Rampage: World Tour Strategy Guide - Guide for Rampage: World Tour

Scroll down to read our guide named "Rampage: World Tour Strategy Guide" for Rampage: World Tour on Game Boy (GB), or click the above links for more cheats.

 ____    __    __  __  ____   __    ___  ____ 
(  _ \  /__\  (  \/  )(  _ \ /__\  / __)( ___)
 )   / /(__)\  )    (  )___//(__)\( (_-. )__) 
(_)\_)(__)(__)(_/\/\_)(__) (__)(__)\___/(____)
 _    _  _____  ____  __    ____     ____  _____  __  __  ____ 
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 )    (  )(_)(  )   / )(__  )(_) )    )(   )(_)(  )(__)(  )   /
(__/\__)(_____)(_)\_)(____)(____/    (__) (_____)(______)(_)\_)


 _____     _    _        ___   __    ___         _           _
|_   _|_ _| |__| |___   / _ \ / _|  / __|___ _ _| |_ ___ _ _| |_ ___
  | |/ _` | '_ \ / -_) | (_) |  _| | (__/ _ \ ' \  _/ -_) ' \  _(_-<
  |_|\__,_|_.__/_\___|  \___/|_|    \___\___/_||_\__\___|_||_\__/__/
	Playable Characters
	Other Character
	Grounds Levels
	Air Levels
Cheat Code

 ___          _       
| _ ) __ _ __(_)__ ___
| _ \/ _` (_-< / _(_-<
 /  _    _ / _ 
(__(- \/(-(_) 
In Rampage: World Tour there are eighty three levels you play through before 
the game resets although it says that it is still going (such as level eighty 
four is actually level one again). To complete a level you simply have to 
destroy every building that is on screen.

 /  '   _  _ 
(__/ \/(-_)  
You have unlimited lives in Rampage: World Tour. Whenever your health bar goes 
down to zero you will die but if you press Start before your person walks off 
screen then you will come back to life with no penalty whatsoever.

 / _)       _ _  _ 
/(_)()/)(/_) (-_)  
There are three types of bonuses in Rampage: World Tour. Collect a Weight to 
temporarily gain the ability to destroy a whole floor of a building in one 
punch, collect a picture of a monster’s head to be able to do three sneezes 
which can knock down any buildings on screen that you are facing, and collect a 
Flag to go to an Air Level once you finish the level you are on.

  ___ _                     _              
 / __| |_  __ _ _ _ __ _ __| |_ ___ _ _ ___
| (__| ' \/ _` | '_/ _` / _|  _/ -_) '_(_-<
 \___|_||_\__,_|_| \__,_\__|\__\___|_| /__/
  __                _                   
 /__)/_   _ / /_   / )/ _ _ _ __/_ _  _ 
/   ((/(/(/()((-  (__/)(// (/( /(-/ _)  
He is a giant ape and is the fastest but weakest of the three monsters.

A giant green lizard who is a very balanced character.

This gigantic blue wolf is the strongest but slowest of the three monsters.

  __           _                
 /  )_// _ _  / )/ _ _ _ __/_ _ 
(__/ //)(-/  (__/)(// (/( /(-/  
Betty Veronica
A doctor who is the cause of these three monsters.

(_    _ _  '_  _ 
Alien Spaceship
This is a giant alien spaceship.

A common civilian car.

Simple citizens of various cities.

Flame Trooper
These are flying men with flamethrowers!

A military helicopter that will shoot at you.

White jets that will move up and down while firing at you.

Military Truck
Green military vehicles.

Police Car
Law enforcement of the city.

Giant white robots that will attack you.

A green military tank.

 ___ _                
|_ _| |_ ___ _ __  ___
 | ||  _/ -_) '  \(_-<
These small Flags will let you go to a Flying Level once they are collected.

Healthy Food
Food that will increase your health. This includes vegetables, toilets, 
explosives, and red/yellow/black colored flags.

Monster Head
Grab one of these to be able to do three sneezes which will destroy all 
buildings on screen that you are facing.

Unhealthy Food
Eat these to lose health. This includes skull and crossbones, gasoline, or 

Grab one of these to temporarily be able to knock down a whole floor of a 
building in one punch.

__      __    _ _   _   _                      _    
\ \    / /_ _| | |_| |_| |_  _ _ ___ _  _ __ _| |_  
 \ \/\/ / _` | | / /  _| ' \| '_/ _ \ || / _` | ' \ 
  \_/\_/\__,_|_|_\_\\__|_||_|_| \___/\_,_\__, |_||_|
 / _ _       _/  /  _    _ / _ 
(__)/ ()(//)(/  (__(- \/(-(_)
-	Destroy every building to advance to the next level.
-	To destroy Tanks jump on them and quickly press down and B twice.
-	To destroy Robots use lots of aerial kicks.
-	Whenever you die, simply press Start to continue with no penalty.
-	If you are trying to actually finish the game then avoid getting Flags 
because the Flying Levels are only for points and you cannot save.
-	Avoid destroying people or cars if you are trying to get to the end of 
the game because that just wastes time.
-	Grab any power-ups you see (other than Flags if you are trying to get 
to the end of the game).
-	Use the small and wide buildings as trampolines!
-	Don’t worry about collecting health because you have infinite lives.
-	In Multiplayer use the same strategies as with the Robot.

 /_| '_  /  _    _ / _ 
(  |//  (__(- \/(-(_)  
-	Avoid playing these levels if you plan to get to the end of the game.
-	Simply move up and down in rhythm to hit everything and gain the most 

  ___ _             _      ___         _     
 / __| |_  ___ __ _| |_   / __|___  __| |___ 
| (__| ' \/ -_) _` |  _| | (__/ _ \/ _` / -_)
 \___|_||_\___\__,_|\__|  \___\___/\__,_\___|
At the main menu hold Select then press Up, Down, Left, Right, Down, Up and the 
Multiplayer option will appear on the main menu.

This game and everything in it is copyright 1998, Digital Eclipse and Midway.
This document and everything in it is copyright 2008, GameSlayer.

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