Demo Walkthrough - Guide for Mass Effect 3

Scroll down to read our guide named "Demo Walkthrough" for Mass Effect 3 on PC (PC), or click the above links for more cheats.

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Guide Type: Demo Walkthrough      / ___  \                   Platform: Xbox 360 
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| Developed By: Bioware           \______/                  Author: Jerecaine |
|                                                                             |
|                       Published By: Electronic Arts                         |
Version 1.00 
[EMAIL: [email protected]] 
Spoiler Warning: Since this is a demo guide, this will have Spoilers for the 
full game which launches March 6 in North America. But i'll try my best to keep 
the story spoilers form the demo 
if you would like to add this FAQ to your website, ask me at the email above. 
The most updated version will always be found on Gamefaqs. 
If you have any questions or concerns, you're always welcome to email me. 
==========================---TABLE OF CONTENTS---==============================

SECTION I: Building Shepard [SHEP-00]
..............................................................Classes [SHEP-01]
............................................................Abilities [SHEP-02]

SECTION II: Single Player Walkthrough [WALK-00] 
.....................................................Controls & Notes [WALK-01] 
-Actual Walkthrough- 
................................................................Earth [WALK-02] 
............................................................Homeworld [WALK-03] 

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                               |___/               |_|                [SHEP-00] 
Before you play your brand new demo of Mass Effect 3, you'll have the option to 
build your own Shepard: From his (or hers) looks, to background, and what 
fighting classes they're in. The body customization isn't as deep as say...any 
of the recent WWE games or Soul Calibur 5 since you can only do the face, but 
it's enough to where it can be unique to your liking. 
..............................................................Classes [SHEP-01] 
| Soldier | 
Soldiers are the powerhouse weapon class, and my personal preference. What they 
lack in biotic powers they make up for raw firepower damage. They have the 
highest amount of health, and prefer to let their guns talk for them. This is 
the class most first time players will pick. 
- Adrenaline Rush 
- Concussive Shot 
- Frag Grenade 
- Incendiary Ammo 
- Disruptor Ammo 
- Cryo Ammo 
| Infiltrator | 
Infiltrators are stealth experts, who prefer either sneaking behind enemies or 
away from them using the tactical cloak, or taking them out from afar using the 
good ol' sniper rifle (which you don't get in this demo). 
- Disruptor Ammo 
- Cyro Ammo 
- Incinerate 
- Tactical Cloak 
- Sticky Grenade 
- Sabotage 
| Vanguard | 
Vanguards excel at close range combat. They can't do too much damage at long 
range compared to some other classes, but having good use of their Biotic 
Charge attack gives them the chance they need to get close and go to town on 
enemies with a shotgun. 
- Incendiary Ammo 
- Cryo Ammo 
- Biotic Charge 
- Nova 
- Shockwave 
- Pull 
| Sentinel | 
Sentinels have a nice variety of powers, but their biggest strength are their 
shields. Effective use of their Tech Armor means they can handle any problem 
the enemies can throw at them.  
- Throw 
- Warp 
- Lift Grenade 
- Tech Armor 
- Overload 
- Cryo Blast 
| Adept | 
A 180 turn from the Soldier, Adepts are characters that don't really excel at 
weapons, but they do wonders at taking out enemies using their biotic powers. 
Their special power Singularity is very effective at holding at enemy in place 
in the air, just in the open view of your or your teammate's line of fire. 
- Warp 
- Throw 
- Shockwave 
- Singularity 
- Pull 
- Cluster Grenade 
| Engineer | 
Engineers are tech specialists who are good at distracting and annoying the 
enemy and striping them of their shields and armor. They can also deploy Combat 
Drones than can be great for stunning enemies. 
- Incinerate 
- Overload 
- Cryo Blast 
- Combat Drone 
- Sabotage 
- Sentry Turret 
............................................................Abilities [SHEP-02] 

- Adrenaline Rush 
--> [Soldier Only] Gives you the ability to 'slow down' the world around you, 
giving you time to line up your shots better. 

- Concussive Shot 
--> a high power shot that's strong enough to knock enemies to the ground. 
Effective against Barriers. 

- Frag Grenade 
--> Your own handheld explosive you can throw at a group of enemies. 

- Incendiary Ammo 
--> Ammo based on fire. Good for damaging armor and keeping enemies on fire for 
additional damage. 

- Disruptor Ammo 
--> Ammo based on bringing down barriers and shields. 

- Cryo Ammo 
--> Ammo based on Ice. Good for slowing down certain enemies, and gives you the 
chance to break them if they get frozen completely. 

