Walkthrough - Guide for LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7

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1. Spell List
  1. Story Level
     1. Year Five
       1. Dark Times
       2. Dumbledore's Army
       3. Focus!
       4. Kreacher Discomforts
       5. A Giant Virtuoso
       6. A Veiled Threat
     2. Year Six
       1. Out of Retirement
       2. Just Desserts
       3. A Not So Merry Christmas
       4. Love Hurts
       5. Felix FElicis
       6. The Horcrux and the Hand
     3. Year Seven 1
       1. The Seven Harrys
       2. Magic is Might
       3. In Grave Danger
       4. Sword and Locket
       5. Lovegood's Lunacy
       6. Dobby!
     4. Year Seven 2
       1. The Thief's Downfall
       2. Back to School
       3. Burning Bridges
       4. Fiendfyre Frenzy
       5. Snape's Tears
       6. The Flaw in the Plan
2. Red Bricks
3. Characters
4. Gold bricks
5. Bonus Spells
6. Legal Stuff

WL - Wingardium Levioso: a spell to move objects
LS - Lumos: a spell to create light
EP - Expecto Patronum: a spell to defeat dementors
RED - Reducto: a spell to blow things up
IC - Invisibility Cloak: item used by Harry to become invisible
DIF - Diffindo: a spell to create objects using red items
FOC - Focus
AGUA - Aguamenti: a spell to create water
DELUM - Deluminator: captures light 
BAG – use pink baseplate
SPECS – use spectrespecs

  DW - Dark Wizard: used to move red/black objects
  SIP - Student in Peril
  G. - Gryffindor
  S. - Slytherin
  H. - Hufflepuff
  R. - Ravenclaw

Zap = attack object

Note: In order to successfully complete the game you will need:
  All spells and abilities are unlocked after Y7.1L1
  Strength: Dudley
  Ravenclaw: Luna Lovegood
  Fix: Arthur Weasley
  Dark Wizard: Bellatrix Lestrange
  Key access: Mrs. Cole

There are areas with black objects that can only be used by dark wizards.
To navigate through Hogwarts during story levels, follow the ghost studs 
  or look for the blue arrow above the proper exit.

When dueling, the spells follow in a clockwise motion: purple, (green), 
  red, blue, (yellow), orange

Y5L1 - Dark Times (TW 120,000)
Story: Harry (Blue T-Shirt), Dudley (Grey Top), Kingsley Shacklebolt, 
  Mad-Eye Moody, Arthur (Suit)
A1: use WL to move bushes in front of gate. Use Dudley to pull open gate. 
  Destroy car, build bridge and open gate. Knock blocks off platform and 
  build stairs. 
  Dudley (Grey Top): use WL on merry-go-round, use Dudley to pull up
    CREST 2: dig up Weasley box and use to climb sticky wall
    STUDENT IN PERIL: use DW on grate in ravine
    CREST 3: use DIF to build tractor. Drive tractor over 5 patches of 
A2: follow studs
  CREST 1: hit 5 buoys
A3: on the left side, use WL to move purple objects onto the saw by the 
  tree to free 1st person. Use WL to build gardener’s cart in foreground 
  to free 2nd person. Use RED to open shed near gazebo. Use WL to build 
  hammer and use hammer to free 3rd person. Use WL on statues by fountain
  to free 4th person. Mad-Eye’s staff is on the ground by the right side 
  of the fountain. Exit through gate behind fountain and use staff. 
    CREST 4: fix yellow sweeper and sweep up 5 spots
    Elphias Doge: fill can by bench on left side
A4: fix blue object by dark fireplace and use WL to activate floo network
  Use WL to turn valve on fountain and build a paper airplane. Send 
  airplane in window to open gate. 
A5: fix blue elevator in rear. Use WL to rescue toad and give toad to 
  wizard. Use WL to build object and place object in elevator and use to 
    Arthur (Suit): use DW on elevator

