My 1st Walkthrough - Guide for Tomb Raider

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Tomb Raider
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3. Walkthrough 

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This walkthrough can only appear at:

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2. Controls:
[]: jump
Triangle: draw weapon
O: Roll
X: Action
R1: Walk
L1: look around
L2: Sidestep left
R2: Sidestep right
Up: run
Down: jump back (short distance)
Left/Right: Turn Lara Around

Caves - Items: 7 - Secrets: 3 - Kills 14 Follow the tracks running past the slots 
with the poison darts. If you keep running the darts will miss you. Continue around 
the corner. Lara will look up at a ledge indicating the way to go but first we need 
to get a secret. Continue straight into a large square room with a door in the 
corner. You must use the slanted rock to jump onto this door. You can either jump 
back then forward off the sloped face or you can climb up the back of the sloped 
rock and jump as you slide down. Either way you will grip the base of the door to 
enter SECRET #1 and get the medkit. Returning to the other cave, climb up and head 
down the passage. The sounds of bats should alert you to draw your gun and kill 
them. Turn left and proceed to a dead end cave with snow drifted into one corner. 
Climb the drift as far as you can then use the action key to grab the ledge and pull 
yourself up. Waste the bat and grab the Medkit for SECRET #2. Return to the bat cave 
and continue. You will eventually end up in a large grass covered cavern sloped 
down. Make you way to bottom and drop into the tunnel. Go to the door and use the 
switch to open the door. Kill the bat as you enter this large room. Ignore the 
bamboo door - you can't open it anyway. Find the hole in the roof and climb up. Make 
your way to the large room with 2 bridges and 2 wolves patrolling the ground. You 
can sniper these guys from the ledge. You can either wind your way around using the 
bridges your take the shortcut by dropping to the ground and proceeding to the 
second bridge. Standing in the middle jump and pull yourself up onto the bridge and 
go to your right. Continue through the door and into the next room. There is a large 
gap in this room with a bear at the bottom. A save game gem is on the other side. 
You can make this jump and save your game either before or after killing the bear 
from above. Drop down into the gap by gripping the edge and dropping in to avoid 
taking damage. Go through the door killing the 2 bats. Grab the medkit and then 
stand on the pressure plate to open door. You will now enter the bridge room. Climb 
back up the bridge and retrace your path back to the gap and the location of the 
save gem. If you didn't use it before then use it now. Proceed down the stairs. 
There is a medkit to the left of the stairs if you are collecting this things. As 
you enter the room the music starts and the wolves attack. Kill both of them 
quickly. Notice on the far wall there is a door cleverly hidden in the vegetation. A 
ledge extends from the door which you can jump onto from either side. Enter this 
door for SECRET #3 - a large medkit. The other door out of this room is on a timed 
switch. Go to the far corner and throw the switch. Then either make 2 skilled jumps 
to the ledge with the door or just drop down - run across - and climb up and run 
through the door. Continue up and turn the corner. Run past the 2 dart shooting 
pipes and into the next room. A single wolf is waiting for you so watch out. There 
are 2 broken floor tiles in this room. Stand on either one to fall (safely) into the 
room below. Do not drop into the hall below - it is lined with dart traps. Find the 
ledge where you can safely jump across to the other side. Shoot the last wolf on 
this level and pick up the medkit. Continue on and around the corner to find a 
switch. Move it to open the EXIT. To avoid the darts just slide down the sloped wall 
next to the EXIT.
 City of Vilcabama - Items: 11 - Secrets: 3 - Kills: 29 Run into the first room and 
kill the 4 wolves lurking in here. Jump around to avoid their attacks and keep 
firing. There are multiple exits from this room. Take whichever one you want as they 
all end up at the same place eventually. Kill all the wolves and bats you encounter. 
Some bats are lurking in the ceiling so look UP often. One wolf guards a medkit 
hidden in the bushes. Eventually you will end up in a large room with a pool in the 
middle. There is a wooden trough along one wall. If you go near this wall a large 
bear comes charging out. Dodge his attacks and kill him quickly then enter the room 
he came out of. Vault onto the ledge above the stable and get the medkit. Now return 
to the pool room and go for a swim. Dive in and go to the T intersection and turn 
right. Make a U-turn to the left when you reach the pillars and throw the wood lever 
to open a secret door in another area. If you still have enough air (about half) 
then swim to the opposite side of the pillar room into the brightly lit area. Throw 
the other wooden switch to open a hatch above you. Surface and breath. Exit the 
water and get SECRET #1 - a medkit. Throw the switch to open door and return to the 
main room. Dive into the pool again and this time swim to the T and turn left. 
Follow the passage to a left turn and follow until you surface into a room with 
serpent fountains. Exit the pool and go through the secret door you opened early 
(remember that lever) and get SECRET #2 - a medkit and magnum clips. Return to the 
main pool room and surface. Find the door with the switch (looks like zebra stripes) 
and open the door. Climb the wooden stairs and make the tricky jump at the top. You 
will be looking across at an alcove made of skulls. Below you is a ledge of 
collapsible panels. Drop down and run and jump over to this alcove. This is tricky 
and if you don't do it the first time you don't get another chance. It's only a 
medkit so don't worry if you don't make it. Drop into the room below (if you didn't 
land there by accident) and find the blue stone with the two indentations. Using the 
action key and the UP arrow Lara can push this block into the wall. It takes several 
pushes to move it all the way. If you missed the large jump and really want that 
medkit in the skull alcove you can use the action key and down arrow to pull the 
block into the room and use it to climb into the alcove. Once you are in the next 
room kill the bat and get the Silver Key and the Gold Idol. Using the block you 
pushed in, climb up and onto the wooden ledge. Kill the 2 bats in the rafters and 
save your game. Run around the corner and kill 2 more bats. Drop into the passage 
and turn left. You should now be back in the main pool room. Turn left again to find 
the locked door. The action key will unlock the door. Darts line the walls of this 
room and you will take at least one hit UNLESS you do a dive. Just run and jump and 
hit action while in mid- air and you will hit the ground rolling - no damage! You 
are now in a large area with a temple at the far end and 5 wolves with bad attitudes 
scattered about. Kill them as they charge doing all that fancy jumping to avoid 
their fangs. Enter the temple through the left door. Follow the passage into a pool 
room with ledges on the walls. Climb the stairs and being the jumping process to go 
from ledge to ledge. Climb the stairs and kill the bat then make a long jump across 
the top of this tower. Climb some more stairs and kill another bat. Find and use the 
wall switch to open the temple's right door. Get the medkit then go to the window. 
Looking down at the ledge find the shotgun shells. Execute the safety drop onto the 
roof and get the shells then drop to the red roof and get the medkit. Drop once more 
to the ground and enter the right door. This is another room with water and ledges 
and collapsing floor tiles. Go to the left and stair-step up the ledges along this 
wall. At the top kill the bat, climb the stairs and use the switch to open the 
middle door of the temple. Go outside and use the save game gem then execute a 
series of safety drops to the ground. Enter the middle door. A long tunnel with a 
series of swinging blades is your next challenge. Just use simple timing to get past 
these guys. You will reach a gate with a bear behind it. Use the switch. The floor 
drops out from under you and you go for another swim. Swim forward and up and into 
the small tunnel on the right. The tunnel leads to stairs which leads to a switch 
that opens the gate you were at moments ago and the exit gate. Go to one of the 
windows and dive into the pool below (or do a safety drop). You have to kill the 
bear and you can't shoot from the water. The bear will follow you and attack as you 
try to exit the pool. I found it easier to drop to the ground and blast him. You can 
also run around the pool keeping the bear at a safe distance. Once the bear is dead 
go to the locked door. To the left of this door is an open door. Enter the door and 
go up the stairs to the switch room. There is a passage opposite the switch which 
leads to a room with Uzi clips. Return to the pool room with the dead bear and use 
the Gold Idol to unlock the EXIT. 
Lost Valley - Items: 16 - Secrets: 3 - Kills: 12 Follow the tunnel till you reach 
the river. You can either jump in or go to your right and do some cliff diving. Find 
a safe place to exit the lake and kill the 2 wolves on patrol. Climb over the rocks 
opposite the waterfall and enter the cave. Kill the wolf that attacks then continue 
further and turn right. Jump into the slanted chamber and kill the 3 wolves waiting 
here. Don't go any further as it is just a dead end. Return to the room you were 
just in and find the ledge you can pull yourself up onto. Continue climbing until 
you find the skeleton and a medkit. Continue forward and slide down into the valley. 
A red Raptor rushes you. Fire as fast as you can and dodge this guy's attacks. When 
he is dead enter the valley and kill the second raptor. Check your health at this 
point and make sure its FULL. Note the broken rope bridge above. Note the HUGE 
FOOTPRINTS below. Note the tense music that just started playing. Note the size of 
the teeth on the T-Rex that just rounded the corner. Do a LOT of side-jumping and 
keep firing until this monster is dead. You may have to heal yourself in mid-combat. 
NEVER let this guy get close to you with his mouth or you are dead no matter what 
your health bar says. After he is dead run past him under the bridge until you reach 
2 waterfalls. Climb the ledge to the right of the right waterfall to find SECRET #1: 
Shotgun shells. Go to the ledge between the falls. Climb up 2 ledges and jump to the 
right onto the 3rd ledge. Hold onto the ledge and shimmy to the right until you're 
in the middle of the falls. Pull yourself up and into SECRET #2: Shells and Uzi 
Clips. Return to the ground (climb or dive) and head for the broken bridge and look 
for a door in the grass covered rock. Enter the passage and kill the raptor waiting 
down the hall. Advance until you reach a waterfall. Climb the ledges to the right 
and get Cog #1. Then dive into the pool. Swim until you surface at the right 
waterfall in the valley. Turn left and advance to the temple in the distance. Take 
out the 2 raptors lurking near the temple. Enter the temple and save your game. Take 
a swim heading for the right side of this pool to get Cog #2. Exit the temple and 
find a climbable ledge along the left valley wall near the dead raptors. Climb the 
first ledge then jump left to the 2nd ledge. Turn left to jump (or grab) the 3rd 
ledge then do a leap and grab the 4th ledge. Do one more giant leap onto the temple 
roof for SECRET #3 and get the medkit, magnum clips, uzi clips, and shotgun shells. 
