Complete Card List! - Guide for Monster Rancher Battle Card: Episode 2

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                     EEE PPP III SSS OOO DD  EEE   III III
                     EEE PPP III SSS O O D D EEE   III III
                     EEE PP  III SSS OOO DD  EEE   III III

   M o n s t e r   R a n c h e r   B a t t l e   C a r d   E p i s o d e   I I
    The Complete Monster Rancher Battle Card Episode II FAQ/Walkthrough 1.0
                      For the Playstation2™ a.k.a. PSX
                Written, formatted and researched by: Austineze
                 Questions?  Comments? : [email protected]
                       Last updated: April , 2003

                        Copyright © 2003 to Austineze

                          F i l e   S u m m a r y
                        Guide Progress: 95% complete
                        Approximate File Size:  KB 
                               Total Pages: 


This FAQ/Walkthrough contains:
	Copyright Info
	Version History
	General Game Help
	Card List
	The Tournaments
	Contact Info

                -------------Copyright Info----------------

This guide may be distributed freely, if everything within this file is fully 
intact and proper credit is given. It may not be distributed for profit or any 
means of economical gain. Please do not modify this guide in any way, even if 
you find errors, inaccurate information, grammatical problems,etc. In the event
you do discover any of the previously listed, write me so that corrections can 
be made to this, the original.

Playstation (PSX) and Playstation logos are registered trademarks of Sony 
Entertainment of America Inc.  Monster Rancher Battle Card Episode II and 
all related characters are registered trademarks of Tecmo, used under license
from Wizards of the Coast (US patent #5,662,332). The author of this document 
is in no way affiliated with Sony Entertainment of America, Tecmo, nor Wizards
of the Coast.

                -------------Version History---------------

Verson 1.0
	Completed April , 2003.  Includes 95% complete card list as well as a
        game help section.

Please always check, for the newest updates and versions! Other
sites that have my FAQs may not be up-to-date with it!  So if you can't find
what you are looking for in the current version of the FAQ, check the FAQ in and make sure before e-mailing me.

                -------------General Game Help-------------

Get all of the cards.


During the times of Monster Rancher, kids that were too young to raise monsters
themselves started a card game that simulated monster battles. This card game
was called "Battle Cards." The game soon gained popularity with everyone, kids
and adults alike. MCA (Monster Card Association) was created to hold official 
card tournaments, and maintain a standardization of rules.

As far as the actual game is concerned, this girl you are friendly with, Colt,
is having a birthday party. You and some other friends, Cue and Pabs, give her
a bunch of monster cards as well as some mysterious slab to put them on. Colt
is banished to "Monster's Paradise" with all of the cards, so you have no way
of getting her back. It looks like you'll have to become a collector so that
you can retrieve her (incidentally, according to the chronometer of the game
this took over a year to accomplish - for Colt's sake I hope the monsters are

                -----------------Card List-----------------

There are 20 types of purebred monster cards and 23 mixed breeds. Each of the
purebred monsters has a set of twelve skill cards, that consist of Power and
Intelligence moves, Dodge and Block moves, and some Special moves (although not
every monster will have every type of skill - such as Tiger lacks any Block 
moves). Mixed breeds use a mixture of attack and defense cards from the two
species of monsters they are bred from. There are also 13 Any Monster cards, 
and 31 Breeder cards.

The charts below represent the sets of twelve skills each purebred monster has.
The name of the monster is stretched just above its chart, as well as its
starting life points, and whether it is on the ground (G) or in the air (A). 
Then, of course, the card name is what the card is called in the game. The cost
refers to how many GUTS points are needed to use the skill. Damage tells how 
many life points can be subtracted from an opponent's monster. Notes are the 
extra text or instructions (if there are any) that accompany the skill - these
are NOT listed verbatum! Lastly the type is represented with a single letter:
P = Power (POW)
I = Intelligence (INT)
S = Special (SPE)
D = Dodge (DGE)
B = Block (BLK)
E = Environment (ENV)

