FAQ/Guide - Guide for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2

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                                                   Blitz Knight Stunt Presents:

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          I was like you once. But your God showed me another path.

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
            Platform:   PlayStation 3 / XBox 360
             Version:   0.10
        Last Updated:   3/7/2014

               Email:   FAQs @ bkstunt .com
            Web Site:   http://bkstunt.com/
       Facebook Page:   http://www.facebook.com/Bkstunt

  This document is best viewed using a FIXED-WIDTH font, such as Courier New.
    If the ASCII above/below and the charts used throughout the guide look
  strange, please change your settings to display text in a FIXED-WIDTH font.
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       |____\___/_| \__,_/__/ \___/_|   |___/_||_\__,_\__,_\___/\_/\_/
O==<                          Table of Contents                           >==O

   Note: Press Ctrl+F and enter in the code to skip to that section.


 - Introduction......................................................[LoS-INT]
 - Controls..........................................................[LoS-CON]
 - Tips and Tricks...................................................[LoS-TIP]


   - Prologue: Castle Siege.................................[LoS-1]
   - Sciences District......................................[LoS-2]
   - City of the Damned.....................................[LoS-3]



 - Bosses............................................................[LoS-BOS]
 - Items.............................................................[LoS-ITM]
 - Skills............................................................[LoS-SKI]
 - Lore..............................................................[LoS-LOR]
 - Enemies...........................................................[LoS-ENM]
 - Trophies..........................................................[LoS-TPH]


 - Version History...................................................[LoS-HIS]
 - Credits...........................................................[LoS-CRE]
        _               _           __   ___ _            _            
       | |   ___ _ _ __| |___  ___ / _| / __| |_  __ _ __| |_____ __ __
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       |____\___/_| \__,_/__/ \___/_|   |___/_||_\__,_\__,_\___/\_/\_/
O==<                            Introduction                              >==O

 It's been 3+ years since Castlevania: Lords of Shadow came out... one of the
first guides I ever wrote. That game blew away my expectations with how huge
it was, how fun it was to play (I still consider it one of the best hack and
slash games on the PS3 generation) and how much atmosphere it oozed.

 Everyone that knows me knows that I am a bonafide Castlevania fan. Heck,
you could even say I champion the series, as this is the FOURTEENTH CASTLEVANIA
FAQ/Walkthrough I've written. 14! Holy smokes...

 Hopefully I'm known for more than that though... I know several of you already
know you can count on me to go in-depth and guide you through this game with a
witty sense of humor and all the knowledge you could ask for. If you don't know
that already, here's hoping you are finding it out for the first time.

 Let's make this journey together!

 ~ Bkstunt
(-NOTE-) This guide is still very much a work-in-progress. For example,
         besides being incomplete I know for a fact that my section names,
         ASCii and more are likely going to change. Please be patient!


Want to talk about some games!? Maybe throw out some ideas for what YOU want
to see me write about next? I made a facebook account for just that reason!

You can 'Like' me at:


I also have a website you can visit to see what other guides I've written,
as well as see upcoming projects. I've also written a TON of reviews that will
go up there (You want to play GOOD games, right?!).


So between those two sites, come on over and say 'Hi!' sometime.


First of all, let me say that my primary motivation for writing guides is,
and always will be, for the gamer. However, as I've learned by writing just
a few guides on new games, it can hit your pocket book! I wish they'd give me
these games so I could crank out great guides, but they don't! Ah, maybe one

Until then, if you've found this guide helpful please consider donating to
help me offset my costs. You can donate to my paypal account below:


Paypal ID:

Gregorio31 @ Gmail . Com

Hey, it's WAY better than paying $20 for a guide, right? Even the smallest
amount will be appreciated.

Please be sure to send me an email so I can thank you personally as well! Or
just send me an email to say "Thanks!" Every one of those I read makes my day!

~ Bk

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       | |   ___ _ _ __| |___  ___ / _| / __| |_  __ _ __| |_____ __ __
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       |____\___/_| \__,_/__/ \___/_|   |___/_||_\__,_\__,_\___/\_/\_/
O==<                               Controls                               >==O

Here are the controls for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2.
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O==<                           Tips and Tricks                            >==O

 A collection of things to help you out as you play the game!


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O==<                       PROLOGUE: CASTLE SIEGE                         >==O

 The game will start with a very classic scene. Gabriel is soon awakened by a
knock at the door though, which prompts him to get up and toss his goblet
(another very classic move... Dracula is fond of tossing cups after all!).
Here we are introduced to the tutorial level. Ugh. Bear with it. The game will
want you to move, move the camera, do a jump, direct attack and area attack.
Do these five things and our guests will finally get through the door.

 After a cool scene, we'll be taught how to block and counter-attack. While
you can go all out and slaughter these poor knights, practice your perfect
guards here for a bit. Perfect guarding allows for devastating counter-attacks
and should be perfected throughout the game. You'll learn about un-avoidable
attacks as well, so dodge them when you see them. If you do get hit, you'll
learn to press jump for a quick recovery.

 After taking care of the first few waves of knights, the game will tell you
to pull out your Void Sword with L1. Go ahead and do so: it allows you to steal
the life from your enemies. After slaughtering these knights, one with a shield
will show up. The game will have you switch to your Chaos Claws here, which
are more powerful and will let you break the shield apart. Use them with R1 and
destroy the shield.

 Four more knights will show up and the game will let you have control. Use
the Chaos Claws to take care of the shields and then do whatever you wish to
finish them off. After you are done, Gabriel will move the battering ram out
of the way and you'll be in a new area.

 Here we need to do a bit of platforming. Jump up to where the bats are and
climb up. You'll need to jump over to the right now but be ready for a timed
button press. Continue up to the right and get on the rafter, then jump over
to the right and follow the string over to the column and down. Easy.

(-NOTE-) Take a little time here to go check out all the options under the
         "Configuration" menu. There's several interesting things here that
         may make the game better for your individual taste. Things like
         playing without QUICK TIME EVENTS, showing Sub-titles, showing life
         bars and other cool options.
 Head onward and you'll see a scene soon. Looks like we are under attack in
a major way. There's some very awesome (and classic) lines coming up that all
Castlevania fans are sure to recognize! No time to focus on the titan now
though, a Paladin is attacking us!

 | Boss Battle -               Paladin (Round 1)              - Boss Battle |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - General Information: This guy is more of a warm-up than a true threat, |
 |   as you can tell by the "Round 1" tag. We'll fight him later though,    |
 |   so for now just get really familiar with his limited move-set. He only |
 |   really has one un-blockable move here, but he loves to do it twice in  |
 |   a row so you should still be on your toes.                             |
 |                                                                          |
 |   The most important note here is that you have UNLIMITED MAGIC, but     |
 |   not unlimited life. Be sure to use it. We only have to take away about |
 |   25% of his total health in this fight (half of the first bar), so it   |
 |   will be pretty easy. You can make huge headway by perfect-guarding one |
 |   of his basic attacks and countering with Chaos Claws. Still, check out |
 |   his moves below and be ready for all of the platforming that we will   |
 |   be doing once the Paladin retreat.                                     |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Ground Spark: This is the Paladin's standard ranged attack. You should |
 |   see it coming from a mile away. The Paladin will run one blade along   |
 |   the other making it spark and then sending it streaking along the      |
 |   ground at you. Simply dodge to the left or right to avoid.             |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Sword Dash: This is the most dangerous attack you have to face (for    |
 |   now anyways). This is also the only un-blockable attack. The Paladin   |
 |   will raise both swords (where you'll see the un-blockable signal) and  |
 |   then dash forward quickly at you. He OFTEN does this attack twice in   |
 |   a row, so be very careful and dash again after the Paladin's first     |
 |   attack to be safe.                                                     |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Basic Sword Attack: This is just the Paladin's basic attack, which is  |
 |   pretty much just a sword swing. A fancy sword swing, I suppose, as he  |
 |   swirls around often while he attacks you. Note that he can do this     |
 |   attack twice in a row. Also note that you can perfect guard this       |
 |   attack and lay into the Paladin hard with a counter-attack.            |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |

 Once you are on the titan some knights will come out to play. Three of them.
Take them out but be aware that as you do so the Paladin may (will) tell the
titan to attack the castle. In order to not get phased or stunned, simply
jump right before the titan punches the wall.

 Kill the rest of the knights (you should be able to by the time a second
punch is ordered) and a TON more will come out. You won't really have to
fight them much as the titan is going to make his arm go vertical soon and
they will all fall off (to their deaths, likely). You'll grab onto one of the
studs on the arm, though.

 Time to climb! We won't be going very far though as a giant metal bar blocks
our path upwards. The titan will keep punching the castle though and soon the
metal bar will break off (you will need a timed button press if you are playing
with QTE's). Once it does, continue up (or to the right, depending on what the
arm is doing) only to be stopped by ANOTHER metal bar. Wait for this one to
break off too.

 No more metal bars. Climb up the right side of the arm and soon the Paladin
will show up to start shooting at us. The game will show you where he is
about to shoot, so be sure to move away once he does. Note that if you move
UP while he is targeting a hand-hold BELOW YOU, he can STILL hit your legs
or something... just be aware!

 Climb up the right side and head left (you'll be going down a bit at first).
After making your way to the left climb up again and at the top you'll see an
automatic scene of the Paladin shooting the bolt away. We need to get him to do
it to the other two bolts. Make your way to each of them and wait for the
Paladin to target them, the get away at the last second.

 Once the blades fall off we can continue. Climb to the middle and jump up.
Now climb around the middle obstacle and you'll soon be in front of some
rotating blades. You have to time your jump past them, but I have faith you
can do that.

 The Paladin shows up after this and starts targeting us again. Head up and
note more gears spinning above us. The first one moves quickly and gives you
time while a second one above it moves at a constant pace. We need to manually
jump past both, but the Paladin is snipping at us the whole time. Move between
the know below the gears and the one to its left to avoid him while waiting
for the perfect moment to jump upwards (also remember: it is better to get hit
by an Paladin arrow than a gear!).

 Once you get past that you can move up to the right and start heading left.
Follow the path left while avoiding the Paladin to get up through a hole in
the wood above you. This leads to a flat spot with three unique bolts on the
ground. We'll need to fight knights here while the Paladin targets the ground,
so what you need to do here is to get the Paladin to shoot away the bolts on
the ground. Use your Void Sword on the knights here if you need health and
remember to dash away once the Paladin fires. You'll undoubtedly run into some
shields here too, so Chaos Claws will be needed.

(-NOTE-) Remember that you have unlimited magic here, so don't hold back on
         the Void Sword or Chaos Claws. You don't have unlimited life, after
 Once all three bolts are gone, go pull the cover off with your grab button
and we can continue again. Climb up and jump forward. Once you jump past this
gear the Paladin will start targeting us again. What we need to do here (that
is hard if you don't know) is to QUICKLY climb up to the rotating platforms up
above using the knobs. You need to do this BEFORE the gear moves again to be
100% safe. But once you are up there you need to jump to the left so you don't
automatically run into the right wall, then make your way onward.

 This part of the titan is filled with knobs in the middle and automatically
goes down. Go with it, but stay by a knob so you automatically grab it. This
leads to a path to the left, so jump off when you can. The Paladin will show
up and begin attacking again, but we don't have far to go. Head to the left
on the upper path until you get to the curved section, then go up as soon as
you can (you can go further to the left and down if you wish, but there's no

 Heading up leads to another flat section with more fighting and three more
unique bolts that we need to get the Paladin to shoot. Focus on the bolts
while attacking the soldiers. Kill off the soldiers once the bolts are gone
and then pull off the cover. Enjoy the scenes that follow.

