Strategy Guide - Guide for Fallout Shelter

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  | If you enjoyed using this guide, or it has helped you along and you are |
  | on GameFAQs, Please hit the recommend button at the top of the page!    |
  |     This is the quickest and easiest way to thank me for the guide.     |
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  |               Although donations are always welcome!                    |

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                       A N   O F F I C I A L   G U I D E
                               BY: DRTYmxicnORGY

|                                                                             |
|                              TABLE OF CONTENTS                              |
|                                                                             |
| - 01 - |    INTRODUCTION                                              [INTR]|
| ------ | - 1.01 - |    Woah! Everything Looks Weird!                  [WOAH]|
| ------ | - 1.02 - |    Navigating This Guide                          [NAVI]|
| ------ | - 1.03 - |    Contact                                        [CNTC]|
| ------ | - 1.04 - |    Donations                                      [DNTN]|
| ------ | - 1.04 - |    Version History                                [VERS]|
| ------ | - 1.05 - |    Moving On                                      [CONT]|
| - 02 - |    GAME BASICS                                               [BSCS]|
| ------ | - 2.01 - |    Heads-Up Display                                [HUD]|
| ------ | - 2.02 - |    S.P.E.C.I.A.L.                              [SPESHUL]|
| ------ | - 2.02 - |    Weapon/Outfit System                           [GUNS]|
| ------ | - 2.03 - |    Incidents                                      [ICDT]|
| ------ | - 2.04 - |    Building                                       [BLDG]|
| - 03 - |    TIPS & TRICKS                                             [TIPS]|
| ------ | - 3.01 - |    On Building Your Vault                         [VALT]|
| ------ | - 3.02 - |    On Resources                                   [RSRC]|
| ------ | - 3.03 - |    On Your Dwellers                               [DWEL]|
| ------ | - 3.04 - |    On Rushing                                     [RUSH]|
| ------ | - 3.05 - |    On Population Control                          [POPU]|
| ------ | - 3.06 - |    On Surviving Incidents                         [SRVI]|
| ------ | - 3.07 - |    On Exploring                                   [EXPL]|
| ------ | - 3.08 - |    On Experimentation                             [EXPR]|
| ------ | - 3.09 - |    On Maintain Your Social Life                   [SOCL]|
| - 04 - |    THE SURVIVAL GUIDE                                        [SURV]|
| ------ | - 4.01 - |    Weapons                                        [WPNS]|
| ------ | - 4.02 - |    Outfits                                        [OTFT]|
| ------ | - 4.03 - |    Dwellers                                       [DWLR]|
| - 05 - |    REVIEW                                                    [REVW]|
| - 06 - |    COPYRIGHT                                                 [COPY]|

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TAKE NOTE: The introduction is the EXACT same as every introduction for every
guide I’ve written. It’s literally a copy/paste with the exception of the
“Moving On” section. So, if you’ve read anther one of my walkthroughs, you
can skip this section should you so desire.
/ Woah! Everything Looks Weird! \_____________________________________________
\_______________________________/                                             |
   |                                                                    [WOAH]|

If everything you see is not aligning correctly, try widening your window.
Could be you’ve go your window to narrow and it’s shortening the margins.

Make sure you’re viewing this guide in a fixed-width font. In order for the art
to work, it must be viewed in one of the following:

    * Consolas
    * Courier
    * Courier New   <--   BEST (What I use)
    * Fixedsys
    * Lucida Console  <--   GOOD

This whole guide fits within the exact width of 79 characters. If you are not
sure whether or not you are using a fixed-width font, use the test below:


If the row of I’s and row of W’s are perfectly aligned, then you are using a
fixed-width font. If absolutely all else fails, try to copy and paste the guide
into a text editor (like Notepad).

/ Navigating This Guide \_____________________________________________________
\_______________________/                                                     |
   |                                                                    [NAVI]|

Stuck on a particular part? Want to pick up where you left off? All that
scrolling can be such a pain!

Infommercialing aside, I’ve attempted to make navigating this guide as
enjoyable as doing something you don’t want to do can be. You’ll notice that
beside each item in the Table of Contents is a small code in brackets...
something like: [POOP]. You’ll also eventually notice that the same code is
found at the corresponding section’s heading. So, if you need to get to a
specific section, hit “CTRL”/”CMD” + “F” and type in the code WITH the
brackets. There’s bound to be only two occurrences of each tag, so the find
function should take you straight to the section you are looking for.

/ Contact \___________________________________________________________________
\_________/                                                                   |
   |                                                                    [CNTC]|

Somewhat on a whim, I’ve decided to include my email for you players to submit
questions for me. Here it is:


This is an email I have specifically created for gamers to email me questions.
(SUPER PROMOTED ADVERTISING MAIL). I mean, this should go without saying, but
in the world we currently live... Also, the (at) in my address up there is just
another method of mine to try to avoid as much SPAMing as possible. This
ensures that whoever emails me is pretty much smart enough to figure out that
it’s the at sign emails use. Or that I just told you. Either way, it helps to
make most of my emails come from humans, and that’s great.

Additionally, please only email me if you have a serious question. I wrote this
guide pretty much to answer all questions. If you ask me a question that I have
already answered here in some form, chances are I will simply defer you back to
this guide (although if I’m feeling nice and I usually am, then I’ll mention
the specific section that you  can find your answer in). Still, I encourage
you to look for the answer here before emailing as that will help cut down on
the amount of emails that I get.

If I get a bunch of repeat offenders (i.e. the same question asked by 5+
people) then I will create a FAQs section. Reference the Version History
section to see if it exists. If it does exist, then check there to see if your
question has already been asked repeatedly. If, after you’ve exhausted all
these options, your question remains unanswered, then feel free to email me.

In addition, YES, my gamertag is the same as my penname. Friend me if you want,
don’t if you don’t. But, I reserve  the right to not desire your online
friendship and therefore ignore your request. Pretty much if your GT is
something retarded like “xXx.420_Blazeit.xXx” or “DragonSlayer1999”, chances
are I’ll ignore the request. Not because I’m high and mighty or anything, but
because I’m better than you and I know it. Happy gaming.

/ Donations \_________________________________________________________________
\___________/                                                                 |
   |                                                                    [DNTN]|

It seems that it’s becoming a bit of a popular trend amongst contemporary guide
writers to accept donations. I never intended to, but after receiving a couple
of rather generous emails and suggestions from readers, I’ve decided to add the
option to allow you to donate some money to me for helping you out if you wish

I make these guides for free in my spare time, but I probably don’t need to
remind anyone here that purchasing games is an incredibly expensive hobby and
writing guides for games is incredibly time consuming, often difficult, and
usually thankless at best. But, writing guides is something I enjoy doing and
can occasionally be rewarding.

Considering that strategy guides are skyrocketing in price and are close to
costing as much as the game itself, free walkthroughs like this one are just
as comprehensive (sometimes) and make a cost-effective substitute. Whilst most
are happy to use and move on without a word, I would note that a simple
donation is a great, easy way to say thanks if you feel that my guide has
helped you along and saved you some time and frustration.

By no means feel obligated to donate just for viewing my guide. That is not
even close to what I’m getting at here. But, if you are feeling a tad bit
generous: I’ll be the last person to stop you. Any amount is appreciated

Thank you for all that read this far (or even started reading this section,
though I suppose that if they started and subsequently stopped they won’t see
this thank you to them and I should really only be thanking those who read
this far. And if you’re now thinking “Gee, that’s harsh.” remember that you’ve
read this far and I’m thanking you). If you are interested in donating, my
paypal address is listed below. If you are not, continue on my friends and
let’s play some games.



/ Version History \___________________________________________________________
\_________________/                                                           |
   |                                                                    [VERS]|

[v1.0 › Dated: 06/02/15] The first and likely worst version of this
splendiferous guide. This is draft one everyone, where it all began. I’d liken
it to the creation of the universe, but I’m trying to be humble. It’s more
like when Edison invented the light bulb or the development of the television
across a timespan of 150 years, but more revolutionary. Some things to note,
I’ve not quite finished the Survival Guide section. Beyond that, most
everything is complete.

/ Moving On \_________________________________________________________________
\___________/                                                                 |
   |                                                                    [CONT]|

Now then: how about we move on to the content you actually came here for, shall
we?... Fallout Shelter is a strategy game. An as such, this guide will cover
just that: strategy. How to play. What to do. Where you should put what.
Etcetera. Let’s dive in:

        ___                                                        ___
       / _/ _____________________________________________________  \_ \
       //    ===================================================      \\
      //      ---------------={  Game Basics  }=---------------        \\
     //                            [BSCS]                               \\
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/   \     -----------------------------------------------------------     /   \
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Here I’ll cover the game basics, which is pretty much anything that I think may
be handy to know before we get started on the actual game.

