    |      3.1  Prologue ..................................... [ACT01]
    |      3.2  They're Heee-ere ............................. [ACT02]
    |      3.2A Save a Nerd .................................. [ACT2A]
    |      3.3  Punch It! .................................... [ACT03]
    |      3.4  What is this Shit? ........................... [ACT04]
    |      3.5  I Don't Deal With Psychos, I Put 'Em Away .... [ACT05]
    |      3.6  Summon the Plague ............................ [ACT06]
    |      3.7  I Must Break You ............................. [ACT07]
    |                                                                |
    |                                                                |
    |  4. Unlocks ............................................ [UNLKS]
    |                                                                |
    |      4.1  Level Progression Unlocks .................... [UNLCL]
    |      4.2  Weapon Part Unlocks .......................... [UNLCW]
    |                                                                |
    |                                                                |
  / FarCry 3: Blood Dragon Side-Missions Guide    \__________________
  \_______________________________________________/                  |
    |                                                                |
    |  5. Side-Missions ...................................... [SDQTS]
    |                                                                |
    |      5.1 Hostage Rescue ................................ [SDQHR]
    |                                                                |
    |            A. Save a Nerd .............................. [SDQH1]
    |            B. Save a Nerd - Part Deux .................. [SDQH2]
    |            C. Desperately Saving Susan ................. [SDQH3]
    |            D. Insane in the Braincage .................. [SDQH4]
    |            E. Ruining Everything ....................... [SDQH5]
    |            F. Baiting the Hostage ...................... [SDQH6]
    |            G. Everyone's on a Boat ..................... [SDQH7]
    |            H. Life's A Beach ........................... [SDQH8]
    |                                                                |
    |      5.2 Predator's Path ............................... [SDQPP]
    |                                                                |
    |            A. Hunt the Sniper .......................... [SDQP1]
    |            B. Tiger Fist ............................... [SDQP2]
    |            C. Insurance Scammer ........................ [SDQP3]
    |            D. Birds with Attitude ...................... [SDQP4]
    |            E. Turtle Killer ............................ [SDQP5]
    |            F. He's Not Heavy. He's Big Boned. .......... [SDQP6]
    |            G. Unique Horn Dragon ....................... [SDQP7]
    |            H. Mind the Teeth ........................... [SDQP8]
    |                                                                |
    |      5.3 Liberating Garrisons .......................... [SDQLG]
    |                                                                |
    |                                                                |
  / FarCry 3: Blood Dragon Collectibles Guide     \__________________
  \_______________________________________________/                  |
    |                                                                |
    |  5. Collectible Locations Guide ........................ [CLTBL]
    |                                                                |
    |      5.1 Television Sets ............................... [CLTTV]
    |      5.2 Dr Carlyle's Notes ............................ [CLTDC]
    |      5.3 VHS Tapes ..................................... [CLTVT]
    |      5.4 Animals ....................................... [CLTAN]
    |                                                                |
    |                                                                |
  / FarCry 3: Blood Dragon Achievements & Trophies\__________________
  \_______________________________________________/                  |
    |                                                                |
    |  6. Achievement/Trophy Guide ........................... [ACHMT]
    |                                                                |
    |                                                                |
  / Miscellaneous             \_______________________________________
  \___________________________/                                      |
    |                                                                |
    |  7. Contact ............................................ [CNTCT]
    |                                                                |
    |  8. Special Thanks ..................................... [THNKS]
    |                                                                |
    |  9. About Me ........................................... [INTRD]
    |                                                                |
    |       9.1 Donations                                            |
    |       9.2 Console Domination                                   |
    |                                                                |
    | 10. Version History .................................... [VERHI]
    |                                                                |
    |                                                                |

>> Note: To fast travel to a section of the guide, copy the text code next to
         the section of interest. Press CTRL +F and paste the code in there to
         jump down to where you want to go in a flash!


     _______                   _                ______       _     _       
    (_______)                 (_)              / _____)     (_)   | |      
     _____   ____   ____ ____  _  ____  ___   | /  ___ _   _ _  _ | | ____ 
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    |_______)_| |_|\____)_|_|_|_|\____|___/    \_____/ \____|_|\____|\____)
                        | Enemies & Enemy Tactics Guide |


Before we get stuck into the campaign, I figured that i would give you a quick
primer on the various types of enemies you will encounter along the way through
Farcry 3. I refer to them by the names below, so be sure to read up to avoid

There are several types of enemies that you will encounter in Farcry 3 and by
looking through Jason's camera, you will be able to tag them so that you can
track their movements. The different tags symbolise different enemy types,
which is important as each enemy variety behaves in slightly different ways.

Heres the basic rundown of the different enemies you are likely to encounter
during your time on the island:

Camera tagging symbol: V shaped arrow

Regulars are pretty much your standard fodder enemy. You will see these more 
than any other type of enemy. They are usually armed with SMG or Assault Rifles
and will run to cover when you are detected. They also toss the occasional
grenade. In general regulars do not have much armor and as such only take a
few bullets to kill (comparatively speaking - they still take more than the
Far Cry 3 main game!), with head shots downing them instantly.

Camera tagging symbol: Lightning bolt

These guys tend to be annoying. And a little crazy. As with the regulars,
the molotex have very little armor so do not take too many bullets to take out.
The problem is that as soon as you alert any enemies, if there is one in the
area they will usually disregard cover and run directly at you to attack and
in many instances, there are more than one. As with the regulars a single head
shot will finish them off.

Weapon-wise, molotex are usually armed with molotox (Blood Dragon's equivalent
of molotov cocktails) or shotguns. They are not shy about throwing the
molotoxes, even in close and are not afraid to continue getting up close and
personal to attack you, even whilst being on fire.

In most combat situations, taking out the molotex/chargers as soon as humanly
possible is definitely advisable.

Camera tagging symbol: Crosshair

Snipers are usually armed with a sniper rifle, and often a secondary weapons
usch as an SMG to attack you if you get too close, the RPG guys are the same.
These guys usually hang out in guard towers or on the rooves and balconies of
buildings. The laser from the sniper's rifle will be visible to you, so you
should always be able to tell where the sniper is looking. Unfortunately, the
RPG guys do not have a laser attachment.

Once they are alert that you are about, they will fire at you from a distance
with a great degree of accuracy, the sniper shots are instantaneous, but the
RPG rockets, whilst damaging can be seen coming and move fairly slowly which
gives you a chance to change position if necessary.

As with the regulars and the chargers, snipers and RPG soldiers do not have all
that much armor and a single head shot will have them taken out of action
straight away.

Camera tagging symbol: Shield

The heavies are the juggernaughts of Farcry 3: Blood Dragon. They are heavily
armored and can absorb a lot of bullets before going down. Their helmets mean
that multiple headshots are required to eliminate them (although if you can
sneak up on them and shoot them in the back of the head where they are
unarmored, you can still one shot them). 

Heavies carry a large machine gun or a flamethrower and due to their durability
they have no qualms in leisurely strolling over to your location and unleashing
their weapon of choice on you.

Their one weakness? Explosions. Try to save your contingent of mines and C4 to
try and take these guys out as quickly as possible. Once you reach level 11 you
will unlock the heavy takedown, allowing you to sneak up and perform a takedown
attack on them like any other enemey,

Predator Animals:
Camera tagging symbol: Fangs

Whilst roaming around the island, you will undoubtedly come across predator
animals in the wilderness. These include: Wild boars, Cassowaries, leopards,
crocodiles and sharks. Some of the animals such as cassowaries travel in small
packs and these are usually somewhat weaker than the solitary hunters such as
sharks and tigers.

Until you start to get a few better weapons it is best to sprint away from them
as they can kill you very quickly. If you do bail on them, they will usually
lose interest in you fairly quickly. 

Note that you will have to kil at least one of every animal for the achievement
/trophy '

Blood Dragons:
Camera tagging symbol: Fangs

Blood Dragons are a unique addition to Farcry 3: Blood Dragon and whilst they 
could be considered predator animals as well, I think it is probably best that
they have their own entry into the enemies list. Blood Dragons are large, 
heavily armored dinosaur-looking creatures. They can fire laser beams from
their eyes and take A LOT of ammo to kill.

Fortunately they have a weak spot - the glowing purple section in the centre of
their chests. Hitting this with weapons will greatly increase the amount of
damage that you can deal to them.

The Blood Dragons are also unique in that you can manipulate them to help take
out enemy outposts. Bly looting fellow cyber-commandos, you will pick up cyber
hearts. These act as a lure for the Blood Dragons. Try throwing these near
enemies whilst a Blood Dragon is around and enjoy the show! 

Thankfully, most forced encounters against Blood Dragons in the game can be
circumvented by sneaking. Note the neon trimmings on the Blood Dragons - Green
indicates that they are passive, yellow means they are alerted and are
investigating something and red means they are attacking. 


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    | |   | (_)      _                           | |  (_______|_)           
    | |__ | |_ ____ | |_   ___     ____ ____   _ | |   _       _ ____   ___ 
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    |_|   |_|_|_| |_|\___|___/    \_||_|_| |_|\____|   \______)_| ||_/(___/ 


Before beginning the campaign, here are a few tips and tricks that may help
first-time Far Cry fans adjust to the game and get through a few sticky
situations with ease.

> Always use your camera to tag enemies before starting a mission or assaulting
  a garrison. Being able to track your opposition is a major advantage.

> Learn to use your dice! Throwing dice to distract guards can save you a LOT
  of time, effort and grief. Especially when you are trying to be stealthy!

> When an enemy spots you, you will see a white semicircular indicator on
  screen, if this fills all the way up, the enemy has spotted you and will
  attack along with any nearby hostiles. If you see it show up, quickly duck
  back behind cover or into the grass to let it disappear.

