Move List - Guide for Soul Blade

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Soul Edge / Soul Blade
Move List (Condensed Format)
Compiled by Dave Connoy
Send (intelligent) comments and questions to [email protected]
v1.01 FINAL

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Table of Contents

Some General Information
Individual Character Info & Moves
  -Hwang Sung Kyung
  -Seung Han Myong (PSX only)
  -Sophitia Alexandra
  -Mitsurugi Heishiro
  -Siegfried Schtauffen
  -Seung Mina
  -Li Long
  -Cervantes De Leon
  -Soul Edge (PSX only)

Some General Information

This is just a move list.  The full FAQ with detailed moves and tactics will 
be out... well, it'll be out as soon as I write it, how about that?

This is a 'condensed' version created for easy printing.  Though it's not as 
detailed as it could be if I wrote each move separately, it takes up a LOT 
less space.

ALL this is painstakingly verified on my North American, NTSC version copy of 
Soul Blade PSX.  That being the case, this list should need no more revisions.
This list is off the online command lists, so some common moves are not 
listed (mainly sidestep, crouch, and jumping attacks).  And rest assured that 
I've corrected Namco's GLARING error of not including Rock's ground throw on 
his online command list.


Commands represent taps on the:
8 direction joystick (b=back,d=down,u=up,f=forward, and combinations thereof 
   with "/"), and 
4 buttons, G, A, B, and K.  
If you don't know this stuff by now you're in trouble.  RTFM.

+ indicates to do the separated commands at the same time
, indicates to do the separated commands one after another
~ between two commands indicates they must be in very quick succession

All moves are executed from a standing position unless one of these is used:
'crouch' - the move is done entirely from a crouching position.  Hold the 
joystick in a down position and do the appropriate motion.
'run' - the move is done while running.  Tap f, then hold F to make your 
character run, then press the appropriate button.  Keep in mind you must have 
ample space to run to execute this type of move.
'WS (While Standing)' - WS motions are executed by first crouching (or 
executing a move with crouching recovery), and tapping the appropriate buttons 
as you release the joystick to netural.
'backwards' - You back must be to your opponent.

Individual Character Moves

This is organized by command, level, damage if hit, weapon damage if blocked, 
recovery position, and extra stuff.  If you see a move indented then it is 
done immediately after the move preceding it connects and can't be done by 

In the Level column:
H is a high attack; can be evaded by ducking and will hit standing 
  non-guarding opponents only.
M is a mid-level attack; will hit all positions except standing guard.
n is a non-block attack; the game calls it "SpecialMiddle".  Hits non-blockers 
  regardless of standing/crouching.
L is a low attack; can be evaded by hopping and will hit all positions except 
  crouching guard.
ST is a standing throw; a standing opponent will be thrown if you're in range 
  regardless of blocking status.  Misses crouching opponents.
BT is a back throw; like a standing throw except you're facing your opponent's 
G is a ground-level hit; only comes out when your opponent is down.
GT is a ground throw; a throw when the opponent is already down.  It is only 
  possible if the opponent's feet are towards you.
U is unblockable; interrupt it or get the hell outta the way.  A sidestep will 
  evade all unblockables EXCEPT Voldo's, which must be crouched under.
R is a reversal; reversible attacks include downward vertical cuts 
  (standing B), stabs (f+B), and standing kicks (K and d/f+K).  More on 
  exactly which moves can be reversed in the expanded version.

In the Damage and WDamage colums, numbers separated by commas are for the 
individual moves in the combo.  A plus (+) sign indicates multiple hits on a 
single move; I've added these up in parentheses afterwards for the 
arithmetically impaired.  If a move hits a 3 times or more for the same damage 
each hit, it's notated #xD(T): number of hits x damage per hit (total damage).  
Keep in mind that these values are base values and do not include guard, 
counter, float, or multi-hit modifiers, so Your Mileage Will Vary.

