FAQ - Guide for Capcom vs. SNK

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Capcom Vs Snk
Millenium Fight 2000
Faq By:Shin Pikachu-Andres Araujo-([email protected])

Version History

-17 February 2001
Version 1.2
Some Nakoruru japanese move names.
New Nakoruru combo.
New Raiden combo

-3 February 2001
Version 1.1
All Sections,all combos,near all translations.
Ascii art.
Maybe final version unless i found the rest of the

-20 January 2001
Version 1.0
All but some combos ,translation section and secrets to be added.

This faq is Copyright(c)2001 Andres Araujo.
For Sega Dreamcast (us version)
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CapcomvsSnk and all Capcom characters are (c) Capcom co,ltd.
All snk characters are (c) of SNK corp.
A word from the author:

Hi ,this is my first faq so be nice to me.First let me say
you'll probably encounter a lot of errors here because my
english sucks, i speak spanish.

All in this faq was taken from the us version of the sega dreamcast
and most of the japanese names and translations were taken
from the faqs at www.gamefaqs.com ,especially from Kao megura's
faqs, this guy is a faq king.-(See Credits Section)-
I haven't seen a CapvsSnk faq from him, i think he got tired
of plagiarism and gave it up.
Come on man there always be someone that will steal your work,
put his name on it, make money  and don't even mention your

Anyway , you must do a CvsS faq because all of your fans want
it ,so put your hands at work ,stop breathing if necessary
and do it.
You can't stop people from selling faqs if there are morons
who buy them.

As you all will notice i haven't put a section saying :
"if you reproduce this faq in any way to make money of it
i will hunt you and kill you".

There is no sense in doing so , they will make it anyway.
That doesn't mean i allow anyone to do it , i'm saying
i agree with Kao in this but not giving up in doing
faqs .
So enough of complaining , thank you Mr.Kao for your great
work i hope somehow this thought gets to you .

Enjoy this pitiful faq. :P

  II-Game menu
 III-Super moves
  IV-General and Character moves
    3.Benimaru Nikaido
    6.Chun li
    8.Edmond Honda
    9.Geese Howard
   12.Orochi Iori
   13.Ken Masters
   14.Kim Kaphwan
   16.Kyo Kusanagi
   17.Mai Shiranui
   19.Morrigan Aensland
   22.Rugal Bernstein
   23.Ryo Sakazaki
   25.Evil Ryu
   27.Sakura Kasugano
   28.Terry Bogard
   32.Yuri Sakazaki
   V-Combo Section		
 VII-Moves Names/Translatons
VIII-Final comments
  IX-Credits Section

.This section shows how to read this faq.

   /                              \
  /   ub u uf                      \
 |                    LP(X) HP(Y)   |
 |    b  N  f                       |·
 |                    LK(A) HK(B)   ||
 |    db d df                       ||
  \        ________________        /\·
   \      /\_______________\      / /
    \____/ /                \___ / /
     \___\/                  \___\/

u : press up in the d-pad.
ub: press up and back at same time in the d-pad.
uf: press up and forward at the same time in the d-pad.
b : press back in the d-pad.
db: press back and down at the same time in the d-pad.
df: press down and forward at the same time in the d-pad.
d : press down in the d-pad.
f : press forward in the d-pad.
n : neutral position on d-pad , don't hold any direction at all.

LP :light punch , X button
HP :hard punch , Y button
LK :light kick , A button
HK :hard kick , B button

P   :Press any punch button

K   :Press any kick button

?+¿ :Press ? and ¿ at the same time.

Hold ? ¿.sec :hold the '?' direction or button for '¿' seconds.

360   :rotate the d-pad 360 degrees , just push the
       d-pad from any point in a continuous circular
       motion until reaching the same point.

?/?   :any of the '?' directions or buttons can be pressed.

(air only) :the preceding move must be done in the air.

(air) :the preceding move can be done in ground and air.

(low) :the move hits low , must be crouch blocked.

(high):the move hits high ,must be high blocked.

Direction and button presses separated by ',' must be
pressed in an interrupted and continuous motion like
the '360' move.

(c) :the following move can be cancelled into special
     moves or super moves.

(C) :the following move can be cancelled into super
     moves but not into special moves.

qcf :enter d,df,f in the d-pad.

hcf :enter b,db,d,df,f in the d-pad.

qcb :enter d,db,b in the d-pad.

hcb :enter f,df,d,db,b in the d-pad.

(lvl-3):the move is a level 3/Super desperation move.
        Can only be done at level 3 in Capcom groove.
        Can only be done with the energy bar flashing
        red and the super bar at max.

Cross up:You must jump and hit the back of your enemy
         with the indicated attack.


II.Game menu

Arcade Mode-Play the Arcade version of the game.

Vs Mode    -Play Against an human opponent.

Pair Match Mode-Arcade Mode but all characters are Ratio 2.

Game Reaplay Mode-Save Vs Replay-Play against an human or com player and save the match.
                  Load Replay-Load an view the saved replay.
Training Mode-Practice your moves against a dummy,com or human opponent.

Secret Mode-Neo Geo Pocket Link-Load vs points from Neo Geo Pocket Snk vs Capcom game.

		Secret Shop-Buy secret stuff.(new colors,characters,stages,music,options-see secrets section)

		Secret List-A list of the secrets you have already bought.

 		Command List-The command list for all the characters actually availables.

Color Edit Mode-You can make two of your own colors per character.

Options Mode-Difficulty 1-8(easy-Hard)

             Time infinity-111-333-666-999.

             Damage 1-4(1-low damage-4 most damage)

             Speed Free-Normal-Turbo(free lets you choose the speed at the character select)

             Gauge Normal-Max(in normal you start with the super bar empty ,
                              in max you start with the super bar at max or lvl-3)

             Sound Monaural-Stereo(obvious)

             Music Test-(listen to the different stages music)

             Game Music Normal-Original(when original is selected the game music played
                                        is from Capcom and Snk past fighting games.
                                        Select normal and the default music is back)

             Run on-off(when run is on you can make your character run-see general characters
                        moves and secrets section)

             Dash on-off(when dash is on you can make your character perform alittle hop forward
                         -see general characters moves and secrets section)

             Default Settings-(sets :difficult to 2
                                     time 999
                                     damage 2
                                     speed free
                                     gauge normal
                                     sound stereo
                                     run off
                                     dash on)

             Button Config.(obvious)

             Display Adjust-(adjust the center of the screen)

Memory Card-Load and save the game data.(autosave makes the game save data automatically)


III.Super moves

You can input a super move at certain points during battle .
There are three levels for each super move with some exceptions,
like Ryu's Shin Shoryuken wich is level 3 only, that means if
you are in Capcom groove and your super bar displays 1 or 2 you
will not be able to perform it.

If you are in Snk groove you must fulfill one of this requirements
in order to be able to perform a super move:

a)Desperation move:
  The super bar in lower left side of the screen must be full,
  the word 'max' will be written over the bar.
  Once full the super bar will start decreasing until it empties,
  before that happens you are allowed to perform super moves that
  have level 1 versions.(Shinku Hadoken,Shinryuken,Denei spark..,
  but not level 3 based super moves or the level 3 versions of
  the super moves.)
  Once the super move is performed the super bar gets empty.

b)The energy bar at the top left side of the screen must flash red.
  When that happens you are allowed to perform level 1 super moves
  forever as long as you are alive.

c)Super desperation move:
  If you meet the a) and b) requirements at the same time now you
  can perform the level 3 versions of the super moves and level 3
  only super moves.
  You can't perform level 1 super moves if the two requirements
  are met until the super bar empties by itself or by performing
  the super move.

If you are in Capcom groove you must fulfill one of this requirements
in order to be able to perform a super move:

a)You can do level 1 super moves when the super bar displays 1,2 or 3.
  After doing the super move your super bar will decrease by 1.
b)You can do level 2 super moves when the super bar displays 2 or 3.
c)You can do level 3 super moves when the super bar displays 3.

After doing the super move your super bar will decrease by 1 if done in
level 1 version, by if done in level 2, by 3 if done in level 3.

In Snk groove you can build up the super bar holding by HP+HK, the bar
will start to increase while your chararcter is doing his charging
Also whenever you are hit or block the super bar will charge up a little.

In Capcom groove you can build your super bar anytime you do:
-A special move.
-A normal move (HP , LK...).
-You block a move or get hit by one.
-Get thrown or throw your opponent.

In Snk groove if you have more than one character and the actual character
dies the following character will have his super bar built at the same
point the preceding character had.
Note that if your dead character had his super bar at max your new
fighter will not, only the purple part of bar will be carried to the new

In Capcom groove all the super bar is carried from one fighter to another

IV.General and Character moves

High block:Hold b to block high/jump attacks.

Low block:Hold db to block low attacks.

Jumping  :Hold ub/u/uf to jump left/up/right.

Dash     :Tap f x2 to dash.
         -Your character will do a hop forward.

Retreat  :Tap b x2 to backstep.
         -Same as dash but backwards.

Run      :Tap f then tap f again and hold it.
         -Your character will run until  you release f or do something else,
          attack ,crouch,jump..

Superjump:Tap db/d/df then quickly jump bf/u/uf or run then jump uf.
         -Your character will perform a higher jump.

Roll     :Press LK+LP to roll forward.
          -Your character will pass through most of the attacks with this,
	     can only be stopped by throws or special throws.
           Can pass through your opponent too.

Retarded Stand up:After being knocked to the floor hold HP+LP , your character
                  will stand up half a second later than normaly would.

Throw escape :b/db/ub/ub/f/uf + HP/HK when being thrown

-Characters movelist Format-

 -Throw moves
  Throw name                    Command Motion -Number of hits
 -Command moves
  Command name                  Command motion -Number of hits
 -Special moves
  Move name                     Command motion -Number of hits
 -Super moves
  Move name                     Command Motion -Number of hits lvl-1/lvl-2/lvl-3
 -Cancelable attacks
 -Number of hits(normal attacks)
 -EX differences
 -EX only moves



1.Akuma/Gouki-Ratio 4.

 Seoi Nage                      f/b + HP close to the opponent .1 Hit
 Tomoe Nage                     f/b + HK close to the opponent .1 Hit

-Command moves
 Forward Kick(low)              db + HK .1 Hit
 Zugai Hasatsu(high)            f + LP  .2 Hits
 Tenma Kuujin Kyaku(air only)   d + HK (at the top of the jump) .1 Hit
-Special moves
 Gou Hadou Ken                  qcf + P       .1 Hit
 Shakunetsu Hadou Ken           hcb + P       .1/3 Hits
 Gou Shouryuu Ken               f,d,df + P    .3 Hits
 Zankuu Hadou ken (air only)    qcf + P       .1 Hit
 Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku(air)    qcb + P       .1/3 Hits
 Ashura Senku                   b,d,db/f,d,df + LP+HP/LK+HK

-Super moves
 Messatsu Gou Hadou             hcbx2 + P     .4/6/8 Hits
 Tenma Gou Zankuu(air only)     qcfx2 + P     .4/6/8 Hits
 Messatsu Gou Shouryuu          qcfx2 + P     .4/6/7 Hits
 Shun Goku Satsu                LP,LP,f,LK,HP .15 Hits

-Cancellable attacks- LP    HP   LK   HK  (Forward Kick)
-Far                  c     -    c    c         -
-Close                c     c    C    -         -
-Crouch               c     c    c    c         c
-Jump                 c     C    c    C         -

-Number of hits-      LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                   1    1    1    1
-Close                 1    1    1    2
-Crouch                1    1    1    1
-Jump                  1    1    1    1

-The Shun Goku Satsu can pass through anything at the starting point,
 it's also a throw based move so you can block it.
 You can avoid it jumping ,however you're not always allowed to
 evade it.
-Use the Ashura Senkuu Punch version to avoid getting cornered.
-The Zankuu Hadou ken can be used in the combos listed above ,use it
 in place of jumping HK/HP, this move is very useful.
-The Forward Kick is his crouch medium kick from street Fighter.
-The Shun Goku Satsu can be cancelled out of any normal move,
 even if the move you are cancelling it from doesn't connect.
-In oreder to cancel the far HK you must be close.
-The jumping HK can be cancelled into special moves if done
 jumping upwards and at the first part.
-His name is Gouki in Japan.
-The far HK is cancellable but you must be close enough.


2.Balrog(M.Bison in Japan)-Ratio 2.

 Gut Bomber                      b/f + HP close to the opponent .1 Hit
 Shoulder Throw                  b/f + HK close to the opponent .1 Hit

-Command moves
 Strong Punch                    db + HP  .1 Hit
 Forward Punch(low)              db + HK  .1 Hit
 Moving HP(air only)             in air b/f HP.1 Hit

-Special moves
 Dash Straight                   Hold b/db 2.sec.then f + P  .1 Hit
 Dash Ground Straight(low)       Hold b/db 2.sec.then df + P .1 Hit
 Dash Uppercut                   Hold b/db 2.sec.then f + K  .1 Hit
 Dash Ground Uppercut            Hold b/db 2.sec.then df + P .1 Hit
 Turn Punch                      Hold any P/K then release   .1 Hit
 Buffalo Headbutt                Hold db/d/df 2.sec.then ub/u/uf + P .1 Hit

-Super moves
 Crazy Buffalo                   Hold db/b 2.sec.then f,b/db,f + P .3/4/5 Hit(can hold K after move starts)
 Gigaton Blow(lvl-3)             Hold db/b 2.sec.then f,b/db,f + K .6 Hit

-Cancellable attacks- LP   HP   LK   HK  (Strong Punch) (Forward Punch)
-Far                  c    -    c    -          -              -
-Close                c    C    c    C          -              -
-Crouch               c    C    c    C          c              C

-Number of hits-      LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                   1    1    1    1
-Close                 1    1    1    1
-Crouch                1    1    1    1
-Jump                  1    1    1    1

-Balrog supers no longer juggles the enemy like they did in Street
 Fighter Alpha , you'll only get one hit of the blue then your foe
 falls to the floor.

-EX differences-
-No Gigaton Blow
-No Buffalo Headbutt
-Changes Shoulder Throw for Head Bomber .9/15 Hits
-No ground versions.
-Close HP changes to his Close MP from Alpha 3, is super cancellable.
-Crouch LK changes to a rapid version of the Strong Punch.


-His name is M.Bison in Japan.
-Holding K after Crazy Buffalo starts cuses Balrog to do uppercuts
 instead of straight punches.
-The Dash Ground punch versions wil knock down the opponent.
-The Turn Punch can be charged , it has 10 levels,when you
 release the button  at level 10 he'll say Final!! and deliver
 the most damaging version of the Turn Punch.
 You can charge four Turn Punches by pressing the for buttons ,
 then you can release them one by one.(good luck trying to fight
 in that way)
 The levels of the Turn Punch charges like this:

  Level       Hold the button for
   1               2 sec.
   2               3 sec.
   3               4 sec.
   4               7 sec.
   5               13 sec.
   6               20 sec.
   7               28 sec.
   8               38 sec.
final              48 sec.

3.Benimaru Nikaido-Ratio 1.

 Front Suplex                        b/f + HP close to the opponent .1 Hit
 Catch and Shoot                     b/f + HK close to the opponent .1 Hit
 Spinning Knee Drop(air Only)        db/df/ub/uf + HP .1 Hit

-Command moves
 Forward/Back HK                     b/f + HK .1 Hit
 Drill Kick(air only)                d + HK .Number of hits depends on the opponent height.

-Special moves
 Raijin ken                          qcf + LP   .1 Hit
                                     qcf + HP   .1 Hit
                                     qcf + HPx2 .2 Hits
                                     qcf + HPx3 .3 HIts
 Iai Geri                            qcf + K    .1 Hit
 Shinkuu Katate-goma                 hcb + K    .1 Hit
 Shinkuu Katate-goma cancel          LP+LK+HP+HK

-Super moves
 Raikou Ken                          qcfx2 + P.5/8/10 Hits
 Denei Spark                         qcbx2 + P.3/4/5

-Cancellable attacks- LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                  c    C    C    -
-Close                c    c    c    c
-Crouch               c    C    c    C

-Number of hits-      LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                   1    1    1    1
-Close                 1    1    1    1
-Crouch                1    1    1    1
-Jump                  1    1    1    1

-EX Differences-
-No 2 hits,3 hits Raijin Ken versions.
-Shinku Katate-goma hits 3/5 times before knocking down,
 also pushes your foe away if blocked, instead of sucking
 him/her in.
-No Denei Spark.
-No Forward/Back HK.
-Taikuu Raikou Ken can be used in some combos instead of
 Raikou Ken.

-EX only moves-

-Command Moves
 Jackknife Kick             f + LK.1 Hit

-Special Moves
 Shinkuu Katate-goma        hcb + K    .3/5 Hits
 Taikuu Raijin Ken          f,d,df + P.1 Hit
 Benimaru Corridor Crunch   hcb,f  + P close to the opponent .1 Hit

-Super Moves
 Taikuu Raikou Ken          qcfx2 + K.5/8/10 Hits
 Elec-Trigger               hcbx2 + P close to the opponent .?

-His Drill Kick is hard to combo from ,but possible.
 It can be crouch blocked.
-The Forward/Back HK can pass over most sweeps.

4.Blanka-Ratio 1.

 Head Bite and Kick                b/f + HP close to the opponent then push P rapidly .7/11 Hits
 Head Bite and Roll	           b/f + HK close to the opponent .1 Hit

-Command Moves
 Rock Crush                        b + HP .2 Hits
 Amazon River Run(low)             df + HP.1 Hit
 Forward Kick(low)                 db + HK.1 Hit

-Special Moves
 Rolling Attack                    Hold b/db 2.sec.then f + P.1 Hit
 Vertical Rolling Attack           Hold d/db 2.sec.then ub/uf/u + k.1 Hit
 Backstep Rolling Attack           Hold b/db 2.sec.then f + K.1 Hit
 Electric Thunder                  Press any P rapidly.1 Hit
 Surprise Forward                  n/f + HK+LK.
 Surprise Back                     b + HK+LK.

-Super Moves
 Direct Lightning                  Hold b/db 2.sec.then f/df,b/db,f + P.1 Hit
 Shout of Earth                    Hold d/db/df 2.sec.then df/f,b/db,ub/u/uf + P then push P rapidly.7/9/15 Hit

-Cancellable Attacks- LP   HP   LK   HK (Rock Crush) (Forward Kick)
-Far                  c    C    C    -       c             -
-Close                c    C    c    -       c             -
-Crouch               C    C    c    C       -             c

-Number of hits-      LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                   1    1    1    1
-Close                 1    1    2    1
-Crouch                1    1    1    1
-Jump                  1    1    1    1

-EX Differences-
-No Vertical Rolling Attack.
-No Backstep Rolling Attack.
-No Shout of Earth.
-No Direct Lightning

-EX only moves
-Super Moves
 Ground Shave Rolling           Hold b/db 2.sec.then f/df,b/db,f + P Hold P to delay .3/4/5 Hits

-The Ground Shave Rolling can be delayed after the first hit.
-The Surprise Back/Forward moves can go over most Sweeps.
-The Amazon River Run can go under firebals
-The Rock Crush is only cancellable on the first hit

5.Cammy-Ratio 1.

 Hooligan Suplex                 b/f + HP close to the opponent .1 Hit
 Frankensteiner                  b/f + HK close to the opponent .1 Hit
 Flying Neck Hunt(air only)      Any direction but u/d + HP
 Air Frankensteiner(air only)    Any direction but u/d + HK

-Command Moves
 Strong Punch                    db + HP.1 Hit
 Forward Kick(low)               db + HK.1 Hit

-Special Moves
 Spiral Arrow                    qcf + K.1/2 Hit
 Cannon Spike                    f,d,df + K.1 Hit
 Axle Spin Knuckle               hcb + P.2 Hit
 Hooligan Combination            db,qcf,uf + P
 Razor Edge Slicer(low)          Do nothing after Hooligan Combination.1 Hit
 Fatal Leg Twister               b/f + K when close to the head after Hooligan Combination.1 Hit
 Cross Scissor Pressure          b/f + K when close to the body after Hooligan Combination.1 Hit

-Super Moves
 Spin Drive Smasher              qcf,d,df + K .6/7/9 Hits

-Cancellable Attacks- LP   HP   LK   HK (Storng Punch) (Forward Kick)
-Far                  c    c    C    -       -             -
-Close                c    c    c    -       -             -
-Crouch               c    -    c    C       c             c

-Number of hits-      LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                   1    1    1    1
-Close                 1    1    1    1
-Crouch                1    1    1    1
-Jump                  1    1    1    1

-EX differences-
-No Spiral Arrow

-EX only moves
-Special moves
 Cannon Strike(air only)	qcb + K
					K after Hooligan Combination.1 Hit

-Super Moves
 Reverse Shaft Breaker        qcb,d,db + K press K rapidly .9/12/15

-Only the first part of the far HP is cancellable ,
 however it's super cancellable at any point.
-You can combo after a Cannon Strike but is very dificult,
 try hitting the toe of your foe.
-The Spiral Arrow can go under firebals

6.Chun li-Ratio 2.

