Cool Boarders 2 FAQ/Walkthrough - Guide for Cool Boarders 2

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        \/           \/           \/    \/           \/
\_____  \ 
 /  ____/ 
/       \ 
\_______ \

Game: Cool Boarders 2
Platform: Sony Playstation
Genre: Winter Sports
Producer: Sony Computer Entertainment America
Developer: UEP Systems
Author of this FAQ/Walkthrough: Armin Jewell
E-mail: arminjewell[at]yahoo[dot]com
Version: 1.0


1. Copyright Information
2. Revision History
3. Introduction
4. Controls
5. Moves
6. Characters
   i. Yaggi
   ii. Jin
   iii. Cindy
   iv. Irin
   v. Boss
   vi. Snowman
   vii. Gray
7. Boards
8. Courses
   a. Big Air Mode
      i. Stadium Kicker
      ii. Ice Fang
      iii. Titan’s Toe
   b. Freestyle and Competition Mode
      i. White Resort
      ii. Sunset Downhill
      iii. Bear in the Forest
      iv. Railroad Trip
      v. Take it Easy
      vi. Pipeline Canyon
      vii. Freezing Point
      viii. Winding River
      ix. Snow Ruins
      x. Dive Into The Cave (Freestyle only!)
   c. Other
      i. Half-pipe
      ii. Board Park
9. Walkthrough 
   a. Freestyle (Under Construction)
   b. Competition 
   c. Half-Pipe 
   d. Master Big Air 
10. Music
11. Secrets 
12. Thanks 

1. Copyright Information

Unpublished work Copyright 2002 Armin Jewell

This document is protected by US Copyright Law, and the Berne Copyright Convention 
of 1976.  It is for private and personal use only--it cannot be reprinted in part or 
in whole, or reproduced in any way or in any form (written or otherwise).  It is a 
free document that cannot be used in any sort of commercial transaction, including 
selling it or giving it away as a gift.  This FAQ cannot be referenced, altered, or 
used by anybody (including webmasters, publishers, and magazine staff) without my 
expressed written permission.  This FAQ was created and is owned by me, Armin Jewell 
.  All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged 
and respected that are not specifically mentioned herein.

2. Revision History

Version 2.3 – February 1, 2003

I added a new ASCII art, and I put the outline in for the rest of the walkthrough.

Version 2.2 – November 3, 2002

A added a new title.  Hope you like it.  Edited the Table of Contents a little bit.  

Version 2.1 – July 20, 2002

Finished the half-pipe section as well as the master big air section.  Finished 
Sunset Downhill in Freestyle mode.

Version 2.0 – July 12, 2002

Sorry for the long pause in the updating, had stuff to do.  Started the half-pipe 
section and the master big-air section.  Updated the freestyle mode and competition 
mode (sorry for the bad information!)  Edited some typos and such.

Version 1.0 – June 26, 2002

Started my first faq! Created a basic shell for all the things I want to put in it.  
Finished Moves, Controls, Characters, Boards, Courses, Music, and Secrets and 
Shortcuts.  Started the walkthrough.

3. Introduction

This is my first faq for an outstanding game in cool boarders 2.  It is quite 
possibly one of the best snowboarding games in terms of quality of gameplay.  It is 
a little lacking in the graphics department, but it is understandable as it came out 
in 1997.  If anyone has any questions about the game, or suggestions on how I could 
improve this faq or what I could add and you will get proper credit.

4. Controls

The controls in this game are very easy to get used to, unless you have played other 
snowboarding or trick-related games very recently.  Even so, it will only take about 
5-10 minutes to get the basic idea of what controls are important and are used a lot.

Turn – D-pad left/right
- The basic turning control.  It will only slow you down a little bit.  

Sharp Turn – Square + D-pad left/right
- A sharp turn that will slow you down greatly, and is needed in many parts of the 

Jump - X
- The basic jumping control.  Keep in mind that you can’t move once you press and 
hold X.  The longer you hold it, the higher you will jump.

Weight Shift – D-pad up
- This will make it so you don’t jump with moguls, but you will slow down very 

Tuck Position – D-pad down
- This is very useful in the game as it sometimes makes the difference between you 
going faster than the opponent or going the same speed.

Change Stance – L1/R1
- Will change your stance from goofy to regular or regular to goofy.  Not very 
useful in the game except when you must perform a fakie trick, which is when it is 
opposite of the rider’s preferred stance.

Change View - Triangle
-This will change the camera angle.  There are two angles, one is behind the 
boarder, the other is the rider’s point of view.

Rail Slide (Grind) – R1/L1 
- This will grind your board on to a rail, which can lead to combos, but you lose a 
lot of speed on the rails.  To keep your balance on the rails and when being bumped 
by another player, press left and right on the d-pad to balance yourself.  Grinding 
rails is also useful when taking shortcuts in Pipeline Canyon and other levels as 

5. Moves

Moves are the biggest part of the game obviously.  Doing moves by themselves is 
simple enough, but putting them together into combos gets trickier.  When you see an 
arrow connecting two buttons that means you have to press and hold the first button 
and then press the second button.  Here is a simple list of the grabs, spins, and 
flips you can do.


