Multiplayer FAQ - Guide for Grand Theft Auto IV

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Multiplayer FAQ
Version: 0.65
Released: May 2, 2008
Last Update: May 6, 2008
Console: Xbox360
Author: TolkienDurban


The introduction of multiplayer to the GTA franchise has been a huge success,
and the game offers a wide variety of gameplay options and scenarios. While
everyone will quickly find their favorite matches (be it a helicopter race, or
rocket launchers at the airport), there are a myriad of customizeable options,
making for endless permutations of game types. Wading through all the options,
and figuring out which settings are best can be tricky, so I began this FAQ. 
Admittedly it was also motivated by playing online with others who don't know
what they're doing, so learning the ins-and-outs of multiplayer will make you a
better player and host!

This FAQ will NOT focus on gameplay tips/advice, game controls, or other
aspects of the game one would normally learn in story-mode. In some cases where
aspects of these things are unique to a certain multiplayer game they may be
included, but this FAQ is designed to help you understand the gameplay and how
things work, not make you a more skilled player. Just keep playing online and
you'll learn a variety of techniques and strategies from others.

*Console Disclaimer: This FAQ is based on the XBox360 version of the game. As I
become aware of any differences between what is presented here and how things
work on the PS3 I will include them.


0.1     May 2, 2008
        Initial release, setup table of contents, started sections 1-13.

0.3     May 3, 2008
        Worked on player model section, multiplayer achievements, lobby

0.4     May 4, 2008
        Updated controls and game modes sections, rearranged some sections.

0.6     May 5, 2008
        Corrected many section, created uniform outline for each mode and began
        expanding each with more detailed information.  Added booting info.

0.65    May 6, 2008
        Expanded team gameplay modes, added some clothing options.  Other minor
        edits and corrections.

0.8     May 7, 2008
        Significant expansion of racing modes, some more clothing options.
        Other minor edits and corrections.


Use the find command in your browser (typically CTRL-F) with the codes below to
go directly to the section you're interested in.

01. Getting Started with Multiplayer.......................................STRT

02. Multiplayer Session Types..............................................MSSN

03. The Lobby..............................................................LBBY

04. Competitive Multiplayer Game Modes.....................................CMGM
       Includes: Deathmatch, Mafiya Work, Car Jack City

05. Team Multiplayer Game Modes............................................TMGM
       Includes: Team Deathmatch, Team Mafiya Work, Team Car Jack CIty,
                 Cops 'n Crooks, Turf War

06. Cooperative Multiplayer Game Modes.....................................COOP
       Includes: Deal Breaker, Hangman's NOOSE, Bomb da Base II

07. Racing Multiplayer Game Modes..........................................RMGM
       Includes: Race, GTA Race

08. Free Mode..............................................................FMGM

09. Exclusive Multiplayer Controls.........................................CTRL

10. Multiplayer Weapon Sets................................................MWPN

11. Multiplayer Cell Phone.................................................MCLL

12. Match Results Screen...................................................MRST

13. Multiplayer Rank.......................................................MRNK

14. Booting Players........................................................BUTE

15. Player Model...........................................................PMDL

16. Multiplayer Achievements...............................................ACHV

17. Contact Info & Legal...................................................CNTC

01. GETTING STARTED                                                        STRT

Some players are caught off guard by the fact that GTA:IV has no main menu. As
soon as you start up the game you cannot do anything until the single-player
story is loaded and you are in control of Niko. Your cellphone and pause menu
provide all the options and configuration settings.

Be sure to save before starting multiplayer! There are in game warning
notifications, but just to be safe I'll say it here as well: Any unsaved
progress will be lost when you start multiplayer. You are effectively quitting
story mode at that point, so treat it like shutting down - you need to save!

To quick start a match:

1. At any point in story mode, access the menu on your cellphone
2. Scroll down and select "Multiplayer"
3. Select "Player Match"
4. Select "Quick Match"
5. Select type of game

*If you quickly want to join a ranked match, do so at step 3. This will omit
 step 4.

02. MULTIPLAYER SESSION TYPES                                              MSSN

Player Match is a non-ranked session type. Any progress made in this mode will
not be recorded, so it is generally considered to be "just for fun."

In Player Match, two further options are available:

     A) Quick Match
        As the screen notification states: "Quick Match allows you to
        immediately join any type of game session and select the game mode."

        Once you select your game mode, you will immediately be placed in a 
        lobby for that game. You CANNOT choose to be a host using Quick Match, 
        and CANNOT modify any game settings, leaving you at the mercy of the 
        host.  If the existing host leaves the game there is a chance you will 
        be promoted to host and gain control of the game settings.

     B) Custom Match
        As the screen notification states: "Custom Match allows you to set 
        private slots for invited players."

        Before selecting "Start Game" on your cellphone, select the option for 
        setting private slots.  Other players will not be able to use these 
        without an invitation.  The number of slots you can make private 
        varies, so read the section for any mode to see further details.  If 
        you choose maximum private slots, you will be starting an invitation 
        only game.

        After selecting the number of private slots and starting the game, you
        will be taken to the lobby.  At this point, you can invite others to 
        the game to fill the private slots by using the Xbox LIVE invitation 
        system.  Once the game has started, you can use your cell phone as 
        well.  See the Multiplayer Cell Phone section for details.

        If you are an invitee, you can save time joining a game by waiting to 
        start up the game until your host has started and sent the invite. This
        way, when you accept the invite from the dashboard, the game will load 
        directly to the lobby and never load your story-mode game.  However you
        will still experience the standard game start-up sequence during which 
        time others will be waiting in the lobby for you.

        When you select Custom Match, you can leave zero private slots, which 
        will effectively make it a Quick Match.  If you want to make sure you 
        are the host, you can set one slot to private and start the game, even 
        if you have no intention of inviting someone.  If you leave zero slots 
        private, you may or may not become the host.

Alternatively, your progress in this session will be recorded and will affect
your rank. See the ranking section for details.	There is no difference in
gameplay between the two modes, however you cannot invite others to join you in
ranked matches, and all players are randomly assigned to a lobby.

If you leave any ranked match before the final results screen is displayed,
your statistics and progress will not be saved.  If you die quickly and respawn
is not an option, you must watch the match until completion.

   TIP: If this happens to you and you have a headset, you can assist your team
        a great deal by using all of the camera modes available to see things 
        players still in the game may not be able to.

For more details on rank, see the Ranking section.

This mode is for groups of 2-7 players who enjoy playing together, and have a
team they wish to play with consistently.  No other players will be able to
join your team without an invitation.

When you start party mode you skip the lobby at first and go straight into
Liberty City.  Here you can invite 1-6 of your friends using your cell phone or
the Xbox LIVE invitation system.  If they accept the invitation they will join
you in Liberty City, where you can kill time until everyone arrives.  Whoever
starts the game is host, and they decide when to leave the staging area and
begin a match.  Using their cell phone, the desired session type and game mode
are selected, and everyone on the map is brought to the pre-game lobby, where
your party host may or may not be the match host.

Teams of equal size are put up against each other, so if a member of your party
leaves, you may be taken back to the staging area.  If the party host left, a
new member of the party will be made host.

03. THE LOBBY                                                              LBBY

All multiplayer games start in the lobby.  While you will need to select a game
mode first, this section has standard information for all modes, so it is being
presented first.  If you are host, it is essential that you understand all the
settings.  If you are a player, it is good to know some of the options you have
control over as well.  Any setting marked [Individual] is available to all
players and manipulating these options will not affect anyone else.  Otherwise,
only the host can change the match settings.

The lobby screen consists of three different frames, each providing information
on the upcoming match.

  1. Player List
     On the left side the Gamertags of all players in the lobby will be listed,
     and the color of the text indicates their team affiliation.  Next to each
     Gamertag is space for a variety of icons:

     a) Crown Icon
        This indicates which player is host and has control over game settings.
        If you are hoping to have a setting changed, appeal to this person.

     b) Sound Wave Icon
        This indicates which players are currently using headsets and are
        therefore available for voice chat.  You cannot place a private cell 
        phone call to another player in the game unless you both have headsets.

        The icon is dimmed grey when the player is silent, and lights up white 
        when they are speaking, allowing you match voices to Gamertags.

     c) Checked/Unchecked Box
        This icon represents the status of the player as ready to play (checked
        box) or not ready (empty, unchecked box).  The game will only begin 
        when the host and a majority of the players are ready.  If you want to 
        wait for more players, or protest a game setting, don't check your box.
        If enough of the other players agree with you and remain unready as 
        well, the game will not be able to start.

        Once you have checked yourself as ready, your settings are locked in.  
        Press B to cancel your ready status, which will allow you change your 
        settings and then re-lock them in.  You can do this as many times you 
        wish before the start of the game.  You cannot vote to boot a player 
        when you are in "ready" status, so you have to cancel it or wait until 
        the game starts to submit your vote on your cell phone.

     d) Boot Icon
        Not actually a boot, but a flashing 'X' and number.  When any player 
        has a boot vote cast against them, this icon will appear.  The number 
        being flashed with the 'X' represents the number of votes received.  
        See the Booting Players section for more detail on booting.

     e) Rank Icon
        This icon represents the rank of the player as a star with a number 
        inside.  Rank Icons only appear in ranked matches, as rank is 
        irrelevant otherwise.  See the Ranking section for more details.

  2. Map/Description
     In the upper right frame on your screen is the map of Liberty City.  The 
     map will be dimmed except for the spawning area, which will be outlined in
     white and highlighted.  Remember that this is only the spawning area, and 
     you can still go anywhere you want.

