Walkthrough - Guide for Battlefield 3

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  FAQ / WALKTHROUGH       a1ka1in      [email protected]      Version 0.5


 Brought to you by - Wise Buy Now, LLC 
           Website - www.cheatmasters.com
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Add me as you friend on origin - a1ka1in


Why read my walkthrough?

There are a few reasons...

1) Beacuse it is undoubtedly the fastest produced guide with emphasis on
   quality - unlike some websites which have access to the game even before
   it is released and they still manage to make shit guides.

2) Qualtiy of the guide is extremely important, but how does one define the
   quality for a guide? I play the game on the highest difficulty setting and
   whenever I feel that an area is a bit dangerous or needs more information
   I give more information. So, depending on the game - the depth of the guide
   will vary.

3) Emphasis is on the person reading this document, I make sure the way I write
   this is understandable to the reader. Also, there is no possibility of you
   encountering any spoilers while reading my guide. You need to enjoy the
   game and it's surprises - and believe me, you will be surprised when the
   game wants you to be surprised... I will not mention everything here so you
   will still have a lot to look forward to. But that does not mean that I will
   keep you hanging by the rope in the desert staring down a bottomless cess

4) All my guides are 100 % completion guides and there will not be even a
   single thing left out.

5) All locations of collectables and other stuff are mentioned very precisely.
   Also, you can find images and videos to help you understand the game better
   on www.cheatmasters.com, even video walkthroughs for places I feel necessary

   pictures and videos only available on www.cheatmasters.com -


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The Human-kind thrives to be better. But what keeps pushing us to do better all
the time? what empowers us to lead a better life? eat better food? watch better
stuff? and obviously - play better games?

The answer is desire (it's greed actually). And that desire is what showcases
when we present something - be it anything - including ourselves. The same
desire pushes the hundreds of game developers to better their counterparts /
competition / themselves - what they previously did. But, amongst the hundreds
only a few stand out - Valve, EA DICE, Bioware, Rockstar, Ubisoft - to name a 
few ( I am extremely sorry I cannot remember others ;p - yeah you know who I'm
talking about). But all of them have one thing in common - they made games that
rocked our world.

DICE's latest game - BATTLEFIELD 3 - Oh boy! what can one say about it? That it
uses Frostbite 2 - an engine that enables everything in the environment to be
destroyed, which can produce gorgeous scenery and depiction of real battles,
which can immerse you totally into it's world to the point that the girlfriend
starts to think about leaving (you)... But, everything apart, you even have to
praise the competition - yes I am referring to Call of Duty, which is known to
be the greatest video gaming franchise of all time ( hey I'm not stating
anything, just look at the number of copies they sold - numbers speak ). But
you need to have balls to take them head on. And, the developers of Battlefield
did exactly that - something us fans of "real" games wanted to hear - they
announced that Battlefield was made to "take them (Activision) down" with a 
capital D. They just shot the giant in the face, and seeing as to how punishing
the gaming community can be with their criticism, that was a prettly ballsy
statement to make - even for someone who already proved that they can make
games - real good games.

EA went on the offensive and marketed the game with nearly $100 million -
nothing less can be expected from a company which has produced some of the
greatest franchises of all time.

They released a beta (I'm not talking about that) and made bold statements.
Only one thing remains - for the game to be played by you. At last, it depends
on only one person - the person who decides what is better - you.

So, nuff' said...


  ||           \\\\
  ||  COPYRIGHT  ----> CPY0
  ||________   ////

  Copyright Wise Buy Now, LLC

  This guide has been created solely with the intention of guiding players
  through the game of BATTLEFIELD 3. Please contact me if you would like to use
  the whole or some part of the guide in your website. Posting any content from
  here without the permission is theft of intellectual property and the
  individual or organisation in question is liable to legal prosecution.

  The websites permitted to host this guide are -


  Cheat Masters

  Any other person or website wishing to publish this guide in part or as a
  whole can e-mail me at [email protected]

   pictures and videos only available on www.cheatmasters.com -



      ==============       ===       ==============       ==============
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                 ===       ===       ===
                 ===     TABLE OF CONTENTS                ==============
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                 ===       ===       ===
      ==============       ===       ==============       ==============
      ==============       ===       ==============       ==============

  To easily navigate through the guide or to jump to a particular topic listed
  below, copy the code to the right of the topic and find it (ctrl + f)

  Some websites allow easier navigation by linking the code to the topics.
  Just click on the code to the right to jump to the topic.

