Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow FAQ (FULL) - Guide for Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow

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Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow

Complete walkthrough with alternate routes and spoilers. Version 7.03 
Legal information: This walkthrough may not be reposted, in whole or in parts,
and is only authorized to be placed on any other website's other than
http://www.cheatcodes.com/ unless specifically authorized by the author,
me. Please don't plagiarize. Just don't do it. 


Written by: Matt Oliver ( Razgriz_1 )

E-mail: [email protected]  [email protected]




Mission Guide

Level 1 Dili - Infiltrate the U.S. Embassy. 
Level 2 Paris - Infiltrate Saulnier Cryogenics lab. 
Level 3 Paris to Nice train - Meet Soth on the train. 
Level 4 Jerusalem - Identify the biological agent. 
Level 5 Kundang camp - Intercept Sadono's insurance call. 
Level 6 Komodo - Infiltrate the underground submarine facility and submarine. 
Level 7 Jakarta - Infiltrate TV studio and kidnap Suhadi Sadono and Ingrid Karlthison. 
Level 8 Los Angeles - Neutralize Soth and the final ND133. 


Level 1 - Dili - Infiltrate the U.S. Embassy

Special instructions: Lethal attack's are not permitted.

Unless otherwise stated, you'll be crouching through most of this level to prevent alumnisity and sound.
You start in the water. Once you're done oh-ing and ah-ing over the water effects, shoot out the light
and move forward. Climb up, and follow the dock and shoot out the light just after the corner. At the
end there's a ladder for you to climb up. Once you're up, shoot out the light. Over by the big doorway,
there's a beam going down to the next dock. Jump up to grab onto it to slide down to the dock. Once you're
there, there's another horizontal beam that'll take you off the dock and over to a building. Jump up to
grab onto it, do a hand-over-hand to get to the other end. Once you get there, hit "triangle" again to
lift your feet to get passed the obstacle. Don't worry about shooting out the light, it can't be done,
rather move on quickly. Turn to your left and move around the corner. Quickly check under the door with
the Optic cable (good habit to have), then open the door and shoot out the light.

At the other end of the room is another door. Pick the lock, check under the door with the
Optic cable, then open the door and take out the light. Over by the light, there's a pole
for you to climb up. Once up, shoot out the light. To the left of the lamp there's a trap
door. Again, check with the Optic cable, then open it and drop down. This is the first

Tip: When shooting out lights, consider pressing UP on the directional pad. It'll activate the
laser on the pistol, and it'll show a red dot where you're aiming (When using the laser to shoot
gaurds, or enemies, be sure to quickly. Someone will notice a red dot on their cheek).

Head out the door and turn left to get of the porch. It's too well lit, and that's not a good
spot to ever be in. Crawl up along the wall of the building across from you, towards the lit
window. Once you get to the corner, turn left under the porch, and go all the way to the end.
Here there's another lamp that can't be shot out, so just move quickly. Go up the stairs, turn
right at the corner and walk on down to the crates at the end. Here's yet another lamp that can't
be taken out as well as a bonfire that'll light things up. There's also some ammo for your pistol.
Head down the stairs, stand with your back against the fence, press L3 to get close to the wall,
then move all the way down to the end of the fence. Here you'll run into the first enemy. You can't
kill him! Hit O to sit down with your back towards the fence, peek out to see where he is
(move the left analog stick towards the right). While looking, hit X to do a "SWAT turn"
to get over to the other side. Once there, press L3 again to get away from the wall, move
straight forward to the other wall, then hit L2 to whistle. Immediately move back towards
the opening where you came from (other side of the doorway that the guard will come through).
Once he does come in, he'll head to where you were when you whistled (the exact spot),
so now you should be behind him. Sneak up to him and grab him, then simply knock him out.
He's already in complete darkness, so leave him be. Shoot out the light, then move down to
where the guard was sitting. Continue in the same direction until you get to the checkpoint.
There are landmines here. A quick thermal scan will show you where they are. You can either
go under or onto the porch to avoid them, there's really no difference. Once you get around
the corner, shoot out the light, do another thermal scan to locate the landmines. Climb onto
the boxes over where the lamp was, face the window and jump. Now you can shimmy along the
ledge until you get passed the mines and drop down. Go up the stairs and shoot out the light.
Over in the corner of this room there's a ladder. Climb it, and move over to the little piece
of pipe sticking up from the floor. From here, you can rappel down the wall. This is checkpoint 3.

Check under the door with your optic cable, open the door then take out the lamp. Once you're down
the stairs, head down the little alley on your right. About 2/3's the way down, turn right and face
the wall. Then hit triangle twice to get into a half-split-jump. Hit triangle again to jump up
and grab the ledge. Press up on the left stick to climb up. Take out the light on your right, then
turn around and go inside. Once through the door, turn right and sit down next to the cabinet. Shoot
out the light, then put your gun away and wait for the guard. His back will be toward you, so sneak
up and grab him and knock him out (or simply elbow him when his back is turned). Pick him up and drop
him in a dark corner. Shoot out his TV and move through the open door. Lambert will come on the radio
to let you know how to get into the embassy. Checkpoint 4.

Get into the water, then turn left and head for the bridge. Before you get into the area lit by that
lamp on the bridge, check where the guard is (either with thermal or night-vision), and take out the
light when he's least likely to notice. If you move to quickly, or get into the light, you might scare
up some birds. This will get the guards' attention. Just wait it out, he should move along. Walk
through the water (stay in the plants) until you're down by the door. Take out the light (check the guard),
crawl back on land and check under the door with your Optics. Don't worry about those gunshots; no one is
shooting at you (yet). Open the door. There's nothing of interest in here, so move over to the other
door, and that'll be checkpoint 5.

Pick the lock, check under the door, then open it. Lambert will ask you to befriend the guy
sitting outside the window, so open the door, and go out slowly. Turn left, and crawl up
behind him then grab him from behind and drag him back to where you came from. Drag him
into a corner, then start interrogating him. Keep him talking until he pleads for death.
Knock him out but don't kill him. As soon as you get back to the door, another guy shows
up looking for a light. Just wait for him to get back in the house, then sneak up to the
closest window. Move down to the opposite corner of the building, turn left and head for
that pipe that goes up the wall. Alternatively, you can open the door where the guy went
in, sneak up on him and knock him out. However, if he spots you, it's all over. Checkpoint 6.
Good idea to save here.

Now things get a little harder. Take out the light on your left, then run over and climb the ladder.
Over on your right is another ladder; climb it. Once on top, turn left to get onto a large balcony.
Remember what I said about crouching. You'll move slowly, but you're less likely to be spotted! Now,
go around the corner, and in the first window there'll be a guard with binoculars. Move passed him,
turn at the corner and move up to the next window. Lambert will tell you to stop, so take his advice.
Listen to the conversation, and watch Sadono leave. Now the tricky part; Get up close to the wall,
equip your gun, shoot out the ceiling lamp, then quickly and quietly move back to the safety of the
dark corner. If the guard gets too close, simply elbow him twice, and hide him in the shadows. Now,
move forward to the far end of the balcony, and climb out on the pipe next to the wall. Then climb
up and shimmy along the roof. Once you're over the other balcony, drop down, and that'll be checkpoint 7. 
Move down to the edge of the balcony, and you'll get the option to climb out on a pipe. Climb down
it, and you'll be on another balcony. Walk quietly through the curtains and sneak up on the guard
hitting Shetland.Grab him, drag him into a dark corner, knock him out and pick up the satchel.
Go back and chat with Shetland, and he'll give you the intel you are seeking. Once you're doing
chatting with Shetland, pick under the door to your right. It's the only working door. There's
a guard there, but he's not a problem. Just open the door and sneak over to him, and dispose of
him in a corner. If you've gotten injured, you can get fixed up in the bathroom down the hall,
if not, then simply turn left and head down the hallway. Once you get to the end, shoot out the
big ceiling lamp, turn right and go down the stairs. Now you're down in a big lobby with three
guards and a bonfire. Two guards are kneeling over a map a little further up, while the third
guy is patrolling. Sneak up on guy #3, grab him and dispose of him. Just wait for him over by
the overturned table (don't get too close), and he'll come over and turn his back on you. The
door over to your left leads to a small room where there's a medicine cabinet,
so if you get injured attempting to get these guys, you can get fixed up in there.

Over on the bar, there's an empty bottle, which you can throw to get their attention.
Only one guard will come looking, and you should be able to grab him in the same manner
as you did the other guy. Once he has been taken care of, move towards the far end of the
room. There's a barrier that'll keep you out of sight of the last guard, but you'll need
to get his attention somehow. You can move across a fairly well-lit spot, or whistle,
just remember to keep moving because he'll go right for you. Go all the way up to the
wall, then turn left and hurry down to the end of that hallway. Turn the corner and
take out the lights (might as well get in the habit). Halfway down the hall, on your
right side, there's a set of doors. Open them and move through down to the next set
of doors. That'll be checkpoint 8.

Now, take out the light. If you shot it out before you got to the checkpoint, it will
miraculously be back after the game has loaded, so no need to waste that bullet. Open
the door and move outside. Lambert will get on the radio and tell you everything you
need to know to cross the courtyard. Just wait for the searchlight to get up to the
stairs and run for it (crouching of course). Then follow the light wherever it goes!
It'll bring you to the other side (of the courtyard, silly!) Don't use night-vision
for this part, makes it really difficult to see anything. Once you're across, the
 door is over on the right. Open it, and go up the stairs. Here's another room with 
yet another medicine cabinet (who needs them?). Head over to the stairs and go up 
one more floor, carefully, as there's a guard waiting up there. Sneak over, grab 
him and knock him out, then walk through the door. Switch the lights off, then talk 
to Ingrid Karlthson. Once that conversation is over, you'll get Lambert and friends 
on the radio again, and they'll tell you how to get to the extraction point. So, 
head for the door, and go back down two floors. Once you're down the stairs, there'll
 be a door over to the right. That's your exit.Open it and go outside. That'll be checkpoint 9. 

There's a guard out here, and like everyone else, he'll soon turn your back on you and walk
 away. Sneak after him, and once he stops, grab him and knock him out. Move a little closer
 to the tower, then shoot out the lamp that's on the tower, run over there, climb up and 
turn left. You'll find the switch for the lights right there, so turn it off. Get down
 from the tower, turn left and move in between the two buildings. Make sure the patrolling 
guard is fairly close, then take out the light over the door. That should get his attention,
 and give you the opportunity to knock out him out or grab him. Whatever, just dispose of 
him. Move up along the porch, then make a left turn. You should spot the second tower from
 here. Move close enough to it to shoot out the lamp, then run over to flick the switch.
 Get down from the tower, turn left, and head for those stairs. There's one more guard to
 go. Carefully move up to the corner. If you hear footsteps approaching, move back! He'll
 turn around soon enough, so head back to the corner, and once he makes a turn to head out
 on the pier, move up to just beyond pier starts. It's pitch black here, so even when he 
turns around, he won't spot you. Don't panic when he heads back towards you. If you're far
 enough out to the right, he'll walk right past you and toward that corner you just came 
from. Quietly run out on the pier and jump in the little boat. 

