Player's Guide - Guide for Blood Wake

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This document Copyright (c)2001 CelticWolf. Don't try to steal from it. That
would force my friends and I to have to hunt you down.

                             Player's Guide for
                                 BLOOD WAKE
           Released for X-Box by Microsoft and Stormfront Studios
                          As written by CelticWolf

1.  Version History
2.  Introduction to the Guide
3.  Introduction to the Game
4.  Game Controls
5.  Boat Information
    A. Speedboat
    B. Gunboat
    C. Devil Boat
    D. Patrol Boat
    E. Torpedo Boat
    F. Sampan and Large Sampan
    G. Hydroplane
    H. Basilisk
    I. Eel
    J. Catamaran
    K. Warlord Launch
6.  Game Walkthrough
    A. Act 1: Baptism of Fire
       -Mission 01: Fish in a Barrel
       -Mission 02: Payment is Due!
       -Mission 03: Knife Fight
       -Mission 04: The Gauntlet
    B. Act 2: A Pirate's Life!
       -Mission 05: Rescue!
       -Mission 06: Protection Racket
       -Mission 07: A Poke in the Eye
       -Mission 08: Shakedown
       -Mission 09: Moving Day
       -Mission 10: Ships in the Night
    C. Act 3: Storm Season
       -Mission 11: Blockade
       -Mission 12: Steel Wind
       -Mission 13: Sampan Surprise
       -Mission 14: Up the Nagau
       -Mission 15: A Friend in Need
    D. Act 4: Enemy of my Enemy
       -Mission 16: Dash and Grab
       -Mission 17: Hurricane of Fire
       -Mission 18: Wolf in Dragon's Clothing
       -Mission 19: Assault on Black Moon
       -Mission 20: Red Sun, Black Moon
    E. Act 5: Facing the Dragon
       -Mission 21: Striking Back
       -Mission 22: Heart of Darkness
       -Mission 23: Gladiator
       -Mission 24: What's Mine is Mine
       -Mission 25: An Explosive Combination
       -Mission 26: The Burning Sea
    F. Act 6: To the Dragon's Lair
       -Mission 27: The Dragon's Claw
       -Mission 28: Citadel of the Khan
7.  Frequently Asked Questions
8.  Reader's Tips
9.  Contact Information
10. Legal Information
11. Credits and Acknowledgements
12. Closing Statements

* -denotes an uncompleted section of the guide

                             1. VERSION HISTORY
Version 0.16 (March 30, 2002)- Yes, I know this type of game rarely warrants
an FAQ, but I decided to make one anyway. At least strategies can be looked
at, and maybe I can get some cheat codes to put in it later. As for now, I
only have the basics done. A list of the boats, a couple of missions
completed. There is still a lot more to do.

                        2. INTRODUCTION TO THE GUIDE
A quick note about my FAQ's: I write FAQ's to assist other players in their
game, not to show off my renown ASCII artwork abilities (which they aren't).
If you are reading this FAQ solely in hopes of seeing some nifty artwork
created within the confines of ASCII's limited character support, then you
are reading the wrong FAQ.

This does not mean that I will not endeavor to include such artwork where I
deem it to be necessary, nor does this mean that I will not, from time to
time, include such artwork just for the heck of it in my FAQ's. It simply
means that I consider the guide itself to be the most important part of the
FAQ (naturally), and refuse to waste valuable time creating ASCII images that
serve no real purpose when I could be improving the guide for my readers.
'Nuff said.

Hope you all enjoy the guide!


                        3. INTRODUCTION TO THE GAME
Ah, another hapless character driven solely by the desire to get revenge. In
this game you play Kai, a former lieutenant in the Northern League...until
his brother, Lung, showed up and killed half of them. Lung was also a member
of the Northern League, but the power-hungry man made back-alley deals with
some of the Khans of the League and then destroyed the rest of them, dividing
the lands between the lords that supported him. This new faction became known
as the Iron Empire.

Left adrift in the sea after his brother destroyed his ship, Kai was later
rescued by a group of people that call themselves the Shadow Clan. This group
is basically a bunch of freedom-loving people that make their living through
piracy and smuggling, then trading the goods that they acquire. Their primary
target of late has been the Jade Kingdom, who has plenty of junks loaded with
goods heading out to sea on a daily basis. Kai joins them willingly, eager to
get back out on the water to get revenge on his brother. He also seems more
than a bit interested in Lady Helena, the advisor to Ped Zang, leader of the
Shadow Clan.

