DEMO FAQ - Guide for Resident Evil 6

Scroll down to read our guide named "DEMO FAQ" for Resident Evil 6 on Xbox 360 (X360), or click the above links for more cheats.

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 ____   _____  ____   _  ____   _____  _   _  _____    _____ __     __ _  _
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                                - D E M O -

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                                 G U I D E

                           Authored by: Berserker

                                Version: 1.0
                            Last update: 8/28/12

                                   - - -

                                  My site:

                           Visit my youtube page:
                          (Now posting RE6 videos)
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                         _____         _               
                         \_   \ _ __  | |_  _ __  ___  
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                           I N T R O D U C T I O N

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= - I N T R O - =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Welcome to my Resident Evil 6 demo guide, fellow action horror gamer!
                                                                    - Berserker

                         -  N O  H O P E  L E F T !  -

The Resident Evil 6 demo was released around 4am central time on July 3rd 2012 
for those that had purchased the Xbox version of Dragon's Dogma and entered the 
code on the back of the instruction booklet to gain access to the RE6 demo on 
that date.  The demo will be released to the public eventually, but no word on 
when it will be released has been mentioned yet.  The PS3 demo of Resident Evil 
6 will not be released until September 4th 2012 for those that bought Dragon's 
Dogma on PS3.

Yeah, yeah, a demo doesn't really need an FAQ, but just wait until you see how 
far I'm willing to go with this one.  There will be many more updates in the 
coming days/weeks/months.  I plan for this to be much more than just a 
walkthrough - it will be like a guide to get much more enjoyment out of the 
demo once finished.  Please enjoy the guide and let me know if there is 
anything you would like me to add and/or feel free to send comments if you have 
the time.

Post on my blog about this guide:

- - - - - - - - - - - - -   M O T I V A T E   M E   - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
If you find this walkthrough helpful, give me a recommend by clicking the 
middle link on the black bar above this guide on GameFAQs and/or give me a 
subscription on youtube!  I'd really appreciate it.
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                         ___              _            
                        / __\  __ _  ___ (_)  ___  ___ 
                       /__\// / _` |/ __|| | / __|/ __|
                      / \/  \| (_| |\__ \| || (__ \__ \
                      \_____/ \__,_||___/|_| \___||___/
                                 B A S I C S

C O N T R O L S \______________________________________________________________


Xbox 360

-- Basic controls

LT               - Ready Weapon        RT - Physical Attack/Fire (During ready)
LT + RT          - Quick shots         RB - Use health tablets
LB               - Display route guide

LS               - Move                Y  - Items Slot
LS + A           - Dash                B  - Partner action
LT + LS + A      - Dodge               A  - Solo action
                                       X  - Reload/Pick up

D-pad            - Change items        RS - Look around
D-pad left/right - Change weapons      RS (push) - Switch sides
D-pad down       - Change grenades

-- Extra Commands (not listed in game)

LS Back + A      - Quick turn          RB + X    - Mix herb tablets

-- Partner Commands

Hold the B button to get the following commands during gameplay.

D-pad up   - Move in      D-pad down  - Call
D-pad left - Wait         D-pad right - Follow
LB         - Thank        RB          - Praise

-- Item Menu Commands

RB - Weapons
A  - OK         B - Back
X  - Combine    Y - Exit

-- Dying Status Commands

LT - Ready weapon
RT - Fire
LS = Move

LS - Left stick
RS = Right stick
D-pad - Directional pad

G A M E P L A Y  B A S I C S  \________________________________________________

Partner Commands

To communicate with a partner during gameplay, hold down on the B button to get 
the following commands.

D-pad up   - Move in      D-pad down  - Call
D-pad left - Wait         D-pad right - Follow
LB         - Thank        RB          - Praise

The D-pad commands listed above have the following effects on the AI partner in 
single player:

Move in = AI partner moves ahead
Wait    = AI partner stands in one place
Call    = AI partner follows your character
Follow  = AI partner moves away from your character and stands in place

Every command can be responded to by holding the B button a few seconds after 
the reponse.  Holding the B button immediately after a response will sometimes 
not make the response menu appear.  The response for praise and thanks are 
instant.  The responses for any other command will give a player a list of two 
responses as follows

D-pad up   - Yes          D-pad down  - No

You can respond to any commands listed above and a player can also respond to 
the following instances:

- When a player is grabbed and asks for help
- When a player is waiting at a partner assist door and calls for you

  Partner Response Glitch

  When a player gives a command, hold down on the B button to make the set of 
  responses appear.  Once the responses appear, if you continue to hold the B 
  button, the responses will remain on the screen even after a response is 
  given. If you keep holding down the B button, you can keep responding even 
  without having a command being given to your character.  So basically, with 
  Chris, you can keep denying the last command to your Piers partner even 
  though he only gave the command once for calling you toward a door.  This is 
  just a demo glitch, but kind of fun to mess around with.


Press the Y button to pull up your current inventory.  A player can cycle 
through the inventory using the left thumbstick.  Items can be selected and 
combined or discarded via the option menu that will appear after selecting the 
item.  Herbs are automatically combined before mixing them into pills, so the 
only real reason to open the inventory menu in the demo is to discard an item 
in order to carry more.  Herbs can be combined in the inventory and mixed in 
the inventory during character animations in order to save time though - your 
character will not have to go through the mixing animation.

Item Pickups in Duo Play

Items that appear in any way throughout the game will appear differently for 
each player in duo play unless they are scripted items.  Both players will pick 
up separate items that will appear for them.  Another player cannot take your 
items and you cannot take the other player's items - both items are separate, 
so both players will always have items to grab from every single item pickup.  
What you grab doesn't affect the other player and vice versa.  In other words, 
don't ever worry about hoarding items in Resident Evil 6 unless your inventory 
is getting too full.

Health Meter

Each character has a health meter with a certain amount of blocks on it 
representing the amount of damage the character can receive before dying.  Once 
a player is attacked the health meter will lower depending on the enemy attack 
sustained.  Sometimes an attack will only take half of a block.  A block of 
health will begin to recharge if it is not fully taken and no attacks are 
received for a few seconds.

Herb Usage/Healing

Green Herbs and Red Herbs can still be picked up in order to heal just like in 
other RE games.  Both herbs can be mixed via the inventory menu for greater 
healing.  Herbs must be mixed into pills before usage however.  The characters 
will automatically mix herbs in inventory everytime that pills are mixed.  
There is no need to mix herbs manually from the inventory menu anymore except 
for extra inventory space.

Press and hold down the RB button then press the X button in order to mix herbs 
into pills.  This must all be done in real time.  Press the RB button to use a 
pill once your health is lowered or your character can recharge stamina.  
Multiple pills can be used in one dosage by pressing the RB buttons several 
times in a row.  For instance, if you wanted to use 3 pills to restore 3 blocks 
of health then press RB three times in a row.

Your character can hold several pills at once.  Each pill will restore one 
block of health and any stamina lost.  The amount of pills that you currently 
carry depends on your last herb mixture.  Other herbs can be mixed and added to 
the current pill total at any time.

Pills per herb/herb mixture:

Green Herb                           = 1 pill
Green Herb + Green Herb              = 3 pills
Green Herb + Green Herb + Green Herb = 6 pills
Green Herb + Red Herb                = 6 pills

NOTE: In order to save time on mixing herbs and making them into pills, all of 
the mixing can be done in the inventory.  A player can mix herbs and create 
pills from them with no mixing animation while climbing a ladder!

Resident Evil 6 still has first aid sprays that can be found in the 
environment. First Aid Sprays will be added to the slots where a character 
holds grenades, so press D-pad up/down to equip a first aid spray.  Press the X 
button to use the first aid spray on yourself.  To heal a partner and yourself 
with a first aid spray, stand next to the partner with the first aid spray 
equipped and tap the B button when the partner action command to heal appears.

Dying Status

Once all of a player's health has been drained from enemy attacks, the player 
will enter a state known as "dying status" with the next enemy attack sustained 
will kill the player.  While in dying status, the character will be knocked to 
the ground and a meter will appear on the screen while the screen changes to a 
bluish color.  The player will have very limited control of the character at 
that time.

Controls are as follows while in dying status:

-- Dying Status Commands

LT - Ready weapon
RT - Fire
LS - Move

Controls are as follows for the partner not in dying status (close range):

RB - Give herb pill (restores some health)
B  - Revive

If the player can manage to not get hit before the meter on the screen fully 
charges, the player will be revived in a Danger status.  While in Danger, the 
player will have permanent zero stamina and any hit from an enemy attack will 
kill the player.  The player will still be able to do everything else normally. 
If the player has a herb pill or first aid spray, health item can be used to 
gain back stamina and put the player back in a normal condition.  If the player 
is hit once again after that, the player will go back into a dying status and 
have to fight to recover.


While holding the left thumbstick light in a direction your character will 
walk.  Holding the left thumbstick all the way in one direction will make your 
character run.  In order to dash, hold the A button then hold in a direction.  
While dashing the camera angle will switch to a behind view of your character 
as your character runs forward.  The camera angle cannot be controlled with the 
right thumbstick during a dash.

  Climbing Over Obstacles

  When dashing, all characters will immediately climb over any obstacles such 
  as platforms or ladders in front of the character.  Continue to hold the A 
  button while dashing and your character will automatically climb or hop over 
  any type of obstacle that normally requires an A button prompt to move over.

  Dashing Slide

  When dashing, all characters can perform a slide by pressing the LT button 
  once the dash has been activated for over a second.  Keep holding the LT 
  button to make your character stay on the ground and aim with their currently 
  equipped weapon after falling.  Press in the opposite direction while 
  sliding to make your character quick turn and face the other direction while 

  Dashing Attack

  When dashing, your character can perform an attack by pressing the RT button 
  once the dash has been activated for over a second.  The attack will usually 
  differ per character.

  Push Off a Wall

  When dashing, if any character runs directly into a wall, that character will 
  push off the wall and, while still holding the dash button, you can quickly 
  run to the right or left without stopping much.  This keeps your character 
  from coming to a complete stop after hitting some sort of wall.  If your 
  character hits an object that they cannot push off of, your character will 
  step for a second and allowing you to turn to the right or left just like a 
  push off.


While holding the LT button press forward or to the left or right with the left 
thumbstick along with the A button to make your character roll in a direction.  
If you keep holding the LT button your character will remain on the ground in a 
prone position while aiming the currently equipped weapon.


All characters can fall to the ground and remain on the ground in a prone 
position through several methods.  With some weapons, a player can fall to the 
ground by holding the LT button and press back on the left thumbstick + A to 
fall to the ground.  Holding LT and pressing forward + A or to the left or 
right with the left thumbstick along with the A button will make your character 
fall to the ground as well.  Sliding during a dash will allow your character to 
fall to the ground in a prone position.  No matter the method, hold the LT 
button to stay on the ground.

While on the ground, your character can aim in any direction.  The following 
controls can be used to move on the ground as well.

LT (hold)                       - Remain in prone position/let go to get up
Right thumbstick                - Aim while in prone position
RT                              - Attack while in prone position
Left thumbstick right           - Roll to the right
Left thumbstick left            - Roll to the left
Left thumbstick right (lightly) - Crawl to the right
Left thumbstick left (lightly)  - Crawl to the left
Left thumbstick forward         - Crawl forward
Left thumbstick back            - Crawl fast backward
Left thumbstick back (lightly)  - Crawl backward

Take Cover

Stand next to a wall or low platform then hold the LT button to make your 
character lean against the wall or platform.  While up against a low platform, 
your character will duck behind it.  Press the A button to stand and crouch 
while taking cover.  Move to the edge of the cover point with the left 
thumbstick to make your character lean out and aim.  Press back in the opposite 
direction to take cover again.  To stop sticking to the wall, let go of the LT 
button or roll out of the cover area by pressing in a direction and tapping the 
A button.


While holding the LT button, tap the A button to make your character duck.

Recover From a Fall

When characters are hit with bullets, they will shield the body with their 
hands.  Shortly after raising their hands, any more bullets sustained will 
cause the character to stagger and fall.  While your character falls to the 
ground, quickly tap the A button to make the character perform a backward roll 
while landing on the ground.  This can be used to get up quicker.

M E L E E S \__________________________________________________________________

The Melee Button

The button to activate the majority of all melees in RE6 is the RT button.  
Each character can perform a melee combo by tapping the RT button twice.  There 
are also several stuns that will cause a player to activate a finishing melee 
while standing near the enemy.  See the "Stun types" below for a list of enemy 
stuns in the demo.

Stamina Gauge

Every character has a stamina gauge with five blocks worth of stamina below 
their life bar.  This represents how many times they can use certain moves 
before they have to recharge their stamina.  Most melees take off one bar of 
the stamina gauge.  Some melees take off more than one bar (when in sequence 

Once the melee bar is fully used up, your character will enter a tired state 
and be forced to recharge stamina as they hold their chest.  At that time, your 
character cannot run or use most melees.  The only melee that your character 
can perform while tired is a low kick with the melee button (the breakable 
object melee).

