FAQ And Walkthrough - Guide for Plants vs. Zombies

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| ,-------------------------------------------------------------------------, |
| |                                                                         | |
| |    Plants Vs Zombies Game Guide v0.70                                   | |
| |    by Curby                                       | |
| |                                                                         | |
| |    Copyright (C) 2009 Michael Lee, licensed under CC BY-ND 3.0          | |
| |                                                                         | |
| '-------------------------------------------------------------------------' |

|  000: Table of Contents                                                     |

To jump to a section, search for its section number followed by a colon instead
of a period.

000. Table of Contents              400. Mini-Games Walkthrough
100. About this Guide               500. Puzzles Walkthrough
  110. Availability                 
  120. Copyright and License        600. Survival Walkthrough
  130. Status and History             610. First Stage (Flags 1-2)
  140. Searching the Guide            620. Second Stage (Flags 3-4)
  150. Links in the Guide             630. Later Stages (Flags 5-10)
                                      640. Location-specific Tactics
200. About the Game                   650. Survival Endless
  210. Gameplay Overview            
  220. Game Modes                   700. Zen Garden Walkthrough
  230. Secrets                      
  240. Unlockables                  800. Plant and Zombie Armies
  250. Other Items                    810. Plants Overview
  260. Tips                           820. Zombies Overview
300. Adventure Walkthrough          
  310. Stage 1 - Front Lawn, Day    
  320. Stage 2 - Front Lawn, Night  
  330. Stage 3 - Back Yard, Pool    
  340. Stage 4 - Back Yard, Fog     
  350. Stage 5 - Roof               

|  100: About this Guide                                                      |

'-- 110: Availability --------------------------------------------------------'

Whether you found this guide on the Internet or through email, please know the
latest version is always available for free from my site [1] and GameFAQs [2].

[1] http://curby.net/docs/games/plantsvszombies.txt
[2] http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/file/959255/56545

'-- 120: Copyright and License -----------------------------------------------'

This guide is Copyright (C) 2009 Michael Lee, and released under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution No Derivatives License [3].

This license gives you my explicit permission to email, repost, republish, and
even sell this guide as long as it remains unchanged and in whole.  In all
cases, this copyright and license statement, and the notice above that the
latest version is always available for free, must remain intact and unchanged.

All trademarks used herein that are listed at [4] are owned by PopCap Games,
Inc. or its licensors and may be registered in some countries. Other company
and product names used herein may be trademarks of their respective owners and
are used for the benefit of those owners.

[3] http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/
[4] http://www.popcap.com/trademarks.php

'-- 130: Status and History --------------------------------------------------'

This guide was started because Plants vs. Zombies was the most requested FAQ on
GameFAQs.  It is a work in progress, focusing on a walkthrough of Adventure
mode for beginners and advanced strategies for seasoned players.

2009-06-29 Stage 5 of Adventure, Plant and Zombie armies, etc.
2009-06-11 Stage 4 of Adventure, etc.
2009-05-28 Stage 3 of Adventure, etc.
2009-05-18 Stage 2 of Adventure, changed license, survival mode, misc changes
2009-05-15 Initial release

'-- 140: Searching the Guide -------------------------------------------------'

To jump to a section, type its number as listed in the table of contents, fol-
lowed by the colon symbol.  If you wanted to go to section 1064, you'd search
for "1064:" without the quotation marks.  Each level in the Adventure mode has
its own section number consisting of 3, the stage number, and the level number.
The third level of the second stage is at section 323, and the tenth level of
the fourth stage is at section 34F (F indicates the final level of that stage).

'-- 150: Links in the Guide --------------------------------------------------'

URLs are often too long to place in-line with the main text, so they will be
placed at the end of each section as footnotes.  For example, see the links in
the Copyright section above.

|  200: About the Game                                                        |

Plants Vs Zombies [5] is a tower defense [6] game in which you defend your
house from a horde of Zombies by placing plants in areas around your house.

This guide is not an instruction manual.  While many walkthroughs spend time
repeating controls and other introductory material, this guide will focus
entirely on how to play the game effectively, not how perform basic functions.
Therefore, the following introductory sections will often refer to the game's
readme file [7].  If you don't have access to the Internet while reading this
guide, you can also find the readme file in the game's installation directory.

[5] http://www.popcap.com/games/pvz
[6] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tower_defense
[7] http://www.popcap.com/faq/plantsvszombies/1033/pc/readme.html

'-- 210: Gameplay Overview ---------------------------------------------------'

For information on the controls of the game and the basics of how to play it,
see the "Playing the Game" section [8] of the game's readme.  The game itself
also gently introduces players to new game mechanics with in-game instructions.

[8] http://www.popcap.com/faq/plantsvszombies/1033/pc/readme.html#PG

'-- 220: Game Modes ----------------------------------------------------------'

There are five game modes in Plants Vs. Zombies:

Adventure   This is the primary mode, and consists of five stages of ten levels
            each.  Adventure mode must be completed to fully unlock the other
            modes.  For more information, see section 300.
Mini-Games  This consists of 20 varied mini-games, which test your speed as
            well as your strategy.  For more information, see section 400.
Puzzles     This consists of 20 levels of two puzzle modes: Vasebreaker and I,
            Zombie.  For more information, see section 500.
Survival    This consists of 11 levels spanning the five locations first seen
            in Adventure mode.  For more information, see section 600.
Zen Garden  This stress-free mode allows you to collect plants from other modes
            and earn money by growing them and keeping them happy.  For more
            information, see section 700.

See the "Game Modes" section [9] of the game's readme for more information.

[9] http://www.popcap.com/faq/plantsvszombies/1033/pc/readme.html#GM

'-- 230: Secrets -------------------------------------------------------------'

There are special codes that can be typed in during a level to enable graphical
effects in the game.  These codes are discovered from the sayings of the Tree
of Wisdom, and some require the Tree of Wisdom to be of a certain height before
they can be activated.  They have no in-game effect other than changing the
appearance of certain elements or characters and a sound effect confirming
their activation.

Code                        Effect
''''''''''''''''''''''''''  '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
pinata                      Dying Zombies give a shower of candy
trickedout                  Lawn mowers get big engines
future                      Zombies wear sunglasses
dance                       Zombies dance instead of walk across the field
sukhbir                     Zombies have a different call for brains sound
daisies                     Dying Zombies leave small daisies on the ground
mustache / moustache        Zombies get mustaches

Note that "daisies" requires a Tree of Wisdom height of 100 or more, "dance"
requires 500 feet, and "pinata" requires 1000 feet.

After the first play-through of the Adventure mode, there is an empty spot in
the Zombie Almanac.  This last Zombie is unlocked by playing through Level 4-10
of the Adventure mode a second time.

'-- 240: Unlockables ---------------------------------------------------------'

Some items and game modes are unlocked by accomplishing certain tasks.  Here
they are with the prerequisites for each:

Item/Game Mode              Unlock Action
''''''''''''''''''''''''''  '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
Shovel                      Complete Level 1-4
Suburban Almanac            Complete Level 2-4
Mini-Games (Game Mode)      Complete Level 3-2
Crazy Dave's Shop           Complete Level 3-4
Puzzles (Game Mode)         Complete Level 4-6
Yeti (Almanac Entry)        Find in Level 4-10 during 2nd playthrough
Zen Garden                  Complete Level 5-4
Survival (Game Mode)        Complete Adventure mode

Seed Packets                Complete levels in Adventure mode (the walkthrough
                            notes what seeds are awarded for each level)

Silver Sunflower Trophy     Complete Adventure mode
Gold Sunflower Trophy       Earn all Mini-Game, Puzzle, and Survival trophies

If you purchased your game from Steam [10], you can earn Steam achievements by
accomplishing certain tasks [11].  Achievements have no in-game effect other
than the notification that you have received them.

Steam Achievement           Unlock Action
''''''''''''''''''''''''''  '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
Ask Me About Mustache Mode  Enable Mustache Mode
Better Off Dead             Get a streak of over 10 in I, Zombie Endless
China Shop                  Get to a streak of 15 in Vasebreaker Endless
Cryptozombologist           Discover the top secret zombie (Yeti)
Explodonator                Blow up 10 Zombies with a single cherry bomb
Home Lawn Security          Complete Adventure mode
Immortal                    Get to 20 flags in Survival Endless
Morticulturalist            Collect all 49 plants
Nobel Peas Prize            Get the golden sunflower trophy
Spudow!                     Blow up a zombie using a potato mine
Towering Wisdom             Grow the Tree of Wisdom to 100 feet
Walk This Way               Hypnotize the lead dancer zombie

[10] http://store.steampowered.com/
[11] http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/code/959255.html

'-- 250: Other Items ---------------------------------------------------------'

Additionally, many items can be purchase from Crazy Dave's Shop.  These include
seed packet upgrades, defensive items like pool cleaners, and items for the Zen
Garden.  See the readme file for a complete list [12].

[12] http://www.popcap.com/faq/plantsvszombies/1033/pc/readme.html#SC/CDS

'-- 260: Tips ----------------------------------------------------------------'

The readme file contains a list of helpful tips [13] for both general gameplay
and the Zen Garden.  Here are a few more:

o  Disregard most of the plant upgrades for the Adventure mode.  They are
   generally too expensive for the effect they will have on the game.  For
   example, use two Repeaters instead of a Gatling Pea.  While it will take
   two physical spaces instead of one, you save sun by planting more plants.
   Also, having more plants can be beneficial as they will absorb more chomping
   by Zombies.
o  Don't bother using Marigolds during the Adventure mode, when time, space,
   and sun are precious resources.  Instead, finish Adventure mode more quickly
   and use other means [14] to earn money later on.
o  Gloom-Shrooms are very powerful, and should be the first upgraded plant that
   you buy.  Once you get them, use them in all available levels.  During the
   day, use coffee beans to wake them up.  Yes, it's worth three slots!
o  The golden rule of any real time strategy game is to ramp up your resource
   production as quickly as possible while barely surviving early attacks. To
   do this, try to kill each of the early Zombies as late as possible and with
   as few attacking plants as possible.  This will mean that you are spending
   more sun on sun-producers, so that you'll have more income for the difficult
   later parts of the level.
   o  Use the rake to take out the first zombie on each level.  This allows you
      to use more early resources on sun-producers.
   o  If you don't have the extra gold to buy rakes, you can use Potato Mines,
      Tangle Kelps, and Squashes for a similar effect.  Instead of spending 100
      sun on a plant to take care of the early Zombie, you spend half that and
      free up enough sun for another Sunflower.  This is not an issue at night
      when you have free plants to provide an early defense.
o  Use Garlic to divert enemies onto other rows.  Instead of defending 5-6 rows
   on the field, you can divert them onto 3 rows.  Having less effective area
   to defend means that you can concentrate your defenses, and efficient plants
   such as Fume-shrooms and Gloom-shrooms are even more effective against large
   swarms as they hit every Zombie within range, whether there's 1 or 100.
o  It is much easier to defend the water because the most powerful enemies are
   all land-locked.  For the more difficult games such as Survival mode, you
   can group your more fragile and expensive plants, such as Cob Cannons, in
   the water.
o  There are tons of tips and techniques scattered throughout this guide too!

[13] http://www.popcap.com/faq/plantsvszombies/1033/pc/readme.html#GT
[14] http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/file/959255/56559

|  300: Adventure Walkthrough                                                 |

The Adventure mode can be considered the primary mode of the game.  Here are
level descriptions and tips on completing each level.

'-- 310: Stage 1 - Front Lawn, Day -------------------------------------------'

The first of five stages takes place in your front yard during the day, and is
known as the "Day" stage in the game.  The field has a maximum size of 5 rows
by 9 columns, though the first stages are made smaller to give a gentle
introduction to the game.  The field sizes will be noted whenever they are
smaller than the maximum.

This first stage is easy, but it provides a good time to learn and practice
more advanced techniques that will be required later on.  Even if you've
already beaten stage 1 in your game, skim the "The Key" lines for useful tips
and strategies.  If you don't understand those summaries, read the "Notes" for
further explanation.

The listed flag count is the number of large waves of Zombies that attack on
that level.  The first number is the number of flags the first time playing
through Adventure mode, and the second number is the number of flags on
subsequent times playing.

--- 311: Level 1-1 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Size:    1x9
  Enemies: Zombie
  Flags:   0 / 2
  Reward:  Sunflower Seed Packet

  The Key: Keep Peashooters far from the enemy.

  Notes:   Follow the tutorial tips and place your Peashooters at the far left.
           As the name implies, ranged units work best at long range, so we put
           them far away from the right edge where the Zombies spawn.  The
           Zombies are typically melee (close combat) units so this strategy
           keeps your plants safe for as long as possible.

--- 312: Level 1-2 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Size:    3x9
  Enemies: Zombie
  Flags:   1 / 2
  Reward:  Cherry Bomb Seed Packet

  The Key: Save the two leftmost rows for sun production.

  Notes:   Place 4-5 Sunflowers at the far left before the first Zombie shows
           up.  Your first Peashooter should be on the same row as that first
           Zombie and on the third column from the left.  In general, set
           aside the two left-most columns for sun-producing plants.