     If you choose to bring up the description of the multiplayer match you are
     waiting to start, it will replace the map.  When you are finished reading 
     the description you can toggle it off to bring the map back up.

  3. Configuration Options
     The lower right frame holds all the controls for game settings.  Most of 
     these can only be changed by the host, read the next section for details.

  4. Basic Controls
     Your available controls are always shown in the bottom right corner, and
     they will change depending on what your selection is.  Rather than list 
     all the possibilities, I'll just tell you to look on screen.

     Here are some basic tips for using the controls available to you:

     a) If you are not happy with the match you are in, do not leave the
        lobby, because it will take you back to story mode (and load your 
        current save).  Instead, just press 'Select' and the right side of the 
        screen will list all of the multiplayer modes.  Select the one you want
        and you will be immediately taken directly to another lobby. If you 
        select the same mode you're already in, you may go right back to the 
        same lobby you were trying to escape.  In this case, either play 
        another mode, or wait for the match to start and try again.  Once the 
        match is started you cannot join it and will therefore go to another 

The following is an overview of the standard configuration options available. 
Some modes have variations, or simply disallow changing certain settings. 
The only mode that has access to all of the options below is Team Deathmatch. 
Check the sections for other game modes to check any non-standard
configuration options available for each mode.

     This setting establishes the area where action will be occurring, and
     after being killed you will respawn here.  However all matches will have 
     unfettered access to Liberty City, so someone can always swim away from 
     Happiness Island to go find a helicopter and come back.

     Boroughs:          Special Locations:
     a) Liberty City    f) Industrial......Acter Industrial Park
     b) Alderney        g) Prison..........Alderney State Correctional Facility
     c) Algonquin       h) Docks...........Port Tudor & Normandy
     d) Bohan           i) Happiness Island
     e) Dukes/Broker    j) Colony Island
                        k) Charge Island
                        l) Airport.........Francis International Airport

     Note: Team Car Jack City has "Random" available as a location option, and 
     all of Liberty City is highlighted, however Bohan is not available as an 
     option on its own.  I have yet to play a match where a target car has 
     appeared in Bohan.

     This setting establishes when the game is over, using metrics of time or 
     money.  Time is a straight forward time limit, while money will set to the
     value a single player/team will need to claim victory.  In time limit 
     games, the team/player with the most money when time expires will win.

     Be careful when using money because there are many factors to consider 
     when trying to correlate the amount of money to the desired gameplay time.
     The number of players, the location, the skill of the players, etc. will 
     all affect how long it takes to reach a certain value.  If you choose 
     $50,000 be prepared for a long game.
     a) Time Options: 5/10/15/20/30/45/60 minutes
     b) Money Options: $500/$1000/$2500/$5000/$7500/$10,000/$25,000/$50,000

  3. TEAM [Individual]
     This setting establishes your team affiliation.

     This setting establishes the effect you will have when attacking your 
     teammates.  However it only affects direct attacks.  With Friendly Fire 
     off, you will still be able to shoot your teammates car.  If the car 
     explodes, it will kill them.

     a) On
        Attacks on teammates will do damage and possibly kill them.
     b) Off
        Your teammates will be invulnerable to your attacks.

     This setting establishes whether or not your weapon will lock on when you 
     target others.  A controversial selection, as some have strong feelings on
     this one.  I'll just repeat Rockstar's sentiment on this option: "Auto-aim
     is an awesome feature that is often misunderstood. It is intended to speed
     up the game by focusing aiming to a smaller area. It WILL NOT level the 
     playing field. Turning this off will slow the pace of the game down and 
     make melee combat, drive-bys, and sniper action more effective."

     a)  Allow
     b)  Disallow

     This setting establishes which weapons will be available in Liberty City, 
     as well as which weapon players will start the game with.  In all modes, 
     the player will have a knife to supplement any other weapons.
     a) All             g) Projectiles
     b) Weak            h) Melee
     c) Standard        i) SMGs
     d) Powerful        j) Assault Rifles
     e) Pistols         k) Rocket Launchers
     f) Shotguns        l) Sniper Rifles

     Check the Multiplayer Weapon Sets section for more information.

     This setting establishes the police presence in Liberty City.

     a) Off
        There will be no law enforcement officers in Liberty City and wanted 
        levels are disabled.  However in some game modes and areas 
        there may be hostile NPCs who will attack you.
     b) On
        The LCPD will be out in full force, and committing crimes may earn you 
        a wanted level and all of the consequences it normally brings in 

     This setting establishes the number of cars found around Liberty City.  
     Each setting is pretty self-explanatory.  Use caution when selecting 
     'Parked' or 'Low' because it can make it quite difficult to find a vehicle
     in some cases, limiting the player to running only.  Alternatively, in 
     race modes selecting 'High' can make the race more difficult, especially 
     getting across the bridges/tunnels, just like in my real commute across

     a) Parked
     b) Low
     c) Medium
     d) High

     Similar to traffic, only this time its foot traffic.  In most cases the 
     consequences of your selection are minor, as pedestrians rarely affect 
     gameplay directly.  Some cases where this becomes more important:
      - Games with no radar blips or gamertag displays.  In a large crowd of 
        pedestrians it may be difficult to single out your enemy.  (They will 
        still have the colored dot above their head, however).

     a) Off
     b) Low
     c) Medium
     d) High

 10. BLIPS
     This setting establishes how your radar works.  Regardless of your
     selection, all players will always have a colored dot above their head 
     when you look at their body.

     a) None
        The radar will still be present for navigation purposes, however there 
        will be no blips to indicate where the other players are.
     b) Team
        The radar will be partially active, displaying blips for members of 
        your team only.
     c) All
        The radar will be fully active, displaying blips for all players on the
        map regardless of team or location.  
     d) Near
        The radar will be partially active, displaying enemy blips only when 
        they are very close to you.  When they are far away, their blips will 
        disappear.  This typically results in surprise attacks.  In team play, 
        your teammates blips will still be present regardless of distance.
     e) Far
        Opposite of Near, enemy blips will only be displayed when they are far 
        away.  This is useful for getting back to action when playing on large 
        maps, however when you arrive at the fight, the blips of all nearby 
        enemies will disappear, forcing you to rely on your sight only.  In 
        team play, your teammates blips will still be present regardless of 
     f) Leader
        The radar will display the location of the current leader, as 
        determined by the game mode criteria (i.e. most money).

     This setting establishes whether or not Gamertags are displayed in the 
     game.  If active, they will floating over the players head and the text 
     color will indicate their team.  This does not affect the small dot that 
     appears over players heads in the game, which is ALWAYS present.  Dots are
     for players only, no NPCs have dots above them.

     a) On
     b) Off

     This setting establishes the display of your enemies health/armor when 
     attacking them.  If activated, when an enemy is successfully attacked, 
     their health reticule will display.  The outer ring represents health, and
     the inner ring body armor.  Each ring is divided into a number of 
     increments that will disappear when health/armor is lost.  Knowing whether
     or not an enemy has full health and armor, just some health, or is on 
     their last leg can affect your decision to engage in a fight.

     a) On
     b) Off

     This setting establishes voice chat policy.  Be aware that all console 
     privacy settings will override in-game settings, so if your voice chat is 
     limited in any way, these options may have a different effect on your 
     gameplay, or no effect at all.

     a) Team Only
        Voice chat with your team members only.  Enemies cannot hear you.  For 
        races and other non-team modes this is not an option.
     b) On
        This could be more accurately be called "Everyone".  Both your team 
        members and your enemies can hear you.
     c) Off
        Voice chat is disabled for the session.
     d) Proximity
        Only players who are nearby can be heard, regardless of their team 
        affiliation.  Some consider this more realistic, some find it useful 
        for large groups that like to split up across Liberty City.

     This setting establishes the distance between where you die and where you 
     reappear afterwards.  By respawning close to where you die, you can 
     immediately return to the fight, or possibly respawn back in the middle of
     it.  Alternatively, a longer distance will make you appear far from the 
     action, providing an opportunity to gather any items you want before going
     back in.

     Short respawn distances make for a much faster paced game with 
     little driving around, while far distances can result in much more time 
     spent driving to find your enemies than actually fighting them.  There is 
     no set distance for each, as it is relative to total available area for 
     respawning (i.e. "far" in the prison could be considered "near" in 

     a) Near
     b) Medium
     c) Far

     This setting establishes the time a player must wait before respawning 
     after death.  Similar to respawn distance, the lower values increase the 
     pace of the game while longer values slow things down a bit.

     a) 1 second
     b) 5 seconds
     c) 10 seconds
     d) 15 seconds
     e) 20 seconds
     f) 25 seconds
     g) 30 seconds

     This setting establishes the time of day at the beginning of the match.  
     No matter what you choose, time never stands still, so if the match lasts 
     long enough, the time of day will change as it naturally would.

     a) Random
     b) Morning
     c) Midday
     d) Evening
     e) Midnight

     This setting establishes the weather conditions in Liberty City.  Each has
     its own impact on driving, visibility, etc.

     a) Clear
     b) Overcast
     c) Drizzle
     d) Rain
     e) Foggy
     f) Variable

 18. DESCRIPTION [Individual]
     This simply toggles a description of the current game mode, useful for 
     those who are not familiar with the objectives or conditions of that mode.

     The description will be presented in the same frame that displays the map 
     of Liberty City, so the map will not be visible while reading the 
     description.  Toggle off the description to bring the map back up.