In the Rec column, S denotes standing and C denotes crouching.  You can 
execute a WS move immediately after a C-recovery move if you have the right 

Hwang Sung Kyung

Command        Level       Damage        WDamage   Rec   Comments
A,A,A           HHH       15,15,20        5,5,5    SSS
A,A,d+A         HHL       15,15,35        5,5,5    SSS
A,A,B           HHM       15,15,49        5,5,3    SSS
f+A              H           15             7       S
d/f+A,A,B       LHM       15,21,46        8,8,8    SSS
d+A              L           18             6       C    
b+A              H           56             9       S
d/b+A            L           30             7       S
B,B,A,d+A       MMHL     18,18,17,35     5,5,5,5   SSSS
B,B,A,B         MMHM     18,18,17,49     5,5,5,3   SSSS
f+B              M           18             6       S
d/f+B            M           35             9       S
d+B              n           29             6       C
b+B              M           46             9       S
f,F+B            M           55             9       S
K,K              HM         26,35          0,0      SS
f+K              H           26             0       S
d/f+K            M           26             0       S
b+K              H           40             0       S
d/b+K            L           24             0       C
d+K,B            LM         16,46          0,9      CS
f,F+K,K,K       MMM       24,26,40        0,0,0    SSS
b,f+K            H           35             0       S
A+B              M        39+57(96)       5+3(8)    S
f,F+A+B          M           75             9       S
d,d/f,f          -           --             -       C    Crouch dash
d,d/f,f+A,B      nM         21,46          8,8      SS
d,d/f,f+B        n           55             7       S
d,d/f,f+K        M        26+26(52)       0+0(0)    S          
WS+A,B           nM         21,46          8,8      SS
WS+B             n           55             7       S
WS+K             M        26+26(52)       0+0(0)    S
Run+K            L           36             0       S    
A+G              ST       3x20(60)          -       S
B+G              ST       6x13(78)          -       S
A+G or B+G       BT       44+44(88)         -       S    
d/f+K            G           20             -       S    
b+B+K            U           110            -       S    
A+B+K            M     28+20+15+14(77)      20      S    
  HCF+A+B               18+25+25(145)               S    
  HCF+B+K               18+15+25(135)               S    

Seung Han Myong (PSX version only)
Han Myong has the same moves as Hwang plus the following:

Command        Level       Damage        WDamage   Rec   Comments
d/b+B            M           15             0       S  
b,f+B            M           35             0       S
K,K,K           HMH       26,35,35        0,0,0    SSS
K,K,d+K         HML       26,35,16        0,0,0    SSC
f+K,A            HH         26,56          0,9      SS
f+K,B            HM         26,46          0,9      SS
b+K,d+K          HL         40,24          0,0      SC
f,F+A+B,B        MM         50,49          3,3      SS
u/f+B+K          MH       30+20(50)       2+2(4)    S
b+B+K            U        60+55(115)        -       S
A+B+K            M     28+20+15+14(77)      20      S 
  HCF+B+K              18+15+10+18(138)     -       S

f,F+A,B changes its damage depending on whether the opponent is standing or 
knocked down.  d/f+B also changes damage based upon range to target.

Command        Level       Damage        WDamage   Rec   Comments
A,A,A           HHH       26,24,40        9,9,11   SSS
A,B              HM         26,34          9,8      SS
A,K              HH         26,27          9,0      SS
f+A,A,A         HHL       26,30,66        0,9,11   SSS
f+A,A,B         HHM       26,30,34        0,9,8    SSS
d/f+A            M           35             9       S
d+A              L           23             7       C
d/b+A            L           48             11      S
f,F+A,B          MM         34,93          9,18     SS   Opponent standing
f,F+A,B          MM         34,40          9,18     SS   Opponent down
B,B,B           MMM       36,31,41        9,8,8    SSS
B,A              MH         36,26          9,8      SS
f+B              M           31             8       S
d/f+B (far)      M           32             7       S
d/f+B (near)     M           35             11      S
d+B              n           34             7       C
b+B              M           25             0       S
f,F+B            M           33             10      S
K                H           28             0       S
f+K              M           40             0       S
d/f+K,A          MH         29,36          0,11     SS
d+K              L           20             0       C
d/b+K            L           23             0       C
f,F+K            M           58             0       S
WS+A             n           31             9       S
WS+B             M           31             8       S
WS+K             M           50             0       S
Run+K            L           33             0       S
crouch+A,B       LM         23,50          7,11     CS
b+A+B            M           44             0       S
A+G              ST          58             -       S
B+G              ST       42+42(84)         -       S
A+G or B+G       BT          88             -       S
d,d/b,b+B+G      ST          95             -       S
d/f+A+G          GT       33+33(66)         -       S
u+K              G           20             -       S
d,d/f,f+B+K      U           130            -       S
A+B+K            M     25+18+18+18(79)      20      S
  HCB+A+G               16+16+30(141)       -       S
  HCB+B+G               16+16+30(141)       -       S