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since GameFaqs takes 2-3 days to check the file...

  1.COPYRIGHT............................................................. CPY0

  2.VERSION HISTORY....................................................... VHIS

  3.CONTROLS.............................................................. CNTS

  4.THINGS TO KNOW........................................................ TTK0

  5.WEAPONS............................................................... WPNS

  6.WALKTHROUGH........................................................... WLK0

    6.1.SEMPER FIDELIS.................................................... WLK1

    6.2.OPERATION SWORDBREAKER............................................ WLK2

    6.3.UPRISING.......................................................... WLK3

    6.4.GOING HUTING...................................................... WLK4

    6.5.OPERATION GUILLOTINE.............................................. WLK5

  7.MULTIPLAYER / CO-OP COVERAGE.......................................... MPCO

    7.1.CONQUEST LARGE & CONQUEST......................................... MPC1

    7.2.RUSH AND SQUAD RUSH............................................... MPC2

    7.3.SQUAD DEATHMATCH AND TEAM DEATHMATCH.............................. MPC3

  8.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT....................................................... ACK0


  ||                 \\\\
  ||________         ////

  The updated version of this guide will always be available on
  www.cheatmasters.com, www.gamefaqs.com

  Additional content such as images and videos for collectables and other parts
  of the walkthrough such as important fights, will be available on
  cheatmasters in the main walkthrough itself. Also, cheatmasters may have
  more in-depth additional content even as a part of the walkthrough.

  Version 0.3 - 26/10/2011 - Started publishing the guide...

  Version 0.5 - 27/10/2011 - Written four mission and in fifth, also written
                             are tips and info on the different multiplayer

Updates come earlier on 


since GameFaqs takes 2-3 days to check the file...


  ||          \\\\
  ||  CONTROLS  ----> CNTS
  ||________  ////


Basic Infantry Controls -

Move                  W/A/S/D
Camera control        Mouse
Crouch                C
Toggle crouch         X
Prone                 Z
Jump/Vault            SPACEBAR
Fire weapon           Left click
Scope zoom            Right click
Reload                R
Weapon slots          1/2/3/4/5
Throw grenade         G
Use knife             F
Interact              E
Firemode              V
Pick up item          R (hold)
Flashlight            T (when available)
Spotting/Team radio   Q
Squad chat            J
Team chat             K
All chat              L
Vehicle slots         F1-F8

   controls for XBOX 360 and PS3 only available on www.cheatmasters.com -



  ||                 \\\\
  ||  THINGS TO KNOW   ----> TTK0
  ||________         ////


  ||          \\\\
  ||  WEAPONS   ----> WPNS
  ||________  ////


             ________                                   ________
             ________\                                 /________
           ||          \\\\      ___________      ////          ||
           ||  WLK0      ---->   WALKTHROUGH   <----      WLK0  ||
           ||________  ////                       \\\\ _________||
             ________/                                 \________

  | |
  | |Be careful, Be ready, Be vigilante, because even lightning may hit you at
  | |any time...

  |                |
  |                |

He lands on a speeding train and enter it through a window...

You pick up a gun just as you enter the train, and as soon as you do so, you
should be able to see two gangsters in front of you. Aim and shoot at them as
soon as you can see them and continue forward. Crouch under the fallen debris
and be careful as there are three more guys in the next compartment. One is
straight ahead of you and the other two may take cover behind the seats to the
left and right so be carefull and always be ready. After killing them move up
and take the M1014 gun which was being used to bar the door. And then...

Hit left click once when you are prompted to do so, and go to the door to the
other end and hit "e" when asked. Outside, hit space once and when you are shot
at through the window, you need to keep hitting space continuously to climb up
the side of the train.

As soon as you are on the train, go into prone. Keep looking to the left in
front of you and you should see a guy come up and another shoots at you from
the same side but from a bit further. If you are not in prone, then crouch or
prone as soon as the explosion take place and keep moving front all this while,
and you will drop into the train. Be ready for more enemies who come in from
the door infront of you.

You will not be able to see all enemies, but the best thing to do is to stick
to the left or right wall whichever has more cover and if you even remotely
sense an enemy in front of you, shoot. There's lots of ammo, so don't worryy
about it. Keep moving and again, be ready for a lot of crooks. Eventually you
will get to the objective and...

  |                        |
  |                        |

This is the prelude and the scenario of the whole game... this is where it all
begins (in the end)...

