Strategy Guide - Guide for Colony Wars 3: Red Sun

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Colony Wars: Red Sun
Version 01.0
By Starkey Chan 
Contact me at [email protected]

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This Colony Wars: Red Sun FAQ is (C) 2000 to Starkey Chan.

This FAQ can be printed by and given to anyone so long as the 
whole FAQ remains intact and no part of it is changed. 

This FAQ CANNOT be copied in part or in whole and used in anyway to 
gain profit in anyway, especially publication in magazines.

01.0 Hints
02.0 The Missions
  02.1 Magenta Station
  02.2 Mariorie's Station
  02.3 Cardinate Station
  02.4 Aurora Station
  02.5 Boreas Station 
  02.6 Thunder Bowl
03.0 The Ships
04.0 The Weapons
  04.1 Main weapons
  04.2 Secondary Weapons
  04.3 Pods
  04.4 Ship Systems
05.0 Rankings

01.0 HINTS

1) You can have up to 3 lasers of the same type.
2) Reversing while turning reduce your turning circle.
3) Large ships has turrets which can be shot down first.
4) You can't outrun missiles even with afterburners.
5) Against large ships try the following tactics:
   - Move right up close so your touching and fire like mad.
   - Charge at it firing like crazy, pull up at the last minute to
     avoid crashing into it, turn and charge again. 
6) Pressing L1 + R1 will stop the ship dead.
7) Enemies will often appear from jumpgates, purple on the radar.
   If you can find the jumpgate, you can destroy them as they appear.


The mission for each station are listed in no particular order, but
the last mission of that station is always listed last. 

Listed in the mission break down are: 
Reward - the amount of money received if mission is completed   
Bonus - special reward for achieving a specific mission objective.
Bounty - reward for destroying small enemy crafts such as fighters 
         and interceptors.
Objectives - Thing you have to do to complete the mission.

A list of what you can and cannot/ should not shoot. 

Comment - Things you should know about the mission.

Stocks                  Buy                  Sell      
GP Laser               9950                  7463
Shield Laser          12800                  
Recharge Boost        27000                 20250
Stun Missile           1050                   788
Flare                   820                   615
Ships                   Buy                 Trade 
None                     --                    --

Escort Duty (land based mission)
Reward: 8000
Bonus: 1000 for each stomper safe (max 3)
Bounty: 100 for each kill

1) Protect Cargo Stompers until they reach their target.

Pirate Raider (Red)
Pirate Fighters (Red)
Pirate Tanks (Red)

Cargo Stompers (Green)
Escort Stompers (Green)
Eipiret wingman (Green)

- The mission automatically ends once the stompers reach their
- Once you destroy all the fighters new ones will appear at the edge
  of your radar range. You can get quite a large score if your quick,
  but don't stray too far from the stompers.
- At various points fighters and tanks will uncloak and try to ambush 

Covert Insertion
Reward: 15000

1) Destroy Shield Generators (Yellow)
2) Destroy secondary shield generator (Yellow)
3) Fly around until mission ends 

Blow Up:
Shield Generators (Yellow)
Automated Defences (red)
Rebel Tanks (Red)
Rebel Fighters (Red)

- The mission automatically ends once you find the secret base.
- Don't fly above the canyon, this will leave you open to attack from 
  the SAADS.

Rebel Smugglers
Reward: 12000

1) Destroy Rebel Fleetship (Red)
2) Exit before time limit

Rebel Fleetship (Red)
Rebel Cruiser (Red) 
Rebel Fighters and Interceptors (Red)

Empiret Fighters (Green)
Empiret Battle Cruiser (Green)

- You must exit through the jumpgate before the time reaches zero.
- The jumpgate looks like a big white star which gets bigger as you
  get closer. It is represented by three points on the radar.
- New enemy fighters appear all the time until 1 minute from time, 
  stay until then and get as many kills as you can.

Insult and Injury
Reward: 12000

- Destroy the insult and exit via the jumpgate.

Insult and Injury (Red)
Empiret Fighters (Red)
Asteroids (Yellow)

Let Live:
Warfare Pod (Green)
Rebel Hauler (Green) 

- The idea of the mission is for you to follow the pod until your 
  told to attack the insult, but you don't have to do this. You can
  actually attack the insult straight away.
- The SAADS are quite deadly, try to stay away from them.

Reward: 10000

1) Protect the general until pickup. 
Class-D life forms (Red)
Empiret Tanks (Red)

Don't crush:
Drop Ship (Yellow)
General's ship (yellow)
General (Yellow)

- Class-D life forms can easily be killed shooting it's head.
- Go after the enemies, get them before they get general. 
- Mission automatically end when the general is picked up. 

