FAQ/Walkthrough - Guide for Xenoblade Chronicles 3D

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          ___     ___                                                     
          \  \   /  /               _     _           _                   
           \  \ /  /               | |   | |         | |                  
            \  V  / ___ _ __   ___ | |__ | | __ _  __| | ___              
             >   < / _ \ '_ \ / _ \| '_ \| |/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \             
            /  .  \  __/ | | | (_) | |_) | | (_| | (_| |  __/             
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               | |    | |__  _ __ ___  _ __  _  ___| | ___  ___           
               | |    | '_ \| '__/ _ \| '_ \| |/ __| |/ _ \/ __|          
               | |____| | | | | | (_) | | | | | (__| |  __/\__ \          
                \_____|_| |_|_|  \___/|_| |_|_|\___|_|\___||___/ 
         A Xenoblade Chronicles FAQ and Walkthrough by MidnightTear.

| WARNING:                                                                   |
| This full walkthrough and guide contains full spoilers. Sections including |
| major/important spoilers will be separated by a Spoiler Box.               |
|                                                                            |
| This guide is currently under construction, so some of the information may |
| be missing and even potentially be incorrect. It would help greatly if any |
| issues with the guide could be directed towards my e-mail.                 |
|                                                                            |
| Contact information is in the Legal Stuff [LEGAL] Section. You will be     |
| credited in the Credits [CREDS] Section.                                   |
/                                                                            \
| Table of Contents                                                  [TABLE] |

Table of Contents........................................[TABLE]
Version Information......................................[VERSN]
Legal Stuff..............................................[LEGAL]
How to Read this Guide...................................[READ#]
Game Mechanics...........................................[MECHS]
          Starting a Battle and Monsters
          Status Effects and Buffs/Debuffs
          Spike Damage
          Party Gauge and Chain Attacks
          Treasure Chests and Materials
     Outside Battle.............................................[MEC03]
          Areas & Time
          Landmarks and Locations
          Collectables and the Collectopedia
          Arts Menu
          Skill Trees and Affinity Coins
          NPC's and Quests
          Shopping and Trading
     Gems and Gem Crafting......................................[MEC05]
          Crystals and Gems
          Gem Crafting
Main Walkthrough.........................................[WALK#]
     Colony 9...................................................[WLK01]
     Tephra Cave................................................[WLK02]
     Return to Colony 9.........................................[WLK03]
     Return to Tephra Cave......................................[WLK04]
     Bionis' Leg................................................[WLK05]
     Colony 6...................................................[WLK06]
     Ether Mine.................................................[WLK07]
     Return to Colony 6.........................................[WLK08]
     Satorl Marsh...............................................[WLK09]
     Bionis' Interior...........................................[WLK10]
     Makna Forest...............................................[WLK11]
     Frontier Village...........................................[WLK12]
     Return to Makna Forest.....................................[WLK13]
     Return to Frontier Village.................................[WLK14]
     Eryth Sea..................................................[WLK15]
     Return to Eryth Sea........................................[WLK17]
     Return to Alcamoth.........................................[WLKxx]
     Return to Eryth Sea 2......................................[WLKxx]
     High Entia Tomb............................................[WLKxx]
Rebuilding Colony 6......................................[BUILD]
     Colony 6 Migrants..........................................[xxxxx]
     Quests Index...............................................[QUEST]
     Monster Index..............................................[MNSTR]
     Item Index.................................................[ITEMS]
Frequently Asked Questions...............................[FAQS#]
/                                                                            \
| Version Information                                                [VERSN] |

Version 0.1 - 03/30/12
     - Guide Started
     - Basic outline built
Version 0.2 - 04/07/12
     - Game Mechanics, Collectopedia, Colony 6 Sections completed
     - Walkthrough up to Makna Forest
/                                                                            \
| Legal Stuff                                                        [LEGAL] |

This guide is copyright (c) 2012 by Christopher Collins (alias MidnightTear). 
However all trademarks mentioned in this game guide are copyright to their 
respective owners. Borrowed information (if any) will be noted here and their
respective section and in the Credits Section at the end of the walkthrough.

This document may be printed in part or in whole for personal use only. Any
other use must be permitted by the author (me). This guide may not be 
duplicated in part or in whole without the consent of the author. 

This guide in its current form is only to be posted on the following sites 
and their affiliates:

Any person or site wishing to post this guide requires written consent from 
myself, in the form of e-mail, must be able to prove it upon request and may
be taken down at my consent. 

If you wish to contribute to the guide, please e-mail me with the contact 
information below. Also, I highly recommend that you sign your e-mail with an 
alias or something to make it easier for you to be added to the Credits 

If you wish to contact me for such purposes please e-mail me at: 
"[email protected]". With the subject line as: "FAQ". Any other form will 
be flatly ignored as my spam filters immediately Junk unregistered e-mail 
/                                                                            \
| How to Read this Guide                                             [READ#] |
/                                                                            \
| Controls                                                           [CNTRL] |
 \                                                                          /
  \                      Wii Controller with Nunchuk                       /
 \                                                                          /
  \                      Wii Classic Controller (Pro)                      /
/                                                                            \
| Game Mechanics                                                     [MECHS] |
 \                                                                          /
  \                                Menus                           [MEC01] /

This section will very briefly explain the game's menus. Full information is 
in the sections below.

Main Menu:
 * New Game - Start a new game, from scratch. New Game Plus appears here.
 * Continue - Start the game from a saved file.
 * Options - Modify some of the game's settings.
      * Language - English/Japanese - Select the game's voice over language.
      * Brightness - Normal/Bright/Brighter/Brightest/Dark - Select the
        brightness of the game.
      * Controls - Display/Hide - Show or hide in-game control information.
      * Art Descriptions - Display/Hide - Show or hide in-battle Art
      * Enemy Icons - Display/Hide - Show or hide monsters' strength and type
      * Buff/Debuff Info - First Time/Every Time - Choose when to show         
        buff/debuff information.
      * Buff/Debuff Indicator - Display/Hide - Set whether a message appears
        when a buff/debuff is applied.
      * Destination Marker - Display/Hide - Set whether the destination is
      * Y-Axis - Normal/Inverted - Determine how the camera moves on the y-
      * X-Axis - Normal/Inverted - Determine how the camera moves on the x-    
      * Y-Axis Speed - Normal/Fast/Fastest/Slowest/Slow - Determine the        
        speed that the camera moves on the y-axis
      * X-Axis Speed - Normal/Fast/Fastest/Slowest/Slow - Determine the        
        speed that the camera moves on the x-axis
      * Zoom Speed - Normal/Fast/Fastest/Slowest/Slow - Determine how fast the
        camera zooms in or out.
      * Point of View - Normal/High/Low - Set the default camera height.
      * Angle Correction - On/Off - Set whether the camera will correct itself
        relative to the ground and the Point of View setting.
      * Battle Camera - On/Off - Set whether the camera will accommodate large
      * Mini-Map: Display - On/Off - Show or hide the mini-map and clock       
      * Rotation - Fixed/Rotate - Make the mini-map rotate with your
      * Event Scrolling - Automatic/Manual - Determine if events require input 
        to continue.
      * Subtitles - On/Off - Determine if subtitles are shown.
      * Dialogue Text Speed - Normal/Fast - Set the speed dialogue text        

Press _/x to open the Game Menu:
 * Area Maps - View area maps and use skip travel.
      * Area List - Select from all visited areas and view their map.
           * Area Map - Select from visited Landmarks to warp there.
 * Items - Manage items.
      * Inventory - View all items, equipment, et cetera in you possession. 
        Items can be sorted by various criteria, qualities reviewed, or thrown
        away, or gifted to party members.
      * Gem Crafting - Gems can be crafted from crystals. Not available until
        later in the game.
      * Collectopedia - Collectables are catalogued by type and area. 
        Completing a type for an area or the area all together results in a
 * Arts and Skills - Manage Arts and Skill Trees.
      * Arts - Set and level up Arts for each character.
      * Skill Trees - Set Skill Trees and spend Affinity Coins to create Skill
 * Party - Set up party members and equipment.
      * Party - Arrange which members are in the current party
      * Change Equipment - Select Equipment, weapons, gems and view 
 * Journal - View quests and other information.
      * Quest Log - View quest information. Selecting a quest displays in-
        depth information.
      * Affinity Chart - Display affinity between NPC's, Areas and amongst
        party members.
      * Heart-to-Hearts - View Heart-to-Heart information such as location,
        members involved and required affinity.
      * Achievements - View Records and Trials.
* Other - Change time and view tutorials.
      * Change Time - Change the time of day in-game.
      * Tutorials - View tutorials.
* System - Save or load progress, or change game settings.
      * Save - Select a save slot and save game progress.
      * Load - Select a save slot and load game progress.
      * Options - Change game settings. Same as the Main Menu.
 \                                                                          /
  \                                Battle                          [MEC02] /

The battle system in Xenoblade Chronicles is very unique, and can be very 
complex at times. This section will break down much that is needed to know 
about battle.

| Starting a Battle and Monsters |

The when selecting an enemy, an information box will appear, indicating their 
Name, Level, HP and engagement method. Important right now is their level:
 * Blank - 6 or more levels below you. Very easy. Usually Sight/Sound monsters
   won't attack you.
 * Blue - 3 to 5 levels below you. Easy.
 * White - 2 levels below to two levels above you. Normal. You should be able
   to defeat the enemy, but it may take some time.
 * Yellow - 2 to 5 levels above you. Hard. You should be able to win, but you
   may get close to dying (Incapacitated), and will take a lot of time.
 * Red - 6 or more levels above you. You will probably die.

There are five types of monsters that determine how battles start:
 * Normal monsters (you need to engage them to start the battle) which 
   are shown by a "table-like icon" above the monster's name.
 * Sight monsters (will engage you if you enter their line of sight), shown
   by an eye icon.
 * Sound monsters (will engage you if you make a lot of noise--footsteps) are
   shown by a sound wave icon. You can safely pass by them if you walk slowly.
 * Ether monster (will engage you if you use an Ether-based Art) are shown by
   nuclear-looking symbol. Monsters that belong to this category are usually
 * Groups of monsters (all monsters in the group will attack you if you attack
   one of them) are shown by an ellipses (...) icon.

If you engage a monster (not vice versa) you will get a change for Battle 
Start Affinity (see below).

Unique Monsters are exactly as they sound. Unique. They have increased levels, 
stats, HP and attacks. They are differentiated by a "unique" name such as 
"Shimmering Forte". Defeating a Unique Monster grant Affinity coins, and may 
have an Art book in its Treasure Chest.

| Tension |

Tension is the measure of the party's morale. It can be raised or lowered via 
in-battle events. High Tension results in higher Accuracy, Evasion and damage 
spread. Low Tension decreases these.

Battle Start Affinity is an opportunity to raise Tension at the beginning of a 
battle with an unengaged enemy. A timed input prompt will appear. Press the 
button when the shrinking ring overlaps with the button icon. If done 
properly, the party's tension will rise greatly. If you wait too long, Tension 
will only raise a little. Missing all together results in no gained Tension.

During battle, a character's Tension will rise whenever they successful hit 
the enemy, get a critical hit, dodge an attack, support an ally, defeat an 
enemy, or anything that is beneficial to the party. Additionally, Encouraging 
allies also does this. When a character has full Tension, their portrait on 
the left side of the screen will be engulfed in flames, and their stats 
temporarily increase, substantially. Also, there is a chance that when an ally 
dodges an attack or deals a critical hit to increase their Tension further via 
another timed input prompt, which is the same as Battle Start Affinity. 
Completing it correctly will raise everyone's Affinity to that character.

Mentioned above, a character's Tension can also fall. This is usually when 
they miss, get blocked, get knocked down, get inflicted with a status 
condition or get Incapacitated. After reviving an Incapacitated ally, they
will have low Tension (indicated by a purple cloud behind their portrait). You 
can then walk up to them and "Encourage" them by pressing the appropriate 
button. In the case of missing, you can occasionally encourage them via a 
timed input prompt, resulting in increased Affinity and Tension.

| Arts |

Arts are skills used by either characters or enemies, as distinct from auto-
attacking. Arts will appear in the Battle Palette when an enemy is selected, 
and throughout battle. Characters can only have eight Arts and one Talent 
Art. The Arts can be swapped out, or level up from the Arts Menu.

There are eight categories of Arts, defined by their colours:
 * Blue - Healing, Debuffs or Stat Boosts. Debuffs can protect or nullify
   enemy-inflicted Debuffs or statuses (like Daze, Topple or Bleed).
 * Red - Regular physical attacks. They may also show the attack "shape" such
   as a fan-shape, linear, circular. et cetera.
 * Purple - Ether based attacks.
 * Yellow - Attacks that can inflict the Daze status on a Toppled enemy.
 * Pink - Attacks that inflict the Break status.
 * Green - Attacks that inflict the Topple status.
 * Grey - Talent Arts specific to each character.
 * Orange - Arts that inflict Auras.

These colours are important in the heat of battle, and especially during Chain 
Attacks. If Arts of the same colour are used simultaneously, the damage and 
effect will be multiplied. When two Arts of the same colour are used, the 
Chain Multiplier increases to x2, and the second Art deals x2 damage. If 
they're healing Arts, then they heal x2 HP. The multiplier will only increase 
to x5 (Chain Max). If an Art of a different colour is used, the multiplier 
will decrease to 1. Talent Arts are considered all colours, so they will 
always increase the multiplier.

Mentioned above, Arts can be leveled up by applying AP, obtained from battles 
and exploring. Leveling Arts increases their damage, effect and its duration, 
or decrease cooldown time.

Enemies also have Arts, which will appear in their information box above their 
head before they use them. Enemies Arts are divided into the same three types 
as above (Physical, Ether, Talent). During Visions, the name of the Art the 
monster will use is displayed, the colour of which describes the type of Art. 
Physical Arts are red and can be avoided with Monado Speed, Talent Arts are 
white and can be avoided by Monado Shield, and Ether Arts are purple and 
cannot be avoided in this manner.

| Status Effects and Debuffs |

Allies can apply status effects to enemies to get the upper hand in battle. If 
a status effect is applied to an enemy, it will appear in their information 
box above their head.

There are many status effects, buffs and debuffs, but most are self-
explanatory. Here are the important Statuses that allies can apply to enemies:
 * Bind - The enemy cannot move for a period of time.
 * Blaze - The enemy will continuously take damage.
 * Bleed - The enemy will continuously take damage.
 * Break - Allows enemies to be Toppled.
 * Chill - The enemy will continuously take damage.
 * Daze - The enemy cannot move, or attack, aggro is not generated. Seems to
   lower defence.
 * Poison - The enemy will continuously take damage.
 * Sleep - The enemy cannot attack or move for a period of time. Sleep will 
   interrupt Visions. Seems to lower defence.
 * Topple - The enemy is knocked from its feet. While Toppled, Mechon are    
   vulnerable to all attacks and their effects. Seems to lower defence.

Enemies can also inflict these statuses. Additional to Statuses, 
Buffs and Debuffs can be applied. Important ally buffs and enemy-inflicted 
Debuffs include:
 * Awakening - The enemy temporarily increases its level, and thus all its
 * Blind - Arts cannot be used.
 * Confusion - The ally will walk around aimlessly. Walk up to them and press
   the button to help.
 * Damage Immunity - Invulnerability to damage.
 * Enchant - Allows allies to deal damage to Mechon with normal weapons.
 * Incapacitated - An ally's HP drops to 0, and cannot participate in battle.
   (More information below).
 * Regenerate - HP is healed over time.

Some Statuses can be undone by walking up to the inflicted ally and pressing 
the button. This, however, requires at least a bar in the Party Gauge (but 
doesn't use it). Or, you can wait the duration of the effect.

Incapacitated is a Status of significance. If the party leader is 
Incapacitated, the battle ends and you're sent to the last visited Landmark. 
However, if there is at least one bar in the Party Gauge, an ally will rush 
over and revive you. This uses one bar in the Party Gauge. Additionally, this 
leaves the character with low Tension. If an ally is Incapacitated, you can 
rush over to them and revive them by pressing the button, only if there is a 
bar in the Party Gauge (as before).

The single most important combo in the game uses two Status effects, and is 
especially useful against Mechon. First, one ally applies the Break status 
(usually Shulk with Stream Edge), then the second applies Topple (usually Reyn 
with Wild Down). This allows allies to deal significant damage, especially to 
Mechon. Usually, this is a good opportunity to start a Chain Attack.

| Aggro |

Aggro is "the measure of a monster's feeling of animosity towards each party 
member". Every time you attack, you increase your aggro. When a monster is 
targeting you (because you have the most aggro accumulated), an Aggro Ring 
appears around you.

Aggro is important in positioning and damage spread. Ideally, Reyn should 
always be aggroing the enemy, drawing their attack. Thus, he should have the 
highest defence and HP. As for positioning, it allows Shulk to deal extra 
damage from the side and behind.

During a Vision, drawing aggro is important so survival. If an attack will 
Incapacitate Shulk, it could be advantageous to draw aggro to Reyn, thus you 

| Spike Damage |

Spike is an effect that some monsters have that deals constant damage under 
certain conditions. There are three types of Spike:
 * Close Spike - You take damage if you are near the enemy.
 * Counter Spike - You take damage every time you damage the enemy.
 * Topple Spike - You take significant damage every time you Topple the enemy.

Spike Damage can be avoided in either of two ways. First, Shulk can use the 
Monado Art, Purge, to temporarily disable Spike damage. Second is equipping a 
gem with Divine Protection.

| Visions |

With the power of the Monado, Shulk gains the ability to see, and change the 
future. Usually (but not always) Visions appear when any party member is in 
danger of being Incapacitated, or nearly so. When a vision appears, the screen 
becomes blue and dream-like, the enemy proceeds to attack and the result is 
shown (such as Incapacitation, Topple, low HP and so on). All this information 
is then placed in the Vision Tag at the top of the screen. Included is a 
timer, counting down until the attack is used, and it is in this time that you 
have to change the future.

There are several ways to change the future. First, one can simply kill the 
enemy. Second, you can protect against the attack. Mainly this is done by 
using shielding or evasion Arts (Shield Bullet, Monado Shield, Monado Speed). 
Third, one can minimize the damage by healing the person who is getting hit or 
shift aggro to another character. Last is delaying it. This is done by 
inflicting the enemy with Sleep, Topple or Daze, or using a Chain Attack.

During the countdown, Shulk can ask other allies to use a certain Art and 
choose who they direct it to. However, this requires a bar on the Party Gauge.

| Party Gauge and Chain Attacks |

The Party Gauge is on the upper left of the screen, and is divided into three 
sections. As allies connect Arts, the gauge fills.

Reviving Incapacitated allies requires at least one bar in the Party Gauge. 
Some other actions between allies may require a bar, but won't use it. Using a 
Chain Attack uses all three bars.

A Chain Attack can only be used if a blue line appears between two allies (a 
line won't appear if a member is incapable of attacking, like if they're 
Incapacitated, Dazed/Toppled, or otherwise cannot attack (like if Sharla is 
using Cool Off). 

To use the Chain Attack, press up on the Directional Pad on the character's 
Talent Art icon and cycle to the Chain Attack icon (its blue) and press A. 
During the Chain Attack, time will freeze, allowing you to plan out the 
attack. You cycle through each of the members of the party, attacking once. 
All Arts except Talent Arts are off cooldown and can be used. If the Affinity 
between members is high, there may be a timed input prompts allowing for 
additional attacks. Time speed of the prompt increases with each additional 

Mentioned in the Arts section, if Arts of the same colour are used 
successively, the Chain multiplier increases, increasing the damage the 
attacks will do, up to a maximum of x5. The chain is broken when an Art of a 
different colour is used. Talent Arts are any colour.

If you defeat an enemy during a Chain Attack, one bar is immediately filled.

| Treasure Chests and Materials |

After defeating an enemy and the battle is over you can a Treasure Chest will 
appear. Treasure chests come in various rarities, the rarer the chest, the 
more ornate it looks and the rarer the items you can take from it. When you 
press A, a sub-menu will open. From here you can take specific items, take 
them all or take none of them. 

Sometimes, if you engage a group of enemies, they will only drop one chest, 
this will increase the rarity of the chest. If you're looking for a rare item, 
you can save in front of the chest and open it. If you don't get the item you 
want, load the save file and try again. Unopened chests never disappear.

 \                                                                          /
  \                            Outside Battle                      [MEC03] /

| Areas & Time |

Nothing much to this section. Each area is seamless, meaning there is 
absolutely no loading, until you leave the area. Each area is separated into 
Landmarks and Locations.

In each area you can encounter enemies, talk, trade and receive quests from 
NPC's, mine ether crystals, or simply explore.

Terrain Damage is received in several manners: falling from great heights, 
walking through poisonous swamps, lava, or acid. Some of these effects can be 
reduced via certain gems.

Some maps have special weather, which allow for certain events, or monsters to 
appear. For example, there can be rain in Colony 6, heat waves in Makna 
Forest, or falling stars in Eryth Sea. This information is located in the 
header section of each area in the walkthrough. Encountering abnormal weather 
is completely random, but can be forced to show up via changing the time 
forward three hours, then backward three hours, repeatedly.

Time is always ticking. Each minute is an hour, so 24 minutes is a day. All 
named NPC's have schedules, so they will be in certain places at certain 
times. Most NPC's can only be found either during the day or at night. The 
same goes for monsters. At night, sometimes stronger, or different 
monsters appear.

To change the time, select the clock icon from the Change Time sub-menu. From 
here you can change the time forward or backward.

| Landmarks and Locations |

Important locations on each map are logged as Landmarks or Locations on your 
map, when you discover it. Upon discovering a new Landmark or Location, you 
will receive EXP, SP and AP.

Landmarks are extremely important for quick and easy travel around the world 
of Xenoblade Chronicles. After you discover a Landmark, it will register on 
your map with a name on the bottom left, and an icon on the map. Selecting 
either will allow you to immediately warp there.

When you discover Locations, you still receive EXP, SP and AP, and registers 
on you map, but you cannot warp to it. Locations are merely a method of 
subdividing the world into more manageable chunks in terms of describing where 
things are.

Secret Areas are, quite obviously, secret. They cannot be found easily, but 
when you do find one, it is registered as a Landmark and you get more EXP, SP 
and AP. Secret Areas always have amazing views--eye candy for explorers.

| Collectables and the Collectopedia |

Throughout each area are little blue, floating spheres called Collectables. 
You will automatically collect them when you walk over them. Collectables are 
randomly placed, so there is no way of determining where to find them. 
Usually, Collectables are important for completing quests.

You can open the Collectopedia an register them. There, Collectables are 
divided into types such as Animal, or Strange. When you collect all the 
Collectables of the same type in an area, or all the Collectable in the same 
area, you will receive a special reward. There will usually be one Collectable 
that seems impossible to find, so they are usually hidden away in a corner 

Collectable can sometimes be traded for from NPC's.

| Arts Menu |

I already talked about this, so it will be very quick. From this menu, you can 
swap Arts into and from each character's Battle Palette, to be used in battle. 
Additionally, you can spend earned AP from battles to level up Arts. Leveling 
Arts increases their damage, effect and its duration, or decrease cooldown 

At first, Arts can only be leveled up to IV. Beyond this, you need to find 
books. Intermediate Books are found in shops, while Advanced Books are dropped 
by strong monsters. After defeating a monster, whose rare chest could contain 
a book, save and open the box. If it doesn't contain a book, load the save and 
try again. If you use and Advanced book on an Art that doesn't have an 
Intermediate book learned, it will be maxed anyways.

| Skill Trees and Affinity Coins |

Skills are effects that you get by spending SP (automatically). Skills are 
divided into Skill Trees, which will level up as you battle. Specific Skill 
Trees prioritize certain stats (Attack, Defence). Each skill requires a 
certain amount of SP, when that much SP is obtained, the Skill is 
automatically learned. You can only learn one Skill Tree at a time, but you 
can switch between trees anytime. You can gain additional Skill Trees from 
some Quests.

