Final Fantasy II DoS Beastiary - Guide for Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls

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Game: Final Fantasy 1 & 2 Dawn of Souls

Final Fantasy II Dawn of Souls Beastiary
Written by: Rob Holdgate (aka. Jabedin)
E-mail: [email protected]
Version: 2.0
Date: June 6th, 2005
This document should only be seen at and privately (c) at

All characters and monsters are (c) Square Enix - 1987,1988,2004. 
 _______   _______   _     _        _        _
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|  __|       | |    | |\ \| |   / _____ \   | |
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|_|       |_______| |_|  \__| /_/       \_\ |______|

 _______     _        _     _   _______     _        ____    _   _
|  _____|   / \      | \   | | |__   __|   / \      / ___\  | | | |
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Instructions:  This FAQ or rather Information Guide, consists of 4 different 
sections.   The First Section shows the Key, to translate the Prefix's (e.g. B = 
Body).  The Second is the section of Beast Status, consisting of the monsters 
Number, Rank, HP, MP, Attack, Accuracy, Defense, Evasion, Weakness, Resistances and 
Absorb Qualities.  The Third Section Will Show what monsters will drop and How much 
Gil They would drop. and lastly the final section shows my own status's of Firion, 
Maria, Guy and Leon, then Minwu, Scott, Josef and Ricard(Soul of Rebirth).  A notice 
that the first section of monsters are done alphebetically, and the second set of 
monsters(Gil and treasure drops) Is done number orderly.  Find the monster your 
looking for in the alphebetical section, realise its number, then find it in the 
second set of monsters section, number wise.  A final Reminder that this Beasiary 
has 163/169 monsters.  The remaining 6 are still being searched for.


# = Number
R = Rank
HP = Hit Points(Health)
MP = Mana Points(Magic)
Atk = Attack
Acc = Accuracy
Def = Defense
Eva = Evasion
MDef = Magic Defense
We = Weakness
Resistanc = Resistance
L = Lightning
I = Ice
F = Fire
B = Body
P = Poison
D = Death 
M = Mind
Ma = Matter