You can get back down by going left and jumping to the slanted cliff and sliding to 
the bottom. Turn to the right and climb into the cave in the valley wall. Follow the 
tunnel and save your game. Continue until you reach the rope bridge. Do the giant 
leap and grab the other side of the bridge. Pull yourself up and continue over to 
get Cog #3. Do a safety drop to the valley floor and make your way back to the cave 
above the first huge waterfall (the beginning of this level). Next is a series of 
jump crisscrossing the river. Miss one and you are going for a ride over the falls 
so BE CAREFUL! The final jump requires you to grab the edge and pull yourself up. 
Follow the tunnel and cross the bridge. Save your game before crossing then use the 
3 Cogs on the wall then pull the lever. The dam shuts and the waterfall stops. Do 
NOT cross the bridge but rather drop off the side and grab on. Shimmy left and drop 
onto a rock. Go up and turn left to SECRET #4 and get a medkit. Jump in the water 
and swim until you reach the dam. Turn left and pull yourself up onto the ledge. 
Find the skeleton and get their shotgun (they don't need it anymore). Jump back in 
the water and enter a tunnel. This is a very long tunnel but you will eventually 
surface into SECRET #5 with shotgun shells and a medkit. Go through the door and 
jump onto the dry riverbed. Follow it to the waterfall (or rather where the 
waterfall used to be) and dive into the lake below. There is now a tunnel you can 
get to which used to be blocked by the waterfall. Enter the tunnel and open the door 
and EXIT!
 Tomb of Qualopec - Items: 7 - Secrets: 3 - Kills: 7 Follow the tunnel and enter the 
Tomb of Qualopec. Go up the slope and a huge boulder comes rumbling towards you. Do 
the REVERSE move and get outta there making sure to get out of the path as the 
boulder rolls across the tomb and into the entrance. Pull the switch to open the 
door to the left. This frees 2 raptors who you can dispatch with your pistol. Go 
into the room they came out of and save your game. Go through the door on your right 
and into the next room. There are big brown blocks in here you get to push around. 
Push the first block forward twice Turn left and push another block to continue. Run 
across some collapsible tiles to a switch that opens the first of 3 gates. Jump the 
pit you just ran across and go back to the save game room. Go to the right door with 
the circle over it and follow the passage to a small alcove with a switch. Approach 
the switch and fall through the floor. Go up one of the ramps and pull the block 
into the room then push it aside to find a passage. Enter and go up stome steps and 
drop into a pit and get the medkit. Climb up the opposite side of the pit then go up 
the stairs and pull the switch to open Gate #2. Grab the medkit in the corner then 
drop back into the pit. Go back to the save game room and enter the door with the 
bird. Find and use the switch to move a block with the same bird symbol on it. Drop 
down into the room with the bird symbol block and go to the left door. Go up some 
stairs and turn to face the white ledge. Jump and grab several times until you reach 
a tunnel which takes you to the block with the bird. Drop down a couple times then 
turn left and drop down again until you are across from the bird. Jump the gap and 
land on the bird block. Perform a tricky jump into the tunnel to the left of where 
you just landed. Enter the tunnel and pull the switch to move another bird block. 
Return to the tunnel entrance and walk to the edge facing to the right and make a 
leap of faith to a block you can't see from here. Turn and do a jump onto the second 
bird block then turn right and jump into the door. Pull the switch in this room to 
open the final gate. Exit this passage and jump to avoid the spike below. Go up the 
small ramp and climb up to the door. Move down the right passage and waste the 
raptor before he gets you. Go back to the save game room and back into the first 
room of this level. Enter the new passage. Save your game and then run past the dart 
guns. Doing the swandive with the roll is a good way to not get hit here. When you 
reach the stairs turn to your left. SECRET #1 waits for you if you climb up just to 
the right of the dart gun. Squeeze next to the idol then run across a whole room of 
those broken floor tiles. Head for the left corner and get the shotgun shells then 
go for SECRET #2. Drop off the ledge and shimmy to the outside wall and drop on the 
spiked floor. WALK - DO NOT RUN - through the spikes and pick up the magnum clips 
under the ledge you were just on. Walk through all the spikes to the door above and 
climb up and out. Drop down to some steps and go up to the chamber with the first 
piece of the Scion. Don't take the piece until you have killed the guard on the left 
side of the king's throne. In true Indiana Jones fashion taking this piece starts a 
tremor. Run back quickly to the main entrance room and past the boulder that smashed 
into this room earlier. Save your game then take a swim. You'll find yourself 
underfire. Larson - your contact at the cafe is trying to kill you. Before you 
finish him off, swim to the bottom and find a small tunnel. Follow the tunnel to 
SECRET #3 and get the medkit and magnum clips. Heal yourself then go kick Larson's 
butt. Enjoy the cool movie clip and rest up for the Labyrinth. St. Francis' Folly - 
Items: 18 - Secrets: 4 - Kills: 21 Start this level by going right and climbing the 
wall. Go to the end and kill the 2 lions lurking about. Go to the block with the 
horseshoe symbol behind it and pull the block ontop of the symbol to unlock the door 
above you. Push the block forward a couple of times to open a door at ground level 
then push the block again so you can climb on it later. Go through the door and kill 
the 2 gorillas and pull the switch across from the door. Go to the stairs on the 
right and kill another gorilla. Continue up the stairs and throw the switch to open 
another door. Go outside and shoot the other explorer waiting for you in the 
pillars. Dodge a lot and run in circles to shoot him from behind - like the T-Rex 
and Larson. He will run away after eating enough lead. Let him go! You can kill him 
anyway - believe me - I tried! Back in the main room - climb onto the block you 
pushed earlier then jump across to another column. Start bunny-hopping these columns 
to get a medkit. Turn left and jump some more to reach the door. Now comes the 
tricky part... Stand on the far left of the doorway ontop of the arrows. Jump left 
then jump right and up grabbing the ledge. Standing on the ledge, face the smaller 
of the two sloped ledges and backup. Jump onto the lower slope then backward then 
forward and grab the ledge above you. Very tricky but it takes you to SECRET #1 - 
shotgun shells and a medkit. Climb back down to avoid damage taken by falling 
through broken floor. Back in the main room hop back to the column where you got the 
medkit. Do a long jump to the ledge to the left then turn left and begin a series of 
jumps to reach the door (the one you unlocked from the floor). Go down the hall 
making sure you are sliding forward! Just before you reach the end of the sloped 
passage jump into the air. You'll land on a small ledge below. Jump across to the 
door and grab it. If you miss you cannot try without resetting the level. Get SECRET 
#2 - shells and medkit then turn around and check out that big croc in the water. 
You can kill him if you want but it takes a long time. You can just as easily avoid 
him. Jump in and swim forward and up into the first opening to get SECRET #3 - more 
shotgun shells. Take another swim and go to the next opening where you can pull the 
switch and drain the water from this passage. Drop into the passage and kill the 
croc (if you didn't already). He's easier to shoot now but he's also a lot faster so 
dodge him quickly! Go to the end of the tunnel and save your game. Jump to the ledge 
in the middle of the room and shoot the 3 bats flying around. Drop down to a ledge 
on your right then once more to the floor below. Pull the lever to open the THOR 
DOOR. Jump to your right and land on the gray square to open a secret door. This 
door is timed so you have to be FAST! Turn right and go the the edge. Roll as you 
land and keep running. Roll at the edge and drop down shooting the 2 bats as they 
appear. Drop down once more, taking some minor damage, and enter the secret door. 
SECRET #4 consists of medkit and magnum clips. Exit the room and find the save game 
gem. Save it for now - instead use the switch to open the ATLAS DOOR. Climb the 
stairs then jump and grab the ledge. Jump to the ledge and get the magnum clips 
either before or after killing the bat. Jump back to the first ledge and move across 
about half way. Jump and grab the middle ledge then go around the left corner and 
use the switch to open the NEPTUNE DOOR. Do a REVERSE and jump across to the stairs. 
Turn around and jump up to the ledge with the save game gem and save your game. 
Enter the THOR DOOR to your left. Inside is a cool plasma sphere shooting electric 
bolts to the floor. A pattern of blocks is laid out in a circular pattern. If you 
are in this circle when the bolts hit - you get zapped! Time the bolts and make your 
way across this room. The next room has a large hammer suspended from the ceiling 
and some markings on the floor. Stand on the symbol. When you hear something break 
jump back and the hammer will smack the floor. Don't move! Wait for a couple of 
blocks to fall to the floor. Push the block a few times against the wall near the 
head part of Thor's hammer. Use it to climb up to the ledge where you can pull the 
second block out a few times then use it to climb and jump over to an even higher 
ledge. Get the small medkit then jump across to the ledge on your left. Enter the 
small room and get the THOR KEY then jump back and climb down. Run through the 
electric room and make your way back and exit the THOR DOOR. At the edge turn left 
and jump to a ledge that looks slightly different than the others. Your friend from 
earlier is shooting at you so hop to a small ledge on your right and kill the 2 bats 
that are attacking. Turn and jump to the middle ledge then go up the stairs to find 
a lever which opens the DAMOCLES DOOR. Climb the stair and enter the ATLAS DOOR. 
