FAQ And Walkthrough - Guide for Haunted House

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for the Wii
by blakeStern
(c) Copyright October 2011



1. Characters[HH_01]
2. Walkthrough[HH_02]
3. Additional Info[HH_03]
4. Treasures, Light Sources, etc[HH_04]
5. Version History
6. Legal
7. Credits

1. Characters[HH_01]

Jacob Silverspring

Silvia Silverspring

2. Walkthrough[HH_02]

Mansion, levels 1-4, Boss fight (bats)

Attic, levels 1-4, Boss fight (?)

Basement, levels 1-4, Boss fight (?)

Catacombs, levels 1-4, Boss fight (?)

Mansion, Level 1

Following a cut scene back-story about your grandfather, you 
find yourself in a room of the mansion. All you can see are your 
eyeballs and ambient light from the windows. Use the "A" 
button to turn on your Cellphone Light Source and as you move 
forward, a chair will slide across the room in front of you. You 
encounter your first ghost, who freezes you with fear and takes 
the Cellphone. It's time to look for a new Light Source. Head 
forward to the doorway (usually framed by two small lights) 
and step through.

Heading straight up, just to the right of an easy chair with red 
pillows is a desk with a small lamp on it. Search it for Matches. 
To the left of the next doorway is a crooked set of shelves 
(desk?) with Matches. Just to the left of that is a smaller crooked 
set of shelves with a Skeleton Key. There is a lit Fireplace in this 
room, a healing place throughout the game.

Just before the Fireplace, on the right-hand wall, is a cabinet 
with more Matches in it. In a table between the two easy chairs 
is Grandpa's Journal #1.

The next small room is more of a hallway. In the top right 
corner are some Matches. At the top, a door that requires your 
Skeleton Key. Open the door and move into the next room

Travel through the short hallway. Halfway through you'll hear 
some noises, and wonder if anyone is there. Keep going up to 
the next doorway (again, framed by two small lamps). Here you 
will encounter your first enemy, a ghost. He moves pretty 
slowly, and you should be able to avoid him while you search 
the room for items, doorways, etc . At this point, you cannot 
destroy an enemy with your Matches, so you'll need to lure him 
to a Fireplace and light it to get rid of him.

This haunted mansion is basically a repeating set of floor plans 
throughout the game, and I found the best way to search the 
house, since it all looks the same, is to be methodical. Search 
one wall, search the room on the wall if you find a doorway, 
then head back to continue your search along the walls. Most of 
the items you'll find, though not all, are along the walls.

Head right when you enter this room, or left, whichever side the 
ghost is NOT on. About halfway up, you'll find a doorway. 
Continue on into this room, moving along the walls as you go. 
Again, the layout is repetitive, and trying to remember 
landmarks won't do you much good. It's better to just search 
each wall.

Straight across this room from your entry you'll find another 
doorway. Inside is a ghost and a Fireplace. Dodge around your 
enemy and light a match at the Fireplace, then hit A when you 
get the onscreen prompt to light it. Not only will any damage 
you have taken be healed, but you'll hear the ghost protest the 
light painfully. Soon he will fade away in a cloud of smoke.

In the chair to left of the Fireplace you'll find some Matches or a 
Coin. If you have enough Matches you'll find other stuff, and in a 
chest to the right of it you'll find Zachary's Chronicle Entry #1. 
Get them both before heading back out to continue your search.

Back in the room you ran across for the Fireplace Room, there 
are a few places to search for items. On the right-hand wall 
there is a couch with some Matches. Directly to your left from 
the doorway is a desk and shelf thing, with Matches or a Coin.

On the top right-hand part of the room is a doorway. Inside is a 
Fireplace Room and a ghost. The ghost is usually right by the 
entrance, so if he freezes you just shake your controller to get 
free and head to the top of the room. Light the Fireplace, heal 
up, and let the bad guys burn out of existence.