> Completing side-missions and grabbing collectibles will unlock additional
  attachments for your weapons that range from extending clip length to adding
  three more barrels to your shotgun.As these can be quite handy, its advisable
  to complete a few of these as you work your way through the main campaign
  so that you can increase the effectiveness of your arsenal early.

> wild predators such as panthers and tigers can kill you very quickly and
  usually have a large amount of health. If you are not trying to hunt them,
  your best bet is to run away. After a few moments they usually lose interest.

> Liberating garrisons will give you a new fast-travel point, so if you
  are not the kind of person who likes trudging everywhere, it is probably best
  to liberate a few of these to help you move around the game world a little

> Learn to use the map! The map has the co-ordinates listed at the top of the
  screen and I will be referring to these quite frequently to point out
  locations. Using the map to create custom waypoints at the co-ordinates I
  specify is also a great way to track down the games many collectibles and
  find entrances to caves described in the guide.

Got a hint or tip? Send me an email and let me know, if I like it I will 
include it in the guide and credit you for your contribution.

Now that you have some idea as to the enemies that you are going to be facing
and have some general hints and tips under your belt, its time to get stuck
into the walkthrough!


         _  _  _       _ _          _                            _     
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        | || || | ____| | |  _| |_ | | _   ____ ___  _   _  ____| | _  
        | ||_|| |/ _  | | | / )  _)| || \ / ___) _ \| | | |/ _  | || \ 
        | |___| ( ( | | | |< (| |__| | | | |  | |_| | |_| ( ( | | | | |
         \______|\_||_|_|_| \_)\___)_| |_|_|   \___/ \____|\_|| |_| |_|


Welcome to my walkthrough for Ubisoft's latest entry in the Far Cry series -
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon. This guide will help you play through this 1980's
themed game from start to finish, helping you to complete all of those
campaign missions.

Note that I have written the walkthrough from a majority stealth perspective
this is because whilst you can approach just about every situation the game
throws at you with guns blazing, it is not easy and on the harder difficulties
you will not survive. So keep that in mind as you go through and don't let me
limit you to stealth only!

Additionally, due to the open nature of the game there are multiple ways to
approach each situation. I have provided a walkthrough for the solutions I 
found to work best for each mission. If you find a better way to approach a 
specific mission or area, send me an email and let me know!

To fast travel to a chapter, go to the table of contents above and copy the
code next to the section of interest. Press CTRL +F and paste the code in there
to jump down to where you want to go in a flash.

Below the main guide you'll find walkthroughs for all of the game's optional
content including the Hostage Rescue, Path of the Predator and garrison
liberations. You will also find a complete locations guide for all of the games
hidden television sets, VHS Tapes and folders containing Dr Carlyle's notes.

This guide took a lot of time and effort to get it done, so I hope you enjoy!

Lets get on with it.


Prologue                                                                [ACT01]


We begin the game in control of a Gatling gun mounted on a helicopter. The
helicopter will make a lap of the walled base below, allowing you to shoot at
the bad guys on the towers defending it. This is a short, easy section and all
that is really required is to shoot the explosives and enemies on the towers
as you pass.  When you reach the far end of the base, shoot down the helicopter
hovering over the helipad for a story scene.

You now have to do a brief tutorial segment. Follow the on-screen button
prompts. When you are able to leave the beach, climb the slope and hop across
the marked gap. Crawl through the small opening with the purple highlights to
encounter your first enemies.  Follow the on-screen tutorial to take down the
enemy in front.

Use the tag ability to mark the enemy in front of you on your HUD 9and the
three in the distance behind him if you wish) and then use the D20 to lure the
closest guard away from his post. Sneak up on him and take him out. 

Approach the group of three enemies in the distance. If you hug the left hand
wall as you approach you will remain hidden by the plants here and upon exiting
will be behind a short piece of debris. When ready, do as the last tutorial
said – perform a chain takedown! When you are done head over and climb the
nearby wall to the top. 

After the rest of the tutorials, crouch and enter the door. As you approach
the enemy on the far side of the room, the game will prompt you to perform a
shuriken takedown. Do it!

Upon entering the compound, we want to disable the alarms as soon as possible
to avoid bringing in re-enforcements. As such, crouch and follow the left hand
wall. Work your way behind the crates here, trying not to linger in the open
between pieces of cover to avoid detection and keep going until you reach a
truck. Stay behind this for a moment and wait for the patrolling vehicle making
laps of the compound to drive past. Head over to the marked box on the left
hand wall just ahead and interact with it to disable the alarm.

Now we have to kill all of the enemies in the area. Enter the door with the
blue light inside just to the right of the alarm and climb the ladder to the
top.  Takedown the sniper here from behind and use the zip-line to get over to
the roof of the large central building. From here, look down the large opening
in the roof and kill the regular here.  Use the roof and hole as cover to
eliminate the other 5-6 regulars in the area below as they come to investigate.
Continue to the far end of the rooftop from where we landed and kill the sniper
on the raised walkway on the opposite side of the road. Kill the elite regular
and any others on the ground below where the sniper was. Afterwards head down
to ground level and mop up any remaining enemies.

When everything is dead, head over to the door marked with the objective

Enter the base and follow the ramp to the bottom. As you enter the first room
you will see a regular commando through the door on the far side. Crouch and
make your way to the other doorway and perform a chained takedown to eliminate
as many guards in the hallway as possible (if done well, you can chain kill 4
and use a shuriken to takedown the 5th). At the end of the hallway a heavy
gunner will walk into the door. Throw grenades at him as you back away and
shoot at his head. Get into cover ASAP.  Keep damaging him until he falls.

Continue down the left hand hallway and climb up to the catwalk indicated by
the objective marker. Follow it to the left and around the corner until you
reach the main room. Before dropping down, tag all the enemies that you can
see. There will be a molotox and a regular on the upper walkway on the left,
two regulars on the ground directly below you, a third regular standing
stationary at the alarm on the ground floor to the left and another patrolling.
Note that there are more enemies further in the room, but this is all we need
to disable the alarm.

Wait where you are for a moment and allow the patrolling guard to walk out of
the room in front of you and then when he continues towards the guard at the
alarm, jump down and land on the pair of enemies below to kill them and then
run up behind the patroller to take him down, shuriken the guard at the alarm
and run over to disable it.

Now we just need to clear the rest of the room.  There will be a single elite
regular, 4 regulars, a charger and the remnants of our previously tagged
enemies to eliminate. Note that if the alarm goes off you will have to kill 2
heavy gunners/flame throwers as well as a couple of additional regular units.
When the room is clear head to the far side of the room, on the desks either
side of the exit you’ll find some ammo, body armour and health if you need it.
Continue through the next door once Spider unlocks it.

Follow the walkway to the right and up the first flight of stairs. See the
missile in front? Note the brown hatch that will be on it right in front of
you, we need to use that a little later. Continue along the walkway towards
the objective marker and walk into the small office here with the computer
consoles. A scene will play.

Afterwards you will now have to defend the computer console from a group of
enemies that enter the silo. They will approach from your position from
walkways to the left and right as well as from the centre of the room. Keep
your eye on the mini-map and be sure to eliminate the enemies that get close
as quickly as possible. I counted a total of 10 regulars and a heavy gunner
who will appear towards the end of the sequence. Take them all out and another
scene will play.

After the scene, sprint to the hatch I made mention of earlier (it is marked
with the objective marker) and interact with it for a scene. If you are too
slow you will have to finght a pair of heavy gunners, so don’t delay!

Once you have hit the hatch a scene will play. 


They're Heee-ere                                                        [ACT02]


When you regain control, you will be in a cave. If you look to the left you
will see a pair of dead scientists across the gap. Cross the rocky bridge in
front and make your way to the scientists to find your first collectible – one
of Dr Carlyle’s Notes.  Make your way through the cave to the objective marker
indicating the exit.  Crouch and walk through here for a short scene.

Now that we have met the Blood Dragons, you should note that they will not see
you, but they can hear you. Note the neon trimmings on the Blood Dragons –
Green indicates that they are passive, yellow means they are alerted and are
investigating something and red means they are attacking.  Fortunately, they
will also be marked on your mini-map as large double triangles.

At this time, we have no weapons so you need to crouch and work your way across
the open field here whilst avoiding the pair of dragons. As you approach the
far end of the area, pilfer the three cyborg corpses here for their hearts.
Throw one past the dragon blocking your way to have it run after it. Continue
down the hill avoiding the dragons until you reach the designated vantage point
with the objective marker.

Toss a cyber-heart through the energy shield as requested and watch the Blood
dragons destroy the guards inside with their laser eyes! Once the fight is
over, enter the bunker inside the energy shield. Grab the C4 and bow from here
and go around the back of the building. Equip the cyber eye and tag the enemies
in the base below.

There are a couple of options to freeing this garrison:

    1. Head up the hill behind it and to the left to find the shield generator.
       Blow this up using the C4000 to disable the mega shields. This will
       allow Blood Dragons into the base, which will help in killing its

    2. From the generator marked – on the hill behind and to the left of the
       base ride the zipline into the area. Work your way over to the console
       nearby and disable it. This will also bring down the mega shield and
       allow Blood Dragons in.

    3. Run into the base and kill everything yourself. 

Once all of the enemies are dead (and you have cleared out the blood dragon if
you used it – tossing a cyber-heart out the gate should do the trick). A scene
will play to indicate liberation of the garrison.

Afterwards, make your way over to the objective marker and interact with the
control panel for another scene.

Note that upon liberation of garrisons in the game, you will unlock new
side-missions that appear at consoles inside the walls. Completing these will
allow you to unlock additional weapon attachments, earn extra CP and money.  