Kill the gorilla waiting for you in here then run ahead and through the gate. A 
medkit is in the pit to your left. Run up the hill until a huge boulder comes 
rumbling towards you. Do a REVERSE and run away. As you near the pit do another 
REVERSE and drop back and grab the edge of the pit. The boulder will sail harmlessly 
overhead. Start back up the hill and about half way jump to the ledge on your left. 
Jump up again and get the ATLAS KEY on the other side of the ledge. Make your way 
back and exit the ATLAS DOOR. Go to the highest step and jump up and climb to the 
next level. Jump to the stairs on your left. Shoot some bats and go to the highest 
step. Jump to the middle ledge and go to the other side and enter the NEPTUNE DOOR. 
Go for a swim. The current will move you along but you need to swim up and to you 
left to enter a small tunnel. Pull the lever at the end of this tunnel then return 
to the main tunnel. Swim forward and get the NEPTUNE KEY. Go to the other side of 
the passage and surface quickly as you are probably almost out of air by now. Climb 
out of the water and exit through the NEPTUNE DOOR. Jump to the middle ledge and 
climb down to the ledge across from the sandstone stairs. Jump over to the stairs 
and go down the the DAMOCLES DOOR. Get the medkit ontop of the door before you 
enter. Don't worry about those swords hanging from the ceiling. Go to the next room 
and get the DAMOCLES KEY then hoist yourself up and get the shells and medkit on the 
ledge above. Leave this room slowly. The swords will start falling - just watch the 
shadows and listen for them to fall. If you walk you will be able to stop just short 
of the sword. Exit the DAMOCLES DOOR drop down onto the small ledge and once more to 
the ground where you can start shooting at the 2 cougars and that hostile explorer 
who's been after you. You can also save your game here (just in case). The cougars 
will die and the explorer will run away again. Go to the door and use the 4 keys 
you've been collecting in each of the locks. The bars will be removed and you can 
EXIT this huge level. WHEW! Colosseum - Items: 14 - Secrets: 3 - Kills: 25 Start 
this level by taking a swim. Once the crocodile has seen you climb to the bank and 
shoot the croc. Swim past the croc and exit the water. Shoot the 2 lions guarding 
the area. Enter the temple and start up the stairs. Jump back and kill a third lion 
that surprises you (unless you read this first). Exit the temple and proceed down 
the left side. Climb up the rocky ledge and jump over to the temple. Follow the 
ledge to the right to get a med- kit. Return the way you came and climb onto the 
block. Jump up onto the next ledge and follow it around the temple. You will have to 
jump along the way. At the end of the ledge jump diagnally to a hidden door. Before 
going in walk forward and slide down the slope. Jump when you reach the bottom to 
land on a small ledge then look to the left of the water for a hidden passage. Do a 
running jump into the passage and get SECRET #1 - shotgun shells. Make your way back 
to the door and go in. At the edge of the pit kill the 2 crocs and get the medkit in 
the corner. Use the ramp to climb out of the pit then face the wall, jump and grab 
the crack in the wall. Shimmy to the right until you can climb up then go forward to 
SECRET #2 - more shotgun shells. Go back to the crevice and do a safety drop and 
shimmy right until you can drop to the ledge. Walk up the ramp and start down the 
tunnel until you can drop down a hole and enter the temple. Enter the Colosseum to 
your right and shoot the Lion, Cougar and Gorilla from your safe vantage point. 
During your target practice that guy from the last level starts shooting again. Fire 
at him until he runs away. Jump into the pit on the left and save your game. Climb 
out of the pit and use the door at the back corner. Slide down the ramp and shoot 
the 2 lions waiting for you. Go to the far wall and use the switch to open the 
Colosseum gate. Turn around and pull the switch to open the door next to it. Head 
down this corridor and into a pit. Four cougars patrol the top of this pit. You can 
kill them by jumping and shooting them at the top of your jumps. It's dirty but it 
works. Climb out of the pit when you've killed 1 or 2 of them. That way they can't 
gang up on you. Head to the rocks and slide down the ramp. Go to the back of the 
room and turn right and stand on the gray floor panel. Turn back and head to the 
right gate to get the medkit. Run back and when the gate closes stand on the floor 
panel again to open the left gate which you can then enter and use the switch. Then 
run around the corner and enter the right gate then through the second gate which is 
on a timer (so hurry)! Pull the switch in here to open the white door in the 
chamber. Go back outside and enter the white door. Go down the slope and save your 
game at the spikes. Go through the door and climb all the ledges to the top of the 
Colosseum. Turn left and head up the slope then climb the ledge and go right to find 
some shells. Go back down the rocks to the ledge and stand as far from the pit as 
possible facing the rocky slide to the left of the Colosseum door. Do a long jump to 
the slope and climb up the rocks. When you reach level ground turn left and jump to 
the ledge. Go forward then turn right to kill the 2 gorillas in the bedroom. Go into 
the next room with the stairs and the block. Pull the block until you can enter the 
tunnel behind it. Its dark in here but there is a medkit and a switch - you know 
what to do with both. Return to the rock slide and slide down backwards. Go to your 
right around the rocks then turn left and proceed to the ledge at the corner of the 
Colosseum. Climb the ledge and go up some stairs and turn right. Enter the door and 
shoot the 2 bats and head for the light. The gate shuts behind you. Roll into the 
pit as a boulder crashes into the gate. WHEW! Climb out of the pit and jump to the 
other side. Follow the passage to the next switch and use it to open the door around 
the corner. Go through this door and exit the dark room to your left. Proceed across 
the Colosseum floor shooting the cougar that awaits. You will soon come across that 
guy again so pump him full of lead until he runs away again. Keep advancing and go 
up the stairs and enter the door. Go forward into the lit room. The exit to this 
room is on a short timer and only opens when you walk past a certain pillar. 
Position yourself to the right of the left pillar and get against the wall. The door 
should be on your right. Run forward and jump onto the block trying to land on the 
right side. Immediately side-jump to the right then do a backflip then side-jump 
left and one more jump forward and through the door (Takes as long to perfect as it 
did to figure out). SECRET #3 has 2 medkits, Uzi clips and the long awaited Magnums -
 hope it was worth the effort! Back at the ledge turn left and jump across to the 
switch which opens a door. Proceed to the bottom and exit out to the Colosseum and 
enter the next door. Climb up to the door you just opened and take a swim into the 
next room. There you can push the block forward into the next room. Enter and save 
your game. Get the medkit and use the switch to open the door at the bottom of those 
stairs earlier in the game (above the rock slide). Pull the block until you can get 
behind it and get the Rusty Key. Swim back through the tunnel and drop into the dark 
room and use the right door along the Colosseum wall. Watch out for that guy - he 
may or may not be back to take a few cheap shots at you. Drop to the Colosseum floor 
and head back to the block ledge in the far corner. Kill the lurking gorilla along 
the way. Go to the edge of the pit and drop off backwards and hang. Shimmy until 
your shadow is between spike then drop. Enter the door with the rocks and climb to 
the top so you can do that long jump to the rock slide all over again. Go back to 
the bedchamber (where you killed the 2 gorillas) and use the Rusty Key to open the 
gate. Enter the gate and go swimming and enter the first hole which leads to a room 
with a switch. After pulling the switch go swimming again and keep swimming down the 
tunnel until the level is over. 
Palace Midas - Items: 21 - Secrets: 3 - Kills: 42 You're already swimming when you 
start this level so climb out of the pool and head for the tunnel between the 
pillars. Kill the 2 gorillas then run ahead and through the left door. Three more 
gorillas await your gunfire in this room. Pick up the medkit and enter the door and 
save your game. Use the switch to open a an unseen gate then run back down the 
tunnel and shoot 2 more gorilla near the left door. Return back to the pool where 
you started and shoot the crocodile to your left. Go down the corridor and turn 
right and keep off the stairs. Continue until you reach an intersection then go 
right to a small gap between the wall and the cliff. Kill the gorilla around the 
corner then get the magnum clips from inside this small space. Turn right and move 
forward until 2 lions attack. Kill them and continue until you reach a wall then 
turn right and shoot 3 bats and get the medkit which is almost invisible in the 
darkness. Return to the inter- section and turn right and head back to the stairs 
you avoided earlier. Go up and turn left and enter the next room where you can shoot 
3 more gorillas. Go to the end of the room and climb the orange column. Turn and 
jump to the next column then turn left and jump to the ledge. Turn right and jump to 
the next ledge - grab and pull yourself up. Get the medkit and the magnum clips then 
jump back to the first ledge then back to the pillar. Use running jumps to cross the 
series of pillars. At the last one turn right and jump to the ledge with 5 switches. 
Activate the left switch then turn and drop into a pit and use the switch there to 
open the gate. Enter and turn left then left again entering a brightly lit door and 
a dead gorilla. Enter the torch room and save your game. Step on the lowered section 
of the floor and watch the torches go out. Quickly make a series of jumps across the 
torches. If you take to long they light themselves (AND YOU)! Jump into the water 
below to put yourself out if you do catch on fire. Kill the water rats before coming 
up to try again. Grab the last pillar and pull yourself up as the flame ignites. You 
can beat the fire if you are fast enough. Get the lead bar and save your game here. 
Swim to the stairs and climb up and shoot the gorilla. Go through the gate and 
around to the wall of switches. Climb up and use the 2nd switch from the right, the 
middle switch and return the left switch back to the UP position. Drop down and 
enter the gate turning left and through a new door between some pillars. Go through 
this room and into a tunnel then go down some stairs on the right. Pull the block 
out of the wall to shake things up a bit then head back up the stairs and continue 
up the next set of stairs. The door at the top opens into a room with large pillars. 
Jump over to the right to a dark patch then jump again to the center column then 
jump again to the left of the sandy ledge. Jump left again and enter the door and 
climb up to save your game. Continue to the next room and kill everything that 
moves. Jump across and into the pool and head down the trench shooting the 2 crocs 
that will eventualy show themselves. When you reach the end of the water climb out 
and climb on the rocks to your right. Advance until Lara cannot go any further then 
jump forward twice. You will slide back down if you don't jump twice in a row. 