Starting back from the doorway, on the right-hand wall, just 
past the bed, in the corner, you'll find Zachary #2.Just to the left 
of that in a clothes cabinet you'll find a Skeleton Key. Another 
clothes cabinet on the left wall has Matches. This room is now 
clear. So is the one you enter next, so follow the left-hand wall 
back to your doorway, and we're back in the first room we 
encountered a ghost at.

Just through the doorway, heading up along the wall, is a table 
with a chest on it. In it you'll find Amanda's Diary #1. At the top 
of the room, on either side of the door, you'll find two clothes 
cabinets with Matches or Coins.

Avoid the ghost or lure him to the Fireplace. The door between 
2 clothes cabinets requires the House Key, which we will need 
to locate. Continue along the left-hand wall and you'll find a 
cabinet with Matches, just below that is a doorway. Go through 
it. Sticking to the "staying to the right" plan you'll eventually 
find a doorway, go through, and you will find Matches after you 
pass 2 beds, and now you can light the Fireplace at the top of 
the room. In a cabinet on the left-hand wall, you will find the 
House Key. Right below that in a chest you'll find Amanda's 
Diary Entry #3. This room is clear.

Head down and make a right-hand turn, following the wall to a 
cabinet - get more Matches. Continuing on below the cabinet 
you'll find a doorway, this is a Fireplace Room. Avoid the ghost 
and light the fire. Search the couch across from the Fireplace, 
finding Matches, and search the chest at the top of the room to 
find Amanda's Diary #2. This room is clear.

Go back through the doorway, this room is clear as well. Head 
straight across to the next doorway. You should be back in the 
room requiring the House Key. Use the House Key at the top of 
the room and go through the door.

Travel through hallway, using the Skeleton Key at the door at 
the end of the hallway, pass through the door and make a right 
following the walls along. You'll find a chest with Grandpa's #2. 
At the foot of the bed you'll find a Coin. And if you go straight 
across from there you will find a Fireplace to light. This will stop 
the ghost from bugging you. There's a blue double door at top of 
room but skip it for a moment to clear the room. From the 
Fireplace head down along the wall to the bed, at the foot of the 
bed you'll find Matches. That should clear this room. Head up to 
the double door. Hit A to go through. You have cleared Level 1.

The game will give you a summary of your searching success, or 
lack thereof:


Treasures 0/0

journal 7/7

Coins 4

Enemies killed 5

And below is my summary of items you'll collect in this level:

Light Sources: Matches
Grandpa's Journal: #1, #2
Zachary's Chronicle Entry: #1, #2
Amanda's Diary: #1, #2, #3
Keys: Skeleton (x2), House
Other collectibles: Coins

Mansion, Level 2

You start this level in a Fireplace Room. Head from the fireplace 
to the left, in a crooked shelf you'll find a Coin. To the right 
you'll find Matches in a chest of drawers. Then go through the 

Going right along the wall you'll find a door that requires the 
Skeleton Key. Just above that you'll find a chest with a Coin and 
a chest with Grandpa's #6. Continue along the wall past the suit 
of armor. In the crooked shelves you'll find Matches. At the top 
of the room there?s a door requires the Emerald Key. To the left 
is a shelf with Matches and below that is a chest with Matches, 
right next to the fireplace. Light the fireplace. The ghost keeps 
bugging through the search, you may want to light the fireplace 
first. Right below the fireplace is a doorway, go through.

In this room is rat that will attack. He might be hard to see, but 
there's not much to do in this room, so just avoid the rat while 
searching, then heal back at the fireplace when finished. At the 
top of the room there is a cabinet with a Maltese Falcon Egg. 

Treasures like the Maltese Falcon Egg don't seem to have any 
purpose in the game but you can read about them in the trophy 

Following along the wall you'll find some barrels and junk on 
the ground, in it is a Skeleton Key. That's it for this room.