=== End of level 1 ===


Level 2 - Paris - Saulnier Cryogenics lab

Special Instructions: Three alarms, and it's mission over. 
Well, I always wanted to go to Paris. Didn't anticipate ending up in the sewers, though. 
Kill them lamp, and wait for Lambert to finish the briefing. Climb down the hole, and shoot out the lamp that's right there. Move forward a little, about half way through the tunnel, then equip your SC-20K and take out the lamp outside the little tunnel you're in. This will get the attention of a lonely guard, who will come over to investigate. Quickly move out of the tunnel, turn right and move into the corner. Turn around, draw your SC-20K (hereinafter gun as opposed to pistol), have your night-vision on, enter sniper mode, and wait until the guard comes all the way over to the barrel then take him out with a single shot to the head. Since there are the occasional train coming by, run over and move the body into the corner. Then, run over to the train. There's a ladder on the right side of the backside door. Jump up to grab it, and climb onto the roof. Move forward. About halfway down, you'll run into an obstruction, but luckily there's an open hatch in the roof. Shoot out the light from up here, and then climb down. Another guard should be coming just about now. If not, move forwards a little in the train, and he'll soon be coming. Wait until he's inside the train before taking him out with either a headshot or a sticky shocker. FWIW, I like to keep the shockers for a sticky situation. Run over and grab the body, and hide it in a darker area of the train. Now move towards the end of the train, and shoot out the light that's down on the tracks. This will get the attention of the last guard. He'll go over to where the lamp used to be, and that's a good spot for you to do another headshot. Since he's already in the dark, just leave him there. Go on into the tunnel and try to stay in the shadows. Once you get to the room that's literally on fire, Lambert will come on the radio again and they'll give you a clue as to how to put the fire out. Well, they're wrong. Shooting the pipes doesn't help any. But you have something a little more powerful: a frag grenade. Equip it, and toss it into the fire, preferably a little bit away from yourself; you really don't want to kill your self just yet. Once the fire is out, move to the opposite corner (diagonally) of the room and open the door. Turn right and that'll be checkpoint 1. 
Shoot out the light, and check under the door with your Optics. There's a single guard patrolling in there. Wait for him to head away from the door, then open it and move in. You can hide in the shadows close to the door and fire a diversion camera at the green file cabinets. Use the noisemaker to get his attention, and then gas him once he comes over. Head over to that corner, and shoot out the camera just above the red light. Then take out the lights before heading over to where the red light and the computer are. Check the computer, and pick up the object and the ammo. Run over to the door, and check under it. There are two guards in here. One is walking all around the room, the other seems to be looking at some of the computers. Wait by the open door until the roaming guard is coming back towards where you are sitting, then retreat back into the other room and whistle. This will lure him in, and you can knock him out without getting the second guards' attention. Then, simply take out the second guard with a headshot. Move into the room and turn off the lights. You may have to move this body, as it might be in the light from either a computer or from the hallway outside. It's a simple matter. Now pick up the satchel that the guard left, and check out the computer. Head over to the door with the red light, open it, and go out into the hallway. Pick the lock on the door, then check under it with your optics. Enter the room and turn out the light (you'll save a bullet if you turn it off rather than shoot it out.). Open the door, and that'll be checkpoint 2. 
Lambert and Grimsdottir will come on the radio. Turn of the lights in the room while they talk, and restore your health here if you've been injured. There's also some ammo here for your gun. Check under the door before you open it. There's nobody there to start with, but three guards will show up fairly quickly. To the left, there's a pipe you can climb, and that'll get you up to a pipe that runs across the room. Get up there and raise your legs. The guards will patrol around the room, so keep and eye on them and move slowly. One guard will be patrolling just beneath you, so be careful. He'll stop just about where you'll have to drop down (over in the corner), so wait until he's at the other end, and hide in the corner. Once he comes back, he'll turn his back to you, and you can grab him and knock him out. The second guard will be patrolling along the other wall of the room, and the third will pretty much stay in the same spot. Bide your time, and quickly move through the curtains into the other room. The door is along the left wall; get there quickly, as it's a dark spot. Quickly pick the lock, open the door and move into the next room. Move towards the other set of doors, and that'll be checkpoint 3. 
Here you have to move fast. You got to stop the two guards from shooting up all the computers. The quickest way to do that is to use your sticky shockers, as you don't have the time to aim for that perfect headshot. Now, get in there, hide the bodies in a dark corner, and pick up the ammo for both your gun and pistol. Now check the computer. Lambert and Grimsdottir will get on the radio. There's a BOMB!! Get your smoke grenades loaded in your SC-20K, and head out the door. Up the hallway there'll be two terrorists. Fire off a smoke grenade. That should take out one or both. If one remains, take him out with a headshot. Run up the door where the terrorists were, and use your disposable pick to get the door open. Run inside, and you should easily spot the bomb. Get over there quickly, and you'll get the option to defuse it. Once that is done, Lambert will come back on the radio. Head back out the door and hide the bodies of the terrorists in the corner. There's another door around the corner, open it and that'll be checkpoint 4. 
Now you have to move up the stairs. That red light you see is a motion detector. The only way past it is to move very slowly. Shoot out the light, switch to night vision, and equip your gun. Now move very slowly up the stairs and around the corner. Shoot out the light again, and keep moving slowly up the stairs. Once you're half way up you are out of the range of the motion detector, so you can de-equip the gun and speed it up a little. Again, check under the door before opening it, and quickly move into the corner and shoot out the light. Don't worry; they're not shooting at you. Shortly after you take out the light, a guard will come around. He'll simply turn around, so whistle to get his attention then move to the other corner. Once he stops to look at the spot where you were sitting, take him out with a headshot or with an elbow (whichever you prefer.) Go over to him and pick up the satchel. Now head up to where the guard came from. Ignore those double doors, and take out the two lights up the hallway. Halfway up the hall there's a door. Get in there and pick up two sticky shockers and some 5.72mm ammo. Get back out and don't move! That shiny light is another motion detector. Equip your gun, make sure to crouch, and move diagonally across the room towards the doors over on your left. Down this hall there's three doors; two on the left, one on the right. Behind the first door on the left is a lone guard and nothing much of interest. If you want to take him out, feel free to do so. The second door on the left is the security monitor room, and there's a guard here as well. Move over there, and you'll intercept a transmission that'll tell you where the guard is that you need to find. Once that conversation is over, open the door, and take out the guard with a sticky shocker. He will definitely notice you opening the door, so be quick about it. The door on the right leads to the computer room. You need to get in here to check the computers. However, there are several cameras in here, so be careful and shoot them out. Once you open the door, there's one in the ceiling just in front of you. Next camera is over to your right, and there's one to the left as well. Once you've got those three cameras, take out the lights, and move up to the corner on the left where the computer is. Check the computer and Lambert and Grimsdottir will get on the radio. There are more cameras, so be careful. Turn right from the computer, and you'll see a camera in the far corner. Take it out, as well as the light. Move about halfway across the room, and then take out the last light. Sit down between the copy machine and the door, and you should be able to spot the last camera down in the corner. Take it out, then move down to the door and get out of the room. Skip across the room to the door with the keypad. If you've picked up all the satchels and checked the computers, you'll have the key code for the door. Open it and step inside; that's checkpoint 5. 
There are two guys in the hallway outside the room you're just about to walk into. One will leave, while the other will stay and guard the place. There's an odd lamp in the middle of the room that is lighting up the corner where the door is. Move over to it and switch it off. This will get the guards' attention, so quickly move away from the lamp, as he will come in to investigate. Once he stands still next to the lamp, take him out. On the desk over by the door, you will find some more ammo for your gun, and also a medicine cabinet. Open the door, and slowly move out to the hall. That red dot is another motion sensor so don't make any sudden moves! Shoot out the light, then slowly head down to the door in the right-hand corner. Check under the door with your optics, and you'll see two guards running away. Once they're gone, open the door and move inside. Here you'll find three lights you need to take out as well as a camera and wall mine. Take out the lights first, then the camera, and move slowly up to the wall mine to disable it. Continue up the stairs, and take out the lights as you go. Open the door at the end of the stairs, and walk inside and that'll be checkpoint 6. 
Move up to the door, and look under it with your optics. The problem with this room is that it's fairly well-lit, and there are two guards in there! Luckily, one is patrolling the room and the hallway, so you have a window of opportunity. The other guard will disappear behind a opaque glass wall. Once the patrolling guard goes off into the hallway, open the door, and move over to where the second guard is standing. You can sneak up behind him and grab him. Knock him out quickly, and leave his body in the dark. Wait for the other guard to come back, and take him out once he stops in one of the corners of the room. Run over there, and pick up the satchel he dropped, then carry his body back to the desk and hide him with the other guy in the dark. Check the computer. Run down the hallway, and open the door with the keypad. Move inside, and that'll be checkpoint 7. 
Once you get inside the room, you'll have a conversation with Lambert over the radio. Once the conversation is over, move over to the medical cabinet if you are in need of healing, then head to the far side of the room to pick up two more sticky shockers. Handy how these things lay around a cryogenics lab, isn't it? There's a guard in the next room. Equip your gun and switch to thermal view, and you should be able to spot him and take him out with a headshot. Pick him up and hide him in a dark corner. Now find your way across the room, and you'll find another locked door. Pick the lock, then open the door. Move onto the platform, and then move over the edge on the left side so you can shimmy along the platform. Switch to thermal vision to better see where the two guards are. Also keep an eye out for those containers. There are lights there that might make you visible, so you want to make sure the guards are not right on top of you when you move passed these containers. You'll need to shimmy all the way to the other end of the platform where the exit to the next room is. Just don't be in a hurry, and you shouldn't have any problems getting to the other end. You'll also intercept communication telling you where the guard that you are looking for can be found. Once you get all the way to the other end, wait for both guards to be out on the platform, then climb up and move through the plastic curtains and hide in the corner. Turn around and wait for one of the guards to come back in. You can see through the plastic with your thermal vision, so this might be the easiest way of telling when someone's coming. Take out the guard, then hide him in the corner. Move slowly down along the wall, and disable the wall mine. There's also a medical cabinet here in case you need it. Open the door and move into the room. This is checkpoint 8. 
There's really nothing of interest in here, so move to the top right corner, and climb down the air duct. Move to the other end, then climb up. The poor guy sitting by the door is Francois. Move over and talk to him. Once you get the phone, Lambert will be on the radio again. Once the conversation is over, you'll see a clip showing three people setting up some barrels with flammable liquid and a bomb. Climb onto the box next to Francois, then climb up into the air duct and kill all three of them. Try to shoot a smoke grenade down and hit the wall next to where they are standing. That'll make them coughing, and not very able to shoot back at you. From this range, you should have no problem taking them out with a few headshots, just make sure you don't hit the barrels! Go back to Francois, grab the ammo, and finish your conversation with him. Climb back up, and follow the air duct to the extraction point. 
=== End of level 2. ===


Level 3 - Paris to Nice train - Meet Soth.

Special Instructions: Absolute stealth, lethal attack's are not permitted. 
You start by being drop onto the roof of the train by your Osprey. There are two hatches to get down into the car. Pick the one further up. Ignore the dog, shoot out the lights, and move up to the door. Once the door opens, there'll be a conductor there. Knock him out quickly, then hide him somewhere dark. Move into the next car. At the end of the center luggage rack, there's a trap door. Climb through it and under the train. Move alone this pipe, and you'll get to checkpoint 1. 
Keep moving a little further, and you'll get to trap door. Check with your optic cable, then climb up and shoot out the light. Grimsdottir will come one the radio and tell you about more terrorists on the train. Head over to the four flashing red light and flick the switch. This will unlock the doors on the train. Now, check under the door with your optics, and if the coast is clear, open the door and turn left. Go through the sliding glass door and turn left again. Here you can open the door to the outside and climb out. You may want to listen to the conversation between the two terrorists or not. Keep shimmying along the side of the train, but keep an eye on the windows. There might be people looking out, and they'll spot you if you move passed the windows at the wrong time. Once you get to the end, open the door and climb in. Open the door on your right, then move through it, and that'll be checkpoint 2. 
Look under the door as a conductor will be coming over. If you look with thermal vision, it might be easier to see when he leaves. Once he's gone, open the door, and shoot out the light. Move slowly through the sliding glass door, and get up against the wall next to the open door. There's a guy there reading. You can do a "swat turn" to quickly get passed the door without being seen. Once you're passed that door, move slowly along the wall. If you hear a door opening, stop and wait for the guy to announce "how did that happen" before he disappears back into his cabin. Move down to door with the number 18 on it, and check with your thermal optics that one of the passengers' legs appears "cold". That would be Soth. Open the door and talk to him. After your conversation, Lambert comes back on the radio. Check the computer, and then follow Soth. Check under the door first, then open it and run to your right. Go through the sliding glass door, then check under the door into the next car. If there's someone there, wait for them to leave. Open the door, and move on in. Again, check under this door with your optics, and enter the room only when they are far enough away not to notice you. Head into the little bar area over on the right, equip your laser mike and aim it at the glass just where Soth is standing. You must be standing up to have an unobstructed path to Soth. If you try to listen from any other area, you'll have a hard time getting the laser on the window, or that second window will be in the way. Once the conversation is over, you'll get checkpoint 3. 
Lambert and Grimsdottir comes back on the radio, and instruct to head out. Turn around, and what for both Soth and one of his goons to leave the car, then head over to the one remaining guys. Sneak up behind him and grab him. There are no dark areas, so find the best spot you can (under the red lamp is a good spot) and knock him out. Pick up the satchel, and run for the door. Go through the next door as well, and once you see the medical cabinet, there should be a ladder on your right. Climb it and get up on the roof. If you're quick enough, you'll be outside before anyone can get to you. Keep running along the roof, and you'll get to the Osprey. Jump up to catch the rope, and mission is over. 
=== End Level 3. === 


Level 4 - Jerusalem - Identify the biological agent.