Side-mission - Hostage Rescue 01: Save a Nerd                           [ACT2A]


To proceed with the game, we need to complete one of the optional missions at
this point. The mission of choice can be accessd via the 'adventure cabinet' 
console inside the garrison we just liberated. Run up to the console and
interact with it to begin the mission.

This side-mission is a hostage rescue scenario. To complete it, we need to make
our way to the objective marker and kill all of the enemies without being
detected in order to save the scientist.

Start Location : Console in the garrison at X4521.7, Y468.5
Target Location: X547.6, Y454.5
Enemies: 5X Regulars

Work your way over to the objective marker and try to approach it from the hill
to the south west. This will give you a nice view over the area and a perfect
vantage point to tag all the enemies guarding the scientist. Either stealth 
your way in and kill them all or start picking them off with your kobracon
being sure to prioritise the enemies close to the scientist. Once they are all
dead, enter the area of interest and go up and chat with the scientist to 
complete the mission.

Reward/s > $200
         > 4000 CP
         > Suppressor attachment for A.J.M. 9

Now that we are done with the side-mission we can continue with the main game.
For those interested, walkthroughs for the rest of the side missions can be 
found following the below shortcuts:

    > Side Missions ....................... [SDQTS]
    > Hostage-Rescue ...................... [SDQHR]
    > Predator's Path ..................... [SDQPP]
    > Liberating Garrisons ................ [SDQLG]

Fast travel back to the liberated garrison as requested. Head up to the gun
shop machine in front and interact with it. Follow the on-screen prompts to 
buy the suppressor attachment.

This will complete the mission. 

Punch It!                                                               [ACT03]


To begin this mission, you need to make your way over to the objective marker
to the south west of the liberated garrison. As you move over there, you should
consider liberating the two garrisons (at X476.7, Y470.3 AND  X502.6, Y417.5)
along the way in order to gain some additional experience and increase your
fast travel capability.

When you reach the marker at the top of the Dam, a conversation will take place
and the objective marker will shift to the west and to the bottom of the dam.
 Work your way down to the cave that is marked with the marker and interact
with the crate in here to restock your C4000. Exit the cave and turn right to
see the dam.

From here you can tag a bunch of enemies.  There are a pair of snipers about
halfway up the dam and 6-8 regulars at the lower level (although you won’t be
able to pick them all up from here.  Wait for the sniper on the left to put up
his rifle and start patrolling to the right and then follow the grassy path up
the hill towards the dam. We’ll want to take out the alarm to cut off
re-enforcements before we go crazy with our weapons. The first alarm is on the
outside of the building at ground level at the far left side of the dam.

Once you reach the structure on the right, peek over the ledge next to the
stairs to see two enemies below. Drop down and land on them to take them both
out simultaneously. Continue forward to the main section of the dam wall in
front of you.  Follow the wall to the right and when no enemies are looking,
head around the corner to the right to find the first structural weakness.
Interact with this to plant a piece of C4000.

Continue along the base of the dam, avoiding the enemies as they patrol, or
using the D20 to lure them to your position so you can take them down. As you
approach the far end of the dam’s base, you will find a couple of robo-dogs
running about. These things can detect you quite easily, so use your d20 to
lure them away from your position. When you are near the far end, you should
be able to spot the alarm on the outside of the building furthest to the right
(with your back to the dam itself) overlooking the water.

Wait until the dogs have been lured away and the enemies between the dam and
the alarm are looking away and make your way over to the alarm and switch it
off.  Now feel free to take out all the enemies in the area. Plant the C4000
at the structural weakness next to the spiral staircase and from here enter
the nearby door to the right built into the dam wall.

Climb the first set of stairs, turn and enter the second set of stairs. As you
approach the top you will see a heavy flamer here. Take him out using your
explosives or via a few shots to the chest and shooting him in the tank on his
back when he is temporarily stunned. Continue up the stairs where the flamer
comes from to exit onto the mid-level of the dam.

Turn to the left and work your way along the platform here using cover to
shield your advance. There is a pair of snipers and another 2-3 regulars that
you will encounter here.  Once clear, climb either of the two ladders leading
up in the centre of this platform. When you reach the top, approach the wall
indicated and plant the final piece of C4000.

Once that has been done, follow the platform to the left. Kill the molotox and
the regular that appear. When you reach the end, use the pipes against the dam
wall to make your way over to the ledge across the gap with the satellite dish.
Run up the hill until a short scene plays. Hit the button prompt when it

Three regulars will emerge from a door at the end of the previous platform we
were on. Kill them all and ride the zip-line back. Enter the door they came
from and kill the heavy flamer as he climbs down the large set of stairs
inside. Once he is dead, climb to the top. Kill the two regulars here before
climbing the next large set of stairs.

At the top of the stairs, you will find a weapon vending machine and in the
wall mount next to it a Terror 4000 – a Gatling gun! Use the vending machine
if you wish, then grab the Terror 4000 and exit the nearby door.

Climb the stairs and you will find yourself back on top of the dam. Throw a
cyber-heart nearby to attack a Blood Dragon to help you out and use the Terror
4000 or any other weapon to thin out enemy numbers as you work your way to the
far end of the dam to your left. Watch out for helicopters that appear to shoot
at you (the Terror 4000 will make short work of them). When you reach the
objective marker, turn left and make your way down to the lower platform and
enter the door here killing anyone that gets in the way as you go.

A short scene will play. 

Once the next door is open, descend the stairs and use the vending machine here
if you wish. Continue down the next few sets of stairs to the right. When the
Engineer stops, he’ll want you to clear out the larger room on the left.  The
alarm is against the far wall on the upper level and we’ll want to take that
out first to prevent re-enforcements from killing the engineer.

To do this, don’t enter the room to the left just yet, instead run to the end
of the hallway and take the stairs up to the next level.  Note that there is a
guard that patrols from the top of the stairs, halfway around the top of the
room via the walkway here. As such, be careful when climbing the second set of
stairs that he is not there waiting for you at the time.

When you exit the stairwell to the upper platform, kill the first patrolling
guard here and turn right, follow the path to the first corner and then look
up above the walkway to see a set of catwalks above. Jump up here.  Use this
to get to the far end of the room, wait for enemies to patrol/look away and
drop down in front of the alarm and deactivate it. Now clear out the rest of
the room as you see fit.

Once the room is empty of bad guys, the scientist will open the next door.Loot
the ammo/explosives/ammo from the crates in front and again as you approach the
next door you will be informed that you need to clear out the room.

We’ll enter via the walkway on the second floor. Kill the guy standing to the
left with a takedown and use the cyber eye to tag enemies below. Work your way
around the walkway to the right and wait for the flamer in the distance to
look away before killing the regular at the console here.  Keep on the walkway
and follow it to the right until you are above the alarm indicated on the
mini-map (you can also hide in the little side room here if the heavy flamer
patrols by whilst you are here).

When it is clear to do so, drop down to the main room where the alarm is on
the raised section of floor and to the left of the computer consoles there.Now
just clear the room as you deem fit – there are 2 chargers, a heavy flamer and
2 regulars to deal with.  Once they are all dead, head back up to the upper
walkway and through the door that the engineer opens.

At the top of the stairs he will open another door for you so exit there and
continue across the bridge, past the large power core and into the room behind
it. Here you can refill your ammo.  We’ll now need to dive into the water and
activate three switches below the surface. Be warned that there are sharks
down here so be prepared to sprint swim away from them if they get too close
and they should lose interest. Once all three switches have been used, return
to the surface and climb out. Head over to the Engineer.

We now have to defend the engineer as he works from enemies that will approach
from around the left and the right of the power core ahead. As the sequence
progresses, the core will slowly sink. To start with quickly run out to the
left and right and plant mines on the ground, next pull out your Terror 4000
as gunboats will start circling around the platform here and the terror can
take them out quick. Keep an eye on your mini-map and kill the enemies as they
approach. I counted 6 regulars, 2 gun boats and a heavy gunner. Once the core
is in position, wipe out any remaining enemies.

Once everything is dead, approach the reactor and interact with it to complete
the mission.


What is this Shit?                                                      [ACT04]


To begin this mission, you need to make your way over to the objective marker
to the south east of the first garrison that we liberated. As you move over
there, you should consider liberating the garrison just to its north (at
X570.6, Y449.4) to gain some additional experience and increase your fast
travel capability.

As you arrive at the objective, you will be given the objective to infiltrate
the labs below. You will see the large green shield in front of a bunker
entrance. That is where we will need to go in. Clear out all the enemies down
here and proceed down the ramp, through the green shield and into the lab via
the console next to the door on the right.

As you enter the lab, use the weapon vending machine here if you wish before
continuing into the tunnel at the back of the room. Use a takedown on the guy
blocking your path and work your way up to the crates in the centre of the
bridge when the two enemies ahead are not looking. Instead of killing them,
drop down onto the two guards on the catwalk below you to the right to kill
them both and enter the open door ahead of them.

 Hug the wall as you approach the corner. There is a heavy gunner in the
doorway here and he will attack if he sees you. On the wall just to his right
is the alarm. Toss the D2o over the heavy’s head to lure him back into the
large room behind him and whilst he is distracted, disable the alarm. Now just
kill all the enemies in the room here. There are 5-6 regulars and a heavy. Now
hang out in this room and wait for the enemies from the next area to enter one
at a time down the stairs on the left side of the area. Kill them all as they

When no more enemies are forthcoming, follow the objective marker to the back
of the room and destroy the pink object here. This is your first brain cage
[1/4]. Continue up the stairs at the back of the room where the second group
of enemies entered from. At the top, you will see the second brain cage [2/4]
on a desk here. Destroy this and continue through to the far end of the room
to end up on the walkway we came in from earlier. Drop down to the lower
walkway again and this time, head for other door which is now open.

