FAQ And Walkthrough - Guide for Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes

Scroll down to read our guide named "FAQ And Walkthrough" for Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes on PlayStation 3 (PS3), or click the above links for more cheats.

 ________________________________|  |_____________________________________
| Found this guide useful? Please consider clicking on the recommendation |
| button at the top of the page. Your support is strongly appreciated.    |
| If you found this guide useless or something you don't like, please     |
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| |\/| |/ _ \ __/ _` | | | | __ / _ \/ _` | '__|  `--. \/ _ \| | |/ _` |
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|  __ \                         | | |___  /
| |  \/_ __ ___  _   _ _ __   __| |    / /  ___ _ __ ___   ___  ___
| | __| '__/ _ \| | | | '_ \ / _` |   / /  / _ \ '__/ _ \ / _ \/ __|
| |_\ \ | | (_) | |_| | | | | (_| | ./ /__|  __/ | | (_) |  __/\__ \
 \____/_|  \___/ \__,_|_| |_|\__,_| \_____/\___|_|  \___/ \___||___/

 |System: Multiplatform        |
 |                             |
 |Guide type: FAQ/Walkthrough  |
 |                             |
 |Guide Version: 1.0           |
 |                             |
 |Written by: Punisher_x2      |

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 \___/_| |_|\__|_|  \___/ \__,_|\__,_|\___|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|

The following guide is for the game Metal Gear Solid 5: Grounds Zeroes. This
game acts as a “Prologue” to the true Metal Gear Solid 5, The Phantom Pain.
It takes nine years before the events of Phantom Pain, and one year after the
events of Peace Walker.

A couple of notes before using this guide:

> This guide may not be reproduced, distributed or used without my permission
anywhere except Gamefaqs or Gamesave.me. If you wish to use this guide on your
site, please contact me at the contact section.

> If you see any errors, gramatical or game related, please don't hesitate to
contact me.

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| | | | ___ _ __ ___ _  ___  _ __   | |_| |_ ___| |_ ___  _ __ _   _
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 Version 1.0 (24.03.14)  - Guide completed and uploaded. Currently contains:
                          > Complete walkthrough for the main mission
                            "Ground Zeroes" and how to achieve an S rank.

                          > Side ops and extra ops walkthrough.

                          > Collectibles locations.

                          > Achievment guide 100% completed.

 _____     _     _               __                   _             _
|_   _|   | |   | |             / _|                 | |           | |
  | | __ _| |__ | | ___    ___ | |_    ___ ___  _ __ | |_ ___ _ __ | |_ ___
  | |/ _` | '_ \| |/ _ \  / _ \|  _|  / __/ _ \| '_ \| __/ _ \ '_ \| __/ __|
  | | (_| | |_) | |  __/ | (_) | |   | (_| (_) | | | | ||  __/ | | | |_\__ \
  \_/\__,_|_.__/|_|\___|  \___/|_|    \___\___/|_| |_|\__\___|_| |_|\__|___/

NOTE: For quicker use of this guide, type in the code for the desired section
by pressing CTRL + F located next to the section's name.
                            /                    \
 ===========================      Game Basics     ============================
|                           \____________________/                            |
|                                                                             |
| 1. Controls [CON01]                                                         |
|                            ____________________                             |
|                           /                    \                            |
|=========================== Campaign Walkthrough ============================|
|                           \____________________/                            |
|                                                                             |
| 2. Ground Zeroes Walkthrough [GZW02]                                        |
|                                                                             |
|                                                                             |
|                            ____________________                             |
|                           /                    \                            |
|=========================== Side Ops Walkthrough ============================|
|                           \____________________/                            |
|                                                                             |
| 3. Side Ops Walkthrough [SOW03]                                             |
|                                                                             |
|  3.1 Eliminate the Renegade Threat [SOE03]                                  |
|                                                                             |
|  3.2 Intel Operative Rescue [SOI03]                                         |
|                                                                             |
|  3.3 Classified Intel Acquisition [SOC03]                                   |
|                                                                             |
|  3.4 Destroy the Anti-Air Emplacements [SOD03]                              |
|                            ____________________                             |
|                           /                    \                            |
|=========================== Extra Ops Walkthrough============================|
|                           \____________________/                            |
|                                                                             |
| 4. Extra Ops Walkthrough [EOW04]                                            |
|                                                                             |
|  4.1 Deja Vu [EOD04]                                                        |
|                                                                             |
|  4.2 Jamais Vu [EOJ04]                                                      |
|                            ____________________                             |
|                           /                    \                            |
|===========================     Collectibles     ============================|
|                           \____________________/                            |
|                                                                             |
| 5. Collectibles [COL05]                                                     |
|                                                                             |
|  5.1 Cassette Tapes [COC05]                                                 |
|                                                                             |
|  5.2 X.O.F. Patches [COX05]                                                 |
|                            ____________________                             |
|                           /                    \                            |
|===========================   Achievment Guide   ============================|
|                           \____________________/                            |
|                                                                             |
| 6. Achievment Guide [ACG06]                                                 |
|                            ____________________                             |
|                           /                    \                            |
|===========================   Contact and info   ============================|
|                           \____________________/                            |
| 7. Legal [LEG07]                                                            |
|                                                                             |
| 8. Contact info [COI08]                                                     |
|                                                                             |
| 9. About us [ABU09]                                                         |
|                                                                             |
| 10. Donations [DON10]                                                       |
|                                                                             |
| 11. Credits [CRE11]                                                         |

 __      _____             _             _
/  |    /  __ \           | |           | |
`| |    | /  \/ ___  _ __ | |_ _ __ ___ | |___
 | |    | |    / _ \| '_ \| __| '__/ _ \| / __|
_| |__  | \__/\ (_) | | | | |_| | | (_) | \__ \
\___(_)  \____/\___/|_| |_|\__|_|  \___/|_|___/                         [CON01]

Ground Zeroes features 4 control schemes depending on your play type. The
following section will display the various control schemes for both the Xbox
and Playstation versions of the game.