 Soon we'll emerge from the wreckage and come face to face with the Paladin
again. Time for round 2!

 | Boss Battle -               Paladin (Round 2)              - Boss Battle |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - General Information: OK, time to take on this guy for real. For the    |
 |   most part this fight is the same as the last one, but once we reach    |
 |   the Paladin's final life bar (he starts out at 75% health - from the   |
 |   last fight) he will start adding some new moves (see below).           |
 |                                                                          |
 |   Once again, let me remind you that we have UNLIMITED MAGIC, so be sure |
 |   to use your Void Sword and Chaos Claws at will. Like last time, it is  |
 |   extremely beneficial to perfect guard basic sword attacks and pile on  |
 |   counter-attack damage with the Chaos Claws.                            |
 |                                                                          |
 |   During the fight, you will start to see the the Paladin blocking. The  |
 |   game will tell you to hold down the Direct Attack button when this     |
 |   happens to break through the block (which again the Chaos Claws are    |
 |   best for). Review the additional attacks below and make the Paladin    |
 |   submit!                                                                |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Ground Spark: This is the Paladin's standard ranged attack. You should |
 |   see it coming from a mile away. The Paladin will run one blade along   |
 |   the other making it spark and then sending it streaking along the      |
 |   ground at you. Simply dodge to the left or right to avoid.             |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Sword Dash: This is the most dangerous attack you have to face (for    |
 |   now anyways). This is also the only un-blockable attack. The Paladin   |
 |   will raise both swords (where you'll see the un-blockable signal) and  |
 |   then dash forward quickly at you. He OFTEN does this attack twice in   |
 |   a row, so be very careful and dash again after the Paladin's first     |
 |   attack to be safe.                                                     |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Basic Sword Attack: This is just the Paladin's basic attack, which is  |
 |   pretty much just a sword swing. A fancy sword swing, I suppose, as he  |
 |   swirls around often while he attacks you. Note that he can do this     |
 |   attack twice in a row. Also note that you can perfect guard this       |
 |   attack and lay into the Paladin hard with a counter-attack.            |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Sword Throw: This attack is pretty neat. The Paladin will connect his  |
 |   swords together and chuck them at you. The first time he does this,    |
 |   the game will warn you. The Paladin can do this in one of two ways: a  |
 |   horizontal throw or a vertical throw. You are of course supposed to    |
 |   jump over the horizontal throw and side dodge the vertical throw.      |
 |   After those first two throws the game won't warn you ahead of time     |
 |   anymore, but these should be easy enough to dodge if you are quick     |
 |   enough.                                                                |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Arrow Fall: In the last half of the fight, the Paladin will start to   |
 |   shoot up in the air. After a few seconds, arrows will start to fall    |
 |   down. They leave marks on the ground (like they did when you were      |
 |   being shot at) so it is pretty easy to avoid them.                     |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |

 Enjoy the (awesome) cut-scenes afterwards. They are all very good.

        _               _           __   ___ _            _            
       | |   ___ _ _ __| |___  ___ / _| / __| |_  __ _ __| |_____ __ __
       | |__/ _ \ '_/ _` (_-< / _ \  _| \__ \ ' \/ _` / _` / _ \ V  V /
       |____\___/_| \__,_/__/ \___/_|   |___/_||_\__,_\__,_\___/\_/\_/
O==<                          SCIENCES DISTRICT                           >==O

 After the many cut-scenes you'll find yourself outside. Old, wrinkled and
decayed. A far cry from power. Step out onto the sidewalk to see a scene.
A vision, maybe? Follow the boy you see. Trying to cross the street makes him
speak out to you (which is neat). Go ahead and follow him (you can't help the
beggars out at all). Once you get down the alleyway you'll see a scene.

 During this fight, there's not much you can do. Fight back if you wish, but
you are very weak and not much of a match for the creature. Soon you'll get
knocked out.

 When you come to, you'll find that you are in a box alone... with a family.
Now, this is a little disturbing, but you need to feed. If you stay still for
long enough, you will die. Go up to the man and use the grab button to... take
care of him. Next is the woman. Use the grab button one more time and you'll be
whisked away to enjoy quite a few more scenes.

 After the scenes (where it sounds like Zobek is getting a hell of a deal)
we'll finally have control. Be sure to break all the boxes, barrels and fire
hydrants. In fact it is so important I'm putting it in a note:

(-NOTE-) Be sure to break destructable items in your environment! You can
         often find experience points and new artwork simply by whipping
         harmless barrels and boxes.
 Go around this area and break everything you can. You should find a number
of artwork scrolls and experience. Once you gain 150 experience (which you
should be able to by breaking items), purchase your first skill with the game's
help: Somersault. Another useful movement option.

 Now the game wants you to open a door near where you started from, but if you
continue on and examine the far corners of this area you'll find a [_CITY
MEMORIAL_] scroll. Interact with it to collect it and then go open the door
leading to the warehouse. In here you'll be told to use your Shadow Dagger on
the marks above the door. Go ahead and do so.

 This unlocks the Shadow Dagger skill and puts a new icon below your health
bar. This orb of blood indicates how many daggers you can throw, and will
refill itself over time.

 Open the door and you'll see a guard in the distance. Zobek will tell you
that you are no match for him while the game shows you a nearby rat pile and
tells you to hide. Head over there and use your interact button to turn into
a rat! Once you gain control, move the rat past the guard and head to the next
rate pile you are shown and change back.

 Zobek will come in again and tell you to possess the guard. Sneak up behind
him and use circle to possess him. While you are possessing the guard you won't
be able to do much, so simply use him to open the next door to the next area
and soon Dracula will explode out of him.

 Now that we are alone in the hallway be sure to break all the boxes and
barrels for experience and then continue into the next door. Hit the button
on the left to get to the next area. Here you'll see two guards out in the
open. We will be told of our Bat Swarm ability here and will need to use it
to distract the guards.

(-NOTE-) Before using your Bat Swarm ability, you can go behind you to find a
         place to turn into a rat. Do so and then go out by the guard who is
         guarding the ladder we need to get to. Go through the nearby grate
         here and follow the path (watch out for electric wires) to find an
         experience orb (50 XP). Don't tempt the fan though: just go turn back
         into a vampire again instead.

 Select your Bat Swarm with the left directional button and target the guard
out patrolling the open area. This will encase him in bats and, more
importantly, cause the guard by the ladder to move and go help his buddy out.
This is your time to quickly head for the ladder and at the top jump up and to
the right (then up again quickly as the electricity here can shock you).
Continue forwards and Dracula will make some noise, prompting the guard here to
come investigate. We're in no danger though, so continue along and make your
way to the ladder, then head down onto the catwalk. Use it to continue on to
the next room where you'll see a scene.

 Can't break the barrels here. Grrr... follow the young boy as he leads you
further on. The visions here are neat. Soon you'll be in a new area...

 Bernhard's Wing

 In this new area (Bernhard's Wing), interact with the soldier to the right
for your first [_SOLDIER'S DIARY_], then break everything around you for the
possible experience. Continue on to see a scene with a health font. You can
use this when you are low on life (we really have no need for it now).

 Be sure to swing around to the right where you'll find a "Pain Box". A very
peculiar name for a peculiar box... interact with it to find your very first

 Now there are two paths down here we can take upwards, but we really want to
take the RIGHT path first (right from the health font). This leads you up a
short path to the broken spiral staircase. From here follow the staircase up,
jumping the gaps in it and you'll reach another [_LIFE GEM_]. Excellent. Jump
back down now.

 This time take the left path upwards (left from the health font) as it moves
you to the central area and then head further upwards. There's some jumps here
but nothing major. This leads you to an upper hallway where you'll see a scene.
The view up here is fantastic. Celebrate it by turning back to the hallway and
destroying some furniture!

 After that continue on into the night and follow the path to a new room. In
here use the mechanism to have a nearby gear window open up (how odd) to show
some dried blood clogging up the gears. Naturally the only way to remove blood
is with blood, so use your Shadow Daggers to target three chunks of it and the
nearby door will open.

 Now out here what we want to do is drop down to the floor below (instead of
following the chandeliers like they want). Down here search around for some
furniture to destroy as well as a pain box with a [_LIFE GEM_]. To get back up,
search for the stairs and use the wood on the left side to climb up to the
starting ledge.

 Now we can have fun with the chandeliers. These things are kind-of weird.
Jump on the first one and then before doing anything else move back and forth
along it. You can get it swinging! Use this to jump to the second one. Now,
instead of continuing down the same way, note that this second chandelier
has studs leading off to the right. Head down that way to make your way to a
ledge with another pain box and another [_LIFE GEM_]. Once you have it, make
your way back to the chandeliers and continue on towards the boy where you'll
see a scene (Gabriel figuring out who it could be... but still, a mirage
doesn't make much sense...).

 Break the furniture in here for some good experience (I was able to buy the
Guillotine move afterwards) and continue on. Head out onto the wood and jump
to the pillar. Use it to climb upward and to the right, then pull yourself up
after the jump. Once you do, immediately take a left and look on the broken
stairs for a [_SOLDIER'S DIARY_]. You can use the wooden beam by the soldier
to get higher up but that path has nothing for us (for now). Instead head up
the stairs and into the hallway. You'll see a scene soon, but get ready to run!

 The hallway is collapsing and we need to run down it. Stay on the left side
to start and jump the gaps (aim for the bats). You'll soon be hanging from some
collapsing floor, so climb up quickly and keep running jumping gaps. You'll
have to hang from another piece of floor soon on the right side, but just climb
up quickly again and you'll be ok.

 Once you make it to the end you'll find the castle just doesn't want to let
you go, creating a golem out of stone to face you. Get ready!
 | Boss Battle -                  Stone Golem                 - Boss Battle |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - General Information: There's a couple of unique things about this      |
 |   fight you should know. The first is that (according to the lore entry  |
 |   on this enemy) it is your blood that is giving it life, so... way to   |
 |   go! Speaking of blood the only way you can hurt this beast is to       |
 |   attack the parts of its body that the blood is flowing to: attacking   |
 |   anything else won't damage the golem.                                  |
 |                                                                          |
 |   Also worth noting is the fact that the fight will start you out with   |
 |   the Void Sword until your magic is gone (you can't put it away!). This |
 |   is a good thing though as the game will teach you about magic orbs and |
 |   how to acquire them afterward. People who played the first Lords of    |
 |   Shadow game will be familiar here but the gist is do damage and don't  |
 |   get hit, then suck up any orbs you see with L3. This refills your      |
 |   magic bar. Good to know!                                               |
 |                                                                          |
 |   Other than that the fight is fairly standard. You will have to grab it |
 |   twice in the fight, but the last time will be when itis nearing death  |
 |   to finish it off. Here you will have to complete a QTE (quick time     |
 |   event) and jam on whatever button the game displays (which is random). |
 |   If you fail to do this in time, the golem will recover about 25% of    |
 |   its HP and the fight will resume. So remember that and check out all   |
 |   of its moves below and you'll be OK.                                   |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Area Blast: This is the Golem's "Get away from Me" attack, which he'll |
 |   use when you are too close! Ain't nobody got time for that! This is    |
 |   why it is best to stick to hit and run attacks: get in, pull off a     |
 |   chain attack, get out until he commits to another move or does this.   |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Arm Swipes: This is the Golem's basic arm swinging attack. Pretty      |
 |   basic stuff. The Golem can do it twice in a row if it wishes, but I    |
 |   found it rarely does. Very easy to dodge or even perfect guard and     |
 |   counterattack.                                                         |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Mace Attack: Once the battle gets underway, the Golem will start in on |
 |   the mace attacks. These attacks always have a nice wind up and are all |
 |   unblockable. Dodge quickly out of the way and then see if this attack  |
 |   leads into the next attack below. If it doesn't, punish him for having |
 |   the gall to attack you!                                                |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Blood Trail: This attack will catch you off guard once you see it      |
 |   (well, maybe not if you're following this awesome cool guide). This    |
 |   attack occurs after a mace attack. You'll know it is coming when the   |
 |   mace stays on the ground and a blood trail flows out. The blood will   |
 |   follow you for awhile and then spike upwards. Since it spikes upwards  |
 |   you will want to avoid aerial attacks and be sure you are clear of the |
 |   blood before attacking again.                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Blood Stomps: This is a dangerous attack. The Golem will do a stomp on |
 |   the ground and cause a wave of blood to erupt outwards and then back   |
 |   in towards the Golem. You'll need to jump over both waves to be safe.  |
 |   You can get some quick hits in but its best to focus on avoiding the   |
 |   attack.                                                                |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Eye Shot: This last attack is very, very basic. The eye on angel part  |
 |   of the statue (where the blue gem is) will glow and send out a shot at |
 |   you. Very simple to dodge. You will love seeing this attack since it   |
 |   is so easy to avoid and punish.                                        |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |

 Once you destroy the structure, you'll see a scene. We need to go over to
the angel portion of the statue and interact with it for the [_PRIMORDIAL
VOID GEM_]. This thing let's us use a new projectile attack when we activate
our Void Sword. The game will explain it to you by having you use your newly
found power to freeze the nearby waterfall. If you wish, you can search this
lower room to find a cubby that houses a Health Font and a Magic Font (be sure
to fill up on magic while you are here).