After the cutscene you will come out of the van you are in and outside, follow
your squad to the rendezvous point. After the brief follow yuor squad to the
bad part of town. You should be able to see a "follow" tag on one of your team
mates. It is imperative that you always have the "follow" marker on your team
mate in your sight. You always need to know where this guy is or whoever the
"follow" guy is. This mssion requires a lot of detail to the enemies and it
is very difficult to describe the locations of the enemies in such vast locales
so I will put up some pics and videos of all the important enemies (RPGs) and
other stuff stuff but if you are reading the plain text version of this guide
on GameFaqs then you have a challenge ahead and you need to find the enemies
by yourself.


If you are playing the game on HARD (for which this guide is described for)
then we obviously have a nice task ahead of us so be ready...

If is very important that you stay behind the "follow" guys so that you will
be able to match my description of the locations and enemies without many
problems. After a long run behind the "follow" guy you will come to an open
area where the soldier in front of you is hit and you need to hit space when
prompted and you need to do this thrice.


                                       After you pull him into cover go into
prone and take cover behind the pillar in front of you and crouch and start
shooting. There should be two guys infront of you and two more to the right who
start running away.

The squad leader asks for a sit-rep and shortly, depending on where you are
standing, the nearest car will be blown up by an RPG. You need to kill these
RPG's and they are in to building to the right in the second floor. Here are
pics of where you can find them... one is to the right side and the other is
to the left. A group of tangos come in from the left upfront so finish off
those RPGs quickly with your sniper - yes you have a sniper(2) select it and
kill those guys. And some more tangos would have entered this area.

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Find cover behind the tires and rubble to the left most side of this area as
the enemies are to the right and some move to the center left. So, if you stay
to the left side, you can have all of them in front of you as opposed to being
behind a car in the center and having to fight enemies from both sides. If you
are shot then just go into prone to recover. 

(pic here)

                                             The enemies are to the left of the
building which was housing the RPGs. After you secure the area, you will be
asked to move back inside and go back to where you laid the hurt soldiers from
earlier and some of your mates open up the door here, keep following them...


You now have to kill the sniper who shot your mate. But first, you will get to
a door past which you will have to sprint through the room to avoid sniper fire
and when you reach the end of the room, go prone and equip your assault rifle
and look to the right and in come three tangos from the door. Kill them and
go behind the "follow" guy - Montes. After you get to the roof, always stay
behind Montes and you will need to crouch behind cover and eventually near
the end of the roof, you must go prone and follow Montes out of cover while
prone, if you stick your head up for even a milli second, you will be shot by
the sniper - it's a sure kill. After a bit of chatter, one of the guys who is
to the left of the roof rolls out an RPG for you. Go near him and pick it up.
Then anothe guys spots the sniper and now, after a while, your mates here stand
up and give up suppressing fire and you automatically get up and a red target
is shown in front of you, hit the target and watch the building collapse.


After that, you will hear news from below that your friend has been patched up
and is ready to be taken for extraction. But, they have to pass through the
streets and without cover fire, they are done for. So take position in between
the soldiers here and take out your sniper and look down on the road ahead.
There are three guys who show up from the left and run for cover here's a pic
of where they come from.

As soon as they come out, two guys show up on a roof to the left here and start
shooting so immediately take cover and go prone if needed. 

(pic here)
                                                           Use your sniper on
them and kill these two first before you go for the ones on the ground. The
guys on the ground take cover behind the cars to the left and behind the debris.
After this, our team below moves to the next place and two more guys show up
in front of them so be ready. 

(pic here)
                                 After these two, the team moves to where those
two took cover and some more show up near the gate to the left where the first
two entered the street from. There's a guy in the balcony above them but one
of your team mates might have got him already. After this stint, the extraction
is completed and you may be fired upon by enemy but you will not see them so
just take cover and follow your group until you get to ground level again and
you will come to the market. 


                                  After the market you will enter a door, stay
behind the follow guy and another shooting ensues. After clearing the initial
wave, another group come in the back of the place so just use your sniper on
them. Stay low and behind cover and you will be fine. After clearing this area
you will need to move out.