           Here's our first level diagram, representing the beginning of the
           game.  Each dot represents an open space on the field, and other
           symbols are explained to the right of the diagram.  After we plant
           four Sunflowers, the first Zombie appeared in the middle row.  We
           place our Peashooter in the same row and in the third column.

           S  S  .  .  .  .  .  .  .          S  Sunflowers
           S  .  P  .  .  .  .  .  Z          P  First Peashooter
           S  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .          Z  First Zombie

           Towards the end, you should flesh out the two columns of Sunflowers
           and build up two columns of Peashooters.  This will be more than
           enough firepower to take down the "flag" wave at the end.  Flags on
           the progress bar at the lower right of the screen indicate large
           groups of Zombies that attack at once.  By keeping an eye on the
           progress bar, you can better prepare your defenses for these waves.

--- 313: Level 1-3 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Size:    3x9
  Enemies: Zombie                             Conehead Zombie
  Flags:   1 / 2
  Reward:  Wall-nut Seed Packet

  The Key: Maximize your early sun production.

  Notes:   You'll only have enough time to plant 3 Sunflowers before the first
           Zombie, but try placing a fourth.  If your reflexes are fast enough,
           you'll still be able to kill the first Zombie with your first Pea-
           shooter without taking a single hit.  This goal of early resource
           production should be kept in mind on every level.

           As before, set up two columns each of Sunflowers and Peashooters.
           That should be enough to beat the level, but you may want to try a
           Cherry Bomb to see how it works.  As they have a 3x3 area of effect,
           try not to place them at the edges of the field or you'll waste some
           of their power.

--- 314: Level 1-4 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Size:    5x9
  Enemies: Zombie                             Conehead Zombie
  Flags:   1 / 2
  Reward:  Shovel

  The Key: Get used to a larger field and to laying defenses.

  Notes:   Your first defensive plant, the Wall-nut, can be used to stall more
           durable Zombies and larger groups.  As Zombies stop and gnaw at a
           Wall-nut, your Peashooters and other offense plants will have the
           time and protection they need to dispatch them.

           The strategy for this level follows that of the previous two: build
           Sunflowers, and support them with Peashooters.  Use Wall-nuts just
           in front of your Peashooters.  There, they will stop Zombie groups
           but single Zombies will be killed by the Peashooters before being
           able to damage the Wall-nuts at all.

--- 315: Level 1-5, Mini-Game: Wall-nut Bowling -------------------------------

  Enemies: Zombie                             Conehead Zombie
  Flags:   1 / 2
  Reward:  Potato Mine Seed Packet

  The Key: Kill Zombies as late as possible.

  Notes:   The fifth level of every stage is a special mini-game.  After
           teaching you how to use the shovel, Crazy Dave introduces you to the
           first: Wall-nut Bowling.

           This is also the first conveyor belt level.  Instead of being
           limited by recharge timers and sun costs, you only get to use the
           seeds that slide in on the belt.  Keep in mind that unused seeds
           stay at the left side of the belt, so you can keep some there for

           Your first thought might be to kill Zombies as soon as possible, but
           it is difficult to win that way for two reasons.  First of all, by
           allowing Wall-nuts to ricochet around the field and hit multiple
           Zombies, you won't need as many Wall-nuts to kill Zombies.  Also,
           seeing what's coming up allows you to plan your resources more care-
           fully.  Instead of wasting an Explode-o-nut on two Zombies, you may
           wait a few seconds and see a larger group.

--- 316: Level 1-6 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Enemies: Zombie                             Conehead Zombie
           Pole Vaulting Zombie
  Flags:   1 / 2
  Reward:  Snow Pea Seed Packet

  The Key: Plant Wall-nuts early, but place them carefully.

  Notes:   Pole Vaulters are easily stopped by two defensive units, but the
           recharge time on the Wall-nuts is very high, so there's no way to
           build two full columns of them before the flag.  The best bet is
           to start building them early so you can at least have one full
           column of them, and to position them to the right so that post-
           vault Zombies have some open ground to cover before reaching your
           Peashooters.  I used the following setup:

           S  S  P  P  .  .  W  .  .          S  Sunflower
           S  S  P  P  .  .  W  .  .          P  Peashooter
           S  S  P  P  .  .  W  .  .          W  Wall-nut
           S  S  P  P  .  .  W  .  .
           S  S  P  P  .  .  W  .  .

           That gives you more sun than you need towards the end of the level,
           so you may start to replace Sunflowers with more Peashooters,
           especially on rows that don't have a Wall-nut yet.  Alternately, you
           can use extra sun on Cherry Bombs.  Cherry Bombs make a good "panic
           button" by killing Zombies that get past your defenses, or those who
           get within melee range of your fragile plants.

--- 317: Level 1-7 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Enemies: Zombie                             Conehead Zombie
           Pole Vaulting Zombie
  Flags:   2 / 3
  Reward:  Chomper Seed Packet

  The Key: Plant Wall-nuts early, but place them carefully (yes, again!)

  Notes:   The last level gave us a great plant, the Snow Pea.  By slowing down
           Zombies while also damaging them, this creates a very useful hybrid
           offense/defense plant.  Since Zombies are slowed down, we don't need
           as much space between our Wall-Nuts and our shooters.  Try to finish
           this setup before the first flag:

           S  S  P  s  P  .  W  .  .          S  Sunflower
           S  S  P  s  P  .  W  .  .          P  Peashooter
           S  S  P  s  P  .  W  .  .          W  Wall-nut
           S  S  P  s  P  .  W  .  .          s  Snow Pea
           S  S  P  s  P  .  W  .  .

--- 318: Level 1-8 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Enemies: Zombie                             Conehead Zombie
           Pole Vaulting Zombie (?)           Buckethead Zombie
  Flags:   1 / 2
  Reward:  Repeater Seed Packet

  Plants:  Sunflower                          Chomper
           Peashooter                         Wall-nut
           Snow Pea                           Cherry Bomb

  The Key: Choose an appropriate selection of plants to fill your seed tray.

  Notes:   Starting at this level, there will be too many seed packets for the
           seed tray.  In the walkthrough, there will be a new section called
           "Plants." The notes assume that the listed plants were chosen
           for that level.

           In general, I choose a sun-producing unit (e.g. Sunflower), an early
           attack unit (Peashooter), an advanced attack unit (Snow Pea), a
           defensive unit (Wall-nut), and a "panic button" (Cherry Bomb).  Any
           remaining slots are filled with plants that are good against certain
           special Zombies for a given level, or plants I want to use for fun.

           To fully streamline your game, also consider where in the seed tray
           you place each packet.  The goal is to reduce the time and distance
           necessary to choose and then plant a certain seed, so get a feel for
           what plants you place in which columns, and position their seeds
           closer to those columns.  For example, my sun producers always go to
           the left, so I place those seeds in the left-most slot of the tray.

           This level plays out like the last one, except that you can place
           Chompers behind Wall-nuts to take care of Bucket-heads that make it
           to your front lines.  Chompers will eat Zombies that are up to two
           columns ahead, so they can reach over Wall-nuts to eat a Zombie.

           Note: In one of my profiles, this level did not have Pole Vaulters.

--- 319: Level 1-9 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Enemies: Zombie                             Conehead Zombie
           Pole Vaulting Zombie               Buckethead Zombie
  Flags:   2 / 3
  Reward:  Zombie Note

  Plants:  Sunflower                          Repeater
           Peashooter                         Wall-nut
           Snow Pea                           Cherry Bomb

  The Key: The Repeater's good, but the Snow Pea comes first

  Notes:   An early defense relies heavily on stalling tactics while it builds
           up its resource production.  In the early parts of the game before
           there is time to plant a full column of Wall-nuts, preventing fast
           or high-toughness Zombies from reaching your plants is more
           important than raw power.  For this reason, start with a Peashooter
           in each row, and then plant a Snow Pea before planting Repeaters.

           This can be played the same way as the last two levels, but you can
           replace Peashooters with Repeaters towards the late game if you have
           extra sun.

--- 31F: Level 1-10, Conveyor Belt Level --------------------------------------

  Enemies: Zombie                             Conehead Zombie
           Pole Vaulting Zombie               Buckethead Zombie
  Flags:   2 / 2
  Reward:  Puff-shroom Seed Packet

  Plants:  All plants except for Sunflower

  The Key: Plan your setup before planting, even for the conveyor belt levels!

  Notes:   The last level of each stage is a conveyor belt level.  Instead of
           placing plants based on recharge timers and sun costs, seed packets
           slide in on a conveyor belt and collect at the left.  You can keep
           "panic buttons" such as Cherry Bombs on the belt indefinitely while
           you place permanent plants such as Peashooters on the ground.

           Just like before, you can see how the Zombies spawn and what plants
           you get before you start planting.  The more you wait, the more you
           will know and the better you'll be able to plan your first moves.
           Plant your assorted Peashooters in columns 1-4, your Potato Mines
           and Chompers in column 5, and Wall-nuts in column 6.  To prepare for
           the second flag, replace normal Peashooters with extra Repeaters.

           Towards the end of conveyor levels, sometimes the seed tray has
           extras of plants such as Peashooters when you've moved to Repeaters.
           While keeping an extra on hand can be useful to rebuild after an
           attack, these extras are usually useless.  Simply plant them towards
           the right as ablative armor [15].  The point is to make room for
           more relevant seeds, and to stall the Zombies a little.

           [15] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ablative_armor

'-- 320: Stage 2 - Front Lawn, Night -----------------------------------------'

The second stage takes place in your front yard when night falls, and is known
as the "Night" stage in the game.  There will be no sun falling from the sky
during these levels, which limits your early expansion rate.

Since it is the front yard, levels are still 5x9 in size, but there are now
gravestones in the yard.  You cannot plant on graves, and Zombies will spawn
from them during the final wave in each level.  The level descriptions below
note which columns will have gravestones at the start of the level.

On most of these levels, you will want to start out by planting Puff-shrooms as
your early attacking plant.  Since these are low-range, you'll eventually want
to place long-range support plants behind them.  For this reason, we'll break
the "attackers at the left" rule and plant the first Puff-shrooms in columns 4
or 5 depending on the situation.

Lastly, Zombies will occasionally drop coins when destroyed, starting in this
stage.  Silver coins are worth $10, and gold coins are worth $50.  Quickly pick
up dropped coins by clicking on them before they disappear.  The rest of the
guide assumes that you are collecting money, as it will be used later on to buy
important upgrades and items.

--- 321: Level 2-1 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Graves:  Columns 7-9
  Enemies: Zombie                             Newspaper Zombie
  Flags:   1 / 2
  Reward:  Sun-shroom Seed Packet

  Plants:  Sunflower                          Snow Pea
           Puff-shroom                        Cherry Bomb
           Repeater                           Wall-nut

  The Key: Plant Puff-shrooms relentlessly.

  Notes:   In the last stage, I recommended that you wait until the first
           Zombie appears before placing your first attacking plant.  However,
           since Puff-shrooms are free, you are only limited by the recharge
           timer.  To make your force as strong as possible, you'll want to
           start planting them right away and keep planting them whenever

           Instead of placing my first Puff-shrooms in column 3 like I usually
           do for attackers, I place them in column 4.  This is because I
           expect to place some Snow Peas to slow down Zombies, and Snow Peas
           have long range and can fire from the back, whereas Puff-shrooms
           have a range of 3.  This will be true for most of stage 2: start
           your Puff-shrooms further to the right and place long-range support
           between them and the Sun-shrooms.  Target the following setup:

           S  S  s  P  P  W  .  .  .          S  Sun-producing plant
           S  S  s  P  P  W  .  .  .          s  Snow Pea
           S  S  s  P  P  W  .  .  .          P  Puff-Shroom
           S  S  s  P  P  W  .  .  .          W  Wall-nut
           S  S  s  P  P  W  .  .  .

           If there were any more Puff-shrooms, they couldn't shoot far enough
           to get past the Wall-nuts and to the Zombies anyway, so we only use
           two columns' worth.

           Reality check: It is probably possible to complete this level with
           nothing but two or three columns of Puff-shrooms.  The point of
           discussing and practicing more advanced tactics, as always, is to
           prepare for the harder levels to come.

--- 322: Level 2-2 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Graves:  Columns 7-9
  Enemies: Zombie                             Newspaper Zombie
           Conehead Zombie                    Buckethead Zombie
  Flags:   2 / 3
  Reward:  Fume-shroom Seed Packet

  Plants:  Sun-shroom                         Snow Pea
           Puff-shroom                        Cherry Bomb
           Repeater                           Wall-nut

  The Key: Decide on Sun-shrooms or Sunflowers; I prefer the Sun-shrooms.

  Notes:   I use Sun-shrooms for Adventure mode but not because they produce
           sun more quickly. Both sun-producers can end up completing the level
           2-1 setup above in three minutes and fifty seconds, at which time
           the Sun-shrooms will all be matured (so future production would be
           comparable to Sunflowers).  However, the tenth Sun-shroom can be
           planted at around 1:30 versus 2:20 for the tenth Sunflower.  Getting
           your resource production squared away earlier is desirable as you'll
           be able to concentrate your attention on your front lines sooner.

           Additionally, you're at the mercy of a single random source when
           using Sunflowers.  Having additional sun producers smooths out the
           curve, so you'll be able to better anticipate your income and build
           up more consistently.