/ Heads-Up Display \__________________________________________________________
\__________________/                                                          |
   |                                                                     [HUD]|

There are quite a few elements to the Fallout Shelter heads up display. After
all, it’s a touch-screen game and relies entirely on the heads-up display for
functionality. With that said, let’s take a look at it:

      | /   \ /..\ 00%   /\------. /\------. /\------.    (C)0,000 |   ||
      | |000| \--/       \/------’ \/------’ \/------’     |       |___||
      | \___/    \         \                        /     /         /   |
      |   |       \         Energy/Food/Water Levels     /         /    |
      |   |        \                                   Caps   Upgrade/  |
      | Dwellers    Happiness                                 Build     |
      |  List       Percentage                                    ____  |
      |                                                          | __ | |
      |                                            Lunchboxes----||05|| |
      |                                            Objectives----||04|| |
      |                                             Inventory----||03|| |
      |                                        Survival Guide----||02|| |
      |                                              Settings----||01|| |
      |  __                      __________    _                 |____| |
      | |  |                    |ROOM  NAME|  / \`               |    | |
      | |  |                    O 00 00m00s   RUSH           200 |    | |
         |                     /  /    |       |                   |
         |                    /   |     \      Rush Button         |
  Room Assignment        Room   Room    Room                  Navigation
                      SPECIAL  Output   Timer                    Menu

Now then: this much junk cluttering the HUD might just call for some
   - Up in the top left you’ve got a COG with a number inside of it. This is
     your list of Dwellers. When you tap on it, it opens the full list of
     Vault inhabitants. The list presents you with the basic information of
     each dweller: their name, their health levels, their skill level, their
     S.P.E.C.I.A.L. levels, their happiness levels, their room location, and
     that rooms status (e.g. how long until the next output).
   - Immediately to the right of the COG is your overall happiness level. The
     face will change depending on the level. The level is the average
     happiness of the entire vault and, as such, depends on the happiness of
     every dweller.
   - To the right of the happiness level is your resource meters. These meters
     are how you keep track of your resource levels. These meters will have a
     small, green vertical line somewhere on them that indicates the minimum
     amount of each resource you can have. If your amount ever falls below the
     minimum (it most certainly will), you better start RUSHing.
   - To the right of your resource levels you have your Bottlecap count and the
     Build/Upgrade button. The Bottlecap count is fairly straight-forward:
     whatever the number is, that’s how many Bottlecaps you have. The Build
     button is shaped like a hammer and is pressable when you don’t have a
     preexisting room selected. It will open the build menu where you can
     select a room to build. The Upgrade button is shaped like an up-arrow and
     will give you the option to upgrade whatever room you have selected.
   - Moving down, in the bottom left you’ll find a clipboard icon that will
     only appear when you have a room selected. Hitting this button will
     display the dwellers you have assigned to this room. Easy!
   - To the right, you’ll find Room Stats which, again, only display when a
     room is selected. In these stats you’ll see an indicator of which
     S.P.E.C.I.A.L. ability the room is best suited for, the time until its
     next output, and the name of the room.
   - Next to the room stats is the RUSH button. This button gives you the
     ability to RUSH a room and bypass the timer to get another output really
     quickly, but use with caution! If the RUSH fails, an incident will occur.
   - In the bottom right of the screen, you’ll see a Pip-Boy looking icon.
     Pressing this will open your Navigation Menu with five different icons:
        - Settings: This is where you can edit the Sound, Music, Sensitivity,
          and Notifications settings for Fallout Shelter.
        - Survival Guide: This is where you can find information about guns,
          outfits, and special dwellers found within the game.
        - Inventory: This is where you can look at your stored outfits and
          weapons and also where you go if you want to sell a gun or outfit.
          The Inventory will not show you weapons or outfits that are assigned
          to dwellers, so you don’t have to worry about selling something you
          have equipped somewhere.
        - Objectives: This is where you can see your current objectives.
          Objectives are challenges that give you Bottlecaps or a Lunchbox when
          completed. You can have three active objectives at a time and you can
          skip one objective every 24 hours.
        - Lunchboxes: This is where you can see and open your lunchboxes and
          also where you can buy lunchboxes if you do not have any.

/ S.P.E.C.I.A.L. \____________________________________________________________
\________________/                                                            |
   |                                                                 [SPESHUL]|

S.P.E.C.I.A.L. is the system within Fallout Shelter for ranking Dwellers based
on their various attributes and is used to determine which Dweller would fit
best where. Let’s run through each letter:

   - S: S is for Strength. Dwellers who are high in strength are happiest in
     the Power Station. Strength is also an important attribute to have in an
     Explorer or in a Dweller who you have stationed in the Vault Door.
   - P: P is for Perception. Dwellers who are high in perception are happiest
     in the Water Treatment Plant. Perception is a nice attribute in an
     Explorer that can lead to the retrieval of more goods from the Wasteland
     as they are less likely to overlook things.
   - E: E is for Endurance. Dwellers who are high in Endurance are happiest in
     the Storage Room or out Exploring. Endurance is a very important attribute
     in an Explorer and is often the difference between life or death for your
   - C: C is for Charisma. Dwellers who are high in Charisma are best used to
     make children or in the Radio Station where they call out to the Wasteland
     to find more Dwellers.
   - I: I is for Intelligence. Dwellers who are high in Intelligence are
     happiest in the sciences. Station them in the MedBay or the Science Lab
     for the best results.
   - A: A is for Agility. Dwellers who are high in Agility are happiest when
     stationed in the Diner. Agility is also a valuable attribute in an
     Explorer as they are more capable of running away from the deadly things
     found in the Wasteland.
   - L: L is for Luck. Dwellers who are high in Luck can be very helpful during
     RUSHing as it leads to less failure. Luck is also a very valuable
     attribute in an Explorer that will lead to the discovery of more goods in
     the Wasteland.

/ Weapons/Outfit System \_____________________________________________________
\_______________________/                                                     |
   |                                                                    [GUNS]|

Throughout the game you will acquire weapons and outfits that you can assign to
characters. Outfits have the benefit of adding some diversity to your dwellers
as well as adding to their S.P.E.C.I.A.L. levels. Different outfits add
differently to the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. levels, so how you use them is entirely up to
you. Weapons work similarly. There are lower level weapons and high level
weapons. A weapons damage levels will look something like this: “6-8”. All this
means is that the weapons does 6-8 damage per shot fired. It’s that easy. I
recommend arming at least one person in every room, or just arm everyone. That
way Raiders and Radroaches are easily dealt with.

/ Incidents \_________________________________________________________________
\___________/                                                                 |
   |                                                                    [ICDT]|

Incidents are occurrences throughout the game that are detrimental to the
everyday life of the Vault Dwellers. There are three different incidents that
will occur at random during your Overseeing of the Vault:

   - Room Fires: This is an incident in which, as the name implies, a room
     catches on fire. The Dwellers will automatically begin to fight the fire
     (provided they’re not pregnant or a child), but the longer it takes for
     them to put it out, the more damage they will take. This is an incident
     that can occur if a RUSH Fails. Additionally, if a room catches on fire
     and you have no one stationed in that room, you can drag Dwellers over to
     the room and they will go put it out. After they’ve put it out they will
     automatically return to where you previously had them stationed.
   - Radroach Infestations: These can be a pain and I’ve even seen a few Vaults
     get taken down by one. Essentially, pesky little Radroaches will dig their
     way into your vault and pop up in a room. The Dwellers of said room will
     automatically fight them and eradicate them. This is where arming your
     Dwellers will come in handy. The better armed they are, the quicker they
     will kill the Radroaches which yields less damage and death. This is an
     incident that can occur if a RUSH fails. Similarly to the fires, you can
     drag Dwellers over to deal with the Radroaches and they will return to
     their stations afterwards.
   - Raider Attack: Perhaps the most infuriating of the incidents, this one
     is completely random and involves a small group of Raiders breaking down
     your vault door to steal your resources. Your resources will gradually
     deplete until your Dwellers have killed all the Raiders. This specific
     incident is why I recommend stationing two heavily armed Dwellers in the
     Vault Door room to defend against Raiders.

/ Building \__________________________________________________________________
\__________/                                                                  |
   |                                                                    [BLDG]|

There are 20 different types of rooms that you can build to expand your Vault
beyond (or perhaps just short of) your wildest dreams. Additionally, there are
24 potential levels of depth that you can build down to, although most are
blocked by rocks that you have to destroy for a fee. 20 rooms and 24 floors
equals over a room per floor. So, really you can build however you want to. So,
let’s get into the different rooms:

   - Elevator: This is the most straight-forward of the rooms. Elevators enable
     the Dwellers to move up and down the floors. Elevators are stackable
     vertically and you have room for two separate elevator shafts in the width
     of your vault.
   - Living Quarters: The Living Quarters control how many Dwellers you can
     have living in your vault at one time. The Vault max is 200 by default,
     so don’t build enough Living Quarters to have 300 Dwellers because you
     will be forced to cap at 200. The Living Quarters is also where you send
     charismatic Dwellers to sex it up in order to get the females pregnant and
     make more Dwellers.
   - Power Generator: This is the room that creates your power. It is best
     staffed by Dwellers who are high in the Strength area of S.P.E.C.I.A.L..
     The more rooms you have, the more power you will need, so be careful not
     to expand too quickly.
   - Diner: This is the room where the food is made. It is best staffed by
     Dwellers who are high in the Agility area of S.P.E.C.I.A.L.. The more
     Dwellers you have, the more food you will need, so keep some space open
     for Diner expansion.
   - Water Treatment: This is the room where the water is made. It is best
     staffed by Dwellers who are high in the Perception area of S.P.E.C.I.A.L..
     The more Dwellers you have, the more water you will need, so keep some
     space open for Water Treatment expansion.
   - Storage Room: Building storage rooms increases the amount of weapons and
     outfits you can have unassigned at once (i.e. “in storage”). I only had
     one three-width Storage Room in my entire Vault and I made out just fine,
     so I’m skeptical as to the importance of the Storage Room. Dwellers who
     are high in the Endurance area of S.P.E.C.I.A.L. are happiest when
     stationed in the Storage Room.
   - Medbay: When staffed, the MedBay acts as a Stimpak generator. Whatever
     Dwellers work in the MedBay create Stimpaks for you to use in order to
     heal Dwellers in the Vault or load up Dwellers who are going exploring.
     Dwellers who are high in the Intelligence area of S.P.E.C.I.A.L. are
     happiest when stationed in the MedBay.
   - Science Lab: The Science Lab works similarly to the MedBay. Here, Dwellers
     work to make RadAway, which is useful during draughts and for your
     Explorers who travel the massive irradiate Wasteland. Dwellers who are
     high in the Intelligence area of S.P.E.C.I.A.L. are happiest when
     stationed in the Science Lab.
   - Radio Studio: The Radio Studio is used to transmit a signal out to the
     Wasteland in the hopes of finding other Dwellers. Dwellers who are high in
     the Charisma area of S.P.E.C.I.A.L. are happiest when stationed in the
     Radio Studio.
   - Weight Room: The Weight Room is a stat booster room. You can station
     Dwellers in the Weight Room in order to increase their Strength levels.
   - Athletics Room: The Athletic Room is a stat booster room. You can station
     Dwellers in the Athletic Room in order to increase their Agility levels.
   - Armory: The Armory is a stat booster room. You can station Dwellers in the
     Armory in order to increase their Perception levels.
   - Classroom: The Classroom is a stat booster room. You can station Dwellers
     in the Classroom in order to increase their Intelligence levels.
   - Fitness Room: The Fitness Room is a stat booster room. You can station
     Dwellers in the Fitness Room in order to increase their Endurance levels.
   - Lounge: The Lounge is a stat booster room. You can station Dwellers in the
     Lounge in order to increase their Charism levels.
   - Game Room: The Game Room is a stat booster room. You can station Dwellers
     in the Game Room in order to increase their Luck levels.
   - Nuclear Reactor:
   - Garden:
   - Water Purification:
   - Nuka-Cola Bottler:

As for rocks, there are 18 floors that have rocks in them, resulting in ~95
rocks. The rocks increase in cost to destroy by 25 Bottlecaps each floor down,
beginning at 125C and ending at 675C. In order to destroy all rocks on all 18
possible floors, it’s going to cost you around 41,275C, so be prepared for
for that.