Shifty – L1
Lien Air – Down + R1
Indy Grab – Up + R2
Mute – Up + R1
Stalefish – Down + R2
Method – Down + L2
Nose Grab – Tap Up + Hold Up + R1 
Tail Grab – Tap Down + Hold Down + R2
Shuffle – L1®L2
Indy Nosebone – Up + R2®L2
Tweak – Down + R1®L1
Stiffie – Up + R1®L2
Melancholy – Down + R1®L2

Spins and Flips

- Spin right/left – When holding down X to jump, hold down right/left on the D-pad.  
When you jump, release X and keep on holding the D-pad right/left to spin in that 

- Front/Back flip – When holding X to jump, hold down up/down on the D-pad.  When 
you jump, release X and keep on holding up to front flip or down to back flip.

- Misty – When holding X to jump, hold down a diagonal on the D-pad.  For example, 
hold down, right-down, right-up, left-down, or left-up.  When you jump, release X 
and keep on holding the diagonal on the D-pad to do a misty.

6. Characters

The characters in this game are very well done, and they a character for every type 
of gamer.  At the beginning you start out with four characters.  One of them is good 
at tricks, one has a lot of speed, one has a lot of balance, and the last one was a 
little bit of everything.  There are three secret characters and they are well worth 
All characters will follow this format: 


Rank – The best being 1, and the worst being 7. 


Description: Yaggi is a trickster with good jumping and technique.  He is also 
pretty quick and accelerates pretty fast on his board.  He lacks some balance and 
power, and has a low top speed.  He is very good for beginners.

Jump: | | | | | |
Balance: | | | |
Technique: | | | | | | | |
Quickness: | | | | | |
Power: | | | |
Maximum Speed: | |

Rank: 3/7


Description:  Jin is very strong and has lots of power and rises up to a high 
maximum speed.  He can perform pretty good tricks, but his balance prevents him from 
landing any of them.  Only experts should use him.

Jump: | | | |
Balance: |
Technique: | | | |
Quickness: | |
Power: | | | | | | | |
Maximum Speed: | | | | | | | | | |

Rank: 6/7


Description:  She is, I think, the worst player in the game.  She is well rounded in 
all categories, but that means she lacks in all categories.  Her strongest stats are 
technique, quickness and maximum speed, which makes her a tough opponent when she is 
a CPU since she has pretty good acceleration _and_ top speed.  She is easy to handle 
and is good for beginners.

Jump: | | | |
Balance: | | 
Technique: | | | | | | 
Quickness: | | | | | |
Power: | | | |
Maximum Speed: | | | | | |

Rank: 7/7


Description:  She has lots of balance and has a reasonable amount of technique, 
which makes her a good rider to learn the game with.  Eventually though, her lack of 
power and max speed get exposed, and new characters with much higher technique come 
in, making her yesterday’s news.  She is the best player for beginners.

Jump: | | | | |
Balance: | | | | | | | | | |
Technique: | | | | | |
Quickness: | | | | | | | | | |
Power: | | 
Maximum Speed: | |  

Rank: 5/7


Description:  The best player in the game, and usually the second secret character 
that people earn.  BTW, all secret characters have their own boards except for 
Boss.  For information on how to get Boss, look in the Secrets section.  Anyway, he 
is basically an advanced version of Cindy.  He has good stats all around and he can 
make the score light up.  He is good for intermediate players because his power can 
be mishandled and if the beginners are used to people like Irin or Cindy, than they 
will have a slightly harder time changing to him.

Jump: | | | | | | | |
Balance: | | | | | | | 
Technique: | | | | | | | |
Quickness: | | | | | | | | | |
Power: | | | | | | | |
Maximum Speed: | | | | | | | |

Rank: 1/7


Description:  It looks so much like a woman with the bow, but they called it a 
snowman anyway.  He is usually the first secret character people get.  Check the 
Secrets section for information on how to get him.  This character is all about 
speed.  His board is a frying pan. I’m a big fan of tricks and not too much a fan on 
speed, so that’s why he is ranked lower than Yaggi.  You will be lucky if you land a 
360.  That’s how bad he is at tricks.  This character is also hard to control 
because he can get up to monstrous speeds.  He is very useful for trying to get the 
time gold trophy in Freestyle mode.

Jump: | | | |
Balance: None
Technique : | |
Quickness: | | | | | | | | | |
Power: | | | | | | | | | |
Maximum Speed: | | | | | | | | | |

Rank: 4/7


Description:  Probably the hardest to get secret character, but definitely well 
worth the effort.  Check the Secrets section on how to get him.  He is an alien with 
a UFO for a board and he is all about tricks.  You thought that pulling off an 1800 
was a miracle, wait till you see Gray pull off a 4500.  Because of that, he makes up 
for his lake in power and maximum speed.  He is good for intermediate players.

Jump: | | | | | | | |
Balance: | | | | | | | | | |
Technique: | | | | | | | | | |
Quickness: | | | | | | | | | |
Power: | |
Maximum Speed: |

Rank: 2/7

7. Boards

One of the best parts of the game is the boards.  You can choose from three 
different types of boards to suit your needs.  Freestyle, All-Around, and Alpine.  
There are also three different kinds of boards within these categories that you can 
pick their look from several choices.  Or, you can make your own board, which is 
really cool.  The boards have three different stats.  Maximum speed is obviously how 
fast it goes.  Response is how well your board with react and when doing tricks, or 
how cooperative it is.  Stability affects how you land, or when you get pushed 
over.  And yes, there are secret boards.  To find how to get the secret boards, look 
in the Secrets section.