Special Instructions: Lethal attack's are not permitted, one alarm an the mission's over. 
Welcome to the holy land. This is a very difficult level, especially if you don't pay attention to alternate routes and how people around you move. Start with a little conversation with Coen. Once the conversation is over, head to the stair up in the distance. Half way up, shoot out the light, then move up to the top. Look around of a patrolling police officer. Lure him over with a whistle, then knock him out. Get rid of him in a dark corner, and head down the alley on the left. Keep an eye of for a second patrolling policeman, and keep to the right side of the alley. Hide behind those boxes when the policeman comes back, and once he's past you, cross the alley diagonally, and sit still by the door at the foot of the stairs. The cop will come back and stop under the light, and then he'll go back up the stairs again. Once he's gone past you again, hurry down the stairs, and that'll be checkpoint 1. 
Quickly move over to the far wall and hide over by the door. Another cop will come through a tunnel. Whistle to get his attention, move away a little bit, then grab him, knock him out and hide his body. It's easier if you take him out here, because he'll be patrolling the other side of that tunnel later, and you can't get him there. Wait for the other cop to be gone, then head up to the tunnel open. Shoot out the light. That should get the attention of two guys at the other end, and one of them will come through the tunnel. Hide on the right side of the opening until this guy is passed, then hurry through the tunnel and exit on the left side. Get up against the wall and move away from the corner. Note: Only the first time I played the game, this happened. Ever since, these two guys have not been there, which makes it a lot easier. If there is a guy coming through the tunnel, then there will be three guys in the plaza. If nobody comes through the tunnel, then only two guys will be in the plaza. If you didn't take out that cop, you'll have a patrolling cop to worry about too. Carefully move along the wall down towards the other corner. The two guys in black will move towards one of the benches and sit down. Keep going to the corner, then start moving towards the alley in front of you. You'll have an issue with some light here, but if you time it right, it shouldn't be an issue. Just cross diagonally once you get to the opening to get out of the view of everyone. If you stand up, you can move faster and do a roll. That should get you back into the dark quickly enough. In this corner, there's a pipe. Climb it, and you'll end up sliding down the entire alley and end up hanging outside a window. Wait for the guy to move away from the window, then drop down and shoot out the lamp. Jump back up, and start moving left. This will take you around the corner, where a cop are arguing with a civilian about orange juice. Move as far over to the left as you can, and wait for the civilian to leave. The cop will the start patrolling, so wait for him to get a little away from you, then drop down to street level, move over to those crates and hide behind them. Keep moving forward when the cop isn't looking. Once he gets passed you again, run around the corner, and you'll get to checkpoint 2. 
Quickly move in behind those curtains. Brunton will get on the radio, saying somebody needs to die. Move slowly down the stairs and equip your pistol. Once you get down to the bottom of the stairs you'll see what's going on. Turn on the laser, and take out the first guy with a headshot. The other guy will grab the old guy, so you need to take him out with a quick headshot too. The laser makes it really easy to take care of these two guys. It's time to pick up you SC-20K! Talk to Saul again. There's some more ammo behind that stack of crates over by the door. If you want to practice a little, follow Saul. If not, simply turn right at the top of the stair. We'll follow Saul for now. At the top of the stairs, turn left and talk to Saul again, and he'll tell you a few things about the gun and how to use it in sniper mode. You'll also learn how a neat trick with the sticky shocker. Once you're done, go back to the stairs but head out the door instead of going down. That'll be checkpoint 3. 
Take out the light. Move towards the end of the alley and sneak a peek out to see who's talking. Try to lure the cop into the alley where you are (whistling works fine). Just be careful and wait until he turns around before you grab him and knock him out. Get out of the alley, and shoot out the street light at your left. You can get passed the window my moving up close to the wall on the opposite side, and then move down into the corner. Now turn to your left, and you'll spot two people and three lights. You need them gone. The woman will keep walking up and down here, the other person will simply disappear. Take out the lights with care not to scare that woman too much. Move on down, and knock her out as soon as you got a chance. Once you're down in the corner, you'll spot two cops over on your right. It's easer to take them out here than try to get them later, as they'll move and start patrolling the next street you need to get down. So, take out that one light, and hope that gets the attention of one of the cops. If not, move down to the pipe, whistle, then move away. Get behind him and knock him out. Next, whistle again to get the attention of the second cop, and do the same with him. 
Alternative route: Take out the light. Climb up the pole, then walk along the edge. Drop down, and move all the way over, then drop down to the window. Slowly move inside, and over to the corner by the window. You'll see the shadow of a man having a cigarette on his balcony. Just wait a minute, and he'll finish and move inside. Climb through the window, and check for cops. Drop down and hide in the shadows. Since you didn't take out the cops here, you'll face more of them patrolling this street. 
Either way, Once you're around the corner, move down along the right wall, then cross over and wait by the door right next to the well lit stairs. If you took care of the two cops further back, you'll only have one cop patrolling here. Watch his routine, and move diagonally across the alley to the door on that side. When he's walking down the street, you can move along the wall until you are out of the lights. You can also lure him over to the door where you were sitting, but if there are more cops around, you might get too much attention. There should be another cop patrolling the down at the end of the street. He's only there the first time you play the game, and that makes it a lot more difficult. If you can dispose of all the cops on that sloped street, you should be able to sneak after this last cop, and lure him somewhere dark where you can knock him out. Anyways, at the bottom of the street, turn right, and if you need to, take out the cop with a sticky shocker. Run down this alley and turn left. Jump down into the alley and move forward. That'll be checkpoint 4. 
Grimsdottir will come on the radio and tell you how to find Dahlia. Move down to the second lit window on the left wall. Face the other wall, then do a half-split-jump. Jump again to grab onto the ledge and climb up. Crouch down, and walk all the way around. This'll get you passed one cop without incident. There is a line on the corner which can get you to the other side of the street, but then you'll be stuck with no way to get down without alerting the cop. Move into the corner, and drop down. Hurry into that little storage area in case the cop heard you. Once everything is clear, start moving down the alley, cross over to the right side, and hide behind the crates next to the cop. Some guy will come walking on by. Don't worry about him, he'll go down to the other end and will be out of the picture. Wait for the second cop to come over. He'll be patrolling the plaza, so he'll be gone soon enough. Once he's gone, whistle to get the other cops' attention, then move back down the alley a little bit. Sneak up behind the cop and knock him out. Then shoot out the two lights you can see from here. You can sneak along the right wall even with the lights on. Just be careful of that cop. Also, there's a dark corner (at least after you shoot out that lamp) diagonally over from where that first cop was. You can lure the second cop in there, and your problems are gone. There is one more cop patrolling the street in front of this church. You can easily bypass him. At the corner of the church there's a pipe. Climb up and you'll be up on a ledge. Move over to the other side, then take out both of those flood lights, then jump down onto the ledge that goes along the wall opposite the church. It should now be plenty dark for you to safely move. There are some boards that'll block you about half the way down. Simply drop down and shimmy along the wall until you get passed these; then climb back up. If the cop come walking under you, stop or he might hear you. Just wait a little be, then shimmy to the end of those boards and climb up and move to the end of the ledge. Jump up to get to the next ledge, and drop down on the other side of it. You can't shoot out this light, so don't waste any ammo. Check where the cop is, and if he's far away, keep moving around the corner and down to the wall with the gate. Again, jump to grab the ledge, then drop down on the other side. You can't take out any lights here, so drop down and move over to the door. That'll be checkpoint 5. 
Move over to the door, open it and go through. It'll be another area with indestructible lights. Move along the right side wall, and you'll find a pipe. Climb up, and you'll slide into a fenced in area. Shoot out the lamp here. Look around, and you'll spot a person. That's Dahlia, so scoot over and talk to her. Just wait around until the conversation is over, and she'll open a door for you. Move through it, and equip your gun. You need to take out two lights from here. One is that streetlamp down by the wall, the second is the light at the end of the next alley. Both are doable from here. Turn on your night vision, and move passed the cop and anyone else. Take it slow when passing, you don't want the to hear you. Move on to the end of the alley, take a quick left, then turn right. There's another cop down here. He'll start talking to Dahlia and turn his back on you. This is your cue to move through the passage and turn right and into the corner. Once there, keep an eye on the cop, and cross diagonally along the dark areas. Hide behind those crates. The cop will resume his patrol, and once he's passed you, move to the other side of the crates, and check on the cop before following Dahlia (stay in the shadows). Once you catch up to her, she'll open a gate; follow her through it, and that'll be checkpoint 6. 
Move forward very slowly. There's a cop right around the corner to the left. He'll walk right passed the little alley you are in, and head down towards an area on your right. Once he's passed you, move on out of the alley and straight forward. Turn left, but sit still. A second cop will come into one of the lit up areas. He'll quickly turn around and head down an alley. Head over to those big doors under the archway, and wait for that second cop to come back. Once he's passed you, head down that alley. Run down the stairs on your left, and Dahlia should be to your right. Don't worry too much about these lights, just get passed them quickly. She will open the door, so you should follow. That'll be checkpoint 7. 
Shoot out the lamp. Move forward to the end of the alley, and keep an eye on the cop. Once he starts moving down the other alley, go down to the archway. Stand in the archway, on the left side facing the wall, and jump to grab on to the ledge. Shimmy over to the right a little bit then climb up. You can now move along the path up here without having to worry too much about the two cops that will be patrolling this alley. Just make sure to move slowly when you are close to the cops, or they'll be alerted. Just where the second cop stops to look around, the path crosses to the other side of the alley. You have to cross here as well. Wait for the cop to be at the other end before crossing that lit up area or you risk getting spotted. Also, when you drop down you could get spotted, as it's not very dark right here. Move quickly around the corner to your right, and Dahlia will have a run-in with another cop. The cop loses. Before going around this corner, check where that other cop is. If he's standing just around the corner, he'll spot you, so wait for him to move away again. Run down there and hide the body. Talk to Dahlia again, and she'll be a little spooked. There's some talk about getting on the roofs, but that's not really necessary. Once she opens the door, follow her. Get up along the right wall, and once you get to the lighted area you've reached checkpoint 8. 
Move up to the corner and take a look. There's a cop at the top of the stairs. Wait for him to start moving, then run up the stairs and hide in the shadows. Once he's a little further down, turn left, and run down under that covered alley. Keep on moving, turn out through the last opening in the alley, and move down the corner of the plaza. You should she Dahlia talking to another cop, and that first cop is coming back towards them on his patrol. He'll quickly disappear into that alley you were in. Take out the cop Dahlia is talking to with a sticky shocker, then shoot out the light. Grab the body and follow Dahlia. Ditch the body in the alley and keep walking. She'll run into another cop, and since he's about as smart as everyone else, he'll turn his back on you. Grab him, drag him into the alley and knock him out. Dahlia will disappear through a gate to the left, and you should follow. There's a door with plenty of light coming out; that's where she went. Follow her and walk into the elevator. Talk to her from the elevator. Once that little conversation is over, Lambert will instruct you to kill her. Do it. One quick headshot. If you don't, Lambert will be very unhappy, and Dahlia will send some snipers after you later in the mission. That'll be checkpoint 9. 
This part starts with more radio talk and Fisher questioning the killing of Dahlia. Whatever. Once the elevator gets to the bottom, a guard will walk right in front of you. Follow him quietly and quickly, and knock him out. Hide his body in the elevator, then turn left on your way out. You can ignore most of the floodlights here, but take out that single lightbulb in the archway in front of the stairs. Once you're at the bottom of the stairs, a guard will come your way. Take him out. A air-foil round to the chest will stop him long enough for you to get over there and plant you elbow on his chin. Hide him in the corner, then shot out the light over by the pipe. Run on over there, and to your right there will be a pipe going up the wall. Climb it to get to the horizontal pipe. Move out a little bit, then raise your legs to get through that little opening in the wall. Once through, drop down and move towards that railing. Shoot out the light above you, and move all the way up to the railing. That'll be checkpoint 10. 
That noise you are hearing is a gun turret. These have heat sensors, so we'll need to be careful. Move past the railing and drop into the water on your left side. There's a guard diagonally across the room. Leave him for now, and move the corner to the left of the gun turret. Climb up here, and them move out from the wall a little. You should be able to shoot the guard from here. Pop him, then the light, then walk over and disable the turret. Hide the body in a dark spot, and head back to where you came out of the water. There's a doorway here. Enter, turn left and take out the light. Continue down this way, and stop at the corner. There's a guard in that room, use your night vision or thermal vision to spot him and take him out. Once he is down, shoot out the two lights on the left side of the room. This might get the attention of a second guard, but he'll lose interest soon enough, assuming you stop shooting. Once he's gone, take out the remaining two lights. Hide the body, then grab all the goodies on the table. There's also a medical cabinet here in case you need to freshen up. Keep an eye out for that other guard. Go out the door next to the medical cabinet, and turn left at that first opening. If he's not patrolling, shoot out that light. He'll come over to check it out. Take him out with one of the gas grenades; it's due time to test how these things work. Once he's out of the picture, take a left at the corner, then take the first right. There's a blue light coming from this area, and this is where the biological agent is hidden. There is a light in the ceiling all the way at the opening of this tunnel, it's hard to spot, but it's there. Take it out and move into the room. Over on your right, there's another tunnel opening with another light; take that out as well. Move out of the tunnel, turn right and head into the corner. Look to your left, and you'll see yet another tunnel with a light bulb; shoot it out. Move forward, and make a left turn to get into the blue room. Once inside, stay to the right of that bench, and the device will be on the workbench in the left corner. Once you got it, that'll be checkpoint 11. 
Lambert will come on the radio and congratulate you on finding the prize, and tell you to get out. If you didn't kill Dahlia, he'll also inform you of the snipers. Go back the to the tunnel you came in through. Once you get to the end of that little passage, turn right and shoot out the light down in the corner. Once you're in the corner, turn to your right again, and you'll spot two guards and two lights. Take out the guard closest to you, and then take out the light in front of him. The other guard should not notice. Even if he does, wait until he's out in the dark area, then take him out with a sticky shocker or a headshot. Run over to the dead guard, and enter the elevator. It'll take you up and out. Move out of the elevator and down towards those barrels. Welcome to checkpoint 12. 
There's three cops here, and if you didn't kill Dahlia, you'll run into some snipers here as well. First things first. Take out that light in front of you. Move on out of the passageway and turn right at the corner. From here, you should be able to take out the light above the door over to your left. Once that's out, run for that door (watch out for cops), and go around the corner. Continue under the scaffolding to until you get to the other end of it. There might be a cop here, so be careful. Try to grab him and knock him out, or use a sticky shocker or airfoil ring to knock him out. Aim a little high on his head if you're using an airfoil ring. Once that cop is out of the way, a second cop will start patrolling. When he gets close, whistle to get his attention, then move away. Once he's close enough, knock him out with an airfoil ring or sticky shocker. There's one cop left. Unfortunately, you can't hit him with a sticky shocker from here, so you'll have to move closer despite the fact that the plaza is fairly well lit. Just sneak along the wall as best you can. He will spot you, and come looking, so backtrack a little into the shadows and take him out with that sticky shocker. If you don't have one, use an airfoil ring to knock the wind out of him, then run over and elbow him. Don't bother with the body. Continue along the wall and turn left into a small alley. That's your extraction point. 
=== End of level 4. ===