Reward: 13000
Bonus: 500 for each module safe
Bounty: 200 per kill

1) Escort Convoy to jumpgate

Pirate fighters and interceptors (Red)
Pirate Galleon (Red + Bonus)

Haulers (Green)
Escorts (Green)
Cargo module (Green)

- An easy mission just don't stray too far from the modules. 

Reward: 24000

1) Destroy bay doors
2) Protect diva's withdraw 
3) Destroy Morgan's Ghost (not just yet, see comments)

Morgan's Ghost (Red)
Cargo (Red)
Raiders and interceptors (Red)

Don't Target:
Decoder (Yellow)
Diva (Green)

- There is a trick on this level. After Diva withdraws with the   
  decoder, don't destroy Morgan's Ghost instead hang about. Morgan's
  Ghost will continuously send out more raider for you to destroy 
  allowing to get hundreds (maybe even thousands) of kills.
- The bay door is located on the underside Morgan, facing the from of 
  the ship.
02.2 Mariorie's Station - new India orbit

Stocks                  Buy                  Sell      
GP Laser               9950                  7463
GP laser mk II        15000                 12000 
Shield Laser          12800          
Hull laser
Cooled GP laser       33200                 24900
Cooled AS laser       31360                 23420
Cooled AH laser       32040                 24030
Gauss Gun             15880                 11510   
Stun Missile           1050                   788
Shield Missile         1920                  1440
Hull Missile           1720                  1290
Two Stage Missile      5700                  4275 
Decloaker              2000                  1500
Flare                   820                   615
Grapple Gun            6576                  4932
Repair Pod            22000                 16500
ECM Pod               24000                 18000
Cooling Vents         14400                 10800
Recharge Boost        27000                 20250   

Ships                       Buy             Trade 
Zaibatsu zu-7 ryusei        Free            28500
Zaibatsu zu-15A shinden    70000               
Harper-Jones H25 cobra    110000           

Reward: 12000
Bonus: 1000 for each cargo safe

1) Escort refugee convoy to police beacons

Empiret Escorts (Red)
Empiret Fighters (Red)

Cargo Modules: (Yellow)
Haulers (Yellow)
Police interceptors (Green)

- The large escorts will try and pull the cargo modules away,    
  concentrate fire on them and worry about the fighters later. 

Reward: 12000

1) Retrieve Donachet iodl - Grapple Gun Required 

Donachet Cruiser (Red)
Donachet Fighters (Red)
Snake (Red)

- This is a subspace mission so you should stay inside shadow 
  asteroids to avoid heat up.
- 3x mkII GP laser will make short work of the cruiser, take it out 
  from a distance. 
- After you get the idol snake's ship will appear in the distance you
  can either fight it or just run away. As far as I know you can't 
  actually destroy it. 

Reward: 13000

1) Follow fighters to terraforming stations.
2) Eliminate threats.

Tolrasaurs (Turrets only - Red)
Kalkarak Fighters (Red) 

Tolrasaurs (the actual thing - Red)
Dargothan Fighters (Green)
Terraforming Towers (Green) 

- Don't stray too far from the towers.
- You must not kill Tolrasaurs, or else you fail the mission.
  Shoot the turrets only and aim from a distance. Aiming just above
  the turret to ensure you don't hit the Tolrasaurs.

Reward: 20000
Bounty: 500 for each kill

1) Protect SS Angeli
2) Destroy all Donachet ships

Take out:
Donachet Fighters (Red)
Donachet Cruiser (Red)

SS Angeli (Green)
Syndicate Escorts (Green)

- A easy mission with only a few enemies, go for the cruiser first.

Reward: 5000 for each shelp captured

Requires: Stun Missiles 

1) Stun as many Protoshelp Cows
2) Eliminate Protoshelp Bulls

Protoshelp Bulls (Yellow)
Rangers (Red)

Protoshelp Cows (Yellow - stun)
Hunting Barge (Green)

- A fun mission, only if there where more like these in the game.
  Anyway, stun one or two protoshelp cow and wait till they are
  picked up by the barge. 
- Don't fly about, stunning loads of cows because most of them will 
  recover before the barge has a chance of picking the up.

Surgical Strike
Reward: 22000 

1) Destroy the 3 tethers holding the precinct.

The Enemy:
Police interceptors (Red)
Police inforcer (Red)
Police Precinct (Red)
Solar Sails (Red)

- You have to target the weak spots on the end of each of the lower 
  pylons which the sails are attached to.
- Doing something will cause police reinforcements to jump in but I
  don't know what. 
Gang Warfare
Reward: 22000
Bounty: 500 per kill

1) Destroy syndicate escorts.
2) Protect Jardinia's yacht and mining ships. 