Affinity Coins are gained from defeating Unique Monsters. You can spend 
Affinity Coins to create Skill Links. Skill Links allow characters to use 
another character's Skills. You can only learn Skills that fit the same shape 
as the slots that are open. You can open slots by increasing the affinity 
between the two characters.

| Stats |

Stats are numerical values that determine certain parts of how a character 
fights in battle. A character's stats can be viewed in the Change Equipment 

A character's stats determine the following:
 * Level - The character's current level.
 * Name - The selected character's name.
 * EXP - The character's total EXP.
 * HP - How much health the character has. When it reaches 0 they become    
 * Auto-Attack Damage - Displays the character's Auto-Attack damage spread.
 * Strength - Determines how much damage Physical Arts do.
 * Ether - Determines how effective Ether Arts are.
 * Agility - Determines how often the character hits/misses or dodges attacks.
 * Physical Def - Determines how much damage the character receives from
   Physical Attacks.
 * Ether Def - Determines how much damage the character receives from Ether  
 * Critical Rate - Determines how often the character deals a critical hit.
 * Block Rate - Determines how often the character blocks a hit.

Stats are increased as the character levels, wears stronger equipment, or uses 
specific gems.

| Equipment |

Equipment is divided into seven major categories: Weapons, Head, Torso, Arms, 
Legs, Feet and Gems. Obviously, a character can only equip one of each 
category, with the exception of Gems. Additionally, certain characters can 
only wear certain types of armour (Light, Medium, Heavy) or weapons.

Some armour has a "U" on its icon, indicating its Unique. This means that it 
has a Gem equipped in a slot, that cannot be removed. Others may have and "S", 
meaning that it has at least one empty slot, where gems can be applied.

Equipment can be received from chests, trades or stores, while gems are 
crafted or received from quests. As with other items, they can be sold to 
 \                                                                          /
  \                                Journal                         [MEC04] /

| NPC's and Quests |

NPC's are found everywhere on maps, and come in two types: named and unnamed. 
Named NPC's will give you important quests and will build up Affinity with 
each other. Higher Affinity within a location allows for better quests, and 
better trades. This Affinity can be seen in the Affinity Chart. Occasionally 
talking to different NPC's will build a link between other NPC's on the 
Affinity Chart.

Unnamed NPC's simply fill up the world, and only some grant quests. They do 
not grant affinity.

NPC's with exclamation marks above their heads have quests waiting for you. 
Talking to them will give an opportunity to accept their quest.

A quest gives you a target to accomplish, such as talking to someone, 
defeating enemies or collecting items. Quests from unnamed NPC's will end as 
soon as you complete them, granting you your EXP, money and items on the spot. 
Quests from named NPC's usually require you to talk to them again afterwards. 
Additionally, accepting and completing quests can increase the Affinity 
between party members, and with the area.

Besides regular quests there are Timed quests, Surprise and Story quests. 
Timed quests are aptly named as you have a window of time to complete them 
(this "time" is in terms of story progression, not in-game time). After a 
critical point is reached, the quest cannot be initiated. If it has already 
been started, but not finished, it will be removed from your quest list. 
Surprise quests don't come from a particular NPC (they simply appear when you 
get near a certain area), but are not necessary to the plot as Story quests 

| Shopping and Trading |

Some NPC's run shops that allow you to buy and sell items and equipment. Not 
much to it...

Additionally, you can trade with most named NPC's. Trading occurs on an item-
by-item basis (one item for one item), and there's no money involved. You must 
trade for the item with something with equal or greater value. Overtrading 
occurs when you trade for an item for x8 the normal price. As a "Thank you", 
they will give you another gift, usually rare.

The items that you can receive from an NPC depends on your Affinity with that 
area. The greater the affinity, the better (and more) items you can get from 

| Affinity |

Affinity measure a person's (or an area's) feelings toward a person; respect. 
You can increase the Affinity between party members by battling together, 
completing quests together, gifting presents, and viewing Heart-to-Hearts. In 
battle Affinity determines how many chains opportunities will appear during a 
Chain Attack, and which skills can be linked with Skill Links.

Affinity with an area increases as you complete their quests, and talk to 
their residents. Higher Affinity in an area grants better trades with its 
residents and better quests.

| Heart-to-Heart |

Heart-to-Hearts are events that allow you to increase Affinity between two 
specific party members. They are located on the map with two hands shaking, 
forming a heart. Heart-to-Hearts require the members to be in your party, with 
a certain Affinity. Some Hear-to-Hearts require it to be a certain time of day 
(or night), or for a certain part of the story to pass.

| Achievements |

Achievements are kind of like quests, but are not initiated. They could 
include defeating enemies a number of times, changing the future, and so on. 
When you complete an achievement, you will be notified, and EXP, SP and AP 
will be granted. They are divided into Records and Trials, but that doesn't 
change much...

| Tutorials |

Tutorials will show up (usually at the beginning of the game) to introduce and 
explain game features. They can be reviewed from the Tutorial sub-menu, and 
are placed in this guide for reference.

 \                                                                          /
  \                         Gems and Gem Crafting                  [MEC05] /

| Crystals and Gems |

Crystals are items that can be refined into Gems. Crystals can either be mined 
from crystal deposits, or retrieved from monsters (their treasure chests). You 
can only carry a certain amount of them however.

Crystals have a variety of effects (and some have multiple), from increasing 
strength to defence. However, they are impure and incomplete; gems only have a 
percentage a skill. This is why they need to be refined into Gems. Gems on the 
other hand have only one effect, but its whole (100%).

| Gem Crafting |

Either using the portable gem refiner or the one at the Gem Man's stall, you 
can refine Crystals into equipable Gems. You can select up to 8 crystals of 
the same rank to refine. The aim is to select gems that will increase their 
effect percentage to at least 100%. After that it asks which members should 
help out. One becomes the Shooter and the other the Engineer.

The Engineer's ability affect the frequency of the different types of flames 
occurring, as the Shooter shoots the Gem into the furnace. There are three 
types of flames:
 * Strong Flame - Increases the percent of one quality a lot.
 * Medium Flame - Increases the percent of all qualities a little.
 * Weak Flame - Raises the cylinder count.

Shooter Abilities:
 * Shulk - Fever Plus - Gets into Fever easily when crafting.
 * Reyn - Strong Bonus - Qualities grow stronger with a Strong Flame.
 * Sharla - Gentle Bonus  - Cylinder Gauge fills up more with a Gentle Flame.
 * Duncan - Combo Master - Qualities grow stronger when flame is constant.
 * Melia - Medium Bonus - Qualities grow stronger with a Medium Flame.
 * Riki - Impatient Shooter - Gem crafting process happens twice in a row.
 * Fiora - Cylinder Plus - Crafting begins with 3 full cylinder gauges.

Engineer Abilities:
| Name   | Strong Flame | Medium Flame | Gentle Flame |
| Shulk  | Average      | Average      | Good         |
| Reyn   | Great        | Poor         | Poor         |
| Sharla | Poor         | Good         | Average      |
| Dunban | Good         | Poor         | Average      |
| Melia  | Poor         | Great        | Poor         |
| Riki   | Terrible     | Terrible     | Great        |
| Fiora  | Terrible     | Great        | Terrible     |

Affinity determines the amount of crafting cycles, increasing the probability 
of crafting better gems.

If the effect's percent is below 100% after crafting, the crystals become 
unequippable Cylinders which can be reused in crafting. The number of 
Cylinders is increased by Gentle Flames. If its 100-199% it becomes a Gem. 
Between 200-299% it's called "Heat" and becomes a rank higher then its 
constituents. Above 300%, its called "Mega Heat" and produces two Gems instead 
of just one.

There's also something called "Fever" but I don't know what it does...

/                                                                            \
| Main Walkthrough                                                   [WALK#] |
 \                                                                          /
  \                               Prologue                         [WLK00] /

After the title screen loads, start a New Game, which starts with a cutscene.

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

The narrator explains the birth of the world. The world was once an endless 
sea and sky, but two titans the Bionis, and the Mechonis came into existence, 
locked in a timeless battle. With the swing of its sword, the Bionis severs 
the Mechonis' right arm, plummeting to the water below. The battle continued 
until only their bodies remained.

Now, life has sprung up on the Bionis, however its existence is threatened by 
an enemy called the Mechon, and so a new war has begun. A war between the 
people of the Bionis (Homs), and the Mechon. Dunban, a fierce warrior wielding 
a mysterious sword leaps into action. Soon afterwards, Dickson a marksman, and 
Mumkahr a claw-wielding fighter enter. Monado in hand Dunban, Dickson and 
Mumkahr face the enemy. Mumkahr, however, plans to escape.

                          !!New Game Plus Spoilers!!
                   #   During New Game Plus, Mumkahr is   #
                   #      wearing his Mechon armour.      #

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

After the cutscene, you take control of Dunban and the Monado, fighting two 
Mechon M72 and a Mechon M69, when a Tutorial pops up.

Battle Introduction 1
| * Press Z (Nunckuck) or L/R (Classic) to target a monster.                 |

Do so to select an enemy, and a second Tutorial will appear.

Battle Introduction 2
| * Target an enemy to display the Battle Palette.                           |
| * Select the Fight Icon and press A (Nunchuck) or a (Classic) to start the |
| battle.                                                                    |

Because the enemy is already selected, the Battle Palette will appear across 
the bottom of the screen. Press A (or a) on the icon with crossed weapons and 
your party will draw their weapons, starting the battle. When you do so, 
another Tutorial appears.

Battle Introduction 3
| * Approach target to auto-attack. If you are too far from a monster, you   | 
| can't attack it.                                                           |

Use the Control Stick (Nunchuck) or the Left Toggle (Classic) to move around. 
When you approach the enemy, you (and the other party members) will begin to 
auto-attack. After four successful hits, another Tutorial appears.

Using Arts 1
| * Select Arts with the Directional Pad (both controllers) and press A/a to |
| confirm. You cannot use an Art when the icon is crossed out.               |
| * Select from two different Arts.                                          |
|      * Monado Enchant: Power up party members.                             |
|      * Monado Buster: Deal major damage to an enemy.                       |

When an icon is crossed out it is on Cooldown, and cannot be used until it 
recharges. The Activate Monado Art a Talent Art (as it is in the middle) and 
is only usable when a certain number of hits is used (as before). Each hit 
fills up the Talent Gauge. When the gauge is full, the Art can be use.

Monado Buster greatly damages enemies, especially Mechon, and empties the 
Talent Gauge. Monado Enchant allows party members to deal noteworthy damage 
on Mechon enemies. The swing hits all enemies in a straight line in front of 
you, so when it charges try to align yourself to put all/most of the enemies 
to deal maximum damage.

After the three Mechon are defeated, three Mechon M63 appear. Dispatch them 
with a Monado Buster. Finally a Mechon M82 appears. Keep auto-attacking and 
kill it with two Monado Busters.

After the battle ends, a cutscene starts.

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

The Mechon main force arrives. After some fighting, Dunban atop a pile of 
Mechon, collapses. Dickson then protects Dunban from an attacking Mechon, 
getting injured in the process. Meanwhile, the honourless Mumkhar retreats to 
safety, revealing that the Mechon are after the Monado. While retreating, 
Mumkhar gets attacked by Mechon. In a last-ditch attempt, Dunban charges the 
front line.

The camera zooms out, revealing the scale and seamless world of the Bionis and 

#                                END SPOILERS                                #
 \                                                                          /
  \                               Colony 9                         [WLK01] /

One year later, Shulk, is in the area surrounding Colony 9, searching through 
usable Mechon parts to make into a shield, when he stumbled across an enemy, a 
Krabble, underneath the rubble. Shulk's friend, Reyn, comes to his aid.

+-----------------+ When the battle starts, you immediately get the Landmark,
|     LANDMARK    | Mechon Wreckage Site. Landmarks are places where you can
| Mechon Wreckage | warp to at almost any time in the game, allowing quick 
|       Site      | travel around the world. To warp to a Landmark, open the
+-----------------+ menu and select the first icon. There, you can warp to any 
landmarks you encountered before.

But back to the battle. A series of Tutorials will pop up.

HP Gauge
| * When the HP gauge is depleted, the character will be Incapacitated.      |

Obvious stuff. Your character's HP is the yellow above your head, as well as 
on the left of the screen. When it reaches 0, you become Incapacitated. When 
an enemy's HP, indicated by the blue bar above their head, reaches zero, they 
will die. When you defeat all engaged enemies, the battle is over.

Using Arts 2
| * Select Arts with the Directional Pad and press A/a to confirm.           |
|      * Use Back Slash to deal damage.                                      |
|      * Restore HP with Light Heal.                                         |
|      * Select who will be healed.                                          |

Back Slash is the Art with a red sword pointing upward. As a special effect, 
Back Slash will do more damage when the enemy is facing directly away from 
you. Light Heal, indicated by a blue heart, heals a small amount of HP to the 
selected character. You can select other characters by pressing up or down on 
the Directional Pad.

Back to battle. Use Back Slash and another tutorial will show.

Using Arts 3
| * You cannot use the same Art repeatedly.                                  |
| * Once the cooldown period is finished, you can use the Art again.         |

As mentioned before, after using an Art, it goes into cooldown, and is crossed 
out. After the period is over, the Art can be used again.

After several hits another Tutorial pops up.

Talent Arts
| * Using Talent Arts                                                        |
|      * Talent Arts are Arts that are specific to a particular character.   |
|      * Select the Talent Arts Icon and press A/a to use it.                |
| * To use Talent Arts, the Talent Gauge must be full.                       |
|      * The gauge fills up every time an auto-attack hit connects.          |

We already know this from Dunban's Activate Monado Talent Art. Shulk's Talent 
Art is Turn Strike which inflicts the Break status effect when it connects. 
More on this in a second.

After a few hits, the monster dies and a Tutorial appears.

Treasure Chests
| * Defeated enemies will drop treasure chests.                              |
|      * Press A/a to open it and take the loot.                             |

Treasure chests come in various rarities, the rarer the chest, the more ornate 
it looks and the rarer the items you can take from it. When you press A, a 
sub-menu will open. From here you can take specific items, take them all or 
take none of them.

After you take the items, another enemy enters the battlefield and a Tutorial 
appears. Geez there's a lot of these...

Barrier Battles
| * A green barrier stops you from escaping.                                 |
|      * Defeat the monster to make the barrier disappear.                   |

When you engage the Caterpile, yet another Tutorial appears (only a few more I 

Aggro and Positioning
| * Be aware of aggro during battle.                                         | 
|      * Aggro is the measure of a monster's feeling of animosity towards    | 
|        each party member.                                                  |
|      * The more damage that a monster takes from a party member, the       |
|        greater the aggro towards that member.                              |
|      * If a member of the party becomes the target of a monster's wrath,   |
|        an Aggro Ring will appear around them.                              |
| * Some Arts are more effective from certain positions.                     |
|      * Shulk's Back Slash deals more damage if he attacks from behind the  |
|        monster.                                                            |
|      * This is called the Art's Bonus Effect.                              |
| * Use the Aggro Rings to help find the best position.                      |
|      * When an Aggro Ring appears around Reyn, Shulk has the chance to use |
|        Back Slash from the rear.                                           |
|      * If successful and the Bonus Effect condition is met, the damage     |
|        value will be displayed in a bubble.                                |

This is VERY IMPORTANT. A lot of damage can be done this way. Later in the 
game you can deal x3 damage when used correctly. The general strategy is to 
allow Reyn to draw aggro, while Shulk attacks from behind. This mechanic also 
comes into play awhile later.

After you defeat the enemy, there's a cutscene.

Reyn expresses his concern for Shulk, and tells him that he could make a 
decent weapon out of the Krabble Shell, the same way that Shulk made Reyn's 
weapon. Shulk explains that he gained this skill from Dickson.

Shulk explains that he works in a laboratory, studying the Monado, Dunban's 
Mechon-destroying weapon, while Reyn is part of the Defence Force. Time to 
head back to the colony.

Continue south along the path. You'll encounter some Little Bonnets and Little 
Skeeters, easy enemies. You should fight each one you come across to practice 

After a few monsters, you'll see a glowing blue ball, step over it to collect 
it. This is a Collectable. Collectables are randomly placed, so there is no 
way of determining where to find them. Usually, Collectables are important for 
completing quests.

You can open the Collectopedia an register them. There, Collectables are 
divided into types such as Animal, or Strange. When you collect all the 
Collectables of the same type in an area, or all the Collectable in the same 
area, you will receive a special reward.

Anyways, continue southeast until Colony 9 appears in the distance. As you 
approach there's a cutscene.

Colony 9 is a simple small colony of Homs, centred in the middle of a lake. 
Reyn leaves the party to go back to the Defence Force, while Shulk heads to 
the Weapons Development Laboratory.

After the scene, you're notified that Reyn left the party, and you are given 
the opportunity to rearrange your party.

+-----------------+ Close the window and continue south to get the Landmark: 
|     LANDMARK    | Main Entrance. Talk to Dorothy on the right of the 
|  Main Entrance  | entrance. She'll be entered in your Affinity Chart, and
+-----------------+ you'll get the Achievement: Your First Friend. From this
point, I won't be instructing to talk to NPC's unnecessarily, but you should 
still do it to fill up the Affinity Chart. Additionally, you'll gain the 
Location: Commercial District. North of the entrance you'll gain the Location: 
Dunban's House.

Walk behind it and collect the floating red item, Wedding Ring. This will be 
used later in a quest.

+-----------------+ Continue east of the entrance to get the Landmark: Ether
|     LANDMARK    | Light. This is the hub of Colony 9. There is a shop where
|   Ether Light   | you can buy and sell items and equipment, and many NPC's
+-----------------+ to talk to. Walk around the area getting entries for the 
Affinity Chart and some quests. Speaking of which, I'll only cover important 
quests in the main walkthrough. Other quest information is in the Quest Index.

+-----------------+ Continue through the area, moving north, then east past
|     LANDMARK    | the Landmark: Gem Man's Stall. Just past the stall is a 
| Gem Man's Stall | warehouse (on the left). Walk through it to the railing 
+-----------------+ and behind the houses. To the left you can jump down onto 
another balcony. Go up the stairs and between the supplies is another red 
item: Spanner. You'll be able to get some quests from there.

+-----------------+ Anyways, jump off the ledge and continue east to the 
|     LANDMARK    | Landmark: Central Plaza. Take the left path and go north.
|  Central Plaza  | After crossing the bridge, you'll get the Landmark:
+-----------------+ Fortress Entrance. Further is a cutscene.
|     LANDMARK    |
|   Fortress      | Vanguard, known to Reyn as Square-tache, is yelling at his
|       Entrance  | subordinates again. Clearly this guy is not very fun
+-----------------+ being around... Apparently the soldiers were told to rush 
back to the base, crashing their artillery unit into a house, destroying its 
fuel cylinder.

After, explore the area, collecting Affinity Chart entries and Quests. Go 
inside the building on the west side of the courtyard for the Location: Weapon 
Dev. Lab. At the end of the hallway is a cutscene.

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

The great Mechon-busting sword, the Monado, is set on a golden pedestal of 
research instruments. Dickson was awaiting Shulk's return, congratulating 
Shulk on his research. Shulk, however, divulges that he can activate it, but 
not control it, like Dunban could. Shulk also explains that the Monado might 
have hidden abilities, and uses, other than destroying Mechon. When activated, 
a symbol appears in the centre of the Monado, on the top layer, leaving space 
for other symbols, and thus other powers.

In a flashback, Shulk speaks to an injured Dunban, who reveals that he lost 
control of the Monado, and it was controlling him. The Monado was then set in 
Shulk's supervision.

Dunban, who is still recuperating from his injuries from the battle the year 
before. His sister, Fiora, bring him dinner, and sends her off to deliver some 
of the food to Shulk. When she leaves, the extent of his injuries is revealed. 
He cannot control, let alone use, his right arm.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

After the cutscene, we control Fiora and accept our first Story Quest: 
Delivering Food.

| A1.001 | Title: Delivering Food                | NPC: Story Quest          |
|        | Location: --------                                                |
|        | Notes: Deliver the food to Shulk in Outlook Park.                 |
|        | Rewards: 0 G, 0 EXP                                               |

After leaving Dunban's house, Fiora sees Dickson. Dickson explains that Shulk 
isn't at the lab, where Fiora was heading but rather at Outlook Park.

+-----------------+ Head to the Central Plaza and take the bridge south to get 
|     LANDMARK    | the Location: Residential District. Explore the area for  
| Tranquil Square | Affinity entries, Quests and Key Items. Along the west   
+-----------------+ side of the area is a new Landmark: Tranquil Square.

Head southwest and across the bridge to leave the colony. Walk up the stairs, 
fighting the enemies you come across to get a cutscene at the top.

Shulk is thinking about the Monado, the only sword effective against Mechon 
armour. Legend has it that the Bionis itself (the titan on which life exists) 
wielded the Monado.

Fiora delivers the food to Shulk, who happily eats it. They talk about how 
lovely and peaceful life is in Colony 9 (My lover senses are tingling...). 
Some debris from further up the Bionis falls towards the colony, the Anti-Air 
Batteries obliterating them. Deciding its not safe outside, they head for the 

+-----------------+ After the cutscene finishes, the story quest completes,
|     LANDMARK    | rewarding you with... nothing. Then, you get the Landmark:
|  Outlook Park   | Outlook Park. Return to the lab by either weakling or 
+-----------------+ warping.

When you return, there's a cutscene.

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

Reyn is in the lab, and he grabs the Monado. When Shulk and Fiora enter, the 
Monado begins to control him, swinging wildly around the room. Reyn slashes 
some huge gashes in some tanks and heads toward Fiora. He swings at her, but 
when the Monado hits her, it shuts off, leaving her unscathed.

Shulk explains that the Monado cannot cut people. Fiora gets angry that Shulk 
cares more about the Monado then her. Shulk then picks up the Monado and it 
activates. Shulk then sees something, but he can't understand it. Shulk 
realizes that time had stopped, and that he was the only one who could see it.

Reyn explain the reason he was searching for Shulk in the first place. 
Vangarre put Reyn on punishment duty, and Reyn want Shulk to come along. Reyn 
is to head to the Mag Mell Ruins in Tephra Cave, and get some fuel cylinders 
to power the mobile artillery.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

+-----------------+ Fiora leaves and Reyn joins the party. Head for the Main 
|     LANDMARK    | Entrance, and head west taking the south path. As you head 
|   Tephra Cave   | up the path, you'll encounter some new enemies. Continue
|     Entrance    | upwards, you'll get the Location: Tephra Hill, and at
+-----------------+ the top you'll get the Landmark: Tephra Cave Entrance.

Cutscene time.

Shulk and Reyn approach the entrance, and it seems someone was following them. 
Fiora steps out, scolding the two for forgetting the cylinder transport cases. 
Fiora demands she join the party if they want the cases.