When not in use, the melee gauge will recharge.  It will recharge depending on 
what action your character is currently performing.  Using a herb pill will 
instantly recharge the stamina gauge.

Run/use melee   = no charge
Walk            = slow charge
Stand still     = fast charge
Herb pill usage = instant recharge

Stun Types

This is a listing of all the stuns in the demo along with some tips on how to 
activate them.  RE6 has the same leg stun and arm stum animations that can be 
activated from shooting an enemy in the leg or arm, but the melee that results 
from the stun is the same for both types of stuns.  A leg or arm stun is now 
harder to get and there are a variety of other stuns that yield the same melee 
prompt.  I refer to this type of stun as "Heavy Stun".

-- Light Stun/Stagger

A light stun is a stun that is gained after hitting an enemy in any portion of 
the body other than the head.  This stun can be VERY short.  It's so short that 
sometimes, your character cannot even finish a melee and get the button prompt 
for the finisher melee afterwards.  The second hit of any character's basic 
melee combo (with RT) will cause this type of stun for a greater period than 
usual.  Any type of gunshot to any portion of the body besides the head will 
cause this stun for a short time.  Any slight flinch in an enemy's body due to 
a gun shot activates this stun for a brief period.  You have to be REALLY close 
to the enemy to see the melee prompt after a single shot though.

Setups for Light Stun:

- Shot to any portion of body besides head with normal J'avo (VERY quick light 
  stun, more like a stagger with prompt)
- Two shots to any portion of the body besides the head on a normal J'avo (this 
  is more of an actual stun than a stagger)
- Quick shot with a weak gun
- RT, RT (Second melee will set up a light stun)
- When a J'avo ducks (anytime it ducks)
- When a character jumps/lands and hits a J'avo
- When a player tosses a flash grenade and makes a Mutated Arm J'avo guard

-- Heavy Stun

The heavy stun is the hardest stun to get with weapons or melees.  It requires 
a player to hit the enemy several times to where it staggers and stays stunned 
for a few seconds.  The heavy stun is longer than the light stun.  The easiest 
way to get this type of stun is to toss a flash a grenade.  The heavy stun is 
the resulting stun on all nearby enemies once a flash grenade goes off in the 

NOTE 1: With a heavy stun, the type of melee will differ depending on whether 
it is activated from the front or back of the enemy.  Every character has two 
types of melees with a heavy stun (front and back melee).

Setups for Heavy Stun:

- Flash grenade explosion
- Dashing shoulder ram
- Shot to head on mutated arm J'avo
- Back attack (Elbow with Chris and Piers, etc)
- Chris' knife quick shot (both slashes must hit)
- Sneak up behind an enemy (back heavy stun melee only)

NOTE 2: Heavy stun melees can also be done during a head stun animation.  By 
stepping to the side of a normal J'avo after a head stun, the frontal heavy 
stun melee can be activated and by stepping to the back of the normal J'avo the 
back heavy stun melee can be activated.

-- Head Stun

The head stun is activated with a shot to the head with any type of weapon.  It 
can be activated with a knife as well.  The enemy will grab its head and 
stagger backwards.  This is a returning stun from RE4 and RE5.  Move toward the 
staggering enemy to get a special head stun melee finisher.

NOTE: Heavy stun melees can be done from a head stun by stepping to the sides 
or the back of the enemy.

Front = Head Stun Melee
Side  = Frontal Heavy Stun Melee
Back  = Back Heavy Stun Melee

TIP: If you have problems setting up a heavy stun, equip a low damaging weapon 
such as a machine gun then perform a quick shot on an enemy to set up a light 
stun and then quickly shoot that stunned enemy in the head.  The enemy will 
remain still while stunned allowing for more precise aim.

-- Grounded

The enemy falls to the ground from receiving damage.  In order to get this type 
of stun, the enemy must fall to the floor from your attacks.  An enemy can be 
shot while it is near a ledge and it will fall to the ground.  Unlike RE5, a 
grounded animation cannot be interrupted by your character falling on the enemy 
or doing something that hits the enemy.  The enemy will remain grounded until 
it gets up.

NOTE: The melee performed against a grounded enemy is sometimes different when 
aimed at the legs or head.  When aimed at the head, ground melees can often 
result in a critical head explosion.


A melee finisher can be activated by pressing the RT button when the button 
prompt appears the second before an enemy attacks your character.  Stand and 
wait on an enemy to perform some type of melee attack then press the RT button 
right as the button prompt appears to perform a counter.

NOTE: A counter melee animation will differ depending on the weapon that the 
enemy has equipped.  The weapon that the character has equipped can lead to a 
different counter melee as well.  With Chris, he will always stab an enemy in 
the chest for his counter melee while the knife is equipped.

Counter List for Leon scenario

(coming soon)

Counter List For Chris scenario

-- Duck and Ram

Action Needed:   Enemy must swing from the side (with sword or a plagas arm)
Weapon Required: N/A

-- Twist Plagas Arm and Stab Head

Action Needed:   Overhead attack from dual plagas arm J'avo.
Weapon Required: N/A

-- Twist Blade Arm and Stab from Back

Action Needed:   J'avo must attack your character with overhead sword attack
Weapon Required: N/A

-- Elbow

Action Needed:   Enemy must try to hit your character with a gun (close range)
Weapon Required: N/A

-- Chest Stab (Chris only with knife equipped)

Action Needed:   Enemy must try to hit Chris when he has a knife equipped
Weapon Required: Combat Knife

NOTE: The chest stab will not activate with all counters when Chris has a knife 
equipped. For instance, he will still elbow a J'avo with a machine gun.

Counter List for Jake scenario

-- Elbow

Action Needed:   Enemy must try to hit your character with a gun (close range)
Weapon Required: N/A

-- Duck and Elbow
   Upward Kick (Sherry only)

Action Needed:   Enemy must swing from the side (with sword or a plagas arm)
Weapon Required: N/A

Quick Shot

Quick shot is an actual melee but it will often take either a few bullets or 
one bullet from the currently equipped weapon to perform.  Most quick shots 
take one block from the stamina gauge to perform.  The shot performed during a 
quick shot takes double damage from an enemy compared to the weapons normal 
strength.  Quick shots will autotrack the closest enemy on the same level with 
the player - it will not hit an enemy above or below your character.  A quick 
shot also sets up a light stun on the targeted enemy.

NOTE: Quick shots can be performed with melee weapons such as Chris' knife, 
Sherry's stun rod and Leon's knife.

Environmental Melees

When an enemy is stunned in any type of stun pose while next to a railing, 
platform or wall, your character will grab the enemy and slam them into the 
wall/railing or toss them off the railing.  Environmental melees take the place 
of any type of other melee that can be done when an enemy is next to one of the 
obstacles listed above.

Another type of environmental melee exclusive to Chris' stage in the demo is 
the leg grab melee.  When standing near an enemy that is on a slightly higher 
platform, you will get a melee prompt.  Press the RT button at that time to 
grab the enemy's legs and pull them off their feet.  The enemy will hit the 
platform with their head.

There is also an environmental melee for knocking an enemy off a platform.  
This can only be activated when an enemy is standing right near the edge of a 
platform.  Once activated, your character will ram or kick the enemy off the 
platform.  This can sometimes be done while an enemy falls off a platform 
(while it staggers on the edge).

            ___  _                               _                   
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         \____/ |_| |_| \__,_||_|   \__,_| \___| \__|\___||_|   |___/
                             C H A R A C T E R S

  / __\
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/ /___ _________________________
\____/ H R I S  R E D F I E L D \______________________________________________
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chris Commands and Reponses

-- Wait

Input: Hold assist button + tap left on directional pad
Dialogue: Wait!

-- Go

Input: Hold assist button + tap up on directional pad
Dialogue: Get'em!

-- Call

Input: Hold assist button + tap down on directional pad
Dialogue: This way!

-- Follow

Input: Hold assist button + tap down on directional pad
Dialogue: Fall back!

-- Thank

Input: Hold assist button + tap LB
Dialogue: Thanks!
          Way to get my back!
          Nice! (when partner kills an enemy)
          Good thing I can count on you! (when partner kills an enemy)

-- Praise

Input: Hold assist button + tap RB
Dialogue: Hell yeah!
          Good stuff!
          There you go! (when partner kills an enemy)

-- Positive Responses

Input: Hold B when a partner gives a command + tap up on directional pad
Dialogue: Gotcha!
          Leave it to me.

-- Negative Responses

Input: Hold B when a partner gives a command + tap down on the directional pad
Dialogue: I can't right now.
          Gimme' a minute.

-- Waiting Commands

Input: While in ready status near a partner obstacle tap B
Dialogue: Hey.
          Over here.

Chris Melees

-- Shoulder Ram

Type of Melee:    Dashing Melee
How to Perform:   Move forward and hold the A button to dash then press the RT 
                  button after a short while
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Chris will dash and shoulder ram the enemy in front of him.

-- Slide

Type of Melee:    Dashing Melee
How to Perform:   Move forward and hold the A button to dash then press the LT 
                  button after a short while
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Chris will dash and slide toward the enemy in front of him.

-- Elbow

Type of Melee:    No Stun Melee
How to Perform:   Turn around and face the screen with the camera facing Chris' 
                  front side and then press RT
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Chris will perform a quick elbow to the back of the him.

-- Breakable Object Melee

Type of Melee:    Breakable Object Melee
How to Perform:   Press RT when next to a breakable object
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    None

Chris shatters the breakable object.  You need to be close to the breakable 
object in order to get the melee prompt for this melee.  If you not close 
enough, Chris will perform his default melee associated when whatever weapon he 
has equipped.

-- Assault Rifle Strikes

Type of Melee:    No Stun Melee/Combo Melee
How to Perform:   Press RT twice while the assault rifle is equipped
Weapons Required: Assault Rifle
Stamina Usage:    1 bar (for second melee)

Chris will hit the enemy with the back of his assault rifle twice.  The second 
hit will cause a light stun.

-- Punch and Upward Punch

Type of Melee:    No Stun Melee/Combo Melee
How to Perform:   Press RT twice while the handgun is equipped
Weapons Required: Handgun
Stamina Usage:    1 bar (for second melee)

Chris will perform a punch with his left hand then perform a downward punch.  
The second hit will cause a light stun.

-- Knife Slash

Type of Melee:    No Stun Melee
How to Perform:   Hold LT then press RT while the combat knife is equipped
Weapons Required: Combat Knife
Stamina Usage:    None

Chris swings his knife in whatever direction he is facing.  This can easily set 
up stuns on enemies.

-- Knife Slash Retreat

Type of Melee:    No Stun Melee
How to Perform:   Hold LT then back + RT while the combat knife is equipped
Weapons Required: Combat Knife
Stamina Usage:    None

Chris swings his knife twice while stepping backwards.

-- Knife Slashes

Type of Melee:    Quick Shot
How to Perform:   Press RT + LT with the combat knife equipped
Weapons Required: Combat Knife
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Chris steps forward and swings his knife twice.  The second hit of this knife 
combo will heavy stun the enemy.

-- Backhand

Type of Melee:    Light Stun Melee
How to Perform:   Activate a light stun on an enemy then press RT while near 
                  the enemy.
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Chris steps forward with his back to the enemy then turns around and hits the 
enemy with the back of his left fist.

-- Straight Punch

Type of Melee:    Heavy Stun (Front) Melee/Partner Assist Melee
How to Perform:   Activate a heavy stun on an enemy then press RT while in 
                  front of the enemy
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Chris leans back then lunges forward with a punch.

-- Neck Break

Type of Melee:    Heavy Stun (Back) Melee
How to Perform:   Activate a heavy stun on an enemy then move to the back of 
                  the enemy and press RT
Weapons Required: Anything but the combat knife
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Chris grabs the enemy's head from behind then twists its neck.

-- Throat Slit

Type of Melee:    Heavy Stun (Back) Melee
How to Perform:   Activate a heavy stun on an enemy then move to the back of 
                  the enemy and press RT while the combat knife is equipped
Weapons Required: Combat Knife
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Chris grabs the enemy's head from behind and slices its throat.

-- Body Slam

Type of Melee:    Head Stun Melee
How to Perform:   Active a head stun on an enemy then move close to the enemy 
                  and press RT
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Chris picks up the enemy and throws it forward.  The thrown enemy can hit other 
enemies and an enemy can actually be thrown off a ledge if Chris is facing a 

-- Assault Rifle Smash

Type of Melee:    Ground Melee
How to Perform:   Knock an enemy to the ground then move close to the enemy and 
                  press RT while the assault rifle is equipped
Weapons Required: Assault Rifle
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Chris stands over the enemy and raises his assault rifle and right leg into the 
air then smashes the enemy with the back end of his assault rifle when he 
brings it down.

-- Stomp

Type of Melee:    Ground Melee
How to Perform:   Knock an enemy to the ground then move close to the enemy and 
                  press RT while the handgun is equipped
Weapons Required: Handgun
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Chris stands over the enemy and raises his right leg into the air then stomps 
the enemy.