| Action Type A      |  XBOX     |   PS      |
| Movement           |  LS       |   LS      |
| Camera             |  RS       |   RS      |
| Pause menu         |  Back     | Select    |
| IDroid             | Pause     | Start     |
| Aim weapon         |  LT       |  L1       |
| Fire/CQC           |  RT       |  R1       |
| Call (Radio)       |  LB       |  L2       |
| FPS                |  LT+LB    |  L1+L2    |
| Binoculars         |    RB     |   R2      |
| Change stance      |    A      |   X       |
| Crawl              | Hold A    | Hold X    |
| Reload/Carry       |    B      |   O       |
| Quick Dive         |    X      | Square    |
| Action             |    Y      | Triangle  |
|Equip Primary Weapon| D-pad Up  | D-pad Up  |
|Equip Secondary WP  | D-pad Down| D-pad Down|
|Equip Support Weapon|D-pad Right|D-pad Right|
|Equip Items         | D-pad Left| D-pad Left|

| Shooter Type A     |  XBOX     |   PS      |
| Movement           |  LS       |   LS      |
| Camera             |  RS       |   RS      |
| Pause menu         |  Back     | Select    |
| IDroid             | Pause     | Start     |
| Aim weapon         |  LT       |  L1       |
| Fire/CQC           |  RT       |  R1       |
| Call (Radio)       |  LB       |  L2       |
| FPS                |  LT+LB    |  L1+L2    |
| Binoculars         |   RB      |    R2     |
| Change stance      |   B       |    O      |
| Crawl              | Hold B    | Hold O    |
| Reload/Carry       |    X      | Square    |
| Quick Dive         |    Y      | Triangle  |
| Action             |    A      |    X      |
|Equip Primary Weapon| D-pad Up  | D-pad Up  |
|Equip Secondary WP  | D-pad Down| D-pad Down|
|Equip Support Weapon|D-pad Right|D-pad Right|
|Equip Items         | D-pad Left| D-pad Left|

| Vehicle              |  XBOX     |   PS      |
| Steering             |  LS       |   LS      |
| Camera               |  RS       |   RS      |
| Pause menu           |  Back     | Select    |
| IDroid               | Pause     | Start     |
| Brake/Reverse        |  LT       |  L1       |
| Accelerator pedal    |  RT       |  R1       |
| Binoculars           |  RB       |  R2       |
| Use Radio            |  X        |  Square   |
| Leave Vehicle        |  Y        | Triangle  |
| Attack               |  LB       |  L2       |
|Turn headlights on/off|D-pad Right|D-pad Right|
|Select/equip items    |D-pad Left |D-pad Left |

 _____     _____                           _   ______
/ __  \   |  __ \                         | | |___  /
`' / /'   | |  \/_ __ ___  _   _ _ __   __| |    / /  ___ _ __ ___   ___  ___
  / /     | | __| '__/ _ \| | | | '_ \ / _` |   / /  / _ \ '__/ _ \ / _ \/ __|
./ /____  | |_\ \ | | (_) | |_| | | | | (_| | ./ /__|  __/ | | (_) |  __/\__ \
\_____(_)  \____/_|  \___/ \__,_|_| |_|\__,_| \_____/\___|_|  \___/ \___||___/

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| |  | |     | | |  | | | |                         | |
| |  | | __ _| | | _| |_| |__  _ __ ___  _   _  __ _| |__
| |/\| |/ _` | | |/ / __| '_ \| '__/ _ \| | | |/ _` | '_ \
\  /\  / (_| | |   <| |_| | | | | | (_) | |_| | (_| | | | |
 \/  \/ \__,_|_|_|\_\\__|_| |_|_|  \___/ \__,_|\__, |_| |_|
                                                __/ |
                                               |___/                    [GZW02]

Ground Zeroes is the main mission of Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes. A
couple of notes before reading the walkthrough:

> In order to achieve an S rank, you"ll need to restrain yourself from killing
guards. Use non-lethal methods such as tranquilizer darts or CQC to take out
enemies. The less people you kill, the higher your score will be. Also, being
spotted or restarting from a checkpoint numerous times will also lower your
chance of an S rank.

> Collectible locations will be marked, but not explored in detail. Use the
collectibles section for their exact location. X.O.F patches will not be

1. Infiltration

The game begins with Big Boss standing near a cliff at the south part of the
compound. Use your binoculars to tag multiple enemies north of you. There will
be a guard on top of a lookout tower using a spotlight and two more to the left
on the road. You can try to sneak behind the tower by crawling behind the large
rock ahead of you. Once the light passes, sneak behind the tower and climb up
to take out the guard and move the spotlight. Wait for the guards on the road
to move away. Head down towards the door to pick the lock. Now head east.

#Cassette tape Chico's Cassette tape ¹ 4 location nearby#

Continue east down the road and make sure to use the shadows for less
visibility. Don't go near the road to avoid incoming vehicles. If you see one
approaching, start crawling in the shadows to lower your chance of being
discovered. Once you have reached the East Refugee Camp, climb over the fence
and avoid the guard at the north. Sneak behind the tents on the south side.
You will soon encounter another watchtower. Either wait for the light to pass
and sneak through, or you could climb up and take out the guard. Now head
towards the guardhouse that sits just north of the tower, standing inside just
long enough to let the guard coming up the road pass by. Head east down the
dirt road to the Prison Camp. There is one guard walking outside the prison
gate and another one patrolling inside the camp. I suggest you take them out
with your tranquilizer gun and hide their bodies out of clear sight. If you
take them out using CQC they will soon wake up and cause an alarm. Before going
inside the camp, sneak through the perimiter to take out a third guard coming
towards the camp. Now make sure to hide their bodies inside just to be safe.
Head inside the camp and go towards the north entry door. Chico is in the last
north east cell and is not wearing a bag over his head so you will spot him

#Cassette tape "Here's to you" song location nearby#

2. Extracting Chico

*NOTE: If you want a bigger chance of getting an S rank, make sure to extract
all the P.O.W's in the camp.

Now that you have located Chico, grab him and carry him over the safe landing
zone (it will be a white circle on your IDroid). Once you have reached the
landing zone, call in your chopper using your IDroid to come pick up Chico
or any other prisoners you have rescued. You can also leave them here and come
back later after you have rescued Paz. Once they are extracted, continue
towards the road ahead.