 Koshuu Tou                      b/f + HP close to the opponent .1 Hit
 (back kick throw)	  	   b/f + HK close to the opponent .1 Hit
 Ryuusei Raku                    Any direction but u/d + HP .1 Hit

-Command moves
 Kaku Kyaku Raku(high)           df + LK .1 Hit
 Yousou Kyaku(air only)          d + HK .1 Hit
 Sankaku Tobi                    Jump against a wall, press uf
 Forward Kick                    db + HK .1 Hit

-Special moves
 Kikou Ken                       hcf + P .1 hit
 Hyakuretsu Kyaku                Press K rapidly .3-5 Hit
 Tenshou Kyaku                   Hold  d/db/df 2.sec. then ub/u/uf + K .2/3 Hits
 Spinning Bird Kick(air)         Hold db/b 2.sec. then f + K .1 Hit

-Super moves
 Kikou Shou                      qcf,qcf + P .4/6/9 Hits
 Senretsu Kyaku                  Hold db/b 2.sec. then f/df,db/b,f + K .5/6/7 Hits
 Hazan Tenshou Kyaku             Hold db 2.sec. then f/df,db/b,ub/u/uf + K .7/8/9 Hits

-Cancellable Attacks- LP   HP   LK   HK (Forward Kick)
-Far                  c    c    C    C       -
-Close                c    c    c    C       -
-Crouch               c    c    c    C       C

-Number of hits-      LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                   1    1    1    1
-Close                 1    1    1    1
-Crouch                1    1    1    1
-Jump                  1    1    1    2

-EX differences-
-No Kikou Ken
-No Tenshou Kyaku
-No Kikou Shou.
-No Hazan Tenshou Kyaku
-Different jump up HK
-Different Far HK(C)
-EX only moves-

-Special moves
 Spinning Bird Kick		Hold  d/db/df 2.sec. then ub/u/uf + K .1/2 Hits

-Super moves
 Spinning Hornet Kick         Hold db 2.sec. then f/df,db/b,ub/u/uf + K .5/11/15 Hits

-The Yousou Kyaku can be repeated or do other move after it.
7.Dhalsim-Ratio 1.

 Yoga Noogie		    b/f + HP close to the opponent then push P rapidly .7/15 Hits
 Yoga Throw			    b/f + HK close to the opponent.1 Hit

-Command moves
 Strong Punch               b + HP .1 Hit
 Yoga Palm                  f + LP .1 Hit
 Low Jab 			    db + LP.1 Hit
 Low Fierce                 db + HP.1 Hit
 Short Kick                 b + LK .1 Hit
 Roundhouse Kick(low)       b + HK .1 Hit
 Low Short(low)             db + LK.1 Hit
 Low Roundhouse(low)        db + HK.1 Hit
 Drill Zutsuki(air only)    d + Hp.1 Hit
 Drill Kick(air only)       d + Hk.1 Hit
 Jump Jab(air only)         u then b + LP.1 Hit
 Jump Strong(air only)      ub/uf then b + LP.1 Hit
 Jump Fierce(air only)      ub/u/uf then b + HP.1 Hit
 Jump Short(air only)       ub/u/uf then b + LK.1 Hit
 Jump Roundhouse(air only)  ub/u/uf then b + HK.1 Hit

-Special moves
 Yoga Fire			    qcf + P.1 Hit
 Yoga Flame                 hcb + P.1 Hit
 Yoga Blast                 hcb + k.1 Hit
 Yoga Teleport              b,d,db/f,d,df + LP+HP/LK+HK

-Super moves
 Yoga Stream(low)  	    qcfx2 + P.3/4/5 Hits
 Yoga Vulcan		    qcfx2 + K.3/4/5 Hits

-Cancellable Attacks- LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                  c    -    C    -
-Crouch               -    -    c    C

(Low jab)(Low Fierce)(Low Short)(low Roundhouse)(Yoga Palm)(Strong Punch)(Low Short)(Low Roundhouse)
    c         c           c            c             c           c            c            c

(Far Forward)(Far Strong)(Double Headbutt)
       C          C             cC

-Number of hits-      LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                   1    1    1    1
-Close                 1    1    1    1
-Crouch                1    1    1    1
-Jump                  1    1    1    1

-EX differences-
-No Yoga Stream.
-No Yoga Tempest.
-No Strong Punch.

-EX only moves-

-Command moves
 Double HeadButt			close to the opponent n/b + HP.2 Hits
 Far Strong				n/b + Hp.1 Hit
 Fierce Punch                 f + HP.1 Hit
 Far Forward                  n/b + HK.1 Hit
 Roundhouse Kick              f + HK.1 Hit
 Drill Kick(air only)         d + K.1 Hit

-Special moves
 Yoga Flame				hcf + P.1 Hit
 Yoga Blast				hcf + K.1 Hit

-Super moves
 Yoga Tempest			hcfx2 P.3/4/5 Hits

-The first hit of the Double Headbutt is cancellable ,
 but the second hit is super cancellable.
 Use this move instead of the Strong Punch in EX mode.
-In EX mode the LK Drill Kick is the Normal HK Drill ,
 the HK Drill Kick is the Roundhouse Drill from Alpha 3.
-Use the Teleport move to avoid getting cornered.
-The Roundhouse and Far Forward are realy fast to come
 out unlike in previous versions.

8.Edmond Honda-Ratio 2.

 Tawara Nage                   b/f + HP close to the opponent.1 Hit
 Saba ori                      b/f + HK close to the opponent then push K rapidly .7/11 Hits

-Command moves
 Flying Sumo Press(air only)   d + HK.1 Hit
 Harai-Geri(low)               b/f + HK.1 Hit

-Special Moves
 Super Zutsuki         		 Hold b/db 2.sec.then f + P.2/1 Hit
 Super Hyakkan Otoshi          Hold d/db 2.sec.then ub/u/uf + K.1 Hit
 Ooichou Nage                  360 + P close to the opponent.2 Hits

-Super moves
 Oni Musou                     Hold b/db 2.sec.then f/df,b/db,f + P.4/5/10 Hits
 Orochi Kudaki(lvl-3)          360x2 + P close to the opponent.3 Hits

-Cancellable Attacks- LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                  c    -    c    -
-Close                c    C    c    C
-Crouch               c    C    c    C

(Crouch Strong)(Stand Strong)(Crouch Forward)(Stand Forward)
       C             C             cC              -

-Number of hits-      LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                   1    1    1    2
-Close                 1    1    1    2
-Crouch                1    1    1    1
-Jump                  1    1    1    1

-EX differences-
-No Super Hyakkan Otoshi
-No Orochi Kudaki

-EX only moves
-Command Moves
 Stand Strong              b + HP.1 Hit
 Crouch Strong             db + HP.1 Hit
 Stand Forward             Close to your opponent n + HK.2 Hits
 Crouch Forward            db + HK.2 Hits

-The Crouch Forward is special cancellable in the first hit and
 super cancellable at any hit.
-His HK is super cancellable in the first hit.
-The Oni Musou no longer juggles your enemy.

9.Geese Howard-Ratio 3.

 (over the head throw)        b/f + HP close to the opponent.1 Hit
 (ground slam)                b/f + HK close to the opponent.1 Hit

-Command moves
 (Forehand Blow)              f + HP.1 Hit

-Special moves
 Reppu Ken                    qcf + LP.1 Hit
 Double Reppu Ken             qcf + HP.2 Hits
 Shippu Ken(air only          qcb + P.1 Hit
 Atemi Nage-Joudan            hcb + LP
 Atemi Nage-Chuudan           hcb + HP
 Atemi Nage-Gedan	            hcb + LK

-Super moves
 Raising Storm                db,hcb,df + P.3/4/5 Hits(good luck!)
 Deadly Rave(lvl-3)           hcb + LK after move hits LPx2,LKx2,HPx2,HKx2,qcb + HP.10 Hits

-Cancellable Attacks- LP   HP   LK   HK (Forehand Blow)
-Far                  c    -    c    -       c
-Close                c    c    c    c       c
-Crouch               c    c    c    c       -

-Number of hits-      LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                   1    1    1    1
-Close                 1    1    1    2
-Crouch                1    1    1    1
-Jump                  1    2    1    1

-EX diferences-
-No Atemi-Nage Gedan
-No Shippu Ken

-EX only moves
-Special moves
 EX Reppu Ken		      qcf + LP.1 Hit
 EX Double Reppu Ken    	qcf + HP.2 Hits
 Jaei Ken                     hcb + K .3 Hits

-The EX Reppu Kens are the wind versions of KOF 96.
-The Raising Storm is a hell of a dificult move to use
 in combos (not to mention in the heat of a battle)
-The Atemi-Nage(Joudan) can stop Special moves like
 Balrog's Dash Punches ,Blanka's Rolling Attack,
 Vice's Da Cide ,Ryu's Shouryuu Ken, etc.
 (any physical based Special move that hits)
 It can't stop Super moves.
10.Guile-Ratio 2.

 (shoulder throw)               b/f + HP close to the opponent.1 Hit
 (dragon suplex)                b/f + HK close to the opponent.1 Hit
 (flying side throw)(air only)  Any direction but u/d + HP.1 Hit
 (flying back breaker)(air only)Any direction but u/d + HP.1 Hit

-Command moves
 Spinning Backfist            f + HP.1 Hit
 Rolling Sobat                b/f + LK.1 Hit
 Roundhouse Kick(low)         df + HK.1 Hit

-Special moves
 Sonic Boom                   Hold b/db 2.sec.then f + P.1 Hit
 Somersault Kick              Hold db/d/df 2.sec.then ub/u/uf + K.1 Hit

-Super moves
 Total Wipeout                Hold b/db 2.sec.then f/df,b/db,f + P.3/4/5 Hits
 Somersault Strike            Hold db 2.sec. then f/df,db/b,ub/u/uf + K .6/8/10 Hits

-Cancellable Attacks- LP   HP   LK   HK (Roundhouse)(Crouch Strong)
-Far                  c    C    C    -       -             -
-Close                c    c    C    -       -             -
-Crouch               c    C    C    C       C             c

-Number of hits-      LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                   1    1    1    1
-Close                 1    1    1    1
-Crouch                1    1    1    1
-Jump                  1    1    1    1

-EX differences-
-No Total Wipeout.
-No Rolling Sobat.

-EX only moves
-Command moves
 Crouch Strong     	db + HP.1 Hit

-The crouch strong is his middle punch from Alpha 3.
-He's a damn killer , throw a Sonic Boom then run
 behind , you'll hit before the Sonic Boom.
-You can charge db while rolling , that allows you
 to advance and do a special move anytime.

11.Iori-Ratio 2.

 Sakahagi                         b/f + HP/HK close to the opponent.1 Hit

-Command moves
 Ge Shiki :Yuri Ori(air only)     b + LK.1 Hit
 Ge Shiki :Goufu In "Shinigame"   f + LK.1 Hit(high)

-Special moves
 108 Shiki: Yami Barai            qcf + P.1 Hit
 100 Shiki: Oniyaki               f,d,df + P.1/3 Hits
 127 Shiki: Aoi Hana              qcb + P  x3.3 Hits
 212 Shiki: Kototsuki In          hcb + K.2 Hits
 Kuzukaze                         hcb,f + P close to the opponent.1 Hit

-Super moves
 Kin 1211 Shiki: Ya Otome         qcf,hcb + P.9/11/13 Hits
 Ura 108 Shiki: Ya Sakazuki       qcb,hcf + P.4/5/6 Hits

-Cancellable Attacks- LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                  c    c    C    -
-Close                c    c    c    C
-Crouch               c    c    c    -

-Number of hits-      LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                   1    1    1    1
-Close                 1    1    1    1
-Crouch                1    1    1    1
-Jump                  1    1    1    1

-Good recovery time after fireballs.
-Excellent speed in Kin 1211 Shiki: Ya Otome.
-Crouch HK has very good range.

12.Orochi Iori-Ratio 4.

 Sakahagi			          b/f + HP/HK close to the opponent.1 Hit

-Command moves
 Ge Shiki :Yuri Ori(air only)     b + LK.1 Hit
 Ge Shiki :Goufu In "Shinigame"   f + LK.1 Hit(high)

-Special moves
 108 Shiki: Yami Barai            qcf + P.1 Hit
 100 Shiki: Oniyaki               f,d,df + P.1/3 Hits
 127 Shiki: Aoi Hana              qcb + P  x3.3 Hits
 212 Shiki: Kototsuki In          hcb + K.2 Hits
 Kuzukaze                         hcb,f + P close to the opponent.1 Hit

-Super moves
 Kin 1211 Shiki: Ya Otome         qcf,hcb + P.9/11/13 Hits
 Ura 100 Shiki Oni Honou          qcf,d,df + P.4/6/7 Hits

-Cancellable Attacks- LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                  c    c    C    -
-Close                c    c    c    C
-Crouch               c    c    c    -

-Number of hits-      LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                   1    1    1    1
-Close                 1    1    1    1
-Crouch                1    1    1    1
-Jump                  1    1    1    1

-Good recovery time after fireballs.
-Excellent speed in Kin 1211 Shiki: Ya Otome.
-Crouch HK has very good range.
-Very high but quick jump.
-Impresive speed.
-The Fire Wave is a Shouryuu Reppa clone.

13.Ken Masters-Ratio 2.

 Seoi Nage                      f/b + HP close to the opponent.1 Hit
 Jigoku-Guruma                  f/b + HK close to the opponent.1 Hit
 Jigoku-Fuusha(air only)        Any direction but u/d + HP.1 Hit

-Command moves
 Inazuma Kakato Wari(high)      f + LK.1 Hit

-Special moves
 Hadou Ken                      qcf + P.1 Hit
 Zenpou Tenshin                 qcb + P
 Shouryuu Ken                   f,d,df + P.1/3 Hits
 Ryusen Kyaku(high)             f,d,df + K.2 Hits
 Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku(air)    qcb + P.4/7 Hits?

-Super moves
 Shouryuu Reppa                 qcf,d,df + P.4/6/7 Hits
 Shinryuu Ken                   qcf,d,df + K then press b/f + K rapidly.9/13/17 Hits
 Shippu Jinrai Kyaku(lvl-3)     qcbx2 + K.11/12 Hits

-Cancellable Attacks- LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                  c    C    c    -
-Close                c    c    c    -
-Crouch               c    c    c    c
-Jump                 c    -    c    C(up)

-Number of hits-      LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                   1    1    1    1
-Close                 1    1    1    1
-Crouch                1    1    1    1
-Jump                  1    1    1    1

-EX differences-
-No Ryusen Kyaku.
-No Zenpou Tenshin.
-No Shinryuu Ken.
-No Shippu Jinrai Kyaku.

-EX only Moves
-Special moves
 Nataotoshi-geri                f,df,d + K.1 Hit
 Kamabarai-geri                 d,df,f + K.2 Hits
 Oosoto Mawashi-geri 		  hcf + K.1 Hit
 Inazuma Kakato Wari            Hold K after any of the special kicks.1 Hit

-Holding K after Kamabarai-geri will make it hit only once then
 go into the Inazuma Kakato Wari.
-The Inazuma Kakato Wari won't combo from the special kicks.
-The Shippu Jinrai Kyaku will hit 12 times if done in the corner.
14.Kim Kaphwan-Ratio 2.

 (triple kick)                   b/f + HK close to the opponent.3 Hits
 Sakkyaku Nage                   b/f + HP close to the opponent.1 Hit

-Command moves
 Neri Chagi(high)                f + HK.1 Hit

-Special moves
 Hangetsu Zan                    qcb + K.2 Hits
 Haki Kyaku                      d,d + K.1 Hit
 Hishou Kyaku(air only)		   qcf + K.3/5 Hits(variable hits)
 Hien Zan				   Hold db/d/df 2.sec.then ub/u/uf + K.1 Hit
 Tenshou Zan                     After HK Hien Zan d + HK.1 Hit
 stance change                   After HK or Neri Chagi Hold HK.
 side jump HK                    After stance change b/f LP.Hit
 Reverse Neri Chagi              After stance change HP.1 Hit
 spin side kick                  After stance change LK.1 Hit

-Super moves
 Hou'ou Tenbu Kyaku              qcb,db,f + K.7/9/11 Hits
 Hou'ou Kyaku(air only)          qcf,hcb + K.14/16/17 Hits

-Cancellable Attacks- LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                  c    -    C    -
-Close                c    c    c    -
-Crouch               c    C    c    c
-Jump                 C    C    -    -

-Number of hits-      LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                   1    1    1    1
-Close                 1    2    1    1
-Crouch                1    1    1    1
-Jump                  1    1    1    1
-EX diferences-
-No stance change.
-No Hien Zan
-No Tenshou Zan.
-No Hou'ou Tenbu Kyaku.

-EX only moves
-Special moves
 Kuu Sajin			Hold db/d/df 2.sec.then ub/u/uf + P.2/3 Hits

-Super moves
 Hou'ou Hiten Kyaku     qcfx2 + K.1 Hit

-The side jump HK goes over sweeps.
-The Hien Zan is not invincible at the start,
 unlike Guile.

15.King-Ratio 1.

 Hook Buster                  b/f + HP close to the opponent.2 Hits
 Hold Rush                    b/f + HK close to the opponent.1 Hit

-Command moves
 Sliding Kick(low)            df + HK.1 Hit

-Special moves
 Venom Strike                 qcf + K.1 Hit
 Double Strike                qcfx2 + K.2 Hits
 Surprise Rose                f,d,df + K.5 Hits
 Trap Shot	                  b,d,db + K.6/10 Hits
 Tornado Kick                 hcb + K.2 Hits

-Super moves
 Illusion Dance               qcf,hcb + K.9/11/13 Hits
 Silent Flash                 qcbx2 + K.3/6/11 Hits

-Cancellable Attacks- LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                  c    C    c    C
-Close                c    c    c    -
-Crouch               c    c    c    c
-Jump                 -    -    -    -

-Number of hits-      LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                   1    1    1    1
-Close                 1    1    1    2
-Crouch                1    1    1    1
-Jump                  1    1    1    1

-EX differences-
-No Surprise Rose.
-No Silent Flash.
-Double Strike is a super move.
-No Tornado Kick.

-EX only moves
-Special moves
 Moshu Kyaku                  qcb + K.5/7 hits
 Tobi Nidan Shisshukuri	      f,d,df + K.2 Hits

-Super moves
 Double Strike                f,b,f,df,d + K.4/6/8 Hits

-Use the lvl-1 Silent Flash as an anti-air move.
-The Sliding Kick goes under fireballs.
-Use the Double Strike super to snuff Shinkuu Hadouken style supers.
16.Kyo Kusanagi-Ratio 2.

 Hatsugane                        b/f + HP.1 Hit
 Issetsu Seoi Nage                b/f + HK.2 Hits

-Command moves
 Ge Shiki: Naraku Otoshi(air only)d + HP  .1 Hit
 Ge Shiki: Goufu You(high)        f + LK  .1 Hit
 88 Shiki(low)                    df + HK .2 Hits

-Special moves
 114 Shiki: Aragami               qcf + P.1 Hit
 128 Shiki: Kuno Kizu             After Aragami qcf + P.1 Hit
 127 Shiki: Yano Sabi(high)       After Aragami hcb + P.1 Hit
 127 Shiki: Yano Sabi(high)       After Kuno Kizu press P.1 Hit
 Ge Shiki : Migiri Ugachi         After Yano Sabi press P.1 Hit
 125 Shiki: Nanase                After Kuno Kizu/Yano Sabi press K.1 Hit
 100 Shiki: Oniyaki               f,d,df + P .1/2 Hits
 R.E.D. Kick(high)                b,d,db + K .1 Hit
 202 Shiki: Kototsuki You         hcb + K .2 Hits

-Aragami Combo Chart-                           3
                                           -Yano Sabi
                            2            /(Rusting Eight Combos)
                  ------Kuno Kizu-------
      1         /   (Nine Scars Maker)   \
----Aragami----                            -Nanase
 (Wicked Chew)  \	       	           /(Seven Hurting Combos)
                  -----Yano Sabi--------
                  (Rusting Eight Combos) \
                                           -Migiri Ugachi
                                          (Flashing Slash)

-Super moves
 Ura 108 Shiki: Orochi Nagi       qcb,hcf + P then hold P to delay.1/2/6
 Saishuu Kessen Ougi "Mu Shiki"   qcfx2 + P.5/9/11 Hits

-Cancellable Attacks- LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                  c    -    -    -
-Close                c    c    c    c
-Crouch               c    c    c    -
-Jump                 -    -    -    -

-Number of hits-      LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                   1    1    1    1
-Close                 1    1    1    1
-Crouch                1    1    1    1
-Jump                  1    1    1    1

-EX differences-
-No Aragami combos.
-No R.e.d. Kick
-No Saishuu Kessen Ougi "Mu Shiki"

-EX only moves-
-Special moves
 Yami Barai	                    qcf + P.1 Hit
 75 Shiki Kai                   qcf + K,K.2 Hits
 Oboro Guruma                   f,d,df + K.1/3 Hits

-You can hit the opponent with anything after the HK 75 Shiki Kai
 version , but only with the lvl-3 Orochi Nagi after the LK version.
-Despite what other people thinks i find Kyo's Oniyaki better than
 the Shouryuu Ken because of the ground range.
 It also has better invulnerability than in KOF.
-See final comments for more.