As you add more of the same room, the cost to
build one goes up. Different rooms increase in different increments as well.
To give you an example, by the time I was building my last set of Living
Quarters, it cost me close to 2,000C just to build one of the rooms, no
upgrades and no combinations.

 ____________   ______________________________________________   _____________
/ \          \   ============================================   /           / \
\/_\          \   -----------={  Tips & Tricks  }=----------   /           /_\/
   |          |                     [TIPS]                     |           |
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/\           \    ------------------------------------------    /            /\
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/ On Building Your Vault \____________________________________________________
\________________________/                                                    |
   |                                                                    [VALT]|

When building your vault, organization is key (at least for me, but then again
I’m writing this guide so sit down and shut up). I’ve organized my Super Vault
#007 by room type. In my vault, each floor is a room type, so I have a power
generator room floor and so on and so forth. There are some exceptions here
like my multiple floors of Living Quarters, and my singular Radio Studio and
Storage Room. To give you a better understanding of how I’ve built my Vault,
I’ve constructed a diagram:
        |   VAULT DOOR   |   |     LIVING QUARTERS    |   |LIVING QUARTERS |

It’s important to keep a few things in mind when looking at this:
   - By the time I was finished with the top two floors of Living Quarters,
     I had built all the way down to Level 7. Don’t feel like you have to
     finish a level before you do the next one.
   - When I reached Level 6, I sort of stalled on my population growth attempts
	and started focusing on getting the Bottlecaps to build down. I started by
     destroying any remaining Rocks that were in my way and then built the
	elevators all the way down.
- My initial focuses were building and upgrading the Power Stations. These
     were most important when going this route. From there I upgraded the
     Diners and then the Water Treatment Facilities.
   - Once the first 7 levels were more or less completed, I immediately built
     the Nuclear Reactor rooms as I was acquiring more Dwellers. Once I had
     those rooms functioning, I started building down from Level 7 again.

/ On Resources \______________________________________________________________
\______________/                                                              |
   |                                                                    [RSRC]|

Resources are very important to maintain. Too much of anything can cause a need
to arise that you may not be able to fill.

It’s important to keep a balanced ecosystem in order to avoid Vault failure.
For instance: don’t build a massive Living Quarters and a massive Diner and
keep the one room un-upgraded Power Station. You’re gonna fail that way.
Instead, I suggest expanding each type of room progressively.

And don’t just expanded for the sake of expansion, but expand when you need to.
This will avoid ending up with too many rooms and not enough Dwellers to run
the Vault.

Keep in mind that you will unlock rooms between 80 and 100 Dwellers that will
also create the same resources so you don’t need to go balls-out on the Power
Stations and Diners and Water Treatment Facilities right of the bat. My method
of having room-themed floors worked perfectly and I was never running out of

If you are mindful of your numbers and expand progressively, resources should
rarely be an issue for you. I still had one or two bouts with resource issues,
but mine were no where near as astronomical as some that I have seen online or
even in my family (my younger brother had a drought that left him at 7%
happiness with 6 Dwellers dead).
/ On Your Dwellers \__________________________________________________________
\__________________/                                                          |
   |                                                                    [DWEL]|

It’s important to have Dwellers and you should be focused on getting more most
of the time. After all, the entire point of the game is expansion. There are a
few ways to get more Dwellers:

   - Make them: If you have two charismatic Dwellers, put them in a Living
     Quarters room together and after a few moments, they’ll do the horizontal
     mambo and BOOM! the chick will be pregnant.
     It takes around 3-4 hours for the pregnant women to give birth and then
     another 3-4 hours for the kid to grow up into an adult Dweller that you
     can utilize.
   - Radio Studio: Dwellers can be called every so often using the Radio
     Studio. The Dwellers who are called using the Radio Studio show up at
     Level 1 and have to be leveled up. This can sometimes be a pain.
   - Lunchbox Special: Occasionally you can get a special Dweller from a
     Lunchbox. These Dwellers will show up with fancy outfits already on and at
     a higher level.

Things that are worth noting:

   - Don’t get carried away with making babies. Every new baby is a massive
     resource drain that just takes up space until it grows it. It’s entirely
     possible to create a baby boom that could end up crippling your vault.
   - Pregnant women CAN work. I found the best place for the pregnant women
     was the MedBay or the Radio Studio, although I had pregnant women
     scattered at various stations from time to time.
   - Pregnant woman and kids will not fight to quell incidents, but will run
     away with their arms flailing.
   - If you accidentally put two relatives together in the Living Quarters,
     they will not get it on, so there’s no need to worry about in-breeding.
   - The pickup lines in this game are hilariously atrocious, so watch the
     courting process for a good laugh.
   - Be careful of accidentally creating pregnancies. If you put two Dwellers
     of the opposite gender in the same Living Quarters, they WILL have sex.

It’s also important to keep your Dwellers happy. Pay attention to their
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats and make sure you’re putting everyone in their proper
place. More importantly, be sure to check in on your Dwellers from time to
time. You never know what they will have to say and they can sometimes be a tad

The happier everyone is, the better they’ll produce resources for your Vault.
Not to mention you’re approval rating will increase as well which will get you
a higher grade from VaultTec everyday yielding greater rewards. A good goal is
to keep your Vault between 90-100% happiness at all times. There are a couple
of good ways to do this:

   - Make sure everyone has proper station assignments.
   - Make sure everyone doesn’t work too hard. This comes from checking up on
     your Dwellers. If someone’s happiness is slipping, let them hang out in
     the Living Quarters and socialize.
   - SEX! Whenever two Dwellers get it on, their happiness goes straight up to
     100% (wouldn’t yours?). Additionally, pregnant woman remain at 100%
     through their entire pregnancy (wouldn’t that be nice...).
   - Keep your Dwellers healthy. Use RadAways and Stimpaks to keep your
     Dwellers at peak health because that can affect their happiness too.

/ On Rushing \________________________________________________________________
\____________/                                                                |
   |                                                                    [RUSH]|

RUSHing is a very useful system that can help you in a resource pinch or just
generate some Bottlecaps when you’re strapped for cash. The RUSH system works
based off of incident percentage. The percentage given to you by the game for
a certain room to RUSH is the percentage chance that the RUSH will fail and
cause an incident instead. As a general rule of thumb, I tend to avoid a RUSH
if the percentage is higher than 40%. That being said, I’ve certainly RUSHed
rooms that were over 40% in a pinch and succeeded. The highest percentage I
managed to miraculously pull off was 78%, but I would recommend you learn from
my words here and not my actions and avoid trying that.
/ On Surviving Incidents \____________________________________________________
\________________________/                                                    |
   |                                                                    [SRVI]|

Incidents are easily survivable if your rooms are well-staffed and the Dwellers
who staff your rooms are well-armed. For instance, one Dweller in a three-
width room with a Rusty 10mm pistol is not going to stand anywhere near as
good a chance against a Radroach Infestation as six Dwellers wielding an
assortment of weaponry. Similarly, it will take much longer for one Dweller to
fight a fire than it would six. Adequate staffing is important in the Vault in
order to survive your incidents. If you have an understaffed or empty room that
experiences a random incident, send some Dwellers to the room to take care of
it. As for Raiders, it’s certainly helpful to have two well-armed Dwellers
standing guard at the Vault Door, but I usually send one or two guys up to the
next closest room as back-up.
/ On Exploring \______________________________________________________________
\______________/                                                              |
   |                                                                    [EXPL]|

There is an entire Wasteland outside of your vault and if you’ve played the
other Fallout games, you know how massive it is. Sending Dwellers out for
extended periods of time (sometimes days if you have them well enough equipped)
will net you a good amount of resources. Generally, if I’m going to send a
Dweller out for days at a time, I load them up with 10 Stimpaks and 10 RadAways
but for shorter trips, I usually give no less than 3 of each. In addition to
Stimpaks and RadAways, make sure they have good gear. It’s important for their
Endurance to be high so equip them with an outfit that adds to their Endurance,
such as oh, I don’t know, the outfit CALLED “Wasteland Gear”. Also give them a
good weapon. Don’t give away all of your good weapons to Explorers though,
because you still need to defend the Vault.

It’s also important to keep in mind that when you call them back to return, it
takes them half as long as they’ve been out there to get back. So a 10 hour
trip will require you to wait 5 hours for them to get back. It’s also important
to check up on them often. Some of the funniest and best writing in the game
occurs in the Adventure Logs so it’s worth reading through.

Since Exploring is the best way to get gear, I keep at least 2 Explorers in the
Wasteland at all times.

/ On Experimentation \________________________________________________________
\____________________/                                                        |
   |                                                                    [EXPR]|

Have fun and experiment with the game! After all, what’s the point of being an
Overseer for VaultTec if you’re not going to perform some fucked up social
experiments. That is what the vaults are for anyway. There are some more
“creative” players out there who play with an additional set of self-imposed
rules, such as Redditor “squirmunkey” who is making a vault with no resources
(Wait.. What?):
“So I've created a vault which is semi-stable despite a total lack of food
rooms and water rooms. Some things to know:
As far as I can tell, starvation and thirst don't kill you. They lower your
health to about 20% and radiation to 50%. This, of course, leaves you highly
vulnerable to raiders and radroaches.

Dwellers in the wasteland don't starve or irradiate. They put a drain on your
resources, but don't actually suffer if you're out of them. This includes
dwellers who have returned to the vault and are waiting to get back in.

Children, pregnant women, and dwellers in the wasteland are all immune to
damage from radroaches, raiders, and fires.