           The counterargument is that during Survival game modes, upgrading to
           Twin Sunflowers costs more if you start with Sun-shrooms.  If you're
           expecting to upgrade to Twin Sunflowers in Survival mode, definitely
           use only Sunflowers even on night levels.

           Anyway, back to the task at hand.  Start with the setup shown above
           for Level 2-1 with a Snow Pea, two Puff-shrooms, and a Wall-nut in 
           each row.  To prepare for the last wave, gradually replace the Puff-
           shrooms with Repeaters.

--- 323: Level 2-3 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Graves:  Columns 7-9
  Enemies: Zombie                             Screen Door Zombie
           Conehead Zombie
  Flags:   1 / 2
  Reward:  Grave Buster Seed Packet

  Plants:  Sun-shroom                         Snow Pea
           Puff-shroom                        Cherry Bomb
           Fume-shroom                        Wall-nut

  The Key: Piercing attacks are great against swarms.

  Notes:   You've probably noticed that when several Zombies spawn at once in a
           single row, the lead Zombie will absorb all the damage allowing its
           followers to arrive at your plants at full health.  Fume-shrooms and
           other plants with "piercing attacks" negate this tactic by damaging
           all Zombies in a group at once.  Their damage output actually goes
           up when they're attacking bigger groups!  They also nullify screen
           doors.  The one disadvantage is their limited range of 4 spaces.

           Again, start with the setup from Level 2-1 but plant Fume-shrooms in
           place of Snow Peas.   As funds permit, start replacing Puff-shrooms
           with more Fume-shrooms, for a final setup similar to the following:

           S  S  F  F  F  W  .  .  .          S  Sun-shroom
           S  S  F  F  F  W  .  .  .          F  Fume-shroom
           S  S  F  F  F  W  .  .  .          W  Wall-nut
           S  S  F  F  F  W  .  .  .
           S  S  F  F  F  W  .  .  .

--- 324: Level 2-4 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Graves:  Columns 6-9
  Enemies: Zombie                             Screen Door Zombie
           Conehead Zombie                    Pole Vaulting Zombie
  Flags:   2 / 3
  Reward:  The Suburban Almanac

  Plants:  Sun-shroom                         Grave Buster
           Puff-shroom                        Cherry Bomb
           Fume-shroom                        Wall-nut
           Snow Pea

  The Key: Use the Grave Buster to expand the buildable area.

  Notes:   You have probably noticed that each unused lawnmower is worth $50 at
           the end of a level, so you can earn $250 just for finishing a level
           without letting Zombies get to the left side.  Between lawnmowers
           and collected coins, you should have $750 by this point, so buy the
           7th slot in your seed tray from Crazy  Dave.  You don't really need
           it for this level, but there's no other need for cash so you might
           as well get it now.

           Our new plant is the Grave Buster, which eats graves.  Note that the
           Zombies can attack the Grave Buster while it's working, so make sure
           the coast is clear before you use one.  By the end of each level,
           try to make sure that all the Graves have been destroyed because a
           Zombie will rise from each grave for the final wave.

           This level sees the return of the Pole Vaulting Zombie, so again we
           need to push the Wall-nuts out to the right to give our attacking
           plants some breathing room.  Unfortunately, graves are starting to
           spawn closer to our house, so we'll need to use the Grave Buster to
           chew them away.  Start with Puff-shrooms in columns 4-6, and replace
           the ones to the left with Fume-shrooms.  Column 6 Puff-shrooms
           remain as cannon fodder for Pole Vaulters. The final setup is:

           S  S  s  F  F  P  W  .  .          S  Sun-shroom
           S  S  s  F  F  P  W  .  .          s  Snow Pea
           S  S  s  F  F  P  W  .  .          F  Fume-shroom
           S  S  s  F  F  P  W  .  .          P  Puff-shroom
           S  S  s  F  F  P  W  .  .          W  Wall-nut

--- 325: Level 2-5, Mini-Game: Whack a Zombie ---------------------------------

  Graves:  Columns 4-9
  Enemies: Zombie                             Buckethead Zombie
           Conehead Zombie
  Flags:   1 / 1
  Reward:  Hypno-shroom Seed Packet

  Plants:  Grave Buster                       Potato Mine
           Cherry Bomb

  The Key: Use the Grave Buster to push back the spawn area.

  Notes:   There's not much to it.  Just click Zombies like mad, and use the
           Grave Buster whenever you have 75 sun to destroy the left-most
           Graves, working your way to the right.

           Alternately, destroy graves in rows with the least number of graves.
           The goal of this alternate strategy is to be left with graves in 2-3
           rows, preferably adjacent rows, so Zombies spawn closer together and
           can be killed with less movement of the mouse pointer.

           If you're playing on a laptop, attaching an external mouse will make
           this level easier as it involves a lot of movement and clicking.

--- 326: Level 2-6 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Graves:  Columns 6-9
  Enemies: Zombie                             Football Zombie
           Conehead Zombie
  Flags:   1 / 2
  Reward:  Scaredy-shroom Seed Packet

  Plants:  Sun-shroom                         Grave Buster
           Puff-shroom                        Cherry Bomb
           Fume-shroom                        Wall-nut

  The Key: Use Hypno-shrooms on Football Zombies

  Notes:   Start as normal, except you may want to use Hypno-shrooms now and
           then to get rid of tougher enemies.  Converted Zombies fight for you
           and may destroy several other Zombies before dying.  Since this is a
           short (1-flag) level, you won't have time to set up a full defense.
           My final setup looked like this:

           S  S  .  F  P  W  .  .  .          S  Sun-shroom
           S  S  .  F  P  W  .  .  .          F  Fume-shroom
           S  S  .  F  P  W  .  .  .          P  Puff-shroom
           S  S  .  F  P  W  .  .  .          W  Wall-nut
           S  S  .  F  P  W  .  .  .

--- 327: Level 2-7 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Graves:  Columns 5-9
  Enemies: Zombie                             Football Zombie
           Conehead Zombie                    Screen Door Zombie
  Flags:   2 / 3
  Reward:  Ice-Shroom Seed Packet

  Plants:  Sun-shroom                         Grave Buster
           Puff-shroom                        Cherry Bomb
           Fume-shroom                        Wall-nut

  The Key: Plant a bunch of Fume-shrooms, just like Level 2-3

  Notes:   I don't use Scaredy-shrooms because every niche is already filled by
           a better choice.  As an early attacker, the Puff-shroom's zero cost
           makes it superior in spite of its lower range.  In the late game,
           the Fume-shroom's piercing attack makes it superior.  As a last-
           ditch defense, the Scaredy-shroom is useless because it hides.  The
           only good thing about it is that it looks like the little alien from
           Pixar's "Lifted."

           Since there aren't any Pole Vaulters we need to slow down, we will
           just plant 3 columns of Fume-shrooms behind Wall-nuts.  Footballers
           can be met with a Hypno-shroom, or let them die from Fume-shrooms.

--- 328: Level 2-8 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Graves:  Columns 6-9
  Enemies: Zombie                             Dancing Zombie
           Conehead Zombie
  Flags:   1 / 2
  Reward:  Doom-shroom Seed Packet

  Plants:  Sun-shroom                         Grave Buster
           Puff-shroom                        Cherry Bomb
           Fume-shroom                        Wall-nut

  The Key: Hypnotize the lead dancers

  Notes:   Here we have Dancing Zombies that raise Backup Dancers from the
           ground.  By Hypnotizing the leaders, you can get a whole army on
           your side for only 75 sun!  Other than that, it's Level 2-3 again.

--- 329: Level 2-9 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Graves:  Columns 5-9
  Enemies: Zombie                             Dancing Zombie
           Conehead Zombie                    Screen Door Zombie
  Flags:   2 / 3
  Reward:  Zombie Note

  Plants:  Sun-shroom                         Grave Buster
           Puff-shroom                        Cherry Bomb
           Fume-shroom                        Wall-nut

  The Key: Business as usual for stage 2

  Notes:   Since this is a two-flag stage, there will be plenty of resources
           for 3 full columns of Fume-shrooms (shown above in Level 2-3).

--- 32F: Level 2-10, Conveyor Belt Level --------------------------------------

  Graves:  Columns 4-9
  Enemies: Zombie                             Dancing Zombie
           Conehead Zombie                    Screen Door Zombie
           Newspaper Zombie                   Football Zombie
  Flags:   2 / 2
  Reward:  Lily Pad Seed Packet

  Plants:  Puff-shroom                        Grave Buster
           Fume-shroom                        Hypno-shroom
           Scardey-shroom                     Ice-shroom

  The Key: As in all conveyor belt levels, save your bombs for emergencies!

  Notes:   I started with Puff-shrooms in column 5, then put Scardey-shrooms
           in columns 1-2 and Fume-shrooms in columns 3-4.  This level is not
           very difficult as you have Doom-shrooms and Hypno-shrooms to handle
           the otherwise dangerous Football and Dancing Zombies.

'-- 330: Stage 3 - Back Yard, Pool -------------------------------------------'

The third stage takes place in your back yard the following day, and is known
as the "Pool" stage in the game.  The levels consist of four rows of nine
spaces on land, and two rows of nine spaces in the pool.  Here are a few key
points to be aware of:

1) Lawnmowers can't clear away Zombies that make it to the left side of the
   pool, so be sure to defend the water carefully.  That said, Zombies don't
   usually try to enter the water until it's almost to the first flag, so you
   have more time to set up defenses there.
2) Mushrooms fall asleep during the day, so avoid them for now.
3) Levels in stage 3 have hidden, sunken Zombies that resurface in columns 6-9
   during the last wave.  Don't concentrate your water defenses ahead of column
   6 or Zombies will pop up behind your defenses and have a straight shot to
   the house.  A basic water defense therefore places Wall-nuts in column 6.

--- 331: Level 3-1 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Enemies: Zombie                             Ducky Tube Zombie
           Conehead Zombie
  Flags:   1 / 2
  Reward:  Squash Seed Packet

  Plants:  Sunflower                          Snow Pea
           Lily Pad                           Wall-nut
           Peashooter                         Cherry Bomb

  The Key: Plant 8 Sunflowers on land first, then 4 in the water

  Notes:   As we talked about above in stage 1, it's important to maximize your
           early resource production.  This means that we defer non-essential
           building as long as possible, so we'll put Sunflowers on land before
           building Lily Pads for Sunflowers in the water.

           After the night stage, let's review a normal daytime build order.
           We should try to get 4 Sunflowers on the field before our first Pea-
           shooter, and have 6 Sunflowers before our second Peashooter.  If
           luck brings faster sun production or the first two Zombies in the
           same row, you can plant more Sunflowers even sooner!

           Treat this like the levels in stage 1: start with Peashooters, build
           up Wall-nuts, and fortify with Repeaters and Snow Peas.

--- 332: Level 3-2 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Enemies: Zombie                             Ducky Tube Zombie
           Conehead Zombie                    Newspaper Zombie
           Buckethead Zombie                  Football Zombie
  Flags:   2 / ?
  Reward:  Threepeater Seed Packet and Mini-Games mode

  Plants:  Sunflower                          Snow Pea
           Lily Pad                           Wall-nut
           Peashooter                         Squash

  The Key: Learn how to effectively use the Squash

  Notes:   Play it like Level 3-1, but put Squashes behind Wall-nuts to destroy
           the Footballers and Bucketheads that make it to your front lines.
           Note that the defenses in the water don't have to be as powerful
           because only a few types of enemies can swim.

           The Squash can act like a panic button to kill Zombies that make it
           to the left, but it only costs 50.  Compared to the Potato Mine, it
           doesn't need to charge itself up and detects enemies to the left or
           right instead of being passive.

--- 333: Level 3-3 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Enemies: Zombie                             Ducky Tube Zombie
           Conehead Zombie                    Snorkel Zombie
  Flags:   2 / ?
  Reward:  Tangle Kelp Seed Packet

  Plants:  Sunflower                          Snow Pea
           Lily Pad                           Wall-nut
           Peashooter                         Cherry Bomb

  The Key: The Threepeater trades sun and tempo for space

  Notes:   Planting a Repeater in each row gives a solid 2-pea defense.  On the
           other hand, you could plant just 4 Threepeaters.  This method costs
           50 more sun after Lily Pad costs, but takes 2 fewer spaces on the
           field.  Unfortunately, you pay for Threepeaters in larger chunks of
           sun, which leaves you vulnerable at the beginning.  Since space is
           not usually a problem in Adventure mode, you're better off staying
           with the Repeater.

           Again, this level is mostly like Level 3-1.  The Wall-nuts in the
           water will take more damage here because the Snorkel Zombies will
           attack them at full health.  We choose the Cherry Bomb over the
           Squash or Potato Mine because it alone can kill Snorkeling Zombies.

--- 334: Level 3-4 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Enemies: Zombie                             Ducky Tube Zombie
           Conehead Zombie                    Snorkel Zombie
           Buckethead Zombie                  Pole Vaulting Zombie
           Newspaper Zombie
  Flags:   3 / ?
  Reward:  Crazy Dave's Car Key

  Plants:  Sunflower                          Snow Pea
           Lily Pad                           Wall-nut
           Peashooter                         Tangle Kelp

  The Key: Tangle Kelps provide an early water defense.