The K in the QCF+B,K only connects if the B does.

Command        Level       Damage        WDamage   Rec   Comments
A,A,A           HHH       14,20,18        6,6,6    SSS
A,A,B           HHM       14,20,40        6,6,6    SSS
A,A,d+K         HHL       14,20,27        6,6,0    SSC
A,B,K           HMH       14,24,40        6,6,0    SSS
A,K              HH         14,26          6,0      SS
f+A,B,B,B       HMMM     15,11,11,11     6,6,6,6   SSSS
d/f+A            M           25             6       S
d+A              L           15             5       C
d/b+A            L           34             6       C
f,F+A            H           31             7       S
B,B,B           MMM       20,22,40        6,6,7    SSS
B,B,A,K         MMHH     20,22,21,34     6,6,6,0   SSSS
B,A,K           MHH       20,23,34        6,6,0    SSS
B,A,f+K         MHM       20,23,39        6,6,0    SSS
B,A,d+K         MHL       20,23,21        6,6,0    SSC
B,K              MH         20,29          6,0      SS
f+B              M           30             6       S
d/f+B            M           33             6       S
d+B              n           31             6       C
f,F+B            M           54             9       S
K,K,K           HHH       24,22,24        0,0,0    SSS
K,K,d+K         HHL       24,22,25        0,0,0    SSC
K,K,A           HHH       24,22,26        0,0,6    SSS
d/f+K,K,K       MMM       22,18,40        0,0,0    SSS
f+K              M           44             0       S
b+K              H           32             0       S
d+K,K            LM         22,39          0,0      SS
f,F+K            H           47             0       S
d,d/f,f          -           --             -       C    Forward roll
d,d/f,f+B,K      MJ         49,27          8,0      SS
d,d/f,f+K        L           18             0       C
WS+A             n           35             6       S
WS+B,B           nM         36,28          7,8      SS
WS+K             M           45             0       S
Run+K            L           33             0       S
A+K              n        38+38(76)       0+0(0)    S
f,F+A+B          -           --             -       S    Jump over
A+G              ST          54             -       S
B+G              ST          80             -       S
A+G or B+G       BT          75             -       S
d,d/b,b+B+G      ST       3x30(90)          -       S
b+A+G            R           55             -       S    Kick reversal
d/f+K            G           20             -       S
HCB+B            U           135            -       S
A+B+K            M     22+16+12+13(63)      22      S
  d,u+B+K             12+15+15+30(135)      -       S

Sophitia Alexandra
If b+A connects as major counter (interrupt) then she adds a second hit with a 
flourish for mega damage (105 total).  The trick is getting b+A to connect, 