3. Locating Paz

The guards have changed shift and you'll have to discover Paz's location. You
can either try interrogating guards to tell you her location, or listen to
Chico's tape in order to figure it out. You'll soon realize she is being held
near a heliport. Near the small guard post ahead will be two guards, take them
out and make your way to the south part of the helipad (use your IDroid for
further help). This is a wide area and is difficult to sneak through. Crawl
towards the drainage channel on the west side of the yard, staying low to avoid
the guard at the door across from you. Sneak through the drainage channel and
come up in the rear courtyard of the Administration Building. Paz is being
held inside the basement of this building. You can either sneak inside the
basement by entering the door on the North West side, or you can try to
sabotage the power in order to disable the security cameras. Stand near the
power box to take out all soldiers who come near it.

#Cassette tape Chico's cassette tape ¹ 2 and 5 location nearby#

Sneak down into the basement by sticking close to the walls and using the
heavy machinery for cover to avoid being spotted, then take a right at the T
junction to enter the boiler room. There are two guards near Paz's cage, wait
for them to leave the room or neutralize them with your tranquilizer before
opening the cage that Paz is being held in.

4. Extracting Paz

Since the guards change shift again, you might want to use a different escape
route. Pass the hall and wait for the guard to climb up the stairs. There
will be a camera at the top you can wait for it to move its sight, shoot it
(this will cause a guard to come), or if you have disable the power, just pass
by. If you left the guards unharmed in the boiler room, they will notice that
Paz is missing and will inform the rest. Make sure that there is no one behind
the red door before you leave. Now you can call your chopper here to extrac
Paz, but it will be marked will a red cirlce, meaning that the landing zone
is dangerous. You can try calling it here, but be warned that heavy resistance
will follow. You can try to take control of the BTR to the north and try to
take out the hostiles, the BTR and the anti-air canon to make it safer for your
chopper to extract you. If you want to achieve an S rank, or don't like using
brute force, sneak towards the east side. There is a garage with a truck inside
and guards next to it. Take out the guards and carry Paz over to the passengers
seat of the truck. Enter the vehicle and drive towards the safe landing zone.
Once inside the vehicle, enemies will be less likely to detect you. If you
extracted Chico earlier, you'll need to head towards a different landing zone.
The safe zone will be located at the cliff where you started your mission.
Once you reach the door which you picked at the start, park the vehicle
somewhere in the back and leave along with Paz. Watch out for the guards near
the door. Once they are dealt with, pass through the door and watch out for
the tower. Go towards the cliff and call in your chopper to extract Paz
and complete the mission.


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|____ |  /  ___(_)   | |      |  _  |
    / /  \ `--. _  __| | ___  | | | |_ __  ___
    \ \   `--. \ |/ _` |/ _ \ | | | | '_ \/ __|
.___/ /  /\__/ / | (_| |  __/ \ \_/ / |_) \__ \
\____(_) \____/|_|\__,_|\___|  \___/| .__/|___/
                                    | |
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| |  | |     | | |  | | | |                         | |
| |  | | __ _| | | _| |_| |__  _ __ ___  _   _  __ _| |__
| |/\| |/ _` | | |/ / __| '_ \| '__/ _ \| | | |/ _` | '_ \
\  /\  / (_| | |   <| |_| | | | | | (_) | |_| | (_| | | | |
 \/  \/ \__,_|_|_|\_\\__|_| |_|_|  \___/ \__,_|\__, |_| |_|
                                                __/ |
                                               |___/                    [SOW03]

The side ops are the secondary missions in Ground Zeroes, which are unlocked
after completing the main game. Each mission features its own unique
objectives, plus bonuses which can be unlocked based on your ranking for each

NOTE: This walkthrough will help you out in obtaining an S rank on every side
ops mission.

Side Ops #1: Eliminate the Renegade Threat                              [SOE03]

Objective: Neutralize two targets for an unknown contact, then escape the area.

You will have to kill two targets in order to complete the mission. If you are
trying to get an S rank, you'll have to kill both targets as fast as possible
and don't kill anyone else. Once the missions starts, open your IDroid and it
will show you your targets locations. First we'll head towards Glaz (a.k.a The
Eye) who is located in the west refugee camp.

The Eye:

Sprint towards his location while avoiding guard towers. After you pass the
tents you'll see a road and a jeep passing by. The Eye is riding on that very
same jeep. But before killing him, we'll need to take out a few guards. Head
towards the guard tower to the north and take out the guard there. There will
also be a few guards in the area which may or may not pose a treat, it's your
call. Now once your on top of the tower, wait for the jeep to pass and use your
tranquilizer at the driver. Once the jeep has stopped, take out the target and
head towards the next.

The Finger:

The second target, Politz (a.k.a. The Finger), starts in the watch tower of the
Administration building and makes his way to the Warehouse area and East
Refugee Camp. Now you may have a harder time reaching this targets since he's
close to the helipad and there are not many cover spots. Follow him and
eliminate everyone you see before they alert him, otherwise he'll escape.
Once you've dealt with him, head for a safe extraction zone to complete the

OPTIONAL: If you want to get the Depth achievment/trophy, you'll have to deal
with both targets using non-lethal methods and then extract them via helo.
Use the same strategy as in the guide but instead carry their bodies to a
landing zone (either hot or safe) and then extract them with the helo.

Side Ops #2: Intel Operative Rescue                                     [SOI03]

Objective: Aid in the escape of a high-value undercover operative from the

This mission is unique, since it's more action oriented. The mission starts
with Big Boss riding inside a helicopter while equipped with an assault rifle
with a grenade launcher attached to it. You can switch to this attachment by
pressing LT + Y (XBOX) or L1 + triangle (PS). For all those pacifists out
there, you can switch to the non-lethal URAGAN-5 pistol in order to earn the
pacifist achievment/trophy.

