Walkthrough - Guide for Dino Crisis

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                    DINO CRISIS WALKTHROUGH v0.9 (US VERSION)
                              for Sony Playstation
                                by Stinger 3:16
                             [email protected]

This  FAQ  is  for  private  and  personal  use.  It  can  only  be   reproduced
electronically,  and if placed on a web page or site,  may be altered as long as
this disclaimer and the copyright notice appear unaltered and in full.  This FAQ
is not to be used for profitable or promotional purposes, etc. Please do not use
this FAQ on your website without asking my permission first. And don't take some
part or whole part of this walkthrough  and  put your names on it.  I don't made
this walkthrough for some damn plagiarist  put their names on it. I work hard on
making this walkthrough, so please don't rip-off my work.If you want to ripp-off
my walkthrough, tell me first, so I can put you in my Damned List.This list will
only works after the person inside the list is dead.  Their soul  will be damned
for all eternity. I made a lot sacrifices to obtain that skill, but I think it's
worth,  considering they are pain in my ass,  leech in my blood, and parasite in
my life.
One last note for :
1. Mr. Jealous : I'm very tired reading your comments about other people's  faq.
                 Why don't you mind  your own  damn business.  What's wrong with
                 big faqs? Envy?
2. Mr. Stingy  : Do you know  what  a faq's for?  To help the reader.  So if you
                 don't want  to tell its secret,  why  you make a faq?  Is it so
                 other people know how great you are?
Dino Crisis is (c) Capcom and (c) Sony Entertainment.

T A B L E  O F  C O N T E N T S

01.  R E V I S I O N  H I S T O R Y

02.  B A S I C  M O V E S

03.  S A V I N G  Y O U R  G A M E

04.  F R E Q U E N T L Y  A S K E D  Q U E S T I O N S

05.  W A L K T H R O U G H

06.  M A P S
     * MAP #1 : FACILITY 1F
     * MAP #2 : FACILITY 2F
     * MAP #3 : FACILITY B1
     * MAP #6 : FACILITY B2
     * MAP #7 : FACILITY B3

07.  S T R A T E G I E S

08.  E N D I N G S

09.  W E A P O N  L I S T

10.  S U P P L I E S  L I S T

11.  I T E M  L I S T

12.  E M E R G E N C Y  B O X E S
     * GREEN BOX
     * RED BOX

13.  F I L E S

14.  L O S T  A N D  F O U N D

15.  M I S C E L L A N E O U S

16.  A C T I O N  R E P L A Y  C O D E S

17.  C O M P L I M E N T S

18.  S O F T W A R E  I N F O R M A T I O N

19.  C R E D I T S

20.  S P E C I A L  T H A N K S

21.  V E R Y  S P E C I A L  T H A N K S

22.  L I S T  O F  T H E  D A M N E D

23.  I M P O R T A N T  N O T E

24.  A U T H O R ' S  N O T E

01.  R E V I S I O N  H I S T O R Y

VERSION 0.9 (14 July 2000)
Updated 'Software Information' section.

VERSION 0.8 (04 April 2000)
Added 'Software Information' section.

VERSION 0.7 (10 March 2000)
Added Miscellaneous #3.

VERSION 0.6 (19 January 2000)
Remove List of the Damned #3 and add another to #4.

VERSION 0.5 (16 January 2000)
Some jerk have entered my List of the Damned. Go check it out.

VERSION 0.4 (10 November 1999)
Added some files.

VERSION 0.3 (03 November 1999)
Added  'Supplies List' and 'Files' section also add the telephone problem on the
Miscellaneous section.
Well, well, well... What do we have here? Yes, another bastard has enter my List
of the Damned.  Congratulations  asshole!!!  And  I  also have got VEGA's e-mail
address. Check on my List of the Damned.

VERSION 0.2 (17 October 1999)
Change the logo. I think it's better than the previous one.

VERSION 0.1 (14 October 1999)
First release. Contain most of this walkthrough.

02.  B A S I C  M O V E S

  Up           Move forward
  Down         Move backward
  Right        Turn right
  Left         Turn left
  X            Action/Shoot (while holding R1)
  Square       Run (while holding forward)
  Circle       Open Character Menu
  Triangle     Cancel
  R1           Aim
  R2           Turn 180°
  L1           Move your aiming to another enemy (while holding R1)
  Start        Pause
  Select       Game Option

03.  S A V I N G  Y O U R  G A M E

Unlike  Resident  Evil  Series  or  Silent  Hill,  in  Dino  Crisis there are no
typewriter or notepad.  Instead,  on the map,  you will see a room with a letter
'S' inside it.  It is a Save Game Room.  All you have to do is go into that room
and then just  exit  that room.  Then you will  be  given an option to save your
game.  So you can  save as many as you like  because you don't need  anything to
save your game.

04.  F R E Q U E N T L Y  A S K E D  Q U E S T I O N S

Q : I have the new Dr. Kirk  ID and the Initializer and Stabilizer put together.
    For some damn reason I can't get the slots on B2 or B3 to open so that I can
    put  the  Initializer or  Stabilizer into place!!!  I tried the ID on almost
    everything in sight!!  I am stumped... could you possibly tell me where I am
    supposed to go/do to allow those panels to open?!!!
A : You have  to simulate the computer  in front of Room 48 first,  then you can
    put the Initializer and Stabilizer on its proper place.

Q : I had problem hope you are free to help me in the code in Dino  Crisis,  I'm
    now  stuck  in  this B1 lab where I need to type in the code to  access  the
    area.  I  had been surfing everywhere but their walkthrough isn't  complete.
    So after surfing through so many peoples article I found that yours  is  the
    most clear,  so I  wrote this mail to you hope you could help me. Thanks for
    your time.
    T H E
    T H I R D E F N F E
    B A L L     O   N
    H I R O R R S G S Y
    1 2 3 4 5   7   9
A : The answer is ENERGY

Q : Is  there  any codes you need to put in for game shark to play Dino Crisis??
    I just bought this game and I can't play it!!! Please!!! I need help, I have
    been  looking  everywhere  and  I  can't find one reason, I can't find it!!!
A : Sorry,  but  I can't help you because I don't understand that kind of thing.
    My Dino Crisis works fine.

Q : I have a huge problem here... I can't pick up the shotgun shells!!
A : Just  press  the  Action  button (default is square), but if you still can't
    pick it up maybe your inventory is full.

Q : How do you know codes 705037 and 367202?
A : 705037 : If you upside down SOL you got 705, LEO you got 037.
    367202 : Actually  it's not  367202 but  367204 and I got it from moving the
             shelf and hearing the conversation.

Q : I have a problem, I have finished Dr. Kirk scenario so right now I'm playing
    the operation  Wipe Out scenario,  in level three I have killed all the Dino
    but I couldn't get the hell out of there, so HELP.....HELP.....
A : To  finish  every level on  Operation : Wipe Out  you must go back where you
    start and ascend/descend the stairs.

Q : I am having difficulty with getting the 78814 password to function in the B2
    Save room.  Can you tell me in detail what has to be done in order to bypass
    the 78814 computer, after securing the Initializer and Stabilizer? Thanks.
A : Go to  Room 48 and use the  Fingerprint  Machine on the circuit box near the
    corpse. Go to B2 Save Game Room and use the ID Card on the computer near the
    corpse to upgrade your ID Card.

Q : Hello,  I would first like to say thank you for your walkthrough it was well
    accepted.  I do have a question though. I was wondering if the L-Disk is the
    same  as  the DDK-L Disc.  I was looking through your lost and found and did
    not find that you listed an L-Disk.  I  tried to go thru that portion of the
    game and had some trouble. I went to the computer on the north wall and went
    to the  left switch and nothing happened.  The area that I am refering to is
    the area in the S-2 room or page 6 of 17 middle of the page. If you can help
    me I would greatly appreciate it, and thanks again!
A : The  L-Disk is different with  DDK-L Disk, and I already put both of them on
    my  walkthrough  before  you  asked  this question. In order to activate the
    computer on the North wall you must have the L-Disk and R-Disk.

Q : You  know  you said that you have to get the third ending to get Operation :
    Wipe  Out no matter which game  (1st, 2nd or 3rd) it is?  Well apparently, I
    got the it not by getting the third ending but by getting the second (Gail :
    Alive, Kirk : Unknown).  Oh yeah, and the mode was on easy. So are there any
    differences in getting this mode whether you play it on easy or normal?
A : I got  Operation : Wipe Out  by finishing the game using the third ending on
    Normal Mode,  so I think there's a difference between the  Normal  and  Easy

Q : Hey  in  Dino Crisis after you follow the Gail first time, u didnt say where
    to  continue  for gail u just then started with Ricks way so Im confused and
    dont know wat to do after GAIL'S WAY the first time.
A : I separate it by one line, but on this version (0.6) I made it more clear.

Q : I have read your walkthrough and it was a great help but I am stuck. Can you
    please  help  me?  I  need  to  activate  the third energy generator but the
    computer  says  a special keycard is required and even when I update the Dr.
    Kirk  one  it  still doesn't work. Can you help me please? and also, what is
    the fingerprint machine for? Thanx.
A : To activate the third energy generator, you have to upgrade your ID Card and
    simulate it on the computer in front of the Room 48. The fingerprint machine
    is for upgrading your ID Card.

Q : Hi!  I  have read your  FAQ at cheatcc.com. I cn't print it out because I am
    using a moblie phone that has direct assess to the internet! By the way, are
    you living in Jakarta,  Indonesia and are you  indian.  Sorry I didn't put a
    question mark because  I don't have one on the keyboard and I asked you some
    weird question,  but I have this friend in Jakarta and his name is Veer.  He
    also has this frien called Arun.  I thought he might be you,  but maybe not.
    Sorry i asked you a weird question,  but I like your FAQ for Dino Crisis! It
    is really cool and I wonder where you get it. See Ya!
A : First,  my name IS NOT  Arun,  my name IS  STINGER 3:16. Second, I don't get
    this  FAQ,  I  MADE  it!!!!  I'm not a plagiarist,  and I never ever rip-off
    someone else's work.

Q : I had  Dino Crisis and it would not play. I purchased the converter with it.
    Was  the only thing  I was missing was the enable code,  or do I also need a
    mod chip in my playstation? A bad ass game huh?
A : I'm sorry, I can't help you.

Q : What  happens if you complete the game the 4th time, although it'll start to
    become boring?
A : Nothing happens.

Q : Where I can get the L-Card please help I'm stuck.
A : Check my 'Lost and Found' Section.

Q : I  followed  Gails  idea  and  got  the  already  assembled  stabilizer  and
    initializer. I  am  now back in the save room on B2 and I don't know what to
    do.  I  have  no idea where or why to use the fingerprint machine and when I
    update the keycard in the save room nothing happens.  The computer only runs
    the  simulation  and so I'm stuck here.  Please guide me step be step to the
    activation of the third energy generator. I would be extremely grateful.
A : 01. Use  the  fingerprint  machine  on  the  circuit  box  near the dead man
        (Room 48)
    02. Choose yes (the left option).
    03. Go to Save Game Room on B2.
    04. Use the ID Card on the computer near the corpse.
    05. The combination number is 78814.
    06. If  you  done  correctly,  the  ID  Card  now  in  the last slot of your
    07. Now  simulate  the  computer  on  Room  47 (the computer will say system
    08. Go back to Room 46.
    09. Across the bridge.
    10. Press the action button in front of the green switch.
    11. Use the 'white thing' (Stabilizer or Initializer).
    12. Go down to B3 using the elevator in this room.
    13. Follow the path, ascend the stairs, descend the stairs.
    14. Press the action button in front of the green switch.
    15. Use the 'blue thing'.
    16. Walks West and activate the computer.
    17. Go back to B2.
    18. Across the bridge and activate the computer.
    19. Now, you should have activate the third energy generator.

Q : Hi, first of all i wanted to tell you that i really liked your faq...
    I  finished the game for the first time and i got a new costume but i do not
    know how to use it?  It seems that i didnt got a save slot with the costume,
    and i didnt got that "mad move" stuff can you help me?
A : After  you  finished the game you must save your clear data. After you saved
    it, then load a game and select that file and you can choose your costume.

Q : Sorry  to bother you but i can not find the ddk-s disk anywhere i have tried
    your guide an it doesnt give enough details for me to find it can you please
    help me.
A : One in the Save Game Room at B2, and the other in Room 53 (on the floor).

Q : Hi, I read your FAQ.  I think its great.  Its one of two Dino Crisis FAQs on
    my computer,  but I noticed  that you wrote  you can only get the  Operation
    Wipe  Out  mode from beating the third ending  (where everyone survives).  I
    was able to get  that mode upon beating the game  the second time and  I got
    the second ending  (Gail dies, Kirk lives). I suppose your score may have an
A : Sorry, it's my mistake. I have tried again, and you can get Operation : Wipe
    Out  by  finishing  the  game  using  any endings. So you can use the first,
    second, or third ending to get the Operation : Wipe Out. But your play-time,
    continues, and saves effect whether you get Operation : Wipe Out or not.

Q : 1) where did you find the codes 0207 and 0367 at the end
    2) what do you get when you beat the game?
    3) i don't get the operation : wipeout parts. could you explain that to me?
A : 1) It's not 0207 but 0204. I found it by divide the last code 367204 -> 0367
       and 0204.
    2) You can check it on my walkthrough.
    3) You can check it on my walkthrough.

Q : Sorry for disturbing you,  I have a question regarding the "left elevator" I
    cant enter the room 11  (under the Stair, going to 2nd floor) in fact i have 
    already a DDK N,DDK L,DDK E. help me im stuck here....
A : To open that door you must have two DDK-N disk.

Q : I am playing in Normal Mode, and I have received the bloody note (1281) from
    the man dead.  I used the fingerprint  on the circuit box nearthe corpse and
    the scene with Doctor Kirk was O.K. and I received the A Level Card. I agree
    with Gail  and I went to Room 47,  used the elevator and finally  arrived to
    Room 51,  inside the Room 51  I got the elevator and I take 2 things  1 blue
    and 1 white (I hope Stabilizer + Initializer).
    I  returned  to  "Save  Game  Room"  on  B2, used  the  ID Card and with the
    combination number 78814 in the computer the gate system wak O.K. I returned
    to Room 47 and I activated the computer (think that is one of them  that say
    that all systems are ready, but you need a key card????). I returned to Room
    46  and start  to crossing  the bridge,  and you say  that  we must to press
    action in front of the green switch, I tried but I couldn't done, help me!!!
    Also I see that when I go to the computer on Room 46 the colour is in red, I
    push and select yes, but nothing happen.
A : If you have upgrade the ID Card, then when you simulate the computer on Room
    47,  it will say "System ready, plase put Stabilizer and Initializer". After
    that,  you can cross the bridge  on Room 46  and press the action button  in
    front of  the green switch  (actually, next to the green switch, to open the
    NOTE : Before you successfully simulate the computer on Roon 47,  the switch
           on Room 46 is red. After you simulate them, the switch will turn

Q : I am at one the last section  of the game,  when you said  " Go back to Save
    Game  Room  on B2.  Use  the ID Card  on the computer  near the corpse.  The
    combination number is  78814.  Go back to Room 47.  Activate the computer in
    front  of the South door."  When I try that,  it gives me  a warning  that I
    need  a special key  to use the computer, where is the special key or have I
    missed something ?
A : You haven't upgrade your ID Card. The special key is your ID Card. After you
    upgrade your  ID  Card try again.  To upgrade yor ID, first you must use the
    fingerprint machine on the circuit box on Room 48.  There will be an option,
    choose YES.  If there's  no option,  then you using  the fingerprint  on the
    wrong place.  After choose YES,  go to Room Save Game Room on B2. Use the ID
    Card on the computer. The combination number is 78814. If you done correctly
    your ID Card now in the last slot on your inventory.

Q : I have been using your dino crisis walkthrough  and now i am stuck.  I am in
    easy mode.  I cannot  get down  the left elevator.  I did use  the  id print
    machine on the dead guy  in the same room but the elevator wont open .  I am
    following gail.
A : You must upgrade your ID.  Go to Area IV. Use the Fingerprint Machine on the
    dead man (twice).  Go back to Room 14.  Use the ID Card on the computer. The
    combination number is 47812.

Q : Wow, now you've really updated  your FAQ and it looks great so far!  There's
    one thing I don't seem to find on you FAQ though  (my apologies if there's a
    mistake)  and that's about the health.  I've spent hours  finding out on how
    you can check  Regina's health.  On the RE series  they've got  a pulse like
    bar to indicate it  but on Dino Crisis, they've left it out. Can you help me
    here  please?  I  reckon  you have  to use  your  initiative  and  determine
    Regina's  conditon.  At least  when her life  is at critical  condition, she
    indicates that  by bending over  a bit and putting her arm  around the other
    (or was it her body, I forgot), like in RE2.
A : If she hurt a bit,  when she walks she will leave a blood trail. If she hurt
    a lot, she will holding her stomach. That's all I know.

Q : Hi, You have a great faq on Dino Crisis. I just have a few questions to ask.
    1) In the room  with  the  computer  were we use  the code 47812  there is a
       telephone. I  activated  the telephone  and Regina  dialed a number.  The
       phone  was ringing  but nobody picked it up. Then another option game up.
       If  you choose yes  she will press  some buttons  once more  and you will
       not be able  to use  the phone again  but if you choose  no  then you can
       dial again.  Since I did not  see it  in your faq  do you know what it is
       all about?
    2) There are  2 numbers we can use  on the computer. You talked about 47812.
       But  I used  46907  and  it also accepted it. Do you know  the difference
       between the two codes?
    Keep up the good work
A : I don't know  about the telephone,  but maybe it's nothing. About the 46907,
    it is used to upgrade  your ID to open the elevator.  I don't know if number
    47812 can open the elevator too.

Q : Howdy.  Sorry to bother ya,  but i've got  a quick question  about the cheat
    codes  in your walkthru  for  dino crisis.  I have an action replay  and the
    code  to get the game to run  works fine,  but if i try  any other codes, it
    freezes  on the action replay  start screen  before the game even starts.  I
    just  got  my  action replay  so  i'm not sure  how they work,  but any help
    would be gladly appreciated. thanks.
    p.s. your  walkthrough  was most helpful,  I dont know japanese  either  and
         you saved my ass. Cheers to ya!
A : Are you sure you have input the right codes?  I only have tried the infinite
    health, infinite bullets and save anywhere and all of them works fine.

Q : Only looked at your walkthrough once excellent. But now that we are well and
    truly stuck  there is  no more info  on your page.  Have you got any further
    yourself yet?  If so  can you help with codes for basement 3 - 4 didgit code
    by glass fronted shelf in the corner of the room with 'C' on main door. 
A : You  can check  my newest  walkthrough  at  www.gamefaqs.com.  That  version
    contain the answer for your question.  If you want to see the latest version
    of this walkthrough, always check www.gamefaqs.com.