Talk to the NPC's for some quests before entering Tephra Cave.

 \                                                                          /
  \                              Tephra Cave                       [WLK02] /

+-----------------+ As soon as you regain control, you get the Landmark: 
|     LANDMARK    | Tephra Path. Follow the path into a main cavern. The 
|   Tephra Path   | cavern contains a strong Unique Monster: Cellar Bugworm,
+-----------------+ which you shouldn't fight until about level 10. Instead, 
there's a path to the left (before you enter the cavern) that leads to a path 
above the room, which is much safer.

+-----------------+ Continuing north, you'll encounter the Landmark: Mag Mell 
|     LANDMARK    | Ruins and a cutscene.
| Mag Mell Ruins  |
+-----------------+ Shulk explains that the Mag Mell Ruins are used for 
training for the Defence Force, but he researches instead. The place seems to 
be a vehicle, but they don't know what people build it.

After the scene, you get the Location: Warehouse 2. Head up the ramps and to 
the right. Step through two sets of doors. The next room has a lot of Mell 
Lizards, and a Unique Monster so be careful. 

+-----------------+ The south passage houses the Unique Monster: Wallslide
|     LANDMARK    | Gwynry which is level 9, and several Collectables. After 
|  Rear Entrance  | you defeat the enemies, continue through the north passage 
+-----------------+ to get another Landmark: Rear Entrance. Before you 
continue, you should be at least level 8. Continue to the exit, to Colony 9.

 \                                                                          /
  \                          Return to Colony 9                    [WLK03] /

+-----------------+ Outside you'll get the Landmark: Cylinder Hanger. Walk to
|     LANDMARK    | to the hanger for a cutscene.
| Cylinder Hanger |
+-----------------+ Inside the hanger, Reyn retrieves some ether cylinders, 
while Shulk and Fiora ponder the origins of the hanger and the energy source 
contained within. Then, a defence system is triggered, causing some enemies to 

                Boss Battle: Ancient Machine x2     Level: 8
| Arts:                                                                      |
| Final Defence Mode - Strength Up, Haste                                    |
|                                                                            |
| This is your first real Boss Battle. Right now, there is not strategy, so  | 
| just wait until Reyn draws their Aggro and use Back Slash from behind and  | 
| Slit Edge from the side.                                                   |

After you defeat them, Shulk tells Reyn and Fiora that could not be Mechon, 
instead they must be a defence system left behind by the civilization that 
built the vehicle.

Now a REALLY important cutscene.

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

A sound in the sky draws the party outside. The sound was created by several 
machines flying through the air. Mechon. The Mechon ships drop off units over 
Colony 9. They're especially surprised because Dunban supposedly destroyed 
every Mechon in the battle the year before. They party decides to quickly 
return to the colony.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

After the cutscene is a System Save. Some she*t is about to go down... 

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

A siren sounds across Colony 9, signaling the presence of Mechon. A blast from 
one of them destroys an Anti-Air Battery. Vangarre orders the civilians to 
retreat to a shelter while the remaining Anti-Air Batteries suppress the 
incoming Mechon. One blast, aimed toward a Mechon carrier, is blocked by a 
large Mechon, completely ineffective. It transforms, revealing a metal mask 
and claws, a new form of Mechon. It retaliates by slicing another battery down 
the middle. The Mechon troops land inside the colony, and Dunban gets out of 

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

After regaining control, jump from the ledge and into the water below. Swim 
east, follow the land and enter the colony via the Main Entrance. Along the 
way, you'll encounter the Location: Anti-Air Battery 1. Before you enter the 
colony remove everything from Fiora. When you enter the colony, they're will 
be another cutscene.

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

Mechon are marching throughout the colony, attacking and devouring citizens. 
The three return to the colony, watching as a civilian is devoured. Reyn 
orders Fiora to go check if Dunban is okay and she leaves. A Mechon appears 
and a battle starts.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

Normal weapons cannot damage it Mechon so you need to get the Monado in the 
Weapon Dev. Lab. Topple it and get out of there.

Fiora returns and tells them that Dunban is nowhere to be found. Continue 
through the Commercial District and to the bridge to the Central Plaza. Ignore 
all the enemies, you cannot defeat them. There will be a cutscene.

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

From the bridge, they see Colonel Vangarre fending off some Mechon at the 
Fortress Entrance. A large Mechon then lands inside, and Vangarre shoots it, 
but to no avail. It then picks up a transport and throws it at him, exploding 
on impact. The Mechon then transforms and boosts off.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

Continue towards the Military District, and to the Weapon Dev. Lab. Cutscene.

The entrance to the lab is covered with debris, so Shulk devises a plan to use 
the mobile artillery to blast their way into the lab. They'll use the 
cylinders to power it.

Continue south to the Residential District. When you get to the Central Plaza 
there's another cutscene.

A horde of Mechon drop in and confront them. Fiora leaves the party to get to 
the artillery unit.

The battle is against two Mechon M31 and a Mechon M69. The only way to defeat 
them is for Shulk to use Stream Edge, and Reyn to follow up with Wild Down, 
inflicting Break then Topple. Then, with Shulk, run behind it and use Back 
Slash. Repeat until they're all gone. After the battle there's cutscene.

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

An explosion at the top of the structure separates Reyn and Shulk. A Mechon 
attacks Reyn, pinning to the ground. He tells Shulk to run while he can, 
leaving him behind. Then, Dunban, Monado in hand, single-handedly destroys 
each and every Mechon on the plaza.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

Dunban joins the party, now defeating Mechon will be no issue. Another battle 
starts, this time against a Mechon M82, a Mechon M72 and 2x Mechon 69. If you 
want, switch to Dunban and quickly destroy them all.

Dunban asks where Fiora is, but debris prevents them from proceeding. Fiora 
then heads towards the artillery unit. Backtrack through Colony 9 and out the 
Main Entrance.

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

When you get there, Dunban looses control of the Monado. Shulk takes control, 
grabs the Monado and charges a group of Mechon. An image flashes before him, 
of him getting hit by a blast from a Mechon. It then happens, and Shulk 
manages to avoid the shot. Another image appears, of another Mechon smashing 
him into the ground. As before, it occurs, allowing Shulk to avoid it. More 
Mechon appear, and Dunban and Reyn join the battle. Shulk expresses to Dunban 
that he thinks he saw the future.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

The next battle is against a Mechon M42, a Mechon M72 and a Mechon M82. 
Shulk's Talent Art now becomes Activate Monado, and his Monado Arts are the 
same as Dunban's in the Prologue.

Use Monado Enchant when you can, and take them apart with Monado Buster. When 
Reyn aggros them, you can also use Back Slash from behind or Slit Edge from 
the side.

After the battle, leave the colony and continue south and enter the 
Residential District. Along the way you'll encounter some Mechon, with the 
Monado in hand, destroy them. Remember to use Monado Enchant when you can to 
make it go faster. When you get to the south entrance to the colony, there 
will be a cutscene.

When the three enter the colony, the large Mechon from before bars their 
path. Dunban exclaims that it has a face, unlike other Mechon.

                    Boss Battle: Metal Face     Level: 10
| Arts:                                                                      |
| Last Resort - Deals damage to one ally.                                    |
|                                                                            |
| You can't damage the enemy, so hold your ground for around a minute.       | 
| Cutscene.                                                                  |

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

This Mechon is not like to others, it has a metal face and red lights, which  
other Mechon don't have. and the Monado doesn't damage it. After a few seconds 
Shulk will realize this. The Mechon attacks, sending them to the ground. A 
blast from Fiora sends the Mechon to its knees.

Fiora charges Metal Face, and Shulk has a vision: Fiora gets with by a blast 
from Metal Face, and gets slammed into a building. Metal Face stands above her 
and stabs her with his metal claws.

Shulk warns Fiora to stay back, but Fiora is so filled with anger, the anger 
against the Mechon that destroyed their colony, that she ignores him. The bats 
from Metal face comes, destroying the launcher on the artillery unit. Fiora 
fires, but to no avail. She charges, ramming the cannon barrel directly in its 
face, sending them both to the ground. Metal face walks through the settling 
debris, picks up the unit with one hand, and sends it hurtling into a 
building. Metal Face then runs her through with its claws, just as Shulk's 
vision had shown. Metal Face tosses the unit for other Mechon to feed on, 
showing its claws, dripping on red blood.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

                    Boss Battle: Metal Face     Level: 10
| Arts:                                                                      |
| Last Resort - Deals damage to one ally.                                    |
|                                                                            |
| Back to battle, fill up the Party Gauge by attacking with Arts. When its   | 
| full, activate a Chain Attack. Shulk should use stream Edge, and Reyn      | 
| should use Wild Down. After its Toppled, unleash all you Arts on it.       | 
| Repeat this until your remove 50% of its HP, and the battle ends. Cutscene.|

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

Shulk mounts the Mechon and sends the Monado through its head. Clearly 
damaged, the Mechon transforms and retreats. 

Shulk is in Outlook Park, reminiscing. Reyn appears, comforting Shulk, as 
Dunban did. Dunban, in speaking with Shulk earlier, explains that at the 
Battle of Sword Valley, the year before, he had the same sense of loss he does 
now, and that Flora's dying wish would have been for Shulk to live. Shulk then 
resolves to pursue the faced Mechon, and destroy it, and all the Mechon. Shulk 
and Reyn then leave Colony 9 to pursue the faced Mechon.

After the cutscene is a system save and another cutscene.

Fourteen years ago, in some snowy region, a group of people are walking 
through a snow storm, a young boy in tow. They enter some ruins. Dickson 
enters, finding that every person is dead. He enters the main area of the 
temple and sees the Monado on a pedestal. Below it lies the boy, still alive.

Shulk and Reyn discuss their plan: head to Colony 6, the only remaining Homs 
colony left on the Bionis, and see if they saw Mechon leaving Galahad Fortress 
in Sword Valley, a Mechon base. To get there they'll have to go through Tephra 

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

If you want, you can stay and explore Colony 9, do quests and so on. When you 
want to continue, head up to Tephra Cave.

 \                                                                          /
  \                         Return to Tephra Cave                  [WLK04] /

Return to Mag Mell Ruins and head to the top. There are some quests in this 
room. Enter the door on the east side. A cutscene shows that the right door 
is now unlocked. Enter to get the Location: Escape Pod Bay. There are also 
some more quests here. After picking them up, continue south. A cutscene 
explains that ether lamps will act as guide posts, so you can follow them up 
to the Bionis' knee.

+-----------------+ Continue along the passageway and get the Landmark: Tephra
|     LANDMARK    | Cavern. At the bottom is an ether crystal deposit. Gather
|  Tephra Cavern  | some crystals from it if you wish. At the bottom is 
+-----------------+ another Landmark: Spring of Grief. Sometimes there's a
|     LANDMARK    | Unique Monster in here: Solid Konev. It looks like a 
| Spring of Grief | Krabble, but with crystals in its shell.
Anyways, continue past the spring and into a tunnel on the opposite side. You 
should stumble across some Arachnids. Before entering the next room, be 
around level 10. When you enter the next chamber there'll be a cutscene.

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

Shulk and Reyn stumble across some Colony 6 traders that were attacked by the 
monsters that inhabit the cave. They return them to the Bionis, a ritual that 
Homs do. The attempt a rest, but end up talking about the Mechon and the 
attack on Colony 9. Reyn reveals the reason why Shulk is able to use the 
Monado, because he was the lone survivor from the Monado expedition team. 
Shulk researches the Monado because its his last tie to his parents, who were 
on the team. In his sleep, Shulk dreams of a voice asking him if he wants to 
change the future. His dream however is interrupted by a vision. Arachno are 
chasing Reyn, cornering him. The queen, a massive Arachno, stabs Reyn, 
supposedly killing him.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

When Shulk wakes up there's a battle against a horde of seven Worker Arachno, 
and two Director Arachno. Don't divine your forces, and use Arts the damage a 
range of enemies, such as Stream Edge. Work at one enemy at a time, dwindling 
their numbers. It is recommended to get rid of the Director Arachno first.

Shulk sees the vision again, but seems to dismiss it. Before moving on, gather 
the Collactables in the small spring in the cavern. Leave the room through the 
west exit. Briefly take a right and gather the red item, Tatty Armour. return 
to the fork and take to other path into a room that resembles a nest. 

Inside the room are Arachno egg sacks, but they seem to have Mechon parts as 
well. Shulk remembers the vision, but before he can do anything, a web 
descends from the ceiling and pulls him into another room, separating the two.

If you don't destroy the pods, they will hatch and release Arachno. So either 
don't bother them, or destroy them quickly. Continue around the corner and 
enter a large water filled cavern.

+-----------------+ Shulk will see Reyn running from some Arachno, on a ledge 
|     LANDMARK    | on the opposite edge of the room. Walk forward to get the 
|    Villa Lake   | Landmark: Villa Lake. There is a red item, Lost Pendant, 
+-----------------+ on the north side of the room. Cross the cavern, battling 
enemies if you wish. On one of the islands is a Unique Monster, Gluttonous 
Eugene. Before continuing, save and be around level 12. Walk up to the pillar 
with vines on it, climb to the top and continue to the right. Cutscene.

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

Reyn is being surrounded by Arachno when Shulk enters the cavern. Reyn begins 
to run in the wrong direction, to where the vision took place. The queen 
Arachno drops from the ceiling, another step in the vision coming true. Then, 
the Monado sparks a different colour, and a new symbol appears. Shulk spreads 
the power to Reyn, who is engulfed by a yellow aura. The queen Arachno strikes 
him, but is deflected, Reyn unscathed. The monster turns on Shulk, and Reyn 
defends him.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

Shulk now learns Monado Shield. Now, Visions are HUGELY important. Usually 
not always) Visions appear when any party member is in danger of being 
Incapacitated, or nearly so. When a vision appears, the screen becomes blue 
and dream-like, the enemy proceeds to attack and the result is shown (such as 
Incapacitation, Topple, low HP and so on). All this information is then placed 
in the Vision Tag at the top of the screen. Included is a timer, counting down 
until the attack is used, and it is in this time that you have to change the 

There are several ways to change the future. First, one can simply kill the 
enemy. Second, you can protect against the attack. Mainly this is done by 
using shielding or evasion Arts (Shield Bullet, Monado Shield, Monado Speed). 
Third, one can minimize the damage by healing the person who is getting hit or 
shift aggro to another character. Last is delaying it. This is done by 
inflicting the enemy with Sleep, Topple or Daze, or using a Chain Attack.

During the countdown, Shulk can ask other allies to use a certain Art and 
choose who they direct it to. However, this requires a bar on the Party 
                    Boss Battle: Arachno Queen     Level: 12
            Minions: Soldier Arachno, Captain Arachno, Arachno Pod
| Arts:                                                                      |
| Arachno Crush I - Deals damage twice to an ally - Monado Shield            |
|                                                                            |
| As the battle starts, you get the Landmark: Arachno Queen's Nest. Yay...   |
| Almost as soon as the battle begins, a Vision appears. Arachno Queen uses  | 
| Arachno Crush I. Keep attacking until the Monado can be activated, then    | 
| use Monado Shield. When done, the Vision Tag will shatter, replacing it    | 
| with an alternate future.                                                  |
|                                                                            |
| Defeat all the enemies in the room first then focus on the boss. The       |
| strategy is always the same, Reyn draws the enemy's aggro, while Shulk     |
| deals damage from behind or the side. When it uses Arachno Crush I,        |
| counter with Monado Shield. If anyone's HP gets low, heal them.            |
| Eventually it will die.                                                    |

After the battle, Shulk expresses that he the futures he sees aren't set in 
stone and can be changed by doing something. Regardless, you get Queen's Gut 
Fluid. Save you game. Move west and remove the Sticky Web by pressing A/a and 
continue down the tunnel.

When you exit outside, you see just how big the Mechonis and Bionis truly are. 
Little do they know they're being watched. a drone reports to another large 
Mechon with consumes a soldier. Its another Faced Mechon. 

+-----------------+ System save. After you regain control you get the 
|     LANDMARK    | Location: Kneecap Hill. Climb up the vines to the north
|     Leg Pass    | and exit the area via the east, getting the Landmark: Leg 
+-----------------+ Pass.

 \                                                                          /
  \                               Bionis' Leg                      [WLK05] /

+-----------------+ When the next area loads, you get the Landmark: Ragrinar
|     LANDMARK    | Canyon Path. Further on, there is an NPC that you can buy
| Ragrinar Canyon | some new equipment from, another has four quests for you.
|       Path      | 
+-----------------+ Continue on down the path for a cutscene. Down the path 
Shulk spots a smoke. Curious, they head in that direction.

Continue forward to unlock the Location: Gaur Plains. Head east in the 
direction of a stone arch and a waterfall. Along the way, you'll head through 
a heard or two of Armu. They aggro in groups, so it may be wise to lure some 
away and pick them off that way, or go around them...

When you get to the source of the smoke, there's a cutscene. The campfire Reyn 
thought it to be was in fact a land buggy, smoldering. Something about the 
buggy is strange to Shulk, a new buggy doesn't just get left out in the open. 
He thinks something must have happened to the driver. He touches it, causing a 
Vision: a young boy running from a pair of huge male Arden.

Head northeast, past some new monsters, Ponio, in the direction of a waterfall 
pouring from a rock cliff. When you get closer you'll see that the waterfall 
drains into a pond, with two stone pillars in the middle.

When you get close enough, there's another cutscene. The two jump in and 
battle the two enemies, while the boy heads for safety.

                  Boss Battle: Beserk Arden x2     Level: 14
| Arts:                                                                      |
|                                                                            |
| Not much to say here really. You can simply wait it out and the battle     |
| will end when the boy gets to safety. However, if you're (really) fast,    |
| you could beat them. Get Reyn to draw their attacks and Back Slash them to |
| death. After a minute, the battle will end.                                |

When the battle ends, the three are at the buggy, which Shulk managed to fix. 
It turns out that a circuit broke as the monsters appeared. The boy introduces 
himself as Juju, and offers to take you back to his camp.

He then joins the party (as a Guest, which means he won't appear in battle). 
Continue due east, running behind a high level Territorial Rotbart. You'll 
+-----------------+ pass the pond on the left and a grove of trees on the 
|     LANDMARK    | right until you reach the large stone monolith. When you
| Kamos Guidepost | get near, you'll get the Landmark: Kamos Guidepost. From 
+-----------------+ there, head due south, through a grove of trees, and down 
a hill for a cutscene.

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

Shulk, Reyn and Juju enter the camp, buggy in tow. Upon seeing a worried 
woman, Shulk has a chilling Vision: an injured Juju, the woman falling and 
being attacked, and another large Mechon, with glowing red eyes.

The woman tells Juju they shouldn't be leaving the camp. He appologizes, 
calling her by name, Sharla. Looking at Shulk and Reyn, Sharla asks if they 
are survivors of the defence force, if Colony 6 and Gadolt are okay 
("Survivors"? "Okay"? What exactly is going on?). Shulk explains that they're 
from Colony 9. Introductions pass, Sharla it seems is Juju's older sister. 
Finally, she tells them that Colony 6 has been occupied by Mechon.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

+-----------------+ After, you'll get the Landmark: Refugee Camp. Continue 
|     LANDMARK    | inside the cave and talk to Sharla on the right.
|   Refugee Camp  | Additionally, there are some quests to pick up and a shop.

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

Sharla explains that Colony 6 (like Colony 9) was attacked by Mechon, who had 
swarmed the colony before anyone could run, or the siren could cound. The 
Mechon ate people and burned building to the ground. Sharla and Juju dedicated 
their efforts to evacuate the children and elderly to this very camp, with the 
help of Otharon and Gadolt, Sharla's fiance.

Juju asks if he could come with them to Colony 6, however, Sharla won't allow 
it. During their argument, Shulk has another Vision: a purning plain with tall 
metal tentacles pertruding from the ground, Juju in one, and Sharla in 
another. Then, the same Mechon's face.

Reyn scolds Juju for arguing with his sister, which reminds Sharla a lot of 
Gadolt. When Reyn asks Shulk if he saw another vision, they hear a noise, Juju 
driving off in the buggy towards Colony 6. Outside, Shulk explains the Vision 
to Reyn and Sharla. The three head off to find Juju, however, Shulk knows that 
in his Vision, both Sharla and Juju die.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

Sharla joins the party. Sharla uses an Ether Rifle in battle, and she serves 
as an excellent healer (the game's best in fact). Most importantly, her Arts 
include Heal Bullet (which heals HP of a single party member), Shield Bullet 
(which grants Damage Immunity) and Cure Bullet (which cancels enemy debuffs). 
Her Talent Art is Cool Off, which cools off her gun, allowing her to continue 
using regular Arts.

Run around the area, and gather some quests. These quests are Timed, which 
means they expire after a certain point in the story, but we don't need to 
worry about those right now. With everything ready, return to the Kamos 
Guidepost. On the way is a cutscene. 

Sharla explains that Juju probably headed across the Raguel Bridge. Juju on 
the bridge crased into a barrier on the bridge, so he walks the rest of the 

Continue southeast, to the right of several stone arches. You'll pass by some 
Volffs, good training at this point, however a strong enemy, Violent Andante, 
patrols the area. Avoid that and continue towards the right side of Raguel 

As you near the bridge, Mechon appear (also good monsters to train on). 
Remember that you need to use Monado Enchant if you want Reyn or Sharla to 
deal any damage. Additionally, Mechon aggro in groups, so lure them one at a 
time and deal with them that way, instead of aggroing six or seven of them.

+-----------------+ Continue in this manner until you get to the south end of
|     LANDMARK    | Raguel Bridge for the aptly named Landmark: Raguel Bridge
|  Raguel Bridge  | - South. Then, a cutscene.
|       South     |

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

The three find Juju's buggy. Shulk touches it and sees another Vision: a 
twisted stone structure, and Juju standing in the middle. Giant tentacles 
erupt from the ground and attack him.

Sharla says she knows of one such deep valley in the area, and its on the way 
to Colony 6.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

+-----------------+ Continue across the bridge for another Landmark: Raguel
|     LANDMARK    | Bridge - North. On the other side, continue toward the 
|  Raguel Bridge  | stone valley. Actually I can't really explain it. Its a 
|       South     | combination of stone arches and caves and so on. Anyways,
+-----------------+ when you get near it, there's a cutscene.

Sharla explains that the path through the cave has strong monsters, so Juju 
would have stayed along the path.

Follow the path and you'll get the Location: Maguel Road. Further up the path 
are hordes of Mechon. As before, pick them off in small groups, but make sure 
you don't let ANY of the Scout Units run off. They will head to the nearest 
pack of Mechon and alert them of your presence, adding more pain to the 
ensuing battles. Remember to use Monado Enchant and use the regular strategy. 
Of course, you could hug the south wall and ignore them completely.

Up ahead is a waterfall. When you get into the open, walk north and you'll see 
a spiraling structure made of stone, the same one in Shulk's visions. Before 
you get close and trigger the event, make sure you're around level 18 and save 
your game. This is one of my favourite parts, so grab some popcorn. A lot...

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

When the party reaches the structure, several metal tentacles have broken 
through the ground, one grasping Juju. As Sharla runs to Juju, Shulk has a 
Vision: a tentacle bursts through the ground, knocking Sharla into the air. 
Another sweeps down and crushes her in its jaws.