Command        Level       Damage        WDamage   Rec   Comment
A,A,d+A         HHL       15,15,24        6,6,5    SSC
A,A,A,K         HHHM     15,15,19,35     6,6,6,0   SSSS
A,A,B           HHM       15,15,35        6,6,7    SSS
A,A,K           HHM       15,15,40        6,6,0    SSS
A,A,d+K         HHL       15,15,18        6,6,0    SSC
f+A              H           37             7       S
d/f+A            M           20             6       S
d+A              L           10             5       C
b+A              M        36+51(87)         10      S    2nd hit on counter
B,B,B           MMM       19,20,44        6,6,8    SSS
B,B,d+A         MML       19,20,22        6,6,4    SSC
B,B,d+K         MML       19,20,17        6,6,0    SSC
B,B,A,B         MMHM     19,20,12,44     6,6,0,8   SSSS   
f+B              M           10             6       S
d/f+B            M           35             10      S
d+B              M           35             10      S
b+B              M           40             10      S
K,K,d+K,f+K     HMLM     24,19,27,36     0,0,0,0   SSSS
f+K              H           12             0       S
d/f+K            M           22             0       S
d+K              L           15             0       C
d/b+K            L           29             0       S
u/f+K,A          ML         32,50          0,7      SS
u/f+K,B          MM         32,37          0,6      SS
u/f+K,K          MM         32,33          0,0      SS
d,d/f,f          -           --             -       C    Crouch dash
d,d/f,f+B        M           55             7       S
f,d,d/f          -           --             -       C    "DP" crouch dash
f,d,d/f+A        M           45             6       S
f,d,d/f+B        M           54             0       S
WS+A             n           35             6       S
WS+B             n           40             6       S
WS+K             M           30             0       S
crouch,d/f+A     L           36             6       C
crouch,d/f+B     L           12             0       C
Run+K            L           36             0       S
A+K              H           35             0       S
A+G              ST          48             -       S    "I'm sorry!"
B+G              ST          48             -       S
  d+A+B+K                    36             -       S
A+G or B+G       BT          40             -       S
b+A+G            R        30+30(60)         -       S    Overhead reversal
b+A+G            R           55             -       S    Stab reversal
b+A+G            R           43             -       S    Kick reversal
d/f+B,B,B,B     GGGG       5,5,5,5          0       S
b,b,b+A~B        U           116            -       S
A+B+K            M     24+18+15+15(72)      23      S
  d,d/f,f+A+G           18+25+25(140)       -       S
  d,d/f,f+B+G           18+15+25(130)       -       S

Mitsurugi Heishiro

Command        Level       Damage        WDamage   Rec   Comments
A,A,A           HHH       15,15,20        5,5,5    SSS
A,A,d+A         HHL       15,15,38        5,5,5    SSS
A,A,B           HHM       15,15,51        5,5,3    SSS
f+A,d+A          HL         17,38          7,5      SS
f+A,B            HM         17,51          7,3      SS
d/f+A            M           15             0       S
d+A              L           20             7       C
b+A              H           56             9       S
d/b+A            L           30             7       S
B,B,A,d+A       MMHL     18,18,17,38     5,5,5,5   SSSS
B,B,A,B         MMHM     18,18,17,51     5,5,5,3   SSSS
f+B              M           18             6       S
d/f+B            M           30             6       S
d+B              n           29             6       C
b+B              M           46             9       S
f,F+B            M           60             9       S
K                H           26             0       S
f+K              M           35             0       S
d/f+K            M           26             0       S
b+K,B            MM         24,35          0,8      SS
d+K,B            LM         16,46          0,9      CS
WS+A,d+A         nL         25,38          7,5      SS
WS+A,B           nM         25,51          7,3      SS
WS+B             n           30             6       S
WS+K             M           30             0       S
A+B              M        39+57(96)       5+3(8)    S
f,F+A+B          M           75             9       S
d,d/f,f          -           --             -       C    Crouch dash
d,d/f,f+A,d+A    nL         25,38          7,5      SS
d,d/f,f+A,B      nM         25,51          7,3      SS
d,d/f,f+B        n           30             6       S
d,d/f,f+K        M           30             0       S
Run+K            L           36             0       S
A+G              ST       3x24(72)          -       S
B+G              ST       42+42(84)         -       S
A+G or B+G       BT       44+44(88)         -       S
b+A+G            R        34+34(68)         -       S    Overhead reversal
b+A+G            R           50             -       S    Stab reversal
d/f+B            G           20             -       S
HCB+B            U           180            -       S
A+B+K            M     28+17+15+14(74)      20      S
  HCF+B+K        -      18+25+25(142)       -       S
  HCF+A+K        -      18+15+25(132)       -       S

Siegfried Schtauffen
Like Rock, Ziggy's uppercut changes based on range, but he has THREE different 
damage values.  Also like Rock, his f,F+A+B changes when the opponent is down.