 # |Name           |R|HP   |MP |Atk|Acc   |Def|Eva   |MDef  |We|Resistanc|Absorb
75.|Abyss Worm     |6|1290 |370|150|8-90  |85 |1-70  |5-70  |  |BM       |FD
12.|Adamantoise    |5|675  |0  |45 |2-75  |60 |0-0   |1-50  |I |LP       |
31.|Antlion        |5|370  |0  |50 |3-75  |40 |1-50  |3-50  |IP|LF       |
127|Astaroth       |7|7000 |540|150|8-100 |180|1-80  |8-70  |  |LIF      |
99.|Balloon        |1|20   |10 |9  |1-50  |0  |0-0   |1-50  |LF|BM       |
68.|Basilisk       |6|750  |140|70 |6-80  |50 |1-65  |6-30  |  |         |
34.|Beast Demon    |7|1000 |140|70 |6-80  |60 |1-75  |6-60  |  |LIF      |
137|Beast Devil    |3|90   |20 |20 |6-80  |0  |1-6   |6-60  |  |IBF      |
126|Beelzebub      |7|5000 |450|150|8-100 |180|1-80  |8-70  |  |I        |F
164|Beelzebub Soul |7|8000 |450|160|9-100 |190|1-80  |8-70  |F |LIBPDMMA |L
118|Behemoth       |6|2000 |0  |90 |3-95  |65 |1-40  |4-50  |  |         |
135|Bigfoot        |1|150  |0  |35 |8-80  |5  |1-30  |4-80  |F |         |I
48.|Big Horn       |4|1140 |0  |50 |4-85  |50 |1-60  |6-30  |  |         |
159|Black Dragon   |7|5000 |450|180|8-100 |180|1-75  |8-40  |  |         |
79.|Black Flan     |5|370  |80 |40 |4-80  |210|0-0   |3-50  |F |LIBPDMMa |P
91.|Black Knight   |6|1140 |0  |85 |7-80  |85 |1-70  |5-40  |  |         |
166|Black Knight2  |6|1140 |0  |30 |3-80  |20 |1-70  |5-40  |  |         |
146|Bloodbones     |4|1000 |200|90 |5-75  |35 |2-40  |3-50  |F |IBPDMMa  |D
122|Blue Dragon    |7|3500 |240|180|8-100 |150|1-75  |8-40  |P |         |L
41.|Bolt Fish      |5|540  |80 |60 |4-80  |50 |1-50  |4-40  |  |FP       |L
102|Bomb           |5|640  |60 |60 |5-80  |50 |0-0   |4-40  |LF|BM       |
46.|Borghen        |4|240  |20 |25 |1-75  |17 |1-40  |3-50  |  |         |
58.|Brain          |5|240  |100|40 |4-75  |35 |1-60  |3-50  |M |BD       |
45.|Buccaneer      |2|80   |0  |25 |2-65  |17 |1-40  |2-50  |  |         |
105|Captain        |5|750  |30 |60 |6-80  |50 |1-60  |4-50  |  |         |
57.|Changer        |3|140  |80 |35 |2-70  |25 |1-50  |3-40  |M |BD       |
157|Chaos Rider    |6|1800 |190|120|8-85  |120|1-70  |5-70  |  |LIFBPDMMa|
35.|Chimera        |5|700  |80 |60 |4-75  |50 |1-50  |3-50  |  |         |
150|Chimera Brain  |5|2000 |240|85 |6-90  |70 |1-65  |5-40  |  |         |LIF  
37.|Chimera Sphinx |6|1140 |370|85 |6-90  |70 |1-70  |5-40  |  |         |
152|Cait Sith      |3|700  |370|40 |7-75  |60 |1-90  |5-40  |  |         |
154|Catoblepas     |5|1200 |80 |100|8-90  |85 |1-65  |5-70  |  |         |
43.|Cockatrice     |5|370  |0  |35 |4-70  |40 |1-50  |3-50  |  |         |
111|Coeurl         |6|1000 |300|40 |7-75  |60 |1-70  |5-40  |  |         |
160|Dark Behemoth  |7|6000 |300|180|9-100 |120|1-40  |8-30  |  |         |
149|Dark Magician  |4|750  |600|40 |2-75  |35 |1-30  |4-60  |  |         |
144|Dark Soul      |4|500  |170|35 |4-80  |40 |1-50  |4-40  |  |         |LIFBPDMMa
21.|Dead Head      |2|45   |0  |17 |1-60  |9  |1-20  |2-40  |F |IBM      |D
38.|Death Flower   |5|540  |0  |40 |4-80  |40 |0-0   |3-50  |IF|BM       |
139|Death Horn     |3|400  |0  |50 |4-85  |4  |1-35  |6-30  |F |IBM      |D
133|Death Knight   |2|150  |30 |30 |10-80 |20 |1-80  |4-60  |  |         |
92.|Death Rider    |6|1290 |0  |120|8-85  |120|1-70  |5-70  |F |IBM      |D