>>><<<>>><<<>>><<< Purebred Monsters >>><<<>>><<<>>><<<

--> T I G E R, 6-G

 Card Name  Type Cost Damage                  Notes
|Right Claw | P | 0 | 1  |Can combo with two or all three of these different  |
+-----------+---+---+----+                                                    +
|Left Claw  | P | 0 | 1  |cards. Damage for two-card combo is 3, and damage   |
+-----------+---+---+----+                                                    +
|Horn       | P | 0 | 1  |for the three-card combo is 7.                      |
|Charge     | P | 2 | 4  |If not dodged, 1 damage to this monster             |
|Stab       | P | 3 | 4  | -                                                  |
|Ice Bomb   | I | 2 | 2  |Defending monster can't attack next turn if this hits
|Bolt       | I | 2 | 3  | -                                                  |
|Lightning  | I | 4 | 5  | -                                                  |
|Sonic Move | S | 0 | -  |Use with POW move, adds "this move can't be dodged" |
|Roar       | S | 3 | -  |All opponent's monsters can't attack next turn      |
|Back Roll  | D | 1 | -  |Dodges INT or POW move                              |
|Jump       | D | 2 | -  |Dodge POW move, makes your POW move 2x and adds     |
|           |   |   |    |"aerial" until the end of your next turn            |

--> G A L I, 7-A

 Card Name  Type Cost Damage                  Notes
|Scratch    | P | 1 | 1  | -                                                  |
|Kick       | P | 2 | 2  | -                                                  |
|Spin Cut   | P | 5 | 8  | -                                                  |
|Evil Dance | P | 7 | 10 |If dodged, still 1/2 damage                         |
|Holy Ray   | I | 3 | 2  |can't be dodged                                     |
|Thunder    | I | 3 | 4  | -                                                  |
|Flame Wall | I | 4 | 2  |Damage to all opponent's monsters                   |
|Evil Blow  | I | 4 | 6  | -                                                  |
|Flame      | I | 5 | 8  | -                                                  |
|Tactics    | S | 3 | -  |Pick one card from discards and add to your hand    |
|Deflect    | B | 3 | -  |Deflects INT damage, will not dodge special effects |
|Lie Down   | D | 3 | -  |Dodges POW or INT move                              |

--> G O L E M, 9-G

 Card Name  Type Cost Damage                  Notes
|Clutch     | P | 3 | 3  |Defending monster can't attack next turn if this hits
|Brow Hit   | P | 3 | 5  | -                                                  |
|Kick       | P | 4 | 7  | -                                                  |
|Throw Away | P | 5 | 5  |Defending monster can't attack next turn if this hits
|Chop       | P | 5 | 8  | -                                                  |
|W. Chop    | P | 6 | 10 | -                                                  |
|Roller     | P | 7 | 12 | -                                                  |
|Cyclone    | P | 8 | 4  |Damage to all opponent's monsters                   |
|Quake      | I | 6 | 3  |Damage to all monsters on ground except for self    |
|Recharge   | S | 2 | -  |Makes POW move twice as strong next turn            |
|Defense    | B | 2 | -  |5 less damage from a POW attack                     |
|Protect    | B | 1 | -  |Take damage for another monster on your team        |

--> S U E Z O, 7-G

 Card Name  Type Cost Damage                  Notes
|Spit       | P | 1 | 2  | -                                                  |
|Teleport   | P | 2 | 2  |can't be dodged                                     |
|Tail Slap  | P | 2 | 2  |Opponent will lose 1 GUTS if this damages           |
|Bite       | P | 4 | 6  | -                                                  |
|Tongue     | P | 5 | 6  |Opponent will lose 3 GUTS if this damages           |
|Kiss       | I | 3 | 2  |Opponent will lose 3 GUTS if this damages           |
|Lick       | I | 4 | 2  |Opponent will lose all GUTS if this damages         |
|Eye Beam   | I | 4 | 5  | -                                                  |
|Scouting   | S | 1 | -  |Look at opponent's hand, then draw a card           |
|Provoke    | S | 0 | -  |Opponent can only attack this monster next turn     |
|Yodel      | S | 4 | -  |Skip opponent's next turn                           |
|Side Roll  | D | 1 | -  |Dodges POW or INT move that uses 2 or more GUTS     |