Use WL to move barrier to Leaky Cauldron
 Diagon Alley 
  GOLD BRICK: hiding in area next to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
  Mundungus Fletcher: zap table on left side
 Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes
  STUDENT IN PERIL: trapped in cobweb on ladder
 Madame Malkin’s
  STUDENT IN PERIL: right curtain on upper level 
  GOLD BRICK: left curtain on upper level 
  Madame Malkin: zap clothes rack
 Leaky Cauldron
  STUDENT IN PERIL: cobweb in rear
  GOLD BRICK: move cups to counter on left side in
  Hestia Jones: zap red stools on left side and jump up
  Mrs. Figg: 2nd floor. Exit through right door. Take the 2nd door on the
    left. On the left side of movie room
 London Road
  GOLD BRICK: use WL on guitar on left side 
  RED BRICK: Gold brick detector, use WL to empty trash into garbage
    truck on right side
Use WL to open subway gate.
 London Train Station
  STUDENT IN PERIL: hanging from clock 
  Waitress (Treats): destroy newsstand 
  Muggle Orphan: zap yellow object near newsstand
Use WL on blue booth beyond conductor to get ticket. 
 Hogsmeade Train Station
  GOLD BRICK: use WL on clock hanging over gate
  Station Guard: Use WL to fix lamps on train platform
Put wheels on wagon. Zap flowers to left of wagon for 1st wheel. Use WL
  to move bushes to right of wagon and use WL to get 2nd wheel. Ride
 Griffyndor Common Room
  Hermione (Ball Gown): zap bookshelf in and use WL to build stairs
  Harry (Pajamas): use WL on dart on right side 
  Ginny (Pajamas): zap painting by exit to Dorm Corridor 
Give flowers in pot next to fireplace to student. Use WL to move tapestry
 Dorm Corridor
  Ron (blue pajamas): open puzzle cabinet 
  GOLD BRICK: zap 8 tapestries in dorm corridor
  STUDENT IN PERIL: use parseltongue on cabinet next to S. door 
  STUDENT IN PERIL: use WL on armor on right side of staircase
  Susan Bones: use WL on sword on left side of lobby
  GOLD BRICK: use WL on 6 torches in lobby
 Main Classroom Entrance (MCE)
  Hermione (Cardigan): play chess game on upper right level
 Dark Arts Classroom 
  STUDENT IN PERIL: hanging from balcony 
  GOLD BRICK: on left side of Dark Arts classroom, hidden behind stairs
Potion: cauldron in chest next to SIP. 1st ingredient get shovel and give
  to student next to SIP, 2nd ingredient use WL to clean off cobweb, 3rd 
  ingredient zap black object next to cage on right side and zap target 
Use potion to open cabinet on right side of cauldron and build airplane.
  GOLD BRICK gained
  Pet/cloak unlocked
  LS unlocked
Use pet to get the key and open door. 
Chase student to get ladle and give to student on upper level of lobby. 
  Use WL to open lion door. 
Use LS to exit.
  STUDENT IN PERIL: use LS on plant near Hagrid’s hut
  GOLD BRICK: use strength potion to pull handle in Hagrid’s garden
Use LS to exit to Hagrid’s garden
  Luna (Blue Jumper): use WL on tree near entrance
  STUDENT IN PERIL: use LS and WL on tree on upper level near 1st thestral
Zap plant twice on upper level, use WL to open tree and build fishing 
  pole, use fishing pole to get fish for thestral. Jump across river, zap 
  plant twice and use WL to gain entrance to hollow log. Zap flower to 
  gain access to upper level. Zap plants to get chicken to serve to 
  thestral. Jump into ravine and zap plants at rear to gain access to 
  bridge. Use WL on tree in rear to slap bird and get fish for thestral. 
  Thestrals unlocked
  GOLD BRICK unlocked