39.|Devil’s Bloom  |6|1140 |0  |70 |6-85  |70 |1-65  |5-70  |F |IBM      |D
62.|Devil Wolf     |7|870  |300|70 |8-80  |50 |1-75  |6-60  |  |         |
18.|Dual Deads     |5|300  |0  |40 |5-65  |25 |1-50  |3-50  |F |IBM      |
17.|Dual Heads     |2|80   |0  |25 |2-50  |17 |1-20  |2-50  |B |M        |D
85.|Emperor        |6|3000 |190|70 |6-80  |75 |1-65  |6-40  |  |         |
128|Emperor(2nd)   |1|15000|540|180|8-100 |210|2-80  |16-70 |  |LIFBPDMMa|DM
71.|Eyemoeba       |6|1140 |0  |100|6-75  |60 |0-0   |6-30  |  |BDMMa    |P
115|Fire Gigas     |7|1800 |240|100|6-95  |100|1-40  |4-50  |I |         |F
132|Flan Princess  |5|85   |0  |10 |4-80  |45 |0-0   |3-50  |P |BDMMa    |LIF
56.|Flying Ray     |5|750  |0  |60 |6-80  |50 |1-65  |4-40  |  |         |
106|General        |7|1800 |0  |120|10-95 |100|1-75  |4-60  |  |         |
25.|Ghast          |3|100  |30 |25 |2-60  |9  |1-30  |2-50  |F |IBM      |D
30.|Ghost          |5|540  |140|35 |5-75  |35 |1-60  |3-50  |F |IBPDMMa  |D
24.|Ghoul          |2|60   |0  |17 |1-60  |4  |1-20  |2-40  |F |IBM      |D
129|Giga Parasite  |3|80   |0  |20 |6-75  |2  |1-65  |4-40  |I |M        |
51.|Gigantoad      |5|450  |0  |40 |4-75  |40 |1-50  |3-50  |I |         |
140|Gigas Worm     |4|300  |0  |30 |8-90  |10 |1-75  |5-70  |F |BM       |D
136|Gil Snapper    |5|200  |0  |40 |9-75  |15 |0-0   |1-50  |I |LP       |
141|Glasya Lebolas |5|700  |0  |60 |10-80 |15 |1-70  |4-50  |  |         |
96.|Goblin         |1|6    |0  |4  |1-50  |0  |0-0   |1-50  |  |         |
97.|Goblin Guard   |1|10   |6  |4  |1-50  |0  |1-50  |1-50  |  |         |
158|Gold Golem     |7|3000 |0  |150|8-95  |200|1-50  |14-100|L |IFBPDMMa |
33.|Gottos         |6|2000 |80 |70 |6-90  |60 |1-65  |5-40  |  |         |
67.|Great Marboro  |6|1290 |0  |85 |8-85  |85 |1-70  |5-70  |  |         |
121|Green Dragon   |7|3000 |190|150|7-100 |150|1-75  |8-40  |L |         |P
81.|Green Soul     |4|6    |60 |25 |1-70  |17 |1-40  |3-40  |  |         |LIFBPDMMa
100|Grenade        |2|60   |10 |25 |1-65  |17 |0-0   |2-50  |LF|BM       |
72.|Hecteyes       |6|1140 |300|85 |7-90  |70 |1-70  |5-70  |  |LIFBPMMa |P
42.|Helldiver      |3|140  |0  |35 |2-65  |17 |1-50  |2-50  |  |         |
114|HillGigas      |5|750  |0  |100|3-80  |60 |1-30  |4-40  |  |         |
3. |Hornet         |1|6    |0  |4  |1-50  |0  |1-10  |1-50  |  |         |
116|Ice Gigas      |7|2000 |140|120|7-95  |120|1-50  |4-50  |F |         |I
70.|Ice Lizard     |6|1000 |190|85 |7-85  |70 |1-65  |6-30  |F |         |I
7. |Icicle         |2|60   |0  |17 |1-60  |17 |0-0   |2-40  |F |M        |I
63.|Imp            |5|300  |100|35 |4-70  |35 |1-50  |3-100 |  |LIF      |
86.|Imperial Shadow|7|3000 |240|120|8-100 |120|1-80  |8-30  |  |IBPDMMa  |D
40.|Killer Fish    |3|100  |0  |25 |2-65  |17 |1-30  |2-50  |L |FP       |
87.|Killer Mantis  |5|750  |0  |60 |5-75  |50 |1-60  |4-40  |I |         |
119|King Behemoth  |7|5000 |0  |150|8-100 |120|1-50  |8-30  |  |         |
112|Lamia          |6|1000 |60 |70 |6-85  |70 |1-65  |6-30  |  |         |
151|Lamia Matriarch|6|1760 |150|50 |8-95  |50 |2-80  |7-40  |  |         |
113|Lamia Queen    |7|1290 |370|50 |8-95  |50 |2-75  |7-40  |  |         |
54.|Land Ray       |5|450  |0  |40 |4-75  |40 |1-50  |3-50  |  |         |