--> P I X I E, 6-A

 Card Name  Type Cost Damage                  Notes
|Scratch    | P | 0 | 1  | -                                                  |
|Kick       | P | 1 | 2  | -                                                  |
|Charge     | P | 2 | 4  |If not dodged, 1 damage to this monster             |
|Thunder    | I | 0 | 1  |Multiple "Thunder" cards can be played the same turn|
|Bolt       | I | 1 | 2  |Multiple "Bolt" cards can be played the same turn   |
|Shotgun    | I | 3 | 3  |The damage can be split among opponent's monsters   |
|Lightning  | I | 4 | 4  |Can't be dodged                                     |
|Kiss       | I | 4 | 1  |Opponent will lose all GUTS if this damages         |
|Enchant    | S | 1 | -  |Opponent can't attack this monster next turn        |
|Recover    | S | 2 | -  |Heal 3 life points of a monster on your team        |
|Stop       | D | 0 | -  |Dodges POW or INT move that uses 1 or more GUTS     |
|Soar       | D | 1 | -  |Dodges POW move, own POW does 2x damage next turn   |

--> D I N O, 8-G

 Card Name  Type Cost Damage                  Notes
|Punch      | P | 2 | 3  | -                                                  |
|Charge     | P | 2 | 4  |If not dodged, 1 damage to this monster             |
|Tail Slap  | P | 3 | 5  |Can't use against monsters in the air               |
|Bite       | P | 4 | 6  | -                                                  |
|Throw Away | P | 5 | 6  |Defending monster can't attack next turn if this hits
|Knee Kick  | P | 5 | 8  | -                                                  |
|Fire Dash  | P | 6 | 11 |If not dodged, 3 damage to this monster             |
|Dust Kick  | I | 3 | 3  |Defending monster can't attack next turn if this hits
|Flame      | I | 3 | 4  | -                                                  |
|Leap Kick  | S | 1 | -  |Use with POW move, adds "this move can't be dodged" |
|Endure     | B | 1 | -  |3 less damage from a POW move                       |
|Jump Aside | D | 2 | -  |Dodges a POW or INT move                            |

--> N A G A, 8-G

 Card Name  Type Cost Damage                  Notes
|Belly Blow | P | 2 | 2  |Damage is not reduced by BLK moves                  |
|Stab       | P | 2 | 3  | -                                                  |
|Pierce     | P | 3 | 2  |can't be dodged                                     |
|Thwack     | P | 3 | 4  | -                                                  |
|Whirl Blow | P | 6 | 9  | -                                                  |
|Poison Gas | I | 4 | 4  |Defending monster can't attack next turn if this hits
|Evil Shot  | I | 4 | 5  | -                                                  |
|Life Steal | I | 6 | 4  |This monster gains life equal to damage of this move|
|Evil Shots | I | 6 | 8  |If dodged, still 1/2 damage                         |
|Glare      | S | 3 | -  |During this turn, opponent's monsters can't dodge   |
|Death Trap | S | 1 | -  |This monster can use the skill cards as much as it  |
|           |   |   |    |wants to this turn                                  |
|Counter    | B | 3 | -  |Deflects 1/2 damage from a POW move (rounded off),  |
|           |   |   |    |but will not deflect special moves                  |

--> H A R E, 6-G

 Card Name  Type Cost Damage                  Notes
|Head Butt  | P | 1 | 4  |If not dodged, 2 damage to this monster             |
|Sobat      | P | 2 | 3  | -                                                  |
|1-2 Punch  | P | 3 | 4  |If dodged, still 1/2 damage                         |
|Super Head | P | 3 | 6  |If not dodged, 2 damage to this monster             |
|Windmill   | P | 4 | 5  |Defending monster can't attack next turn if this hits
|Spin Fist  | P | 4 | 6  | -                                                  |
|Charge     | P | 4 | 8  |If not dodged, 2 damage to this monster             |
|Rush Punch | P | 6 | 10 | -                                                  |
|Gas        | I | 3 | 2  |Damage to all opponent's monsters                   |
|Computing  | S | 0 | -  |Discard one card, and draw two cards                |
|Loud Voice | S | 0 | -  |Opponent must discard one card from his/her hand    |
|Footwork   | D | 0 | -  |Dodges POW or INT move that uses 2 or more GUTS     |

--> M O C C H I, 7-G

 Card Name  Type Cost Damage                  Notes
|SLap       | P | 0 | 1  | -                                                  |
|Roll Attack| P | 1 | 2  | -                                                  |
|Thrust     | P | 2 | 2  |Can't be dodged                                     |
|Head Butt  | P | 2 | 3  | -                                                  |
|Press      | P | 3 | 5  |If not dodged, 1 damage to this monster             |
|1-2 Thrust | P | 4 | 4  |If dodged, still 1/2 damage                         |
|Licking    | I | 2 | 2  |Opponent will lose 1 GUTS if this damages           |
|Petal Wind | I | 3 | 2  |Damage to all opponent's monsters                   |
|Motch Ray  | I | 4 | 6  | -                                                  |
|Round      | B | 0 | -  |3 less damage from a POW or INT move                |
|Hide       | B | 1 | -  |Change the target of the POW or INT move to another |
|           |   |   |    |monster on your team                                |
|Roll       | D | 1 | -  |Dodges POW or INT move                              |