 19. RADIO STATION [Individual]
     This allows you to turn on the radio while in the lobby.  The music will 
     not continue during the game, and cars you enter will not necesarily be 
     set to that station.

 20. KICK PLAYER [Individual]
     This allows you to submit a vote to boot a player from the match.  When a 
     player has a boot vote against them, a flashing 'X' will appear next to 
     their Gamertag along with the total number of votes.  The host cannot 
     unilaterally boot a player, but they can submit a vote for another player,
     and can be booted themselves.

     See the Booting Players section for more information.

      At the conclusion of a round, the results page will be displayed, and 
      then you will be brought into the Next Game Lobby.

      The left side of the screen lists all players still in the room, while 
      the right side lists the available game modes.  In unranked play, the 
      host selects the game mode to use for the next round, at which point 
      remaining players will be brought back to the pre-game Lobby.  When 
      playing for rank, each match is generated independently, so you can not 
      play consecutive matches with the same group.  Accordingly, in ranked 
      matches each player is responsible for selecting the game type they wish 
      to play next, or leave multiplayer.

      If you are playing in a game with private slots, they will remain private
      for consecutive matches, and players who accepted invitations for those 
      slots will automatically be brought back to the lobby with their host.  
      However as soon as the host leaves the game, even if only to join another
      multiplayer match, they will effectively break their custom match and be 
      put into a random lobby where they have no control over making slots 
      private, and their previously invited friends will not automatically join

04. COMPETITIVE MULTIPLAYER GAME MODES                                     CMGM

[01] DEATHMATCH                                                    2-16 PLAYERS


     This mode is the traditional battle with the goal of killing everyone
     else.  However like most other multiplayer modes, in the end its all about

     the Benjamins, baby.

     NON-STANDARD OPTIONS::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

        Duration: 5/10/20/30/45/60 minutes and
                  $2500/$5000/$7500/$10,000 only.


        1. Earn the most money, primarily by killing your enemies.

     EARNING MONEY::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

        Kills:  $100 for each time you kill another player.

        Objective Bonus: You can pick up money dropped by others when they die.
                         Each stack of cash picked up is typically worth $10 to
                         $20.  These stacks can be picked up by anyone, and do 
                         not automatically go to the player who made the kill.

        Penalty:  If you die by any means other than being killed by another 
                  player, you will lose $100 (police, vehicle explosion, etc.)

[02] MAFIYA WORK                                                   2-16 PLAYERS


     This mode has the player completing a series of contracts for Kenny 
     Petrovic.  Every player in the match will simultaneously receive mobile 
     phone calls from Petrovic, instructing them to complete a certain 
     objective.  There are a wide variety of objects (see below) and each 
     player is competing to accomplish the objective(s) before anyone else 
     does.  Of course whatever the contract objective, there is always the task
     of dealing with your enemies when you confront them.

     NON-STANDARD OPTIONS::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

        Location: Boroughs only.

        Duration: 10/20/30/45/60 minutes and
                  $2500/$5000/$7500/$10,000/$15,000/$20,000 only.

        Weapons: Only the weapon sets All, Weak, Standard, and Powerful.

        Respawn Distance: This setting is not available.


        Petrovic will call to inform you of a situation which he requires your 
        assistance to take care of.  After the phone call, an on-screen 
        notification will give a concise contract objective(s) and the 
        locations of any necessary people, places, or items will be placed on 
        your map.

        Some objectives have you picking up friendly NPCs who are equipped with
        weapons.  You will complete the contract upon finding them, however 
        they will continue to follow you or get into your car to help you fight
        until they die.

        Contract Objectives Include, but are not limited to:

        > Crush the gang.
        > Deliver the ecstasy.
        > Destroy the politician's car.
        > Deliver the prototype gun to the buyer.
        > Destroy the vehicles and take out the workers.
        > End the garbage collectors' careers.
        > Escort Petrovic's daughter and her friends to where they want to go.
        > Escort Petrovic's girl.
        > Grab a cache of weapons.
        > Hook up with the wannabe gangster.
        > Kill the hacker and take his laptop to Petrovic.
        > Move the cars with heroin in them.
        > Rendezvous with the game designers.
        > Steal a SuperGT for Petrovic.
        > Steal Petrovic's car. (for insurance fraud of course!)
        > Steal the deputy mayor's car.
        > Steal the detectives car.
        > Steal the race bike.
        > Steal the stolen cars or destroy them if you can't.
        > Steal the trucks.
        > Take down Sergey.
        > Take down the jury members.
        > Take down the pornographers.
        > Take Petrovic to see his bitches.
        > Wipe out the bikers and steal the chapter leader's bike.
        > Wipe out the dealers and steal their vehicles.

     EARNING MONEY::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

        Kills:  You earn $100 for each player you kill. NPC's do not count.

        Deaths: If you are killed by any NPC (police, drug dealer, security 
                guard, etc.) you are penalized $100.  You do not receive the 
                penalty if you are killed by another player.

        Objective Bonus:  The reward for each contract may vary, but is 
                          typically $500.  When the objective gives you an 
                          option such as steal or destroy a vehicle, you will 
                          earn less for the easier option, which in this 
                          example would be to destroy instead of steal.

[03]  CAR JACK CITY                                                4-16 PLAYERS


     This mode has the players looking for cars to steal.  All players are 
     competing to steal the same target vehicles, so there is always the task 
     of dealing with the competition as well.

     NON-STANDARD OPTIONS::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

        Location: Random, Alderney, Algonquin, or Dukes/Broker only.

        Duration: 10/15/30 minutes only.

        A.I. Level:  Off/Normal/Hard
                     This controls the A.I. of the gang members guarding the 
                     target vehicles.  "Off" will leave the vehicles unguarded.

        Respawn Distance: This option is not available.


        1. "Go and get a vehicle"

           Players must travel to the vehicles marked on the map and steal 
           them.  Entering the vehicle will complete this objective.  If gang 
           members are guarding the vehicle, killing them is optional.  If you 
           don't kill them, they will certainly shoot at you as soon as you get
           in the car, causing damage and lowering its value, if not killing 

           Blue markers represent standard target vehicles, while green markers
           represent drug filled target vehicles.  The drug filled vehicles are
           worth more than the empty vehicles.

        2. "Get the car (stuffed with drugs) to the dropoff point."

           Once you are in the car a yellow map marker will appear directing 
           you to the drop off point.  The goal is to get the car to the 
           dropoff with minimal damage.

           "A vehicle has been stolen and is being taken to a dropoff."

           If another player reaches a target vehicle before you, the dropoff 
           location will appear.  You may choose to intercept them, as the 
           objective completes when the vehicle is dropped off.  Or you may 
           destroy the vehicle to simply prevent them from collecting the 
           reward money, but a destroyed car is worthless.

        3. "Leave the vehicle at the dropoff"

           Once you arrive at the dropoff location, you must exit the vehicle 
           and leave to receive the reward.

     EARNING MONEY::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

        Kills:  You receive no money for killing other players, but cash pick 
                ups are available.

        Objective Bonus: $1000 for each empty car in perfect condition.
                         $1500 for each drug-filled car in perfect condition.
                         If the cars are damaged, they will be worth less.

05. TEAM MULTIPLAYER GAME MODES                                            TMGM

[01] TEAM DEATHMATCH                                               3-16 PLAYERS


     This mode is simply a team version of Deathmatch.  All aspects of gameplay
     are the same except for the introduction of teamwork.

     There can be 2-8 teams, each with 1-15 players, but no more than 16 
     players total in the match.  The only exception is that there cannot only 
     be two teams with a single player each.  For head to head fights, select 
     standard Deathmatch mode.


        1. Eliminate your members of the enemy team.

     EARNING MONEY::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

        Kills:  $100 for each time you kill a member of another team.

        Objective Bonus: You can pick up money dropped by others when they die.
                         Each stack of cash picked up is typically worth $10 to
                         $20.  These stacks can be picked up by anyone, and do 
                         not automatically go to the player who made the kill.

        Penalty:  If you die by any means other than being killed by another 
                  player, you will lose $100 (police, vehicle explosion, etc.)

[02] TEAM MAFIYA WORK                                              3-16 PLAYERS

     This mode is simply a team version of Mafiya Work.  All aspects of 
     gameplay are the same except for the introduction of teamwork.

     There can be 2-8 teams, each with 1-15 players, but no more than 16 
     players total in the match.  The only exception is that there cannot only 
     be two teams with a single player each.  For head to head fights, select 
     standard Mafiya Work mode.

     See the Mafiya Work section for details.

     NON-STANDARD OPTIONS::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

        Location: Boroughs only.

        Duration: 10/20/30/45/60 minutes and

        Weapons: Only the weapon sets All, Weak, Standard, and Powerful.

        Respawn Distance: This setting is not available.

[03] TEAM CAR JACK CITY                                            4-16 PLAYERS


     This mode is simply a team version of Car Jack City.  All aspects of 
     gameplay are the same except for the introduction of teamwork.

     See the Car Jack City section for details.

     NON-STANDARD OPTIONS::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

        Location: Random, Alderney, Algonquin, or Dukes/Broker only.

                  *When "Random" is selected, all of Liberty City is 
                   highlighted, however Bohan is not available as an option on 
                   its own.  I have yet to play a match where a target car has 
                   appeared in Bohan, even on "Random".

        Duration: 10/15/30 minutes only.

