Saga Frontier - Blue's Quest - Guide for SaGa Frontier

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Saga Frontier - Blue's Quest
by: Fox White
E-mail: [email protected]

This document is © Jonathan Turner.
This document is for personal use,
but you may print it out and share it
with your friends as long as you are
not making money from this document.
I. Introduction
II. Walkthrough
    A. Getting Characters
    B. Finding Equipment
    C. The Quest of the Rune
    D. The Quest of the Card
    E. The Test of Light or Shadow
    F. Time or Space Magic
    G. Rouge
    H. Hell
III. Secrets
IV. Thanks
I. Introduction
	Welcome to my first Saga Frontier walkthrough. This walkthrough is for 
Magician Blue and his quest to learn magic. Blue is my 

favorite character in the game and his quest is one of the most entertaining. I 
think that Blue has one of the most difficult quests because 

of the difficulty of the monsters and the last boss in the final area of the game.
II. Walkthrough
A. Getting Characters
There are many characters in this game, however, you are only allows to have 15 
your party and you cannot remove any so choose your 

friends wisely.
Scrap - Lute, Mei-ling, Riki, T260G, and Gen.

You will be asked if you want to let any of these characters join.

Gender: Male
Hair Color: Blue
Race: Human
How to Get: Talk to him.

Gender: Female
Hair Color: Pink
Race: Human
How to Get: Talk to her.

Gender: Male
Hair Color: Green
Race: Monster
How to Get: Talk to him.

Gender: None
Hair Color: No Hair
Race: Robot
How to Get: Talk to it.

Gender: Male
Hair Color: Brown
Race: Human
How to Get: Sign up for the card quest, go to Koorong and speak with a skeleton 
that will mention a swordsman that might be from Wakatu. 

Speak with Gen and he will join your team.
Shrike - EngineerCar, Cotton, Sei, and Roufas.
Gender: Male
Hair Color: No Hair
Race: Robot
How to Get: Get T260G from Scrap go to the Nakajima Robotics building in Shrike. 
Speak with the robot by the staircase and he will join you.

Gender: ????
Hair Color: Red, White, and Blue
Race: Monster
How to Get: Inside the Bio Lab you will find a room that has a large control 
and a door leading into a room that has a chair in it. 

Cotton will be in the chair and three scientists will be at the control panel. 
scientists will attack. After you defeat them Cotton will 

join you whether you want it to or not.

Gender: Male
Hair Color: No Hair
Race: Monster
How to Get: Inside Sei's Tomb you must collect three items. Once you get them 
a room that has three pedestals. Put them on the pedestals 

and a door will open. Go in and you will be forced to fight him. After beating 
you will have the choice of taking his weapon the Kusanagi 

or having him join. (I'd get the sword.)

Roufas - Recommended
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Brown
Race: Human
How to Get: Start the rune quest, go to Mu's Tomb and find him. Talk to him and 
will ask you if Victory is the mark of a real man, say 

YEEAH!! and he will join you.
Koorong - Emelia, Liza, and Dr. Nusakan
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Orange
Race: Human
How to Get: Start the rune quest and talk to her. She will ask if you want to go 
Despair to find a rune, say yes.

Liza - Recommended
Gender: Female
Hair Color: ????
Race: Human
How to Get: Right after you get Roufas, go to Koorong and enter her restauraunt. 
Speak with her and she will join. If you get the Victory 

Rune before talking to her she will not join you.

Dr. Nusakan
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Black
Race: Mystic
How to Get: Start the rune quest and go to the docks and look for a small 
Inside you will see a person sitting in the chair. Talk 

to the person and they will fall over and a skeleton will appear and scream. A 
voice will ask you to come in. Go through the door and you 

will see Dr. Nusakan. You will ask him about the runes and tell you and ask to 
with you. Now you can say yes or no.
IRPO - Fuse and Suzaku
Fuse - Recommended
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Brown
Race: Human
How to Get: Start the card quest and go to IRPO. Speak with the girl at the front 
desk and you will be sent to My. Mosperiburg. After you 

finish the job, Fuse will join your team.