As you enter this area, look down the first entrance to the right. Watch out
though as sometimes there is a heavy gunner facing your way. Go a short
distance forward and find the side passage leading left. Edge around the corner
here (if the heavy isn’t patrolling, he’s standing stationary here!). On the
wall next to him is the alarm for the next area. As such, toss the D20 over
his shoulder so that he goes into the small lab room behind to investigate and
you can sneak in and disable the alarm.

Now kill everything off however you like! There are 2-3 Heavy gunners and
10-12 regulars. If you start fighting in the first room here, most enemies
will enter from a second room at the far end of the area from where you
entered. You will find the third brain cage [3/4] on a desk in the small lab
room here. go down the stairs at the back of the room and destroy the final
brain cage sitting on the counter down here [4/4].

Now that you have destroyed all of the brain cages, follow the pathway to the
objective marker at the bottom of the room with the two catwalks we used
earlier. Interact with the console nearby. This will open the door in the
floor. When you are able to do so, jump down below.

Once you are down below, use the weapon vending machine here if you wish, grab
a flamethrower from the crates nearby and then hit the switch indicated by the
objective marker to open the door. Kill the pair of chargers, 2 robo-dogs, 2
snipers and heavy gunner at the end of the long hallway here as they approach.
Proceed through the open door at the far end.

Here you will find a clutch of blood dragon eggs. Pull out your flamethrower
and use it to destroy all the eggs. Once they are on fire, the doors at either
end of the room will open and Blood Dragons are now able to wander in there
are two of them in this area. Enter the door opposite the entry way to find a
small tunnel that is relatively safe from the dragons.  You will note that
there are four entrances. In the room at the end of each of these is a blood
dragon nest filled with eggs.  We need to exit this tunnel, toast the eggs and
then retreat back inside whilst avoiding the blood dragons!

To lure the dragons to another location, use your flamethrower or molotoxes to
light a fire somewhere and they will come running, allowing you to slip in
behind them and finish off frying the nests.

Once all three nests have been destroyed, sprint back to the room we dropped
down to and hit the switch on the elevator. It will not go up straight away;
instead it will sit still and do nothing whilst a Blood Dragon comes running
into the room with you.  Stay crouched so that you make no noise and toss a
cyber-heart to distract it a couple of times (or go and kill it if you really
want to!). Either way you will need to wait for about a minute until the small
wall at the back of the lift lowers, giving you access to a vehicle mounted
turret gun. 

Hop onto the turret and the lift will begin to rise.  As the lift goes up there
will be a number of enemy soldiers on platforms and in alcoves that will shoot
at you. Use the turret to kill them as much as possible until you reach the

At this point, you will switch to the driver’s seat. Simply drive through the
base until a scene plays to complete the mission.


I Don't Deal With Psychos, I Put 'Em Away                               [ACT05]


To begin this mission, you need to make your way over to the objective marker
to the west of where the previous mission ended. As you move over there, you
should consider liberating a few garrisons as you go (at X604.2, Y386.3 AND
X600.2, Y310.7 AND X523.1, Y368.8) to gain some additional experience, perhaps
undertake a side-mission or two for some additional weapon attachments and
increase your fast travel capability.

As you approach the objective marker to begin the mission, you will come across
a base with 2 snipers, 3 regulars and a robo-dog. Kill them all and go to the
upper area of the outpost. Grab the hang glider here and fly it to the
destination that appears across the water in front of you.  Fly through the
open gate here and fly all the way down the canal here until you reach the far
end.  Note that if your hang gliding skills aren’t all that, you’ll need to
fight your way up the river to the building at the very end.

Hop out of the river and kill the two regulars here. Go to the undercover area
and turn right. A further 5-6 regular commandos and a robo-dog or two will
make their way down the stairs here and a heavy flamethrower will follow them.
Stay at the bottom and kill them as they descend.  When no more enemies are
coming, climb the stairs, do a 180 degree turn and work your way to the far
end of the platform here.

Climb the ladder to the sniper platform at the end and kill the sniper, then
look down to the right to see the objective marker at a building on a raised
platform being guarded by a heavy gunner. Take him out from the sniper tower
before dropping down to the ground below. Work your way over to the objective
marker and use the crates here to climb up. Enter the door here.  Interact
with the red panel on the wall to open the door to the underground lab.

Exit the small outpost and turn to the left. See the bunker over in the
distance there? That’s where we need to go. As you approach, 3 robo-dogs and a
heavy flamer will emerge from the bunker. So kill them all before proceeding
down the ramp and heading inside.  Interact with the button here and jump down
the elevator shaft when the door opens.

At the bottom, find the entrance we can climb up to and use the weapon vending
machine here if you wish to do so. Work your way through the corridors
following the objective marker until you reach a larger room. Kill the pair of
regulars and the heavy flamer here and continue through the door at the back
of the room.

Again, follow the corridors until you enter a lengthy hallway with a ramp
leading down. Kill the pair of regulars and the flamer at the bottom of the
ramp. Note the glowing yellow tanks in this room. They contain zombie-like
enemies who will attack you if you break any of the cases. As such, take care
not to disturb them!

Exit the door into the hallway at the end and turn left. In here, you can use
the weapon machine here if you wish. Enter the door at the end of the hallway
when you want to continue.

Immediately turn right and kill the guy looking at the test tube with a take
down. Crouch and continue along the wall to kill the next guy ahead in the same
way.  Move forward a little further, keeping an eye out for a short set of
stairs on the left.  Climb up here, takedown the guard patrolling here and
disable the alarm. Now take out the rest of the enemies in the room. At the
back of the room, you will find a set of stairs leading to the top of the room.
At the top, approach the objective marker. As you do, a timer will appear at
the top of the screen. We’re going to have to hang out here and defend
ourselves against an oncoming horde of enemies. The majority will be regulars
and chargers, but you are liable to see a heavy flamer or two as well. Either
fend them off as they come or stay out of sight (I sat in the small dead end
room to the right of the objective door and no-one showed up to attack me at
all) until the timer runs out. When the timer is up, the door with the
objective marker will open so run over hand head on through.

Follow the hallway to the end and kill the lone regular in here.  Head down
the stairs at the back of the room. Make your way through the various corridors
towards the objective marker. When you reach the next large lab room, use the
d20 to lure the enemies down on the bottom over to the left side of the room
and quickly sneak over to the small tunnel halfway across the room on the right
and disable the alarm. Now take out the enemies here.

Unlike the other rooms where we have disabled alarms previously, there are
plenty of additional enemies in this room. Once you have cleared the lower
level, another 2-3 regulars, a heavy flamer and a molotox enemy will appear.
Afterwards, once you head upstairs, you will have to fight through 10-12
regulars and a heavy flamer to reach the exit door.  Enter the door and kill
the molotox enemies at the end. Continue down the stairs and kill one final
heavy flamer in the area there.

When you are ready, continue through the door here and head down the ramp. Use
the weapon vending machine here to restock on all of your explosives, fill up
your Terror 4000 and get ammo for and upgrades for all your other weapons. You
are going to need them shortly. When you are ready to continue through the
door here. Walk up into the blue energy beam in front for a short scene.

We now find ourselves in a confrontation with two Blood Dragons.  To begin
with let me inform you that this is by far the most difficult fight in the
entire game. There is very little you can do to make it easier.

You will need to throw cyber-hearts to draw the Blood dragons off to a specific
area and hit them with your grenades, C4000 and other weapons (the Terror 4000
is quite good). When they refocus on you, run away, using the tunnels on either
side of the room for cover and throw another cyber-heart. Then keep running
until you have some distance between you and them and crouch and hide behind
an object, they should revert back to their green, unaggressive state. Repeat.

Note that you will be able to refill your explosives and ammo from lockers in
the tunnels on either side of the arena. You are probably going to need to as

Once you have killed one of them, a whole bunch of regulars will show up.
Surprisingly this makes things a little easier. Toss the cyber-hearts in their
direction and your armed opposition will attack the Blood Dragon instead of
you.  Now just keep the blood dragon interested in them and once they have
killed the dragon off (you may need to help them a little or it will take a
very long time), move in to finish the enemy soldiers off.

Run over to the door where the objective indicator appears. Approach and it
will open, releasing 3 robo-dogs and a heavy flamer. Back away and kill them
all off before entering and climbing the stairs inside. Ascend until you
teleport out to complete the misison.


Summon the Plague                                                       [ACT06]


To begin this mission, you need to make your way over to the objective marker
at a temple gate on the northern shore of the main river.  Note that this
mission is the point of no return, so once you initiate this, you will be
unable to do any free roaming or complete any side-missions until after you
have completed the game. As such, it is best to get that out of your system

Note that getting weapon attachments and equipping them will make this mission
so much easier and it can prove quite difficult if you are not properly

For guides on the side-missions, check out the guides after the shortcuts 
listed below:

    > Side Missions ....................... [SDQTS]
    > Hostage-Rescue ...................... [SDQHR]
    > Predator's Path ..................... [SDQPP]
    > Liberating Garrisons ................ [SDQLG]

When you are ready to continue, head towards the gate and proceed inside when
it opens. We are now in another location and we have to undertake a series of
trials – read combat challenges – in order to complete the mission. In each
room we enter, we need to pick up a weapon and use it to fight off swarms of
the undead.

   Round 1: A.J.M. 9
   Grab the weapon from the centre of the room. Wait for the enemies to spawn
   and then run around the outside of the room to gather them all together.Use
   the pistol to pop their heads as they approach. During the fight, more
   enemies will spawn from the different corners of the room periodically and
   whilst the vast majority will be equipped with swords, be prepared for the
   occasional enemy with a pistol, shotgun or molotox as well. Continue to kite
   them around the outskirts of the room and killing them until the objective
   is complete.