  Notes:   In the water, we only have columns 3-5 for attacking plants.  We've
           Sunflowers in columns 1-2 and Wall-nuts in column 6 to catch all
           resurfacing Zombies.  To make the most of the water defense, we'll
           use only Snow Peas and Repeaters there.  Unfortunately, these take
           more sun to plant, so we'll use Tangle Kelps to provide an early
           defense until we can get the permanent solutions up.  This is a long
           level with three flags.  Try to have a solid column of Wall-nuts up
           for the first.  By the end, have something like the following.  As
           with level diagrams before, dots (.) represent open spaces on land.
           Now, underscores (_) represent open spaces in the water.

           S  S  P  R  s  R  W  W  .          S  Sunflower
           S  S  P  R  s  R  W  W  .          P  Peashooter
           S  S  R  s  R  W  _  _  _          s  Snow Pea
           S  S  R  s  R  W  _  _  _          R  Repeater
           S  S  P  R  s  R  W  W  .          W  Wall-nut
           S  S  P  R  s  R  W  W  .

           Double Wall-nuts on land protect against Pole Vaulters, and those in
           column 6 protect against resurfacing Zombies in the water.  As in
           other examples, the specific defenses can be modified.  For example,
           the early-game Peashooters on land can become more Repeaters.

--- 335: Level 3-5, Mini-Game: Big Trouble Little Zombie  ---------------------

  Enemies: Zombie                             Ducky Tube Zombie
           Conehead Zombie                    Snorkel Zombie
           Football Zombie
  Flags:   2 / ?
  Reward:  Jalapeno Seed Packet

  Plants:  Peashooter                         Wall-nut
           Lily Pad                           Cherry Bomb

  The Key: At Crazy Dave's shop, first buy what's useful for Adventure mode.

  Notes:   When Crazy Dave's shop first opens, the inventory is as follows:
             8 Slot Seed Tray             $5000
             Pool Cleaners                $1000
             Garden Rake                  $ 200
             Gatling Pea Seed Packet      $5000
             Twin Sunflower Seed Packet   $5000
           From the tips section, we know that most plant upgrades aren't very
           useful in Adventure mode, so we'll skip the last two.  With this
           guide, you shouldn't need the Pool Cleaners or Garden Rake to get
           through the levels, so that leaves the 8-slot upgrade.  Having more
           slots is very useful in Adventure mode though.  We should be nearing
           $5000 in the bank, so we'll buy this upgrade this round or next.

           As for the level itself, we'll put Peashooters at the left, building
           towards the right.  Wall-nuts will be planted in column 6 so we can
           place Cherry Bombs in column 8 and rows 2 or 4 to maximize damage.

--- 336: Level 3-6 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Enemies: Zombie                             Ducky Tube Zombie
           Conehead Zombie                    Zomboni
  Flags:   2 / ?
  Reward:  Spikeweed Seed Packet

  Plants:  Sunflower                          Peashooter
           Lily Pad                           Snow Pea
           Wall-nut                           Repeater
           Jalapeno                           Squash

  The Key: Fire melts ice.  And Zombies too!

  Notes:   If you haven't bought the 8-slot upgrade yet, do so now.  We see
           that the 9-slot upgrade costs $20,000.  Yikes!  Anyway, select your
           plants and let's get going.

           During this level, Zombonis will slowly roll across the field, with
           three problems.  First of all, Zombonis instantly squish any plants
           they reach, including Wall-nuts.  Secondly, they leave a trail of
           ice behind them that cannot be planted on.  Lastly, Zombie Bobsled
           Teams will slide in on the ice.  Thankfully, Jalapenos can be used
           at any point to get rid of a Zomboni and its ice trail, or a Bobsled
           Team and the ice it's on.

           It takes many peas to kill a Zomboni, but a single "massive damage"
           plant such as a Potato Mine, Cherry Bomb, Jalapeno, or Squash will
           do it quickly, preventing the Zomboni from leaving a lot of ice
           behind.  For that reason, we use two such plants to make sure that
           Zombonis don't get far.

--- 337: Level 3-7 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Enemies: Zombie                             Ducky Tube Zombie
           Conehead Zombie                    Snorkel Zombie
           Buckethead Zombie                  Zomboni
  Flags:   3 / ?
  Reward:  Torchwood Seed Packet

  Plants:  Sunflower                          Peashooter
           Lily Pad                           Snow Pea
           Wall-nut                           Repeater
           Jalapeno                           Spikeweed

  The Key: Spikeweed et. al. will be useful 'til the end.

  Notes:   This time, there are three flags but Zombonis don't appear until the
           second flag.  Target the following build, replacing your early Pea-
           shooters with Repeaters.  Spikeweeds are used to instantly kill
           Zombonis before they can leave an ice trail, and Jalapenos are used
           as backup to melt the ice of Zombonis that get past the Spikeweeds.

           S  S  R  s  R  .  W  w  w          S  Sunflower
           S  S  R  s  R  .  W  w  w          R  Repeater
           S  S  R  s  R  W  _  _  _          s  Snow Pea
           S  S  R  s  R  W  _  _  _          W  Wall-nut
           S  S  R  s  R  .  W  w  w          w  Spikeweed
           S  S  R  s  R  .  W  w  w

--- 338: Level 3-8 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Enemies: Zombie                             Ducky Tube Zombie
           Conehead Zombie                    Dolphin Rider Zombie
  Flags:   2 / ?
  Reward:  Tall-nut Seed Packet

  Plants:  Sunflower                          Peashooter
           Lily Pad                           Repeater
           Wall-nut                           Torchwood
           Cherry Bomb                        [-- open slot --]

  The Key: Learn when to plant Torchwoods, and remember that fire melts ice.

  Notes:   Remember The Key to the last level?  Well, Spikeweeds and such are
           most useful against vehicles, which we don't have in this level.
           That said, you could certainly put them in the 8th slot of your seed
           tray if you wish, but I suggest another one-shot plant such as a
           Squash or Tangle Kelp.

           Torchwoods are great for increasing your damage and dealing with big
           swarms.  While the explosive fireballs do some splash damage, the
           range is much lower than the range of a Fume-shroom so the power-
           doubling feature is more significant.  The only downside is that it
           melts Snow Peas, so we won't use Snow Peas and Torchwoods together.

           Torchwoods effectively double the output of each Pea plant for 175
           Sun, so plant them when a row has two or more peas.  For example, a
           row with a Repeater already has two peas of attack power.  This
           could be doubled with another Repeater for 200 Sun, but a better way
           would be to use a Repeater for 25 less sun, and get splash damage in
           the deal.  On the other hand, a row with a single Peashooter has one
           pea of attack power.  You could spend 175 on a Torchwood to double
           that, or spend 200 sun and triple that row's attack power.

--- 339: Level 3-9 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Enemies: Zombie                             Ducky Tube Zombie
           Conehead Zombie                    Dolphin Rider Zombie
           Buckethead Zombie                  Pole Vaulting Zombie
  Flags:   3 / ?
  Reward:  Zombie Note

  Plants:  Sunflower                          Peashooter
           Lily Pad                           Repeater
           Tall-nut                           Torchwood
           Jalapeno                           Spikeweed

  The Key: Tall-nuts stop vaulters, so you can bring in the front lines.

  Notes:   A common initial thought is to keep the Tall-nuts out to the right,
           but this results in a lot of damage to them because Zombies get to
           them more quickly.  By keeping the Tall-nuts back towards the left,
           our peas will kill individual Zombies before they start chewing on
           the Tall-nuts.  In this way, Tall-nuts are actually a second line of
           defense after our Pea plants even though they are farther to the
           right.  The result of this train of thought is that Tall-nuts take
           less damage and have to be replaced less often, which is useful as
           their recharge timer is so long.

           As you build up your Sunflowers and initial Peashooters, start
           planting Tall-nuts as soon as possible.  They have a slow recharge
           timer, so you'll have to start early to have as many as possible
           up before the first flag.  For the last flag, I had two columns of
           Sunflowers, two of Repeaters, one of Torchwoods, and one of Tall-
           nuts all flush to the left, with some Spikeweed out front.

--- 33F: Level 3-10, Conveyor Belt Level --------------------------------------

  Enemies: Zombie                             Ducky Tube Zombie
           Conehead Zombie                    Snorkel Zombie
           Buckethead Zombie                  Dolphin Rider Zombie
  Flags:   3 / ?
  Reward:  Sea-shroom Seed Packet

  Plants:  Threepeater                        Spikeweed
           Lily Pad                           Squash
           Torchwood                          Jalapeno
           Tall-nut                           Tangle Kelp

  The Key: Plan out your Lily Pad use, as there are few in the late-game.

  Notes:   Lily Pads drop more often before the first flag, so use those early
           Pads to set up your final water defenses.  After the first flag, you
           will see fewer Lily Pads, so be sure to get Tall-nuts up to block
           Dolphin Riders.  Our primary attacker in this game is the Three-
           peater, which should be placed in rows 2-5 to maximize their power.
           My final build looked like this:

           .  .  .  .  Y  T  .  .  w          w  Spikeweed
           3  3  3  3  Y  T  .  .  w          3  Threepeater
           _  _  3  3  Y  T  _  _  _          Y  Torchwood
           _  _  3  3  Y  T  _  _  _          T  Tall-nut
           3  3  3  3  Y  T  .  .  w
           .  .  .  .  Y  T  .  .  w

           Threepeaters with Torchwoods should be enough to keep walkers and
           swimmers at bay, so you can save your Squash and Jalapenos for
           Zombonis and emergencies.

           As a reminder, plant those extra Torchwoods, Lily Pads, etc. towards
           the end of the level just to clear out the seed tray for more useful

'-- 340: Stage 4 - Back Yard, Pool and Fog -----------------------------------'

The fourth stage is the nighttime version of the last stage, known as the "Fog"
stage in the game.  Instead of gravestones on the ground, we have fog creeping
in from the right.  While you can plant in fog-covered spaces, you can't see
anything in fog, not even your plants.  This is especially annoying in the case
of Nuts, as you want to monitor their status.  The fog will begin the stage in
only the right-most columns, but it will move closer to the house as the stage
progresses.  Each level guide below will note which columns are foggy.  Keep in
mind that the leading edge of the fog (the column closest to the house) is
slightly translucent but columns further out will be opaque.

--- 341: Level 4-1 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Fog:     Columns 7-9
  Enemies: Zombie                             Ducky Tube Zombie
           Conehead Zombie                    Jack-in-the-Box Zombie
  Flags:   1 / ?
  Reward:  Plantern Seed Packet

  Plants:  Sun-shroom                         Puff-shroom
           Lily Pad                           Sea-shroom
           Wall-nut                           Fume-shroom
           Cherry Bomb                        [your choice]

  The Key: Get used to the annoying fog.

  Notes:   While you probably have 8 slots in the seed tray now by following
           this guide, the core strategy here only uses 7 plants.  Feel free to
           experiment with plants of your choice!

           Let's recap a few strategies from stage 2.  Since the early offense
           (Puff-shrooms and Sea-shrooms) are free, plant them as soon as
           possible!  However, since Puff-shrooms have limited range, we'll
           start them farther to the right than with other early attackers, and
           place them in columns 4-5.

           Jack-in-the-Box Zombies are one of the biggest threats in the game
           because they destroy a 3x3 area when they blow up, just like a
           Cherry Bomb.  Try to kill them quickly so they don't have time to
           blow up and take out your Wall-nuts!

--- 342: Level 4-2 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Fog:     Columns 6-9
  Enemies: Zombie                             Ducky Tube Zombie
           Conehead Zombie                    Jack-in-the-Box Zombie
           Football Zombie
  Flags:   2 / ?
  Reward:  Cactus Seed Packet

  Plants:  Sun-shroom                         Puff-shroom
           Lily Pad                           Sea-shroom
           Wall-nut                           Fume-shroom
           Plantern                           Cherry Bomb

  The Key: "Practice placing pretty planterns," Practical Platypus pronounces.

  Notes:   Planterns are your first weapon against fog.  Each lights up a 5 row
           by 7 column area around it, so you'll generally want two to cut
           through the fog across the entire field.  If you want to use just
           the bare minimum, you can place a plantern in the fourth row.  This
           would take care of most of the fog in rows 2-6, and you can see the
           heads of attacking Zombies over the fog in row 1.  However, that
           strategy has its own problems so we'll opt to place a Plantern in
           each of rows 2 and 5.  Remember that you can place plants in fog,
           which is useful here because a Plantern in column 5 won't shine all
           the way to column 9.  To maximize visibility with just 2 Planterns,
           we will place them in column 6.

           The only question left is WHEN to place Planterns.  During the very
           early stages, you're working with Sun-producers, Puff-shrooms, and
           Sea-shrooms in the left half of the screen.  The fog isn't a problem
           then because you're working with a non-foggy area anyway, and there
           are few if any Zombies attacking you.  You only need to take care of
           the fog when you push your late-game defenses forward to the right.
           At that point, after you have around 2 columns of Puff-shrooms and 1
           of Sea-shrooms, you can start thinking about placing Planterns and
           saving up some Sun.  You want to be able to place defenses in front
           of your Planterns to protect them, so you'll need some Sun for a
           Wall-nut and/or an attacking plant.