 Go ahead and freeze the waterfall, then quickly climb it. If you're too slow
it will unfreeze, but we're full on magic so it's not a big deal. At the top
break the boxes you see and you'll uncover a path as well as your first relic.
Pick up the [_TEARS OF A SAINT_] and the game will automatically tell you
what it does (recovers you HP to full and extends your life bar temporarily).
We will want to hold onto that until we really need it, which definitely isn't

 Break the boxes here and you'll notice two paths. The one to the right through
the hole is the one we want. Follow it out to the hallway we ran for our lives
in and you'll notice you're in the rafters. To the left is a pathway with a
couple of swings we can use to reach a [_VOID GEM_] in a box of pain, so the
trip is well worth it. Note that you can go down from here if you wish, but
that only leads back to a previous area.

 Head back to the relic room and take the other path into the water. Ignore
the path off to the right for now and head straight: at the end you'll find
another box of pain with a [_VOID GEM_]. Note the nearby box of pain and head
back, taking the path to your left.

 Break the barrels in this room and then head to the back. Behind a wall (like
we wouldn't find him!) is a [_SOLDIER'S DIARY_]. One-eyed Gregory. Heh. There's
another treat nearby. See the two waterfalls here? We have to be quick... go
ahead and freeze them both. Quickly climb up the first one and jump to the
right onto a ring, then quickly climb up the second one and look for a ring
to the left. Once you get to that you're safe. Follow it down and jump to the
central structure, then continue to the left and jump to a beam,  pulling
yourself up. You'll find a [_LIFE GEM_] in a box of pain. You should have
quite a bit of experience by now. If you can (and are partial to perfect
guards), go ahead and buy the "Counterstrike Whip" attack from the skill menu
to give you counterattacks more power.

 After nabbing it, jump down. Let's continue on now. On the right side of
the room (as if you were entering it) is a wooden structure you can climb.
Head up it and follow it up and to the right to make your way up a level.
Once you get up here, break all the furniture and head left (opposite the way
we need to go) to find a path leading to another pain box for a [_VOID GEM_].
Head back and follow the proper path now to see a scene.

 The vampire swears fealty, but the cursed blood soon changes his mind, meaning
we will have to face him. These enemies are called Dishonored Vampires and will
fight you in pairs. They fight with swords much like the knights you have
already fought, so try to perfect guard their regular attacks and punish them
afterward. You'll fight three sets in total. They are partial to two basic
swings and a third un-blockable swing, as well as the occasional un-blockable
thrust. During this fight the vampires may also grab Trevor. If they do you'll
see a quick scene and will be able to "rescue" Trevor by attacking whichever
vampire has him.

 After you take the vampires out, you'll see a scene and be given a new item
from Trevor: the [_WHITE WOLF MEDALLION_]. We can use this at places with the
wolf icon on our map. Take a moment and destroy all the furniture in the room
then use the medallion in the middle of the room to summon a white wolf. To
your left (after summoning) you can find a place to climb up. Use it to get to
the white wolf, then slowly follow it down the hallway (note that you move
slowly here no matter what). Keep following it as it leads you down the path
of blood to come to a new area.

  Sciences District
 Here you'll find another Wolf Medallion icon. You can use this to move back
and forth between the Sciences District and Bernhard's Wing. Let's go back
to Bernhard's Wing really quick.

  Bernhard's Wing

 Back here, head to the right and stay on the upper path. You'll encounter
plenty of items to break here as well as a [_VOID GEM_] in a pain box. Whee!
You can drop down and fight vampires if you wish. They should come in a group
of three now and will add a teleporting move to their arsenal where they sink
into the ground and try and show up behind you to attack. Kill them and head
back to the Sciences District.        

 Sciences District

 Ignore the wolf symbol and jump down to the level below you. You'll see the
blood has followed us here, and it will spawn a vampire. Take him out and then
destroy everything in the room. In one corner of the room you can find some
water to freeze, but there's a hallway branching off this room as well. This
hallway actually leads back to the upper catwalks we were on before when we
were sneaking by the guards.

 Freeze the water and use it to climb up then head left over the closed door.
In this next room break all the breakable items you can and note the darkness
nearby where you can change into a rat. BEFORE doing that, use your void
projectile to freeze the air vent nearby, then quickly go change into a rat
so you can scurry underneath the now-stopped fan (it would have turned you
into rat shish kabob otherwise). 
 As you run down the path, jump over the thin lines of fire and pick up the
skulls you find (free XP!). You'll come to a room full of electricity soon.
Head down the narrow path to the first vent, but ignore it and keep going as
there is a second vent with more free xp in it. Head back now (this is a dead
end) and go down the middle vent. You'll do some more jumping and get even
more free xp before coming to a new hallway.

 Here there is a place where you can change back, but don't do that yet.
Head around the corner to see another guard and a vent you can go through.
Go through it and advance until you see a wire sparking electricity. Stop
here and watch it... we need to get past it but notice its timing. One long
session of being on then a short one. After the second short one, run past it
and have your rat chew the wire you find. This kills it, but brings out an

 Head back out of the vents (poor rat) and go change back into your vampire
form. Now, this part can be tricky if you don't know what to do. We need to
hit the guard with a Bat Swarm, then go up behind the engineer and possess
him. Once you do that, head to the right and interact with the retinal scanner
to open the door. Wait in the de-contamination room for a bit and soon you'll
see a scene...

 Looks like the woman is on to you! Well crap. These demon things are called
"Possessed Citizens". They are fairly aggressive and will try to combo you,
but are also fairly squishy and should be rather easy to take down. Do your
best to destroy the boxes in this room before killing the last one (you'll see
why in a bit).

 After destroying the last one you'll see another really cool scene. The woman
turns out to be much more than she appears, revealing herself to be a demon
and throwing you into the next room. Yikes! We're supposed to keep her alive
as well! Damn, she moves fast.

 | Boss Battle -                Raisa Volkova                 - Boss Battle |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - General Information: What a charming demon lady... let's kick her ass! |
 |   The first thing you should know about Raisa is that she has quite the  |
 |   affinity with electricity... she feeds on it and uses it as a weapon.  |
 |   In fact, her "weapon" in this fight is some electrical cables that she |
 |   pulled out of the sub-floor! Sheesh!                                   |
 |                                                                          |
 |   She starts off way too fast for us, and will stay that way until we    |
 |   we manage to hit her with a Void Projectile. This will slow her down,  |
 |   show a cutscene, and start the fight proper. Note that until you hit   |
 |   her she will appear randomly, wait a split second, and then shoot      |
 |   towards you while spreading lightning your way (dodge if you can't hit |
 |   her with your Void Projectile in time!).                               |
 |                                                                          |
 |   Once you do hit her the real fight starts. Note that one you slow her  |
 |   down with the Void Projectile, her health bar will freeze over! As you |
 |   battle, you'll see that bar slowly thaw... this shows that she is      |
 |   slowly thawing out and once she is fully thawed out she will go back   |
 |   to her lighting mode where she disappears and tries to shoot into you. |
 |   Now, if you are low on Void Magic (which you NEED to freeze her),      |
 |   there will always be some possessed citizens that come in. Do your     |
 |   best to perfect guard one and counter-attack to fill your combat focus |
 |   up quickly, then fill up your Void Magic.                              |
 |                                                                          |
 |   This cycle may repeat a few times depending on how long it takes you   |
 |   to kill her, so check out her moves below to get the upper hand on her |
 |   and take out this lightning demon for Zobek.                           |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Lightning Bombs: This is her signature attack. You'll always see a     |
 |   short little cut-scene before this attack, after which she will slam   |
 |   her cables in the ground and produce small little orbs of lightning    |
 |   all around the room. These orbs get bigger until they explode. There's |
 |   a lot of them, but they don't all explode at the same time so try and  |
 |   either get between them or move into an area where they have already   |
 |   exploded. It is also worth noting that RIGHT AFTER she does this       |
 |   attack, you can always rush her and get several hits in. Revenge!      |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Lightning Slam: This attack is very similar to her lightning dash move |
 |   but is done with her slamming her cables in the ground at you and then |
 |   sending the line of lightning at you. Dodge off to the side to be      |
 |   safe. This attack is un-blockable of course.                           |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Cable Whip (Short): The fight wouldn't be complete if there weren't    |
 |   some sort of basic attack. This attack is a short one that is always   |
 |   just two short quick swings. Still, it is noteworthy because it is an  |
 |   un-blockable attack. Dash backwards and you'll be fine.                |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Cable Swing (Long): Another fairly basic attack: this one is where she |
 |   will swing her cables at you in a very wide arc, fairly similar to     |
 |   your whip's area attack. She can do this a couple times in a row or    |
 |   just once if she wishes (she usually does it twice). Try to block it   |
 |   and counter-attack. It is quick, so be careful.                        |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Cable Pull: GET OVER HERE! Raisa does her best Scorpion impression and |
 |   whips the cable at you. You'll know it is coming when you see the red  |
 |   un-blockable icon and she doesn't slam downward for the lightning slam |
 |   attack. It is best to dodge away to avoid this. If you do get hit with |
 |   it, she will pull you to her. You have a chance to still avoid some    |
 |   damage with a timed button-press, but if you miss it she'll take a     |
 |   good bite out of you before throwing you away.                         |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |

 Once you beat her enjoy the scenes that follow. After you warp back, just
walk down the hallway until you see some more scenes. Nope, that isn't Zobek
messing with us... soon we'll be whisked away yet again...

        _               _           __   ___ _            _            
       | |   ___ _ _ __| |___  ___ / _| / __| |_  __ _ __| |_____ __ __
       | |__/ _ \ '_/ _` (_-< / _ \  _| \__ \ ' \/ _` / _` / _ \ V  V /
       |____\___/_| \__,_/__/ \___/_|   |___/_||_\__,_\__,_\___/\_/\_/
O==<                          CITY OF THE DAMNED                          >==O

  Bernhard's Wing

 Trevor is right, we do need to control the Chaos once again. Destroy all of
the furniture here and claim the nearby [_SOLDIER'S DIARY_] for your own.
Now continue on into the next room, which is actually a giant elevator. Find
the handle in here and pull it to proceed down into the unknown.

  City of the Damned

 Once you leave the elevator you'll see a disturbing scene. The creature
known as Euryale will arrive and inform Dracula that Medusa has the chaos
power we seek and no longer serves us. Great.

 Once you regain control head back towards the stairs to the elevator but
then go look to the right. Behind a structure over here is a dead knight
with a [_SOLDIER'S DIARY_] for us. Pick it up and then search this cliff-y
area (is that a word!?) for a pain box. You should be able to find if fairly
easily on your own as there's a blue light around it (seriously you can't miss
it). Use it for a [_VOID GEM_].

 After those two items, continue on up the only other staircase in this area.
You'll come to a room with a pit of blood in it. Lovely! A giant will soon
rise out of it along with several smaller minions who of course we'll have to
fight. The giant is a Dungeon Jailer and the small guys are Dungeon Minions.
The minions are easily dispatched but do like to do a quick two-hit combo and
can also do an un-blockable attack. It's worth noting that as you kill them
off and stave off killing the jailer, more will come out of the blood pull (a
possible point of experience point generation).