Low happiness doesn't affect the probability of success on a Rush.
So here's how it works. Theres nothing in the vault but a power room,
residence, science lab, and medbay. All of these are staffed by pregnant women.
There are as many men as there are pregnant women standing outside the vault
waiting to come back in. When a pregnancy ends, a man comes in and immediately
starts a new one. All of the rest of the dwellers spend all their time
exploring the wastes. They occasionally come back to briefly partake of the
stimpaks and radaways produced by the vault. Low happiness mostly prevents
production, but because everyone in the vault is immortal I can rush with
impunity. When children grow up, they are sent out into the waste before they
can be killed by radroaches.

I haven't gotten very far with it, but as far as I can tell, the basic idea
totally works. The vault should be able to increase in population and collect
gear and caps all without consuming any food or water.”

- from

Aside from using the game to play Schrodinger, most player like to have one
“King” who impregnates all of their women and he’s usually wearing a ridiculous

People also seem very fond of having absurd names. My brother named the first
kid he made “Bruh”. I’ve also seen someone hooking up the Dwellers “Babysitter”
and “Pizza-Guy”.

Also on Reddit, I’ve seen several players doing Male Only/Female Only vaults.

The point here is to have fun with it. Sometimes adding strange rules like the
no resource guy adds a challenge to it. Sometimes these weird play habits add
humor or entertainment. What’s important is that you play your way and enjoy
the game.

/ On Maintaining Your Social Life \___________________________________________
\_________________________________/                                           |
   |                                                                    [SOCL]|

This section might actually need to be required reading for some people. Ever
since this game was released, I know a few people who have fallen off the face
of the planet. It’s important to not let playing this game become the only
thing you do for days (tempting as it may be). The way I like to play is to
have my phone propped up on my desk while I’m doing work and just keep looking
over to collect resources. Occasionally, I’ll stop what I’m doing to pick the
game up and make some more important Overseer decisions and deal with things.
Just don’t become so absorbed with this game that it begins to rule your life.

    ,   ,                                                             ,   ,
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/ Weapons \___________________________________________________________________
\_________/                                                                   |
   |                                                                    [WPNS]|