        A.I. Level:  Off/Normal/Hard
                     This controls the A.I. of the gang members guarding the 
                     target vehicles.  "Off" will leave the vehicles unguarded.

        Respawn Distance: This option is not available.

[04] COPS 'N CROOKS                                                4-16 PLAYERS


        This mode is a classic cops and robbers match, with two different types
        of gameplay to mix things up a bit.  In either mode, the match opens 
        with the cops being alerted to the location of the crooks.  This game 
        mode consists of two consecutive matches: in one your team will play as
        cops, and the other you will switch to crooks.

        > All for One:
             In this match type, one of the players on the crooks team will be 
             assigned the Boss position, while all others will be regular 
             crooks.  All players (cops and crooks) besides the Boss will 
             respawn after death, but the Boss only has a single life.  Also, 
             the boss has a unique map marker which is visible to ALL players, 
             so the boss cannot easily blend in with his team.

        > One for All
             In this match type, all of the crooks are trying to escape the 
             cops.  All players have a single life, there is no respawning.

     NON-STANDARD OPTIONS::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

        Game Type: "All for One" or "One for All"

        Location: No options, must use the full Libery City Map.

        Teams: Must have 2 teams, and only 2 teams.

        Respawn Time: In "One for All" players cannot respawn, so this option 
                      is not available.

     STARTING LOCATION AND WEAPONS:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

        1. Location

           The precise location is randomly selected from a number of preset 
           areas across Liberty City.  Wherever you end up, the cops will 
           always start piled into their police cars with sirens blaring in the
           middle of the street, while the crooks will always start on foot 
           somewhere off the street.  The distance between the two teams may 

        2. Weapons

           When "All" is selected as the weapons setting, the cops start the 
           match with automatic weapons, while the crooks start with pistols 


          1. All for One

             a) Crooks Team
                "You are the boss, make your way to the getaway vehicle."
                "Protect the Boss."

                A map marker will appear on your map indicating the location of
                the getaway vehicle.  Escape before the cops kill the Boss.  
                Only the boss needs to escape to win this match, the other 
                players are ancillary.  Their sole purpose is to prevent the 
                boss from dying, not escaping themselves.

             b) Cops Team
                "Find the Boss and take him out."

                The cops must track down the Boss and kill him before he 
                escapes.  The cops will see the crooks location on their maps, 
                including the special icon for the boss, but they will not see 
                the location of the getaway vehicle.

          2. One for All

             In this match type, all of the crooks are trying to escape the 
             cops.  All players have a single life, there is no respawning.

             a) Crooks Team
                "The cops have been alerted.  Make your way to the getaway 

                A map marker will appear on your map indicating the location of
                the getaway vehicle (Boat or Helicopter).  Escape before the 
                cops kill you. Any team member can reach the getaway vehicle 
                and use it, but they must find other crooks until they receive 
                an on-screen notification that enough are in the vehicle to 
                ensure a successful getaway.  Once the required team members 
                are in the vehicle and safely away from Liberty City (just 
                drive as if you're going off the map), the crooks will win.

             b) Cops Team
                "The crooks have been spotted, they are highly dangerous.  Take
                them down."

                The cops must track down the crooks and kill them before they 
                escape.  The cops will see the crooks location on their maps, 
                but not the location of the getaway vehicle.  Four crooks, or a
                simple majority of them (whichever is less) must reach the 
                getaway vehicle for a successful escape.  The cops can kill 
                enough crooks to prevent a successful escape.  If the cops 
                manage to find the getaway vehicle, they can destroy it to 
                prevent the crooks from getting away.

     EARNING MONEY::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

        The money earned in this mode is the same whether you are cops or 

        Kills:  Each kill is worth $100, but the money is shared across the 
                entire team, and does not simply go to the player who made the

        Objective Bonus:  $1000 is awarded to each individual player (not 
                          shared) on the winning team.

[05] TURF WAR                                                      4-16 PLAYERS

     This section is on deck for expansion.
     This is a team only mode in which each team is attempting to gain control 
     of as much turf as possible.  There are specific locations or bases to 
     reach in order to gain turf.  If you are already in control of a base, you
     must defend it to prevent the other team from taking it.  Offensively, you
     must reach your enemies bases and take them over.  Bases are marked on 
     your map and their color represents the team that controls it.  When you 
     reach an enemy base you must step within the area, at which point you will
     start converting the turf to your team.  This conversion takes a little 
     time, and the percentage you have taken-over will be displayed.  The turf 
     will not become yours until it reaches 100%, so if you are killed before 
     that point, you will need to make your way back and try again.  The more 
     team members present when taking over a base, the faster it will convert 
     the turf to your control.  The more turf you control, the more money you 
     will get, and the team with the most money at the end wins.

06. COOPERATIVE MULTIPLAYER GAME MODES                                     COOP

[01] DEAL BREAKER                                                   2-4 PLAYERS


     The opening cinematic dialogue describes the situation:
     "The Angels of Death Biker Gang have been working for the mafiya in this 
     city for many years.  They bring drugs in from Canada on their bikes and 
     in their boats.  Like all relationships, this one is going to go to shit. 
     I've been told that they are soon to make a delivery in the Acter 
     Industrial Park.  Only we are going to be there too."

     NON-STANDARD OPTIONS::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

        Mission Difficulty: This affects the number of lives each player has.  
                            Once all lives are spent, you will not respawn.

                            a) Easy: 5 lives
                            b) Medium: 4 lives
                            c) Hard: 3 lives

        Location: Unavailable as the mission has specific locations which   
                  never change.

        Duration: Unlimited, you can take as long as you need to complete the 
                  mission, however some objectives may be time sensitive.

        Team: All players are on the same team.  All enemies are NPCs.

        Weapons: Unavailable.  You start the mission with the same unique set 
                 of weapons (unique in that it is not a normal weapon set).

        Police: Unavailable.

        Respawn Time: Unavailable, as you immediately respawn after death.

        Respawn Distance: Unavailable, as you will always respawn nearby.

     STARTING LOCATION AND WEAPONS:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

        1. Location

           All players always start at the safehouse off of Beaverhead Ave.  
           The entrance to the private drive for the safehouse is actually in 
           Leftwood, while the house itself is just inside the Westdyke section
           of Alderney.

        2. Weapons

           a) Assault Rifle (600 rounds)
           b) Grenades (5)
           c) Knife


        1. "Make your way to the deal."

           Depart the safehouse and get to Acter Industrial Park.  A map marker
           is added and a driving route is highlighted if you travel by car.

        2. "You've found the deal.  The targets are spread over every floor of 
           this building.  Work your way up, clear them out."

           All Angels of Death Biker Gang members must be killed, and all of 
           the drug packages they drop must be picked up.  The instant you pick
           up the final drug package or kill the final gang member (whichever 
           is later) the next objective will trigger.

        3. "The remaining Angels of Death are fleeing.  Eliminate them."

           So far I haven't figured out how the game decides which witnesses 
           are triggered.  I believe it is a combination of difficulty setting 
           and number of players, but will update the guide when I figure it 
           out.  If you are playing on 4-player Hard (typical for ranked 
           matches), then all witness groups will appear and begin to flee.

           There are only three possible groups of witnesses, and on-screen 
           notifications will alert you to which ones are trying to escape.

              a) Two motorcycles leaving the park via Trinity Road.
              b) One van leaving the park via Trinity Road.
              c) One boat leaving the park via docks on the west shore.

           "Some of the witnesses escaped."
           If even a single witness escapes, you fail the mission.

        4. "You've taken the drugs and eliminated the witnesses.  Get to the   
           rendezvous point."

           Head back to safehouse and enter the garage.  The doors will open 
           when you approach them.

        5. "Wait here for the rest of your crew to arrive."

           All surviving players must make their way inside the garage to
           successfully complete the mission.

     EARNING MONEY:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

        Kills:  $100 for each Angels of Death Gang member you eliminate.  There
                are over 40 gang members, and all must be killed.

        Objective Bonus:  Easy: $2500
                          Medium: $3500
                          Hard: $4500

                          The bonus is awarded upon successful rendezvous at 
                          the safehouse and depends on the difficulty setting.

                          If you lose all of your lives in match, you will only
                          receive money for your kills and not receive the


        > It is helpful to have players in position on the ground to chase the 
          witnesses before you finish the second objective (at least out to
          Trinity Road and the docks for the boat).  The witnesses will not 
          begin fleeing until you have killed all the gang members and picked 
          up all of the drug packages.  If all players are on the roof when 
          this happens, the witnesses will have a head start that may be 
          extremely difficult to overcome.

        > There is often a helicopter in Westdyke, not far from the starting
          point.  This will get you to the Industrial Park more quickly, as 
          well as allow you to start on the roof and fight your way down, so 
          when you finish the gang off you will be on the ground and ready to 
          chase the witnesses. Or just use the helicopter to chase them.

          > The helicopter is behind a house on Owl Creek Drive.  It is best to
            drive around the back on Big Horn Drive and just jump the wall to 
            the helipad.  There may be times of day when the helicopter is not 

        > There are often a number of boats along the southwest shore of the 
          industrial park that can be used to chase witnesses on water.

        > Health, armor, and weapon pickups are not shown on your map, but they
          do exist.  Of particular interest are the two rocket launchers on 
          level 5 and one on level 4 in the building you visit in the 
          industrial park.  They are very useful in eliminating the witnesses.