Just then, a new symbol appears on the Monado. With this new power, Shulk 
charges toward Sharla, and slams the Monado to the ground, sending a wave of 
ether towards her. Just as the tentacle bursts through the ground, Sharla jump 
out of the way, barely avoiding getting hit.

Shulk and Reyn run to her side. Shulk explains to be careful of the tentacles, 
that the power of the Monado will help them avoid getting hit. Shulk runs off, 
charging at a group of tentacles and has another Vision: a tentacle bursts 
through the ground, a sweep from the left and fireballs from above. Because of 
his vision, he manages to avoid the attacks, destroying three tentacles in the 
process. Reyn dodges tentacles left and right, and Sharla open fires.

The three regroup and the battle begins.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

Chills. Chills down my spine. You can't get any more epic then that. Actually, 
I lied, there are way better parts later...
|     LANDMARK    | You'll get the Landmark: Spiral Valley. Anyways, BATTLE
|  Spiral Valley  | TIME!

                  Boss Battle: Mechon M71     Level: 18
                  Minions: Mechon Tentacle x3 Level: 15
| Arts:                                                                      |
| N/A                                                                        |
|                                                                            |
| First, use Monado Enchant, then focus your efforts on the tentacles.       |
| Destroy one at a time until only the Mechon M71 is left. Remember to use   |
| Monado Enchant when the Buff runs out, and to use Monado Buster to deal a  |
| lot of damage. Also, Monado Speed greatly increases the Agility of one     |
| member, so use it if someone is low on HP and stall until Sharla can heal  |
| them.                                                                      |
|                                                                            |
| Use your general strategy, allow Reyn to aggro, and attack from the back.  |
| Also, note that it is Resistant to status changes, so you won't be able to |
| Break-Topple combo it. This is when the Chain Attack comes in handy, it    |
| will guarantee that the status changes hold. But don't over do it, you may |
| need that gauge to change the outcomes of Visions and revive Incapacitated |
| party members.                                                             |
|                                                                            |
| When its HP is around half, the battle will end.                           |

The Mechon M71 will move to the upper level of Spiral Valley.

                  Boss Battle: Mechon M71     Level: 18
| Arts:                                                                      |
| Fire Shot - Shoots a party member once, inflicting Blaze - Monado Speed    |
| Rapid Tentacle - A tentacle shoots up from below - Monado Speed            |
| Ripple Laser I - Fires a linear laser, hitting all allies in its path -    |
|      Monado Speed                                                          |
| Tentacles - Same as Rapid Tentacle, but does more damage.                  |
| Generator Power - Inflicts the Awaken Buff, raising its level to Level 19  |
|                                                                            |
| Continue the aforementioned strategy. Make sure your allies' HP is high    |
| because Rapid Tentacle can really deal some damage. When you get a Vision  |
| use Monado Speed to avoid the attack.                                      |
|                                                                            |
| Under half HP, the Mechon will change tactics. It gains two new Arts,      | 
| Ripple Laser I and Tentacles, which also require Monado Speed to avoid.    | 
| Importantly, it hits all allies in a straight line. So, if it attacks one  | 
| person, don't be beside them when it fires.                                |
|                                                                            |
| Under low HP, it may use Generator Power, raising its level by one, also   |
| increasing its stats.                                                      |
|                                                                            |
| For stylistic effect, fill the Party Gauge and use a Chain Attack to       |
| finish it off. Cutscene!                                                   |

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

Shulk cuts off a tentacle, while Reyn jumps to retrieve Juju from a tentacle 
before the entire Mechon explodes. Sharla runs to Juju's side, first slapping 
him across the face, then embracing him. However, Shulk doesn't think that 
that Mechon was the one in his Vision.

Just then a new faced Mechon drops from the sky. He laughs at the face that 
Metal Face was injured by such tiny bugs.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

 Ommigosh, a battle:

                  Boss Battle: Mysterious Face     Level: 25
| Arts:                                                                      |
| Swing Beat - Hits all allies in front - Monado Speed                       |
| Wild Crash - Jumps into the air, and slams his hammer into the ground,     |
|      hitting all allies in na circle around him - Monado Speed             |
|                                                                            |
| WHAT?!? Level 25? Must be one of those "I don't have to defeat this" Boss  |
| battles... Wow there have been a lot of those lately...                    |
|                                                                            |
| Anyways, don't bother with dealing damage because it ends after a minute.  |
| Just focus on staying alive. Cutscene                                      |

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

The mysterious Mechon grabs Juju. Reyn and Shulk charge him. Shulk has a 
vision telling Reyn to stay behind. Shulk swings, but the Monado does nothing. 
Shulk realizes that he cannot hit any of the Mechon with faces.

The Mechon punches Shulk off guard, sending him to his knees, and swings with 
his hammer. A bullet from Sharla's rifle pushes it far enough to prevent Shulk 
from getting hit. After Reyn attepts to free Juju, the Mechon jumps into the 
air and slams to the ground, sending everyone flying. Shulk and Reyn are safe, 
but Sharla was sent off the edge. Luckily, she caught hold of a rock and she's 
dangling over the edge.

Just as the Mechon is about to finish them off, his lights change from green 
to red, and he flies off, telling them that if they want Juju, they'll have to 
come to Colony 6.

Meanwhile, Sharla clambers up the ledge to safety.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

System save, then a cutscene--a flashback.

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

Sharla and Juju are in a bunker when Gadolt walks in, followed by Otharon. 
Under orders of Otharon, Sharla must evacuate all she can from the colony, 
leaving behind everone that can fight. Before he leaves, Sharla makes Gadolt 
promise that he will live, and they will meet after the battle is over. Sharla 
wakes up screaming. It was all a nightmare.

Sharla finds Shulk and Reyn outside, in the Refugee Camp. Together, they leave 
for Colony 6.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

This would be a good time to complete the quests in this area, specifically 
the timed ones. When you want to move on, warp to Raguel  Bridge - North,
+-----------------+ continue east down Maguel Road and past all the Mechon. At 
|     LANDMARK    | the waterfall, cross the two bridges to the right and into 
|    Bask Cave    | the gaping hole in the side of the mountain, getting the
|     Passage     | Landmark: Bask Cave Passage in the process.

 \                                                                          /
  \                                Colony 6                        [WLK06] /

We'll only be here a while. But anyways...

When you enter there's a cutscene. They decide the best idea is not to simply 
walk right in, but to enter through the mines. The mines go down to a massive 
ether deposit under the colony, the same deposit for which the colony was 
founded. Sharla says that the Mechon could not have infiltrated that far into 
the colony. The fastest way in is through the Drainage Outlet.

+-----------------+ When you regain control you get the Landmark: Watchpoint 
|     LANDMARK    | Junction. Continue down the hill to an elevator. Activate
|    Watchpoint   | the button to drop the gate, and again inside to go down
|     Junction    | to the lower level. At the bottom, you'll get the
+-----------------+ Location: Splintered Path.

In this area, be expecially careful when moving around, if you fall or get 
knocked off the edge, the monsters will respawn, and you'll essentially have 
to restart. Speaking of monsters, there are three main types of monsters in 
this general area. Yellow Antols aggro in groups but only the Red Antols aggro 
based in vision. Rhogul patrol the skies in circular paths, so keep an eye on 
them. Finally there are Hox, but you don't need to worry too much about them.

Regardless, at the first fork, the left heads to a dead end, so continue on 
the right path. At the next path, the bottom area are dead ends, the one on 
the left leads to a Wind Ether Deposit, and the right is a dead end. on the 
upper level, the left is a dead end, so continue on the right. Continue 
straight past the next fork and take the left path of the fork after that.

+-----------------+ Cross the bridge to get the Landmark: Drainage Outlet.
|     LANDMARK    | Take a left and enter the Ether Mines.
| Drainage Outlet |

 \                                                                          /
  \                              Ether Mines                       [WLK07] /

+-----------------+ Inside, you'll get the Landmark: Drainage Tunnel. Follow 
|     LANDMARK    | the tunnel to a set of pipes and metal scaffolding. Walk 
| Drainage Tunnel | up to the top and into the enclosure to get another 
+-----------------+ Landmark: Drainage Control Room. Inside, there's a Nopon
|     LANDMARK    | Merchant that will sell you new armour and Skill books.
|     Drainage    | When you want to move on, move west for a cutscene.
|   Control Room  |
+-----------------+ The party discovers that Mechon are indeed patrolling the 
mines, which means that the residents of the colony didn't make it. However, 
they could not have seized the entire area and must be located centrally.

Continue along the tunnel. There is an Earth Ether Deposit on the right of the 
+-----------------+ first fork. Continue left. When you walk past the green 
|   SECRET AREA   | ether deposit, you get the Location: Test Pit 1. When you 
|  Glowmoss Lake  | get to the water, taking a right and heading straight will 
+-----------------+ result in finding a Secret Area: Glowmoss Lake. Back at 
the previous fork, head west to find the Location: Test Pit 2. At the end of 
the second path is a a climable wall, leading up to a Fire Ether Deposit. 
Continuing along the path, you'll come across several Drunk Vang and Colony 
Upa. They'll aggro in groups, so be careful if you choose to engage them. At 
the end of the tunnel is the Location: Test Pit 3. Follow the path around the 
bend and into a cutscene.

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

While walking through the water, Sharla hears a familliar sound, the firing of 
an ether rifle, which she thinks belongs to Gadolt. She runs off, and Shulk 
and Reyn follow. They enter a storage area with several Mechon converging upon 
a set of metal crates. Instead of Gadolt, the person turns out to be Otharon.

The three of them jump into battle.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

When the battle starts, you get the Location: Storage Depot. The battle 
consists of a Mechon M53X (Level 21), a Mechon M42 (Level 20), and two Mechon 
M32X (Level 20). First, deal with the Mechon M32X because they can wreak havoc 
with their ranged attaks. However, this battle is cake as long as you keep to 
the Enchant-Rage-Back Shash strategy. I doubt its necessary, but you could 
unleash Chain Attacks to Break-Topple them.

After the battle is a cutscene. 

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

Sharla explains the situation to Otharon, that Juju was taken by the "bronze-
faced one", and Otharon explains that Gadolt is gone. During a surprise 
attack, the plan failed and Gadolt disappeared, leaving only his rifle behind. 
Just before they head to the Central Pit, Shulk has a Vision: Otharon 
seemingly sacrificing himself for Juju and Gadolt. Without saying a word, they 
head off.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

+-----------------+ You'll get the Landmark: Mining Base. Exit the bunker and
|     LANDMARK    | turn left to return to the Storage Depot. Head down the 
|   Mining Base   | stairs on the opposite side of the room and there will
+-----------------+ be another cutscene.

Shulk is thinking that if they continue onward, they'll be leading Otharon to 
his death. Shulk, however, cannot seem to tell Otharon about his Vision, only 
Reyn and Sharla. Reyn tells Shulk that he is stupid, thinking that he doesn't 
need to tell everyone about his vision, explaining that they should bear it as 
a team.

After, continue to the Location: Central Terminal. From here, there are 
several things to note. The second from the right path holds some Mechon, but 
they're not hard to defeat. Here you'll also get the Location: Test Pit 4. The 
far left path leads to a room with a Unique Monster: Dark Kisling. The issue 
is that it will aggro the other Vang in the room, making for a crowded battle. 
At the bottom of second from the left path, is a room INFESTED with Upa, and a 
Unique Monster: Vengeful Daulton. I would avoid this room at all costs until 

Anyways, from the Central Terminal take the far right path. Follow the path to 
the Upa room, and hug the left wall, under a land bridge. Continue up the hill 
and to a set of door, you'll get the Location: Observation Point. Head right 
and into an enclosure and activate the Depot Access Lever. A door nearby will 
open. Return to Test Pit 4 (the same way you came, and take the second path 
from the right. When you pass through the doors, you'll enter the Central Pit.

+-----------------+ After the cutscene, you get the Landmark: Central Pit - 
|     LANDMARK    | Entrance. Continue to the life that Sharla indicated.
|   Central Pit   | Activate the door, enter the lift and activate the lift.
|     Entrance    | At the bottom you'll get the Location: Central Pit - Level 
+-----------------+ 1. Exit the lift and head south to a bridge that connects 
to the main drill.

This area is MASSIVE and there's a lot to distract you. Generally, you don't 
need to leave the central platform, the bridges only direct you to more Mechon 
and Ether Deposits, so ignore them. On the main area, there are rotating arms. 
They don't hurt you, but they can push you off the edge, killing you. So don't 
dawdle. Head clockwise around the pillar.

When you get close to the beginning, there is a bridge leading to the outer 
+-----------------+ section. Cross it, eliminating the flying Mechon before 
|     LANDMARK    | they get backup. Continue left to a pack of Mechon. Take 
|    Personnel    | care of them, or  attempt to squeeze past them and take 
|      Lift 2     | the lift down.  You'll get the Landmark: Personnel Lift 2.
+-----------------+ As you continue down, you'll get the Location: Central Pit 
- Level 1.

Exit the lift and continue down the hill. You'll start meeting even stronger 
Mechon from now on. At the bottom to the right is an Ether Deposit, and to the 
left a bridge back to the central pillar. Go there.

Take out the Mechon and the M67 pair and continue across the bridge. On the 
other side are two more Mechon M67. Start the battle with a Back Slash to deal 
quick damage, then deal with the other. After the battle ends, some more will 
appear at the far edge of the platform, giving little time to Auto-Heal. A 
strong Mechon M82 will engage you. As before, take it down with back attacks 
and Monado attacks. 

+-----------------+ After the M82 and two more M67, continue across the bridge
|     LANDMARK    | to the Landmark: Regulation Piston. Quickly defeat the 
|    Regulation   | flying Mechon and wait for the piston to come to your 
|     Piston      | level. Jump on and wait for it to get to the top, and jump 
+-----------------+ off the opposite side. Continue to the next piston and do 
the same, this time getting off at the bottom. There, you'll get the Location: 
Central Pit - Level 3.

Cross the bridge to the outer ring continue in a clockwise manner, taking out 
+-----------------+ pairs of Mechon at a time. You'll come across another 
|     LANDMARK    | Mechon M82, so only engage it when its far from other 
|    Personnel    | Mechon to make things easier. The path then moves 
|      Lift 2     | downward, past two Ether deposits before stopping at the 
+-----------------+ Landmark: Personnel Lift 3. Take it to the bottom.

Jump onto the rotating arm as it passes to the right of the wall blocking the 
way, and get of on the other side. When you get off, a claw-like device 
impedes your progress, also, a Mechon spawn for a battle.

This baddie is a Mechon M84, and they're annoying as hell. Cylinder Hand I 
causes Poison, which is really annoying at lower levels. Sharla should combat 
it with Cure Bullet. Also, it hits all allies in the area, so if its 
targetting someone, get out of there as well. After defeating it, the claw 
will retract giving you access to an Ether Deposit and the rotating arm.

As before, jump on as it nears and ride it to the other side. Again, the claw 
descends, but instead, two Mechon M84 enter the battle. There isn't any 
real strategy that I havn't explained before. Focus your efforts on one at a 
time, and make sure you know when each is using Cylinder Hand I, to avoid 
unnecessary casualties.

After you dispatch the two, the claw retracts. Take the tunnel this time. 
After a pair of stairs, you're led to another lift. Before you enter, save and 
be around level 23-25. This is the last elevator though...

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

The bottom of the mine is littered with puddles of blood--that of soldiers, 
and civilians. The bronze-faced Mechon enters. Sharla demands he return Juju. 
The Mechon shows that he is fine, but not for long. The others, however were 
not so lucky, for they became Mechon food. Otharon in the distance overhears 
the Mechon as he climbs down to a artillery unit. The Mechon introduces 
himself as Xord, and threatens to eat them all in his "banquet hall".

Overcome by anger at the loss of Gadolt, Sharla destroys a Mechon, swearing 
that she won't stop until she "scrapped each and every one of you!" Several 
more converge on her but Reyn and Shulk back her up. Shulk charges Xord, but 
as before the Monado is useless.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

+-----------------+ Boss battle. As it starts, you get the Landmark: Central
|     LANDMARK    | Pit - Base Level.
|   Central Pit   | 
|   Base Level    | 

                       Boss Battle: Xord     Level: 25
| Arts:                                                                      |
| Call Minions - Summons several Mechon into battle                          |
|                                                                            |
| Just as the battle begins, Xord uses Call Minions, which summons three     |
| Mechon to fight alongside Xord. Dispatch them as fast as you can. Focusing |
| your efforts makes this especially easy. Seemingly, Xord doesn't really    |
| attack as often when you're attacking his minions.                         |
|                                                                            |
| After his minions are gone, your Party Gauge should be full, in not fill   |
| it, then do a Chain Attack. Make sure to Break-Topple him. Now, unleash    |
| everything you have on him, remembering to use Back Slash from behind and  |
| Slit Edge from the side. Repeat this process until you remove 25% of his   |
| HP, and the battle ends.

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

With a single swing, Xord knocks back Shulk, Reyn and Sharla. Just then, 
Otharon in the artillery unit rams him. Otharon then attacks Xord, pinning him 
to the ground, and tells Shulk to grab Juju while Xord is preoccupied. Shulk 
knows, however, the outcome--Otharon's death. Reyn and Sharla go to Juju's 
side. Still, Shulk has to change the future. He sees a moble crane.

Otharon rams Xord into a support pillar. Knowing that he cannot defeat Xord 
alone, he destroys the pillar, and the section of platform they're on begins 
the buckle. Eventually the platform fails and Xord falls towards the river of 
ether, but he manages to grab onto the artillery unit, pulling it over the 
edge. Just before Otharon goes over the edge, Shulk fires the grabber on the 
crane, catching the tip of the artillery unit.

In a final act of heroism, Otharon fires a shot into the Mechon's face, 
causing Xord to fall into the ether river. Unfortunately, its too, late, the 
crane looses grip and detaches from the artillery unit, sending Otharon 
flying. This wasn't supposed to happen, Shulk was supposed to change the 

Just then, Reyn jumps over the edge after Otharon, grabbing him in one hand 
and the crane in the other. They both are pulled to safety.

After everything settles down, Otharon gives Sharla Gadolt's rifle, saying he 
would have wanted it to be this way. They decide to head for a freight 
elevator and back to camp.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

After the cutscene, you obtain a weapon for Sharla, Gadolt's Rifle. Head 
behind you and up the ramp to the lift. Call it and walk in. At the top, exit
and continue west through the tunnel. Continue up the stairs and east, back to 
the lower level of the drill room. Jump onto the arm and ride it to the next 
stop. Get off and you'll get the Location: Freight Elevator. Activate it and 
ride it out of the mines.

+-----------------+ Halfway to the top, Xord jumps out. Somehow he managed to
|     LANDMARK    | survive the ether. Geeze this guy just doesn't give up.
|     Freight     | When the battle starts, you get the Landmark: Freight 
|     Elevator    | Elevator.

                       Boss Battle: Xord     Level: 25
| Arts:                                                                      |
| Swing Beat - Hits all allies in front - Monado Speed                       |
| Wild Crash - Jumps into the air, and slams his hammer into the ground,     |
|      hitting all allies in the area in front of him - Monado Speed         |
| Beserk Boost - Inflicts Haste Buff                                         |
| Bazooka II - Hits one ally and inflicts Bleed Status - Monado Speed        |
| Xord Impact - Rams an ally in a straight line, hitting anyone in the way - |
|      Monado Speed                                                          |
| Final Boost - Inflicts Crazed Buff                                         |
|                                                                            |
| This time, Xord goes all out. His attacks are stronger, but he doesn't     |
| call any minions. As before, start off by using Monado Enchant, then fill  |
| up the Party Gauge and unleash a Chain Attack, Break-Toppling him. Then,   | 
| use all you Arts on him. Several of Xord's attacks have an area of effect, | 
| hitting all allies in it. So, its advised to have Shulk on the opposite    | 
| side of Reyn, to avoid this.                                               |
|                                                                            |
| At around half HP, Xord will use some new attacks, most of which inflict   |
| Status changes, Buffs or Debuffs. So Sharla really comes in handy here. At |
| low HP Xord will start attacking with Arts more often, so this would be a  |
| good time to finish him off with a Chain Attack.                           |

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

In a last ditch attempt to destroy them, Xord swings his hammer. Sharla steps 
up and shoots him in the shoulder, separating his arm from the rest of his
body. More shots sever his remaining limbs. Before dying, Xord mentions that 
Shulk managed to destroy him without even releasing the true power of the 
Monado. Xord then uses the last of his energy to push himself off the 
elevator, falling to the ground below in a great explosion. With that, the 
elevator contines moving.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

 \                                                                          /
  \                            Return to Colony 6                  [WLK08] /

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

Outside, the group runs from the entrance, which promptly explodes. Juju wakes 
up, and they consider the future of Colony 6. Just then, Metal Face enters, 
along with dozens of faced Mechon and regular Mechon. It turns out Metal Face 
can talk, and has a good memory too, unlike Xord who could barely remember his 
name, taunting them with Fiora's death.

Shulk charges Metal Face in anger, but the Monado only bounces off. Just as 
he's about to shred them, a blast from above stops him. The shot came from 
Dickson's rifle. Dunban charges down the face of the cliff and destroys a 
series of Mechon.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

+-----------------+ As the battle starts, you get the Landmark: Freight Road.
|     LANDMARK    | The battle is against Mechon M64X, Mechon M69X, and 2x 
|   Freight Road  | Mechon M53X. If you want, swap Reyn for Dunban. Dunban's
+-----------------+ weapon is capable of damaging Mechon without the need for 
Monado Enchant.

Team up and defeat each one at a time. Monado Buster them for big damage. 
Since you should not be worried about dying in this battle, spend your Party 
Gauge liberally. After the last one is destroyed, the cutscene continues.

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

After destroying one Mechon, several more take its place. Dickson takes a shot 
a Metal Face, but he easily blocks it. Dunban takes his turn, but his blade 
cannot penetrate his armour. Metal Face charges a laser blast, but a green 
blast stops him, as he evades it, and it strikes down a faced Mechon in one 

A Telethia, a flying blue-green bird-like creature with yellow wings was the 
source. Using the chaos to his advantage, Shulk slices a gouge in Metal Face's 
arm. Then, Shulk has a Vision: a tall tower, a Giant calling Shulk the True 
Heir to the Monado, two unknown related characters, Metal Face appearing and 
Shulk slicing off a limb, and a new Faced Mechon. The Mechon had enough and 
they fly away. 

The Telethia returns to the mountains, to a white-haired character.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

System save, then another cutscene. 

After introductions, Dickson explains that the Telethia are mystical creatures 
that protect the sleeping Bionis. They then plan on following the Mechon the 
Galahad Fortress in Sword Valley, where the battle the year before was fought. 
But first Shulk wants to go somewhere else. He explains the Vision he saw to 
the others, that it must be near the Bionis' head. Dickson believes that this 
location must be Prison Island, an island in the sky built by the ancient High 
Entia race (who were supposedly only a myth). To get to the head, they must 
first travel up the back, that means heading through Satorl Marsh.