                              4. GAME CONTROLS
Back Button:   Go back. (duh)
Start Button:  Pause Game.
Left Analog:   Rudder and Throttle Control.
Right Analog:  Look around. Press up to zoom in.
D-Pad:         Same as Left Analog.
Left Trigger:  Fire primary weapon.
Right Trigger: Fire selected secondary weapon.
White Button:  Change camera view.
Black Button:  Toggle game screen.
A Button:      Change secondary weapon.
B Button:      Map Zoom.
X Button:      Turbo. You must release this button to recharge your turbos.
Y Button:      Menu Selection.

                            5. BOAT INFORMATION
In this section I will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the various
boats in this game, as well as provide a detailed list of each boat's array
of weaponry.

There is a set amount of ordnance you will receive for each weapon system
that is held on a boat.

Weapon System:               Ordnance (per System):               Damage:
Chain Gun                    Primary Weapon, Infinite Ammo        
Autocannon                   Primary Weapon, Infinite Ammo        Light+
Missile Rack*                24                                   High
Fixed Cannon                 24                                   Moderate
Wave Gun                     24                                   Light
Lightning Gun                16                                   High
Torpedo Launcher*            8                                    High
Mine Dropper                 8                                    High

*These weapons have homing capacity on certain boats.

By comparing a boat's listed weaponry to this chart, you can determine how
much ammunition the boat can carry, and thereby determine how long it can
last in battle before needing to restock on weapons. Most of the time, ammo
resupply is not a big issue, as most enemies will drop ammo crates when you
kill them, but sometimes you just need to know how long the boat can last
without a resupply.

Suppose you are using a Jackal class Devil Boat. It is armed with 4 Chain
Guns, 2 Fixed Cannons, 2 Torpedo Launchers, 2 Missile Racks, and 1 Mine
Dropper. Quite an array of weapons. Comparing it to the chart, you can see
that it carries 48 shells for the cannons, 16 torpedoes, 48 missiles, and 8
mines. It can last a fairly decent amount of time in battle without a
resupply. Note that the damage that is caused by the weapons is directly
affected by the location of the hit. It also helps getting a direct hit
rather than a glancing blow.

Last note before moving on to the boat stats: a boat's score in the Speed
area is based on its size. The Warlord Launch cannot outrun a speedboat,
despite the fact that the speed score for the Launch is so much higher. It is
just too big to keep up with the lightweight and aerodynamic speedboat. Keep
that in mind when selecting the boat you use.

Speed:   2
Weapons: Think about stripped, and then ask.
Armor:   2

Weapons Array:
You're still thinking?

Fortunately, you only get stuck with this floating target one time in the
game. In this boat, you are little more than a duck on the water!

Speed:   2
Weapons: 1
Armor:   2

Weapons Array:
4x Chain Gun

Personally, I prefer Chain guns over Autocannons. Autocannons cause more
damage per shot, but the time it takes for them to cycle reduces the overall
amount of damage you do in a set period of time. Chain guns, on the other
hand, can chew a target up quite nicely, just don't hold the trigger too long
or your barrels will overheat, leaving you without a primary weapon for a
short time.

Of course, on this boat if you lose your chain guns then you are a helpless
target. Go easy on the guns!

Speed:   2
Weapons: 2
Armor:   2

Weapons Array:
4x Autocannon
1x Missile Rack

Missiles are fun. They cause a lot of damage, assuming they hit. The only
problem with missiles is the fact that shooting three rounds per trigger
squeeze causes your ammo to thin out very quickly, and their low hit chance
at long range tends to make many missiles go to waste.

The missiles on this boat, or any other boat that fires dumb rounds, are best
used to take out shore targets and cannon positions.

Speed:   2
Weapons: 2
Armor:   2

Weapons Array:
4x Chain Gun
1x Missile Rack

An excellent light-armed boat. Very fast, highly maneuverable, with all the
right weapons to make it a very real threat. The missiles are dumb-fire, but
combined with the 4 chain guns, they have the potential to destroy almost any
target with a high rate of speed.