As you can tell by the name, these boards are designed to do tricks and consequently 
are not very fast.

Type 1 Stats
Maximum Speed: | 
Response: | | | | | | | | | |
Stability: | | | | | | | | | |

Type 2 Stats
Maximum Speed: | 
Response: | | | | | | | | | 
Stability: | | | | | | | | | 

Type 3 Stats
Maximum Speed: | |
Response: | | | | | | | |
Stability: | | | | | | | |

Maximum Speed: | | | |
Response: | | | | | | | | | |
Stability: | | | | | | | | | |


Again, the name tells all.  It is a mix between a freestyle and alpine board. It is 
pretty much a little bit of everything, and they are key to winning in a competition.

Type 1 Stats
Maximum Speed: | | | 
Response: | | | | | |
Stability: | | | | | 

Type 2 Stats
Maximum Speed: | | | |
Response: | | | | | 
Stability: | | | |

Type 3 Stats
Maximum Speed: | | | | | 
Response: | | | |
Stability: | | | |

Maximum Speed: | | | | | | | 
Response: | | | | | |
Stability: | | | | | 


Alpine boards are just fast, they don’t have much response or stability, and they 
are made for race, not for tricks.

Type 1 Stats
Maximum Speed: | | | | | |
Response: | | | 
Stability: | |

Type 2 Stats
Maximum Speed: | | | | | | | 
Response: | |
Stability: | |

Type 3 Stats
Maximum Speed: | | | | | | | | 
Response: | 
Stability: | 

Maximum Speed: | | | | | | | | | 
Response: | | | 
Stability: | |


Big Air Courses

These courses are available in the big air contest and in competition mode.

Stadium Kicker
Length: 333 ft.
Maximum Slope: 20.0 degrees
Description:  The standard big air jump.  It is hard to get a lot of points on it, 
but practice makes perfect.

Ice Fang
Length: 666 ft.
Maximum Slope: 37.0 degrees
Description: A very good jump to practice your tricks.  If you move slightly to the 
left at the beginning of it then you can jump off the higher part of the jump and 
get more air.

Titan’s Toe
Length: 500 ft.
Maximum Slope: 48.0 degrees
Description:  It is a half-pipe jump, and you can get some huge air and spins off of 
it.  I once got a 5400 with Gray on it.  But you have to jump at the right time to 
get the maximum amount of air.

Freestyle and Competition Courses
This is where you will spend most of your gaming time.  There are nine regular 
courses and one secret course.  The nine courses are unlocked by playing them in 
competition, so they aren’t really secret.  The tenth one is secret.  Look in the 
Secrets section to find out how to unlock it. (BTW, the lower the number for the 
difficulty ranking, the easier it is)

White Resort
Length: 8809 ft.
Maximum Slope: 28.4 degrees
Average Slope: 10.8 degrees
Official Time: 1’45”000
Description: The first course and definitely an easy one.  Lots of time to prepare 
for the jumps most of the time, and lots of straight and relatively flat ground.  
The only problems someone might have is in the sharp turns halfway through the 
Difficulty Rank: 1/10

Sunset Downhill
Length: 9803 ft.
Maximum Slope: 32.2 degrees
Average Slope: 10.8 degrees
Official Time: 2’00”000
Description:  A fairly easy course, and definitely getting harder.  It is a big jump 
from White Resort, but it should be pretty easy to handle.  Watch out for the ice 
which makes you go faster but it makes turning harder.
Difficulty Rank: 3/10

Bear In the Forest
Length: 10400 ft.
Maximum Slope: 49.6 degrees
Average Slope: 29.4 degrees
Official Time: 1’53”000
Description:  Almost everyone can agree that they hate this course.  With the 
unpredictable trees everywhere (it is actually the same every time but hard to 
memorize ALL of it) and a very intimidating cliff.  It is a very hard course because 
not only do you have to dodge the trees, but you also have to go off the jump, and 
sometimes you don’t see it until you are already off of it.  Also, the cliff after 
the first set of trees kills many people’s attempts at beating the time record, or 
winning a race.  It is a very difficult course for early off.
Difficulty Rank: 7/10

Railroad Trip
Length: 9233 ft.
Maximum Slope: 34.0 degrees
Average Slope: 23.5 degrees
Official Time: 2’14”000
Description: This level is fairly easy, but it adds some places that are hard.  You 
are warned somewhat about that jumps, and it is fairly easy turning.  Remember to 
jump over the gaps that don’t have a bottom and not just ride the jump over it 
because you will fall in.
Difficulty Rank: 4/10

Take it Easy
Length: 5580 ft.
Maximum Slope: 34.9 degrees
Average Slope: 22.6 degrees
Description:  Do as the title says, because this one is pretty easy for the later 
levels.  Not much turning done, the straight downhill can cause some problems with 
the narrow sides, but that’s about it.  Getting through the trees at the bottom is 
super easy if you beat Bear in the Forest.
Difficulty Rank: 4/10

Pipeline Canyon
Length: 12833 ft.
Maximum Slope: 41.3 degrees
Average Slope: 30.8 degrees
Official Time: 2’30”000
Description:  This is where the levels start to get a little harder.  There are a 
lot more turns, a lot less time to think about what you are going to do and there 
are a lot of obstacles in the way.  There are also a lot of cliffs.  It might sound 
bad, but it is not as bad as it sounds and it is still pretty easy.
Difficulty Rank: 6/10