17.Mai Shiranui-Ratio 2.

 Shiranui Gourin                    b/f + HP close to the opponent.1 Hit
 Fuusha Kuzushi   	            b/f + HK close to the opponent.1 Hit
 Yume Zakura  	                  Any direction but u/d + HP .1 Hit

-Command moves
 Sankaku Tobi                   	Jump b against a wall, then press uf
 (upwards fan strike)               f + HP.1 Hit

-Special moves
 Kachou Sen                     	qcf + P.1 Hit
 Ryuu Enbu                      	qcb + P.1/2 Hits
 Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi             hcf + K.2 Hits
 Musasabi no Mai(Chijou)            Hold db/d/df 2.sec.then ub/u/uf + P.1 Hit
 Musasabi no Mai(Kuuchuu)(air only) qcb + P.1 Hit

-Super moves
 Chou Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi        qcb,hcf + K.7/8/11 Hits
 Beni Suzaku(air only)              qcb,qcb + P.3/4/5 Hits

-Cancellable Attacks- LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                  C    c    -    -
-Close                c    c    c    C
-Crouch               c    c    c    c
-Jump                 C    C    C    C

-Number of hits-      LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                   1    1    1    1
-Close                 1    1    1    1
-Crouch                1    1    1    1
-Jump                  1    1    1    1

-EX diferences-
-No Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi
-No Beni Suzaku

-EX only moves
-Special moves
 Kagero no Mai                      Hold db/d/df 2.sec.then ub/u/uf + P.1/3 Hit

-Super moves
 Mizutori no Mai                    qcfx2 + P.3/3/5 Hits

-Difference between (Chijou) and (Kuuchuu):
 (Chijou) :performed in ground.
	     Doing ub + P makes Mai go to the wall behind her.
           Doing uf + P makes Mai go to the wall in front of her.
           If you are close to the wall behind and do ub + P ,
           she'll not go to the top of the screen before diving,
           instead she'll bounce at a less height than normal.
 (Kuuchuu):performed in air.
           You can do it at any time in air.
-The Kagero no Mai must be used as an anti-air move ,
 but is difficult not to be hit out of it.
-The lvl-3 Chou Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi works different from
 the lvl-1/2 , it jumps directly ,it won't roll before and
 is way faster.
-The Ryu En Bu can negate fireballs
-Fast jump.

18.M.Bison(Vega in Japan)-Ratio 3.

 Deadly Throw                 b/f + HP close to the opponent.1 Hit
 Dead Rise                    b/f + HK close to the opponent.2 Hits

-Special moves
 Psycho Vanish                f,d,df + P.3/5 Hits
 Psycho Impact                Hold b/db 2.sec.then f + P.2 Hits
 Double Knee Press            Hold b/db 2.sec.then f + K.2 Hits
 Head Press                   Hold db/d/df 2.sec.then ub/u/uf + K.1 Hit
 Somersault Skull Diver       After Head Press press P.1 Hit
 Somersault Skull Diver       Hold db/d/df 2.sec.then ub/u/uf + P to jump then P to attack.1 Hit

-Super moves
 Heartbreak Despair           Hold b/db 2.sec.then f/df,b/db,f + P.5/6/7 Hits
 Knee Press Nightmare	      Hold b/db 2.sec.then f/df,b/db,f + K.4/5/8 Hits

-Cancellable Attacks- LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                  c    c    c    -
-Close                c    C    c    -
-Crouch               c    C    c    C
-Jump                 -    -    -    -

-Number of hits-      LP   HP   LK   HK (Double HP)
-Far                   1    1    1    1      -
-Close                 1    1    1    1	   -
-Crouch                1    1    1    1      -
-Jump                  1    1    1    1      2

-EX diferences-
-No Heartbreak Despair.
-No Psycho Vanish.
-No Psycho Impact.
-Somersault Skull Diver d then u + P Changes
 to Devil Reverse.
-Jump HP Changes to Double HP.

-EX only moves
-Command moves
 (Double HP)(air only)   	jump ub/uf then HPx2.1 Hit(each punch)
-Special moves
 Psycho Crusher               Hold b/db 2.sec.then f + P.1 Hit
 Devil Reverse                Hold db/d/df 2.sec.then ub/u/uf + P to jump then P to attack.1 Hit

-The Far HP is special-cancellable in the first part and
 super-cancellable at any point.
-The Double HP will knock if hits someone in the air ,
 hit HP again to hit with another HP.
-The Far HP is a good anti-air move
-The Psycho Crusher is very fast.(use it a lot)

19.Morrigan Aensland-Ratio 2.

 (over the shoulder throw)          b/f + HP close to the opponent.1 Hit
 (extended arm throw)               b/f + HK close to the opponent.1 Hit

-Command attacks
 Fierce Punch                       df/f + HP.1 Hit
 Roundhouse Kick                    df/f + HK.1/4 Hits
 Shell Kick(air only)               d + K.3 Hits

-Special moves
 Soul Fist(air)                     qcf + P.1 Hit
 Shadow Blade                       f,d,df + P.1 Hit
 Vector Drain                       hcb + P close to the opponent.1 Hit

-Super moves
 Cardinal Blade                     qcf,d,df + P.6/8/8 Hits
 Valkyrie Turn(air)                 qcb + K then press K again.variable Hits
 Darkness Illusion(lvl-3)           preess LP,LP,f/df,LK,HP.27 Hits

-Cancellable Attacks- LP   HP   LK   HK (Fierce Punch)(Roundhouse Kick)
-Far                  c    -    c    -        -              -
-Close                c    c    C    c        c              -
-Crouch               c    C    c    C        -              C
-Jump                 c    -    c    -        -              -

-Number of hits-      LP   HP   LK   HK (Fierce Punch)(Roundhouse Kick)
-Far                   1    1    1    1      1			  1
-Close                 1    1    1    4	   1                4
-Crouch                2    1    1    1      1                1
-Jump                  1    1    1    1      1                1

-You can cancel the Darkness Illusion from any attack
-The Fierce Punch and Roundhouse Kick have close versions.
-Morrigan can do her chain combo from Dark Stalkers ,
 there go that way:

 -combo chart-

 LP->LK->HP->HK->Fierce Punch->Roundhouse Kick.

 You can mix the Stand/Crouch versions in the
 middle of the combo.
 You can also omit the moves in the middle and
 jump to the next but not go back ,the combo
 chart only works the forward way.
-See the Combo Section for examples.

20.Nakoruru-Ratio 2.

 (stomach stab)                     b/f + HP close to the opponent.1 Hit
 (triple kick throw)                b/f + HK close to the opponent.3 Hit

-Command moves
 (crouch fierce)(low)               df + HP.1 Hit
 Sankaku Tobi                       Jump against a wall, press uf

-Special moves
 Annu Mutsube(low)                  b,db,d + P.1 Hit
 Lela Mutsube                       qcf + P.1 Hit
 Amube Yatoro                       hcb + P.1 Hit
 Shichikapu Etu Brute               hcf + K.1 Hit
 Mamahaha Nitsukamaru               qcb + K
 Mamahaha Tsukamaki Kougeki         after  Mamahaha Grab press LP.1 Hit
                                    after  Mamahaha Grab press HP.1 Hit
                                    after  Mamahaha Grab press LK.1 Hit
 Mamahaha Kara Okiru                after  Mamahaha Grab press HK.
 Kamui Mutsube                      after  Mamahaha Grab qcf + P.1 Hit
 Shichikapu Ai                      after  Mamahaha Grab qcb + P.1 Hit
-Super moves
 Shichikapu Kamui Irushika          hcbx2 + P.3/4/5 Hits
 Shirikoro Kamui Nomi(lvl-3)        qcfx2 + K press LP+HP+LK+HK to cancel.

-Cancellable Attacks- LP   HP   LK   HK (crouch fierce)
-Far                  c    c    C    -        -
-Close                c    c    C    -        -
-Crouch               c    c    c    C        -
-Jump                 -    -    -    -        -

-Number of hits-      LP   HP   LK   HK (Fierce Punch)
-Far                   1    1    1    1      -			
-Close                 1    2    1    2	   -
-Crouch                1    1    1    1      1
-Jump                  1    1    1    1      -

-The Shirikoro Kamui Nomi is a healing move ,it will
 recover 1/5 of your health.
-The Shichikapu Etu Brute will make Mamahaha hit and stay a second
 in front of your foe , if close enough Mamahaha will hit again.
 The move must connect in the first part or else Mamahaha will fly
 back to you instead of hitting a second time.
-In order to be able to do some of the moves Mamahaha must be above
 you , it doesn't count if she's in your shoulder.
-Also if you're hit before the move comes out , Mamahaha will stop
 the move and go back.
 See below to know wich moves must be done with Mamahaha above.

 Mamahaha move list:

 Amube Yatoro				
 Shichikapu Etu Brute			
 Mamahaha Nitsukamaru			
 Shichikapu Kamui Irushika		

21.Raiden-Ratio 2.

 Piledriver                   b/f + HP close to the opponent.1 Hit
 Bear Hug                     b/f + HK close to the opponent.7/11 Hit

-Command moves
 Bear Stomp                   df + HK close to the opponent.1 Hit
 Body Press(air only)(high)   db/d/df + HP.1 Hit

-Special moves
 Doku Giri                    hcb + P.1 Hit
 Giant Bomb                   Hold b/db 2.sec.then f + P.1 Hits
 Super Drop Kick              Hold K then release.1 Hit
 Thunder Crush Bomb           360 + K close to the opponent.1 Hit
 Raiden Combination Body Blow b,d,db + P.1 Hit
 Headbutt                     after Raiden Combination Body Blow d,db,b + P.1 Hit
 Front Suplex                 after Raiden Combination Body Blow d,db,b + K.1 Hit

-Super moves
 Destruction Drop            360x2 + K close to the opponent.2/3/4 Hit
 Flame Breath                 hcbx2 + P.3/4/5 Hits

-Cancellable Attacks- LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                  c    -    C    -
-Close                c    C    c    -
-Crouch               c    c    c    -
-Jump                 -    -    -    -

-Number of hits-      LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                   1    1    1    1    			
-Close                 1    1    1    1	
-Crouch                1    1    1    1
-Jump                  1    1    1    1

-EX Diferences-
-No Raiden Combination
-No Flame Breath

-EX only moves
-Special Moves
 Jumping Lariat Drop                f,d,df + P.1 Hit

-Super Moves
 Crazy Train                        qcfx2 + P.3/5/7 Hits

-The Front Suplex is easily escapable, just jump.
-The Jumping Lariat Drop is easily escapable just crouch.
-The Super Drop Kick can be charged , it has ? levels,when you
 release the button
 the most damaging version of the Turn Punch.
 You can charge two Super Drop Kicks by pressing the two Kick
 buttons , then you can release them one by one.
(good luck trying to fight in that way)
 The levels of the Super Drop Kick work like this:

  Level       Hold the button for
   1               2 sec.
   2               3 sec.
   3               4 sec.
   4               7 sec.
   5               13 sec.
   6               20 sec.
   7               28 sec.
   8               38 sec.
final              48 sec.

22.Rugal Bernstein-Ratio 3.

 (scorpion deathlock)               b/f + HP close to the opponent.1 Hit
 (scorpion blow)                    b/f + HP close to the opponent.1 Hit

-Special moves
 Reppu Ken                          qcf + P.1 Hit
 Kaiser Wave                        f,hcf + Hold P then release.1/2/3 Hits
 Dark Brarrier                      hcf + K.1 Hit
 Genocide Cutter                    f,d,df + K.1 Hit
 Super Press                        hcb + P.2 Hits

-Super moves
 Gigantic Pressure                  qcf,hcb + P.2/3/3
 Total Annihilation                 qcf,d,df + K.3/6/7

-Cancellable Attacks- LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                  c    -    C    -
-Close                c    c    c    c
-Crouch               c    c    c    c
-Jump                 -    -    -    -

-Number of hits-      LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                   1    1    1    1    			
-Close                 1    1    1    1	
-Crouch                1    1    1    1
-Jump                  1    1    1    1

-EX Diferences-
-No Reppu Ken
-No Kaiser Wave
-No Super Press

-EX only moves
-Special Moves
 Dark Smash(air)                     qcf + P.1 Hit
 Rugal Execution                     hcb + P.2 Hits

-The Kaiser Wave can be charged up to 3 levels ,
 just hold P .
 The level is increased each time he leans back,
 if you don't release P after level 3 is charged,
 it will come out anyway.
-The Dark Barrier reflects normal fireballs.
-The Dark Smash and Rugal Execution are slow to
 come out but have almost no recovery time.

23.Ryo Sakazaki-Ratio 2.

 Hyouchuu Wari Nage                 b/f + HP close to the opponent .1 Hit
 Tomoe Nage                         b/f + HK close to the opponent .1 Hit

-Command moves
 Hyouchuu Wari(high)                f + LP.1 Hit

-Special moves
 Ko'ou Ken(air)                     qcf + P.1 Hit
 Hien Shippuu Kyaku             	Hold db 2.sec.then f + K.2 Hits
 Kohou                     	  	f,d,df + P.1 Hit
 Zanretsu Ken               	      f,b,f + P.10/14 Hits

-Super moves
 Ryuuko Ranbu                   qcf,hcb + P.11/12/15 Hits
 Haou Shoukou Ken               f,hcf + P.2/3/5

-Cancellable Attacks- LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                  c    c    C    C
-Close                c    c    c    -
-Crouch               c    c    c    c
-Jump                 c    -    c    -

-Number of hits-      LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                   1    1    1    1    			
-Close                 1    1    1    1	
-Crouch                1    1    1    1
-Jump                  1    1    1    1

-EX Diferences-
-No air  Ko'ou Ken.
-No Zanretsu Ken.

-Special moves
 Mouko Raijin Setsu(high)            b,d,db + P.1 Hit
 Ko'ou Ken                           qcf + P.1 Hit
 Kyokugen-ryuu Renbu Ken             hcb + P.4 Hits

-Super moves
 Tenchi Haou Ken(lvl-3)              qcf,qcf + P.1 Hit

-The EX Ko'ou Ken is his short fireballs from KOF 96
-The Kyokugenryuu Renbu Ken will only hit 4 times if
 the first part connects.
-The Zanretsu Ken will suck the opponent in if
 the first part connects.
-The Kohou is an excellent anti-air move unlike in KOF.
 (sorry for the reach) :P
24.Ryu-Ratio 2.

 Seoi Nage                     	 f/b + HP close to the opponent .1 Hit
 Tomoe Nage              	       f/b + HK close to the opponent .1 Hit

-Command moves
 Forward Kick(low)            	 db + HK .1 Hit
 Sakotsu Wari(high)                  f + LP  .2 Hits
 Senpuu Kyaku                  	 f + LK  .1 Hits

-Special moves
 Hadou Ken                 	       qcf + P    .1 Hits
 Shakunetsu Hadou Ken         	 hcf + P    .1 Hits
 Shouryuu Ken               	       f,d,df + P .1 Hits
 Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku(air)    	 qcb + P    .1 Hits

-Super moves
 Shinkuu Hadou Ken         	       qcfx2 + P   .3/4/5 Hits
 Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku 	 qcbx2 + K   .4/8/13 Hits
 Shin Shouryuu Ken(lvl-3)      	 qcf,d,df + K.1/4 Hits

-Cancellable Attacks- LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                  c    C    c    c
-Close                c    c    -    -
-Crouch               c    c    c    c
-Jump                 c    -    c    c(up)


-The Shin Shouryuu Ken must be connected from the first hit in order to inflict
 the most damage(4 hits), if done from afar it'll only hit once doing little
 Great anti-air move.(the best one)

25.Evil Ryu-Ratio 4.

 Seoi Nage                     	 f/b + HP close to the opponent .1 Hit
 Tomoe Nage              	       f/b + HK close to the opponent .1 Hit

-Command moves
 Forward Kick(low)                   db + HK.1 Hit
 Sakotsu Wari(high)                  f + LP .2 Hits
 Senpuu Kyaku                  	 f + LK .1 Hits
 Tenma Kuujin Kyaku(air only)	       d + HK .1 Hit

-Special moves
 Hadou Ken                           qcf + P    .1 Hits
 Shakunetsu Hadou Ken                hcf + P    .1 Hits
 Shouryuu Ken                        f,d,df + P .3 Hits
 Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku(air)         qcb + P    .2 Hits
 Ashura Senku                        b,d,db/f,d,df + LP+HP/LK+HK

-Super moves
 Shinkuu Hadou Ken                   hcbx2 + P   .3/4/5 Hits
 Messatsu Gou Shouryuu               qcf,d,df + P.4/6/7 Hits
 Shun Goku Satsu                     LP,LP,f,LK,HP .15 Hits

-Cancellable attacks- LP    HP   LK   HK  (Forward Kick)
-Far                  c     -    c    c         -
-Close                c     c    C    -         -
-Crouch               c     c    c    c         c
-Jump                 c     C    c    C         -

-Number of hits-      LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                   1    1    1    1
-Close                 1    1    1    2
-Crouch                1    1    1    1
-Jump                  1    1    1    1

-The Shinkuu Hadou Ken move is more difficult to do.
-The air Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku travels like the ground
 version (like sf2 turbo/dash) and not describing an arc.
-The Shun Goku Satsu can pass through anything at the starting point,
 it's also a throw based move so you can't block it.
 You can avoid it jumping ,however you're not always allowed to
 evade it.
 Use it as a wake up move.

26.Sagat-Ratio 3.

 Tiger Carry                        b/f + HP close to the opponent .1 Hit
 Tiger Rage                         b/f + HK close to the opponent .2 Hits

-Command moves
 Crouch forward                     db + HK.1 Hit

-Special moves
 Tiger Shot                         qcf + P.1 Hit
 Ground Tiger Shot                  qcf + K.1 Hit
 Tiger Uppercut                     f,d,df + P.1 Hit
 Tiger Crush                        f,d,df + K.2 Hits

-Super moves
 Tiger Genocide                     qcf,d,df + P.7/10/14 Hits
 Tiger Raid	                        qcbx2 + K.6/7/7 Hits

-Cancellable attacks- LP    HP   LK   HK  (Crouch Forward)
-Far                  c     -    c    c         -
-Close                c     c    c    c         -
-Crouch               c     C    c    -         c
-Jump                 -     -    -    -         -

-Number of hits-      LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                   1    1    2    2
-Close                 1    1    2    2
-Crouch                1    1    1    1
-Jump                  1    1    1    1

-EX differences-
-No Tiger Genocide
-No Tiger Raid
-No Crouch Forward

-EX only moves
-Special moves
 Tiger Knee                        d,df,f,uf + K.2 Hits

-Super moves
 Tiger Cannon                      qcfx2 + P.4/5/6
 Ground Tiger Cannon               qcfx2 + K.4/5/6

-The Tiger Crush changes to the Tiger Knee.
-The Tiger Shot comes out faster than the
 Ground Tiger Shot.
 You can do LP/LK->Tiger Shot but not LP/LK->Ground Tiger Shot.

27.Sakura Kasugano-Ratio 1.