--> P H O E N I X, 4-A

 Card Name  Type Cost Damage                  Notes
|Beak       | P | 2 | 2  |If dodged, still 1/2 damage                         |
|Claw       | P | 2 | 3  | -                                                  |
|Fire Beam  | I | 2 | 3  | -                                                  |
|Hurricane  | I | 3 | 4  |If dodged, still 1/2 damage                         |
|Typhoon    | I | 4 | 6  |If dodged, still 1/2 damage                         |
|Fire River | I | 4 | 3  |Damage to all opponent's monsters on the ground     |
|Flame Beam | I | 5 | 8  | -                                                  |
|Fire Wave  | I | 6 | 4  |Damage to all opponent's monsters on the ground     |
|Mys. Power | S | 1 | -  |Choose one card from discards, and put on the bottom|
|           |   |   |    |of your deck                                        |
|Hide Head  | B | 1 | -  |3 less damage from a POW or INT move                |
|Insight    | D | 0 | -  |Dodges POW move                                     |
|Perceive   | D | 0 | -  |Dodges INT move                                     |

--> J E L L, 7-G

 Card Name  Type Cost Damage                  Notes
|Pierce     | P | 1 | 1  |Damage isn't lessened by BLK moves                  |
|Stab       | P | 1 | 2  |  -                                                 |
|Whip       | P | 2 | 3  |Can be used multiple times during the same turn     |
|Fly Swatter| P | 3 | 3  |Defending monster can't attack next turn if this hits
|Fist       | P | 4 | 6  |  -                                                 |
|Cannon     | I | 3 | 4  |  -                                                 |
|Beam Gun   | I | 4 | 4  |If dodged, still 1/2 damage                         |
|Jell Copter| I | 5 | 5  |Damage to all opponent's monsters in the air        |
|Riddler    | S | 0 | -  |Opponent's hand goes to the bottom of his/her deck, |
|           |   |   |    |then s/he draws 4 cards                             |
|Copy Cat   | S | 1 | -  |Use with POW move, can use any POW move in your deck|
|Sponge     | B | 0 | -  |Decrease damage by 1/2 (round off)                  |
|Slip Away  | D | 1 | -  |Dodges INT move                                     |

--> M O N O L, 8-A

 Card Name  Type Cost Damage                  Notes
|Knock      | P | 2 | 2  |Can be used multiple times during the same turn     |
|Charge     | P | 2 | 4  |If used, 2 damage to this monster                   |
|Flattening | P | 3 | 5  |If used, 2 damage to this monster                   |
|Tentacles  | P | 5 | 2  |Opponent will lose all GUTS if this damages         |
|Spike Bite | P | 5 | 7  | -                                                  |
|Sound Wave | I | 2 | 2  | -                                                  |
|Screech    | I | 3 | 3  |Can't be dodged                                     |
|Beam       | I | 3 | 4  | -                                                  |
|Formation  | I | 6 | 8  | -                                                  |
|ShockBreath| B | 2 | -  |Reduces a POW attack to zero damage                 |
|Shield     | B | 2 | -  |makes the damage from an attack go to this monster  |
|Wall       | D | 3 | -  |Dodges a POW or INT move                            |

--> G H O S T, 5-A

 Card Name  Type Cost Damage                  Notes
|Toy Hammer | P | 1 | 2  | -                                                  |
|Uppercut   | P | 2 | 3  | -                                                  |
|Charge     | P | 2 | 4  |If not dodged, this does 1 damage to this monster   |
|Combination| P | 3 | 4  |If dodged, still 1/2 damage                         |
|           |   |   |    |When using this, discard as many cards as you want  |
|Hit Card   | I | 0 | 0  |to. The amount you discard will be added to the     |
|           |   |   |    |damage this attack does.                            |
|Energy Shot| I | 1 | 2  | -                                                  |
|Surprise   | I | 2 | 1  |Opponent will lose 2 GUTS if this damages           |
|Necromancy | I | 3 | 3  |This can't be dodged                                |
|Dove Bomb  | I | 3 | 2  |Damage to all opponent's monsters                   |
|Take Over  | S | o | -  |K.O. this monster to revive another K.O.ed monster  |
|           |   |   |    |of yours. Newly awake monster can't attack this turn|
|Ghost Rush | S | 2 | -  |This monster can use the skill cards as much as it  |
|           |   |   |    |wants to this turn                                  |
|In the Hat | B | 1 | -  |A POW or INT move is reduced to 0 damage            |