Level 5 Kundang Camp - Intercept Sadono's insurance call./ 

Special Instructions: One alarm and the mission's over. 
It's a jungle out there. Well, we're in the jungle, it's broad daylight, so our only cover will be the vegetation. Move forward and jump into the water, and run along the left wall. You'll quickly get to a small ledge that you can climb up, and walk to the end of it. Stand next to the wall, and you'll get the "climb out" options. Do it, then climb up, grab the ledge, move to your right then climb up again. Switch to night-vision if you're having trouble seeing. There's a line going across just a little bit ahead of you. Jump up while standing under it, and you'll slide over to the other side. Turn to your right, and follow the path along. You'll quickly come to checkpoint 1. Move forward a little bit and make sure to stay in the shadows. You'll hear two people talking about "beer". Move all the way to the edge of the cliff, drop off it and jump down. Turn around to face the guy taking a leak, then quietly run along the wall to your right. Go around until you're almost on top of that guy. If you are quick, the other guy will still be messing with the food (or whatever he's doing). Grab the closest guard, drag him into the shadows and knock him out. At this point, the "cook" will head back to his chair, so just wait until he's sitting, then take him out with a headshot. Hide his body. Over in the corner by the big hole in the ground, there's a tree stump. From here, you can rappel down the wall. Once you're down on the first ledge, move forward (closer to the wall) just a step or two. That'll give you the option the climb out. That'll take you onto a wooden pole. From here, climb up until you get to the horizontal bar, and climb out to about half-way out on that. Now, drop down (hit O), and you'll catch on to the next horizontal bar. Repeat twice, and you'll be hanging on the end of a shelf in the cave wall, and there'll be a noise dog around. Climb up, and move to the center of the shelf. That'll be checkpoint 2. 
Equip you SC-20K and find the dog. Wait for a little while, and a guard will show up. Take the guard out with a headshot, then do the same to the dog. Now move over to your right, and use the tree stump to rappel down the last bit of wall. 
Tip: If you hit "jump" while rappelling down and then press down on the analog stick, you'll kick away from the wall and drop faster. 
Once down in the water, head for leftmost the wooden pole and climb up. Shot out the lamp inside the cave, then pick up the dead body and drop him somewhere in the dark. Move close to the other end of the cave, and you'll see two guards. One is patrolling on the other side of the water. Wait until this guy is gone, then whistle to the attention of the guy on the wooden bridge. Quickly move back into the cave and wait for the guard. When he turns his back, grab him and drag him further into the cave where you can knock him out. Move back to the exit of the cave, equip your gun and switch to thermal mode. Aim for the guards' head, press L1 to hold your breath and take him out with a headshot. Alternatively, you can get in the water, and crawl under the wooden bridge to get to the other side. Just be really careful in the water, as it's noisy and somewhat well lit in places. Move out from under the bridge and hide in the plants. When the guard comes, you should be able to shoot him from here, as long as you're not too close to the wall. Either way, he's dead, now move his body into the darkness of the next tunnel. At the end of the next tunnel you'll see another guard patrolling. Move towards the end, and when he stops at one of the end points of his patrol area (preferably the one to your left), take him out with a headshot. Now, run over to his body and pick it up. Ditch it in the bushes in front of you. Move out of the bushes just a little bit and look around. You should see another wooden pole going up a wall just about here (face away from the truck). Climb it, move to the right a little, then climb all the way up. Now just follow the path for a little bit, and you'll get to checkpoint 3. This is a good spot to save. 
Night-vision really helps finding your way through the jungle. Just crouch down and run along the path. It curves gently to the right. Climb over the tree that's fallen into the path and continue. Not too far from here, you'll spot a guy with binoculars. Don't shoot him, that's your buddy Shetland. Move up to him and talk to him. It's a lengthy conversation; just keep talking until there's nothing more to say. 
Now, turn left and move forward to the edge of the cliff. There should be another tree stump along the edge that you can use to rappel down the wall. Once down, turn around, and you'll see an opening in the wooden fence on the right side. Head over to that opening and that'll be checkpoint 4. 
Look around before doing anything. You should see the shadow of one of the guards on the tent. You can't take him out from there. Instead, move over to your right and creep along the fence until you get to the opening in the tent. Now you can take him out with a headshot. Quickly move into the tent and shoot out the lamp or you or the body might be spotted by the other guards. Move the guard into a darker area of the tent, and pick up a smoke grenade and a sticky shocker from the table. Get out of the tent the same way you went in and turn to your right. Head over to the fence, turn right again, and move up to the next tent. Sneak up along the side of the tent until you get to the corner. Keep an eye out for the other guard. Turn the corner and sneak up along this side of the tent as well. You should hear the other guard walking back and forth, and you'll see him right in front of you when he stops and turns around. Keep your gun ready, and take him out with whatever you want. Headshot or sticky shocker always works. Move his body to a darker area, and then take out the lamp on top of the crates. Go through the halfopen tent and a little further down you'll see a wall of sandbags. Head down there, and wait for two stupid drunks to play out their little thing. They'll warn you about the mines. Once one guy blows himself up, the other guy will come running. While he's barfing, take him out with a headshot. Run over there and move the bodies into a darker area. Be careful because there are mines around here. The tripwires are between two white sticks, and the sticks will show up nicely on thermal, so keep an eye out. The first mine is right by the tree where the guy blew himself up. You'll get instructions on how to defuse the mines, so I won't go into that. Keep moving through the jungle, this time it curves slightly to the left, and be careful with those mines. After having disabled three mines, you'll get to checkpoint 5. 
Move into the opening in the jungle, then turn slightly to your left. You'll find another mine over by those two trees, so disable it. Once that is done, move forward, and get up to the wall on your right side. Another guard will be coming down the path, and you need to take him out. He walks into a dark area, so just take him out and move on. There are more mines, so be careful. Once you get up to the bamboo fence, turn left and you'll spot another old truck rusting away in the jungle. Move up to the truck, and that'll be checkpoint 6. Save if you want to. 
Climb over the truck. There's two ways into this building. There's a door about halfway down the wall. If you enter here, you'll be right next to two guards that will be patrolling the floor. Your best shot here is to drop a frag grenade in front of them. However, this is not the best option. Instead, climb over the fence outside, then climb up the pipe and shimmy your way onto the "balcony". Open the door and move inside. Move along the wall to your right and down to the switch box. Flick the switch to turn off the light. This will make the room darker, and it'll be easier for you to do your job down on the floor. Check out the railing, and you'll see an area where it's broken. Go there, stand up and look up. You should see a pipe there. Jump up to grab then, then go hand-over-hand to the other side of the building. Slide down the pipe once you get there, and wait over by the crates. The guy in the camouflage jacket will be coming your way soon. Once he stops at his closest point to you, take him out with a headshot. Or, you can hide between the crates and the pole, and wait for him to stop right by you. Then you can grab him and knock him out. You can now take out the other guy safely with a headshot. Go over to the front-left of the plane and plant the explosive. Head out the door behind you and shoot out the light. Follow the wall on the right side to the opening. Once you're at the edge of the gate/wall, look to your right, and you'll spot a guard. Whistle, then move into the corner. Once the guard comes over, take him out with a headshot. Hide the body in the corner, then follow the walls down to the bush where it seemed the guard was coming from. There's another guard inside this booth. Best way to get him is to go into sniper mode, then slowly crawl along the wall through the bush and pop him as soon as you can. Shoot out the light, then move over to that handle to open the gate. Head through the gate and straight for the medical cabinet on the wall on the other side. That'll be checkpoint 7. 
Stay along the left hand side wall, and move forward and behind those boards further up the road. A guard with a dog will come your way. They'll be very curious about what's going in on the booth, but they won't spot you as long as you're in the darkest area behind those boards. Once the guard is standing looking towards the booth, take him out with a headshot. Don't worry about the dog. He'll go over to the dead owner and sit there. Shot it (yeah, I know it's cruel, but...) Run over and hide the body over in the corner by the booth. Keep following this wall up to that big bush. Go through it, then shoot out the light. Keep following the wall passed the next tent. Keep an eye on the guards. Again they'll be talking about beer. Seems to be a trend. Anyways, the two guards on the ground will break up and head in opposite directions. Once one of them walks away shoot out the light inside the next tent. That'll get the attention of the guard closer by. As he walks over to look at the broken lamp, take him out with a headshot. Since it's now dark inside the tent, don't worry about the body. Inside the tent you're at you'll find some empty bottles. Pick on up, and back out of tent the way you came in. Once the guard is closest to the tent, throw the bottle at the fence behind you. He'll come to investigate, and is an easy target. Make sure his body is hidden. Move over to the other tent and pick up some ammo for both your gun and pistol. The dead guy in the tent also has a satchel with a data stick, so pick that up. Go back out the tent through the opening closes to the guard tower, and take out the guard up there. Stand up at the other opening of the tower and jump up. You'll grab on to a wire, and slide into the actual camp. That'll be checkpoint 8. Save here! 
Lambert will come on the radio and tell you want you need to do, and once he's done, you'll get another checkpoint, let's call this 8a as it's really the same as the last checkpoint. The difference is, you don't have to listen to Lambert if you mess up. 