13.|Land Turtle    |3|140  |0  |35 |2-65  |35 |0-0   |2-50  |I |LP       |
1. |Leg Eater      |1|6    |0  |4  |1-60  |0  |0-0   |1-50  |  |BM       |
142|Li’l Murderer  |4|1500 |250|100|6-80  |4  |3-20  |2-40  |L |         |
65.|Malboro        |5|750  |0  |50 |5-80  |50 |1-60  |4-40  |L |FP       |
156|Malboro Menace |5|900  |0  |85 |8-85  |85 |1-70  |5-70  |IF|         |BPDMMa
66.|Malboro Terra  |6|1000 |0  |60 |7-80  |60 |1-65  |6-30  |  |LP       |
107|Magician       |3|80   |30 |17 |1-65  |9  |1-40  |3-60  |  |         |
55.|Manta Ray      |5|870  |0  |70 |5-80  |60 |1-60  |4-40  |L |FP       |
88.|Mantis King    |6|1140 |0  |85 |7-80  |70 |1-70  |5-40  |I |         |
89.|Mantis Devil   |7|1290 |370|85 |8-85  |85 |1-75  |5-70  |  |I        |F
60.|Mega Parasite  |6|750  |300|40 |6-75  |50 |1-65  |4-40  |I |M        |
101|Mine           |3|190  |30 |35 |2-70  |25 |0-0   |3-40  |LF|BM       |
148|Mini Satana    |5|1200 |350|60 |8-80  |50 |1-50  |6-60  |  |LIF      |
134|Miss Vamp      |3|100  |0  |25 |6-85  |10 |1-75  |6-30  |F |LIBPDMMa |D
145|Mother Brain   |4|200  |100|40 |4-75  |35 |1-70  |3-50  |M |BD       |
95.|Mythril Golem  |7|2000 |0  |150|8-95  |180|1-50  |14-100|L |IFBPDMMa |
14.|Ogre           |2|100  |0  |25 |1-65  |17 |1-20  |2-50  |  |         |
15.|Ogre Mage      |3|140  |30 |25 |2-65  |17 |1-40  |3-40  |  |         |
16.|Ogre Chief     |4|300  |0  |40 |3-70  |35 |1-40  |3-40  |  |         |
155|Orukat         |6|1140 |400|85 |7-90  |70 |0-0   |5-70  |  |LIFBPDMMa|
59.|Parasite       |4|300  |0  |35 |3-70  |40 |3-70  |3-50  |I |M        |
11.|Phorusracos    |3|140  |0  |35 |2-65  |25 |1-30  |2-50  |  |         |
44.|Pirate         |1|90   |0  |17 |1-60  |15 |1-30  |2-40  |  |         |
64.|Pit Fiend      |6|750  |300|60 |8-80  |50 |1-65  |6-60  |  |I        |F
50.|Poison Toad    |4|300  |0  |35 |3-70  |35 |1-30  |3-50  |I |         |
143|Purobulos      |4|800  |300|60 |5-80  |50 |0-0   |4-40  |I |L        |F
4. |Queen Bee      |1|30   |0  |9  |1-50  |4  |1-10  |1-50  |  |         |
123|Red Dragon     |7|5000 |450|180|8-100 |180|1-75  |8-40  |I |         |F
78.|Red Mousse     |3|100  |45 |25 |2-65  |210|0-0   |2-50  |L |IBPDMMa  |P
80.|Red Soul       |5|540  |30 |35 |1-80  |40 |1-60  |4-40  |  |         |LIFBPDMMa
26.|Revenant       |4|240  |0  |40 |3-70  |25 |1-40  |3-40  |F |IBM      |D
36.|Rhyos          |5|750  |140|60 |5-80  |50 |1-60  |4-40  |  |         |
73.|Roundworm      |7|2500 |0  |120|6-95  |100|1-10  |4-50  |  |         |
168|Roundworm2     |7|2000 |0  |25 |4-95  |10 |1-10  |4-50  |  |         |
90.|Royal Guard    |6|870  |0  |60 |6-75  |75 |1-65  |6-30  |  |         |
74.|Sand Worm      |6|1290 |190|100|7-85  |40 |1-70  |6-30  |  |         |
6. |Sasquatch      |1|20   |0  |4  |1-50  |0  |1-10  |1-50  |  |         |
69.|Salamander     |6|1290 |300|100|8-90  |85 |1-70  |5-70  |I |         |F
32.|Scissorjaws    |6|870  |0  |70 |6-80  |60 |1-70  |4-40  |  |         |
53.|Sea Dragon     |5|870  |80 |70 |5-80  |60 |1-60  |4-40  |L |FP       |
138|Sea Serpent    |2|100  |100|10 |5-80  |10 |1-70  |4-40  |L |FP       |
52.|Sea Snake      |4|300  |0  |40 |3-75  |40 |1-40  |3-50  |L |FP       |