Chinese embassies:
Syndicate escorts (Red)

Serb targets:
Yacht (Green)
Mining Ship (Green)
Mining Robots (Green)

- Take lots of flares, 20 should do.
Rescue Hilachet Ship

1) Uncloak Crystals with decloaking missiles.
2) Defend Hilachet ships.
Donachet fighters (Red)

Hilachet Cruiser (Green)
Mining Ships (Green)
Mining Shuttle (Green)
Hilachet Fighters (Green)

- You have to discover 5 or more crystals. Crystals can be seen as a
  circle of lightning which flashes on and off at intervals. Once you 
  find one use the decloak missile to uncloak it.
- After the main mission you will have a short stay in subspace. 
  Totally pointless (there aren't even any enemies) just find the 
Reward: 32000
Bounty: 500 for each kill

1) Defend Morjorie's kitchen

League Strike Fighters (Red)
League Interceptors (red)

Syndicate Fighters (Green) 

- You have to be quick, go for the enemies who are attacking the 
  station first.

Calculus 3
Reward: 40000

1) Shoot the weak spot which links the escape pods to the Calculus to
   set them free. 
2) Protect the escape pods.

- You have to be quick and precise. Try not to hit the pods.

02.3 Cardinate Station

Stocks                  Buy                  Sell      
GP laser mk II        15000                 12000 
Shield Laser mk II    18300                 13725 
Hull laser mk II      18300                 12900
Cooled GP laser       33200                 24900
Cooled AS laser       31360                 23420
Cooled AH laser       32040                 24030
Gauss Gun             15880                 11510
Scatter Gun           18400                 13800
BFG                  105200                 78400   - Ace rank
Plasma Cannon         34200                 25650   
Stun Missile           1050                   788
Shield Missile         1920                  1440
Shield Missile mk II   3880                  2910
Hull Missile           1720                  1290
Hull Missile mk II     3560                  2070
Two Stage Missile      5700                  4275 
Decloaker              2000                  1500
Jammer Missile         3600                  2700
Stun Torpedo           4000                  3000
Scarab                 6000                  4950
Flare                   820                   615
Grapple Gun            6576                  4932
Repair Pod            22000                 16500
Defence Pod           52000                 39000
ECM Pod               24000                 18000
Cooling Vents         14400                 10800
Heat Sink             24000                 18000
Recharge Boost        27000                 20250
Shield Maximiser      48000                 33000

Seek & Destroy
Reward: 24000
Bounty: 500 per kill

1) Locate and destroy all calderas.
2) Destroy all dirt warriors forces.

Calderas (Red)
Dirt Warrior Tanks (Red)
Dirt Warrior Fighters (Red)

- The calderas has quite heavy armour, take out all fighters and 
  turrets first.   
Temple Cruiser
Reward: 30000

1) Decloak Cult Cruisers by moving in close to them.
2) Destroy Cult Temple Cruiser.

Temple Cruiser (Red)
Cult Cruiser (Red)
Cult Fighters (Red)


- You can see Cruisers from the flash of electricity they give off.
  Move in close and they'll uncloak. 
- Fighters jump in all the time, protect the missile ship.
- The Temple Cruiser will try to escape, destroy it before it dose.    

Defend Refinery
Reward: 500 per silo

1) Protect Refinery and silos.
2) Eliminate threats. 

Pirate Raiders (Red)
Pirate Tanks (Red)

Refinery (Yellow)
Fuel Silos (Yellow)

- You really do have to be quick pirate attack from all sides and 
  before you know it all the silos are gone!
- Try not to use missile as you could end up losing more money then 
  you gain.  

Tank Support
Reward: 32000

1) Escort dirt Warriors to target area.
2) Destroy Unisoft forces and base.

Unisoft base (Red)
Jan-1 Thor (Red)
Unisoft Fighters (Red)
Unisoft Tanks (Red)

Green party:
Dirt Warrior Tanks (Green)

- Use the radar and destroy enemies before they reach the tanks.
- Thors are well armoured use plasma cannon or BFG.
- The mission end if all dirt warrior tanks are destroyed, protect 
- the base has turrets at the bottom and the top destroy them first,
  then go after all the other hostile forces. Once all the enemies 
  are eliminated go back for the base.
Clear Path
Reward: 38000
Bonus: 2000 per hauler

1) Escort Convoy to next jumpgate.
2) Eliminate hostile forces

Sha'Har Fighters (Red)

Convoy (Green)
Unisoft Fighters (Green)

- Make sure you have a strong main weapon, and just do what you do in
  every other escort mission.
Protect Cult
Reward: 38000

1) Protect cult ships.
2) Destroy Scavenger vessels.

Scavenger Shark (Red)
Scavenger Raider (Red)
Scavenger Cruiser (Red)

Cult Destroyer (Green)
Cult Fighters (Green)

- Target turret on larger ships.
Reward: 40000

1) Protect League ships and destroy cult ones.

Cult medium fighters (Red)
Cult small fighters (Red)

Genesis Device (no colour)
League fleetship (green)

- Another easy one, make sure the device isn't pulled away.
Kidnap Queen
Reward: 42000

1) Protect Dirt warriors and the jelly queen cargo pod.