 ___________________                     _____________
/ 001: Rusty BB Gun \_________________  / 002: BB Gun \_______________________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| After 20 shots, you just might knock| | The best weapon in the world... for |
| a tin can off the fence.            | | a 10 year-old.                      |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|        0-1       |      Common      | |        0-2       |      Common      |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _______________________                 _________________
/ 003: Rusty .32 Pistol \_____________  / 004: .32 Pistol \___________________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| The least dependable handgun in the | | Powerful enough to kill an attacker.|
| Wasteland. Good luck.               | | Barely.                             |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|         1        |      Common      | |        1-2       |      Common      |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ______________________                  __________________________
/ 005: Enhanced BB Gun \______________  / 006: Enhanced .32 Pistol \__________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| Be careful! This baby may actually  | | A decent gun for killing unarmored  |
| break the skin.                     | | opponents.                          |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|        0-3       |      Common      | |        1-3       |      Common      |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ________________________                __________________
/ 007: Rusty 10mm Pistol \____________  / 008: 10mm Pistol \__________________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| Not the most reliable pistol in the | | The most common handgun found in the|
| world, but it’ll do in a pinch.     | | Wasteland.                          |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|         2        |      Common      | |        2-3       |      Common      |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ______________________                  ___________________________
/ 009: Rusty Scope .44 \______________  / 010: Enhanced 10mm Pistol \_________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| Packs a softer punch, but still a   | | Higher damage capacity, freshly     |
| reliable handgun.                   | | oiled. Oh yeah.                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|         3        |      Common      | |        2-4       |      Common      |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _________________                       ______________________________
/ 011: Scoped .44 \___________________  / 012: Rusty Lever-Action Rifle\______
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| A favorite of pre-war cops and      | | The lever sticks a bit, but it’s    |
| Wasteland warriors.                 | | still a solid long-range weapon.    |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|        3-4       |      Common      | |         4        |      Common      |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 __________________________              _________________________
/ 013: Enhanced Scoped .44 \__________  / 014: Lever-Action Rifle \___________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| All it takes is a better scope and  | | When you need to take down your     |
| you’re blasting baddies like a      | | enemies, cowboy style.              |
| champ.                              | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|        3-5       |      Common      | |        4-5       |      Common      |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 __________________________________      __________________________
/ 015: Enhanced Lever-Action Rifle \__  / 016: Rusty Hunting Rifle \__________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| A little extra oil in the lever,    | | Dirty but dependable, this is a gun |
| some fresh rounds. It’s killin’     | | you can trust.                      |
| time.                               | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|        4-6       |      Common      | |         5        |      Common      |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ____________________                    ______________________________
/ 017: Hunting Rifle \________________  / 018: Rusty Sawed-Off Shogtun \______
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| Great for taking down game - human  | | It’s seen a lot of action... but is |
| or animal alike.                    | | ready to see some more.             |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|        5-6       |      Common      | |         6        |      Common      |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _____________________________           ________________________
/ 019: Enhanced Hunting Rifle \_______  / 020: Sawed-Off Shotgun \____________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| Want a new Yao Guai wardrobe? This  | | A Wasteland wanderer’s most trusted |
| is the rifle for you.               | | weapon...                           |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|        5-7       |      Common      | |        6-7       |      Common      |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _________________________________       _________________________
/ 021: Enhanced Sawed-Off Shotgun \___  / 022: Rusty Laser Pistol \___________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| Better muzzle velocity and a tighter| | It can light a cigarette and maybe  |
| spread than the standard model.     | | kill a Radroach.                    |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|        6-8       |      Common      | |         7        |      Common      |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ______________________                  ____________________________
/ 023: Hardened BB Gun \______________  / 024: Armor Piercing BB Gun \________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
|                                     | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|        0-4       |       Rare       | |        0-5       |       Rare       |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 __________________________              ________________________________
/ 025: Hardened .32 Pistol \__________  / 026: Armor Piercing .32 Pistol \____
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| Just enough to keep you in the      | | Serious stopping power in a small   |
| fight. And maybe even win.          | | package.                            |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|        1-4       |       Rare       | |        1-5       |       Rare       |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ___________________________             _________________________________
/ 027: Hardened 10mm Pistol \_________  / 028: Armor Piercing 10mm Pistol \___
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| Lovingly engineered and modified.   | |                                     |
| A mercenary’s dream.                | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|        2-5       |       Rare       | |        2-6       |       Rare       |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 __________________________              ________________________________
/ 029: Hardened Scoped .44 \__________  / 030: Armor Piercing Scoped .44 \____
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| They don’t call it a hand cannon for| | Want to blow away a Metal Armored   |
| nothin’.                            | | merc at 300 yards? Have fun.        |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|        3-6       |       Rare       | |        3-7       |       Rare       |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 __________________________________      _____________________________________
/ 031: Hardened Lever-Action Rifle \__  /032:Armor Piercing Lever-Action Rifle\
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| Take down those black hats like a   | | With this beauty, they may as well  |
| legend of the Old West.             | | not even be wearing armor.          |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|         4-7      |       Rare       | |        4-8       |       Rare       |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _____________________________           ___________________________________
/ 033: Hardened Hunting Rifle \_______  / 034: Armor Piercing Hunting Rifle \_
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
|                                     | | Most people don’t hunt Sentry Bots. |
|                                     | | You’re not most people.             |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|        5-8       |       Rare       | |        5-9       |       Rare       |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _________________________________       ___________________
/ 035: Hardened Sawed-Off Shotgun \___  / 036: Laser Pistol \_________________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| Carrying this, you don’t just wander| |                                     |
| the Wasteland. You own it.          | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|        6-9       |       Rare       | |        7-8       |       Rare       |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _____________________________________   __________________________
/ 037: Double-Barrel Sawed Off Shotgun\ / 038: Rusty Assault Rifle \__________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
|                                     | | It jams every now and then, but so  |
|                                     | | what? Still great.                  |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       6-10       |       Rare       | |         8        |       Rare       |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _________________________               ____________________
/ 039: Tuned Laser Pistol \___________  / 040: Assault Rifle \________________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| Time to live out all your space     | | Fully automatic, and perfect for    |
| cowboy fantasies.                   | | most combat situations.             |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|        7-9       |       Rare       | |        8-9       |       Rare       |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ___________________________             ____________________
/ 041: Focused Laser Pistol \_________  / 042: Rusty Shotgun \________________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| The ultimate sci-fi sidearm. The    | |                                     |
| power of disintegration on your hip.| |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       7-10       |       Rare       | |         9        |       Rare       |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _____________________________           _____________________________
/ 043: Enhanced Assault Rifle \_______  / 044: Amplified Laser Pistol \_______
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
|                                     | | A quick draw, a flash of light, and |
|                                     | | all that’s left is a pile of ash.   |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       8-10       |       Rare       | |        7-11      |       Rare       |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ______________                          _____________________________
/ 045: Shotgun \______________________  / 046: Hardened Assault Rifle \_______
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
|                                     | | Perfect for a merc who wants one    |
|                                     | | gun for any situation, forever.     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       9-10       |       Rare       | |       8-11       |       Rare       |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _______________________                 ___________________________________
/ 047: Enhanced Shotgun \_____________  / 048: Armor Piercing Assault Rifle \_
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| Lovingly modified to kill anything  | | This thing can punch through Power  |
| within 5 yards.                     | | Armor like it’s paper.              |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       9-11       |       Rare       | |       8-12       |       Rare       |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _________________________               _______________________
/ 049: Rusty Sniper Rifle \___________  / 050: Hardened Shotgun \_____________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| The trigger is a bit loose, but it  | |                                     |
| will still drop a Mirelurk at 300   | |                                     |
| yards.                              | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|        10        |       Rare       | |       9-12       |       Rare       |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ___________________                     __________________________
/ 051: Sniper Rifle \_________________  / 052: Rusty Plasma Pistol \__________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| Take down your target from a        | | Its plasma may not be as hot, but   |
| neighborhood away.                  | | it’s damned sure hot enough.        |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       10-11      |       Rare       | |        11        |       Rare       |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _______________________________         ____________________________
/ 053: Double Barrelled Shotgun \_____  / 054: Enhanced Sniper Rifle \________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
|                                     | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       9-13       |       Rare       | |       10-12      |       Rare       |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ____________________                    ____________________________
/ 055: Plasma Pistol \________________  / 056: Hardened Sniper Rifle \________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
|                                     | | Better scope, better rounds. You’d  |
|                                     | | have to try NOT to kill the target. |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       11-12      |       Rare       | |       10-13      |       Rare       |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 __________________________              __________________________________
/ 057: Tuned Plasma Pistol \__________  / 058: Armor Piercing Sniper Rifle \__
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
|                                     | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       11-13      |       Rare       | |       10-14      |       Rare       |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ________________________                ____________________________
/ 059: Rusty Laser Rifle \____________  / 060: Focused Plasma Pistol \________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| Dinged up and dirty, but just as    | |                                     |
| powerful as ever.                   | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|        12        |       Rare       | |       11-14      |       Rare       |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 __________________                      ___________________________
/ 061: Laser Rifle \__________________  / 062: Rusty Combat Shotgun \_________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
|                                     | | For every misfired shell, there are |
|                                     | | 5 more that do the job.             |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       12-13      |       Rare       | |        13        |       Rare       |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ________________________                _____________________
/ 063: Tuned Laser Rifle \____________  / 064: Combat Shotgun \_______________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| The laser emitter has ben specially | | A fully-automatic, drum-loaded      |
| tweaked for maximum damage.         | | shotgun. Ouch.                      |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       12-14      |       Rare       | |       13-14      |       Rare       |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 __________________________              __________________________
/ 065: Focused Laser Rifle \__________  / 066: Rusty Railway Rifle \__________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| The perfect weapon for a high-tech  | |                                     |
| Wasteland warrior.                  | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       12-15      |       Rare       | |        14        |       Rare       |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ______________________________          ____________________
/ 067: Enhanced Combat Shotgun \______  / 068: Railway Rifle \________________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| Faster shots, better shells, messier| |                                     |
| deaths.                             | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       13-15      |       Rare       | |       14-15      |       Rare       |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ______________________________          _____________________________
/ 069: Hardened Combat Shotgun \______  / 070: Enhanced Railway Rifle \_______
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| Every pull of the trigger is a kiss | |                                     |
| of death.                           | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       13-16      |       Rare       | |       14-16      |       Rare       |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ___________________                     _____________
/ 071: Rusty Flamer \_________________  / 072: Flamer \_______________________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| Shoots fire a few degrees lower than| |                                     |
| normal, but still a death dealer.   | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|        15        |       Rare       | |       15-16      |       Rare       |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ______________________                  ________________________
/ 073: Enhanced Flamer \______________  / 074: Rusty Gauss Rifle \____________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| Blasts fire farther, hotter and     | | Time has dulled its shine, but not  |
| happier than the standard model.    | | its effectiveness.                  |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       15-17      |       Rare       | |        16        |       Rare       |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ______________________                  __________________
/ 075: Hardened Flamer \______________  / 076: Gauss Rifle \__________________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
|                                     | | Shoots a magnetically accelerated   |
|                                     | | projectile. Fast.                   |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       15-18      |       Rare       | |       16-17      |       Rare       |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _________________________               _________________________
/ 077: Rusty Plasma Rifle \___________  / 078: Pressurized Flamer \___________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
|                                     | | It’s like wielding the power of a   |
|                                     | | dragon in your arms.                |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|        17        |       Rare       | |       15-19      |       Rare       |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ___________________                     _________________
/ 079: Plasma Rifle \_________________  / 080: Red Rocket \___________________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
|                                     | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       17-18      |       Rare       | |        0-6       |     Legendary    |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 __________________________              ____________________
/ 081: Wild Bill’s Sidearm \__________  / 082: Lone Wanderer \________________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| When someone says “draw,” you say,  | | One hero. One handgun. And thus, a  |
| “die.”                              | | legend was born.                    |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|        1-6       |     Legendary    | |        2-7       |     Legendary    |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ________________                        _________________________
/ 083: Blackhawk \____________________  / 084: Lincoln’s Repeater \___________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| Blow a Behemoth’s head off from half| |                                     |
| a Wasteland away                    | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|        3-8       |     Legendary    | |        4-9       |     Legendary    |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ___________________                     _________________
/ 085: Ol’ Painless \_________________  / 086: Kneecapper \___________________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
|                                     | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       5-10       |     Legendary    | |       6-11       |     Legendary    |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _____________________                   __________________
/ 087: Smuggler’s End \_______________  / 088: Infiltrator \__________________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| From dusty cantinas to the end of   | | Get in, get out, and leave a pile of|
| the line, a true anti-hero’s weapon.| | corpses in your wake.               |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       7-12       |     Legendary    | |       8-13       |     Legendary    |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ________________________                ___________________________________
/ 089: Farmer’s Daughter \____________  / 090:                              \_
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| You’ll marry anyone with this bad   | |                                     |
| boy pointed at your head.           | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       9-14       |     Legendary    | |                  |     Legendary    |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ____________________                    ______________________________
/ 091: Victory Rifle \________________  / 092: Amplified Plasma Pistol \______
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
|                                     | | Reach out, pull the trigger, and    |
|                                     | | turn your enemy into goo.           |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       10-15      |     Legendary    | |       11-15      |     Legendary    |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _____________________                   ____________________________
/ 093: MPXL Novasurge \_______________  / 094: Amplified Laser Rifle \________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
|                                     | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       11-16      |     Legendary    | |       12-16      |     Legendary    |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 __________________                      ___________________________________
/ 095: Wazer Wifle \__________________  / 096: Double Barrel Combat Shotgun \_
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| Biwwy says you’we handy with a      | |                                     |
| weapon. He’s got that wight.        | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       12-17      |     Legendary    | |       13-17      |     Legendary    |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _____________________________           _______________________
/ 097: Hardened Railway Rifle \_______  / 098: Charon’s Shotgun \_____________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
|                                     | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       14-17      |     Legendary    | |       13-18      |     Legendary    |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ________________________________        _________________
/ 099: Accelerated Railway Rifle \____  / 100: Railmaster \___________________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
|                                     | | The ultimate in weaponized rail     |
|                                     | | spike acceleration.                 |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       14-18      |     Legendary    | |       14-19      |     Legendary    |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ___________________________             _________________
/ 101: Enhanced Gauss Rifle \_________  / 102: Burnmaster \___________________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
|                                     | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       16-18      |     Legendary    | |       15-20      |     Legendary    |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ___________________________             __________________________
/ 103: Hardened Gauss Rifle \_________  / 104: Rusty Alien Blaster \__________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
|                                     | | Left on this planet a long time ago.|
|                                     | | Still ludicrously powerful.         |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       16-19      |     Legendary    | |        18        |     Legendary    |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _________________________               ______________________________
/ 105: Tuned Plasma Rifle \___________  / 106: Accelerated Gauss Rifle \______
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
|                                     | | Wait, the projectile can go... even |
|                                     | | faster? You have no idea.           |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       17-19      |     Legendary    | |       16-20      |     Legendary    |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ___________________________             _____________________
/ 107: Focused Plasma Rifle \_________  / 108: Magnetron 4000 \_______________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| Can transform a charging Super      | |                                     |
| Mutant into a puddle of sludge.     | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|                  |     Legendary    | |                  |     Legendary    |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ____________________                    __________________________
/ 109: Alien Blaster \________________  / 110: Tuned Alien Blaster \__________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
|                                     | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       18-19      |     Legendary    | |       18-20      |     Legendary    |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ____________________                    _____________________________
/ 111: Rusty Minigun \________________  / 112: Amplified Plasma Rifle \_______
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| The barrel doesn’t spin up quite as | | What this thing does to the human   |
| fast, but when it does... ouch.     | | body is beyond comprehension.       |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|        19        |     Legendary    | |       17-22      |     Legendary    |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ______________                          ____________________________
/ 113: Minigun \______________________  / 114: Focused Alien Blaster \________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| Shred your enemies in a hail of     | |                                     |
| bullets.                            | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       19-20      |     Legendary    | |       18-21      |     Legendary    |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _________________________               ______________________________
/ 115: Mean Green Monster \___________  / 116: Amplified Alien Blaster \______
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| Possibly the cruelest high-tech     | |                                     |
| weapon every made by humankind.     | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       17-23      |     Legendary    | |       18-22      |     Legendary    |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _______________________                 _____________________________
/ 117: Enhanced Minigun \_____________  / 118: Rusty Missile Launcher \_______
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
|                                     | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       19-21      |     Legendary    | |        20        |     Legendary    |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ___________________                     _______________________
/ 119: Destabilizer \_________________  / 120: Hardened Minigun \_____________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
|                                     | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       18-23      |     Legendary    | |       19-22      |     Legendary    |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _______________________                 __________________________
/ 121: Missile Launcher \_____________  / 122: Rusty Gatling Laser \__________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
|                                     | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       20-21      |     Legendary    | |        21        |     Legendary    |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _____________________________           ________________________________
/ 123: Armor Piercing Minigun \_______  / 124: Enhanced Missile Launcher \____
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
|                                     | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|                  |     Legendary    | |                  |     Legendary    |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ____________________                    ___________________
/ 125: Gatling Laser \________________  / 126: Lead Belcher \_________________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| It’s a minigun. With lasers. ‘Nuff  | |                                     |
| said.                               | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       21-22      |     Legendary    | |       19-24      |     Legendary    |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ________________________________        ____________________
/ 127: Hardened Missile Launcher \____  / 128: Rusty Fat Man \________________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
|                                     | | Even old and beat up, this thing can|
|                                     | | still drop a Radscorpion.           |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       20-23      |     Legendary    | |        22        |     Legendary    |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 __________________________              ______________________________
/ 129: Tuned Gatling Laser \__________  / 130: Guided Missile Launcher \______
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
|                                     | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       21-23      |     Legendary    | |       20-24      |     Legendary    |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ______________                          ____________________________
/ 131: Fat Man \______________________  / 132: Focused Gatling Laser \________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
|                                     | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       22-23      |     Legendary    | |       21-24      |     Legendary    |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ____________________                    _______________________
/ 133: Miss Launcher \________________  / 134: Enhanced Fat Man \_____________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| She’s packed with boom and va-va-   | | Some nuclear physicist’s pet        |
| voom.                               | | project. More atoms, bigger boom.   |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       20-25      |     Legendary    | |       22-24      |     Legendary    |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ______________________________          _______________________
/ 135: Amplified Gatling Laser \______  / 136: Hardened Fat Man \_____________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| Modded emitters. Faster barrel.     | | Higher-yield shells for bigger      |
| Higher ammo capacity. It is ON.     | | booms... and a bigger body count.   |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       21-25      |     Legendary    | |       22-25      |     Legendary    |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ________________                        _____________________
/ 137: Vengeance \____________________  / 138: Guided Fat Man \_______________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:                        | | Description:                        |
| Need revenge? Feeling that furious  | | Portable nuclear bombs, guided right|
| anger? Oh, are you in for a treat.  | | to their targets. Yes!              |
|                                     | |                                     |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Damage:          | Type:            | | Damage:          | Type:            |
|       21-26      |     Legendary    | |       22-26      |     Legendary    |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