           In the end, I had the following:

           S  S  F  F  F  F  W  .  .          S  Sun-shroom
           S  S  F  F  F  <  W  .  .          s  Sea-shroom
           S  S  F  F  s  s  s  _  _          F  Fume-shroom
           S  S  F  F  s  s  s  _  _          <  Plantern
           S  S  F  F  F  <  W  .  .          W  Wall-nut
           S  S  F  F  F  F  W  .  .

           I didn't use any Wall-nuts in the water.  Instead, I opted to simply
           plant more Sea-shrooms as free cannon fodder.

--- 343: Level 4-3 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Fog:     Columns 6-9
  Enemies: Zombie                             Ducky Tube Zombie
           Conehead Zombie                    Balloon Zombie
  Flags:   1 / ?
  Reward:  Blover Seed Packet

  Plants:  Sun-shroom                         Puff-shroom
           Lily Pad                           Sea-shroom
           Wall-nut                           Fume-shroom
           Plantern                           Cactus

  The Key: Crafty Cacti can crash crazy ... balloonists.

  Notes:   Balloonists are annoying because they can appear in any row, so you
           will eventually need a full-field defense against them.  Not only
           are you wasting a full six spaces on the field to deal with a single
           type of enemy, but balloonists will drop onto the ground when their
           balloons are popped.  As you may imagine, they can drop behind your
           Wall-nuts and start attacking your more vulnerable plants directly!

           We must keep in mind that the majority of Zombies will still come on
           land and in the pool, so we'll have to build up our defenses as
           normal, and only start adding Cacti after our normal defense is
           established.  Especially in this short 1-flag level, there simply
           isn't enough time and Sun to build a full column of Cacti.  The
           final setup can look like:

           S  S  C  F  F  P  W  .  .      S  Sun-shroom     <  Plantern
           S  S  C  F  F  <  W  .  .      s  Sea-shroom     W  Wall-nut
           S  S  C  F  s  s  _  _  _      F  Fume-shroom    C  Cacti (possible
           S  S  C  F  s  s  _  _  _      P  Puff-shroom       positions)
           S  S  C  F  F  <  W  .  .
           S  S  C  F  F  P  W  .  .

--- 344: Level 4-4 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Fog:     Columns 6-9
  Enemies: Zombie                             Balloon Zombie
           Conehead Zombie                    Dolphin Rider Zombie
           Ducky Tube Zombie
  Flags:   2 / ?
  Reward:  Taco

  Plants:  Sun-shroom                         Puff-shroom
           Lily Pad                           Sea-shroom
           Wall-nut                           Fume-shroom
           Tall-nut                           Blover

  The Key: Whenever you see Balloonists or fog from now on, use the Blover.

  Notes:   The Blover is the solution to both Balloonists and fog.  In fact, it
           is a better solution than Planterns or Cacti alone or together!
           First, let's review the problems with Planterns and Cacti:

           o  Planterns take up valuable spaces on the right side of the field,
              where your front line defenses should be.
           o  Planterns don't actually kill Zombies themselves.

           o  Cacti use up a ton of real estate: a full vertical column.
           o  They are only useful against one enemy, as a normal Peashooter
              does the same damage for less Sun.
           o  A Cactus can only take care of enemies to its right; if a Balloon
              Zombie makes it to the left edge, Cacti don't help.
           o  A Cactus can pop a balloon behind your Wall-nuts, making a Zombie
              land deep within your ranks where it can cause a lot of damage.

           o  Combined, they take up two seed tray slots for very narrow uses.
           o  Combined, they take up 8 spaces on the field.

           How do Blovers solve these problems?  They only need a single space
           to protect the entire field against Balloonists and drive back fog
           for about 25 seconds.  They only take up a single seed tray slot to
           take care of both fog and Balloonists.  They instantly remove
           Balloonists, meaning there won't be any Zombies dropping right onto
           your plants.  They get rid of all the Balloonists on the screen,
           even ones at the very left edge.  While they are only a single-use
           item, they are usually only needed later in a level when you have
           plenty of Sun anyway.

           Since we're on the subject, let's also consider the Cattail, a plant
           available later in the game.  Cattails attack Balloonists or any
           other Zombie in any row, which partially solves the problems of the
           Cacti.  Unfortunately, you might still need 3-4 Cattails during the
           harder levels to pop every Balloon, and they may still drop a Zombie
           in the midst of your plants and cause great losses.  As with the
           Cactus, they don't get rid of fog.  Lastly, they're only usable on
           levels with water.  As The Key states above, just use Blovers for
           fog and Balloonists!

           Since Blovers can get rid of Balloonists anywhere on the screen,
           wait until they get close to the left edge before your use a Blover.
           If several waves of Balloonists spawn close to each other, you'll be
           able to get rid of all of them with a single Blover if you wait for
           the screen to be filled.  Waiting until you absolutely need a Blover
           will also maximize your fog-free time.

           Ok, enough of that.

           This level introduces the Dolphin Rider Zombie, the aquatic version
           of the Pole Vaulting Zombie.  To take care of the Dolphin Riders,
           we'll plant some Tall-nuts in the water.  Having both Wall-nuts and
           Tall-nuts enables us to set up a full column of them more quickly,
           as their recharge timers will be running simultaneously.  As with
           other water levels, submerged Zombies will resurface for the final
           wave, so don't place the Tall-nuts any further than column 6.  The
           final build will have 2 columns of Sun-shrooms, 3 of Fume-shrooms,
           and a column of assorted nuts.  Blovers can still be placed anywhere
           in columns 7-9.

--- 345: Level 4-5, Mini-Game: Vasebreaker ------------------------------------

  Vases:   Columns 7-9
  Enemies: Zombie                             Buckethead Zombie
  Plants:  Peashooter                         Squash

  Vases:   Columns 6-9
  Enemies: Zombie                             Football Zombie
           Buckethead Zombie
  Plants:  Peashooter                         Squash
           Snow Pea

  Vases:   Column 5-9
  Enemies: Zombie                             Dancing Zombie
           Buckethead Zombie                  Jack-in-the-Box Zombie
  Plants:  Peashooter                         Hypno-shroom
           Snow Pea

  Reward:  Split Pea Seed Packet

  The Key: Take it slow, a row at a time, starting from the right.

  Notes:   The Taco from the last level gives you $1000 and access to two more
           plant upgrades (see section 335 for more about the other items):
             Gloom-shroom Seed Packet   $ 7500
             Cattail Seed Packet        $10000
           Let's take a moment to discuss these in reverse order.  See section
           344 above to see why the Cattail isn't very useful.  While some have
           talked about Cattail-centric setups, there are almost always better
           uses for the slots in your seed tray.  There are certainly better
           uses for $10,000!

           Among these better uses is the Gloom-shroom, an upgrade we'll be
           working towards in the near future.  Yes, the Gloom-shroom should be
           the first plant upgrade that you buy, and is even very useful in
           Adventure mode.  For more on the Gloom-shroom, see the next section.
           For now, we've got a Mini-Game to play.

           There are three stages to this Mini-Game, in increasing difficulty
           and complexity.  It takes place in the "Night" stage, so the field
           size is 5x9.  When you break a vase, either a Zombie or seed packet
           will pop out.  The goal is to use the seed packets wisely to destroy
           the Zombies before they make it to the house.

           To beat these stages easily, concentrate on one row at a time.  I
           generally start at the bottom, but you could start at the top.  For
           each row, break the vase in column 9 and gradually work your way to
           the left.  The goal is to use as few plants as possible to defeat
           the Zombies in the row, and plant the rest of the plants in the next
           row.  For example, if a row of three vases yield a Zombie, a Squash,
           and a Peashooter, place the Peashooter at the left of that row, and
           save the Squash for the next row.  Either plant could kill the one
           Zombie, but there is plenty of time for the Peashooter to do the job
           so we can save the more powerful Squash.  Just make sure to plant
           seed packets as soon as practical, as they disappear after a few
           seconds on the ground.

--- 346: Level 4-6 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Fog:     Columns 6-9
  Enemies: Zombie                             Ducky Tube Zombie
           Conehead Zombie                    Digger Zombie
  Flags:   1 / ?
  Reward:  Starfruit Seed Packet and Puzzles mode

  Plants:  Sun-shroom                         Puff-shroom
           Lily Pad                           Fume-shroom
           Wall-nut                           Gloom-shroom
           Blover                             Squash

  The Key: Gloom-shrooms are awesome.

  Notes:   As we noted above, the Gloom-shroom is one of the few plant upgrades
           that are useful in Adventure mode.  By this point in my game, I had
           about $6500 in the bank.  The Gloom-shroom takes $7500, so let's go
           beat the ZomBotany Mini-Game (section 401 below) and earn $1000,
           giving us enough to buy the Gloom-shroom.

           So, what's good about the Gloom-shroom?  Zombies are all about huge
           numbers, and the Gloom-shroom is the best answer to huge swarms for
           several reasons.  First, it covers a 3x3 area with its spores, so
           two Gloom-shrooms will cover every row on the field.  Second, it has
           a piercing attack just like the Fume-shroom, hitting every Zombie
           in those 9 squares (compared to a Peashooter, which can only hit a
           single Zombie in a single square).  Lastly, it has a fast attack,
           pulsing out spores very often to quickly dispatch Zombies.  It does
           have a slow recharge and takes up a lot of seed tray slots and Sun.
           In spite of these costs, it's still a critical part of almost every
           strategy for difficult levels.

           There are few enough Diggers on this level that you can just use
           Squashes on them instead of the more expensive and less generally-
           useful Split Peas.  In order for the Squash plan to work, we need
           to leave space for them on the left.  The core of the final setup is
           like the following, with Puff-shrooms scattered throughout:

           .  S  S  .  .  .  .  .  .      S  Sun-shroom
           .  S  S  .  .  G  W  .  .      G  Gloom-shroom
           S  S  _  _  W  _  _  _  _      W  Wall-nut
           S  S  _  _  W  _  _  _  _
           .  S  S  .  .  G  W  .  .
           .  S  S  .  .  .  .  .  .

           The crowd control capability of the Gloom-shroom is evident here;
           with only two attacking plants, we can cover all six rows!

--- 347: Level 4-7 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Fog:     Columns 5-9
  Enemies: Zombie                             Ducky Tube Zombie
           Conehead Zombie                    Digger Zombie
           Buckethead Zombie                  Jack-in-the-Box Zombie
  Flags:   2 / ?
  Reward:  Pumpkin Seed Packet

  Plants:  Sun-shroom                         Puff-shroom
           Lily Pad                           Fume-shroom
           Wall-nut                           Gloom-shroom
           Blover                             Squash/Starfruit

  The Key: Gloom-shrooms are so awesome!

  Notes:   This level plays out the same as the last one, but you should make
           four Gloom-shrooms instead of two.  Also, you can either use Squash
           or Starfruit to take care of Digger Zombies.

--- 348: Level 4-8 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Fog:     Columns 5-9
  Enemies: Zombie                             Ducky Tube Zombie
           Conehead Zombie                    Pogo Zombie
  Flags:   1 / ?
  Reward:  Magnet-shroom Seed Packet

  Plants:  Sun-shroom                         Puff-shroom
           Lily Pad                           Fume-shroom
           Wall-nut                           Gloom-shroom
           Blover                             Squash

  The Key: Once again, Gloom-shrooms are awesome!

  Notes:   While the Pumpkin is very useful, it won't stop the Pogo Zombies in
           this level so we'll look to other plants for now.  As before, Gloom-
           shrooms are the answer.  Two Gloom-shrooms will kill a Pogo, as well
           as anything else this level.  If anything makes it past your Glooms,
           use a Squash or other massive damage plant to finish the job.

--- 349: Level 4-9 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Fog:     Columns 5-9
  Enemies: Zombie                             Ducky Tube Zombie
           Conehead Zombie                    Pogo Zombie
           Buckethead Zombie                  Balloon Zombie
  Flags:   2 / ?
  Reward:  Zombie Note

  Plants:  Sun-shroom                         Puff-shroom
           Lily Pad                           Fume-shroom
           Wall-nut                           Gloom-shroom
           Blover                             Magnet-shroom

  The Key: Guess what?  Gloom-shrooms are awesome!

  Notes:   Once again, a setup like the one shown for Level 4-6 will work just
           fine.  Instead of the Magnet-shroom, you can use Squash, or another
           support plant to kill whatever gets past the Gloom-shrooms.

--- 34F: Level 4-10, Conveyor Belt Level --------------------------------------

  Enemies: Zombie                             Digger Zombie
           Conehead Zombie                    Pogo Zombie
           Buckethead Zombie                  Balloon Zombie
           Ducky Tube Zombie                  Jack-in-the-Box Zombie
  Flags:   2 / ?
  Reward:  Cabbage-pult Seed Packet

  Plants:  Lily Pad                           Cactus
           Magnet-shroom                      Split Pea
           Pumpkin                            Starfruit
           Blover                             Sea-shroom

  The Key: Make the most of the lightning by placing multiple plants each time.

  Notes:   This level shows the true power that can result from a field full of
           Starfruit.  In spite of the stormy weather, you have plenty of tools
           at your disposal to get rid of Zombies.  Cacti and Blover handle the
           Balloonists, Magnet-shrooms make dealing with Diggers, Pogos, and
           Jack-in-the-Box Zombies much easier, and Starfruit and Split Peas
           kill everything else.

