Boss FAQ - Guide for Conker's Bad Fur Day

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                      Conker's Bad Fur Day Boss FAQ (N64)
                   Version 0.1 - Last Revised on 03/18/2001
                        By Dallas ([email protected])



Legal Disclaimer

 This document is Copyright 2001, Dallas ([email protected]) and may not
 be reproduced nor retransmitted in any form without advance permission from
 the author.  It may not be altered, edited, sold, given as an incentive to
 buy, published, etc. without prior consent from the author.  If the above
 terms are broken, legal action will take place on account of Copyright
 Infringement.  This document is unofficial and is in no way affiliated with
 any company.  Logo is Copyright 2001, Rareware Inc.


Table of Contents

  I.  Introduction and Revision History
 II.  Boss Strategies
III.  Final Boss Strategy
 IV.  Information

                     I.  Introduction and Revision History

As in every game, Conker's Bad Fur Day features several boss battles throughout
the single player game.  However, it's kind of hard to determine what's a boss
and what isn't because there is nothing that sets boss fights apart from normal
enemy fights.  Anyway, I've taken all the bosses in the game and typed up
strategies on how to defeat them (including the final boss) so I created this
guide.  This guide doesn't explain anything but boss fights, so if you're
looking for something else, check my main FAQ/Walkthrough at

Revision History
v0.1 - 03/18/2001 - Initial release.  All main boss strategies have been added
along with the final boss strategy.  If I missed any, please contact me as soon
as possible so I can add them.

                             II.  Boss Strategies

Below you will find strategies on beating each boss in the game.  If I've
missed a boss, or added a fight that isn't an actual boss fight, please let me
know so I can rectify the problem.  If you're looking for the final boss fight,
I've put it into a separate section just below this one.  Enjoy!

                              Chapter 3:  Haybot

Once you cut the noose of Franky the Pitchfork, drop down to the barn floor and
meet up with him.  After some arguing amongst the pot and brush, the pitchfork
agrees to help you get rid of that huge monster haystack.  Hop onto the
pitchfork's back and go after the haystack.  To jump, press A, to stab, press
B.  The only way you can possibly stab the haystack is if you attack it from
behind or in the side.  When you're facing it, it'll just punch you away. 
After two stabs, it'll reveal it's true form: a robot similar to the
terminator.  Stab it once more and you'll drop down into the basement area of
the barn where you must continue the fight, only now it's tougher.

Circle around the room as the bot fires missiles at you, and jump when they
come near so you don't get knocked off of the pitchfork.  If you get smashed or
crushed by the bot, you'll lose two pieces of your energy bar, and one piece
for being hit by a missile.  Hide behind one of the three pipes in the room to
find extra chocolate pieces as well as to have a missile break it open, spewing
water out.  Hide behind the waterfall to lure the bot near it, which will
electrocute him back into the center of the basement.  Go up to him and jump
when the red button on his back comes near you, then press B when the lightbulb
appears to press it.  This will cause damage to the bot.  Repeat the following
process two more times to defeat him.

                            Chapter 4:  The Boiler

After swimming through Clang's Lair and drop through the hole at the end,  walk
forward and you'll see a cut scene with two flaming guys who appear to be
smoking.  After that, you'll be left to play.  Stand under the keg and press B
to gulp down some of the alcohol, causing Conker to become wobbly.  Then run
over near the first aid kit to the left and press B to begin.  Press Z to
extend your stream, and aim it at the flame guys.

Make sure one of them doesn't run up underneath you, however, otherwise you'll
lose a piece of chocolate.  If you run out, use the first aid kit to get back
to normal, then go drink some more and do it again.  Once about eight or so of
them are put out, they'll hop into this huge boiler and turn it on, revealing
it's brass balls.

This fight won't be too tough.  In fact, it's quite easy.  Run to one of the
corners of the room and wait for the boiler to run over to the drain on the
ground.  When he's standing on the drain, watch out for his flame breath and
high jump to pull a switch, dumping poo all over him.  Doing so makes him
stumble back into the center of the room, where you must then run up and press
B when the lightbulb appears to do some damage.  Repeat this three more times
until they eventually fall off, and the flame guys inside accidentally
self-destruct the boiler.

                         Chapter 5:  Great Mighty Poo

After dropping the corn kernels into the poo, the Great Mighty Poo will
appear.  This Mighty Poo isn't too friendly, as you can see, and has a pretty
bad dental condition.  His only real attack is throwing pieces of himself at
you, which always seem to land right where you are.  Use the only available
Context Button on the ground to take out your toilet paper and toss it into his
mouth when he starts to sing.  Doing so will make him sing another verse to his
song in a cut scene, then you're left to play once again (the Context Button
will also be covered in poo and another one on the other side of the room will
be open.)

Head over to the next Context Button and toss two toilet paper rolls into his
mouth this time to start a cut scene with him telling you he's going to stick
you into his behind once he defeats you.  Run to the last Context Button and
toss three toilet paper rolls into his mouth while avoiding his blobs of poo.
This one will be more difficult, as he moves much faster.  Once the three have
been tossed into his mouth, he'll shatter the glass across the room.  Run over
there and snag the pile of cash, then jump and pull the flusher to flush that
big Mighty Poo down the toilet, defeating him.