Proceed through the door that opens, climb the stairs at the end of the hallway
and grab the shotgun. It’s time for round 2.

   Round 2: Galleria 1991
   This is very similar to the first round. The difference is that the playing
   area is somewhat smaller and the prevalence of molotox and shotgun equipped
   undead is much higher. There is a square central zone and a pair of smaller
   rectangular area on either side of it. There are three sets of stairs
   leading to each side area from the centre. As such we can still do the large
   circles kiting the enemies from one room, through the centre to the far room
   and back again killing them as you go. Keep on doing this until you have
   cleared them all out.

Proceed to the objective marker when it appears and continue through the door
that opens, follow the passage all the way to the end and enter the next area.
Run over and grab the Kobracon to start the next round.

   Round 3: Kobracon
   This one is a little different from the previous two. The Kobracon present
   here will have the explosive round attachment even if you have not purchased
   the upgrade as yet. Enemies will spawn on the far side of the bridge in
   front of you and run at your position. Use the explosive rounds to your
   advantage to try and hit multiple enemies at once.  There will be three
   waves of enemies, slowly growing in size. You should be able to kill the
   entirety of the first two waves before they arrive at your position, but the
   third is a little too big. As such, repeat the process that we have been
   using for the previous two rooms, kite the bad guys in a group around the
   outside of the arena and killing them as you go.

Once all of the enemies have been killed, the door at the far end of the bridge
will blow up, allowing you access to the next weapon and by extension, the next
round of combat.

   Round 4: Terror 4000
   As you grab this, the door ahead will open and a swarm of enemies will pour
   down the ramp. Rev up the gatling gun (note you have unlimited ammo here)
   and back away from them, back across the bridge slowly whilst mowing down
   the enemies as they approach. As with the previous round there will be three
   waves of increasing numbers, but the unlimited ammo in the Terror 4000
   should be more than a match for these guys.

Once the enemies top coming, return to where you picked up the Terror 4000 and
climb the ramp to the door at the top. Climb the stairs inside and approach
the weapon on the altar. Interact with this for an awesome scene to complete
the mission.


I Must Break You                                                        [ACT07]


Note that you have a new weapon on this mission – the darkstar and with this
new weapon you are pretty much invincible. It can destroy even the toughest
enemy within a couple of seconds. Keep in mind though that although it is very
powerful, you can still take damage, so ensure that you take cover as you

From the beginning of the mission, continue forward until you reach the gate.
Pull out your new weapon – the Darkstar and use it on the red omega symbol to
destroy it. Go through the hole that appears.

8-10 enemies will be waiting for you just inside. Use the darkstar on them and
you will notice that it pretty much instantly vaporises anything it touches.
As such, wipe out the enemies, prioritising the damage dealers first (the
turret on the vehicle and the snipers on the upper platforms). Continue onward
and as you approach the next gate another 6-8 foot soldiers will appear and
the hangar to the right will open and unleash a Blood Dragon. Kill them before
continuing through the open door to the right of the blocked gate.

Upon exiting the far side, you will see a pair of heavy gunners and 8-10
regulars directly in front of you approaching your position. In addition a
vehicle with a turret will pull up on the street to the right and there will
be a sniper up in the bunker on the hill to the right. Again, use your darkstar
to kill them all without any difficulty.  When they stop coming, follow the
dirt path up the hill to the left of the first building here. As you approach
the next another group of heavies and regulars will emerge from it and attack.
Kill them off, using the first building as cover if necessary.

Now make your way towards the objective marker over to the right and eliminate
the enemies that are guarding the next blocked gate. Continue through the open
door to the right of this again.

When you exit, destroy the helicopter to the right and move to the ledge
looking below. Kill the pair of rocket soldiers on the opposite side of the
dock. At this point a couple more helicopters will show up and a Blood Dragon
will enter the area near the bottom of the dirt ramp to the right. Retreat
back through the door we entered from and look for a ladder inside. Climb this
to the top. 

Kill the helicopters from the snipers perch and then use the zip-line to cross
to the raised platform on the far side of the area. Enter between the columns
here and turn to the left. Kill the enemies that approach. 

As you exit the cave here, turn to the right and at this point you will have
to fight off a large number of enemies of just about every description.  There
are heavy gunners/flamers, molotoxes, regulars and some chargers. Kill them
all and work your way towards the objective marker in the distance, killing
any baddies that attack you as you proceed. As you approach the door marked by
the marker, kill the large group of enemies inside before entering yourself.

Follow the first passage to the left and follow the set path down the ramps,
through the corridors and up to the door marked with the objective marker
killing all the enemies you encounter along the way.  When you reach the marked
door, interact with it to open it.

Continue inside and approach the object ahead. Interact with it to begin the
next phase of the mission.

This next segment of the mission, you are on rails. You have control of a
super powerful Terror 4000 Gatling gun with unlimited ammo though, so feel
free to destroy everything you see along the way.  There is not much to this
section really – try killing everything. Blowing up the explosive canisters
near enemies helps. Try to take down the helicopters as they approach and kill
anything else that attacks you.

When you reach the end, you will arrive at a gap in the road where you can go
no further.  Kill the Blood Dragon on the platform opposite and keep your eye
on the sky above and to the left of its platform. Here you will see blue
tipped missiles launching. You will need to shoot all of these whilst killing
enemies that attack you in the foreground (especially those damned
helicopters). Prioritise the missiles though as they are your main target.

Once you have destroyed them all, a story scene will play to indicate that
you have completed the mission and the game. Congratulations!

     _     _       _             _              ______       _     _       
    | |   | |     | |           | |            / _____)     (_)   | |      
    | |   | |____ | | ___   ____| |  _  ___   | /  ___ _   _ _  _ | | ____ 
    | |   | |  _ \| |/ _ \ / ___) | / )/___)  | | (___) | | | |/ || |/ _  )
    | |___| | | | | | |_| ( (___| |< (|___ |  | \____/| |_| | ( (_| ( (/ / 
     \______|_| |_|_|\___/ \____)_| \_|___/    \_____/ \____|_|\____|\____)
             | Level Progression & Weapon Attachment Unlocks Guide |        


Coming Soon!

                  _    _     _            _____                             
                 | |  (_)   | |          / ___ \                  _         
                  \ \  _  _ | | ____ ___| |   | |_   _  ____  ___| |_       
                   \ \| |/ || |/ _  |___) |   |_| | | |/ _  )/___)  _)      
               _____) ) ( (_| ( (/ /     \ \____| |_| ( (/ /|___ | |__      
              (______/|_|\____|\____)     \_____)\____|\____|___/ \___)     
       _  _  _       _ _          _                            _          
      | || || |     | | |    _   | |                          | |         
      | || || | ____| | |  _| |_ | | _   ____ ___  _   _  ____| | _   ___ 
      | ||_|| |/ _  | | | / )  _)| || \ / ___) _ \| | | |/ _  | || \ /___)
      | |___| ( ( | | | |< (| |__| | | | |  | |_| | |_| ( ( | | | | |___ |
       \______|\_||_|_|_| \_)\___)_| |_|_|   \___/ \____|\_|| |_| |_(___/ 
                     | Side-quest & Optional Content Guide |        


In addition to the main campaign missions, there are several types of
additional side-missions to keep you occupied whilst taking a break from the
main plot or during exploration once the credits have rolled. We need to
liberate all 13 garrisons, track down and rescue all 8 of the hostage 
scientists in Omega Force hands and complete all 8 of the predator challenge

...Thats a lot of content, so we had better get started!


Hostage Rescue                                                          [SDQHR]


There are 8 Hostage Rescue quests on offer in FarCry 3: Blood Dragon. You can
locate these by looking at your map. They will appear as a skull and crossbones
icon on the map. To begin the quest, make your way over to the console at the
garrison indicated and interact with it. 

Each of these quests plays out in essentially the same way. The game requires
you to track down and find a scientist and rescue them by killing all of the
Omega forces guarding him. Note that if you are detected, the enemies will
start to attack the hostage, so if this happens, you need to get in and kill
them quickly to prevent it from happening.

Each quest plays out in a similar fashion. After you have picked up the quest,
you are given an objective marker that points you towards the mission area. At
this point, you just need to pull out your camera, tag the enemies and then
make your way into the base to kill them all. 
him. This will earn you a cash reward.

Here is a list of all the starting locations for each of the Hostage Rescue
missions, the enemy forces you are likely to encounter and a useful location
from which you should be able to tag the enemies:

   > Save a Nerd .............................. [SDQH1]
   > Save a Nerd - Part Deux .................. [SDQH2]
   > Desperately Saving Susan ................. [SDQH3]
   > Insane in the Braincage .................. [SDQH4]
   > Ruining Everything ....................... [SDQH5]
   > Baiting the Hostage ...................... [SDQH6]
   > Everyone's on a Boat ..................... [SDQH7]
   > Life's A Beach ........................... [SDQH8]


Hostage Rescue 01: Save a Nerd                                          [SDQH1]


Note: This mission is actually done as part of the main campaign.

Start Location : Console in the garrison at X4521.7, Y468.5
Target Location: X547.6, Y454.5
Enemies: 5X Regulars

Work your way over to the objective marker and try to approach it from the hill
to the south west. This will give you a nice view over the area and a perfect
vantage point to tag all the enemies guarding the scientist. Either stealth 
your way in and kill them all or start picking them off with your kobracon
being sure to prioritise the enemies close to the scientist. Once they are all
dead, enter the area of interest and go up and chat with the scientist to 
complete the mission.