-Throw moves
 Sakura-jime                     b/f + HP close to the opponent .7/11 Hit
 Sailor Shoot                    b/f + HK close to the opponent .1 Hit

-Command moves
 Flower Kick                     f + LK.1 Hit

-Special moves
 Hadou Shou                      qcf + P.1/2 Hit
 Shou'ou Ken                     f,d,df + P.1/6 Hits
 Shunpuu Renkyaku                qcb + K.1 Hit
 Forward Kick                    After Shunpuu Renkyaku qcb + HK.1 Hit
 Crouch Forward                  After Shunpuu Renkyaku qcb + LK.1 Hit
 Ouka Kyaku (air only)           qcb + K.1 Hit

-Super moves
 Shinkuu Hadou Ken               qcfx2 + P.3/4/5
 Haru Issen                      qcbx2 + K.5/6/7

-Cancellable attacks- LP    HP   LK   HK  (Crouch Strong)
-Far                  c     -    c    -         -
-Close                c     c    c    C         -
-Crouch               c     c    c    C         C
-Jump                 c     -    c    -         -

-Number of hits-      LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                   1    1    1    1
-Close                 1    1    1    1
-Crouch                1    1    1    1
-Jump                  1    1    1    1

-EX differences-
-No Shupuu Renkyaku
-No Ouka Kyaku
-No Hadou Shou

-EX only moves
-Command moves
 Crouch Strong(low)		   db + HP.1 Hit
 Jump Roundhouse(high)           d + HK .1 hit

-Special moves
 Hadou Ken                       qcf + P.1 Hit
 Hadou Ken                       qcf + P,P.1 Hit
 Hadou Ken	                     qcf + P,P,P.1 Hit
 Shou'ou Ken                     f,d,df + P.1/6 Hits
 Shunpuu Kyaku(air)              qcb + K.1 Hit

-Super moves
 Midare-zakura                   qcf,d,df + K.4/6/7 Hits
 Haru Ichiban                    qcbx2 + K.5/6/7 Hits

-The EX Sho'ou Ken jump at the end of the move.
-The Haru Issen and Haru Ichiban are the same move
 with different names.   =| !!!????

28.Terry Bogard-Ratio 2.

 Grasping Upper                     b/f + HP close to the opponent .1 Hit
 Buster Throw                       b/f + HK close to the opponent .1 Hit

-Command moves
 Rising Upper                       df + HP.1 Hit

-Special moves
 Power Wave                         qcf + P.1 Hit
 Burning Knuckles                   qcb + P.1 Hit
 Crack Shot	                        qcb + K.1 Hit
 Rising Tackle                      Hold db/d/df 2.sec.then ub/u/uf + P.1/6 Hits

-Super moves
 Power Geyser                       qcb,db,f + P.1/2/3 Hits
 Buster Wolf                        qcf + P.2/4/6 Hits

-Cancellable attacks- LP    HP   LK   HK  (Rising Upper)
-Far                  c     C    C    -         -
-Close                c     c    c    c         -
-Crouch               c     c    c    -         c
-Jump                 -     -    -    -         -

-Number of hits-      LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                   1    1    1    1
-Close                 1    2    1    1
-Crouch                1    1    1    1
-Jump                  1    1    1    1

-EX differences-
-No Rising Tackle

-EX only moves
-Special moves
 Power Wave                         qcf + P.1 Hit
 Power Dunk                         f,d,df + K.2 Hits

-The EX Power Wave is the short fireball version from KOF 96.
 (very slow)
-Any Buster Wolf level juggles the opponent for a free hit.
 (throw anything you want and it will connect)
-The Crack Shot has an excellent recovery time and is a good
 anti-air move.

29.Vega/Balrog-Ratio 3.

 Rainbow Suplex                  b/f + HP close to the opponent.1 Hit
 (leg throw)                     b/f + HK close to the opponent.1 Hit
 Stardust Drop(air only)         Any direction but u/d + HP.1 Hit
 Crescent Line(air only)         Any direction but u/d + HK.1 Hit

-Command moves
 Sankaku Tobi                    Jump against a wall, press uf
 Cosmic Smart                    f + HK.1 Hit
 Crouch Strong                   db + HP.1 Hit

-Special moves
 Rolling Crystal Flash           Hold db/b 2.sec. then f + P.3/5 Hits
 Scarlet Terror                  Hold db 2.sec.then f + K.1/2 Hits
 Sky High Claw                   Hold db/d 2.sec. then ub/u/uf + P.1 Hit
 Flying Barcelona Attack         Hold db 2.sec. then ub/u/uf + K , then move ub/db/b/df/f/uf press P.1 Hit
 Izuna Drop                      Hold db 2.sec. then ub/u/uf + K , then move ub/db/b/df/f/uf press ub/db/b/df/f/uf + P
                                 close to the opponent.1 Hit
 Backslash                       press LP+HP.
 Short Backslash                 press LK+HK.

-Super moves
 Flying Barcelona Special        Hold db 2.sec. then f/df,db/b,ub/u/uf + K
                                 move ub/db/b/df/f/uf press ub/db/b/df/f/uf + P.3/4/5 Hits
 Rolling Izuna Drop              Hold db 2.sec. then f/df,db/b,ub/u/uf + K then
                                 move ub/db/b/df/f/uf press ub/db/b/df/f/uf + P
                                 close to the opponent.2/3/4 Hits
 Scarlet Mirage(lvlv-3)          Hold db/b 2.sec. then f/df,db/b,f + P.2 Hits
 Red Impact                      Hold db/b 2.sec. then f/df,db/b,f + K.4/6/8 Hits

-Cancellable attacks- LP    HP   LK   HK  (Crouch Strong)(Stand Forward)(Crouch Forward)
-Far                  c     -    c    -         -		    C              -
-Close                c     -    c    -         -               C              -
-Crouch               c     -    c    -         C               -              C
-Jump                 -     -    -    -         -               -              -

-Number of hits-      LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                   1    2    1    1
-Close                 1    2    1    1
-Crouch                1    1    1    1
-Jump                  1    1    1    1

-EX differences-
-No Cosmic Smart.
-No Flying Barcelona Special.
-No Scarlet Mirage.
-No Red Impact.
-No Crouch Strong.

-EX only moves
-Command moves
 Stand Forward                   b + LK.1 Hit
 Crouch Forward(low)             db + HK.1 Hit

-Damn hell Fast.

30.Vice-Ratio 1.

 Death Blow                         b/f + HP close to the opponent.1 Hit
 Back Rush                          b/f + HK close to the opponent.1 Hit

-Special moves
 Nail Bomb                          hcf + P close to the opponent.1 Hit
 Gore Fest                          hcb,f + P close to the opponent.1 Hit
 Tranquility                        f,d,df + K.1 Hit
 Outrage                            qcb + K.3/8 Hits
 Ravenous(air only)                 qcb + K.3/8 Hits
 Da Cide                            hcf + K.1 Hit

-Super moves
 Whitering Force                    qcfx2 + P.3/4/5 Hits
 Negative Gain                      hcbx2 + K close to the opponent.3/4/5 Hit

-Cancellable attacks- LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                  c     -    C    C
-Close                c     c    c    -
-Crouch               c     c    c    C
-Jump                 c     -    c    -

-Number of hits-      LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                   1    1    1    1
-Close                 1    1    1    2
-Crouch                1    1    1    1
-Jump                  1    1    1    1

-EX differences-
-No Gore Fest.
-No Tranquility.

-EX only moves
-Special moves
 Da Cide Slayer                     f,d,df + K.1 Hit
 Mayhem                             hcb + P.1 Hit

-You can cancel the HP Gore Fest into the Tranquility.
-You can cancel the HP Mayhem into the Da Cide Slayer.
-Only the farthest part of the Da Cide and Da Cide Slayer hits.

31.Yamazaki-Ratio 3.

 Shime Age                    b/f + HP close to the opponent.1 Hit
 Bun Nage                     b/f + HK close to the opponent.1 Hit

-Command moves
 Bussashi(high)               f + LP.Hit 1

-Special moves
 Hebi Tsukai(Joudan)          qcb + LP Hold to delay.1 Hit
 Hebi Tsukai(Chuudan)         qcb + HP Hold to delay.1 Hit
 Hebi Tsukai(Gedan)           qcb + LK Hold to delay.1 Hit
 Hebi Damashi                 during Hebi Tsukai Hold press HK.
 Sadomaso                     hcb + K.1 Hit
 Sabaki no Aikuchi            f,d,df + P.1/2 Hits
 Yakiire(high)                f,d,df + K.1 Hit
 Dokusyu                      b,d,db + P Hold to delay.1 Hit
 Bai Gaeshi	                  qcf + P.1 Hit

-Super moves
 Guillotine                   f,b,db,d,df + P.8/10/13 Hits
 Drill                        360 + P  close to the opponent then press P rapidly.

-Cancellable attacks- LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                   c    c    C    -
-Close                 c    c    c    C
-Crouch                c    c    c    c
-Jump                  -    -    -    -

-Number of hits-      LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                   1    1    1    1
-Close                 1    1    1    2
-Crouch                1    1    1    1
-Jump                  1    1    1    1

-EX differences-
-No Dokusyu.
-No Yakiire.

-EX only moves
-Special moves
 Bakudan Pachiki              hcb,f + P.1 Hit
 Suna Kake                    f,d,df + K.1 Hit

-Super moves
 Guillotine	                  qcfx2 + P.
 Drill                        hcbx2 + P.

-The Suna Kake can be cancelled into the Hebi Tsukai.
-The Hebi Tsukai moves have excellent range and speed.
-Delaying the Dokusyu will make it more damaging.
-The Bai Gaeshi can reflect fireballs.
-The Hebi Damashi cancels the Hebi Tsukai moves.
-After Yamazaki punches you to the sky in the Drill move
 rapidly tap P ,every time the pose changes the form changes.
-In EX mode only the pad motion changes for the Drill and

Drill levels
 lvl-1                    |number of hits| Punch taps      |
 1-Bussashi Combo         |      5       |                 |
 2-Yakiire Combo          |      6       |between 5 and 10 |
 3-Pachiki Combo          |      7       |between 11 and 15|
 4-Hebi Tsukai Combo      |      8       |   16 or more    |
                          |              |                 |
-lvl-2                    |              |                 |
 1-Punch&Kick Combo       |      6       |                 |
 2-Punch&Kick Combo       |      7       |between 5 and 10 |
 3-Shime Age Combo        |      7       |between 11 and 15|
 4-Hebi Tsukai Combo      |      11      |   16 or more    |
                          |              |                 |
-lvl-3                    |              |                 |
 1-Kick Combo             |      8       |                 |
 2-Bakudan Pachiki Combo  |      8       |between 5 and 10 |
 3-Stomp Kick Combo       |      9       |between 11 and 15|
 4-Hebi Tsukai Combo      |      14      |   16 or more    |

32.Yuri Sakazaki-Ratio 1.

 Oni Harite                         b/f + HP close to the opponent.1 Hit
 Silent Nage                        b/f + HK close to the opponent.1 Hit
 Tsubame Otoshi(air only)           Any direction but u/d + HP.1 Hit

-Command moves
 En Yoku                            f + LK.1 Hit

-Special moves
 Ko'ou Ken                          qcf + P.1 Hit
 Raiou Ken                          qcf + K.1 Hit
 Yuri Chou Upper                    f,d,df + P.1/2 Hits
 Double Yuri Chou Upper             After Yuri Chou Upper f,d,df + P.1 Hit
 Hyakuretsu Binta                   hcb + K.7/10 Hits

-Super moves
 Haou Shoukou Ken                   f,hcf + P.2/3/5 Hits
 Hien Rekkou                        qcf,qcf + K.5/6/8 Hits ?

-Cancellable attacks- LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                   c    -    C    C
-Close                 c    c    c    c
-Crouch                c    c    c    c
-Jump                  -    -    -    -

-Number of hits-      LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                   1    1    1    1
-Close                 1    1    1    1
-Crouch                1    1    1    1
-Jump                  1    1    1    1

-EX differences-
-No Hien Rekkou.
-No Yuri Chou Upper.

-EX only moves-
-Special moves
 Ko'ou Ken                          qcf + P .1 Hit
 Saiha                              qcb + P .1 Hit
 Raiou Ken                          qcf + K .1 Hit
 Hyakuretsu Binta            	      f,b,f P .7/10 Hits

-Super moves
 Hien Hou'ou Kyaku                  f,b,f,hcb + K .8/13/18 Hits

-The normal Ko'ou Ken and Raiou Ken are short attack versions of
 KOF 96 , the EX versions are far versions.
-The EX Hyakuretsu Binta changes in motion.

33.Zangief-Ratio 2.

 Back Drop                          b + HP close to the opponent.1 Hit
 Pile Driver                        f + HP close to the opponent.1 Hit
 Kamitsuki                          b/f + HK close to the opponent.? Hit

-Command moves
 Body Press(air only)               db/d/df + HP.1 Hit
 Flying Knee Drop(air only)         db/d/df + LK.1 Hit

-Special moves
 Banishing Flat                     f,d,df + P.1 Hit
 Double Lariat                      press LP+HP then move b/f.1 Hit
 Quick Double Lariat                press LK+HK then move b/f.1 Hit
 Screw Piledriver                   360 + P close to the opponent.1 Hit
 Flying Powerbomb                   360 + K.1 hit
 Atomic Suplex                      360 + K close to the opponent.2 Hits

-Super moves
 Final Atomic Buster                360x2 + P close to the opponent.2/3/4 Hits
 Aerial Russian Slam                qcf,d,df + K.1 Hit

-Cancellable attacks- LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                   c    -    c    -
-Close                 c    EX   c    -
-Crouch                c    -    c    -
-Jump                  -    -    -    -

-Number of hits-      LP   HP   LK   HK
-Far                   1    1    1    1
-Close                 1    1    1    1
-Crouch                1    1    1    1
-Jump                  1    1    1    1

-EX differences-
-No Flying Powerbomb.
-No Atomic Suplex.
-No Quick Double Lariat.
-No Banishing Flat.
-No Aerial Russian Slam

-EX only moves-
-Command moves
 Kuuchu Headbutt(air only)          u + HP.1 Hit

-Special moves
 High Speed Double Lariat           press LK+HK.1 Hit

-The Headbutt can dizzy in just two hits.
-The Final Atomic Buster has great grab range.
 (can grab out of range of a Double Lariat)
-The jump LK is different in EX mode.
-The Close HP is Special cancellable in EX mode.
-The High Speed Double Lariat it's immune to sweeps.




V.Combo Section

How to read this section:

-The numbers on top shows the different blocks of moves.
-In order to do a combo you must first do the move on the Step 1
 then the move on Step 2 in the same line then Step 3 an so on.
-If there is a Step with a move and the preceding Step is empty
 you must search up in the preceding Step until a move is found
 that would the move that must be performed before.

 For example:
 When you see something like this ,

               1                 2               3
    cross up with HK   | Crouch/Close HP   | Hadou ken.3 Hits               |
                       |                   | Shouryuu Ken.3 Hits            |
                       | Crouch/Close LP   | Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku.7 Hits  |

 the first move you see is 'cross up with HK' after you saw that ,
 continue with the next move on the right on the same line.
 That would be 'Crouch/Close HP' ,the '/' symbol assumes either of the
 directions or buttons separated by it can be pressed.
 The same as before ,continue to the right on same line to find the
 next move on following Step 'Hadou Ken', you'll know this is the end of the combo
 because the number of hits of the combo will be shown  '3 Hits'.
 Now take a look to the second line on the third Step of the combo chart,it says
 'Shouryuu Ken.3 Hits' but there's an empty space on the Step 2 line 2 ,
 so do as i said before ,look up until a move is found.
 You found  'Crouch/Close HP' ,look on the preceding Step , you found 'cross up with HK'.
 So the combo is cross up with HK ,Crouch/Close HP,Shouryuu Ken.
 The same is applied to the third line the combo is :cross up with HK,Crouch/Close LP ,Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku.

 -Understanding this simple rules you will have no problems to learn the combos ,as long
  as you have the proper 'finger ability'.
  All the combos i wrote WORK , if you don't make it the first time try again until it come
  out ,i guarantee the combos were done by me and re-done to ensure perfection upon destruction
  of your enemy.
  Anyway if you think a combo is not working  ,mail me ,put the character name and combo and
  what part of it doesn't work .
  I'll mail you back to send the proper explanation or the corrected combo , and update my

  I can guarantee you'll find at least one combo you never saw before.

  Also you'll notice there are more variations on some combos i wrote.
  I don't posted every combo variation.

Steps      1                2                         3                        4                          5                              6                                 7                 |
-Cross up with HK | Close/Crouch LP  | Crouch/Close LP           | Gou Hadou Ken.4 Hits      |                        |                                |                                    |
                  |         	     	 |                           | Crouch/Stand LP           | Forward Kick           |Messatsu Gou Hadou lvl 2-3.11/13 Hits                                |
                  |                  | Gou Shouryuu Ken.5 Hits   |                           |                        |                                |                                    |
                  |                  | LK Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku | Gou Shouryu Ken.5 Hits    |                        |                                |                                    |
                  |                  |                           | Messatsu Gou Shouryuu.7/8/8 Hits                   |                                |                                    |
                  |                  | LK Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku | LK Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku | Messatsu Gou Shouryuu.6/7/7 Hits                        |                                    |
                  |                  | HK Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku.5 Hits                      |                        |                                |                                    |
                  |                  | Crouch/Close LP           | Gou Hadou Ken.4           |                        |                                |                                    |
                  |	             | Crouch LK                 | Crouch/Close LP           | Gou hadou Ken.5 Hits   |                                |                                    |
                  |                  | Crouch/Close LP           | Crouch LK/LP              | Crouch HK              | Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku         | Messatsu Gou Shouryuu lvl 2.11 Hits|
                  |                  | Crouch/Close HP           | Gou Hadou Ken.4 Hits      |                        |                                |                                    |
                  |                  | Crouch HK                 | Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku.5 Hits                      |                                |                                    |
                  | Close HP         | Gou Shouryuu Ken.5 Hits   |                           |                        |                                |                                    |
                  | Close HP         | LK Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku | Gou Shouryuu Ken.5        |                        |                                |                                    |
                  |                  |                           | Messatsu Gou Shouryuu.6/7/7 Hits	                |                                |                                    |
                  | Close HP         | Gou Hadou Ken.3 Hits      |                           |                        |                                |                                    |
                  |                  | Shakunetsu Hadou Ken.5 Hits                           |                        |                                |                                    |

Steps      1                         2                   3                     4                                        5                         6
-Jump in HK/HP     |Tenma Gou Zankuu lvl 2-3.7/9 hits         |                                 |                                                                                |
-Tenma Kuujin Kyaku|Tenma Gou Zankuu.7/9 Hits                                                   |                                                                              |
                   | Crouch LP                  | Crouch HK   | Messatsu Gou Shouryuu.6/7/7 Hits|                                                                              |
                   |                            | Forward Kick| Gou Hadou Ken.4 Hits            |                                                                              |
-The Tenma kuujin Kyaku must hit the highest part of the enemy in order to connect.
-Jump in LK        |air Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku  |LK Tatsumaki Zanku Kyaku |Gou Shouryuu Ken.4 Hits                                                                             |
                   |                            |LK Tatsumaki Zanku Kyaku |Messatsu Gou Shoryuu.6/7/7 Hits                                                                     |
-In the corner     |jump in HP/HK               |Close/Crouch LP          |Close/Crouch HP                |Messatsu Gou Hadou |Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku.9/11/13 Hits             |
                                                                                                          |                   |Gou Shouryuu Ken.9/11/13 Hits                   |
                                                                                                                              |(Snk groove only)->Messatsu Gou Shouryuu.14 Hits|


Steps      1                    2                    3                 4                5                 6
-Jump in HK/HP/LP/LK | Close/Crouch LP/LK | Close/Crouch LP/LK | Crouch LP/LK     | Stand LP     | Dash Straight.5 Hits|
                     |                    |                    |                  |Crazy Buffalo.7/8/9 Hits            |
                	   |                    |                    |                  |Gigaton Blow.10 Hits                |
                     |                    |                    | Dash Ground Punch.4 Hits                              |
                     |      	            |                    | Dash Ground Uppercut.4 Hits                           |
                     |                    |                    | Dash Uppercut.4 Hits                                  |
                     |                    |                    | Buffalo Headbutt.4 Hits	                             |
                     | Close/Crouch HP    | Crazy Buffalo.5/6/7 Hits                                                   |
                     |                    | Gigaton Blow.8 Hits                                                        |
                     | Close HK           | Crazy Buffalo.5/6/7 Hits                                                   |
                     |                    | Gigaton Blow.8 Hits                                                        |

