FAQ Walkthrough - Guide for Naruto: Clash of Ninja

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            $$$$$ $$$     $$$     $$$$$   $$    $$ $$$$$$$ $$$$ clash
           $$$ $$$ $$    $$ $$    $$  $   $$    $$    $    $  $     of
           $$$  $$ $    $$$$$$$   $$$$     $$  $$     $    $  $   ninja
           $$$   $$    $$     $$  $$  $     $$$$      $    $$$$ 
*2character guid
1. controls
A is tiejutsu attack
B is ninjutsu attack
c (practice) restarts practice
d pad/controll stick move
x special attack (full chakra guage)
y grab move
r when knocked away pres to use substitution jutsu or while on ground to jump to the 
l jump to the side
2 character guid

naruto__ genin__notes: was once a nine tailed fox__ age: 12

saske__genin__notes: last of the uchiha clan__ age: 12

sakura__gennin__notes: hot tempered (has crush on saske)__ age: 12

haku__???__notes: orphin__ age: 14

zabuza__hitman ninja__notes: loves to kill__ age: 25

rock lee__genin__notes: loves sakura/ full of himself__age: 14

kakashi__junin__notes: a little out of his mind__ age: 26

iruka__junin__notes: loves iruchika ramen/ hates naruto__ age: 25

rock lees grandpa__???__notes: ???__ age: 76 (and still has luck with the ladies)

hatake__genin__notes: has secrate crush on naruto__ age: 13
3 moves

im not going to bother with all of the attacks for each character but ill give u a 
few hints for each

counter- a-back
special attack- b-down

naruto- sexy jutsu (counter)

saske- doesnt have counter but the counter button has a powerful move
b-forward for flame jutsu

sakura- a-forward makes her vanish and reapear a few feet infront of her

!!!!!I cant remember all of the moves because im used to just using these 3!!!!
4 modes

practice- fight against a dummy *that doesnt mean rock lee* and practice your skills
story- play as naruto and fight all the clasic people up to zabuza
1p- play through a series of battles using anyone
2p- speaks for itself
vs computer- battle a computer player of your choice
options- change game settings
extras-- needs unlocked-- extras are here
5 unlockables
rock lee_ beat story mode without fail 
kyuubi naruto_beat one player mode twice with every character (x on naruto
sharigan kakashi_unlock kyuubi naruto and play a third with kakashi (x on kakashi
voice settings_play story mode twice with a character
extras_play through story mode
rock lees grandpa_play 200 times in 1p mode with rock lee (press x on rock lee)
hatake_ play 200 times in 1p mode with sakura (x on rock lee
!!!dont save with rock lees grandpa or hatake!!!

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