Walkthrough for the Shortcut - Guide for Wario Land 2

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Dan P.
Wario Land 4

Intro: This is a walkthrough to beating the game by using a shortcut. I'm doing 
the shortcut because I still need to win with the longcut. The objective of this 
game is to catch the badguys yada yada yada. Anyways I hope you like it. You 
can just take the gameboy game and put it in your gameboy advance.

Chapter 1:
One Noisy Morning
Story 1:
Turn Off the Alarm Clock
Lie in bed until the bad guys come and get you.

Chapter 2:
Invade Wario Castle
Story 1:
To the Castle
Door 1: Keep going right until you reach the door.
Door 2: Keep going down until you reach the door.
Door 3: Keep going up and right until you reach the door.
Door 4: Keep going right until you reach the door.
Door 5: Keep going up all the platforms until you reach the door.
Door 6: Roll down the hill and keep jumping and going right until you reach 
the final door.

Chapter 2:
Invade Wario Castle
Story 2:
Storm the Castle
Door 1: Go right until you reach the platforms. Then keep going up util you 
reach a door. Go through it and flip the switch. Then go back out, go down, and 
go all the way to the right and you can get through to the door.
Door 2: Roll down the steps and keep destroying the barrels until you roll in to 
the next room. Then jump up the platforms and go through the door.
Door 3: Keep going right while you dodge the flying skulls until you reach the 
Door 4: Go up the platforms and get lit on fire. Then you'll destroy the blocks. 
Then go to the next room and get lit on fire and destroy those blocks so you 
have a shortcut down to the door. Then get lit on fire again and break the 
blocks to get to the door.
Door 5: Keep going right and then go up the platforms and out the door.
Door 6: Keep going up the platforms to the door.
Door 7: Go up the stairs on your left and then up all the platforms. Then get 
crushed by the thing that cruches you. Then go to your right and jump off the 
platform. Keep floating right until you reach the place with the door. Now you 
can fit through. Let the drop of liquid fall on you and you'll return to normal. 
Then go through the door.

Chapter 2:
Invade Wario Castle
Story 3:
Defeat the Giant Spearman
Door 1: Keep going right and go through the door on the right.
Door 2: Keep going right and go through the door on the right.
Door 3: Keep going right and go through the door on the left. Then beat the 

Chapter 2:
Invade Wario Castle
Story 4:
Go Through the Grand Hall
Door 1: Go up all the platforms to the top. Then go all the way to the right and 
all the way down to the door.
Door 2: Go up the stairs to your left and then down the platforms. Then break 
through the walls on your right to get to the door.
Door 3: Roll down the stairs on your left and break through to the other room 
with the door.
Door 4: Go up the platforms on your right and then down the stairs on your left.
Door 5: Go up all the platforms. When you reach the top go to the right and 
there's the door.
Door 6: Go to your right until you reach the door.
Door 7: Go up the platforms and go all the way to the right and break through 
the walls.

Chapter 2:
Invade Wario Castle
Final Story:
Kick Em' Out!
Door 1: Go all the way to the right and go down. Then go down the place in the 
floor to the level below that. Then go down and to the right and to the door.
Door 2: Go right until you reach the door.
Door 3: Go right until you reach the lowest platform. Then go up the platforms. 
Then go all the way to the right to the door.
Door 4: Go down and all the way to the right and go through the door with the 
skull above. That leads to the boss of the game. Beat him you win the game!

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