SECRET #1 - medkit and magnum clips wait for you to the left. Jump in the water and 
swim to the left and climb out. Climb onto the rail and go to the corner with the 
small medkit below. Do the safety drop below to get SECRET #2 - shotgun shells, uzi 
clips and medkit. Jump out of the pit and kill the gorilla then move ahead and begin 
searching the small niches in the wall until you find the medkit. Head back to the 
main alcove that leads to the ledge and jump over to it. Run along the ledge and 
kill 2 more gorillas then move to the next to the last alcove. Face the wall and 
jump to the crevice grabbing on then shimmy to the left and drop onto the ledge. 
Kill the bat then turn and jump over to the door. Proceed up the long tunnel until 
you reach the hex shaped passage. Run down this collapsible tunnel and get the 
medkit then turn and climb out of the tunnel. Skid down the long slope and climb 
back down until you reach the room where you started. You'll be on a ledge and a 
cougar will be coming at you. Kill him before he even gets close then run along the 
ledge and into the door on the other side. Follow the tunnel then jump into the left 
window and out onto a ledge where you can turn right and make a running jump across. 
Turn right and go up to the pool and take a swim into the next room avoiding the big 
crocodile swimming in here with you. Exit the water and climb onto the rock avoiding 
the almost invisible gap and shoot the bat. Jump over the gap - if you fall in you 
get to repeat about 10 minutes as you make your way around to this point again - and 
pick up the lead bar and save your game. Jump to the ledge below and shoot the 
lions. Go down the stairs and into the tunnel then turn left and go to the entrance 
room. Go left and make your way back to the room with 5 switches. Use the right 
switch and return the second to the right switch to its UP position. Drop down and 
left and find the new door and the floor full of spikes. WALK through the spikes and 
around the ramp where you can pull another block a couple times to reveal a tunnel 
and another switch to use. Head back up the ramp and the stair. At the top go to the 
corner and do a standing jump over the spikes to the column. Make a series of jumps 
to cross this room starting with the column on your right. When you reach the last 
column jump into the door then jump right back to the column. You can now safely 
shoot the gorilla who just woke up in the room beyond that door. When he's dead 
enter the room and get the lead bar. Jump back to the pillar then down to the door 
below taking a small amount of damage. Return the the 5 switches and move the middle 
switch UP and the far left switch DOWN then return to the start room with the pool. 
Head down the stairs and into the garden. Kill the 2 gorillas and get the medkit off 
the roof near the back. You can get to the roof by climbing the wall on the right. 
On the roof turn and head down the passage to the MIDAS Chamber. Stand next to the 
stone hand and use the lead bars to turn them to GOLD! Climb up the right side of 
the MIDAS stone and save your game. Return to the garden and go to the right corner 
next to the gate. Walk sideways behind the tree to find the concealed lever to open 
the gate and the final SECRET #3. Enter the gate and up to the first pair of blades. 
Wait for the blades to shut then jump through them as they open. Get the shotgun 
shells, magnum clips and medkit then repeat the process to get past the blades. Make 
your way back to the orange pillar room then turn left and enter a new door. 
Continue forward and kill the lion then head up the stairs and out onto the ledge. 
Get the shotgun shells and save your game. Go down the stairs and through the right 
door. Use your new gold bars in each of the 3 slots then enter the open door and 
slide down the ramp and finish the level. Cistern - Items: 27 - Secrets: 3 - Kills: 
27 Upon starting this level immediately roll and drop to the floor drawing your guns 
and wasting the rat. Push the block forward 2 times then push it to the right to 
access the switch. Shoot the rats that come through the wall that just opened. Go 
through the white door and get the medkit then return to the previous room and go 
down the hole and run outside to the bridge. Go forward until you are past the rails 
then jump to the pillar at your right. Shoot the rats as you descend the stairs then 
from the final step turn to your right and jump and grab the crevice. Shimmy left to 
the ledge then drop down. Take the shells then jump back to the next crevice and 
continue left until you can climb up. Turn right and climb some more then run along 
the ledge and get the Rusty Key. Return to the other end and climb down, then hang 
and drop to the bricks below. Go down the path and use the save game gem by the 
pillar. Jump to the ledge on your right and go up the stairs. Your favorite sniper 
is lurking about so shoot him until he runs away then climb the right wall where he 
was shooting you from. Jump to the next ledge on your right then jump up and grab 
the ledge above you. Get the medkit then to to the top of the slope on your right. 
Turn left and jump and grab the ledge and climb up into SECRET #1 - shotgun shells. 
No jump back to the slope and jump back again to land on another ledge with 2 
shotgun shells. Do a safety drop to the room below. Back at the wall you climbed for 
Secret #1 you can now run the opposite direction and jump to a ledge then jump again 
to the next ledge where you can fine a medkit and some more shells. Do a safety drop 
to the ledge below the medkit and slide down the ramp ending up in front of a hold 
in the floor which you can enter and go swimming. Avoid the rats and swim into the 
tunnel. Climb out and kill the pesky rat that bites you as you exit. Go up the steps 
and jump to the ledge then jump again to the ledge on your left and pull yourself up 
to get the 2nd Rusty Key. Go forward and hang from the ledge so you can shimmy to 
the left and drop to the ledge with 2 rats - kill them! Continue forward and slide 
down the ramp to the save game gem. Continue forward sliding down another ramp to 
some statues. Kill the 2 rats and the 2 crocodiles. You may have to tease the crocs 
into swimming into your target range by taking a dip. Climb the stairs on either 
side of the ramp then face the water - turn right and jump over to the bridge. Go 
around the bridge to the other side then climb the wall, turn right and climb to the 
top ledge. Go up some steps and jump to the ledge with the railing then turn right 
and jump to the next ledge then turn left and jump to the door where you get to use 
one of those Rusty Keys. Enter the room and climb to the ledge on your left. Turn 
and shoot the 2 gorillas then jump to the next ledge and shoot that sniper from 
above until he runs off. Jump to the next ledge and get the medkit then do another 
jump to the high ledge. Jump backward into the alcove and get the magnum clips then 
do a running jump back to the highest ledge then turn around and jump and grap the 
crevice above the alcove. Shimmy to the right and drop to the ledge then drop 
through the hole on your right and run forward to go down the ramp. Shoot the croc 
in the room then get on the pedestal with the save game gem. Shoot the second croc 
who can't reach you now then enter one of the passages to alert the 3rd croc of your 
presence. Kill the rat and get the medkit then return to the big room with the dead 
crocs. Save your game (if you didn't already). Climb the wall above the pedestal 
then turn and jump to the ledge then do a running jump to the next ledge and one 
more jump to the ledge on the right. Go forward and drop the the ledge below then 
grab the the crevice and shimmy over to the white door. Use the switch and enter the 
door. Jump over some spikes and into the pit where you can shoot 2 more rats then 
drop into a green hole. Shoot another rat then drop to the ground. Go through the 
door and shoot the rat to your right then climb the stairs by the Gold Door. Facing 
the wall, jump to the ledge then turn right and climb to the next ledge. Run to the 
end and turn right and do a running jump. Climb up to the ledge and turn right and 
do another running jump then jump over to the switch and open the Gold Door below. 
Make your way to the floor and enter the door to get the Silver Key. Jump in the 
water as your favorite sniper arrives and begins to shoot you. Swim past the first 
opening and continue until you surface in the room with the bridge. Jump onto the 
bridge like before then walk to the pillar and climb up. Jump to the ledge with the 
rails then go up some stairs into the pipe room. Avoid the holes in the floor to get 
to the switch and use it to flood the entire level. Go back to the room with the 
bridge and jump in the water. Swim forward and to your right until you find a small 
tunnel. Swim into it and follow until you see light from above. Surface and find the 
switch to open a door below you. Exit the water and kill some more rats Get the 
medkits and shells in this room and save your game. Dive in and swim to the new door 
and get the Silver Key. Go through the gate that just opened and swim into the next 
room and exit the water. Go to the right door and use the other Rusty Key and enter 
the room. Take a swim going down to a small room with a medkit and a Gold Key. Swim 
back to the main chamber with the bridge and exit quickly. From the edge, shoot the 
crocodile that just arrived. Get back in the water and face the 2 doors. Dive down 
and to your right to find another small tunnel leading to SECRET #2 - magnum clips. 
Back at the surface look for a white door and a picture of two Rams and climb out 
there. Go up the stairs. The Ram pictures are actually blocks so push the left block 
in to find SECRET #3. Enter the hidden room and get beneath the ledge. Jump back to 
the ramp then forward to the ledge. Get the medkit and the magnum clips and exit. 
Use the silver keys to unlock the next two doors and enter the room. Turn right and 
climb the ledge across from the save gem then jump across to the gem and save your 
game. Face the high ledge and jump to it then jump to the lock in the wall on your 
right. Kill the gorilla around the corner and use the gold key to open the door 
below. Do a safety drop to the door and kill the 2 lions with the shotgun. Enter and 
cross the large room ignoring the switch which releases 3 more lions into the room. 
Pull the block behind the switch 2 times then pull it out from the wall 4 times. 
Move to the opposite side and push it once then climb up and jump to the ledge 
above. Take the medkit and the magnum clips. Drop to the floor and go behind the 
switch and drop into the well. Lara will scream all the way to the EXIT! 
Tomb of Tihocan - Items: 26 - Secrets: 2 - Kills: 16 SPLASH!! Swim down the passage 
until you reach tunnels going up and down. Go down and through the tunnel until you 
reach the switch. This lowers the water so you can now go to the other tunnel and 
exit the water. Use the switch here to open the door down the hall. Go through the 
door and shoot the croc then climb the stairs. Go up and over to the furthest step 
then jump across to the ledge next to you. Climb the ledge to your left then run to 
the corner to avoid the darts shooting at you. Do a running leap to the ledge in the 
opposite corner then climb into the alcove and use the switch to flood the room. 