104|Sergeant       |3|420  |10 |35 |2-70  |25 |1-30  |3-50  |  |         |
27.|Shadow         |2|45   |0  |17 |1-60  |9  |1-20  |2-40  |F |LBDMMa   |D
22.|Skull          |6|640  |300|50 |6-75  |40 |1-65  |4-40  |F |IBM      |D
5. |Snowman        |2|45   |0  |9  |1-60  |4  |1-20  |2-40  |F |         |I
108|Sorceror       |4|140  |60 |25 |1-70  |17 |1-50  |3-60  |  |         |
130|Soul Eater     |3|40   |0  |15 |3-95  |3  |0-0   |1-50  |  |BM       |
29.|Specter        |4|300  |100|25 |3-75  |25 |1-40  |3-50  |F |IBPDMMa  |D
10.|Sprinter       |1|30   |0  |9  |1-50  |0  |1-40  |1-50  |  |         |
8. |Stalactite     |4|240  |0  |35 |2-70  |35 |1-30  |3-40  |P |M        |
9. |Stalagmite     |4|240  |0  |40 |3-70  |40 |1-30  |3-40  |  |M        |
151|Steel Giant    |7|6500 |480|180|12-100|200|0-0   |14-100|L |IBDMMa   |F
94.|Stone Golem    |7|1800 |240|120|7-95  |150|1-50  |14-100|P |LIFBDMMa |
20.|Stunner        |3|100  |0  |17 |2-65  |17 |1-30  |2-50  |  |         |
103|Soldier        |1|45   |10 |17 |1-60  |9  |1-10  |2-50  |  |         |
117|Thunder Gigas  |7|2500 |370|150|8-95  |150|1-60  |4-50  |P |         |L
125|Tiamat         |7|5000 |450|150|8-100 |180|1-80  |8-70  |B |M        |LIFP
153|Twin Heads     |5|800  |400|40 |5-65  |25 |1-50  |3-50  |I |         |F
169|Ultima Weapon  |7|15000|500|150|9-100 |190|1-80  |8-70  |  |LIFBPDMMa|
83.|Vampire Girl   |5|540  |100|40 |5-80  |50 |1-60  |4-40  |F |LIBPDMMa |D
84.|Vampire Lady   |6|1140 |140|85 |6-85  |85 |1-70  |6-30  |F |LIBPDMMa |D
2. |Vampire Thorn  |1|20   |0  |4  |1-60  |0  |0-0   |1-50  |  |BM       |
147|Warg Wolf      |4|1500 |0  |70 |8-80  |50 |1-80  |6-60  |  |         |
110|Werepanther    |3|190  |0  |35 |2-70  |25 |1-30  |3-40  |  |BD       |
19.|Wererat        |2|60   |0  |17 |1-60  |4  |2-20  |2-40  |  |BD       |
61.|Werewolf       |5|540  |0  |50 |4-80  |50 |1-50  |4-40  |  |BD       |
49.|Wild Horn      |5|300  |0  |40 |3-85  |35 |1-30  |3-50  |  |         |
109|Wizard         |6|540  |190|40 |1-75  |35 |1-70  |4-60  |  |         |
120|White Dragon   |7|2500 |140|150|6-95  |120|1-75  |5-50  |F |         |I
93.|Wood Golem     |7|1620 |0  |100|6-95  |120|1-50  |14-100|F |IBPDMMa  |
28.|Wraith         |2|60   |0  |9  |1-65  |9  |2-20  |2-50  |F |IBPDMMa  |D
163|Yamatano Orochi|7|8000 |450|160|9-100 |190|1-80  |8-70  |  |M        |LIFP
77.|Yellow Jelly   |2|45   |6  |17 |1-60  |210|0-0   |2-40  |IF|LBDMMa   |P
82.|Yellow Soul    |4|20   |80 |35 |1-70  |25 |1-40  |3-40  |  |         |LIFBPDMMa
23.|Zombie         |1|30   |0  |17 |1-60  |0  |0-0   |1-50  |F |IBM      |D
47.|Zombie Borghen |7|2500 |370|120|6-95  |120|1-60  |10-100|F |IBM      |D
167|Zombie Borghen2|7|2500 |370|30 |3-95  |5  |1-60  |10-100|F |IBM      |D
 # |Name           |R|HP   |MP |Atk|Acc   |Def|Eva   |MDef  |We|Resistanc|Absorb
76.|????           | |     |   |   |      |   |      |      |  |         |
98.|????           | |     |   |   |      |   |      |      |  |         |
124|????           | |     |   |   |      |   |      |      |  |         |
131|????           | |     |   |   |      |   |      |      |  |         |
162|????           | |     |   |   |      |   |      |      |  |         |
165|????           | |     |   |   |      |   |      |      |  |         |