+-----------------+ After, continue south along the ledge and get the 
|     LANDMARK    | Landmark: Misty Path before entering Satrol Marsh.
|    Misty Path   |
 \                                                                          /
  \                              Satorl Marsh                      [WLK09] /

+-----------------+ As soon as you enter you get the Landmark: Kelsherx
|     LANDMARK    | Wetland, and a cutscene. They plan on passing through the
| Kelsher Wetland | marsh and get into the Bionis.
This area can be very dangerous. Most of the enemies aggro in some way or 
another, which draws out battles. Upa are found near water, Nebulae are 
everywhere, and bird patrol the sky. Regardless, continue along the path in a 
southward direction. It may be advantageous to circumvent the ponds, but you 
should still train on them for EXP. Continuing on, the path moves up hill. 
There are Coppice Quadwing in the trees so stay wary.

+-----------------+ Near the top you'll get the Location: Lacus Swamp. Further 
|     LANDMARK    | ahead, along the path is a cutscene. Sharla notices that  
|  Nopon Merchant | there is a group of Nopon ahead. When you approach them,
|       Camp      | you'll get the Landmark: Nopon Merchant Camp. Gather their
+-----------------+ quests and get some armour from their shop.

Follow the path, defeating the enemies that cross your path. The path wil lead 
to several bridges before moving uphill again. Here you'll come across Igna 
and Feris. The Igna come in pairs and stay clear of the Feris. Stay on the 
path to the top of the hill. This is Igna territory, so you'll see a lot of 
them. As long as you only aggro 2-3, you should be fine. You may come across a 
large group of Igna leaded by the Unique Monster: Cautious Balteid. Its pretty 
strong, so unless you're confident, don't confront it.

Continuing along the path, you'll come across andother marsh. On the other
+-----------------+ side is the Location: Barren Moor. Continue southeast and 
|     LANDMARK    | you'll see an obelisk. On the map, its in the middle of a 
|  Silent Obelisk | small pond. When you get there you'll get the Landmark: +
-----------------+ Silent Obelisk. 

Continue in an easterly direction. You'll see a bright light in the sky. Head 
in that direction for a cutscene. 

The lamp was created by the High Entia to keep away monsters. While they rest, 
Shulk is haunted by Fiora's memory. Dickson enters, appologizing for not being 
able to save Shulk's parents. Shulk explains that the Monado was their final 
gift to him. In the morning, they decide to head towards some High Entia 

+-----------------+ After, you'll get the Landmark: Glowing Obelisk. Continue
|     LANDMARK    | east along the path. Instead of heading up the cliff face,
| Glowing Obelisk | walk through the water because there are extremely 
+-----------------+ powerful monsters up top. At the top of the river, you'll 
|     LANDMARK    | see a gate, with the centre segment open. Walk closer to 
| Sororal Statues | get the Location: Mauk Floodgate. Continue to a ramp and 
+-----------------+ get the Landmark: Sororal Statues. At the top is a 

Through the entrance ahead is Makna Forest, on the way to Prison Island. 
Otharon, Juju and Dickson then decide that its their turn to part from the 
group, while Sharla decides to stay behind. Juju want to help the residents of 
Colony 6 rebuild, and you can help Juju out. Relevant information for 
rebuilding Colony 6 can be found in the Section: Rebuilding Colony 6, section 
code: [B.UILD] (remove the period). Before leaving, Dickson mentions something 
about decieving...

Talk to the Nopon Merchant for a Story Quest:

| QA5.22 | Title: The Ancient Ceremony           | NPC: ------               |
|        | Location: Satorl Marsh, Sororal Statues                           |
|        | Notes: Complete the quest Ancient Ceremony Offerings (QA6.23).    |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards: 0 G, 0 EXP                                               |
| QA5.22 | Title: Ancient Ceremony Offerings     | NPC: ------               |
|        | Location: Satorl Marsh, Sororal Statues                           |
|        | Notes: Collect the Blue Radiant in Igna Territory, Rainbow        |
|        |        Radiant at the Altar of Fate, Dull Radiant at the Dark     |
|        |        Swamp, and White Radiant at Basin Cave.                    |
|        | Rewards: 0 G, 0 EXP                                               |

From the Sororal Statues, walk west through the water to a cave with a statue 
on either side of the entrance. When you enter, you'll get the Location: Basin 
Cave. In the inner section of the cave, walk onto land and across a bridge, 
Inside is a red item: White Radiant. 

Continue downstream and you'll drop down a waterfall. continue west toward a 
tall circular region pertruding from the ground. As you get near you'll get 
the Location: Altar of Fate. Walk up the spiral ramp to the top. At the top is 
a Coppice Quadwing. Defeat it and get the red item, Rainbow Radiant, from the 

Next, warp to the Silent Obelisk. Face south and you'll see an "!" on the 
other side of the swamp. When you get close you'll get the Location: Dark 
Swamp. Head across the poisonous water to the nearest island and defeat all 
the enemies on it. Wait for the party to Auto-Heal before moving to the next 
island. Make your way across the swamp, defeating the enemies and healing 
until you get to the other side and get the red item: Dull Radiant.

Finally, warp to the Glowing Obelisk. Walk south through a hole in the side of 
a cliff. On the other side you get the Location: Igna Territory. Proceed to 
the top of the hill and you'll have to fight four Igna. Whenever possible, use 
attacks that hit an area, such as Monado Buster or Stream Edge. In order to 
get the item, you'll have to defeat a Unique Monster: Aggressive Cornelius. 
First, save. Then Lure off the other Igna, defeating them separately. Then 
engage it. As long as you're near its level, the battle isn't hard. It will 
use Big Combo often, but Monado Shield doesn't effectively block it (because 
its three hits), and neither does Monado Speed, so Shield Bullet, or allowing 
Reyn to absorb the damage is the best bet. After the battle is over, collec 
the red item, Blue Radiant, when you do, the quest will end.

Warp to the Sororal Statues. Walk to the centre of the area and press A/a at 
the Adulthood Emblem. Then a battle will start:

                  Boss Battle: Satorl Guardian     Level: 28
| Arts:                                                                      | 
| Wing Smite - Inflicts ---- Debuff to all allies in front.                  |
| Winged Awakening - Inflicts Awakening Buff.                                | 
|                                                                            |
| This battle is really easy. Arrange yourself opposite the others to ensure |
| that area attacks only hit one ally. Continue with the aforementioned      |
| strategy, Break-Topple-Back Slash or Chain Attacks. Something to note,     |
| Sharla's Thunder Bullet does more damage against flying monsters, so       |
| include it in Chain Attacks.                                               |

After the battle, the floor raises into steps that lead to a warp pad, and the 
first quest completes. When you approach the warp pad, you learn that its 
broken, so you'll have to find another way up. Walk to the left and around a 
pillar and you'll see some vines on the wall. Climb them to the top. Follow 
the ledge that crosses back and forth along the face of the wall. Eventually 
you'll find some more vines. Climb them to the top. There, there are some more 
vines. On the left is a VERY strong Satorl Rhogul, so head right, up some more 
+-----------------+ vines. Continue to the right, around a pillar to find... 
|     LANDMARK    | MORE VINES! At the top of a second set of vines, you'll 
|  Statue Summit  | get the Landmark: Statue Summit. Continue right for a 
+-----------------+ cutscene.

After a short pep talk, head inside.

 \                                                                          /
  \                             Bionis' Interior                   [WLK10] /

+-----------------+ Continue forward to get the Landmark: Terminal Trachea, 
|     LANDMARK    | and a cutscene. Dunban tells them that they're currently  
|     Terminal    | inside the Bionis. Shulk, however, thinks that the Bionis  
|     Trachea     | doesn't feel fully dead. Reyn explains that if the Bionis 
+-----------------+ started moving, its not good for anyone.

Continue north and enter the Third Lung. There are not monsters here, so 
simply run to the opposite side. As you approach, you'll see that the area 
ends in a pool of yellow liquid, a geyser in the middle. Jump in and head to 
+-----------------+ the far side of the pool where a circle and bubbles can be 
|     LANDMARK    | seen and wait frot ehgeyser to shoot you up to the upper 
|  Upper Trachea  | level. Continue up the next tunnel and get the Landmark: 
+-----------------+ Upper Trachea, and exit the area.

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

Metal Face is seen flying back to Galahad Fortress. Inside, it seems they're 
building another Faced Mechon. A body is placed inside as well as a medallion.
The Mechon is closed up and a technician calls it by name, Face Nemesis. 
Mentioning something about a Soul Transfer. The person's name is Lady Vanea, 
and apparently a Master Egil wishes to speak to her. Lady Vanea explains that 
only this Mechon can bring about a new age on Mechonis, nay, the world. She 
then mentions Lady Mayneth. (What's going on?)

                          !!New Game Plus Spoilers!!
                   #   During New Game Plus, the Mechon,  #
                   # Fiora, is missing her Mechon armour. #

#                                END SPOILERS                                #
System save.
 \                                                                          /
  \                              Makna Forest                      [WLK11] /

+-----------------+ As soon as you enter, you'll get the Landmark: Makna Path.
|     LANDMARK    | This area contains enemies that can inflict Spike Damage. 
|    Makna Path   | For more information, turn to the Spike Damage sub-
+-----------------+ section of the Battle mechanics section, section code 
[M.EC02] (remove the period). Walk down the path. When you get to an opening 
there's a cutscene.

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

A flying monster charges a group of winged soldiers, pinning one to the 
ground. The soldiers fall back to a person, named Melia, whom they're 
protecting, instructing her to withdrawl to the Nopon village. Melia refuses 
to leave behind her friends and return to the capital with the monster still 
alive. The monster fires a purple blast, destroying everyone except Melia. She 
stands, and uses the power of her fallen brethen to unleash a great power.

The others, meanwhile, are complaining about the heat, and they learn its much 
further to Prison Island. Shulk remembers his earlier Vision: a tower, a 
Giant, the two people, Metal Face, and the other Mechon. They then decide to 
cross a Nopon rope bridge that Sharla noticed.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

+-----------------+ Head down the slope and towards some NPC's and you'll get 
|     LANDMARK    | the Landmark: Agni Tablet. Get the quests from one Nopon, 
| Tranquil Square | and armour from the other. When you're done, cross the
+-----------------+ bridge and get the Location: Bridge One. Wow that's a long 

On the other side, follow the path and under a fallen log, to a structure with 
a fire lit at the top. When you get to it, you'll get the Landmark: Waypoint 
Beacon. Continue north along the path. There'll be a lot of Deinos and Feris 
in the area. Take them on one at a time as you proceed along the path. After 
you pass a pond on the right, the path moves uphill. There, there'll be a 

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

The group is walking, and they see the girl from earlier collapsed on the 
ground. Shulk recognizes her from one of his Visions. When he touches her, he 
briefly sees her encounter with the monster. Shulk decides that they should 
move her to a safer location, near a large tree. Sharla inspects her, and 
explains that she is physically uninjured, but her body is heavily deprived of 
ether. Sharla's remedy is to load Water Ether Crystals into a cartridge and 
shoot her with her rifle. Actually, she'll fire the cartridge into the air and 
disperse the ether around her.

Shulk decides to go looking for the crystals alone.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

After you gain control, there's a Story Quest:

| QA6.10 | Title: Mystery Girl Rescue            | NPC: -----                |
|        | Location: Makna Forest                                            |
|        | Notes: Find some pure Water Ether Crystals. You have to get them  | 
|        |        from a deposit near the Agni Tablet.                       |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards: 0 G, 0 EXP                                               |

Either walk or warp to the Agni Tablet. Head west and you'll find a path that 
leads down the face of the cliff to the water below. Be VERY careful of the 
monsters because you're only one person. Its advised to just ignore them. 
After passing some Ekuna and a Quadwing, climb down some vines and continue to 
the bottom--the shore. As you approach the Ether Deposit you get a Landmark: 
Lakeside. Collect the red item, Water Ether Crystals, the quest proceedes and 
there's a cutscene.

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

The character from before, with the Telethia, enters, and introduces himself 
as Alvis. Shulk attempts to introduce himself, but Alvis already knows him. 
Apparently, Shulk is famous among Homs, for befending Colony 9 and defeating 
Mechon. Shulk recognizes Alvis from somewhere, from one of his Visions.

Several flying creatures appear. Alvis explains that they are drawn to the 
wavelength of ether that the Monado emits. Shulk attempts to defend Alvis. In 
doing so he has a Vision: an attack from the left. As Shulk evades the attack, 
the creature changes hands, attacking from the right, sending him to the 
ground. Another Vision: an attack from above. Shulk defends from above, and 
the creature attacks from below, landing another successful blow.

Alvis explains that they're Telethia, and they are able to read one's mind, 
and this seeing the future is useless. Alvis grabbs the Monado and charges the 
Telethia, unleashing a new symbol. He spreads a green ether around the 
Telethia and jumps, slicing its antenna off before destroying it. Alvis 
returns the Monado to Shulk.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

You gain the Art: Monado Purge and a battle starts.

                 Boss Battle: Puera Telethia x3    Level: 28
| Arts:                                                                      |
| Soul Read - Becomes unhittable for an long period of time - Monado Purge   |
| Telethia Tail -  Hits an ally twice - Monado Speed                         |
|                                                                            |
| DO NOT USE THE MONADO! If you use the Monado, you'll lose. ALWAYS save it  |
| for when the enemies use Soul Read. Alvis is kinda useless and he only has |
| has two Arts and they have no effects beyond attacking.                    |
|                                                                            |
| Since Reyn is not available, there is not Break-Topple strategy. Team up   |
| one enemy at a time. If it uses Soul Read, counter with Monado Purge.      |
| If the Talent Gauge is not full, change to an enemy that doesn't have Soul |
| Read activated. When using Monado Purge, it hits all enemies in front of   |
| you, so make sure all the enemies are in front, so they all get sealed.    |
| Continue in this manner until all the enemies are gone and the battle ends.|

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

Shulk asks Alvis how he knew how to use the Monado. Avoiding the question, he 
says that those Telethia are only spawn; children. The primary Telethia is 
somewhere else in Makna Forest, wounded.

Reyn appears, concerned because he thought that Shulk was attacked. Shulk 
explains that he was attacked by Telethia, but he's fine thanks to Alvis. 
However, Alvis is nowhere to be seen.

Shulk and Reyn return to the others. Sharla loads the ether crystal into a 
cartridge and fires it into the air. The bullet explodes and rainds ether down 
on them. The ether is absorbed by Melia and she awakes. Noticing that Shulk is 
holding her arm, Melia slaps him. She appoligizes and introduces herself as 

When asked what she is doing in the forest, Melia says she cannot simply tell 
them. However, as thanks for helping her, she will aid them in their journey 
to the head of the Bionis. She says the only way to the head of the Bionis is 
through Eryth Sea. Off to the Nopon village.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

+-----------------+ After the cutscene, you get the Landmark: Nopon Arch.
|     LANDMARK    | Continue along the path and under a fallen tree trunk.
|    Nopon Arch   | Around the bend and under a second trunk, walk towards the
+-----------------+ shore and you'll get the Location: Eks Watering Hole. 
|     LANDMARK    | Either follow the path or cut throught the water. On the 
|   Twisted Tree  | other side, return to the path and continue east. Along 
|       Gate      | the way, you'll pass under two trees that intertwine, 
+-----------------+ and get the Landmark: Twisted Tree Gate.

+-----------------+ Further along the path is a wooden platform that is
|     LANDMARK    | connected to a series of wooden bridges. Go to the top.
|      Village    | Follow the right path until you get the Landmark: Village 
|     Entrance    | Entrance. Approach for a cutscene. 
Melia explains that this is Frontier Village, the home of the Nopon. A "guard" 
Nopon addresses Melia as Bird Lady, and grants them entrance. With that, they 
enter Frontier Village.
 \                                                                          /
  \                            Frontier Village                    [WLK12] /

Inside is a cutscene. The Nopon address Melia both by name and as Bird Lady. 
She then requests audience with the village chief. Speaking with the village 
chief, they gain passage to Eryth Sea, but Melia chooses to stay behind. In 
addition, Shulk wishes to speak to her first.

+-----------------+ After the cutscene, you get both the Landmark: Sacred 
|     LANDMARK    | Altar, and the Location: Central Plaza. There are several
|   Sacred Altar  | quests, shops, and NPC's to talk to. Do so as you make 
+-----------------+ your way to the top.

First, head up the stairs at the south east corner of the area. At the top, 
you'll get the Location: Kyn Shopping Street. Continue upward and get the 
Location: Orb Storage Level abd Pollen Orb Storehouse. On the next level is +
-----------------+ the Location: Middle Housing Level and Pollen on the next | 
    LANDMARK    | is the Location: Pollen Works Level. There, walk towards 
|   Pollen Works  | the area with the large hampster wheel for the Landmark: 
+-----------------+ Pollen Works.

+-----------------+ Across from the Pollen Works is a bridge to the next area. 
|     LANDMARK    | There, you get the Landmark: Riki's House. The next level
|   Riki's House  | gives you the Location: Archeology Level. Continuing 
+-----------------+ upward you'll find the Location: Archeology Centre.

+-----------------+ On the next level is the Location: Top Housing Level and 
|     LANDMARK    | Landmark: Chief's Residence. Finally, the next level has 
|      Chief's    | the Location: Mysterious Sanctuary and the Landmark: 
|     Residence   | Prophecy Hut.
|     LANDMARK    | On 7F near the Mysterious Sanctuary, exit outside and 
|   Prophecy Hut  | speak with Melia for a cutscene.
Shulk invites Melia on their journey, but she doesn't hear. He remembers 
Alvis' words, that a Telethia was wounded by a girl. Shulk confronts her about 
it, explaining that he defeated some Telethia by ways of the Monado. Melia 
explains that the Telethia escaped her homeland, and it is her responsibility 
to destroy it. Shulk and the other offer to help destory it, an idea which the 
village chief agrees with. Additionally, the chief agrees to have one of their 
own warriors join them.

After thatm return to the Sacred Altar for another cutscene.

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

Chief Dunga introduces the Nopon hero, Heropon Riki. Riki falls from above, 
smaking Reyn in the face, everyone bounces him around before Reyn spikes him 
into the ground (How nice of him...). The chief silences the ensuing chaos.

Chief Dunga explains to the group that Riki has been informed of the Telethia, 
the so called "Dinobeast". Riki then request that they find equipment for him 
before they head out.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

After the cutscene you get a Story Quest:

| QA7.80 | Title: An Errand for the Heropon      | NPC: -----                |
|        | Location: Frontier Village, Sacred Altar                          |
|        | Notes: Collect Riki's Weapon from the Weapon Shop on 1F, and his  | 
|        |        armour from the Armour Shop on GF.                         |
|        | Rewards: 0 G, 0 EXP                                               |

On the first floor, talk to the shopkeeper on the west side, then head up a 
level. Talk to the shopkeeper there. You'll get Sabre Gloves and Warrior 
Gnasher. After that the quest ends and a cutscene starts. 

Riki explains that the Telethia is resting somewhere with a lot of Ether 

Outside the village there's cutscene. Shulk asks why Riki was chosen as 
Heropon. Riki explains that he was chosen by the chief by instinct. However, 
Riki continues to explain that he owes a lot of money to the village, and if 
he defeat the Telethia, they will forgive his debts.

+-----------------+ After head right slightly to get the Landmark: Nopon 
|     LANDMARK    | Tower. Continue north, getting the Landmark: Entry 
|   Nopon Tower   | Bridge, and exit the village and enter Makna Forest.
|     LANDMARK    |
|   Entry Bridge  |

 \                                                                          /
  \                        Return to Makna Forest                  [WLK13] /

Walk across the bridge directly opposite the entrance, crossing to the other 
side of the area. Take a right and another when you come to a bridge on your 
+-----------------+ right.  At the other end, walk under the wind mill and 
|     LANDMARK    | across the next bridge. Continue in the same direction to 
|     Windmill    | the next windmill. When you're there, you'll get the 
|    Pavillion    | Landmark: Windmill Pavillion. Continue in an easterly 
+-----------------+ direction, crossing the river and walking underneath stone 
|     LANDMARK    | pyres thatform a triangle. There, you'll get another 
|     Glowmoss    | Landmark: Glowmoss Trihenge.
|     Trihenge    |
+-----------------+ Continue east along the left side of the pit. At the top, 
of the pit, you'll come across an extremely powerful monster, Deinos Saurus, 
which you'll want to ignore. Continue past it, moving slightly to the right.

Continue walking and you'll see a massive Fire Ether Crystal Deposit. As you 
approach make sure you're level 36, and that you're controlling Shulk. 
Approach the area for a cutscene.

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

Melia explains that Telethia absorb the ether from the environment around it.
They continue into the wasteland and the Telethia appears. Melia uses a spell 
that prevents it from moving. Then, the other jump into battle.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

You'll get the Location: Decayed Forest as the battle starts.

                  Boss Battle: Leone Telethia    Level: 36
| Arts:                                                                      |
| Soul Read - Becomes unhittable for an long period of time - Monado Purge   |
| Sleep Bullet -  Puts an ally to sleep - Monado Speed                       |
| Channel I - Hits all allies if front four times and inflicts Bind.         |
| Super Aura - Grants Super Heal Buff (Regenerate)                           |
|                                                                            |
| As with ALL Telethia, don't use the Monado until it uses Soul Read.        | 
| Otherwise you'll have a tough time. The real kick in the pants is when it  |
| uses Channel I. It hits all allies in front, four times (so Monado Shield  |
| is useless), and then inflicts Bind. To avoid, get out of the way and get  | 
| Sharla to use Shield Bullet on the person targeted.                        |
|                                                                            |
| Nothing too special though. I wouldn't recommend using a Chain Attack, but |
| If you're close to 50% HP, do it, Break-Toppling them. After the Chain     | 
| Attack, unloash hell. At 50% HP, the battle ends.                          |

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

Dunban is atop the Telethia, and he stabs it in an antenna, slicing it off. 
Shortly after, it grows back. Melia says that destroying it is not possible, 
and that they should give up, but Shulk assures her that they can. Shulk lays 
down the plan. He'll use the Monado to trap it, and Melia will give it every 
ounce of power she has.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

                  Boss Battle: Leone Telethia    Level: 36
| Arts:                                                                      |
| Soul Read - Becomes unhittable for an long period of time - Monado Purge   |
| Sleep Bullet -  Puts an ally to sleep - Monado Speed                       |
| Channel I - Hits all allies if front four times and inflicts Bind.         |
| Super Aura - Grants Super Heal Buff (Regenerate)                           |
| Talent Absorb - No clue. Although I'd guess it takes your Talent Gauge to  |
|      to fill its own.                                                      |
| Ether Cannon II - Fires a blast in a stright line, hitting all allies in   |
|      line - Monado Speed                                                   |
| Sleep Spin - Spins in a circle, putting all allies in front to sleep -     | 
|      Monado Speed                                                          |
|                                                                            |
| Same stratagy as before. Don't stay near other members. Don't use the      |
| Monado except for Monado Purge. Also, when its under 50% HP, it gets some  |
| new attacks. Super Aura is a B**CH! It can heal around 80% HP if it uses   |
| it, but it seems that it can only use it once. That's good. I guess...     |
|                                                                            |
| Under 25% HP it starts attacking faster and harder. Sleep Spin will        |
| usually put your entire party to sleep, opening them up to... death. But   |
| that's what the Party Gauge is for. ANYWAYS. Just whittle down its HP and  |
| finish it off with a Chain Attack (but make sure it will kill it,          |
| otherwise you're screwed). Cutscene.                                       |

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

The Telethia spins, swinging its tail at Riki. Reyn jump in front and slices 
its tail off. Shulk the uses the Monado to immobilize it, while Reyn and 
Dunban hack and slash at it. Melia fires an immense blast of energy, causing 
it to implode.

