Firefly Pendant Location Guide - Guide for The Last of Us

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|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯| |¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|   F I R E F L Y   P E N D A N T S   G U I D E
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 ______  ______  _  _     _  _______  _  _     _  _____
|  __  ||  __  || || \   | ||__   __|| || \   | ||  ___| A recent poll showed 
| |  | || |  | || ||  \  | |   | |   | ||  \  | || |     that some people still
| |__| || |__| || ||   \ | |   | |   | ||   \ | || | __  print out FAQs. I will
|  ____||    __|| || |\ \| |   | |   | || |\ \| || ||  | hereby kindly request
| |     | |\ \  | || | \   |   | |   | || | \   || | | | that if you prefer to
| |     | | \ \ | || |  \  |   | |   | || |  \  || |_| | print out (parts of)
|_|     |_|  \_\|_||_|   \_|   |_|   |_||_|   \_||_____| this FAQ that you use
 ______  _____  _     _  ____  _     _   recycled paper from certified and
|  __  ||  _  || |   | ||  __|\ \   / / sustained sources, such as the FSC
| |  | || | | || |   | || |    \ \ / / (Forest Stewardship Council)
| |__| || | | || |   | || |     \ v / certification indicates. Obviously we
|  ____|| | | || |   | || |      | | will want to continue enjoying real forests
| |     | | | || |   | || |      | | besides digital nature, and I'm sure you've
| |     | |_| || |__ | || |__    | | heard of that substance called oxygen.
|_|     |_____||____||_||____|   |_| Turns out to be quite crucial for your
 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯  brain functions.

        ____   _____  _     _  _____  _______  _  _____  _     _  _____
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              T H E  Q U A R A N T I N E  Z O N E:  O U T S I D E
.—————: PENDANT #1: David Michael Vigil ;——————————————————————————————————————.
|!|    `———————————————————————————————´                                     |!|
|!| After going outside with Tess, search for a ladder behind a vehicle, then|!|
|!| enter the building. The room in the back on this floor contains the      |!|
|!| pendant.                                                                 |!|

.—————: PENDANT #2: Ben Glueck  ;——————————————————————————————————————————————.
|!|    `———————————————————————´                                             |!|
|!| After dropping down from a fire escape, follow Tess through the alley.   |!|
|!| Move underneath an obstacle to reach a small square with a bench. Inspect|!|
|!| the tree to spot this pendant hanging in one of the branches; shoot it to|!|
|!| pick it up.                                                              |!|

            T H E  Q U A R A N T I N E  Z O N E:  T H E  C A R G O
.—————: PENDANT #3: Philip Liu ;———————————————————————————————————————————————.
|!|    `——————————————————————´                                              |!|
|!| When Ellie first joins you, check the Firefly bodies in the street to    |!|
|!| find this pendant on one of the bodies.                                  |!|

                  T H E   O U T S K I R T S:  D O W N T O W N
.—————: PENDANT #4: Joseph Lenz ;——————————————————————————————————————————————.
|!|    `———————————————————————´                                             |!|
|!| Before entering the large Goldstone Building, move to the back of the    |!|
|!| area and look at the furthest tree; spot the pendant hanging in one of   |!|
|!| the branches. Throw a nearby brick at it to collect it.                  |!|

                T H E  O U T S K I R T S:  T H E   M U S E U M
.—————: PENDANT #5: Michael Kiper ;————————————————————————————————————————————.
|!|    `—————————————————————————´                                           |!|
|!| In the museum, inside the room with the collapsed ceiling (there's also  |!|
|!| a giant bell in this room), head up and immediately climb up on the LEFT |!|
|!| side, then keep hugging the while moving to the end to find this pendant.|!|
|!| Show those Uncharted moves, Joel!                                        |!|

       T H E  O U T S K I R T S:  T H E  C A P I T O L  B U I L D I N G
.—————: PENDANT #6: Melinda Davidson ;—————————————————————————————————————————.
|!|    `————————————————————————————´                                        |!|
|!| Right before you reach the Capitol Building, wade through the water and  |!|
|!| move to the left side of the street. Hop in the gazebo to find the       |!|
|!| pendant inside.                                                          |!|

.—————: PENDANT #7: Shiyao Jiang ;—————————————————————————————————————————————.
|!|    `————————————————————————´                                            |!|
|!| At the flooded subway section where you're supposed to get Ellie across  |!|
|!| the tunnel by using a raft, check out the flooded tunnel to the left side|!|
|!| of the area; the flooded room contains this pendant.                     |!|