Command        Level       Damage        WDamage   Rec   Comments
A,A,B           HHM       24,26,58        8,8,10   SSS
A,d+A            HL         24,51          8,8      SS
f+A              H           38             8       S
d/f+A            M           25             7       S
d+A              L           19             7       C
b+A              H           68             12      S
B,B,B           MML       22,31,56        8,7,8    SSS
B,B,K           MMM       22,31,30        8,7,0    SSS
B,d+A            ML         22,54          8,8      SS
B,K              MM         22,33          8,0      SS
f+B              M           57             9       S
d/f+B            M           30             8       S    Far from opponent
d/f+B            M           35             8       S    Near opponent
d/f+B            M           40             8       S    Within throw range
d+B              n           30             8       C
b+B,A,B         HHH       19,19,19        0,0,0    SSS
d/b+B            M           57             9       S
  b+B            -           42             -       S    Combos after d/b+B
b,b+B,B          ML         63,44         10,18     SS
K                H           24             0       S
f+K              H           34             0       S
d/f+K,K,B       MLM       23,22,29        0,0,0    SSS
d+K              L           15             0       C
f,F+K            H           46             0       S
WS+A,A          nL          48,46          8,8      SS
WS+B             M           35             8       S
WS+K             M        21+21(42)       0+0(0)    S
Run+K            L           36             0       S
Run+B+K          H           65             0       S
A+K              H           35             0       S
f,F+A+B          M           80             12      S    Opponent standing
f,F+A+B          G           30             10      S    Opponent down
f+B+K            M           25             0       S
A+G              ST       32+32(64)         -       S
B+G              ST       42+42(84)         -       S
A+G or B+G       BT          56             -       S
d+A+G            ST          36             -       S
d+A+G (missed)   ST          --             -       C
d/f+K,K,K,K     GGGG       5,5,5,5          -       S
d,d/f,f+B        U           157            -       S
A+B+K            M     14+17+14+13(58)      26      S
  f,d,d/f+B+K    -      17+22+40(137)       -       S

Seung Mina

Command        Level       Damage        WDamage   Rec   Comments
A,K              HH         26,31          7,0      SS
A,A,A,K         HHHM 26,24,32,37+37(74) 7,7,7,0+0  SSSS
A,A,A,d+K       HHHL     26,24,32,32     7,7,7,0   SSSS
A,A,B           HHM       26,24,48        7,7,6    SSS
A,A,K           HHH       26,24,31        7,7,0    SSS
A,f+A,A,K       HHHM 26,20,22,37+37(74) 7,6,6,0+0  SSSS
A,f+A,A,d+K     HHHL     26,20,22,32     7,6,6,0   SSSS
f+A,K            HH         23,33          6,0      SS
d/f+A            M           56             9       S
d+A              L           16             6       C
d/b+A            L           18             6       S
B,B,B           MMM       30,26,60        7,7,9    SSS
B,B,d+A         MML       30,26,38        7,7,8    SSS
B,A              MH         30,54          7,7      SS
B,d+A            ML         30,35          7,7      SS
B,K              MH         30,31          7,0      SS
f+B,B            MM         25,60          7,9      SS
f+B,A            MM         25,56          7,9      SS
f+B,d+A          ML         25,38          7,8      SS
b+B,d+A+B        MM         36,75          8,16     SS
d/f+B            M           39             7       S
d+B              n           34             7       C
K                H           22             0       S
f+K              M           34             0       S
d/f+K            M           24             0       S
d+K              L           13             0       C
b+K              H           31             0       S
d/b+K            L           23             0       S
b,f+K            H           35             0       S
f,F+K,K,K       MMM       26,29,32        0,0,0    SSS
WS+A             M           40             6       S
WS+B             n           40             7       S
WS+K             M           24             0       S
Run+K            L           22             0       S
A+B,f+A,B       MHM    3x28(84),22,35  3x4(12),6,8 SSS
A+B,A+B          MM     3x28,3x28(84)  3x4,3x4(12)  SS
u+A+B            M           50             5       S
B+K              M           47             0       S
u/f+B+K          M        3x35(105)       3x3(9)    S
A+G              ST          65             -       S
B+G              ST          73             -       S
A+G or B+G       BT       38+38(76)         -       S
d/f+K            G           20             -       S
u/f+A+B          U           144            -       S
A+B+K            M     25+16+16+15(72)      24      S
  b,b+A+B               14+25+30(141)       -       S