Y5L2 - Dumbledore’s Army (TW 47,000)
Story: Harry (winter), Ron (Winter Clothes), Hermione (Scarf)
A1: dig up 1st person, his wand is right next to him. Use WL to form 
  bridge. Zap open coops and build dragon head. Put head on gate and use
  WL to open gate. Zap trash can on far right and give blue mug from 
  nearby table for 2nd person. Break open lock in rear and smash 
  everything to get shovel for 3rd person. Use WL on dog house to get 
  1st ingredient. 2nd ingredient is by cauldron. Use WL on broom to sweep
  up street for 3rd ingredient. Use potion to break wagons to get flowers 
  for 4th person. Use WL to build pet tunnel and send pet through. Dig 
  up part and zap bird, then build sign to open door.
    Neville (Winter): use SPECS to build snowman
    CREST 1: break lock and apparate. Use gun to attack six targets.
    CREST 2: use DW to control person in shop
    Hermione (Scarf): dig up sticky wall next to exit. Use Weasley box
        to climb wall
A2: zap red and white table to get puppet for 1st person. Zap kegs on 
  left side and build picture to get feather for 2nd person. Open puzzle 
  cabinet and feed apple to boar’s head. Defeat dementor to get bone for 
  3rd person.
  A3: zap lock in A2
    CREST 3: use pet tunnel to knock jars off of shelf. Pull handle and
      use SPECS to build tank. Connect hose to tank and pump water.
      Build valve and turn dials to match picture on wall
    CREST 4: use Weasley box
    Cho (Winter): ride in wheelchair
    STUDENT IN PERIL: use DW on keg

Get camera from nearby bench to get key. 
 Great Hall Entrance (GHE)
  Dean Thomas: behind statue on right rear side
 Great Hall
  GOLD BRICK: use WL 3 turkey platters in Great Hall 
  The Bloody Baron: zap Slytherin tapestry in left rear
  Fat Friar: zap fruit basket next to fireplace on right side 
  Penelope Clearwater: open puzzle cabinet and zap 3 candles 
 Requirement Corridor:
  Luna (Yellow Dress): use WL on armor near entrance 
  Vincent Crabbe: zap armor on right side 3 times
  Dirk Cresswell: puzzle cabinet in right side
  STUDENT IN PERIL: in cobweb on left side 
  Blaise (Black shirt): zap 4 braziers in 
  Cormac McLaggen: use WL on 4 chandeliers 
 Match spell colors to defeat opponents.
  Dueling unlocked
  GOLD BRICK received

Y5L3 - Focus! (TW 35,000)
Story: Harry (Blue T-Shirt), Professor Snape
A1: use Snape to zap cloud. Destroy merry-go-round and build bulldozer. 
  Dig up cake in sandbox and give to person. 
  Dudley’s Gang Member: Jump on trampoline
  CREST 1: dig up near seesaw
A2: open up cabinet on left side and use broom to brush off cobweb on   
  right side picture. FOCUS on person and give them object from picture.
    Molly (Apron): use RED on locked cabinet and pull orange handle
A3: FOCUS on person. Zap 4 target dummies. Zap 5th dummy to get wand and 
  give to person.
    CREST 3: zap 6 metal objects
    STUDENT IN PERIL: douse flames in fireplace
A4: zap 2nd plaque on the left and crate to build net. Use net to capture 
  airplane. FOCUS on person at end of corridor and give airplane. 
  CREST 2: zap 5 scrolls hanging on walls
A5: FOCUS on Voldemort at end of platform
    Snape (Underwear): use Weasley box, use WL on sticky wall and then
      climb wall
    CREST 4: use DW to stack luggage on cart

Use LS to enter Charms Corridor
 Charms Corridor
  Ron (Red Sweater): use WL on armor 
 Charms Classroom Right
  GOLD BRICK: use DIFFINDO on flower on right side
Use DIF to build flower. Zap red objects near flower and use WL to build
  ship. Use WL to build vacuum. Use DIF to build stairs. Use WL to build 
  pet tunnel and use pet. Use DIF on upper level to make fish. 
  GOLD BRICK: use DIF on red wall to the rear
  Justin Finch-Fletchley: destroy vacuum in 
  STUDENT IN PERIL: zap “H” tapestries then zap Slytherin tapestry 
  DIFFINDO unlocked
  GOLD BRICK unlocked
Use DIF in Lobby Hallway
 Small Courtyard
  RED BRICK: Collect Ghost Studs use DIF on tree in Small Courtyard
 Train Station Path
  Luna Lovegood: dig up ladder and build stairs 
  STUDENT IN PERIL: use LS to open chest next to gate
Use DIF on red wall to Train Station to build train