Gender: ????
Hair Color: ????
Race: Monster
How to Get: While on Mt. Mosperiburg, defeat the snowman and go to the cave where 
you fought Suzaku. It will be free and will join you.
Lord Manor - Mesartham
Gender: Female
Hair Color: ????
Race: Mystic
How to Get: Go to Lord Manor and make your way to the bottom floor. Look for a 
place in the manor where the floor stops at some water, she 

will come out and join you if you have another mystic in your party.
Yorkland - Thunder
Gender: Male
Hair Color: ????
Race: Monster
How to Get: Go to Yorkland after recruiting Lute. Speak with the large orange 
standing by the cliff. He will join you.
Omble - Silence
Gender: Male
Hair Color: ????
Race: Mystic
How to Get: Go to Omble by selecting the Dark Magic test. Find his shadow and 
with it. Once you have Shadow Magic, speak with him near 

the entrance and he'll join.
Tanzer - Slime
Gender: None
Hair Color: ????
Race: Monster
How to Get: Start the rune quest and get a rune, then get on any ship and you 
be swallowed by Tanzer. After you get the rune, a slime 

will join you automatically.
Time Lord's Realm - Time Lord
Time Lord
Gender: Male
Hair Color: ????
Race: Mystic
How to Get: Complete all the magic quest and go to Mosperiburg. Virgil will send 
you to the Time Lord's Realm. Defeat the Time Lord and he 

will join you.
Please let me know if you find a character that is not on this list.
B. Finding Equipment
Scrap - Junk Shop
In the junk shop you will find 2 lizards. Speak with them and pay the amount they 
ask for to gain access to the Junk Room. Sell RepairKits 

for better items. Make sure you have over 10,000 credits.
You can get the following equipment (quality items): WarlordArmor, CyberSuit, Osc-
Sword, LethalGun, ExcelShield, and MirrorGlass.
Shrike - Sei's Tomb and the Bio Lab
In Sei's Tomb after collecting the three items and getting to Sei. Beat him and 
choose to take his sword.
You can get the Kusanagi from Sei. It's got ok attack power.

In the Bio Lab you will find a place filled with plants. Make your way to the 
you will see on the right. Go in and up the ladder. Fight 

the person sitting at the seat of a control panel. Defeat them and check the 
A door will open. Go to the tower on the left which was 

locked before. Enter and speak with the person standing on the bridge. You will 
start a battle with the Earth Dragon, one of the hardest 

bosses in the game. (In my opinion.) It has well over 20,000 HP.
You will receive a powerful shield for defeating it.
C. The Quest of the Rune
	Go to Devin and speak with the lady in the tent. Ask her about Rune 
She will tell you about it. Now ask for the Gift. You will 

get 4 stones. You must turn these into Runes.
Despair - The Freedom Rune
Items: LightBazooka
	Go to Koorong and look for a girl with orange hair and green clothes. 
with her and answer yes. She will take you to Despair. 

Once you are at Despair, go inside and follow the path until the girl tells you 
follow her. Follow her and you will come to a room filled 

with large boxes. There will be an elevator in the corner and a conveyor belt in 
the middle of the room leading down. Don't worry about the 

belt, get on the elevator and it'll take you up. Walk until you find a locker 
Hide in one of the lockers because if the guard finds you 

then it's game over. After he leaves, check the other lockers for items and the 
walk out of the room. Find your way to a door that will lead 

you to a cell. Exit the cell and walk to the left to find a ladder leading down. 
Take the ladder and follow the path until you get to a room 

filled with small iron poles. Navigate your way through the poles, going in the 
incorrect path will trigger an alarm and a battle. After you 

get through there go through the door and follow the path until you get to a 
room. Go to the door and check it. The girl will tell you 

to watch for guards and she will try to open the door.