 The jailer is our primary concern though. He is immune to frontal attacks
thanks to his heavy armor, so you'll need to hit him from behind to hurt him.
Thankfully he makes this easy on you, although you still need to watch out
for his main attacks. When there are plenty of minions around, he will often
either grab one and throw it at you (un-blockable) or kick one at you (also
un-blockable). He can use his giant hammer as well. Now, onto how to hurt him:
you can either do a somersault over him and attack from behind (watch out for
his hammer attacks!) or bait him into charging at you. If you kill off the
minions and then stand a ways away from him, he will often charge. Dodge away
at the last second to make him crash into the wall. When he does this, you
have several seconds to really lay into him (I recommend using your sustained
whip attack).

 Once you defeat the jailer you'll see an awesome scene. No mercy! You'll
also gain the [_DUNGEON KEY_], which will let us out of this room. Go use
it where the game tell you to and then pull the wheel to the side (there will
be some timed button presses for those of you who have it enabled still).

 Before moving on, note that to your left and right there are glowing spots
on the floor. These spots let Dracula offer up blood to open that door. We
just came from the right, so open up the left one. This leads to a dead-end
room but does have a [_SOLDIER'S DIARY_] in it. Head back out and then use
the nearby blood offering floor spot to re-open the original door and

 Here we'll come to a split in the path. You can either choose to head left
over a narrow strip of iron across the lava river or right to a stone pillar.
I won't lie to you guys: the left path is going to lead us to an area we've
already been to, but has been opened up a bit more. There are a few new
collectables to gather, but we'll end up back-tracking here in the end. With
that said, I'm taking the left path. If you want to skip it (you don't care
about these collectables now, you plan to get them later) skip the "Sciences
District section down below as well as the next paragraph.

 Head left over the gap and head up. Use the Wolf Emblem here and you'll see
where you need to head next. Getting there is very easy, just jump onto the
handhold and make your way to the left. Note that you can go up at one point
if you wished, but there's nothing up there for us right now, so follow the
wolf back into the present day instead...

  Sciences District

 This will lead you back to the Sciences District, into an area that we've
been to before. However, we can go to more places now! Head downward and take
out the demons (possessed citizens, but oh well) and head towards the area
we went to before on our way to the Raisa boss fight. You'll fight groups of
possessed citizens on the way, so kill them for experience and break barrels
for items and more experience.

 Once you get to the boss room where you fought Raisa you'll notice that there
is a door that opens here... which makes sense since we can't get stuck here!
Head through it to a staircase. On your way up you'll see a ladder.. take it
to a section of the sewer. You'll run across a [_CITY MEMORIAL_] here after
dropping down into a room. Grab it and head up the opposite ladder to another
sewer tunnel. This leads to a cover leading out into the city. Take it.

 You'll soon find yourself in familiar territory. We're next to the area where
we found our first city memorial. We can explore more out here now though.
Break the boxes and battle possessed citizens in front of the building, then
search for a hole in the iron bars across from the building. This is new, and
leads out into a street. Out here you'll kill more citizens and discover a
ladder we can't jump up to yet. No biggie. At the end of the street you can
jump through a hole to find another [_CITY MEMORIAL_] and a dead end. See,
worth the trip. Head back now, and be sure to break all the black railings
for the free experience.

 Make your way all the way back to the staircase where we entered the sewer
area from and head back now (to get back, head up to the upper level where
on the right you'll find a path we can't get through and on the left you'll
find a path back to the pre-Raisa room; jump down there to get back). We need
to back-track all the way back to the City of the Damned now, but I hope you
agree the memorials and experience was worth it.

  City of the Damned

 Now that we are done with that, head back to where the path splits and head
right this time. From the boulder we will have to jump to a chain. Once you
do, the chain will start moving downwards. Not good! Jump up quicky about
three times and then jump to a handheld to your left. This makes the chain
stop. Now, jump back on the chain and head up, then jump to the next ring on
the left when you can. See how this works? Make your way up one more time
where you can continue on to the left.

 There's another chain here that we need to ride down a ways. We need to jump
to a ring on our left near the bottom, so be ready. Follow this path to the
left and stable ground. You'll soon come to a set of three chains. Get on them
and head up. Once they start falling fast, jump to the next one and continue
up. Keep doing this until you get to the upper left and can jump onto some
solid ground.

 Here you'll face a series of pipes that occasionally blast lava up out of
them. For the most part I found that after waiting on the first one you can
just quickly jump from one to the next on your way down to safe ground without
too much worry, buy you may have to wait a bit for the lava. It's hard to give
precise directions with this, but note that there are non-lava pillars here
that are out of the way that you can jump to in a pinch, but you'll only want
to stay on them for a second or two as they will fall down.

 Once you get to safe ground, you'll meet another sister called Sthenos.
She'll pretty much just confirm what Euryale told you but will add on that
you should "free the dwarf". OK... Head forward and you'll see a pit in front
of you. Don't jump down yet... look to the left to see a pain box. We can get
over there with a jump and an air dash (a stomp) for a [_LIFE GEM_]. Jump
down now and you'll have to fight four armored minions. They have some heavy
armor on the front that can block your attacks when they hunker down, so they
are a bit more annoying than usual. Use things like guillotine and sustained
whip to make up for it (or just somersault).

 Climb up the rings you'll find at the far end of the pit and claim the
[_SOLDIER'S DIARY_] as your own. Head forward and you'll see a scene showing
you what this next area looks like in a panoramic view. Use the device in
front of you once you get control (what else are we supposed to do!?). You'll
see that you have to extend section of a bridge. We'll be doing this multiple
times in this area, so it's worth noting the limit of our bridge sections is
four, as well as the fact that we MUST connect to an anchor point for the
bridge to stay in place. For this first bridge just go straight and then
follow it to see a scene.

 Ha, it's the chupacabra from the first Lords of Shadow. Read the lore entry
for him and you'll learn Gabriel sealed him here for being a bothersome pest.
Serves it right! But... now we gotta free it. Damn. Head back down and use
the bridge console.

(-NOTE-) You may see an area off to the right of where we started that you
         COULD connect to with the first bridge console, but it just leads
         to a Dungeon Key receptacle that we can't use right now.

 Make this bridge go straight too and follow it to a new console. Here, you
can use this console to connect straight or to the left. Go STRAIGHT first
using UP, RIGHT, UP. Now, go to the console you connected and make this
bridge go LEFT, DOWN, DOWN. You'll connect to an area with a pain box in it
for a [_VOID GEM_]. Head back and connect the bridge to the exit area next
(UP, RIGHT, RIGHT). This leads to the "exit" and more importantly a switch
off to the right that will help free the Chupacabra.

 After using the switch we'll now need to retrieve the prison and open it.
Not too hard. Head back to the console now (which should be the one on the
left) and use it to go left (LEFT, LEFT, LEFT). You'll have the console in
your grasp now and it will retract back to you. Now, we need to take it to
the "opener" off to the right (see it glowing over there). Use the console
again and go UP, UP, RIGHT. This is important as it lets us walk to the
console we connected to. From this new console, go LEFT, DOWN and you'll
make the cage reach the opener. Cut-scene time.

 Well, sounds like we'll have a shop to visit soon. Cool. Head through the
door and offer your blood to have a bridge start forming. Follow it down the
path, running when you can, to a new room. Don't bother with the right path
and go up the left one. Here you'll see a scene with a new enemy: be ready
for a timed button press during the scene and a fight afterwards.

 These enemies are Harpies, and they are annoying since they are flying
enemies. Skills like rising strike and guillotine and good here, but watch
out for their mid-air swipes at you (you can eat some damage easily). They
also will sweep down at you with a fast strike (fairly easy to perfect guard
and punish) as well as an attack where they rake their spear along the ground
that is un-blockable. Deal with them as you see fit (a Stolas' Cloak is good
here). Also note that the bone piles in this area can be broken for the
occasional item and/or experience token.

 After killing them, go search near the southewest where you came from. There
is a set of rings here you can use to get back up where you were. Here go
straight (past the stairs going down to the left) and search the cubby to find
a dead soldier for a [_SOLDIER'S DIARY_], then head back to where you fought
the harpies (he thought he was SO hidden... ha, we found him regardless!).

 Out here find the crumbling building near the edge of the area to the north
and climb up it. You'll find a soldier and [_SOLDIER'S DIARY_] at the top.
Continue north to a great chain that you can cross to continue (which is pretty
neat but nowhere as cool looking as that one chain in Lords of Shadow). At the
end you'll have to fight three more harpies. Good practice!

 Once they are dead, search the south area to see some bats showing you where
you can jump to a nearby pillar. This can be a bit tricky to jump to; aim for
the left of the bats. Use the ring and handholds to go down and then left,
eventually reaching a new area above you.

 Here you'll have to fight TWO Jailers. Not too hard, as they have less armor
than the first one, however their move-set is a bit different too. These ones
will do a jumping attack that does radius damage (jump!) and can also do an
un-blockable series of hammer swings. They'll actually do that 5-6 times in a
row and tire themselves out (at which point you can really punish them).
Finally they will also set their hammers on fire at times and can then slam a
wave of fire at you and turn their radius attack into a fiery radius attack!

 Focus on one at a time for the best results. Things like sustained whip help
a lot here. You can also use your Bat Swarm to keep one Jailer busy while you
focus on another one to make things even more easier. Once they are both dead
you'll be given [_DUNGEON KEY x2_] for your reward, although we do need to use
one of them here to open the nearby gate (hey, its still a net gain, I'll take

 Head forward and interact with the statue on the pedestal. This will open up
stairs on both sides of you. Take either side down and you'll find a soldier
at the end for a [_SOLDIER'S DIARY_]. Now, jump through the hole near the
soldier to find a mysterious room. This looks pretty foreboding, huh? To the
right is a place to use your second Dungeon Key, so go ahead and use it. Next
you will need to offer the emerging statue your blood. Go ahead. Once you do,
a new statue will give you a gem worth [_2,000 EXPERIENCE_]. Sweet!

 Head back up now and continue on to see a scene. The third sister, Medusa,
will finally show up. Oh and look, it looks like she brought some blood with
her as well. Fantastic!