Freezing Point
Length: 12246 ft.
Maximum Slope: 49.8 degrees
Average Slope: 40.1 degrees
Official Time: 2’08”000
Description:  Good luck with this one.  This is in my opinion the hardest level in 
the game.  It is so fast and it has many sharp turns and cliffs.  Everything is ice 
and the jumps come up on you almost instantly.  It is really hard, and it takes A 
LOT of practice to go down the course and get the medals.  See if you can go down 
the course without falling.  Good luck.
Difficulty Rating: 10/10

Winding River
Length: 9833 ft.
Maximum Slope: 34.7 degrees
Average Slope: 29.6 degrees
Official Time: 1’55”000
Description: This level is actually pretty easy for a higher level.  Not many sharp 
turns, lots of open terrain, and pretty good warning on the jumps except for one 
especially in the tunnel.  The trees also can complicate things, but all in all it 
is fairly easy.
Difficulty Rating: 6/10

Snow Ruins
Length: 8880 ft.
Maximum Slope: 62.7 degrees
Average Slope: 46.2 degrees
Official Time: 2’06”000
Description:  This is the highest level except for the secret one, so you’ve got to 
expect it to be challenging.  Keeping that in mind, it is a frustrating course.  It 
doesn’t look that hard, but looks are definitely deceiving.  There are many, many 
steep drops that require precise turning.  It is pretty easy to do tricks, as they 
are set up at the end of long flat parts of the run.  All in all it is a tough 
course, but very do-able.
Difficulty Rating: 9/10

Dive Into The Cave
Length: 4316 ft.
Maximum Slope: 58.5 degrees
Average Slope: 30.2 degrees
Official Time: 1’05”000
Description:  This is the secret level.  By the way, you don’t play this level in 
Competition, but you play it only in Freestyle.  It is actually pretty hard, but 
once you can beat the level it becomes a lot of fun, to see how many points you can 
get off of the last HUGE ass jump!!  I have gotten 1842 with Gray, so try to beat 
Difficulty Rating: 8/10


Length: 800 ft.
Inclination: 20 degrees
Width: 83 ft.
Wall Height: 20 ft.
Transition: 26 ft.
Description:  It is obviously not that hard to complete the level, but to –beat- the 
level is very hard.  The way to beat the level is to get the secret character from 
it by scoring a certain amount of points, which can all be found in the Secrets 
section.  The difficulty would be 10/10, but you can complete the level by just 
riding down the middle.
Difficulty Level: 7/10

Board Park
Length: 7833 ft.
Maximum Slope: 36.0 degrees
Average Slope: 12.4 degrees
Description:  The beginner’s course.  You should go here only if you want to get mad 
air for fun, or if you are beginning and want to try out the controls.  A very good 
course for learning, and it is super easy and it doesn’t go very fast, with a slope 
of only 12.4°.
Difficulty Rating: 0/10


This is probably what you’ve all been waiting for, and is the bulk of my faq.  I 
will give hints on how to complete each of the levels, as well as my advice on who 
to use and what board to use.  You can choose to take my advice or not, I don’t 
care, but I will give you it if you are struggling in the game.

Freestyle Mode

This mode is for people who want to do the levels on their own and race only the 
clock and....the point totals.  Or, it’s for people who want to complete the game.  
This is the place to explore the levels before you do them in competition, but it is 
also a place to unlock a character, and unlock all of the other boards.  BTW, the 
gold medal for trick and total is the same for every level.  I will still post it on 
every level, but keep that in mind.

White Resort

Gold Medal in Time: Better than 1’45”000
Gold Medal in Trick: Better than 2500
Gold Medal in Total: Better than 5000
Shortcuts: No

Personally, I would go first and get Boss from competition mode, because it becomes 
so much easier to complete the levels.  But if you can’t do that, then start out 
with Yaggi on the first run.  Depending on what metals you are going for read on 

Gold Medal in Time:  Here are the basic rules for racing for time medals.  Rule one: 
NEVER jump unless there is a cliff with no bottom.  It slows you down too much.  
Second rule: Hold “Down” on the D-pad as much as possible.  It will make a big 
enough difference to maybe even win or lose.  But, the problem with that, is that 
you must keep on holding down.  If you quickly let go and press it again during the 
jump, he will try to do a back flip.  So avoid changing your grip on it during a 
jump.  And finally rule 3: never press up.  Never, there is not a time were you 
would need to do that.  There might be sometimes were it is nice, but you don’t need 
to.  Keep your finger away from that button.

I would use Yaggi and an Alpine board type 1 for the first time medal.  As soon as 
you see Yaggi at the gate hold down so you can get lots of speed.  Remember not to 
jump of the first jump, and ignore the announcers jeering.  Keep going straight 
until you turn, you might have to let up a little on the down button to get the 
turn, and make sure you don’t hit the walls here.  Once you pass the second 
checkpoint, it will get narrower, but it is no big deal, just keep on following the 
path left until you see your path going into a wall.  At this point, let go of the 
down button and move towards the right hand side of the screen so you don’t hit the 
corner.  Quickly sharp turn left, then right, and the jump should be in front of 
you.  But you aren’t jumping off it of course.  Keep holding the down button and 
hold down left to get into the tunnel with out scraping the outside wall.  When you 
get to the tunnel, you might have to let go of down for a few seconds turning 
right.  Once out of the tunnel only a jump stands in the way of you completing the 
level, and hopefully breaking the time record. 