#  |Name           |Gil Drops  |Treasure Drops
1. |Leg Eater      |4-37       |
2. |Vampire Thorn  |4-18       |Antidote, Eye drops, Potion
3. |Hornet         |4-37       |
4. |Queen Bee      |4-9        |Potion, Antidote
5. |Snowman        |18-150     |
6. |Sasquatch      |9-75       |
7. |Icicle         |18-150     |
8. |Stalactite     |150-600    |
9. |Stalagmite     |600-1200   |
10.|Sprinter       |4-37       |
11.|Phorusracos    |37-300     |
12.|Adamantoise    |300-750    |Diamond Shield
13.|Land Turtle    |37-300     |Mythril Shield
14.|Ogre           |75-300     |Mythril Mace, Mythril Helm
15.|Ogre Mage      |75-75      |Blind, Sleep, Blizzard, Blink Warp Tome, Hellfire
16.|Ogre Chief     |450-750    |Wing Sword, Ice Shield
17.|Dual Heads     |18-300     |Mace, Battle Axe
18.|Duel Deads     |300-750    |
19.|Wererat        |37-300     |
20.|Stunner        |75-450     |
21.|Dead Head      |9-75       |
22.|Skull          |1500-3000  |
23.|Zombie         |9-75       |
24.|Ghoul          |37-300     |
25.|Ghast          |75-450     |
26.|Revenant       |450-900    |
27.|Shadow         |18-150     |
28.|Wraith         |37-300     |
29.|Specter        |600-1200   |
30.|Ghost          |750-1500   |
31.|Antlion        |300-750    |
32.|Scissorjaws    |1500-3000  |
33.|Gottos         |1200-3000  |Bacchus's Wine, Ripper, Haste Tome
34.|Beast Demon    |3000-3000  |
35.|Chimera        |450-900    |
36.|Rhyos          |750-1500   |
37.|Chimera Sphinx |3000-3000  |
38.|Death Flower   |300-750    |Antidote, Sleepgrass, Eye Drops, Potion
39.|Devil’s Bloom  |900-2250   |
40.|Killer Fish    |37-300     |
41.|Bolt Fish      |600-1200   |
42.|Helldiver      |75-450     |
43.|Cockatrice     |600-1200   |
44.|Pirate         |150-600    |
45.|Buccaneer      |300-750    |
46.|Borghen        |600-600    |Hi-Potion, Mythril Knife
47.|Zombie Borghen |3000-3000  |
48.|Big Horn       |750-1500   |
49.|Wild Horn      |150-600    |
50.|Poison Toad    |75-150     |Antidote, Potion, Death Idol, Maiden's Kiss
51.|Gigantoad      |300-750    |
52.|Sea Snake      |75-450     |
53.|Sea Dragon     |600-1200   |Conch Shell, Betrayal Fang, Orichalcum
54.|Land Ray       |450-900    |
55.|Manta Ray      |600-1200   |
56.|Flying Ray     |600-1200   |
57.|Changer        |150-600    |
58.|Brain          |450-900    |
59.|Parasite       |450-900    |
60.|Mega Parasite  |2250-3000  |
61.|Werewolf       |750-1500   |
62.|Devil Wolf     |3000-3000  |
63.|Imp            |750-1500   |
64.|Pit Fiend      |2250-3000  |
65.|Malboro        |450-900    |Hi-Potion, Ether
66.|Malboro Terra  |750-1500   |Hi-Potion, Ether, Elixir
67.|Great Marboro  |2250-3000  |
68.|Basilisk       |750-1500   |
69.|Salamander     |2250-3000  |
70.|Ice Lizard     |900-2250   |
71.|Eyemoeba       |1200-3000  |
72.|Hecteyes       |2250-3000  |
73.|Roundworm      |2250-3000  |
74.|Sand Worm      |1200-3000  |
75.|Abyss Worm     |1500-3000  |
76.|????           |           |
77.|Yellow Jelly   |4-37       |
78.|Red Mousse     |75-400     |
79.|Black Flan     |450-900    |
80.|Red Soul       |18-150     |
81.|Green Soul     |150-600    |
82.|Yellow Soul    |150-600    |
83.|Vampire Girl   |750-1500   |
84.|Vampire Lady   |2250-15000 |Maiden's Kiss, Blizzard Tome, Hourglass
85.|Emperor        |15000-15000|Elixir, Eye Drops, Phoenix Down, Cottage, Diamond 
   |               |           |Armor, Defender
86.|Imperial Shadow|0-0        |
87.|Killer Mantis  |600-1200   |
88.|Mantis King    |3000-15000 |Phoenix Down, Ether, Mallet, Mythril Armor, Cat Claws
89.|Mantis Devil   |3000-3000  |
90.|Royal Guard    |1200-1500  |Poison Axe, Unicorn Horn, Stun Tome, Warp Tome
91.|Black Knight   |2250-3000  |Diamon Shield, Yoichi's Bow, Hi-Potion, Sun Blade
92.|Death Rider    |15000-15000|Hi-Potion, Ether, Thunder Spear, Elixir, Ribbon
93.|Wood Golem     |900-2250   |
94.|Stone Golem    |900-2250   |
95.|Mythril Golem  |1500-3000  |
96.|Goblin         |9-75       |
97.|Goblin Guard   |9-75       |
98.|????           |           |
99.|Balloon        |4-37       |
100|Grenade        |9-75       |
101|Mine           |37-300     |
102|Bomb           |450-900    |
103|Soldier        |9-75       |Potion, Antidote, Garlic
104|Sergeant       |150-300    |Mythril Helm, Mythril Axe, Mythril Armor, Mythril Bow
105|Captain        |300-450    |Flame Bow, Golden Armor, Curse Tome, Toad Tome
106|General        |2250-3000  |Spiders Silk, Diamond Gloves, Diamond Helm, Dragon 
   |               |           |Armor, Rune Axe
107|Magician       |75-75      |Berserk, Scourge, Thunder, Fire, Stun Tome, Mage's 
   |               |           |Staff