On-rails segment:

During this segment, you're supposed to kill everyone on sight and find your
target. Most of the soldiers poses no harm but you should watch out for RPGs.
The first time they won't hit you, but make sure they don't survive to shoot a
second time. Using the grenade launcher helps alot, especially since your
weapon has unlimited ammo. Also, using the launcher at red barrels will create
explosions and kill most nearby enemies. Once you see your target (he'll be
riding a jeep) you'll need to provide air support but make sure to take out the
RPG first. He should be hidden on the rocks down there, against the cliffside.
Use the grenade launcher to clear all vehicles that are coming towards your
target. Your target will soon be blocked by a big truck. Use your grenades to
take it out but you'll need to hit him a few times before he flips over. Your
target will soon reach the airfield area and he'll crash with his jeep. You'll
be tasked with having to land and extract him. Kill the remaining enemies
before leaving the chopper.

Target rescue:

Now you might notice that you don't have unlimited ammo, so it's wise to keep
track of your ammunition. Sprint towards the target and grab the RPG next
to him. Hide his body somewhere safe (behind the barrels will do) and wait for
the armored vehicle to come. You'll need to put it out of commision before
being able to leave with the chopper. Use your RPG to take it down (3 - 4 hits
will destroy it) and use cover but don't stay too close to the target. Once
you have destroyed the vehicle, another wave of enemies will storm you. Take
them out and get inside the chopper.

On-rails segment 2:

Now that you have unlimited ammo again, it's time to unleash hell on your
enemies. You'll be a target of an AA gun so use your grenade launcher to
detroy it. Soon after an enemy chopper will appear. Use your RPG to take it
down but you'll probably miss most of your shots. After the chopper is sent
back to the ground, more enemies will be still shooting at you but they
won't provide a threat. Soon after the mission will be over and a cut scene
will follow revealing the target to be nono other than...

Side Ops #3: Classified Intel Acquisition                               [SOC03]

Objective: Make contact with an informant, then retrieve the data and escape.

You'll have to locate the target and retrieve the data from him. Miller will
advise you to reach a tower and signal the target that way.

Locate the target:

The mission starts with Snake riding on a cargo truck. You can leave
whenever you want but wait until you're closer to the tower. Move between the
tents for cover and sneak behind the tower and neutralize the guard there.
Don't throw him down since there aren't any good hidding spots nearby. Use
the spotlight to signal the target. Equip your binoculars to spot him. He'll
be accompanied by another soldier so take him out and sneak behind your target.
Interoggate him and he'll tell you the tape located in the central guard tower,
so knock him out and head towards the administration building.

Tape retrieval:

Before you go inside the tower, be warned that it's a trap. You may already
know this by listening to the other soldiers conversation at the warehouse
area or you may have already been spotted by the camera behind the door.
This trap can be avoided if you shoot the camera or disable the power using
the power box. Both of these methods will grab the guards attention but
destroying the camera is your safest option. Sneak through the tower and grab
the tape. Now it's time to make your escape but be warned that an armored
vehicle will be patrolling the tower area. You can escape using the truck
parked in the warehouse by climbing on its bed. Wait for it to leave the base
and complete the mission. That way you'll earn the infiltration achievment/

Side Ops #4: Destroy the Anti-Air Emplacements                          [SOD03]

Objective: Destroy three AA guns to make way for a U.S. helicopter assualt.

There are four AA guns in this mission, but you'll have to destroy three of
them in order to complete it. C4 may be the most valuable item for this
mission so use it wisely.

After you breach the base perimiter, the soliders will be placed on alert after
someone spots one of the naval ships anchored off the coast. This will make
your movements more difficult, as the guard patters are now randomized. The
quickest way to earn S-Rank in this mission is to shoot the explosive barrels
next to the Anti-Air turrets and to destroy the incoming tank by placing C4 on
the street. By shooting the barrels you can stay far away and won't have to
deal with the guards. It is absolutely crucial that you stay undetected and do
not kill anyone. Restarting checkpoints is okay. Enemies that die from
exploding barrels do NOT count as kills. Blowing up the tank won't count as a
kill either. Just be sure to place C4 on the first Anti-Air turret. Then make
your way up the road and shoot the explosive barrels next to the turrets on the
helipad. Get in the truck and drive away. Now trigger the C4 from the first
turret to make the tank spawn. Place C4 on the street to blow up the tank
without being seen. You don't necessarily have to rescue any prisoners if you
do this quickly enough, but they add good bonus points nonetheless. So on your
way out, consider picking some of them up if you had to restart checkpoints or
lost points elsewhere.

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 / /| |   | |____  _| |_ _ __ __ _  | | | |_ __  ___
/ /_| |   |  __\ \/ / __| '__/ _` | | | | | '_ \/ __|
\___  |_  | |___>  <| |_| | | (_| | \ \_/ / |_) \__ \
    |_(_) \____/_/\_\\__|_|  \__,_|  \___/| .__/|___/
                                          | |
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| |  | | __ _| | | _| |_| |__  _ __ ___  _   _  __ _| |__
| |/\| |/ _` | | |/ / __| '_ \| '__/ _ \| | | |/ _` | '_ \
\  /\  / (_| | |   <| |_| | | | | | (_) | |_| | (_| | | | |
 \/  \/ \__,_|_|_|\_\\__|_| |_|_|  \___/ \__,_|\__, |_| |_|
                                                __/ |
                                               |___/                    [EOW04]

Extra ops are console specific missions in Ground Zeroes, unlocked after
locating all nine X.O.F. patches during the Ground Zeroes mission.

Extra ops: Deja Vu (Playstation exclusive)                              [EOD04]

This mission is very interesting, since you'll have to recreate scenes from the
original Metal Gear Solid on the original Playstation. After that, you'll be
able to test your MGS knowledge in the form of a quiz.

Scene recreation:

Scene 1: Gunship - To recreate the first scene, sneak onto the helipad and
take cover behind the large electrical box to the northeast of the helicopter.
The guard across (on the north wall) will not notice you if you move slowly.
Peek out at the helicopter to complete the scene.

Scene 2: Searchlights - To guarantee that you aren't detected during this
recreation, sneak up the ladder to the catwalk via the courtyard in
Administration Building. Knock out the two guards operating the searchlights
and position them so that they leave a small patch of darkness over the item
box, then go down and collect the box.

Scene 3: Surveillance Camera - Sneak across the helipad area towards the
drainage channel and then crawl the last few yards on your stomach to avoid
being spotted by the guard under the camera, then move up and take cover
behind the large storage container to complete the scene.