Gold Medal in Trick:  It is pretty easy to get a gold medal in trick, seeing as it 
is the first level. You start off and immediately press X and left or right to spin 
to get ready to jump.  You won’t hit the tree.  When you jump, you should get at 
least a 540, and try to add two tricks, no matter how bad, it helps a lot.  You 
should get from 500-600, depending on how good your grabs are.  Now hold down and 
gain as much speed as you can.  As soon as you see the next jump, and you are lined 
up, you should hold X, because hopefully, you can do a misty, or even two misties if 
you have Boss.  Your goal is to get about 900-1000 points.  The reason you need such 
high points is that basically there is three jumps you need to worry about in this 
level, in that two of them are very quick and sudden and take a lot of practice to 
get a good move off.  But, to win, you do need about 250-350 points on the next two 
jumps.  After the, hopefully, 1000 point jump, continue on until you get to the 
third jump, which is after the two sharp turns.  All you need here is 250-350 
points, so spin as much as you can and do a tweak or melancholy.  A 360 melancholy 
would be great at this point.  After that keep on going until you have your sharp 
turn right.  Sharp turn so much that you almost stop close to the left wall.  
Quickly then, face the jump and hold X to get as much air as possible.  If you fell, 
or got a low score on the last jump, here is a chance to redeem your self.  For the 
last jump, it depends on how well you did during the rest of the course.  If you 
scored toward the lower end of my ranges, you need to get around 600.  If you were 
at the higher end, you need a mere 300 points.  For 600 points on a jump, I would do 
the same thing as the first jump, but with more spin or better grabs.  For 300 
points, I would spin and do a tweak or melancholy.  With these guidelines, you can 
easily get up to 2500 points for the gold.

Gold Medal in Total:  Getting a gold metal in total on the first level is very 
simple.  Just go for tricks, but don’t fall.  Don’t worry about the clock, it is 
your friend.  Try to get around 3000 points in about 1’55”000 and you will get that 
gold metal.  A way to get 3000 points would be to step up the performance in the 
two “bad” jumps, for example, get 450 on each instead of 300 and that’s 300 more 
already.  Also, instead of going for what you need on the last jump, go for 700 or 
800.  It very easy as long as you get lots of trick points.

Sunset Downhill

Gold Medal in Time: 1’48”000
Gold Medal in Trick: 2500
Gold Medal in Total: 5000
Shortcuts: No

Gold Medal in Time:  This course is also very easy to complete.  But, it is harder 
than White Resort; so don’t get your hopes up.  Again, unless you have any other 
secret characters, use Yaggi.  Even though he isn’t the fastest one, to me he is the 
easiest to control, and I got the most comfortable with him.  That is very 
important.  I would use an Alpine Type 1 board.  

You start out going over a jump, then you get to a sharp turn up ahead, and this 
little section can really change your time.  It is a sharp turn left, then right and 
then left again.  If you do well here, you will do very well.  To do this section 
well just TAP the square button in the direction you want to go and you should be 
able to make it through there without a scratch.  Continue on until you get to the 
HIGH jump.  Continue on top of the ice, and stay to the left, you will have to turn 
kind of sharply on the ice, so use the square button as appropriate.  When you get 
to the first logs, stay to the left and go through that opening.  With the next set 
of logs, go over to the right through the opening, and jump over the single log.  
This is the easiest way for me.  Continue on through the checkpoint and you will see 
a very steep cliff.  Hold down and stay towards the middle, careful not to fall!  
After that, stay on the inside of the rising mound to insure that you don’t fall 
off.  Just keep on going through the rest of the course, turning regularly.  You 
don’t need to turn sharply, but you can let off of the down button to get the turn 
you need.  You should be able to get it fairly easily.

Gold Medal In Trick:  For the first jump, at the start of the run, hold down what 
you decide to do for a trick.  It is very easy to do even a 720 off this jump, so 
shoot as high as you can, and restart if you fall.  For the next jump, try to guess 
where the jump is going to be before you see it and hold X to get a better jump.  
This just comes with practice.  You should get about 1000 points on this one, since 
it is high and gives you lots of prep time.  For the next jump, try to get around 
500-600.  After you do this, you are pretty much at 2500, so the next jump needs a 
360 grab or something to get over 2500.  This is a very easy course to get 2500 on.

Gold Medal in Total:  Basically, go for the extra mile points wise.  It is very easy 
to score upwards of 3500 points if you have Boss or even better Gray.  If you get 
about 3250 and a decent time of about 1’55”000 then you should be fine for the total 
part of this course.

Bear In The Forest

Gold Medal In Time: 1’43”000
Gold Medal In Trick: 2500
Gold Medal In Total: 5000

Gold Medal In Time: Using Yaggi is recommended again especially this time because 
you need lots and lots of control to be able to get through this course.  I would 
again recommend an Alpine Type 1 board, but if you feel you can’t control it, you 
can change to a board with more handling.