Jellies are bad for you teeth:
Jelly Fighters (Red)
Jelly Haulers (Red)

Don't eat dirt:
Haulers (Green)
Dirt Warriors (Green)
Cargo (Yellow)

-  A straight forward mission, shot red, don't shot green, end of 

Distress Call
Reward: 45000

1) Protect Dirt Warrior capital ship (Maleager).
2) Destroy Unisoft cruiser and unisoft forces.

Unisoft Cruiser (Red)
Unisoft fighter (Red)

The Maleager (Green)

- Keep fighters off the maleager.
- The mission isn't last is you lose the maleager.

02.4 AURORA STATION - aurora 3 orbit

Stocks                  Buy                  Sell      
GP Laser mk II        15000                 12000 
GP Laser mk III       31040                 23280
Shield Laser mk II    18300                 13725 
Hull laser mk II      18300                 12900
Cooled GP laser       33200                 24900
Cooled AS laser       31360                 23420
Cooled AH laser       32040                 24030
Gauss Gun             15880                 11510
Scatter Gun           18400                 13800
BFG                  105200                 78400   - Ace rank
Plasma Cannon         34200                 25650   
Stun Missile           1050                   788
Shield Missile         1920                  1440
Shield Missile mk II   3880                  2910
Hull Missile           1720                  1290
Hull Missile mk II     3560                  2070
Two Stage Missile      5700                  4275
Plasma Missiles        6200                  4650
NanoTech Missiles     12900                  9675
Decloaker              2000                  1500
Jammer Missile         3600                  2700
Stun Torpedo           4000                  3000
Plasma Torpedo        12000                  9000
Scarab                 6000                  4950
Flare                   820                   615
B F G Secondary       29000                 21750 
Decloaker Missile      2000                 
Grapple Gun            6576                  4932
Repair Pod            22000                 16500
Defence Pod           52000                 39000
ECM Pod               24000                 18000
Cooling Vents         14400                 10800
Heat Sink             24000                 18000
Recharge Boost        27000                 20250
Shield Maximiser      48000                 33000

Ship                  Price                 Trade
Medusa II            192500

Protect Refugees
Reward: 10000 per Hauler

1) Defend refuge hulers.
2) Eleminate Scavenger Shark fleetship.

Scavenger Fighters (Red)
Scavenger Shark (Red)

Refugee Hulers (Green)
Refugee Habitats (Green)
Fuel Pods (Green)  

- Target the Turrets on the shark first, You can actually 'sit' in 
  the mouth of the shark and pick off the turrets one by one.
- Keep an eye on the radar and make sure there are no enemy fighters
  near you fleet.  

Scavenge This
Reward: 49000

*Grapple gun needed*

1) Grapple booster
2) Destroy all obstacles until  you reach target area
3) Retreat from target area.

Scavenger fleetship (Red)
Scavenger laser turrets (Red)
Scavenger fighters (Red)

Nuclear Booster (Yellow)

- The booster will not move unless you are grappled to it.
- The two fleetships are indestructible 
- Fighters jump in all the time so don't stray from the booster.
- Some asteroids are in the boosters path clear them.

Hostage Release
Reward: 55000

1) Destroy all turrets without destroying the dreadnought. 
2) Protect rescue team.
3) Cover withdraw and destroy all enemies.

Dreadnought (Red)
Pirate fighters (Red)

Unisoft Cruiser (Green)

- Remember not to damage the dreadnought too much.
- Once the rescue is complete destroy the dreadnought before the 
  unisoft people does.   

Road Block
Reward: 30000 per stomper

1) Protect Stompers
2) Destroy obstacles and enemy ships

Fire works:
Scavenger road blocks (Red)
Scavenger fighters (Red)
Scavenger Tanks (Red)

Cargo Stompers (Green)

- Enemies will uncloak towards the end of your journey to ambush you.

Robo Hunting
Reward: 32000

*Grapple gun and Stun missile needed*

1) Stun Robo-fighters and tow them back to the mega hauler
2) Destroy left over robo-fighters
3) Destroy all scavenger forces

Cannon Fodder:
Scavenger fighters (Red)
Robo-fighters (Yellow)

Flat Tires: 
Mega Hauler (Green)

- Robo-fighters will attack you.
- Only destroy robo-fighters when the hauler tells you to.  

Solar Flare
Reward: 35500

*Grapple Gun needed*

1) Tow Cargo pods to beacons
2) Reactivate haulers (Optional) 

What no enemies?
Cargo Pods (Green)
Haulers (Green)

- Tow the pods farthest from the beacon first, back to the beacon.
- This is a race against time and you'll have to be quick, used your 
- You don't have to reactivate the haulers and they don't help much 
  anyway so waste money on the repair pod.