/ 139: MIRV \_________________________
| Description:                        |
|                                     |
|                                     |
|                                     |
| Damage:          | Type:            |
|       22-27      |     Legendary    |

/ Outfits \___________________________________________________________________
\_________/                                                                   |
   |                                                                    [OTFT]|

 _________________________               ____________________
/ 001: Armored Vault Suit \___________  / 002: Leather Armor \________________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
| A standard Vault Suit  |            | | The armor of legend,   |            |
| modified for the rigors|   Common   | | worn by the Wastland’s |   Common   |
| of the wastes.         |            | | greatest hero...       |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----| |----| 1 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ______________________                  ___________________
/ 003: Wasteland Medic \______________  / 004: Combat Armor \_________________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           |  Type:     | | Description:           | Type:      |
| Has plenty of pockets  |            | | The preferred          |            |
| for bandages and       |   Common   | | battlefield armor of   |   Common   |
| painkillers.           |            | | pre-war grunts.        |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |----| |----| 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ________________                        __________________
/ 005: Nightwear \____________________  / 006: Formal Wear \__________________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           |  Type:     | | Description:           | Type:      |
| Best used when sleeping|            | | A gambler’s outfit of  |            |
| or... entertaining.    |   Common   | | of choice. Feeling     |   Common   |
|                        |            | | lucky?                 |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----| |----| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ________________________                _____________________
/ 007: Handyman Jumpsuit \____________  / 008: Wasteland Gear \_______________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
| Great for fixing a leak|            | | The best protection    |            |
| ing valve, or refueling|   Common   | | against hazardous      |   Common   |
| a Chrysler Corvega.    |            | | materials.             |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 |----| |----| 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _______________                         ________________________
/ 009: Lab Coat \_____________________  / 010: Military Fatigues \____________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
| Favored by scientists  |            | | Standard issue for     |            |
| and doctors.           |   Common   | | soldiers before the    |   Common   |
|                        |            | | Great War.             |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 |----| |----| 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ___________________                     _____________________
/ 011: Battle Armor \_________________  / 012: Radiation Suit \_______________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
| The protection of      |            | | Designed to protect its|            |
| choice for Wasteland   |   Common   | | wearer from radiation. |   Common   |
| mercenaries            |            | |                        |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----| |----| 0 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ___________________                     ________________
/ 013: Raider Armor \_________________  / 014: Merc Gear \____________________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
| The standard gear of   |            | | Functional and flatter-|            |
| Wasteland Ruffians     |   Common   | | ing, for all your      |   Common   |
|                        |            | | Wasteland needs.       |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 |----| |----| 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _____________________________           ____________________
/ 015: Junior Officer Uniform \_______  / 016: Initiate Robe \________________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
| Wear this, and when you|            | | Typically worn by      |            |
| talk, someone may      |   Common   | | Brotherhood of Steel   |   Common   |
| actually listen.       |            | | scribes.               |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 |----| |----| 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 0 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _____________________                   _____________________
/ 017: Surgeon Outfit \_______________  / 018: Survivor Armor \_______________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
| Great for patching up a|            | | Handle anything the    |            |
| wounded friend. Or your|    Rare    | | Wasteland throws at    |    Rare    |
| self, for that matter  |            | | you. Again and again.  |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 1 |----| |----| 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 1 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ________________________                ___________________________
/ 019: Sturdy Vault Suit \____________  / 020: Sturdy Leather Armor \_________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
| The height of Vault-Tec|            | | The Wasteland classic, |            |
| fashion, reinforced for|    Rare    | | fortified for the      |    Rare    |
| the Wastes.            |            | | rigors of heroism.     |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 0 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----| |----| 2 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _______________________                 ______________________
/ 021: Wasteland Doctor \_____________  / 022: Wrestler Outfit \______________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
|                        |            | | Protection and style,  |            |
|                        |    Rare    | | in and out of the      |    Rare    |
|                        |            | | squared circle.        |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 |----| |----| 2 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 __________________________              ______________________
/ 023: Sturdy Combat Armor \__________  / 024: Comedian Outfit \______________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
| Worn by the toughest   |            | | Is this outfit some    |            |
| ground pounders in the |    Rare    | | kind of joke? Nope, but|    Rare    |
| toughest battles.      |            | | you are, if you wear it|            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 |----| |----| 0 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _____________________                   ______________________
/ 025: Republic Robes \_______________  / 026: Engineer Outfit \______________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
| Friends, Romans,       |            | | Protects against sledge|            |
| countrymen... Lend me  |    Rare    | | hammers, and not just  |    Rare    |
| your snazzy new outfit.|            | | on the job site.       |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 1 |----| |----| 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 1 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ________________________                _____________________
/ 027: Fancy Formal Wear \____________  / 028: Greaser Outfit \_______________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
|                        |            | | Don’t be a square,     |            |
|                        |    Rare    | | daddy-o.               |    Rare    |
|                        |            | |                        |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 |----| |----| 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 1 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ________________________                ________________________
/ 029: Advanced Jumpsuit \____________  / 030: Naughty Nightwear \____________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
| Fix a crashed          |            | |                        |            |
| Veritbird? You can     |    Rare    | |                        |    Rare    |
| build one from scratch.|            | |                        |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 |----| |----| 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ____________________________            ____________________________
/ 031: Sturdy Wasteland Gear \________  / 032: Medieval Ruler Outfit \________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
| If the Wastes can spit |            | | Wear the crown, rule   |            |
| it out, you can take   |    Rare    | | the Wasteland! Or at   |    Rare    |
| it.                    |            | | least pretend to.      |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----| |----| 0 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ___________________                     ________________________
/ 033: Knight Armor \_________________  / 034: Advanced Lab Coat \____________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
| In the Wasteland, some |            | | Split the atom or      |            |
| forms of protection    |    Rare    | | or invent warp travel -|    Rare    |
| never go out of style. |            | | all before lunch.      |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |----| |----| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 0 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _______________________                 ___________________
/ 035: Librarian Outfit \_____________  / 036: Mayor Outfit \_________________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
| Prove to everyone that |            | | Settlements need       |            |
| in the future, print’s |    Rare    | | rulers, and you’re     |    Rare    |
| not dead.              |            | | elected.               |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 1 |----| |----| 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 1 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _______________________                 _______________________
/ 037: Officer Fatigues \_____________  / 038: Movie Fan Outfit \_____________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
| Great for giving       |            | | Perfect for hanging out|            |
| orders, or wading into |    Rare    | | at an old, abandoned   |    Rare    |
| the fight yourself.    |            | | drive-in.|            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----| |----| 0 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ___________________                     ______________________
/ 039: Ninja Outfit \_________________  / 040: Nobility Outfit \______________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
|                        |            | | Snack cakes aren’t the |            |
|                        |    Rare    | | only fancy lads in     |    Rare    |
|                        |            | | town.                  |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 1 |----| |----| 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 1 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _______________________                 __________________________
/ 041: Professor Outfit \_____________  / 042: Sturdy Battle Armor \__________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
| Sometimes, just        |            | |                        |            |
| sometimes, brain really|    Rare    | |                        |    Rare    |
| is better than brawn.  |            | |                        |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 1 |----| |----| 3 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ______________________________          __________________________
/ 043: Advanced Radiation Suit \______  / 044: Sturdy Raider Armor \__________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
| Ever want to give a    |            | |                        |            |
| Glowing One a hug?     |    Rare    | |                        |    Rare    |
| Now’s your chance.     |            | |                        |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 0 | 2 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----| |----| 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _______________________                 ____________________
/ 045: Sturdy Merc Gear \_____________  / 046: Clergy Outfit \________________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
|                        |            | | If there is a higher   |            |
|                        |    Rare    | | power out there, they  |    Rare    |
|                        |            | | just might listen to   |            |
|                        |            | | you.                   |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 2 |----| |----| 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 1 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ______________________                  ________________________
/ 047: Officer Uniform \______________  / 048: Sci-Fi Fan Outfit \____________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
| For those times you    |            | | You may not live long  |            |
| absolutely need a      |    Rare    | | or prosper, but you’ll |    Rare    |
| commanding presence.   |            | | at least die dreaming. |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 3 | 0 | 0 |----| |----| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 1 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 __________________                      ________________________
/ 049: Scribe Robe \__________________  / 050: Horror Fan Outfit \____________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
|                        |            | | Show your support for  |            |
|                        |    Rare    | | slasher films by       |    Rare    |
|                        |            | | dressing like a lunatic|            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 2 | 0 |----| |----| 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ______________________                  ________________________
/ 051: Soldier Uniform \______________  / 052: Sports Fan Outfit \___________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
| Good enough for        |            | | Offers great protection|            |
| America’s troops, good |    Rare    | | from tackles... or     |    Rare    |
| enough for you.        |            | | Deathclaw hugs.        |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 2 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |----| |----| 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ________________________                ________________________
/ 053: T-51a Power Armor \____________  / 054: T-45a Power Armor \____________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
|                        |            | |                        |            |
|                        | Legendary  | |                        | Legendary  |
|                        |            | |                        |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 3 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----| |----| 2 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ________________________                ________________________
/ 055: T-51d Power Armor \____________  / 056:                   \____________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
| One of the most        |            | |                        |            |
| advanced armors created| Legendary  | |                        | Legendary  |
| before the Great War.  |            | |                        |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 3 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----| |----| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ________________________                _____________________________
/ 057: T-60a Power Armor \____________  / 058: X-01 Mk IV Power Armor \_______
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
|                        |            | | Advanced post-war Power|            |
|                        | Legendary  | | Armor, for a post-     | Legendary  |
|                        |            | | apocalyptic world.     |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 2 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----| |----| 4 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ________________________                ________________________
/ 059: T-45d Power Armor \____________  / 060: T-60d Power Armor \___________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
|                        |            | | Renowned protection,   |            |
|                        | Legendary  | | favored by the         | Legendary  |
|                        |            | | Brotherhood of Steel.  |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 2 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----| |----| 2 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ______________________                  _________________________
/ 061: Tenpenny’s Suit \______________  / 062: Bittercup’s Outfit \___________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
| A favorite of Wasteland|            | | Perfect for any child  |            |
| elitists and real      | Legendary  | | at heart forced to     | Legendary  |
| estate developers.     |            | | endure the Wastes.     |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 0 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 1 |----| |----| 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _________________________               _______________________
/ 063: Three Dog’s Outfit \___________  / 064: Heavy Vault Suit \_____________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
|                        |            | |                        |            |
|                        | Legendary  | |                        | Legendary  |
|                        |            | |                        |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 0 | 2 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----| |----| 0 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 __________________________               ____________________________
/ 065: Heavy Leather Armor \___________  / 066: Tunnel Snakes’ Outfit \_______
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
| Hunter or hunted, hero |            | | Why? Because you’re a  |            |
| or villain - if you’re | Legendary  | | Tunnel Snake. And you  | Legendary  |
| a badass, suit up.     |            | | RULE!                  |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 3 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----| |----| 0 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 0 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ________________________                _______________________
/ 067: Wasteland Surgeon \____________  / 068: Autumn’s Uniform \_____________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
|                        |            | | Once worn by a hard-   |            |
|                        | Legendary  | | nosed colonel. Now you | Legendary  |
|                        |            | | give the orders.       |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 0 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 |----| |----| 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _________________________               ________________________________
/ 069: Heavy Combat Armor \___________  / 070: Confessor Cromwell’s Rags \____
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
| They used to send in an|            | |                        |            |
| army. Now they only    | Legendary  | |                        | Legendary  |
| need you.              |            | |                        |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 |----| |----| 0 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ______________________                  ________________________
/ 071: Lucky Nightwear \______________  / 072: Eulogy Jones Suit \____________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
|                        |            | | For those times when   |            |
|                        | Legendary  | | you need to exude      | Legendary  |
|                        |            | | charismatic evil.      |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----| |----| 0 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 2 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ________________________                ______________________
/ 073: Lucky Formal Wear \____________  / 074: Expert Jumpsuit \______________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
|                        |            | | Perfect for surviving  |            |
|                        | Legendary  | | the Wasteland. Or writ-| Legendary  |
|                        |            | | ing a book about it.   |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 |----| |----| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 | 0 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ___________________________             ______________________
/ 075: Heavy Wasteland Gear \_________  / 076: Expert Lab Coat \______________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
|                        |            | | Now you can unlock the |            |
|                        | Legendary  | | secrets of lift itself!| Legendary  |
|                        |            | |                        |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 0 | 0 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----| |----| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 | 0 | 0 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _______________________                 _________________________
/ 077: Sheriff’s Duster \_____________  / 078: Commander Fatigues \___________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
| From Modoc to Megaton, |            | |                        |            |
| when you wear this, you| Legendary  | |                        | Legendary  |
| are the law.           |            | |                        |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 0 | 2 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----| |----| 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ________________________                _________________________
/ 079: T-51f Power Armor \____________  / 080: Heavy Battle Armor \___________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
| Armor worthy of a      |            | |                        |            |
| Brotherhood of Steel   | Legendary  | |                        | Legendary  |
| Star Paladin. And you. |            | |                        |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 2 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----| |----| 4 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _____________________________           ________________________
/ 081: X-01 Mk VI Power Armor \_______  / 082: T-45f Power Armor \____________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
| The most advanced      |            | | Lovingly maintained.   |            |
| protection created by  | Legendary  | | Favored by neo knights | Legendary  |
| humans. Enjoy.         |            | | and paladins.          |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 5 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----| |----| 2 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ________________________                ____________________________
/ 083: T-60f Power Armor \____________  / 084: Expert Radiation Suit \________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
| Specially enhanced and |            | |                        |            |
| vastly superior to most| Legendary  | |                        | Legendary  |
| other armors.          |            | |                        |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 1 | 1 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----| |----| 0 | 3 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _________________________               ______________________
/ 085: Heavy Raider Armor \___________  / 086: Heavy Merc Gear \______________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
| For the psycho in      |            | | The best mercs make the|            |
| charge of all the other| Legendary  | | most caps... and wear  | Legendary  |
| psychos.               |            | | the best clothes.      |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 |----| |----| 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 2 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 ______________________________          ________________________
/ 087: Scribe Rothchild’s Robe \______  / 088: Commander Uniform \____________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
| Reserved for Brother-  |            | |                        |            |
| hood of Steel geniuses.| Legendary  | |                        | Legendary  |
| Guess that’s you.      |            | |                        |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 0 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 |----| |----| 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 4 | 0 | 0 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