You start out in the beginning and you must turn right, then left to a pretty high 
jump.  Again, like all times in this game, do not jump unless it is needed to get 
over a cliff or something like that.  So then you will land and in front of you will 
be a sea of trees.  This part is nothing compared to what is coming ahead.

Railroad Trip

Gold Medal In Time: 1’59”000
Gold Medal In Trick: 2500
Gold Medal In Total: 5000

Gold Medal In Time: 

Take It Easy

Gold Medal In Time: 1’05”000
Gold Medal In Trick: 2500
Gold Medal In Total: 5000

Gold Medal In Time: 

Pipeline Canyon

Gold Medal In Time: 2’18”000
Gold Medal In Trick: 2500
Gold Medal In Total: 5000

Gold Medal In Time: 

Freezing Point

Gold Medal In Time: 2’05”000
Gold Medal In Trick: 2500
Gold Medal In Total: 5000

Gold Medal In Time: 

Winding River

Gold Medal In Time: 1’46”000
Gold Medal In Trick: 2500
Gold Medal In Total: 5000

Gold Medal In Time: 

Snow Ruins

Gold Medal In Time: 1’58”000
Gold Medal In Trick: 2500
Gold Medal In Total: 5000

Gold Medal In Time: 

Dive Into The Cave

Gold Medal In Time: 0’58”000
Gold Medal In Trick: 2500
Gold Medal In Total: 5000

Gold Medal In Time: 

Competition Mode

Competition mode is the essence of Cool Boarders 2.  Many people get frustrated as I 
did, until it became easy.  I will give you advice on what board I think you should 
use and I will also give guidelines in what score to shoot for in the trick section 
of the competition, and for the racing, see my Freestyle walkthrough for getting a 
gold medal in time.  Remember, though, DO NOT restart the competition if you got 
second or third and you are still way in the lead.  Even though I make it sound like 
it, you don’t have to get first in every race.  I have never even done that.  Also, 
if you decide not to take my advice, never use Freestyle Type 2, because Type 1 is 
better in two categories and the same in the other category, so it is pointless.

Stage 1
Big Air Course: Stadium Kicker
Racing Course: White Resort
Recommended Board: Freestyle Type 3
Recommended Rider: Yaggi

In competition mode, you can’t use secret characters, so Yaggi is the best bet.  
Keep in mind, once you choose him, you can’t change who you are later.  Anyways, all 
I would do here is spin, but if you spin from the start, you will crash.  So as soon 
as you can hear Yaggi’s snowboard “wooshing” against the snow, hold down a 
directional button to spin.  It is also when the beeper to start going stops.  If 
you do it correctly, you should land and get a score of around 550, which is enough 
at this stage of the game.  Also: DO NOT DO ANY GRABS.  If you do, you will crash, 
even with just a shifty.  You don’t need to get first place, and if you are good 
enough, you can start in 4th place at the LEAST and still win.  But if you did what 
I explained here, then you should be in first or second place at the start of the 
race.  If you have any questions about this, email me at [email protected].

Stage 2
Big Air Course: Stadium Kicker
Racing Course: Sunset Downhill 
Recommended Board: Freestyle Type 3

In competition mode, you can’t use secret characters, so Yaggi is the best bet.  All 
I would do here is spin, but if you spin from the start, you will crash.  So as soon 
as you can hear Yaggi’s snowboard “wooshing” against the snow, hold down a 
directional button to spin.  It is also when the beeper to start going stops.  If 
you do it correctly, you should land and get a score of around 550, which is enough 
at this stage of the game.  Also: DO NOT DO ANY GRABS.  If you do, you will crash, 
even with just a shifty, because it always takes to long.  I would aim for starting 
in the top 3.  
Stage 3
Big Air Course: Ice Fang
Racing Course: Bear in the Forest
Recommended Board: Freestyle Type 3

A new big air place!! Yay!  I really hate stadium kicker.  But anyway, there is a 
secret here that is very easy to do.  As soon as you see Yaggi and you can control 
him, hold down left and X.  He should inch slightly left and eventually go off the 
higher part of the jump, and spin.  You can also do grabs at the beginning of the 
jump, as long as you don’t start your grabs too late.  Doing this will ensure a 
start in first or second place.


Stage 4
Big Air Course: Ice Fang
Racing Course: Railroad Trip
Recommended Board: Freestyle Type 3

As soon as you see Yaggi and you can control him, hold down left and X.  He should 
inch slightly left and eventually go off the higher part of the jump, and spin.  
Also, do grabs at the beginning of the jump, as long as you don’t start your grabs 
too late.  If you don’t do grabs, your chances of getting first place are slim, as 
Boss is heating up now and doing well.  Doing this will ensure a start in first or 
second place.

Stage 5
Big Air Course: Stadium Kicker
Racing Course: Take it Easy
Recommended Board: Freestyle Type 3

This is actually pretty hard.  Boss is doing mad tricks of 750 off of the jumps now 
so you must compare.  So that means you can’t just spin anymore.  Use the same 
strategies and spin, but you must also fit in two NORMAL grabs, like a Mute to a 
Stalefish.  Trying to do a Mute to a Tweak or Stalefish to Indy Nosebone will result 
in a crash; you just don’t have enough time to do three-button tricks (except for 
tail and nose grabs).  You don’t need to get first after the big air section, 
because it is a pretty easy course, and you should be able to move up one or two 
places in the race.