           Save the Pumpkins for use at the front lines, because with all the
           rear-firing plants along with Magnets, you won't need to worry about
           the left side.  As with all conveyor belt levels, make sure you have
           some room on the belt for new plants to slide in.  If this means
           placing some plants in non-optimal positions, so be it!  The only
           single-use plant on this level is the Blover, which doesn't have fog
           or Balloons to blow away (because of the many Cacti) so there is
           little reason to save up plants on the belt.

'-- 350: Stage 5 - Roof ------------------------------------------------------'

The fifth stage takes place on the roof of the house, so naturally it is known
as the "Roof" stage in the game.  Since there is no soil on the roof, you are
required to plant in Flower Pots; just as land-based plants need a Lily Pad to
be placed on water, they need a Flower Pot to be placed on the roof.

The field here is actually composed of two parts.  At the left is a 5x5 pitched
roof, and to the right of that is a flat 5x4 area.  Straight-shooting plants
such as Peashooters will hit the pitched roof unless they are planted in column
5 or beyond.  To get around this problem, you have access to several catapult-
like plants that lob their projectiles over the roof to hit Zombies.

--- 351: Level 5-1 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Enemies: Zombie                             Bungee Zombie
           Conehead Zombie
  Flags:   1 / ?
  Reward:  Flower Pot Seed Packet

  Plants:  Sunflower                          Cabbage-pult
           Wall-nut                           Chomper
           Tall-nut                           Jalapeno
           [your choice]                      [your choice]

  The Key: Don't let Zombies eat your Flower Pots!

  Notes:   This is a rather straight-forward level, meant to introduce the roof
           environment.  It also introduces the Bungee Zombie, who targets a
           plant and then grabs it from above.  Bungee Zombies will also drop
           down during the final wave and place other Zombies (such as Bucket-
           head Zombies) behind your front lines.  If a dropped Zombie eats one
           of your plants, quickly place a Wall-nut or Tall-nut there to stall
           it while your Cabbage-pults take care of it.  You can also place a
           single-use plant such as a Jalapeno in the now-open Flower Pot to
           get rid of the offending Zombie right away.

           Note that we tend to use the Jalapeno over the Cherry Bomb in stage
           5.  The Jalapeno can be planted on the left side of the field and
           still affect the right side, whereas a Cherry Bomb requires that we
           first place a sacrificial Flower Pot on the right side, which takes
           more time and more sun.

           Lastly, we don't have the ability to place new flower pots yet, so
           try to keep Zombies from eating them!

--- 352: Level 5-2 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Enemies: Zombie                             Bungee Zombie
           Conehead Zombie                    Pole Vaulting Zombie
           Buckethead Zombie
  Flags:   2 / ?
  Reward:  Kernel-pult Seed Packet

  Plants:  Sunflower                          Cabbage-pult
           Flower Pot                         Chomper
           Wall-nut                           Jalapeno
           Tall-nut                           [your choice]

  The Key: Draw a line in the sand, then fill in behind it.

  Notes:   Once again, Crazy Dave adds a few items for sale (see sections 335
           and 345 for discussion about other available items).
             Roof Cleaners              $ 3000
             Spikerock Seed Packet      $ 7500
             Gold Magnet Seed Packet    $ 3000
           Unused Roof Cleaners are worth $50 each at the end of a level, just
           like Lawnmowers in previous stages.  In the remaining 9 levels of
           stage 5, Roof Cleaners can earn $2250, bringing the $3000 cost down
           to $750.  Since we're going to eventually want Roof Cleaners for the
           harder game modes, we'll buy them now to start earning the $50 each.
           We didn't buy the Pool Cleaners because there are Lawnmowers on pool
           rows regardless, and they still give 50 gold each per level.  In
           other words, buying Roof Cleaners eventually pays for itself even if
           you don't need them to beat a level, but buying Pool Cleaners is not
           necessary unless Zombies actually reach the end of the pool.

           The Spikerock upgrade is useful in general, but Spikeweed cannot be
           planted on the roof to begin with, so it is useless for the rest of
           Adventure mode.  Lastly, the goal for now should be getting through
           Adventure mode.  Collecting money can be done later, so we'll also
           wait before we buy the Gold Magnet.  You may need to play a Mini-
           Game to get enough money to afford the Roof Cleaners.  Either way,
           buy them and then start the level!

           Starting on Level 5-2, there will only be three columns of Flower
           Pots at the beginning, and you'll need to have the Flower Pot in the
           seed tray in order to expand towards the right.

           On this level, Wall-nuts are optional.  You usually have enough time
           to set up a full column of Tall-nuts before anything can get to your
           Cabbages.  When you do start placing Wall-nuts or Tall-nuts, place
           them in column 6 or beyond.  Unlike the short-range Mushrooms in the
           last stage, our Cabbages can hit Zombies at the very right edge, so
           we can set our front lines first, then build from the left towards
           that point.  Place more attacking plants in rows that don't have a
           Tall-nut yet, so the stronger offense can offset the weaker defense.
           You might have something like this halfway through:

           S  S  C  C  .  .  .  .  .          S  Sunflower
           S  S  C  C  .  .  .  .  .          C  Cabbage-pult
           S  S  C  C  .  .  .  .  .          T  Tall-nut
           S  S  C  .  .  T  .  .  .
           S  S  C  .  .  T  .  .  .

           Towards the end, you'll want 3-4 columns of Cabbages and/or Chompers
           behind a column of Tall-nuts.  As discussed in section 351 above,
           Bungee Zombies may drop high-toughness Zombies among your Cabbages,
           so keep a Jalapeno or Wall-nut handy to deal with them.

--- 353: Level 5-3 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Enemies: Zombie                             Ladder Zombie
           Conehead Zombie
  Flags:   2 / ?
  Reward:  Coffee Bean Seed Packet

  Plants:  Sunflower                          Kernel-pult
           Flower Pot                         Cherry Bomb
           Wall-nut                           Jalapeno
           [your choice]                      [your choice]

  The Key: Butter is your friend.

  Notes:   The Kernel-pult is the best general purpose early attacker in the
           game.  While its corn kernels do little damage, its butter attacks
           temporarily immobilize enemies in addition to doing full "normal"
           damage.  This means that fast enemies such as Football and Pole
           Vaulting Zombies can't charge at you, dangerous Zombies such as
           Dancing Zombies and Jack-in-the-Box Zombies can't trigger their
           effects, and Zombies that reach your front lines can't eat your
           plants.  In the late game, Kernel-pults don't need to be replaced
           as quickly because in spite of their lower damage, they hold Zombies
           in place so they get pounded by the more powerful late-game plants.
           Lastly, they can be upgraded with another plant available later on.

           Ladder Zombies can set their ladders on Tall-nuts so they and others
           can climb over them, so we elect to use the cheaper Wall-nuts
           instead.  Just in case some ladders are set up, we include the
           Cherry Bomb to knock them down.  The final build should consist of
           a ton of Kernel-pults behind a column of Nuts.

--- 354: Level 5-4 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Enemies: Zombie                             Ladder Zombie
           Conehead Zombie                    Pogo Zombie
           Football Zombie
  Flags:   3 / ?
  Reward:  Watering Can (and Zen Garden mode)

  Plants:  Sunflower                          Kernel-pult
           Flower Pot                         Fume-shroom
           Pumpkin                            Gloom-shroom
           Coffee Bean                        Magnet-shroom

  The Key: Coffee lets us use our powerful nocturnal plants during the day.

  Notes:   Remember how we used nothing but Gloom-shrooms once we got them in
           Stage 4?  Well, with Coffee Beans in our seed tray, we can use them
           during the day.  We'll get one more tool to help us perfect our
           Gloom-shroom strategy, but for now we can still mount an effective
           defense with Magnets and Gloom-shrooms.  Start with the usual column
           of Kernel-pults, then plant Gloom-shrooms in Pumpkins in rows 2 and
           4 in column 7.  After that, plant a couple of Magnet-shrooms to snag
           ladders, pogo sticks, and football helmets.  Plant a third Gloom in
           between the existing two.  The resulting overlapping spore clouds
           combined with butter from the Kernel-pults will dispatch Zombies
           before they can do much damage to your front-line Pumpkins.  Towards
           the end, you can replace some Sunflowers with more Kernel-pults and
           protect more plants with Pumpkins, resulting in something like this:

           S  c [c] .  .  .  .  .  .          S  Sunflower
           S  c [c] .  . [u][G] .  .          c  Kernel-pult
           S  c [c] .  .  . [G] .  .          u  Magnet-shroom
           S  c [c] .  . [u][G] .  .          G  Gloom-shroom
           S  c [c] .  .  .  .  .  .         [ ] Pumpkin

           As in most other cases, you can modify this setup, add more plants,
           etc. but this should be more than enough to beat the level.

--- 355: Level 5-5, Mini-Game: Bungee Conveyor --------------------------------

  Enemies: Zombie                             Ladder Zombie
           Conehead Zombie                    Bungee Zombie
           Buckethead Zombie
  Flags:   2 / ?
  Reward:  Garlic Seed Packet

  Plants:  Flower Pot                         Cherry Bomb
           Pumpkin                            Chomper

  The Key: You'll want two sets of defenses, each with two columns of Chompers.

  Notes:   The Zen Garden, unlocked last level, is one of the best ways to make
           money in this game.  For more information, see section 300 of the
           Gold Farming Guide [16].

           As Crazy Dave warns us, we will be facing a lot of Bungee Zombies,
           so (1) they'll drop Zombies down on our plants and (2) they'll
           target individual plants and pluck them out of their pots.  Since we
           have no ranged units, we'll gradually build up towards the right,
           and keep some space to the left as a buffer zone in case anything
           gets past our Chompers.

           Protect your Flower Pots and Pumpkins, but let Chompers go if they
           are already digesting.  Chompers take a long time to digest Zombies,
           so you'll find yourself digging up full Chompers and replacing them
           with new ones.

           You can have up to two columns of Chompers at a time as they have a
           range of two.  To keep Zombies from bunching up too much, construct
           two zones of two columns each:

           .  C  C  .  .  C  C  .  .          C  Chomper
           .  C  C  .  .  C  C  .  .
           .  C  C  .  .  C  C  .  .
           .  C  C  .  .  C  C  .  .
           .  C  C  .  .  C  C  .  .

           [16] http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/file/959255/56559

--- 356: Level 5-6 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Enemies: Zombie                             Catapult Zombie
           Conehead Zombie
  Flags:   2 / ?
  Reward:  Umbrella Leaf Seed Packet

  Plants:  Sunflower                          Kernel-pult
           Flower Pot                         Fume-shroom
           Garlic                             Gloom-shroom
           Coffee Bean                        Jalapeno

  The Key: The Gloom-shroom plan is complete!

  Notes:   Let's discuss Gloom-shroom strategy again.  As we found in Stage 4
           and Level 5-4, Zombies in rows adjacent to Gloom-shrooms just walk
           past them, taking huge amounts of damage in the three spaces covered
           by the Gloom-shrooms.  This leaves Zombies in the same rows as our
           Glooms.  They bunch up and start chewing on the Pumpkins protecting
           the Glooms.  While they still die pretty quickly, Pumpkins are too
           expensive to replace all the time.

           We use Garlic to divert Zombies into adjacent rows and protect our
           Glooms at the same time.  This has the additional benefit of letting
           us have two or three sets of Gloom-shrooms for destroying faster and
           sturdier Zombies.  With two sets of Glooms, all Zombies will be
           diverted into rows with four spaces of spore-filled goodness, two of
           which have double spore density!

           For this level, a single set of Glooms will suffice.  As the level
           goes on, use Jalapenos to destroy the odd Catapult Zombie, and keep
           on building Kernel-pults.  You'll end up with something like this:

           S  c  c  c  .  .  .  .  .          S  Sunflower
           S  c  c  c  .  .  G  g  .          c  Kernel-pult
           S  c  c  c  .  .  .  .  .          G  Gloom-shroom
           S  c  c  c  .  .  G  g  .          g  Garlic
           S  c  c  c  .  .  .  .  .

           Remember to keep a column of open Flower Pots for Jalapenos when
           Catapult Zombies arrive!

           Note: This Gloom-shroom plan is so powerful that we've just beaten a
           level for the first time without any Wall-nuts or Tall-nuts!

--- 357: Level 5-7 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Enemies: Zombie                             Catapult Zombie
           Conehead Zombie                    Bungee Zombie
           Ladder Zombie
  Flags:   3 / ?
  Reward:  Marigold Seed Packet

  Plants:  Sunflower                          Kernel-pult
           Flower Pot                         Fume-shroom
           Garlic                             Gloom-shroom
           Coffee Bean                        Umbrella Leaf

  The Key: The Gloom-shroom plan is complete!

  Notes:   Umbrella Leaves protect a 3x3 area, so we can simply repeat last
           level's build but sprinkle some Umbrella Leaves in:

           S  S  c  c  c  .  .  .  .          S  Sunflower
           c  ^  c  c  ^  .  G  g  .          c  Kernel-pult
           S  S  c  c  c  .  ^  .  .          G  Gloom-shroom
           c  ^  c  c  ^  .  G  g  .          g  Garlic
           S  S  c  c  c  .  .  .  .          ^  Umbrella Leaf

           Something like the setup above gives us even Umbrella Leaf coverage,
           three Kernel-pults per row, and six Sunflowers in total.