Boss: Nidheg
Difficulty: Easy
	If you got T260G and got him fully equipped with LethalGuns and such than 
you'll have absolutely no problems. Even if you don't have 

him it'll be an easy fight. Just use your strongest attacks against it until you 
kill it. It shouldn't take more than 5 turns to take it out.
Mu's Tomb - The Victory Rune
Items: Random Item, Random Item, ShadowDagger, Katana
	Go to Shrike and enter Mu's Tomb. Go to the left and find Roufas, he's 
mostly brown and has long hair. Talk to him and have him join 

your party. Now go back to the entrance and go to the right. You will be pushed 
back and the words Danger, Gefahr, and Peligro! will be 

displayed. Choose "Go in anyway" and you will got through. Go through the door on 
the left and go down. Go right and down the stairs. At the 

other side of this corridor there are a bunch of monsters. Defeat them and go 
through the door. Go up through the door and you will see some 

stairs. Try to walk up the stairs and you will get into a fight with a pile of 

Boss: SkullDrake
Credits: 400
Difficulty: Medium
	This fight is a bit harder than the other battles. If you have 
use them unless you have an attack that deals more damage. 

The SkullDrake heals around 650-670 HP every round so you will need to do at 
700 damage. The SkullDrake may do an attack called 

FlameBlast which will cause anywhere from 100-300 damage to two characters so be 
careful. The FlamtBlast attack will give the affected 

characters a Fire Barrier which will cause fire damage to any attackers and will 
give the character fire immunity until it wears off. The 

Stampede attack is a weaker version of the FlameBlast attack, it will do 100-200 
damage to two of your characters. Just keep your characters 

health high and they will be ok.
Tanzer - The Vitality Rune
Items: None
	Get on any ship after getting at least 1 rune. The ship will be 
Now you are inside of Tanzer. After the scene with Fei-On 

and Nomad, talk to him and then follow him back to town. Find him in town and 
with him. He will show you where the rune is. Follow Fei

-On. Walk up and go through the "door" you will see in the wall. It'll suck you 
and spit you out in another area of Tanzer. Don't go 

through the door you will see, go straight up to the next area. Keep walking up 
speak with Fei-On. He will be on a ledge in the next 

area, just walk around and go up to him and go throught the door. From here, walk 
down and enter the other door. Now walk up and enter the 

next door. Enter the door in this area and Fei-On will tell you to come this way. 
If you want to see Nomad's lair go down and stand on the 

purple door on the ground. Then just follow the path. When you are ready, go back 
up and go to the right where Fei-On was standing. Now go up 

and enter through the purple door on the ground. Here you must make your way to 
bottom on a slide of slime. Go down. Now go down the 

right side and then down again. Go through the door and you will be spit out at 
top in another location. From here, go left and then down 

and instead of going down again, go to the ledge and jump dfown to the platform 
below. Now go down and Fei-On will come out and ask you if 

your ready to get the rune. Now go forward.

Boss: Huge Slime
Subs: 3 Big Slimes
Difficulty: Very Easy
	This is a very simple fight. All you must do is touch the rune behind the 
slimes. Mecs and Monsters are unable to touch the rune so 

you are going to have to do it with a human so make sure there is at least one 
human in the party that you are using. You will have the touch 

option opened in your command list. Now, to get to the rune, you will need to 
a few slimes out. If you learned it, have Blue use 

Vermillion Sand, if not, use Implosion. Each Big Slime has about 1000 HP and the 
Huge Slime has about 1500 HP so it won't be hard getting rid 

of them, however, the slimes respawn so you have to be quick. If you kill all of 
the slimes then they will all respawn so take out 3 and have 

 someone touch the rune while the others take the slime out. If you have 
LethalGuns, those will kill the slimes with 2 or 3 hits. After the 

fight, a slime will automatically join you and you will leave. Your RegionMap 
open up.
Koorong - The Hide Rune