Reward/s > $200
         > 4000 CP
         > Suppressor attachment for A.J.M. 9


Hostage Rescue 02: Save a Nerd - Part Deux                              [SDQH2]


Start Location : Console in the garrison at X437.2, Y503.1
Target Location: X431.9, Y460.3
Enemies: 1 X Heavy, 4X Regulars

You can approach the target destination from the south. there is a nice hill
nearby overlooking the base with few trees to obstruct the view. You can tag
the enemies from here.

Reward/s > $250
         > 5000 CP
         > Bandolier attachment for Galleria 1991


Hostage Rescue 03: Desperately Saving Susan                             [SDQH3]


Start Location : Console in the garrison at X476.4, Y470.9
Target Location: X477.2, Y487.3
Enemies: 5 X Regulars

You can approach the target destination from the south. There is a nice hill
above the small ruin area with the hostage in it and few trees to obstruct the
view. You can tag the visible enemies - 4 regulars from here. After killing
them, drop down and finish off the final regular guarding the hostage.

Reward/s > $250
         > 5000 CP
         > Semi-Auto attachment for Galleria 1991


Hostage Rescue 04: Insane in the Braincage                              [SDQH4]


Start Location : Console in the garrison at X575.7, Y451.0
Target Location:  
Enemies: 1 X Heavy, 4X Regulars

If you approach from the west, there is a nice rocky outcrop overlooking the
enemy position, allowing you to easily tag all of the bad guys here.

Reward/s > $250
         > 5000 CP
         > Larger Mag attachment for A.J.M 9


Hostage Rescue 05: Ruining Everything                                   [SDQH5]


Start Location : Console in the garrison at X499.7, Y418.9
Target Location:  X479.8, Y363.0
Enemies: 1 X Heavy, 5X Regulars

Stay on the beach and mark everyone from there. 

This hostage mission is located inside a cave. On the outside you will only be
able to see the heavy and 3 regulars. You can tag them from across the river
or if you come down from the mountain to the north there is a nice vantage
point above the cave entrance. Inside the cave are another two regulars and the

Reward/s > $250
         > 5000 CP
         > Full Auto attachment for Fazertron


Hostage Rescue 06: Baiting the Hostage                                  [SDQH6]


Start Location : Console in the garrison at X419.1, Y363.3
Target Location: X442.5, Y384.2
Enemies: 2 X Heavy, 7X Regulars

Approach the position either from the road to the south or from the east. Stay
in the grass or rocky cover and you should be able to pick and mark out all of
the targets.

Reward/s > $250
         > 5000 CP
         > Aim Stabiliser attachment for Kobracon


Hostage Rescue 07: Everyone's on a Boat                                 [SDQH7]


Start Location : Console in the garrison at X518.3, Y364.9
Target Location: X527.1, Y337.3
Enemies: 1 X Heavy, 2X Snipers, 5X Regulars

Stay on the beach and mark everyone from there. 

Reward/s > $200
         > 4000 CP
         > Extended Mag attachment for Fazertron


Hostage Rescue 08: Life's A Beach                                       [SDQH8]


Start Location : Console in the garrison at X603.8, Y387.6
Target Location: X550.4, Y392.4
Enemies: 1 X Heavy, 2X Snipers, 4X Regulars

Approach from the hill to the north or the beach to the east.

Reward/s: > $250
          > 5000 CP
          > Extended Mag attachment for Kobracon


Predator's Path                                                         [SDQPP]


There are 8 Path of the Hunter quests scattered across the game world of
FarCry 3: Blood Dragon. You can locate these by looking at your map. They will
appear as a crosshair with an exclamation mark on top of it. To begin the quest
make your way over to the marker and interact with the console indicated. In
addition to earning a dollar amount for each quest you complete, you will also
earn some additional CP and unlock some nice weapon attachments to increase
the effectiveness of your arsenal.

Each of these quests plays out in essentially the same way. The game requires
you to track down and kill the specified target using the weapon provided.
After you have picked up the quest, you are given an objective marker that
shows you where to go to pick up the weapon.

Once you have picked up the weapon, look at your map and head for the mission
area indicated. At this point, you just need to find the target and kill it.

Here is a list of all the starting locations for each of the quests, the
weapon required and rewards for completion:

   > Hunt the Sniper .......................... [SDQP1]
   > Tiger Fist ............................... [SDQP2]
   > Insurance Scammer ........................ [SDQP3]
   > Birds with Attitude ...................... [SDQP4]
   > Turtle Killer ............................ [SDQP5]
   > He's Not Heavy. He's Big Boned. .......... [SDQP6]
   > Unique Horn Dragon ....................... [SDQP7]
   > Mind the Teeth ........................... [SDQP8]


Predator's Path 01: Hunt the Sniper                                     [SDQP1]


Start Location : Console in the garrison at X482.0, Y524.7
Weapon Cache: 472.7, Y512.8

we have to find and kill the elite sniper with the fazertron! Climb the hill
behind the fazertron cache towards the objective area on the minimap. As you
see the building in front you should be able to make out a laser coming from
the roof of it somewhere in the distance. That's our destination. inside the
small compound here are 6-7 regular snipers and the elite sniper (he's the one
with yellow armor). Kill them all to complete the task.

Reward/s: > $250
          > 5000CP
          > Even Larger Mag attachment for Fazertron


Predator's Path 02: Tiger Fist                                          [SDQP2]


Start Location : Console in the garrison at X542.8, Y503.2
Weapon Cache: X553.6, Y496.3

We have to defeat the rare tiger with the bow! Continue up the road and enter
the mission objective area on the minimap. Here we want to keep an eye out for
a blue tiger. To kill the tiger easily, find a rock or other high area where 
you are able to jump up to but where it will be unable to reach you and lure
him into the area surrounding it. Shoot him from safety until he goes down. 

Reward/s: > $250
          > 5000CP
          > Light Barrel attachment for Fazertron


Predator's Path 03: Insurance Scammer                                   [SDQP3]


Start Location : Console in the garrison at X605.0, Y493.1
Weapon Cache: X 595.0, Y449.9

We have to kill the targeted Omega soldier with the A.J.M. 9! Continue to the
north, following the road and you will come across a traffic accident between
several jeeps. There are 5-6 Regulars, a heavy and the elite soldier wandering
around the area. We need to kill the soldier dressed in yellow to complete the

Reward/s: > $250
          > 5000CP
          > Semi-Auto attachment for Kobracon


Predator's Path 04: Birds with Attitude                                 [SDQP4]

Start Location : Console in the garrison at X527.5, Y465.6
Weapon Cache: X513.2, Y456.8

We have to defeat the rare cassowary with the kobracon! Continue up the road
and enter the mission objective area on the minimap. Here we want to keep an
eye out for a glowing blue cassowary. When you spot it, back up a little and
take it down from a distance using the scope to kill it well before it comes
close to attacking you. Once it is dead, you will complete the mission. 

Reward/s: > $200
          > 4000CP
          > Laser Sight attachment for A.J.M. 9


Predator's Path 05: Turtle Killer                                       [SDQP5]


Start Location : Console in the garrison at X518.3, Y366.2
Weapon Cache: X518.8, Y360.4

Exit the garrison and drop down the open hatch to the tunnel below the base
marked by the objective marker. here we need to kill 4 turtles using melee

From the start, crouch and go through the hole to the right. You will see an
electrified pool of water to the right here. Obviously you don't want to be
jumping in there! Instead use the pipes and planks to make your way over to
the far end of the room to the platform with the turtle on it. Hit it with
your knife to kill it [1/4].

return to the starting area and this time enter the tunnel to the left. In the
first room, ignore the tunnel on the far side of the room, instead going
through the hole in the wall on the left. immediately retreat as an explosive
barrel will roll down the hill inside the small room and blow up. When it is
clear, enter the side room and kill the turtle there [2/4].

Go back out the hole and enter the tunnel at the opposite side of the room from
the entry. As soon as you enter the next room, again retreat back into the
tunnel. Once the flames stop, enter the room and kill the turtle [3/4] on the
platform to the left. 

Drop into the water in this room and enter the broken pipe. Swim into the room
at the end and kill the crocodile that attacks you as you enter. Afterwards,
swim up to the far platform and kill the final turtle [4/4] here to complete
the mission.

Reward/s: > $200
          > 4000CP
          > High-Powered Scope attachment for Kobracon


Predator's Path 06: He's Not Heavy. He's Big Boned.                     [SDQP6]

Start Location : Console in the garrison at X465.6, Y334.6
Weapon Cache: X502.2, Y360.2

We have to defeat the Heavy Gunner with the Galleria 1991! Continue up the hill
a short distance from the weapons cache and you'll come across a small bunker.
Outside there is a heavy and 3-4 regular soldiers. Inside the building is the
special heavy that we need to kill for the objective (he's the yellow heavy!).
Use grenades to clear out the heavy outside and the regulars and then kite the
special heavy around the truck outside or the bunker itself whilst popping him
with the shotgun to kill him to complete the mission.

Reward/s: > $200
          > 4000CP
          > FOG Scope attachment for Kobracon


Predator's Path 07: Unique Horn Dragon                                  [SDQP7]

Start Location : Console in the garrison at X465.6, Y334.6
Weapon Cache: X464.2, Y361.9

This quest might be the trickiest of all of the hunting quests and has us
track down and kill a unique Blood dragon. When you arrive at the weapons
cache, you will notice that there are no weapons here. Instead, there is
health, body armor and ammo. Thats right we can use whatever we want to kill
the special animal. Continue along the path here all the way to the top of the
hill to find the unique Blood Dragon on a ruin. Approach and start attacking

This guy is essentially the same as any other blood dragon that you have fought
before. To take it down, we want to use the ruin to block its eye lasers and
ensure that it stays out of biting range. There is a good position on the right
hand side of the ruin at the lower level with a small doorway that you can lure
him to. Stay behind the door, pop out to shoot him then go back behind the door
frame. if done right he will just stand there and will not move. This means 
you won't need to worry about avoiding anything but the eye lasers. Shoot him
in the pink spot on his chest and use all of your C4 and grenades to get his
health down a little quicker. Once you kill him, the mission will be complete.