Q : Hi, first of all  I would like  to congraduate you  on writing the BEST Dino
    Crisis  FAQ  on the internet.  Very few people  would actually spend so much
    time and effort into making a map, that really helped us out.
    However,  I am a bit confused about the mad skills I aquire after completing
    2 missions.  How do i use it  and what does it do? I cannot read japanese so
    please  help me  (well,  you don't read japanese either,  but I bet you know
    much more about the game than I do).
A : I'm sorry,  I can't help you.  I don't even have any idea  what is Mad Skill
    about.  I once think that Mad Skill  is a new difficulty level (Easy-Normal-
    Mad)  but on the save screen  it still say Normal / Easy not Mad. So I don't
    know what the hell is Mad Skill.

Q : Hi  thanks  for the  walk though helped a hell of a lot , but guess what you
    guessed it stuck again .  In room 47 it says press green switch, why is mine
    still red  the one at the top of the stairs  and the bottom one because when
    you  activate  the  computer  at  the  side  it  tells  you that you haven't
    completed  some think.  I have done  the computer in room 46 and it tells me
    I need a special key plus none of the lifts work and I can't seem to go down
    any of the stairs no more.  Sorry to be a pain  but would be very chuffed if
    you can help
A : You  need  to  upgrade  your  ID  Card. I have explain it on my walkthrough.
    Special Card = ID Card. You can check the answer on the previous question.

Q : I would like to know that  I do,  I already tried  of everything and I don't
    know more to do.  I am in the computer  of the room 41  in the second floor,
    what do I make? Will that give access for the third floor? I don't know like
    me I pass for the third floor! 
A : The computer in  Room 41 will open a shortcut to  Room 56 (third ending). To
    open the shortcut you must remember the words (mind games).

Q : After following  your brilliant walkthrough  (whilst venturing off on my own
    occasionally) I find I am stuck. I followed Gail, got the lifts working, did
    the fingerprint machine  etc  but now  I can't get the lift  to take me down
    into the basement to carry on with the game.
A : In order to  enter  the elevator,  you must upgrade your ID Card. To upgrade
    your ID Card  you must use the fingerprint machine  on the dead man  on Room
    11.  Choose YES.  Now use the computer on Room 14. The combination number is
    46079. Now, you can enter the elevator.

Q : I enjoy playing with you dino crisis walktrough ! I only had a minor problem
    I've got the stabilizer and initilizer !  When ever I try to use them on the
    switch on the computer I seems like it isn't opened or not activated ! Could
    you help me ????
A : You can find the answer on this walkthrough.

Q : What is the real shotcut?
A : On my previous version of my walkthrough,  I have write  a shortcut on  Room
    41.  But Ntoko give me another shortcut.  His shortcut is shorter and easier
    than the previous one, so I give it a name which is 'the real shortcut'.

Q : On your  Dino Crisis  walkthrough  you have GameShark codes on it.  Do these
    gameshark codes work on american gamesharks. I would appreciate if you would
    e-mail me back.
A : I'm not sure, but on my gameshark it's work.

Q : Hello, it's me again.  I am sorry to make you waste your time once again but
    I want to know  something else  :  are you sure  that we cannot  win another
    character in Dino Crisis? But also, can't we find Cooper? Is he really dead?
    I am wondering it  because we always see,  at the end, that he is "unknown",
    doesn't that mean that there is a way to find him?  Thank you for your help.
    I am waiting for your answer. Bye. 
A : Don't worry, you're not disturbing me.  I'm sure that we cannot  win another
    character.  And for Cooper,  did you watch the opening movie?  There you can
    see that  Cooper has  become  a  T-Rex dinner.  So the only way you can find
    Cooper is inside the T-Rex's stomach.

Q : Hello,I´am stuck in DINO CRISIS and I hope you can help me. I´ve cleared the
    game  eighth times  and now  it said I must clear the game in a shorter time
    frame. What must I do?
    1) Who is Mickey and Erik?
    2) What´s the telephone for?
    3) Where and how can I use "Level B" and "EV" card?
    Thanks and goodbye. 
A : I finished my third game (with all the endings)  and also got the message to
    finish the game in shorter time, but I never tried to finish the fourth time
    1) Who the hell is Mickey and Erik, never heard of them.
    2) It's nothing (I think)
    3) Level B is for open the  Security Level B door and the EV card is a check
       out pass-card (I don't know the detail, just follow the story).

Q : I'm having a problem in this game.   I have win it  for for the second time.
    Now I'm trying  to win it for the third time.  I always get the third ending
    (Helicopter).  But now I  CAN'T PICK UP  the rocket launcher bullet  (at the
    helicopter  after Regina kicks Kirk's ass scene).  For your information  I'm
    using the ancient costume.PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!
A : Are you sure you can't pick it up?  Because there are two set of bullet,  so
    after  you pick  the first one,  there is still  one left,  so it looks like
    that you can't pick it up.

Q : Just try  to finish  1st time agree  with Rick  and  try to fight  for T-Rex
    (according to your FAQ - at least on Dino Crisis 1) but believe me , I can't
    shoot  more than 2 times  with shotgun !!!  Is there any trick for finishing
    that ???? Thanks for your kind help!!!
A : Don't use the shotgun, but use the Grenade Launcher. After 3-4 shots, you'll
    finished the T-Rex for good.

Q : First, I am  thanking you  for that  helpful walkthrough. Do  you have  some
    cheats in Dino Crisis like infinite ammo,no continous,no saves etc...?Please
    don't put it in gameshark.  I don't  have one.  How  can I use the costumes?
    And, is there  Dino Crisis two  and  an english version? Thankz and hope you
    answer my question.UR2KUL!!!
A : As far as I know,  there is  no cheat for Dino Crisis. After you finish your
    game,  you will be given an option to save your game, do so.  Then just load
    your save game and you can select your costume.  For Dino Crisis the English
    version, some people said it will be out this September.

Q : I Have a problem I hope you will help me. I'm in Room 16 now, I can't unlock
    the North door to go in to Room 22. Must I need an ID or DDK? If yes, please
    tell me where can I get those things. Thank you.
A : Yes,  you need two DDK-L .  Both of them  Room 19.  One on the table and the
    other on the dead man (Tom) body.

Q : I do not know the way to Room 30, I try to read your map carefully but still
    don't understand. Can you please tell me the easy way to go there. Thank.
A : The way to Room 30 is through Area IV, then Area X.  From Area X, just enter
    the door on the end of this area and you will enter Room 30.

Q : I played your dino crisis and don't know where can I find the Dr.Kirk.  Also
    whose fingerprint I should take and where i can use it ?  How can I open the
    elevator? What's the gate code number? Could you tell me?
A : Go to Area IV. Use the Fingerprint Machine on the dead man (until a Yes - No
    option appear). Or go to Room 11 and use the Fingerprint Machine on the dead
    man (until a Yes - No option appear). Go back to Room 14. Use the ID Card on
    the computer. The combination number is 47812(if you take the fingerprint on
    Area IV) or 46079 (if you take the fingerprint on Room 11).

Q : I read  your walkthrough,  but I'm stuck now,  I can't switch off  the laser
    fence in Room 43 to enter Room 44. Can you please tell me how can I do so, I
    need your help.  Please,  I'm stuck for 3 days already. I can't continue the
    game. Please help me. Thank you.
A : Do you remember  how you can deactivate  all the previous  laser fence?  You
    have to wait for Gail to deactivate it  (turns the light into green).  So is
    this  laser fence.  If you follow  my walkthrough,  by the second time  (the
    first time  is when you come here  through the air duct)  you got there, you
    can deactivate the fence (Rick call you, telling that he has been deactivate

Q : Do you happen to have a Dexdrive? And if so, can you send me a saved file to
    'Operation WipeOut'???
A : No, I don't have a Dexdrive.

05.  W A L K T H R O U G H

You're in the  Backyard of the Facility.  Go  West to meet Gail. You will see  a
scene.  After the scene  enter the Material Storage  (the room with green door).
Inside  the Material Storage  take the  BG Area Key  on top  of the  left shelf,
and  take  the Resuscitation  on top  of the  right shelf.  Exit  from  Material
Storage. Go to the South door and you will see another scene.  Rick asked you to
activate the generator  and then Gail  will take the BG Area Key.  Follow him to
the Backyard.  Enter  the West door  to  the Passageway to the Backup Generator.
Follow the path  until you see  Gail checking  a human corpse.  After the scene,
check the corpse  and take  the Med Pak M.  Then talk to Gail. Enter the  Backup
Generator Room 1F (the room behind Gail).

Inside the Backup Generator Room 1F,  go to the end  of this room where you will
see two panels;  one in front of you  (first panel)  and the other on your right
(second panel).  This is the puzzle you must solve,  it's very easy.  Press X in
front of the first panel.  The right combination is  (from left to right)  Red -
Blue - Green - White.  Or just simply press Right,  Center, and then Right again
(Right - Center - Right).  Now press X in front of the second panel. That should
activate the generator. Now try to exit this room and you will hear a scream and
a gunshot.  Continue to exit this room.  Outside,  you will notice that  Gail is
missing. Walk forward and you will see some scene. After the scene, a big lizard
will attack you.  You can kill it, but it's not necessary. Just run to the other
end  and exit  the Passageway  to the Backup Generator.  After you arrive at the
Backyard, another scene takes place. Quickly enter the Backyard of the Facility.

Rick will contact you  and tell you  to meet him on the Control Room 1F (in your
map, it's the blinking red room). Now enter the Office Hallway (the door to your
North). Inside the Office Hallway walks North and you will see a scene. Continue
walking to the West  and you will see a laser fence.  Next to it,  there's a red
switch  to deactivate it,  but right now  you can't deactivate it ( when the red
light  turn green  then you can deactivate it).  For now,  enter the ventilation
opening.  Then follow the path and go down at the first hole you see. Now you're
in the Control Room Hall  (BTW,  the room behind you is a Save Game Room).  Walk
South then West a little. Take the 9mm Parabellum and enter the Control Room 1F.

Inside the Control Room 1F there will be some scene.  After the scene, go to the
Management Office  (the Save Game Room).  Inside the Management Office, take the
Shotgun.  Then  walk to the door North of you.  Next to the door,  there's a red
switch. Push it.  Then take the DDK Input Disc H. Take the plug (inside the card
box). Now enter the half part of this room. There, you will see a dead man. Take
the Panel Key 2 near the dead man. Then open the safe, the combination number is
0426.  Take the Entrance Key and the Resuscitation. Exit through the North door.
You  will arrive  at  the Management Office Hallway.  Another scene  will occur.
There's a Dino in this room.  Deactivate the laser fence. Enter the Locker Room.
Take  the Recovery Aid  and the An Dart M.  But the most important thing in this
room is the DDK Code Disc H on top of the locker. Exit from this room.

Now enter the Main Entrance.  Take the An Aid in the corner of this room.  Go to
the second floor.  There's An Aid hidden in the crate. Push it and take the Aid.
Enter the Hall 2F.  A Dino  is waiting in this room.  Take the SG Bullets and An
Aid.  Now enter the Lounge.  There's another Dino in this room. Open the safe at
the wall  on  the back room.  The combination number  is 8159.  Take the Handgun
Slides. Before exit from this room take the Resuscitation.  Right now you should
have 2 DDK-H Disc;  one is the input disc and the other is the code disc.  Go to
the door leading to the Chief's Room. Press X on the switch beside that door.

The Code is   : H B C E F A G D I
The Key is    :   B C   F   G   I
The Answer is : H     E   A   D

Enter  the Chief's Room.  You will see another scene.  Now you have Panel Key 1.
After the scene  take the DDK Input Disc N.  Use the Panel Key 1 and Panel Key 2
on the red box near the window.  Panel Key 1 on the Left and Panel key 2 goes to
the Right. The combination number is 705037 (if you upside down SOL you got 705,
and LEO you got 037, combine those two and you got 705037). Take the Key Card L.
Now  try to exit  from this room and a T-Rex will shatter the window.  The T-Rex
eats the survivor and now,  it wants to eat you too.  Shoot it with your Shotgun
(don't use your Handgun). After 4 - 5 shots it will go. Now go back to the First
Floor. Enter the Front Area of Entrance. On the end of this area there's another
corpse. Take the DDK Code Disc N near the corpse. There's also SG Bullets and An
Aid in this area.  Take it if you need.  Go back to the Main Entrance. Go to the
door on the South (under the staircase).  Rick will contact you. Unlock the door
(you know how, right?).

The Code is   : A B N D E F G H
                A B W C D F G H
                A B D F G H O M
                A B D E F G H R
The Key is    : A B D F G H
The Answer is : NEWCOMER (Eliminate all A-B-D-F-G-H from the Code)

Enter the Elevator Hall. Take the plug and the Recovery Aid. And take the map on
the center  of the room.  Enter the  Lecture Room Hallway.  Deactivate the laser
fence. Enter the first door you see. You're now in the Office. There's a Dino in
here. Then exit from this room.  On the Lecture Room Hallway continue follow the
path and you will see another Dino.  The reason  I tell you  to enter the Office
first is  if you don't,  you will be surrounded by two Dinos,  and  it's hard to
kill them both  on the same time.  Continue follow the path until you see a dead
man.  Take the plug from the dead man.  Enter the Lecture Room. Take the BG Room
B1 Key  on the end of this room  (near the whiteboard).  A Dino will attack you.
Gail will enter and kill that bastard. After the scene go back to the Office and
unlock the North door. After that, go back to the Control Room 1F. Another scene
will occur. Gail tell you to restore the power for the basement.

Go back to the Backyard of the Facility. Enter the door at the West part of this
area.  Take An Aid if necessary. Go down the stairs to the Backup Generator Room
B1.  On the West wall  of this room  you will see a panel  with a flashing green
light.  It's  the battery charger.  Take  the Startup Battery Red.  Then use the
Battery  on the panel  on the South wall.  Press the Right, Center, Left, Right,
Center,   then   Right   (Right - Center - Left - Right - Center - Right).   Now
activate  the generator.  Don't forget to take the plug (you must move the shelf

Rick  will asked you  to meet him at the Control Room 1F. Go there. After arrive
at Control Room 1F, Gail said that he saw something on the basement, then Regina
received a call  from someone,  maybe Cooper or Tom, and Rick wants to save him.
But Gail wants to search the basement  for the survivor,  it might be  Dr. Kirk.
Gail and Rick argued.  You will be  given an option.  Choose  whatever  you want
because it doesn't effect the ending.

Exit  from  the Control Room 1F.  Down  the stairs  to B1.  You're  now  in  the
Medical Room Hallway.  Walks North  then East.  There's another scene. Now enter
the Medical Room  (Save Game Room).  Take the  Med Pak M  on the shelf  and take
the  ID Card on the desk.  Exit this room.  Enter Hall B1.  There, you will meet
Gail.  He saw someone  and chase him,  but the gate  between  Gail and Regina is
closed  before Regina  could  across.  So  you must find  another way,  which is
through the elevator from the first floor.

Now  enter  the Hallway for Carrying in Materials.  When  you across  the broken
elevator,  a Dino  will pop-out  and attack you.  Kill it.  Continue walks East.
Deactivate  the laser fence.  Unlock the door  to Backup Generator Room B1.  Now
go back to the first floor. Go to the Management Office Hallway.  Deactivate the
laser fence  and  enter the Toilet.  Inside the Toilet  there's  a  Hemostat and
Recovery Aid.  Exit and  enter the Strategy Room.  Inside the Strategy Room take
the DDK Code Disc E, plug, and the Fingerprint Collecting Device.

Go back  to the Front Area of Entrance.  Use  the Fingerprint Device on the dead
man.  Or go to the Elevator Hall and use the Fingerprint Device on the dead man.
Now,  go back to the Office.  Use  the ID Card on the computer.  The combination
number  is  57036  (if  you take the fingerprint on  Front Area of Entrance)  or
58104  (if  you take the fingerprint on Elevator Hall). Now you have change your
ID Card  from  Colonel  (to open the Strategy Room)  to Researcher  (to open the

Now go back to the Backyard.  There, Rick will contact you. He said that Tom has
died.  Enter the Large Size Elevator Passageway.  Two Dinos are waiting for your
flesh.  Kill them.  In this area there are Slag Bullets and Resuscitation.  Take
them of course.  Enter the Large Size Elevator.  Another scene. After the scene,
take your weapon and enter  the Large Size Elevator Control Room.  Inside,  take
the  DDK Input Disc L  and check  Tom's body to receive another DDK Code Disc L.
Enter the second part of this room. Take the Facility Outdoors Map on the wall.

Enter  the  Passageway to the Power Room. Avoid the Pterodactyl and take An Aid.
Enter the  Elevator Power Room.  Descend the ladder.  Take the Med Pak M and the
B1 Crane Card. In the center of this room, you will see six panels :

                           _____            _____
                          |     |          |     |
                          |  A  |          |  D  |
                          |_____|          |_____|

                           _____            _____
                          |     |          |     |
                          |  B  |          |  E  |
                          |_____|          |_____|

                           _____            _____
                          |     |          |     |
                          |  C  |          |  F  |
                          |_____|          |_____|

First  : Activate C Panel and choose Red
Second : Activate D Panel and choose Red
Third  : Activate B Panel and choose Green
Fourth : Activate E Panel and choose Green
Fifth  : Activate A Panel and choose Blue
Last   : Activate F Panel and choose Blue

There will be a scene.  Exit this room. Tap X rapidly to avoid game over. If you
success,  you will see a great scene.  Go back to the Large Size Elevator. Press
the green switch to activate the elevator.  There will be some more scenes.  You
are now in the Carrying Out Room B1. Ascend the ladder. Use the B1 Crane Card on
the crane machine.  Now you must another puzzle.  What you have to do is to move
the container to make a way to the other side of this room.
Here's how to solve it :
First  : Choose Up, Down, Left, Hook
Second : Choose Left, Release
Third  : Choose Up, Hook
Fourth : Choose Exit

Take  the Recovery Aid (push the shelf) and take An Dart M (near the North door)
Exit to the Hallway for Carrying in Materials.

Go back to the Backyard. Enter the Large Size Elevator Passageway. There are two
Dinos  in this area.  Kill them.  In this area  there  are  Slag Bullets  and  a
Resuscitation.  Take them  of course.  Enter  the  Large Size Elevator.  Another
scene.  After  the scene,  take your weapon  and  enter  the Large Size Elevator
Control Room.  Inside,  you will meet with Rick and Tom.  Tom is dying,  he will
give you the DDK Code Disc L. Take the DDK Input Disc L on the table.  Enter the
second part of this room and take the Facility Outdoors Map on the wall.