That's the end of the Rune quests, now on to the Arcane Card quests.
D. The Quest of the Card
	Go to Devin and speak with the lady in one of the houses. Ask her about 
Card Magic. After she tells you, ask about the gidt. You will 

get 4 cards. You must turn these into Arcane Cards.
Irpo - The Shield Card

Baccarat - The Gold Card

Yorkland - The Grail Card
	Go to Yorkland. Go straight down the path to get to the part of town that 
makes liquor. Speak with everyone in the buildings and 

sample all of the liquor. Then go back to the start of town and go left. Make 
way to the shrine. You will be drunk and it'll be easy to 

run into the sides which will cause monsters to come out.
Wakatu - The Saber Card
Items: Twin Dragon Sword, Iron Clog, and CometBlade or MeteorBlade.
	After you start the Card quests, go to Koorong and speak with the 
in town. He will talk about a guy who used an Iron Pipe as 

a weapon. He will also mention that fighters like that are only found in Wakatu. 
Now go to the pub in Scrap and speak with the brown-haired 

man. He will join your team. You can now go to Wakatu. Wakatu is pretty much one 
straight path so just follow it until you get to a room 

where Gen will tell you to listen for a sound. Hit O when you hear a small tone. 
You will receive the Saber Card. However, if you do not hit 

the button in time, you will get into a fight. If you want to get a nice weapon, 
get Gen's WP up to 75+ and fight the Blade Chamber. It is 

past a room with a large crack in it.

E. The Test of Light or Shadow
In Luminous there are two kinds of magic. Light and Shadow magic. Speak with 
and ask to take the test.

The Test of Light
-Coming Soon-

The Test of Shadow

-Coming Soon-
F. Time or Space Magic
After completing the other quests you have two choices. Time or Space Magic.

Time Magic - Recommended - Go to Mosperiburg and speak with Virgil. Ask about 
magic and the gift and he will send you to the Time Lord's 

Realm. You will notice that everything is frozen. Find the Hour Glass that is 
broken and check it. Return to Mosperiburg and speak with 

Virgil. He will send you to the Mystic homeland. Find the shopkeeper who sells 
items for Life Points(LP). Buy the Time Vessel for 1 LP and go 

to the Time Lord's Realm again. Check the purple hourglass again and time will 
return to this place. Now find the drawbridge and go across. 

Speak with the Time Lord and he will fight you. After you defeat him, it is time 
fight your brother.

Space Magic - Go to Devin and speak with the lady at the top of the stairs. She 
will send you to Kylin's Realm. Make your way to Kylin and 

you will fight him. After you defeat him, it is time to fight your brother.
G. Rouge
	The battle between you and Rouge takes place on two pillars high above 
ground. Noone will be in your party so you will face him 

alone. You cannot use weapon attacks so it's up to your magic to defeat him. If 
chose Shadow Magic, make a shadow image of yourself and 

cast Vermillion Sand. Continue using magic until he is dead. You will gain all of 
the magic that he has.
If you want to become Rouge instead of continuing as Blue, then let Rouge win. 
Rouge has slightly lowered stats and will have all magic.
H. Hell
	Now it is time to return to the Magic Kingdom. When you do, you will see 
that everything is in ruin.

-Coming Soon-
III. Secrets
The Dream Super Combo
To get the Dream Super Combo, using any human character, learn these skills: 
Sliding, Babel Crumble, Suplex, and Giant Swing. Liza learns it 

faster than any other character. The Dream Super Combo can easily deal over 
damage to any monster but the downside is that it costs 18 

WP each time you use it.

Infinite Items in the Junk Shop
Speak with the lizards and pay the amount to gain access to the Junk Room. Select 
three items and return to the lizards. Select sell and sell 

the Hyperion Bazooka. Enter the junk room and select 7 more items. You can do 
as many times as you like. Sell RepairKits to make the 

item quality better.

Shrike's Porno Magazine
In the library in Shrike in the back of the first book shelf in the middle is a 
magazine. Click O there to find it. Each character has 

something different to say about it. Blue says, "What a useless book."
IV. Thanks
Thanks to myself for playing through this very entertaining game and collecting 
data that is here.

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