Stage 6
Big Air Contest: Titan’s Toe
Racing Course: Pipeline Canyon
Recommended Board: Freestyle Type 1

A new board!!  Crazy!  You now need to change boards to the highest response and 
stability, because you have to be free to pull off whatever tricks you want to get 
the highest points you can.  If you want to, you can try doing misties now.  
Remember with this board always do at least TWO grabs.  The competition is getting 
fierce and you must do the same.  Titan’s Toe is a very easy course to get high 
points on.  From the beginning, try to do a misty.  You could be able to three 
misties if you jump off it right, but otherwise it will only be two misties.  If you 
are good enough at this course, you can start in third place and still win easily.


Stage 7
Big Air Contest: Stadium Kicker
Racing Course: Freezing Point
Recommended Board: Freestyle Type 1

You do not know how frustrating this is.  It is very nice of them to put the save 
point right before this because this takes lots of practice to get first in.  First 
of all, on the jump, Boss and Irin are doing 800s, so you need to pull off something 
like a 1080 Method to Stalefish, which would be ideal in this situation.  Remember 
to use the same trick that I told you about.  For the second jump, try a misty with 
a grab.  You can also practice on that course to get the timing right on your 
misties.  You MUST get first in the big air section of this race.  If you can get 
first, you can now start worrying about getting first in race.  I know it is a tough 
course, and you have the slowest board for a reason.  Anything faster for a beginner 
would be way too much to handle.  For a professional at this game, you can use an 
alpine board, but good luck getting first place after starting in eighth place.  You 
get the point.  Starting in first is very big on this course, and if you do that, 
just pray that you won’t fall, too many times.

Stage 8
Big Air Course: Ice Fang 
Racing Course: Winding River
Recommended Board: Freestyle Type 1

This level is probably the easiest of all other ones after the last save point.  
Many people I know have had problems with it, but for me, it is a cinch.  You do 
need to get a good amount of points, not really a problem with a Freestyle Type 1, 
but you need to do good spins + good tricks to do well, maybe even do flips and 
misties, if you can time it right.  If you can get in the top three, you should be 
able to get first.

Stage 9
Big Air Course: Titan’s Toe
Racing Course: Snow Ruins
Recommended Board: Freestyle Type 1

The creators of this game give you a gift here.  Sure, the course is hard and can 
cause lots of problems and can get frustrating, but the big air jump makes it MUCH 
MUCH easier to get first in this place.  I consider this place an automatic first 
place with what you can do on the jumps.  Just do misties and grabs like the other 
time you were on Titan’s Toe.  After this, if you got first, you will unlock all the 
courses and unlock the mirror mode in both freestyle and competition mode.  
Congratulations!  You have just completed Competition mode.

Half-Pipe Mode

Half-pipe is, in my opinion, the hardest part of the game.  It took me 
sooooooooooooo long to finally get over 37.5 with a score of 38.2.  You should be 
able to do from 8 jumps to 12 jumps in the course.    You have to balance it out 
with several different categories in which you are judged on.  You get scored from a 
rank of 1.0 to 10.0 with 10.0 being the best.  Maybe in a future revision, I will 
create an ideal run for getting over 37.5.  If anyone needs help and is stuck, e-
mail me with questions at [email protected].  The categories that you get judged 
on and their descriptions are:

-Standard Maneuvers: This is basically doing the grabs.  Technically, it is a 
technique that is not a spin of any kind.  This forces people to use a variety of 
grabs.  Repetitive grabs lower your points, and when you try to do the best trick, 
you usually go for the same grabs. 

-Rotation:  How much you spin.  You can’t do too much spin though; otherwise your 
score will go down.  I don’t recommend doing more than one flip, if that, because 
they don’t help you much in rotation.

-Amplitude: How fast and how high you go.  Try to go as fast and high as possible, 
all the time.  This will give you a high score in amplitude, one of the easier 
categories to get 10.0 on.

-Landing:  Obviously, how well you land.  Basically, if you want to get over 37.5 
you cannot fall.  You might be able to fall once if you do everything else perfectly 
with lots of speed and height.

-Technical Merit: How accurate your jumps are.  This one kind of confuses me, but 
just do well in all other categories and usually this one will follow also.

Master Big Air

Master Big Air is a good place to practice your tricks, with a little pressure, with 
a reward for doing over 100 tricks.  You get a ranking for how many “cool” tricks 
you can perform.  If you get over 100 you are a “Cool Boarder!!”  There are other 
rankings too, and maybe I’ll get around to those in a later revision.  You 
automatically use Yaggi you don’t have any choice.  I think the board is Freestyle 
Type 1, because this is the only normal board that can do the tricks you need to 
do.  The tricks vary in order, and I will try to list them all in as close of order 
as I can.  For every trick that you do, you gain 10 seconds.  A couple hints first 

-Always do more than you have to on spins and misties.  You never have to do double 
front or back flips.  For example, a lot of times it says a 180 grab to grab.  You 
can do an 1800 if you can and it will still count.  Or for a misty 540, a misty 720 
will work just fine.

-On the last tricks that require lots of spin or a 720 misty, don’t be afraid to 
fall on purpose on a jump and get an “uncool.”  Falling down will usually slow you 
down enough so you can hold down X long enough to do a misty 720, or a big spin.