Speed:   2
Weapons: 2
Armor:   2

Weapons Array:
4x Autocannon
1x Lightning Gun

Another excellent boat, but only useful at closer ranges. The lightning gun,
called the Stinger in the instruction manual included with the game, packs an
incredible punch. One hit from a lightning gun will destroy a sampan, and
severely cripple about anything else.

Speed:   3
Weapons: 3
Armor:   4

Weapons Array:
2x Chain Gun
2x Torpedo Launcher
1x Missile Rack
1x Mine Dropper

Speed:   3
Weapons: 4
Armor:   4

Weapons Array:
2x Chain Gun
2x Fixed Cannon
1x Lightning Gun
1x Mine Dropper

Speed:   3
Weapons: 3
Armor:   4

Weapons Array:
2x Autocannon
2x Fixed Cannon
1x Missile Rack
1x Mine Dropper

Speed:   3
Weapons: 3
Armor:   4

Weapons Array:
2x Autocannon
2x Torpedo Launcher
1x Wave Gun
1x Mine Dropper

Speed:   2
Weapons: 5
Armor:   5

Weapons Array:
4x Chain Gun
2x Fixed Cannon
2x Torpedo Launcher
2x Missile Rack
1x Mine Dropper

Speed:   2
Weapons: 5
Armor:   5

Weapons Array:
4x Autocannon
4x Torpedo Launcher (homing)
2x Missile Rack (homing)
1x Mine Dropper

Speed:   1
Weapons: 3
Armor:   3

Weapons Array:
2x Chain Gun
2x Fixed Cannon
2x Missile Rack
1x Mine Dropper

Speed:   1
Weapons: 3
Armor:   3

Weapons Array:
2x Autocannon
2x Torpedo Launcher
2x Missile Rack
1x Mine Dropper

Speed:   1
Weapons: 5
Armor:   5

Weapons Array:
2x Chain Gun
2x Torpedo Launcher
2x Fixed Cannon
2x Missile Rack
1x Mine Dropper

Speed:   1
Weapons: 5
Armor:   5

Weapons Array:
2x Autocannon
4x Torpedo Launcher
2x Missile Rack
1x Mine Dropper

Speed:   1
Weapons: 1
Armor:   1

Weapons Array:
2x Autocannon

Speed:   1
Weapons: 1
Armor:   1

Weapons Array:
2x Chain Gun

Speed:   2
Weapons: 3
Armor:   2

Weapons Array:
1x Autocannon
2x Fixed Cannon
2x Missile Rack
1x Mine Dropper

Speed:   2
Weapons: 3
Armor:   2

Weapons Array:
1x Chain Gun
2x Torpedo Launcher
2x Missile Rack
1x Mine Dropper

Speed:   5
Weapons: 4
Armor:   4

Weapons Array:
2x Autocannon
2x Missile Rack (homing)
2x Torpedo Launcher (homing)
1x Lightning Gun

Speed:   5
Weapons: 4
Armor:   4

Weapons Array:
2x Autocannon
2x Missile Rack (homing)
2x Torpedo Launcher (homing)
1x Wave Gun

Speed:   4
Weapons: 4
Armor:   4

Weapons Array:
2x Chain Gun
2x Fixed Cannon
2x Missile Rack
1x Mine Dropper

Speed:   2
Weapons: 3
Armor:   3

Weapons Array:
2x Chain Gun
2x Torpedo Launcher
1x Mine Dropper
1x Lightning Gun

Speed:   2
Weapons: 2
Armor:   3

Weapons Array:
2x Chain Gun
2x Torpedo Launcher
1x Missile Rack

Speed:   2
Weapons: 2
Armor:   3

Weapons Array:
2x Autocannon
2x Fixed Cannon
1x Missile Rack

Speed:   2
Weapons: 3
Armor:   3

Weapons Array:
2x Chain Gun
2x Torpedo Launcher
1x Missile Rack

Speed:   2
Weapons: 2
Armor:   3

Weapons Array:
2x Autocannon
2x Fixed Cannon
1x Wave Gun

Speed:   5
Weapons: 5
Armor:   4

Weapons Array:
4x Autocannon
2x Torpedo Launcher
2x Missile Rack
1x Mine Dropper

Speed:   5
Weapons: 5
Armor:   4

Weapons Array:
4x Autocannon
2x Fixed Cannon
2x Missile Rack
1x Mine Dropper

                            6. GAME WALKTHROUGH
ACT 1: Baptism of Fire

Mission 1:  Fish in a Barrel
Boat:       Barracuda Speedboat
Objectives: Sink all Jade Kingdom sampans in the bay at Suei Pu island.