108|Sorceror       |600-600    |Aura, Death, Haste, Toad, Drain Tome, Gold Cuirass
109|Wizard         |1500-2250  |Diamond Cuirass, Warp, Drain, Flare, Osmose Tome
110|Werepanther    |75-450     |
111|Coeurl         |1500-3000  |
112|Lamia          |1200-3000  |
113|Lamia Queen    |15000-15000|Diamond Cuirass, Protect Ring, Gold Hairpin, Sage's 
   |               |           |Wisdom, Ribbon
114|HillGigas      |300-600    |Giant's Helm, Giant's Gloves
115|Fire Gigas     |900-1500   |Flame Sword, Flame Armor, Confuse Tome
116|Ice Gigas      |900-1500   |Ice Brand, Antarctic Wind, Stop Tome
117|Thunder Gigas  |1200-1500  |Wizard's Staff, Black Robe, Confuse, Flare Tome
118|Behemoth       |0-0        |
119|King Behemoth  |15000-15000|Twist Headband, Power Vest, Power Armlet, Death
   |               |           |Idol, Yoich's Bow
120|White Dragon   |3000-15000 |Betrayel Fang, Ice Bow, Antarctic Win, Gneji Gloves,
   |               |           |Wind Flute
121|Green Dragon   |3000-15000 |Betrayel Fang, Healing Staff, Acid Phial, Diamond 
   |               |           |Helm, Gaia Drum
122|Blue Dragon    |15000-15000|Dragon Armor, Holy Lance, Dragon Shield, Betrayel 
   |               |           |Fang, Wizard's Staff
123|Red Dragon     |15000-15000|Dragon Armor, Holy Lance, Dragon Shield, Black Garb,
   |               |           |Herme's Shoes
124|????           |           |
125|Tiamat         |15000-15000|Elixir, Phoenix Down, Life, Holy, Flare Tome
126|Beelzebub      |15000-15000|Black Robe, Betrayel Fang, Herme's Shoes, Sage's 
   |               |           |Wisdom, Gaia Drum
127|Astaroth       |15000-15000|White Robe, Mythril Mirror, Spider's Silk, Saint's 
   |               |           |Spirit, Wind Flute
128|Emperor(2nd)   |0-0        |
129|Giga Parasite  |150-600    |
130|Soul Eater     |300-750    |Antidote, Sleepgrass, Eye Drops, Potion
131|????           |           |
132|Flan Princess  |450-900    |Hi-Potion, Ether
133|Death Knight   |1200-1500  |Poison Axe, Unicorn Horn, Stun, Warp Tome
134|Miss Vamp      |2250-15000 |Maiden's Kiss, Blizzard Tome, Hourglass
135|Bigfoot        |75-400     |
136|Gil Snapper    |1500-3000  |
137|Beast Devil    |150-300    |Mythril Helm, Mythril Axe, Mythril Armor, Mythril Bow
138|Sea Serpent    |75-400     |
139|Death Horn     |150-600    |
140|Gigas Worm     |75-450     |
141|Glasya Lebolas |1500-3000  |
142|Li’l Murderer  |1200-1500  |Wizard's Staff, Black Robe, Confuse, Flare Tome
143|Purobulos      |300-450    |Flame Bow, Golden Armor, Curse, Toad Tome
144|Dark Soul      |75-75      |Blind, Sleep, Blizzard, Blink, Warp Tome, Hellfire
145|Mother Brain   |600-1200   |
146|Bloodbones     |600-1200   |Conch Shell, Betrayel Fang, Orichalcum
147|Warg Wolf      |2250-3000  |
148|Mini Satana    |300-450    |Flame Bow, Golden Armor, Curse Tome, Toad Tome
149|Dark Magician  |75-75      |Berserk, Scourge, Thunder, Fire, Stun Tome, Mage's 
   |               |           |Staff
150|Chimera Brain  |3000-15000 |Phoenix Down, Ether, Mallet, Mythril Mirror, Cat  
   |               |           |Claws
151|Lamia Matriarch|15000-15000|Hi-Potion, Ether, Thunder Spear, Elixir, Ribbon
152|Cait Sith      |0-0        |
153|Twin Heads     |900-1500   |Flame Sword, Flame Armor, Confuse Tome
154|Catoblepas     |2250-3000  |Diamond Shield, Yoichi's Bow, Hi-Potion, Sun Blade
155|Orukat         |15000-15000|Diamond Cuirass, Protect Ring, Gold Hairpin, Sage's 
   |               |           |Wisdom, Ribbon
156|Malboro Menace |15000-15000|Twist Headband, Power Vest, Power Armlet, Death 
   |               |           |Idol, Yoichi's Bow
157|Chaos Rider    |2250-3000  |Spider's Silk, Diamond Glove, Diamond Helm, Dragon 
   |               |           |Armor, Rune Axe
158|Gold Golem     |15000-15000|
159|Black Dragon   |15000-15000|Dragon Armor, Holy Lance, Dragon Shield, Black Garb,
   |               |           |Herme's Shoes
160|Dark Behemoth  |15000-15000|Twist Headband, Power Vest, Power Armlet, Death 
   |               |           |Idol, Yoichi's Bow
161|Steel Giant    |3000-15000 |Genji Helm, Genji Gloves, Genji Armor, Excalibur, 
   |               |           |Aegis Shield
162|????           |           |
163|Yamatano Orochi|15000-15000|Elixir, Phoenix Down, Life, Holy, Flare Tome
164|Beelzebub Soul |15000-15000|Black Robe, Betrayel Fang, Herme's Shoes, Sage's 
   |               |           |Wisdom, Gaia Drum
165|????           |           |
166|Black Knight   |2250-3000  |Diamond Shield, Yoichi's Bow, Hi-Potion, Sun Blade
167|Zombie Borghen2|3000-3000  |
168|Roundworm      |2250-3000  |
169|Ultima Weapon  |0-0        |
#  |Name           |Gil Drops  |Treasure Drops