[02] HANGMAN'S NOOSE                                                2-4 PLAYERS


        The opening cinematic dialogue describes the situation:

                Petrovic: America! It is good to be back.
        N.O.O.S.E. Agent: This is the National Office of Security Enforcement. 
                          We have you surrounded.
                Petrovic: What the fuck!?  They don't even let me get over my 
                          jet lag!  Somebody get me transport!  I am not going 
                          to rot in some American jail.  The rest of you, get 
                          this shit away from me. Those that survive and get me
                          to safety will be richly rewarded!

        If Petrovic is killed the mission will fail.  Other players are 
        ancillary and their survival is not required, however at least one 
        player must assist Petrovic, as he will not escape on his own.

     NON-STANDARD OPTIONS::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

        Mission Difficulty: This affects the number of lives each player has.  
                            Once all lives are spent, you will not respawn.

                            a) Easy: 5 lives
                            b) Medium: 4 lives
                            c) Hard: 3 lives

        Location: Unavailable as the mission has specific locations which   
                  never change.

        Duration: Unlimited, you can take as long as you need to complete the 
                  mission, however some objectives may be time sensitive.

        Team: All players are on the same team.  All enemies are NPCs.

        Weapons: Unavailable.  You start the mission with the same unique set 
                 of weapons (unique in that it is not a normal weapon set).

        Police: Unavailable.

        Respawn Time: Unavailable, as you immediately respawn after death.

        Respawn Distance: Unavailable, as you will always respawn nearby.

     STARTING LOCATION AND WEAPONS:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

        1. Location

           All players always start on the runway at Francis International
           Airport, surrounded by N.O.O.S.E. Agents with additional law
           enforcement enroute.
        2. Weapons

           a) Assault Rifle (600 rounds)
           b) Micro Uzi (1200 rounds)
           b) Grenades (5)
           c) Knife


       1a. "You must secure the area. Petrovic won't leave the jet while there 
           are cops nearby."
           "Keep the N.O.O.S.E. team away from the jet."

           Kill all law enforcement agents in the immediate vicinity of 
           Petrovic's jet.  When the area is safe enough, Petrovic will exit 
           the jet.

       1b. "Find a vehicle and bring it back to Petrovic's jet."

           While the team is eliminating the N.O.O.S.E Agents, at least one 
           player should be getting the vehicle, as instructed by Petrovic in 
           the opening cinematic.

        2. "One of your crew has got some transport and its on its way.  Keep 
           Petrovic alive until it gets here."
           "Petrovic is vulnerable.  Get some transport to the extraction

           Time is of the essence here, as Petrovic will exit the jet as soon 
           as the area as clear, yet more agents are constantly flooding in.  
           The opening cinematic instructs players to split up in the 
           beginning, so its vital that whoever went to get the vehicle returns
           quickly before Petrovic is killed.

        3. "You have collected Petrovic.  Take him to the safe zone."
           "One of your crew has collected Petrovic.  Make your way to the safe

           At least one member of the team must transport Petrovic to the safe 
           zone, and any who are not part of his escort must make their way to 
           the safe zone on their own.

        4. "Wait here for the rest of your crew to arrive."

           All surviving players must make their way inside the safe zone to 
           successfully complete the mission.

     EARNING MONEY::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

        Kills: $100 for each law enforcement agent you kill.  Most agents will 
               also drop 1-5 stacks of money typically worth $10-$30 each.  
               These stacks can be picked up by anyone, and do not 
               automatically go to the player who made the kill.

        Objective Bonus:  Easy: $2500
                          Medium: $3500
                          Hard: $4500

                          The bonus is awarded upon successful rendezvous of 
                          all players at the safe zone, along with Petrovic.  
                          The value depends on the difficulty setting.

                          If you lose all of your lives in a match, you 
                          will only receive money for your kills and not 
                          receive the bonus.

[03] BOMB DA BASE II                                                2-4 PLAYERS


     The opening cinematic dialogue describes the situation:
     "When I first arrived in this country, all my income came from shipping 
     cars back to Russia.  There is a good living in this.  It is not a job for
     punk-ass, arrogant kids who do not ask the permission of their elders.  We
     must crush this upstart organization."

     This mission will ultimately have you blowing up a ship docked in 
     Broker.  There are a series of objectives that must be successfully 
     completed to win this mission.  If you don't know what you're supposed to 
     be doing there are many pitfalls that can surprise you and result in 
     mission failure.

     NON-STANDARD OPTIONS::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

        Mission Difficulty: This affects the number of lives each player has.  
                            Once all lives are spent, you will not respawn.

                            a) Easy: 5 lives
                            b) Medium: 4 lives
                            c) Hard: 3 lives

        Location: Unavailable as the mission has specific locations which   
                  never change.

        Duration: Unlimited, you can take as long as you need to complete the 
                  mission, however some objectives may be time sensitive.

        Team: All players are on the same team.  All enemies are NPCs.

        Weapons: Unavailable.  You start the mission with the same unique set 
                 of weapons (unique in that it is not a normal weapon set).

        Police: Unavailable, as the LCPD is always patrolling in this mode.

        Respawn Time: Unavailable, as you immediately respawn after death.

        Respawn Distance: Unavailable, as you will always respawn nearby.

     STARTING LOCATION AND WEAPONS:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

        1. Location

           All players always start in the Westminster section of Algonquin at
           a small public parking lot at the corner of Jade Street and
           Galveston Avenue.

        2. Weapons

           a) Assault Rifle (600 rounds)
           b) Sniper Rifle (50 rounds)
           b) Micro Uzi (1200 rounds)
           b) Grenades (5)
           c) Knife


        1. "Find the convoy.  Steal the armored vehicle."

           There are 2 vehicles in the parking lot where you begin the mission.
           Use them or any others to chase down the armored vehicle convoy.

        2. "If you damage the armored vehicle enough it will stop and you can 
           steal it."

           When you approach the armored vehicle and start shooting, the guards
           will defend themselves.  While killing the guards is not required, 
           it can make things easier.  The target is the armored truck, so keep
           shooting it until you receive the next objective.

        3. "The vehicle is stopping, steal it."

           As soon as this message appears, STOP SHOOTING!  If you destroy the 
           truck, you will destroy the explosives inside and fail the mission. 
           Just get inside the truck.  It is also possible for other players to
           get in the back of the truck.

        4. "Take the vehicle back to the rendezvous point."

           Once you have the truck, drive it to the helipad located on the 
           docks west of Union Drive West just north of Kunzite Street (it is 
           beside the Booth Tunnel ventillation tower).

        5. "Wait here for the rest of your crew to arrive."

           When you reach the helipad, stay within the rendezvous zone.  All 
           players must be within this zone to proceed.  As soon as the final 
           player arrives and the armored truck is there, a brief cinematic 
           will play where you will be given a helicopter.

        6. "You each have some explosives.  Head out to the docks in Broker. 

           As soon as the cutscene ends, you will be standing in front of the 
           helicopter.  The entire team should pile in and fly over to the 
           ship, which will be marked on your map (the ship is docked on the 
           east bank of the Humboldt River, just north of The Broker Bridge.

        7. "Place the explosives at the weak spots on the ship.
           "There are enemy snipers somewhere on the boat, someone should take 
            up a sniping position and keep watch.

           When you arrive at the ship, land the helicopter and begin fighting 
           your way to the weak spots.  It does not matter where you land the 
           helicopter, and there are a number of strategies for accomplishing 
           this part of the mission.  Despite the suggestion, there is also no 
           need to snipe any enemies, but it may be helpful.

           If you did not land the helicopter on the ship, you can get on board
           using a stairway at the bow (north end).  Once aboard, you must 
           fight your way to the stern (south end by the bridge) and enter the 
           galley.  In the southwest corner of the galley is a door to the 
           cargo bay below and a stairway that leads up to the crew quarters, 
           and further on to the bridge at the very top.  The weak spots are at
           the very back of the cargo bay and the center of the bridge.

       10. "One bomb has been placed.  Place the other at the second weak 

           When placing bombs, you will lose control of your character for a 
           moment while he activates the explosives.  You can be killed while 
           doing this, so you should clear out the enemies first.  It does not 
           matter what order you place the bombs, although it is generally 
           easier to place the bomb on the bridge last, as it makes for an 
           easier escape afterwards.

       11. "The bombs have been placed.  They will detonate in 60 seconds.  Get
           off the boat."  
           "The bomb will detonate in 60...59...58..."

           The instant the second bomb is placed, the countdown will begin.  
           All players must get off the ship in order to complete the mission. 
           It does not matter how you get off the boat, and the recommended 
           method is jumping into the water.

     EARNING MONEY:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

        For most players, this is the most lucrative multiplayer mode, as there
        are over 50 enemies throughout the mission, in addition to the bonus.
        Kills: $100 per kill.

        Objective Bonus:  Easy: $2500
                          Medium: $3500
                          Hard: $4500

                          The bonus is awarded when all players escape the boat
                          rigged with explosives.  The value depends on the 
                          difficulty setting.

                          If you lose all of your lives in a match, you 
                          will only receive money for your kills and not 
                          receive the bonus.


       > Health/Armor pickups are not labelled on the map, but there are many 
         on the boat if you look around.

07. RACING MULTIPLAYER GAME MODES                                          RMGM

     Race modes have some special settings not found in other modes.  Just as 
     before, most are only configurable by the host.  Those that are open to 
     all players are marked (Individual).  Other standard options such as
     weather, time of day, traffic etc. are also available (see Section 3).
     1) RACE CLASS
        This determines the types of vehicles players can choose from, as well
        as a couple open-style races.  Scroll down for details on each class.