Move forward carefully. Sadono will be in the plaza right in front of you along with two guards. After a short conversation, he'll leave with one of the guards while the other will start patrolling. He'll head of to your right, then come back and disappear to your left. Now sneak around the corner to your right and hide down in the corner. Shoot out the lamp and wait for the guard to come back, then take him out. Hide the body, then head down along the wall towards the stairs. The second guard will be patrolling down on the patio, so keep an eye out for him. Once he goes behind the wall, move on down to the stairs, then walk around the and under the patio. Sneak slowly under the patio, and turn right at the corner. Keep track of where the guard is, and move to the end. Get out from under the patio, and take out the lights here. Carefully move on, as you'll be right behind Sadono. Once he has gone through the door, shoot out the lamp and follow him. Lambert will come on the radio again, and pay close attention to what he's saying. You have to listen in on the conversation using a sticky cam. Quietly go out through the other door, and then quickly move into the corner directly opposite the door. You'll need to get closer, so move along the wall towards where Sadono and the guard are standing. Once you are in range of the sticky cam, shoot one onto one of the barrels next to the guard. You should then be able to listen in on the conversation. 
Alternatively, you can sit down close to that woven basket right outside the door. The camera is likely to fall on the ground next to the guard, but that's still good enough. Once the conversation is over and Sadono is gone, pop the guard and the light. Run over and pick up the camera and hide the body over by the barrels. 
Lambert will congratulate you if you get it right. Now wait for Sadono to leave, then shot the guard in the head, shoot out the light and hide the body. Open the door Sadono went through and shoot out the light. Go quietly through the open door on your left, and grab the guard that is sitting there watching TV. Drag him into the corner by the medical cabinet and knock him out. Shoot out the light and the TV, then heal yourself if you've been wounded. Next, head up the stairs, and turn to the right. Shoot out the lamp in the room, then jump out the window and jump down. This will be checkpoint 9. 
Be very careful here. Sadono is on the other side of that straw-fence, and he will spot you if you get to close. Move forward a little bit and wait for him to start walking. Follow at a good distance, and stop to check where he is. Never stand up! He'll turn and go in through a door, make sure to don't move while he's doing this. Once he is inside, move forward and get up to the window. Sadono will go out the door on the other side of the building. 
There are two routes for you here. You can either climb in through the window and shoot out the light, or you can can sneak along the wall. You'll end up pretty much in the same spot, so pick one, it doesn't matter. Wait for Sadono to walk away. He'll be talking to some of the guards here, so just sit tight. Once the guard down on the ground is walking away from you, move along the wall to the little storage area half way down the wall. Wait at the corner for the guard, then whistle and go hide between the boxes. The guard will come over to investigate, and that'll be a good opportunity to take him out with a headshot. Once he's out, locate the guard up on the balcony, and take him out with a headshot as well. Then kill the lights. Again, you'll have two routes.Choice 1: Climb up on the balcony, turn left and go all the way down into the room. Turn left again and shoot out the light. Over on the other side, there'll be an opening. You can sit here and watch Sadono have another conversation with the guards. Once he's gone, turn right, and head back to where you came from. There's another opening here where you can drop down. One of the guards will be patrolling, and he'll be out of sight of the other guard. Take him out and hide the body. Move over to the other side, and move down towards the truck. Go in between the fence and the truck, and take out the other guard and the light. 
Choice 2: Stay on the ground, and move across the plaza. There'll be an open doorway here, so go inside. You'll find a sticky cam on the shelves to the right. Take out the light and move over to the door. Check under the door with your optic cable, and you'll see Sadono again. Wait for him to leave the room before opening the door. Kill the TV, them move to the doorway so you can watch Sadono talk to the guards. Once Sadono is gone, whistle to get the attention of one of the guards, then move into the darkness of the room. Once the guard comes inside to investigate, shoot him. Hide the body, then take out the last guard with a headshot followed by the lamp. 
Hide the body, then get into the room and turn right. There's nothing of interest here, so just locate the hole in the ground and climb down. That'll be checkpoint 10. 
Lambert and Grimsdottir will be on the radio again. Wait for them to finish up, then wait for the guard to show up. Once he turns around the head back, sneak up to the corner and wait until he's down towards the other end. Take out the light where you're sitting. He'll come back, so take him out. Use either a sticky shocker or an airfoil ring to avoid getting the attention of the second guard. Hide the body and move over to the broken railing. You should spot the second guard down to your left. Kill him, drop down and go over there to hide the body. Then exit through the door and go up the stairs. Carefully enter the room, and turn off the lights. There are two guards here. Directly across from the doorway is a light switch. You can use that the get the attention of the guards. Only one guard will come over at a time. Make sure the guard is in the dark, then take him out. Then pop the remaining guard with a sniper shot to the head. Run over to his body, and go out through the door. That'll beck checkpoint 11. 
Turn left, and move over to the doorway. Sit here and listen in on the conversation between Sadono and the guards. The guy in black is your pilot, so don't touch him! Be patient, and Sadono will leave. Shortly after he's gone, a second guard will enter the room. This guard will start patrolling. The problem here is that there's a lot of light. Stay over by the door and wait until the guard is over by the single lamp across the room. Whistle and move into the doorway. The second guard will come looking for you. You can now take out both guards quickly using a sticky shocker for each, or if you're good, a headshot each, but you have to be very quick. If one guard spots the other body, that'll be an alert! Dump the bodies in the dark, then go talk to the pilot. He'll open the door for you. Go through it, and that's checkpoint 12. 
Climb up the ladder and be careful. Sadono is right there! Lambert will come on the radio. Shoot out the light once Sadono is gone, but don't move as he might come back. There's some ammo for your gun sitting over on one of the crates. Pick it up, then take out the fluorescent tube. Go out the door, turn left and head up the hill. You'll hear some shooting, but don't worry, they're not shooting at you. There's two guards a little further down to the right. While waiting for them to complete their conversation, pick up the flares over by the old barrel. Once they're done whining, one of the guards will walk away. Whistle to get the guards' attention, then take him out. The other guard might come looking as well, so take him out too. Around the corner is one of those gun turrets, so we don't want to go that way. Over in the corner where the guards were talking is a pipe going up. And so are you. Up top, you'll find a pathway over to the next roof, turn left and head for that door over there. That'll be checkpoint 13. 
Check through the hatch with your optic cable. There should be three guards down there. Two of them are firing at targets, and the third is just hanging out. Open the hatch and climb down. Quickly raise your legs so you're completely hidden. One of the guards may leave, and the other two might notice something. Just stay still and wait it out. Move as close to the wall as you can, then drop down to the floor. If the two guards are standing close, then fire a smoke grenade into the wall just by where they are standing. That should knock them both out. Hide the bodies in the stalls, and pick up the 5.72mm ammo here as well. Sneak along the wall up to the door, and you should see another guard practicing kickboxing. Take him out from here, and move over to hide his body. Pick up the satchel left by this guy, then shoot out the light. Leave through the door and climb up the ladder on your left. That's checkpoint 14. 
Jump out the window and move over to the opening in the fence. Whistle to get the attention of the guard, then shoot him once he gets close. Hide the body. Go back out through the opening and move closer to the second guard. Whistle again to get him into the darkness, then take him out. Shoot out the two lamps at the far wall. You can't do much about the lamp over on the crates. Head straight for the windows across the opening, move around the corner and over to the gun turret. Turn it off and go in through the door. Pick up the ammo, and heal here if you need it. Check under the door and wait until the guard is done. Open the door, and move into the corner on the right. Sit here and observer the guards. One of the guards will stop between some crates over on the right side. Wait for him to be there when the other guard is not around, then kill him. You may have to move away from the door to make it close, but you should still be under cover of darkness, so that's not a problem. Once the guard is down, follow the wall over to the crates, then follow the crates over to the body. Pick it up and hide it somewhere else. The lamps here cannot be taken out, so you have the be careful when moving. Only move when you know the last guard is not around. He's patrolling the patio, so keep an eye out. You want to move back to where the guard was killed, and look towards the patio. Down in that corner you should see a pole. That's where you want to move to. Once the guard is gone, move along the right side of those big crates, then turn left followed by a right. You should now be in that corner. Way down on the right side of the patio is a gun turret. Don't worry about it. Your problem is the guard. Once he stops right in front of you, take him out, then hide the body. Walk over to the keypad and enter the code. Open the door and that'll be checkpoint 15. 
Move up to the next set of door in front of you, but don't open them. Instead, move slowly towards the windows on the right, and you'll notice Sadono. After a couple of seconds, he'll move and start making his phone calls. Get up against the wall by the window shutters, and do a swat move to get passed the first window. Stand very still! Once Sadono is done making his calls (should be three), he'll walk over to his computer, then leave the room. Wait for a little bit to be sure he's gone, and then take out the two cameras. One is over the door that Sadono just walked through; the other is in the opposite corner. Once the cameras are out, take out the ceiling lamp and the desk lamp. Move into the room, and work the computer. Once Lambert congratulates you after you've been on the computer, move away from it and hide in a corner. Sadono is coming back. He'll go away again in a second, so no worries. Once he's gone, pick up the ammo in his desk, then go out the same door he did and turn right. Shoot out the light above the door, then walk through the doorway and open the door right in front of you. Shoot out the light above the next door, and head over there. Open it, and go outside. There's a door over to the left which is your way out. Equip your flash-bang grenade before opening the door, and use thermal vision. Once you open the door, Lambert will tell you to freeze, but that'll get you killed. Throw out the flash-bang, then get through the door and roll over slightly to your right. Move up into that corner. The guards will be blinded by the flashbang, so take out as many as you can. You can't count on those snipers doing anything for you, so take out all three. Once that's done, head towards the opening in the trees or bushes or whatever, and that's the end of the mission. 
=== End of level 5. ===
Level 6 - Komodo - Infiltrate the underground submarine dock, and infiltrate the submarine.