Sha'Har Ship
Reward: 52000

1) Destroy all but one Sha'Har fighter.
2) Stun fighter and escape.

'All that is dark':
Sha'Har Fighters (Red)
Sha'Har Cruiser (Red)
Snake (Red)

Ray of Hope:
Diva (Green)

- Be careful if your using the BFG, you can quite easily destroy all 
  the fighters without knowing it.
- Snake will appear and try to run off with a fighter, this is your 
  chance to finally nail the git. 
Reward: 64000

1) Cover evacuation of refinery
2) Protect Refinery
3) Destroy all enemies

Dark Warriors:
Sha'Har Fighters (Red)
Sha'Har Triders (Red)
Black Widow (Red)

White Knights:
Transport (Green)
Refinery (Green)
Silos (Green)

- The mission fails if the refinery is destroyed.
- The enemy Triders will target silos first, the more silos you have
  the more time you'll have to destroy them.  
- The Black Widow is the boss of this mission, target the weak spots 
  on it's legs first, there is one on each of them. Once they are 
  gone the whole ship is vulnerable.
02.5 BOREAS STATION - Asteroid belt rim

Stocks                  Buy                  Sell      
GP Laser mk III       31040                 23280
Shield Laser mk II    18300                 13725 
Hull laser mk II      18300                 12900
Cooled GP laser       33200                 24900
Cooled AS laser       31360                 23420
Cooled AH laser       32040                 24030
Gauss Gun             15880                 11510
Scatter Gun           18400                 13800
BFG                  105200                 78400   - Ace rank
Plasma Cannon         34200                 25650   
Stun Missile           1050                   788
Shield Missile         1920                  1440
Shield Missile mk II   3880                  2910
Hull Missile           1720                  1290
Hull Missile mk II     3560                  2070
Two Stage Missile      5700                  4275
Plasma Missiles        6200                  4650
NanoTech Missiles     12900                  9675
Decloaker              2000                  1500
Jammer Missile         3600                  2700
Stun Torpedo           4000                  3000
Plasma Torpedo        12000                  9000
Scarab                 6000                  4950
Flare                   820                   615
B F G Secondary       29000                 21750 
Decloaker Missile      2000                 
Grapple Gun            6576                  4932
Offence Pod           38000                 28500
Repair Pod            22000                 16500
Defence Pod           52000                 39000
ECM Pod               24000                 18000
Cooling Vents         14400                 10800
Heat Sink             24000                 18000
Recharge Boost        27000                 20250
Shield Maximiser      48000                 33000

Ships                       Buy             Trade 
BSI 303 Hyper Zeroid     207300            155475

Reward: 62000

1) Destroy every thing.

Navy Heavy Cruiser (Red)
Navy Fighters (Red)
Navy Research Ship (Red)
Sha'Har Fighter (Red)

- One of those blow everything up mission, great.

The Hilachet Betrayed
Reward: 60000

*Phase Distorters needed*

1) Deploy Phase Distorters to the rear of the dreadnought.
2) Protect Haulers.
3) Destroy all enemies. 

League Fighters (Red)
League Station (Red)
Hilachet Fighters (Red)

Hilachet dreadnought (Red)
Donachte Haulers (Green)

- Target the dreadnought before deploying the distorters. 
- More enemy fighters appear well after the mission has finished. 

Reward: 68000

1) Find Cruiser Necessity
2) Protect Naval forces until drop ship arrives.
3) Escort drop ship to safety.

The enemy:
League Fighters (Red)
League Tanks (Red)
The allies:
Necessity (Yellow)
Navy Drop ship (Green) 
Black Box (Yellow)

- Use the BFG Primary, but make sure your well away from navy forces.
- The best defence is a good offence. Dispose of the first attack 
  wave quick and find the enemy jumpgate. Then you can destroy the  
  enemy as the appear.
- Use the radar and destroy the few remaining fighters. 

Reward 80000

1) Copy Sha'Har patrol pattern.
2) Deploy 3 Phase Distorters
3) Escape

Sha'Har Fighters (Red)
Sha'Har Feeder (Red)
Phase Stabilisers (Red)

- The aim of this mission is to target and launch a Phase Distorter 
  on each of the Red Sun's phase stabilisers located at the front 
  of the ship.
- At the start of the mission just stay in between the two Sha'Har 
- There seems to be an end less supply of enemies on this stage. If
   your not grand master by now, here's you last chance.
The Gauntlet
Reward: 90000

*Grapple Gun needed*

1) Attack Navy forces
2) Attack weak spot on super dreadnought (I have never seen this)
3) Grapple Weapons platform.

Every one apart from Diva is hostile!