Enter  the Passageway to the Power Room.  Avoid the Pterodactyl and take An Aid.
Enter the Elevator Power Room.  Descend the ladder.  Take  the Med Pak M and the
B1 Crane Card. In the center of this room, you will see six panels :

                           _____            _____
                          |     |          |     |
                          |  A  |          |  D  |
                          |_____|          |_____|

                           _____            _____
                          |     |          |     |
                          |  B  |          |  E  |
                          |_____|          |_____|

                           _____            _____
                          |     |          |     |
                          |  C  |          |  F  |
                          |_____|          |_____|

First  : Activate C Panel and choose Red
Second : Activate D Panel and choose Red
Third  : Activate B Panel and choose Green
Fourth : Activate E Panel and choose Green
Fifth  : Activate A Panel and choose Blue
Last   : Activate F Panel and choose Blue

There will be a scene. Exit this room. Tap X rapidly to avoid game over, and the
Pterodactyl  is history.  Go back  to  the Large Size Elevator.  Press the green
switch,  then back to the Large Size Elevator Control Room. Some more scene. You
are now in the Carrying Out Room B1. Ascend the ladder. Use the B1 Crane Card on
the crane machine.  Now you must solve another puzzle. What you have to do is to
move the container to make a way to the other side of this room.
Here's how to solve it :
First  : Choose Up, Down, Left, Hook
Second : Choose Left, Release
Third  : Choose Up, Hook
Fourth : Choose Exit

Take the Recovery Aid  (push the shelf) and take An Dart M (near the North door)
Exit  to  the  Hallway for Carrying in Materials.  There will be  a Dino in this
room.  Kill it if you want or exit to the Hall B1.  Continue to the Medical Room
Hallway.  You will see a scene. Now enter the Medical Room (Save Game Room). Now
Tom is dead, thanks to our "hero" Rick.

Go back to the first floor.  Go to the Management Office Hallway. Deactivate the
laser fence  and  enter the Toilet.  Inside the Toilet  there's  a  Hemostat and
Recovery Aid.  Exit and  enter the Strategy Room.  Inside the Strategy Room take
the DDK Code Disc E, plug, and the Fingerprint Collecting Device.

Go back  to  the Front Area of Entrance.  Use the Fingerprint Device on the dead
man.  Or go to the Elevator Hall and use the Fingerprint Device on the dead man.
Now,  go back to the Office.  Use  the ID Card on the computer.  The combination
number is  57036  (if you take  the fingerprint on  Front Area  of Entrance)  or
58104  (if you take  the fingerprint on Elevator Hall). Now you have change your
ID  Card  from  Colonel (to open  the Strategy Room) to  Researcher (to open the

Go back  to the Elevator Hall.  Use the left elevator.  A Dino will pop-out from
the top  of the elevator.  Kill it.  You're now in the half part of the Hall B1.
There's An Aid on the table. Then unlock the North door.

The Code is   : L F A C E D O E G H
                R F A C T D O E R Y
The Key is    : 3 4 5 6 7 8
The Answer is : LABORATORY (3=C, 4=D, 5=E, etc. Eliminate those from the Code)

Enter  the Main Hallway B1.  Deactivate the laser fence. Two Dinos waiting to be
killed. Enter the Library Room. There's a Dino in this room.  There's also a Med
Pak M  in this room.  Enter the Research Area Hall. Two more Dinos. Take An Aid.
Deactivate the laser fence.  Enter the Research Meeting Room. Take the DDK Input
Disc E and a plug.  Exit from this room.  Continue to follow the path.  Take the
Med Pak M.  Enter the  Computer Room  (Save  Game  Room).  Take  a  plug  and  a
screwdriver. Activate the computer near the yellow files. The combination number
is 7248.

Go back  to the Research Meeting Room and  open the East door. You're now in the
Gas Experiment Room.  Take  the Med Pak M.  Push the panel  in front  of the gas
chamber.  Push the Green,  Red,  and then Blue  (Green - Red - Blue).  Enter the
gas chamber.  Another scene.  You will receive B1 Key Chip.  Check  the dead man
to receive  Small Size Key  (If you kill that man  with the gas,  you  will  not
receive the key.  You can use the key  on the Medical Room.  Inside  the Medical
Room  you will see two small boxes. You  can only open one. The left contain one
Resuscitation  and one Med Pak M.  The right contain  one Multiplier and one Med
Pak M.  So decide which one that you need most).  Exit from the gas chamber  and
a Dino  will attack you.  Tap X rapidly.  You will escape  and  locked  the Dino
inside the gas chamber.  You can escape  or you can kill it.  I, myself, suggest
you to kill it. It's very fun to see that sucker meet it's maker.

Back to the Library Room. Use the B1 Key Chip on the computer on your left side.
The combination number,  of course, is 3695. Here's another puzzle for you. What
you have to do is to match those two images.
                 /                 \
                 /                 \
                 /                 \
                 /                 \
                 /                 \
                 /                 \
                 /                 \
                 /                 \

First  : Press B twice
Second : Press C once
Third  : Press E once

Now use the B1 Key Chip on the locker with the green light. You will receive Key
Card R. Before exit, take the Handgun Sights in the middle of this room. Go back
to the Computer Room. On the North wall you will see a computer with a switch on
its left and right side.  Use the Key Card R on the right switch. And choose yes
to call Gail. After awhile Gail will enter the room and help you with the
computer. Unlock the door.

The Code is   : T H E
                T H I R D E F N F E
                B A L L     O   N
                H I R O R R S G S Y
The Key is    : 1 2 3 4 5   7   9
The Answer is :           E   N   E
                          R   G   Y  (ENERGY)

Enter  the Experiment Simulation Room.  After the scene,  check the panel on the
center table. You must push several buttons :
Alpha : Ignite the Third Energy circuit
Beta  : Set the Initializer
Gamma : Set the Stabilizer
So  push  Beta,  Gamma,  Alpha or Gamma, Beta, Alpha.  Another scene will occur.
Before exit from this room,  be sure to take  the Shotgun Stocks and  An Dart L.
Exit the room.  Another scene.  Use the screwdriver on the circuit box.  Another
puzzle with you.
             ______________     ______________     ______________
            |    |_   |    |   |    |_   |    |   |   _|    |    |
            |____|_|__|____|   |____|_|__|____|   |__|_|____|____|
            |    |_| _|    |   |  |_|    |    |   |    |_ |_|_|  |
            |____|__|_|____|   |____|____|____|   |____|_|__|____|
            |  |_|    |_   |   |   _|    |    |   |_|  |_|  |    |
            |____|____|_|__|   |__|_|____|____|   |____|____|____|
                   A                  B                  C

Panel A : Don't do anything on panel A
Panel B : Turn right once
Panel C : Turn right once
You must put the panel in order, which is C, A, then B.

Another scene, and as usual Rick and Gail argued  (I wonder why they on the same
team). Choose your way, and like before, your choice will not affect the ending.

Exit this room  and  enter  the Research Area Hall.  There are two Dinos in this
room. Kill them.  Go to the Library Room. Again, two Dinos in this room. Exit to
the Main Hallway B1. Two Dinos in this room. Go back to the Hall B1. One Dino in
this room. Now, go to the Carrying Out Room B1.

Enter  the  Experiment Simulation Room.  Check the computer  on the end  of this
room.  Another puzzle.  This puzzle looks like a mind games. Write the code on a
paper if you have any trouble  to memorized them.  The code is random so I can't
put it on my walkthrough.  After  you  solve  all  three,  enter  the  emergency
evacuation hatch.

You will meet  Dr. Kirk  (and Gail).  After the scene, you will receive the Comm
ID Card.  Go back to the Control Room 1F.  Use the elevator  inside  the Control
Room 1F.  You are now  in the Communication Room.  Actually this is  a Save Game
Room,  but why  they don't put 'S' on the map.  In this room you can take a Slag
Bullets.  Then take the Antenna Key  inside the emergency box  next  to the West
door.  Exit to the Passageway to the Communication Area. Enter the Communication
Antenna Room.  Use  the Antenna Key on the emergency box.  Scene. Exit from this
room.  Rick will contact you,  and a T-Rex will try to chomp you. Quickly run to
the other end.  Stay on the  Southeast corner and shoot at the T-Rex.  After two
shots (with Shotgun) you will escape automatically. Another scene.

Now  go to the Front Area of Entrance. Open the East door and you will enter the
Passageway  to the Heliport. A Dino will pop-out, kill it. On the second corner,
a Dino will pop-out too, kill it.  In this room, there is a Hemostat. Take it if
you need it.  Enter the Hangar.  Ascend the ladder. Take the Grenade Gun and the
Grenade Bullets.  Now  go to the center of this room.  In the center  there  are
eight pushable crates :

                                    ________                    ________
                                   |2nd     |                  |        |
           ________                |  __\   |                  |        |
          |1st     |               |    /   |                  |        |
          |  /|\   |               |________|          ________|________|
          |   |    |               |3rd     |         |5th     |
  ________|________|               |   |    |         |  /|\   |
 |        |                        |  \|/   |         |   |    |
 |        |                ________|________|         |________|
 |        |               |        |                  |4th     |
 |________|               |        |                  |  __\   |
                          |        |                  |    /   |
                          |________|                  |________|

Next to the exit door, there's another Grenade Bullets, take it.  Exit from this
room,  and you will see a FMV.  Run awhile  for a few minutes and Rick will call
you.  Follow him to the Northeast door (Liaison Elevator No. 2). After the scene
you're in the Underground Passageway to the Facility. Walk West and you will see
some scene. Enter the Materials Room.  Take the C. O. Passcard and An Aid. Don't
forget to read the memo. Now exit and enter the Liaison Elevator No. 1. Scene.

You're now  in  the Carrying Out Room B3.  After  the scene,  enter  the  Backup
Generator Room B3.  Take  the Startup Battery W from the glass panel.  There's a
Multiplier in this room. Exit from this room. Talk to Rick. After he's gone, you
can take An Aid and Grenade Bullets. Now enter the Control Room B3. In this room
there's a Multiplier, B3 Crane Card 2, plug, and B3 Crane Card 1.

Enter  the General Weapons Storage.  Walk North  and  you will be  attacked by a
strong Dino.  Tap X rapidly to avoid  game over.  Don't  kill them, because it's
only wasting your ammo.  Just enter  the Transport Passageway.  Kill  that  damn
Dino.  Take  the C. O.  Area Key and  the B3 Crane Card 3.  Quickly  back to the
General Weapons Storage and ascend the ladder. Ascend another ladder. Use the B3
Crane Card 1  on the crane machine.  Now you have another puzzle to solve.  What
you have to do is to make a way so you can get to the dead man.

First   : Choose Right, Hook
Second  : Choose Left, Release
Third   : Choose Up, Hook
Fourth  : Choose Release
Fifth   : Choose Right, Up, Hook
Sixth   : Choose Up, Down, Release
Seventh : Choose Right, Up, Down, Hook
Last    : Choose Exit

Descend  the ladders.  Take  the Resuscitation if you need.  Go to the dead man.
Take the DDK Input Disc W.  Go back  to the Carrying Out Room B3.  Now enter the
West door  to the  Passageway to the Carrying Out Room.  Kill  another  pair  of
Dinos.  Enter  the Rest Station.  Take  the Facility B3 map.  Enter  the Central
Stairway.  There are  two Dinos  in this room.  You can kill them or put them to
sleep. Ascend the stairs.

You're now  in the Passageway  to the Experiment Area. A Dino is waiting in this
room.  Take An Aid  if you want.  Enter the Security Pass Room. Enter the second
part of this room.  Take  the B2 Key Chip 1 near the corpse.  Take the DDK Input
Disc S.  Check  the computer  to  shut down  the alarm  (not the computer on the
wall).  Exit  to the Passageway  to the Experiment Area.  Enter  the ventilation
opening.  Follow the path.  Go down at the end.  There's An Dart L in this room.
When you try  to take the Key Card Lev C,  a Dino will attack you. Kill it, then
take  the Key Card Lev C. Enter the Stabilizer Design Room. Inside, take the DDK
Code Disc W.  Now  enter  the Researcher Rest Room.  There,  you will meet Gail.
After the scene, take the Slag Bullets. After that, go back to the Rest Station.
Unlock the South door.

The Code is   : W B A D T H E I R C
                  D D D H W
                    C B C G A
                      F G H I Y
The Key is    : 2 3 4 6 7 8 9
The Answer is : WATERWAY (2=B, 3=C, 4=D, etc. Eliminate those from the Code)

Enter the Disembarkation Immigration Office. Go to the center of this room. Rick
will enter  and you will see another scene. After the scene take the B2 Key Chip
2.  Take the plug  from the dead man.  Now go to the Carrying Out Room B3.  Walk
toward the elevator.  You will see the T-Rex.  After the scene, press X in front
of the panel to take the Startup Battery W.  Enter the Backup Generator Room B3.
Use the Startup Battery W on the panel in front of you. The right combination is
A - C - D. Then press X on the other panel. Exit from this room. Enter the Large
Size Elevator.  Take the Port Card Key, DDK Input Disc D, and plug (all from the
dead men).  Exit  from the elevator.  Go back  to the Disembarkation Immigration
Office. Another scene. Take the DDK Code Disc S from the floor.

Go back to the Security Pass Room.  Enter the second part of this room. You will
see a computer  with a switch on its left and right side.  Use the B2 Key Chip 1
on the left side and the B2 Key Chip 2 on the right side. Activate the computer.
The combination number  is 0392.  Another puzzle for you. Just like the previous
puzzle you have to match those images.

       _________________                 _________________
      /                 \               /                 \
      \_________________/_______G       \_________________/_______N
      /                 \               /                 \
      \_________________/_______F       \_________________/_______M
      /                 \               /                 \
      \_________________/_______E       \_________________/_______L
      /                 \               /                 \
      \_________________/_______D       \_________________/_______K
      /                 \               /                 \
      \_________________/_______C       \_________________/_______J
      /                 \               /                 \
      \_________________/_______B       \_________________/_______I
      /                 \               /                 \
      \_________________/_______A       \_________________/_______H
      /                 \               /                 \
      \_________________/               \_________________/
              I                                 II

First  : Press B twice                 First  : Press H twice
Second : Press C once                  Second : Press I twice
Third  : Press D once                  Third  : Press L once
Fourth : Press C twice                 Fourth : Press K once
Fifth  : Press D twice                 Fifth  : Press J twice
                                       Sixth  : Press K twice

Right  now,  on Box I  all the white  must be in the bottom, and  on Box II  all
the red  in the bottom.  Now you have to trade the white on Box I with the empty
on Box II, and the puzzle is solved.

After that, unlock the East door.

The Code is   : S A T   U R D A Y
                          B A B Y
                  N I L L G H I T
                Z F       E V E   R
The Key is    :   2     5 6 7   9
The Answer is : S   T         A
                    I L       I
                Z             E   R  (STABILIZER)

Exit from this room.  You are now  in the Parts Storage.  Go  through  the North
door.  Take the Resuscitation.  Deactivate the laser fence. Enter the Stabilizer
Experiment Room. There's a Dino in this room. Take the DDK Code Disc D. Open the
safe in this room.  The combination number is  1281.  Take the Shotgun Parts. Go
back to the Parts Storage. Unlock the South door.

The Code is   : 04    15    03
                20    15    18
                06    11    09
                18    11    07
The Key is    : GF
The Answer is : DOCTOR KIRK (04=D, 15=0, 03=C, etc. Eliminate number 06 & 07)

Enter the Passageway.  Use the B2 Key Chip 2 on the green switch.  Next, use the
B2 Key Chip 1  on the next switch. Take An Aid.  Enter the Third Energy Area B2.
Press the switch  on  the North wall  to  activate the bridge.  Enter  the Third
Energy Control Room. Descend the stairs. Take the Key Card Lev B on the computer
on the East wall.  Ascend the stairs  and  take the plug.  Enter  the Power Freq
Room.  Take the Facility B2 map on the North wall. Examine the board on the East
wall. Here comes another puzzle.

             ______________     ______________     ______________
            |    |    |  | |   |   _|____|    |   |____|    |__  |
            |____|____|__|_|   |__|_|____|____|   |____|____|__|_|
            |  | |  | |    |   |    |__  |  | |   |   _|    |    |
            |__|_|__|_|____|   |____|__|_|__|_|   |__|_|____|____|
            |    |  |_|_|  |   |__| |    |    |   |    |  |_|    |
            |____|____|____|   |____|____|____|   |____|____|____|
                   A                  B                  C

Panel A : Turn left once
Panel B : Turn left once
Panel C : Don't do anything on Panel C
You must put the panel in order, which is B, C, then A.

Back to the Third Energy Control Room. Activate the computer North of you. After
the scene, back to the Power Freq Room and you will see that she's dead. Examine
the corpse  and  you will  receive  the  Researcher Memo.  Use  the  Fingerprint
Collecting Device  on  the circuit box  near the corpse.  Walks East and a scene
will take over.  You are now in the Passageway to Personal Lab. Enter Dr. Kirk's
Personal  Lab.  Move forward.  Dr. Kirk  will  put  his gun  in  your head,  but
fortunately  Gail came  to save your ass  (Where the hell is Rick  when you need
him?  Gail has saved your ass twice,  but Rick? None). You will receive Key Card
Lev A.

Another option to choose. And yes, this one also doesn't effect the endings.

Exit the room.  Enter  the Third Energy Control Room.  Enter  the elevator.  Now
you must go to the Special Weapons Storage to get the Stabilizer and Initializer
There will be  A LOT  of Dinos on your way to the Special Weapons Storage. After
arrive  at the Special Weapons Storage  in one piece,  enter the second part  of
this room. Use the elevator. Take the Stabilizer and the Initializer.

If you choose  to agree with Rick,  you will receive a Planning Disc.  Go to the
Parts Storage. There will be many Dinos everywhere. Enter the door which require
a Level A  card to enter it.  Use  the Planning Disc on the computer.  The right
combination is 367204.  Take the Core Parts 1 and the Core Parts 2. Don't forget
to take the Grenade Gun Parts in this room.  Back to the Stabilizer Design Room.
Use the Planning Disc  on the computer on the East wall.  The combination number
is 0367.  Take the Protect Parts 1-B.  Use the disc  on another computer  on the
South wall.  The combination number is 0204.  Take the Protect Parts 1-A and the
Protect Parts 2-A.  Now go to the Stabilizer Experiment Room.  Enter the Level A
door.  Use the Planning Disc  on the glass shelf on the Southwest corner of this
room.  Take the Protect Parts 2-B.  Now  use the Core Parts 1  on  the  computer
North of your position.  This is NOT a scene, it's an easy puzzle. You then will
receive the Initializer and the Stabilizer.

Go back  to  the Security Pass Room.  Use  the ID Card  on the computer near the
corpse.  The combination number is  31415.  Go back  to the Third Energy Control
Room.  Activate the computer  in front of the South door.  Go back  to the Third
Energy Area B2.  Across the bridge.  Press X  in front of the green switch.  Use
the Stabilizer. Go to the doors on the East wall. From there, walk South and you
will see an elevator.  Go down  to the Third Energy Area B3.  Follow  the  path.
Hey,  if the e-mail address on the top of this faq isn't [email protected]
and the name of the author isn't Stinger 3:16, then, this is a faq that has been
plagiarized.  So  please  send  his  name  and  email  address  to  Stinger 3:16
([email protected]).  Now  you  can  continue  reading  this  walkthrough.
Ascend the stairs,  and descend the other one.  Follow the path and you will see
another green switch.  Press it. Use the Initializer. Walk West and you will see
a computer.  Activate it. Go back to the Third Energy Area B2. Across the bridge
one more time.  Activate the computer.  There will be some more scene. Enter Dr.
Kirk's  Libray Room  to meet Gail.  You will  receive  the Pulse Receiver.  More

Choose your way, and this time, it effect the ending.