 | Boss Battle -                    Gorgon                    - Boss Battle |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - General Information: So here we are, the four of us... or Dracula and  |
 |   three sisters who have transformed into one giant reptilian snake      |
 |   creature. This fight isn't too hard, mostly because we have a steady   |
 |   stream of magic whenever we wish, but first things first: to start the |
 |   fight, the Gorgon will erect a stone barrier around herself. The game  |
 |   will tell you to use your new Chaos Claws to smash it to pieces. Once  |
 |   you acknowledge that and take control, get ready to dodge as she will  |
 |   spit fire at you right away. She'll keep doing this until you break    |
 |   down the barrier, so put on those Chaos Claws and smash it up.         |
 |                                                                          |
 |   With the barrier down the real fight will start. You'll now have to    |
 |   pay attention to her attacks below (all but the last two... for now)   |
 |   as the fight starts in earnest. A quick note: on the outside of this   |
 |   very wobbly arena are several tentacles. These things are all rather   |
 |   weak, and when they die they will fork over magic orbs even when you   |
 |   have no combat focus built up. This is what makes the fight a rather   |
 |   easy one: this easy source of magic. Beware that the tentacles will    |
 |   try to slap you at times (their attacks barely hurt, but will knock    |
 |   you down).                                                             |
 |                                                                          |
 |   The best way to harm the Gorgon (besides hurting it a tiny bit at a    |
 |   time attacking the tentacles) is of course aerial attacks. Use your    |
 |   Rising Strikes to get airborne and chain that into aerial attacks to   |
 |   hurt her. Don't stick around too long though, as she will often either |
 |   try to punch you down or rake her arm across the battlefield.          |
 |                                                                          |
 |   Now, once you reduce Gorgon's health bar a bit, you'll see a scene     |
 |   where she'll try and smash you. Hit the timed button-press here to     |
 |   dodge it and you'll see her claw get stuck. Quickly pull out your      |
 |   Void Sword and freeze her hand. Now, climb up the claw and start to    |
 |   climb her scales upwards. She'll try and rake you off a few times,     |
 |   but head up and left to one of the heads. The head will snatch you up  |
 |   and make you jam on a button for a bit before seeing an awesome scene  |
 |   where you'll dispatch one of the three heads.                          |
 |                                                                          |
 |   After the first head is gone, the Gorgon will add in the fourth attack |
 |   below (the Stone Gaze), but everything else will be the same. Keep on  |
 |   the offensive and soon after taking out more of her health you'll see  |
 |   another cutscene where she tries to smash you. Dodge it with the timed |
 |   button-press and hit her with Void Magic. She gets smarter this time   |
 |   though, and will cover her arm in stone. What you need to do here is   |
 |   quickly switch to your Chaos Claws and break the stone away, then you  |
 |   can climb her arm. As you climb you'll see the nearby head disappear   |
 |   into the mass of tentacles... she's getting smarter all the time!      |
 |   When that happens, hang around on the two right-most handholds and use |
 |   them to dodge her hand until the face eventually shows itself. Once it |
 |   does, jump at it and hit the button presses to punch the eye out!      |
 |                                                                          |
 |   Brutal! Two heads down, one to go. The Gorgon will add in the last     |
 |   two attacks here (Meteor Rain, Fire Breath) but she's on the ropes.    |
 |   Dodge these attacks and be sure to shoot a Void Projectile at her if   |
 |   you ever see her start the Fire Breath attack. Once her health gets    |
 |   low enough you'll see the ending cut-scene and will emerge victorious. |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Fire Spit: One of her basic attacks, she will spit a ball of fire at   |
 |   wherever you are, so don't hang around in one place for too long. This |
 |   fire will burn the ground it hits and stay there for awhile, so don't  |
 |   go walking over it afterwards!                                         |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Downward Punch: Another basic attack, but usually only done when you   |
 |   are somewhat close to her. This punch will of course attempt to slam   |
 |   down directly into you, but has plenty of wind-up so you should be     |
 |   able to dodge away. If you are in the air near her face for too long,  |
 |   this attack is bound to punish you eventually.                         |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Arena Rake: Her last basic attack, she will put her arm down on one    |
 |   side of the arena and rake it across. Her arms are somewhat stubby so  |
 |   you can dodge towards the back of the arena to have this move miss you |
 |   entirely. Again, she only ever uses this if you are somewhat close.    |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Stone Gaze: The Gorgon's signature move! Note that she will only use   |
 |   this once one of her heads are gone. With this move she will stare at  |
 |   you intently with green eyes, making a circle appear on the ground.    |
 |   Run away when you see it (you can outrun it easily) and/or dodge. The  |
 |   circle gets smaller over time and explodes in a pillar of green light  |
 |   at the end, turning you to stone if you get caught in it.              |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Meteor Rain: You'll only see this attack once the Gorgon has lost two  |
 |   heads. She will spray fire into the air and cause meteors to fall down |
 |   after awhile, covering about 70% of the arena in harmful fire. Get     |
 |   into the safe area when you can to avoid damage.                       |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Fire Breath: This is honestly an attack you should never see. Why?     |
 |   When she starts this attack, a blue light appears in her mouth. That   |
 |   is your cue to hit her with a Void Projectile. If you don't do this,   |
 |   she will spit a stream of fire at your current location (which is      |
 |   still rather easy to dodge away from, but still hurt her before she    |
 |   hurts you!                                                             |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |

 Once you defeat the beast and its heart shatters, go ahead and pick up the
[_PRIMORDIAL CHAOS GEM_]. Like the Void Gem before it, this lets you use your
Chaos Projectiles: Chaos Bombs. Use it on the ceiling now to see what they do
(Destructive Power!).

 Ok, time to head up. Climb up the Gorgon's right arm and onto the pillar,
which will lead you up and around to the floor above you. Up here ignore the
first path to the left (dead end) and go down the second, hanging a left to
see a Pain Box. This one has your first [_CHAOS GEM_]. Grab it and head back
out to the outer walkway. Use the magic font and then climb up through the
hole you made to a new area.

 Here head down the stairs (either side) and interact with the lever to head
down to the door. Cross the bridge here. On the far side you'll face another
Dungeon Jailer and minions. These guys all have armor, so now is as good a
time as any to pull out the Chaos Claws and destroy the armor. After that make
use of the Sustained Whip to take them out. Use the key you get on the door to
open in and continue. You'll see a scene shortly.

 Soon you'll be in the Chupacabra's shop. There are several items here to
buy (see the table below), but chances are you can't afford the three gems
(I know I couldn't!). I would recommend nabbing the artwork though, as you
can buy three of them. Don't bother with anything else.



 After you are done, you can note the mirror nearby (which we need a special
item to activate that we don't have) and then try to leave. As you try to
leave, the Chupacabra will stop you and give you the [_TALISMAN OF THE DRAGON_]
saying that the Dragon has returned. Nice. Go ahead and leave the shop now.

 We'll now be able to explore this area the game skipped for us. To your
immediate right is a [_SOLDIER'S DIARY_]. To the left is the statue the game
made sure to show you: an altar of sacrifice. Use it to claim a [_KLEIDOS_],
one of the items we need for the mirror in the Chupacabra's shop.

 Now, before we go summon the wolf and do what they want us to do there are
a couple of optional things we can do, mainly involving Dungeon Keys. We'll
nab valuable experience as well as items.

 From the Chupacabra shop, head left and you'll find a wide circular room with
a lever. Pull it and this giant elevator will take us down to a new area. We
will have to do some platforming here, and it can get a little tricky, but I
have faith in you!

 Jump to the pillar and head up. You'll need to jump up soon, and once you do
quickly move to the left as a hole above you periodically drops lava. Stay
here as to your left (and right, now) both holes drop lava. To your left is
a swinging blade, and past it are THREE handholds that all have lava being
dropped on them. We need to wait for the lava around the blade to stop, wait
for the blade itself to stop, and jump past it (tricky timing!). Once you do,
you will have to move to the left while avoiding lava and jump past another
blade. Move one space to the left once you get past that blade to be safe from
the lava.

 SECRET TIME! Head up from here. Up, up, up. You'll reach the top of the
structure and can head left. To your left is a break in the fence: jump down
to the ledge against the wall, then look around for a hole with a pain box
nearby, giving you a [_CHAOS GEM_]. From here you can fall down to the ground
below. People who didn't follow this guide will have to use a chain and more
handholds past the blade to reach the ground.

 Follow the path to a pool of lava. We've actually been here before: this is
near the start of the City of the Damned, but with our new Chaos Projectile we
can connect these areas together. Use it and look up to see a chandelier. Hit
that with your Chaos Bomb to drop it down and then head into the room of blood.

 Here you will likely encounter THREE DUNGEON JAILERS! This is good, we will
get three keys once we kill them! The best way to handle this fight is to try
out our new Talisman of the Dragon! Select it from your relic menu and use it
to instantly kill all three foes and see a bad-ass cut-scene. Gather up all
of the keys.

 Now from the Dungeon Key receptacle that we used the last time we were here,
open up the door on the left with your blood. This path leads to the room we
freed the Chupacabra in, but you'll likely have to fight another Jailer and
minions on your way (we'll get that key in a second). Remember that Dungeon Key
area here? From the first bridge console, make it go LEFT, LEFT, LEFT to that
area. Use a key here, followed by a sacrifice of blood for [_2,000 EXPERIENCE_]
prize. Worth it, huh? Head all the way back to the Chupacabra Shop now.

 We're still not done...
  MORE GUIDE COMING SOON! Let me know of anything I missed and feel free to
 message me on Faceook or email! BK loves ya!

        _               _           __   ___ _            _            
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O==<                                Bosses                                >==O
 Here you can find a list of the game's bosses, sorted by character. This
list makes it easy for those of you who just want to look up a particular
boss without having to wade through the entire guide.

(-NOTE-) There's really no way to properly list the bosses back to back
         without a danger of spoiling them, so if you want to save yourself
         any spoilers, scroll down SLOWLY!


 | Boss Battle -               Paladin (Round 1)              - Boss Battle |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - General Information: This guy is more of a warm-up than a true threat, |
 |   as you can tell by the "Round 1" tag. We'll fight him later though,    |
 |   so for now just get really familiar with his limited move-set. He only |
 |   really has one un-blockable move here, but he loves to do it twice in  |
 |   a row so you should still be on your toes.                             |
 |                                                                          |
 |   The most important note here is that you have UNLIMITED MAGIC, but     |
 |   not unlimited life. Be sure to use it. We only have to take away about |
 |   25% of his total health in this fight (half of the first bar), so it   |
 |   will be pretty easy. You can make huge headway by perfect-guarding one |
 |   of his basic attacks and countering with Chaos Claws. Still, check out |
 |   his moves below and be ready for all of the platforming that we will   |
 |   be doing once the Paladin retreat.                                     |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Ground Spark: This is the Paladin's standard ranged attack. You should |
 |   see it coming from a mile away. The Paladin will run one blade along   |
 |   the other making it spark and then sending it streaking along the      |
 |   ground at you. Simply dodge to the left or right to avoid.             |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Sword Dash: This is the most dangerous attack you have to face (for    |
 |   now anyways). This is also the only un-blockable attack. The Paladin   |
 |   will raise both swords (where you'll see the un-blockable signal) and  |
 |   then dash forward quickly at you. He OFTEN does this attack twice in   |
 |   a row, so be very careful and dash again after the Paladin's first     |
 |   attack to be safe.                                                     |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Basic Sword Attack: This is just the Paladin's basic attack, which is  |
 |   pretty much just a sword swing. A fancy sword swing, I suppose, as he  |
 |   swirls around often while he attacks you. Note that he can do this     |
 |   attack twice in a row. Also note that you can perfect guard this       |
 |   attack and lay into the Paladin hard with a counter-attack.            |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |


 | Boss Battle -               Paladin (Round 2)              - Boss Battle |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - General Information: OK, time to take on this guy for real. For the    |
 |   most part this fight is the same as the last one, but once we reach    |
 |   the Paladin's final life bar (he starts out at 75% health - from the   |
 |   last fight) he will start adding some new moves (see below).           |
 |                                                                          |
 |   Once again, let me remind you that we have UNLIMITED MAGIC, so be sure |
 |   to use your Void Sword and Chaos Claws at will. Like last time, it is  |
 |   extremely beneficial to perfect guard basic sword attacks and pile on  |
 |   counter-attack damage with the Chaos Claws.                            |
 |                                                                          |
 |   During the fight, you will start to see the the Paladin blocking. The  |
 |   game will tell you to hold down the Direct Attack button when this     |
 |   happens to break through the block (which again the Chaos Claws are    |
 |   best for). Review the additional attacks below and make the Paladin    |
 |   submit!                                                                |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Ground Spark: This is the Paladin's standard ranged attack. You should |
 |   see it coming from a mile away. The Paladin will run one blade along   |
 |   the other making it spark and then sending it streaking along the      |
 |   ground at you. Simply dodge to the left or right to avoid.             |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Sword Dash: This is the most dangerous attack you have to face (for    |
 |   now anyways). This is also the only un-blockable attack. The Paladin   |
 |   will raise both swords (where you'll see the un-blockable signal) and  |
 |   then dash forward quickly at you. He OFTEN does this attack twice in   |
 |   a row, so be very careful and dash again after the Paladin's first     |
 |   attack to be safe.                                                     |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Basic Sword Attack: This is just the Paladin's basic attack, which is  |
 |   pretty much just a sword swing. A fancy sword swing, I suppose, as he  |
 |   swirls around often while he attacks you. Note that he can do this     |
 |   attack twice in a row. Also note that you can perfect guard this       |
 |   attack and lay into the Paladin hard with a counter-attack.            |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Sword Throw: This attack is pretty neat. The Paladin will connect his  |
 |   swords together and chuck them at you. The first time he does this,    |
 |   the game will warn you. The Paladin can do this in one of two ways: a  |
 |   horizontal throw or a vertical throw. You are of course supposed to    |
 |   jump over the horizontal throw and side dodge the vertical throw.      |
 |   After those first two throws the game won't warn you ahead of time     |
 |   anymore, but these should be easy enough to dodge if you are quick     |
 |   enough.                                                                |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Arrow Fall: In the last half of the fight, the Paladin will start to   |
 |   shoot up in the air. After a few seconds, arrows will start to fall    |
 |   down. They leave marks on the ground (like they did when you were      |
 |   being shot at) so it is pretty easy to avoid them.                     |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |

