Dream Eater Drop List - Guide for Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

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   _  ___                 _                   _    _                 _
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Introduction [INTR]

List of materials dropped by Dream Eaters [DEDP]

Dream Eater locations [DELN]

Moogle Shop [MOGS]

Special Portals [SPLP]

Dream Eater Death Materials [DEDM]

How can You Help [HCYH]

Credits [CRDT]

Version History [VHST]

Contact [CNCT]

|Introduction [INTR]|

So, what does everyone want to know, but noone knows the answer. Where do I
get X material to make X spirit. Well, that's where this FAQ comes in.
Hopefully this will help you find what you are looking for and since I done
the research myself, you don't have to :P

While this should provide a place where you find the majority of materials, it
is in no way 100% at this time.  If you want to help then check the 'How can
You Help' [HCYH] section to find out what infomoation I would like help with

|List of Materials Dropped by Dream Eaters [DEDP]|

Note that not all materials are dropped by Dream Eaters. If you cannot find a
material in this section, then it is NOT dropped by an enemy. Your options are
then narrowed down to the Moogle Shop and Special Portals.

Meow Wow
-Vibrant Figment
-Rampant Figment

Tama Sheep
-Vibrant Figment
-Grim Figment

Yoggy Ram
-Vibrant Figment
-Grim Figment

Komory Bat
-Troubling Figment
-Rampant Figment

-Intrepid Figment
-Vibrant Figment

Hebby Repp
-Intrepid Figment
-Troubling Figment

Sir Kyroo
-Noble Fancy
-Noble Figment

-Troubling Figment
-Troubling Fancy

Fin Fatale
-Rampant Fancy
-Grim Figment

Tatsu Steed
-Lofty Figment
-Dulcet Figment

Necho Cat
-Dulcet Figment
-Troubling Figment

-Fleeting Fancy
-Fleeting Figment

Kooma Panda
-Vibrant Figment
-Intrepid Figment

-Lofty Fancy
-Fleeting Fancy

Iceguin Ace
-Rampant Figment
-Rampant Fantasy

Peepsta Hoo
-Wondrous Figment
-Troubling Figment

-Fleeting Figment
-Grim Figment

KO Kabuto
-Noble Figment
-Fleeting Figment

-Lofty Figment
-Troubling Fancy

-Wondrous Fantasy
-Troubling Figment

-Noble Figment
-Intrepid Figment

Jungle Pup
-Vibrant Fancy
-Vibrant Figment

-Lofty Fancy
-Vibrant Fancy

-Grim Fancy
-Grim Figment

-Noble Fancy
-Wonderous Fancy

-Rampant Figment
-Malleable Fantasy

Cyber Yog
-Grim Figment
-Noble Figment

Chef Kyroo
-Wondrous Fancy
-Wondrous Figment

Tatsu Blaze
-Grim Fancy
-Lofty Figment

-Fleeting Fancy
-Fleeting Figment

-Lofty figment
-Troubling Fancy

-Vibrant Fancy
-Wondrous Figment

-Vibrant Figment
-Lofty Figment

Me Me Bunny
-Intrepid Fancy
-Fleeting Figment

Drill Sye
-Noble Figment
-Rampant Figment

Tyrano Rex
-Wondrous Fancy
-Intrepid Fantasy

Majik Lapin
-Fleeting Fancy
-Dulcet Fantasy

Cera Terror
-Grim Fantasy
-Intrepid Fancy

-Grim Fantasy
-Savage Fantasy

Ducky Goose
-Dulcet Fancy
-Wondrous Fancy

Aura Lion
-Intrepid Fantasy
-Intrepid Fancy

Ryu Dragon
-Lofty Fancy
-Savage Fantasy

Drak Quack
-Wondrous Fantasy
-Rampant Fancy

Keeba Tiger
-Intrepid Fantasy
-Dulcet Fancy

|Dream Eater Locations [DELN]|

*Coming Soon*

|Moogle Shop [MOGS]|

This is the list of materials the moogle sells. Do note that materials are
added to the shop list as you progress through the story. As such, this list
was compiled when I was in a completed save. In the future I do hope to add
when each material becomes available in the shop.

The number beside each material shows its price in munny.  The first column is
the price without a moogle sale day and the second column shown the price on a
moogle sale day.

Material            Regular     Sale
Fleeting Figment       150       120
Fleeting Fancy         300       240
Lofty Figment          100        80
Lofty Fancy            400       320
Rampant Figment         50        40
Rampant Fancy          200       160
Dulcet Figment         100        80
Dulcet Fancy           400       320
Intrepid Figment        50        40
Intrepid Fancy         400        20
Savage Fantasy        2000      1600
Noble Figment          100        80
Noble Fancy            200       160
Grim Figment            50        40
Grim Fancy             300       240
Grim Fantasy           300       240
Vibrant Figment         50        40
Vibrant Fancy          200       160
Troubling Figment       50        40
Troubling Fancy        100        80
Wondrous Figment       150       120
Wondrous Fancy         300       240
Wondrous Fantasy       400       320

This list shows the extra materials that are added during a moogle sale day.

Fleeting Fantasy       800
Rampant Fantasy        400
Dulcet Fantasy         800
Intrepid Fantasy       800
Noble Fantasy          640
Vibrant Fantasy        400
Troubling Fantasy      400

|Special Portals [SPLP]|

If you can't find the material in either of the two lists above the it will be
found in a Special Portal. Each World has it's own list of unique materials
that can only be found via Special Portals, so that will at least narrow down
the search. However, the reward from completing it is still random, luckily
they can only drop Fantasy Materials, so that narrows down it's drop list

Twilight Town
-Malleable Fantasy
-Charming Fantasy

La Cite Des Cloches
-Malleable Fantasy

Pranksters Paradise
-Prikly Fantasy

The Grid
-Malleable Fantasy

Country of the Muskateers
-Prikly Fantasy

Symphiny of Scorcery
-Epic Fantasy

The World that Never Was
-Wild Fantasy
-Brilliant Fantasy

An excellent guide made by Rebal_Dante has been made for the Special Portal
locations, so if you are having trouble finding them, you can consult that


|Dream Eater Death Materials [DEDM]|

*Coming Soon*

|How can You Help [HCYH]|

If you know any information about anything in this section then just let me
know.  Again, use the contact methods below to contact me.

Dream Eater Locations
-If you can provide a list that will be very helpful.  I will be making my own
 lists as well but I might miss one or misname a Dream Eater.  Any information
 is helpful information.

Special Portals
-All I need here is the world and the materials you gained from the special
 portals in that world.  Again, I will be keeping track, but since it is
 random (as far as I know) I might miss some.

DE Death Drops
-When one of your own DE dies they will drop a material.  AT the moment, I
 have no info on any drops so any help here is appreciated.

-If you notice any mistakes then let me know.  Just make sure you are certain
 of the correction as I have taken careful care (especially with the Dream
 Eater drops) to make sure it is accurate, but that doesn't stop mistakes
 being made.

|Credits [CRDT]|

Although I do like to check for myself, if anyone has given me info before I
found out, I will credit them here.

Biaz for a drop for the Aura Lion and Keeba Tiger.

raikou68 for the second drop of Flowbermeow.

|Version History [VHST]|

V0.8 - 05/08/2012 - Bulk of the guide done and uploaded.

|Contact [CNCT]|

You can either contact me via PM on GameFAQs.  I am on most of the time and I
do check everyday.  This is probably the most reliable way.

You can also contact me Via email at [email protected]  Please put
Kingdom Hearts DDD or similar in the message title so I don't just write it
off as spam.

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