You are up against a bunch of sampans. Try not to be too frightened. Even in
a ship as lightly armed as the Barracuda, this mission is a piece of cake. No
real strategy is needed here. Just go kill some sampans.

Beating this mission unlocks the Salamander Speedboat.

Mission 2:  Payment is Due!
Boat:       Salamander Speedboat
Objectives: Collect four treasure chests stashed in the coves along the coast
            of Suei Pu island. Sink any boats that oppose you.

Getting the first three chests is easy. The last one, on the other hand, is
quite heavily guarded. The best tactic to do for this is to get the first
three chests without using your missiles, and then sit back from long (and I
do mean long) range and take out the two large sampans guarding the last
chest with missile fire. If you run out of ammo, head back through the level
to pick up any ammo crates dropped by the enemies you killed earlier, then go
back and continue bombarding. Do not head in until the large sampans are
significantly weakened or destroyed.

Beating this mission unlocks the Pike Speedboat.

Mission 3:  Knife Fight
Boat:       Pike Speedboat
Objectives: Destroy the Jade Kingdom munitions cache hidden at Red Crab
            island and sink all boats guarding it.

Getting to the cache is easy. Killing the boats guarding the cache is also
easy. You only have one or two large sampans to deal with then. Once the
reinforcements show, however, you're in for a fight. Try to get to the aft
side of the large sampans so they don't chew you up with their missiles. As
for the little sampans, don't worry about them until their big brothers are
resting on the seabed. There are a few large sampans in the counter attack.
Try to kill each of them before the next one shows. Having two large sampans
against you at once is a very bad thing.

Beating this level unlocks the Swordfish Sampan. Whee.

Mission 4:  The Gauntlet
Boat:       Stripped Speedboat
Objectives: Beat Gamal's best time running the gauntlet around Maghrib
            Island. Stay inside the line of buoys, use the jumps, and beware
            the harassing boats.

Time varies based upon difficulty. Beating the time on Captain is fairly
easy. On Admiral, however, you need to make every second count in order to
stand a chance of winning. Try to be wary of the gun towers, and collect as
many repair crates as possible without sacrificing time. 2:15 (Admiral), 2:45
(Captian), 3:45 (Ensign).

Beating this level unlocks the Kingdom Come Battle Mode.

ACT 2: A Pirate's Life!

Mission 5:  Rescue!
Boat:       Hellcat Catamaran
Objectives: Three of our junks were captured by Brana and must be rescued.
            Intercept the convoy and sink the enemy escorts before they reach
            Nagau. Cover the escape of our junks through the southern strait.
You got quite a bit of competition in this mission. The junks tend to be very
stupid and separate themselves so that you have to run like a madman back and
forth between them to prevent them from getting sunk. Unfortunately, since
your turbos don't last very long, this isn't an easy task. Save your limited
supply of torpedoes to use against large sampans and war junks, and use your
chain guns and missiles to kill the small sampans. If you run out of
torpedoes, use the missiles to kill off the war junks and large sampans. War
junks are your biggest threat in this mission. They have good armor and a
decent array of weaponry.

Beating this level unlocks the Maelstrom Battle Arena.

Mission 6:  Protection Racket
Boat:       Hellcat Catamaran
Objectives: Sink the Basilisk and the Iron Fleet strike force. Protect the
            friendly village and its boats.
Not a difficult mission. The enemy uses boats that are easily killed with a
couple of torpedoes. THe ships also tend to drop a lot of crates, making your
task that much easier. The only ship you do have to worry about is the
Basilisk, but since there is only one of it and it comes dead last by itself,
you can easily flank it and blow up its aft, staying safely out of its
weapons arc.

Beating this level unlocks the Guncat Catamaran.

                        7. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS
Don't have any yet. Come back later.