Scene 4: Moai - You'll need to sneak inside the boiler room for this scene.
Search for a Moai statue along the north wall.

Scene 5: Tank - In order to make this scene, you'll need to grab a hold of a
few hand grenades. Break inside the armory located that is located south of the
warehouse area. Pick up a few hand grenades and head towards the west refugee
camp. Equip a grenade and throw it inside the open hatch of the tank to
complete this scene.

Scene 6: Liquid - To complete this scene, steal the jeep found in the center
of the Helipad area. Drive along the north road and down underneath the
overpass to recreate the jeep chase at the end of MGS 1.

Scene 7: Mantis - This scene is probably the most interesting one to recreate.
In the briefing section for this scene, Miller says he "forgot" to include a
picture and suggests you check the back of the box. Grab your MGS V: GZ case
and check it's back. You'll see an image displaying the iconic black "HIDEO"
screen. Go to the rear courtyard of the administration building and shut down
the power via the control box to complete the final scene.

After recreating all seven scenes, Miller will signal you to head for the exit.
It's an air duct inside the Administration Building courtyard, just past the
main gate. Crawl through the vent to end the mission and receive your ranking.

Metal Gear Solid Quiz:

After the ranking screen, you'll be offered a choice to play the Metal Gear
Solid quiz. Depending on the difficulty you just completed the mission, the
questions present on the quiz will be more difficult.


QUESTION #1: MGS1 featured Solid Snake infiltrating which island?

ANSWER: Shadow Moses

QUESTION #2: The remote-controlled missile is known by which nickname?

ANSWER: Nikita

QUESTION #3: Who did you need to call on the Codec in order to save your

ANSWER: Mei Ling

QUESTION #4: The Next-Generation Special Forces who took part in the uprising
with FOXHOUND were given what treatment?

ANSWER: Gene therapy

QUESTION #5: On which floor of the Nuclear Warhead Storage Building was
Otacon's lab located?

ANSWER: 2nd Floor Basement

QUESTION #6: What was the Cyborg Ninja's True Identity?

ANSWER: Frank Jaeger

QUESTION #7: Before being called back into action for the mission, Snake lived
in Alaska as a...?

ANSWER: Musher

QUESTION #8: What was the maximum load of the elevator in Communications Tower

ANSWER: 650 lbs (300 kilograms)

QUESTION #9: What type of storage media did the ArmsTech president give Snake?

ANSWER: Optical Disk

QUESTION #10: What is the title of the ending theme?

ANSWER: The Best is Yet to Come


QUESTION #1: What did Snake call Otacon's love for a certain female character?

ANSWER:  Stockholm Syndrome

QUESTION #2: When Otacon visited Snake at his cell after he was captured, he
gave him what level of security card?

ANSWER: Level 6

QUESTION #3: Which boss character was NOT a member of FOXHOUND?

ANSWER: The Cyborg Ninja

QUESTION #4: What was the name of the studio (later renamed Kojima Productions)
that developed MGS1?

ANSWER: KCE (Konami Computer Entertainment) Japan

QUESTION #5: Who did Otacon fall in love with in MGS1?

ANSWER: Sniper Wolf

QUESTION #6: How did they censor Johnny Sasaki's privates in the U.S. release
of MGS1?
ANSWER: Pixelization

QUESTION #7: Snake attempted to give Meryl a handgun of what caliber?


QUESTION #8: After escaping the base, Snake and Meryl encounter a family of
which type of animal?

ANSWER: Caribou

QUESTION #9: In total, how many prototypes of the stealth camouflage did Otacon


QUESTION #10: What did the "P.A.L." in "P.A.L. Key" stand for?

ANSWER: Permissive Action Link

Extra ops: Jamais Vu (XBOX exclusive)                                   [EOJ04]

In this extra ops mission, you'll take control of Raiden instead of Big Boss.
Raiden will be equipped with his cyborg ninja suit. This "pseudo-historical
recreation" sees Raiden investigating the Cuban island after reports of "Body
Snatchers" reach the MSF leadership. His mission is to infiltrate the base,
identify and eliminate the Snatchers and neutralize the remaining survivors.

NOTE: This walkthrough will help you achieve an S rank on this mission.

Locating the targets:

As soon as you drop off from the chopper, open your IDroid as soon as you
recieve info that the map has been updated and take a look at the map. You'll
need to kill eight "body snatchers" and four marines in order to complete this
mission. Now the thing is these body snatchers look exactly like the normal
marines that are in this base. The only way you can distinguish them from the
other marines is that the snatchers can't be knocked out or put to sleep with
tranquilizer darts so the only way to deal with them is to kill them with a
lethal weapon. Also, interrogate as many people as you can since they'll give
out locations of other enemies (they not always reveal the location of a
snatcher. If you have a doubt use your tranquilizer before you shoot somebody).

Target #1:

First off, go to the red circle that is nearest to you. Climb the tower and
interrogate the soldier there. Knock him out and use your binoculars to scout

Target #2:

You'll see a marine walking along the tents. Go near him and kill him
with a silenced lethal weapon (you can also interrogate him before killing

Target #3:

Head for the next circle on your map. You will come to a fenced area that has
a guard tower with one guard, and then another guard patrolling on the ground.
Both of them are snatchers. First, take out the guard on the tower. To get to
him, move through the crates that are on the right side when you are facing his
tower after entering this mini-compound. Watch the movements of the ground
guard so that you don't get spotted. Get to the stairs and shoot the guard from

Target #4:

Just kill the ground guard from earlier.

Target #5:

Head for the helipad area next. You'll come across a lone marine who is not a
snatcher. Use your tranquilizer gun on him and make your way through the red

Target #6:

You'll be near the entrance to the boiler room. There will be a snatcher
walking down the steps so get to him quickly and take him out.

Target #7:

Next, head down the steps and find Paz's cage. The next snatcher will be next
to her cage.

Target #8:

Return to ground level and head for the next circle on the map. You'll come
across three guards, two of which are snatchers. One of the snatchers will be
near the big gate, while the other patrols the area with the human marine.
You can try to destroy the nearby camera in order to lure one of them near you.
Use non-lethal methods to see if the guard that came is either human or a

Target #9:

This target may come towards the camera to inspect it or he could have had
his back turned. Eitherway, take him down.