Head back into Fireplace Room. There are 2 doors which 
require keys in this room: the one on the top requires the 
Emerald Key, but directly across from the doorway is the 
Skeleton Key door. Go through it.

Turn right - just above the bed is a cabinet with the Emerald 
Key in it. In the upper left-hand corner is a drawer with a 
Candle in it. Now you have a longer-lasting Light Source, and 
also brighter. Head back into the Fireplace Room, go to the top 
and to the Emerald Key door. Go through.

A ghost will come through the middle of the hallway, so don't 
get too scared. Continue up the hallway into a room with pillars. 
Light your Candle to make life easier. There are more rats in 
this room. Head straight up and light the Fireplace. Starting 
back where you came in, head right. About halfway up the wall, 
you'll find a doorway, go through to a hallway with suits of 
armor. Travel through the hallway into a room with a table in 
the middle and a rat. Following the walls to the right. At the 
bottom of the room you'll find a door and ghost. Go through the 
door, just to left in a crooked shelf you'll find a Candle. In 
cabinet to the right of the door you'll find the Bloody 
Candlestick,  a treasure. Head back up through the door and 
turn right. Along the wall you'll find a door that needs an 
Emerald Key. Continuing up along the wall, you'll find an open 
doorway. In the shelves at the top left-hand corner you'll find 
some Matches. There are several rats in these rooms and you 
may need to return to the fireplace to heal during the search. In 
the middle of the big table room there's a chest with Grandpa's 
Journal #4. That should clear the table room. Head back through 
the suit-of-armor hallway to the pillar room. 

After going through the doorway into the pillar room you'll find 
a cabinet to the right of the fireplace with a Candle. Just to the 
left of the fireplace is a locked door that requires the House Key. 
Moving left you'll find another cabinet with a Candle. Following 
the wall down, you'll find a hallway with coats of arms on the 
wall. Pass through the hallway.

Turn up into a new room with 2 ghosts. They can be lured to the 
fireplace in pillar room. There is a table and chairs with a vase 
in top in the middle of this room. At top is an open doorway. Go 

Head right. At the top is a cabinet with Matches and also a ghost. 
On the left-hand side is a crooked shelf with Matches. This ghost 
can be lured to the pillar room. 

Back in the table/vase room, along the left-hand wall, you'll find 
a doorway. Go through. 

At the top of the room is a bed-stand with Grandpa's Journal #5. 
On the other side of the bed is a bed-stand with Matches. There 
is a ghost in this room. 

Go back to the table/vase room. At the bottom of the room go 
through the doorway. Avoid the ghost. Just to the left of the 
doorway there is a set of drawers with the Emerald Key. On the 
left-hand wall there is a Fireplace. Light it to kill the ghost. 

Go back into the table/vase room, and find Grandpa's Journal 
#3 in a crooked shelf to the right. Table/vase room should now 
be clear. Pass back through coat-of-arms hallway into pillar 
room. Pass straight through pillar room to suit-of-armor 
hallway and through that room directly across is the Emerald 
Key door: go through.

At the top there is a Fireplace. Light it to kill all the supernatural 
beasties bothering you and heal up. You'll probably need it. Just 
to the right of the fireplace is chest with a House Key.

Head back through the room into the suit-of-armor hallway, 
pass through into the pillar room and at the top go through the 
House Key door.

You find yourself in a long hallway. Go through the arch at the 
end and you enter the bear-rug room. Follow the wall along the 
right-hand side, go straight up past the doorway to light the 
Fireplace. Back track to the doorway and go through into a 
bedroom. At the top is the bed. On the left-hand-side of the bed 
is a cabinet with a Coin. On the right-hand-side of the bed is a 
cabinet with Amanda's Diary #4. At the foot of the bed you'll 
find a lever. Pull it. This bedroom is clear so head back into the 
bear-rug room.

Walking up past the fireplace at the top of the room, you'll find a 
blue double door. This door requires a lever. You've already 
pulled one lever so it means you need at least one more lever to 
open it. Lets go find it. Following along the wall, you'll come to a 
doorway to another bedroom. Looking familiar? Seeing the 
pattern? Uh, yeah.