Go back  to the Stabilizer Experiment Room  or the Special Weapons Storage (it's
depending  at your last choices . If  you agree with Gail,  then  you go  to the
Stabilizer  Experiment  Room.  But if you agree with Rick, you go to the Special
Weapons Storage. If you don't understand my explanation, just go to the red area
on your map).  There are Dinos everywhere,  so stay alert. More scene. Enter the
Passageway to the Port. Follow the path. Enter the Port. Enter the North door to
the  Hovercraft Storage.  Take the bullets.  Go out from the boat.  This is your
last battle with the T-Rex,  so shoot it.  After a couple shots,  it over. Enjoy
the FMV.

Enter  the Hovercraft Storage.  Descend the stairs. Go back to the Port. Use the
Energy Tank  on the barrel  on the Southeast corner  of this room.  Back  to the
Hovercraft Storage.  Descend the stairs.  Take the bullets. Exit from this room.
This is  your last battle with the T-Rex.  Everytime the words  'FIRE' appear on
your monitor,  quickly  shoot  the T-Rex.  After a couple shots,  it's all over.
Enjoy the FMV.

There are two ways to gain the third ending.

1. Agree with Gail
Don't  go to the red area.  You must go  to the  Underground Heliport. There are
three ways to reach the Underground Heliport (from the hardest to the easiest) :
 ~ Enter  the Passageway  to the Carrying Out Room.  There are two Dinos in this
   room.  Another pair  of Dinos in the General Weapons Storage. One Dino in the
   Transport Passageway.  Enter  the  Heliport Transport Passageway.  Press  the
   green switch to activate the elevator. Enter the Underground Heliport.
 ~ Go to the Researcher Rest Room. On the East wall of this room, you will see a
   computer on the wall;  activate it  and you must solve the puzzle  four times
   and after you solve it a door will opened and if you enter it you will arrive
   at  the Heliport Transport Passageway. Press the green switch to activate the
   elevator. Enter the Underground Heliport.
 ~ Enter  the Central Stairway.  There are  two Dinos  in this room.  Enter  the
   security Level A door. You're now in the Port Transport Passageway. Enter the
   Heliport Transport Passageway. Enter the Underground Heliport.
Go to the center of this room, and you will see a helicopter. Now exit and go to
the red area on your map  (it different depending from your choice on how to get
the Stabilizer and the Initializer).  You will see a scene  and after the scene,
exit the room  and ride the elevator.  You will see another scene  and  you must
deal with the T-Rex. After a couple shots, it's over. Enjoy the FMV.

2. Agree with Rick
Don't go  to the red area,  instead use your Pulse Receiver  to locate Dr. Kirk.
He's in the Underground Heliport.  There are three ways to reach the Underground
Heliport (from the hardest to the easiest) :
 ~ Enter  the Passageway  to the Carrying Out Room.  There are two Dinos in this
   room.  Another pair of Dinos  in the General Weapons Storage. One Dino in the
   Transport Passageway.  Enter  the  Heliport Transport Passageway.  Press  the
   green switch to activate the elevator. Enter the Underground Heliport.
 ~ Go to the Researcher Rest Room. On the East wall of this room, you will see a
   computer on the wall;  activate it  and you must solve the puzzle  four times
   and after you solve it a door will opened and if you enter it you will arrive
   at  the Heliport Transport Passageway. Press the green switch to activate the
   elevator. Enter the Underground Heliport.
 ~ Enter  the Central Stairway.  There are  two Dinos  in this room.  Enter  the
   security Level A door. You're now in the Port Transport Passageway. Enter the
   Heliport Transport Passageway. Enter the Underground Heliport.
Go to the center of this room.  You will see  Dr. Kirk trying to escape with the
helicopter.  You try to sneak out behind him, but Rick blew it all. You will see
another scene.  Take the bullets.  Exit this room. Some more scene. Now you must
fight  the T-Rex  for the last time (at least on Dino Crisis 1).  After a couple
shots, it's over man. Enjoy the FMV. This is the best ending.

In Operation : Wipe Out you can't save your progress and you can't use the maps.
So if you're confused about the place, then use my maps.

TIME LIMIT    05:00
TARGETS       10
WEAPON        Shotgun
              Handgun Custom
              Grenade Gun
SUPPLIES      Med Pak M        02
              Hemostat         02
              9mm Parabellum   68
              40S&W Bullets    30
              SG Bullets       05
              An Dart M        03
              An Dart S        03
              Poison Dart      01
              Grenade Bullets  01
INSTRUCTION   Eradicate all dinosaurs within the time limit,  then return to the
              drop zone and escape.
You're in  the Medical Room Hallway. No Dinos here. Enter the Hall B1. Two Dinos
in this room.  Enter  the Hallway for Carrying in Materials. One Dino in the end
of this room.  Go to  the Main Hallway B1.  Two Dinos  in this room.  Enter  the
Library Room. Two Dinos in this room. Enter the Research Area Hall. Another pair
of Dinos in this room.  Only one Dino left.  Enter the Research Meeting Room. No
Dinos here.  Enter the Gas Experiment Room.  Ah,  there you are.  Kill  the last
Dino.  Now  you should have killed all  the targets. Go back to the Medical Room
Hallway and ascend the stairs.

TIME LIMIT    04:00
TARGETS       6
WEAPON        Shotgun + Stock
              Handgun + Sight
              Grenade Gun
SUPPLIES      Med Pak S       02
              Hemostat        02
              9mm Parabellum  68
              SG Bullets      05
              Slag Bullets    05
              An Dart S       09
              Heat Bullets    01
INSTRUCTION   Smarter and stronger enemies  lie just ahead.  Finish this mission
You're in the Passageway to the Experiment Area.  One Dino in the corner of this
room.  Enter  the Security Pass Room.  Enter the Parts Storage. No Dinos in this
room. Go to the Experiment Room Hall. Two Dinos in this room.  One in your right
and the other in your far left.  Enter  the Stabilizer Design Room.  One Dino in
this room.  Exit and walk to the Research Rest Room. On your way there, you will
be attacked by a Dino.  Kill it.  Go to the Passageway.  Kill the last Dino.  Go
back to the Passageway to the Experiment Area and descend the stairs.

TIME LIMIT    03:00
TARGETS       7
WEAPON        Shotgun Custom
              HG Custom + Sight
              GG Custom
SUPPLIES      Med Pak M      02
              Hemostat       02
              40S&W Bullets  60
              Slag Bullets   60
              An Dart M      03
              An Dart S      03
              Poison Dart    01
              Heat Bullets   02
INSTRUCTION   Your new targets are large and vicious. Be careful at all times so
              you can return alive!
This is  the final and the hardest mission.  All the Dinos here  are  the  tough
Dino (they can kill you with one hit).  The time limit is very short. Good luck.
You're in the Central Stairway. There are two Dinos in this room. Enter the Rest
Station.  No Dinos in this room.  Enter the Passageway to the Carrying Out Room.
Two more Dinos in this room.  Enter  the Carrying Out Room B3.  No Dinos in this
room.  Enter the General Weapons Storage.  Two Dinos in this room. They are very
near to you.  Enter the Transport Passageway.  Kill  the last Dino.  Back to the
Central Stairway  and  ascend the stairs.  Conratulations,  you  have  completed
Operation : Wipe Out.

06.  M A P S

                       M A P  # 1  :  F A C I L I T Y  1 F
                        |                          |
                        |                          |______
                        |                                 |
                        |    Front Area of Entrance        \ to Map #4
                        |                                 |
                        |                           ______|
                        |                          |
                        |  __________/__________   |
                        | |                     |  |
      __________________|_|    Main       ___   |__|_______________________
     |        |    5       \ Entrance    |to |   \     Office Hallway      |
     | Locker  \   ___/___|              |2F |  |__________________/___    |
     | Room   |   |       |______/_______|___|__|                      |   |
     |________|   |   4   |                 |   |                      |   |
     |         \  |       |  Elevator Hall   \   \       Office        |   |
     | Toilet |_/_|_____/_|                 |   |                      |   |
     |________|        |  |__________/______|   |                      |   |
              |Strategy|  |    |___|__|_____|   |______________________|_/_|
              |  Room  |  | Lecture Room Hallway|                 |    |   |
              |________|  |   __________________|                 | 1  |   |
              |   3       |  |                  |                 |_/__|   |
              |   ___/____|  |                  | Backyard of the Facility |
              |  |        |   \  Lecture Room   |_/___                     |
              |  |Control |  |                  |     |                    |
              |  |Room 1F |  |                  |     |                    |
              |  |____/___|__|__________________|_____|__________________/_|
              |  |to |  | |      |              |                |         |
              |  |B1 |__| |      |              | Passageway to   \  The   |
              |__|___|    |  2   |              | the Backup     | Backyard|
                          |      |              | Generator      |          \ to Map #4
                          |__/___|              |    ____________|_________|
                            |  |                |   |
                            |  |                |   |
                            |  |                |   |
                            |  |                |   |
                            |  |                |   |
                            |  |                |   |
                            |  |                |   |
                            |  |                |   |
                            |  |               /   /
                            |  |______________/   /
                            |                    /
                            |            _______/
                            |           |
                            |           |
                            |           |

Room 01  :  Material Storage
Room 02  :  Backup Generator Room 1F
Room 03  :  Control Room Hall
Room 04  :  Management Office (Save Game Room)
Room 05  :  Management Office Hallway

                            M A P  # 2  :  F A C I L I T Y  2 F
              |         |         |            |
              |         |         |            |
              |         |          \           |
              | Comm    | Chief's |            |
              | Antenna | Room    |            |
              | Room    |         |            |                     ____       ______
              |         |         |            |                    /    \     |to|   |
              |         |         |  Hall 2F   |                   |      |    |1F|   |
              |___/_____|_________|            |___________________|      |____|__|___|
              |         |                              |                              |
              |          \                              \      Main Entrance          |
              |         |_____________/________________|______________________________|
              |                |               |
              |____________    |               |
                           |   |               |
                           |   |               |
                           |   |               |
                           |   |               |
                           |   |    Lounge     |
                           |   |               |
                           |   |               |
                           |   |               |
                           |   |               |
                           |   |               |
                           |   |_______________|
                           |          |        |
                           |    6      \  7    |
                                      |   |
                                      |   |

Room 06  :  Passageway to the Communication Area
Room 07  :  Communication Room (Save Game Room)

                         M A P  # 3  :  F A C I L I T Y  B 1
                                                      | Experiment  |
                                                      | Simulation  |
                                                      | Room        |
                                ______________________|__/______    |
                               |Research Area Hall     \        |   |
                               |   __/________________|         |   |
                               |  |      |            | Computer|___|
                               |  |  11   \    12     | Room    |
                               |  |______|____________| (S)     |
                               |        \             |         |
                               |_______|              |_/_______|
                                       |  Library     |   |
                                       |  Room        |   |
                                       |              |   |
                                       |______/_______|   |
                                           | Main Hallway |
                                           | B1     ______|
                                           |       |
                                           |       |
                                           |_     _|
                                             |   |
                                             |   |
                                             |   |
                                             |   |
                                             |   |
                                       |              |
                                 ______|    Hall B1   |
                                |_/                   |
                                |  |    _______/______|
                                |  |   |     |   |
                                |  |   |_____|___|_______________________________
                                |  |    \               9        |        ||     |
                      __________|  |___|__________________        \       ||     |
                     |    8        |                      |      |        ||     |
                     |   ___/______|             _________|      |        ||     |
                     |  |          |            |Backup   |      |  10    ||     |
                     |  | Medical  |            |Generator \     |        ||     |
                     |  | Room     |            |Room B1  |       \       ||     |
                     |  |__________|            |_________|______|________||_____|
                     |  |to |
                     |  |1F |

Room 08  :  Medical Room Hallway
Room 09  :  Hallway for Carrying in Materials
Room 10  :  Carrying Out Room B1
Room 11  :  Research Meeting Room
Room 12  :  Gas Experiment Room

                   M A P  # 4  :  F A C I L I T Y  O U T D O O R S
                                       |                     |
                                       |                     |
                                       |      _________      |
                                       |     |         |     |
                                       |     |          \    |
                                       |     |         |_____|_____________________
                                       |     |         |                           |
                                       |     |         |                            \
                                       |     |         |                           |
           ____________________________|     |         |                           |_______
          |                                  | Hangar  |                                   |
to Map #1  \  Passageway to the Heliport     |         |                                   |
          |                                  |         |           Heliport                |
          |__________________________________|         |                                   |
                                             |         |                                   |
                                             |         |                                   |
                                             |          \                                  |
                                             |              |         |                    |
                                              \  Large       \ Large  |___/____            |
                                             |   Size       |  Size Elevator   | Passageway|
                                             |   Elevator   |  Control Room    | to the    |
                                             |        ______|__________________| Power Room|
                                             |       |                         |           |
                                             |       |                         |     ______|
                                             |       |   Elevator Power Room   |    |
                                             |       |                         |    |
                                             |       |                         |    |
                                             |       |____                 ____|    |
                                             |            |               |         |
                                             |            |                \        |
                                             |            |
                     ________________________|            |
                    |                            _________|
          to Map #1  \ Large Size Elevator      |
                    |  Passageway               |

                     M A P  # 5  :  F A C I L I T Y  O U T D O O R S  B 1
                                                                           |           |
                                                                           |           |
                    _______________________________________________________|           |
                   |                                                       |  Liaison  |
                   | Underground Passageway to the Facility                 \ Elevator |
                   |       ________________________________________________|  No. 2    |
                   |      |                                                |           |
                   |      |                                                |           |
                   |      |                                                |___________|
                   |      |
                   |      |
                   |      |
                   |      |
                   |      |
                   |      |
                   |      |
                   |      |
                   |      |
                   |      |_________________
                   |                        |
                   |                        |
                   |       ______________/__|
                   |      |                 |
                   |      |                 |
                   |      |                 |
                   |      |                 |
                   |      |                 |
                   |      |  Materials Room |
                   |      |                 |
                   |      |                 |
                   |      |                 |
                   |      |                 |
                   |      |                 |
             ______|      |_________________|
            |      |      |
            |      |      |
            | 33    \     |
            |      |      |

Room 13  :  Liaison Elevator No. 1

                           M A P  # 6  :  F A C I L I T Y  B 2
                        |           |     |       |    |
                ________|           |      \      |    |______
               |                    |     |  14   |           |
               | Stabilizer Exp     |     |       |    15     |
               | Room         ______|     |_______|________/__|
               |              \  Experiment Room Hall         |
                                              |               |
                                              |               |
                                              |               |
                                              | Parts Storage |
                                              |               |
                                              |               |
                                       _______|    _________/_|
                                      |       |   |       |   |
                                      |       |   |       |   |
                  ____________________|  16   |   |       |   |
                 |      17             \       \  |       |   |
                 |    ________________|_______|___|       |   |
                 |   |                                    |18 |
                 |___|                                    |   |
                 |to |                                    |   |
                 |B3 |                                    |   |
               __|___|____________________________________|   |
              |               \                         |_____|
              | Third Energy |__                        |     |
              | Control Room    |                        \ 20 |
              |_/_            __|                       |     |
              |   |          |                          |/__/_|
              |___|______/___|   Third Energy Area B2   |  |  |
                      |      |                          |  |21|
                      |      |                          |  |__|
                      |      |                          |  |
                      |      |                          |  |
                      |      |__________________________|  |
                      | Power Freq Room     \    19        |

Room 14  :  Stabilizer Design Room
Room 15  :  Researcher Rest Room
Room 16  :  Security Pass Room (Save Game Room)
Room 17  :  Passageway to the Experiment Area
Room 18  :  Passageway
Room 19  :  Passageway to Personal Lab
Room 20  :  Dr. Kirk's Personal Lab
Room 21  :  Dr. Kirk's Library Room

                            M A P  # 7  :  F A C I L I T Y  B 3
                                                                 |                    |
                                                                 |                    |
                                                                 |                    |
                                                                 |Underground Heliport|
                                                                 |                    |
                                                                 |                    |
                                                                    |   |
                   _______________                                  |   |
                  |     |         |                                 | 33|
                  |     |   34    | ________________________________|   |
                  |     |         ||  Port Transport Passageway      \  |
                  |     |______/__||_/_____/________________________|_/_|_______
                  |     |              |     |                      |   |       |
                  |     |              |     |                      |    \      |
                  |     |              |     |                      |   |   32  |
                  |     |              |     |                      |   |       |
                  |     |              |     |                      |   |_______|
                  |     |    Port      |     |___                   |           |
                  |     |              |  29     |            ______|_/_  26    |
                  |     |              |       __|           |          |       |
                  |     |              |      |to|           |_____  25 |_______|
                  |     |              |      |B2|           |      \   |
                  |     |_____/________|____/_|__|___________| 24  |____|_________
                  |     |    |  |      |/_       |   |       |      \       ||    |
                  |     |    |  |      |__|  28   \  |       |_____|        ||    |
                  |     |    |  |         |      |   |       |              || 22 |
                  |     |    |  |_________|___/__|   |       |              ||    |
                  |     |    |   31     \        |   |       |  Carrying    ||    |
                  |     |    |_________|   30    |   |       |  Out Room B3 ||____|
                  |     |              |         |   |       |              |     |
                  |     |              |_________|   |_______|              |  23 |
                  |     |                        | 27         \              \    |
                  |_____|                        |___________|______________|_____|

Room 22  :  Large Size Elevator
Room 23  :  Backup Generator Room B3
Room 24  :  Control Room B3 (Save Game Room)
Room 25  :  General Weapons Storage
Room 26  :  Transport Passageway
Room 27  :  Passageway to the Carrying Out Room
Room 28  :  Rest Station
Room 29  :  Central Stairway
Room 30  :  Disembarkation Immigration Office (Save Game Room)
Room 31  :  Passageway to the Port
Room 32  :  Special Weapons Storage
Room 33  :  Heliport Transport Passageway
Room 34  :  Hovercraft Storage (Save Game Room)


to XX      =  Staircase to XX Floor
/ or \     =  Door
Green Area =  Area you have explore
Grey Area  =  Area you haven't explore
Blue Area  =  Your current area
Red Area   =  Objective area

07.  S T R A T E G I E S

1. Learn  to  use  the  shutters  to  your advantage. You can use the electronic
   shutters to trap the Dinousaurs and then shoot them. This becomes very useful
   when you play operation wipeout given that you will be given a lot of 9mm and
   40SW bullets which don't scare the dinousaurs.