After you come out, go behind cover near one of your buddies and wait till you
are asked to folow the wire. It's the red wire and is clearly visible so you
will get lost only if you are a 5 year old in which case you are not supposed
to be playing since the ESRB rating is higher. Anyway, look at the wire and
follow it all the way, you will need to go prone and crawl through the shafts.
After you pull out the first wire, you should see a shadow on the wall, be
ready to hit "e" and then "left click" and watch Blackburn beat the shit out of
the other guy. If you miss the button don't worry as you will be asked to hit
another one immediately but if you miss too many times, you die. After you pull
the second wire you will be asked to come back outside because more enemies
showed up.


           So, go back up and just as you come out, take your sniper and take
out the guys to the left. One is hiding under the stairs of the bridge to the
left and keeps peeping out so go prone and shoot. Other guys are behind the
pillars that support the bridge. After killing them, you will be asked to take
hold of the LMG. Run up the bridge immediately after you are asked to take
possession as if you are too slow, enemies show up on the other side and kill
you. On the bridge, look at the railing to the left and where there is not
railing, run and when you can take cover behind the sheets taht act as the
railing, crouch and pick up the LMG and keep moving. The sheets give temporary
fire and will be destroyes if there is prolonged fire, so you need to keep
moving at all times. Go down the stairs on the other side and kill an enemy or
two and a vehicle will show up. Shoot at the vehicle for a while and you will
hear someone say that the enemy is falling back. You are now required to run
back and get on a vehicle mounted gun. This is marked on the screen by the blue
marker so you will not have any trouble finding it. Just be sure to run there
as fast as possible because enemies come up from the left and start shooting.
After mounting the gun, use the right-click to zoom and kill everything that
moves in front of you. After a long killing streak the Earth cracks...

  |          |
  | UPRISING | ---> WLK3
  |          |


Yup, all you have is a knife - fun huh?

Keep moving, crouch when prompted to, prone when prompted to and a rat tries
to kill you on the way, but you will survive the encounter by hitting
left-click when asked to. Keep moving and you will come to a door. Open the
door and walk or run the the guy ahead and stab him and take his gun and shoot
the others in front of you and immediately go prone and take cover behind the
stack of mats to the left of the place where you stabbed the guy. If you cannot
kill the two guys ahead just as you get the gun, then just go prone and you can
handle it later.


Crawl a bit to the left of the mat and you should see one or two enemies. Kill
them and crawl to the right of the mat and another enemy is in front. But, kill
him and another comes, after killing three guys, throw a grenade there to
finish any other guy here and luckily you could hurt the shotgunner there.
After bombing the guys, stay in prone and move ahead but remember to stay in
cover, there are more enemies in the right side here and so, kill them, but
be especially carefull of the shotgunner. If you play on HARD, he can take you
out in a single hit. So, move very slowly out of cover (in prone) and shoot
and get back in cover and keep repeating till you clear out this area. Use all
your grenades if you have to since you will come to an ammo dump soon.


When you come out, you should hear a copter and see two guys walking in the
distance. Kill them and progress to where they were and kill another guy if he
shows up and go ahead and pick up the ammo and grenades from the ammo crate if
you have to. This area can be a pain in the ass if you have vision problems.

Go into prone from near the ammo crate and you ought to stay here itself
throughout this next fight. If you go down, you may face problems. Anyway,
move ahead in prone and keep to the left and at the edge you should see four
soldiers patrolling here, one of them is sitting next to a car and gets up once
you start blasting them. Kill them but do not stay here more than a few seconds
as this area has more enemies than you can imagine. After killing the four,
move back and stay there and you should be able to see a orange flair in the
sky fall down. Below the flair are more enemies. It can be difficut to spot
them and you can now fall to the left where you killed the four guys and
continue from there but I prefer to stay on higher ground. You can use as many
grenades as you want if you stay near the ammo crate. But if you stay on the
top look out for the enemy who comes from the right with a flash light. Kill
him and crawl to the right and finish you job from here if you are having
trouble killing from near the ammo crate. After you are sure you killed
everyone, go into the garage which is marked on you screen and you should see
this red door...

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               Stay to its right crouch and be ready for enemies. One of them
opens the shutter, shoot him and someone throws in a grenade. Move back as
ar as you can and stay there to get your health back after the explosion. Go
prone and kill the rest of the guys. Be careful since they can look at you
before you can look at them, so just move back if you are being fired upon.
After killing the three guys (including the oned who opened the shutter), go
out and move to the right and get into the bus and no you are not dead...