3.Benimaru Nikaido

Steps    1                 2               3                   4                                5
-Cross up with LK    |Close LP   | Stand/Crouch LP     | Crouch LP/LK    | Iai Geri.5 Hits                             |
                     |           |                     |                 | Raikou Ken.9/12/14 Hits                     |
                     |           |                     |                 | Denei Spark.7/8/9 Hits                      |
             	   |           | Close HP            | LP Raijin Ken.4 Hits                                          |
                     |           |                     | Shinku Katate-Goma.4/6/8 Hits                                 |
                     |           |                     | Iai Geri.4 Hits                                               |
                     |           |                     | Raikou Ken.8/10/13 Hits                                       |
                     |           |                     | Denei Spark.6/7/8 Hits                                        |
                     |           | Stand/Crouch HP     | Denei Spark.7/8/9 Hits                                        |
                     | Close HP  | Crouch HK           | Raikou Ken.8/10/13 Hits                                       |
                     |Close HK/HP| Shinku Katate-Goma.3/5/7 Hits  		                                               |

-In the Corner , your opponent must be on the floor.
 Before he gets up LP Raijin Ken | Crouch LP/LK/HP/HK | Raikou Ken.7/10/12 Hits                                        |
                                 | Crouch LP/LK/HP    | Denei Spark.5/6/7 Hits.                                        |
                                 | Crouch LP/LK       | Iai Geri.3 Hits                                                |
                                 | Close HP           | Raijin Ken.3 Hits                                              |
-In the Corner,Jump in Drill Kick| Raikou Ken lvl-3.Variable Hits(13-15)                                               |
                                 | Denei Spark(any level).Variable Hits(6-10)                                          |


Steps     1               2                   3                   4
-Cross up LK      | Crouch LK     | Forward Kick.3 Hits   |                               |
                  |               | Rock Crush.4 Hits     |                               |
-Jump in  LK/HK/HP| Crouch LK     | Rock Crush(first hit) | Rolling Attack.4 Hits         |
                  |               |                       | Direct Lightning.4 Hits       |
                  |               | Forward Kick          | Rolling Attack.4 Hits         |
                  |               |                       | Direct Lightning.4 Hits       |
                  |               |                       | Vertical Rolling Attack.3 Hits|
                  |  Forward Kick | Vertical Rolling Attack.3 Hits                        |
In the Corner,Shout of Earth lvl-1| Shout of Earth lvl 2.13 Hits                          |
In the Corner,Electric Thunder    | Shout of Earth lvl-2-3.14 Hits                        |

-In order to do the Shout of Earth in combos easier input the command in this way:
-hold 2.sec db then f,df,d,db,ub/u/uf + P easy motion for a difficult move to do.
(believe me it's a hell of a easier way)


Steps     1                   2                   3                       4
-Cross up LK         | Crouch LP/LK x2 | Cannon Spike.4 Hits                                       |
		         | 	               | Crouch LP             | Spiral Arrow.5 Hits               |
                     |                 | Crouch LP             | Spin Drive Smasher.10/11/13 Hits  |
                     | Close HP        | Forward Kick          | Spiral Arrow.5 Hits               |
                     |                 |                 	   | Spin Drive Smasher.12/11/13 Hits  |
                     |                 | Reverse Shaft Breaker.11/13/16 Hits                       |
                     | Strong Punch    | Forward Kick          | Spiral Arrow.5 Hits               |
                     |                 |                 	   | Spin Drive Smasher.12/11/13 Hits  |
                     | Crouch HK       | Reverse Shaft Breaker.10/14/17 Hits                       |
-Jump in LK/LP/HK/HP | Crouch LP/LK    | Cannon Spike.4 Hits   |                                   |
                     |                 | Crouch LP             | Spiral Arrow.5 Hits               |
                     |                 | Crouch LP             | Spin Drive Smasher.10/11/13 Hits  |
                     | Close HP        | Forward Kick          | Spiral Arrow.5 Hits               |
                     |                 |                       | Spin Drive Smasher.12/11/13 Hits  |
  	               |                 | Reverse Shaft Breaker.11/13/16 Hits                       |
                     | Strong Punch    | Forward Kick          | Spiral Arrow.5 Hits               |
                     |                 |                       | Spin Drive Smasher.12/11/13 Hits  |
                     |Crouch HK        | Reverse Shaft Breaker.10/14/17 Hits                       |

6.Chun li

Steps        1                      2                     3                     4                        5
-Cross up LK              | Close LPx2         | Far LK               | Senretsu Kyaku       | Tenshou Kyaku.13 Hits          |
         	              |                    | Close LPx2           | Senretsu Kyaku lvl-3 | Tenshou Kyaku.15 Hits          |
                          | Close/Crouch HP    | Kikou Ken.3 Hit                                                              |
In the corner ,Jump HP/HK | Crouch LK/LP       | Senretsu Kyaku       | Kikou Shou           | Hazan Tenshou Kyaku.? Hits     |
                          | Crouch LK/LP/HP    | Tenshou Kyaku.4/5 Hits                                                       |
                          |                    | Kikou shou.7/10/12 Hits                                                      |
                          |                    | Hazan Tenshou Kyaku.7/9/11 Hits                                              |
                          |                    | Spinning Hornet Kick.7/13/17 Hits                                            |
                          |                    | Spinning Hornet Kick lvl-1 | Spinning Hornet Kick lvl-2.?Hits                |
                          | Crouch HK          | Kikou shou.7/10/12 Hits                                                      |
                          |                    | Hazan Tenshou Kyaku.7/9/11 Hits                                              |
                          |                    | Spinning Hornet Kick.?Hits                                                   |
                          |                    | Spinning Hornet Kick lvl-1 | Spinning Hornet Kick lvl-2.?Hits                |
                          |Forward Kick        | Hazan Tenshou Kyaku.7/9/11 Hits                                              |
                          |                    | Kikou shou.7/10/12 Hits                                                      |
                          |                    | Spinning Hornet Kick.7/13/17 Hits                                            |
                          |                    | Spinning Hornet Kick lvl-1->Spinning Hornet Kick lvl-2.?Hits                 |
-Opponent in the corner , you must be two bodies before the opposite side of the screen then:
LK Spinning Bird Kick     | Tenshou Kyaku.3 Hits                                                                              |
	                    | Hazan Tenshou Kyaku.6/7/8 Hits                                                                    |
                          | Kikou Shou lvl-2-3.7/11 Hits                                                                      |

-In order to do the Hazan Tenshou Kyaku/Spinning Hornet Kick in combos easier input the command in this way:
-hold 2.sec db then f,df,d,db,ub/u/uf + K easy motion for a difficult move to do.
(believe me it's a hell of a easier way)


Steps   1             2                          3
-Crouch LP    | Crouch LP       | Yoga Stream/Tempest.5/6/7 Hits                                                     |
              | Crouch LK       | Yoga Stream/Tempest.5/6/7 Hits                                                     |
		  | Low Fierce      | HP Yoga Fire.3 Hits                                                                |
              |                 | LP Yoga Flame.3 Hits                                                               |
              |                 | Yoga Stream/Tempest.5/6/7 Hits                                                     |
              | Strong Punch    | HP Yoga Fire.3 Hits                                                                |
              |                 | LP Yoga Flame.3 Hits                                                               |
              |                 | Yoga Stream/Tempest.5/6/7 Hits                                                     |
              | Low Roundhouse  | Yoga Tempest.5/6/7 Hits                                                            |
              | Double Headbutt | Yoga Tempest.6/7/8 Hits                                                            |
Crouch HK     | Yoga Tempest/Vulcan.4/5/6 Hits                                                                       |

-In the corner
Crouch LP/LK  | Yoga Tempest lvl-1 | Yoga Tempest lvl-2.6 Hits                                                       |
              | Low Fierce         | HP Yoga Fire.3 Hits                                                             |
              |                    | LP Yoga Flame     | Yoga Vulcan/Tempest lvl-1 | Yoga Vulcan/Tempest lvl-2.7 Hits|

8.Edmond Honda
Steps               1                       2                  3
Cross up Flying Sumo Press | Crouch HP.2 Hits       |                     |
                           | Close HK.3 Hits        |                     |
                           | Stand Forward.3 Htis   |                     |
Jump in HK/HP              | Stand/Crouch LP/LK     |Super Zutsuki.3 Hits |
                           |                        |Oni Musou.4/5/11 Hits|
                           | Crouch Forward         |Super Zutsuki.3 Hits |
                           | Stand HP/HK            |Oni Musou.4/5/11 Hits|
                           | Crouch Forward         |Oni Musou.5/6/12 Hits|

9.Geese Howard

Steps        1                  2                      3                          4
-Stand/Crouch LPx3  | Stand LK           | Deadly Rave.14 Hits                                       |
                    |                    | EX Double Reppu Ken.6 Hits                                |
-Stand HK           | Double Reppu Ken.3 Hit		                                               |
                    | EX Double Reppu Ken.3 Hits                                                     |
-Jump in HP         | Stand/Crouch LPx2  | Stand LK                   | Deadly Rave.15 Hits          |
                    |                    |                            | EX Double Reppu Ken.7 Hits   |
                    | Stand/Crouch HP    | Reppu Ken.4 Hits                                          |
                    |                    | EX Double Reppu Ken.5 Hits                                |
                    |                    | Deadly Rave.13 Hits                                       |
                    |                    | LK Jaei Ken.6 Hits                                        |
                    |  Close/Crouch LK   | Crouch HK                   | Raising Storm.7/8/9 Hits    |
-In the corner      |                    |                             |                             |
Stand/Crouch LPx3   |  Stand LK          | Deadly Rave                 |Raising Storm.17 Hits(snk groove)
Stand/Crouch LPx2   | EX Double Reppu Ken| Raising Storm.7/8/9 Hits                                  |
-Stand/Crouch LP/LK |  Crouch HK         | Raising Storm.5/6/7 Hits                                  |
                    |  Close/Crouch HP.  | EX Double Reppu Ken         | Raising Storm.7/8/9 Hits    |


Steps    1                     2                     3                               4                           5                     6
Cross up LK          | Crouch LPx2      | Somersault Kick.4 Hits       |                          |                          |                         |
                     | Crouch LP/LKx3   | Total Wipeout.6/7/8 Hits     |                          |                          |                         |
                     |                  | Somersault Strike.10/12/14   |                          |                          |                         |
                     | Crouch LP        | Crouch Strong                | Stand HP                 | Somersault Strike lvl-3.12 Hit(against large opponents)|
                     |                  |                              |                          |        ^(the 2nd most difficult combo in the game) |
                     | Crouch Strong    | Crouch Strong                | Somersault Strike lvl-3.12 Hit(against any opponent)                          |
Jump in LK/LP/HP/HK  | Close/Crouch LP  | Close HP/Crouch Strong       | Sonic Boom.4 Hits        |                          |                         |
                     |                                                 | Somersault Kick.4 Hits                              |                         |
                     |                                                 | Total Wipeout.6/7/8 Hits                            |                         |
                     |                                                 | Somersault Strike.9/11/13 Hits                      |                         |
                     | Crouch Strongx2     ->Total Wipeout.5/6/7 Hits  |                                                     |                         |
Your opponent in the corner, you in the other side of the screen:
LP Sonic Boom        |Run   ,any of the jump in combos
                     | Crouch HKx2 .3 Hits(the first Crouch HK must hit before the Sonic Boom)                               |                         |
                     |run , Jump HP     |Crouch LP                     | Crouch Strong            | Stand HP                 | Somersault Strike lvl-3.12 Hit|
                                                                                                                      ^(good luck trying this one)
                                                                                                                 (the most difficult combo in the game)
(if you end a combo with a Sonic Boom , add a Spinning Back Fist ,it wiil connect)                                      (aginst large opponents)

-In order to do the Somersault Strike in combos easier input the command in this way:
-hold 2.sec db then f,df,d,db,ub/u/uf + K easy motion for a difficult move to do.
(believe me it's a hell of a easier way)



Steps                1                              2                     3                                 4
-Cross up Ge with Shiki :Yuri Ori/HP  | Crouch/Close LP/LK x2      | 100 Shiki: Oniyaki.4/6 Hits                                       |
                                      |                            | 127 Shiki: Aoi Hana.5 Hits |                                      |
                                      | Close HP                   | 100 Shiki: Oniyaki.5 Hits                                         |
                                      | Crouch/Close LP/LK x2      |Crouch HP                   |127 Shiki: Aoi Hana.7 Hits            |
                                      |                            |                            |Kin 1211 Shiki:Ya Otome.13/16/17 Hits |
                                      | Close HP                   | 212 Shiki: Kototsuki In.4 Hits                                    |
                                      |                            | 108 Shiki: Yami Barai.3 Hits                                      |
                                      | Close/Crouch LP/LK x3      | Kin 1211 Shiki: Ya Otome.13/16/17 Hits                            |
                                      |                            | Stand LK                   |Kin 1211 Shiki: Ya Otome.14/17/18 Hits|
-Jump in LP/LK/HP/HK                  | Crouch/Close LP/LK         | 100 Shiki: Oniyaki.3/5 Hits                                       |
                                      | Close HP                   | 100 Shiki: Oniyaki.5 Hits                                         |
                                      |                            | 127 Shiki: Aoi Hana.5 Hits                                        |
                                      |                            |                            |Kin 1211 Shiki: Ya Otome.11/14/15 Hits|
                                      | Crouch/Close LP/LK x2      | Crouch HP                  | 127 Shiki: Aoi Hana.7 Hits           |
                                      |                            |                            |Kin 1211 Shiki: Ya Otome.13/16/17 Hits|
                                      | Close HP                   | 212 Shiki: Kototsuki In.4 Hits                                    |
                                      |                            | 108 Shiki: Yami Barai.3 Hits                                      |
                                      | Close/Crouch LP/LK x2      | Stand LK                   |Kin 1211 Shiki: Ya Otome.13/16/17 Hits|
 Ura 108 Shiki: Ya Sakazuki           | any of the above combos ,add +3/4/5 hits                                                       |

12Orochi Iori

-Because of the massive Speed he has you can do some combos that normal Iori can't.

-All of normal Iori's Combos plus the following ones.
-Your opponent must not be in the corner , each one in the opposite sides of the screen:
                  1                      2
-108 Shiki: Yami Barai   | Run and Roll behind him/her  |  any of normal Iori's Combos without the jump/Cross up part.|
                         | Run and do any of normal Iori's Combos even the Cross up ones.                             |
-You can change the ending move of some combos with the Oni Honou ,just the ones you are close enough.

13.Ken Masters

Steps        1                         2                              3                                    4                    5
-Cross up with HK       | Close/Crouch HP            | Shouryuu Ken.3/5 Hits           |                             |                            |
                        |                            | Shinryuu Ken.11/15/17 Hits                                                                 |
                        | Close/Crouch LP            | Close/Crouch HP/Forward Kick    | Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku.4/7 Hits                          |
                        |                            |                                 | Hadou Ken.4 Hits                                         |
                        |                            |                                 | Shouryuu Reppa.7/9/10 Hits                               |
                        |                            | Crouch LP/LK x2                 | Forward Kick                | Shippu Jinrai Kyaku.15 Hits|
                        |                            | Crouch HK                       | Shinryuu Ken.11/15/17 Hits                               |
-Jump in LK/LP/HK/HP    | Close HP                   | LP Shouryuu Ken                 | Shinryuu Ken.12/16/18 Hits                               |
-Jump in LK             | air Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku | Forward Kick                    | Shippu Jinrai Kyaku.13 Hits                              |
-In the corner          |                            |                                 |                              |                           |
-Jump in LK             | air Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku | Crouch HK                       | Shouryuu Reppa lvl-1         |Shinryu Ken.11 Hits ?      |
-Jump in LK/LP/HK/HP    | Close HP                   | LP Shouryuu Ken                 | Shinryuu Ken.11/16/18 Hits                               |

14.Kim Khaphwan

Steps      1                2                  3                      4                            5
-Cross up HK      | Crouch LP        | Close HP(1 Hit)    | Hien Zan-Tenshou Zan.5 Hits                               |
                  |                  |                    | Kuu Sajin.5/6 Hits                                        |
                  |                  |                    | Ho'ou Kyaku.14/19/20 Hits                                 |
                  |                  |                    | Ho'ou Hitten Kyaku lvl-2.      | Ho'ou Kyaku. 15 Hits     |
                  |                  |                    |                                | Kuu Sajin .5/6 Hits      |
                  | Crouch LPx3      | Far LK             | Ho'ou Kyaku.16/21/22 Hits                                 |
-Jump in HP/LP    | Ho'ou Tenbu Kyaku.? Hits                                                                          |
                  | Crouch LP        | Close HP.4 Hits                                                                |
                  | Crouch LK/LPx2   | Hien Zan-Tenshou Zan.5 Hits                                                    |
                  |                  | Kuu Sajin.5/6 Hits                                                             |
                  |                  | Ho'ou Kyaku.14/19/20 Hits                                                      |
                  |                  | Far LK             | Ho'ou Kyaku.15/20/21 Hits                                 |
In the corner
Jump HP/HK        | Close HP         | Hou'ou Hitten Kyaku (any level)| Hishou Kyaku .5 Hits                          |
Opponent must be jumping                                                                                              |
Hisho Kyaku x3.4 Hits                                                                                                   |



Steps        1                      2                       3                          4                           5
-Jump in LP/LK/HP/HK    | Crouch HK            | Surprise Rose.7 Hits                                                                          |
                        |                      | Tobi Nidan Shishukuri.4 Hits                                                                  |
                        | Crouch LP/LK x2      | LK Trap Shot .9 Hits                                                                          |
                        |                      | Tornado Kick .5 Hits                                                                          |
                        |                      | Silent Flash .6/9/14 Hits                                                                     |
                        |                      |Crouch LP/LK                    | Double Strike(Super).8/10/12 Hits                            |
                        |                      |                                | Moshu Kyaku.9/11 Hits                                        |
                        | Crouch/Close HP      | Venom Strike .3 Hits           |                                                              |
                        |                      | Double Strike.4 Hits           |                                                              |
                        |                      | Tornado Kick .4 Hits           |                                                              |
                        |                      | Double Strike(Super).6/8/10 Hits                                                              |
                        |                      | HK Trap Shot .12 Hits          |                                                              |
                        |                      | Silent Flash .5/8/13 Hits      |                                                              |
-In the corner          |                      |                                |                                                              |
Crouch LP/LK x2         | LK Trap Shot         | Silent Flash lvl-1.10 Hits     |                                                              |
                        |                      | Surprise Rose .12 Hits         |                                                              |
                        | Tornado Kick         | Silent Flash lvl-1.6 Hits      |                                                              |
                        | Silent Flash lvl-1   | Silent Flash lvl-1.6 Hits      |                                                              |
                        | Crouch LP/LK         | Moshu Kyaku                    | Double Strike(Super).12/14/18 Hits                           |
                        |                      |                                |Tobi Nidan Shishukuri     | Double Strike(Super).14/16/20 Hits|
Crouch/Close HP         | HK Trap Shot         | Surprise Rose.14 Hits                                                                         |
                        | Silent Flash lvl-1   | Silent Flash lvl-1.6 Hits                                                                     |
                        | Illusion Dance lvl-3 .14 Hits                                                                                        |
                        | Crouch HK            | Tobi Nidan Shishukuri          | Double Strike(super).6/8/10                                  |
Opponent in the corner you in the other side of the screen                      |                                                              |
-Venom Strike run after | Crouch HK            | Tobi Nidan Shishukuri          | Double Strike(super).6/8/11 Hits                             |
                        | Crouch LP/LK         | HK Moshu Kyaku                 | Tobi Nidan Shishukuri    |Double Strike(Super).13/15/17 Hits |
                        |                      | Tronado Kick                   | Silent Flash .6 Hits                                         |
-In order to do the Double Strike(super) in combos easier input the command in this way:
-f,df*,d*,db,b,f,df,d + K easy motion for a difficult move to do.
-The '*' Symbol shows the best parts of the motion to input a hit before the super comes
 out: (e.g.) Stand LP,f,df,Crouch LP,d,db,b,f,df,d + K.(this will do LP,Crouch LP,Double Strike(Super)
(believe me it's a hell of a easier way)
-My personal easier way is f,df,LP,d,360 move to d + K.(you won't jump because LP is hitting)