-It can get frustrating.  Do not throw a fit.  With practice, it will eventually 
work and you will get gray.

-When doing misties, if they don’t tell you front or backside, it is a frontside 
because they will always tell you id it is a backside misty.

Here is a sample run.  It varies the most in how much spin you must do.  After 100 
jumps, you can continue doing tricks, but they won’t get harder.  The trick after 
100 tricks is that the trick will disappear after they show it to you, until you get 
another “uncool.”  It is hard to explain.

F___=Frontside (how much spin)
B___=Backside (how much spin)
Bflip=Back flip
Bmisty=Backside Misty
*=Shows you how to do the trick before you attempt one.
**=The clock starts at the start of this jump.

-Lien Air*
-Indy Grab*
-Mute Grab*
-Fakie to Shifty*
-Misty 180
-F180 Shifty
-Tail Grab
-Indy Nosebone
-Fakie to Stiffie
-F180 Mute Grab
-B180 Indy Grab
-F180 Lien Air
-Fakie to B180 Stalefish
-Bflip Indy Grab
-F180 Method
-BFlip Indy Grab
-F180 Method
-Flip Mute Grab
-Misty 180 Lien Air
-Flip Nose Grab
-Misty 180 Lien Air
-Flip Nose Grab
-F180 Nose Grab
-B180 Tail Grab
-Bflip Tail Grab
-F180 Indy Nosebone
-B180 Stiffie 
-Flip Melancholy
-Bflip Shuffle
-Bmisty 180 Melancholy
-Shifty to Mute Grab
-Stalefish to Shifty
-Mute to Indy Grab
-Shifty to Lien Air
-Lien Air to Mute Grab
-Method to Mute Grab
-Mute Grab to Lien Air
-Stalefish to Method
-Lien Air- Stalefish
-Stalefish to Mute Grab
-Indy Grab to Mute Grab
-Shifty to Tweak
-Mute to Indy Nosebone
-Indy Grab to Stiffie
-Stalefish to Shuffle
-Stalefish to Tweak
-Nose Grab to Shifty
-Tail Grab to Stalefish
-Nose Grab to Indy Grab
-Tail Grab to Mute Grab
-Nose Grab to Lien Air
-Tail Grab to Method
-Indy Grab to Melancholy
-Mute Grab to Tweak
-Stalefish to Indy Nosebone
-Lien Air to Stiffie
-Method to Stiffie
-Method to Melancholy
-B180 Shifty to Indy Grab
-F180 Shifty to Method
-Fakie to Flip Mute Grab to Shifty
-F180 Mute Grab to Stalefish
-F180 Indy Grab to Stalefish
-Misty 180 Method to Indy Grab
-Fakie to Bflip Indy Grab to Lien Air
-F180 Stalefish to Method
-Bflip Method to Stalefish
-B180 Indy Grab to Shuffle
-Flip Mute to Indy Nosebone
-Bflip Shifty to Melancholy
-F180 Stalefish to Tweak
-B180 Stalefish to Melancholy
-Misty 180 Method to Tweak
-F360 Nose Grab to Method
-Flip Nose Grab to Stalefish
-Misty 180 Tail Grab to Shifty
-B180 Nose Grab to Mute Grab
-Bflip Tail Grab to Indy Grab
-Bside Misty 180 Tail Grab to Lien Air
-Flip Indy Nosebone to Shifty
-F360 Melancholy to Mute
-Misty 180 Stiffie to Indy Grab
-B1260 Tweak to Mute Grab
-Bflip Melancholy to Method
-B540 Indy Nosebone to Mute Grab
-Fakie to Bside Misty 180 Tweak to Method

10. Music
Here is a list of all the song titles.  I couldn’t find the artist and if someone 
has them please email them to me ([email protected]) and I will give you full 
credit for it. 

Big Born
The Red Hot Mamma
Lynch Law
Fast N’ Loose
Say A Cut Rank
Mr. Rain
Diatomic Power
That U Scream
Rambling Low
Make A Cool Trick
Go Teke Go

11. Secrets

This section will tell you how to unlock all secrets in the game.   There is only 
one button code for this game, which will give you new outfits for some of the 

-To unlock the special freestyle board, you must earn 5 gold medals in freestyle 
mode for trick points.

-To unlock the special alpine board, you must earn 5 gold medals in freestyle mode 
for time.

-To unlock the special all-around board, you must earn 5 gold medals in freestyle 
mode for total.

-To unlock the Snowman, either complete Competition mode on hard, or you must get a 
gold medal in all 10 courses for time, trick and total in freestyle mode.

-To unlock Boss, you must first get first place in competition mode on normal, then 
you must ALSO place in first on mirror mode to get him.

-To unlock Gray, either get a score of 37.5 or higher on the half-pipe, or complete 
100 tricks on Master Big Air.

-To unlock the extra levels, you must place first in Competition mode.

-To unlock the secret level Dive Into The Cave, you must get a gold medal for time, 
trick, and total in all nine regular levels.

-To unlock new outfits, at the main menu press:
You should hear “Here we go” if you did it correctly.

12. Thanks

-Thanks to Sony for a great game

-Thanks to UEP systems for developing the game

-Thanks to Tom Hayes for the shortcuts

-Thanks to [email protected] for stats for Gray and help on describing the characters.

Copyright 2002 Armin Jewell

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