     2) VEHICLE (Individual)
        This determines which vehicle in the selected class you start the race
        with.  In most races you cannot change vehicles mid-race.

        In the lobby for any race mode with this option, each players Gamertag
        will flash alternately with the vehicle they have selected, so each
        player can see what vehicles all other players will be driving.

     3) COLOR (Individual)
        This determines the paint job on your car.  This is purely aesthetic
        and some vehicles (i.e. Police/NOOSE) only have a single option.

     4) TRACK
        This replaces the location setting and determines the course of the 
        race through Liberty City.  See details below.

     5) LAPS
        This replaces the duration setting and determines the the length of the
        race.  All standard tracks can be set anywhere from 1-8 laps, or 

        This determines the vulnerability of your vehicle to damage.

        a) Normal
        b) Scrapes Only


     The available tracks will vary depending on the class of vehicles you 
     choose.  All types of tracks, their titles, and primary locations are 
     listed.  Random is also an option for all types if you can't decide.

     1) ROAD RACES: Road vehicles only

        a) Driving While High.....Plumber's Skyway in Acter & Tudor, Alderney
        b) Exhaust Fumes..........Alderney
        c) Thunder Road...........Tudor, Alderney
        d) Industrial Action......Acter Industrial Park, Alderney
        e) Short Circuit..........Central Alderney
        f) Don't Look Down........Central Alderney
        g) Duck and Weave.........Leftwood and Westdyke, Alderney
        h) Drag Kings.............Union Drive West, Algonquin
        i) Rize in the East.......Northwood, North & East Holland, Algonquin
        j) Horse Punch............Middle Park, Algonquin
        k) Stars in your Eyes.....Star Junction, Algonquin
        l) Road to Bohan..........Northwood Heights Bridge & Triborough Bridge
        m) Round the Block........Triborough Bridge & Algonquin Bridge
        n) Southern Switch........Broker Bridge, Algonquin & Broker
        o) Bogan's Run............Boulevard & Fortside, Bohan
        p) Bawhan Dash............Bohan
        q) Heel & Toe.............Dukes & Broker
        r) Quick Knives...........Meadows Park, Dukes
        s) Terminal Velocity......Broker-Dukes Expressway & Dukes Boulevard
        t) Taxiing................Francis International Airport

     2) WATER RACES: Boats only

        a) Beat the Bitch.........Circle Hapiness Island
        b) Water Hazard...........Humboldt River
        c) A.B.K. Endurance.......Circle Bohan
        d) Get Wrecked............Circle Charge Island

     3) AERIAL RACES: Helicopters only

        a) The 556 Connection.....Central Alderney
        b) Smoke Screen...........Acter Industrial Park, Alderney
        c) Noise Pollution........Northern Alderney & Middle Park, Algonquin
        d) Buzz the Tower.........Algonquin
        e) Hard Eight.............Middle Park & Star Junction, Algonquin
        f) Boogie Down............Bohan
        g) Bohan Burning..........Bohan & Dukes
        h) Big Dip................Dukes, Broker, and Humboldt River Bridges
        i) Home Turf..............Dukes, Broker, and Francis Intl. Airport
        j) Grand Tour.............Circle all of Liberty City

     4) POINT A TO POINT B RACES: Free Race only

        a) Black Gold.............A: Acter Industrial Park
                                  B: Bohan side of Dukes Bay Bridge

        b) Strip Off..............A: Honkers Strip Club, Alderney
                                  B: Westdyke, Alderney

        c) D-Day..................A: Leftwood, Alderney
                                  B: Boulevard, Bohan

        d) Track Marks............A: Normandy, Alderney
                                  B: Middle Park East, Algonquin

        c) Sinner & Saint.........A: Alderney State Correctional Facility
                                  B: Colony Island, Humboldt River

        c) Heart Stopper..........A: Beechwood City, Dukes
                                  B: North Holland, Algonquin

        c) Coming Down............A: Northwood, Algonquin
                                  B: Castle Gardens, Algonquin

        c) Back Breaker...........A: Castle Garden City, Algonquin
                                  B: Firefly Island, Broker

        c) Highs & Lows...........A: Chase Point, Bohan
                                  B: Acter Industrial Park

        c) Business Trip..........A: Francis International Airport
                                  B: Bohan

     5) CANNONBALL RUN RACES: Cannonball Run mode only.

        a) Cargo Haul.............Alderney
        b) Long Way Around........Alderney & Algonquin
        c) Getting Wood...........Alderney, Algonquin & Dukes
        d) Docking................Alderney, Algonquin & Dukes
        e) Pilgrim's Progress.....Colony Island, Algonquin, Alderney, & Dukes
        f) Donut Dash.............Algonquin, Bohan, Dukes, & Broker
        g) Get it Pumped..........Bohan, Dukes, Broker, & Algonquin
        h) Drive-thru.............Algonquin, Dukes, & Bohan
        i) In the Drink...........Algonquin, Colony Island, Broker, & Dukes
        j) Take Off...............Airport, Dukes, Algonquin & Alderney

[03] STANDARD RACE CLASSES                                         2-16 PLAYERS

     Each race class is listed below with the vehicles available.  The number
     in (parenthesis) after each model indicates the number of colors.

        SuperGT(15), Infernus(10), Turismo(13), Comet(10)

     B) SPORTS
        Coquette(17), Banshee(24), Feltzer(20), Sultan RS(16)

     C) MUSCLE
        Dukes(17), Stallion(19), Vigero(10), Sabre GT(24)

     D) 2-DOOR
        Blista Compact(23), Ruiner(19), Fortune(24), Futo(18)

     E) 4-DOOR
        Sultan(23), Feroci(21), Presidente(23), DF8-90(24)

        PMP 600(22), Oracle(22), Intruder(18), Cognoscenti(9)

     G) MODERN
        Sentinel(14), Premier(21), Hakumai(20), Lokus (19)

        Voodoo(11), Manana(15), Virgo(10), Peyote(13)

     I) POLICE
        Police Cruiser(1), Police Patrol(1), FIB Buffalo(1), NOOSE Patriot(1)

        Habanero(21), Cabby(2), Perennial(1), Rebla(23)

     K) SUV
        Patriot(19), Huntley Sport(19), Landstalker(15), Cavalcade(16)

     L) PICKUP
        Cavalcade FXT(15), Bobcat(16), Contender(18), Rancher(17)

     M) VANS
        Moonbeam(18), Pony(11), Speedo(20), Burrito(20)

        Ambulance(1), Mr. Tasty(1), Police Stockade(1), Enforcer(1)

     O) TRUCKS
        Phantom (10), Flatbed (12), Fire Truck(1), Biff(14)

        NRG 900(13), Sanchez(14), PCJ 600(17), Faggio(12), Zombie(12)

     Q) BOATS
        Tropic(3), Squalo(10), Police Predator(1), Jetmax(10)

        Helitours Maverick(1), Police Maverick(1), Annihilator(1), Maverick(7)

[04] SPECIAL RACE CLASSES                                          2-16 PLAYERS

        In this class, all players start on foot at Point A and must make their
        way to Point B using any means available to them.  There are no police 
        in any races, so stealing vehicles is not an issue.


        This class is similar to Free Race, only with 3 intermediary 
        checkpoints.  All players start on foot and must progress through all 5
        checkpoints in order.  In the lobby the Liberty City map will display 
        the location of each checkpoint with numbers to indicate the order, 
        but this view is not available during the game.  Just as in a normal 
        race, as you pass through each checkpoint, the next will appear.

     C) NOTES

        It may be difficult to accurately determine your place during the race 
        depending on the route you take.  Your place is NOT determined by your 
        distance from the finish point, so while you may appear closest to the 
        finish, you may not be in 1st place.  The game assigns places to each 
        player based on a predetermined route, and it may be possible to take a
        different route and still win.  So if you suddenly drop in place 
        quickly, it probably indicates deviation from the intended path, but 
        since this is free race, this is alright.

        In this class, the following standard settings are unavailable:
        Vehicle, Color, Laps, Vehicle Damage

[05] STANDARD RACE GAMEPLAY                                        2-16 PLAYERS


        This mode is a standard race, meaning that there is no combat involved,
        except perhaps for some offensive driving manuevers.

        Each standard track has a series of checkpoints which must be reached 
        in the proper sequence.  If you miss a checkpoint, you can continue on 
        the track but will not make any further progress until you go back to 
        the missed checkpoint.  Sometimes it is not obvious that you have 
        missed a checkpoint, so if you drive for a while without coming across 
        another, chances are you need to go back.  At any time you can press 
        and hold Y to respawn in a new vehicle at your most recent checkpoint.

        Once the first player crosses the finish line, a countdown begins to 
        limit the remaining time for the other players.  This means that if a 
        single player falls far behind, the rest of the players will not have 
        to wait to finish the round and collect their prize money.  However if 
        you are far behind, this means you most likely will not finish the 

     NON-STANDARD OPTIONS::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

        Police: This option is unavailable, there are never any police.

        Respawn Distance/Time: Unavailable.  If you are killed you will 
                               automatically respawn at your most recent
                               checkpoint in a new vehicle.


        1. Win the race.

     EARNING MONEY:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

        *This section to be expanded with more detail in the future.

        You earn money based on your finishing position, however not all
        finishers are guaranteed prize money.  The better position you 
        finish in, the more money you make.  The number or players still in the
        race at completion determines the purse distribution.