16.Kyo Kusanagi

Steps    1                    2                   3                4                  5
-Cross up LK      | Crouch/Close LP/LK  | Oniyaki .4/5 Hits                                           |
                  |                     | Saishuu Kessen Ougi lvl-3 .14 Hits                          |
                  |                     | LK 75 Shiki Kai.3/4 hits                                    |
                  | Close HP/HK         | Aragami          | Kuno Kizu        | Nanase.5 Hits         |
                  |                     | Oniyaki .3/4 Hits                                           |
                  |                     | Kototsuki You .4 Hits                                       |
                  |                     | Saishuu Kessen Ougi .7/11/13 Hits                           |
                  |                     | Oboro Guruma .3/5 Hits                                      |
                  |                     | HP Yamibarai .3 Hits                                        |
Opponent in the corner ,you in the other side of the screen.                                          |
Yamibarai,run after| Crouch/Close LP/LK | 75 Shiki Kai      | Ura 108 Shiki: Orochi Nagi lvl-3.       |
Opponent in the corner.                                                                               |
-HK 75 Shiki Kai  | Oniyaki(last part)  | Ura 108 Shiki: Orochi Nagi lvl-3 .9 Hits                    |
                  | Oboro Guruma .5 Hits                                                              |


17.Mai Shiranui
Steps          1                     2                       3                      4                      5
Cross up with LK             | Crouch LP/LK         | Close LP/LK        | Crouch/Stand HP|Chou Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi.11/12/15 Hits |
                             |                      |                    |                | Mizutori no Mai .7/8/9 Hits              |
                             |                      |                    | Crouch HK      | Chou Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi. ? Hits      |
                             |                      |                    |                | Mizutori no Mai .6/7/8 Hits              |
                             |                      |                    | Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi .5 Hits                            |
                             |                      |                    | Chou Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi.10/11/14 Hits                 |
                             | Close LK/LP          | Close/Crouch KP    | Kachou Sen .4 Hits                                        |
                             |                      | HP Ryu En Bu .4 Hits                                                           |
                             | Stand/Crouch HP      | HP Ryu En Bu .4 Hits                                                           |
Jump in HP/HK                | Beni Suzaku .4/5/6 Hits                                                                               |
Opponent in the corner , you in the other side of the screen                                                                         |
Kachou Sen run after, Jump in HP/LP/HK then do any combo starting from step 2.                                                       |


Steps       1                  2                 3                     4
Cross up with LK/HK  | Close LK/LPx2 | Stand LPx2 | Double Knee Press .7 Hits         |
                     |               |            | Psycho Crusher .4 Hits            |
                     |               |            | Knee Press Nightmare .9/10/13 Hits|
                     |               |            | Heartbreak Despair .10/11/12 Hits |
                     |               | Stand HP   | Knee Press Nightmare . 8/9/12 Hits|
                     |               |            | Heartbreak Despair .9/10/11 Hits  |
Jump in LK/LP/HK/HP  |Crouch/Close HP| Heartbreak Despair .7/8/10 Hits                |
                     |               | Knee Press Nightmare .6/7/10 Hits              |
                     | Close LP      | Stand HP   | Double Knee Press .7 Hits         |
                     |               |            | Psycho Crusher .4 Hits            |
                     |               |            | Knee Press Nightmare .7/8/11 Hits |
                     |               |            | HP Psycho Impact .5 Hits          |
                     |               | LP Psycho Impact .4 Hits                       |
 Crouch HK           | Knee Press Nightmare .3/3/5 Hits                               |

19.Morrigan Aensland

Steps           1                  2                3                   4                         5                     6
Jump in LP/LK/HP/HK   | Crouch/Close LP    | Shadow Blade .3 Hits                                                         |
                      |                    | Close/Crouch Fierce   | Crouch Roundhouse   | Cardinal Blade .10/12/12 Hits  |
                      |                    | Close Roundhouse      | Darkness Illusion .33 Hits                           |
                      |                    | Close/Crouch HP       | Close/Crouch HK     | Crouch Roundhouse/Fierce.5 Hits|
Opponent in the corner , you in the other side of the screen                                                              |
Soul Fist run after   | any combo from step 1                                                                             |
                      | Jump in LP/LK/HP/HK| air Darkness Illusion .22 Hits                                                 |
                      | Shell Kick         | Darkness Illusion . 24 Hits                                                     |


Steps           1                  2                3                           4                           5
Jump in LP/LK/HP/HK   | Crouch/Close LP x2  | Annu/Lela Mutsube .4 Hits                                                   |
                      |                     | Stand HP             | Annu Mutsube .5 Hits                                 |
                      |                     |                      | Shichikapu Kamui Irushika .6/7/8                     |
                      | Crouch/Close LP     | Crouch LK            | Crouch HK .4 Hits                                    |
                      | Crouch/Close LK     | Close HK .4 Hits                                                            |
Cross up HK           |any combo From Step 2                                                                              |
Opponent on the ground
Mamahaha Nitsukamaru  | HP Shichikapu Ai .2 Hits                                                                          |
                      | Kamui Mutsube .2 Hits                                                                             |



Steps           1                  2              3               4                 5                    6
Jump in LP/LK/HP/HK   | Crouch  LP x2       | Crouch HP   | Raiden Combination | Headbutt | Fire Breath lvl-2/3.10/11 hits|
                      |                     | Stand LK    | Flame Breath .7/8/9 Hits                                      |
                      |                     | Crazy Train .8/10/12 Hits                                                   |
                      | Crouch/Close HP     | Flame Breath .5/6/7 Hits                                                    |
                      |                     | Crazy Train .5/7/9 Hits                                                     |
                      | Crouch LP           | Crouch HP   | Super Dropkick.4 Hits                                         |
                      |                     |             | Crazy Train .6/8/10 Hits                                      |
                      | Crouch HP           | LP Dokugiri 3 Hits                                                          |
Cross up Body Press   |any combo from step 2                                                                              |
Opponent in the corner
Jump in LP/LK/HP/HK   | Crouch HP           | LP Dokugiri | Fire Breath .6/7/8 hits                                       |


22.Rugal Bernstein

Steps           1                  2              3               4                 5                    6
Cross UP with HK       | Crouch LK       | Crouch HP      | HP God Press .5 Hits                                          |
                       |                 |                | Gigantic Pressure .5/6/6 Hits                                 |
                       |                 | Crouch LP      | Genocide Cutter .4 Hits                                       |
                       |                 |                | Total Annihilation .6/9/10 Hits                               |
                       | Close HK        | Reppu Ken .3 Hits                                                              |
                       |                 | Genocide Cutter .3 Hits                                                        |

23.Ryo Sakazaki

Steps           1                  2              3               4                 5                    6
Cross up with HK        | Crouch LP      | Crouch LK      | Stand HP     | Hien Shippuu Kyaku .6 Hits                     |
                        |                |                |              | Haou Shoukou Ken .6/7/9 Hits                   |
                        |                |                |              | Ryuuko Ranbu lvl-2-3.16/19 Hits                |
                        |                |                | HP Kyokugen-ryuu Renbu Ken .7 Hits                            |
                        |                |                | Ko'ou Ken .4 Hits                                             |
                        |                |                | Crouch HK .4 Hits                                             |
                        |                | Kohou .3 Hits                                                                  |
                        |                | Close HP       | Ko'ou Ken .4 Hits                                             |
                        |                |                | Tenchi Haou Ken .4 Hits                                       |
                        | Close/Crouch HP| Zanretsu Ken .12/16 Hits                                                       |
                        |                | Ryuko Ranbu .13/14/17 Hits                                                     |


Step     1                2                  3                                       4                        5                     6
Cross up with HK  | Close/Crouch LP| Crouch/Close LP                     | Hadou ken.4 Hits                                                       |
                  |                |                                     | Shakunetsu Hadou ken.4 Hits                                            |
                  |                |                                     | Far HP                      |Shinkuu Hadou Ken .7/8/9 Hits             |
                  |                |                                     | Crouch/Stand LP            |Forward Kick|Shinkuu Hadou Ken .8/9/10 Hits|
                  |                |                                     | Shin Shouryuu Ken.7 Hits                                               |
                  |                | Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku.7/11/15                                                                       |
                  |                | Shin Shouryuu Ken.6 Hits            |                                                                        |
                  |                | Shouryuu Ken                        | Shin Shouryuu Ken.7 Hits                                               |
                  |                | HK Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku.3 Hits                                                                             |
                  |                | Close/Crouch HP                     | Shin Shouryuu Ken.7 Hits                                               |
                  |                |                                     | Shinkuu Hadou Ken.6/7/8 Hits                                           |
                  |                |                                     | Hadou Ken.4 Hits                                                       |
                  |                |                                     | Shakunetsu Hadou ken.4 Hits                                            |
                  |                | Crouch/Stand LP				 | Hadou Ken.4 Hits                                                       |
                  |                | Crouch LK                           | Hadou Ken.4 Hits                                                       |
                  |                |                                     | Shakunetsu Hadou ken.4 Hits                                            |
                  |                |                                     | Forward Kick                | Hadou Ken.5 Hits                         |
                  |                | Crouch/Close LP  			 | Crouch HK                   | Shin Shouryuu Ken.8 Hits                 |
                  | Close HP       | Shouryuu Ken.3 Hits                                                                                          |
                  |                | Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku.3 Hits                                                                                |
                  |                | Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku.6/10/14 Hits                                                                  |
-Your opponent must be in the corner and you in the other side of the screen                                                                      |
 Hadou Ken        | Run Crouch LK  | Crouch HK                           | Shin Shouryuu Ken.7 Hits                                               |
                  |                | Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku.7/8-9/9-12 Hits                                                               |
                  |                | Forward Kick   |  Shinkuu Hadou Ken.6/7/8 Hits		                                                        |
-Jump in LK       | air Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku| Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku.7/8-9/9-12 Hits                                                    |
                  |                |          |Shin Shouryuu Ken.6 Hits                                                                           |

25.Evil Ryu

Step     1                2                  3                                       4                          5                6
Cross up with HK  | Close/Crouch LP| Crouch/Close LP                     | Hadou ken.4 Hits                                                       |
                  |                |                                     | Shakunetsu Hadou ken.4 Hits                                            |
                  |                |                                     | Crouch/Stand LP           |Forward Kick |Shinkuu Hadou Ken .8/9/10 Hits|
                  |                |                                     | Messatsu Gou Shouryuu .7/9/10 Hits                                     |
                  |                | Messatsu Gou Shouryuu .6/8/9 Hits   |                                                                        |
                  |                | Shouryuu Ken .5 Hits                                                                                         |
                  |                | HK Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku .4 Hits                                                                            |
                  |                | Close/Crouch HP                     | Messatsu Gou Shouryuu .7/9/10 Hits                                     |
                  |                |                                     | Shinkuu Hadou Ken.6/7/8 Hits                                           |
                  |                |                                     | Hadou Ken.4 Hits                                                       |
                  |                |                                     | Shakunetsu Hadou ken.4 Hits                                            |
                  |                | Crouch/Stand LP				 | Hadou Ken.4 Hits                                                       |
                  |                | Crouch LK                           | Hadou Ken.4 Hits                                                       |
                  |                |                                     | Shakunetsu Hadou ken.4 Hits                                            |
                  |                |                                     | Forward Kick                | Hadou Ken.5 Hits                         |
                  |                | Crouch/Close LP  			 | Crouch HK                   | Messatsu Gou Shouryuu Ken.8/10/11 Hits   |
                  |                | LK Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku           | Shouryuu Ken.5 Hits                                                    |
                  |                |                                     | Messatsu Gou Shouryuu Ken.6/8/8 Hits                                   |
-Your opponent must be in the corner and you in the other side of the screen                                                                      |
 Hadou Ken        | Run Crouch LK  | Crouch HK                           | LK Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku  |Messatsu Gou Shouryuu Ken.6/8/8 Hits.7 Hits|
                  |                | Forward Kick   |  Shinkuu Hadou Ken.6/7/8 Hits		                                                        |
-Jump in LK       | air Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku| LK Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku| Messatsu Gou Shouryuu Ken.5/7/7 Hits                                                    |


Step     1                2              3             4                  5
Cross up with LK | Close LP      | Close LK     | Tiger Shot .5 Hits                                                    |
                 |               |              | Tiger Crush/Knee .5 Hits                                              |
                 |               |              | Tiger Uppercut .4 Hits                                                |
                 |               |              | Stand HK      | Ground Tiger Shot .5 Hits                             |
                 |               |              | Tiger Raid .9/10/10 Hits                                              |
                 |               |              | Tiger Genocide .10/13/17 Hits                                         |
                 |               |              | Tiger Cannon .7/8/9                                                   |
                 |               | Stand HK     | Tiger Raid .10/11/11 Hits                                             |
                 |               |              | Tiger Uppercut .4 Hits                                                |
                 |               |              | Tiger Shot .4 Hits(any version)                                       |
                 |               |              | Tiger Genocide .12/15/19 Hits                                         |
                 |               |              | Tiger Cannon .9/10/11                                                 |
                 |               | Close LP     | Crouch Forward| Tiger Raid . 10/11/11 Hits                            |
                 |               |              |               | Tiger Genocide .11/14/18 Hits                         |
                 |               |              |               | Tiger Cannon .8/9/10                                  |
                 |               |              |               | Tiger Shot .5 Hits(any version)                       |
                 |               | Close HP     | Tiger Raid . 9/10/10 Hits                                             |
                 |               |              | Tiger Uppercut .4 Hits                                                |
                 |               |              | Tiger Genocide .10/13/17 Hits                                         |
                 |               |              | Tiger Cannon .7/8/9                                                   |
                 |               |              | Tiger Shot. 4 Hits                                                    |
Jump in LK/HK    | any combo from step 2                                                                                |

27.Sakura Kasugano

Step     1              2             3            4             5             6               7
Cross up with HK | Crouch LP     | Crouch LP   | Crouch LP   | Crouch HK | Shinkuu Hadou Ken lvl-3 .9 Hits                         |
                 |               |             |             | Stand LK  | HP Sho'ou Ken(normal) |Shinkuuu Hadou Ken lvl-3 .14 Hits|
                 |               |             |             | Haru Issen/Ichiban .9/10/11 Hits                                    |
                 |               |             |             | Midare Sakura .8/10/11 Hits                                         |
                 |Crouch/Close HP| Hadou Shou .4 Hits                                                                              |
                 |               | Hadou Ken .3 Hits                                                                               |
                 |               | Shunpuu Renkyaku | Crouch Forward .4 Hits                                                       |
                 |Close/Crouch LP| Close HP    | Hadou Ken .3 Hits                                                                 |
                 |               |             | HP Sho'ou Ken(normal) |Shinkuuu Hadou Ken lvl-3 .13 Hits                          |
                 |               |             | Haru Issen/Ichiban .8/9/10 Hits                                                   |
                 |               |             | Midare Sakura .7/9/10 Hits                                                        |
Your opponent must be in the corner                                                                                                |
Jump in LK/LP    |air Shunpu Kyaku| Lvl-3 Shinkuu Hdou Ken .6 Hits                                                                 |
                 |                | Midare Sakura .5/7/7 Hits                                                                      |

28.Terry Bogard

Step     1                 2               3            4             5             6               7
Jump in LP/LK/HP/HK | Close HP     | LP Burn Knuckle .4 Hits                                                         |
                    |              | LK Crack Shot .4 Hits                                                           |
                    |              | Power Geyser .4/5/6 Hits                                                        |
                    |              | Buster Wolf .5/7/9 Hits(attack with anything to score one more hit after this)  |
                    | Crouch LP/LK | Rising Tackle .3/6 Hits                                                         |
                    |              | Close HP     | LP Burn Knuckle .5 Hits                                          |
                    |              |              | Buster Wolf .6/7/8 Hits                                          |
Your opponent must be in the corner
Jump in LP/LK/HP/HK | Close LP     | Close HP     | Buster Wolf  | Crouch HP | LK Power Dunk .8/9/11 Hits            |
(only the Power Dunk's last part will hit)
                    |              |              |              | HP Rising Tackle .12/14/16 Hits                   |
                    |              |              |              | Power Geyser lvl-1 .7/9/11 Hits(snk Groove only)  |


Step     1                 2               3                 4
Jump in LK/HP/HK  | Close HP .3 Hits                                           |
                  | Crouch LK/LP | Rolling Cristal Flash .7 Hits               |
                  |              | Scarlet Terror .3/4 Hits                    |
                  |              | Crouch LP     | Scarlet Mirage .7/9/11 Hits |
                  |              |               | Red Impact .5 Hits          |
                  | Crouch Strong| Scarlet Mirage .6/8/10 Hits                 |
                  |              | Red Impact .4 Hits                          |
Your opponent must be in the corner
Jump in LK/HP/HK  |Crouch LK/LP  | Crouch LP     | Scarlet Mirage .7/9/11 Hits               |
                  |              |               | Rollin Cristal Flash | Red Impact .9 Hits |


Step        1                 2                3                 4                5
Jump in LP/LK/HP/HK | Close/Crouch LP | Crouch/Close HP  | Da cide .4 Hits                         |
                    |                 |                  | HP Mayhem       | Da Cide Slayer .5 Hits|
                    |                 | Close HK .4 Hits                                           |
                    |                 | Stand/Close LPx2 | Stand/Crouch HK .5 Hits                 |
                    |                 |                  | Stand LK .5 Hits                        |
                    | Close/Crouch HP | LK Outrage .3 Hits                                         |
Jump in LK/LP       | LK Ravenous .4 Hits                                                          |
Cross up LK         | any combo from step 2                                                        |
HP Gore Fest        | Tranquility .3 Hits (use LK Tranquility in the corner)                       |


Step        1                 2                3                 4                5
Jump in LP/LK/HK   | Close/Crouch LP  | Stand/Close HP | Suna Kake   |Hebi Tsukai(Chuudan/Gedan).5 Hits            |
                   |                  |                | Sabaki no Aikuchi .4/5 Hits                               |
                   |                  | Crouch LP      | Crouch LP  | Suna Kake |Hebi Tsukai(Chuudan/Gedan).6 Hits |
                   |                  |                |            | Crouch HK | Guillotine lvl-3 .17 Hits        |
                   |                  | Guillotine .10/12/15 Hits                                                  |
                   | Close/Crouch HP  | Gillotine  .10/12/15 Hits                                                  |

32.Yuri Sakazaki

Step        1                 2                3                 4                5
Cross up with LK   | Crouch/Close LP | Crouch/Close LP | HP Yuri Chou Upper | Double Yuri Chou Upper .7 Hits       |
                   |                 |                 | Hien Rekkou .8/9/11 Hits                                  |
                   |                 |                 | Haou Shoukou Ken .5/6/8 Hits                              |
                   |                 | Close HP        | Hien Rekkou .8/9/11 Hits                                  |
                   |                 |                 | Haou Shoukou Ken .5/6/8 Hits                              |
                   |                 |                 | Hien Hou'ou Kyaku .11/16/21 Hits                          |
                   | Crouch/Close HP | Ko'ou Ken .3 Hits                                                           |
                   |                 | Hyakuretsu Binta .? Hits                                                    |
Jump in LP/HP/HK   | any combo from step 3                                                                         |
(use the first part of King's Double Strike super motion to do the Hien Hou'ou Kyaku in combos
 see King's combos-)



Step        1              2                3
Cross up Body Press | Crouch LP   | Double/Quick Lariat .3 Hits|
                    |             | Crouch LPx3 .5 Hits        |
Close EX HP         | Double/High Speed Double Lariat.2 Hits   |
Kuchuu Head Butt    | Crouch HK   .2 Hits                      |




After unlocked all secrets can be viewed and bought in secret mode/secret shop`.

01 to 33-New Colors for the characters-Beat the game with the corresponding character to unlock it and buy them
         for 200 vs points.

34 to 61-Extra character version-Beat the game with the corresponding character in his/her own groove and buy
         the extra versions for : Ratio-1 characters 2000 vs points
                                  Ratio-2 characters 3000 vs points
                                  Ratio-3 characters 4000 vs points
                                  Ryu and Iori cost 7000 vs points

62-Fight Akuma-End The Game then buy it for 500 vs points.
               To fight Akuma reach the final stage with 80 gps or higher.

63-Fight Morrigan-End the game with all the Capcom chatacters in Capcom groove then buy it for 700 vs points.
                  To Fight Morrigan reach Stage 3 with 60 gps or higher in Capcom groove.

64-Fight Nakoruru-End the game with all the SNK chatacters in SNK groove then buy it for 700 vs points.
                  To Fight Nakoruru reach Stage 3 with 60 gps or higher in SNK groove.

65-M.Bison/Vega's Stage-Beat M.Bison/Vega at the end of the game then buy it for 1200 vs points.

66-Geese's Stage-Beat Geese at the end of the game then buy it for 1200 vs points.

67-Morrigan's Stage-Beat Morrigan then buy it for 1200 vs points.