                   B I L L ' S  T O W N:  T H E   W O O D S
.—————: PENDANT #8: Hui Wang ;—————————————————————————————————————————————————.
|!|    `————————————————————´                                                |!|
|!| At the town's main street, climb the large camper and look for this      |!|
|!| pendant on top of it.                                                    |!|

                   B I L L ' S  T O W N:  S A F E H O U S E
.—————: PENDANT #9: Alex Raymond Vincent ;—————————————————————————————————————.
|!|    `————————————————————————————————´                                    |!|
|!| Follow Bill to an open area with several carwreck. After clearing this   |!|
|!| place from the infected, move to the far right side of the area and look |!|
|!| up at the green roadhouse sign; this lantern has the pendant hanging from|!|
|!| it. Shoot it in order to collect it.                                     |!|

                   B I L L ' S  T O W N:  G R A V E Y A R D
.—————: PENDANT #10: Peter Mrozik ;————————————————————————————————————————————.
|!|    `—————————————————————————´                                           |!|
|!| After moving through the graveyard you're back on the streets. Move      |!|
|!| through the first backyard and check this house to find the pendant in   |!|
|!| the kitchen.                                                             |!|

            P I T T S B U R G H:  A L O N E  A N D  F O R S A K E N
.—————: PENDANT #11: Mazden Risk ;—————————————————————————————————————————————.
|!|    `————————————————————————´                                            |!|
|!| When you reach the quarantine zone's checkpoint, head through and defeat |!|
|!| the hunters in the area with the tents (and inside the bookstore). This  |!|
|!| pendant can be found in the alley next to the bookstore, at the far end  |!|
|!| of the area.                                                             |!|

                  P I T T S B U R G H:  H O T E L  L O B B Y
.—————: PENDANT #12: Colby Reed ;——————————————————————————————————————————————.
|!|    `———————————————————————´                                             |!|
|!| After you go through the restaurant and meeting up with Ellie again, but |!|
|!| before entering the ball room, inspect the women's restroom to find this |!|
|!| pendant.                                                                 |!|

               P I T T S B U R G H:  E S C A P E  T H E  C I T Y
.—————: PENDANT #13: Lucas Rios ;——————————————————————————————————————————————.
|!|    `———————————————————————´                                             |!|
|!| After meeting Henry and Sam, follow them and climb up a truck and roof,  |!|
|!| then enter the building. In here, BEFORE entering the architects' office,|!|
|!| check the restroom to the left to find this pendant.                     |!|

                      T H E  S U B U R B S:  S E W E R S
.—————: PENDANT #14: Josh Scheffler ;——————————————————————————————————————————.
|!|    `———————————————————————————´                                         |!|
|!| At the end of the beach you'll reach a large fisherman's boat. Search    |!|
|!| inside the hull to find this pendant.                                    |!|

.—————: PENDANT #15: Robert Righetti ;—————————————————————————————————————————.
|!|    `————————————————————————————´                                        |!|
|!| When you enter the sewers, walk a couple of meters and keep a look out   |!|
|!| for a small opening to your right side with water coming out of it. Head |!|
|!| through and search for the pendant in the room on the other side.        |!|

.—————: PENDANT #16: Eddie Fuentes ;———————————————————————————————————————————.
|!|    `——————————————————————————´                                          |!|
|!| In the area where you have to move Ellie across the water with a raft,   |!|
|!| dive into the water and inspect the ground near the wrecked vehicle on   |!|
|!| the left side of the area.                                               |!|

                     T H E  S U B U R B S:  S U B U R B S
.—————: PENDANT #17: Matthew White ;———————————————————————————————————————————.
|!|    `——————————————————————————´                                          |!|
|!| Cross the streets until you reach a dead end (you'll already have passed |!|
|!| the ice cream car). In the yard next to the last house in the street you |!|
|!| can spot a few small houses the children used to play with. Inspect the  |!|
|!| tree to find the pendant hanging from one of it's branches.              |!|

            T O M M Y ' S  D A M:  H Y D R O E L E C T R I C  D A M
.—————: PENDANT #18: Ryan Oliverio ;———————————————————————————————————————————.
|!|    `——————————————————————————´                                          |!|
|!| Follow Tommy to the generator room and head downstairs. Before talking   |!|
|!| with him, head to the far end of the area and search the cabinet in this |!|
|!| storage room to find this pendant.                                       |!|