Target #10:

Crawl underneath the pipes near the gate to go around and flank the final
enemy. If you’ve already killed two more snatchers up to this point, then you
can safely assume that he is a human. If you’ve killed one snatcher and knocked
out one human, then he’s a snatcher and needs to be eliminated.

Target #11 & #12:

You've nearly cleared them all. The last two hostiles can be found riding in a
jeep around the helipad area. The Snatcher is in the passenger seat. Hide
behind a barricade and shoot the driver with a sleeping dart. Then take out the
guy in the passenger seat to have 12/12 threats neutralized.


It's time to leave the base. Before calling the chopper for evac, head towards
the nearby armory and grab the rocket launcher. Get to the helipad and destroy
the two AA guns located between your area. Now you'll probably be spotted
multiple times but don't worry you'll get your achievment by following this
guide. Head behind a crate to the right and aim towards the tower ahead. Kill
the enemy that comes from there. Head towards the red door to the boiler room
but stay behind cover. Use hand grenades to kill the enemies coming from the
garage to the left and the ones coming from the door to the front. Stay in
your current position and use your other grenades for the incoming enemies.
They'll be too busy shooting at your chopper to notice you. After about 6-7
dead enemies, look towards your chopper and he'll point out with a ligt the
location of the incoming enemies. Remember, stick behind cover and use silenced
weapons or grenades (if you still have any). After that a chopper will appear
from behind. Use your RPG to hit it. It will retreat after a successful hit
but it will come back later. Return to the position where you killed the
first 6-7 enemies and use your rocket launcher or rifle to deal with them. You
may run out of rockets but don't worry, return to the area before the chopper
appeared and take the rocket ammo from the guys you killed. Make sure to not
let the incoming hostiles from the garage get too far otherwise you risk
losing your chance of getting the "Hidden" achievment. After the group of
enemies has been dealth with, the chopper will come back. You can destroy it
with 2-3 hits. After the chopper is down, your helo will land and you'll be
able to climb aboard and complete the mission.

 _____    _____       _ _           _   _ _     _
|  ___|  /  __ \     | | |         | | (_) |   | |
|___ \   | /  \/ ___ | | | ___  ___| |_ _| |__ | | ___  ___
    \ \  | |    / _ \| | |/ _ \/ __| __| | '_ \| |/ _ \/ __|
/\__/ /  | \__/\ (_) | | |  __/ (__| |_| | |_) | |  __/\__ \
\____(_)  \____/\___/|_|_|\___|\___|\__|_|_.__/|_|\___||___/            [COL05]

There are two main collectibles in Ground Zeroes. Cassette tapes and X.O.F.
patches. This section will help you out in finding their exact locations.

Cassette tapes                                                          [COC05]

Finding all of the cassette tapes will help to fill in Chico's backstory and
will also award you with the Information Trophy/Achievement.

NOTE: If you interrogate a guard, he may reveal the location of a cassette

Chico's Cassette Tape 1:

Recieved after completing "Intel Operative Rescue" Side Op.

Chico's Cassette Tape 2:

During the Ground Zeroes mission, head over to the central watch tower at the
Administration Building. Knock out the guard standing outside and enter the
tower. The cassette is on the desk.

Chico's Cassette Tape 3:

You get this cassette after meeting up with Chico during the Ground Zeroes

Chico's Cassette Tape 4:

Rescue the P.O.W. to be executed in the Ground Zeroes mission. He can be found
in the West Refugee Camp.

Chico's Cassette Tape 5:

Ground Zeroes mission.  Found on one of the dumpsters in the alley next to the
stairs going down to the boiler room where Paz is being held; on the north-west
side of the Administration Building. This must be done before you rescue Chico
or Paz.

Chico's Cassette Tape 6:

This tape can be found during the "Eliminate the Renegade Threat" Side Op.
The cassette is found in the armory building closest to the starting point of
the Ground Zeroes mission, at the south end of the Warehouse Area.

Chico's Cassette Tape 7:

Found during the "Destroy the Anti-Air Emplacements:" Side Op. Extract the
P.O.W. in the Boiler Room where Paz was being held.

Agent's Recording:

Found during the "Classified Intel Aquisition" Side-Op. Ride the truck until
you reach the Administation Building. Get to the central watch tower to find
this tape. You don't need to find the undercover soldier in order to do this.

Classified Intel Data:

After you pick up the Agent's Recording Kaz mentions that this was a set-up
(if you get spotted by the camera). Find the undercover agent and make him
answer for this deception.  He will tell you that the real tape is in the hands
of a marine with a shaved head.  The marine in question is found down in the
boiler room.  Sneak up and make him give up the tape.

"Here's to You" Song:

Found during the Ground Zeroes mission. Located in the cell adjacent to

"Resurgence" / "Theme of Tara" Songs:

Found in the console specific mission Deja Vu / Jamais Vu Extra Ops. Located
outside the cave on the beach, to the north-east of the insertion point.

Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner - Beyond the Bounds:

Complete every mission on Hard.

X.O.F. Patches                                                          [COX05]

The X.O.F. patches are the second main collectible in the game. Once you have
found all of them, you'll unlock the console specific mission, depending on the
system you're playing this game on. These patches can only be found in the
Ground Zeroes mission.

X.O.F. patch #1:

Stop, drop and roll. No, seriously--a patch got caught in your pants and the
only way to dislodge it is to lie down and roll sideways several times. Keep
going until a cutscene plays, the pick up the patch from the ground.

X.O.F. patch #2:

Right at the start of the mission, turn around and look for the patch along the
edge of the cliff.

X.O.F. patch #3:

Atop the pile of garbage on the south side of the West Refugee Camp, just north
of the small shack by the wall.

X.O.F. patch #4:

On top of the left power transformer at the north end of the Warehouse area.

X.O.F. patch #5:

On top of the guard house across from the Prison Camp where you rescue Chico.

X.O.F. patch #6:

Inside the gate of the Prison Camp.

X.O.F. patch #7:

In the center of the Helipad area (south of the orange flag), in the middle of
all four landing pads.