68-Nakoruru's Stage-Beat Nakoruru then buy it for 1200 vs points.

69-Akuma's Stage-Beat Akuma then buy it for 1500 vs points.

70-Sagat's secret Stage-If during the game Sagat's stage is purple then Beat the game then buy it for 1500 vs points.

71-Pair Match Mode-Beat Morrigan and Nakoruru then buy it for 1500 vs points.
                   (Like Arcade but all characters are Ratio 2)

72-Ratio Edit-Beat Akuma then buy it for 1500 vs points.
              (select the ratio for all characters)

73-Original Music-Beat Pair Match Mode then buy it 2000 vs points.

74-Unlock Morrigan-Defeat Morrigan then buy her for 8000 vs points.

75-Unlock Nakoruru-Defeat Nakoruru then buy her for 8000 vs points.

76-Unlock Akuma-Defeat Akuma then buy him for 9500 vs points.

77-Run & Dash-Buy Nakoruru and Morrigan then buy it for 2300 vs points.



VII.Moves Names/Translations

 Japanese Names                  U.S. list                Kao Megura's translation             My spanish translation


 Seoi Nage                      ------------               Over-the-Shoulder Throw             Lanzamiento sobre el hombro
 Tomoe Nage                     ------------               Overhead Judo Throw                 Lanzamiento de Judo sobre la cabeza
 Gou Hadou Ken                  ------------               Great Surge Fist                    Gran puño ed energia
 Zankuu Hadou Ken               ------------               Sky-Slashing Surge Fist             Puño de enrgia cortador de cielo
 Shakunetsu Hadou Ken           ------------               Scorching Heat Surge Fist           Puño de energia abrasador
 Gou Shouryuu Ken               ------------               Great Rising Dragon Fist            Gran puño de dragon ascendente
 Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku         ------------               Sky Slashing Tornado Kick           Patada de tornado cortadora de cielo
 Ashura Senkuu                  ------------               (demonic warrior) Air Flash         (guerrero demoniaco) flash aereo
 Tenma Kuujin Kyaku             ------------               Demonic Air Blade Kick              Patada aerea demoniaca cortante
 Zugai Hasatsu                  ------------               Skull Destroyer                     Destructor de craneo
 Messatsu Gou Hadou             ------------               Great Surge Deadly Attack           Gran ataque mortal de enrgia
 Tenma Gou Zankuu               ------------               Great Demonic Sky Slasher           Gran cortador de cielo demoniaco
 Messatsu Gou Shouryuu          ------------               Great Rising Dragon Deadly Attack   Gran ataque mortal de dragon ascendiente
 Messatsu Gou Rasen             ------------               Great Spiralling Deadly Attack      Gran ataque mortal en espiral
 Messatsu Gou Senpuu            ------------               Great Whirlwind Deadly Attack       Gran ataque mortal de torbellino
 Shun Goku Satsu                ------------               Imprisoning Death Flash             Flash aprisionador de muerte


 Head Bomber                    ------------               ------------                        Golpe a la cabeza(head:cabeza Bomber:bombardeo)
 Gut Bomber                     ------------               ------------                        Golpe al estomago(gut:tripa Bomber:bombardeo)
 Shoulder Throw                 ------------               ------------                        Lanzaminto de hombro
 Dash Straight                  ------------               ------------                        Directo corriendo
 Dash Ground Straight           ------------               ------------                        Directo al piso corriendo
 Dash Uppercut                  ------------               ------------                        Uppercut corriendo
 Dash Ground Uppercut           ------------               ------------                        Uppercut desde el piso corriendo
 Turn Punch                     ------------               ------------                        Puñetazo de giro
 Buffalo Headbutt               ------------               ------------                        Cabezazo de bufalo
 Crazy Buffalo                  ------------               ------------                        Bufalo loco
 Gigaton Blow                   ------------               ------------                        Trompada de gigaton

 Benimaru Nikaido

 Front Suplex                ------------                  -------------                       Suplex frontal
 Catch and Shoot             ------------                  -------------                       Coger y patear
 Spinning Knee Drop          ------------                  -------------                       Desplome de rodilla con giro
 Jackknife Kick              ------------                  -------------                       Patada de navaja
 Drill Kick                  ------------                  -------------                       Patada taladro
 Raijin ken                  Lightning fist                Quivering Lightning Fist            Puño de rayo/Puño estremecedor de relampago
 Taikuu Rijin Ken                                          Anti-Air Quivering Lightning Fist   Puño estremecedor de relampago anti aereo
 Iai Geri                    Iaido Kick                    Sword-Drawing Kick                  Patada Iaido/Patada dibuja espada
 Shinkuu Katate-goma         ------------                  One-Handed Vacuum Top               Trompo aspirador a una mano
 Benimaru Corridor           Benimaru Corridor Crunch      -------------                       Corredor triturador de Benimaru
 Raikou Ken                  Blast Flash                   Lightning Gleam Fist                Flash explosivo/Puño de rayo destellante
 Taikuu Raikou Ken                                         anti-air Lightning Gleam Fist       Puño destellante de relampago anti aereo
 Denei Spark                 Discharge Spark       Violent electric spark(fiefo translation)   Chispa de descarga
 Elec-Trigger                Elec-Trigger                  -------------                       Disparador de elctricidad


 Rock Crush                     -------------              -------------                       Tritura roca
 Amazon River Run               -------------              -------------                       El correr del rio Amazonas
 Rolling Attack                 -------------              -------------                       Ataque rodando
 Vertical Rolling Attack        -------------              -------------                       Ataque rodando vertical
 Backstep Rolling Attack        -------------              -------------                       Ataque rodando con paso atras
 Electric Thunder               -------------              -------------                       Trueno electrico
 Surprise Forward               -------------              -------------                       Sorpresa adelante
 Surprise Back                  -------------              -------------                       Sorpresa atras
 Direct Lightning               -------------              -------------                       Rayo directo
 Shout of Earth                 -------------              -------------                       Grito de la Tierra
 Ground Shave Rolling           -------------              -------------                       Afeitada de suelo rodando


 Spiral Arrow                    -------------              -------------                       Flecha en espiral
 Cannon Spike                    -------------              -------------                       Clavo cañon
 Cannon Strike                   -------------              -------------                       Golpe cañon
 Axle Spin Knuckle               -------------              -------------                       Golpe de nudillos de giro en eje
 Hooligan Combination            -------------              -------------                       Combinacion Hooligan
 Razor Edge Slicer               -------------              -------------                       Cortador de filo de navaja
 Fatal Leg Twister               -------------              -------------                       Torcedor fatal de piernas
 Cross Scissor Pressure          -------------              -------------                       Presion de cruce de tijeras
 Spin Drive Smasher              -------------              -------------                       Destrozador con impulso giratorio
 Reverse Shaft Breaker           -------------              -------------                       Rompedor lanza en reversa

 Chun li

 Koshuu Tou                      -------------              Attacking Tiger Overthrow                  Lanzamiento de tigre atacante
 Ryuusei Raku                    -------------              Shooting Star Drop                         Lanzamiento de estrella fugaz
 Kaku Kyaku Raku                 -------------              Crane Leg Drop                             Patada cayendo de grulla
 Yousou Kyaku                    -------------              Eagle Talon Kick                           Patada de talon de aguila
 Sankaku Tobi                    -------------              Triangle Hop                               Salto en triangulo
 Kikou Ken                       -------------              Chi Fist                                   Puño de enrgia interna
 Hyakuretsu Kyaku                -------------              Hundred Rending Kicks                      Cien patadas desgarradoras
 Tenshou Kyaku                   -------------              Heavenly Ascention Kick                    Patada de ascension divina
 Spinning Bird Kick              -------------              -------------                              Patada de pajaro giratoria
 Kikou Shou                      -------------              Chi Palm                                   Palma de energia interna
 Senretsu Kyaku                  -------------              Thousand Rending Kicks                     Mil patadas desgarradoras
 Hazan Tenshou Kyaku             -------------              Supreme Mountain Heavenly Ascention Kick   Patada de ascension divina de montaña suprema
 Spinning Hornet Kick            -------------              -------------                              Patada de avispon giratoria

 Yoga Fire			         -------------              -------------                      Fuego Yoga
 Yoga Flame                      -------------              -------------                      Flama Yoga
 Yoga Blast                      -------------              -------------                      Estallido Yoga
 Yoga Teleport                   -------------              -------------                      Teleportacion Yoga
 Yoga Stream  	               -------------              -------------                      Chorro Yoga
 Yoga Vulcan		         Yoga Volcano               -------------                      Volcan Yoga
 Yoga Tempest                    -------------              -------------                      Tempestad Yoga


 Tawara Nage                     -------------              Straw Bag Throw                    Lanzamiento de bolsa de paja
 Saba ori                        -------------              Mackerel Snapping                  Partidor de macarela
 Flying Sumo Press               -------------              -------------                      Presa de sumo voladora
 Harai-Geri                      -------------              Sweep Kick                         Patada barredora
 Super Zutsuki                   -------------              Super Headbutt                     Super cabezazo
 Super Hyakkan Otoshi            -------------              Super Hundredweight Drop           Super caida de cien kilos de peso
 Ooichou Nage                    -------------              Gingko Tree Throw                  Lanzamiento de arbol Gingko
 Oni Musou                       -------------              Unrivaled Demon                    Demonio sin rival
 Orochi Kudaki                   -------------              Great Serpent Smasher              Destrozador de la gran serpiente

 Geese Howard

 Reppu Ken                       Wind Slice                 Storm Fist                         Puño de tormenta/Corte de viento
 Double Reppu Ken                Double Wind Slice          Double Storm Fist                  Doble puño de tormenta/
 Shippu Ken                      Gale Slash                 Gale Fist                          Puño de vendaval/Cuchillazo de vendaval
 Atemi Nage-Joudan               Upper Body Blow            Hit self throw-high                Autolanzamiento al golpear-alto/Golpe al cuerpo alto
 Atemi Nage-Chuudan              Middle Body Blow           Hit self throw-middle              Autolanzamiento al golpear-medio/Golpe al cuerpo medio
 Atemi Nage-Gedan	               Lower Body Blow            Hit self throw-low                 Autolanzamiento al golpear-bajo/Golpe al cuerpo bajo
 Jaei Ken                        Evil Shadow Smasher        Evil Shadow Fist                   Puño de sombra malevolo/Destrozador de sombra malevolo
 Raising Storm                   -------------              --------------                     Tormenta ascendiente
 Deadly Rave                     -------------              --------------                     Rabia letal


 Spinning Backfist               -------------              -------------              Puñetazo de giro con la parte de arriba de la mano
 Rolling Sobat                   -------------              -------------              Sobat Rodando
 Sonic Boom                      -------------              -------------              Estallido sonico
 Somersault Kick                 -------------              -------------              Patada de salto mortal
 Total Wipeout                   -------------              -------------              Exterminio total
 Somersault Strike               -------------              -------------              Golpe contundente en salto mortal


 Sakahagi                        -------------              Reverse Flayer                                   Desollador reverso
 Ge Shiki: Yuri Ori              -------------              Foreign Style: Lily Break                        Estilo extrangero:Rompe lirio
 Ge Shiki: Goufu In "Shinigame"  -------------              Foreign Style: Thunder Axe Negative "Death God"  Estilo extrangero:Hacha trueno negativa"dios de la muerte"
 108 Shiki: Yami Barai           Dark Thrust                Style No. 108: Darkness Sweep                    Estilo nro. 108:Barrida de oscuridad/Deslizamiento oscuro
 127 Shiki: Aoi Hana             Deadly Flower              Style No. 127: Hollyhock Flower                  Estilo nro. 127:Flor Malva rosa/Flor Mortal
 100 Shiki: Oniyaki              Fire Ball                  Style No. 100: Demon Scorcher                    Estilo nro. 100:Abrasador de demonios/Bola de fuego
 212 Shiki: Kototsuki In         Dark Crescent Slice        Style No. 212: Moon Harp Negative                Estilo nro. 127:Arpa de luna negativa/Corte creciente oscuro
 Kuzukaze                        Dust Gale                  Scum Gale                                        Vendaval de escoria/Vendaval de polvo
 Kin 1211 Shiki: Ya Otome        Maiden Masher              Forbidden Style No. 1211: Eight Maidens          Estilo prohibido nro.1211 :Ocho doncellas/Machacador de doncellas
 Ura 108 Shiki: Ya Sakazuki      One-For-The-Road Blast     Reversed Style No. 108: Eight Wine Cups          Estilo revertido nro .108 :Ocho copas de vino/Estallido de uno por el sendero
 Ura 100 Shiki: Oni Honou        Fire Wave                  Reversed Style No. 100: Demon Fire               Estilo revertido nro .108 :Fuego de demonio/Onda de fuego


 Seoi Nage                       -------------              Shoulder Throw                    Lanzamiento sobre el hombro
 Jigoku-Guruma                   -------------              Hell Wheel                        Rueda del infierno
 Jigoku-Fuusha                   -------------              Hell Windmill                     Molino del infierno
 Inazuma Kakato Wari             Inazuma Kakato Kick        Lighting Flash Heel Split         Rajadura de talon de flash de rayo
 Hadou Ken                       -------------              Surge Fist                        Puño de energia
 Zenpou Tenshin                  Front Rolling Move         Forward Roll                      Giro al frente/movimiento de giro al frente
 Shouryuu Ken                    -------------              Rising Dragon Fist                Puño de dragon ascendiente
 Ryusen Kyaku                    -------------              -n/a-
 Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku          -------------              Tornado Whirlwind Kick            Patada tornado
 Shouryuu Reppa                  -------------              Rising Dragon Render              Desgarrador de dragon ascendiente
 Shinryuu Ken                    -------------              Divine Dragon Fist                Puño de dragon divino
 Shippu Jinrai Kyaku             -------------              Swift as Lightning Kick           Patada rapida como el rayo
 Nataotoshi-geri                 Nataotoshi Kick            -n/a-
 Kamabarai-geri                  Kamabarai Kick             -n/a-
 Oosoto Mawashi-geri 	         Oosoto Mawashi Kick 	      -n/a-

 Kim Kaphwan

 Sakkyaku Nage                   --------------             Deadly Leg Throw                  Lanzamiento mortal de pierna ?
 Neri Chagi                      --------------             Descending Leg                    Patada descendente
 Hangetsu Zan                    Crescent Moon Slice        Full Moon Slash                   Tajada de luna creciente/Cuchillada de luna llena
 Haki Kyaku                      Spirit of Conquest Kick    Ambiton Kick                      Patada del espiritu de la conquista/Patada de ambicion
 Hishou Kyaku		         Flying Kick                ------------                      Patada voladora
 Hien Zan				   Flying Slice               Flying Slash                      Tajada voladora/Cuchillada voladora
 Tenshou Zan                     --------------             Rising Heaven Slash               Cuchillada de paraiso ascendiente
 Kuu Sajin                       Sand Blaster               Air Grit                          Estallido de arena/arena aerea ?
 stance change                   --------------             ------------                      Cambio de guardia
 side jump HK                    --------------             ------------                      Patada fuerte saltando de lado
 Reverse Neri Chagi              --------------             ------------                      Patada descendente reversa
 spin side kick                  --------------             ------------                      Patada de lado con giro
 Hou'ou Tenbu Kyaku              Super Phoenix Kick         Heavenly Phoenix Kick Dance       Super patada de fenix/Danza de patadas de fenix divino
 Hou'ou Kyaku                    Phoenix Flattener          Phoenix Kick                      Aplanador de fenix/Patada de fenix
 Hou'ou Hiten Kyaku              Phoenix Kick Tornado       Flying Phoenix Heavenly Kick      Tornado de patada de fenix/Patada divina de fenix volador


 Hook Buster                     --------------             --------------             Destructor con gancho
 Hold Rush                       --------------             --------------             Presa de apuro
 Sliding Kick                    --------------             --------------             Patada deslizante
 Venom Strike                    --------------             --------------             Golpe de veneno
 Double Strike                   --------------             --------------             Doble golpe
 Surprise Rose                   --------------             --------------             Rosa sorpresa
 Trap Shot	                     --------------             --------------             Patada trampa
 Moshu Kyaku                     --------------             --------------             -n/a-
 Tobi Nidan Shisshukuri          Stepping Double Knee Kicks --------------             Rodillazos dobles con avance
 Tornado Kick                    --------------             --------------             Patada tornado
 Illusion Dance                  --------------             --------------             Danza ilusion
 Silent Flash                    --------------             --------------             Flash silencioso

 Kyo Kusanagi-Ratio

 Hatsugane                       --------------             Forged Iron                                   Hierro forjado
 Issetsu Seoi Nage               --------------             Single arm Shoulder Throw                     Lanzamiento de hombro con un solo brazo
 Ge Shiki: Naraku Otoshi         --------------             Foreign Style: Hades Drop                     Estilo extranjero:Desplomo de Hades
 Ge Shiki: Goufu You             --------------             Foreign Style: Thunder Axe Positive           Estilo extranjero:Hacha de trueno positiva
 88 Shiki                        --------------             Style No. 88                                  Estilo nro. 88
 114 Shiki: Aragami              Wicked Chew                Style No. 114: Wild Bite                      Mascada perversa/Estilo nro. 114:Mordida salvaje
 128 Shiki: Kuno Kizu            Nine Scars Maker           Style No. 128: Nine Wounds                    Hacedor de nueve cicatrices/Estilo nro. 128:Nueve Heridas
 127 Shiki: Yano Sabi            Rusting Eight Combos       Style No. 127: Eight Rust                     Ocho combinacones oxidadas/Estilo nro. 127:Ocho oxidos
 Ge Shiki : Migiri Ugachi        Flashing Slash             Foreign Style: Time Drill                     Cuchillada flasheante/Estilo extranjero:Taladro del tiempo
 125 Shiki: Nanase               Seven Hurting Combos       Style No. 125: Seven Torrents                 Siete combinaciones hirientes/Estilo nro. 125:Siete Torrentes
 100 Shiki: Oniyaki              Fire Ball                  Style No. 100: Demon Scorcher                 Bola de fuego/Estilo nro. 100:Abrasador de demonio
 R.E.D. Kick                     --------------             Rainbow Dynamite Kick                         Patada dinamita de arcoiris
 Yami Barai	                     Dark Thrust                Darkness Sweep                                Deslizamiento oscuro/Barrido de oscuridad
 75 Shiki Kai                    New Wave Smash             Style No. 75 Modified                         Choque de la nueva onda/Estilo nro. 75 modificado
 Oboro Guruma                    Spinning Kick              Twilight Wheel                                Patada giratoria/Rueda de penumbra
 202 Shiki: Kototsuki You        Crescent Slash             Style No. 202: Moon Harp Positive             Cuchillada creciente/Estilo nro. 202:Arpa de luna positiva
 Ura 108 Shiki: Orochi Nagi      Serpent Wave               Reverse Style No. 108: Great Serpent Mow Down Onda de serpiente/Estilo Reverso nro. 108:Guadañazo de la gran serpiente
 Saishuu Kessen Ougi "Mu Shiki"  Final Showdown             Final Battle Hidden (Technique) "No Style"    Tecnica secreta de batalla final "sin estilo"

 Mai Shiranui

 Shiranui Gourin                 --------------             Shiranui Strong Fall                          Caida fuerte Shiranui
 Fuusha Kuzushi   	         --------------             Windmill Demolisher                           Demoledor de molino
 Yume Zakura  	               --------------             Dream Cherry                                  Cereza de ensueño
 Kachou Sen                      --------------             Flower-Butterfly Fan                          Abanico de Flor-Mariposa
 Ryuu Enbu                       --------------             Dragon Blaze Dance                            Danza de flama de dragon
 Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi          Deadly Ninja Bees          Deadly Ninja Bees                             Abejas ninja mortales
 Musasabi no Mai(Chijou)         Flying Squirrel Dance      Dance of the Giant Flying Squirrel(Ground)    Danza de la ardilla voladora/Danza de la ardilla voladora gigante(suelo)
 Musasabi no Mai(Kuuchuu)        Flying Squirrel Dance      Dance of the Giant Flying Squirrel(mid-air)   Danza de la ardilla voladora/Danza de la ardilla voladora gigante(medio del aire)
 Kagero no Mai                   Sun fire Samba             Dance of the Heat Haze                        Samba de fuego de sol/Danza de la neblina del calor
 Mizutori no Mai                 Swan's Fandango            Dance of the Waterfowl                        Fandango de Cisne/Danza de las aves acuaticas
 Chou Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi     Super Deadly Ninja Bees    Ultra Deadly Ninja Bees                       Super/Ultra Abejas ninja mortales
 Beni Suzaku                     Crimson Firebird Driver    ---------------                               Conductor pajaro de fuego carmesi