2. Learn  to mix items  in order to  create  deadly darts.  When mixing  to make
   deadly darts lay more emphasis on level than volume.  The more level the dart
   has the deadlier it is.  This darts become very useful especially in Basement
   2  and  3  where a well mixed dart  could  save  your  life  from those tough
   dinousaurs.  In the game  darts  are  the  best  things  to use because using
   bullets will result in the dinousaur attacking you once, twice or more times.

08.  E N D I N G S

In Dino Crisis, there are three different endings, but you probably already knew
that.  If you finish  your game for the first time,  then you will receive a mad
skills and two different costumes (Army and Battle).  The second time you finish
your game  (with the different ending,  of course)  you will  receive  the third
costume (Ancient). The third time you finish your game (so you have seen all the
endings)  you will receive infinite bullets for Grenade Gun.
You  can  play  Operation : Wipe  Out  if  you  have finished the game using any
ending,  no matter it's your first,  second,  or third game.  It works  for both
Normal Mode and Easy Mode.
Of course your play-game time, continues, and number of savings also effect that
bonus, but I don't know exactly.

NOTE : If  you  play  using  the Ancient costume, your weapon will change into a
       bone  like weapon.  Your  Grenade Gun  will change into a big fish.  It's
       quite funny  to see  Regina walking and runing around carrying a big fish
       on her hands.

09.  W E A P O N  L I S T

|                          |                        |                          |
| Handgun                  | Made by Glock of       | Glock 34. Easier handling|
|                          | Austria. Uses the 9mm  | but modest stopping      |
|                          | Parabellum Bullets.    | power.                   |
|                          |                        |                          |
| Shotgun                  | A pump-action Shotgun  | Shotgun Model PA3.       |
|                          | by L. Franchi.         |                          |
|                          |                        |                          |
| Grenade Gun              | Grenade Bullets and    | 40mmHK Grenade Pistol.   |
|                          | Heat Bullers are       |                          |
|                          | usable. By Hecker and  |                          |
|                          | Koch of Germany.       |                          |
|                          |                        |                          |
| Handgun Sights           | A critical hit will    | Parts that can increase  |
|                          | inflict tremendous     | hit probability.         |
|                          | damage.                |                          |
|                          |                        |                          |
| Handgun Slides           | You can remodel your   | Parts that can make the  |
|                          | Handgun into a Glock   | 40S&W Bullets usable.    |
|                          | 35 by using this.      |                          |
|                          |                        |                          |
| Shotgun Parts            | Parts such as the fore | Parts that increase the  |
|                          | grip and barrel upgrade| power of a Shotgun.      |
|                          | the weapon to a SPAS12 |                          |
|                          |                        |                          |
| Shotgun Stocks           | By attaching it, the   | Parts that allow a       |
|                          | time lag for reloading | Shotgun to fire          |
|                          | is eliminated.         | continuously.            |
|                          |                        |                          |
| GG Parts                 | By remodeling the      | Parts that allow a       |
|                          | cylinder, Grenade      | Grenade gun to fire      |
|                          | Bullets can be fired   | continuously.            |
|                          | continuously.          |                          |
|                          |                        |                          |
| Handgun + Sight          | Critical hit           | The Glock 34 is equipped |
|                          | probability is         | with Special Sights.     |
|                          | increased.             |                          |
|                          |                        |                          |
| Handgun Custom           | The Glock special      | Glock 35. The 40S&W      |
|                          | model. Uses the 9mm    | Bullets are usable.      |
|                          | Parabellum and the     |                          |
|                          | 40S&W Bullets.         |                          |
|                          |                        |                          |
| HG Custom + Sight        | Critical destruction   | The Glock 35 with a      |
|                          | rate increases uses    | sight attached.          |
|                          | the 9mm Parabellum &   |                          |
|                          | the 40S&W Bullets.     |                          |
|                          |                        |                          |
| Shotgun Custom           | A military Shotgun by  | Shotgun Model SPAS12.    |
|                          | L. Franchi.            | High-powered Shotgun.    |
|                          |                        |                          |
| Shotgun + Stock          | Increased stability    | The PA3 Shotgun is       |
|                          | allows faster follow   | fitted with a stock.     |
|                          | up shots.              |                          |
|                          |                        |                          |
| SG Custom + Stock        | This rig couples       | The SPAS12 is fitted     |
|                          | increased stopping     | with a stock.            |
|                          | power with rapid fire  |                          |
|                          | capability.            |                          |
|                          |                        |                          |
| GG Custom                | Allow continuous fire  | 40mmHK Grenade Pistol.   |
|                          | with customized ammo   | "Regina Custom".         |
|                          | feed cylinder.         |                          |

10.  S U P P L I E S  L I S T

 |                          |                       |                         |
 | Hemostat                 | Prevents loss of      | Stops the bleeding but  |
 |                          | health due to         | will not recover your   |
 |                          | bleeding.             | health.                 |
 |                          |                       |                         |
 | Hemostat +               | Prevents loss of      | Stops the bleeding but  |
 |                          | health due to         | will not recover your   |
 |                          | bleeding.             | health.                 |
 |                          |                       |                         |
 | Hemostat + +             | Prevents loss of      | Stops the bleeding but  |
 |                          | health due to         | will not recover your   |
 |                          | bleeding.             | health.                 |
 |                          |                       |                         |
 | Med Pak S                | Has the ability to    | Will temporarily        |
 |                          | soften the pain       | recover your health.    |
 |                          | temporarily.          |                         |
 |                          |                       |                         |
 | Med Pak S +              | Has the ability to    | Will temporarily        |
 |                          | soften the pain       | recover your health.    |
 |                          | temporarily.          |                         |
 |                          |                       |                         |
 | Med Pak S + +            | Has the ability to    | Will temporarily        |
 |                          | soften the pain       | recover your health.    |
 |                          | temporarily.          |                         |
 |                          |                       |                         |
 | Med Pak M                | You can recover your  | Will completely recover |
 |                          | health completely.    | your health.            |
 |                          |                       |                         |
 | Med Pak M +              | You can recover your  | Will completely recover |
 |                          | health completely.    | your health.            |
 |                          |                       |                         |
 | Med Pak M + +            | You can recover your  | Will completely recover |
 |                          | health completely.    | your health.            |
 |                          |                       |                         |
 | Med Pak L                | You can recover your  | It can recover health   |
 |                          | health completely     | and also stopping the   |
 |                          | and stop the          | bleeding.               |
 |                          | bleeding.             |                         |
 |                          |                       |                         |
 | Med Pak L +              | You can recover your  | It can recover health   |
 |                          | health completely     | and also stopping the   |
 |                          | and stop the          | bleeding.               |
 |                          | bleeding.             |                         |
 |                          |                       |                         |
 | Med Pak L + +            | You can recover your  | It can recover health   |
 |                          | health completely     | and also stopping the   |
 |                          | and stop the          | bleeding.               |
 |                          | bleeding.             |                         |
 |                          |                       |                         |
 | Resuscitation            | You can return to     | Effective when you have |
 |                          | life with your health | lost your life.         |
 |                          | fully restored.       |                         |
 |                          |                       |                         |
 | Anesthetic Aid           | Increases the potency | Select the "MIX" icon   |
 |                          | of items with         | on the sub screen       |
 |                          | Anesthetic properties | before use.             |
 |                          |                       |                         |
 | Recovery Aid             | Increases the potency | Select the "MIX" icon   |
 |                          | of items with         | on the sub screen       |
 |                          | recovering properties | before use.             |
 |                          |                       |                         |
 | Intensifier              | Increases the power   | Select the "MIX" icon   |
 |                          | of a particular item. | on the sub screen       |
 |                          |                       | before use.             |
 |                          |                       |                         |
 | Multiplier               | Mixing this with      | Select the "MIX" icon   |
 |                          | another medicine will | on the sub screen       |
 |                          | allow you to multiply | before use.             |
 |                          | that item.            |                         |
 |                          |                       |                         |
 | Anesthetic Dart S        | It takes more than    | Darts for the Shotgun.  |
 |                          | one shot for it to    | This makes the enemy    |
 |                          | work, since the       | sleep.                  |
 |                          | effect is weak.       |                         |
 |                          |                       |                         |
 | Anesthetic Dart S +      | It takes more than    | Darts for the Shotgun.  |
 |                          | one shot for it to    | This makes the enemy    |
 |                          | work, since the       | sleep.                  |
 |                          | effect is weak.       |                         |
 |                          |                       |                         |
 | Anesthetic Dart S + +    | It takes more than    | Darts for the Shotgun.  |
 |                          | one shot for it to    | This makes the enemy    |
 |                          | work, since the       | sleep.                  |
 |                          | effect is weak.       |                         |
 |                          |                       |                         |
 | Anesthetic Dart M        | It can tranquilize    | Darts for the Shotgun.  |
 |                          | with a single shot,   | This makes the enemy    |
 |                          | but the effects do    | sleep.                  |
 |                          | not last long.        |                         |
 |                          |                       |                         |
 | Anesthetic Dart M +      | It can tranquilize    | Darts for the Shotgun.  |
 |                          | with a single shot,   | This makes the enemy    |
 |                          | but the effects do    | sleep.                  |
 |                          | not last long.        |                         |
 |                          |                       |                         |
 | Anesthetic Dart M + +    | It can tranquilize    | Darts for the Shotgun.  |
 |                          | with a single shot,   | This makes the enemy    |
 |                          | but the effects do    | sleep.                  |
 |                          | not last long.        |                         |
 |                          |                       |                         |
 | Anesthetic Dart L        | It can tranquilize    | Darts for the Shotgun.  |
 |                          | with a single shot,   | This makes the enemy    |
 |                          | and the effect lasts  | sleep.                  |
 |                          | for a long time.      |                         |
 |                          |                       |                         |
 | Anesthetic Dart L +      | It can tranquilize    | Darts for the Shotgun.  |
 |                          | with a single shot,   | This makes the enemy    |
 |                          | and the effect lasts  | sleep.                  |
 |                          | for a long time.      |                         |
 |                          |                       |                         |
 | Anesthetic Dart L + +    | It can tranquilize    | Darts for the Shotgun.  |
 |                          | with a single shot,   | This makes the enemy    |
 |                          | and the effect lasts  | sleep.                  |
 |                          | for a long time.      |                         |
 |                          |                       |                         |
 | Poison Dart              | The warhead is armed  | Darts for the Shotgun.  |
 |                          | with a deadly poison  | Kills an enemy in a     |
 |                          | that kills an enemy   | single shot.            |
 |                          | with one shot.        |                         |
 |                          |                       |                         |
 | 9mm Parabellum           | Standard bullets that | Bullets for the Hand    |
 |                          | either Glock 34 or    | Gun.                    |
 |                          | 35's use.             |                         |
 |                          |                       |                         |
 | 40 S&W Bullets           | It has greater attack | Bullets for the Hand    |
 |                          | power than the 9mm    | Gun (For Glock 35).     |
 |                          | Parabellum Bullet.    |                         |
 |                          |                       |                         |
 | Shotgun Bullets          | Buckshot loads        | Bullets for a Shotgun.  |
 |                          | disperse to hit a     |                         |
 |                          | wider target area.    |                         |
 |                          |                       |                         |
 | Slag Bullets             | The larger shot size  | Bullets for a Shotgun.  |
 |                          | makes them more       |                         |
 |                          | destructive than the  |                         |
 |                          | SG Bullets.           |                         |
 |                          |                       |                         |
 | Grenade Bullets          | Exploding bullets for | Bullets for a Grenade   |
 |                          | use with the Grenade  | Gun.                    |
 |                          | Gun.                  |                         |
 |                          |                       |                         |
 | Heat Bullets             | Flame type bullets    | Bullets for the Grenade |
 |                          | for the Grenade Gun.  | Gun.                    |
 |                          |                       |                         |
 | Infinite Grenades        | A special item that   | Allows you to use the   |
 |                          | Regina brought        | Grenade Gun unlimitedly |
 |                          | herself.              |                         |

11.  I T E M  L I S T

|                        |                             |                       |
| BG Area Key            | The words "Backup Generator | An old-style cylinder |
|                        | Area/Ground Level" are      | key.                  |
|                        | carved into it.             |                       |
|                        |                             |                       |
| Entrance Key           | The words "Main Entrance"   | An old-style cylinder |
|                        | are carved into it.         | key.                  |
|                        |                             |                       |
| DDK Input Disc ?       | Collect the "Code" disc     | It is used to unlock  |
|                        | with the same mark and set  | the corresponding DDK |
|                        | both parts into the door.   | lock.                 |
|                        |                             |                       |
| DDK Code Disc ?        | Collect the "Input" disc    | It is used to unlock  |
|                        | with the same mark and set  | the corresponding DDK |
|                        | both parts into the door.   | lock.                 |
|                        |                             |                       |
| Plug                   | Used for red, green and     | Used to open the      |
|                        | yellow boxes. Multiple plugs| emergency boxes.      |
|                        | may be necessary.           |                       |
|                        |                             |                       |
| Panel Key 1            | It appears to be a panel    | A medal and 3 symbols |
|                        | that can unlock an          | are carved into this  |
|                        | electronic lock.            | panel.                |
|                        |                             |                       |
| Panel Key 2            | It appears to be a panel    | A medal and 3 symbols |
|                        | that can unlock             | are carved into this  |
|                        | electronic lock.            | panel.                |
|                        |                             |                       |
| Key Card L             | The letter "L" is carved    | A key card that can   |
|                        | into the card.              | unlock an electronic  |
|                        |                             | lock.                 |
|                        |                             |                       |
| BG Room B1 Key         | The words "Backup Generator | An old-style cylinder |
|                        | Room B1" are carved into it.| key.                  |
|                        |                             |                       |
| Startup Battery R      | It is fully charged.        | Charged battery for   |
|                        |                             | use with the Backup   | 
|                        |                             | Generator.            |
|                        |                             |                       |
| B1 Crane Card          | The card seems to be used   | An automation program |
|                        | when transporting chemical  | card used to control  |
|                        | materials.                  | the crane.            |
|                        |                             |                       |
| Fingerprint Collecting | When an ID Card is created, | There is fingerprint  |
| Device                 | this device is used to      | data already saved.   |
|                        | input the identification    |                       |
|                        | data.                       |                       |
|                        |                             |                       |
| Screwdriver            | A specially shaped          | A tool for            |
|                        | screwdriver that is used    | maintenance.          |
|                        | for computer maintenance.   |                       |
|                        |                             |                       |
| B1 Key Chip            | The number "3695" are hand- | Unlocks the library   |
|                        | written onto it.            | room cell. Needs      |
|                        |                             | rewriting.            |
|                        |                             |                       |
| Small Size Key         | The words "Emergency Case"  | A small key made of   |
|                        | are carved into it.         | aluminum.             |
|                        |                             |                       |
| Key Card R             | The letter "R" is carved    | A key card that can   |
|                        | into the card.              | unlock an electronic  |
|                        |                             | lock.                 |
|                        |                             |                       |
| Comm ID Card           | It can activate the         | Certifies the access  |
|                        | elevator that leads to the  | type of "Communicator"|
|                        | Communication Room.         |                       |
|                        |                             |                       |
| Antenna Key            | A startup key in shape      | A card that is used   |
|                        | of a card.                  | for activating the    |
|                        |                             | antenna.              |
|                        |                             |                       |
| C. O. Pass Card        | Without this passcard, you  | Enables access to the |
|                        | will not be able to access  | B3 floor from the C O |
|                        | all of the floors.          | Area.                 |
|                        |                             |                       |
| Startup Battery W      | Supplies the startup power  | A large white battery.|
|                        | for the Backup Generator    |                       |
|                        | and the Main Generator.     |                       |
|                        |                             |                       |
| B3 Crane Card 1        | Apparently, it cannot be    | An automation program |
|                        | used for the crane on the   | card used to control  |
|                        | B1 floor.                   | the crane.            |
|                        |                             |                       |
| B3 Crane Card 2        | Apparently, it cannot be    | An automation program |
|                        | used for the crane on the   | card used to control  |
|                        | B1 floor.                   | the crane.            |
|                        |                             |                       |
| B3 Crane Card 3        | Apparently, it cannot be    | An automation program |
|                        | used for the crane on the   | card used to control  |
|                        | B1 floor.                   | the crane.            |
|                        |                             |                       |
| C. O. Area Key         | The words "Carrying Out     | A standard type of    |
|                        | Area" are carved into it.   | electronic key.       |
|                        |                             |                       |
| B2 Key Chip 1          | There is no writing carved  | A different version   |
|                        | into the usual place. Data  | from the B1 Lib Room  |
|                        | needs rewriting.            | Key.                  |
|                        |                             |                       |
| B2 Key Chip 2          | The numbers "0392" are      | A different version   |
|                        | carved onto it.             | from the B1 Lib Room  |
|                        |                             | Key.                  |
|                        |                             |                       |
| Key Card Lev C         | The level of this card is   | A card that can unlock|
|                        | "C".                        | the electronic lock of|
|                        |                             | doors.                |
|                        |                             |                       |
| Port Card Key          | Part of a strict security   | Opens the gate that   |
|                        | system.                     | leads to the port.    |
|                        |                             |                       |
| Key Card Lev B         | The level of this card is   | A card that can unlock|
|                        | "B".                        | the electronic lock of|
|                        |                             | doors.                |
|                        |                             |                       |
| Researcher Memo        | The number "1281" are       | Numbers are written   |
|                        | written.                    | in blood.             |
|                        |                             |                       |
| Key Card Lev A         | It can be used to enter all | This is the highest   |
|                        | areas of the facility.      | level keycard.        |
|                        |                             |                       |
| Planning Disc          | With this, you can build    | Allows you to access  |
|                        | the Initializer and the     | to the research       |
|                        | Stabilizer.                 | database.             |
|                        |                             |                       |
| Core Parts 1           | To be combined with         | The main parts of the |
|                        | Protective Parts 1-A and    | Stabilizer.           |
|                        | Protective Parts 1-B.       |                       |
|                        |                             |                       |
| Core Parts 2           | To be combined with         | The main parts of the |
|                        | Protective Parts 2-A and    | Initializer.          |
|                        | Protective Parts 2-B.       |                       |
|                        |                             |                       |
| Protect Parts 1-A      | A critical part to the      | Constitution parts    |
|                        | Stabilizer. It protects the | for the Stabilizer.   |
|                        | core parts from shock.      |                       |
|                        |                             |                       |
| Protect Parts 1-B      | A critical part to the      | Constitution parts    |
|                        | Stabilizer. It protects the | for the Stabilizer.   |
|                        | core parts from shock.      |                       |
|                        |                             |                       |
| Protect Parts 2-A      | A critical part to the      | Constitution parts    |
|                        | Initializer. It protects the| for the Initializer.  |
|                        | core parts from shock.      |                       |
|                        |                             |                       |
| Protect Parts 2-B      | A critical part to the      | Constitution parts    |
|                        | Initializer. It protects the| for the Initializer.  |
|                        | core parts from shock.      |                       |
|                        |                             |                       |
| Initializer            | These parts create the      | Parts used to start   |
|                        | energy that is required to  | the Third Energy      |
|                        | start the generator         | Generator.            |
|                        |                             |                       |
| Stabilizer             | The parts necessary to      | Parts that control    |
|                        | stabilizer control of the   | the Third Energy      |
|                        | generator.                  | Generator.            |
|                        |                             |                       |
| Pulse Receiver         | You can use it to find the  | It can receive a      |
|                        | location of Dr. Kirk.       | signal from the       |
|                        |                             | transmitter.          |
|                        |                             |                       |
| Energy Tank            | The tank capacity meter     | The power source of   |
|                        | reads "Empty".              | the nuclear engine.   |
|                        |                             |                       |
| Secret Disc            | The disc contains           | Contains all of the   |
|                        | information about using the | data about the Third  |
|                        | Third Energy as a weapon.   | Energy.               |

12.  E M E R G E N C Y  B O X E S

|                      |                |
|      LOCATION        | PLUG(S) NEEDED |
|                      |                |
| Control Room Hall    |       1        |
| Research Area Hall   |       2        |
| Experiment Room Hall |       1        |
| Central Stairway     |       1        |
| Power Freq. Room     |       1        |

|                      |                |
|      LOCATION        | PLUG(S) NEEDED |
|                      |                |
| Strategy Room        |       1        |
| Control Room B3      |       1        |
| Underground Heliport |       1        |
| Hovercraft           |       1        |

|                      |                |
|      LOCATION        | PLUG(S) NEEDED |
|                      |                |
| Elevator Hall        |       2        |
| Main Hallway         |       2        |
| Communication Room   |       1        |
| Control Room B3      |       3        |
| Experiment Room Hall |       2        |
| Hovercraft Storage   |       1        |
| Central Stairway     |       3        |
| Power Freq. Room     |       2        |

13.  F I L E S

    Please inform  the new employee  assigned to this department about the "DDK"
    system as follows :
    The  Digital  Disc  Key  or DDK, is a system that secures our most important
    areas with an advanced locking device. To release the locks protected by the
    DDK, prepare and set the following two data discs at the locking device near
    the door :
    The type of the DDK  you need  is indicated on the door : "A", "B", etc.  If
    the DDK type you use does not match, you cannot release the lock.
    Before  operating  the system, make sure that your DDK type matches the door
    you wish to unlock.