Dodge the pesky ghost. Turning towards the top of the room, 
you'll find a table to the right-hand side of the bed with 
Matches. On the left-hand side of the bed is a bench with 
Matches. At the foot of the bed is a lever; pull it. You're done 
with this bedroom so head back to the bear-rug room. Before 
going through the doorway at the top you'll find 1 item on each 
couch; they could be Coins or Matches. Basically, if you plenty of 
matches, you'll find coins. Then head up to the double doors 
which will now be open. You've solved level 2.

Treasure: 2/2

Journals: 5/5

Coins: 3

Enemies Killed: 15

Light Sources: Matches
Grandpa's Journal: #4, #5, #6 
Zachary's Chronicle Entry: 
Amanda's Diary: #4
Keys: Skeleton, Emerald, House
Other collectibles: Coins, Maltese Falcon Egg, Bloody 

Mansion, Level 3

Start level 3 in a Fireplace Room. Another table will slide across 
the room so don't get too scared. There's a doorway at the top 
of the room. To the right side of the door are shelves with 
Matches. To the left side of the door is a bench with a Flare, 
Coin, or Candle. 
Strike the Flare to create a short term enemy repellant. While 
it's burning on the ground, any enemies nearby will take 
damage. Unfortunately, once it's lit it stays in one place until it 
burns out.

Go through the doorway to a long bedroom. You'll want to clear 
this room before moving on since there will be no reason to 
come back here. Along the wall to the right, at the foot of the 
bed you'll find Grandpa's' Journal #7. Above the bed at a vanity 
you'll find Small Health or a Candle. Straight across the room 
from here is a crooked shelf with a Candle or Flare. Continuing 
up there's a doorway in the top center of the room. Head 

The next room has several aggressive ghosts. Head right to the 
first doorway you find and run into a room where you'll find a 
locked door that requires the Skeleton Key. Right below that 
door you'll find Grandpa's Journal #8. On the crooked shelf in 
the room you'll find Small Health or a Light Source. 

Head back into aggressive ghost room, running straight across 
the room to the doorway on the left wall. This is a Fireplace 
Room with a rat. To the left of the fireplace is a big bureau with 
Matches or a Candle to light fireplace. Down from the bureau 
the room makes a right-hand turn and there is a chest with a 
Coin or some treasure in it. Go down past the small table and 
you might see a ghost come by. Stay out of his way and you 
should be fine. Following along the wall, you'll find a chest next 
to the couch, in it will be the Skeleton Key. In the couch you'll 
find a Candle or some Light Source. Follow along the wall and to 
the fireplace and heal up if needed before heading back into 
aggressive ghost room. 

Head straight across the aggressive ghost room to the first 
doorway you went through and to the Skeleton Key door. Use 
the Skeleton Key enter the room. You are in a room with 4 beds 
all together. Heading down to the bottom of the room you'll find 
a doorway that you can go through to a Fireplace Room. A ghost 
will probably follow you in, but the fire will make short work of 
him. In the crooked shelves on the left wall you'll find Grandpa's 
Journal #10. On the crooked shelves to the left of the doorway 
you'll find Matches or a Light Source. In the crooked shelves to 
the right of the doorway you'll find a Cellphone or Coin. Finally 
in the center of the room is a table with a lever on it. Give the 
lever a tug and head back into the 4-bed bedroom.

Traveling up the right-hand wall, next to a bed by itself you'll 
find another Cellphone. At the top of the room you'll find a 
locked door that needs a House Key. Heading past the door 
along the wall, you'll find a cabinet with a Light Source. That 
should clear this room, but we will need to keep searching for 
House Key to open that door (or will we?). Go back to the 
doorway between the 4 beds and go through the small room 
there and back into the aggressive ghost room.