                              8. READER'S TIPS
See above.

                           9. CONTACT INFORMATION
OK, if you feel the need to send in your comments, complaints, suggestions,
ideas, criticism, contributions, gripes, hate mail, threatening letters,
etc., you can reach me at the following places, in order of preference:

E-mail:           [email protected]

IM Services:
Yahoo! Messenger: celtic_lupus
MSN Messenger:    [email protected]
ICQ:              98057442

Yes, I am very well aware that I have a second e-mail address listed here,
but any e-mail relating to FAQ's sent to that address will be prone to
immediate deletion. Why? Because I went through the trouble of establishing a
whole new address at Yahoo! so that I can easily keep my mails separated. It
makes it much easier for me when all of the e-mail relating to FAQ's are kept
separate from my everyday, business-related e-mail. It also insures that you
will get a quicker response, since I do not have to wade through hundreds of
e-mails searching for ones that are from my FAQ patrons seeking help or
offering advice.

A few quick pointers here, before you send anything:
1. Make your subject line specific. It helps to know what game you are
talking about and what the contents of your letter are. If I can't easily
figure out what it is you're talking about, don't be surprised if you don't
get a response.

2. Don't send me questions that are already answered in the guide. They WILL
be ignored. It makes all of my work futile if I am going to type up a huge
FAQ and then have it completely ignored. Read the guide first.

3. Don't ask me to send you the guide. I didn't submit it to GameFAQ's page
just because I was bored.

4. If you are going to send criticism, try to keep it constructive. It won't
bother me to get e-mails that say: "Your guide sucks!". They will simply be
ignored, and then your time and mine will have gone to waste.

5. Don't send me anything in any language other than English. It will be
ignored, for the main reason that I can't comprehend it. Don't expect me to
go out and buy a bunch of foreign language dictionaries and grammar books to
attempt to translate your e-mail and send a reply.

6. I realize that many of you might wish to send in your contributions. I
encourage this, but there is one outstanding stipulation. Don't send me
anything that even remotely resembles a walkthrough. I might be forced to
block your e-mail entirely if this happens. Why? Games aren't cheap, and the
only way that I can acquire them is by working hard every day and spending my
paycheck to get them. It kind of ruins the fun factor for me when someone who
is much further along in the game than me sends me stuff walking me through
parts of the game that I haven't even had a chance to figure out for myself
yet. Just don't do it. It's irritating.

7. Last but not least, please do not send any messages that are typed in all
caps. You know, don't hit that key called "Caps Lock" and then type up a
message that looks SOMETHING SIMILAR TO THIS. I have trouble reading material
that is typed in such a manner, ergo it will be ignored.

I want to thank AdrenalineSL for her Do's and Don'ts list. It gave me an idea
of problems that have been encountered already and allows me to better
prepare and protect myself from junk e-mail. You rock!

That being said, if your messages adhere to the given regulations, then there
should be no problem, and I will send you the requested information as soon
as time permits. Regulations will be amended at a later time to include
anything that hasn't been covered yet, if the need arises.

                           10. LEGAL INFORMATION
This document is © Copyright 2002, CelticWolf, except where stated otherwise.
All rights reserved, to include the right of reproduction of this document in
any form.

You may download the file through a web browser onto a single computer for
your personal, non-commercial use only. You may not permit anyone else to
modify the file or use it for any commercial purpose, display, performance,
sale or rental. It absolutely cannot be decompiled, disassembled, modified,
or used to create derivative works based on the documentation in any way.
Copyrights may not be removed or modified.

Information contained within this document is the property of CelticWolf, and
may not be reproduced, published, modified, uploaded, transmitted, or
distributed in any way, without the author's prior written permission. The
author does grant any express or implied rights to you under any patents,
copyrights, or trademarks. No part of this document may be reproduced in any
form without prior consent of the author. If you have any errors or
inaccuracies to report, contact CelticWolf.

Currently, the only websites authorized to host this FAQ are Cheat Code Central,
GameFAQ's and Cheat Happens (, and, respectively). No 
further hosting is authorized at this time.

Microsoft, X-Box, and Blood Wake are either registered trademarks or
trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other
countries. © Copyright 2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

© Copyright 2001 Stormfront Studios, Inc.

CelticWolf is in no way related to or affiliated with the Microsoft
Corporation, Stormfront Studios, Inc., or any of their affiliates. He is
pretty much a loner. The author makes no claims to the creation of the story
nor any of the characters of Blood Wake.

                      11. CREDITS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS                          

                           12. CLOSING STATEMENTS                               

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