--- 358: Level 5-8 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Enemies: Zombie                             Gargantuar
           Conehead Zombie
  Flags:   2 / ?
  Reward:  Melon-pult Seed Packet

  Plants:  Sunflower                          Kernel-pult
           Flower Pot                         Fume-shroom
           Coffee Bean                        Gloom-shroom
           Garlic                             Jalapeno

  The Key: Use explosives and stalling tactics on Gargantuars

  Notes:   This level introduces the Gargantuar, the most dangerous Zombie.  It
           takes 2 massive-damage attacks (such as a Squash or Cherry Bomb) to
           destroy one, and after he takes 50% damage, he throws an Imp five
           columns to the left to eat your more vulnerable rear ranks.  Lastly,
           instead of nibbling on your plants as the other Zombies do, he
           smashes them in one hit.

           To counter this threat, we'll use a combination of Kernel-pults to
           slow them down and Jalapenos to hit them from afar.  In front we'll
           place our normal Gloom-shroom defense seen in previous levels.  At
           the end we'll replace some Sunflowers with even more Kernel-pults:

           S  c  c  c  c  .  .  .  .          S  Sunflower
           S  c  c  c  c  G  g  .  .          c  Kernel-pult
           S  c  c  c  c  .  .  .  .          G  Gloom-shroom
           S  c  c  c  c  G  g  .  .          g  Garlic
           S  c  c  c  c  .  .  .  .

           Note that we keep two columns open to the right, to make Gargantuars
           cross more space before they can start smashing our plants.  This is
           the ranged vs. melee strategy we talked about in Level 1-1 (section
           311).  Gargantuars spawning in odd rows don't pose as much of a
           threat.  They will often enter Gloom-shroom range and get frozen by
           butter.  The worst threat there will actually be the Imps, which
           will get thrown onto your Sunflowers or rear Kernel-pults.  You may
           wish to keep your Jalapeno ready to destroy both the Imp and the
           Gargantuar at once (once the Imp is thrown, it means the Gargantuar
           has taken at least 50% damage so the Jalapeno will finish the job).

           Gargantuars spawning in even rows are a much bigger threat, as they
           only need to cross two columns and can start smashing your plants.
           Don't worry too much about the Garlics as they are easy to replace,
           but try to stall them from getting to your expensive Gloom-shrooms.

           Note: In the more difficult game modes unlocked later, you'll see
           Gargantuars with red eyes.  These "super-Gargantuars" take three
           massive-damage attacks to destroy.

           Note: Umbrella Leaves don't deflect thrown Imps, and Garlic and
           Hypno-shrooms don't work on Gargantuars because they don't actually
           eat your plants.

--- 359: Level 5-9 ------------------------------------------------------------

  Enemies: Zombie                             Jack-in-the-Box Zombie
           Conehead Zombie                    Bungee Zombie
           Buckethead Zombie                  Catapult Zombie
           Ladder Zombie                      Gargantuar
  Flags:   3 / ?
  Reward:  Zombie Note

  Plants:  Sunflower                          Umbrella Leaf
           Flower Pot                         Pumpkin or Wall-nut
           Kernel-pult                        Cherry Bomb
           Melon-pult                         Jalapeno

  The Key: Use the Gloom-shroom if you have more seed tray slots.

  Notes:   Since we're facing such a wide array of Zombies in this level, we'll
           choose more conventional weapons instead of using Gloom-shrooms.  If
           you have more slots in you seed tray, you can consider Gloom-shrooms
           instead.  The final build looks like the one for Level 5-7:

           S  S  c  m  m [W] .  .  .          S  Sunflower
           c  ^  m  m  ^ [W] .  .  .          c  Kernel-pult
           S  S  c  m  m [W] .  .  .          m  Melon-pult
           c  ^  m  m  ^ [W] .  .  .          ^  Umbrella Leaf
           S  S  c  m  m [W] .  .  .         [W] Pumpkin or Wall-nut

           While we're losing our most powerful attacker, the Melon-pult is not
           a bad replacement.  Melons do "splash" damage to Zombies close to
           where they hit, so they have some crowd control capability.  Also,
           they can hit Zombies from far away, so they can be kept back from
           the powerful attacks of Gargantuars and Jack-in-the-Box Zombies.

           Note that we use the Wall-nut instead of the Tall-nut, so any losses
           from Jack-in-the-Box Zombies will be easier to recover.  Alternately
           you can use open Pumpkins and place single-use plants in them.

--- 35F: Level 5-10, Conveyor Belt Level --------------------------------------

  Enemies: Zombie                             Bungee Zombie
           Conehead Zombie                    Jack-in-the-Box Zombie
           Buckethead Zombie                  Ladder Zombie
           Catapult Zombie                    Football Zombie
           Dr. Edgar Zomboss
  Flags:   None
  Reward:  Silver Sunflower Trophy, Survival Mode, more Puzzles and Mini-Games

  Plants:  Flower Pot                         Jalapeno
           Kernel-pult                        Ice-shroom

  The Key: Time your single-use plants well.

  Notes:   This is the boss fight against the leader of the Zombies.  The level
           completion meter at the bottom of the screen tracks the damage dealt
           to the boss.

           The boss has several attacks, which will be discussed separately.

           First, the boss can place Zombies on the surface of the roof to
           attack you as in previous levels.  To defend against these, place
           plants to defend each row as normal.  Sometimes, the boss will hang
           Bungee Zombies over your plants.  To keep them from plucking your
           powerful Melon-pults, destroy them with Jalapenos or place an Ice-
           shroom to freeze them in place, giving your catapults more time to
           destroy them conventionally.  Since Kernel-pults and Cabbage-pults
           aren't as powerful, you may choose to let them go, and save your
           single-use plants for more powerful Zombies.

           Next, the boss can duck down to generate a fireball or snowball from
           his mouth.  These projectiles will roll down the roof and destroy
           everything in their path, including roof cleaners if you've bought
           them from Crazy Dave.  To destroy a snowball, place a Jalapeno on
           the same row.  To destroy a fireball, place a Ice-Shroom anywhere on
           the screen.

           If you build on the flat portion of the roof (columns 6-9) the boss
           will step on your plants.  Since you want to have an empty pot on
           each row to deal with incoming snowballs, this limits your building
           to 4 plants per row.  Of course, if you have a surplus of pots and
           plants in the seed tray, you can certainly plant on the flat
           portion.  Even if they fire once, it's better than sitting in your
           seed tray doing nothing.

           The last attack is a camper that the boss will smash down on your
           plants, destroying a 3 column by 2 row area.  The only defense
           against this attack is to spread out your plants out to minimize
           losses.  It is especially important to spread the high-damage Melon-
           pults far apart so you don't lose many of them at once.

           Your only chance to damage the boss comes when he ducks down to spit
           out a fireball or snowball.  To maximize the damage, once he
           generates the projectile use the Jalapeno or Ice-Shroom right away
           to freeze or damage him and any Zombies, and also get rid of the
           projectile.  By freezing the boss, you'll give your plants more time
           to shoot him.

|  400: Mini-Games Walkthrough                                                |

--- 401: ZomBotany ------------------------------------------------------------

In this game, Zombies have the properties of their plant heads, so Peashooter
Zombies will not only eat any plants in range, they'll also shoot at your
plants.  Wall-Nut Zombies will have much higher defense than normal Zombies.  A
single Peashooter plant will be able to take down a single Peashooter Zombie,
but the next Peashooter Zombie will destroy the Peashooter plant.  For this
reason, after one of your early Peashooters kills a Peashooter Zombie, place
another Peashooter or Wall-nut in front of it to protect it against further
attacks.  Wall-nut Zombies are best taken out with Squash, Chompers, and other
massive-damage plants.  By the end of the level, try to have two columns of
Sunflowers, one of Repeaters, one of Snow Peas, one of Chompers, and one of

--- 402: Wall-nut Bowling -----------------------------------------------------

This is just like Level 1-5 of the Adventure but more difficult because more
Zombies will spawn, so the strategies discussed in section 315 will be all the
more important here.  In short, wait until the Zombies are far to the left to
maximize the hits for each Wall-nut, and save the Explode-o-nuts for tight
packs of Zombies three rows tall to maximize the effect of the blast radius.

--- 403: Slot Machine ---------------------------------------------------------

You're dependent on the slot machine to get plants for defense, so pull the
lever to spin the machine as often as possible.  The ultimate goal is to get
2000 sun, and your overall progress is tracked using the meter in the lower-
right corner as with standard levels.

--- 404: It's Raining Seeds
--- 405: Beghouled
--- 406: Invisi-ghoul ---------------------------------------------------------
--- 407: Seeing Stars ---------------------------------------------------------

You can generally follow the Gloom-shroom and Garlic plan to get through this
level.  Once you've stabilized, start planting Star Fruit to finish the level.

--- 408: Zombiquarium
--- 409: Beghouled Twist ------------------------------------------------------

This Mini-Game is a Plants vs. Zombies take on Popcap's puzzle game Bejeweled
Twist.  The goal is to rotate 2x2 squares of four spaces to create matches
(three or more adjacent columns or rows of the same plant).  You need to make
75 such matches to complete the level.  As you match up the plants, you'll earn
sun which can be spent to rearrange plants or upgrade your plants.

The challenge here is that it's more difficult to see possible matches when
rotating blocks than when sliding them.  To help, here are the four situations
(each of which can be in 4 rotated orientations).  Keep an eye out for these
patterns for an easier time.

                  |                  |                   |
  .o    -->  ..   |   .o   -->   ..  |  .o    -->  ..    |  o.oo  -->  .ooo
  .oo        ooo  |  o.o        ooo  |  ..oo       .ooo  |  ..         ..
                  |                  |                   |

--- 410: Big Trouble Little Zombie
--- 411: Portal Combat
--- 412: Column Like You See 'Em
--- 413: Bobsled Bonanza

Use Squashes to destroy Zombonis as you build up your resources.  Try to use
Jalapenos to kill Bobsledders and melt the ice simultaneously.  After every
Jalapeno, quickly place a Spikerock in column 9 to stop Zombonis in that row
for a long time.  Once you have four Spikerocks at the very right, the level
becomes much easier.  I used Kernel-pults as my main offensive unit to slow
down attackers.

--- 414: Zombie Nimble Zombie Quick
--- 415: Whack a Zombie

This is a more difficult version of Level 2-5, so see section 325.  This same
strategies will apply, but you might still get overwhelmed towards the end.  If
the situation looks grim for the final wave, concentrate your efforts on one or
two rows and let the Lawnmowers take care of the rest.

--- 416: Last Stand

This level is often used for gold farming.  For more information, see my Gold
Farming Guide [17].  It contains a lot of theory behind my chosen setup, but if
you just want the quick answer, here's a good 30-Marigold setup:

         M  M  M  M [M] .  .  .  .   Symbol Legend
         M  M  M  M  U  G  G [G] g     .  Open Land      U  Gold Magnet
         M  M  M  M [M][M] _  _  _     _  Open Water     M  Marigold
         M  M  M  M [M][M] _  _  _     G  Gloom-shroom
         M  M  M  M  U  G  G [G] g     g  Garlic
         M  M  M  M [M] .  .  .  .    [ ] Pumpkin

[17] http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/file/959255/56559

--- 417: Zombotany 2

Use the gloomshroom plan again (see above).

--- 418: Wall-nut Bowling 2

Giant Wall-nuts are good at taking out long strings of Zombies.  That ability
makes this even easier than the first Wall-nut Bowling.  Mentally split up the
attackers into loners, long rows, and tight clumps.  Hit the clumps with
Explode-o-nuts, the long rows with the Giant Wall-Nuts, and the stragglers with
normal Wall-nuts.  Only drop Explode-o-nuts in rows 2-4 so you don't waste the
3x3 blast radius.

--- 419: Pogo Party

sunflower, pot, squash, squash copy, magnet, bean, wall, corn pult, jalapeno

Start building two rows of sunflowers.  Use squash to kill the first few pogos
as you build up funds. when you get 200, create a magnet in the front middle,
and soon after create a wallnut in front of it.  A single magnet will take care
of all the pogo sticks until the first flag, so you have some time to set up
Kernel-pults and Wall-nuts to kill the grounded Pogos.

By the second flag, I started replacing wallnuts with tallnuts, though that is
an optional step.  By the last flag, you should chop down a row of sunflowers
to make room for a fourth row of Kernel-pults, and have 6 magnets up front.

         S  S  c  c  .  .  W  .  .                Symbol Legend
         S  S  c  c  .  .  W  .  .                  .  Open Land
         S  S  c  c  .  M  M  W  .                  S  Sunflower
         S  S  c  c  .  .  W  .  .                  c  Kernel-pult
         S  S  c  c  .  .  W  .  .                  M  Magnet
                                                    W  Wallnut/Tallnut
         S  c  c  c  c  M  W  .  .
         S  c  c  c  c  M  W  .  .
         S  c  c  c  c  M  M  W  .
         S  c  c  c  c  M  W  .  .
         S  c  c  c  c  M  W  .  .