 | Boss Battle -                  Stone Golem                 - Boss Battle |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - General Information: There's a couple of unique things about this      |
 |   fight you should know. The first is that (according to the lore entry  |
 |   on this enemy) it is your blood that is giving it life, so... way to   |
 |   go! Speaking of blood the only way you can hurt this beast is to       |
 |   attack the parts of its body that the blood is flowing to: attacking   |
 |   anything else won't damage the golem.                                  |
 |                                                                          |
 |   Also worth noting is the fact that the fight will start you out with   |
 |   the Void Sword until your magic is gone (you can't put it away!). This |
 |   is a good thing though as the game will teach you about magic orbs and |
 |   how to acquire them afterward. People who played the first Lords of    |
 |   Shadow game will be familiar here but the gist is do damage and don't  |
 |   get hit, then suck up any orbs you see with L3. This refills your      |
 |   magic bar. Good to know!                                               |
 |                                                                          |
 |   Other than that the fight is fairly standard. You will have to grab it |
 |   twice in the fight, but the last time will be when itis nearing death  |
 |   to finish it off. Here you will have to complete a QTE (quick time     |
 |   event) and jam on whatever button the game displays (which is random). |
 |   If you fail to do this in time, the golem will recover about 25% of    |
 |   its HP and the fight will resume. So remember that and check out all   |
 |   of its moves below and you'll be OK.                                   |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Area Blast: This is the Golem's "Get away from Me" attack, which he'll |
 |   use when you are too close! Ain't nobody got time for that! This is    |
 |   why it is best to stick to hit and run attacks: get in, pull off a     |
 |   chain attack, get out until he commits to another move or does this.   |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Arm Swipes: This is the Golem's basic arm swinging attack. Pretty      |
 |   basic stuff. The Golem can do it twice in a row if it wishes, but I    |
 |   found it rarely does. Very easy to dodge or even perfect guard and     |
 |   counterattack.                                                         |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Mace Attack: Once the battle gets underway, the Golem will start in on |
 |   the mace attacks. These attacks always have a nice wind up and are all |
 |   unblockable. Dodge quickly out of the way and then see if this attack  |
 |   leads into the next attack below. If it doesn't, punish him for having |
 |   the gall to attack you!                                                |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Blood Trail: This attack will catch you off guard once you see it      |
 |   (well, maybe not if you're following this awesome cool guide). This    |
 |   attack occurs after a mace attack. You'll know it is coming when the   |
 |   mace stays on the ground and a blood trail flows out. The blood will   |
 |   follow you for awhile and then spike upwards. Since it spikes upwards  |
 |   you will want to avoid aerial attacks and be sure you are clear of the |
 |   blood before attacking again.                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Blood Stomps: This is a dangerous attack. The Golem will do a stomp on |
 |   the ground and cause a wave of blood to erupt outwards and then back   |
 |   in towards the Golem. You'll need to jump over both waves to be safe.  |
 |   You can get some quick hits in but its best to focus on avoiding the   |
 |   attack.                                                                |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Eye Shot: This last attack is very, very basic. The eye on angel part  |
 |   of the statue (where the blue gem is) will glow and send out a shot at |
 |   you. Very simple to dodge. You will love seeing this attack since it   |
 |   is so easy to avoid and punish.                                        |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |


 | Boss Battle -                Raisa Volkova                 - Boss Battle |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - General Information: What a charming demon lady... let's kick her ass! |
 |   The first thing you should know about Raisa is that she has quite the  |
 |   affinity with electricity... she feeds on it and uses it as a weapon.  |
 |   In fact, her "weapon" in this fight is some electrical cables that she |
 |   pulled out of the sub-floor! Sheesh!                                   |
 |                                                                          |
 |   She starts off way too fast for us, and will stay that way until we    |
 |   we manage to hit her with a Void Projectile. This will slow her down,  |
 |   show a cutscene, and start the fight proper. Note that until you hit   |
 |   her she will appear randomly, wait a split second, and then shoot      |
 |   towards you while spreading lightning your way (dodge if you can't hit |
 |   her with your Void Projectile in time!).                               |
 |                                                                          |
 |   Once you do hit her the real fight starts. Note that one you slow her  |
 |   down with the Void Projectile, her health bar will freeze over! As you |
 |   battle, you'll see that bar slowly thaw... this shows that she is      |
 |   slowly thawing out and once she is fully thawed out she will go back   |
 |   to her lighting mode where she disappears and tries to shoot into you. |
 |   Now, if you are low on Void Magic (which you NEED to freeze her),      |
 |   there will always be some possessed citizens that come in. Do your     |
 |   best to perfect guard one and counter-attack to fill your combat focus |
 |   up quickly, then fill up your Void Magic.                              |
 |                                                                          |
 |   This cycle may repeat a few times depending on how long it takes you   |
 |   to kill her, so check out her moves below to get the upper hand on her |
 |   and take out this lightning demon for Zobek.                           |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Lightning Bombs: This is her signature attack. You'll always see a     |
 |   short little cut-scene before this attack, after which she will slam   |
 |   her cables in the ground and produce small little orbs of lightning    |
 |   all around the room. These orbs get bigger until they explode. There's |
 |   a lot of them, but they don't all explode at the same time so try and  |
 |   either get between them or move into an area where they have already   |
 |   exploded. It is also worth noting that RIGHT AFTER she does this       |
 |   attack, you can always rush her and get several hits in. Revenge!      |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Lightning Slam: This attack is very similar to her lightning dash move |
 |   but is done with her slamming her cables in the ground at you and then |
 |   sending the line of lightning at you. Dodge off to the side to be      |
 |   safe. This attack is un-blockable of course.                           |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Cable Whip (Short): The fight wouldn't be complete if there weren't    |
 |   some sort of basic attack. This attack is a short one that is always   |
 |   just two short quick swings. Still, it is noteworthy because it is an  |
 |   un-blockable attack. Dash backwards and you'll be fine.                |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Cable Swing (Long): Another fairly basic attack: this one is where she |
 |   will swing her cables at you in a very wide arc, fairly similar to     |
 |   your whip's area attack. She can do this a couple times in a row or    |
 |   just once if she wishes (she usually does it twice). Try to block it   |
 |   and counter-attack. It is quick, so be careful.                        |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Cable Pull: GET OVER HERE! Raisa does her best Scorpion impression and |
 |   whips the cable at you. You'll know it is coming when you see the red  |
 |   un-blockable icon and she doesn't slam downward for the lightning slam |
 |   attack. It is best to dodge away to avoid this. If you do get hit with |
 |   it, she will pull you to her. You have a chance to still avoid some    |
 |   damage with a timed button-press, but if you miss it she'll take a     |
 |   good bite out of you before throwing you away.                         |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |


 | Boss Battle -                    Gorgon                    - Boss Battle |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - General Information: So here we are, the four of us... or Dracula and  |
 |   three sisters who have transformed into one giant reptilian snake      |
 |   creature. This fight isn't too hard, mostly because we have a steady   |
 |   stream of magic whenever we wish, but first things first: to start the |
 |   fight, the Gorgon will erect a stone barrier around herself. The game  |
 |   will tell you to use your new Chaos Claws to smash it to pieces. Once  |
 |   you acknowledge that and take control, get ready to dodge as she will  |
 |   spit fire at you right away. She'll keep doing this until you break    |
 |   down the barrier, so put on those Chaos Claws and smash it up.         |
 |                                                                          |
 |   With the barrier down the real fight will start. You'll now have to    |
 |   pay attention to her attacks below (all but the last two... for now)   |
 |   as the fight starts in earnest. A quick note: on the outside of this   |
 |   very wobbly arena are several tentacles. These things are all rather   |
 |   weak, and when they die they will fork over magic orbs even when you   |
 |   have no combat focus built up. This is what makes the fight a rather   |
 |   easy one: this easy source of magic. Beware that the tentacles will    |
 |   try to slap you at times (their attacks barely hurt, but will knock    |
 |   you down).                                                             |
 |                                                                          |
 |   The best way to harm the Gorgon (besides hurting it a tiny bit at a    |
 |   time attacking the tentacles) is of course aerial attacks. Use your    |
 |   Rising Strikes to get airborne and chain that into aerial attacks to   |
 |   hurt her. Don't stick around too long though, as she will often either |
 |   try to punch you down or rake her arm across the battlefield.          |
 |                                                                          |
 |   Now, once you reduce Gorgon's health bar a bit, you'll see a scene     |
 |   where she'll try and smash you. Hit the timed button-press here to     |
 |   dodge it and you'll see her claw get stuck. Quickly pull out your      |
 |   Void Sword and freeze her hand. Now, climb up the claw and start to    |
 |   climb her scales upwards. She'll try and rake you off a few times,     |
 |   but head up and left to one of the heads. The head will snatch you up  |
 |   and make you jam on a button for a bit before seeing an awesome scene  |
 |   where you'll dispatch one of the three heads.                          |
 |                                                                          |
 |   After the first head is gone, the Gorgon will add in the fourth attack |
 |   below (the Stone Gaze), but everything else will be the same. Keep on  |
 |   the offensive and soon after taking out more of her health you'll see  |
 |   another cutscene where she tries to smash you. Dodge it with the timed |
 |   button-press and hit her with Void Magic. She gets smarter this time   |
 |   though, and will cover her arm in stone. What you need to do here is   |
 |   quickly switch to your Chaos Claws and break the stone away, then you  |
 |   can climb her arm. As you climb you'll see the nearby head disappear   |
 |   into the mass of tentacles... she's getting smarter all the time!      |
 |   When that happens, hang around on the two right-most handholds and use |
 |   them to dodge her hand until the face eventually shows itself. Once it |
 |   does, jump at it and hit the button presses to punch the eye out!      |
 |                                                                          |
 |   Brutal! Two heads down, one to go. The Gorgon will add in the last     |
 |   two attacks here (Meteor Rain, Fire Breath) but she's on the ropes.    |
 |   Dodge these attacks and be sure to shoot a Void Projectile at her if   |
 |   you ever see her start the Fire Breath attack. Once her health gets    |
 |   low enough you'll see the ending cut-scene and will emerge victorious. |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Fire Spit: One of her basic attacks, she will spit a ball of fire at   |
 |   wherever you are, so don't hang around in one place for too long. This |
 |   fire will burn the ground it hits and stay there for awhile, so don't  |
 |   go walking over it afterwards!                                         |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Downward Punch: Another basic attack, but usually only done when you   |
 |   are somewhat close to her. This punch will of course attempt to slam   |
 |   down directly into you, but has plenty of wind-up so you should be     |
 |   able to dodge away. If you are in the air near her face for too long,  |
 |   this attack is bound to punish you eventually.                         |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Arena Rake: Her last basic attack, she will put her arm down on one    |
 |   side of the arena and rake it across. Her arms are somewhat stubby so  |
 |   you can dodge towards the back of the arena to have this move miss you |
 |   entirely. Again, she only ever uses this if you are somewhat close.    |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Stone Gaze: The Gorgon's signature move! Note that she will only use   |
 |   this once one of her heads are gone. With this move she will stare at  |
 |   you intently with green eyes, making a circle appear on the ground.    |
 |   Run away when you see it (you can outrun it easily) and/or dodge. The  |
 |   circle gets smaller over time and explodes in a pillar of green light  |
 |   at the end, turning you to stone if you get caught in it.              |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Meteor Rain: You'll only see this attack once the Gorgon has lost two  |
 |   heads. She will spray fire into the air and cause meteors to fall down |
 |   after awhile, covering about 70% of the arena in harmful fire. Get     |
 |   into the safe area when you can to avoid damage.                       |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Fire Breath: This is honestly an attack you should never see. Why?     |
 |   When she starts this attack, a blue light appears in her mouth. That   |
 |   is your cue to hit her with a Void Projectile. If you don't do this,   |
 |   she will spit a stream of fire at your current location (which is      |
 |   still rather easy to dodge away from, but still hurt her before she    |
 |   hurts you!                                                             |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |

        _               _           __   ___ _            _            
       | |   ___ _ _ __| |___  ___ / _| / __| |_  __ _ __| |_____ __ __
       | |__/ _ \ '_/ _` (_-< / _ \  _| \__ \ ' \/ _` / _` / _ \ V  V /
       |____\___/_| \__,_/__/ \___/_|   |___/_||_\__,_\__,_\___/\_/\_/
O==<                                Items                                >==O

 Here is a list of all the items in the game, in the order in which you obtain
them along with their descriptions. No one can say I'm not thorough!