-- Ground Stab

Type of Melee:    Ground Melee
How to Perform:   Knock an enemy to the ground then move close to the enemy and 
                  press RT while the combat knife is equipped
Weapons Required: Combat Knife
Stamina Usage:    None

Chris stands over the enemy then raises his knife into the air with both hands 
and then plunges his knife into the enemy.

-- Wing Rip

Type of Melee:    Ground Melee
How to Perform:   When a J'avo flies, make it fall from the air with gunshots 
                  then move close to its wings (leg side) and press RT.
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Chris grabs the wings of the J'avo to prop it up then grabs the top portion of 
the creature and tears off its bottom half.

NOTE 1: This melee can only be performed on a flying J'avo (after shooting its 
legs).  This melee must be done while facing the side with wings.  Facing the 
J'avo head side will only make Chris perform his normal ground melee that he 
does to other enemies.  Try to get close to the wings and tilt the camera so 
that the J'avo body is not in view or Chris might stomp.  It's really best to 
stand in the middle of the J'avo and face his wings - this seems to work the 

NOTE 2: The best way to make a winged J'avo fall is to toss a flash grenade 
below it.  It will instantly fall at that time.

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Piers Commands and Reponses

-- Wait

Input: Hold assist button + tap left on directional pad
Dialogue: Wait!

-- Go

Input: Hold assist button + tap up on directional pad
Dialogue: Move in!

-- Call

Input: Hold assist button + tap down on directional pad
Dialogue: Follow my lead!

-- Follow

Input: Hold assist button + tap right on directional pad
Dialogue: Fall back!

-- Thank

Input: Hold assist button + tap LB
Dialogue: Thanks!
          Appreciate it!

-- Praise

Input: Hold assist button + tap RB
Dialogue: Nice!
          Good one!

-- Positive Responses

Input: Hold B when a partner gives a command + tap up on directional pad
Dialogue: Roger!
          I'm on it.
          You don't have to tell me twice!

-- Negative Responses

Input: Hold B when a partner gives a command + tap down on the directional pad
Dialogue: No way.  Not now!
          Now's no good.

-- Waiting Commands

Input: While in ready status near a partner obstacle tap B
Dialogue: Captain.
          Come here.

Piers Melees

-- Shoulder Ram

Type of Melee:    Dashing Melee
How to Perform:   Move forward and hold the A button to dash then press the RT 
                  button after a short while
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Piers will dash and shoulder ram the enemy in front of him.

-- Slide

Type of Melee:    Dashing Melee
How to Perform:   Move forward and hold the A button to dash then press the LT 
                  button after a short while
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    None

Piers will dash and slide toward the enemy in front of him.

-- Elbow

Type of Melee:    No Stun Melee
How to Perform:   Turn around and face the screen with the camera facing Piers' 
                  front side and then press RT
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Piers will perform a quick elbow to the back of the him.

-- Breakable Object Melee

Type of Melee:    Breakable Object Melee
How to Perform:   Press RT when next to a breakable object
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    None

Piers shatters the breakable object.

-- MP-AF/Rifle Strikes

Type of Melee:    No Stun Melee/Combo Melee
How to Perform:   Press RT twice while the assault rifle is equipped
Weapons Required: Assault Rifle
Stamina Usage:    1 bar (for second melee)

Piers will hit the enemy with the back of his weapon twice.  The second hit 
will cause a light stun.

-- Forward Kick and Elbow

Type of Melee:    No Stun Melee/Combo Melee
How to Perform:   Press RT twice while the handgun is equipped
Weapons Required: Grenade (Hand or Flash)
Stamina Usage:    1 bar (for second melee)

Piers will perform a forward kick then step forward and strike with his elbow. 
Since Piers does not have hand grenade in the Xbox demo, a player must equip a 
grenade in order to perform this combination.  Piers starts with a hand grenade 
in his inventory.

-- Roundhouse

Type of Melee:    Light Stun Melee
How to Perform:   Activate a light stun on an enemy then press RT while near 
                  the enemy.
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Piers performs a roundhouse kick to the enemy.

-- Uppercut

Type of Melee:    Heavy Stun (Front) Melee/Partner Assist Melee
How to Perform:   Activate a heavy stun on an enemy then press RT while in 
                  front of the enemy
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Piers ducks then performs an uppercut.  This is the same type of melee that 
Chris used in RE5.

-- Dragon Sleeper

Type of Melee:    Heavy Stun (Back) Melee
How to Perform:   Activate a heavy stun on an enemy then move to the back of 
                  the enemy and press RT
Weapons Required: Anything but the combat knife
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Piers grabs the lower and upper portion of the enemy from behind then pull 
upwards during this hold.

-- Sleeper Throw

Type of Melee:    Head Stun Melee
How to Perform:   Active a head stun on an enemy then move close to the enemy 
                  and press RT
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Piers grapples the enemy and gets them in a quick sleeper hold then flips over 
the enemy and tosses the enemy over his shoulder.

-- MP-AF/Rifle Smash

Type of Melee:    Ground Melee
How to Perform:   Knock an enemy to the ground then move close to the enemy and 
                  press RT while the assault rifle is equipped
Weapons Required: Assault Rifle
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Piers stands over the enemy and raises his weapon and right leg into the air 
then smashes the enemy with the back end of his weapon when he brings it down.

-- Stomp

Type of Melee:    Ground Melee
How to Perform:   Knock an enemy to the ground then move close to the enemy and 
                  press RT while a grenade is equipped
Weapons Required: Grenade (Hand or Flash)
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Piers stands over the enemy and raises his foot then stomps the enemy.  In the 
Xbox demo, the Piers player must equip a grenade in order to perform this melee 
while standing above the enemy.  Piers starts with a hand grenade in his 

-- Wing Rip

Type of Melee:    Ground Melee
How to Perform:   When a J'avo flies, make it fall from the air with gunshots 
                  then move close to its wings (leg side) and press RT.
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Piers grabs the wings of the J'avo to prop it up then grabs the top portion of 
the creature and tears off its bottom half.

NOTE 1: This melee can only be performed on a flying J'avo (after shooting its 
legs).  This melee must be done while facing the side with wings.  Facing the 
J'avo head side will only make Piers perform his normal ground melee that he 
does to other enemies.  Try to get close to the wings and tilt the camera so 
that the J'avo body is not in view or Piers might stomp.  It's really best to 
stand in the middle of the J'avo and face his wings - this seems to work the 

NOTE 2: The best way to make a winged J'avo fall is to toss a flash grenade 
below it.  It will instantly fall at that time.

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Jake Commands and Reponses

-- Wait

Input: Hold assist button + tap left on directional pad
Dialogue: Wait!

-- Go

Input: Hold assist button + tap up on directional pad
Dialogue: Go and get'em!

-- Call

Input: Hold assist button + tap down on directional pad
Dialogue: Follow me!

-- Follow

Input: Hold assist button + tap right on directional pad
Dialogue: Fall back!

-- Thank

Input: Hold assist button + tap LB
Dialogue: Thanks!

-- Praise

Input: Hold assist button + tap RB
Dialogue: Nice!
          Hell yeah!

-- Positive Responses

Input: Hold B when a partner gives a command + tap up on directional pad
Dialogue: I know.
          I'm on it.
          I know what I'm doing.

-- Negative Responses

Input: Hold B when a partner gives a command + tap down on the directional pad
Dialogue: You mental?
          Stop being so needy.
          No can do.

-- Waiting Commands

Input: While in ready status near a partner obstacle tap B
Dialogue: Hey!
          Come on!
          Hurry up!

Jake Melees

-- Jump Kick

Type of Melee:    Dashing Melee
How to Perform:   Move forward and hold the A button to dash then press the RT 
                  button after a short while
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Jake will dash and jump kick the enemy in front of him.

-- Slide

Type of Melee:    Dashing Melee
How to Perform:   Move forward and hold the A button to dash then press the LT 
                  button after a short while
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    None

Jake will dash and slide toward the enemy in front of him.

-- Elbow

Type of Melee:    No Stun Melee
How to Perform:   Turn around and face the screen with the camera facing 
                  Jake's front side and then press RT
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Jake will perform an elbow to his back side while turning.

-- Breakable Object Melee

Type of Melee:    Breakable Object Melee
How to Perform:   Press RT when next to a breakable object
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    None

Jake shatters the breakable object.

-- Kick Combo

Type of Melee:    No Stun Melee/Combo Melee
How to Perform:   Press RT twice while the handgun is equipped
Weapons Required: Handgun
Stamina Usage:    1 bar (for second melee)

Jake will kick and then perform a forward kick.  The forward kick will cause a 
light stun on the enemy.

-- Bare Hand Combo

Type of Melee:    No Stun Melee/Combo Melee
How to Perform:   While the bare hands are equipped hold LT then tap RT three 
Weapons Required: Bare Hands
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Jake performs a hook with each arm and ends the combo with an elbow.

-- Special Combo

Type of Melee:    No Stun Melee/Combo Melee
How to Perform:   While the bare hands are equipped hold LT then hold RT and 
                  release then press RT, RT, RT, RT
Weapons Required: Bare Hands
Stamina Usage:    3 bars (1 for tiger uppercut, 1 for sweep, 1 for ground 

Jake charges his first then unleashes a cobra strike followed by a tiger 
uppercut, thrust punch, sweep and ground pound.  This combo is very powerful 
and is hard to connect on normal enemies.

-- Tiger Uppercut

Type of Melee:    No Stun Melee
How to Perform:   While the bare hands are equipped, press LT + RT
Weapons Required: Bare Hands
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Jake steps forward while ducking and performs an uppercut.

-- Jumping Roundhouse

Type of Melee:    Light Stun Melee
How to Perform:   Activate a light stun on an enemy then press RT while near 
                  the enemy.
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Jake leaps into the air and kicks the enemy in the head.

-- Jaguar Kick

Type of Melee:    Heavy Stun (Front) Melee/Partner Assist Melee
How to Perform:   Activate a heavy stun on an enemy then press RT while in 
                  front of the enemy
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Jake steps forward with a kick to the side on the enemy.

-- German Suplex

Type of Melee:    Heavy Stun (Back) Melee
How to Perform:   Activate a heavy stun on an enemy then move to the back of 
                  the enemy and press RT
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Jake grabs the enemy around the waist from behind then performs a suplex and 
plant the enemy headfirst into the ground behind him.

-- Tornado DDT

Type of Melee:    Head Stun Melee
How to Perform:   Active a head stun on an enemy then move close to the enemy 
                  and press RT
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Jake jumps at the enemy and grab it from the back then slams it to the ground.

-- Stomp

Type of Melee:    Ground Melee
How to Perform:   Knock an enemy to the ground then move close to the enemy and 
                  press RT while the assault rifle is equipped
Weapons Required: Handgun
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Jake stands over the enemy then stomps the enemy.

-- Giant Swing

Type of Melee:    Ground Melee
How to Perform:   Knock an enemy to the ground then move close to the enemy's 
                  legs and press RT while the bare hands are equipped
Weapons Required: Bare Hands
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Jake grabs the enemy's legs and tosses the enemy behind him.

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Sherry Commands and Reponses

-- Wait

Input: Hold assist button + tap left on directional pad
Dialogue: Wait!

-- Go

Input: Hold assist button + tap up on directional pad
Dialogue: Move in!

-- Call

Input: Hold assist button + tap down on directional pad
Dialogue: This way!

-- Follow

Input: Hold assist button + tap right on directional pad
Dialogue: Fall back!

-- Thank

Input: Hold assist button + tap LB
Dialogue: Thanks!
          Much appreciated!
          I knew you'd come through!

-- Praise

Input: Hold assist button + tap RB
Dialogue: Glad you're on my side!
          Great work!

-- Positive Responses

Input: Hold B when a partner gives a command + tap up on directional pad
Dialogue: Roger!

-- Negative Responses

Input: Hold B when a partner gives a command + tap down on the directional pad
Dialogue: Not now.
          Forget it, ok?  Relax.

-- Waiting Commands

Input: While in ready status near a partner obstacle tap B
Dialogue: Hey!
          Over here!

Sherry Melees

-- Jump Kick

Type of Melee:    Dashing Melee
How to Perform:   Move forward and hold the A button to dash then press the RT 
                  button after a short while
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Sherry will dash and jump kick the enemy in front of her.

-- Slide

Type of Melee:    Dashing Melee
How to Perform:   Move forward and hold the A button to dash then press the LT 
                  button after a short while
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    None

Sherry will dash and slide toward the enemy in front of her.

-- Back Kick

Type of Melee:    No Stun Melee
How to Perform:   Turn around and face the screen with the camera facing 
                  Sherry's front side and then press RT
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Sherry will perform a kick while turning around.

-- Breakable Object Melee

Type of Melee:    Breakable Object Melee
How to Perform:   Press RT when next to a breakable object
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    None

Sherry shatters the breakable object.

-- Forward Kick, Elbow

Type of Melee:    No Stun Melee/Combo Melee
How to Perform:   Press RT twice while the handgun is equipped
Weapons Required: Handgun
Stamina Usage:    1 bar (for second melee)

Sherry will hit the enemy with a forward kick followed by an elbow.  The second 
attack will set up a light stun on the enemy.