You start out in the jungle. There's one guard patrolling in front of you, and there's a red laserlight that's scanning the area as well. The trick is to lure the guard into one of the darker areas, and then take him out with a headshot. Run over and make sure he's hidden well enough. Now you'll need to get passed that red beam. The trick here is to run along the left wall. Run around those boards that are stack up along the wall, and get into the corner of that building. Look around for the light, and once you're in the clear, move around the building, along the wall and up to the next building. Now you'll have to get passed the barrel and the turren gun. You only need to wait until the light is moving away (by now you should now the path it's taking), and the crouch-run up to the barrel, turn left and move into the corner. Here you can climb up on the patio and if you want to, you can disable the gun. If not, just head down the path that's now available to you, and into that room or hut that's right down there. Once inside, move along the right wall, and check look up to your left for another tower with another red laserbeam. Move over to your left and up to wall next to the door. Get up to the wall, and lean out to get a look at what's around the corner. There is a guard patrolling close by, and if you run through that door opening at the wrong time, you'll be spotted and cornered. Keep and eye on him, and when he's heading away from you, dart out through the door and into the corner. Now wait for the guard to walk away, and shoot out the light. Check the route the guard is taking, and once he's walking away from you again, sneak up to the crate where the lamp used to be, and then hide there until you can get to the other side of the crate. Now you can get into the small alleyway between the building and the wall. Look up to your left, and you should see one spot where the opening is bigger than the other opening. Once you find that spot (almost all the way into the corner), face the other wall, and do a doublejump. From the half-split-jump position, jump again, and you'll grab onto the beam. Climb up, then shoot out that lamp. Drop down to the floor, and move out the door to your right. Be careful, as there are some spots here with light. If you stop in the wrong spot, one of the guards might see you and sound the alarm. Once through the door, move forward along the left wall all the way up to the corner. There's a lamp here, but leave it for now. Look over to your right, and you'll see two guards. Equip your diversion camera, and shoot one right at the pole between the two guards. Hit the gas immediately, and that should quickly knock them both out. Now shoot out the lamp in the corner and the lamp over the table. Run over and hide the bodies. Don't bother going into that hut. There's nothing in there other than a sleeping guard, and there's no need to wake him up. Instead walk passed that hut, moving along the wall to avoid disturbing the dog. Keep an eye to your left, and you'll see some water. Right at the end of the water, there's a small alleyway between the building and a wall. Go in there, and look up to your right (at the building). There's an opening up there. Position yourself under the opening, then face away from the building. Do another double-jump, and another jump from the half-split-jump position, then climb up and in. This will be checkpoint 1. Save here. 
Downstairs, there's a guard watching TV. You can either shoot him from up here, or you can drop down and sneak up from behind to grab him and then knock him out. Whichever you do, you have to hide the body and shoot out the TV. Right underneath where you climbed in, there's a small opening leading outside. Crouch down and crawl through it. There's a guy doing target practice out here. Slowly move over to the last crate, then keep an eye on the guard. Pick your time carefully, and dart into the hut. Over to your left is a switch. Turn if off, and the generator will stop. Now head out at the opposite end of the cabin from where you came in and turn left. Here you will spot a pole. Climb up, and then onto the horizontal bar that goes over to another hut. Lift your legs to reduce visibility, then move head for the other hut and drop down on the roof. You will be very visible during this period, so be careful. Luckily, the guard is busy with his target practice. Check through the trap door with your optics, then drop down. Look around you before moving, or you risk walking right in front of a second gun turret. There's really nothing else of interest in here, so walk around the shelves, and you'll spot another opening in the floor. Head down there, and that'll be checkpoint 2. Save. 
I don't know why, but you've suddenly lost many of your goodies. You're stuck with your gun, you pistol, a couple of gas grenades (unless you've used them already), one flash-bang and a couple of flares. Head over to the elevator and go down. Shoot out the light inside the elevator. Lambert will tell you what you need to know to get the sub to surface. Once the elevator stops, get out and turn right. Get into the corner, and shoot out the light. Now head for the door and get inside. Next to the typewriter is some ammo for you gun. Pick it up, then heal if you need to. Shoot out the lamp in here, then peek under the door to see if the guards are out there waiting for you. Go through the door and head into the dark corner along the opposite wall. Whistle to get the guards' attention, then head back to the door. Once the guard stops up in the corner, take him out with a headshot. Now head down the hallway, and turn right at the first corner. Shoot out the light in the ceiling as well as the lamp a little further down. Move down to the two door, and open one of them. Quickly move back a little, then whistle to get the guards' attention. Hide over by the desk, and shoot the guard when he comes out through the door. Hide the body, then go in through the door. Shoot out the light, and head forward towards the left corner. Go past the desk, and up to the edge of the cement pole. Look to your right, and you'll see the technician that Lambert talked about. Sneak up to him and grab him. Interrogate him, then move forward to use the computer. He'll raise the sub, and someone will come on the radio. Just wait around, and it'll all work out, and that'll be checkpoint 3. 
Drag the poor guy into a corner and knock him out. Head back out through the door, turn right at the end of the hallway, then another right. Go through the door and up the stairs. There's a guy outside the door, and a lamp over the door. Shoot out the lamp, and quickly aim for the guards' head. Once he comes inside, take him out and hide his body in the dark room. From out on the platform, you should be able to spot a guard patrolling another platform to your left, and another one to the right. If you want to take them out, it can be done from here. It's a bit far, but it can be done. There's little risk of anyone spotting these bodies, so go for it if you want a challenge. If you don't get a clean kill, they'll sound the alarm. Either way, head for the corner way over on your right. It'll be pitch black down there. If you have any live guards around you, check where they are to make sure they're not looking in your direction when you run. Head for the next corner. Once you get there, open the trap door and head down. Move along the bar, and once you get to the end, drop down to the platform. On the other side of this small platform there's a wire going down to your right. Jump up to grab it, then slide down to the end. Once you stop, drop down to the next wire, and it triangle to lift your legs. This time, you'll slide all the way down to the platform, and land nicely in the corner. This will be checkpoint 4. 
Sit still! A guard will come out through the door over on the right. Wait for him to come directly towards you and into the dark. Take him out with a headshot, and drop the body in the dark. Once he's out of the piture, run for the sub. Once you get past a certain point, stop to listen to what Lambert have to say, then drop down into the sub for checkpoint 5. 
The time for killing is over. You'll have to sneak your way around in here. Turn your night-vision on, and turn to your left. Move down the ladder, and head around the corner. At the end where the hallway turns left, you can turn right into a small, dark area. Wait here for the guards to finish their conversation and for one of them to walk passed you. Once he's passed you, head to where he came from. Just down the hall is an automatic door. Get inside and be very quiet. The second guard is sleeping already, so you have to sneak passed him. You can't shoot out the lights or do anything else here, so just crouch down and move very slowly. The other guard will keep patrolling outside, so he's no longer a threat. At the other end of the room, there's another little passageway and a ladder going down. Climb down, and move forward just a little, and that'll be checkpoint 6. 
Move up close to the door, then get up to the wall. Look out into the room, and you'll see another guard sitting at a table. Hit X while looking, and you'll move to the other side of the door. Flick the switch to turn of the light, then quickly move out through the door and behind the bar. Be careful not to go too far. Keep an eye on the door where you just came out, and when the guard shows up, head out at the other side of the bar, follow the wall around the room and get out through the doorway that's at the opposite end of the room. Move through the door here, and into the corner at the other wall. Lambert will come on the radio again (with lots of interference). Move over towards the door, and look out the window. The guy you are looking for is walking right towards you. Hide in the dark corner. He'll come through the door and head to the other wall to look at something or other. Sneak up behind him and grab him. Drag him up the hallway he came from, and you'll get to a retinal scanner. Force him to use it, then drag him into the room. Turn to the left, and move along the all up to that first piece of machinery. Knock out the guy and stand still. The two guys in here will talk about coffee, and one will leave. You are safe in the spot where you are standing; he'll walk right passed you. Once he's out, sneak over to the second guy, grab him and drag him up to the pipes along the wall. Knock him out, and he'll be well enough hidden. The computer you need to get to are in the little room in the corner diagonally across from the door where you came in. Head over there and use the computer. Lambert and Grimsdottir will come on the radio and congratulate you. Now it's time to get out. The guard that left will now come back, so be careful. Hide in the same spot you were in earlier, and let the guard pass you. You can kill him if you want to, but that's not necessary. If he moves into the room, you can get out without him noticing. Once out the door, turn right and around the corner. There's another guard here, staring at the wall. Kill him, run over there, hide the body and climb the ladder just behind where the guard was standing. That'll be checkpoint 7. 
Once outside, get onto the platform and draw your gun. A guard will come into view in the door in front of you. Take him out, then start moving down the stairs. Be careful when you get down towards the bottom. There are snipers outside waiting for you. Run along the wall down the last stairs, then do a swat-move to get passed the door. Heal up here, then move into the safety of the darkness under the stairs. From here, you can snipe the snipers. If you shoot out the barrels, they'll blow up and take some of the snipers with them. Once the three snipers have been taken care of, move out and shoot the barrels from a distance. Keep an eye on the other side, as two more snipers will come out here and start shooting at you. Too bad for them that they are close to two barrels, so just aim at one of the barrels, and you'll take out both of the guards over there. Now run towards that big stack of crates, and you'll find a ladder going down towards the water. Climb it, and that's the end of the mission. 
=== End level 6 ===