Reward/s: > $350
          > 6000CP
          > Improved Grip attachment for Fazertron


Predator's Path 08: Mind the Teeth                                      [SDQP8]

Start Location : Console in the garrison at X600.6, Y314.0
Weapon Cache: X604.5, Y348.2

We have to defeat the rare shark using nothing but explosives! Once you are on
the beached ship with the ammo cache, refill your explosives and look around
for a blue shark swimming about nearby. When you spot it, try to lure it to you
by cooking some grenades and toss it at the shark. This should draw it to you.
Plant some c4 on the deck of the ammo cache ship and when the shark comes, blow
it to kill it off. If it doesn't come, use C4 and grenades to try and kill it
from a distance. Once it is dead, you will complete the mission. 

Reward/s: > $200
          > 4000CP
          > Mag Pouch attachment for Fazertron


Liberating Garrisons                                                    [SDQLG]


Coming Soon!


              ______      _ _                 _ _     _            
             / _____)    | | |           _   (_) |   | |           
            | /      ___ | | | ____ ____| |_  _| | _ | | ____  ___ 
            | |     / _ \| | |/ _  ) ___)  _)| | || \| |/ _  )/___)
            | \____| |_| | | ( (/ ( (___| |__| | |_) ) ( (/ /|___ |
                      | Campaign Collectible Locations |


There is a huge number of Collectibles littered throughout the world of Farcry
3: Blood Dragon and they come in a number of forms. This collectible locations
guide will give you a complete list of all of the different collectibles in the
game sorted by type. In addition to co-ordinates, I have also included a brief
description for the location of each collectible to assist you in finding them. 

The different collectibles include:

   > 32 Television Sets. These collectibles appear as glowing television sets
     with a static screen showing a symbol of omega on it. Collecting these
     will give you $100 and 500 cp for each that you pick up. New shotgun 
     upgrades will be unlocked upon picking up 9 and 18 TV sets. You will earn
     the achievement/trophy 'Drug of the Nation' upon finding them all.

   > 10 Dr Carlyle's Notes. These appear as manilla folders usually found on
     the ground next to dead scientists in caves. For each of this type of
     collectible that you acquire, you will earn $150.Additional shotgun
     upgrades will become availbale for purchase upon acquiring 3 and 10 of
     these. Upon collecting all 10, you will also unlock the achievement/trophy
     'What are you reading for?'.

   > 12 VHS Tapes. These appear as glowing video tapse that can usually be
     found inside bases or small, shielded buildings throughout the map. For
     each VHS tape you grab, you will earn 1000Cp. Upon colleciton 3 tapes, a
     new Kobracon upgrade will become available and another pistol upgrade will
     be unlocked for collecting all 12. Finding all of the VHS tapes will also
     earn the achievement/trophy 'The Greatest Format of All Time'.

   > 12 Animals. There are 12 different species of animal in the game. Finding
     and killing one of each will earn you a small amount of CP. Killing one of
     6 different species will unlock a kobracon upgrade, 9 species will earn
     a Fazertron upgrade and 12 different species will grant you access to a 
     new shotgun upgrade. Killing all 12 types of animals will unlock the 
     achievement/trophy 'Murder nature'.

Here are some shorcuts to allow you to quickly jump down to the collectible/s
that you are interested in locating:

             > Television Sets ............................... [CLTTV]
             > Dr Carlyle's Notes ............................ [CLTDC]
             > VHS Tapes ..................................... [CLTVT]
             > Animals ....................................... [CLTAN]


Television Sets                                                         [CLTTV]


There are a total of 32 Television Sets hidden throughout the world. These
collectibles appear as glowing television sets with a static screen showing a
symbol of omega on it. Collecting these will give you $100 and 500 cp for each
that you pick up. 

Additonally, you will earn the following unlocks:

   > 09/32: Shotgun - Double barrel attachment.
   > 18/32: Shotgun - Quad barrel attachment.
   > 32/32: Achievement/trophy 'Drug of the Nation'.

Note all locations are listed first by the co-ordinates and then with a brief
description as to their exact location. 

01. X437.6, Y510.7 - at the garrison at  X437.1, Y506.1 go to the helipad at
                     the northern end of the base. From the top of the helipad,
                     find the stairs leading down. At the base of the first set
                     of stairs follow the catwalk until you are in a small 
                     under cover area. Look tot he right for the TV.

02. X457.5, Y493.1 - On the lower ledge of a ruin on top of a hill to the
                     southeast of the garrison at  X437.1, Y506.1.

03. X436.7, Y482.8 - At the main room at the back of a cave (entrance at
                     X433.7, Y481.2).

04. X446.1, Y469.9 - In the centre of an open ruin on a hill at the specified

05. X465.8, Y447.7 - Inside the large ruin on top of the mountain at the 
                     co-ordinates given. 

06. X498.5, Y436.1 - Sitting on a rock in the centre of a pond at the base of 
                     a hill just across the river to the north of the garrison
                     at X502.6, Y417.5.

07. X506.8, Y460.4 - In the large ruin directly to the west of the garrison at
                     X521.7, Y466.5.

08. X488.7, Y466.9 - On the ground at an open ruin just to the east of the
                     garrison at X477.1, Y469.3.

09. X494.0, Y477.6 - On the ground beneath a tent in an open field just to the
                     north east of the garrison at X477.1, Y469.3.

10. X500.9, Y495.0 - In a ruin just off the main road at the co-ordinates

11. X549.0, Y504.6 - In a ruin on a hilltop to the northeast of the garrison at
                     X540.9, Y499.6.

12. X580.2, Y492.4 - At the bottom of the pit in the large ruin directly to the
                     west of the garrison at X606.2, Y497.6.

13. X552.3, Y467.3 - At a ruin on the northern bank of the river directly to
                     the east of the garrison at X521.7, Y466.5.

14. X535.2, Y453.7 - On the ground outside of a building on the western side of
                     the end of the river to the south east of the garrison at
                     X521.7, Y466.5.

15. X536.7, Y428.4 - In the open section of a ruin at the edge of a cliff on 
                     the top of a mountain to the east of the garrison at 
                     X502.6, Y417.5.

16. X603.6, Y446.2 - In a ruin on a hill directly to the east of the garrison
                     located at X570.6, Y449.4.

17. X587.5, Y416.6 - In a hilltop ruin located near the coast to the south east
                     of the garrison at X570.6, Y449.4.

18. X563.9, Y418.8 - Inside the covered area at the top of the stairs of the
                     large set of ruins built into the side of the mountain at
                     the co-ordinates specified.

19. X566.7, Y397.0 - Inside the ruins on the southern shore of the island at 
                     the given co-ordinates.

20. X590.6, Y381.9 - From the garrison at X604.2, Y386.3 go directly west to
                     find a ruin sticking out od the water. get on this, climb
                     to the top of it and drop down into the hole in the
                     centre. Dive down into the water and in the very bottom 
                     room of the ruin, you will find the TV. 

21. X537.1, Y403.9 - In the centre of an open ruin on a hill at the specified

22. X524.4, Y391.5 - Like the previous TV, this one is located in the centre of
                     an open ruin on a hill, beneath a large statue at the
                     specified co-ordinates. 

23. X487.3, Y401.8 - On a ruined staircase about halfway up the hill at the
                     location given by the co-ordinates.

24. X474.4, Y417.9 - Inside a ruin near a hilltop directly to the west of the
                     garrison at X502.6, Y417.5.

25. X423.7, Y394.6 - Ontop of a sunken ruin beneath the water at the location
                     indicated by the co-ordinates. How it is still functioning
                     underwater is a bit of a mystery...

26. X465.0, Y384.8 - On a small raised area in amongst some ruins and tents at
                     the listed co-ordinates.

27. X446.9, Y363.2 - In a small set of ruins built into a mountain around
                     half-way to the top at the co-ordinates listed.

28. X452.4, Y359.1 - at the top of a hilltop ruin at the location given by the

29. X476.4, Y359.3 - Inside a tunnel ruin build into a mountain (entrance at 
                     X479.3, Y362.6). follow the passage to the lerge room at
                     the back and you will find the TV here. 

30. X491.7, Y359.3 - Enter the ruin built into the mountainside at X490.9, 
                     Y360.5. Inside, climb up to the platform above and look to
                     the left to find it on a fallen pillar.

31. X496.5, Y337.9 - Ontop of a sunken ruin beneath the water at the location
                     indicated by the co-ordinates. 

32. X531.0, Y339.9 - Ontop of a sunken ruin beneath the water at the location
                     indicated by the co-ordinates. 


Dr Carlyle's Notes                                                      [CLTDC]


There is a grand total of 10 folders conatining Dr Carlyle's Notes. These
appear as manilla folders usually found on the ground next to dead scientists
in caves. For each of this type of collectible that you acquire, you will earn

Additonally, you will earn the following unlocks:

   > 03/10: Shotgun - Extended Mag attachment.
   > 10/10: Shotgun - Really Huge Mag attachment.
   > 10/10: Achievement/trophy 'What are you reading for?'.

Note all locations are listed first by the co-ordinates and then with a brief
description as to their exact location. 

01. X436.3, Y484.8 - From the main room at the back of a cave (entrance at
                     X433.7, Y481.2), look down the short side tunnel to the
                     left to find this on the ground next to some dead

02. X507.0, Y499.5 - At the end of a cave on the beach (entrance at X507.0,

03. X544.7, Y473.9 - On a small grassy ledge off the main path near the top of
                     the mountain at the co-ordinates specified. 

