Level 29 - Street Bazaar - Guide for Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation

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Secrets: 1*

You enter this level from the TRENCHES.

GARAGE WITH DYING SOLDIER: Once again, you've temporarily lost control of the Look 
key. The sounds of the storm brewing and the skirmishes in the streets are a bit 
intimidating, but it's OK to climb down the ladder into the room below. Approach the 
dying soldier.

Cut scene: The soldier and Lara both draw their weapons.

Pick up the MINE DETONATOR BODY. Also get the CAR JACK BODY behind the blue taxi and 
the HANDLE on one of the tables. Press the red button to open the two doors. First, 
go through the door at the top of the ramp. (You'll go the other way at the end of 
the level. Right now you're still missing something you need.)

GARAGE RAFTERS: Return to the GARAGE and go through the door at the top of the ramp. 
Crawl into the small opening for a large medipak. Crawl back out and climb the 
ladder next to the crawlspace to emerge near the ceiling. Take a diagonal standing 
jump to the bottom of the stairs on the right. (Alternately, take a standing jump to 
grab the bars on the ceiling and traverse there.) Go through the crawlspace on the 
right to a small room with a padlocked grate in the ceiling. Climb onto the corner 
block. Combine the CAR JACK BODY and the HANDLE, and use the CAR JACK on the low 
stone wall to pop the grate. Climb through the opening onto the roof.

ROOFTOP NEAR BRIDGE AND LIGHTNING ROD PAD: Take care to avoid the lightning rod pad 
while exploring this area. A swarm of locusts emerge when you stand on the low step 
to the left of the pad. When the swarm abates, go around to the left to get behind 
the lightning pad. Here you'll find two metal boxes and some kind of machine with a 
wooden top. Pull the box nearest the pad away from it into the hall. Go around it 
and push it into the alcove to get it out of the way. Pull the machine out of its 
alcove, then go around it and push it onto the lightning rod pad.

Cut scene: This causes the pad to sink. Now the lightning strikes the ROOF BRIDGE, 
blowing away half of it.

Walk out onto the broken bridge and take out the soldier lurking below on the right. 
Then take a running jump from the end of the ROOF BRIDGE to grab the ladder. Climb 
around the corners to the left until you reach a ledge. Turn around (to face north) 
and take a diagonal standing jump to the right toward the walkway lined with 
greenish stone. Go around the corner to the right to find secret #1 (60/70), a large 
medipak, poisoned arrows and flash grenades, with a special bonus swarm of locusts.

Make the pick-ups and return the way you came. Watch out for the roof's sloped edge. 
The flat spot at the end of the green walkway is safe, but from there you need to 
jump back to the ledge near the ladder or you'll slide off the roof.

Climb into the opening to the left of the ladder. Turn around and drop backwards, 
pressing and releasing Action to grab the edges as you slide. If you break your fall 
in this way, Lara won't lose health. Follow the hallway.

OPEN AREA WITH CRATES AND A BALCONY (BULLFIGHT): You can't shoot, move or stand on 
the crates, so leave them for now. Go down the ramp (in the northwest corner). Pick 
up the MINE POSITION DATA from the headless Saida.

Return up the ramp to find a huge armored bull—just like the GUARDIAN OF SEMERKHET. 
And just like the guardian, he can't be killed. The low ledges offer safe spots to 
stand if you need them. As in Semerkhet, use the bull to do the heavy work. If you 
stand on the low ledge in the corner, he will eventually bust open both of the 
crates there. The third one is a bit trickier. I found the easiest way to get him to 
break it was to jump Lara into the crate. Then he charged right at it. These boxes 
contain flares, a small medipak and Uzi clips. You also need to get the bull to open 
the exit for you. Position Lara in front of the stack of smaller boxes. When the 
bull charges, jump out of the way at the last minute. He'll shove the crates aside 
so you can exit.

Go up the ramp to the balcony. Kill the soldier near the left corner. Go through the 
doorway under the jagged hole with the sunbeams. Slide down the ramp to the TRENCHES.

(NOTE: You may notice the crates in the bull room mysteriously reappear down below. 
You can even go down and have the bull break them again, but they're empty now.)

TRENCHES - STREET WITH PALM TREE: Slide down the ramp into the street. Go through 
the doorway and past the palm tree, and continue straight ahead (west). Turn right 
at the end of the street and go down the hill toward the TWO STAIRWAYS. Continue to 
the ledge with the huge sand hill. Now you are able to climb up by jumping from the 
small, square ledge at the base of the sand hill to grab the ledge near the base of 
the ladder. Climb the ladder back to the STREET BAZAAR.

STREET BAZAAR - GARAGE (AGAIN): Exit the garage through the door at the base of the 
ramp. Follow the hall to a green door, which you can open by pressing Action. Run 
through and kill a soldier on the left if you didn't already shoot him from the 
bridge above. There's another soldier lurking in the far corner. Take him out as 
well. Pick up some Uzi clips beneath the overhang with the columns. The doorway in 
the northwest corner (where you can see barricades with skulls and crossbones), 
leads to the MINED AREA of the TRENCHES level. If you have the MINE DETONATOR BODY 
and the MINE POSITION DATA (above), you're ready to go there now.

Continue with the walkthrough for that level, with the section titled TRENCHES 
(third time).

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