Y5L4 - Kreacher Discomforts (TW 60,000)
Story: Harry (Blue Jacket), Hermione (Cream Jacket), Ron (Striped Shirt)
A1: use WL on door knocker on left side. Use WL to build stove. Move cake 
  to get object to open door.  Zap armor in front of stairs.
  Arthur Weasley: zap 5 wreaths
  A6: use orange handle in A1
    CREST 3: zap cabinet next to bed, use apparate panel. Break crate and
      open chest
A2: use WL on glass jars to go up stairs
  A7: zap locked door in A2
    CREST 4: Use DW on locked cabinet in A2 to get ladle. Use DIF to gain
      access to parsel cabinet. Use to get Use DELUM to move light to 
      right rear lamp. Zap dishes on table.  
A3: use IC to cross in front of picture. Zap cabinet to build curtain 
  pull. Use WL to close curtain. Open puzzle cabinet to get door knob.
    Kreacher: use DW on object next to curtain
A2: open door with knob. 
A4: use WL on clock to get 1st piece. Open parsel cabinet to get 2nd 
  piece. Zap vase in front of picture and dig to get 3rd piece. Move 
  mural onto wall. Zap locked chest and move pieces onto wall. 
  CREST 1: 3 shields: 1 in A2, 1 in A3, 1 in A4
    Sirius Black: fill tank with water
A5: knock vase off of table in A4, dig up piece, stand in front of 
     painting and use RED on trap door
  CREST 2: Use DIF and use WL to unlock chest behind red wall
  STUDENT IN PERIL: use RED on metal door and zap spider

Use LS on plant on right side and use WL to get dementor. Zap object next
  to window behind 1st dementor and build jack-in-the-box. Turn handle for
  2nd dementor. Use WL to move ball through pet tunnel. Use pet to get 
  key. Use WL on key to get 3rd dementor. Open puzzle cabinet and build 
  bellows. Jump on bellows to blow up 4th dementor. 5th dementor is in 
  front of fireplace.
  Patronus Charm unlocked
  GOLD BRICK unlocked
Zap bird holding flower and zap flower to the right. Dig up water can and 
  use WL to water flower. Zap flower. Pull orange handle and use WL to 
  build flower fan to reach upper level. 
Zap bushes on left side near entrance. Use WL to move bugle. Use WL to 
  build crate and move duck onto crate. Ride duck. Use WL to build 
  accordion and play.
  Grawp befriended.
  GOLD BRICK unlocked
Zap chest near Potions classroom and give ladle to Snape. 
Use WL on sword and move crests onto wall. Use WL on key to open door. Zap
  open cabinets. 
Dig up shears and build. Use shears to cut off tree limb. Match spells 
  with opponent. 
  FOCUS unlocked
  GOLD BRICK unlocked
 Great Hall Entrance
  GOLD BRICK: use FOC on person on left side. Broom in object in left
    front area
Open Weasley box and build hammer to break down gate. Move plants in 
  center to reveal cauldron. The 1st ingredient is in hanging flower pot 
  on left side. Zap red box on right side to get 2nd ingredient. Zap 
  armor’s shield to get 3rd ingredient. Use potion to pull orange handle.
  Open Weasley box. Use sticky trainers to climb rear right wall. Use WL 
  on boards to access Weasley box. Use rocket to open gate. Use WL to 
  raise sticky wall and climb. Open Weasley box and use WL to ring 
  Charley Weasley: use sticky trainers to climb left wall. 
  GOLD BRICK: use WL to raise sticky wall and climb 
Zap cabinets on right side, build lamp and place on wall. Pull lamps down.
  Zap picture on back wall and place item on table. Zap cabinets on left 
  side, build objects and place on table. Zap cages on left side and place
  item on table.
  Arthur (Torn Suit): zap silver cabinet on right side
  Weasley boxes unlocked.
  GOLD BRICK unlocked
Large Courtyard
  GOLD BRICK: Use Weasley box and climb up vine stairs 