- Incinerate 
--> A Tech power that send a blast of fire at an enemy. Good for damaging armor 
and keeping enemies on fire for additional damage. 

- Tactical Cloak 
--> [Infiltrator Only] Stealth Camo. Renders you invisible for a few seconds, 
but goes away if you shoot or do a heavy melee. 

- Sticky Grenade 
--> A grenade that sticks to the enemy you throw it at. 

- Sabotage 
--> A different version of A.I. Hacking, it turns all robotic enemies against 
their own. It can also cause the enemy's weapon to overheat. 

- Biotic Charge 
--> [Vanguard Only] A powerful biotic charge that transports you closer to 
enemies while causing damage on impact. 

- Nova 
--> Creates a field of biotic energy all around Shepard that knocks enemies 

- Shockwave 
--> Similar to Nova, but sent in a straight line towards a enemy.  

- Pull 
--> A biotic move good for pulling enemies from behind cover if aimed right. 

- Throw 
--> Similar to pull, except it throws the enemy back. 

- Warp 
--> A biotic move good for lowering Armor. 

- Lift Grenade 
--> [Sentinel Only] 

- Tech Armor 
--> [Sentinel Only] Basically a extra shield boost. If armor is wasted, it will 
explode cause damage to nearby enemies. 

- Overload 
--> The shield version of Warp. 

- Cryo Blast 
--> The ice version of Incinerate. 

- Singularity 
--> [Adept Only] A Biotic move good for holding certain enemies in place. If 
they're small enough, it can lift them in the air. 

- Cluster Grenade 
--> [Adept Only] 

- Combat Drone 
--> [Engineer Only] Send a mini flying turret at your enemies which can stun 
them. Can die very quick however. 

- Sentry Turret 
--> [Engineer Only] 
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                                                      |___/           [WALK-00] 
.....................................................Controls & Notes [WALK-01] 
(Y)- Default setting for using your special power.

(X)- Reload. Hold to swap with your last chosen weapon.

(A)- Run/Roll/Cover/Mantle: your one-stop-shop for moving and dodging in ME3. 
You can't jump unless it's over a gap, so rolling, running, and taking cover on 
a wall is your best bet to avoid getting damaged a lot.
Hold (A) to run

Tap (A) near a wall to take cover.

To mantle, get to a low piece of cover that's no higher than your head, and
hold the (LS) Forward + Tap A 

Tap (A) while moving to roll

(B)- Melee. Hold to do a heavy melee attack. It's not quick, but it's a lot 

(LB)- Hold to open you weapon wheel. If you have a power set for this button, 
tap it to use it.

(RB)- Hold to open you power wheel. This also where you can quick select at 
least 3 powers to LB, RB, and Y.

(LT) Aim: Used to aim down your gun sight and to make more accurate shots.

(RT) Shoot.

(LS) Move.

(RS) Move Camera/Move cursor in Aim mode.