Go prone and look to the right and past th first fire is a hole and you will
see several lights so as soon as you see one, shoot to kill. Move back if you
are hit and come back and kill the lights. There are only two here and the
second one is very close to the right of the hole. Move out and go thru the
gate and some enemies come in front of you, kill the two guys and go through
that door.


Follow Montes and stay low near the edge of the debsirs. Spend some time here -
just a few seconds, and run to the jeep which is marked on youe screen and hit
"e" to mount the weapon. Kill everything that moves, look to the extreme
right and left as enemies come out from everywhere. Keep sweeping the entire
area again and again as new guys keep coming all the time. After the
helicopter comes turn to the right and shoot the guys there and after a while
an RPG hits you and you come out of the truck. Immediately run to the right
and into the copter to end this.

  |               |
  |               |

This is more like a fun diversion form the main story.


After you get into the jet, do what is shown on the screen to complete the pre-
flight checks, till you take off. Look left and right when asked to check the
wing and flaps.

After a long time you see your first target. An enemy jet shows up, you are to
keep the jet in your sights at all times so that you can take a shot when its
clear. Select missiles and to lock onto a target, keep the crosshair pointed
at the enemy for some time and after you see the lock on, shoot. Enemies can
deploy counter measures so your missles will not hit all the time so keep
shooting. Aiming may be a headache but stay focused. It take a long time.


When you hear the alarm (beep beep beep beep beep  pi pi pi pi pi) your pilot
will ask you to deploy counter-measures, so do so by hitting "X". You can
fire counter measures as soon as you hear the alarm. So keep your ears open.
All through the flight the enemy will be either behind you firing at you or
in front of you when yu get ot fire at them. When the jets are behind you,
all you need to do is keep deploying counter measures so that their missile
loops out of trajectory. You have to destroy a total of five jets. So, stay
calm, stay focused. After the first three jets, you will have to defend and
attack at the same time, so keep a finger on the counter measures at all times.


After selecting the HARM missiles, zoom with the right click and you move
the sight around to get a lock on the targets. You will have an easy time as
all targets are stationary. After destroying the three SAM sites you will need
to kill the parked planes. Switch to JDAM and infra. Zoom out if you are in
zoom mode and look around and you can see little white jet as shown in the pic
below. After killing four of them you need to take out two more which are
trying to get away. You have to switch to the next target and kill it. After
that move your sights to the bulk of people and fire to end this.

  |                      |
  |                      |

After you get up, run behind the guy with the follow marker to the end and put
doqn the mortart using "e". After that, go up to the wall and climb over it by
getting a boost from the marine over by the wall.

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  ||                               \\\\
  ||________                       ////

Multiplayer is the essence of this game. It is undoubtedly, the best FPS
multiplayer in the market right now. That is the exact reason I have started
writing this guide from the multiplayer section first. All real gamers start
with the multiplayer first ;p

Covering every aspect of the multiplayer is not possible, but I will try to
put forth as much as I can.

You get 100 points for killing an enemy and if you assist in killing them, then
you get the number of points equal to the damage you did to that enemy before
your teammate killed him. You may get extra bonuses for headshot and various
other stuff. Destroying vehicles is also very profitable sice you get 250
points. I found the tank to be of most help in these modes - just for that
extra protection. If you fill up all seats of your tank then it will be more
earier, but hope your partner is good wit the mini gun.


Note: The only difference between Conquest Large and Conquest I could make
out was that there are no vehicles in Conquest but Conquest large may have
jeeps and tanks to boats and jets depending on the map.

I'd say that these are the best modes in the multiplayer. They are just like
capture the flag but with a twist...

There are about five flag locations in the map and one country (US or Russia)
spawn on one side of the map and the other country spawns on the opposite side.
Your goal is to capture the flag points and the only advantage the flag points
hold is that, your country's soldiers will be able to spawn from the flag
locations which is currently under your power. Otherwose they you'all just
spawn in the original spawn point.

Each times a player dies, he can choose to spawn in any location losted on the
deploy screen (the screen which you come to when you die where you can select
the classes). Each time a player spawns, their country will lose a point. Each
country has 250 points to begin with. So, if your team does 250 spawns before
the oter team, then you lose.

You can capture the flag if you are within 50 meters from it.