--> H E N G E R, 6-G

 Card Name  Type Cost Damage                  Notes
|Punch      | P | 1 | 2  | -                                                  |
|Kick       | P | 2 | 2  |2 kicks can be used at the same time                |
|Yoyo       | P | 3 | 2  |Opponent will lose 1 GUTS if this damages           |
|Fist Missle| P | 3 | 4  |If dodged, still 1/2 damage                         |
|Laser Sword| P | 5 | 5  |Opponent will lose 5 GUTS if this damages           |
|Final Blade| I | 3 | 8  |Can only be used if life points are 2 or less       |
|Laser      | I | 4 | 4  |If dodged, still 1/2 damage                         |
|BurstCannon| I | 5 | 8  | -                                                  |
|Transform  | I | 0 | -  |Changes monster from ground to air, or from air to  |
|           |   |   |    |ground, and draw one card                           |
|DodgeProgram S | 1 | -  |Choose a DGE card from discards and add to your hand|
|True Vision| D | 0 | -  |Dodges a POW or INT move that uses 2 or more GUTS   |
|Hyperspeed | D | 1 | -  |Dodges a POW or INT move                            |

--> M E W, 6-G

 Card Name  Type Cost Damage                  Notes
|Punch      | P | 1 | 2  |If dodged, still 1/2 damage                         |
|Head Butt  | P | 1 | 3  |If not dodged, 1 damage to this monster             |
|RushingPunch P | 2 | 2  |Twice damage to aerial monsters                     |
|Twiddling  | P | 4 | 3  |Damage to all opponent's monsters in the air        |
|HundredBlows P | 4 | 5  |Can't be dodged                                     |
|DivingPress| P | 4 | 6  |  -                                                 |
|Miaw       | I | 3 | 1  |Opponent will lose all GUTS if this damages         |
|Zap        | I | 4 | 4  |Can't be dodged                                     |
|Singing Cat| S | 0 | -  |Can use multiple breeder cards this turn            |
|Doll       | S | 0 | -  |This monster won't take any damage until next turn  |
|TolerantCat| B | 0 | -  |2 less damage from a POW move                       |
|Scaredy Cat| D | 1 | -  |Dodges a POW or INT move that uses 2 or more GUTS   |

--> P L A N T, 10-G

 Card Name  Type Cost Damage                  Notes
|Slap       | P | 0 | 1  | -                                                  |
|Jab        | P | 1 | 2  | -                                                  |
|Seed Gun   | P | 2 | 2  |Can be used multiple times during the same turn     |
|Root Attack| P | 2 | 3  |Can't target monsters in the air                    |
|Face Drill | P | 3 | 4  |Can't target monsters in the air                    |
|ToxicNectar| I | 3 | 2  |Opponent will lose 3 GUTS if this damages           |
|ToxicPollen| I | 4 | 2  |Opponent will lose 5 GUTS if this damages           |
|Life Steal | I | 6 | 3  |This monster gains life equal to damage of this move|
|Power of Sun S | 0 | -  |Use with POW or INT move. 2 less GUTS to play move  |
|Rootone    | S | 2 | -  |POW move is 2x as strong next turn. Ends if damaged |
|Leaf Zero  | B | 0 | -  |Exchange damage from POW move for 1/2 of life points|
|Take the Hit B | 1 | -  |2 less damage from POW or INT move                  |