-- Stun Rod Combo

Type of Melee:    No Stun Melee/Combo Melee
How to Perform:   While the stun rod is equipped hold LT then tap RT twice
Weapons Required: Stun Rod
Stamina Usage:    None

Sherry hits the enemy from the side with the stun rod then steps forward and 
hits the enemy with a thrust from the stun rod.

NOTE: The second hit of this combo is very delayed, so you'll have to keep 
tapping RT or tap it right after the first hit.  The second hit can be charged.

-- Stun Rod Charge Hit

Type of Melee:    No Stun Melee
How to Perform:   While the stun rod is equipped hold LT then charge RT
Weapons Required: Stun Rod
Stamina Usage:    None

Sherry will charge a stun rod attack.  This melee can be activate in a variety 
of ways.  It canbe done during normal stun rod combo, while pressing Back + A 
while holding LT and while prone (on the ground).

-- Stun Rod Dodge Strike

Type of Melee:    No Stun Melee
How to Perform:   While the stun rod is equipped hold LT then press back + A
Weapons Required: Stun Rod
Stamina Usage:    None

Sherry steps backward and swings once with the stun rod.

-- Roundhouse

Type of Melee:    Light Stun Melee
How to Perform:   Activate a light stun on an enemy then press RT while near 
                  the enemy.
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Sherry performs a roundhouse kick to the enemy.

-- Sweep Kick

Type of Melee:    Heavy Stun (Front) Melee/Partner Assist Melee
How to Perform:   Activate a heavy stun on an enemy then press RT while in 
                  front of the enemy
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Sherry ducks down then performs an upward kick to the enemy.  This is the same 
melee Jill had in RE5.

-- Face Buster

Type of Melee:    Heavy Stun (Back) Melee
How to Perform:   Activate a heavy stun on an enemy then move to the back of 
                  the enemy and press RT
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Sherry grabs the enemy from behind and smashes its face into the ground.

-- Kick Off

Type of Melee:    Head Stun Melee
How to Perform:   Active a head stun on an enemy then move close to the enemy 
                  and press RT
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Sherry climb on top of the front of the enemy then kicks off of them with both 
her legs and knocks the enemy to the ground.

-- Stomp

Type of Melee:    Ground Melee
How to Perform:   Knock an enemy to the ground then move close to the enemy and 
                  press RT while the assault rifle is equipped
Weapons Required: Handgun
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Sherry stands over the enemy then stomps the enemy.

-- Stun Rod Ground Hit

Type of Melee:    Ground Melee
How to Perform:   Knock an enemy to the ground then move close to the enemy and 
                  press RT while the assault rifle is equipped
Weapons Required: Stun Rod
Stamina Usage:    None

Sherry stands over the enemy then hits the enemy with her stun rod.

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Leon Commands and Reponses

-- Wait

Input: Hold assist button + tap left on directional pad
Dialogue: Wait!

-- Go

Input: Hold assist button + tap up on directional pad
Dialogue: Move in!

-- Call

Input: Hold assist button + tap down on directional pad
Dialogue: This way!

-- Follow

Input: Hold assist button + tap right on directional pad
Dialogue: Get back here!

-- Thank

Input: Hold assist button + tap LB
Dialogue: I owe ya!
          I'm glad you're here!

-- Praise

Input: Hold assist button + tap RB
Dialogue: Beautiful.
          Good work.
          Not too shabby!

-- Positive Responses

Input: Hold B when a partner gives a command + tap up on directional pad
Dialogue: Roger!
          Hey, relax, ok?
          I know already!

-- Negative Responses

Input: Hold B when a partner gives a command + tap down on the directional pad
Dialogue: Not right now.
          No can do.

-- Waiting Commands

Input: While in ready status near a partner obstacle tap B
Dialogue: Helena.
          Come on.

Leon Melees

-- Ram

Type of Melee:    Dashing Melee
How to Perform:   Move forward and hold the A button to dash then press the RT 
                  button after a short while
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Leon will dash and ram the enemy in front of him with his shoulder.

-- Slide

Type of Melee:    Dashing Melee
How to Perform:   Move forward and hold the A button to dash then press the LT 
                  button after a short while
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    None

Leon will dash and slide toward the enemy in front of him.

-- Elbow

Type of Melee:    No Stun Melee
How to Perform:   Turn around and face the screen with the camera facing 
                  Leon's front side and then press RT
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Leon will perform an elbow while turning around.

-- Breakable Object Melee

Type of Melee:    Breakable Object Melee
How to Perform:   Press RT when next to a breakable object
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    None

Leon shatters the breakable object.

-- Forward Kick, Upward Kick

Type of Melee:    No Stun Melee/Combo Melee
How to Perform:   Press RT twice while the handgun is equipped
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar (for second melee)

Leon will hit the enemy with a forward kick followed by an upward kick.  The 
second attack will set up a light stun on the enemy.

-- Knife Slash

Type of Melee:    No Stun Melee
How to Perform:   Hold LT then press RT while the survival knife is equipped
Weapons Required: Survival Knife
Stamina Usage:    None

Leon swings his knife in whatever direction he is facing.  This can easily set 
up stuns on enemies.

-- Powered Knife Slash

Type of Melee:    No Stun Melee
How to Perform:   Press LT + RT while the survival knife is equipped
Weapons Required: Survival Knife
Stamina Usage:    None

Leon swings his knife in whatever direction he is facing.  This is a more 
powerful version of his normal knife slash.  It looks almost the same as his 
normal knife slash.

-- Roundhouse

Type of Melee:    Light Stun Melee
How to Perform:   Activate a light stun on an enemy then press RT while near 
                  the enemy.
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Leon performs a spinning roundhouse kick to the enemy.

-- Judo Kick

Type of Melee:    Heavy Stun (Front) Melee/Partner Assist Melee
How to Perform:   Activate a heavy stun on an enemy then press RT while in 
                  front of the enemy
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Leon performs a forward kick that keeps his leg up in the air for a while until 
the enemy falls.

-- Bulldog Headlock

Type of Melee:    Heavy Stun (Back) Melee
How to Perform:   Activate a heavy stun on an enemy then move to the back of 
                  the enemy and press RT
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Leon jumps and grabs the back of the enemy's head then fall to the ground and 
smashes the enemy's face against the ground.

-- Judo Arm Takedown

Type of Melee:    Head Stun Melee
How to Perform:   Active a head stun on an enemy then move close to the enemy 
                  and press RT
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Leon grabs the enemy's arm then flips them over his shoulder and onto the 

-- Stomp

Type of Melee:    Ground Melee
How to Perform:   Knock an enemy to the ground then move close to the enemy and 
                  press RT while the assault rifle is equipped
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Leon stands over the enemy then stomps the enemy.

-- Neck Stab (zombie with knife in chest only)

Type of Melee:    Frontal Melee
How to Perform:   Stun the zombie with the knife in its chest on the right side 
                  of the garage then press RT from it's front side
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Leon grabs the zombie then takes the knife out of its chest and plunges the 
knife into its neck.

NOTE: This can ONLY be done on the zombie that stands next to the shutter on 
the right side of the garage and must be done from the zombie's front side 
after a stun of any type.  Both Leon and Helena can do this melee.

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Helena Commands and Reponses

-- Wait

Input: Hold assist button + tap left on directional pad
Dialogue: Wait!

-- Go

Input: Hold assist button + tap up on directional pad
Dialogue: Move in!

-- Call

Input: Hold assist button + tap down on directional pad
Dialogue: Follow me!

-- Follow

Input: Hold assist button + tap right on directional pad
Dialogue: Get back!

-- Thank

Input: Hold assist button + tap LB
Dialogue: Thanks for that.
          Appreciate it.

-- Praise

Input: Hold assist button + tap RB
Dialogue: Good job.
          Not bad.

-- Positive Responses

Input: Hold B when a partner gives a command + tap up on directional pad
Dialogue: Ok.
          Ok, I got it!
          Calm down already!

-- Negative Responses

Input: Hold B when a partner gives a command + tap down on the directional pad
Dialogue: Can it wait?
          Not now!

-- Waiting Commands

Input: While in ready status near a partner obstacle tap B
Dialogue: Leon.
          This way.
          Hurry it up.

Helena Melees

-- Jump Kick

Type of Melee:    Dashing Melee
How to Perform:   Move forward and hold the A button to dash then press the RT 
                  button after a short while
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Helena will dash and jump kick the enemy in front of her.

-- Slide

Type of Melee:    Dashing Melee
How to Perform:   Move forward and hold the A button to dash then press the LT 
                  button after a short while
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    None

Helena will dash and slide toward the enemy in front of her.

-- Back Kick

Type of Melee:    No Stun Melee
How to Perform:   Turn around and face the screen with the camera facing 
                  Helena's front side and then press RT
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Helena will perform a kick while turning around.

-- Breakable Object Melee

Type of Melee:    Breakable Object Melee
How to Perform:   Press RT when next to a breakable object
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    None

Helena shatters the breakable object.

-- Overhead Punch, Upward Kick

Type of Melee:    No Stun Melee/Combo Melee
How to Perform:   Press RT twice while the handgun is equipped
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar (for second melee)

Helena hits the enemy over the head with her fist then performs an upward kick 
while stepping forward.

-- Roundhouse

Type of Melee:    Light Stun Melee
How to Perform:   Activate a light stun on an enemy then press RT while near 
                  the enemy.
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Helena performs a spinning roundhouse kick to the enemy.

-- Drop Kick

Type of Melee:    Heavy Stun (Front) Melee/Partner Assist Melee
How to Perform:   Activate a heavy stun on an enemy then press RT while in 
                  front of the enemy
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Helena leaps into the air and kicks the enemy with both of her feet while 

-- Face Smash

Type of Melee:    Heavy Stun (Back) Melee
How to Perform:   Activate a heavy stun on an enemy then move to the back of 
                  the enemy and press RT
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Helena kicks the enemy in the lower back portion of the legs to make the enemy 
fall to the ground then falls on the enemy's head with an elbow.

-- Head Scissor

Type of Melee:    Head Stun Melee
How to Perform:   Active a head stun on an enemy then move close to the enemy 
                  and press RT
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Helena jumps at the enemy then grabs onto its right arm and body  then spins 
around the enemy shortly before tossing it to the ground.

-- Stomp

Type of Melee:    Ground Melee
How to Perform:   Knock an enemy to the ground then move close to the enemy and 
                  press RT while the assault rifle is equipped
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Helena stands over the enemy then stomps the enemy.

-- Neck Stab (zombie with knife in chest only)

Type of Melee:    Frontal Melee
How to Perform:   Stun the zombie with the knife in its chest on the right side 
                  of the garage then press RT from it's front side
Weapons Required: None
Stamina Usage:    1 bar

Helena grabs the zombie then takes the knife out of its chest and plunges the 
knife into its neck.

NOTE: This can ONLY be done on the zombie that stands next to the shutter on 
the right side of the garage and must be done from the zombie's front side 
after a stun of any type.  Both Leon and Helena can do this melee.

              __    __                                       
             / / /\ \ \ ___   __ _  _ __    ___   _ __   ___ 
             \ \/  \/ // _ \ / _` || '_ \  / _ \ | '_ \ / __|
              \  /\  /|  __/| (_| || |_) || (_) || | | |\__ \
               \/  \/  \___| \__,_|| .__/  \___/ |_| |_||___/
                               W E A P O N S

H A N D G U N S \______________________________________________________________

-- Nine-Oh-Nine (909)

Auto Fire:
Capacity: 15 bullets
Ammo Type: 9mm Ammo (Red box)
Quick Shot: Forward Shot

The Nine-Oh-Nine is the standard handgun for Chris and Jake in campaign mode.  
It holds the least amount of ammo out of all handguns but is still good for 
quick damage or setting up melee stuns.

-- Picador

Auto Fire: 
Capacity: 16 bullets
Ammo Type: 9mm Ammo (Red box)
Quick Shot: Forward Shot

The Picador holds slightly more ammo than the Nine-Oh-Nine but not as much as 
the triple shot.  It's still a good weapon for quick damage and setting up 
melee stun on enemies.

-- Triple Shot

Auto Fire: 
Capacity: 20 bullets
Ammo Type: 9mm Ammo (Red box)
Quick Shot: Forward Shot

Special Settings: [LT + Y]
3-Round Bursts (Three shots)
Semi-Auto (Single shot)

The Triple Shot handgun can be set to a three-round burst fire or the normal 
single shot fire.  At the cost of ammo, the triple shot can easily spam damage 
over a single target very quickly with the active 3-round burst or a player can 
set up quick stuns with a single shot.  It's really best just to keep this run 
on 3-round burst most of the time since a player can tap the trigger for single 
shots without activating the burst fire.

The only problem with the 3-round burst fire is when using the quick shot - the 
3-round burst will always activate at that time.  Either type of quick shot 
(single shot or triple shot) will set up a light stun on a normal J'avo.