    Before tonight's experiment, the chief and Dr. Kirk will be having a meeting
    at  the 2nd floor  lounge  from 1:00 p.m.  Those  who are scheduled to guard
    should keep a preponderant eye on the area in front of the Chief's Room, and
    the surrounding vicinity.
    Before taking positions, be sure to re-supply your ammunition in the custody
    room.  The  weapon  storage  in  the  custody  room  can  be opened with the
    combination,  "0426".  Also,  we  have received information  that spies have
    sneaked into the facility recently.
    If  anything happens,  you  may have to enter the rooms of the chief and the
    professor  in order  to insure  their safety.  You  will  find the disk that
    contains  the information  you will need to access their rooms on top of the
    That's all for now.

    New Product Descriptions :
    * Recovery Aid
    * An. Aid
    * Intensifier
    * Multiplier
    The four chemicals listed above feature our company's latest advancements.
    They are designed to perform exceptionally, particularly on the front lines,
    where only the minimum amount of equipment is accessible.
    Features :
    By mixing chemicals, the following 2 types of supplies can be created :
    * Recovering Type : It quickly recovers lost vitality.
    * Anesthetic Type : Applied  to the need  of a bullet or needle,  it can put
                        the target to sleep.
    Supplies  that  are  produced  by  chemical  mixing  can  be  made even more
    effective with additional mixing.

    As  a  result  of  tonight's  experiment, a strong magnetic storm may occur.
    Consequently, the Communication Department will close at 6 PM.
    At that time, the antenna will be temporarily stored.
    To prepare for the emergency, be sure to check the weapons storage locker in
    the lounge.
    You can unlock it with the combination, "8159".
    Recently, inexperienced guards have been assigned here, and a common problem
    is that they do not know how to use the DDK.  Here are  some points that may
    not be clear in the manual.
    Make sure  that your staff becomes familiar with this important information.
    After you set the DDK to the door's locking device, you'll be asked to enter
    the password code.  You will then need to derive the code by using the basic
    elimination rule.  Eliminate the key letters to reveal the correct code.  Be
    sure to try this out by setting an actual DDK to the door locking device.
    For example,
      CODE : "OXPYEZN"
      KEY  : "XYZ"
    In the above case, the correct password would be "OPEN".

    "Personnel Changes of Researchers"
       Section : Special Aircraft Experiment Room
       Section : Third Energy Physics Laboratory
       Registration Number : 57036
       Name : Mark Doyle

    Three years  have passed  since the tragic disaster.  The performance of the
    newest Stabilizer will be tested in tonight's experiment.
    Three years ago, the Third Energy destroyed  the facility and killed as many
    as 150 personnel,  just from a single overflowing accident. So, to prevent a
    similar disaster  from happening,  we will take every possible precaution to
    reinforce our security.
    One more thing...
    We  recently  had a case in which someone used the terminal in this room and
    forged a fake ID to gain unauthorized access.  Today, we are going to have a
    meeting  in the strategy room  on how to cope with the problem. In any case,
    all personnel  should protect the security of the terminal.  Anyone  leaving
    this room unattended should lock the door without fail.

    The change of personnel documents  for this individual  have not been turned
    in yet :
       Paul Baker
       Pager Number : 1123
    Researcher Personnel Changes :
       Section : Special Aircraft Experiment Room
       Section : Third Energy Stabilizer Experiment Room
       Registration Number : 58104
       Name : Paul Baker

    "Today's to do"
    Prepare the DDKs needed to enter the Laboratory Area.  Tomorrow I have to go
    to the Computer Room to do maintenance on Dr. Kirk's computer.
    But,  I think  I left  a DDK  at the Large Size Elevator Control Room when I
    went there yesterday  to do the elevator maintenance.  I'll have to check it
    later today.
    As for the other DDK,  I think the rookie guy Tom, who was recently assigned
    to the Laboratory Area, has it. I'll have to borrow it from him.
    I have no idea  how that jerk  approached Kirk,  but he seems to have gained
    his complete trust. It's weird how nobody knows his past history...

    Dr. Sherwood,
    The ID Card  on the desk  belongs  to one of my patiens.  Please  hand it to
    Colonel Clay  when  he shows up.  He  told me  that  he was going  to hold a
    meeting  in the Strategy Room  on the 1st floor  to  make  preparations  for
    tonight's experiment.
    Please make sure to hand the card to him  since one is required to enter the
    Strategy Room.

    Subject : Reinforcement of ID Management
    Earlier in the week,  there was a case  in which someone  used  the terminal
    that rewrites the ID Cards to gain unauthorized access.
    This person acquired the fingerprint data  from the corpse of a staff member
    who  had died  in the accident.  He  forged the dead man's ID  by  using the
    fingerprint data, and entered the laboratory area by way of elevator.
    The problem is  that  the Fingerprint Collecting Device  can acquire  usable
    fingerprint data, even from a corpse.  Since we will be having an experiment
    today, there will be many outsiders visiting this facility.
    When creating the ID Cards for the guests, keep a careful eye on the device.

    "DDK", the electronic lock system of this facility, has been updated. A more
    intricate code system  has been introduced,  and the security level has been
    You  will  need  to be aware of the following information  when entering the
    Number-Based "KEY" Decoding, Part 1
    In a case  where numbers  are written instead of letters in the "KEY" field,
    the numbers could represent the codes for the corresponding characters.
    Here is an example of a corresponding chart between the letters and the code
    A=1, B=2, C=3....

    "Third Energy"...
    It is  the system  that  can  produce  infinite energy  from  the  air.  The
    completion of this system  will signify the end of one of society's greatest
    ...It is true  that the system was initially developed for military use, but
    we took part in the project  because  there is a silver lining in it for our
    But something is terribly wrong. The military has been giving us excessively
    favorable treatment  for  the simple development  of  a  fundamental  energy
    system. I must discover the true purpose of this project, before irreparable
    harm is done. What on earth is that kid planning to do...?
    ...I  haven't found  any clues  in the past month. He is indeed a genius. He
    seems  to have noticed our secret investigation activities.  I heard that he
    established a secret lab in this floor somewhere.
    The only way to learn of his true intentions, will be to find that lab.
    At long last, Mike has found a clue pertaining to the location of the secret
    laboratory.  He said  that he hid the clue  in our secret place  inside  the
    Library Room.
    Kirk  has been meeting frequently  with  Colonel Clay,  the  leader  of  the
    project, in the Computer Room lately. What are they up to...?

    "DDK", the electronic lock system of this facility, has been updated. A more
    intricate  code  system  has been  introduced  which  improves  the level of
    You  will  need  to be aware of the following information  when entering the
    Number-Based "KEY" Decoding, Part 2
    In a case  where numbers  are written instead of letters in the "KEY" field,
    the numbers could indicate the rows to be deleted.
    For example,  if  "2"  is in the  "KEY"  word,  you should delete all of the
    letters from the second row of the "CODE".

    Dear Paul,
    I finally found the clue.  This is  the key card  that you need to enter his
    secret lab.  The only chance  to enter it  is  during  tonight's experiment.
    Obtain the other key card without hesitation.
    The other key card is in the Chief's Room.  I heard the secret codes for the
    safe are written on the Panel Keys.
    Now, if we find out where the laboratory is, everything will be solved. I'll
    leave that to you.
    Good luck.

    It is easy to unleash any kind of power.  The real task is keeping the power
    under control.  The improvement  of the  "Initializer"  ignition  device has
    enhanced energy efficiency to the maximum.
    Despite that progress, we have been unable to advance the development of the
    "Stabilizer" safety valve  since the accident that happened three years ago.
    The  "Third Energy Theory"  will surely alter human history drastically. But
    as long  as there is  an uncertain element  regarding  the control  of  this
    power, even if it is only 0.1% of a probability, my work will be nothing but
    a terrible failure.
    The restraining power of the  "Stabilizer"  we used  in tonight's experiment
    was insufficient.  The area affected by the excess energy is estimated to be
    a radius of 3.300 feet.
    The result  of tonight's experiment  may  please  the  military  people in a
    sense. The giant creatures that emerged just after the experiment have given
    me much inspiration.
    The most important thing to do right now is to leave here safely. As soon as
    I finish analyzing the data, I'll evacuate via the bottom floor.

    Where  the heck  did these monsters come from?!  I managed to slip away, but
    I've been cornered here  in the basement ever since.  The only way I can get
    out is  through  the port on level B3.  I should be able  to find a boat  or
    something used to transport research materials.
    The only problem is getting there in one piece...

    Attention : Alan
    The weapon container at the General Weapon Storage  will be carried out from
    the port next week.  Please finish  the maintenance of the crane  within the
    I will hand you the DDK  to enter the port  so that you can finish  the job.
    Make sure that you keep it on you at all times.

    Since  we are going  to move  the  experimental Generator  outside today, we
    expect to see external staff within the test area.  As a final reminder,  if
    the  "overload"  occurs in this laboratory, it will mean the obliteration of
    the entire facility.
    If you don't want  to be evaporated,  guard the area  with  extreme  caution
    today.  The staff  has been working  double overtime  recently.  Dr. Kirk in
    particular  has locked himself  in his private quarters  for  nearly a week.
    Nobody has seen him. Take good care of the researchers and remember that the
    experiment's success depends upon their ablility to think.
    Recently the credibility gap of Dr. Kirk has been varied among the staff.
    Keep your eyes  on the ID Rrewriting Device  here  to  prevent  illicit use.
    There  has been an instance  of someone  abusing the Rewriting Device on the
    first floor.
    Keep your eyes open.

    Those  who attend  the activation  of the Generator for  the  first time  in
    tonight's experiment should remember the following procedures :
    To activate  the Generator,  the following  two devices  have  to be  set in
    The functions of the two devices are as follows :
    Initializer :
      Generates  the necessary energy for the first reaction when activating the
    Stabilizer :
      The Third Energy reaction  takes in the air  and generates the energy in a
      chain reaction under a certain level.
    You will find the models of the two parts  in the case set at the center. If
    you have not seen them, be sure to check and see what they look like. If you
    split the numbers that you use when obtaining the  Core Parts and add "0" to
    each of the split numbers,  they will give the pass numbers you'll need when
    obtaining the other two protective parts.  Be careful when handling the pass
    numbers of the Core Parts.

    The kid pointed out the mistake  in my calculations  of the estimated value.
    The simulation of the Stabilizer, I mean.  It seems that I miscalculated the
    timing of the energy reaction at its critical point by 6 nanoseconds.
    I admitted that I made a mistake,  but he has a serious attitude problem. He
    doesn't seem to understand  we're all exhausted  from having to work all day
    and night on a regular basis.
                                                                  Written by : M
    To M,
    Everyone feels the same way about Kirk as you do.  It's time to let him know
    how we feel. I heard that you could create a lethal poison by mixing certain
    drugs together. They said you just have to mix the strongest anesthetic with
    something else.
    ...Well, that may be going a bit too far, I suppose...
                                                                  Written by : K
    To K,
    You are pathetic.  Can't you see Dr. Kirk devotes himself  to the experiment
    without  a care of anything else?  Blaming others  for  your  mistakes  only
    exemplifies your cowardice.
    I hold all of you responsible  should the experiment go wrong thanks to your
    blundering.  Maybe you should be the one  watching your back in case someone
    should "accidentally" inject you with poison.
                                                                Written by : ???

    Since  I  was  assigned  to  this  department,  all  I've done is sample the
    simulation data of the Generator.  Even a college student could handle these
    tasks.  Why doesn't Kirk  want us to operate the Generator? Doesn't he trust
    our ability and skill?
                                                                  Written by : O
    To O,
    I don't think  the problem  is so simple. Because his ID Card is required to
    operate the Generator,  once an accident occurs, Kirk is the only person who
    can stop it.  I don't see  what  the military  is planning to do  with  this
    conniving nonsensical procedure...
                                                                  Written by : N
    I have an idea.  It's about that guy Tom who was recently assigned to the B1
    area. He often comes to me to ask about our job...
    I guess  he can't resist  my charming personality.  Why don't we  invite him
    into our group and have him spy on Dr. Kirk?  This should work as he is good
    at gaining the confidence of other people.
                                                                  Written by : B
    To B,
    Don't be so simpleminded.  Have you already forgotten  how you'd been trying
    to get Kirk's attention until recently?  Learn to think a bit more logically
    first.  At any rate,  the male researchers here  don't seem to know much  of
    anything  beyond research.  Maybe you ought to try  showing the next one you
    become close friends with the wonders of shampoo and the washing machine.
                                                                  Written by : C

    "How to activate and control the generator"
    1. Prepare  to activate  the Generator  by operating  the main panel  on the
       upper floor of the Control Room.
    2. Move to the B3 area of the Generator to set an Initializer.
    3. Operate the panel  near the Initializer  to connect the "inhale shaft" to
       the Generator.
    4. Move to the B2 area to set a Stabilizer.
    5. Activate the Generator.
    6. Go back to the Control Room and adjust the output on the lower floor.
    * When activating the Generator,  make sure the Doctor is present.  To avoid
      accidents, the Generator cannot be activated without Dr. Kirk's ID Card.

    Kirk  has  been  hiding  everything  from  the  researchers  recently.  In a
    demonstration  of  solidarity,  the  B1  lab  area  staff  have  decided  to
    investigate what Kirk and the military personnel are up to.
    As a start, we managed to set a wiretapping device at the Parts Storage area
    where  they've  been  holding  meetings.  The device  is sound activated and
    records automatically. It can also play back the recordings.
    It may be the best way to come uo with some clues. We need Kirk's ID Card to
    check the Generator. We already know his registration number.
    It is 31415.
    All we need now is to forge his ID Card is his fingerprint data...

    Notice :
    Preparing the Stabilizer and the Initializer.
    Make sure these two devices are ready in time for the experiment.
    Each of these two devices consist of the following three parts
    Core Parts
    Protect Part A
    Protect Part B
    This means six parts are needed in all. These parts are separately stored in
    the Experiment Room,  the Design Room  and the Parts Storage Room.  Once you
    have acquire all 6 parts,  you can assemble them in the Experiment Room. The
    Weightless Manipulator must be operating by staff of level A class.

    "Third Energy as the Final Weapon"
                                                                  by Edward Kirk
    If  the Third Energy reaction  exceeds  the critical point,  it  evokes  the
    "overload" phenomenon.
    When this happens,  we can't control it.  The huge amount of energy  creates
    chain reactions and begins to disintegrate the surrounding air.  The ensuing
    explosion will vaporize anything in the near vicinity.
    If  we could control  the area where the "overload" occurs, the Third Energy
    will literally become the "Ultimate Weapon."
    The power of the weapon  depends on how much energy  we can restrain  before
    the explosion occurs.  In other words,  the capability  of the Stabilizer is
    the key to everything.
    The Third Energy was supposed to be the project of the development policy :
    "Create the basic power source for the Permanently Stationed Weapon."
    If we change the policy of the project here and now, this government will be
    able to obtain the most deadly destructive device in the world.
    However,  our current budget is completely out of the question.  You'll find
    my estimate of the budget in the next chapter. Please review and consider.