--> W O R M, 9-G

 Card Name  Type Cost Damage                  Notes
|Tusk Slash | P | 3 | 3  |Does twice damage to monsters in the air            |
|Tail Lash  | P | 3 | 3  |2 tail lashes can be used at the same time          |
|Bite       | P | 3 | 3  |BLK moves will not lessen damage from this move     |
|Pierce     | P | 4 | 4  |If dodged, still 1/2 damage                         |
|Pinch Throw| P | 5 | 5  |Defending monster can't attack next turn if this hits
|RollAssault| P | 6 | 8  |If dodged, still 1/2 damage                         |
|Worm Hole  | P | 7 | 10 | -                                                  |
|Poison Gas | I | 5 | 3  |Damage to all monsters except self                  |
|Cocoon     | S | 0 | -  |Monster is restricted to use only "Emerge" card     |
|Emerge     | S | 0 | -  |Can only be used after "Cocoon" is played. Replace  |
|           |   |   |    |Worm with its sub-monster. It can't attack this turn|
|Shell      | B | 2 | -  |2 less damage from a POW move                       |
|Sidestep   | D | 2 | -  |Dodges a POW or INT move that uses 2 or more GUTS   |

--> D R A G O N, 8-G

 Card Name  Type Cost Damage                  Notes
|Tail Attack| P | 4 | 4  |If dodged, still 1/2 damage                         |
|Bite       | P | 4 | 6  | -                                                  |
|           |   |   |    |Must use with Tail Attack and Bite. The required    |
|Combination| P | 4 | 8  |GUTS and damage will be ignored for them. This gives|
|           |   |   |    |damage to all opponent's monsters                   |
|Wing Cutter| P | 5 | 4  |Damage to all opponent's monsters in the air        |
|SpinningClaw P | 5 | 5  |Defending monster can't attack next turn if this hits
|DragonPunch| P | 5 | 8  | -                                                  |
|Trample    | P | 7 | 12 | -                                                  |
|DragonCombo| P | 8 | 14 |If dodged, still 1/2 damage                         |
|Fire Breath| I | 4 | 3  |Damage to all opponent's monsters on the ground     |
|Throw Away | S | 0 | -  |Make opponent's monster aeriel for this turn. This  |
|           |   |   |    |monster may attack again this turn                  |
|Iron Scales| B | 0 | -  |3 less damage from a POW move                       |
|Fly Away   | D | 2 | -  |Dodges a POW move. This monster's POW and INT moves |
|           |   |   |    |are twice as strong next turn                       |

--> D U R A H A N, 7-G

 Card Name  Type Cost Damage                  Notes
|Cut-in-Two | P | 1 | 2  | -                                                  |
|Flash Slash| P | 2 | 4  |Can't target monsters in the air                    |
|MillionStabs P | 3 | 3  |Can't be dodged                                     |
|V Slash    | P | 3 | 5  | -                                                  |
|Slash Combo| P | 3 | 8  |Can only be used if life points are 2 or less       |
|DeathBringer P | 4 | 8  |If dodged, this does 3 damage to this monster       |
|Aerial Shot| I | 4 | 5  |Can't be dodged                                     |
|ThunderBolt| I | 4 | 7  | -                                                  |
|Meditate   | S | 0 | -  |Until next turn, any move opponent uses to lower    |
|           |   |   |    |GUTS will be inneffective                           |
|SilentStance S | 0 | -  |INT move is 2x as strong next turn. Ends if damaged |
|Shield     | B | 0 | -  |3 less damage from INT move                         |
|Parry      | B | 0 | -  |3 less damage from POW move                         |

--> Z I L L A, 10-G

 Card Name  Type Cost Damage                  Notes
|Scratch    | P | 2 | 2  |  -                                                 |
|BellyAttack| P | 3 | 3  |  -                                                 |
|Tail Lashes| P | 4 | 4  |If dodged, still 1/2 damage                         |
|Body Press | P | 5 | 8  |If dodged, this does 2 damage to this monster       |
|RollAssault| I | 6 | 10 |If dodged, this does 3 damage to this monster       |
|Sneeze     | I | 2 | 1  |Opponent will lose 1 GUTS if this damages           |
|Bubbles    | I | 5 | 1  |Opponent will lose all GUTS if this damages         |
|Tidal Wave | I | 7 | 4  |Damage to all monsters on the ground except this one|
|In Your    | S | 0 | -  |In the next turn, the opponent's monsters can't use |
| Face      |   |   |    |moves that damage other monsters of your team       |
|Blowhole   | B | 1 | -  |Puts all monsters on the team in the air except self|
|Nevermind  | B | 1 | -  |3 less damage from POW move                         |
|Bounce     | B | 4 | -  |Deflect the damage from a POW move to the attacking |
|           |   |   |    |monster. This won't deflect special effects         |