Straight across from the door is a big cabinet with a Light 
Source. Skip the doorway at the top of the room for now, and 
travel around the left-hand wall and find a chest with a Light 
Source. Next to the chest is a bureau with a Light Source. Head 
back to the top of the room and go through the doorway.

You're in another L shaped room with a long table in the middle. 
Following along the right-hand wall you'll find a doorway. 
Straight across from the entrance is an Emerald Key door. At the 
top right of the room is Grandpa's Journal #9. At the top left is a 
Light Source. Also there is an aggressive ghost. You might need 
to return to the nearest fireplace to heal up now and then.

Back in the long table room, at the top of the room is a doorway. 
To the right and left of the doorway are cabinets which may 
have Light Sources or anything else you might need. Just to the 
left of those cabinets is a smaller furniture with a Coin, and a 
couch just to the left of that may or may not have something in 
it. In the middle of the room next to the long table is a large 
piece of furniture with a Lead Pipe. Head through the doorway 
at the top of the room.

You're in a Fireplace Room with 2 beds on either side. Light the 
fireplace at the  top of the room then find Amanda's Diary #5 in 
a couch right below the fireplace. There's a cabinet and some 
kind of stone carving on the right-hand side of this room. In the 
stone carving you'll find the House Key, while in the cabinet is a 
Light Source. On the left-hand side of the room is a crooked 
shelf with a Light Source, and at the foot of the bed is furniture 
with a Light Source. That clears this room. Time to head back to 
the bottom of the room and through the doorway.

Turn left along the wall and just below the couch you already 
searched you'll find a doorway. Go through. On the opposite 
side of this room is a table with the Emerald Key. Nothing else is 
in the room except a ghost. Head back through the doorway and 
across the long-table room and through the doorway on the 
opposite side to use the Emerald Key. This room has several 
crooked shelves along the top wall. You'll find Light Sources, 
Small Health and a Coin in the shelves, something in each shelf. 
On the table in the middle of the room you'll find a chest with 
Winged Shoes, and on the top wall is a door that you opened by 
pulling the lever. Pass through that door into a Fireplace Room.

Run up and light the fireplace on the left-hand side of the room. 
You'll spot the two blue double doors at the top of the room that 
indicates this is the exit room from this level. Searching the exit 
room you'll find on the right-hand side 3 narrow crooked 
shelves with Zachary's Chronicle Entry #3, Light Sources and a 
table with Matches. On the left-hand side of the room you will 
find a table with Matches.
Also there are 4 levers in this room, one right below the 
Fireplace, one on each side of the double door and on the right-
hand wall across from the fireplace. Pull the levers to open the 
double doors and end this level.

In case you're wondering, we did not use the House Key in this 
level. We could have, by traveling down from the exit room, 
through the room with all the crooked shelves straight down to 
a doorway at the bottom of the room. This is the House Key 
door which goes to a room you have already searched from the 
other side.

Treasures 2/2

Journals 6/6

Coins 3

Enemies 6

Light Sources: Matches, Candle, Cellphone, Flare
Health: small
Grandpa's Journal: #7, #8, #9, #10
Zachary's Chronicle Entry: #3
Amanda's Diary: #5
Keys: Skeleton, Emerald, House 
Other collectibles: Coins, Lead Pipe, Winged Shoes

Mansion, Level 4
You start in a room with nothing to find. Head through the door 
at the top to a room with a giant square pillar in the middle with 
moose heads on each side and a pesky ghost floating around it. 
A doorway on the right side of the pillar leads to a room with 
Matches on the top left, Matches or another Light Source on the 
top right, and a Skeleton Key in 2 small tables in the middle of 
the room.

Back in the giant pillar room turn left just outside the doorway 
you'll find a piece of furniture with a Light Source. At the top of 
the room you'll find a door flanked by chests on either side. In 
the right-hand chest, Light Sources in both. 