- You supposed to attack navy forces to force the dreadnought out,
  how ever I have never seen the dreadnought, times seems to always 
  run out and you'll be forced to go into the second stage of the 

--Second Stage--

1) Locate and grapple Diva's life pod.
2) Exit 

Monsters in the dark:
Sha'Har Fighter (Red)
Sha'Har Cruiser (Red)

Ray of Light:
Dive Escape Pod (Green)

- As your about to enter the jumpgate the Sha'Har Cruiser will   
  appear. It's hard because you have to look after Diva's pod at
  the same time.
- What ever you do Diva.....

Destroy Red Sun

1) Target Vent on the Red Sun.
2) Protect Haulers.
3) Proceed to second stage.

Final battle:
Sha'Har Fighters (Red)
Vents (Red)

Allied Forces:
Donachet Haulers (Red)

- The Red Sun never stands still (why should it). Move with it and
  target the vents on the front of the ship.
- You must protect the haulers. 
- The BFG is not a good idea since it has no effect on the Red Sun,
  the Scatter Gun cause too much heat while in subspace.
- Having the Hyper Zeroid will make the job much easier. 

--Second Stage--

1) First destroy the weak points where the vent were.
2) Destroy the Red Sun.

- Because this is subspace, constant weapons fire will cause the ship
  to heat up fast.
- Best weapons to use are the BFG SECONDARY, Nanotech torpedoes and
  GP lasers. You may also want to install some sort of cooling 


Thunderbowl 1 
Reward: 20000
Bounty: 2000 per enemy
Enemies: Hyrock Jones
         Scara Mouche
         Zel Vg Edd Eron
Hazards: SAADs

Thunderbowl 2
Station: Cardinate station
Reward: 40000
Enemies: Cyra
         Mr. red
         Queshio Sherash
Hazards: SAADS, Mini Mines

Thunderbowl 3
Station: Aurora station
Reward: 60000 
Bounty: 8000 per ship
Enemies: Gak
         Mobius Trip
         Master Kinjuki
Hazards: SAADS, Mini Mines, Tanks



Zaibatsu zu-7 ryusei  
Price: Free    Trade Value: 28500
Hard Points: 5
Hull   :[][][][][][]
Speed  :[][][][][]
Heat   :[][][][][]

Zaibatsu zu-15A shinden    
Price: 70000   Trade Value: 
Hard Points: 6             
Hull   :[][][][][][]
Speed  :[][][][][][]
Heat   :[][][][][]

Harper-Jones H25 cobra    
Price: 110000  Trade Value: 
Hard Points: 6
Hull   :[][][][][][][][]
Speed  :[][][][][][]
Heat   :[][][][][][]

Harper-Jones HAE magnum
Price: 108900   Trade Value: 108900
Hard Points: 7
Hull   :[][][][][][][][]
Speed  :[][][][][][]
Heat   :[][][][][][][]

BS1 919 Medusa II 
Price: 192500   Trade Value: 
Hard Points: 7
Hull   :[][][][][][][][]
Shield :[][][][][][][]
Speed  :[][][][][][]
Heat   :[][][][][][][]
BSI 303 Hyper Zeroid
Price: 207300   Trade Value: 155475
Hard Points: 8
Hull   :[][][][][][][][]
Shield :[][][][][][][]
Speed  :[][][][][][][]
Heat   :[][][][][][][][] 

BSI 606 Super Medusa 
Price: 207000   Trade Value: N / A
Hard Points: 8
Hull   :[][][][][][][][][]
Shield :[][][][][][][][]
Speed  :[][][][][][][][]
Heat   :[][][][][][][][][]



04.1 Main Weapons

Name: GP laser mk I        Damage: Shields/ Hull
Power: Low                 Rate: Normal
Hard points: 3 (1 in each) Buy/Sell: 9950/ 7463
Comment: GP lasers are the best main weapon.
+ Cheap
+ You can have up to 3 of them.

Name: GP laser mk II       Damage: Shield/ Hull
Power: Fine                Rate: Normal
Hard points: 3 (1 in each) Buy/Sell: 15000/ 12000
+ Better then mk I

Name: GP laser mk III      Damage: Shield/ Hull
Power: Good                Rate: Normal
Hard points: 3 (1 in each) Buy/Sell: 31040/ 23280
+ Best main weapon in the game.
- Need 3 to be useful, takes up many hard points.

Name: Shield laser mk I    Damage: Shields only
Power: fine                Rate: Normal
Hard points: 3 (1 in each) Buy/Sell: 12800/ 
Comment: Greater damage to shields then GP lasers but have to be used
         in conjunction with some sort of hull weapon. This takes up 
         too many hard points and is very fiddly in dog fights 
         against large number of enemies as you constantly switch to 
         and from you hull weapon.

Name: Shield laser mk II   Damage: Shields only
Power: Good                Rate: Normal
Hard points: 3 (1 in each) Buy/Sell: 18300/ 13725
Comment: Suffer from the same flaws as the mk I shield laser and 
         indeed all shield / hull weapons.