(D-PAD) While aiming at an enemy, tapping up with tell your team to focus their 
fire that enemy. Left and Right while aiming tells your squad to move to that 
specific spot. Down causes your squad to regroup at your position. 
* ME3's Combat is similar to ME2, although with a few new twists. New to the 
series are the abilities to roll and swat turn. If you're a fan of Gears of War 
or Vanquish, this is close to that. 
*[VERY IMPORTANT] Since this is only a Demo, certain aspects of the full game 
are not relevant as of now: Paragon/Renegade choices, Romances, Upgrades 
specifics, and etc. One thing you should think about however is in the demo of 
ME2, you could carry over your Shepard from the beginning section to the full 
I'm not sure if this will happen when ME3 comes out, but I would imagine so. 
Personally I'd rather start a new Shepard from scratch once the full game 
releases (plus I have 2 main ones carried over from ME1 to ME2 ready for ME3), 
but it's your choice however. 
................................................................Earth [WALK-02] 
NOTE: This walkthrough was done on Normal difficulty as a Paragon Infiltrator. 
Welcome to earth... 
After the Reapers make themselves known in the beginning cutscene, follow 
Anderson. This part is pretty straight forward, so after you get across a few 
obstacles, you'll get your first piece of action. 
- Husks 
Husks are climbing up the side of the building and you have to take them out. 
You have unlimited ammo for your pistol at this point, so kill enough of them 
until Anderson runs out of ammo. Follow him down another ladder and get behind 
Three more Husks climb up the side of the building, and after you take out one 
of them you'll run out of ammo. Vault over the piece of cover and melee the 
remaining 2 in the back and then the final one that comes over the railing. 
Hop over the desk to get inside of the building, and go up to open the door 
until SURPRISE! Another Husk! This is now a good time to try out your new Heavy 
Melee, a more powerful but longer startup version of your melee attack. 
After the next few cutscenes and more following Anderson, you'll come across 
two more humans. One is stuck under a large piece of building but before you 
can free him, you'll have more enemies to fight. 
- Cannibal 
Cannibals are basically fatter Husks that can actually shoot you and take 
cover. After they're dead, go back over to talk to Anderson to help the guy 
free. Follow Anderson once more until you run into more Cannibals: Some right 
in front of you. To previous fans of the series, right off the bat you'll 
notice on Normal that ME3 is definitely a step up in difficulty. Your shields 
go a lot quicker than before, so cover is very important in this one. 
- M-8 Avenger I 
After passing through this fight go around the right corner to pick up a M-8 
Avenger I and the Radio you need to recover. More Cannibals will ambush you 
here, so take cover and take them out. You can use your Ammo power here, but 
there's no need to.  
If you're running low on health, bring up your power menu (hold LB) and select 
the 'First Aid' option. Once you run out of ammo, a well known ship will come 
save your butt and end the first chapter of the Demo. 
............................................................Homeworld [WALK-03] 
NOTE: To avoid spoilers, I wont be using character names. Your male squad mate 
will be called as such, and same for the female. 
- M-96 Mattock I 
- M-22 Eviscerator I 
- M9 Tempest I 
- Assault Trooper 
- Centurion [Shield] 
After catching up with a few old friends and the cutscene, go to the panel in 
front of you to activate the elevator your objective is on. Another cutscene 
will play where you'll be attacked by Assault Troopers from a 'certain' 
organization. They don't take much to kill, so take out the two in front of you 
and go around the next corner. 
A Centurion solder lies in wait down the path. He has shields, so disruptor 
ammo is good for taking them out quickly. Your male squad mate also has 
Overload once upgraded in the squad menu, so that is also good for him. 
- Engineer 
- Turrets [Shield/Armor] 
Pass the door and down the path, you'll run into another old friend from ME1. 
For the next battle he helps but not much, and you'll go up against a few more 
Assault Troopers and an Engineer that constant lays turrets around. They hurt a 
lot, so make the Engineer the first priority. 
For the turrets themselves, taking them head on is suicide. The first layer of 
health they have are shields, so if you do have overload activated it should 
take it out in one shot. For the Armor, anything fire related (Incendiary ammo/ 
Incinerate) is good for that. 
When everything is dead, stand still in front of the console next to the door 
until the door opens. Go around the hallway, making sure to pick up First Aid 
from the Medical Console if needed, and you'll come to another room full of 
troopers. You can either stay on the bottom floor or go to the top, but the top 
is a way better vantage point. 
- Guardian 
In the next room pass the door you'll have to bypass, the elevator pod now has 
a health bar. Take out the troopers in this room quick, and follow the red 
light to activate a power terminal. Go back to where you just came from to find 
the previous room filled with troopers, centurions, and guardians which are 
basically regular troopers with a portable shield. 
They walk very slow, but those shields can protect them very well. One of the 
best ways I found to handle them is to throw a grenade between them at their 
feet. When everyone is dead, go through the other door in this room and up the 
ladder to the next area. More troopers and centurions are on this roof once 
again shooting at the elevator pod. 
- Atlas [Shield/Armor] 
There are a lot of enemies in this room, so you've go to move quick to protect 
the elevator. Being an Infiltrator, using the Tactical Cloak to sneak around on 
the upper left path is a good way to get the drop on a few enemies. After all 
of the enemies are killed, quickly go to the console in front of the elevator 
(taking too long causes another enemy wave to appear), and get ready to fight 
an Atlas. 
The Atlas is a piloted mech that will probably be the hardest fight in the 
entire demo. It has more shields and armor than average, and a simple 
Incinerate Blast won't work that easily. His rockets can very easily take your 
shields down in 1 hit, and to add to the fact he has a few troopers as back up! 
If you have Disruptor Ammo, switch to it and go to town on his shields, making 
sure to move around in circles going left if he starts getting close since his 
backup is on the right. Your male squad mate also has Overload, which can help 
a little bit. 
Whenever his shields go down, switch over to your Incendiary Ammo if you have 
it to take care of his Armor. Once that big SOB goes down, take care of his 
stragglers and activate the console once more, finally ending this demo! 
| Section III \ 
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Thank You 
- Bioware for turning someone who wouldn't touch a RPG, into someone who plans 
to pick up ME3 on midnight release. 
- Gamefaqs 
- The Readers and any (hopefully) emails 
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