 Deadly Throw                    --------------             --------------             Lanzamiento mortal
 Dead Rise                       --------------             --------------             Alza de muerto
 Psycho Vanish                   --------------             --------------             Desvanecedor psiquico
 Psycho Impact                   --------------             --------------             Impacto psiquico
 Psycho Crusher                  --------------             --------------             Triturador psiquico
 Double Knee Press               --------------             --------------             Doble presa de rodillas
 Head Press                      --------------             --------------             Presa a la cabeza
 Devil Reverse                   --------------             --------------             Reves diabolico
 Somersault Skull Diver          --------------             --------------             Sambullida con salto mortal a la cabeza
 Heartbreak Despair              --------------             --------------             Desesperanza de corazon roto
 Knee Press Nightmare            --------------             --------------             Pesadilla de presa de rodillas


 Soul Fist                       --------------             --------------             Puño del alma
 Shadow Blade                    --------------             --------------             Hoja de cuchilla sombra
 Vector Drain                    --------------             --------------             Reductor de vector
 Cardinal Blade                  --------------             --------------             Hoja de cuchilla cardenal
 Valkyrie Turn                   --------------             --------------             Vuelta de valkiria
 Darkness Illusion               --------------             --------------             Ilusion de oscuridad


 Annu Mutsube                    --------------             --------------             -n/a-
 Lela Mutsube                    --------------             --------------             -n/a-
 Amube Yatoro                    --------------             --------------             -n/a-
 Shichikapu Etu Brute            --------------             --------------             -n/a-
 Mamahaha Nitsukamaru            Mamahaha Grab              --------------             Agarre a Mamahaha
 Mamahaha Tsukamari Kougeki      Mamahaha Slash             --------------             Cuchillada de Mamahaha
 Mamahaha Kara Okiru             Mamahaha Release           --------------             Soltar Mamahaha
 Kamui Mutsube                   --------------             --------------             -n/a-
 Shichikapu Ai                   --------------             --------------             -n/a-
 Shichikapu Kamui Irushika       --------------             --------------             -n/a-
 Shirikoro Kamui Nomi            --------------             --------------             -n/a-


 Piledriver                      --------------              --------------             -----------
 Bear Hug                        --------------              --------------             Abrazo de oso
 Bear Stomp                      --------------              --------------             Pisoton de oso
 Body Press                      --------------              --------------             Presa de cuerpo
 Doku Giri                       Poison Spray                Poison Mist                Spray de veneno/Niebla de veneno
 Giant Bomb                      --------------              --------------             Bomba Gigante
 Super Drop Kick                 --------------              --------------             Super Patada en caida
 Thunder Crush Bomb              --------------              --------------             Bomba trituradora e trueno
 Raiden Combination Body Blow    --------------              --------------             Combinacion de Raiden-Golpe al cuerpo
 Headbutt                        --------------              --------------             Cabezazo
 Front Suplex                    --------------              --------------             Suplex al frente
 Destruction Drop                --------------              --------------             Caida de destruccion
 Flame Breath                    --------------              --------------             Aliento de flama
 Crazy Train                     --------------              --------------             Tren loco


 Kaiser Wave                     -------------               -------------               Onda del Kaiser
 Dark Brarrier                   -------------               -------------               Barrera oscura
 Genocide Cutter                 Destroyer Cutter            -------------               Destructor genocida/Cortador genocida
 God Press                       Super Press                 -------------               Presa de dios/Super Presa
 Gigantic Pressure               -------------               -------------               Presion gigantesca
 Total Annihilation              -------------               -------------               Aniquilacion total
 Dark Smash                      -------------               -------------               Choque oscuro
 Rugal Execution                 -------------               -------------               Ejecucion de Rugal


 Hyouchuu Wari Nage              -------------                  Ice Pillar Splitter Press              Presa partidora de pilar de hielo
 Hyouchuu Wari                   -------------                  Ice Pillar Splitter                    Partidor de pilar de hielo
 Ko'ou Ken                       Tiger Flame Punch              Tiger Gleam Fist                       Puñetazo flama de tigre/Puño destello de tigre
 Hien Shippuu Kyaku              Lightning Legs Knockout Kick   Flying Gale Kick                       Patada de Knockout de piernas de rayo/Patada vendaval voladora
 Kohou                           -------------                  Tiger Cannon                           Cañon de tigre
 Zanretsu Ken                    -------------                  Momentary Violence Fist                Puño de violencia momentanea
 Mouko Raijin Setsu              Crazy Tiger Thunder Attack     Wild Tiger (Thunder God's Arm)         Ataque de trueno del tigre loco/Tigre salvaje(Brazo del dios del trueno)
 Kyokugen-ryuu Renbu Ken         Kyokugen Kick Dance            Extreme Limit Style Rapid Punch Dance  Danza de patadas del estilo Kyokugen/Danza de puñetazos del estilo del limite extremo
 Ryuuko Ranbu                    -------------                  Dragon / Tiger Boisterous Dance        Danza vociferadora del tigre/dragon
 Haou Shoukou Ken                -------------                  Supreme King Flying Roaring Fist       Puño volador rugiente de rey supremo
 Tenchi Haou Ken                 -------------                  Heaven and Earth Supreme King Fist     Puño de rey supremo de la Tierra y el paraiso


 Sakotsu Wari                    -------------              Collarbone Splitter               Partidor de clavicula
 Senpuu Kyaku                    -------------              Whirlwind Kick                    Patada remolino
 Hadou Ken                       -------------              Surge Fist                        Puño de energia
 Shakunetsu Hadou Ken            -------------              Scorching Heat Surge Fist         Puño de energia abrasador
 Shouryuu Ken                    -------------              Rising Dragon Fist                Puño de dragon ascendente
 Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku          -------------              Tornado Whirlwind Kick            Patada tornado
 Shinkuu Hadou Ken               -------------              Vacuum Surge Fist                 Puño de enrgia aspirador
 Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku  -------------              Vacuum Tornado Whirlwind Kick     Patda tornado aspiradora
 Shin Shouryuu Ken               -------------              True Rising Dragon Fist           Autentico puño de dragon ascendiente


 Tiger Carry                     -------------              -------------              Carga de tigre
 Tiger Rage                      -------------              -------------              Ira de tigre
 Tiger Shot                      -------------              -------------              Tiro de tigre
 Ground Tiger Shot               -------------              -------------              Tiro de tigre a ras del suelo
 Tiger Uppercut                  -------------              -------------              Uppercut de tigre
 Tiger Crush                     -------------              -------------              Aplastador de tigre
 Tiger Knee                      -------------              -------------              Rodilla de tigre
 Tiger Cannon                    -------------              -------------              Cañon de tigre
 Tiger Genocide                  -------------              -------------              Genocidio de tigre
 Tiger Raid	                     -------------              -------------              Asalto de tigre


 Sakura-jime                     -------------              Sakura's Strangle                       Estrangulamiento de Sakura
 Sailor Shoot                    -------------              -----------                             Patada de marinero
 Flower Kick                     -------------              -----------                             Patada de flor
 Hadou Shou                      -------------              Surge Palm                              Palma de energia
 Shou'ou Ken                     -------------              Cherry Blossom Fist                     Puño de cerezo floreciente
 Shunpuu Renkyaku                -------------              -n/a-                                   -n/a-
 Shunpuu Kyaku                   -------------              Spring Breeze Kick                      Patada de brisa de primavera
 Ouka Kyaku                      -------------              -n/a-                                   -n/a-
 Midare Sakura                   -------------              Cherry Trees Blossoming in Profusion    Arboles de cereza floreciendo en abundancia
 Haru Issen                      -------------              (Spring might-not sure)                 Poderio de la primavera
 Haru Ichiban                    -------------              First Storm of Spring                   Primer tormenta de primavera

 Terry Bogard

 Grasping Upper                  -------------              -------------              Emprendida hacia arriba
 Buster Throw                    -------------              -------------              Lanzamiento estructor
 Rising Upper                    -------------              -------------              Ascencion hacia arriba
 Power Wave                      -------------              -------------              Onda de poder
 Power Dunk                      -------------              -------------              Hundida poderosa
 Burning Knuckles                -------------              -------------              Nudillos ardientes
 Crack Shot	                     -------------              -------------              Tiro quebrador
 Rising Tackle                   -------------              -------------              Intercepcion ascendiente
 Power Geyser                    -------------              -------------              Geiser de poder
 Buster Wolf                     -------------              -------------              Lobo destructor


 Rainbow Suplex                  -------------              -------------              Suplex arcoiris
 Stardust Drop                   -------------              -------------              Caida polvo de estrellas
 Crescent Line                   -------------              -------------              Linea creciente
 Cosmic Smart                    -------------              -------------              Punzon cosmico
 Rolling Crystal Flash           -------------              -------------              Flash de cristal rodante
 Scarlet Terror                  -------------              -------------              Terror escarlata
 Sky High Claw                   -------------              -------------              Garra de mucha altura
 Flying Barcelona Attack         -------------              -------------              Ataque volador Barcelona
 Izuna Drop                      -------------              -------------              Caida Izuna
 Backslash                       -------------              -------------              Vuelta hacia atras
 Short Backslash                 -------------              -------------              Vuelta hacia atras corta
 Flying Barcelona Special        -------------              -------------              Especial volador Barcelona
 Rolling Izuna Drop              -------------              -------------              Caida Izuna rodante
 Scarlet Mirage                  -------------              -------------              Espejismo escarlata
 Red Impact                      -------------              -------------              Impacto rojo


 Death Blow                      -------------              -------------              Golpe mortal
 Back Rush                       -------------              -------------              Presa rapida hacia atras
 Nail Bomb                       -------------              -------------              Bombazo clavo
 Gore Fest                       -------------              -------------              Fiesta sangrienta
 Tranquility                     -------------              -------------              Tranquilidad
 Mayhem                          -------------              -------------              Caos total
 Outrage                         -------------              -------------              Ultrage
 Ravenous                        -------------              -------------              Voraz
 Da Cide                         -------------              -------------              Decisivo
 Da Cide Slayer                  -------------              -------------              Decisivo asesino
 Whitering Force                 -------------              -------------              Fuerza marchitadora
 Negative Gain                   -------------              -------------              Incremento negativo


 Shime Age                       -------------              Strangle Lift                   Alza estranguladora
 Bun Nage                        -------------              Mosquito Throw                  Lanzamiento de mosquito
 Bussashi                        -------------              stabbing                        Puñalada
 Hebi Tsukai(Joudan)             Serpent Slash upper        Snake Tamer(upper level)        Cuchillada de serpiente superior/Domador de serpientes(nivel superior)
 Hebi Tsukai(Chuudan)            Serpent Slash middle       Snake Tamer(middle level)       Cuchillada de serpiente medio/Domador de serpientes(nivel medio)
 Hebi Tsukai(Gedan)              Serpent Slash lower        Snake Tamer(lower level)        Cuchillada de serpiente inferior/Domador de serpientes(nivel inferior)
 Hebi Damashi                    Serpent's Feint            Snake Trick                     Finta de serpiente/Truco de serpiente
 Sadomaso                        Taunt & Counter            Sadism/Masochism                Burla & contra ataque/Sadismo-masoquismo
 Bakudan Pachiki                 Bomb Bopper                Bomb Headbutt                   Bombazo repentino/Cabezazo bomba
 Suna Kake                       Sand Scattering            Sand Spray                      Desparramo de arena/Spray de arena
 Sabaki no Aikuchi               Hydra's Judgment           Dagger of Judgment              Juicio de Hydra/Daga del juicio
 Yakiire                         Flight of Tempering        Tempering                       Vuelo de temperamento/Temperamento
 Dokusyu                         Poison Tentacles           -------------                   Tentaculos de veneno
 Bai Gaeshi	                     Double Return              Double Return                   Doble retorno
 Guillotine                      -------------              -------------                   Guillotina
 Drill                           -------------              -------------                   Taladro

 Yuri Sakazaki

 Oni Harite                      -------------              Demon Hand Slap                 Cachetada de demonio
 Silent Nage                     -------------              Silent Throw                    Lanzamiento silencioso
 Tsubame Otoshi                  -------------              Swallow Drop                    Caida de golondrina
 En Yoku                         -------------              Swallow Wing                    Ala de golondrina
 Raiou Ken                       -------------              Lightning Sparkle Fist          Puño de chispazo de rayo
 Saiha                           Saiha                      Smash Break                     Choque agrietador
 Yuri Chou Upper                 Yuri Super Upper           Yuri Super Upper                Super Uppercut de Yuri
 Double Yuri Chou Upper          Yuri Double Uppers         Double Yuri Super Upper         Doble Super Uppercut de Yuri
 Hyakuretsu Binta                The 100 Blows              One Hundred Violent Slaps       Los 100 golpes/Cien cachetadas violentas
 Hien Rekkou                     Scalding Steam Blast       Flying Violent Pierce           Estallido de vapor hirviente/Perforador volador violento
 Hien Hou'ou Kyaku               Flying Phoenix Kick        Flying Phoenix Kick             Patada voladora de Fenix


 Back Drop                       -------------              -------------              Caida de espaldas
 Pile Driver                     -------------              -------------              ------------
 Kamitsuki                       -------------              Biting                     Mordeura
 Flying Knee Drop                -------------              -------------              Caida de rodilla voladora
 Vanishing Flat                  -------------              -------------              Reventon desvanecedor
 Double Lariat                   -------------              -------------              Doble lazo
 Quick Double Lariat             -------------              -------------              Doble lazo rapido
 Screw Piledriver                -------------              -------------              Piledriver atornillador
 High Speed Double Lariat        -------------              -------------              Doble lazo de alta velocidad
 Flying Powerbomb                -------------              -------------              Bomba de poder voladora
 Atomic Suplex                   -------------              -------------              Suplex atomico
 Final Atomic Buster             -------------              -------------              Destructor atomico final
 Aerial Russian Slam             -------------              -------------              Lanzamiento aereo ruso

Nota :Algunas palabras en ingles no tienen traduccion literal al español

Piledriver :llave de lucha libre ,se toma al oponente cabeza abajo tomado por
            la cintura ,la cabeza se pone entre las piernas.
            Luego se deja uno mismo caer con el oponente asido hasta que su cabeza golpea el suelo.

Suplex     :Otra llave de lucha libre , se toma al oponente por la espalda a la altura de la cintura,
            luego se arquea la espalda hasta que la espalda del oponente toca el suelo.




VIII.Final Comments

-Shin Pikachu-Ratio 5.

-Real Name:Andrés Marcel Araújo García(not related to Robert from Art of Fighting)
-Date of Birth: 8 July 1977.
-Country:Montevideo, Uruguay.(South America)
-Current Occupation:Student of Engineer University, first year of System Engineer(SE)
-Fighting Style:Pikachu Perfect Ancient Thunder Destroyer Style.

 Shouryuu Nage                      b/f + HP close to the opponent.2 Hits
 Raimei Nage                        b/f + HK close to the opponent.3 Hit

-Command moves
 Seichuu Nidan Tsuki                f + HP.2 Hits

-Special moves
 Impact Thunder                     qcf + P.1/3 Hits
 Impact Thunder(Kuuchu)	            jump then qcf + P.1/3 Hits	
 Tatsumaki Senpuu Tail              qcb + K.2/5 Hits
 Pikachu Rush                       qcf + K.1 Hit
 Ashura Senku                       b,d,db + P/K.

-Super moves
 Shin Impact Thunder                qcfx2 + P.6/8/10 Hits
 Agility                            qcfx2 + K.
 Shun Goku Pikachu(lvl-3)           LP,LP,f,LK,HP.16 Hits

-(Excellent , the best character in the game , finish the game with Akuma and Evil Ryu in Hard then buy it for 100.000
  vs points)

 I'm kidding is just my profile with invented moves ,i thought it would be funny, no!? okay let's do some real
 complaining about the many flaws of this game.

-Though i am a fan of Capcom style games i also play Snk games and i would agree with some people that some Snk
 characters were toned down.
 Kyo is no match for Ryu , the lack of invulnerability at the start of the lvl-2 supers messes with his
 gameplay .
 Only one super in EX mode , they could have done the other super from KOF 99 , the 2 punch one.
 Though they ripped the punch combo special move its more or less the same.
 They balanced pretty well the normal and Ex modes , spreading the special moves
 between the two modes.
 There was no way to let him keep all the moves in one mode , they would have been
 overpowered against the Capcom Dudes.
 First think it must be a balanced game.
 In the other hand Iori was excellent remade , in my opinion , better.
 Also some Capcom characters were really toned down in their EX mode , such as Zangief,
 Chun li,Ken,..,etc.
 The second part of this game was already announced so i want all the characters who
 use the Alpha 3 graphics 'REMADE' ,i guess none of us wants to see tose non fitting
 drawings along with the new RYU and the rest who are made anew.
 I guess they used those graphics to save time, but now they have plenty of time to
 redo them.
 Besides i want at least two super moves per character ,including the EX mode,
 not just a toned down version of the normal ones,change the  punch/kicks moves
 it's just another draw for the artist , come on!!.
 They also could implement a Ratio system for the moves so there could be a lot of moves
 that all of us want and no risk of overpower the character , it would work like that.

 For example let's take Ryu , the following moves would be available for Ryu to pick:
-Command moves
 Sakotsu Wari                     	1
 Kyuubi Kudaki				1
 Senpuu Kyaku				1
 Seichuu Nidan Tsuki			1
-Special moves
 Hadou Ken					1
 Shouryuu Ken				1
 Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku			1
 Joudan Sokutou Geri			1
-Super moves
 Shinkuu Hadou Ken			1
 Shin Shouryuu Ken			2
 Denjin Hadou Ken				1
 Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku	1
 Shoryuu Reppa				2

 The numbers on the right would be the cost for each move.
 You could have 2 points to distribute between Command moves , 3 between Special and 4
 between super moves.

 In case of overpowering a character they could changed the move cost.
 I think is an excellent idea , this way you would be able to pick
 from all the missing moves of Kyo without overpoweri him.

 -I would like to see characters from Sf3 Alex,Yun,Dudley and the remaining from SF1
 Also some Snk lost ones like Hwa Jai,Michael Max,Richard Myer.Tung Fu Rue,the Orochi
 I want the sound remade like in Fatal Fury 1 ,if you heard it before you know what i'm
 talking about , it sounded like if you were fighting in a large hall ,and Raiden's
 stage music is excellent.
 If you have the opportunity go and listen to this machine's sound, you'll agree with

 Anyway the game is okay ,at last they decided to do what all of us always wanted...
 Shin Shoryuu Ken the stupid overpowered ass of Kyo.(Remember i'm a Capcom fan)
 See ya!!!!!!!!

IX-Credits Section-

-Thanks to Kao Megura for writting the best faqs ever ,
 wich i used to get the japanese names and translations.

 King of Fighters 98-99-00
 Street Fighter Alpha 3
 Street Fighter 3rd Strike
 Vampire Savior

 You can found all his faqs here at www.gamefaqs.com

-Torey Lang ([email protected])
(thanks for the japanese translation site and for saying this is a good faq)

-Thanks to Sailor Bacon ([email protected])(http://come.to/SailorBacon/)

 That was the first CvsS faq i read.
 I used his Capcom vs Snk faq to get some moves names.

-Thanks to Sunboy([email protected])
           WWW: http://planeta.clix.pt/mugen4ever/sunboy/
           IRC: #mugen, @#atrkid, #capcom as [Jedah], [Rugal], [Sunboy] or [Rumiko].

           Marty Perez (AKA [email protected])

           Fiefo! ([email protected])

           James Chen  ([email protected])

           Ryouga ([email protected])

-I recomend to you the actual reader of this faq ,take a look to that guys faqs,
 you may find some stuff i have not.
 If you're thinking about writting a faq do it , i took my the basic ideas from
 the dudes above.
 It is my first faq ,i worked hard to do it and i'm proud , remember ,if you used
 some stuff like i did from other person ,to properly credit him/her no one likes

 May the force be with you!! Pika Pika!!!


						    T    H    E              E     N     D

                                                      o      o

                                                     \        /

                                                Hey i said this is the end!!

                                                Why you keep bothering!!!

                                                   Stop joking around!!!!

                                           Don't you have better things to do!!!

                                          OK go play Starcraft and let me go !!!

                                           You don't know Starcraft????!!!!
                                           Oh boy , i won't forgive you that.

\___________________________________________________________True end___________________________________________________/



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