Name: Hull laser mk I      Damage: Hull only
Power: fine                Rate: Normal
Hard points: 3 (1 in each) Buy/Sell: 
Comment: Has all the flaws of shield / hull only weapons.

Name: Hull laser mk II     Damage: Hull only
Power: Good                Rate: Normal
Hard points: 3 (1 in each) Buy/Sell: 18300/ 12900
Comment: Has all the flaws of shield / hull only weapons.

Name: Supercooled GP laser Damage: Shield/ Hull
Power: Good                Rate: Normal
Hard points: 3 (1 in each) Buy/Sell: 33200/ 24900
+ Cause no heat 
- Later ships has good heat capacity anyway making this weapon rather 

Name: Supercooled AS laser Damage: Shield only
Power: Good                Rate: Normal
Hard points: 3 (1 in each) Buy/Sell: 31360/ 23420
Comment: Don't bother

Name: Supercooled AH laser Damage: Hull only
Power: Good                Rate: Normal
Hard points: 3 (1 in each) Buy/Sell: 32040/ 24030
Comment: Pointless

Name: Gauss Gun            Damage: Hull through shields
Power: weak                Rate: fast
Hard points: 1 (1 in each) Buy/Sell: 15880/ 11510
- Does too little damage to be of any use.

Name: Scatter Gun          Damage: Shield/ Hull
Power: weak                Rate: Very fast
Hard points: 1 (1 in each) Buy/Sell: 18400/ 13800
Comment: The second best weapon after 3x GP laser mk III.
+ High rate of fire, cause good damage.
+ Takes up only one hard point
- Short range
- Inaccurate 

Name: Plasma Cannon        Damage: Shield/ Hull
Power: Excellent           Rate: Very slow
Hard points: 1 (1 in each) Buy/Sell: 34200/ 25650
Comment: Take ages to charge up which makes it useless against 
         moving targets. By the time it fires you could have done 
         amount of damage with some cheaper weapons.

Name: BFG primary          Damage: Shield/ Hull
Power: Mega                Rate: Slooow 
Hard points: 1 (1 in each) Buy/Sell: 105200/ 78400
+ Very powerful against fighters. 
+ The main bolt will fire small lightning bolts at any small ships 
  around it so no real targeting needed
- No friend foe recognition, you can wipeout all your allies or 
  the ships your meant to protect with one shot!
- The bolt itself does no damage
- Useless against large ships since it won't fire at them.
- Long charge time.
- Drain shields while charging 

Name: Sha'Har Arcweapon    Damage: Shield/ Hull
Power: Good                Rate: Continuos
Hard points: N/A           Buy/Sell: N/A 
Comment: Only use on one mission where you are give a Sha'Har ship.

04.2 Secondary Weapons

Name: Grapple Gun          Damage: N/A
Power: None                Rate: N/A
Hard points: 1 (1 in each) Buy/Sell: 6576/ 4932 
Comment: You need this to complete some missions. First you'll have
         to lock on to the target, then get close to it before 

Name: Stun Missile         Damage: N/A
Power: None                Rate: Slow
Hard points: 1 (99 per HP) Buy/Sell: 1050/ 788 
+ Quite good for the first few missions 
- Becomes ineffective towards the end of the game

Name: Jammer Missile       Damage: N/A
Power: None                Rate: Slow
Hard points: 1 (99 per HP) Buy/Sell: 3600/ 2700 
+ Has a targeting system
- Not as good as the normal stun missile and torpedoes

Name: Stun Torpedoes       Damage: N/A
Power: None                Rate: Slow
Hard points: 1 (99 per HP) Buy/Sell: 4000/ 3000 
+ Good against large ships
- No damage
- No targeting system

Name: Two Part Missile     Damage: Shield then hull
Power: Very Good           Rate: Slow
Hard points: 1 (99 per HP) Buy/Sell: 5700/ 4275  
+ Useful against fighters in the first dozen missions
- Useless against larger ships or targets.
- Too weak against enemies after the third station.
- Low hit rate.

Name: Plasma Missile       Damage: Shield/ Hull 
Power: Very Good           Rate: Slow
Hard points: 1 (99 per HP) Buy/Sell: 6200/ 4650
+ Best fighter to fighter missile. 
+ Good against ground targets too.
- Don't always hit the target
- Distracted by flares 

Name: Plasma Torpedo       Damage: Shield/ Hull
Power: Excellent           Rate: Slow
Hard points: 1 (99 per HP) Buy/Sell: 12000/ 9000  
+ Very powerful 
+ Effective against large ships
- No targeting system

Name: Shield Missile       Damage: Shields only
Power: Good                Rate: Slow
Hard points: 1 (99 per HP) Buy/Sell: 1920/ 1440 
+ Good damage to shields
- Don't always hit the target
- Distracted by flares 
- Also need a hull weapon