Jabedin's Characters:

            HP 9999    / 9999                      
            MP  999     / 999                          Status

Attack                                   Skill   Lv.   R.Hand
      482                                Hands    1     Excalibur
Accuracy                                 Knife    7    L.Hand
      14 - 100 %                         Sword   15     Sun Blade
Defense                                  Staff    1    Head
      376                                  Axe    1     Diamond Helm
Evasion                                  Spear   10    Body
      6 - 0%                               Bow    1     Genji Armor
Magic Def.                              Shield   11    Hands
      14 - 100 %                                        Genji Gloves

            HP 9999    / 9999                      
            MP  999     / 999                          Status

Attack                                   Skill   Lv.   R.Hand
      204                                Hands    1     Yoichi's Bow
Accuracy                                 Knife    1    L.Hand
      14 - 100 %                         Sword    1     Hands
Defense                                  Staff    8    Head
      251                                  Axe    1     Diamond Helm
Evasion                                  Spear    2    Body
      1 - 0%                               Bow   10     Dragon Armor
Magic Def.                              Shield    1    Hands
      14 - 100 %                                        Diamond Gloves

            HP 9999    / 9999                      
            MP  999     / 999                           Status

Attack                                   Skill   Lv.    R.Hand
      434                                Hands    1      Rune Axe
Accuracy                                 Knife    1     L.Hand
      14 - 100 %                         Sword    2      Poison Axe
Defense                                  Staff    1     Head
      341                                  Axe   15      Diamond Helm
Evasion                                  Spear    1     Body
      7 - 0%                               Bow    1      Dragon Armor
Magic Def.                              Shield   10     Hands
      13 - 99 %                                          Diamond Gloves

            HP 9999    / 9999                      
            MP  999     / 999                          Status

Attack                                   Skill   Lv.   R.Hand
      458                                Hands    2     Cat Claws
Accuracy                                 Knife   15    L.Hand
      14 - 100 %                         Sword   11     Cat Claws
Defense                                  Staff    6    Head
      372                                  Axe    9     Genji Helm
Evasion                                  Spear    7    Body
      5 - 0%                               Bow    4     Dragon Armor
Magic Def.                              Shield    3    Hands
      14 - 100 %                                        Genji Gloves

|||||||Soul of Rebirth|||||||

            HP 1491    / 1491                      
            MP  369     / 369                          Status

Attack                                   Skill   Lv.   R.Hand
      112                                Hands    1     Yoichi's Bow
Accuracy                                 Knife    1    L.Hand
      6 - 99 %                           Sword    1     Hands
Defense                                  Staff    6    Head
      74                                   Axe    1     Twist Headband
Evasion                                  Spear    1    Body
      2 - 15%                              Bow    6     Diamond Cuirass
Magic Def.                              Shield    6    Hands
      9 - 71 %                                          Power Armlet

            HP 4652    / 4652                      
            MP  228     / 228                          Status

Attack                                   Skill   Lv.   R.Hand
      185                                Hands    2     Sun Blade
Accuracy                                 Knife    2    L.Hand
      11 - 99 %                          Sword   11     Sun Blade
Defense                                  Staff    2    Head
      111                                  Axe    2     Diamond Helm
Evasion                                  Spear    4    Body
      5 - 0%                               Bow    2     Genji Armor
Magic Def.                              Shield    8    Hands
      10 - 94 %                                         Power Armlet

            HP 3123    / 3123                      
            MP  52     / 52                            Status

Attack                                   Skill   Lv.   R.Hand
      184                                Hands    5     Sun Blade
Accuracy                                 Knife    1    L.Hand
      11 - 99 %                          Sword    1     Sun Blade
Defense                                  Staff    1    Head
      150                                  Axe   11     Diamond Helm
Evasion                                  Spear    1    Body
      4 - 0%                               Bow    1     Genji Armor
Magic Def.                              Shield    1    Hands
      9 - 84 %                                          Power Armlet

            HP 4564    / 4564                      
            MP  74     / 74                            Status

Attack                                   Skill   Lv.   R.Hand
      234                                Hands    1     Sun Blade
Accuracy                                 Knife    1    L.Hand
      13 - 99 %                          Sword    8     Sun Blade
Defense                                  Staff    1    Head
      81                                   Axe    1     Diamond Helm
Evasion                                  Spear   13    Body
      5 - 54%                              Bow    1     Genji Armor
Magic Def.                              Shield    6    Hands
      11 - 78 %                                         Power Armlet

Authors Notes:  Special thanks to Terry for making me finish it!


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