14.  L O S T  A N D  F O U N D

I made this section for those of you that already play the game and now you want
to play it again but you  stuck somewhere because  you don't find the proper key
or card.  So  rather  you read all my walkthrough, it's better for you read this
section. I hope this section is useful for someone out there.

|                                        |                                     |
|                  NAME                  |       LOCATION (CHECK MY MAP)       |
| BG Area Key                            | Material Storage                    |
| DDK Input Disc H                       | Management Office                   |
| Panel Key 2                            | Management Office (near the corpse) |
| Entrance Key                           | Management Office (inside the safe) |
| DDK Code Disc H                        | Locker Room                         |
| Panel Key 1                            | Chief's Room                        |
| DDK Input Disc N                       | Chief's Room                        |
| Key Card L                             | Chief's Room                        |
| DDK Code Disc N                        | Front Area of Entrance              |
| BG Room B1 Key                         | Lecture Room                        |
| Startup Battery Red                    | Backup Generator Room B1            |
| ID Card                                | Medical Room                        |
| DDK Code Disc E                        | Strategy Room                       |
| Fingerprint Collecting Device          | Strategy Room                       |
| DDK Input Disc L                       | Large Size Elevator Control Room    |
| DDK Code Disc L                        | Large Size Elevator Control Room    |
| B1 Crane Card                          | Elevator Power Room                 |
| DDK Input Disc E                       | Research Meeting Room               |
| Screwdriver                            | Computer Room                       |
| B1 Key Chip                            | Gas Experiment Room                 |
| Small Size Key                         | Gas Experiment Room                 |
|                                        |    (if you don't kill the man here) |
| Key Card R                             | Library Room                        |
| Comm ID Card                           | Carrying Out Room B1                |
| Antenna Key                            | Communication Room                  |
| C O Passcard                           | Materials Room                      |
| Startup Battery White                  | Backup Generator Room B3            |
| B3 Crane Card 1                        | Control Room B3                     |
| B3 Crane Card 2                        | Control Room B3                     |
| B3 Crane Card 3                        | Transport Passageway                |
| C O Area Key                           | Transport Passageway                |
| DDK Input Disc W                       | General Weapons Storage             |
| B2 Key Chip 1                          | Security Pass Room                  |
| DDK Input Disc S                       | Security Pass Room                  |
| Key Card Lev C                         | Experiment Room Hall                |
| DDK Code Disc W                        | Stabilizer Design Room              |
| B2 Key Chip 2                          | Disembarkation Immigration Room     |
| Port Card Key                          | Large Size Elevator                 |
| DDK Input Disc D                       | Large Size Elevator                 |
| DDK Code Disc S                        | Passageway to the Port              |
| DDK Code Disc D                        | Stabilizer Experiment Room          |
| Key Card Lev B                         | Third Energy Control Room           |
| Key Card Lev A                         | Dr. Kirk's Personal Lab             |
| Stabilizer (Gail's way)                | Special Weapons Storage             |
| Initializer (Gail's way)               | Special Weapons Storage             |
| Planning Disc (Rick's way)             | Dr. Kirk's Personal Lab             |
| Core Parts 1 (Rick's way)              | Parts Storage                       |
| Core Parts 2 (Rick's way)              | Parts Storage                       |
| Protect Parts 1-A (Rick's way)         | Stabilizer Design Room              |
| Protect Parts 1-B (Rick's way)         | Stabilizer Design Room              |
| Protect Parts 2-A (Rick's way)         | Stabilizer Design Room              |
| Protect Parts 2-B (Rick's way)         | Stabilizer Experiment Room          |
| Stabilizer (Rick's way)                | Stabilizer Experiment Room          |
| Initializer (Rick's way)               | Stabilizer Experiment Room          |
| Pulse Receiver                         | Dr. Kirk's Library Room             |

15.  M I S C E L L A N E O U S

01. Have you  ever wonder  what is  the meaning of 'H', 'D', 'L', 'S' etc on DDK
    Disk?  (ie DDK-H, DDK-D, DDK-L, DDK-S, etc).  Well  it's actually a hint for
    the answers.
    For example, if you use a DDK-H,  so the answer must be begin with letter H.
    If you use DDK-S  then the answer begin with letter S.
    DDK-H = HEAD
    If you don't believe me, try it yourself.

02. Wondering what is the telephone in the Office for?  It's for identifying the
    corpse on the Elevator Hall,  so you can get his registration number.  First
    check  the whiteboard  and read the memo.  Then use the telephone and choose
    yes to call Baker.  Then after no one answering choose yes to make the phone
    on HOLD mode. After that go back to the Elevator Hall and you will hear some
    beeping sound. Check the body and you will knew that he was Paul Baker.
    And I have add some names on the credits section.  Also, I will not give any
    credit to anyone  that mail me  about this problem after this walkthrough is

03. You can't bleed to death. I got Regina in ultra-critical condtion. Where one
    swipe of a raptor's tail would be the end of her,  and bleeding all over the
    floor,  and never died.  The bleeding always stops  before she dies.

16.  A C T I O N  R E P L A Y  C O D E S

I got these codes from Cheat Code Central (www.cheatcc.com) and I have got their
permission to put these codes in my walkthrough.

    |                                                      |               |
    | Allows Game to Play in a Mod-Chip System             | D0029588 0005 |
    |                                                      | 8002958A 1000 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Allows Game to Play in a Mod-Chip System (Alternate) | D014957C 023A |
    |                                                      | 8014957E 1000 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Infinite Health                                      | 800B9574 04B0 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Infinite Ammo & Items                                | 8006AC06 2400 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | All Weapons                                          | 800C15A8 FFFF |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Save Anywhere (Press L1 + L2)                        | D00B1418 0005 |
    |                                                      | 800B7A48 0007 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Faster Special Move (Press X)                        | D00B1418 0040 |
    |                                                      | 800B94A0 0100 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Small Regina                                         | 800B9500 0500 |
    |                                                      | 800B9504 0500 |
    |                                                      | 800B9508 0600 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Big Regina                                           | 800B9500 1F00 |
    |                                                      | 800B9504 1F00 |
    |                                                      | 800B9508 1F00 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | View First Ending (Press Select)                     | D00B1418 0100 |
    |                                                      | 800B7A48 000A |
    |                                                      | D00B1418 0100 |
    |                                                      | 300B7A5B 0000 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | View Second Ending (Press Select)                    | D00B1418 0100 |
    |                                                      | 800B7A48 000A |
    |                                                      | D00B1418 0100 |
    |                                                      | 300B7A5B 0001 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | View Third Ending (Press Select)                     | D00B1418 0100 |
    |                                                      | 800B7A48 000A |
    |                                                      | D00B1418 0100 |
    |                                                      | 300B7A5B 0002 |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Have All Maps                                        | 800C15D0 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800C15D2 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800C15D4 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800C15D6 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800C15D8 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800C15DA FFFF |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Have All Items                                       | 800C15A4 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800C15A6 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800C15AC FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800C15AE FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800C15B0 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800C15B2 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800C15B4 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800C15B6 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800C15B8 FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800C15BA FFFF |
    |                                                      | 800C15BC FFFF |
    |                                                      |               |
    | SUPPLIES MODIFIER CODES                              |               |
    |   Slot  1                                            | 300C18CC 00?? |
    |   Slot  2                                            | 300C18D0 00?? |
    |   Slot  3                                            | 300C18D4 00?? |
    |   Slot  4                                            | 300C18D8 00?? |
    |   Slot  5                                            | 300C18DC 00?? |
    |   Slot  6                                            | 300C18E0 00?? |
    |   Slot  7                                            | 300C18E4 00?? |
    |   Slot  8                                            | 300C18E8 00?? |
    |   Slot  9                                            | 300C18EC 00?? |
    |   Slot 10                                            | 300C18F0 00?? |
    |                                                      |               |
    | MAX SUPPLIES CODES                                   |               |
    |   Slot  1                                            | 300C18CD 00FF |
    |   Slot  2                                            | 300C18D1 00FF |
    |   Slot  3                                            | 300C18D5 00FF |
    |   Slot  4                                            | 300C18D9 00FF |
    |   Slot  5                                            | 300C18DD 00FF |
    |   Slot  6                                            | 300C18E1 00FF |
    |   Slot  7                                            | 300C18E5 00FF |
    |   Slot  8                                            | 300C18E9 00FF |
    |   Slot  9                                            | 300C18ED 00FF |
    |   Slot 10                                            | 300C18F1 00FF |
    |                                                      |               |
    | MAX SUPPLIES MODIFIER CODES                          |               |
    |   Slot  1                                            | 300C18CC FF?? |
    |   Slot  2                                            | 300C18D0 FF?? |
    |   Slot  3                                            | 300C18D4 FF?? |
    |   Slot  4                                            | 300C18D8 FF?? |
    |   Slot  5                                            | 300C18DC FF?? |
    |   Slot  6                                            | 300C18E0 FF?? |
    |   Slot  7                                            | 300C18E4 FF?? |
    |   Slot  8                                            | 300C18E8 FF?? |
    |   Slot  9                                            | 300C18EC FF?? |
    |   Slot 10                                            | 300C18F0 FF?? |
    |                                                      |               |
    | ITEM BOX CODES                                       |               |
    |   Item Modifier Slot 1                               | 300C6138 00?? |
    |   Max Items Modifier Slot 1                          | 800C6138 FF?? |
    |   Max Items Slot 1                                   | 300C6139 00FF |
    |                                                      |               |
    | Quantity Digits to Accompany Item Modifier Codes     |               |
    | 00 - Nothing                                         |               |
    | 01 - Shotgun                                         |               |
    | 02 - Shotgun Custom                                  |               |
    | 03 - Shotgun + Stock                                 |               |
    | 04 - SG Custom + Stock                               |               |
    | 05 - Handgun                                         |               |
    | 06 - Handgun + Sight                                 |               |
    | 07 - Handgun Custom                                  |               |
    | 08 - HG Custom + Sight                               |               |
    | 09 - Grenade Gun                                     |               |
    | 0A - GG Custom                                       |               |
    | 0B - Shotgun Parts                                   |               |
    | 0C - Shotgun Stocks                                  |               |
    | 0D - Handgun Sights                                  |               |
    | 0E - Handgun Slides                                  |               |
    | 0F - GG Parts                                        |               |
    | 10 - SG Bullets                                      |               |
    | 11 - Slag Bullets                                    |               |
    | 12 - An. Dart S                                      |               |
    | 13 - An. Dart M                                      |               |
    | 14 - An. Dart L                                      |               |
    | 15 - Poison Dart                                     |               |
    | 16 - 9mm Parabellum                                  |               |
    | 17 - 40S&W Bullets                                   |               |
    | 18 - Grenade Bullets                                 |               |
    | 19 - Heat Bullets                                    |               |
    | 1A - Infinite Grenades                               |               |
    | 1B - Hemostat                                        |               |
    | 1C - Med. Pak S                                      |               |
    | 1D - Med. Pak M                                      |               |
    | 1E - Med. Pak L                                      |               |
    | 1F - Resuscitation                                   |               |
    | 20 - An. Aid                                         |               |
    | 21 - Recovery Aid                                    |               |
    | 22 - Intensifier                                     |               |
    | 23 - Multiplier                                      |               |

17.  C O M P L I M E N T S

I made this section to show my gratitude for those of you that have send me your
compliments. I really appreciate it. Thanks again.

Foo Chuan Yee ([email protected])
  Thanks for providing the wonderful walkthrough on Dino Crisis. Your FAQ is the
  best  among  all  Dino  Crisis  FAQs available from the web. It is so neat and
  informative. It even comes with those nicely drawn maps!
  I  couldn't have  completed  the  game  without  the  help  of your FAQ on the
  "ENERGY" DDK passcode.
  Thanks again.

Johan K ([email protected])
  My name  is  Johan  and  I'm  from  Sweden.  I  looked  a little at your FAQ /
  walkthrough  for  the  great  game  Dino Crisis for the Sony PlayStation and I
  think  your  guides is the best of the guides for Dino Crisis at www.gamefaqs.
  com, yet...

Jim Bolland ([email protected])
  Hi there,
  I  wondered  if  it  would  be OK to use your brilliant DINO CRISIS FAQ on our
  If  this is OK, please could you email me any updates that you make to version
  Many thanks and congratulations on a great piece of work..!

Flament Alexandre ([email protected])
  faut  avouez  que  ton  fags  est  super,  je  suis entrain de le convertir en
  francais, je te dirai si il manque qu'ellle que chose.

Alex ([email protected])
  I  like to thank you for posting the strategy gides. If you dint put them up I
  don't  think  I  could  never finish some of this games (Dino Crisis). You are
  doing a good job.

Sigit Pranoto Santoso ([email protected])
  First thing I'll say thanx to you... could you tell me your real name? Because
  I little bit confuse. How I've to call you? But you wrote Stinger.. wooow that
  like  a  weapon in the Metal Gear Solid...  I'll telling you that you're great
  man!!! I like your walkthrough... Ok I hope this is enough for you... Ok bye..

nh3riotstarter ([email protected])
  Thanx a lot  for your work!!!  WALKTHROUGH  v0.7 of  dino  crisis is great !!!
  Really !!

NoMoment ([email protected])
  Hey  Stinger.  First  off,  I'd like to thank you  for making such a wonderful
  DinoCrisis  Walkthrough.  The  maps  are  beautifully  done  and  the  faq  is
  incredibly   well   written.  Without   the  passwords  you  provided  in  the
  walkthrough, i'd probably be stuck in the game immediately. Thank you.

Damien ([email protected])
  Hey  Stinger 3:16!  Just want to thank you for your Dino Crisis Walkthrough. I
  don't know how you managed to do the farking thing in Japanese and have such a
  level of detail. You are a true Gaming God. Thanks again!

Andrew ([email protected])
  Great job on the DC FAQ.  The fact that  you included maps helped a lot. Yours
  is probably  the best  FAQ that I've used  so far from  Game FAQ's,  and thats
  about  as high a compliment as you can get for this sort of thing.  Anyway,  I
  hope these letters you get make it worth your effort.

Diane ([email protected])
  Despite  ALL  your briliancy  in writing  an excellent  walk through  for Dino
  Crisis  for  Playstation......  I  am  LOooooooost.  Where  can  I  find  your
  newest  updated pages  for  the walkthrough,  and  will  you  be  writing  one
  from the English version? Stinger - you are "THE" gaming God.
  Thank You!!!!!!!!

[email protected]
  I just wanted to drop you a line  and tell you that I think this is by far the 
  best walkthrough  of any game  that I  have seen.  I wish  someone  would have 
  taken the time  to do FFVIII as well...lol.  Thanks again and by the way,  the 
  lost and found at the end did help.

[email protected]
  Thanks your dino crisis walkthrough has been a big help you did a good job.

[email protected]
  Wow.  I've read all  of the Dino Crisis  Faqs  on  www.gamefaqs.com,  and your
  absolutly destroys  every other one.  You thought of  everything,  I  hope you
  plan on doing on for RE3 also.
  Thanks for the kicks ass job.

Chris Miller ([email protected])
  Just  wanted   to  say  thank  you   for  putting  out  such  a  comprehensive 
  walkthrough.  I don't normally use them  as it sometimes spoils the game,  but 
  even the best of us get stuck.  After checking out  other walkthroughs for the 
  game yours stood out. Especially  the pipe puzzle solution which is the reason 
  why i went searching for assistance on the "net".  Your diagram and steps were 
  very easy  to follow  and  kept me  from  putting  my foot  through  the TV in 
  frustration.  Once again thank you  and an outstanding job on your walkthrough 
  of Dino Crisis.

[email protected]
  Hi  I used your walkthrough for Dino Crisis and  I just wanted to say that you 
  did a great job on it.

Shane Feiertag ([email protected])
  Howdy, Whats up?  Just had to say  I just checked  your  walkthrough  for  Dino
  Crisis and I have to say good job.  I imported the Japanese version and printed
  out your v0.5 for that.  It was helpful,  but I also bought it  when it arrived
  in the U.S.  and  just printed out  your latest version  of the walkthrough and
  much better. Keep up the good work and I'll be watching for your name for other
  walkthroughs I check out. 
  Thanks for all the help....... 

Abbas Ahmed ([email protected])
  Thanks Man For The Hint.  Your Walkthrough Is The Best. You Are The Gaming God
  Of The Century!!!  Without Your Walkthrough For Dino Crisis I Could Never Have
  Finished The Game.Thanks Dude.

[email protected]
  Thanx  you're helping me  and alot of other gamers out by making the only full 
  us dino crisis walkthrough!
  You da man!

Enrique Canale ([email protected])
  First of all  let me congratulate you for a terrific and excellent job on your
  walk-trhough.  It has helped me a great deal  when i'm stuck, i do not usually
  use walkthroughs,  some of them  are really incomplete and uninformative,  but
  yours is a really piece of hard work!. Congratulations again.

Bader Saeed ([email protected])
  Fist of all  I'd like  to thank you  about your incredible faq and walkthrough
  which  helped me  so much  that  I finished the game  in one day  so I'm realy
  appreciated for that.

[email protected]
  I read your dino crisis guide and I find it very good and useful.
  Good afternoon from Israel

Jerusalem ([email protected])
  Hi body,
  how´s going?
  I´m from Germany  and  bought  the US-Version of Dino Crisis( man, that game´s 
  I was just surfing around in the Internet and (aplause please!!!) I found your 
  absolutely great (no kidding) Walkthrough (hope I spelled it right).
  So,  I just wanted to ask ya,  where ya from and if you could tell me, where I
  could  get some Updates  from your FAQ  (did you wrote Faq´s about other Games
  So, that´s all I wanted to tell ya.
  Thanks for FAQ and I hope you´ll write me back. bye ya :)
  PS : Hope ya got da  dumb little Motherfucker that solled your FAQ.  -don´t be
  scared!!!-kick ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Enrique Canale ([email protected])
  Are you planning to develop a walkthrough for Resident Evil: Nemesis?,  if you
  are and with the work that you did for DinoCrisis it will be another excellent
  I wish  I knew of your work earlier when i was playing Parasite Eve & Resident
  Evil 1 and 2.

Gene Holman ([email protected])
  Just dropping you a line  to say  THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU  for your walk
  thru.  I am one of the pitiful souls  who can NEVER finish video games without
  help and yours was invaluable. To give you an idea of how crummy a player I am
  it took me over 60 hours of play time  to finish Resident Evil Director's Cut.
  Now that you've finished laughing, thanks again and keep up the good work. =O)

18.  S O F T W A R E  I N F O R M A T I O N

by Melesio Mejia Contreras
   e-mail  : [email protected]
   website : http://orbita.starmedia.com/~melecorporation2k/




Hola tal vez te saques un poco de onda por que este FAQ este en ingles y 
español Bueno lo que pasa es que la gran comunidad de video juegos en 
Internet esta en Ingles pero yo quiero que tanto las personas que hablen 
español e ingles sepan como Usar este faq y si les interesa podrán dejar de 
sufrir sacando todos los finales de un Juego solo tendrán que ver los 
finales y listo..


Para entender este faq lo que haré es lo siguiente escribiré en los dos 
idiomas Texto por texto, así si hablas español lo entenderás y si no 
también, lastima que Solo se hablar esos  dos , yo por mi hubiese escrito 
también en japonés pero Apenas ando en eso.

I'll write this in both idioms, so you can understand all  im telling you. 
I'll translate text by text..

Well  this section  has been created  by  all user  that  want to know  
about  the Psx software , this section is  for all that want to see  the 
movies  or want to heard  the audio files  from psx files  I provide  the 
name  of  the  most important files for example :

bueno esta sección ha sido creada para todos esos usuarios que quieren saber 
acerca del software del psx, esta sección es para todos aquellos que quieren 
ver los cinemas en su PC y escuchar todos los archivos de música, solo les 
doy los nombres de los archivos mas importantes por ejemplo:

all files with extension;

todos los archivos con extensión:

this is  a popular  audio file  for psx  in this file  you  can heard  the 
dialogs from the game and background music

este es un popular archivo de play en este archivo encontraras toda la
la música del juego

this is stream file you can find here all the movies from the game and you 
can discover secrets movies that you can't find in normal game (not at all 
games of course)  so you can save  in format bmp and put it as a wallpaper 

Este archivo es donde se almacenan todos los cinemas del juego, aqui
Podras encontrar si tienes suerte cinemas secretos, ademas podrás tomar
Alguna foto del cinema y ponerlo como tapete...

this is movie file you can find here all the movies from the game and you 
can discover secrets movies that you can't find in normal game  so you can 
save  in format bmp and put it as a wallpaper  too.