 Description: When Gabriel replaced his blood with Lauras, a change began that
              went beyond the purely physical, drowning out the love,
              compassion and tenderness that filled the man's heart, giving way
              to the merciless darkness of the dragon. It is a supernatural
              power that, fed by the blood of his victims, flows through his
              veins, healing the wounds inflicted on him and prolonging the
              torturous curse for all eternity.
 Description: Gabriel's deeply rooted training with the Combat Cross remained
              in Dracula. The Prince of Darkness now uses his own blood, which
              takes the shape of a sinuous whip, to inflict pain and death
              wherever he goes. The dark fluid is bound by a supernatural
              force, and it hardens on impact. Before they die, its victims
              feel as if thousands of fangs penetrated their flesh, breaking
              bones and tearing their life force from them.

 Description: Pain and suffering have tormented Gabriel over the centuries
              following his transformation into the Lord of Darkness, beating
              his exhausted mind again and again.
              As his memories submerged into the waters of oblivion, Dracula
              left his human side behind to overcome the torture, and filled
              his heart with a cold, dark void. That feeling gave rise to the
              Void Sword, capable of draining both the nightmares of its owner
              and the life of everyone that comes in contact with its blade.
              Use L1 to activate and deactivate the Void Sword.

 Description: The castle bats have shared their space with the Prince of
              Darkness for countless years. The powerful influence of their
              lord has bound them to his very being, as if they were a part
              of his own body.
              In bygone times, Dracula never needed the distractive abilities
              of these creatures, but his new situation forces him to use them
              to even things up.
              Select the Bat Swarm with the left button. Press and hold R2 and
              release t launch it. You can cancel the shot by pressing circle.

 The ultimate resource that a soldier's life depends upon is the proper use of
 his throwing weapons. Gabriel became an expert within the Brotherhood when he
 fought the hordes of darkness.
 Now, on the other side, Dracula uses his new vampiric skills to throw
 different forms of  matter and energy against his old allies.
 Select the Projectiles with the up button.
 Description: Making a small cut on his wrist, and using the same power to
              mould his blood as for the Shadow Whip, Dracula is able to throw
              a high-speed shadow projectile at his enemies. When it hits, the
              blood particles harden, dealing a forceful blow that can
              destabalize the target.
              With no magic activated, press and hold R2 to charge and release
              to fire. You can move and aim during preparation or cancel the
              shot by pressing circle.
 Description: The formation of the Void Sword caused impurities that penetrated
              the deep rock of the Castle. These crystal fragments have kept
              the secret of ice for centuries, while driving the castle
              residents mad with its tempting call. He who can control the
              power held by one of these crystals will be capable of
              extending the void energy beyond his sword's edge.
              With the Void Magic activated, press and hold R2 to charge and
              release to fire. You can move and aim during preparation or
              cancel the shot by pressing circle.

        _               _           __   ___ _            _            
       | |   ___ _ _ __| |___  ___ / _| / __| |_  __ _ __| |_____ __ __
       | |__/ _ \ '_/ _` (_-< / _ \  _| \__ \ ' \/ _` / _` / _ \ V  V /
       |____\___/_| \__,_/__/ \___/_|   |___/_||_\__,_\__,_\___/\_/\_/
O==<                                Skills                                >==O
 | o Square
 | o Direct attack that hits enemies in front of you. You can use
 |   this attack both on the ground and in the air.
 | THOUGHTS: Your basic attack move. Hit enemies directly. Grah!

 | o Triangle
 | o Area attack that hits nearby enemies around you. You can use this
 |   attack both on the ground and in the air.
 | THOUGHTS: Your basic area attack. Hit more enemies. Good when you
 |           find yourself surrounded and provides a form of crowd
 |           control.
 | o X
 | o A basic jump. Combine this move with other attacks to perform
 |   aerial combos.
 | THOUGHTS: You uh... you know how to jump I hope. I'm sure you do!
 | o Left Analog Stick (twice)
 | o Momentarily increases movement speed. Perfect for covering short
 |   distances quickly, especially useful for closing the gap between
 |   you and your enemy.
 |   Double tap to spring.
 | THOUGHTS: Pretty cool that they give us the sprint move right from the
 |           start of the game. Very useful.
 | o L2
 | o Press and hold L2 to block enemy attacks. Unblockable attacks are
 |   indicated with a red warning flash. This skill can be used both
 |   on the ground and in the air.
 | THOUGHTS: Your basic block attack. Protect yourself from harm! Very
 |           useful.
 | o L2 (Just in time)
 | o Press L2 at exactly the right time to synchronize your block. When
 |   performed correctly the enemy will be stunned for a few moments.
 |   Unblockable attacks, indicated with a red warning flash, can't be
 |   synch blocked. This skill can be used both on the ground and in the
 |   air.
 | THOUGHTS: An excellent skill that rewards players with good timing.
 |           Stunning the enemy gives you a few free seconds where you
 |           can really pour on the damage.
 | o Hold L2 + Left Analog Stick
 | o While blocking with L2 use the left stick to evade enemy attacks.
 |   This skill can be used both on the ground and in the air.
 | THOUGHTS: Your basic evasion move. Mastering the use of this skill
 |           will save you on more than one occasion.
 | o In the air: Hold L2 + X
 | o Similar to dodge but performed while airborne. A good defense
 |   against enemies who attack you in the air. Landing back on the
 |   ground can also knock back smaller enemies surrounding you.
 | THOUGHTS: Your air evasion move. Let's you drop straight down with
 |           a satisfying thud. Can hurt smaller enemies if you stomp
 |           down into a group.
 | o Circle
 | o Press Circle to grab enemies or interact with glowing objects.
 | THOUGHTS: Your basic grab move. Use it to open doors, interact with
 |           objects and suck the life blood out of your enemies. You
 |           monster, you.
 | o You are primarily awarded Experience Points when you defeat enemies,
 |   although you can also obtain them by exploring the world. Experience
 |   Points ae used to acquire combat skills, relics and other valuable
 |   items that you will find on your adventure. The number under Dracula's
 |   health bar indicates the number of Experience Points available to be
 |   be spent. The number will shine when you have enough to buy a new
 |   combat skill in the Travel Book.
 | THOUGHTS: For some reason, an explanation on experience points can be
 |           found in the skills section. Oh well, the more you know,
 |           right?
 | o To be a master in the use of a weapon, you must master each one of
 |   its skills. Each skill has its own mastery container, which is filled
 |   by using the skill. Once the container is full, you can transfer the
 |   achieved to the corresponding weapon. Master as many skills as you
 |   can to level up your weapons.
 | THOUGHTS: Another explanation of how the game works, this time for
 |           the weapon mastery system. Get out there and keep using
 |           your skills to eventually master your weapons!
 | o The science of transmutation was believed to have been lost to
 |   Mankind since the last of the great alchemists died during The
 |   Necromancer Wars... When, centuries later, Dracula occupied The
 |   Throne of Shadows, his henchmen found this transmutation rune in a
 |   destroyed Brotherhood enclave. Not only was it the last of its kind,
 |   it was also the most powerful, with complete transmutation power
 |   over any alchemical element. And now it is in the hands of the
 |   Prince of Darkness...
 |   Press and hold the down button to open the Relics Menu and use the
 |   right stick to select it. Use the Transmutation Rune with Square
 |   or Triangle.
 | THOUGHTS: ???

        _               _           __   ___ _            _            
       | |   ___ _ _ __| |___  ___ / _| / __| |_  __ _ __| |_____ __ __
       | |__/ _ \ '_/ _` (_-< / _ \  _| \__ \ ' \/ _` / _` / _ \ V  V /
       |____\___/_| \__,_/__/ \___/_|   |___/_||_\__,_\__,_\___/\_/\_/
O==<                                 Lore                                 >==O

 o Dracula
    Not even his descendants, the Belmonts, nor the innumerable army of the
   Brotherhood of Light have even come close to annihilating him. He is Dracul,
   the Dragon; an immortal being whose cursed soul is condemned to remain
   trapped in the body of the vampire, bound to his castle for all eternity.
    From the beginning, the unbearable yearning for revenge has driven him
   along the path of ire and destruction, a path of infinite suffering and
   despair, a road that he would now like to leave behind.
    "That's why the power of your God cannot destroy me... Because I am his
   chosen one!" - Dracula
 o Trevor Belmont
    The reflection of the innocent boy, which the Mirror of Fate showed to
   Dracula, returns to the mind of his repentant father as penance for
   having condemned him to suffer the eternal curse of the vampire.
    The moments that he never shared with his first born came to life now,
   as broken fragments of his memory, pitting light against shadow in his
   dark memories.
    Putting the broken pieces together seems to be the way to achieve an
   unknown purpose. This is why young Trevor guides his father through the
   castle, leading him to the furthest reaches of his mind, where the
   forgotten memories that must be revealed are hidden...
    "You'll pay for what you did to me and my Mother!" - Trevor Belmont
 o Brotherhood Soldier
    The boys who prove that they are skilled enough with the sword are
   recruited by the Brotherhood of Light in their campaign against the
   forces of evil.
    The tough physical and mental training they are given makes them very
   efficient in close combat, providing them with iron-clad determination.
   However, if their willpower is not enough they wear full armor and carry
   large shields to protect their lives instead. As lower ranking members,
   the brother hood soldiers are sent to their deaths by their generals with
   the sole hope of offering them a better fate than their own.
    "Follow me, brothers! For if you do, you will meet a death more honorable
   than any you could imagine." - Cardinal Vicus, Grand Master of the
 o Paladin
    Those who aspire to be paladins are raised to monastaries, educated under
   the dogma of faith and trained in the art of war. Their whole life becomes
   a test in which any mistake, as insignificant as it may be, leads to the
   complete failure of their mission. Only the purest heart, capable of showing
   absolute determination and an unswerving faith, will be recognized as God's
   chosen one.
    Beyond receiving the admiration of all and the favor of the council of the
   Brotherhood of Light, the paladins are rewarded with weapons and armor of
   gold, forged by the best master blacksmiths from angel bones. Their aim from
   then until the end of their days is to serve God in the battle against the
   offspring of evil and guide their troops to victory.
    "I was like you once. But your God showed me another path." - Dracula
 o Siege Titan
    With the upsurge of battles between the Brotherhood of Light and the
   forces of darkness, the engineers of the holy order quickly compelled the
   last great work of Gandolfi, the Siege Titan. It is a giant wood and metal
   automaton, inspired by the stone giants that the forces of Agharia commanded
   in the Necromancer Wars. For over a decade, hundreds of craftsmen worked to
   complete the mechanism, powered by the divine energy of the gem that the
   priests placed in its head.
    In battle, it would be ready to use its enormous extremities, smashing a
   regimen with a single stamp of the foot, pulverizing the walls of the castle
   with its fists and dispatching a group of soldiers inside. Its value in war
   was such that only after it was built did the brotherhood decide to start
   the siege of Dracula's castle.
    "One word is enough to set it in motion... Destroy!" - H. Hughes, Master
 o Zobek
    Zobek was, together with Carmilla and Cornell, one of the old founders of
   the Brotherhood of Light who answered the call of God, leaving their
   darkest being on the earth. The Lord of the Dead, however, despite his
   absolute mastery of necromanic magic, could do nothing against the
   supremacy of Satan, and his existence was relegated to the kingdom of the
   lifeless. Exhausted and humiliated, he remained hidden for an era, watching
   over the world of men through his countless spies, extending his influence
   and preparing his return.
    When he learned that the power of Dracula had weakened enough and that the
   arrival of Satan was near, Zobek materialized once again on Earth. He left
   behind the arrogance of his past to take on the role of an influential
   businessman, and he blended in directly with society, up to the present.
   Now, he has a new plan - a perfect plan that will pin hiw two worst enemies
   against one another, leaving only he, Zobek, to become lord of all, once and
   for all.
    "You can have the eternal rest you so crave after all. Bet first you must
   help me stop Satan from returning to the World. And for that, this is my
   promise to you, old friend." - Zobek
 o Zobek Lieutenant
    No one knows the identity of the man accompanying the astute Zobek in his
   crusade for power. It is rumored that he wears armor forged from metal
   extracted from the abyss and that he adeptly brandishes a mystical sword by
   the name of "Masamune," capable of going beyond the material realm.
    Some records indicate that he is the spirit of a damned general; others
   that he is a demon that must pay a debt to Death. However, the most popular
   story is the one that classifies him as a result of the necromanic
   reanimation of a legendary warrior. After all, it would not be the first
   time that Zobek used witchcraft to create a powerful armed guard...
    "Zobeck sent me. He feels you might need my help as you are still weak."
   - Zobek's Lieutenant
 o Golgoth Guard
    Cultivated and raised in laboratories, the Golgoths can be considered the
   link that connects man and machine in the evolutionary chain.
    Their cloned bodies have been genetically altered to grow much more quickly
   and larger than a normal human being. Their minds, on the other hand, have
   not had time to develop. If it were not for implanting strict instructions
   or suppressing emotions, they would be no different than a child.
    Their sole aim is to defend Bioquimek from intruders, and for that purpose
   they are equipped with indestructable armor and an enormous grenade launcher
   courtesy of the military corporation.
    "I saw you hide there. You're going to die, dog!" - Golgoth Guard
 o Stone Golem
    The curse that runs through Dracula's veins becomes more violent the more
   the vampire delves into his memories. When the blood escapes to possess
   fragments of the castle, a monstrous stone golem takes shape. Like a
   puppeteer, the cursed substance controls its limbs and is capable of
   attacking its master with crushing violence.
    Trying to defeat it by hitting the bevels, columns and statues that make
   it up is as laborious as it is inefficient. The true aim is the red flow
   that animates it.
    "Look what you're making us do." - Inner Dracula