-- Wing Shooter

Auto Fire: 
Capacity: 18 bullets
Ammo Type: 9mm Ammo (Red box)
Quick Shot: Forward Shot
            Five Shots (read the description)

Special Settings: [LT + Y)
One Gun (Holds one Wing Shooter)
Two Guns (Dual wields two Wing Shooters)

The Wing Shooter is a weak handgun capable of being dual wielded.  By holding 
the LT button and tapping the Y button, your character will take out another 
Wing Shooter.  Both of them can be shot rapidly while aiming and tapping RT.

The most unique part about the Wing Shooter's dual wielding is that it changes 
the gun's quick shot.  By tapping LT+RT, then holding LT and tapping RT, RT, 
RT, RT a player can perform a sequence of several quick shots in a row with 
each gun then both guns - a total of five quick shot in a row.  The full quick 
shot combination will take three bars from the stamina gauge.

S H O T G U N S \______________________________________________________________

-- Hydra

Auto Fire:
Capacity: 3 bullets
Ammo Type: ??? Ammo (Green box)
Quick Shot: Roll and shot

The Hydra is a triple barrel shotgun that delivers massive close range spread 
damage per shot.  Like all shotguns, each shot will spread pellets in a cone-
shaped spread toward the target.  Each pellet adds up to major damage depending 
on how many pellets hit the target.

The Hydra has a unique quick shot that will make your character step forward 
and fall to the floor shortly before shooting with the shotgun.

S U B  M A C H I N E  G U N S \________________________________________________

-- MP-AF

Auto Fire:
Capacity: 30 bullets
Ammo Type: 9mm Ammo (Red box)
Quick Shot: Forward Shot

Special Settings: [LT + Y]
Semi-Auto (Single shot)
Auto (Rapid fire)

The MP-AF is a submachine used for close range combat.  It can be set to Semi-
auto mode for a single shot or auto mode for rapid fire by holding LT and 
tapping the Y button.  The crosshair for the MP-AF is smaller than many other 
weapon crosshairs making it more precise than other weapon types.  This machine 
gun is actually very good at long range since the aiming is so precise!

A S S A U L T  R I F L E S \___________________________________________________

-- Assault Rifle for Special Tactics

Auto Fire:
Capacity: 30 bullets
Ammo Type: 5.56mm NATO Ammo (Blue box)
Quick Shot: Forward Shot

The Assault Rifle is a powerful automatic rifle that can be use to spam damage 
on multiple targets.  It has a high recoil, so be sure to aim carefully.  
Firing in burst shots is one of the best ways to use this weapon - tap and hold 
the trigger then let up then tap and hold again.  Don't just hold down the 
trigger constantly.

S N I P E R  R I F L E S \_____________________________________________________

-- Anti-Materiel Rifle

Auto Fire:
Capacity: 10 bullets
Ammo Type: 12.7mm Ammo (Purple box)
Quick Shot: Forward Shot

Special Settings: [LT + Y]
Normal Scope (Basic view)
Thermal Scope (Heat vision view)

The Anti-Materiel Rifle is a high-powered sniper rifle.  Each shot from this 
rifle has major recoil from how powerful the blast is.  Whatever you hit with 
this rifle will suffer some major damage.  The rifle is really good for close 
combat when the quick shot is used.  The quick shot for this weapon really 
stands out well since it is a very quick high-powered blast in front of the 
character without the need to aim.  A thermal scope may be used while aiming by 
pressing the Y button while holding LT.

M A G N U M S \________________________________________________________________

-- Elephant Killer

Auto Fire:
Capacity: 5 bullets
Ammo Type: (box)
Quick Shot: Forward Shot

The Elephant Killer is a high powered magnum.  Each shot has some heavy recoil 
but the bullets from this gun take major damage on any target.  Ammo for this 
gun is very rare so be sure to use it wisely.

M E L E E  W E A P O N S \_____________________________________________________

-- Combat Knife

Auto Fire: N/A
Capacity: Unlimited
Ammo Type: N/A
Quick Shot: Two Forward Slashes

Standard Attacks/Commands:
Slash           - LT + tap RT
Retreat Slashes - LT + tap back + RT
Dodge to Side   - LT + tap to a side + A
Ground Stab     - RT above grounded enemy
Throat Slit     - RT behind enemy in heavy stun pose

The Combat Knife is an excellent close range melee weapon for setting up melee 
stuns.  Its normal slash (hold LT then tap RT) is just as powerful as a handgun 
shot and takes no stamina to perform!  Normal slashes can set up instant stuns 
when slashing at an enemy's head.

The Combat Knife can hit enemies while a character steps backward by holding LT 
and tapping back on the left thumbstick + RT.  This attack takes no stamina 
either.  While holding LT a character can dodge to either the right or left by 
tapping in that direction and hitting the A button.  Normally a character would 
roll, but while holding the Combat Knife, the character will duck and step to 
the targeted side.

A player can also do two melees exclusive to the combat knife while the knife 
is equipped.  From a heavy stun, get behind the enemy and tap the RT button to 
grab the enemy by the head and slit its throat.  While the enemy is grounded, 
approach the enemy then press RT to have your character stab the grounded 
enemy.  The throat slit takes one stamina bar and the ground stab takes no 
stamina to perform.  The ground stab can be quite useful for killing off an 
enemy when low in stamina, especially since it can crush the head of an enemy 
for an instant kill.

The Quick Shot for the Combat Knife will make the character rush forward with 
two slashes from the knife at the cost of one stamina bar.  These two slashes 
will set up a heavy stun on an enemy and take major damage from the enemy.  The 
quick stun for the knife is perfect for finishing off enemies from close range 
without the need of ammo - it works really great for heavy stunning mutated arm 
J'avo that are normally hard to stun.  The Quick Shot can actually kill off 
weaker enemies with the two slashes since it is quite powerful.

-- Hand-to-Hand

Auto Fire: N/A
Capacity: Unlimited
Ammo Type: N/A
Quick Shot: Tiger Uppercut

Standard Attacks/Commands:
Bare Hand Combo - LT + RT 3 times
Special Combo - LT + hold RT + release RT + tap RT 4 times

Bare Hands are exclusive to Jake - basically, he will fight with his bare 
hands!  All of the bare hand attacks take stamina in some way, so be sure to 
keep this in mind.  Jake will perform two hooks and an elbow when a player 
holds LT and taps RT three times.  This will consume one stamina bar.

Jake also has a special sequence of attacks that can be performed by holding 
the LT button and then holding the RT button then releasing the RT button and 
tapping it four times in a row.  He will perform a cobra strike, tiger 
uppercut, thrust punch, sweep and groud pound.  All of these attacks are very 
powerful when done in sequence and the entire sequence takes three bars of 

You can't do the special combo over and over continuously without some breaks 
since it drains stamina so fast.  The combo does not connect very well but each 
attack will auto-track the closest enemy.  The auto-tracking of the first hit 
is the most useful since a player can target a distance enemy with it and allow 
Jake to run up to it during the first attack of the sequence.

The quick shot for the bare hands is the Tiger Uppercut melee.  This melee is 
actually done in Jake's special combo.  It will immediately knock an enemy to 
the ground with the legs facing Jake, so it's perfect for setting up his giant 
swing ground melee!

-- Stun Rod

Auto Fire: N/A
Capacity: Unlimited
Ammo Type: N/A
Quick Shot: Forward Swing

Standard Attacks/Commands:
Stun Rod Strike        - LT + tap RT (can be charged)
Stun Rod Combo         - LT + tap RT twice (second hit can be charged)
Stun Rod Dodge Strike  - LT + tap back + A
Stun Rod Ground Strike - RT above grounded enemy

The stun rod is a bit slower than a knife, but its attacks can be powerful and 
it can be charged for multiple attack out of one strike.  While holding the LT 
button, a character can charge a stun rod attack by holding the RT button.  The 
stun rod will electrify and hit multiple times when the button is released.  
Like the combat knife, a character can do a ground melee with the stun rod and 
the ground melee takes no stamina!  The ground melee can crush the enemy's head 
and instantly kill it as well.

The only stun rod attack that takes stamina is the usual quick shot attack with 
the stun rod.  The quick shot will make your character step forward with a 
swing.  The stun rod best stands out for its no stamina ground melee for the 
most part.  It's other attacks are only decent really.

-- Survival Knife

Auto Fire: N/A
Capacity: Unlimited
Ammo Type: N/A
Quick Shot: Forward Slash

The Survival Knife is a good weapon for setting up melees from close range.  It 
is an overall good close range weapons, but has limited attacks when compared 
to the combat knife.  The only attack that can be performed without stamina is 
the basic knife slash (hold LT then tap RT), which is quite good for setting up 
melee however.  This knife's slashes take a good bit of damage and stagger 
zombies pretty well from close range.

The Survival Knife's quick shot looks much like a basic knife slash.  Watch 
carefully while performing the quick shot to see your character step forward 
just a bit however.  The quick shot is slightly more powerful than the standard 
knife slash and takes a bar of stamina to perform.

E X P L O S I V E S \__________________________________________________________

-- Hand Grenade

Auto Fire: N/A
Capacity: N/A
Ammo Type: N/A
Quick Shot: N/A

The Hand Grenade will damage all enemies with explosive area damage when it 
explodes near them. Toss this grenade and it will bounce toward the targeted 
area and explode shortly.  The Hand Grenade takes major damage from surrounding 
targets.  It works well for groups of enemies and enemies that fly in the air.

-- Flash Grenade

Auto Fire: N/A
Capacity: N/A
Ammo Type: N/A
Quick Shot: N/A

The Flash Grenade will stun all on-screen enemies once it hits the ground after 
being thrown.  It will set up a type of stun depending on the enemy.  For 
normal J'avo, it will set up an instant heavy stun.  It will set up a very 
quick light stun on J'avo with mutated arms as they block against the flash and 
it will instantly ground winged J'avo if they are flying.

-- Remote Bomb

Auto Fire: N/A
Capacity: N/A
Ammo Type: N/A
Quick Shot: N/A

Standard Attacks/Commands
Lay Down Explosive - RT
Detonate Explosive - Hold LT + tap RT

A Remote Bomb is a C4 explosive that can be placed on the ground and detonated 
from a distance with the detonation trigger.  The explosion will deliver area 
damage to any surrounding enemy.  The C4 explosive can only be detonated with 
the detonation trigger - it cannot be shot or set off by any other means.  Be 
sure to step far away from the explosive since the explosion can hurt your 
character or a partner.

                    __                         _            
                   /__\_ __    ___  _ __ ___  (_)  ___  ___ 
                  /_\ | '_ \  / _ \| '_ ` _ \ | | / _ \/ __|
                 //__ | | | ||  __/| | | | | || ||  __/\__ \
                 \__/ |_| |_| \___||_| |_| |_||_| \___||___/
                                E N E M I E S

(NOTE: Still working on this section.)

------------------------------>  Z O M B I E  <--------------------------------

A zombie is a human that has mutated through infection of the T-virus.  These 
walking corpses have no feeling, so shooting them in an area such as the head, 
arm or leg will give your character little response.  They can be stunned by 
shooting them in the head just like J'avo's but the response is slower and less 

All damage that is sustained by a zombie is visible on their body.  They do not 
self heal and their body will remain on the ground once the zombie is defeated.

Z O M B I E \__________________________________________________________________

HP: ????

Zombies come in several different looks, an


-- Two Arm Swings

Type of Attack: Close/Mid-Range
Description: Zombie lurches forward and performs two side attacks with both 
arms - the left then the right.
Button Tap Timing: About 2 seconds
Counter: ?

P I P E  Z O M B I E \_________________________________________________________

HP: ????

A pipe T-virus carrier with a pipe in it's hands!  It can make very slow swings 
with the pipe and it can also throw the pipe at your character.


-- Pipe Swing

Type of Attack: Close Range
Description: Zombie holds up its arm with the pipe in it and swings downward at 
the character.
Button Tap Timing: About 2 seconds
Counter: Grab pipe and backhand zombie then smacks the zombie upside the head 
with the pipe.

------------------------------->  J ' A V O  <---------------------------------

A J'avo is a human that has been mutated with the C-virus.  These enemies 
regenerate quickly as they take damage.  If you watch closely, while shooting a 
J'avo, it will quickly heal shortly after it is shot.  If the head is shot, the 
brain will be exposed then the skin will quickly grow back and cover the brain. 
J'avo will burn up once they are defeated.

Shooting them in the arm or legs will cause them to mutate and grow a mutated 
arm or sprout mutated wings.  They can sprout two mutated arms if both arms are 

M A C H I N E  G U N  J ' A V O \______________________________________________

HP: ????

This J'avo carries a machine gun with it.  It will shoot from long range with 
the machine gun and perform a melee attack with the gun from close range.  It's 
very easy to avoid it's machine gun fire by running to the side, especially 
from close range.


-- Machine Gun Fire

Type of Attack: Long Range
Description: J'avo fires a full cartride of bullets from its machine gun.
Button Tap Timing: N/A
Counter: This attack cannot be countered, but a player can easily move to the 
side to avoid the machine gun fire.