>>><<<>>><<<>>><<< Any Monster Skills >>><<<>>><<<>>><<<

 Card Name  Type Cost                         Notes
|Dodge      | D | 0 |Dodge POW or INT move and lose all of your GUTS          |
|Will Power | S | 1 |Makes POW or INT move twice as strong. Can only use if   |
|           |   |   |life points are 2 or less                                |
|Grit       | B | 2 |If monster is reduced to 0 life, this heals back to 1    |
|           |   |   |life. This skill can only be used once per monster.      |
|Critical   | S | 2 |Adds 2 damage to POW or INT move                         |
|Retreat    | D | 1 |All monsters in your team dodge a move that targets all  |
|           |   |   |of the monsters of your team                             |
|Grand End  | S | 0 |If deck is at 0 cards, POW or INT move becomes x3        |
|           |   |   |K.O. this monster. Take as many cards from the top of    |
|Good Luck  | S | 0 |your deck as equal to its remaining life points, and turn|
|           |   |   |them into GUTS. Can't use if not enough cards left       |
|Jump In    | B | 0 |Receive twice as much damage from a POW move. Next turn  |
|           |   |   |this monster's POW move is three times as strong         |
|Last Man   | S | 1 |If only one monster on your team remains, it may use as  |
|           |   |   |many skills as it wants to this turn                     |
|PO         | S | 1 |Can't use DGE or BLK cards this turn. Next turn a POW or |
|           |   |   |INT move this monster uses will be twice as strong       |
|Blow Away  | S | 0 |Makes opponent's monster impossible to attack next turn  |
|Concentrate| S | 1 |use with POW or INT move. Any DGE or BLK that uses 0 GUTS|
|           |   |   |can't be used                                            |
|Persistance| B | 1 |POW or INT move that lowers GUTS will be ineffective     |

>>><<<>>><<<>>><<< Breeder Cards >>><<<>>><<<>>><<<

 Card Name  Type Cost                         Notes
|Help       | P | 1 |(does 1 damage) Can't K.O. a monster with this move      |
|Mango      | S | 0 |Heals 1 damage for one of your monsters                  |
|           |   |   |At the beginning of the battle step, take the top 5 cards|
|Wild Rush  | S | 3 |from your deck and turn them into GUTS. Play no other    |
|           |   |   |cards this turn                                          |
|Cool Judge | E | 1 |Draw one card when you use this                          |
|Hot Battle | E | 2 |Adds 1 damage to all POW and INT moves played            |
|Excited    | E | 2 |2 less damage from all INT moves played                  |
|Encourage  | E | 3 |1 less GUTS needed to play a skill card                  |
|Nice Fight | E | 3 |If the final damage is 3 or less the POW or INT move is  |
|           |   |   |not allowed                                              |
|Confusion  | E | 4 |The top two cards of the deck are discarded at the       |
|           |   |   |beginning of each draw phase                             |
|Last Trump | S | 0 |Return 1 card to the deck, shuffle it and draw 1 card    |
|Fainted    | S | 5 |Both breeders GUTS are reduced to zero                   |
|Twinkling  | S | 4 |Can only play if there is one monster left on your team. |
|           |   |   |All cards remaining in deck are transformed into GUTS    |
|Reborn     | S | 2 |Bring a K.O.ed Pheonix to 4 life, it can't move this turn|
|Busy Time  | S | 0 |Return all GUTS cards to deck and shuffle it             |
|Powder     | S | 0 |Take 1 life from a monster on your team to draw 1 card   |
|Nuts Oil   | S | 2 |Use on a monster that has already played this turn. This |
|           |   |   |monster may play again this turn                         |
|Pride      | E | 2 |All mixed breed monsters can't use DGE cards against pure|
|           |   |   |bred monsters                                            |
|Awe        | E | 3 |Increases cost to play cards 1 GUTS point                |
|Ensnare    | E | 3 |No special moves are available for any monster           |
|Lock Tight | E | 3 |If the final damage is 4 or more the POW or INT move is  |
|           |   |   |not allowed                                              |
|Bad Weather| E | 3 |All monsters are now grounded. Return to original position
|           |   |   |when this card is removed                                |
|Arid Land  | E | 4 |At the end of attack phase, monsters on attacking team   |
|           |   |   |lose 1 life point                                        |
|Support    | S | 0 |Use this with a breeder card that uses 3 or less GUTS.   |
|           |   |   |The move isn't available without GUTS                    |
|Complicated| S | 1 |Defending monster can't attack next turn                 |
|Fake Cry   | S | 1 |Opponent will lose 1 GUTS                                |
|Refresh    | S | 1 |discard all cards and redraw 5 cards                     |
|Pray       | B | 0 |Will block an opponent's ENV card from being played      |
|Spark      | E | 2 |Adds 2 damage to all INT moves                           |
|Warp       | E | 3 |All monsters are now aerial. Return to original position |
|           |   |   |when this card is removed                                |
|Long Battle| E | 3 |Only 2 cards can be made into GUTS at each GUTS step     |
|Close Up   | E | 4 |After GUTS step, discard all cards remaining in hand     |