Melia now feels relieved that she has avenged her friends.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

 \                                                                          /
  \                       Return to Frontier Village               [WLK14] /

Back at Frontier Village, Riki is cleared of his debts, however his littlepon 
(children) have ate a huge hole in the chief's pocket. The chief then 
prophocizes that Riki will travel with the Homs on their journey. They then 
learn, much to their surprise that Riki is married and has children.

Melia asks if the group can have passage to Eryth Sea, which he grants.

After, warp to the top and face the direction of the destination arrow, jump 
off the ledge and land beside Melia for another cutscene.

Shulk asks Melia what she will do next, she answers saying she will accompany 
them to Eryth Sea. Melia asks where they want to go. Shulk answers a dark 
tower, which Melia affirms is Prison Island. However, only those with imperial 
sanction may enter. In order to get it, they'll need to speak to the Emperor, 
the leader of the High Entia.

After the cutscene, warp back to Prophacy Hut and exit northwest, outside. 
Follow the path to the top. On the way, you'll get the Location: Apex Lake. At
+-----------------+ the top, you'll get the Landmark: Contemplation Terrace.
|     LANDMARK    | From the dock, head due south to a small section of land
|   Contemplation | with a red item: Deinos Hook, then, talk to to the 
|     Terrace     | Transport Guide, selecting "Yes".
A torrent of water gushes upward from the pond, a sphere in the middle. They 
all step into it and it takes off for Eryth Sea. Cutscene.

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

A figure stands before a face Mechon (Did I see wings?). Watching.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

System save.

 \                                                                          /
  \                               Eryth Sea                        [WLK15] /

Cutscene. Shulk asks Melia if she's not wondering why they're headed for 
Prison Island. In the end, she admits she wants to know, and Shulk explains. 
Sharla see's a flying structing, floating in the air. Melia explains that it 
is Prison Island. Opposite it, is Alcamoth, the imperial capital. First 
they'll head to the capital, by ways of transporter.

+-----------------+ You'll get the Landmark: Latael Shore when you start. 
|     LANDMARK    | continue along the short and make your way up the hill to 
|   Latael Shore  | the transporter. Simply stand in it to teleport. After you
+-----------------+ warp you'll get the Location: Hovering Reef 1.

Head directly across the reef and enter the transporter. There, you'll get the 
Location: Hovering Reef 2. Take the path to the left and step into the 

+-----------------+ In next area, you'll get the Landmark: Central Gate. Head
|     LANDMARK    | forward for a cutscene.
|   Central Gate  |
+-----------------+ A group of High Entia soldiers appear from the teleporter. 
They address Melia as Lady Melia. She request they take the group to guest 
quarters. Shulk has a Vision: Melia kneeling. Melia says she'll arrange for an 
audience withe the emperor, but they'll have to wait. She then disappears into 
a teleporter.

A second group of soldiers appear, sending them off to their "guest quarters".

 \                                                                          /
  \                                Alcamoth                        [WLK16] /

Melia appears from a teleporter, as she heads to speak with His Majesty about 
the Telethia and Prison Island. 

+-----------------+ You now control Melia, and the others are removed from the 
|     LANDMARK    | group. Walk forward and you'll get the Landmark: Main 
|  Main Entrance  | Entrance.

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

A lady Yumea, the First Consort, seems amazed the Melia, the Second Consort, 
survived the encounter with the Telethia. Tyrea, who is the one giving the 
report vows the see 's orders are fulfilled.

Another voice explains that they'll have another chance when she stakes claim 
to the throne.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

+-----------------+ You regain control of Melia and get the Landmark: Imperial
|     LANDMARK    | Palace and the Location: Melfica Road. Continue forward to 
| Imperial Palace | get the Location: Great Hall. Walk up a set of stairs and
+-----------------+ into a teleporter at the far end of the hall. On the way,
|     LANDMARK    | you'll get the Landmark: Ascention Hall. Continue forward
|  Ascention Hall | into the Location: Audience Hall for a cutscene.

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

Melia introduces herself to His Majesty as First Princess. His Majesty 
congradulates her on succeeding. Melia asks about her company. Kallian 
explains that they've been arrested by Imperial Security, because Shulk wields 
the Monado.

Prince Kallian explains. The legend of the Monado says that the Bionis itself 
wielded the Monado, and would bestow it upon a chosen one. If he is black of 
heart, it would lead to the destruction of the High Entia, and is thus a 
threat. Kallian also explains that Melia is the crown princess, the next 
Empress. However, she has doubt in her ability to rule  for the soldiers whose 
lives were entrusted to her died.

Minister Lorinthia enters, explaining that teh imperial seer should be 
speaking with her party as they speak.

Meanwhile, the others in a jail cell (a fancy, nice looking cell, but a cell 
nonetheless). Sharla wonders where Melia is, but Shulk assures them she will 
keep to her promise.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

+-----------------+ Landmark: Whitewing Palace. As Shulk speak to everyone and
|     LANDMARK    | they'll be a cutscene.
|    Whitewing    |
|      Palace     | The Imperial Guard enters, explaining they will be 
+-----------------+ interrogated by the imperial seer. Alvis enters and Shulk 
explains their situation. Alvis then explains why they were detained, because 
of the Monado. Alvis frees them, allowing them to wander the capital.

A guard enters, looking for Alvis, who Shulk explains already left. Instead 
the guard tells them that a squadron of guards sent and SOS.

I smell a Story Quest:

| QA9.56 | Title: Save the Worker                | NPC: -----                |
|        | Location: Alcamoth, Whitewing Palace                              |
|        | Notes: Go to Hovering Reef 4, Syrath Lighthouse and inquire about |
|        |        the worker.                                                |
|        | Rewards: 0 G, 0 EXP                                               |

Exit via the door and teleporter. In the Great Hall, head left and get the red 
item at the end of the hall: Silver Ring. Leave the Great Hall. Walk down the 
stairs and there's a shop on the right. From here, you can explore the area, 
talk to NPC's and do quests.

When you wish to continue, leave Alcamoth via the Main Entrance.

 \                                                                          /
  \                           Return to Eryth Sea                  [WLK17] /

This section has yet to be written.
/                                                                            \
| Rebuilding Colony 6                                                [BUILD] |

#                                  SPOILERS                                  #

Before the raid on Colony 9, the Mechon also attacked Colony 6. Spearheaded by 
the Face Mechon Xord, the Mechon reduced Colony 6 to rubble. It is in this 
battle that, Gadolt, Otharon and Sharla were separated.

After the party, Otharon and Juju arrive at the Sororal Statues Landmark in 
Satorl Marsh, they will return to the colony to begin rebuilding.

#                                END SPOILERS                                #

To rebuild, gather the required materials, gold, and speak to Juju in front of 
Reconstruction HQ. Successfully rebuilding an aspect of the colony will add 
new buildings, add aesthetic touches and the population will grow.

Please note that the locations listed below should be cross-referenced with 
the Material Index for trading opportunities, and the Enemy Index for exact 

| Housing |
| Level 1                                                                    |
| #  Materials                  Location                                     |
| 2     Spotted Volff Hide          Volff (Bionis' Leg)                      |
| 2     Steel Silk                  Collection (Tephra Cave)                 |
| -     9000 G                      -                                        |
|                                                                            |
| Result: Reconstruction +2, Population +2                                   |
| Level 2                                                                    |
| #   Materials                 Location                                     |
| 4      Bunnia Scent Wood          Ogre Bunnia (Satorl Marsh)               |
| 1      Fossil Monkey              Collection (Makna Forest)                |
| -      19000 G                    -                                        |
|                                                                            |
| Result: Reconstruction +2, Population +8                                   |
| Level 3                                                                    |
| #  Materials                  Location                                     |
| 1     Eks Iron Heart              Makna Eks (Makna Forest)                 |
| 4     Sturdy Armour               Flavel Andos (Eryth Sea)                 |
| 2     Oil Branch                  Collection (Eryth Sea)                   |
| -     55000 G                     -                                        |
|                                                                            |
| Result: Reconstruction +3, Population +15                                  |
| Level 4                                                                    |
| #  Materials                  Location                                     |
| 5     Ponio Hoof Seal             Lampo Ponio (Fallen Arm)                 |
| 3     Royal Volff Hide            Caelum Volff (Fallen Arm)                |
| 3     Warning Lamp                Collection (Fallen Arm)                  |
| 2     Retro Diode                 Collection (Mechonis Field)              |
| -     120000 G                    -                                        |
|                                                                            |
| Result: Reconstruction +3, Population +18                                  |
| Level 5                                                                    |
| #  Materials                  Location                                     |
| 2     Vang Star Wing              Tempest Vang (Bionis' Leg)               |
| 3     Gogol Horn                  Greed Gogol (Bionis' Leg)                |
|                                   Gluttony Gogol (Bionis' Leg)             |
| 2     Red Frontier                Collection (Sword Valley)                |
| 2     Black Styrene               Collection (Central Factory)             |
| 3     Rainbow Zirconia            Collection (Colony 9)                    |
| -     300000 G                    -                                        |
|                                                                            |
| Result: Reconstruction +3, Population +27                                  |

| Commerce |
| Level 1                                                                    |
| #  Materials                  Location                                     |
| 2     Igna Hide Jacket            Fighter Igna (Satorl Marsh)              |
| 2     Amblygon Turtle             Collection (Colony 6)                    |
| -     10000 G                     -                                        |
|                                                                            |
| Result: Reconstruction +2, Population +1, New shop open                    |
| Level 2                                                                    |
| #  Materials                  Location                                     |
| 3     Hode Plank                  Hyle Hode (Makna Forest)                 |
| 2     Ready Coil                  Collection (Ether Mine)                  |
| -     22000 G                     -                                        |
|                                                                            |
| Result: Reconstruction +2, Population +1, New shop open                    |
| Level 3                                                                    |
| #  Materials                  Location                                     |
| 3     Shiny Kromar Hide           Flutes Kromar (Eryth Sea)                |
| 2     Slick Kromar Stone          Maleza Kromar (Eryth Sea)                |
| 2     Blue Ladybird               Collection (High Entia Tomb)             |
| -     55000 G                     -                                        |
|                                                                            |
| Result: Reconstruction +2, Population +1, Two new shops open               |
| Level 4                                                                    |
| #  Materials                  Location                                     |
| 5     Piranhax Fishmeal           Fair Piranhax (Fallen Arm)               |
| 8     Silver Antol Fiber          Aura Antol (Fallen Arm)                  |
|                                   Rios Antol (Fallen Arm)                  |
| 3     Sour Turnip                 Collection (Fallen Arm)                  |
| 2     Mossy Panel                 Collection (Mechonis Field)              |
| -     100000 G                    -                                        |
|                                                                            |
| Result: Reconstruction +3, Population +1, Two new shops open               |
| Level 5                                                                    |
| #  Materials                  Location                                     |
| 1     Ocean Elixir of Life        Kyle Lexos (Colony 6)                    |
| 4     Ancient Sardi Meat          Throne Sardi (Colony 9)                  |
| 2     Art Core Coil               Collection (Galahad Fortress)            |
| 1     Fortune Feather             Collection (Agniratha)                   |
| 4     Hill Firefly                Collection (Bionis' Leg)                 |
| -     250000 G                    -                                        |
|                                                                            |
| Result: Reconstruction +4, Population +2, Three shops open                 |

| Nature |
| Level 1                                                                    |
| #  Materials                  Location                                     |
| 2     Sharp Hox Spur              Easy Hox (Bionis' Leg)                   |
| 2     Dark Grape                  Collection (Tephra Cave)                 |
| -     5000 G                      -                                        |
|                                                                            |
| Result: Reconstruction +1, Population +0                                   |
| Level 2                                                                    |
| #  Materials                  Location                                     |
| 2     Quadwing Bag                Coppice Quadwing (Satorl Marsh)          |
| 3     Empress Beetle              Collection (Frontier Village)            |
| -     18000 G                     -                                        |
|                                                                            |
| Result: Reconstruction +2, Population +0                                   |
| Level 2                                                                    |
| #  Materials                  Location                                     |
| 3     Jagged Tail                 Eryth Hiln (Eryth Sea)                   |
| 2     Despair Clover              Collection (Eryth Sea)                   |
| 2     Ice Cabbage                 Collection (Valak Mountain)              |
| -     40000 G                     -                                        |
|                                                                            |
| Result: Reconstruction +2, Population +0                                   |
| Level 4                                                                    |
| #  Materials                  Location                                     |
| 3     Caterpile Silk              Royal Caterpile (Bionis' Leg)            |
| 3     Hox Daylight Spur           Dark Hox (Bionis' Leg)                   |
| 3     Oil Oyster                  Collection (Fallen Arm)                  |
| 3     White Plum                  Collection (Fallen Arm)                  |
| -     99000 G                     -                                        |
|                                                                            |
| Result: Reconstruction +3, Population +0, Ether crystal Rank +1            |
| Level 5                                                                    |
| #  Materials                  Location                                     |
| 3     Ardun Elder Beard           Magnis Ardun (Bionis' Leg)               |
| 1     Tokilos King Egg            Leg Tokilos (Bionis' Leg)                |
| 2     Lewisia Silver              Collection (Agniratha)                   |
| 2     Black Liver Bean            Collection (Bionis' Interior)            |
| 2     Black Beetle                Collection (Ether Mine)                  |
| -     280000 G                    -                                        |
|                                                                            |
| Result: Reconstruction +5, Population +3, Ether crystal Rank +1            |

| Special |
| Level 1                                                                    |
| #  Materials                  Location                                     |
| 1     Light Rain Element          Aqua Nebula (Bionis Leg)                 |
| 1     Kneecap Rock                Collection (Tephra Cave)                 |
| -     8000 G                      -                                        |
|                                                                            |
| Result: Reconstruction +3, Population +0, Collection spots                 |
| Level 2                                                                    |
| #  Materials                  Location                                     |
| 2     Dust Element                Caris Nebula (Makna Forest)              |
| 3     Sea Berry                   Collection (Eryth Sea)                   |
| -     25000 G                     -                                        |
|                                                                            |
| Result: Reconstruction +3, Population +0, Collection spots                 |
| Level 3                                                                    |
| #  Materials                  Location                                     |
| 2     Squall Element              Bono Nebula (Eryth Sea)                  |
| 2     Snow Element                Reef Nebula (Valak Mountain)             |
| 3     Lemonade Sky                Collection (Makna Forest)                |
| -     50000 G                     -                                        |
|                                                                            |
| Result: Reconstruction +4, Population +0, Collection spots                 |
| Level 4                                                                    |
| #  Materials                  Location                                     |
| 3     Flexible Selua Cell         Largo Selua (Bionis' Interior)           |
| 3     Steel Celua Cell            Wool Selua (Bionis' Interior)            |
| 2     Rainbow Slug                Collection (Fallen Arm)                  |
| 2     Azure Hollyhock             Collection (Mechonis Field)              |
| -     130000 G                    -                                        |
|                                                                            |
| Result: Reconstruction +5, Population +0, Collection spots                 |
| Level 5                                                                    |
| #  Materials                  Location                                     |
| 2     Inferno Element             Cratere Nebula (Prison Island)           |
| 2     Bolt Element                Solare Nebula (Prison Island)            |
| 3     Blue  Light Amp             Collection (Agniratha)                   |
| 2     Angel Engine X              Collection (Central Factory)             |
| 3     Rabbit Diode                Collection (Colony 9)                    |
| -     400000 G                    -                                        |
|                                                                            |
| Result: Reconstruction +6, Population +3, Collection spots                 |

After rebuilding all aspects of the colony up a level, such that all are above 
Level 1 and so on, Juju give you a reward:

Level 1: Ultra Small Reactor
Level 2: EXP Up III
Level 3: Topple Plus IV
Level 4: Debuff Resist V
Level 5: Titan Plate

When any one aspect reaches Level 5, you're also rewarded:

Housing: Oriental Glasses
Commerce: Titan Arms
Nature: EXP Up IV
Special: Master Glasses

On occasion, when Colony 6's rebuild level reaches a certain percent, monster 
will attack the Colony's Ether Planters, halting further reconstruction 
efforts. The quest information is below, as well as in the Quest Index, (Area 
4; Quests 62-66):

| A4.062 | Title: Defend Colony 6 - Mechon       | NPC: Colony 6 Residents   |
|        | Location: Colony 6, Reconstruction HQ                             |
|        | Notes: Automatically received when Colony 6's rebuild level is    |
|        |        15%. Defeat 3 Mechon M63 Armour+ at the Ether Planter near |
|        |        the Pod Depot.                                             |
|        | Rewards: 3000 G, 1500 EXP                                         |
| A4.063 | Title: Defend Colony 6 - Reptile      | NPC: Colony 6 Residents   |
|        | Location: Colony 6, Reconstruction HQ                             |
|        | Notes: Automatically received when Colony 6's rebuild level is    |
|        |        35%. Defeat 5 Fiery Igna at the Ether Planter near  the    |
|        |        Pod Depot.                                                 |
|        | Rewards: 6000 G, 4000 EXP                                         |
| A4.064 | Title: Defend Colony 6 - Elite        | NPC: Colony 6 Residents   |
|        | Location: Colony 6, Reconstruction HQ                             |
|        | Notes: Automatically received when Colony 6's rebuild level is    |
|        |        55%. Defeat an M71 Fire Support at the Ether Planter near  |
|        |        the Freight Elevator.                                      |
|        |        Pod Depot.                                                 |
|        | Rewards: 12000 G, 8000 EXP                                        |
| A4.065 | Title: Defend Colony 6 - Ancient      | NPC: Colony 6 Residents   |
|        | Location: Colony 6, Reconstruction HQ                             |
|        | Notes: Automatically received when Colony 6's rebuild level is    |
|        |        75%. Defeat 2 Ancient Rhogulia at the Ether Planter near   |
|        |        Splintered Path.                                           |
|        | Rewards: 15000 G, 10000 EXP                                       |
| A4.066 | Title: Defend Colony 6 - Demon        | NPC: Colony 6 Residents   |
|        | Location: Colony 6, Reconstruction HQ                             |
|        | Notes: Automatically received when Colony 6's rebuild level is    |
|        |        95%. Defeat Demon King Dragonia at the Ether Planter near  |
|        |        Hope Farm.                                                 |
|        | Rewards: 20000 G, 30000 EXP                                       |
 \                                                                          /
  \                           Colony 6 Migrants                    [xxxxx] /

Throughout the adventure, Shulk and his companions will come across residents 
who wish to have a fresh start in life, change in scenery, or will want to 
leave their current area for some other reason. After certain conditions are 
met, they can be asked to migrate to Colony 6, thereby helping out in the 
reconstruction effort.

** The Result column is formatted as "Reconstruction / Population". So 1 / 2 
is Reconstruction +1, Population +2.

| Area        NPC         Requirement(s)                           Result    |
|   Colony 9   Werner          Housing Lv1                            2 / 3  |
|              Rosemary        Housing Lv4, Shulk leader              2 / 2  |
|              Oleskiy         Housing Lv4, Special Lv4               2 / 3  |
|              Peppino         Housing Lv4, Population 70             2 / 2  |
|              Nic             Housing Lv5                            2 / 3  |
|              Perrine         Everything Lv3, Mefimefi not invited   2 / 3  |
|              Mefimefi        Everything Lv3, Perrine not invited    2 / 3  |
|                                                                            |
|   Frontier   Hoko            Everything Lv2                         2 / 2  |
|   Village    Norara          Housing Lv2, Mefimefi/Perrine invited  2 / 3  |
|              Pokapoka        Housing Lv2, Population 30             2 / 2  |
|              Berryjammy      Everything Lv3                         2 / 3  |
|              Gowago          Housing Lv5, Population 100            2 / 3  |
|                              Berryjammy invited, Minana not invited 2 / 3  | 
|              Minana          Housing Lv5, Berryjammy invited        2 / 3  | 
|                              Gowago not invited                            |
|                                                                            |
|   Alcamoth   Talonyth        Housing Lv1, Commerce Lv1              2 / 2  |
|              Yura            Housing Lv3, 25% rebuilt               2 / 2  |
|              Jer'ell         Housing Lv4                            2 / 2  |
|              Don Argentis    Housing Lv4, Nature Lv4                2 / 2  |
|              Ma'crish        Housing Lv5                            2 / 3  |
|              En Argentis     Housing Lv5, Don Argentis invited,     2 / 4  |
|                                 Zel Argentis not invited                   |
|              Zel Argentis    Housing Lv5, Don Argentis invited,     2 / 4  |
|                                 En Argentis not invited                    |
|                                                                            |
|   Fallen Arm Neonik          Housing Lv5, Nature Lv5                ? / ?  |
|              Shilx           Housing Lv5, Commerce Lv5,             ? / ?  |
|                                 Population 120                             |

/                                                                            \
| Indices                                                           [INDEX] |
 \                                                                          /
  \                              Quest Index                       [QUEST] /

This section is incomplete. Quests with a '@' indicate missing information.