--- 420: Dr. Zomboss's Revenge

This is a repeat of the last level of the Adventure mode, so use the same
strategies as outlined in section 250.

|  500: Puzzles Walkthrough                                                   |

--- Vasebreaker

--- I, Zombie

|  600: Survival Walkthrough                                                  |

There are 11 levels in the Survival Game mode.  First, there's a normal-
difficulty level in each location (day, night, pool, fog, and roof) with five
flags to survive.  Then there's a hard level in each location with ten flags.
Finally, there's an unlimited level which takes place in the pool location and
keeps increasing in difficulty until you lose.

My strategy for each level is exactly the same.  For the theory behind a good
initial defense, see section 400 of my Plants Vs Zombies Gold Farming Guide
[18].  Since the Survival levels are more difficult than Last Stand, we'll need
to make a few changes.  First of all, we'll need to move the front lines back
to make room for a column of Spikerock.  For additional security, we'll add two
more Gloom-shrooms.  Lastly, we'll need to set up some heavy artillery on the
left side of the field instead of a Marigold farm.  This results in four major
groups of defenses:

1) Winter Melons keep Zombies on the Spikerocks longer while doing heavy splash
   damage.  Spikerocks also hinder Gargantuars and stop vehicles.
2) Garlic and Gloom-shroom defense kills nearly anything else.
3) Magnet-shrooms grab Pogo sticks, Jack-in-the-boxes, and mining picks.
4) Cob cannons help destroy Gargantuars and other dangerous threats.

[18] http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/file/959255/56559

The following is written primarily for the hard and unlimited levels.  The
strategy is the same for the normal difficulty levels as well, but you'll be
building slower, so you'll only get to the third stage or so.

'-- 610: First Stage (Flags 1-2) ---------------------------------------------'

For the first stage, choose Sunflower, Kernel-pult, Fume-shroom, Gloom-shroom,
Pumpkin, Garlic, and Spikeweed.  A few slots are intentionally empty as you'll
need other plants depending on the level (see section 640).

Build Sunflowers and Kernel-pults (Puff-shrooms on night levels), and try to
set up Garlic to redirect Zombies soon.  As soon as possible, start setting up
Gloom-shrooms.  You want to have a pair up by the first flag, and three pairs
up by the second flag.  The limiting factor will be the recharge timer on the
Gloom-shroom, so start early!


  Destroy any gravestones
  Set up a column of Spikeweed
  Set up a 6x Gloom-shroom defense
  Set up two columns of Sunflowers
  Set up Pumpkin protection on all rows

Sample build:

         S  S  c  . [.] .  .  .  #   Symbol Legend
         S  S  c  .  G  G [G] g  #     .  Open Land      G  Gloom-shroom
         S  S  c  _ [.] _  _  _  _     _  Open Water     g  Garlic
         S  S  c  _ [.] _  _  _  _     S  Sunflower      #  Spikeweed
         S  S  c  .  G  G [G] g  #     c  Kernel-pult
         S  S  c  . [.] .  .  .  #    [ ] Pumpkin

'-- 620: Second Stage (Flags 3-4) --------------------------------------------'

For this stage, choose Twin Sunflower, Kernel-pult, Melon-pult, Winter Melon,
Magnet-shroom, Spikerock, Pumpkin, Garlic, and whatever else is needed.  If you
didn't get 6 Gloom-shrooms or a full column of Spikeweeds yet, you'll have to
work on those goals first.


  Upgrade to a column of Spikerock
  Upgrade to a column of Twin Sunflowers
  Plant Magnet-shrooms
  Finish off Pumpkin defenses (generally two per row)
  Start building Melon-pults and Kernel-pults for later upgrading

Sample Build:

         t  c  c [m][u] .  .  .  #   Symbol Legend
         t  c  c  m  G  G [G] g  #     .  Open Land      G  Gloom-shroom
         t  c  c  _ [u] _  _  _  _     _  Open Water     g  Garlic
         t  c  c  _ [u] _  _  _  _     t  Twin-Sunflower #  Spikerock
         t  c  c  m  G  G [G] g  #     c  Kernel-pult    u  Magnet-shroom
         t  c  c [m][u] .  .  .  #    [ ] Pumpkin        m  Melon-pult

'-- 630: Later Stages (Flags 5-10) -------------------------------------------'

These stages are described together because the goals are the same, but small
changes will be necessary depending on the specific Zombies that attack during
each stage.  To begin with, we'll try to finish upgrading to our final setup:

         t  CCCC [W][u] .  .  .  #   Symbol Legend
         t  CCCC  W  G [G][G] g  #     .  Open Land      #  Spikerock
         t  CCCC [W][u] _  _  _  _     _  Open Water     u  Magnet-shroom
         t  CCCC [W][u] _  _  _  _     G  Gloom-shroom   W  Winter Melon
         t  CCCC  W  G [G][G] g  #     g  Garlic         C  Cob Cannon
         t  CCCC [W][u] .  .  .  #    [ ] Pumpkin        t  Twin Sunflower

The first order of business is getting Winter Melons on odd-numbered rows for
overlapping freeze effects.  Next, get a couple Cob Cannons up for defense
against Gargantuars.  Then, finish off the colums of each.

Balloon Zombies are a common occurrence, and Blovers are the best way to take
care of them, especially on Fog levels.  For further discussion on Blovers vs.
other fog/balloon solutions, see section 344 in the Adventure mode walkthrough.

Towards the end, you may wish to keep some open spaces in the Winter Melon
column to protect your Cob Cannons.  Gargantuars that take 50% damage will toss
their Imps into your support ranks, and there's little time before they eat up
your Cannons.  The open spaces allow you to place Cherry Bombs to kill Imps.
You could also use the Cob Cannons to get rid of the Imps but they fire slowly
and it may be too late unless you accurately anticipate the Imps' arrival time.

If Digger Zombies consistently get past your Magnet-shrooms, you may wish to
place Pumpkins around your Twin Sunflowers.  This will give you some time to
use a Cob Cannon or Jalapeno to kill the Digger.  Note that you have some time
after the Digger resurfaces to kill him anyway, but Pumpkins will cut you some

'-- 640: Location-specific Tactics -------------------------------------------'

While the overall strategy is the same for every level, there are obviously
some minor changes required by the level's location:

  Use Coffee for the Fume-shrooms and Magnet-shrooms

  Use Puff-shroom as your early attack unit
  Use Grave Buster to destroy gravestones

  Use Lily Pads for planting in the pool
  Use Coffee for Fume-shrooms and Magnet-shrooms

  Use Lily Pads for planting in the pool
  Use Puff-shroom as your early attack unit
  For early stages, use Planterns to cut through the fog
  For later stages, use Blovers for both Balloon Zombies and fog

  Use Flower Pots for planting on the roof
  Use Umbrella Leaf for protection from Bungee and Catapult Zombies
  Use Coffee for the Fume-shrooms and Magnet-shrooms

In levels with 5 rows, the leading edge of the middle row is brought forward
because that row is covered by every Gloom-shroom and any Zombies there will 
all fall quickly.  This allows us to plant an extra Magnet-shroom:

         t  CCCC [W][u] .  .  .  #
         t  CCCC  W  G [G][G] g  #
         t  CCCC  W [u][u] .  .  #
         t  CCCC  W  G [G][G] g  #
         t  CCCC [W][u] .  .  .  #

'-- 650: Survival Endless ----------------------------------------------------'

Survival Endless is largely the same as Survival Pool (Hard) except that all
Zombies can spawn (e.g. Bungee Zombies) and there are endless waves of Zombies.
The techniques described above can finish around 20-30 flags, but better
defenses are required for the later flags.  The following build

Pull the land defenses back and into the water to create a larger kill zone
Defend the back lines better against Miners, Bungees, etc.
Use more winter melons to slow down attackers
Use at least 6 Cob Cannons to deal effectively with Gargantuars

|  700: Zen Garden Walkthrough                                                |

The Zen Garden is a "stress-free" game mode that is unlocked after completing
Level 5-4 in Adventure mode.  There, you can cultivate the plants that you
receive as gifts in other modes, and earn money to spend on upgrades.  At the
beginning there's only the Greenhouse environment, but there's also a Mushroom
Garden environment and an Aquarium Garden environment for your nocturnal and
aquatic plants respectively.  Lastly, there's a Tree of Wisdom that you can
grow to receive tips on playing the game.  The game's readme file has general
information [19] on the Zen Garden, and section 300 of my Plants vs Zombies
Gold-Farming Guide [20] describes how to earn money in two ways there.

[19] http://www.popcap.com/faq/plantsvszombies/1033/pc/readme.html#GM/ZG
[20] http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/file/959255/56559

|  800: Plant and Zombie Armies                                               |

As stated above, the goal of this guide is to present a walkthrough of the main
game modes, not to repeat information easily accessible elsewhere.  Tips and
strategies for using many of the plants are given above, as are strategies for
countering and destroying the more powerful Zombies.  There are in-depth guides
for the Plants [21] and Zombies [22] if you need more information.

Below are lists of plants and Zombies, with simple ratings and references to
other sections in this guide with further discussion.

[21] http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/file/959255/56547
[22] http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/file/959255/56558

'-- 810: Plants Overview -----------------------------------------------------'

Plant Name      Rating  See Sections    Plant Name      Rating  See Sections
''''''''''''''  ''''''  ''''''''''''    ''''''''''''''  ''''''  ''''''''''''
Peashooter      ***--   311             Sea-shroom      -----   
Sunflower       *****   312,322         Plantern        *----   
Cherry Bomb     ****-   313             Cactus          *----   
Wall-nut        ***--   314-318,330     Blover          ***--   
Potato Mine     **---                   Split Pea       -----   
Snow Pea        ****-   317             Starfruit       *----   
Chomper         **---   318             Pumpkin         ****-   
Repeater        ***--   319             Magnet-shroom   ***--   

Puff-shroom     ***--   321             Cabbage-pult    **---   
Sun-shroom      *****   322             Flower Pot      **---   
Fume-shroom     ****-   323             Kernel-pult     ****-   
Grave Buster    ***--   324             Coffee Bean     ****-   
Hypno-shroom    **---   326             Garlic          ****-   260
Scaredy-shroom  -----                   Umbrella Leaf   **---   
Ice-shroom      *----                   Marigold        **---   260
Doom-shroom     ***--                   Melon-pult      ***--   

Lily Pad        **---   331             Gatling Pea     -----   260
Squash          **---   332             Twin Sunflower  **---   
Threepeater     **---   333             Gloom-shroom    *****   260
Tangle Kelp     **---   334             Cattail         *----   
Jalapeno        ****-   336             Winter Melon    ****-   
Spikeweed       ***--   337             Gold Magnet     *----   
Torchwood       **---   338             Spikerock       ***--   
Tall-nut        ****-   339             Cob Cannon      ****-   

                                        Imitater        ****-   

'-- 820: Zombies Overview ----------------------------------------------------'

Below, Threat refers to how dangerous Zombies are, and 1st refers to the levels
in which Zombies first appear.  Look in the corresponding sections for tips on
how to defeat each Zombie.

Zombie Name              Threat  1st    Zombie Name              Threat  1st
'''''''''''''''''''''''  ''''''  '''    '''''''''''''''''''''''  ''''''  '''
Zombie                   *----   1-1    Jack-in-the-Box Zombie   *****   4-1
Flag Zombie              *----   1-2    Balloon Zombie           ***--   4-3
Conehead Zombie          **---   1-3    Digger Zombie            ****-   4-6
Pole Vaulting Zombie     ***--   1-6    Pogo Zombie              ***--   4-8
Buckethead Zombie        ***--   1-8    Zombie Yeti              ***--   4-10

Newspaper Zombie         **---   2-1    Bungee Zombie            ****-   5-1
Screen Door Zombie       **---   2-3    Ladder Zombie            ***--   5-3
Football Zombie          ***--   2-6    Catapult Zombie          ****-   5-6
Dancing Zombie           ***--   2-8    Gargantuar               *****   5-8
Backup Dancer            *----   2-8    Imp                      ***--   5-8

Ducky Tube Zombie        **---   3-1    Dr. Edgar Zomboss        *****   5-10
Snorkel Zombie           ***--   3-3
Zomboni                  ****-   3-6
Zombie Bobsled Team      **---   3-6
Dolphin Rider Zombie     ****-   3-8

Notice that the introductions of Zombies are done very systematically.  In each
stage, a new Zombie is introduced in the first level.  This new Zombie shares a
theme with the stage, and the intro level is short and features only basic
Zombies along with the new Zombie.  Then there's a longer level with a wider
range of Zombies.  This process repeats for the next two levels with the intro-
duction of another Zombie.  Then there's a Mini-game, and two more Zombies are
introduced.  The ninth level therefore features all of the stage's Zombies.  At
the end is a conveyor-belt level which again has all of that stage's Zombies.

Each stage only introduces four primary Zombies, and a related or incidental
Zombie.  The first stage has the unimpressive Flag Zombie, the second has the
Backup Dancer (summoned by the Dancing Zombie), the third has the Zombie Bob-
sled Team (slides in after the Zomboni), the fourth eventually yields the Yeti,
and the fifth has the Imp (thrown by the Gargantuar).

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