Take a swim and go to the new tunnel which used to be covered by the now-floating 
white block and get the medkit. Swim up and climb onto the white block then run into 
the tunnel and take another swim. Go down and forward and use the switch to activate 
a strong current. Go up for air and swim forward - the current will sweep you away 
allowing you to travel further than you ever could by just swimming. Exit the water 
when you reach the end then climb out, shoot the rat then pull the block out of the 
wall toward the water. Get on the block and jump up to the ledge then turn around 
and jump to the wide ledge then jump into the darkness to your right. Climb up to 
your right then turn right and climb some more. From the top of the pillar jump to 
the ledge and save your game. Mr. Sniper will be shooting at you again so fire at 
him until he flees then walk to the swinging axe and jump behind it. Get the shells 
then jump back to end up back ontop of the pillar. Face the door and jump up to it 
Enter the tunnel and have a short gunfight with the sniper guy again. Go down the 
hall and jump/run through the veg-o-matic until you get to a pit with a big croc at 
the bottom. Kill him from the safety of your perch then drop down when its safe. Go 
down the stairs and get the shells and the magnum clips. Using your 3D Look-around 
find the 3 concealed floor panels and step on each of them to open the door to 
SECRET #1. Enter and turn to face the door. Jump left and hold the button to make 
multiple leaps to shells and a medkit. Exit back to the stairs and jump back out to 
the pillar. Jump back to the ledge with the swing axe and do a jump to the door 
behind the blade. Run down the stairs and either roll or jump backwards off the end 
to hang on the edge. Shimmy to the right and climb up into a tunnel where you can 
use the switch to flood the room. Dive in and swim to the step along the wall. Kill 
the giant rat then dive in the water behind him. Swim to the next room and exit the 
water shooting the cougar. Enter the tunnel and use the switch to open the gate then 
save your game. Kill the 2 gorillas lurking above. If you can't see them then jump 
and fire at the peak of your jump. Jump and pull yourself up after they are both 
dead. Jump to the crevice on your left and grab on and shimmy to the right and climb 
up to the gate. Enter and get the Gold Key and the medkit then go back to the dead 
cougar. Enter the tunnel and use the Gold Key. This causes several blocks to float 
to the surface. Do a series of jumps to cross these blocks and get the medkit before 
entering the door. Enter the room on the left with the writing on the floor and pull 
the block out of the wall and place it on the writing. Kill the gorilla that appears 
from behind the block then get the shells and magnum clip he was guarding. Go back 
and pull the block until its on the writing next to the door. Shoot the gorilla that 
comes out of a newly opened door then go get the shotgun shells. Go back and climb 
ontop of the block and jump to the door above. Run through the veg-o-matic and get 
the medkit and Rusty Key then return to the main room. Push the block away from the 
ledge then circle around and pull it onto the writing. Rats attack so climb/jump 
onto the block and shoot them from safety. Enter the new room and get the medkit 
then go back and push the block onto the final writing tile. Go to the door and 
IGNORE the medkit - its a trap. Run straight through and climb and get the Rusty 
Key. Get the medkit on your way back out. Go back to the main room with the door 
with locks on each side and use your Rusty Keys. Enter and save your game then jump 
to the right of the ramp. Do a series of jumps up to a secret passage then jump 
across a series of collapsible panels to SECRET #2. Here is the jump combo that 
worked for me: Turn so Lara's right side is facing the first tile then jump RIGHT - 
FORWARD - RIGHT - RIGHT - RIGHT - BACK - RIGHT ending up in the secret room. Get the 
uzi and magnum clips then return to the ramp. Slide down and into the water and swim 
through the tunnel exiting onto a ledge where you can shoot a croc. Enter the tunnel 
and climb all the ledges to reach the top then slide down to the ledge in the sand. 
Slide down the ramp on your right and jump to the ledge then climb up to the switch 
and open the underwater gate. Take a dive and swim into the next room and exit 
before a large temple. Swim under the temple and find the hidden tunnel in the rear. 
You will surface inside where you can save your game and use the switch to open the 
main door. Swim back outside and exit to the left of the temple on the sand. LOOK 
OUT!! A statue comes to life and starts throwing fireballs at you. Jump around and 
dodge his attacks while pumping lead into him until he dies. Save your game then 
enter the temple. Its finally time to take care of your sniper friend (his name is 
Pierre) so ready your magnums and take care of business! When he hits the floor 
remove the magnums, Gold Key and the Scion piece from him. Climb to the ledge above 
and get he medkit and the magnum clips. Use the Gold Key to open the door below and 
you are free to EXIT this level. You can wander back outside and take on the other 
statue if you are feeling daring today! City of Khamoon - Items: 24 - Secrets: 3 - 
Kills: 14 We start a new chapter and a new level by jumping into a pit. Use the 
block along the right as a step. Turn left and enter the tunnel and use the switch 
to open the door in the previous room. Enter this door and pull the block 3 times 
then enter the passage behind it to get a medkit and magnum clips. Go back and climb 
up on the block then behind the second block. Pull the block once then go to the 
side and pull it as far as you can then go to the opposite side and push it into the 
wall. Go to the block in the corner and jump to the crevice and shimmy right until 
you can climb into the cave. Shoot the panther (finally a new enemy) from the 
entrance then enter and turn left and climb the ledge to the medkit and magnum 
clips. Back at the floor slide down to the Sphinx and kill the panther-mummy 
creature then jump into the water on the right and get the magnum clips on the 
bottom. You should be able to use your Magnums for the rest of the game if you've 
been getting all the clips up to this point. Exit the water between the palm trees 
and climb to the ledge above and go about halfway across and jump to the pillar to 
your left and get the shotgun shells. Dive into the pool and exit on the left paw of 
the sphinx. Climb to the chin and go around to the left where you will find a tunnel 
with shells, a Sapphire Key and a save game gem. Go to the block between the 
sphinx's legs and pull it out until you can enter the tunnel behind it where you can 
use the Sapphire Key to open the door. Go down the passage to the next room and go 
right and up to the ledge with the medkit. Jump forward to the next ledge and shoot 
the panther below then jump to the ledge along the far wall. Go down the right 
passage and kill the panther as he charges at you. You may have to jump back or just 
use the Shotgun for immediate gratification. Follow the passage underneath the 
bridge and save your game. Keep on going and shoot the croc then hang and drop off 
the ledge by the phoenix. Drop down and get the medkit then enter the room and 
trigger another Indiana Jones Boulder. Avoid it then go to where it stops and turn 
right and go up the hill to a dark passage. Climb the ledges and jump into the room 
for SECRET #1 - magnum clips and a medkit. Take a swim in the corner and flip the 
switch below to open the door and continue forward and up out of the water before 
the croc eats you. Kill him from the safety of the ledge then go to the ledge below 
the gate and climb up. Push the block towards the save gem 2 times then get on it 
and jump to the ledge below the door. Pull yourself up and go up the steps. Jump up 
into the tunnel and use the wall switch to extend a gold bridge in the previous 
room. Return to the room and jump back to the block and push the block back to its 
original position then pull it once toward the water then go to the other side and 
push it once. Save your game if you haven't already then go stand on the block and 
jump across to the ledge with the block on it. Ready your magnums and push the block 
to open a hidden door. Enter and kill the cat-mummy then use the switch to open a 
door in the ceiling above the golden bridge. Return to the ledge and pull the block 
twice so you can jump to the golden bridge. Now jump up and climb into the door in 
the ceiling and use the switch up there to open the door by the cat statue. Head for 
the silver gong and jump to the left ledge. Turn right and jump to the rock ledge 
and go to the end to get some magnum clips. Slide down the slope to the left and get 
the medkit then jump to the paw on your right. From the paw jump to the green ledge 
on your left and get the magnum clips. Get on the slope then jump to a ledge above 
the ramp to get SECRET #2 - Uzi clips. Shoot the croc below then hang and drop to 
the ramp below and go to the cat statue. Do a safety drop to the green ledge and 
then another to the floor. Enter the door (without stairs) and get the magnum clips 
then turn and drop down the hole. Use the save gem below then shoot the barely 
visible panthers in the darkness below. Walk around and get the magnum clips in the 
corners but don't use the light switch yet! Drop to the darkness below and shoot 2 
more panthers then head for the lit passage and get the medkit. Go to the back of 
the room and look up at the ledge just to the right of the bridge. Its very hard to 
see in the dark but it is there. Climb up to it then turn and jump to the left onto 
the bridge. Cross over to the middle ledge and go to the left and shoot the panthers 
below. Jump to the alcove in the corner to get SECRET #3 - shotgun shells. Jump back 
on the bridge and make your way back down to the floor. Get the medkit in the other 
lighted tunnel then climb back up to the bridge and enter the lighted passage next 
to it. At the end of the tunnel is a cat-mummy so keep those magnums ready. Enter 
the next room and jump to the tunnel on your right and follow to the next room. 
Climb the pillar and take the Sapphire Key from the top. Proceed up the hill and 
enter the door then do 3 jumps across some ledges and get the magnum clips. Jump to 
the ledge on your left then climb up to the switch and use it. Make your way back to 
the entrance and do a safety drop to a long slope below. You'll slide down for quite 
a distance then you can walk up the slope on the right to a room with a lock where 
you can use the Sapphire Key to open the final door and EXIT this level. Obelisk of 
Khamoon - Items: 33 - Secrets: 3 - Kills: 12 This level begins with a door followed 
by an uphill climb on the right and then a tunnel on the left you can climb into. 