| Colony 9 |
| QA1.01 | Title: Mementos of a Lost Son         | NPC: Cheryl               |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Ether Light (6:00-15:00)                      |
|        | Notes: The armour is in Tephra Cave, south of the Spring of       |
|        |        Grief, the gun is on the Bionis' Leg, near the Dacha       | 
|        |        Shrine, and the knife is the Shining Pond in Satorl Marsh. |
|        |        Afterwards return to Cheryl.                               |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards: 4500 G, 1500 EXP, Bomber Lancer                          |
| QA1.02 | Title: The Key to a Long Life         | NPC: Dionysis             |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Tranquil Square (6:00-15:00)                  |
|        | Notes: Collect 2 Medicinal Brog Oil from Cute Brogs. They can be  |
|        |        found under the Main Entrance at night. Return to          |
|        |        Dionysis.                                                  |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards: 500 G, 50 EXP, Light Shoes                               |
| QA1.03 | Title: A Curry Conundrum              | NPC: Giorgio              |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Ether Light (6:00-18:00)                      |
|        | Notes: Collect 5 Dance Apples from around Colony 9 and return to  |
|        |        Giorgio.                                                   |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards: 1200 G, 60 EXP, Caravan Gauntlets                        |
| QA1.04 | Title: Biscuits for a Grandson        | NPC: Marcia               |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Ether Light (9:00-18:00)                      |
|        | Notes: Take the biscuits to Jiroque and return to Marcia. Jiroque |
|        |        is near Tranquil Square between (18:00-3:00).              |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards: 800G, 30 EXP, Swimming Sandals                           |
| QA1.05 | Title: Birthday Shoes                 | NPC: Kantz                |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Fortress Entrance (6:00-18:00)                |
|        | Notes: Collect 2 Azure Flamii Wings from Opulent Flamii (Anti-Air |
|        |        Battery 2). Return to Kantz.                               |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards: 42500 G, 50000 EXP, Rex Helm                             |
| QA1.06 | Title: Education-Minded Suzanna       | NPC: Suzanna              |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Tranquil Square (6:00-18:00)                  |
|        | Notes: Collect 2 Black Nectar from Cave Skeeters in Tephra Cave   |
|        |        (Spring of Grief). Return to Suzanna.                      |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards: 500 G, 50 EXP, Light Cap                                 |
| QA1.07 | Title: Education-Crazed Suzanna       | NPC: Suzanna              |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Tranquil Square (6:00-18:00)                  |
|        | Notes: Collect 2 Heavy Bunniv Iron from Iron Bunniv in Tephra     |
|        |        Cave (Caterpile Nest). Return to Suzanna.                  |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards: 1500 G, 300 EXP, Ranger Cap                              |
| QA1.08 | Title: Flattened Flowers              | NPC: Francoise            |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Tranquil Square (6:00-18:00)                  |
|        | Notes: Collect 5 Dawn Hydrangeas in Colony 9. Return to           |
|        |        Francoise.                                                 |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards: 750G, 100EXP, Soil Gauntlets                             |
| QA1.09 | Title: Lonely Niranira                | NPC: Niranira             |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Tranquil Square (9:00-18:00)                  |
|        | Notes: Give the letter to Lukas in Tranquil Square (9:00-18:00).  |
|        |        Return to Niranira.                                        |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards: 100 G, 50 EXP, Block Guarder                             |
| QA1.10 | Title: The Broken Watch               | NPC: Desiree              |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Ether Light (18:00-6:00)                      |
|        | Notes: Desiree is actually near the Gem Man's Stall. Talk to her  |
|        |        as Shulk. Collect 3 Blue Chains in Colony 9. Fix her watch |
|        |        at the Weapon Dev. Lab and talk to her again.              |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards: 750 G, 80 EXP, Muscle Up II                              |
| QA1.11 | Title: The Old Soldier's Test         | NPC: Jan                  |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Fortress Entrance (6:00-18:00)                |
|        | Notes: Talk to Dionysis prior to the quest and answer with heist  |
|        |        old. Accept the quest from Jan. Defeat the Elder Gragus    |
|        |        at the Nopon Arch in Makna Forest. Return to Jan.          |
|                                                                            |
|        | Rewards: 5800 G, 5000 EXP, Dawn Staff                             |
| QA1.12 | Title: Romantic Notions of a Boy      | NPC: Andreas              |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Fortress Entrance (18:00-6:00)                |
| Timed  | Notes: Collect a Tephra drop from the Spring of Grief in Tephra   |
|        |        cave and return it to Andreas.                             |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards: 1200 G, 300 EXP, Soil Boots                              |
| QA1.13 | Title: Romantic Notions of a Girl     | NPC: Monica               |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Fortress Entrance (18:00-6:00)                |
| Timed  | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.14 | Title: An Impoverished Critic         | NPC: Leopold              |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Ether Light (18:00 - 06:00)                   |
|        | Notes: Talk to King Squeeze on the second floor near the Gem      |
|        |        Man's Stall. Then, talk to either Sylviane or Leopold.     |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards: 0 G, 0 EXP                                               |
| QA1.15 | Title: Financial Planning             | NPC: King Squeeze         |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Ether Light (21:00-3:00) > Gem Man's Stall 2F |
|        | Notes: Talk to Sylviane or Leopold. If you chose Leopold, collect |
|        |        some Caterpile Poison from Caterpile in Tephra Cave. Then  |
|        |        talk to King Squeeze. Return to Leopold.                   |
|        |        If you choose Sylviane, find the Top-Secret Orders in the  |
|        |        Central Plaza in Colony 9 and talk to King Squeeze.        |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards: 2500 G, 500 EXP, Quark Boots                             |
| QA1.16 | Title: Overworked and Underpaid       | NPC: Giorgio              |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Ether Light (6:00 - 18:00)                    |
|        | Notes: Talk to Goirgio or talk with Paola.                        |
|        |        If you talk to Giorgio, collect 3 Fresh Armu Milk from     | 
|        |        Baby Armu near Anti-Air Battery 1, and return to Giorgio.  |
|        |        If you talk to Paola, collect 3 Insanity Mint, return to   |
|        |        Paola, then talk to Giorgio.                               |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards: 3000 G, 300 EXP, HP Up II (Giorgio), or Ether UP II      | 
|        |          (Paola)                                                  |
| QA1.17 | Title: Out-of-Luck Giorgio            | NPC: Giogio               |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Ether Light (6:00 - 18:00)                    |
| Exclsv | Notes: Exclusive to Pestering Paola                               |
|        |        Collect 5 Piranhax Roe from Piranhax on the Bionis' Knee,  |
|        |        return to Giorgio, collect 5 Juicy Broccoli and talk to    |
|        |        him again.                                                 |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards: 3500 G, 250 EXP, Quark Gauntlets                         |
| QA1.18 | Title: Pestering Paola                | NPC: Giogio               |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Ether Light (6:00 - 18:00)                    |
| Exclsv | Notes: Exclusive to Out-of-Luck Giorgio.                          |
|        |        Talk to Paola, defeat the Fiendish Bunnit by Cliff Lake    |
|        |        near Colony 9. Return to Paola and Giorgio.                |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards: 3500 G, 550 EXP, Quark Leggings                          |
| QA1.19 | Title: Paola and Narine               | NPC: Narine               |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Tranquil Square (9:00-18:00)                  |
|        | Notes: Raise the Affinity between Shulk and Reyn and two females  |
|        |        to purple and talk to Narine.                              |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards: 200 G, 20000 EXP, Daze Plus IV                           |
| QA1.20 | Title: The Plan - Preparation         | NPC: Sesame               |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Ether Light (18:00-6:00)                      |
|        | Notes: Collect 2 Croaking Brog Bags from Singing Brogs in Tephra  |
|        |        Cave, talk to Sesame, Betty and return to Sesame.          |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards: 1000G, 150 EXP, Critical Up II                           |
| QA1.21 | Title: The Plan – The Night Before    | NPC: Sesame               |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Ether Light (18:00-6:00)                      |
|        | Notes: Collect 2 Iron Krabble Shells from Colony Krabbles near    |
|        |        Cliff Lake (Night). Talk to Sesame, Kenny Rohan and return |
|        |        to Sesame.                                                 |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards: 1500 G, 200 EXP, Strength Up III                         |
| QA1.22 | Title: The Plan - Execution           | NPC: Sesame               |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Ether Light (18:00-6:00)                      |
|        | Notes: Defeat Dark Murakmor at Anti-Air Batter 3 (Night). Return  |
|        |        to Sesame, investigate the street lamp near the Main       |
|        |        Entrance. Return to Sesame.                                |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards: 5000 G, 1200 EXP, Attack Stability II                    |
| QA1.23 | Title: A Young Captain's Request      | NPC: Emmy Leater          |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Ether Light (18:00-6:00)                      |
|        | Notes: Talk to Miller near the north Commercial District, and     |
|        |        return to Emmy.                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards: 600 G, 70 EXP, Dyed Top, Dyed Bottoms, Dyed Mules        |
| QA1.24 | Title: A Young Captain's Suffering    | NPC: Emmy Leater          |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Fortress Entrance (6:00-18:00)                |
|    @   | Notes: Defeat 5 Wing Vangs in Tephra Cave and return to Emmy.     |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards: 1100 G, 180 EXP, Ether Def Up III                        |
| QA1.25 | Title: A Young Captain's Rise         | NPC: Emmy Leater          |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Fortress Entrance (6:00-18:00)                |
|        | Notes: Either defeat Lurker Brog at the Spring of Grief, or kill  |
|        |        Lurker Krabble at Vilia Lake in Tephra Cave, then talk to  |
|        |        Emmy.                                                      |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards: 1800 G, 250 EXP, Flame Gear                              |
| QA1.26 | Title: A Young Captain's Challenge    | NPC: Emmy Leater          |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Fortress Entrance (6:00-18:00)                |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.27 | Title: A Young Captain's Revival      | NPC: Miller               |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Fortress Entrance (6:00-18:00)                |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.28 | Title: A Young Captain's Trust        | NPC: Miller               |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Fortress Entrance (6:00-18:00)                |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.29 | Title: Pride and Courage              | NPC: Lukas                |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Tranquil Square (9:00-18:00)                  |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.30 | Title: Friendship Tokens              | NPC: Moritz               |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Tranquil Square (9:00-18:00)                  |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.31 | Title: A Big Brother's Fight          | NPC: Zukazu               |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Tranquil Square (21:00-6:00)                  |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.32 | Title: A Little Brother's Fight       | NPC: Jiroque              |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Tranquil Square (18:00-3:00)                  |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.33 | Title: A Place to Come Home To (A)    | NPC: Jiroque              |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Tranquil Square (18:00-3:00)                  |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.34 | Title: A Place to Come Home To (B)    | NPC: Zukazu               |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Tranquil Square (21:00-6:00)                  |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.35 | Title: Rocco's Heartful Request       | NPC: Rocco                |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Ether Light (9:00-18:00)                      |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.36 | Title: Dean's Shady Request           | NPC: Dean                 |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Fortress Entrance (6:00-15:00)                |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.37 | Title: Liliana's Sincere Request      | NPC: Liliana              |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Ether Light (9:00 - 18:00)                    |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.38 | Title: Jackson's Awakening            | NPC: Jackson              |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Tranquil Square (6:00 - 18:00)                |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.39 | Title: Jackson the Poet               | NPC: Jackson              |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Tranquil Square (6:00 - 18:00)                |
| Exclsv | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.40 | Title: Jackson the Cook               | NPC: Jackson              |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Tranquil Square (6:00 - 18:00)                |
| Exclsv | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.41 | Title: Desiree's Future (A)           | NPC: Desiree              |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Ether Light (18:00-6:00)                      |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.42 | Title: Desiree's Future (B)           | NPC: Betty                |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Tranquil Square (7:00 - 15:00)                |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.43 | Title: Desiree's Apology              | NPC: Desiree              |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Ether Light (18:00-6:00)                      |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.44 | Title: The Elite Captain's Anguish    | NPC: Raoul                |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Fortress Entrance (6:00 - 18:00)              |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.45 | Title: Getting to Know Minnie         | NPC: Minnie               |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Tranquil Square (18:00 - 06:00)               |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.46 | Title: Getting to Know Dorothy        | NPC: Dorothy              |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Ether Light (6:00-18:00)                      |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.47 | Title: A Mysterious Light             | NPC: Kenny Rohan          |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Tranquil Square (21:00-6:00)                  |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.48 | Title: Out Like a Light?              | NPC: Kenny Rohan          |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Tranquil Square (21:00-6:00)                  |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.49 | Title: The Lost Pendant               | NPC: Defence Force Sldier |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Cylinder Hanger                               |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.50 | Title: Monster Quest 1 – Part 1       | NPC: Defence Force Sldier |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Fortress Entrance                             |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.51 | Title: Monster Quest 1 – Part 2       | NPC: Defence Force Sldier |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Fortress Entrance                             |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.52 | Title: Monster Quest 1 – Part 3       | NPC: Defence Force Sldier |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Fortress Entrance                             |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.53 | Title: Monster Quest 2 – Part 1       | NPC: Defence Force Sldier |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Fortress Entrance                             |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.54 | Title: Monster Quest 2 – Part 2       | NPC: Defence Force Sldier |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Fortress Entrance                             |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.55 | Title: Monster Quest 2 – Part 3       | NPC: Defence Force Sldier |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Fortress Entrance                             |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.56 | Title: Monster Quest 3 – Part 1       | NPC: Colony 9 Resident    |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Ether Light                                   |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.57 | Title: Monster Quest 3 - Part 2       | NPC: Colony 9 Resident    |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Ether Light                                   |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.58 | Title: Monster Quest 3 – Part 3       | NPC: Colony 9 Resident    |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Ether Light                                   |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.59 | Title: Monster Quest 3 – Part 4       | NPC: Colony 9 Resident    |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Ether Light                                   |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.60 | Title: Monster Quest 4 – Part 1       | NPC: Defence Force Sldier |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Tephra Cave Entrance                          |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.61 | Title: Monster Quest 4 – Part 2       | NPC: Defence Force Sldier |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Tephra Cave Entrance                          |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.62 | Title: Monster Quest 4 – Part 3       | NPC: Defence Force Sldier |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Tephra Cave Entrance                          |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.63 | Title: Challenge 1                    | NPC: Defence Force Sldier |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Fortress Entrance                             |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.64 | Title: Challenge 2                    | NPC: Colony 9 Resident    |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Ether Light                                   |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.65 | Title: Challenge 3                    | NPC: Defence Force Sldier |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Fortress Entrance                             |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.66 | Title: Challenge 4                    | NPC: Colony 9 Resident    |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Ether Light                                   |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.67 | Title: Material Quest 1               | NPC: Colony 9 Resident    |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Fortress Entrance                             |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.68 | Title: Material Quest 2               | NPC: Colony 9 Resident    |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Ether Light                                   |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.69 | Title: Material Quest 3               | NPC: Colony 9 Resident    |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Ether Light                                   |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.70 | Title: Material Quest 4               | NPC: Colony 9 Resident    |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Tranquil Square                               |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.71 | Title: Collection Quest 1             | NPC: Colony 9 Resident    |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Ether Light                                   |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.72 | Title: Collection Quest 2             | NPC: Colony 9 Resident    |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Ether Light                                   |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.73 | Title: Collection Quest 3             | NPC: Colony 9 Resident    |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Tranquil Square                               |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.74 | Title: Collection Quest 4             | NPC: Colony 9 Resident    |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Tranquil Square                               |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.75 | Title: Search Quest 1                 | NPC: Colony 9 Resident    |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Central Plaza                                 |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.76 | Title: Search Quest 2                 | NPC: Colony 9 Resident    |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Tranquil Square                               |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.77 | Title: Search Quest 3                 | NPC: Colony 9 Resident    |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Gem Man's Stall                               |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.78 | Title: Search Quest 4                 | NPC: Colony 9 Resident    |
|        | Location: Colony 9, Tranquil Square                               |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.79 | Title: A Token of Friendship          | NPC: Shulk                |
|        | Location: Colony, Weapon Dev. Lab                                 |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.80 | Title: The Gem Man's Invention        | NPC: -----                |
|        | Location:                                                         |
|        | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |
| QA1.81 | Title: Delivering Food                | NPC: Story Quest          |
|        | Location: Colony 9                                                |
| Story  | Notes:                                                            |
|        |                                                                   |
|        | Rewards:                                                          |

| Colony 6 |
| QA4.62 | Title: Defend Colony 6 - Mechon       | NPC: Colony 6 Residents   |
|        | Location: Colony 6, Reconstruction HQ                             |
|        | Notes: Automatically received when Colony 6's rebuild level is    |
|        |        15%. Defeat 3 Mechon M63 Armour+ at the Ether Planter near |
|        |        the Pod Depot.                                             |
|        | Rewards: 3000 G, 1500 EXP                                         |
| QA4.63 | Title: Defend Colony 6 - Reptile      | NPC: Colony 6 Residents   |
|        | Location: Colony 6, Reconstruction HQ                             |
|        | Notes: Automatically received when Colony 6's rebuild level is    |
|        |        35%. Defeat 5 Fiery Igna at the Ether Planter near  the    |
|        |        Pod Depot.                                                 |
|        | Rewards: 6000 G, 4000 EXP                                         |
| QA4.64 | Title: Defend Colony 6 - Elite        | NPC: Colony 6 Residents   |
|        | Location: Colony 6, Reconstruction HQ                             |
|        | Notes: Automatically received when Colony 6's rebuild level is    |
|        |        55%. Defeat an M71 FIre Support at the Ether Planter near  |
|        |        the Freight Elevator.                                      |
|        |        Pod Depot.                                                 |
|        | Rewards: 12000 G, 8000 EXP                                        |
| QA4.65 | Title: Defend Colony 6 - Ancient      | NPC: Colony 6 Residents   |
|        | Location: Colony 6, Reconstruction HQ                             |
|        | Notes: Automatically received when Colony 6's rebuild level is    |
|        |        75%. Defeat 2 Ancient Rhogulia at the Ether Planter near   |
|        |        Splintered Path.                                           |
|        | Rewards: 15000 G, 10000 EXP                                       |
| QA4.66 | Title: Defend Colony 6 - Demon        | NPC: Colony 6 Residents   |
|        | Location: Colony 6, Reconstruction HQ                             |
|        | Notes: Automatically received when Colony 6's rebuild level is    |
|        |        95%. Defeat Demon King Dragonia at the Ether Planter near  |
|        |        Hope Farm.                                                 |
|        | Rewards: 20000 G, 30000 EXP                                       |

 \                                                                          /
  \                             Collectopedia                      [PEDIA] /

| Colony 9 |
| Vegetable                            | Fruit                               |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Sweet Wasabi                  |     * Dance Apple                   |
|      * Cool Potato                   |     * Black Kiwi                    |
|      * Red Lettuce                   | Reward                              |
|      * Chewy Radish                  |     * Agility Up II                 |
| Reward                               |                                     |
|      * Quick Step III                |                                     |
| Flower                               | Bug                                 |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Strong Dandelion              |     * Prairie Dragonfly             |
|      * Moon Flower                   |     * Giant Hornet                  |
|      * Dawn Hydrangea                |     * White Beetle                  |
| Reward                               |     * Sorrow Beetle                 |
|      * Poison Defence                | Reward                              |
|                                      |     * Regnas Gauntlets              |
| Parts                                | Strange                             |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Blue Chain                    |     * Plate Snow                    |
|      * Rabbit Diode                  |     * Rainbow Zirconia              |
| Reward                               | Reward                              |
|      * Ether Up II                   |     * Strength Up II                |
| 100% Completion Reward: Carbon Driver                                      |

| Tephra Cave |
| Fruit                                | Flower                              |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Clear Almond                  |      * Insanity Mint                |
|      * Bright Fig                    |      * Night Tulip                  |
|      * Dark Grape                    | Reward                              |
| Reward                               |      * Poison Defence III           |
|      * Lightning Attack II           |                                     |
| Animal                               | Bug                                 |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Shin Newt                     |      * Brown Butterfly              |
|      * Cave Rat                      |      * Gold Caterpillar             |
|      * Shin Gecko                    |      * Rumble Stonefly              |
|      * Happy Rabbit                  | Reward                              |
| Reward                               |      * Slow Resist II               |
|      * HP Up II                      |                                     |
| Parts                                | Strange                             |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Kneecap Rock                  |      * Leaf Mystery                 |
|      * Confusion Ivy                 |      * Steel Silk                   |
|      * Clarity Moss                  | Reward                              |
| Reward                               |      * Attack Stability II          |
|      * Attack Plus II                |                                     |
| 100% Completion Reward: Warrior Cuisses                                    |

| Bionis' Leg |
| Vegetable                            | Fruit                               |
| Collectables                         |  Collectables                       |
|      * Hot Taro                      |      * Sour Gooseberry              |
|      * Juicy Broccoli                |      * Red Durian                   |
|      * Spicy Cabbage                 |      * Walnut Grape                 |
|      * Hard Lotus                    |      * Humming Plum                 |
|Reward                                | Reward                              |
|      * Pelt Top                      |      * Paralysis II                 |
| Bug                                  | Nature                              |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * White Ladybird                |      * Mat Ice                      |
|      * Hill Firefly                  |      * Bluesky Bark                 |
|      * Moth Crawler                  |      * Pione Stone                  |
|      * Queen Locust                  | Reward                              |
|      * Fire Tarantula                |      * Bind Resist II               |
| Reward                               |                                     |
|      * Grand Gauntlets               |                                     |
| Parts                                | Strange                             |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Rusty Bolt                    |      * Gold Dust Illusion           |
|      * Winding Gear                  |      * Devious Gravity              |
| Reward                               |      * White Songbird               |
|      * Strength Up II                |      * Death Bangle                 |
|                                      | Reward                              |
|                                      |      * Pelt Bottoms                 |
| 100% Completion Reward: White Cluster                                      |

| Colony 6 |
| Flower                               | Animal                              |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Cute Orchid                   |      * Pyro Lizard                  |
|      * Sirius Anemone                |      * Amblygon Turtle              |
|      * Spirit Clematis               |      * Dobercorgi                   |
| Reward                               | Reward                              |
|      * Auto-Atk Stealth II           |      * Paralysis Resist II          |
| Strange                                                                    |
| Collectables                                                               |
|      * Verdant Eternity                                                    |
|      * White Night Rod                                                     |
| Reward                                                                     |
|      * Ether Defence Up II                                                 |
| 100% Completion Reward: Warrior Plate                                      |
| Ether Mine |
| Animal                               | Bug                                 |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Light Bat                     |      * Black Beetle                 |
|      * Black Frog                    |      * Robber Mantis                |
|      * Yellow Cat                    |      * Mystery Firefly              |
| Reward                               | Reward                              |
|      * Back Atk Plus II              |      * Bleed Defence III            |
| Nature                               | Parts                               |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Charcoal Leg                  |      * Black Chip                   |
|      * Ether Pebble                  |      * Ready Coil                   |
|      * Rumble Coal                   | Reward                              |
| Reward                               |      * Topple Up II                 |
|      * Recover Up II                 |                                     |
| Strange                                                                    |
| Collectables                                                               |
|      * Love Crane                                                          |
|      * Fire Abron                                                          |
| Reward                                                                     |
|      * Muscle Up II                                                        |
| 100% Completion Reward: Rayon Pike                                         |

| Satorl Marsh |
| Vegetable                            | Flower                              |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Blue Turnip                   |      * Sunflower Rogue              |
|      * Cute Parsnip                  |      * Merry Coronation             |
|      * Poisonous Gourd               |      * Ether Rose                   |
|      * Humming Cabbage               |      * Orb Daisy                    |
| Reward                               |      * Forget-You-Not               |
|      * Nopol Gear                    | Reward                              |
|                                      |      * Lock-On Resist II            |
| Animal                               | Nature                              |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Chimera Rabbit                |      * Mist Tree                    |
|      * Venom Platypus                |      * Lemon Stone                  |
|      * Humming Cat                   |      * Feather Leaf                 |
| Reward                               |      * Water Log                    |
|      * Jungle Shoes                  |      * Wool Rock                    |
|                                      | Reward                              |
|                                      |      * Nopol Gauntlets              |
| Parts                                | Strange                             |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Blue Gear Shard               |      * Pauper's Cup                 |
|      * Rumble Part                   |      * Happy Carnival               |
| Reward                               |      * Dawn Dice                    |
|      * Strength Up II                | Reward                              |
|                                      |      * Haste II                     |
| 100% Completion Reward: Panther Top                                        |

| Bionis' Interior | Only available on second visit
| Vegetable                            | Animal                              |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Sarsaparilla                  |      * Blood Worm                   |
|      * Black Liver Bean              |      * Azure Mouse                  |
| Reward                               |      * Happy Duck                   |
|      * Haste V                       | Reward                              |
|                                      |      * Aggro Down IV                |
| Strange                                                                    |
| Collectables                                                               |
|      * Tap Tap Tap                                                         |
|      * High Entia Jewel                                                    |
| Reward                                                                     |
|      * Strength Down V                                                     |
| 100% Completion Reward: Z Speed Goggles                                    |

| Makna Forest |
| Vegetable                            | Fruit                               |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Schorl Mushroom               |      * Dark Mango                   |
|      * Kelp Mushroom                 |      * Pure Cherry                  |
|      * Honey Rhubarb                 |      * Bitter Kiwi                  |
| Reward                               |      * Jucy Grape                   |
|      * Sleep Resist III              | Reward                              |
|                                      |      * Sky Gloves                   |
| Flower                               | Animal                              |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Enigma Lotus                  |      * Ash Fox                      |
|      * Humming Nettle                |      * Soft Sea Cucumber            |
|      * Princess Daffodil             |      * Fossil Monkey                |
|      * Black Iris                    |      * Venomous Lizard              |
| Reward                               | Reward                              |
|      * Blaze Defence III             |      * Sky Shoes                    |
| Bug                                  | Strange                             |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Scarlet Ladybird              |      * Lemonade Sky                 |
|      * Shield Bug                    |      * Forest of Gossip             |
|      * Hades Beetle                  |      * Gravel Disk                  |
|      * Benign Cricket                | Reward                              |
| Reward                               |      * Debuff Plus II               |
|      * Slow III                      |                                     |
| 100% Completion Reward: Ironwall Gnasher                                   |