Level 7 Jakarta - Infiltrate the TV studio and kidnap Suhadi Sadono and Ingrid Karlthison.

Special instruction: Don't kill Sadono. Save your airfoil rings. 
Now let's have some fun. We're going to get to the first checkpoint without hurting anyone. Walk over and talk to Coen. Once the conversation is over, head back to where you started, and you'll find a ladder going down. Once down on the next roof, head forward to the pipe, and use it to rappel down the wall. Soon you'll hear someone talking. Look over to your right (with night vision), and you'll see a single character walking out of an alleyway. Let him get around the corner, then shoot out the light all the way over by the door. Then climb down from the roof, and head to the gate. Be careful, as that same guy will be coming back, so stay all the way over to the left, and don't make any noise. Head over to the right corner in that alleyway, and you'll find a pipe going up. Climb it to get onto the roof. Now run all the way to the other end. There are two lights here that you have to shoot out, and neither is at good angle. First, over to your left is a floodlight. Sit down and move along the edge of the roof a little to find the best angle, then shoot it out. Now look down into the alley. There's one single lamp down there, along with a guard. Wait for the guard to be way over on your left side, then take out the lamp with your gun. Now climb to the top left corner of the roof, and you'll get the option to climb out. Get onto the pipe and start moving down. Keep an eye on the guard that's patrolling just under you, and wait for him to be heading away from you before you get down on the ground. Quickly turn right and turn left at the corner. Check where the two guards are, and keep moving over to the left. You'll find a ladder over at the scaffolding; climb it, turn right and climb the next ladder. Now turn left, and climb up on the roof. Follow the darkest path up to the upper right corner of this room. Turn around to face the other side of the street, and you should see a wire along the wall that goes to the other side. Walk down there and jump up. Lift your legs to gain some speed, and you'll soon find yourself clinging to the fence on the other side. Climb to your left to get away from the barbed wire, then climb over the fence and jump down. Head over to the door and pick the lock. Move inside and wait for the door to close. Stand up, turn to your left, and jump onto the pole and slide down. This will be checkpoint 1. You've now completed the first part without hurting anyone, and you've only fired 3 shots (well, if you're a good aim, that is). 
Load up a gas grenade in your SC-20K, and open the door. Be careful with the use of night-vision here, as the lightning will really mess you up. Use the thermal vision to see where the two guards are. There are only two, and shortly after you go through the door they'll get together and have a little chat. This is your window of opportunity. If you dilly-dally around, you'll have to find a way of taking one of them out without alarming the second guard, and that's just complicating matters. So, hide behind those two trash barrels right outside the door, and wait for the two of them to get close together. Once they are close, take a step out, and shoot a gas grenade at their feet. It should cause them to start coughing quick enough for them not to be able to raise the alarm, and they'll be knocked out a few seconds later. Hide the bodies, then head towards the first booth. Go inside and pick up the airfoil ring. Head over to the other booth and pick up the gas grenade. Keep walking down in the same direction, and get into the far left corner. There's a small opening here, and the only way to get through is to get up close to the wall. That sound you're hearing is the sound of a wall mine. Once you get through the opening, you'll spot it, so go over and disable it. Move along the right wall, and you'll spot two guards patrolling this yard. Keep an eye on the guy closest to you, and once turns around and walks away from you, get out of that shed you're in, and turn right a little. Head up to the boards that border the walkway that the guard is patrolling and crouch down. It should be dark enough for the guard not to spot you (unless he's looking right at you exactly when the lightning strikes). Keep an eye on the other guard, and make sure he's pretty far way. Once the guy closest to you turns his back on you, take him out with a headshot. With some luck, the other guy didn't notice (and he can't see you either), so move right along the boards until you get up to the end, then take out the second guard with a headshot. Shoot out the lights inside that walkway to hide the dead guy, then head over to the second guy. Shoot out the light on the van, then hide the body. You should find an open manhole over there by the car (in front over to the right). Climb down, and that'll be checkpoint 2. 
Nice sewers. Shoot out the light, and take a few steps forward. To your right there will be a small doorway. The problem is that there's a camera in there, and you can't shoot it out. Time for the camera jammer. Equip it, and walk slowly into the doorway. Aim it at the camera, then pull the trigger and start walking forwards. Head into the other doorway, and quickly sit down. Note that since the jammer locks on to the camera, you'll get turned around once you move passed the camera. Turn back around, and carefully peek outside. There's a guard patrolling this area, so you need to check where he is. If you can't see him, then shoot out the light and move into the tunnel. Go over to the opposite wall, turn left and move slowly forward. Once the guard comes into sight, take him out with a sticky shocker or a headshot. Shoot out any lights in the area, and locate another doorway on the left wall. Look inside, and you'll see another camera. Use the same method here. Aim the camera jammer right at the camera, press and hold the trigger (R1) and walk quickly through the room. Once you're in the other doorway, sit down, turn around and switch to your SC-20K. There's another guard out there, so peek out and see where he is. You can take him out with a headshot, or use of the distraction cams. Whichever way, get rid of him, shoot out the lights and head out. Walk down to your right, and jump up to grab onto the ladder. Climb up, and that'll be checkpoint 3. 
Don't move! There's searchlights right here, so you'll need to time your every move. And, to make it interesting, there's a sniper and landmines. You start out sitting behind a satellite dish, and it's the last stop on the semi-circle round that the searchlight makes. Once the light is moving away from you, switch to thermal vision and head for the crate over on your right. Don't step on the land mines! Get over there quickly and sit down behind the crate. Check for the location of the landmines between here and the next satellite dish. Wait for the search light to pass you heading in the same direction as you, then dash for the satellite dish while avoiding the landmines. At this point, I like to run into the corner. There's one land mine in your way, locate it, and wait for the searchlight to move away from you. Run into the corner, stand up, and face the center tower where the sniper is patrolling. The light won't catch you here, to don't rush anything. Enter sniper mode, and zoom all the way in. Locate the sniper and take him out with one single shot. Once he's down, check the searchlight and landmines again, then head back to that satellite dish. You need to keep moving around the yard in a counter-clockwise direction, so keep checking that light and the landmine. Your next destination is the next crate, then the last satellite dish. Once you've gotten to the last dish, you should see a fence. Move over to the fence, but stay on the right side. Check for the second searchlight and the landmines. You need to get passed the mines without getting caught in the light. Climb up on the fence and move as far left as you dare without getting caught in the light. When the light moves away, move left on the fence as fast as you can, then drop down once you get passed the mines and run around the corner of the fence. Here you can climb up and over the fence. Lambert will come on the radio and fill in some info on our friend Ingrid. Turns out she's not just a desk-jockey. That's nice. Moving on. Head towards the door, and that'll be checkpoint 4. 
Open the door and sneak up on the unsuspecting guard. Grab him and drag him into a corner before knocking him out. There's a flare here if you want to pick it up, along with some bottles. Pick up one bottle and head over to the other door. Turn out the lights, then open the door. There's two guards and two gun turrets out here. Ignore the gun turrets, you'll never get in their way. Sit in the doorway and wait for the guard on your left to get over by the flowerbed in front of you. Throw the bottle at the brick wall of the flowerbed. That should get his attention, and he'll eventually come towards you. If he doesn't, whistle, and that'll certainly get his attention. Once he gets close, back into the security booth. When he gets inside, he'll turn to switch the lights back on and this is a good time to shoot him in the head. Once guard one is out of the picture, get the second bottle, and try to get to the attention of guard number two. Simply shoot him when he's in a dark spot; saves you the trouble of going over there to hide it. Walk out the door, turn left and walk along the wall into the corner. Turn right, and walk into the next corner. Climb into the flowerbed, and turn left. If you look up, you'll see a small opening. Jump up to grab the ledge, then climb up and walk in. Once you're all the way in, turn 180 degrees, stand up and do a double-jump to get into a half-split jump position. Jump again to grab onto the ledge, then climb up. You should quickly spot a row of windows. The one of the right is slightly cracked. Shot it, and it'll break. Go back to where you climbed up and grab the bottle, then go back to the broken window. Throw the bottle down over by the entrance doors. A guard will come over to check it out, so take him out with a headshot. Use thermal to get good look, as night-vision is still somewhat iffy due to lightning. Right behind you is a pipe, use it to rappel down through the broken window. Run over and grab the body and hide it somewhere dark. Standing at the entrance, there'll be a desk in front of you, a waiting area over to the left, and a elevator bank at the right. Move over to the desk, then turn right towards the elevators. Once you get close, a guard will come out of one of the elevators on the left side. He'll head over towards the TV screen. Shoot him in the head, then hide his body in the corner. Click the elevator-call button and enter the elevator. Get the elevator to go up, and that'll be checkpoint 6. 
Go out of the elevator and bear left. You should find a bottle out on the floor. Pick up, and move over to the corner by the elevators. You'll see a guy patrolling the hallway beyond the door. Wait here a little bit, and you'll see the shadow of another guard coming out through another hallway. Once he stops, throw the bottle at the wall, and once the guard is out in the dark, take him out with a headshot. Technically, you can sneak by this guard, but you'll only run into him later, so do it now. Hide the body outside the closed elevator doors. Now head over to the doors. Once the guard turns and walks away from you, open the door and follow him. You want to get in between the last and second to last row of crates. There are no lights here, so it's a good hiding spot. Face the crates closest to the door you just came through, and do a double-jump to get in a half-split jump position. Jump again, and you'll grab on to the top of the crates. Make sure the guard is heading away from you, then climb up and crawl into the duct. Get out at the other end; it's the first turn to the left. You'll now be standing up in the corner of a TV studio. There's three guards here. Concentrate on the guard patrolling up on the stage. Wait until he's in the back left corner of the stage. Once he starts moving forwards towards the curtains, make sure you have thermal enable, zoom in and take him out with a headshot before he gets through the curtains. He'll now be hidden from the view of the others. Over on your left there's a bottle. Throw it at the wall just to the right of the stage while the two other guards are fairly close to it. Equip your thermals again, and shoot a gas grenade at the corner once they're both there looking at the shattered glass. If one of the guards seems to be making his way anywhere, take him out with a headshot. Once they're both out, go down to the same corner, and flick the switch to turn the lights out. 
Alternative: Take out the guy in the hallway, then check under the door into the studio. Once the coast is clear, open the door and get up against the wall. Head down towards the corner, but look out for the guards. Turn out the lights, and quickly move away from the corner. Once the guards get there, take them out with a gas grenade. This could be risky since it's possible you might not get all three guards knocked out. There's a chance the last guard might sound the alarm. 
Go onto the stage, and you'll find a door on that back wall. Shoot out the light above it, open the door and shoot out the light across the hall. This will get the attention of a guard. Take him out with a headshot once he's in a dark spot. That might get the attention of a second guard. Take him out with a sticky shocker before he gets over to the body. Cross the hall and turn to your right. There's another light down the hall, take that out as well. Now move along the wall and open the door on the left. Walk in, and you'll see Ingrid. Talk to her until she says "let's get going" or something to that effect, and that'll be checkpoint 7. 
Follow Ingrid down the hall towards the double doors. Let her go through, and check the location of the guard. (There would be two guards here if you didn't take out the first guy when you got off the elevator). He'll turn his back on you and talk to Ingrid. You can either take him out now, or go left to disable the turret, then head into the little lounge. Up in the top right corner you'll find a airfoil ring. Pick it up, then move out the take out the guard. Follow Ingrid down the hall and around the corner. Disable the gun turret, and head down the hall. You'll be right back to the elevators where you started. Talk to Ingrid again, and she'll tell you to take the left tunnel ahead. Once she opens the doors, head in and that'll be checkpoint 8. 
Turn to your right and shoot out that fluorescent tube over on the wall, then head down the left tunnel. Lambert will get on the radio and give you some bad news. Head back, and get in the same tunnel as Ingrid. Move all the way up to the wall (see why you shot out that light?). Get into sniper mode, and move slowly forward. After Ingrid has talked to guard #1 for a little while, shoot him. The second guard will quickly come around to check out what's happening, so shoot him too. Take out the lights to hide the bodies, then follow Ingrid down to the end. She'll open the doors, and as soon as you walk through, that'll be checkpoint 9. 
Move along the wall with the elevators, and stay in the dark. Try to time it so there's only one guard close to you, then whistle to get his attention. Back up, and wait for him to come over to check things out. Take him out, then wait for the next guy to come running. Take him out quickly with a sticky shockers, then hide the bodies. Move through the doorway and go around the corner. Get up to the left wall, and watch out for that camera down at the end. You can't shoot it out, so you'll need to jam it. You can walk passed the first light on the wall, and if you time it right, you can easily get passed the second light as well before you need to use the jammer. Aim it at the camera, then press R1 to activate it, and walk along the wall towards the corner. Once you get into the corner, switch to your gun and stand under the camera. Shoot a sticky-cam onto the door to see where the guard is. Once he's out of view, dart over to the other wall, and move back towards that door with the retinal scanner. It's dark enough for you to hide here. Wait for the guard to come back, then whistle to get his attention. Take him out as soon as he gets into a dark spot, preferably with a sticky-shocker, as this will not alert the second guard. Hide the body, then move up to the corner of the desk. Look around the corner, and you'll see another guard admiring the rain. Take him out with a headshot, then hide the body. Climb up the pipe in the corner, and then shimmy along the wall. Go around the corner, and climb into the vent. Move in a little, and that'll be the 10th and last checkpoint. 
Climb down through the trap door, and get up to the left wall. Move forward a little, and watch the curtains go up. Once you spot Sadono, whistle, and move over to the other wall. Switch to night vision, and wait for Sadono to come over. Since he'll be looking at the spot you were when you whistled, you should be right behind him now. Quickly grab him and turn around so that you are facing the other guard(s). 
Alternative: When he comes over, shot him in the body with an airfoil ring. This will stun him for a minute making it easier to grab him, especially if you are already behind him. 
There are two guards around here, and you might have to take them both out. Hit R2 to draw your gun, then turn on the laser to better see where you are aiming. Never turn you back on the guards, rather move around so you can spot them and shoot them. It is possible to take them out with a single headshot even with the pistol. Leave your gun out and move backwards toward the retinal scanner. Once the door is opened, go through it, and head up the ramp. Use the retinal scanner at the top of the ramp and walk out. Head over to the helicopter and Ingrid, and that'll be the end of the mission. 
=== End Level 7 ===