                 T O M M Y ' S  D A M:  R A N C H   H O U S E
.—————: PENDANT #19: Brent Pino ;——————————————————————————————————————————————.
|!|    `———————————————————————´                                             |!|
|!| When you reach the ranch by horse, search the trophy room in the far back|!|
|!| to find this pendant.                                                    |!|

             T H E   U N I V E R S I T Y:  G O   B I G   H O R N S
.—————: PENDANT #20: Hope Pino  ;——————————————————————————————————————————————.
|!|    `———————————————————————´                                             |!|
|!| After hopping over some barricades and passing the football graffiti     |!|
|!| logo you'll reach an intersection. Head right and check the tree with the|!|
|!| yellow leaves to find the pendant hanging in it.                         |!|

.—————: PENDANT #21: Alex Rohner ;—————————————————————————————————————————————.
|!|    `————————————————————————´                                            |!|
|!| After moving through the library you'll reach a large square with a      |!|
|!| statue in the middle of it. Right before jumping over the road blocks to |!|
|!| reach this square, look to your right and climb the container next to the|!|
|!| building to reach a room with this pendant.                              |!|

.—————: PENDANT #22: Joe Warren  ;—————————————————————————————————————————————.
|!|    `————————————————————————´                                            |!|
|!| In the infected part of the dormitory, defeat the Bloater and loot his   |!|
|!| body (or close to it) for this pendant.                                  |!|

.—————: PENDANT #23: Erik Griggs ;—————————————————————————————————————————————.
|!|    `————————————————————————´                                            |!|
|!| In one of the tents in the corner of the square, right before the Science|!|
|!| Building you can find this pendant. The tent is in the far (intially)    |!|
|!| left corner.                                                             |!|

         T H E   U N I V E R S I T Y:  S C I E N C E   B U I L D I N G
.—————: PENDANT #24: Sadie Pearle Hickman ;————————————————————————————————————.
|!|    `—————————————————————————————————´                                   |!|
|!| In the room where you discover where the sounds came from, search the    |!|
|!| cabinet in the far right corner to find this pendant.                    |!|

                L A K E S I D E   R E S O R T:  T H E   H U N T
.—————: PENDANT #25: Travis Kristoff ;—————————————————————————————————————————.
|!|    `————————————————————————————´                                        |!|
|!| After moving through the maze-like environment with Clickers, Ellie will |!|
|!| be boosted up by David to reach some catwalks. In the corner of this area|!|
|!| is a storage room; a Clicker will come out of it. Avoid or defeat it and |!|
|!| search the room for this pendant.                                        |!|

.—————: PENDANT #26: Paul D. Braun  ;——————————————————————————————————————————.
|!|    `———————————————————————————´                                         |!|
|!| After dropping down the hill and going through the first house, head     |!|
|!| right and check the wooden gazebo to find this pendant inside.           |!|

                  B U S   D E P O T:  H I G H W A Y   E X I T
.—————: PENDANT #27: Katerina Perich ;—————————————————————————————————————————.
|!|    `————————————————————————————´                                        |!|
|!| Head down the highway's exit and move past the bus; drop down to the left|!|
|!| railing (or walk around the vehicle) and search the ground near the      |!|
|!| orange objects to find this pendant.                                     |!|

.—————: PENDANT #28: Nicole Hoo ;——————————————————————————————————————————————.
|!|    `———————————————————————´                                             |!|
|!| In the area with the large Fedra tent, stand with this tent on your left |!|
|!| side and walk to the near end of the area until you pass a portable      |!|
|!| toilet. Look up at the lights standing near the green tent and shoot the |!|
|!| pendant off.                                                             |!|

            B U S   D E P O T:  U N D E R G R O U N D   T U N N E L
.—————: PENDANT #29: Natalie Hoo ;—————————————————————————————————————————————.
|!|    `————————————————————————´                                            |!|
|!| After moving through the bus, back on the streets pass the long bus and  |!|
|!| look behind it to find this pendant.                                     |!|

                           T H E   F I R E F L I E S
.—————: PENDANT #30: Bryony Stewart-Seume ;————————————————————————————————————.
|!|    `—————————————————————————————————´                                   |!|
|!| After heading upstairs to reach the final part of the area, look for a   |!|
|!| closed door behind the counter which requires a Shiv to open (this is    |!|
|!| also the last door in the game that requires a Shiv). Crack it open to   |!|
|!| find the last Firefly pendant.                                           |!|

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                             \ \/ / | |    | |
                              \  /  | |___ | |___
                               \/   |_____||_____|
14 Jun. 2013 - [v1.00] - Complete list.

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