                          Chapter 6:  Buga the Knut

After the race against the cavemen, you'll crash in an arena, where you'll
eventually have to fight Buga.  Buga isn't all that tough, but you might have
some trouble with him.  He has two main attacks: jumping and clubbing.  When he
jumps, he sends a shockwave with it, so jump when you see it coming, or you'll
be knocked off the t-rex.  Don't worry about re-hypnotizing him, as he's now
befriended you.

A crash from the bone really hurts, so try not to get hit by it.  After a jump,
he'll raise his bone: this is the time you bite him in his "lower area."  Doing
so will reveal his rear, which you must press B near (rhyme not intended) to
bite.  Doing so takes a huge chunk of flesh out of his behind.  Repeat this two
more times and Buga's secret will be revealed!

                         Chapter 8:  Tediz Experiment

After destroying the submarines, go back and talk to the little girl in the
center of the room.  Rodent will drop in with the tank and warn Conker to stay
away from the girl, which he does and the hatch she's sitting on will open,
revealing a huge, giant Tediz experiment!  To start off, run over to the tank
while the experiment is giving chase - hop in.  Hide in one of the small
tunnels with the chocolate piece inside and position your turret at the
experiment (you can see through the wall for the time being) while keeping the
tank in the same position.  It will then take out two "mini-guns" and start
firing away.

Once it stops to reload, drive in or out and fire a missile (no time for
aiming) and it should hit one of the guns, destroying it.  Do the same for the
other gun then drive out and the experiment will give chase.  Drive out and
quickly take aim at the "little girl" puppet on its hand and fire away to knock
it off.  The experiment will then go searching for it, exposing it's back,
where you must fire another shot.  Quickly roll back into your barricade and
get ready for the next weapon - Magneto Lasers!

The lasers don't need reloading as the "mini-guns" did, so instead you'll have
to make them aim at one side of the tunnel, then quickly roll out the other and
fire away to break one off.  Do the same for the other and repeat what you did
last time (shoot the doll followed by the back) and roll back into your
barricade for the last weapon - missiles!  These won't be too hard to dodge,
but you may get confused in the beginning.  Watch one of the launchers and
count the missiles that come out.

Once four have came out, quickly roll and and fire away (without aiming, of
course) at the launcher to destroy it.  Do the same to the other side, roll
out, shoot the puppet off of the experiment's hand and fire one last shot into
its back to destroy it.

                           III.  Final Boss Strategy

Once you've finished most of Chapter 9 and make it into the vault, you'll find
the final boss (Heinrich.)  Run over to your right as quickly as possible and
pull the switch to open the airlocks, which will suck out the two corpses.  Run
around the room until you find the spacesuit - hop in!  You'll view another cut
scene here with the professor being sucked out into space, killing him (well,
at least something _good_ came from this, so far anyway.)  Heinrich can both
chomp at you and swing his tail at you.  Avoid both by jumping (A) and when
it's safe to do so, run up and begin your punches using B.

Continue punching until you knock him down, then run over to the top of his
tail (not the end) and you'll pick him up.  Familiar?  Yep, it's the same thing
you did with Bowser in Super Mario 64!  Only this time it's much easier.
Anyway, rotate the control stick to spin him around and when he's no longer
scratching on the floor, press B to let go when you're facing the airlock to
toss him out.  However, he hangs on and jumps back in.  The second time will be
a bit tougher, as he now dodges your punches.

Once you have a good shot going, punch away and toss him out the airlock once
again, but he still hangs on.  The final time will be very tough.  He dodges
almost all of your punches and attacks more rapidly.  Here's a tip: when he
bites at you, duck (Z) and he'll miss, dazing him for a moment.  This is when
you can punch away.  Swing him around and toss him out the airlock one more
time to defeat him.  Watch the end cutscene and enjoy!

                              IV.  Information

Credits and Sources
Jeff "CJayC" Veasey -
  For hosting this FAQ on his website.

  For making the ASCII art you see at the top of this guide and allowing me to
  use it.  Thanks!

Contact Information
Have any comments, questions, suggestions, complaints, contributions, praise,
constructive criticism, or anything else about this FAQ (or any of my others?)
Please contact me via one of the following, and I'll get back to you as soon
as I can.  All questions asked that have already been answered in the guide
will be ignored:

E-mail Address:  [email protected]
ICQ Number:      100893080

Want to host this FAQ on your website?  Please contact me via one of the above
methods and send me the URL of your site, and I'll give you the terms I have
for webmasters hosting my guides.  If you post this (or any of my other FAQs)
guide on your site without asking first, your host and/or ISP will be contacted
and notified of your illegal actions.


          The latest version of this document can always be found at:

                      GameFAQs -
                      DS-99 -


Copyright 2001 Dallas Scott.  All Rights Reserved.


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