X.O.F. patch #8:

In the drainage channel on the north wall of the Helipad.

X.O.F. patch #9:

On top of the air vent in the east wing of the Administration building
(through the orange door outside the main gate).

  ____      ___       _     _                                 _
 / ___|    / _ \     | |   (_)                               | |
/ /___    / /_\ \ ___| |__  _  _____   ___ __ ___   ___ _ __ | |_
| ___ \   |  _  |/ __| '_ \| |/ _ \ \ / / '_ ` _ \ / _ \ '_ \| __|
| \_/ |_  | | | | (__| | | | |  __/\ V /| | | | | |  __/ | | | |_
\_____(_) \_| |_/\___|_| |_|_|\___| \_/ |_| |_| |_|\___|_| |_|\__|

 _____       _     _
|  __ \     (_)   | |
| |  \/_   _ _  __| | ___
| | __| | | | |/ _` |/ _ \
| |_\ \ |_| | | (_| |  __/
 \____/\__,_|_|\__,_|\___|                                              [ACG06]

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes features a total of 16 achievments/trophies
worth a total of 1000 G.

 _______________________ _____________________________________________________
/                       |                                                     |
| Achievment Name       |  Achievment description/ Unlock guide               |
|                       |                                                     |
| Reunion (50G/Bronze)  | Description:                                        |
|                       | -----------------------                             |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Reunite with Chico or Paz.                          |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Unlock guide:                                       |
|                       | -----------------------                             |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Obtained during the Ground Zeroes mission after     |
|                       | meeting up with either Chico or Paz. Can't be       |
|                       | missed.                                             |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
| Downfall (50G/Bronze) |                                                     |
|                       | Description:                                        |
|                       | -----------------------                             |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Clear the "Ground Zeroes" mission.                  |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Unlock guide:                                       |
|                       | -----------------------                             |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Follow the Ground Zeroes walkthrough for further    |
|                       | info.                                               |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
| Genesis (50G/Bronze)  |                                                     |
|                       | Description:                                        |
|                       | -----------------------                             |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Complete a Side Op or Extra Op.                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Unlock guide:                                       |
|                       | -----------------------                             |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Complete either a side ops or extra mission in order|
|                       | to get this one.                                    |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
| Skilled (150G/Silver) |                                                     |
|                       | Description:                                        |
|                       | -----------------------                             |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Complete any mission with an 'S' ranking.           |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Unlock guide:                                       |
|                       | -----------------------                             |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Follow the walkthroug for Ground Zeroes or any other|
|                       | mission listed in this guide.                       |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
| Hero (200G/Gold)      |                                                     |
|                       | Description:                                        |
|                       | -----------------------                             |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Complete all missions with an 'S' ranking.          |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Unlock guide:                                       |
|                       | -----------------------                             |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Follow the walkthroug for every mission listed in   |
|                       | this guide.                                         |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
| Rescue (50G/Bronze)   |                                                     |
|                       | Description:                                        |
|                       | -----------------------                             |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | In the "Ground Zeroes" mission, rescued the escaped |
|                       | prisoner and extract him via helicopter.            |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Unlock guide:                                       |
|                       | -----------------------                             |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | This prisoner can be found in the area just down the|
|                       | hill and to the left of the initial starting        |
|                       | location, and they will be accompanied by 3+ guards |
|                       | which you will need to take down. After clearing    |
|                       | them out, you'll want to pick up this prisoner, call|
|                       | in the chopper using the menu, and extract them     |
|                       | before returning to the mission, unlocking the      |
|                       | achievement.                                        |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
| Depth (50G/Bronze)    |                                                     |
|                       | Description:                                        |
|                       | -----------------------                             |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Complete the Eliminate the Renegade Threat Side Op  |
|                       | by exctracting both targets.                        |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Unlock guide:                                       |
|                       | -----------------------                             |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | You'll have to take down both target NON-LETHALY and|
|                       | extract them via helo. Use the guide for this one   |
|                       | but don't kill any of the targets.                  |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
| Pacifist (50G/Bronze) |                                                     |
|                       | Description:                                        |
|                       | -----------------------                             |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Complete the Intel Operative Rescue Side Op without |
|                       | killing any enemies.                                |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Unlock guide:                                       |
|                       | -----------------------                             |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | To get this achievement, you will need to make sure |
|                       | to not get any kills during the level. Use you non- |
|                       | lethal pistol to kill ground units, immobilize any  |
|                       | vehicles, and take out the gunner in the side of the|
|                       | chopper throughout the entire mission. The only time|
|                       | it is ok to use anything other than you pistol is   |
|                       | when the armoured vehicle comes out, which is when  |
|                       | you will need to use the RPG that you found near the|
|                       | Operative. It is important to note that splash      |
|                       | damage from the explosion may kill neutralized      |
|                       | enemies near the armoured vehicle, so make sure you |
|                       | take it out when it is not near any of the guards on|
|                       | the ground!                                         |
|                       |                                                     |
|Infiltration           |                                                     |
|(50G/Bronze)           | Description:                                        |
|                       | -----------------------                             |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Complete the Classified Intel AcquisitionSide Op by |
|                       | escaping in the back of a truck.                    |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Unlock guide:                                       |
|                       | -----------------------                             |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Check out the walkthrough for this mission and      |
|                       | you'll know the trucks location.                    |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|Extraction (50G/Bronze)|                                                     |
|                       | Description:                                        |
|                       | -----------------------                             |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Rescue and extract all the prisoners in the Destroy |
|                       | the Anti-Air Emplacements Side Op.                  |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Unlock guide:                                       |
|                       | -----------------------                             |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |There are a total of 4 prisoners that need to be     |
|                       |rescued in order to unlock the achievement/trophy.   |
|                       |The first 3 are found in the camp near the spawn.    |
|                       |Just neutralize the enemies, and carry them down to  |
|                       |the chopper landing spot. The final prisoner is a    |
|                       |little more difficult to attain, but can be found    |
|                       |inside the holding cell where Paz was found in the   |
|                       |main mission of the game. Plant C4 on the Anti-Air   |
|                       |establishments, and then grab the prisoner and make  |
|                       |your way to the exit while blowing up the Anti-Air   |
|                       |units as well as the armoured vehicle that shows up  |
|                       |afterwards. The chopper will land at the extraction  |
|                       |zone, and you'll need to load all 4 prisoners (alive)|
|                       |into the chopper, to gain this award.                |
|                       |                                                     |
|Unlocked (50G/Bronze)  |                                                     |
|                       | Description:                                        |
|                       | -----------------------                             |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Unlock all trials.                                  |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Unlock guide:                                       |
|                       | -----------------------                             |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |  N/A                                                |
|                       |                                                     |
|Information            |                                                     |
|(50G/Bronze)           | Description:                                        |
|                       | -----------------------                             |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Collect all of the Cassette Tapes.                  |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Unlock guide:                                       |
|                       | -----------------------                             |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Refer to the collectible's section for more help on |
|                       | this achievment.                                    |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
| Insignia (50G/Bronze) |                                                     |
|                       | Description:                                        |
|                       | -----------------------                             |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Collect all of the X.O.F. Patches.                  |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Unlock guide:                                       |
|                       | -----------------------                             |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Refer to the collectible's section for more help on |
|                       | this achievment.                                    |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
| Hidden (50G)          |                                                     |
|                       | Description:                                        |
|                       | -----------------------                             |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Complete the Jamais Vu Extra Op with 0 enemy combat |
|                       | statuses.                                           |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Unlock guide:                                       |
|                       | -----------------------                             |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | There is a strategy on how to get this achievment   |
|                       | on the Jamais Vu walkthrough                        |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
| Reminiscence (Bronze) |                                                     |
|                       | Description:                                        |
|                       | -----------------------                             |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Recreate all scenes in the Deja Vu Extra Op.        |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | Unlock guide:                                       |
|                       | -----------------------                             |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       | The recreation is explained in the walkthrough for  |
|                       | this mission                                        |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |
|                       |                                                     |