 _________________                       _______________________
/ 089: Elder Robe \___________________  / 090:                  \_____________
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
| Description:           | Type:      | | Description:           | Type:      |
| Robes of honor, worn   |            | |                        |            |
| only by Brotherhood of | Legendary  | |                        | Legendary  |
| Steel Elders.          |            | |                        |            |
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----| |----| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |----|
|-------------------------------------| |-------------------------------------|
|----| 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 3 | 0 |----| |----| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |----|
 \___________________________________/   \___________________________________/

/ Dwellers \__________________________________________________________________
\__________/                                                                  |
   |                                                                    [DWLR]|

   _________________________              ________________________
  / 001: Abraham Washington \_______     / 002: Alistair Tenpenny \________
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  | Outfit:                         |    | Outfit:                         |
  |               NONE              |    |         Tenpenny’s Suit         |
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  | Weapon:                         |    | Weapon:                         |
  |        Lincoln’s Repeater       |    |          Victory Rifle          |
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  |--| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |--|    |--| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |--|
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  |--| 2 | 8 | 6 | 6 | 8 | 4 | 6 |--|    |--| 2 | 9 | 2 | 9 | 7 | 2 | 9 |--|
   \_______________________________/      \_______________________________/

   ____________                           ________________
  / 003: Amata \____________________     / 004: Bittercup \________________
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  | Outfit:                         |    | Outfit:                         |
  |            Vault Suit           |    |        Bittercup’s Outfit       |
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  | Weapon:                         |    | Weapon:                         |
  |          Lone Wanderer          |    |              NONE               |
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  |--| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |--|    |--| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |--|
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  |--| 4 | 6 | 5 | 8 | 4 | 7 | 6 |--|    |--| 5 | 4 | 7 | 9 | 5 | 5 | 5 |--|
   \_______________________________/      \_______________________________/

   ____________                           _____________________
  / 005: Butch \____________________     / 006: Colonel Autumn \___________
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  | Outfit:                         |    | Outfit:                         |
  |      Tunnel Snakes’ Outfit      |    |         Autumn’s Uniform        |
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  | Weapon:                         |    | Weapon:                         |
  |          Lone Wanderer          |    |          Smugglers End          |
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  |--| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |--|    |--| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |--|
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  |--| 5 | 7 | 6 | 9 | 5 | 6 | 2 |--|    |--| 4 | 6 | 5 | 9 | 5 | 5 | 6 |--|
   \_______________________________/      \_______________________________/

   _________________________              _____________
  / 007: Confessor Cromwell \_______     / 008: Dr. Li \___________________
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  | Outfit:                         |    | Outfit:                         |
  |    Confessor Cromwell’s Rags    |    |         Expert Lab Coat         |
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  | Weapon:                         |    | Weapon:                         |
  |               NONE              |    |               NONE              |
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  |--| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |--|    |--| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |--|
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  |--| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |--|    |--| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |--|
   \_______________________________/      \_______________________________/

   __________________                     ___________________
  / 009: Elder Lyons \______________     / 010: Eulogy Jones \_____________
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  | Outfit:                         |    | Outfit:                         |
  |           Elder Robe            |    |       Eulogy Jones’ Suit        |
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  | Weapon:                         |    | Weapon:                         |
  |          Smugglers End          |    |            Blackhawk            |
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  |--| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |--|    |--| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |--|
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  |--| 4 | 3 | 3 | 9 | 9 | 3 | 9 |--|    |--| 5 | 6 | 5 | 8 | 5 | 4 | 7 |--|
   \_______________________________/      \_______________________________/

   _______________                        ____________
  / 011: Harkness \_________________     / 012: James \____________________
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  | Outfit:                         |    | Outfit:                         |
  |        Heavy Battle Armor       |    |         Expert Lab Coat         |
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  | Weapon:                         |    | Weapon:                         |
  |           Infiltrator           |    |               NONE              |
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  |--| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |--|    |--| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |--|
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  |--| 8 | 5 | 8 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 3 |--|    |--| 5 | 8 | 4 | 7 | 9 | 4 | 3 |--|
   \_______________________________/      \_______________________________/

   ______________                         __________________
  / 013: Jericho \__________________     / 014: Lucas Simms \______________
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  | Outfit:                         |    | Outfit:                         |
  |       Heavy Leather Armor       |    |         Sheriff’s Duster        |
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  | Weapon:                         |    | Weapon:                         |
  |           Infiltrator           |    |               NONE              |
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  |--| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |--|    |--| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |--|
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  |--| 8 | 6 | 8 | 2 | 3 | 7 | 6 |--|    |--| 5 | 9 | 8 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 2 |--|
   \_______________________________/      \_______________________________/