Li Long
Any combination starting with A can be started with f+A instead.  Same Damage 
and WDamage values apply.  K can be delayed after B to either cancel it or 
combo after it.  You can cancel or retract QCF+B by tapping back on the 

Command        Level       Damage        WDamage   Rec   Comments
(f+)A,A,A       HHH       15,15,30        6,6,6    SSS
(f+)A,A,d+A     HHL       15,15,31        6,6,6    SSC
(f+)A,A,K       HHM       15,15,25        6,6,0    SSS
(f+)A,A,d+K,B   HHLM     15,15,24,51     6,6,0,11  SSSS
(f+)A,B,K       HMH       15,23,31        6,6,0    SSS
d/f+A            M           40             5       S
d+A              L           16             5       C
b+A              M           48             7       S
d/b+A            L           21             6       S
crouch+A,u+B     LM         16,31          5,6      CS
B,B,B           MMM       17,19,35        6,6,6    SSS
B,A              MH         17,26          6,6      SS
B,K              MM         17,39          6,0      SS
f+B,B            HM         25,31          6,6      SS
d/f+B            M           35             6       S
b+B,B,B         nMM       14,18,18        3,3,3    SSS
d+B              n           29             6       C
d/b+B~A          ML         46,31          6,6      SS   A cancels B
f,F+B            M           56             7       S
K,K              HM         27,36          0,0      SS
K,d+K            HL         27,24          0,0      SS
K,d+A            HL         27,29          0,6      SS
f+K              M           40             0       S
d/f+K            M           26             0       S
d+K              L           30             0       C
f,F+K            H           49             0       S
d,d/f,f+B        M    36+31+31+31(129)   4x5(20)    S    Tap b to retract
d,d/b,b          -           --             -       S    Turn around
d,d/b,b,B,b+B    MM         31,31          6,0      SS
WS+A             n           36             5       S
WS+B             n           50             5       S
WS+K             M           26             0       S
Run+K            L           35             0       S
A+B              M        29+47(76)      5+6(11)    S
A+G              ST          70             -       S
B+G              ST       40+40(80)         -       S
A+G or B+G       BT       35+35(70)         -       S
b+A+G            R           60             -       S    Kick reversal
d/f+K            G           25             -       S
d/b+B+K          U           130            -       S
A+B+K            M     20+16+15+16(67)      20      S
  f,f+A+B               18+21+30(136)       -       S


Command        Level       Damage        WDamage   Rec   Comment
A,A,B           HHM       18,20,27        7,7,6    SSS
A,B,A           HMM       18,21,35        7,6,6    SSS
A~d+B            L           17             4       S
A,K              HM         18,27          7,0      SS
f+A              H           18             6       S
d/f+A            M           46             8       S
b+A,A            HH         25,28          7,7      SS
d+A,K            LH         16,48          4,0      SS
d+A,A,A,K       LLLH     16,16,16,48     4,4,4,0   SSSS
B,B,B,B,B      MMMMM   25,25,20,20,20 7,6,10,10,10 SSSSS hits 3,4,5 only on MC
f+B              H           28             7       S
d/f+B            M           30             6       S
b+B              M           29             7       S
d+B,B            MM         30,30          6,6      SS
f,F+B            M           70             0       S
K                H           25             0       S
f+K              M           25             0       S
d/f+K            M           25             0       S
d+K              L           20             0       C
d/b+K            M           28             0       S
WS+A             n           38             7       S
WS+B             n           40             7       S
WS+K             M           40             0       S
A+B              M           40             8       S
b+A+B            M           43             10      S
d+A+B            L           38             8       C
f,F+A+B,K        MM         40,24          8,0      SS
f,F+A+B+G,K      MM         30,43          10,0     SS
A+K              H        50+36(86)      10+0(10)   S
d,d/b,b          -           --             -       S    Turn around
backwards:A+G    L           32             0       S
  u+B            -           46             0       S    Combos after A+G
backwards:d+A+B  L           45             8       C
crouch,d/f+A+B   H           55             6       S
Run+A            L           40             7       C
Run+K            L           33             0       S
A+G              ST       5x13(65)          -       S
B+G              ST       35+35(70)         -       S
A+G or B+G       BT       6x13(78)          -       S
d,d/f,f+B+G      ST       7x14(98)          -       S
d/f+A,A,A        G          6,8,8           -       S
d,d/f,f+A        U           130            -       S
A+B+K            M     22+16+15+17(70)      20      S
  u,d+A+B        -        30+30(140)        -       S