Name: Shield Missile mk II Damage: Shields only 
Power: Very Good           Rate: Slow 
Hard points: 1 (99 per HP) Buy/Sell: 3880/ 2910  
+ Twice as powerful as mk I shield missile
- Contain all the flaws of the mk I missile

Name: Hull Missile mk I    Damage: Hull, slight damage to shields 
Power: Good                Rate: Slow 
Hard points: 1 (99 per HP) Buy/Sell: 1720/ 1290  
+ Good Hull damage 
- Don't always hit the target
- Distracted by flares 
- Also need a shield weapon

Name: Hull Missile mk II   Damage: Hull, slight damage to shields 
Power: Very Good           Rate: Slow 
Hard points: 1 (99 per HP) Buy/Sell: 3560/ 2070
+ Twice as powerful as mk I Hull missile
- Contain all the flaws of the mk I missile

Name: Scarab               Damage: Hull, slight damage to shields 
Power: Excellent           Rate: Slow 
Hard points: 1 (99 per HP) Buy/Sell: 6600/ 4950
+ Very powerful against hulls
- No targeting system

Name: NanoTech Missile     Damage: Sha'Har shield and hull only
Power:  Good               Rate: Slow 
Hard points: 1 (99 per HP) Buy/Sell: 12900/ 9675
+ Best used against large Sha'Har ships
- Useless against regular ships
- Distracted by flares  
- Don't always hit home

Name: NanoTech Torpedo     Damage: Sha'Har shield and hull only
Power: Very Good           Rate: Slow 
Hard points: 1 (99 per HP) Buy/Sell: 24000/ 18000
+ Best used against large Sha'Har ships
- Useless against regular ships
- No targeting system

Name:Phase Distorter Beacon Damage: N/A
Power: N/A                 Rate: Slow 
Hard points: 1 (99 per HP) Buy/Sell: 1000/ 750
You will need this for certain missions. Useless otherwise.

Name: BFG Secondary        Damage: Shield / Hull 
Power: Excellent           Rate: Slow 
Hard points: 1 (99 per HP) Buy/Sell: 29000/ 21750
Comment: Also called the BDS 9000.
+ Very powerful
+ Large blast radius
- No targeting system
- Sloooow
- No friend foe recognition  
- Can damage your own ship

04.3 PODS

Name: Offence Pod          Damage: Shield / Hull
Power: fine                Rate: Medium 
Hard points: 1             Buy/Sell: 38000/ 28500
+ Acts like a little ally
- Expensive and can be lost
- Often quicker just to use normal weapons
- You have to wait for it to return to your ship before it can be 
  used again
- Often have to stop the ship to reload it

Name: Defence Pod          Damage: Shield/ Hull
Power: fine                Rate: Medium 
Hard points: 1             Buy/Sell: 52000/ 39000
+ Defends the target
- Doesn't defend your ship
- Expensive and can be lost 
- Use up a hard point which could be used for better things

Name: ECM Pod              Damage: N/A
Power: N/A                 Rate: Slow 
Hard points: 1             Buy/Sell: 24000/ 18000
- Very expensive and does a job which doesn't need doing

04.4 Ship Systems

Name: Cooling Vent         Damage: N/A
Power: N/A                 Rate: N/A
Hard points: 1             Buy/Sell: 14400/ 10800
+ Increase dissipation of heat 
- Ships towards the end of the game has a high heat tolerance anyway

Name: Heat Sink            Damage: N/A
Power: N/A                  Rate: N/A 
Hard points: 1              Buy/Sell: 24000/ 18000
+ Increase heat capacity
- Not quite as effective as the cooling vents 

Name: Recharge boost        Damage: N/A
Power: N/A                  Rate: N/A 
Hard points: 1              Buy/Sell: 27000/ 20250
+ Increase recharge rate of shields
+ Vital if you have a BFG Primary

Name: Shields Maximiser     Damage: N/A
Power: N/A                  Rate: N/A 
Hard points: 1              Buy/Sell: 48000/ 33000
+ Increase recharge rate of shields
- Not as good as the recharge boost. You first priority should be the    
  boost then maybe this.


05.0 Ranking

You rank is dependent on score which in turn is dependent on the
number of kills made.

- You get 1 point for small ships such as fighters and interceptors, as 
  well as tanks.
- You get 2 points for medium size ships such as the escort ships.
- Large ships such as battle ships and carriers are worth 10 points.
- You will also get a big bonus for completing the thunderbowl 

Below is a table showing the ranks and the number of points required 
to get that rank. All points are approximations and may be a bit off.

Rank               Points Required
Beginner           0
Traveler           50     
Adept              100
Independent        198
Adventurer         250
Professional       400
Specialist         500
Master             650
Grand Master       850   

As far as I can tell rank only affect the weapons and ships avalible to 
you and not the missions.

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