        > You cannot shoot anyone in this mode, and no weapons are available.  
          You can be killed by vehicles, whether they are hitting you or you 
          are inside them when they explode.  Vehicles with mounted weapons 
          have them disabled in this mode, so don't choose your vehicle for its
          weaponry. If you're looking for a fight, play GTA Race.

        > Aerial races have an extra degree of difficulty with the elevation   
          factor.  You can seemingly go straight through the checkpoint 
          location on your map without actually hitting it if it is above or 
          below you.  It is important to plan your ascent/descent 
          appropriately.  Look carefully at your radar for each checkpoint.  As
          always, the marker will have an up/down arrow, or none if you are at 
          the same elevation.

[05] GTA RACE GAMEPLAY                                             2-16 PLAYERS


     Another race mode, GTA style.  Weapons are available, and even encouraged 
     for use by their placement along the track.  While you can normally drive 
     over health packs to pick them up, this is the only mode with special 
     weapon pickups you can drive over as well.

     NON-STANDARD OPTIONS::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

        Weapons: As this mode has special weapon pick ups that can be driven 
                 over, there are some unique weapon settings.

                 a) All Weapons         e) SMGs
                 b) Off                 f) All Guns
                 c) Health Only         g) Guns & Grenades
                 d) Pistols

        Police: This option is unavailable, there are never any police.

        Respawn Distance/Time: Unavailable.  If you are killed you will 
                               automatically respawn nearby next to a Faggio.


        1. Win the race, by any means necessary.

     EARNING MONEY:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

        Kills:  $100 for each time you kill another player.

        Objective Bonus: You can pick up money dropped by others when they die.
                         Each stack of cash picked up is typically worth $10 to
                         $20.  These stacks can be picked up by anyone, and do 
                         not automatically go to the player who made the kill.

                         Like the standard race mode, there is also a purse 
                         distribution that depends on the number of players in 
                         the race.


        > Pressing and holding the X Button while driving will drop your 
          current weapon.  While driving you can only have a single weapon 
          equipped, and you cannot not pick up weapons when you are already
          carrying one, you will simply drive through them.

        > When you drive over a health pack, you will repair your car.

        > If you are killed, you will respawn on a Faggio (Vespa/Motor Scooter)
          and have to find new transportation on your own.

08. FREE MODE                                                              FMGM

[01] FREE MODE (Unranked Only)                                     1-16 PLAYERS

     This is a free range mode with no objectives.  It is useful for exploring 
     all of Liberty City, and since it is multiplayer you have the benefit of 
     all the configuration options.  So you really can just kick back and do 
     whatever you want.

     You cannot play Free Mode in a ranked multiplayer session.

     None of the single player features (food, social activities, etc.) are 
     available in multiplayer free roam.

     This is the only mode in which the duration can be set to "Unlimited".

09. EXCLUSIVE MULTIPLAYER CONTROLS                                         CTRL

This section covers controls that are exclusive to the multiplayer game, and
they may not work or may have another result when used in the story-mode game.

D-Pad Down:
     Use this at any time during gameplay to drop down a display in the top 
     left corner of your screen which lists all teams/players and their 
     respective colors, as well as information relevant to the current game 
     mode, such as the amount of money each team/player has and what the 
     required amount for victory is.

Left Bumper (L1 on PS3):
     Use this to taunt other players in the game.  There are different taunts 
     for different situations and circumstances, so try them all!

     The method of setting waypoints is no different, but that means you still 
     have to hit pause and use your Liberty City map.  However in team 
     multiplayer modes, each team shares a single map, so if any team member 
     places a waypoint it will appear on everyone's map.  Any other team member
     can reset the waypoint, just as the original creator could.  No matter 
     what, you can only have one waypoint at a time.  In multiplayer modes 
     where a team is driving in a car, it is helpful for one of the passengers 
     to set a waypoint on the destination to assist the driver.  The passenger 
     is not missing out on anything and can safely pause to use the map, while 
     the driver would have to stop the car.  Its all about teamwork.

Y Button:
     In standard racing modes, pressing and holding the Y button will respawn 
     you with a new vehicle at your most recent checkpoint.

X Button:
     In GTA Race mode, pressing and holding the X Button while driving will 
     drop your current weapon.  While driving you can only have a single weapon
     equipped, and will not pick up weapons when you are already carrying one.

10. MULTIPLAYER WEAPON SETS                                                MWPN

Section to be added in future update.

11. MULTIPLAYER CELL PHONE                                                 MCLL

Just like the story-mode, the cell phone holds a variety of options for use
during multiplayer.  The following is an overview of all menus and options.

1.   Phonebook
     This will bring up a list of all players currently in the game.  When you 
     select a player you have the following options:

     a)  Call/Hang Up
         Place a cell phone call to the player.  Their phone will ring and 
         notify them of who is calling.  If they accept the call, you will have
         a direct link to speak only with each other.  Even if you move your 
         cell phone off-screen, you will still be on the call.  To end a phone 
         call, bring up the person you are speaking with in the phonebook and 
         select "Hang Up".  This will return you to the pre-established voice 
         communication setting for the match.

     b)  Gamer Card
         Bring up the Xbox LIVE profile of the player.  Use caution when 
         selecting this during gameplay, as you will be unable to control your 
         character while reading a profile.

     c)  Mute/Unmute
         This is a toggle setting that can be used to silence any player.  Even
         if you are host, this does not mute them for everyone, only yourself. 
         You cannot mute a player that you are on a cell phone call with.

2.   Leave Game
     After a confirmation prompt, this will exit you from multiplayer and load 
     your story-mode game.

3.   Game Info
     This menu will provide an overview of the current game, which can be very 
     helpful if you happen to start mid-game and skip the lobby where this 
     information is normally presented.  No configuration of the settings is 
     allowed, only an overview of what was established back in the lobby.

4.   Multiplayer
     This is the same menu available on your story-mode cell phone, minus the 
     option to customize your character, as you cannot do this during gameplay.
     If you wish to leave a current multiplayer match and go directly to the 
     lobby for another, use this menu.

5.   Friends
     Similar to the Phonebook, only listing your Xbox LIVE friends rather than 
     current players.  You can use this menu to invite them to your current 
     game, or check their Gamer Card.

6.   Next Game
     This menu allows you to suggest a desired game mode for the next game.  
     Upon selection, a notification will appear on every players screen 
     displaying your suggestion.  It seems that the host is under no obligation
     to respond to any suggestions, although I have not expeienced a situation 
     where a majority of the players make the same suggestion.

12. MATCH RESULTS SCREEN                                                   MRST

At the completion of a match, players will be shown the results before moving
on to the next match.  In some game modes, such as racing, players will have
the option to watch the action until the round completes and the results are

While the results screen is displayed, pressing X will bring up a list of all
players, and from that list you can complete player reviews and check Gamer
Cards.  This is a good opportunity to send friend requests to players.

13. MULTIPLAYER RANK                                                       MRNK

Basically, money is equal to rank.  Money is earned in each round and
accumulates over time.  Your current balance is displayed in the bottom left
corner in the pre-game Lobby.  Ranks go from 0 to 10, with each level
corresponding to a certain value of earned money.

At the end of each round you will see how much money you earned on the results
page.  In the bottom left corner you will see how much more money you must earn
to advance in rank.  Advancing your rank unlocks extra clothing which you can
customize your player model with, as well as accomplish certain achievements.

If you want to check your rank without joining a ranked match, go to your
player model and your rank will appear next to the title "Player Model" at the
top of your screen.

                          Rank       Money Required

There have been widespread accounts of players having their ranks reset each
time they play, or under certain other conditions.  There does not seem to be
anything the player can do to prevent this, making it a glitch.  I have never
experienced this, or any other problems with multiplayer, so my knowledge is
limited on the subject.

14. BOOTING PLAYERS                                                        BUTE

There are a variety of reasons to boot a player from a match.  Whatever your
motivation may be, you'll need to convince others to help you out, as booting
is a democratic process.


   a) Lobby

      No matter what type of match you are playing, the setting "Kick Player"
      will always be the last setting in your configuration options.  You must
      scroll down to the bottom of the options and select the player you wish
      to cast a vote against.  All relevant controls for doing this are listed
      at the bottom of your screen when you highlight the "kick Player" option.

   b) During gameplay

      It is also possible to boot players after the match has started.  Simply
      access your mobile phone and select your Phonebook.  When you select any
      player in the match, you will have the option of casting a boot vote.


   > Booting works on a voting system, and a simple majority is required in 
     order to successfully boot a player.

   > The host has no special abilities in regards to booting.  They may vote to
     boot a player, but their vote is no stronger than any other players. 
     Additionally, the host has no extra protection from booting, and a simple
     majority will boot them as it would any player.

   > Booting is done by secret ballot, there is no way to determine who cast a 
     vote to boot someone.

   > In the lobby, when a player receives a boot vote an 'X' and a number will 
     flash next to their Gamertag.  The number that flashes with the 'X' 
     represents the number of votes cast against the player.

   > You may cancel a boot vote you have already cast by using the same method 
     you used to cast it the first time.
   > The simple majority needed to boot a player is calculated in real time, so
     if additional players enter the lobby, you will need more votes.  
     Alternatively, if players leave the lobby you will need less.
   > If you are playing a match with only one other player, you cannot boot 
     that player.

15. PLAYER MODEL                                                           PMDL

Niko is the star of story-mode, but neither he nor the other cast of characters
are available to use in multiplayer.  Players have the option of customizing
their multiplayer character using the new Player Model feature.