The tunnel leads to a room with 4 pillars - each with a block. Go to the pillar next 
to the Gold Door on the right and pull the block 3 times then push it beneath the 
door. Enter the newly revealed tunnel and take care of the panther before getting 
the medkit at the end of this passage. Return to the pillars and go to the left one 
and push the block to the left to permit access to the alcove and water beyond. Swim 
through the tunnels making sure to get out and kill the croc. Along the bottom you 
will find a medkit and magnum clips and a Sapphire Key is stashed in one of the 
corners. Return to the pillar room and go to the door in the corner to the right of 
elevated door in the wall. Use the Sapphire Key to open the next door then climb up 
and enter the Gold Door and save your game. Proceed up the stairs and shoot the 
panther-mummy then use the switch in the left corner to access a bridge. Go around 
to your left and across the bridge to get the Eye of Horus. After your magical 
vision is over drop off the bridge and get some shells then dive in the water and 
get the magnum clips. Surface and enter the tunnel opposite the Gold Door. Slide 
down the slope and kill the 2 panthers waiting for you then go up the stairs and use 
the top step to jump to the ledge. Reverse and jump to the corner ledge then reverse 
and do a jump/grab to the ledge above the first. Go to the edge and jump across to 
the next ledge then reverse and jump back to the longer ledge. Go to the corner and 
climb then do a reverse and climb some more then jump across to the square ledge. 
Jump again to the ledge in the corner with the Save Game Gem and USE IT! Turn left 
and jump to the highest ledge in the room then go up the stairs and shoot the 
panther-mummy. Continue down the stairs and use the switch by the pillars to access 
a new bridge. Drop down to the left of the switch to get a medkit and two magnum 
clips then return to the top of the stairs and do a safety drop into the pit on the 
left. Surf to the bottom of a very tall room then run to the alcove on the right to 
kill another panther then flip the switch. Proceed to either door opposite the 
alcove and get the magnum clips on your way there. Back at the main room go up the 
new stairs jumping to some shotgun shells on the ledge to your left. Jump back to 
the stairs and go up a few more until you can drop to a ledge with a Save Gem. Once 
you save turn and enter the door then jump over to the ledge and follow it across a 
bridge to the Ankh which displays another watery vision. Back at the ledge, go past 
the door and get the medkit at the steps then use the switch before going down. At 
the bottom enter the new chamber to your left and proceed up the stairs. At the top 
turn and jump to the crevice on your right and shimmy to the ledge on your right and 
drop. Go around and do a safety drop to another ledge and enter the hyroglyhics 
chamber and use the switch. Go back outside and continue up the stairs which were 
previously buried under sand. Kill the panther-mummy at the top then use the switch 
to activate a third bridge and finally get the medkit on the ledge. Turn and use the 
other switch to open a door then run through the door and down the steps. Walk 
through some pillars to the ledge then do a flying leap to the column with a medkit 
and some Uzi Clips - SECRET #1. Find the silver gong below and do another leap to 
reach it and SECRET #2 - Uzi Clips and medkit. Drop to the ledge on your right and 
enter the door with a green ledge. Climb the stairs and cling to the wall and shimmy 
right until you can pull yourself up. Turn and jump to the ledge on your right and 
enter the tunnel and get SECRET #3 - magnum clips and medkit. Drop down to the next 
ledge and continue into the chamber with 2 mummies waiting below. Climb down to the 
ledge below then do a safety drop to the next ledge but don't fall - instead shimmy 
to your right before dropping to the next ledge. Turn and fall back off the ledge 
and grab on then shimmy to the right and drop again. Kill those mummies then save 
your game. Follow the passage on your left and use the switch to access the last 
bridge in this level. Return to the mummy room and jump over to the ledge then drop 
to the ground and go between the 2 chairs. Climb the ledge and keep on climbing unti 
you reach the green ledge. Enter the door and cross the bridge to get the Scarab. 
Hop to the bridge on your left and get the Seal of Anibus to open an underwater 
door. Drop into the water and swim for the tunnel. Its a long one so fill your lungs 
before entering. Go to the bottom and then forward to the second set of alcoves and 
get the magnum clips on the left. Proceed the next set of alcoves and take a medkit 
and shotgun shells on your right. Continue down until you can surface. Recharge that 
air meter and then get the medkit, magnum clips and shotgun shells from the bottom. 
Exit the pool and kill the mummy then get the magnum clips from the ledge behind the 
Save Gem which you can also use. Climb the stairs in the left corner and follow the 
passage. Kill the mummy from the safety of the large mound then get the medkit on 
the left side of the mound. Jump to and climb the steps on the right side of the 
mound. At the top you can drop into the Sphinx room from the last level. Go to the 
palm trees and find the pillar that you can use your 4 new artifacts on. A door 
opens to the left of the Sphinx and you can EXIT! Sanctuary of Scion - Items: 28 - 
Secrets: 1 - Kills: 15 Start this level by getting some ammo for your magnums (which 
you should be using full time now). Dash up the stairs and waste the 2 mummies up 
top and load up on magnum ammo. Jump to the room above then go forward and right and 
slide down the slope and kill the mummy at the bottom. Hop up on the slanted block 
next to the lit pillar then climb to your left and jump backwards onto the pillar 
above. With the wall on your left leap to the next pillar then advance until you can 
reach the crevice in the wall. Grab it and shimmy to the right and drop down. Go up 
the steps to the right and jump across several pillars ending on a ledge with some 
more magnum clips. Do 3 jumps forward from this ledge to end at some stairs. Go down 
the stairs and flip the switch to open a door below. The flapping you should be 
hearing is a demon. Shoot him as soon as he is in range and do not let up until one 
of you is dead. If he reaches the platform he could knock you off. Get next to the 
edge by the switch and leap forward to a tiny ledge. Get some shells then jump to 
the left grabbing and pulling yourself up to some more shells. Jump to the next 
ledge then jump off and do a safety drop to the ledge below. Turn and jump to the 
sandy ledge then drop off backwards and slide down grabbing on to the end of the 
slide and dropping safely down. Get the magnum clips from between the Sphinx paws 
then find the 2 slanted spires in the corner. Climb on the right block then jump to 
the left then jump to the ledge and one more jump to the pillar and pull yourself 
up. Now turn left and jump to the next pillar and another jump to a curving ledge 
above. Save your game then run past the veg-o-matic to your right and get the 
medkit. Follow the path to the next switch and use it to open a door and summon 
another demon. Kill him quickly then return to the switch and jump to the ledge on 
the right and get the medkit. Turn and jump and grab the ledge pulling yourself back 
up to the switch then return to the curved ledge with the pillar below. Do a safety 
drop to the pillar then face the corner and jump over the pillar to a slope where 
you can slide back to the Sphinx. Enter the passage to the left of the Sphinx and 
get some ammo for the magnum then enter the passage to the left. When you get to the 
ramp turn and jump back to begin the slide. Grab the end of the ramp as you fall 
then shimmy to the ledge on the left and get the magnum clips. Climb all the stairs 
on the right then go down the slope and dive for the Gold Key. Exit the water next 
to the stairs in the corner and return to the top of the stairs. This time jump 
instead of sliding down the slope and grab the bridge. Use the Gold Key in the right 
lock to open the door. Enter this new room and start blasting the Centaur. Get the 
Ankh and the medkit and save the game before jumping off the bridge. Climb down all 
those stairs and dive into the water climbing out at the stairs in the corner and 
return to the Sphinx. Climb on that tilted ledge in front of the Sphinx then climb 
up to the next one and jump backwards to a third ledge. Climb up to the magnum clips 
then jump to and follow the sandy ledge. When you reach a wall turn left and jump to 
the next ledge and continue forward jumping to another ledge at the end. Climb the 
ledge to your left and jump to a rock ledge and continue all the way until you reach 
the Save Gem. Enter the tunnel and push the block on your right so you can get 
around it. Get on the block and climb to the ledge above it and kill the Centaur. 
Get his Ankh and the medkit and return to the ledge above the Sphinx. Slide down the 
long ramp to your right and get the medkit. Drop onto the Sphinx and kill the 
panther-mummy then climb onto the tilted ledge and jump to the small space at the 
rear of the Sphinx's head. Go forward and climb to the top of the Sphinx and use the 
Ankh. Drop down to the front and use the other Ankh and save your game. Climb back 
to the top and walk along the left side of the head until you can't go any further. 
Look down to a magical clip floating in the air. Jump over to it and land on an 
invisible ledge. You just got the ONLY SECRET in this level but since its the long 
awaited UZI that's okay! Get the ammo to go with your new toy then jump across to 
the ledge on the cliff. Two demons appear so ready your new toy and let the lead 
fly. When they are dead you can return to the ground and enter the door between the 
Sphinx's legs. Take a swim going deep and to the left for some shells then go 
between the statues and get the Uzi Ammo. Surface and recharge that air meter then 
dive down to the right statue and enter the passage between its feet. Use the switch 
and let the current take you to the surface. Climb onto the low pillar and jump to 
the other one then jump to the steps on the right. Go up the stairs and slide down 
into a dark cave. There is a demon and a Save Gem so save your game quickly then 
take care of the demon. Facing the head on the left do a safety drop to the ledge 
below then turn and jump to the ledge by the head. Walk to the right facing the head 
and drop down. Facing left, jump back and slide down the ramp. Dive in the water and 
climb to the right statue and use the switch on his chest to open a door. Dive back 
in and this time swim into the tunnel between the feet of the left statue. When you 
surface, run up the long slope and get the magnum clips on your way and get the 
Scarab at the top. Now go into the room where you began this level and fight 2 
panther-mummies and a Centaur. Use the Scarab in the lock after the bloodbath is 
over and enter through the gate taking the medkit and magnum clips. (who leaves all 
this ammo lying around?) Go down the slope and climb up through the hole into the 
Scion room. Larson is back and just begging for you to kill him. Help him out with a 
few rounds of gunfire then go up the stairs to the Scion. EXIT this level and 
prepare to enter the Lost Continent of Atlantis. 