When in an area with a flag, if there are more members of your team than those
from the other team, you will see a circle filling up around the alphabet
which represents the flag area. IF the circle is fully filled, then you have
just obtained the flag. But be wary, enemies can still get this flag... if you
are the first to reach the flag area and successfully obtain the flag, you get
a cool 250 points, if you assist then you get 200 points.

Enemy flags are represented by an organge color. So, if you see an alphabet in
orange, then that area has been help by the enemy.

To capture an enemy flag, go there and stay there till you can see the orange
circle decrease around the alphabet that represents this flag area. When the
circle is fully reduced then you have neutralized the flag. Now, the circle
will start filling towards your capturing the flag. All soldiers in the area
when the flag is neutralized will get 200 points.

So, if you are the first person in an enemy flag area and successfully
neutralize and capture the flag, you get 450 points.

                 Tips to gain a few extra points :-

As the game starts, you will be in a count down and when the timer reaches T-5
(5 seconds remaining) you will be able to move, sprint to the nearest ground
vehicle and head to the nearest flag point. The flag points are marked with
alphabets (A B C D E) and you can see them on the screen. As soon as the
game starts and countdown begins, you need to check which two flags are closest
to your spawn point.

So, as soon as you are in a vehicle (or not) rush to the nearest flag point.
Remember that you can hold "shift" to boost your vehicle speed. Rush to the
nearest point and stay there and after you get the flag, rush to the point
nearest from here and get that one too. If you are the first to get to these
then you have a cool 500 points by now, or if you are not the first, you still
get 400 points.

From here, advanc to the next area, you can get the first two flags easily
but if you are not fast then you may face some resistance near the third flag.
So, be careful when trying for the third flag. If you die, then choose to spawn
from the flag area that is nearest and come back here to fight. It is best if
you leave your flag count at three and defend the ones you have. The two flags
closest to the enemy position would have been captured by now and there will
be hordes of enemies to face if you try to breach perimeter. So, you can just
choose to defend the flags you have.

If you see orange arrows around your alphabet with a circle which is decreasing
then the enemy are in your territory.

Also, you will be able to see if your team mates are capturing a flag. So, if
you see and alphabet with the circle filling around it, rush to that place to
get some assist points.

All passengers get reduced scores and all drivers will be given full scores.
So, if you are a passenger, just get out of the vehicle just as the circle is
about to fill up. But, be careful as other team mates may take your ride away.
Sneaky B*******

RUSH & SQUAD RUSH:-          ----> MPC2


There are two enemy M-Com units in the map. Defenders have to stop the
attackers from destroying the units.

Attackers need to go to the unit and manually place a charge on them. Then they
have to kill any defending forces trying to disable the charge. Placing and
disabling charges takes time which can be seen by the filling of the circle
around the alphabet that represents the comm station.

The comm stations first spawn in an area which is inbetween the attacker and
defender deployment areas. Later, they randomly spawn around the map. Comm
stations spawn only if the previous ones have been destroyed. You cannot
destroy the stations by shooting or bombing, they have to be fused manually.
Both comm stations usually spawn very close to each other, within 20-30 meters
of each other.

Usually, attackers or defenders, both stay close to the M-comm while defending
it from the enemy. So, if you cannot see them, be sure that there are enemy
around this place and the best way to go is to go prone but you will be stabbed
if you are not carefull. Throw a grenade near a comm station before approaching
it to see if there are any enemies there.

Some maps allow light to heavy ground armor (jeeps and tanks). But you will
not see jets or copters - you don't expect a comm station to be floating in
the sky, do you?


Similar to rush, but is played by squads. Squads are teams of four. This mode
may have only one M-comm station as very few players can play it at once. I
think usually 8 players are on the map at once but even 16 can play at a time.


You cannot expect any shooter multiplayer without death matches (RAGE is an
exception !!!).

If you have not heard of what a death match is, then you have been living in an
icey cave in Antarctica for the past 30 years living on rotten meat and frozen
fish ;p


you are a 3 year old. In which case, you should not be playing the game.
If you are playing squad deathmatch then you have to kill other squads and
whichever squad reaches the kill limit first wins the game. If you are playing
team deathmatch then you have to kill players from the other team.

I suggest you play squad matches only if you have a friend to play with or a
group of friends. Going into a good squad is difficult and there are plenty of
bad players around who do not have a shred of common sense on how to play as
a unit. (yeah NOOB ALERT !!!)


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