Village/Forest Text Map - Guide for Simon the Sorceror

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Loopy's ([email protected]) Simon The Sorcerer 1 (PC) Village/Forest Text Map
                                 (Version 1.0)

0: Exit north (1)
1: Exits behind (2), east (3)
2: Exit front (1)
3: (Blacksmith): Exits east (4), west (2), northeast (6)
4: (Dodgy Geezer): Exits east (5), west (7), north (3)
5: (Shoppe): Exits north (4), west (Forest 0), east, (6)
6: (Drunken Druid): Exits east (3), west (5)
7: Exits east (4), west (8)
8: (Choc House): Exit east (7)

0: Shoppe. Go west for the forest
1: Exits to north (0) and east (2)
2: Exits to west (1), east (3), northeast (8), southeast (9)
3: (Barbarian): Exits to west (2), north (8), east (4)
4: Exits to west (6), east (5), northeast (21), northwest (37), south (3)
5: (Sousaphone): Exits west (4), east (12)
6: Exits to west (7), east (4)
7: (Owl Tree): Exits east (6), west (8)
8: Exits west (2), south (3)
9: Exits west (2), east (10)
10: (Woodworm Stump): Exits west (9), east (11), southwest (40)
11: Exits west (10), east (12)
12: (Troll Bridge): Exits northwest (5), southwest (11), east (13)
13: Exits northeast (14), southeast (20)
14: Exits east (15), west (13)
15: (Oaf): Exits east (16), west (14)
16: (Crossroads): Exits northeast (17), southeast (18), northwest (15),
    southwest (19)
17: (Gorge): Exits down (42)
18: (Rapunzel Castle): *Dead end*
19: Exits west (20), east (16)
20: Exits west (13), east (19)
21: (Hole): Exits west (4), east (22)
22: (Centre of Forest): Exits northeast (23), east (31), cave (35),
    northwest (34)
23: Exits southwest (22), cave (24)
24: Exits east (25), west (23)
25: Exits north (26), east (27), west (24)
26: (Swampy's): *Dead end*
27: Exits east (28), west (25)
28: Exits east (29), west (27)
29: Exits east (30), west (28)
30: (Giant): Exits west (29), east (requires bridge)
31: Exits east (32), west (22)
32: (Woodcutter): Exits west (31), east (33)
33: (Gorge): *Dead end*
34: (Double doors): *Dead end*
35: (Two dwarves): Exits northeast (22), southwest (restricted),
    southeast (36)
36: (Dwarves beer chamber): *Dead end*
37: Exits east (4), west (38)
38: Exits east (37), west (39)
39: (Stone table): *Dead end*
40: Exits east (41), west (10)
41: (Witch's House): *Dead end*
42: (Fishing Golem): *Dead end*

   FAQ (C) Loopy ([email protected]) All other (C) Copyrights Acknowledged

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