   __________________                     ________________
  / 015: Moira Brown \______________     / 016: Mr. Burke \________________
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  | Outfit:                         |    | Outfit:                         |
  |         Expert Jumpsuit         |    |        Lucky Formal Wear        |
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  | Weapon:                         |    | Weapon:                         |
  |               NONE              |    |       Wild Bill’s Sidearm       |
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  |--| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |--|    |--| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |--|
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  |--| 4 | 8 | 3 | 8 | 7 | 5 | 5 |--|    |--| 4 | 7 | 4 | 6 | 9 | 2 | 8 |--|
   \_______________________________/      \_______________________________/

   ______________                         __________________
  / 017:         \__________________     / 018: Sarah Lyons \______________
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  | Outfit:                         |    | Outfit:                         |
  |                                 |    |        T-51f Power Armor        |
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  | Weapon:                         |    | Weapon:                         |
  |                                 |    |           Wazer Wifle           |
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  |--| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |--|    |--| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |--|
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  |--| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |--|    |--| 8 | 6 | 8 | 6 | 5 | 5 | 2 |--|
   \_______________________________/      \_______________________________/

   _______________________                _________________________
  / 019: Scribe Rothchild \_________     / 020: Star Paladin Cross \_______
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  | Outfit:                         |    | Outfit:                         |
  |     Scribe Rothchild’s Robe     |    |        T-51f Power Armor        |
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  | Weapon:                         |    | Weapon:                         |
  |          Lone Wanderer          |    |          Smugglers End          |
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  |--| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |--|    |--| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |--|
  |---------------------------------|    |---------------------------------|
  |--| 6 | 5 | 6 | 9 | 4 | 5 | 5 |--|    |--| 7 | 8 | 4 | 8 | 4 | 6 | 3 |--|
   \_______________________________/      \_______________________________/

  / 021: Three Dog \________________
  | Outfit:                         |
  |        Three Dog’s Outfit       |
  | Weapon:                         |
  |               NONE              |
  |--| S | P | E | C | I | A | L |--|
  |--| 4 | 4 | 6 | 9 | 5 | 5 | 7 |--|

       _         _____________________________________________
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  `        (___)                                                    /  .’
 --`’------‘`      ---------------------------------------------    | =|
                  ===============================================    \_\

/ Introduction \

Fallout Shelter is the first mobile release in the Fallout game series. It’s
release predates the much anticipated Fallout 4 by a few months. The Fallout
series is widely regarded as one of the best series in video game history, so
what should be expected from it’s first foray into mobile gaming? Well, nothing
but the best of course. Fallout Shelter sees you as a vault overseer, managing
your own vault in the irradiated Wastes post Great War. And yes, it’s fun.

/ Graphics \

The graphics in Fallout Shelter are easily some of the best that I’ve seen in
a mobile game. From the reviews that I’ve read, the general consensus seems to
be in line with my opinion: Fallout Shelter’s graphics are amazingly beautiful.

But, beautiful graphics come with a price. Older tech often has a hard time
playing the game. There have been several reports of game crashes. I, myself,
am playing on an iPhone 6, so I have not experienced any crashing, but those
with older gen models likely will. In addition, the Dweller movement controls,
while literally the only possible way to do it, can be a bit tedious at time.
Moving Dwellers across the vault is sometimes hard and a bit clunky, which
can prove problematic, especially during a Raider Attack.

That being said, I maxed out my vault with 200 Dwellers and built all the way
down to the bottom floor and my app never crashed. (Again: iPhone 6). So, I
can’t really weigh in too much on the crashing/lag issues. From my experience,
the game was mostly fluid and I very much enjoyed it.

Based on my experience, I give the game a 5/5 for its graphics.
/ Sound & Music \

There’s no music in this game, really, unless you count the little RUSHing song
and other little bits. But, there’s no soundtrack. However, the sound design
is superb. The antiquated feel of the sound effects just adds to the quirky
post-apocalyptic feel that Fallout has become known for. This sounds like the
50s, which is exactly what Bethesda has been going for all along. That being
said, the FAILED sound gets incredibly annoying to hear when you’re RUSHing
during a shortage. But that’s not Bethesda’s fault.

For sound and music, I give the game 5/5.

/ Game Play \

I touched on this a bit while discussing the graphics and, for the most part,
the game play is excellent for a mobile game. It’s very simple as it’s really
a “wait for refresh” mobile tap game at it’s core, but it implores more
strategy play that other wait for refresh games I’ve played. The outfit/weapon
system is much enjoyed and optimizing Dwellers to explore the Wasteland is
easily my favorite aspect. This game does A LOT of things right, but there are
certainly some improvements that I would love to see.

First and foremost: Raider Attacks. Maybe it’s just me, but there were times
when I’d get 5+ Raider Attacks in the span of a half-hour and it can become
quite annoying. I really wish the Raiders would stay in the Vault Door until
the fight with your guys is over. It’s quite frustrating when they just run to
the next room, despite the fact that your guys are still alive, and then your
guys just stop and stay there. If this is going to happen, your guys should at
least follow them and keep fighting as dragging them around to follow the
Raiders can be a real pain.

Additionally, managing over 100 survivors can be a little hard to keep up with,
especially if you’re not trying to spend all of your time playing the game.
It would be quite nice if they implemented an optimized placement feature that
helped you place your people. I know, I know. “That will take away the strategy
behind it.” But, as far as the strategy of placement goes, it’s non-existent
unless the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. levels make it plainly obvious for you anyway. There
are some Dwellers who have the same level for multiple S.P.E.C.I.A.L. sections
and placing them in the proper place is just irritating, as there’s virtually
no rhyme or reason behind where they want to be and it’s just a guessing game.

Lunchboxes are fairly rare to come by unless you shell out some real cash for
them. The head of Bethesda himself said that the app is “not about making
money. It’s about getting Fallout out there.” Well, if that’s the case, making
the Lunchboxes a tad bit more common would certainly be a welcome addition.
Otherwise, it’s impossible to get the Rare or Legendary weapons, outfits, and
Dwellers. Plus, who honestly wants to spend as much money on this game as it
would cost to get a brand new console/PC game? It’s ludicrous and quite

These are my main complaints. Despite these, the game is really quite fun and
harder for some people to put down than Flappy Bird. (Let’s hope the developers
don’t have a moral awakening and take it off the app store!) So, in the end,
I’ll be giving this game a 4.5/5 for gameplay.
/ Plot & Interaction \

There’s not much here as far as plot and interaction are concerned. Build a
vault. Keep everyone happy. Sex it up for more Dwellers. And have lucky people
explore the Wastes for you. That about sums it up. So, I’m not even going to
assign a rating for plot and interaction. It’s only here because it’s part of
my review system.
/ In The End \

Fallout Shelter is a great mobile game, perhaps the best of its kind. While I
eagerly await updates to see what kind of changes they implement, I’ve had an
absolute blast playing the game and expanding my vault. It’s really a great
idea for a mobile game and it certainly shows (Fallout Shelter has exceeding
Candy Crush’s profits in just three days!).

My ultimate rating is 5/5 for the game as I found it hard to put it down. Only
Bethesda can make a mobile game that would make me sit around all day and play
it (yes, I did that... Twice). It’s really a fantastic game and I’ve already
recommended it to all of my friends. Now, hopefully with this walkthrough you
can get out there and show your friends what a badass Overseer you are (you
know, if you really care that much).

     _________                                                    _________
    /.-------.\   ____________________________________________   /.-------.\
   //         \\   ==========================================   //         \\
  //  .-‘``‘-. \\   --------={  Copyright/Closing  }=-------   //  .-‘``‘-. \\
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 || | |         ||                                            || | |         ||
 || | |     _   ||                                            || | |     _   ||
 \\  \ ‘-.-‘ |  //                                            \\  \ ‘-.-‘ |  //
  \\  ‘-.__.-` //                                              \\  ‘-.__.-` //
   \\         //     --------------------------------------     \\         //
    \`-------`/     ========================================     \`-------`/

/ Copyright Info \

This walkthrough is copyright (c) 2015-2016 to Alex May. All rights reserved.
It is an unofficial walkthrough/guide and is in now way affiliated with
Bethesda Softworks. Fallout Shelter and all other related items are copyrighted
(c) 2015 to Bethesda Softworks US. All rights reserved.

This FAQ is entirely unofficial and may not be reproduced and/or altered except
for personal, private use.

If you wish to have links to this walkthrough on your own site in order to
share is splendiferous funkitude with the masses, then that’s far out and I’m
all for it. Please do not host it elsewhere without first asking me for
permission, but do not be surprised if I decline. It’s easier for me to make
updates to my walkthroughs if they’re not spread all over the high seas of the
world-wide interwebs.

Re-publishing this FAQ on other sites is prohibited. Please give credit where
credit is due, in this case to the author: me. Stealing is for no-good water
/ Hosting \

- So, you like it. And now you want it. Well, get over it! (Joking) Should you
really, really wish to show this bad boy off, well then, I’m completely
supportive. Just make sure you meet these requirements:

                                 GIVE ME CREDIT

Alex May ... DRTYmxicnORGY(at)

For real guys... It’s a lot of work.



THAT’S IT! Seriously man, I have stuff to do. I love writing these, but until
it starts paying as much as my job, I can’t spend all my time monitoring and
working on this. Though, I totally would if I could.

As I’ve said before, you don’t necessarily need to ask my permission to show
off my sexiness, but don’t change it in any way and make it clear that it
was not created by anyone other than me. E-mailing me to ask permission is
really not necessary. At all.

                                LONG STORY SHORT

     * Do not disturb/change the guide. It exists in a delicate ecosystem
       that cannot be altered or else doomsday will occur. So just don’t.

     * Link to the GameFAQs copy of this guide RATHER THAN uploading it.

     * Give me credit. Say something along the lines of:
       “This amazingly awesome dank was written by Sir William Alexander
       May III a.k.a by his street-name DRTYmxicnORGY.”

And there you go.

/ In Closing \

Well, we made it. And thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed this walkthrough
and more than that, I hope it helped. If so, please hit recommend at the top
(provided you’re viewing on GameFAQs, that is).

If it did in fact help, then please check out my others at GameFAQs.

If there’s anything I’ve severely screwed up, please email me and put “Fallout
Shelter - Ya Dun Goofed” in the subject line.

           Alex May

That’s all.

                        NOW THEN, IF YOU’LL EXCUSE ME...

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