 ______  _                      _
|___  / | |                    | |
   / /  | |     ___  __ _  __ _| |
  / /   | |    / _ \/ _` |/ _` | |
./ / _  | |___|  __/ (_| | (_| | |
\_/ (_) \_____/\___|\__, |\__,_|_|
                     __/ |
                    |___/                                               [LEG07]

This guide has been written by Philip Petrov A.K.A. Punisher_x2. This guide
may not be reproduced or distributed to other sites without the knowledge of
the author. Please, if you would like to use this guide on your site, contact
me first.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this guide are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders. Metal Gear is property of

You can find this guide at the following sites:

< Gamefaqs.com

< Gamesave.me

If you are viewing this guide on a website not listed above, please contact
me ASAP!!!

 _____     _____             _             _     _____       __
|  _  |   /  __ \           | |           | |   |_   _|     / _|
 \ V /    | /  \/ ___  _ __ | |_ __ _  ___| |_    | | _ __ | |_ ___
 / _ \    | |    / _ \| '_ \| __/ _` |/ __| __|   | || '_ \|  _/ _ \
| |_| |_  | \__/\ (_) | | | | || (_| | (__| |_   _| || | | | || (_) |
\_____(_)  \____/\___/|_| |_|\__\__,_|\___|\__|  \___/_| |_|_| \___/    [COI08]

If you need to ask or tell me something related to this game or guide, inform
me of any spelling mistakes or game errors, report if my guide is used on a
site not listed, please don't hesitate to contact me through the following


[email protected]

You can also use some of the social networks to follow my guide progress:





 _____     ___  _                 _     _   _
|  _  |   / _ \| |               | |   | | | |
| |_| |  / /_\ \ |__   ___  _   _| |_  | | | |___
\____ |  |  _  | '_ \ / _ \| | | | __| | | | / __|
.___/ /  | | | | |_) | (_) | |_| | |_  | |_| \__ \
\____(_) \_| |_/_.__/ \___/ \__,_|\__|  \___/|___/                      [ABU09]

Since I first started writing guides back in 2009, I had made a small group
of three individuals called Punishing X Guides. Each of us had a different
role, I, Philip Petrov wrote guides, Mario Petrov was the admin of my site
(which is now offline) and Emil Petrov, financer for the games I write guides
about. I hope that one day I can expand our small community in the future.
Liking our Facebook page, following us on Twitter or recommending this guide
will also mean a lot.

I have written guides for various systems, mostly retro and PSP ones, but I
had to move to bigger projects later on. My goal is to write guides for the
future big releases coming this year.

This is all for now. Keep reading my guides!

 __  _____   ______                  _   _
/  ||  _  |  |  _  \                | | (_)
`| || |/' |  | | | |___  _ __   __ _| |_ _  ___  _ __  ___
 | ||  /| |  | | | / _ \| '_ \ / _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \/ __|
_| |\ |_/ /  | |/ / (_) | | | | (_| | |_| | (_) | | | \__ \
\___/\___(_) |___/ \___/|_| |_|\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|___/             [DON10]

I have noticed that some guide writers, like myself, have put a donation
section in their guide. Since buying new games has become an expensive hobby
for me, writing these guides costs a lot. I live in a poor Eastern European
nation where video games cost half the minimal salary.

Now, you are not obligated to donate just for viewing my guide, it's just if
you feel generous enough to help me out to make more guides so that I can be
of help.

If you have read so far, here is my PayPal ID:


 __   __      _____              _ _ _
/  | /  |    /  __ \            | (_) |
`| | `| |    | /  \/_ __ ___  __| |_| |_ ___
 | |  | |    | |   | '__/ _ \/ _` | | __/ __|
_| |__| |__  | \__/\ | |  __/ (_| | | |_\__ \
\___/\___(_)  \____/_|  \___|\__,_|_|\__|___/                           [CRE11]

Thanks goes to:

Kojima productions - For developing this game.

Konami - For publishing this awesome series.

Special thanks goes to:

Gamefaqs - For being the most awesome site for guides.

You - For reading this guide.

Support: If you like this guide, please send me an E-mail saying you want
me to make more guides. Who knows, I might even add you to the credits

Thank you for reading this FAQ/walkthrough

- Philip

Copyright 2014 Punishing X Guides

All rights reserved

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