Natla's Mines - Items: 26 - Secrets: 3 - Kills: 3 Lara begins this level underwater 
and stripped of all weapons. Swim for the waterfall and surface behind it. Go down 
the tunnel and use the switch on the left to open a door. Go back to the falls and 
dive in and swim to the other side. Climb out and enter the tunnel to the right of 
the crate. Find the block and pull it out of the mound then enter the passage it was 
blocking. Use the switch to open a second door then return to the water and the 
boat. Swim back to the falls and go down that passage again. Climb to the sloped 
passage and follow it until you can jump to a ledge with a barricade it. Follow the 
tunnel to a room with a large glass structure. Get the medkit then enter the next 
room with the two condemned houses. Find and pull the block out twice towards some 
tires then hop ontop and jump to the roof of the house. You'll fall through and end 
up inside where you can go down a tunnel and use a switch to make the boat return to 
the dock. Go to the end of the tunnel and slide down grabbing the right ledge and 
dropping to the ground. Follow the tracks to the wood door which opens for you. Now 
comes the TRICKY PART! Do this exactly! - Walk towards the first barricade until the 
boulder begins to roll. - Jump the first barricade then do a series of running jumps 
to get over the other 3. - As you jump the 3rd barricade turn to the right in mid-
air to land on a hill and enter the passage before the boulder flattens you. If you 
were successful then Indiana Jones would be proud, otherwise you will need to return 
to the first barricade and try again. Inside the tunnel get the fuse then go left 
and save your game. Head up until another boulder starts rollings then run back and 
to the left. Go up the hill on the left as another boulder rolls by. Drop into the 
hole at the top to reenter the room with 2 boulders. Climb the hill to get back to 
those two houses and make your way back to the water with the boat. Swim over and 
climb into the boat then leap over to the crates. Climb up the left crate and find 
the tunnel behind it. Inside are lots of NATLA boxes and one of them is a "movable 
block". Pull it once then push it left. Now pull the box behind it out twice and 
pull it right to gain access to a passage with another switch. Use it to activate 
the giant drill machine. Return to the docks and go to tunnel to the right of the 
crates that the drill machine HAD been blocking. Find and push a block forward until 
you can enter the next room. Get on the block and then climb up through a hole to 
find another switch that opens another door. Grab some ammo for your Uzi (in case 
you get it back) then drop back down. Go forward and into the next room and get 
another fuse then return to the docks and make your way back to those two houses. Go 
inside the left one and follow the tunnel inside to the fork where you can go left 
and use the switch to start the conveyor belt. Go back to the fork and find the 3rd 
fuse then return to the room with the glass structure and enter it from the right. 
Get some magnum ammo and save your game then use the 3 fuses in the slots to gain 
access to a new house. Enter the house and get the pistols before climbing to the 
roof and jumping into the tunnel. Just inside is a hole which you can jump to and 
climb up. A gate will open leading to a deadly trap. The obvious trap door below 
will plunge you into hot lava if you stand on it so instead - slide down the slope 
backwards and grab the edge as you fall. Climb back up and the door will shut and 
stay shut from now on. Cross and get SECRET #1 - shells and Uzi clips then use the 
switch to open the gate and return to the first tunnel. Go to the end of the tunnel 
and do a safety drop to the Save Gem then swim to the docks. Exit the water and 
enter the tunnel with the drill machine. Go around the NATLA box and into the next 
tunnel where you find your magnums. Too bad some guy is using them to blast you. 
Kill him as quickly as possible and try not to fall in the lava tubes. If he runs 
then chase him. Once he is dead take your hard earned magnums back and heal 
yourself. Leap towards the switch on the far wall. You just miss the ledge but you 
can grab the ledge below taking a good amount of damage. Slide down the hill and 
grab the bottom edge. Let go and grab again to grip the crevice just below and 
shimmy to the ledge on your right. Enter the lava room on the right and jump to the 
ledge on the left. Now begin a series of tricky (and deadly) jumps from pillar to 
pillar until you can jump into the tunnel on the right wall. Go forward and push the 
block quickly to avoid the boulder rumbling towards you. Once that's over you can 
pull the block back and get on it to access SECRET #2 - Uzi clips and a medkit. Run 
down the tunnel in the corner and drop to some more tracks. Take the medkit and the 
Uzi clips and grab the Shotgun (if you really think you'll need it). Go back to the 
previous room and drop down the hole behind the boulder then leap to the pillar in 
the lava tunnel. Turn right and do a series of jumps across three pillars then drop 
and enter the tunnel below. Slide to the bottom of the slope then jump to the ledge. 
Climb up and enter the room with the TNT. Fine the one that's not like the others. 
Pull it into the next room - out once - right once - then 3 pulls into the next 
room. Now jump (or climb) over it and push it 3 times until you can get on it and 
jump into the tunnel with the Save Gem. Go to the top and climb to the ledge then do 
a leap to the ledge on the right. Wait for the tunnel to spit out another boulder 
then leap into it and follow it to the switch. Get the magnum clips and use the 
switch to create a cave-in in the TNT room. Now return to the room with the TNT box. 
Go to the new hole on the left and enter the passage. This next room has your Uzi's 
but once again - they are being used for EVIL. Some punk-ass kid on a skateboard is 
taking cheap shots at you. He's fast but he doesn't attack often so waste him with 
your magnums and take back your Uzi's. You should now have ALL your weapons back!! 
Scattered about this room are 3 Uzi clips so retrieve them then start checking out 
the holes One of the holes has water instead of lava. Dive in and swim through the 
gate to get SECRET #3 - variety of medkits and Uzi clips. Make your way back to the 
skateboard park then go all the way up the hill to save your game. Follow the tunnel 
into the next room and start up the slope. Of course 3 boulders make this harder 
than it needed to be. Each boulder has its own section of the slope so stay in the 
middle. When the first one comes at ya jump left. When #2 starts rolling jump right 
then back to the middle when #3 starts to roll. Stop at the top and wait for a forth 
boulder to spit out the door. Enter the passage and go up the slope and climb up to 
the next room. Get on the low pillar and jump to the higher one then jump to the 
ledge. Do another jump to the left then another jump to the left then climb into the 
room on the right. Push the block twice and enter the next room then push the block 
twice and drop down into the lower room. Pull the block then go back up and drop 
down on the other side of the block. Push it forward to reveal a Save Gem and a 
switch. Use it to open a yet unseen door. Turn left at the switch and enter the 
alcove straight ahead. Go left and climb then move forward to the block and enter 
the passage at the left. Push the block at the bottom of the stairs once then turn 
left and make a mad dash for the door which closes before you get there! Use the 
switch next to the door then head back upstairs, past the gold door and drop through 
the hole. Run through the doors and ready your favorite weapon for another shootout. 
He's packing a shotgun so keep your distance. I recommend magnums at 30 paces and 
dance like crazy! When he's just a red spot on the floor relieve him of his shotgun 
and then proceed to climb to the ledge above the door into the pyramid. Jump from 
ledge to ledge all the way up this sucker. At the top jump to the left wall and 
slide down the pyramid and find the tunnel. Enter and use the switch to open the 
door then exit and slide to the bottom. Go back to the maze and enter the Gold Door 
to get a medkit and the keys to the Pyramid. Now go to the Pyramid and use the 
Pyarmid key to enter the pyramid and EXIT this level. 
Atlantis - Items: 43 - Secrets: 3 - Kills: 26 Wait for the lights to come on then 
advance into this room. A monster explodes from a sphere so kill it with your 
magnums then go to the right and kill the monster in the second sphere. Follow the 
trench and kill a third creature that blasts from a sphere and get the Uzi ammo. 
Enter the door to the left of the center door and enter a room with a webbed floor. 
Get the medkit from the corner then cross the center bridge to the left. Get the 
shotgun shells and prepare to kill a demon that was just released. Kill him from up 
here if possible. If you drop a dog explodes from a sphere and just adds to the 
confusion. Use the switch in the far right corner of the webbed room then turn 
around and run to another switch in the opposite wall and use it. Run back to the 
other side and go through the door and down the stairs and trip another switch to 
open that center door back at the entrance room. Return to the center door killing 
any leftover creatures running around. Enter and kill the flying monster while 
staying in the safety of the tunnel. Exit to the ledge and reverse and drop off and 
down to the block below grabbing onto it. Climb up and get SECRET #1 - clips for the 
Uzi and magnum and a medkit. Go through the tunnel and climb up the ledge and drop 
down the hole. Turn and go down the passage to a webbed ledge then turn and jump and 
grab the crevice at its lowest part. Shimmy and drop to the tunnel below grabbing 
the entrance and climb up into it. Flip the switch in this tunnel and get the Uzi 
ammo then jump to the webbed ledge. Leap from the end of this ledge to the next and 
grab on as a sphere blows up below you. Climb up and use the Save Gem in this 
tunnel. Leap to the pillar then leap to the darker ledge to the left on the pyramid. 
Jump to the next ledge avoiding the rumbling boulder coming at you. Jump to the next 
ledge on your right...just missed it! After your slide is over you can now climb the 
next set of ledges all the way to the top right corner using a series of standing 
jumps. Enter the tunnel and get SECRET #2 - clips for Uzi and Magnum and medkit. 