| Frontier Village |
| Fruit                                | Bug                                 |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Spicy Nut                     |      * Rainbow Bug                  |
|      * Crimson Citrus                |      * Empress Beetle               |
| Reward                               | Reward                              |
|      * Strength Up III               |      * Weapon Power II              |
| Strange                                                                    |
| Collectables                                                               |
|      * Rumble Box                                                          |
|      * Black Panel                                                         |
| Reward                                                                     |
|      * Agility Up III                                                      |
| 100% Completion Reward: Half-Bloom Striker                                 |

| Eryth Sea |
| Vegetable                            | Fruit                               |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Pink Asparagus                |      * Sea Berry                    |
|      * Tropical Radish               |      * Despair Clover               |
|      * Dolphin Carrot                |      * Doomsday Poppy               |
|      * Gold Burdock                  |      * Night Lily                   |
| Reward                               |      * Razor Teasel                 |
|      * Critical Up II                | Reward                              |
|                                      |      * Mithril Armour               |
| Animal                               | Nature                              |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Sea Frog                      |      * White Tail                   |
|      * Mane Cat                      |      * Marine Marble                |
| Reward                               |      * Oil Branch                   |
|      * Aerial Cloak II               |      * Dilemma Rock                 |
|                                      | Reward                              |
|                                      |      * Mithril Leggings             |
| Strange                                                                    |
| Collectables                                                               |
|      * High Violet                                                         |
|      * Steel Hauyne                                                        |
| Reward                                                                     |
|      * Ether Up III                                                        |
| 100% Completion Reward: Heavy Armour                                       |

| Region |
| Vegetable                            | Fruit                               |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Cool Lemon                    |      * Mystic Dahlia                |
|      * Heart Peach                   |      * Stardrop                     |
| Reward                               | Reward                              |
|      * Blaze Plus III                |      * Muscle Up III                |
| Strange                                                                    |
| Collectables                                                               |
|      * Ha Ha Ha                                                            |
|      * Thunder Atmos                                                       |
| Reward                                                                     |
|      * Paralysis Resist III                                                |
| 100% Completion Reward: Gust Shot                                          |

| High Entia Tomb |
| Bug                                  | Parts                               |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Green Earwig                  |      * White Tube                   |
|      * Blue Ladybird                 |      * Green Diode                  |
| Reward                               |      * Spiral Lamp                  |
|      * Ether Up III                  | Reward                              |
|                                      |      * Electric Plus III            |
| Strange                                                                    |
| Collectables                                                               |
|      * Tasty Sausage                                                       |
|      * Macro Passion                                                       |
| Reward                                                                     |
|      * Ether Def Up III                                                    |
| 100% Completion Reward: Shell Armour                                       |

| Prison Island |
| Fruit                                | Animal                              |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Dry Lemon                     |      * Dancing Squirrel             |
|      * Death Lychee                  |      * Lightning Weasel             |
|      * Hell Raspberry                |      * Angry Monkey                 |
|      * Deadly Kiwi                   | Reward                              |
| Reward                               |      * Good Footing V               |
|      * Break V                       |                                     |
| Bug                                  | Nature                              |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Senorita Scarab               |      * Absurd Branch                |
|      * Emperor Beetle                |      * Insanity Moss                |
| Reward                               | Reward                              |
|      * Agility Up V                  |      * Strength Up V                |
| Parts                                | Strange                             |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * White Cover                   |      * Blue Glow                    |
|      * Modern Resistor               |      * Blue Blood                   |
|      * Green Cam                     | Reward                              |
|      * Strong Screw                  |      * Ether Up V                   |
| Reward                               |                                     |
|      * Ledios Cuisses                |                                     |
| 100% Completion Reward: Ledios Plate                                       |

| Valak Mountain |
| Vegetable                            | Fruit                               |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Sour Radish                   |      * Ether Plum                   |
|      * Ice Cabbage                   |      * Fire Apple                   |
|      * Girl Courgette                |      * Ruby Mangosteen              |
|      * Amethyst Vanilla              |      * Sour Grape                   |
| Reward                               | Reward                              |
|      * Heavy Boots                   |      * Chill Defence                |
| Flower                               | Animal                              |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Fortune Mallow                |      * Wet Rat                      |
|      * Black Peony                   |      * Ice Monkey                   |
|      * Fatal Belladonna              |      * Crystal Frog                 |
| Reward                               |      * Mud Squirrel                 |
|      * Confuse Resist III            | Reward                              |
|                                      |      * Aura Heal II                 |
| Nature                               | Strange                             |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Gypsum Branch                 |      * Frost Glass                  |
|      * Black Ash                     |      * Large Handcuffs              |
|      * Emerald Snow                  | Reward                              |
|      * Rabbit Snow                   |      * Chill Plus III               |
|      * Broom Icicle                  |                                     |
| Reward                               |                                     |
|      * Heavy Gear                    |                                     |
| 100% Completion Reward: Cerasus Cutlass                                    |

| Sword Valley |
| Vegetable                            | Fruit                               |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Fire Pepper                   |      * Bitter Melon                 |
|      * Meaty Carrot                  |      * Citron Gooseberry            |
|      * Bitter Broccoli               |      * Juicy Melon                  |
| Reward                               |      * Amethyst Melon               |
|      * Good Footing III              | Reward                              |
|                                      |      * HP Steal III                 |
| Flower                               | Parts                               |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Jujube Silver                 |      * Gold Condenser               |
|      * Black Blossom                 |      * Purple Lamp                  |
|      * Abyss Heather                 |      * Crimson Gear                 |
|      * Delirium Foxglove             | Reward                              |
| Reward                               |      * First Attack Plus III        |
|      * Auto-Heal Up III              |                                     |
| Strange                                                                    |
| Collectables                                                               |
|      * Red Frontier                                                        |
|      * Darkness Bottle                                                     |
|      * Bud of Eternity                                                     |
| Reward                                                                     |
|      * Art Seal Resist III                                                 |
| 100% Completion Reward: Cosmic Nibbler                                     |

| Galahad Fortress |
| Bug                                  | Parts                               |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Wheel Lurker                  |      * Locust Spring                |
|      * Ultramarine Ant               |      * Art Core Coil                |
| Reward                               |      * Tail Antenna                 |
|      * Terrain Defence II            | Reward                              |
|                                      |      * Agility Down III             |
| Strange                                                                    |
| Collectables                                                               |
|      * Hunger Crash                                                        |
|      * Splish Splash                                                       |
| Reward                                                                     |
|      * Ether Up III                                                        |
| 100% Completion Reward: Arkose Pike                                        |

| Fallen Arm |
| Vegetable                            | Fruit                               |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Sour Turnip                   |      * White Plum                   |
|      * Golden Beetroot               |      * Ice Kiwi Fruit               |
| Reward                               |      * Spicy Papaya                 |
|      * Muscle Up IV                  |      * Large Mango                  |
|                                      | Reward                              |
|                                      |      * Heat Sink III                |
| Animal                               | Nature                              |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Oil Oyster                    |      * Poisonous Coral              |
|      * Dark Fish                     |      * Poison Ivy                   |
|      * Ether Penguin                 |      * Amber Leaf                   |
|      * Rainbow Slug                  | Reward                              |
| Reward                               |      * Blaze Defence IV             |
|      * Gemini Boots                  |                                     |
| Parts                                | Strange                             |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Warning Lamp                  |      * Star Cute                    |
|      * Digital Filament              |      * Summer Star                  |
| Reward                               | Reward                              |
|      * Muscle Up IV                  |      * Strength Up IV               |
| 100% Completion Reward: Taurus Greaves                                     |

| Mechonis Field |
| Vegetable                            | Flower                              |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Juicy Steakplant              |      * Azure Hollyhock              |
|      * Acerola Pea                   |      * Utopia Crocus                |
|      * Energy Aubergine              | Reward                              |
|      * Sweet Pepper                  |      * Agility Up IV                |
| Reward                               |                                     |
|      * Taurus Arms                   |                                     |
| Bug                                  | Nature                              |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Scarlet Crawler               |      * Ivy Nest                     |
|      * Shiny Scarab                  |      * Mossy Panel                  |
|      * White Boatman                 |      * Bronze Wood                  |
| Reward                               | Reward                              |
|      * Daze Up IV                    |      * First Attack Plus III        |
| Parts                                | Strange                             |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Retro Diode                   |      * Tweet Tweet                  |
|      * Modern Blue Gear              |      * Flame Frame                  |
|      * Snow Transistor               | Reward                              |
| Reward                               |      * Fall Defence IV              |
|      * Lightning Attack IV           |                                     |
| 100% Completion Reward: Taurus Helm                                        |

| Central Factory |
| Vegetable                            | Animal                              |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Meaty Potato                  |      * Prism Centipede              |
|      * Blue Root                     |      * Cable Mouse                  |
| Reward                               |      * Oil Fox                      |
|      * Strength Up IV                | Reward                              |
|                                      |      * Blaze Defence IV             |
| Bug                                  | Nature                              |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Dew Beetle                    |      * White Styrene                |
|      * Glider Cockroach              |      * Black Styrene                |
| Reward                               |      * Blood Oil                    |
|      * Ether Up IV                   | Reward                              |
|                                      |      * Lock-On Resist IV            |
| Parts                                | Strange                             |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Angel Engine X                |      * Smoke Cylinder               |
|      * Leaf Coil                     |      * Sacred Panther               |
|      * Warrior Screw                 |      * Parts Noble                  |
| Reward                               | Reward                              |
|      * Talent Boost III              |      * Arts Heal IV                 |
| 100% Completion Reward: Machina Driver III                                 |

| Agniratha |
| Fruit                                | Flower                              |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Juicy Blueberry               |      * Lewisia Silver               |
|      * Sweet Lime                    |      * Freesia Cyst                 |
|      * Spicy Banana                  |      * Bellflower Crystal           |
| Reward                               | Reward                              |
|      * Auto-Heal Up III              |      * Topple Resist IV             |
| Bug                                  | Nature                              |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Electric Cricket              |      * Missing Tree                 |
|      * Scissor Bug                   |      * Fortune Feather              |
| Reward                               | Reward                              |
|      * Ether Def Up IV               |      * Ether Def Down IV            |
| Parts                                | Strange                             |
| Collectables                         | Collectables                        |
|      * Fancy Bolt                    |      * Eryth Blue                   |
|      * Blue Light Amp                |      * Dramatic Night               |
|      * Fairy Tale Diode              | Reward                              |
|      * Grape Spring                  |      * Tension Swing III            |
| Reward                               |                                     |
|      * Daze Resist IV                |                                     |
| 100% Completion Reward: Debuff Resist IV                                   |

| Other | Obtained by trading with certain NPC's
| Bug                                                                        |
| Collectables               NPC                         Cost       Affinity |
|      * Minute Mantis         Sonia (Colony 9)            16200 G      4    |
|      * Love Beetle           Lupa (Frontier Village)     16200 G      3    |
| Reward                                                                     |
|      * AP Up V                                                             |
| Parts                                                                      |
| Collectables               NPC                         Cost       Affinity |
|      * Golden Cog            Oleksiy (Colony 9)          16200 G      5    |
|      * Angel Engine Y        Rakzet (Fallen Arm)         19800 G      5    |
|      * Thunder Compass       Jarack (Eryth Sea)          21600 G      5    |
| Reward                                                                     |
|      * EXP Up V                                                            |
| Strange                                                                    |
| Collectables               NPC                         Cost       Affinity |
|      * Coin of Fortune       Ma'crish (Colony 6)         27000 G      4    |
|      * Love Source           Jer'ell (Colony 6)          56250 G      5    |
| Reward                                                                     |
|      * Critical UP V                                                       |
| 100% Completion Reward: Aggro Down V                                       |

 \                                                                          /
  \                             Monster Index                      [MNSTR] /

This section is incomplete.

| Colony 9 |
| Name               | Levels | Drops                                        |
| Colony Krabble     | 1-x    |                                              |
| Common Caterpile   | 1-x    | Broken Antenna, Caterpile Syrup, Nine Cap    |
| Hand Bunnit        | 1-3    | Stiff Hair, Bunnit Paw, Metal Lancer         |
| Knuckle Bunnit     | 4-x    | Stiff Hair, Bunnit Paw, Metal Lancer, Battle |
|                    |        | Boots                                        |
| Little Bunnit      | 1-3    | Stiff Hair, Bunnit Paw, Battle Boots, Nine   |
|                    |        | Shoes                                        |
| Little Vang        | 4      | Vang Tooth, Filthy Wing, Light Driver, Light |
|                    |        | Light Gloves                                 |
| Little Skeeter     | 1-2    | Sweet Nectar, Broken Antenna, Graft          |
|                    |        | Gauntlets, Court Leggings, Metal Lancer,     |
|                    |        | Nine Bottoms                                 |
| Mechon M31         | 5      | Genuine Plug, Brokem Part S                  |
| Mechon M63         | 8      | Genuine Shaft, Swimming Trunks, Broken Part  |
|                    |        | M, Genuine Frame, Caravan Gear               |
| Mechon M69         | 6      | Brokem Part S, Genuine Frame, Soldier Pike   |
| Mechon M72         | 6      | Broken Part M, Genuine Plate, Caravan Gear   |
|                    |        | Ragnas Gear                                  |
| Mechon M82         | 8      | Genuine Chamber, Broken Part L, Light Top    |
| Praying Caterpile  | 3-4    | Broken Antenna, Caterpile Syrup,             |
|                    |        | Block Guarder                                |
| Ridge Antol        | 3-5    | Sharp Antol Jaw, Nine Bottoms, Metal Lancer, |
|                    |        | Broken Antenna                               |
| Wood Bunnit        | 3-5    | Tough Bunnit Wood, Messenger Shoes, Night    |
|                    |        | Goggles,                                     |
| Unique Name        | Level  | Drops                                        |
| Evil Rhangrol      | 6      | Tough Bunnit Wood, Crusher, Bouncer Knives   |
| Boss Name          | Level  | Drops                                        |
| Ancient Machine    | 8      | N/A                                          |
| Metal Face         | 10     | N/A                                          |

| Tephra Cave |
| Monster Name       | Levels | Drops                                        |
| Air Vang           | 6      | Small Claw, Old Insect Leg                   |
| Arachhno Pod       | 10     | Arachno Silk, Insect Jaw, Ranger Bottoms     |
| Arm Bunnit         | 11     | Fleecy Fur, Bunnit Sapling, Ranger Top,      |
|                    |        | Spark Lancer                                 |
| Cave Skeeter       | 10     | Insect Jaw                                   |
| Clap Bunniv        | 4      |                                              |
| Cute Caterpile     | 4      | Old Insect Leg, Caterpile Poison, Light Cap  |
| Desert Krabble     | 8-9    | Broken Pincer, Krabble Stone, Soldier Pike,  |
|                    |        | Caracan Armour                               |
| Director Arachno   | 9-10   | Arachno Ear, Insect Jaw, Light Bottoms       |
| Eater Caterpile    | 6      | Old Insect Leg                               |
| Iron Bunniv        | 7      | Heavy Bunniv Iron, Wet Hair, Light Shoes,    |
|                    |        | Jack Knives, Battle Armour                   |
| Jewel Krabble      | 11     | Broken Pincer                                |
| Medium Skeeter     | 8      | Insect Jaw                                   |
| Mell Lizards       | 5      | Moving Lizard Tail, Rough Skin, Swimming Oil |
|                    |        | Jack Knives                                  |
| Noble Brog         | 10     | Brog Smelling Salts                          |
| Plane Bunnit       | 12     | Fleecy Fur                                   |
| Prom Bunniv        | 3      | Old Insect Leg                               |
| Singing Brog       | 8      | Croaking Brog Bag, Rough Skin                |
| Tephra Lizard      | 8-9    | Moving Lizard Tail, Rough Skin, Ranger       |
|                    |        | Gloves                                       |
| Wild Vang          | 8-9    | Small Claw                                   |
| Willow Bunniv      | 4-5    | Tatty Bunniv Wood, Messenger Shoes, Pistis   |
|                    |        | Cap, Light Gloves                            |
| Weather Flier      | 10     | Small Insect Leg                             |
| Worker Arachno     | 5-9    | Arachno Silk, Insect Jaw, Ranger Shoes,      |
|                    |        | Spark Lancer                                 |
| Unique Name        | Level  | Drops                                        |
| Cellar Bugworm     | 10     | Caterpile Poison, Steady Greaves, Flame Gear |
|                    |        | Front Armour                                 |
| Gluttonous Eugen   | 11     | Brog Smelling Salts, Battle Armour, Million  |
|                    |        | Driver, Crusher                              |
| Mining Patrichev   | 8      | Heavy Bunniv Iron, Battle Leggings, Million  |
|                    |        | Driver, Graft Gauntlets                      |
| Solid Konev        | 10     | Krabble Stone, Brave Guarder, Graft          |
|                    |        | Gauntlets                                    |
| Wallslide Gwynry   | 9      | Moving Lizard Tail, Graft Gauntlets, Million |
|                    |        | Driver                                       |
| Boss Name          | Level  | Drops                                        |
| Arachno Queen      | 12     | Queen's Gut Fluid                            |

| Colony 6 |
| Name               | Levels | Drops                                        |
| Mechon M53X        | 20     | N/A                                          |
| Mechon M64X        | 22     | N/A                                          |
| Mechon M69X        | 23     | N/A                                          |

| Ether Mine |
| Name               | Levels | Drops                                        |
| Colony Upa         | 19-21  | Small Oar, Small Upa Light, Legar Gauntlets  |
|                    |        | Shed Lizard Claw, Chrome Sniper              |
| Drunk Vang         | 19-20  | Red Wing                                     |
| Junk Krabble       | 19-21  | Hard Pincer, Krabble Fixed Part              |
| M42 Scout Unit     | 19-    | Generic Crank, Cracked Part S, Pelt Shoes    |
| Mechon M32X        | 20-21  | Generic Plug,  Rusty Part S, Iron Plug, Iron |
|                    |        | Leggings, Bloody Roar, Empress Greaves       |
| M32 Transport Unit | 19     | Rusty Part S,                                |
| Mechon M53X        | 20-21  | Generic Blade, Lieutenant Pike               |
| Mechon M55         | 22-    | Cracked Part S                               |
| Mechon M42         | 19-20  | Cracked Part S                               |
| Mechon M64X        | 21-22  | Generic Shaft, Rusty Part M, Empress Arms,   |
|                    |        | Jaguar Lancer                                |
| Mechon M67         | 21     | Generic Crank, Upgraded Spindle, Guardis     |
|                    |        | Arms                                         |
| Mechon M82         | 23     | Upgraded Shaft, Grand Armour, Empress        |
|                    |        | Greaves, Spit Cluster                        |
| Mechon M84         | 23-24  | Upgraded Spindle, Cracked Part L, Guardis    |
|                    |        | Greaves                                      |
| Materia Krabble    | 22-24  | Hard Pincer, Rich Krabble Egg, Pile Driver,  |
|                    |        | Quark Leggings, Empress Arms, Empress Plate  |
| Rock Krabble       | 18     | Hard Pincer                                  |
| Unique Name        | Level  | Drops                                        |
| Dark Kisling       | 20     | Black Vang Fang, Jaguar Lancer, Spit Cluster |
| Vengeful Daulton   | 22     | Small Upa Light, Bloody Roar, Jaguar Lancer  |
| Boss Name          | Level  | Drops                                        |
| Xord               | 25     | N/A                                          |

| Satorl Marsh |
| Name               | Levels | Drops                                        |
|                    |        |                                              |
| Unique Name        | Level  | Drops                                        |
| Aggressive         | 28     | Igna Stone Pot, Pioneer, Ain Rifle           |
|          Cornelius |        |                                              |
| Cautious Balteid   | 26     | Igna Hide Jacket, Goliath, Empress Arms      |

| Makna Forest |
| Name               | Levels | Drops                                        |
|                    |        |                                              |
| Unique Name        | Level  | Drops                                        |
|                    |        |                                              |
| Boss Name          | Level  | Drops                                        |
| Leone Telethia     | 36     | N/A                                          |
| Puera Telethia     | 28     | N/A                                          |

| Eryth Sea |
| Name               | Levels | Drops                                        |
|                    |        |                                              |
| Unique Name        | Level  | Drops                                        |
| Turbulent Belmo    | 36     | Hiln Coin Purse, Ertyth Leggings, Aer Gear,  |
|                    |        | Serpent Gear                                 |
| Boss Name          | Level  | Drops                                        |
 \                                                                          /
  \                               Item Index                       [ITEMS] /

This section is incomplete.

| Key Items |
| Item              | Location                                      | Use    |
| Blue Glass Bead   | Colony 9, Residential District                |        |
| Blue Radiant      | Satorl Marsh, Igna Territory                  | QA5.22 |
| Dull Radiant      | Satorl Marsh, Basin Cave                      | QA5.22 |
| Key               | Colony 9, Residential District                | QA1.77 |
| Marcia's Biscuits | Colony 9, Ether Light, Marcia QA1.04          | QA1.04 |
| Queen's Gut Fluid | Tephra Cave, Arachno Queen                    | Other  |
| Rainbow Radiant   | Satorl Marsh, Altar of Fate                   | QA5.22 |
| Silver Ring       | Alcamoth, Great Hall                          |        |
| Spanner           | Colony 9, Gem Man's Stall                     |        |
| Tatty Armour      | Tephra Cave, 1F Arachno room                  |        |
| Water Ether       | Makna Forest, Lakeside                        | QA6.10 |
|          Crystals |                                               |        |
| Wedding Ring      | Colony 9, Dunban's House                      |        |
| White Radiant     | Satorl Marsh, Basin Cave                      | QA5.22 |
/                                                                            \
| Frequently Asked Questions                                         [FAQS#] |

Below is a compilation of all the question that I have received from readers.

Q. How do I contribute to this guide?
A. Check the Legal Stuff Section for complete information. To contribute,
   e-mail me at: gammer.10@hotmail, with the Subject Line as: "FAQ". 
   Contributors will be credited in the Credits Section.

Q. How can I post this guide on my site?
A. Check my Terms in the Legal Section and e-mail me at: [email protected]
   with the Subject Line as: FAQ Legal. Hosts will be listed in the Legal 
   Stuff Section.
/                                                                            \
| Credits                                                            [CREDS] |

Thanks goes to Monolith Soft and Nintendo for developing and publishing this 
experience, the leaders of Operation Rainfall for getting it localized, and 
you for taking the time to read this

The vast majority of the information used in this FAQ/Walkthrough comes from
in-game, however some information needed to be verified. The following sites
were used to verify information:
 * xenoblade.wikia.com - The Xenoblade Chronices Wikia

Thanks goes to the following (reasons in face brackets) who either
contributed information or found errors, etc:


Lastly, thanks goes to you for choosing this guide and taking the time to read
all the way to the last line.

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