Cervantes De Leon

Command        Level       Damage        WDamage   Rec   Comment
A,A,A           HHH       20,22,30        8,7,7    SSS
A,A,d+A         HHL       20,22,30        8,7,7    SSC
A,A,B           HHM       20,22,54        8,7,7    SSS
f+A              H           20             9       S
d/f+A            M        30+30(60)      7+7(14)    S
d+A              L           22             6       C
d/b+A            L           40             7       C
B,B,B           MMM       22,19,54        6,6,7    SSS
B,B,d+A         MML       22,19,30        6,6,7    SSC
d/f+B            M           35             7       S
f+B,B,B         MMM       15,15,48        7,7,7    SSS
d+B              n           36             7       C
b,b+B            M       68+68(136)      7+7(14)    S
f,F+B            M           36             7       S    
K,d/f+K          HM         27,32          0,0      SS
K,b+K            HH         27,36          0,0      SS
d/f+K            M           25             0       S
f+K              H           30             0       S
d+K              L           18             0       C
b+K              H           29             0       S
d/b+K            L           24             0       C
f,F+K            H           45             0       S
WS+A             n           36             8       S
WS+B             n        32+32(64)      5+5(10)    S
WS+K             M           31             0       S
A+B              M        28+28(56)       3+3(6)    S
f+A+B            M        30+30(60)       4+4(8)    S
d/f+A+B          M        30+30(60)      7+7(14)    S
d/b+A+K          L           32             0       C
f,F+A+B          M        41+41(82)      7+7(14)    S
f,F+B+K          M           37             0       S
f,d,d/f+B        M       60+60(120)      7+7(14)    S    Happy dance!
d,d/b,b,B        M      34+34+34(102)   7+7+7(21)   S    Uses sword energy
Run+K            L           33             0       S
A+G              ST       35+35(70)         -       S
B+G              ST       40+40(80)         -       S
A+G or B+G       BT       45+45(90)         -       S
d/f+A+B          G           20             -       S
d/b+A+B          U           70             -       S    Crummy unblockable
A+B+K            M     25+15+15+15(70)      20      S
  f,d,d/f+A+K         10+24+25+25(154)      -       S

Soul Edge (PSX version only)
Soul Edge has the same moves as Cervantes plus the following:

Command        Level       Damage        WDamage   Rec   Comment
f+B,B,d+A       MML       15,15,40        7,7,7    SSC
A+B,B,B         MMM    28+28(56),19,54  3+3(6),6,7 SSS
A+B,B,d+A       MML    28+28(56),19,30  3+3(6),6,7 SSC
b+A+B            M           44             8       8    
b,f              -           --             -       S    Long dash
b,f,K            L           33             0       S    Instant tackle
A+B+K            M     25+15+15+15(70)      20      S
  d,d/f,f+A+B+K  -     10+24+30+30(164)     -       S


Justin Pierce ([email protected]) for his import version of SE, which I got 
  the first version info from, and for webmastering Stage of History so that 
  my FAQs have a home.
Tyler Lawson for the disclaimer and his FAQ format.
Donny CHAN for some suggestions and helping me correct the Oriental 
  characters' names.

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