        _               _           __   ___ _            _            
       | |   ___ _ _ __| |___  ___ / _| / __| |_  __ _ __| |_____ __ __
       | |__/ _ \ '_/ _` (_-< / _ \  _| \__ \ ' \/ _` / _` / _ \ V  V /
       |____\___/_| \__,_/__/ \___/_|   |___/_||_\__,_\__,_\___/\_/\_/
O==<                               Enemies                                >==O
 This section will go through all the enemies in the game, according to
the game's BESTIARY. I'm going to list the monster, write down their
descriptive text (from the game) and put in my personal notes / combat tips
on them.



        _               _           __   ___ _            _            
       | |   ___ _ _ __| |___  ___ / _| / __| |_  __ _ __| |_____ __ __
       | |__/ _ \ '_/ _` (_-< / _ \  _| \__ \ ' \/ _` / _` / _ \ V  V /
       |____\___/_| \__,_/__/ \___/_|   |___/_||_\__,_\__,_\___/\_/\_/
O==<                              Trophies                                >==O

 In this section I'll list all the trophies in the game. These trophies are
from the PS3 version of the game, and apply to the Xbox version of the game
as well. The 3DS version of the game obviously has no trophies.
(-NOTE-) Trophies are here in the order they appear in the PS trophy list.

   .———————————————————.                                    .——————————————.
 __|   Trophy Hunter   |____________________________________|   Platinum   |__
    Description | Unlock all trophies
  How to Obtain | This will quite simply be the last trophy you get in the
                | game. Once you have all of the other trophies, this one will
                | unlock. The ultimate reward for the ultimate fan. (PS3 ONLY)

   .——————————————————————.                                   .————————————.
 __|   False chosen one   |___________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Defeat the Paladin
  How to Obtain | You get this trophy for defeating the boss above, meaning
                | you really just need to beat the game to get this one.

   .——————————————————.                                       .————————————.
 __|   Vampire Kiss   |_______________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Accept Zobek's gift
  How to Obtain | Another trophy that you just need to play the game to get.
                | Even if it is particularly disturbing to get...

   .—————————————————.                                        .————————————.
 __|   xxxxxxxxxxx   |________________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxx
                | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .—————————————————.                                        .————————————.
 __|   xxxxxxxxxxx   |________________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxx
                | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .—————————————————.                                        .————————————.
 __|   xxxxxxxxxxx   |________________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxx
                | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .—————————————————.                                        .————————————.
 __|   xxxxxxxxxxx   |________________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxx
                | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .—————————————————.                                        .————————————.
 __|   xxxxxxxxxxx   |________________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxx
                | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .—————————————————.                                        .————————————.
 __|   xxxxxxxxxxx   |________________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxx
                | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .—————————————————.                                        .————————————.
 __|   xxxxxxxxxxx   |________________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxx
                | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .—————————————————.                                        .————————————.
 __|   xxxxxxxxxxx   |________________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxx
                | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .—————————————————.                                        .————————————.
 __|   xxxxxxxxxxx   |________________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxx
                | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .—————————————————.                                        .————————————.
 __|   xxxxxxxxxxx   |________________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxx
                | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .—————————————————.                                        .————————————.
 __|   xxxxxxxxxxx   |________________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxx
                | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .—————————————————.                                        .————————————.
 __|   xxxxxxxxxxx   |________________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxx
                | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .—————————————————.                                        .————————————.
 __|   xxxxxxxxxxx   |________________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxx
                | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .—————————————————.                                        .————————————.
 __|   xxxxxxxxxxx   |________________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxx
                | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .————————————————————————.                                   .——————————.
 __|   Prince of Darkness   |___________________________________|   Gold   |__
    Description | Complete the game at "Prince of Darkness" difficulty
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .———————————————————————.                                  .————————————.
 __|   Kleidos Champion I  |__________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Complete all the Reminiscences of Sapphire challenges
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .—————————————————————————.                                .————————————.
 __|   Kleidos Champion II   |________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Complete all the Recollections of Ruby challenges
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .——————————————————————————.                               .————————————.
 __|   Kleidos Champion III   |_______________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Complete all the Reminders of Amethyst challenges
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .—————————————————————————.                                .————————————.
 __|   Kleidos Champion IV   |________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Complete all the Memories of Emerald challenges
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .——————————————————.                                       .————————————.
 __|   Kleidos Hero   |_______________________________________|   Silver   |__
    Description | Be defeated by Dracula
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .————————————————————.                                       .——————————.
 __|   Kleidos Legend   |_______________________________________|   Gold   |__
    Description | Complete all of the Kleidos challenges at "Prince of
                | Darkness" difficulty
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .————————————————————.                                     .————————————.
 __|   Void Collector   |_____________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Recover 30 Void Gems
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .—————————————————————.                                    .————————————.
 __|   Chaos Collector   |____________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Recover 30 Chaos Gems
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .————————————————————.                                     .————————————.
 __|   Life Collector   |_____________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Recover 30 Life Gems
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .————————————————————————.                                 .————————————.
 __|   Expert Silversmith   |_________________________________|   Silver   |__
    Description | Recover all the Void, Chaos and Life gems
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .——————————————————————.                                   .————————————.
 __|   Multiple Pockets   |___________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Recover all the upgrades for the Relics
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .————————————————————.                                     .————————————.
 __|   Philanthropist   |_____________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Collect all of the art
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .————————————————————.                                     .————————————.
 __|   Start the path   |_____________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Acquire a skill
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .——————————————————————————.                               .————————————.
 __|   The path of the Whip   |_______________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Acquire all of the Shadow Whip skills and upgrades
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .———————————————————————————.                              .————————————.
 __|   The path of the Sword   |______________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Acquire all of the Void Sword skills and upgrades
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .———————————————————————————.                              .————————————.
 __|   The path of the Claws   |______________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Acquire all of the Chaos Claws skills and upgrades
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .—————————————————————————————.                            .————————————.
 __|   The path of the warrior   |____________________________|   Silver   |__
    Description | Acquire all of the skills and upgrades
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .———————————————————.                                      .————————————.
 __|   Good customer   |______________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Buy an item at the Chupacabras' shop
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .———————————————————————————.                              .————————————.
 __|   Customer of the month   |______________________________|   Silver   |__
    Description | Spend a total of 20000 Experience Points at the
                | Chupacabras' shop
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .——————————————————————————.                               .————————————.
 __|   Initiated in Mastery   |_______________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Increase the Mastery Level of a weapon
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .—————————————————.                                        .————————————.
 __|   Whip Master   |________________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Increase the Mastery Level of the Shadow Whip to the maximum
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .——————————————————.                                       .————————————.
 __|   Sword Master   |_______________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Increase the Mastery Level of the Void Sword to the maximum
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .—————————————————.                                        .————————————.
 __|   Claw Master   |________________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Increase the Mastery Level of the Chaos Claws to the maximum
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .————————————————————.                                     .————————————.
 __|   Weapons Master   |_____________________________________|   Silver   |__
    Description | Increase the Mastery Level of all weapons to the maximum
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .————————————————————.                                     .————————————.
 __|   Classic Flavor   |_____________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Cook a chicken in the old style
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .—————————————————.                                        .————————————.
 __|   Experienced   |________________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Gain a total of 10000 Experience Points
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .————————————————.                                         .————————————.
 __|   Specialist   |_________________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Gain a total of 50000 Experience Points
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .—————————————.                                            .————————————.
 __|   Veteran   |____________________________________________|   Silver   |__
    Description | Gain a total of 100000 Experience Points
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   .——————————————————————.                                     .——————————.
 __|   The Outer Limits   |_____________________________________|   Gold   |__
    Description | Complete 110% of the game
  How to Obtain | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        _               _           __   ___ _            _            
       | |   ___ _ _ __| |___  ___ / _| / __| |_  __ _ __| |_____ __ __
       | |__/ _ \ '_/ _` (_-< / _ \  _| \__ \ ' \/ _` / _` / _ \ V  V /
       |____\___/_| \__,_/__/ \___/_|   |___/_||_\__,_\__,_\___/\_/\_/
O==<                           Version History                            >==O

 Version 0.01: February 25th, 2014

 Just starting the guide.
 Version 0.10: February 26th - March 7th, 2014

 Mainly working on Final Fantasy XIII-3: Lightning Returns, but have done
some work on this here and there. Hopefully my co-writer on Final Fantasy
understands how hard it is to resist the allure of Castlevania (I think I've
done pretty good staying away from this for so long!).

 Very, very much incomplete, but I figured I'd release what I had so far.
Got a few bosses in here and some tricky collectables. Feel free to send me
anything I may have missed before the Chupacabra Shop, but try not to send
anything after that, please!


        _               _           __   ___ _            _            
       | |   ___ _ _ __| |___  ___ / _| / __| |_  __ _ __| |_____ __ __
       | |__/ _ \ '_/ _` (_-< / _ \  _| \__ \ ' \/ _` / _` / _ \ V  V /
       |____\___/_| \__,_/__/ \___/_|   |___/_||_\__,_\__,_\___/\_/\_/
O==<                               Credits                                >==O
 o Ghost of Legault / DomZ Ninja for the Castlevania logo. You've been
   helping my Castlevania guides look good for years, man! I love ya!
   You can check out DomZ's work on GameFAQs here:

 o Many more to come!

YOU FIGHT WELL...                                    Document © Bkstunt_31 2014
WORTHY OF THE                      Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 © 2014 Konami
NAME, BELMONT.                                    E N D   O F   D O C U M E N T

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