Exit and slide down to the red door and turn right and jump to the ledge and grab 
and climb up. Jump to the second ledge and get the medkit then jump to the next 
ledge and pull yourself up and into the tunnel. Load up on Uzi clips and use the 
switch then go back to the water and dive in. Find and use the switch underwater to 
open the red door then exit the water by climbing onto the small ledge on the left 
side of the slope then climb to the pillar and jump back to the pyramid. Retrace 
your path back to the red door and get inside before it shuts. Jump to the ledge and 
go up some stairs jumping into the door. Climb up the passage saving your game and 
jumping some spikes on the way. Dive in the water and go down into the underwater 
chamber and get some shells then use the switch and swim through the door and back 
up to the surface. Get the Uzi clips after you dash through the veg-o-matic then go 
right and leap to the next ledge. Ignore those clips for now as a demon is ready to 
pounce. Dart inside the tunnel and kill him from a safer place then get the Uzi 
clips after he is dead. Turn back and dive into the water at the other end of the 
tunnel. Swim between the two spheres and climb to the ledge and use the switch in 
the right corner to open a door. Now go left and use the switch around the corner to 
open another door and use the Save Gem. As you near the sphere in the right corner a 
monster explodes from it so kill it then go use the switch in the remaining corner 
to open the last underwater door. Dive in and go through the long corridor with the 
3 open doors. Exit into a dark tunnel and go up the ramp on your left. Turn right at 
the red passage and flip the switch to open the door and get the Uzi ammo. Find the 
block across from the boulder and pull it out then push it against the left wall. 
Return to the red door and switch and use the switch again and enter the door. Your 
strategically placed block stop the boulder and you can now enter the tunnel it was 
blocking. Kill the demon as you walk onto the ledge then jump to the right ledge and 
ignore the Save Gem. The tunnel leads to a room with with 2 demons in spheres. 
Release only one at a time and back into the tunnel to kill them from safety. Go 
back and use the Save Gem you passed a few minutes/demons ago. Now slide down the 
slope and jump as you near the bottom. Try to land on a red ledge as anything else 
will dump you into some spikes. Get the shells and the medkit and all that Uzi ammo 
then enter the next room through the tunnel. Go right and go to the ledge to wake up 
another demon then run back to the tunnel to kill it. Now go back and jump to the 
left ledge and then jump to the small ledge after that. Get into the tunnel on the 
right quickly to attack another demon. You can now go back out and jump to the 
glowing yellow slop in the center of this room. Leap to the rock ledge then get the 
Uzi clips and use the switch up on the slope. Turn and go until the ledge tilts. 
Jump over it and pull on the block to open a tunnel. Run past the veg-o-matic and 
kill the 2 demons on the other side. Jump over to the dead demons and head up the 
tunnel and climb some stairs to get Uzi clips and a medkit. Go to the ledge on the 
right and kill the monster flying around in here then go left and jump to the ledge 
on the left. Enter the tunnel and save your game. Leap to the ledge in the corner 
and enter another tunnel and use the switch before going back to the lava room. Jump 
over to the first ledge then jump to the pillar on the left. Do another jump to the 
next left pillar and then a flying leap into the door. Climb up and use the switch 
at the end of the passage. Return to the ledge and do a series of jumps to cross the 
pillars and reach the tunnel. Proceed up the passage and go into the corner of the 
room to activate a secret door. Run up the hill on the left with Uzi's blazing and 
kill the 3 attacking creatures. Enter the alcove on the right for SECRET #3 - 
shells, medkit and Uzi clips. Go back to the main passage and turn right to go into 
the red tunnel. After the door shuts climb to the passage above and go to the end 
and jump to the ledge on the right. Grab the Uzi ammo and enter the passage. Kill 
the alien that suddenly appears then get more Uzi ammo and continue on to the ramp 
that leads up to the veg-o-matic. Run up the ramp and stop just before it. A boulder 
begins to roll towards you so jump left then continue when all is safe. Use the Save 
Gem at the top then push the block on your left 2 times and go down the tunnel on 
the right to find 2 switches. Use the right switch and jump back quickly to avoid 
the trap door. Do a safety drop through the trap door then move forward to start 
another boulder rolling then jump back and over the hole. Move forward again and go 
up the tunnel and climb the ledge on the left to reach the switch. Use it then, then 
make your way back to the 2 switches and go through the now open door. Kill the 
alien in the passage and use the switch in the corner to open a door. Get some Uzi 
ammo in two of the corners. Enter the door and save your game then slide into the 
next room. Kill the 2 monsters at the bottom but DO NOT attack the next creature 
that appears. IT IS YOU! Anything you do - it does. Climb the ledge to the right and 
jump to the stone pillar then leap to the ledge by the door and use the switch to 
open the trap door. Turn and jump to the sandy ledge then climb and jump to the 
sandy pillar and finally leap to the sandy ledge. Go to the middle of the ledge 
quickly and your double will fall into the pit. If the door shuts you were too slow 
and you have to try again. Go back to the rocky ledge with the pit and get some Uzi 
ammo then go up. Kill the Centaur and load up on more Uzi ammo and kill another 
alien. Go right at the end of the tunnel to find a switch that opens a door. Run 
along the left ledge and use the next switch. You are on a TIME LIMIT so ignore the 
clips and run back to the entrance and across the bridge. Grab the Uzi clips lying 
here then approach the alien device and USE it to EXIT this level and start a cool 
The Great Pyramid - Items: 30 - Secrets: 3 - Kills: 3 This is it!! The FINAL LEVEL!! 
And it starts with the hardest enemy in this game - one big ALIEN! After a couple 
hundred rounds of Uzi fire or 20-30 well placed shotgun blasts he will die. There 
are several strategies for killing this guy - I'll let you find yours. Just DON'T 
FALL IN THE PIT or you may as well load that last save game. Find and pick-up all 6 
Uzi clips from the corners of the room below then enter and slide down the red 
tunnel. Push the block 3 times then go up the ramp and push the next block once then 
climb to the tunnel above. Save the game then dash through the veg-o-matic and don't 
fall through the fake floor. Go right at the intersection until you reach a block 
which you push forward. Return to the intersection and turn right going past the 
door and drop into a room with a block. Pull the block then climb up to the tunnel 
and go left and back down and push the block forward then go back to the red door. 
Get on the block and use the switch then turn and enter the next room and go right 
and jump to the ledge on the slope. Jump to the next ledge and a third jump to the 
long ledge that cross the entire slope. A bridge appears behind your so jump back 
and cross the bridge to find SECRET #1 - medkit, shells, and magnum clips. Use the 
switch 2 times - down then back up to secure a portion of the bridge then return to 
the ledges and go left to the tunnel entrance. Proceed up the tunnel and reverse 
when the boulder comes at you. Avoid the boulder then go back up the tunnel to 
repeat this with a second boulder. At the end of the tunnel is a collapsible ledge 
which you need to roll onto then run off before you fall. Hang and drop down taking 
severe damage then recharge your health and use the Save Gem around the corner. 
Shoot the Scion until it explodes starting a major earthquake for the rest of the 
game. Go through the door and kill the 3 monsters in the room then drop down to the 
rocks below on the right of the bridge. Do a safety drop through the hole by the 
wall then turn and leap and grab the crevice. Shimmy to the right ignoring the darts 
which only do minimal damage. At the far right drop and slide backwards toward the 
lava but jump backwards before you fall in. Enter the next room and go to the right 
side of the hill and continue down to trigger a boulder. It will roll by and fall 
into the crack. Now go to the swinging blade and do a timed jump across to some 
spikes that you need to WALK through. The next bridge is made of collapsible panels 
so you need to cross it in a double jump with the first jump putting you in the 
center of the bridge and the second in the doorway. On the left wall is a crevice 
you can jump to. Grab on and shimmy right until you can drop to the ledge and get 
SECRET #2 - medkits and Uzi clips. Jump backwards off this ledge to the slanted 
pillar then jump forward to the pillar with the Save Gem. Jump into the tunnel on 
the right and run through it as the floor falls away behind you. Time your jump 
through the cleaver then go right down the slope and try to outrun the boulder 
chasing you. When the chase is over you can jump over the boulder to get a medkit 
then jump back and turn right to slide down a second slope. Time your jump past the 
blade to get to the ledge then drop to the tunnel and run past the lava that enters 
the tunnel. Get the medkit and continue past more lava then use the switch and enter 
the door. Get the Uzi clips in the passage to your right then go back to the lava 
hole. A boulder rolls above you so when it passes jump over the hole and hang as a 
second boulder rolls by overhead. Climb up and enter the next room with a series of 
ledges with flames on them. Stay close to the wall and make the jumps. You will take 
some heat damage but not nearly as much as if you catch on fire. If you do burst 
into flames drop down to the water below to put out the fire then swim back to the 
beginning and try again. You should now be in a room with a pool and a cleaver. Jump 
to the panel in front of the blade which falls out from under you so pull yourself 
up and leap into the cave entrance through the swing blade to find SECRET #3 - Uzi 
ammo and a medkit. When you are ready to leave to to the edge of the entrance - take 
one step back then jump to that tiny pool below. Grab the Uzi clips then swim 
through the tunnel and into the next room. Save your game then get some more Uzi 
ammo and proceed to the large room. Natla is back and is flying around shooting 
fireballs at you! Blast her with Uzi fire and dodge as much as you can. Heal 
yourself often. After shoot her down she will get up and you must continue to blast 
her until she STAYS down. Enter the tunnel and get some Uzi ammo. Note: Natla was 
the last enemy in this game so any more ammo is strictly for obtaining a PERFECT 
ITEM score. Head up the ramp in the corner and jump into the passage that leads to 
some pillars. Jump to the nearest then turn and jump to the pillar on the left. Jump 
to the pillar below the door then climb up to the top. Turn and drop through the 
hole landing on the pillar then turn and jump across the next 2 pillars. Jump to the 
pillar below the door and grab on and climb into the tunnel. Run down the hall and 
do a safety drop from the hole onto another pillar. Turn right and leap to the ledge 
below the tunnel then climb into the tunnel and run forward. Slide down the long 
slope to EXIT the level and the game. 

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