Este archivo es donde se almacenan todos los cinemas del juego, aqui
Podrás encontrar si tienes suerte cinemas secretos, ademas podrás tomar
Alguna foto del cinema y ponerlo como tapete...

this is a file with some images  from game  so you can save  in format bmp 
and put it as a wallpaper.

Este es un archivo de imágenes fijas o sea como especie de fotos
Podrás abrirlas y ponerlas como tapete en formato BMP


Ok you maybe said, well that's cool but how I do that?
If you contact me  I can send you the software free  but you got to send me 
your entire profile  real name  not nickname  and your country,  don't try 
to fool me because don't going To give you that software..

ok tal ves digas, esto es genial, pero como hago eso?
Si tu me contactas puedo enviarte el programa gratis pero tendras que 
enviarme Todos tus datos personales como nombre real, no apodo, tu pais , 
edad No traten de mentirme por que no les envio nada ok.


Megabytes: 637.047361

Audio files:

there are:

This are the audio files  so you can hear everything you want the times that 
you want for example in the file voices0.xas in the track one you'll find 
the ending theme in piano.

Estos archivos tienen todos los sonidos del juego aqui podrás escucharlos 
las veces Que quieras, por ejemplo en el archivo voices0.xas en la pista uno 
encontraras el Tema final en piano

Video files:

there are:
d:\CD_DATA\ZMOVIE\enda.str this is the end movie for Jill and Carlos
es el final de jill y carlos
d:\CD_DATA\ZMOVIE\endb.str this is the end movie for Jill, Carlos, Barry
es el final de jill ,carlos   y barry
d:\CD_DATA\ZMOVIE\ins01.str you'll find Nemesis by first time killing Brad
encontraras a nemesis matando a brad
d:\CD_DATA\ZMOVIE\ins02.str discover by yourself ,,,descubrelo por ti mismo
d:\CD_DATA\ZMOVIE\ins03.str discover by yourself
d:\CD_DATA\ZMOVIE\ins04.str discover by yourself
d:\CD_DATA\ZMOVIE\ins05.str discover by yourself
d:\CD_DATA\ZMOVIE\ins06.str discover by yourself
d:\CD_DATA\ZMOVIE\ins07.str discover by yourself
d:\CD_DATA\ZMOVIE\ins08.str discover by yourself
d:\CD_DATA\ZMOVIE\ins09.str discover by yourself
d:\CD_DATA\ZMOVIE\opn.str here is the large intro for RE3
es el intro grande del juego
d:\CD_DATA\ZMOVIE\roopne.str here is the small intro for Nemesis
es el intro pequeño del juego

Images files:

there are :

Well sorry but here is a lot of files and to much for mention it  so you'll 
some cool images like the jackal mode.

Lo siento son muchos archivos a nombrar así que intenta entrar tu mismo
Veras imágenes padres como la de jackal mode


here is the analysis for DINO CRISIS

Megabytes: 373.705216

audio files:

there are:
d:\PSX\DATA_XA\STAGE00.xas heard by yourself
d:\PSX\DATA_XA\STAGE01.xas heard by yourself
d:\PSX\DATA_XA\STAGE02.xas heard by yourself
d:\PSX\DATA_XA\STAGE03.xas heard by yourself
d:\PSX\DATA_XA\STAGE04.xas heard by yourself
d:\PSX\DATA_XA\STAGE05.xas heard by yourself

this are the audio files so you can hear
everything you want the times that you want
there are only voices in this files so you
can listen all conversation

video files:

there are:
d:\PSX\MOVIE\END1.STR     this is the end for regina,rick,and dr.kirk
final para regina rick y dr. kirk
d:\PSX\MOVIE\END2.STR     this is the end for regina,rick,gail
final para regina rick y gail
d:\PSX\MOVIE\END3.STR     this is the end for regina,rick,gail,dr.kirk
final para regina, rick , dr. Kirk y gail
d:\PSX\MOVIE\MAKU.STR     this is when the helicopter is atacked by T REX
cuando el helicóptero es atacado por el t rex
d:\PSX\MOVIE\OPENING.STR  this is the large intro
es el intro grande
d:\PSX\MOVIE\STUFF.STR    this is the movie for the staff roll
es el cinema para los créditos
d:\PSX\MOVIE\DEMO.STR     this is the small intro (they came of nowhere)
es el cinema Para (they came of no where)

images files:

does not exist Tim images

no hay imágenes tim


this is for me one of the best games ever made so i want to give a thanks to 
stinger 3:16 for make fags like this and a specially thanks to
Ing.Victor Spindola Farfan for the analysis of the structure of the files In 
mac format.

Este es uno de los mejores juegos que he jugado y gracias a stinger 3:16
Por hacer guias como esta y especialmente al C.P. Victor Spindola Farfan
Por los análisis en formato mac


Please if you want to add news things to this section just tell me
What do you need to know.

This FAQ is for private and personal use.  It  can  only  be   reproduced 
electronically,  and if placed on a web page or site,  may be altered as 
long as this disclaimer and the copyright notice appear unaltered and in 
full.  This FAQ is not to be used for profitable or promotional purposes, 
etc. Please do not use this FAQ on your website without asking my permission 
first. And don't take some part or whole part of this FAQ  and  put your 
names on it

this is specially for the faq master stinger 3:16

Feel free to send me any comments or mistakes to:
[email protected]



FROM Philippines:

I've read the FAQ you created about Resident Evil 3 -NEMISIS-, and would
like to request for the software you said that can read Playstation files i
really want to see those images and the movies you said.

If you are the one whose gonna send me bad viruses then maybe you should 
notsend me any thing at all.

Thank you very much



Hello, I am interested in your software that claims can view the files
on the RE3 disc.  I don't exactly know what type of personal profile you
want.  My name as appeared in this email is real and I am living in
Taiwan.  If you don't believe you may ask stinger3:16 to verify my
identity or see the credit section of his Dino Crisis Faq.  Thank you
very much.

PS: Please don't circulate my email address to others because this is my
real email to the ones I trusted.  Thanks :)



Hi, there !
i'm wendy, 15 guy indonesian
great times a lot i've had, using ur FAQS along the game !
though havn't finished the game up ! :(
anyway, just noticed u got a software that can listen-see-save sorta 
software for RE 3
i would like to hav it  !
plz mail me back and inquire me whenever u need to !
looking forward ur next reply !
anyway got any soft wares that can possibly do the same things for TOMB 
RAIDERs ?????

your FAQS reader !



I was browsing the ´net looking for FAQ´s about Resident Evil 3, when I
found this one written by Stinger 3:16.
Added to the faq there was a section called Software Information, where
you said you've got an application that seems to convert psx-encoded files
into bmp´s , video and audio files.
Could you answer me some questions?

- Sorry about this stupid one, but... the application converts the files
to which plataform: PC or another? Does it work under Windows 9x, DOS or
- Which video and audio output formats are created after the convertion:
*.avi, *.mpg, *.wav, *.mp3 or other ones? Can my Windows Media Player
understand them?
- Does this application work with any psx games? Or maybe at least all
the ones from Capcom (RE 1 and 2)?
- Have you written this application yourself? If so, using which tool?
I´m asking this as I don´t have the slightest idea of how gaming
softwarehouses create their products...
- Finally... can you send it to me? :)



Hi there.
I saw your information on software. Sounds really cool,
Can you also send me the software? And by the way, I'm Jun Jun Hernandez, 
Philippines. Thanx!


it´s a very good Resident Evil 3 NEMESIS faq my name is kent darehed and i 
live in sweden so can i have the program that can view the files on the psx 
cd if you want more info about me write a mail back to me




Robert j hill


I need the software to play the movies and sounds from
PS games .I just read your walkthrough on Dino Crisis and i think it rocks!
You said that you would send the software if i gave my profile
so, here goes:

Hope that's enough info. Hope to hear from you soon
Thank you very much...




if you have any Question about the chip set mode for psx feel free
to let me know it

y para todos aquellos que hablen español siéntanse libres de enviarme
cualquier comentario o pregunta acerca de cualquier guía de stinger 3:16
y si puedo los ayudare con gusto..también tengo un emulador para PC
y si quieren con gusto se los envió para que jueguen play en su pc...

by Melesio Mejia Contreras
   e-mail  : [email protected]
   website : http://orbita.starmedia.com/~melecorporation2k/

copyright 2000 MeleCorporation Associates Inc.

19.  C R E D I T S

Albert Johannes ([email protected])
  For  the  information  about  where  to use the key I found on the gas chamber
  (from the dead man).

Dave Adams ([email protected])
  For  the  information  about the shorcut on Room 41 to reach the heliport (3rd

[email protected]
  For  the  information  about L1 button (to move your aiming to another enemy).
  Must be more than one enemy in order to work.

Guy ([email protected])
  For the information about having the third ending through Gail's way.

NoMoment ([email protected])
  For all the information on section 6 (Japanese version).

Steven Hook ([email protected])
  For all the translation about  room, weapon, item, and supplies names.  A  BIG
  thanks to you, you've been a great help for my walkthrough (Japanese version).

Nzumbe Ntoko Jr ([email protected])
  For the information about number 46079, the real shortcut, and the strategies.

Alvin C Webcraft ([email protected])
  For the information about all the English version code.

[email protected]
  For the information about the telephone at the Office.

Chris Redfield ([email protected])
  For the information about the telephone at the Office.

Randy Custodio ([email protected])
  For the information about the telephone at the Office.

Isaac Quintana ([email protected])
  For the information about the telephone at the Office.

Patrick Waring ([email protected])
  For the information about the telephone at the Office.

Robert Boucher ([email protected])
  For the information about the telephone at the Office.

BoSHaheen ([email protected])
  For the information about the telephone at the Office.

Metal Storm ([email protected])
  For the information about the telephone at the Office.

David ([email protected])
  For the information about the telephone at the Office.

Wraithchilde ([email protected])
  For Miscellaneous #3.

20.  S P E C I A L  T H A N K S

1. GOD for everything
2. My family and my dogs
3. Game FAQs for publishing my faqs
4. Cheat Code Central for allowing me to use their GameShark Codes. Thanks Dave.
5. My computer
6. Those of you who sent me your compliments, thanks man
7. You for reading my FAQ

21.  V E R Y  S P E C I A L  T H A N K S

Very special thanks to these people (in alphabetical order) :
1. DJ Liquid
2. Mats Yngwe
3. Melesio Mejia Contreras
You guys  are truly  my friend.  You guys were there  when I need your help  and
support. I'm so lucky to have a friend like you guys.

22.  L I S T  O F  T H E  D A M N E D

This list  now  contain five jackass. I still hope  that this list isn't growing
so fast.

1. Today,  I went to a game-shop,  and guess what?  I found that  my Dino Crisis
   walkthrough  has been published  without  my  permission.  That  sucker  only
   translate my walkthrough in Indonesian language and sell it for Rp. 12.500,-.
   That bastard  translate it words by words.  It’s title is GAME GUIDE Volume :
   9. And it has this statement on the back cover : “Anggota IKAPI 106/JBA/10-08
   -99”. Some of my friends told me that it was made in Bandung by VEGA(the same
   store  that sell it). The  previous volume  of that magazine  is also ripping
   someone else's faq(especially from GameFAQs)and translate it into Indonesian.
   And I got some words for anyone that responsible for this :
   happen  to read my walkthrough prepare to be scared. I mean  VERY SCARED (No,
   don’t worry, I won’t take your pitiful soul from your brainless body,  I only
   make sure that you will  suffer till the rest of your life).
   And for you, dear readers, if you know anything,  anything about this asshole
   -person, please let me know about that. I will apreciate any infos about this
   animal.  His address, telephone, faxs, or e-mail.  I will  greatly appreciate
   Ah,  hah.  Finally I got that bastard's e-mail address : [email protected].
   net.id. So please send all your curse words and condemn to that motherfucker.

2. This magazine called Game Station and also made in Bandung. Well, he actually
   didn't stole my walkthrough, but he stole my friend's walkthrough. So I think
   this bastard  is  worth enough  to enter my list.  OK, here's the stat : Game
   Station, October 1999, third week, volume 21, Rp. 3.500,-. It's address is on
   Jl. Pungkur 155 Lt. 2, Bandung 40251. And, the best part is I know its e-mail
   address : [email protected].  And  this  magazine is also have some
   connection  to  VEGA  (the one that plagiarized my walkthrough).  So,  if you
   concern about this plagiarism problem, you know where to send your e-mail.

3. Since he said sorry  and tell me that he mistyped my name for someone else, I
   remove his name from this Damned List.

4. This is another smart-ass. In my Resident Evil 2 walkthrough, I forgot to put
   Room 35 and 36  in the map.  Then this guy  mail me  and said I forgot to put
   Room 36 in my map but he doesn't tell me what game. So I think it was my Dino
   Crisis walkthrough  (since  RE2 is an old game  and I think only a few people
   still playing it now)  and I replied to him  saying that there are Room 36 in
   my map. Then he replied like this :

   What i am trying to say is, well I'll just copy and paste what you wrote.
   "Now  enter  the Arms Storage / Weapon Storage  (use the Red Card Key  on the
   cardreader).  Open the locker.  You can take  either  the Machine Gun  or the
   sidepack.  Exit. Go to Room 36. Take the Film on the table. On the North wall
   of this room, there are 3 statues (from left to right) 11, 12, and 13."
   You see in the purple letters it says to go to room 36, on your map. How am I
   going  to go to room 36  if it isnt  on the map  for me to find.  Am  I  just
   supposed to walk around looking for the stupid room.  Well guess what that is
   what I did and your lucky I found it!
   P.S. = Please put all of the info on the map that coresponds with walkthrough
   next time!

   Take notice  that  he said I'm lucky  because  he can found the room. Who the
   hell  did he think  he is?  Dare to threat me. Then on his third mail he said
   that  I can't  read well.  That's it. I'm pissed-off.  Hey reader, who do you
   think can't read? I have told everyone in my faq that if you want to ask me a
   question,  write down  the name of the games in the subject field. So I guess
   he's the one that can't read, right?
   E-mail address : [email protected]

5. Since he said sorry  and tell me that he mistyped my name for someone else, I
   remove his name from this Damned List.

6. This is what his e-mail sounds :
   I've nicked  your  resi  walkthough  and  I'm  selling it  to one of my mates
   and there is nothing you can do about it.

   Do you really think so, son?  Guess again. You're human, right? And all human
   will dead eventually.  When your time has come,  we will see if I still can't
   do anything on you. Can't wait until that time come...
   Name           : Moron
   Age            : 18
   From           : London, England
   E-mail address : [email protected]

7. This is what his e-mail sounds :
   Dear whom It may concern,
   Your dino crisis walkthru was terrible and we could not understand it.We just
   have been given a key card  with a letter R inscribed on it,  we need to know
   where to place it, also we need to know where the chiefs room is.
   Yours Sincereley

   In case you didn't know, I'M NOT YOUR SLAVE. I answer what I want when I want
   and I will answer every mail. But, your kind of people make me sick so I wont
   answer this kind of mail.  Go find your answer yourself. You don't know where
   the Chief's Room? Here's a few steps to find it :
   1. Learn how to read in the school.
   2. After you can read, find the maps section in my Dino Crisis walkthrough.
   3. Find a letter C - H - I - E - F - ' - S - R - O - O - M.
   4. If that's still too hard for you, then ask help from your parents.
   Good luck jackass.
   Name           : Colin Treadwell
   E-mail address : [email protected]

23.  I M P O R T A N T  N O T E

Hey,  faq-makers, you should read this section.  I just receive an e-mail and he
told me that  he has asking everybody  who made a walkthrough (including myself)
and  I'm the  ONLY  one that answered.  Have you all forgot the manner that your
father and mother taught you when you were kids? If someone asking for your help
and you can help him, then do so. If you don't want people to send you an e-mail
then said so  on your faq.  Don't let people disappointed.  I also have the same
experience.  I asked someone  and he didn't answered me.  I don't know if he's a
busy man or not,  but he didn't answered me. I'm very disappointed. Just because
you have made a great faq,  and a lot of people e-mail you,  it don't make you a
great man. What makes you a great man is your attitude.

And for myself, I guarantee that  I will answer  your questions, even if I can't
answer it.  And  if I haven't  answered your mail within a week , please mail me
back, because maybe I don't read your faq, or something like that.

24.  A U T H O R ' S  N O T E

For those of you who want to send comments,  questions, or information regarding
this FAQ, send them to : [email protected]

Feel free  to e-mail me  about any mistakes  or  additions  concerning this FAQ,
but don't forget to mention "DinoCrisis" in the "Subject" field.

If you read this FAQ not on these sites :
01) Game FAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com/)
02) Console Gamer (http://www.console-gamer.com/)
03) Absolute Playstation International (http://www.absolute-playstation.com/)
04) Playstation Network (http://www.caratworld.com/psnetwork/)
05) Cheat Code Central (http://www.cheatcc.com/)
06) Video Games Strategies (http://www.vgstrategies.about.com/)
07) Planet Web (http://www.planetweb.purespace.de/)
08) Hype.Se (http://cheats.hype.se/)
09) Game Revolution (http://www.game-revolution.com/)
10) Game Core (http://www.videogamecore.com/)
11) Xcheater (http://www.xcheater.com/)
12) PhatGames (http://www.phatgames.com/)
13) Spoiler Centre (http://www.the-spoiler.com/)
14) The Cheat Empire (http://home.planetinternet.be/twuyts)
15) The PlayStation Pit (http://www.psxpit.com/)
16) Survival Horror (http://survivalhorror.com/)
17) Games Blaster (http://www.gamesblaster.com/)
18) Gaming Addiction (http://www.games.prohosting.com/)
19) Diablo Page (http://www2.50megs.com/neo667/diablo.html)
20) Resident Evil Extreme (http://rextreme.evilgaming.net)
21) PsxGamer (http://www.psxgamer.com)
22) SuperCheats (http://www.supercheats.com)
23) All Anime (http://www.allanime.com)
24) Adrenaline Vault (http://www.avault.com/cheats)
25) Blue Crescent's Page (http://members.xoom.com/bluecrescent/credits.html)
26) RPG Classics (http://www.rpgclassics.com)
27) Happy Puppy (http://www.happypuppy.com/)
28) Chi Phan's Page (http://homepages.go.com/~chphan/Rpgdreamersindex.html)
29) Bob Santos' Page (http://www.geocities.com/charmin_guy_011285)
30) Alternative Reality (http://www.alternative-reality.com)
31) DLH (http://DLH.Net)
32) Firesoft (http://www.firesoft.net)
33) Beyond Evil (http://beyondevil.cjb.net/)
34) Random Page of Crap (http://www.geocities.com/frozen4lyfe/index.html)
Please  tell  me where you read it.  And if you know someone who has rip-off my
work,  please  tell me his e-mail address  and where you read it,  we will take
care the rest.

Thanks  for  reading  my  FAQ  and  please send in any comments,  questions, or

This document copyright (c) 1999 - 2000 Stinger 3:16

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