-- Machine Gun Swing

Type of Attack: Close Range
Description: J'avo holds its machine gun back with both hands on its right side 
then [SWINGS] forward with the bottom of it's gun.
Button Tap Timing: About 1 second
Counter: Grab J'avo arm with right hand and elbow with left arm

S W O R D  J ' A V O \_________________________________________________________

HP: ????

This J'avo fights with a curved sword in its right hand.  Both of its arms can 
be shot to make it mutate and its legs can be shot to make it sprout wings and 
become a Mutated or Winged J'avo.


-- Side Sword Swing

Type of Attack: Close Range
Description: J'avo holds its sword to the right with its right arm then steps 
forward and [SWINGS] with an overhead slice from the side.
Button Tap Timing: About 2.5 seconds
Counter: Duck sword swing and shoulder ram J'avo

-- Sword Spin Combo

Type of Attack: Long Range
Description: J'avo holds it's sword up with its right arm then steps forward 
and does a complete spin to the side then [SLASHES] with an overhead swing its 
right side
Button Tap Timing:
Counter: (1) For the first attack, grab the blade arm (right arm) then twist 
the arm and stab the back of the J'avo with the blade. (1)

S I N G L E  M U T A T E D  A R M  J ' A V O \_________________________________

HP: ????

J'avo with only one mutated arm are slightly less aggressive than a J'avo with 
two mutated arms.  A single mutated arm J'avo will only use its mutated arm to 
attack, so it will only attack with one swing at a time.


-- Quick Mutated Arm Swing

Type of Attack: Close Range
Description: J'avo holds back curled mutated arm then [SWINGS] forward and hits 
the character.
Button Tap Timing: 1 second
Counter: Duck the arm swing and shoulder ram J'avo.

-- Mutated Arm Swing

Type of Attack: Close Range
Description: J'avo growls then holds back its curled up mutated arm and extends 
it outward while behind its back then the J'avo [SWINGS] to its side and 
forward with its arm.
Button Tap Timing: About 2 seconds
Counter: Duck the arm swing and shoulder ram J'avo.

-- Mutated Arm Overhead

Type of Attack: Close Range
Description: J'avo leans back its mutated arm then brings it forward and 
[SMASHES] the ground in front of it.
Button Tap Timing: About 3 seconds
Counter: Grab mutated arm then break it over knee and tear it off then stab the 
J'avo in the back of the head with its arm.

D O U B L E  M U T A T E D  A R M  J ' A V O \_________________________________

J'avos that have two mutated arms have a few more attacks than a J'avo with one 
mutated arm.  This type of mutated J'avo is also more aggressive than the 
single arm mutation of a J'avo.

-- Mutated Arm Swing Combo 1

Type of Attack: Long Range
Description: J'avo holds back curled right arm then [SWINGS] forward with its 
arm as it extends to its left.  The J'avo steps forward with its right leg and 
holds its left arm behind it then brings its left arm forward and [SMASHES] the 
ground in front of it.
Counter: (1) Duck the first arm swing and shoulder ram J'avo. (2) During second 
swing, grab mutated arm then break it over knee and tear it off then stab the 
J'avo in the back of the head with its arm.

-- Mutated Arm Swing Combo 2

Type of Attack: Close Range
Description: J'avo growls while holding back it's curled up right arm then 
[SWINGS] forward with its arm and then holds back its curled up left arm then 
[SWINGS] forward with that arm afterwards.
Button Tap Timing: About 1.5 seconds for first swing
Counter: Duck the arm swing and shoulder ram J'avo.

-- Mutated Arm Swing Combo

Type of Attack: Counter Attack (must shoot the J'avo to make it dash)
Description: J'avo dashes forward while holding back it's curled up left arm 
then [SWINGS] forward with its arm and then holds back its curled up right arm 
then [SWINGS] forward with that arm afterwards.
Button Tap Timing: About 1.5 seconds for first swing
Counter: Duck the arm swing and shoulder ram J'avo.

W I N G E D  J ' A V O \_______________________________________________________

Winged J'avo are created once the legs of a J'avo have been shot a few times.  
The lower body of the J'avo will sprout a new body with wings and the J'avo's 
lower half will fly while the J'avo attacks while upside down.  J'avo that have 
machine guns will still be able to fire their machine gun while hanging upside 

It is very important to know that you should always shoot the Winged J'avo in 
their actual J'avo body in order to damage them.  Winged J'avo have a high 
resistance to damage on the winged side of their body.

HP: ????


-- Grab and Hold

Type of Attack: Close Range
Description: J'avo holds out both arms and yells shortly before it dashes 
forward and [GRABS] your character.
Button Tap Timing: About 3 seconds
Counter: Grab J'avo body, knees J'avo with right leg then slams it on the 

     __    __        _  _     _    _                                _ 
    / / /\ \ \ __ _ | || | __| |_ | |__   _ __  ___   _   _   __ _ | |__  
    \ \/  \/ // _` || || |/ /| __|| '_ \ | '__|/ _ \ | | | | / _` || '_ \ 
     \  /\  /| (_| || ||   < | |_ | | | || |  | (_) || |_| || (_| || | | |
      \/  \/  \__,_||_||_|\_\ \__||_| |_||_|   \___/  \__,_| \__, ||_| |_|
                    S C E N A R I O  W A L K T H R O U G H

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                          L E O N  S C E N A R I O
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

* * *                                                                     * * *
June 29, 2013                                                    Tall Oaks, USA
                                    - - -
Leon Kennedy                                                      Helena Harper
* * *                                                                     * * *

== President's Room ==

Objective: Escape from the Campus

NOTE: The Helena player will be forced to stand still until the Leon player 
walks toward the door.

From the start, both players' commands are very limited.  All a player can do 
is walk, push in on LS and RS to straighten the camera or change sides and pull 
up the objective marker with LB.  The right thumbstick is used to rotate the 
camera.  The Leon player needs to walk toward the doorway to activate some 

== Hallway ==

Now both characters can walk.  No other options available because we want to 
keep that horror feel alive, right?

A player can enter the room across the hall and investigate the body inside.  
The character will automatically open the door.  The body at the desk inside 
will- well, I'll just let you see that.

Move down the hall.  The power is out so the elevator cannot be used.  Move 
further ahead and open the door on the right side of the room below the steps - 
the door with the objective marker.

== Dining Room (Second Floor) ==

You have gained... LT direction aim!

The power to aim will be bestowed upon both players after the conversation! 
Leon and Helena will look out toward the bottom floor of the Dining Room.  They 
need to move below.  Yeah, you can shoot the balloons, but keep in mind that 
this scenario has some VERY limited ammo!  Follow the walkway to the right then 
walk down the stairs.  "1998... I'll never forget it..."  For some reason, I 
just recalled that line.

Objective: Follow the shadow

That looked like a man to me... Not just some obscure shadow.  Anyway, move 
across to the other side of the Dining Room and follow "the shadow".  The door 
off to the left at the bottom of the stairs can be opened, but the only door in 
that room is locked for now.

Move around the first row of tables via the middle or left path.  With the 
second set, move down the path to the left or the far right path.  The rest of 
the table rows are blocked in the rows.  Players can move along any of the 
paths in the third row.  Walk through the doorway off to the left at the other 

A display board blocks the left path and Resident Evil characters can't very 
well move it without a button command prompt, so enter the Kitchen off to the 
right.  The camera will zoom in as the characters enter the Kitchen.

== Kitchen ==

Something just hauled ass through the door on the other side of the Kitchen.  
It might be a Ganado or a Majini, so let us hurry to the other side and 
overpower melee his ass.  Step into the hallway on the other side.

== Small Hallway ==

Something runs and knocks over a garbage can up ahead.  I guess the fear of 
Leon's one-liners are that bad, eh?  Move around the corner where the garbage 
can fell.  Run to the end of the hall.

Someone is coughing!  Open the door to the next room and a cutscene will play.

== Storage Room ==

Objective: Search the campus for Liz

The man from the cutscene will dash out of the room shortly.

********************************** BLUE MEDAL *********************************
Walk to the right side of the PC on the middle table then look into the room 
off to the left.  The room is blocked off but there is a blue medal in the 
room.  It does nothing in the demo, but in the full game it can be shot for a 
bonus.  You can shoot it to make it break and to hear a pleasant sound that 
reminds you that... Leon just wasted some handgun ammo!

Exit the room and reenter the Small Hallway.

== Small Hallway ==

Helena will hear a sound up ahead.  Reenter the Kitchen.

== Kitchen ==

A Regenerator will... no- it's rats!  Lucky you.  We hate anything that moves 
in Resident Evil since RE4 though, right?  Shoot the vermin if you wish.  They 
don't cough up any gold, grenade or weapons sadly.  Exit the Kitchen via the 
other door on other side of the room.

Someone turned the lights off in the Dining Room!  Enter the Dining Room.

== Dining Room ==

Run to the other side of the Dining Room.  Some cheap scares will occur along 
the way.  Meet up with the man on the other side of the Dining Room.  Open the 
double doors and enter the Room with Staircase and the man will follow.

== Room with Staircase ==

The man will continue to search for Liz.  Move to the top of the stairs and 
walk toward the body on the top walkway for a quick fix of horror (when you 
approach the body) if you want.  Help the man open the door across from the 
bottom of the stairs to continue.

== Exhibit Room ==

The man will walk over to the left side of the room and start to... spasm...? 
Yeah, do it and we'll shoot that ass!  Go ahead and plagas out... I dare you.

He will eventually move toward the right side of the room and open the door 
then continue into the hall ahead.  Follow him into the hall and he leads the 

== Elevator Hallway ==

The corridor directly ahead is blocked.  Some dogs will bark if the characters 
move to the end of that corridor.

Turn left and follow the man down the hall.  He will speak in front of the 
elevator.  He will mention that once he finds Liz all of you can use his car to 
leave this place.  Follow the man to the other end of the hallway then press 
the partner command button to open the door with the help of your partner.

== Library ==

I think Liz is in here- DAMN WOMAN! WHAT THE HELL!?

Anyway, Liz is now found and appears to be so weak that she now limps. Not 

Objective: Escape from the campus

Alright, if you insist, follow the man and his limping daughter.  Reenter the 
Elevator Hallway.

== Elevator Hallway ==

Follow Liz and her father down the hall then use the partner command button to 
lift up the planks that block the way.

== Elevator ==

Follow the two into the elevator.  A cutscene will play as the characters take 
the elevator down to the garage.

During the cutscene, the Helena player will have to shoot the zombie off the 
Leon player while the Leon player struggles.  Afterwards, the Helena player 
will have to struggle and the Leon player will need to shoot the zombie off 
Helena.  Be sure to wiggle your left thumbstick when the command appears to 
fight off the zombie and ruin your controller a bit.  The cutscene will 
continue afterwards.

Once the elevator doors open, it's time to learn how to melee.  Oh my god, 
zombies!  How I have missed you.  Press RT to greet the rushing zombie crowd 
with a kick to the face with Leon or Helena.  Yeah, RE characters aren't 
limited to just shooting now!  We have gained some new tricks since your time 
in the spotlight ended!

Dash into the garage.

== Parking Garage ==

A man will slump against the car in the middle of the garage.  Walk toward him 
and be sure to pick up the --HANDGUN AMMO-- to the right of his body.  It's 
literally the only handgun ammo pickup in Leon's scenario, so be sure to beat 
your online partner to it!  You can check the body of the man for signs of 

------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEMS
[ ] Handgun Ammo x 1

Fight off the zombies with melee for the most part.  Bullets don't really do 
much to them - they don't react to a bullet like a living creature would.  A 
shot to the head will give your character a head stun and set up a special 
melee when your character moves close to the stunned zombie though.  In a way, 
the zombie doesn't appear stunned when it is stunned - you sort of just have to 
know it's stunned.  A zombie's stun animations look like its basic movement - 
devoid of actual feeling.  Quite nice if you think about it.

There are a few more zombies on the right side of the parking garage.  Be sure 
to finish them with a crowd-pleasing melee.  Find the zombie that stands near 
the shutter - the actual standing zombie with a knife in its chest.  He is 
automatically set up for a back heavy stun melee so a player can approach his 
backside an activate a melee instantly.  He also has a special melee that can 
be done to him.  Shoot him in the head to stun him then press RT while standing 
in front of the zombie.  Your character will make use of knife to kill him with 

Rush toward the other side of the garage for a cutscene.  Open the door to the 
surveillance room on the other side of the garage to trigger another cutscene.  
The demo for Leon will end after the cutscene.

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                          C H R I S  S C E N A R I O
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* * *                                                                     * * *
June 29, 2013                                                    Eastern Europe
                                    - - -
Chris Redfield                                                    Pierce Nivans
* * *                                                                     * * *

== Outside the Bar ==

Objective: Get to the roof

Turn to the left and break open the two nearby tall crates.  These types of 
crates are found throughout Chris' scenario and they will always contain some 
type of random item.