Level 8 - Los Angeles - Neutralize Soth and the final ND133
Special Instructions: Don't be spotted. Kill all terrorists. Terrorists will have a higher body temperature than other people due to vaccination (More green). 
Climb over the fence and run along the low brick wall. Don't go all the way to the end. Wait for a truck to stop in front of you, then climb in the back. You're in! Once the truck stops, you'll be down in a garage, and there'll be a security booth right in front of you. There'll also be a guard patrolling with a dog. 
Alternative 1: Make sure the guard and dog are heading up towards the entrance where you came in, then kill the guard in the booth. It's a long shot, but you should be able to make it from the back of the truck. Also use thermal to see through the curtains of the back of the truck; this way you lower the risk of detection. Run over to the booth and hide the body. Do NOT turn off the light or shoot it out, as the other guard will be curious about the light being out, and he'll come over to investigate. 
Alternative 2: Once the guard and the dog are walking up the ramp, climb up and move towards the booth. Chances are the guard will notice "something" and come over to check it out. Turn left at the corner and run behind the van and the yellow car and into the far corner. If the guard is following you, shot him. If not, whistle to get him closer, then kill him. 
Head over to the door by the booth, open it and go inside. This will be checkpoint 1. 
Shoot out the light then go over and open the door then quickly get out of the doorway. There's a woman in there, and she'll be curious why the door suddenly opened, and she'll come over to investigate. Once she comes through the door, get in behind her and knock her out. Go back to the door, and open it again. There's a guard behind a window as well as two cameras in here, but they are not a big problem. Go through the door and turn right immediately, and you'll find the light switch. Turn of the light and run along the wall to the next door. Open it, then turn right and turn of the lights. Head over to the sink, and climb up. Now jump to grab onto the edge of the vent and climb in. Keep walking until you fall down, and that'll be checkpoint 2. 
Head forwards, and turn left at the first intersection. Don't drop down just yet. There are two guys in this room; one is a terrorist, the other a civilian. If you use your thermals, you should be able to see which is which. Listening to the conversation will also give you clues as to who is the bad guy. Shoot out the fluorescent light that's right in front of you. This will make the left part of the room darker, making it easier for you to operate. Now jump down, and turn left (away from the corner where the cover for the vent is), and sit down by the boxes by the wall. Just wait here, and the terrorist will walk right passed you. He'll make a stop or two, then he'll stop in the far corner. Take him out with a headshot, and walk over there. On one of the boxes right in front of the vent you'll spot an airfoil ring. Grab it! Turn the corner, and wait for an opportunity to grab the civilian. You can then knock him out without wasting any ammo. Hide the body. There are two routes into the next room. You can either walk on the conveyer belt for the luggage, or just walk through the doorway. 
Alternative 1: Walk up to the conveyer belt that is not blocked. It is perfectly dark where you get out, so just sit tight. Shortly after you get into the room, two guys will start chatting. Check them out, as one is a terrorist. In front of you, up on a walkway, there's a guard patrolling. Make sure he doesn't see you when you move. Turn to your right, and walk into the corner. The boxes should hide you from view. You'll also find a stickyshocker here. Turn the corner and head up along the wall. Go under the conveyer belt, and head over to the tall stack of boxes marked "SHL". Wait here for a few seconds, and the terrorist will come over and stand with his back against you. Sneak up behind him and grab him. Drag him over to the wall, then knock him out and kill him. Stand behind those same boxes, and shoot out the fluorescent light over on your left. Now head down to the other "luggage door" that connects to the other room, and walk over to the boxes over in the corner. You'll find a diversion camera here. Move out on the dark floor and whistle to get the attention of the civilian. See if you can get him all the way over to the wall, then grab him and knock him out. Then head back to where you killed the terrorist. Standing behind the same boxes, you'll see two cases stacked on top of each other next to a luggage rack. Climb on top of those, and then jump onto the rack. Move over to your right then climb up. Now, get into the corner of the walkway, and whistle to get the attention of the security guard. Dart back behind the two cases on the rack, and wait for him to get into the corner. You can either grab him, or shoot him with a ring airfoil or sticky-shocker. Leave him in the corner. Now look around for the second security guard. He's also a terrorist, and he might not even be in the room at this point. He'll be in the opposite corner of the walkway from where you are now. If you cannot see him walking around, then shoot out the fluorescent lights so you can get over there under cover of darkness. If he is there, then for God sake kill him before you shoot the lights out! Run over there, pick up the satchel then move his dead body in between the two cabinets where there's already a dead body. Open the door and shoot out the light before moving down the stairs. This will be checkpoint 3. 
Go all the way down the stairs and look under the door. It's not easy to see, but there are two cameras in here, as well as a couple of lights you'll need to shoot out. Open the door and shoot out the light above you. Next, shoot out the camera on the left side the move through the door to get a good shot at the right side camera. Once that is done, shoot out that single light hanging over the right-hand side conveyer belt. Then get onto the conveyer belt, and keep an eye out for a small pipe on the left wall. It's right there at the corner, and it's not easy to spot with your night vision, as it blends in with the wall. However, the dark horizontal lines doesn't line up perfectly, so you shouldn't have too much trouble finding it. Climb up, then onto the vertical pipe and around the corner. Climb into this small walkway, and head down to the other end. Drop down onto the conveyer belt and let it move you along for a little bit. Keep an eye to the left, as there's camera over there. You'll have to shoot it out quickly before it comes around and spots you. Alternatively, you can try to shoot out that little lamp up in the ceiling, but that's not too easy from a moving conveyer belt with all those things blocking your view. But if you can get the light, then you'll have more time with the camera, as it can't see you in the dark. Load up a diversion camera in your SC-20K, and start walking up the conveyer belt towards those windows. You'll see that one is open. You have to fire a diversion camera through this opening and onto the wall, then lure the guard over with the noisemaker and then quickly gas him. If you wait too long, the conveyer belt will take you through the doorway and into the X-ray machine, and that's bad. Run on through to the other side, but don't exit too quickly. It's a well lit area, and there's another camera. The camera is focusing on the door over to the right, so get as far over to the left as you can, then get off the conveyer belt and shoot out the camera and any lights you can find. Head on over to the door and open it. Head up the stairs, and that'll be checkpoint 4. 
Grimsdottir and Lambert will come on the radio and feed you some additional intel. Oddly enough, you'll have to walk up the stairs again. Through the door you'll see a security guard (or if you don't, just wait a few seconds). You cannot just sit here and wait him out. Unless you open the door and move into the room, he won't leave! So, once he turns to your left and start walking away, open the door, get into the room and turn right and get into the corner. Now you'll see the guard walk away. There's an old guy sitting over by the window. If you try to move anywhere, he'll spot you, so the best way to deal with him is to get out to the middle of the floor (where it's still dark), then whistle to get his attention. You can then grab him and knock him. Not a nice way to treat ones' elders, but that's the price of freedom. Drag him over in the corner, then knock him out. Now you can safely walk up on the "moving sidewalk" (which isn't moving at the moment). The first half is easy enough, then get onto the second and hide in the first dark spot. At this point, another guard will come in, and the first one will leave shortly afterwards. Keep an eye on him, and make sure he's gone through the door before moving anywhere. Once he's gone, keep an eye on the second guard. Let him get to the end of his patrol route, which will be right in front of you. Once he turns and walk the other way, move quietly to the next dark area. Just keep on checking on the guard, and move from one dark area to the next when the guard is not looking in your direction. Once you're at the end of this walkway, head down to the corner, and move around to the other side to get into the booth. Here you can use the computer to get the keypad code for the door. Don't worry about this guard. If you're quiet and stealthy, he won't know you're there. Use the code on the door, and walk through it. You'll soon overhear a conversation on the radio. One of the guys on the radio is just down the hall around the corner. Go down the first few stairs and peek around the corner. Once he leaves, take out the lights along this hallway. You'll need the darkness to cover you because of that camera at the end. Once the guard comes back, he'll be confused about the lights, and he'll come up towards you. Back up the stairs a little bit to give him some space, then kill him once he's up in the corner. Since it's now dark, you can leave him there. Be careful with the whistling here, as you might get the attention of the wrong guard, who would then come in through the door behind you. Use a diversion camera to get the guard if he doesn't come up to investigate the lights. Pick up the satchel, and head down the stairs. You can either use the camera jammer to get passed this camera, or you can just time it and dash those last few feet up to the wall. Once you hit the wall, take out the last lamp, and the camera will no longer be an issue. Head down to the door, and that'll be checkpoint 5. 
You should now overhear a radio conversation, where one of the terrorists says he'll kill some guy because he thinks his position has been compromised. You don't get any points for saving the guys life, but I like to think of myself as a nice guy, so I try. Open the door and wait for the terrorist to get over to the guy sitting down (slightly over to your left). Once the terrorist knocks out the guy, take out the terrorist with a headshot. Turn of the lights, you can find the switch just to the right of the door you came in. Hide the bodies, then head out the door to the left of the one you came in. Once outside, shoot out all the four lamps in the ceiling going down on your right side. Start moving down along this path, but retreat back to the corner once a guard comes out. Leave him alone for now, and let him go back the way he came. He'll meet up with another guy, and they'll just hang out down there. Sneak down closer to where they are, and shoot a diversion camera onto one of the beams. Either the one right where they are standing, one on the other side of the walkway. Whistle to get them to come a little closer, then release the gas. This should knock them both out. If it doesn't, then one of them will for certain get over to the alarm and set it off. Get a sticky-shocker and shoot whoever is going for it. If this gets too messy, it could alarm the people at the seminar right behind those windows, so be careful. Head over to the stairs, and shoot out those decorative lamps. That'll hide from the camera on your way down the escalator. Turn right at the bottom, and switch to your binoculars and thermal vision to spot Soth. He should be more or less right below you, but you may have to zoom in to really see that the leg is fake. Lambert will tell once you've spotted the target, plus give you instructions on what to next. Head over to the door and open it, but don't go inside. There's two cameras here, and the easiest way of handling this is to shoot out all the light. Equip your pistol, and start shooting. Once they're all out, head over to the rightmost elevator, and click the button. Get it started going up, and that'll be checkpoint 6. 
Just hang out for a minute, and Lambert will make the "duh" statement of the day. Shoot out the hatch above you, and jump up and out. Once up, face the doors, then turn 90 degrees to your right. Climb up either of those two cables to get onto the elevator counterweight. Now you have to jump over to the next one. Make sure you have room to take a step forward. Move forward and jump, and you should land safely onto the next counterweight. Again, make sure you have room for a step, aim a little to the right of that crawlspace at the end (to avoid that box), move forward and jump. Walk around the column on your left, and you'll get the option to climb out. Do it, then climb up onto the horizontal pipe. Move all the way over to the right, then take a leap of faith and drop down. You'll automatically grab onto the next pipe, and from here you can shimmy into the next crawlspace. Get up along the wall and squeeze your way past the pipes. That'll be checkpoint 7. 
Turn to face the wall you just had your back against, and do a double jump to get into a half-split jump. Jump again, and you'll be hanging onto a ledge. Move to your right and around the corner and climb up. Take one step in, then turn around. You should see a duct in front of you. Shoot out the panel, and make sure you have room for that important one step. Move forward and jump, and you should just barely make it across. Climb up and in and crawl your way through the duct to the other end. Shoot out this panel, then carefully move forward and drop down. Hanging from the pipe, move to your left to get into the next duct. Climb in and climb up all the ladders until you get to the top. Once on top, there are three areas where you can rappel down. The one closest to you will take you back the to the elevator where you started, so that's a bad choice. The second will bring you down to where you need to go, BUT, the third will take you down to an elevator with more ammo. So, head over to the end, and rappel down to the elevator. Shoot out the panel and jump down to get the ammo. Climb back up, and walk towards the next elevator. You'll drop down and grab one a bar just a wee bit down. Climb up and take another step towards the next elevator. You'll drop and grab again, and now you can simply drop down onto the elevator without any injuries. Ignore the guy down there, there's really no need to get into this elevator only to have to climb back up. Over at the front of the elevator, you should see another duct. Jump up and climb in. Move forward and you'll drop into checkpoint 8. 
Move forward, and you'll see a cutscene with Soth and a guard. Once it's done, you'll get checkpoint 8. 
Tip: You might want to shoot out the light's before you drop down because nobody will hear you. 
Move forward and drop down. Keep an eye on the two techies and the security guard, then shoot out the light on the right side (right is to your right when you are sitting under the duct with the back against the wall). Once one techie starts working on that valve close by you, move to within a few feet of the corner, and whistle when the security guard is at a good distance. If he's too close, he'll come over and disturb your peaceful grabbing of this techie, so time it right. Drag the techie down the walkway away from that corner. Knock him out and leave him there. Now check out the floodlights on the left side (to your left when sitting with the back against the wall under the duct). Once the guard and the techie are not too close to this light, shoot it out. Now it's time to get the guard. Get up to the corner just about where the valve is that the techie was working on. Whistle to get the attention of the guard, then back way back. He'll come looking, and he'll go a bit further then you expect. Shoot him. Take him out with a single headshot. Hide him over in a corner. Position yourself right between the two columns close to that first valve, and look up. You should see another floodlight that you need to take out. However, Soth's last terrorist is patrolling up there, so switch to your thermals to see where he is. Once he's walking away from you, shoot out that light. Turn to your right, and you'll see the last light you need to take out. It's a lamp hanging over the walkway where the guard was patrolling earlier. Again check the location of the terrorist before shooting it out. Now, sitting here with that valve on your right side, you want to move all the way down this walkway, then turn left. Here you'll find a ladder. Climb up, and walk to the other end of this walkway. Once there, watch that second techie. Once he walks over to the valve closest to you, climb down and sneak up behind him to grab him. Keep an eye on the terrorist further up, so he's not in a position to spot you, as there's a little too much light here. Grab him and quickly drag him into the darkness and knock him out, preferably all the way over by the next set of ladders (to the left of where you came down). 
Alternatively, you can leave this guy alone, and simply turn left once you're down the ladder, and head for the ladders on the left. 
Climb up the ladder, turn right immediately, then climb up the next ladder. Be careful, as there's light over here, and the terrorist might spot you if you time it wrong. Try to look around and see where he is before going all the way to the top. Once you're comfortable that he won't spot you, get up, and move up that ramp over by the wall in front of you. Sit still at the edge, and look around for the terrorist again. Soth is over by the fan towards your left. There's a lot of light there, so thermal is the way to go for spotting him. Wait until you can get a clean shot of the last terrorist. He'll stop practically just below you, and that's a good spot as any other. Use thermal (so you don't have to switch later) and take him out with a good clean headshot. Quickly locate Soth, and take him out with a headshot too. Even if you left the last techie, an alarm isn't going to matter once Soth is dead, so just run over to Soth to get the last ND133. Watch the cutscene, and that's all there is. 
=== End of level 8 ===


Ask yourself, "Should there really be a credit's section?"...


A warm thank's to the Ubi Soft Team, for another fine Splinter Cell game. Also, a thank's to Alex Nason and Donny Lee, for helping with the walthrough. 
This walkthrough is copyrighted under United States Federal Law, and it may not be copied or cropped by any one person without permission from the owner. Penalties ensue. 
© 2005 Matt Oliver (Razgriz_1)



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