>>><<<>>><<<>>><<< Mixed Breed Monsters >>><<<>>><<<>>><<<

The 23 Mixed Breeds are interesting, since they allow you to share skill cards
between two or three different monsters. In the list below, the name of the
mixed breed is followed by the two pure breeds it is mixed from. The first name
is the monster that its attacks (POW and INT) and special moves (SPE) comes 
from. The second name is the monster that its defense (DGE and BLK) comes from. 
As an example, the mix breed Horn would use Suezo's attack skill cards, but use 
Tiger's defense skill cards.

Allure        (Pixie/Naga) 7 Aerial  
Angel         (Pixie/Gali) 7 Aerial  
Anki          (Dino/Golem) 7 Ground  
Bazula        (Naga/Gali) 7 Ground  
Big Blue      (Golem/Tiger) 7 Ground  
Black Henger  (Henger/Monol ) 7 Ground  
Corone        (Worm/Hare) 8 Ground  
Fairy Hare    (Hare/Pixie) 5 Ground  
Gentle Mocchi (Mocchi/???) 7 Ground  
Hare Hound    (Tiger/Hare) 6 Ground  
Horn          (Suezo/Tiger) 6 Ground  
Knight Mocchi (Mocchi/Durahan) 8 Ground  
Magna         (Golem/Worm) 7 Ground  
Melon Suezo   (Suezo/Dino) 6 Ground  
Mum Mew       (Mew/Pixie) 6 Ground  
Night Flyer   (Pixie/Worm) 7 Aerial  
Purple Jell   (Jell/Naga) 8 Ground  
Shell Dino    (Dino/Worm) 8 Ground  
Soboros       (Monol/Worm) 9 Aerial  
Stone Dragon  (Dragon/Golem) 8 Ground  
Suezo Mask    (Gali/Suezo) 7 Aerial  
Usaba         (Plant/Suezo) 9 Ground  
Vesuvius      (Durahan/Dragon) 7 Ground  

Moo           (Dragon/???) 8 Ground  -- Can only be obtained by winning all 
                                        other cards
Gray Wolf     (Tiger/???) 6 Ground   -- Impossible to obtain(?) without a
                                        GameShark code


The tournaments are held at the end (2/2) of every other month. Just for a
quick reference, here are the lists for the torunaments throughout the year.

January - A: Legend Cup            July      - A: Hero Cup
          B: Dragon Cup                        B: Ghost Cup
          C: Zilla Cup                         C: Worm Cup
          D: Breeder Cup                       D: Suezo Cup
          E: Hare Cup                          E: Naga Cup

March   - Group Battle:            September - A: King Cup
          Champion's Cup                       B: Mew Cup
          (A.K.A. The                          C: Jell Cup
          Pheonix Cup)                         D: Pixie Cup
          *Invite Only                         E: Golem Cup

May     - A: Premium Cup           November  - A: Victory Cup
          B: Plant Cup                         B: Durahan Cup
          C: Henger Cup                        C: Monol Cup
          D: Dino Cup                          D: Mocchi Cup
          E: Gali Cup                          E: Tiger Cup

                -------------Contact Info------------------

I can be reached at [email protected]

Please begin email subject lines with 'MRBCE2' 
(for MonsterRancherBattleCardEpisode2)

A future version of this FAQ/Walkthough will have to contain a FAQ section, so 
that I can continue to call this a FAQ/Walkthrough.  Send in your inquiries 
and tips!


At the present time, I myself, contributed 98% of the information presented
here, and the rest came through postings at - THANKS!

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