NOTE: Always use the RT button to destroy breakable objects.  Chris and Piers 
will perform a low kick when positioned directly in front of the crate.

------------------------------------------------------------- BREAKABLE OBJECTS
[ ] Tall Crates x 2

Your first enemy is up the stairs ahead.  This is a J'avo.  It's important to 
know that J'avo will mutate based on how they are shot.  If you shoot their 
arms, they will sprout tentacle arms and if you shoot their legs, they will 
grow a mutant lower body with wings and fly.  It's best to kill them with melee 
or shoot them in the body or head to avoid having them mutate.

The first J'avo up the stairs ahead is set up for an environmental melee kill, 
so just run up to him and get near his backside then press the RT button to 
toss him off the side of the catwalk.  Run up the second set of stairs and kill 
the second J'avo.  He can be knocked off the edge with an environmental melee 
just as easy.

When the characters reach the top of the stairs, a cutscene will play.

== Rooftop ==

Objective: Go to the Ace of Spades

After the cutscene, a new objective will be given to Chris and a group of J'avo 
will hop across the gap in the walkway up ahead.  The squad of BSAA with your 
team will open fire on them and likely make them mutate.  Fire from a distance 
or run and climb up the ladder then hop over the gap on the platform up ahead 
to get below the platform that they are on.  You can climb up to the platform 
that they are on via the ladder on the side and melee kill them or make them 
eat lead.

NOTE 1: If either player shoots the legs of any of the J'avo and causes the 
J'avo to mutate into a Winged J'avo, the BSAA soldiers will contact 
Headquarters and tell them about this mutation.  The soldier will refer to the 
Winged J'avo mutation as a "Type 5 Mutation".

NOTE 2: While playing as Chris, his combat knife's quick shot works excellent 
for staggering a mutated arm J'avo from close range - both hits will set up a 
heavy stun.  Piers' quick shot with his rifle takes major damage from a mutated 
arm J'avo as well.  If a J'avo forms wings, always shoot it in the actual J'avo 
body to take damage (bottom side).  A flash grenade will instantly knock them 
out of the air.  While approaching a grounded winged J'avo your character will 
get a melee prompt.  While it is on the ground, face away from the J'avo head 
and face the wings to perform a special melee to the winged J'avo at that time.

********************************** BLUE MEDAL *********************************
The blue medal for Chris' scenario can be seen all throughout the time that 
both characters are up on the rooftops.  It is on a green building with metal 
extensions that stick out along the sides.  Look for one of the smaller green 
buildings and this medal will be on top of the middle extension at the very 
top.  Only Piers can see it really clearly with his rifle, but both characters 
can shoot it with good aiming.  Just look for the bright blue circle on the 

Either way, climb up to the platform that the J'avo were on then run across the 
bridge up above.  Your character will cross over to a building that is burning 
along the sides below.

== Rooftop ==

Turn to the right and fall off the current platform.  This is a good place to 
learn about how effective the dash can be for quickly climbing and hopping over 
obstacles.  Hold the dash button then run toward the raised area up ahead and 
your character will quickly hop up to it.  Keep holding forward and the dash 
button and your character will hop off the edge then climb the ladder up ahead. 
Break the nearby tall crates for extra pickups then climb the ladder to the 

------------------------------------------------------------- BREAKABLE OBJECTS
[ ] Tall Crates x 3

== Rooftop ==

Several J'avo are on the high platforms at the top of the roof.  The first 
group is on the first platform and the second group is on the platform in the 
back.  Shoot them from a distance.  Some of them might fall while they are 
being shot.

There are no hidden items on the rooftop.  Move over to the pole that extends 
toward the building across from the current building then climb up to it.  Both 
Chris and Piers will need to slide across the pole.  A cutscene will take 

== Pole Between Rooftops ==

Objective: Reunite with you partner

Both players will be broken up after the cutscene.  Piers will be on the 
rooftop across the pipe and Chris will be hanging on a lower pipe.

=============================== PIERS GAMEPLAY ================================

The Piers player needs to take out Piers' rifle and shoot the J'avo on the 
balcony beside Chris.  They are to Chris' left and there are four of them. 
While Chris climbs across, continue to kill them off since the Chris player 
cannot fight back right now.  Eventually two J'avo will move out onto the 
rooftop of the building that Chris is headed to.  Be sure to at least shoot the 
J'avo that Chris cannot reach on that building.  You can leave the lower J'avo 
to the big guy as he falls to the other side.

NOTE: The Piers player can toss a hand grenade on top of the balcony beside 
Chris as he climbs across the pipe.  A perfect grenade toss will kill off all 
J'avo instantly.  Be sure to aim for the very front of the balcony and toss the 
hand grenade away from Chris so he doesn't get hit.  If you toss the grenade 
too far back, it might bounce into a window.

Once Chris is on the other side, the Piers player can move to the other 
buildings in the back of him.  To the left of Piers' firing position are two 
tall crates.

------------------------------------------------------------- BREAKABLE OBJECTS
[ ] Tall Crates x 2

Climb up the tall ladder to the rooftop behinds Piers.  Chris will be getting 
swamped with J'avo on the buildings to the left of Piers.  The Piers player can 
provide cover fire for Chris with either of his weapons.  It's a good idea to 
use Piers' rifle to target the J'avo on the other side.  While aiming with his 
rifle, press the Y button to switch to the thermal scope to easily see the 
J'avo.  Press in on the right stick to toggle zoom on and off.  There are three 
tall crates to the right of Piers while on the new building rooftop.  Fall down 
the stairs on the other side of the building.

While Chris makes his way across the other rooftop, J'avo will start to exit 
the buildings in greater number on his side.  Look up on the rooftops to see 
J'avo positioned on the high areas.  Aim for the J'avo that are high up on the 
rooftops and blast them with Piers' rifle.

NOTE: Try your best to keep the Chris player on the camera while moving.  
Literally, tilt the camera to the left to face the Chris player and have Piers 
move to the right to keep Chris in view.

------------------------------------------------------------- BREAKABLE OBJECTS
[ ] Tall Crates x 3

== Rooftop ==

Check the right side of the building to find --4 FLASH GRENADES-- lying on the 
ground and there are also four tall crates on that side as well.  One tall 
crate is further in the back.  Hop over the gap in between the next two 
buildings.  Chris should be near the door there or he should be on the walkway 
leading to the building by now.

Use the ladder near the exit door to climb up to the raised platform and 
provide cover fire for the Chris player.

NOTE: When the Chris player reaches the far side of the rooftops, three Winged 
J'avo will spawn from off in the distance next to the Chris player then attack 
that player.  Be sure to shoot any annoying winged J'avo since they can pile up 
greatly on Chris' side at times.

------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEMS
[ ] Flash Grenade x 4
------------------------------------------------------------- BREAKABLE OBJECTS
[ ] Tall Crates x 4

=============================== CHRIS GAMEPLAY ================================

Chris will start out hanging on a pipe in between two buildings.  Keep tapping 
the X button to climb across the pipe that Chris hangs onto.  Chris cannot 
fight back while climbing.  Hopefully your Piers partner is watching out for 
your Chris and shooting at the four J'avo that will exit the building to the 
left and the two J'avo that exit the building directly ahead.  If youre Chris 
get hit with a grenade blast then... that's Berserker's fault (read Piers 

Fall to the building on the other side then climb the ladder off to the right. 
Your Piers partner might have left the lower J'avo on the building for Chris to 
uber backhand or straight punch his ass off the side.  POW!

== Rooftop ==

There are two tall crates in the alcove to the immediate left - break them 
before falling.  Fall off the platform that Chris climbs to.

------------------------------------------------------------- BREAKABLE OBJECTS
[ ] Tall Crates x 2

A fence blocks off the left side of the building.  Climb the ladder and fall 
off the left side of the platform up above.  Break the two tall crates by the 
fence then hop over the raised platform to the side.

A few J'avo will attack eventually.  Hop over the gap in the rooftop. 

== Rooftop ==

J'avo may be here or on the other side of the fence up ahead.  Climb the ladder 
on the platform off to the right then hop to the other side.  Kill any J'avo 
that attack Chris.  They will be on the walkway up ahead (look up) and they 
will move out from the opening off to the left.  Break the two tall crates off 
to the right along the way around the corner.  If a J'avo suddenly dies in 
front of Chris without Chris doing anything, he is not dying from the fear of 
Chris' melees - that is your Piers partner supporting you!

------------------------------------------------------------- BREAKABLE OBJECTS
[ ] Tall Crates x 2

NOTE: As Headquarters contacts Alpha Squad via radio, three Winged J'avo will 
spawn in the air off to the left near the back of the building that Chris is on 
- they will spawn to the left of the two upcoming tall crates.

Kill off any leftover J'avo on the other side of the building then run past the 
ladder and break the two tall crates off to the right in the back of the 

------------------------------------------------------------- BREAKABLE OBJECTS
[ ] Tall Crates x 2

Climb the ladder and break the next tall crate directly ahead!  There might be 
a J'avo on the walkway if they haven't been killed yet.

------------------------------------------------------------- BREAKABLE OBJECTS
[ ] Tall Crates x 1

== Walkways ==

Follow the walkway up ahead and leap off the end.  Chris will land on a 
platform with a small water tower.  Fall below and Piers should be waiting for 

NOTE: Chris can leap over the gap and go back and collect any items or kick 
open any tall crates that Piers might have missed.  It's really a good idea to 
do this since Chris can collect the four flash grenades on Piers side.  Even if 
Piers collected them, they will still remain there for Chris!

========================= BOTH CHARACTERS MEET AGAIN ==========================

Kick open the red door off to the side.

Follow the path around the right side of the building then climb the ladder.  
Move along the platform then follow the walkway off to the left.  Hop to the 
walkways below.  The last section of walkway will fall out from under the first 
player that lands on it.

== Rooftops ==

J'avo will attack Chris and Piers from the back building as the two characters 
move forward.  Two of the J'avo are positioned high up on the building across 
the bridge, so be sure to find them and shoot them or they will continually 
blast the characters. Break the two tall crates off to the left.

------------------------------------------------------------- BREAKABLE OBJECTS
[ ] Tall Crates x 2

Move over to the next rooftop and kill any J'avo that remain then climb the 
ladder on the left side of the rooftop.  Follow the platform around the right 
side then fall off the high area via the dropoff to the left.  Break the tall 
crate to the left then kick open the door below.

------------------------------------------------------------- BREAKABLE OBJECTS
[ ] Tall Crates x 1

== Outside the Ace of Spades ==

Move around the side of the middle platform then run across the board to reach 
the Area Outside the Ace of Spades!  There are three tall crates against the 
left wall that can be broken.  If you check on the back right portion of the 
current rooftop, there are grenades lying on a platform as well.

------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEMS
[ ] Flash Grenade x 3
------------------------------------------------------------- BREAKABLE OBJECTS
[ ] Tall Crates x 3

Before long, J'avo will start to attack.  Bravo team will contact Chris and 
Piers and tell them to hold out until they arrive.

Objective: Hold out until Bravo Team arrives

The first two J'avo always drop from the catwalk above the two tall crates.  
Players can easily plan for their arrival.  J'avo will eventually swarm the 
area and attack.  It's a good idea to use flash grenades here if you want to 
set up melee or just blow up a whole group of enemies with a hand grenade or 
one of the three explosive barrels found around the area.

NOTE 1: Like what is mentioned below, flash grenades will set up a heavy stun 
on a J'avo.  Move in front of or behind the J'avo for two different melee 
prompts for both Chris and Piers during this stun.

NOTE 2: There is a tall ladder that leads to a platform in the back of the 
area.  While this might not seem useful, a player can climb it to get a break 
from the action in order to mix healing herb pills.

Eventually, a cutscene will trigger and Bravo team will arrive.  Bravo team is 
here to ruin your melee kill setups and kick ass!  They will wipe the floor 
with the rest of the J'avo and keep you from enjoying some more sweet melee 
kills.  Basically, they are saying the demo is over now, son, so go to your 
local Gamestop and preorder the full game!  Preorder now and you'll receive a 
free Catacombs stage for Mercenaries.  Power to the player, bitch!

NOTE: I did not get Gamestop payment for that advertising joke.  It just 
sounded funny at the moment.

Walk over to the double doors and activate the partner action command near them 
(both players) to end Chris' scenario.

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                          J A K E  S C E N A R I O
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* * *                                                                     * * *
June ??, 2013                                                    ??????????????
                                    - - -
Jake Muller                                                       Sherry Birkin
* * *                                                                     * * *

Characters: Jake Muller, Sherry Birkin

== Drainage Area ==

Objective: Run from Ustanak

Well, there isn't much too this first part really.  Both Jake and Sherry will 
start out with the camera facing them while Ustanak rampages toward them from 

Long story short, hold down the A button and hold down on the left thumbstick 
(toward the screen) and haul ass.  As long as you keep holding the A button 
your character will leap over the fallen debris up ahead.