     1. You can access your multiplayer character model at any time except 
        during a multiplayer match.

     2. Once customized, your player model will remain that way until you 
        change it again.  You do not need to customize your player model before
        each match.

     3. While primarily aesthetic, some customizations may have gameplay 
        benefits.  For example, dressing your player in 100% black clothing
        will make you more difficult to see at night.

     1. In story mode, bring up your cellphone and select multiplayer.  Scroll 
        down to "Player Model".  You do not need to actually play a multiplayer
        match, and your model will be saved until you do.

     2. In any multiplayer match lobby, press Y to access your model.


 There is a lot of speculation going on about how to unlock the zombie skin for
 your player model, but no confirmed method.  Its definitely valid and no hoax,
 but I haven't seen any reports of it on the Xbox360, only PS3.  I'll try to
 keep this updated whenever new information comes out.
 Now back to the guide...

As you progress in multiplayer rank, you will unlock new options for
customizing your player model.  Customization is broken into six aspects of
your players appearance: Gender, Head, Torso, Legs, Glasses, and Hats.  If you
choose a female player model, you will also be able to customize their hair
separately from their head type, while glasses and hats initially have no
options.  (However since glasses and hats are still listed, it is possible but
unconfirmed that those options are unlockable upon achieving a certain rank).

The features of customization are not titled, so I will do my best to
describe them below, although I am not a fashion expert so if my descriptions
could be more accurate let me know.  The numbers of each feature should
correspond to the number it is assigned to in the game (i.e. Hat 3 below should
describe Hat 3 in the game).

Your player model's skin color is controlled by the head type.  To avoid
any ethnic sensitivities, I will not presume to know what ethnicity Rockstar
may have intended for each skin color, and simply describe the color as best I
can.  Besides, the models aren't really detailed enough to make such judgements
without some level of uncertainty.  All colors are human skin tones, so "Olive"
does not mean green, it means a darker complexion than white, but not as dark
as black.

I currently have more clothing options unlocked than what is listed below, and
will update the lists soon, however this section is my lowest priority.


        A) Head (and skin/hair)
           1) Tanned white with shaved head and thin brown moustache.
           2) Pale white with very short black hair.
           3) Brown with short black hair, beard and moustache.
           4) White with short black hair with widows peak and moustache.
           5) Pale white, hairless with tatoos on forehead, neck and head.
           6) White with short dark brown hair and goatee.
           7) Black with short black hair and moustache.
           8) Pale white with very short black hair and goatee.

        B) Torso
           1) Dark red hoodie with unzipped two-toned down vest: tan shoulders,
              black body and white logo.
           2) Grey hoodie with unzipped navy blue down vest with logo.
           3) Navy blue hoodie with unzipped dark green jacket.
           4) Black down jacket with white logo.
           5) Two-toned down jacket, red body/arms and black chest with logo.
           6) White hoodie with black down vest.
           7) Blue hoodie with two-toned down vest: tan body with logo and dark
              brown shoulders.
           8) Two-toned down jacket with brown body/arms, and baby blue sides 
              and underarms.

        C) Legs (and shoes)
           1) Grey pants with brown tennis shoes.
           2) Black pants with black tennis shoes.
           3) Faded dark blue denim jeans with white tennis shoes.
           4) Faded black denim jeans, baby blue tennis shoes with red laces.
           5) Dark blue track pants with light blue stripe, grey tennis shoes 
              with blue toes.
           6) Light blue denim jeans with blue tennis shoes.
           7) Camo cargo pants with brown boots.

        D) Glasses
           0) None
           1) Black frame glasses with light blue rimless lenses.
           2) Bright blue/white frame with light red rimless lenses.
           3) Dark black glasses with black tinted lenses.
           4) Wire frame glasses with rimless blue lenses.

        E) Hats
           0) None
           1) White and green baseball cap with logo and green brim.
           2) Black baseball cap with logo and grey brim.
           3) White baseball cap with logo and black brim.
           4) Dark brown/olive stocking cap.
           5) Slightly less dark brown/olive stocking cap.
           6) Black stocking cap.
           7) Blue bandana/do rag.
           8) Dark blue ushanka with black flaps up.
           9) Blue and white bandana/do rag.


        A) Hair (Females Only)

           1) Long black hair with silver barrette clip
           2) Long red hair with silver barrette clip
           3) Long brunette with blue barrette clip
           4) Shoulder length black hair, tied back with long bangs
           5) Shoulder length blonde hair, tied back with long bangs
           6) Short black hair with clipped back side swept bangs
           7) Short blonde hair with clipped back side swept bangs
           8) Short brunette hair with clipped back side swept bangs

        B) Head
           1) Yellow
           2) White with slight tan (some red tones)
           3) Olive
           4) Brown
           5) Pale White
           6) Really Pale White (like using pure white makeup)
           7) White with no tan (no red tones)
           8) Black

        C) Torso
           1) Red shirt with unzipped blue/grey striped jacket
           2) Blue shirt with female gender symbol and unzipped rainbow jacket
           3) Yellow shirt with black skull and unzipped blue jacket
           4) Blue V-neck ringer tee with white trim, white "LC" monogram on 
              chest and pale blue longsleeved undershirt
           5) Black V-neck ringer tee with red trim, white Jolly Roger and
              light grey longsleeved undershirt
           6) Olive/Yellow down vest with black longsleeved undershirt
           7) Navy tank top with black longsleeved undershirt
           8) Two-toned down jacket with blue arms/shoulders and brown body

        D) Legs (and feet)
           1) Standard blue denim jeans with white tennis shoes
           2) Black denim jeans with blue tennis shoes
           3) Tan khakis with light brown shoes
           4) Grey khakis with dark brown shoes
           5) Stonewashed denim jeans with red tennis shoes
           6) Dark blue denim jeans with red shoes
           7) Olive cargo pants with red high-top tennis shoes

        E) Glasses
           0) None
           1) Large black sunglasses
           2) Thin black framed eyeglasses with rectangular blue tinted lenses
           3) Large black rimmed sunglasses with blue lenses
           4) Sport sunglasses with blue reflective lenses
           5) Sport sunglasses with gold reflective lenses
           6) Thin sport sunglasses with light blue frame and navy lenses
           7) Thin sport sunglasses with copper? reflective lenses
           8) Rimless sunglasses with pink lenses
           9) Thin red framed eyeglasses with rectangular blue tinted lenses

        F) Hats
           0) None
           1) Navy baseball cap with logo
           2) Black baseball cap with orange skull and crossbones
           3) White baseball cap with black brim and 'VC' logo
           4) Black baseball cap with white front with logo, worn backwards
           5) Black baseball cap with baby blue front with logo, worn backwards
           6) Royal blue baseball cap with light trim on brim and logo, worn 
           7) Pink helmet
           8) Grey Gatsby with light blue trim
           9) Black helmet with white trim
          10) Grey helmet with red trim
          11) Large, over-ear headphones
          12) Black Gatsby with grey trim
          13) Full face helmet with red-yellow horizontal gradient and black 
              tinted faceplate cover

16. MULTIPLAYER ACHIEVEMENTS                                               ACHV

There are a number of achievements that must be completed in multiplayer
matches.  Also, it seems that other achievements that do not require
multiplayer cannot be accomplished while in multiplayer matches, and must be
accomplished in story mode.  This makes sense as one could easily create
conditions in a Free Mode game that would remove a great deal of difficulty
from some achievements.

For example, while already quite easy, the "Chain Reaction" achievement that
requires the player to blow up 10 vehicles in 10 seconds would be made even
easier by creating a Free Mode game in Algonquin with Rocket Launchers and no

     Kill 5 players who are not in your team, in any ranked multiplayer game.

     Earn a personal rank promotion in multiplayer.

     Win a ranked multiplayer race without damaging your vehicle too much and 
     with damage enabled.

     Beat our time in ranked versions of "Deal Breaker", "Hangman's NOOSE" and 
     "Bomb da Base II".

     While unconfirmed at this time, there have been a number of accounts
     claiming the following times to beat for each:

         a) Deal Breaker.............7 min 4 sec
         b) Hangman's NOOSE..........2 min 32 sec
         c) Bomb da Base II..........5 min 56 sec

     I will update this section when the above times are confirmed.

     Be on the winning team in all ranked multiplayer team games.

     Kill 20 players with a pistol in a ranked multiplayer deathmatch.

     Come first in 20 different ranked standard multiplayer races.

     Achieve the highest personal rank in multiplayer.
     (Note: 10 is the highest)

     Win all ranked multiplayer variations, all races and "Cops 'n Crooks" as 
     both sides.

     Kill a Rockstar developer in a ranked multiplayer match.
     (Note: There are mixed reports on this being a viral achievement, and as 
     of yet no definitive answer.  Guide will be updated when more info comes 

17. CONTACT INFO & LEGAL                                                   CNTC

Thanks for looking through this FAQ, which is my first.  I only had the game
for a few days before I began writing this, so I would not be surprised to find
mistakes.  As I continue playing and learning the ins and outs of multiplayer I
will update this guide, and eventually add a FAQ section when I receive enough
questions by email.

Send email to: gtamultiplayerfaq AT gmail DOT com

Please send any tips, questions, or comments and I will do my best to reply or
update the FAQ as necessary.


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The support I've received for this guide has been overwhelming, and for a first
time FAQ writer its made the experience that much better.  Thanks to everyone!

Thanks to Rockstar, Rockstar North, Take Two, and everyone who helped bring
this game to market.

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