04. X522.2, Y437.8 - In a cave system next to the dead scientists on the upper
                     platform to the right of the waterfall at the back of the
                     area (entrance at X523.4, Y438.1).

05. X495.2, Y448.0 - In a hole at the end of a short side passage inside a cave
                     system (entrances at X491.2, Y446.2 OR X498.0, Y448.0).

06. X457.8, Y404.3 - About halfway up the hill at the location specified by
                     the co-ordinates you will find a small hole (entrance at
                     X456.2, Y403.4). Drop down into the ruin here to find the
                     notes next to the body. (There is an alternate entrance at
                     X461.5, Y404.2).

07. X532.8, Y392.1 - At the back of a short cave (entrance at X535.7, Y391.6).

08. X558.2, Y404.8 - In the central region of the cave at the location
                     specified by the co-ordinates (entrance at X559.6, Y402.0
                     AND X553.5, Y404.9).

09. X586.5, Y418.1 - In a cave below a hilltop ruin (entrances at X587.8, 
                     Y420.3 OR X588.1, Y416.2) located near the coast to
                     the south east of the garrison at X570.6, Y449.4. 

10. X449.5, Y334.4 - At the back of a short cave (entrances at X452.9, Y334.7
                     AND X449.7, Y331.6) just to the west of the garrison at
                     X464.8, Y333.3.


VHS Tapes                                                               [CLTVT]


There are 12 VHS Tapes scattered across the island. These appear as glowing
video tapse that can usually be found inside bases or small, shielded buildings
throughout the map. For each VHS tape you grab, you will earn 1000Cp.

Additonally, you will earn the following unlocks:

   > 03/12: Kobracon - Big 'Ol Box of Ammo attachment.
   > 12/12: Pistol   - Max Mags attachment.
   > 12/12: Achievement/trophy 'The Greatest Format of All Time'.

Note all locations are listed first by the co-ordinates and then with a brief
description as to their exact location. 

01. X555.0, Y509.7 - Sitting on a crate just outside a shielded bunker on a
                     hilltop to the northeast of the garrison at X540.9, Y499.6

02. X478.5, Y524.1 - Inside a small building on the docks just to the south
                     west of the garrison at X480.8, Y529.2.

03. X434.5, Y505.2 - Once you have cleared it, fast travel to the garrison at 
                     X437.1, Y506.1. Exit the building and you will find this
                     on a small crate next to the door.

04. X452.6, Y466.0 - Sitting on a crate inside a small, shielded bunker about
                     halfway up a mountain at the specified co-ordinates.

05. X510.1, Y432.4 - Sitting on a crate inside a small, shielded bunker about
                     halfway up a mountain at the specified co-ordinates.

06. X527.3, Y437.6 - On a crate outside of a building on the eastern side of 
                     the lake to the south of the garrison at X521.7, Y466.5.

07. X609.1, Y437.9 - On a crate sitting outside of the main building on the
                     coast to the east of the garrison at X570.6, Y449.4.

08. X581.1, Y402.3 - Sitting on a crate just to the left of the door inside a
                     small, shielded bunker about halfway up a mountain at the
                     co-ordinates listed.

09. X520.5, Y362.8 - Once you have cleared it, fast travel to the garrison at 
                     X523.1, Y368.8. It will be on a crate in the room that you
                     fast travel to.

10. X509.6, Y362.0 - Sitting on a crate inside a small, shielded bunker about
                     halfway up a mountain at the specified co-ordinates.

11. X465.8, Y334.9 - Once you have cleared it, fast travel to the garrison at 
                     X464.8, Y333.3. Exit the building and you will find this 
                     inside another building in the the raised eastern section
                     of the base on a barrel. 

12. X419.9, Y407.8 - On a crate outside of a small, shielded building on the
                     western coast of the central island at the locaiton
                     specified by the co-ordinates.


Animals                                                                 [CLTAN]


There are 12 different species of animals inhabiting the game world and finding
and killing one of each will earn you a small amount of CP, weapon attachments
and an achievement/trophy.

Additonally, you will earn the following unlocks:

   > 06/12: Kobracon - Explosive Rounds attachment.
   > 09/12: Fazertron- Laser rounds attachment.
   > 12/12: Shotgun  - Inferno Rounds attachment.
   > 12/12: Achievement/trophy 'Murder Nature'.

Here are some general locations as to where you may find each type of animal:

01. Robo Crocs
02. Mutant Buffalo
03. Devil Goat
04. Mutated Cassowary
05. Mutated Turtles
06. Robo Dog
07. Blood Dragon
08. Cyber-Shark
09. Cyber-Panther
10. Neon snakes
11. Boar
12. Black & White Tiger


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              \_||_|_| |_|\____|   \______)_|   \___/| ||_/|_| |_|_|\____|___/
                    | Achievements/Trophies Unlock Guide |


Coming Soon!


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Contact  Me                                                             [CNTCT]


If you feel the need to contact me, there are a couple of ways you can go 
about doing this. You can reach me at:



Please include "Darksiders 2" in the subject line.


Alternatively, you can check out my facebook page and ask a question and I'll
try to get back to you as soon as I can:


About Me                                                                [INTRD]


Im 28, Australian and live with my lovely wife. I have been thrice  
named as the world sexiest hugging machine. I work full time and study at
University full time as well. I write game guides as a hobby in what little
spare time I have and have thouroughly enjoyed writing each and every one. 
Please head over to the website I write for - to 
check out  some of my guides, previews and reviews.

If you enjoyed using this guide, or it has helped you along and you are on
GameFAQs, Please hit the recommend button at the top of the page!

Please feel free to send me an email with any suggestions or corrections and
check out some of my other guides:

Complete FAQ/Walkthroughs:

    > Assassin's Creed III FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Bioshock Infinite FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Call of Duty: World at War FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Darksiders FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Darksiders 2 FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Dead Space 2 FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Dead Space 3 FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Deadlight FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Dishonored FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Farcry 3 FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Farcry 3: Blood Dragon FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Fable 2 FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Gears of War 2 FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Gears of War: Judgment FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Halo 3: ODST FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Halo 4 FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Homefront FAQ/Walkthrough
    > LIMBO FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Mass Effect 2 FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Medal of Honor: Warfighter FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Resident Evil 5 FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Star Wars: The Force Unleashed FAQ/Walkthrough

DLC content and other guides:

    > AC3: Tyranny of King Washington - The Infamy (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough
    > AC3: Tyranny of King Washington - The Betrayal (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough
    > AC3: Tyranny of King Washington - The Redemption (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Bioshock Infinite Achievements/Trophies Guide
    > Bioshock Infinite Collectibles Guide
    > Darksiders 2: The Abyssal Forge (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Darksiders 2: Argul's Tomb (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Darksiders 2: The Demon Lord Belial (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Dead Space 2: Severed (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Dead Space 3: Awakened (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Dishonored: The Knife of Dunwall (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Edition Skull Guide
    > Halo 2 Skull Guide
    > Halo 3 Skull Guide

or as mentioned before, check out more of my guides and reviews at:

Thanks for reading!




After a few generous emails and suggestions from readers and because donations
seems to be a growing trend among other contemporary guide writers, I have
decided to put in the option to allow you to donate some money to me for 
helping you out if you wish to do so.

Although I make these guides for free in my spare time, I probably don’t 
need to point out to gamers that purchasing games is an extremely expensive
hobby (games in Australia cost on average $90 - $120) and writing guides for
them can be a very long, incredibly difficult and thankless task at the best
of times, but one that is very challenging and occasionally rewarding.
Considering you could be paying upwards of $20+ for guides in a game shop,these
free and easily available guides make a cost-effective substitute. Whilst most
are happy to use and move on without a word I would move that a simple donation
is a great, easy way to say thanks if you feel that my guide has saved you some
time, money and frustration in some small way.

By no means feel obligated to donate just for viewing my guide, but if you are
feeling a little generous I certainly won’t object! Any amount is appreciated
whether it be 10 cents or $10.

Thankyou far all that read this far, if you are interested in donating, my
Paypal address is listed below, if not, don't forget to hit that recommend
button at the top of the page to help me out!

Paypal ID;



Console Domination


Console Domination is an Australian videogaming website founded and staffed 
by true-blue Aussie gamers united in the love of gaming. The site is all about
games, games and more games with a specific focus on current generation 
consoles. Console Domination previews upcoming titles, reviews the latest 
releases and produce a fortnightly podcast to keep you entertained. We also 
stay up to date with the latest trailers and provide daily updates on industry
news to keep you in the know. We are not paid professionals, just ordinary 
gamers dropping our hard earned cash on the latest titles to provide honest,
unadulterated content that tells it as it is. 

Check out the site here:

Check out our Youtube Channel here:


SPECIAL THANKS                                                          [THNKS]


I would like to thank the following people/entities:

- GameFAQs for always being there when I needed help and for accepting my FAQ.
- The Farcry 3 crew who worked on Blood Dragon to sate my apetite for 1980's
  action movies!
- My fiancee Kumiko, who has been incredibly patient and understanding.
- And everybody who has taken the time to read my FAQs so far.


VERSION HISTORY                                                         [VERHI]


Date Submitted: 5/5/13

Version 1.00

The guide currently contains:
   > Full walkthrough from beginning to end.
   > Side-Quest Guide complete.
   > Hints & tips section.
   > Complete enemy and & strategy guide. 
   > Complete VHS tapes locations guide.
   > Complete Television Set locations guide.
   > Complete Animal locations guide.
   > Complete Dr Carlyle's locations Guide.



This guide has been written by Paul Williams aka Sokkus.

This document may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for
personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise
distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on
any other website or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited,
and a violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

If you wish to use my guide on another website, please ask me for permission

Sites allowed to use my guide -


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