Eventually a cutscene will play.  When the view changes to show the back of 
Jake and Sherry after the cutscene, run forward!  Keep running and leap off the 
building.  The Sherry player will hit a portion of the wooden walkway then the 
walkway will fall out from under her and she will grab onto a pole below the 
building.  The Jake player will land on the wooden walkway below.  The Jake 
player should continue to run so that Jake jumps and grabs Sherry then falls 
into the warehouse via the window below.

== Warehouse Hallway ==

Objective: Escape from the warehouse

Wooh!  Damn.

There isn't a reason to waste any bullets on Ustanak as he looks through the 
window.  He will give up the chase and leave eventually.  The objective marker 
says to move down the hall.  I say that we enter the restroom for now though.

== Men's Restroom ==

There is a J'avo in one of the stalls, so be ready to kill him when he rushes 
out from the right side of the room.  Grab the --GREEN HERB-- in the back of 
the restroom.  There is a wooden crate that can be broken in the outside 
hallway as well.

------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEMS
[ ] Herb (Green) x 1
------------------------------------------------------------- BREAKABLE OBJECTS
[ ] Wooden Crates x 1

Have Jake boost Sherry up to the floor above in the very back portion of the 
restroom - there is a hole in the ceiling.  Both players should stand next to 
the hole in the ceiling and press the B button when the partner action icon 
appears.  Sherry can collect a --RED HERB-- and bust open two wooden crates in 
the room above.

------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEMS
[ ] Herb (Red) x 1
------------------------------------------------------------- BREAKABLE OBJECTS
[ ] Wooden Crates x 2

*********************************** TREASURE **********************************
To the right of the red herb pickup is a chest that Sherry can open.  Stand in 
front of the chest and press the A button to unlock the chest.  The treasure 
inside is worth 2000 skill points.  It's useless for the demo, but why not pick 
it up while up there.  After all, you pick up those skill point pieces from 
enemies, right?
********************************** BLUE MEDAL *********************************
Sherry can also turn around and blast the blue medallion to the right of the 
hole in the floor behind her.  This does nothing in the demo, but... we have to 
do EVERYTHING in the RE6 demo regardless of how useful it may be just to say 
that we did it, right?  Kind of like me making a FAQ for the demo.

Step out of the restroom and break open the wooden crate on the shelf to the 
right and open the door to the side of it.

== Storage Room ==

Break open the wooden crate on the shelf then fall to the basement via the trap 
door in the back of the room.

------------------------------------------------------------- BREAKABLE OBJECTS
[ ] Wooden Crates x 1

== Storage Basement ==

A J'avo will charge the first player that drops into the basement.  Be ready to 
fight him after landing.  Break the 3 wooden crates for extra items then 
collect the --FIRST AID SPRAY-- on the shelf.  Climb back out of the basement 
and exit the storage room.

------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEMS
[ ] First Aid Spray x 1
------------------------------------------------------------- BREAKABLE OBJECTS
[ ] Wooden Crates x 3

== Warehouse Hallway ==

Run down the hall then kick open the door at the other end with the help of 
both players via the partner action command while standing in front of it.

== Warehouse ==

Jake and Sherry will start out on the top floor walkway of the Warehouse.  They 
will look toward a barred door below.  Yes, that is the way out... but you 
should check around the warehouse first.

Run to the end of the current walkway.  The ceiling will start to crumble.  
Notice all the red barrels around the warehouse that stick out like a sore 
thumb?  Don't shoot them yet.  They will come in handy later for damaging 
Nemesis 2012. I mean... well, you'll see!

Break open the wooden crate then run to the right and open the briefcase on the 
shelf then take the --2 FLASH GRENADES-- and the --REMOTE BOMB-- from inside.  
Walk further into the warehouse and three J'avo will swing down from the 
opening in the middle portion of the ceiling and attack.  Kill them and check 
over the rest of the warehouse.

------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEMS
[ ] Flash Grenade x 2, [ ] Remote Bomb x 1
------------------------------------------------------------- BREAKABLE OBJECTS
[ ] Wooden Crates x 1

J'avo are hiding throughout this warehouse, so be on your guard!  There is a 
single wooden crate on the far right side of the warehouse on the side that 
your character entered from.  It is on an oil drum in a stack of oil drums.  
There are also two wooden crates in the restroom off to the right in front of 
the exit door on the bottom floor.

------------------------------------------------------------- BREAKABLE OBJECTS
[ ] Wooden Crates x 3

Run up the stairs in the middle of the room.  Notice the red barrels lined 
along the walkway that just beg for some poor enemy to move by them.  Ignore 
the red barrels and run by them then pick up the --GREEN HERB-- after hopping 
across the first gap in the walkway.

NOTE: There are two ladders that can be kicked down on the upper walkways.  One 
is on the walkway across from the green herb pickup and the other is on the 
walkway on the opposite side of the building.  Kicking these ladders will cause 
them to lower so that a player can climb to the top walkway from the bottom 
floor.  This could come in handy during the upcoming battle.

Run to the end of the next walkway after hopping to the other side.  There are 
two J'avo in the room through the opening along the right wall.  Kill them and 
take caution of the J'avos that will drop from the ceiling above the outside 
walkway.  The two extra J'avos will enter the room and attack shortly.  Collect 
the --RED HERB-- and --ELEPHANT KILLER-- then break the two tall crates (one in 
the room and one across the gap in the walkway outside.  The elephant killer 
weapon is a magnum - now, that's a weapon, stranga!  The Elephant Killer magnum 
will help out greatly for the fight ahead.

------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEMS
[ ] Herb (Green) x 1, [ ] Herb (Red) x 1, [ ] Elephant Killer x 1
------------------------------------------------------------- BREAKABLE OBJECTS
[ ] Tall Crates x 2

When ready, fall down to the bottom floor and attempt to open the exit door.  A 
cutscene will trigger.

Boss: Ustanak

Objective: Take Down Ustanak

Ustanak is not really that bad of a boss at all so long as both players stay 
moving.  He is very slow, but has a few quick attacks.  His main attack that 
might catch a player off guard is his grab.  From long range, he will shoot out 
the claw arm on his hand and will reel a character in then impale that 
character if he catches his target.  The other player can run in at that time 
then press the B button to perform a melee that will free the grabbed player.  
Ustanak can perform a running ram and he can hit players with close range 
punches.  It's best to use the dodge (Hold LT then press a left stick direction 
then tap A) for this battle when trying to dodge Ustanak's attacks.  A player 
can easily escape all of his attacks by simply running to the side also.

Firing any weapon or hitting Ustanak with a melee will damage him somewhat and 
will ultimately bring the battle to a close.  The Elephant Killer will finish 
off Ustanak very quickly by shooting him in any portion of the body.  Ustanak 
can be lured toward the red barrels in the area also.  The explosion from the 
barrels will damage him greatly once they are shot.  A player can simply lure 
him toward each red barrel then shoot it.  Like any RE enemy, Ustanak can be 
lead up to the second floor and damaged while he jumps over the gaps.  A player 
can literally melee kill him with constant melees as he jumps the gap.  Just 
keep hopping back and forth.  Ustanak is overall pretty slow and easy, so he 
shouldn't be much of a problem.

The battle and the entire Jake scenario will end once Ustanak's health has been 
drained fully.

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                        E V E R Y T H I N G  E L S E


7/3/12 - Walkthrough is finished and in posting form.  I'll add TONS more to 
this guide eventually.  People that know me well for RE guides know that I go 
way over the current KB total for this guide.  A bunch more to come soon!  This 
FAQ is very skeletal at the moment.

7/6/12 - Added many extra parts to the basics section.  I really need to space 
stuff out better... Proofread the walkthrough portion!

7/7/12 - Added all of Sherry's and Jake's melees along with a listing of 
stamina for each melee.  Much more of the Basics section is now filled out.  
I'll get Leon and Helena's melees up soon along with a full enemy attack list.

7/9/12 - All of Leon and Helena's melees are now listed (well, most of them). A 
few corrections were made here and there.

7/10/12 - Added Leon and Helena's heavy stun melees.  If you want to set them 
up easily, use a back hit (elbow or back kick).  Added all of Chris' phrases to 
the command section and many of Piers' phrases.

7/16/12 - Added all character commands to the Basics section.  I will 
eventually make this FAQ look much more organized than what it is!

7/20/12 - Added some more melees for Chris and Leon (knife melees and quick 
shot).  I'll add all quick shots for each character eventually.  And I will 
organize much of this FAQ soon.  Been a bit "under the weather" for quite some 
time now and haven't felt like doing much.

7/26/12 - Placed all character info in a Characters section under the Basics 
section.  Much more planned for later.

8/13/12 - A Weapons section is now listed under the Characters section.  I 
added a mention of Piers melees (front kick/elbow and stomp) while holding a 
grenade, Leon's dual wielding with the Wing Shooter, the response glitch to the 
partner response section in Basics and a mention of the "Type 5 mutation" 
dialogue to Chris' walkthrough.

8/28/12 - Extra moves and counters were added for the zombie in the enemies 
section.  Oh yeah, and there actually IS an enemies section - forgot to mention 
that last update!  Updated the quick shot for Wing Shooter (Leon's gun) with 
the correct way to do the full five hit quick shot combo.

                                 CONTACT INFO                            [CI00]

I can be reached at my email address, which is berserker_kev(at), so 
please contact me if you have any questions, comments, etc.  Replace the (at) 
with @.  I don't mind receiving emails at all.  Don't add me to your Yahoo 
Messenger though; I use Yahoo Messenger only for close friends.

You can contact me through Xbox or PSN.  I'm online nearly all the time.  Don't 
send a friend request though.

Xbox LIVE Gamertag: Berserker Kev
PSN:                Berserker_Kev

I do have a few guidelines however:

1) Give me a subject in the email, preferably one including the name of the 
   game.  An actual subject looks damn sexy in my inbox compared to an 
   unattractive blank subject line.
2) Read the guide over and make sure that your question is not already 
3) Please speak in English and attempt to use some correct grammar.  This is in
   no way meant to offend those that cannot speak English well.  I have spoken 
   with some readers that claim they cannot speak English when, in fact, they 
   speak better English then some Americans.  So basically if you "try" to talk
   to me then that is good enough. :)

And last, but not least, if you found this walkthrough helpful, an email would 
be most appreciated.  It is very true that I write these guides as a hobby, but 
just that little email that lets me know that I have helped someone always 
makes me feel special for about five minutes.  Don't worry, I won't tell anyone 
on the gaming boards that you used a guide. ;)

If you have a youtube account, you could also give me a subscription on 
youtube.  I promise to keep you entertained with plenty of Chris Redfield 

                                   ABOUT ME                              [AM00]

My name is Kevin Hall.  I'm 32 years old and live in the US, in a small town in 
Mississippi.  Ever since I was really young, I have been a huge fan of video 
games since I was first introduced to them via the Atari 2600 and NES 8-bit.  
My favorite gaming series is the Resident Evil series followed closely by the 
Castlevania series.  I'm a complete horror gaming junkie - survival horrors are 
my main cup of tea.  Capcom is my favorite video game company.  They hardly 
ever let me down when it comes to games with plenty of replay value.

                         "My Chris will FAQ you up!"

I have been deeply involved in the Resident Evil Mercenaries community ever 
since the release of Resident Evil 5 in March 2009.  The Mercs portion of RE5 
hit me like no other mini game has before and I've spent the past few years 
fully dedicated to it for the most part.  I'm pretty well known for using only 
Chris Redfield in RE5 Mercs and continue to do so in other games.  Why?  Chris 
Redfield has always been my favorite RE character and I'm biased when it comes 
to my selected character!

My known aliases are Berserker or Berserker Kev.  Many people call me "Kev" and 
I've also gained the nickname "Kevo" from the Mercs community.


--> My Youtube page:

Videos with RE5 Mercs Chris Redfield gameplay and videos for plenty of other 
games that I have worked on can be found on my youtube page.

--> Berserker: Tear Through the Game (My Gaming Blog)

My own site with game reviews, discussions of my guides (some), and random 
thoughts about video games.  Feel free to post up some comments on the blog.  I
don't bite... well not that much... and not too viciously...

--> IGN FAQ Writer of the Month interviews:

July 2005     -
December 2008 -

--> My other work can be found at both IGN and GameFAQs.

IGN      -
GameFAQs -


This document Copyright 2012 Kevin Hall (Berserker)

Resident Evil 6 Copyright 2012 Capcom Ltd.

This document is for private and personal use only.  Do not try to sell this 
document for profit.  This is a free document and should remain free.  Do not 
try to reproduce this document in any way, shape, or form.  Do not alter this 
FAQ in any way.  Use of this guide on any other web site, besides the sites 
that have contacted me, or as a part of any public display is strictly 
prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

If you want to use this FAQ on your site, then contact me for permission first. 
This FAQ can only be found on a few sites as of now and I am keeping a list of 
those sites.  Contact me if you want to use it.

                               SPECIAL THANKS

- My parents.

- All of the friends that I've gained from the RE5 Mercs community.  Truly too 
  many to list!

- Seitengrate (Greg) for the list of wrestling moves for melees. Haha. xD

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