The door requires the Skeleton Key, but before continuing 
through, let's search the rest of the moose pillar room. You'll 
find a Light Source just above a doorway on the left-hand wall, 
and in that next room you'll find the Emerald Key at the top 
right. On the top left is Amanda's Diary #6.

Now head back to the Skeleton Key door and go through. This 
room has several shelves and a suit of armor tipped on its side 
in the middle of it. On the right-hand wall is a doorway into a 
bedroom. On the top left is a Light Source and at the foot of one 
of the beds is a lever. Also in this room is the Emerald Key door. 
Go through and you are in a Fireplace Room.

If you run straight from the doorway to the far wall, you'll find 
the fireplace just a little below you in the L shape. On a table to 
the right of the fireplace you'll find a House Key. Continuing 
along the right-hand side you'll find more beds. In between 2 of 
them is a Light Source and on the farthest right-hand wall are 
Shearing Fingers. Back at the very top of the room to the left of 
the fireplace you'll find 2 Light Sources. That should clear this 

Go back into the lever bedroom and head through into the 
tipped-over-suit-of-armor room. Turn left and you'll 
immediately find a Light Source. Heading along the wall you'll 
find a door at the top of the room. This door requires levers.

Heading left of the lever door you'll find a pile of skeletons with 
a Candle. Just below that you'll find a doorway - this is a large 
room with a couple of beds and a lever and a doorway in it. The 
right-hand bed has a lever and on the left-hand side at the top of 
the room is a chest with a Coin.

Go through the doorway on the left-hand wall into a room with 
5 long tables and a Fireplace. At the top of the room is a lever on 
a table and just below the fireplace is Grandpa's Journal #12. 
Head back through the lever bedroom and go through the lever 

In the small room beyond you'll find a Rope Noose and a 
doorway. In the next small room at the top right you'll find a 
Light Source. Top left you'll find Grandpa's Journal #13, and on 
the left-hand wall you'll find a doorway. In the next room turn 
right from the doorway to find a Coin in a chest and continuing 
along the wall you'll go past the House Key door. There's 
nothing else in this room to find so head through the door into a 
large Fireplace Room.

After lighting the fireplace at the top of the room search the 
right-hand wall at the foot of the bed for Grandpa's Journal #11 
and just up from that is a Torch. To the left of the fireplace when 
you search you'll release a giant bat. He can hurt you so try to 
lure him into the glow of the fireplace. On the left-hand wall 
you'll find another Torch and a doorway. Hope you're ready for 
your first boss fight.

treasures 2/2

journals 4/4

Coins 2

enemies killed 3.

Light Sources: Matches, Candle, Torch
Grandpa's Journal: #11, #12, #13
Zachary's Chronicle Entry: 
Amanda's Diary: #6
Keys: Skeleton, Emerald, House
Other collectibles: Coin, Shearing Fingers, Rope Noose

Boss fight!
You can tell you are in a boss fight level because of the music. It 
sounds like something is actually happening for once. You start 
this boss fight like all the other levels: in a Fireplace Room. 
There are extra supplies in this room also for the upcoming 
battle. It depends on what you already have, but you should find 
at least one torch. When you are ready, pass through the door at 
the top of the room.

Watch the cut scene and don't get too scared. Light your torch 
because you will be surrounded by bats! Run to the right side of 
the room and light the fireplace with the torch. It will vaporize 
all of the bats but you're not done yet. There's another torch at 
the top of the room when yours runs out. There are 4 fireplaces 
in this room: one on the right, one on the left and 2 at the top. 
All 4 need to be lit to win the boss fight. When you've succeeded 
at this very difficult task, you'll see a cut scene about finding 
your first piece of Grandpa's missing urn, and with that, you've 
finished the mansion section.

Version History
Version 0.25 - (September 23, 2011) - Began the walkthrough

This document is copyright (c) 2011 by blakeStern

Thanks to A I e x and C O N Q U E R E R for your guides, which I 
used for guidance.


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