Y5L5 - A Giant Virtuoso (TW 100,000)
Characters: Harry (Grey Jacket), Hermione (Jumper), Ron (Red Sweater)
A1: zap plates on back wall. Use WL on object next to column on left side. 
  Rotate plate. Place plate on wall. Rotate plate. Use WL to build plate 
  on wall and rotate plate. Use floo powder. 
    Professor Umbridge: use DW on clock and zap clock
    CREST 1: use key access
A2: use WL on plants on back wall. Use WL to build elevator to upper 
  level. Use WL on object on upper level to open barrier. Use WL on back 
  plants to get item. Zap 2 plants to uncover dig spots. Dig up 2 items.   
  Ride fan to upper level. Zap mushrooms to build shears. Use shears to 
  cut through plants.
    STUDENT IN PERIL: use Weasley box
    CREST 2: use BAG and ride spider
    CREST 3: use RED on locked chest
    Emmaline Vance: water plants next to Weasley box and destroy them
A3: use WL on plants in rear to build bicycle. Use bell on bike to scare
  away birds. Zap plant blocking path. Use bell to wake Grawp and lure him 
  to Umbridge.
    CREST 4: use WL on plants. Water plants and destroy flower
    Neville Longbottom: pull handle next to Grawp

Y5L6 - A Veiled Threat (TW 35,000)
Story: Harry (Grey Jacket), Hermione (Jumper), Ron (Red Sweater), 
A1: use WL on globes by entrance for 1st ingredient. Ride up cart for 2nd 
  ingredient. Use WL to place objects on cart for 3rd ingredient.
  CREST 1: smash 5 globes
A2: Run down corridors
  CREST 2: smash 5 globes, 2 in 1st part, 3 in 2nd part
    Hermione (Jumper): fill tank on right side, use WL to shake tank
    Lucius (Death Eater): build globe and use WL to shake
A3: Use WL on boulder in back left to free 1st person. Zap red object and
  use WL on anvil to free 2nd person. Use WL to free 3rd person on left 
  side. Use WL on chair to free 4th person on right side. Dig up plant and
  free 5th person on back right side. Match spells with opponent. 
  STUDENT IN PERIL: dig up on right side
    CREST 3: use DW on 5 objects
A4: defeat Voldemort. Build sprinkler to remove 2nd heart. Use WL on water
  ball in fountain for 3rd and 4th hearts. Attack Voldemort for 5th heart. 
  Build object and throw at Voldemort 3 times to defeat him.
  Fudge (Wizengamot): on right side of fountain 
    CREST 4: douse 10 flames created by flame dragon

 Diagon Alley
  Gregorovich: use LS on plants near entrance to Knockturn Alley
  Fred Weasley: rocket crate to left of stairs
  George Weasley: rocket crate on left side
  Fred (Pajamas): zap box next to stairs in WWW
 Knockturn Alley
 Use DIF on red lock near beginning of Diagon Alley
  S. Twin #2: cage on left side of 
  Siruis (Azkaban): next to Borgin and Burke's 
  S. Twin #1: cage at end 
 Borgin and Burke’s
  GOLD BRICK: use WL on eyestalks

Y6L1 - Out of Retirement (TW 81,000)
Story: Harry (Black Coat), Dumbledore (Cursed), Hermione (Brown Coat), Ron
  (Striped Shirt)
A1: use LS on plants near garden gate and build apparition point. 
  Apparate. Use RED to open lock. Zap lawn mower to break down garden 
  gate. Use WL to open garage door, car trunk and build cauldron. Use WL 
  on hose near garden gate to get 1st ingredient. Zap flowers near house 
  door to get 2nd ingredient. Zap statue on right side of door and build 
  birdbath to get 3rd ingredient. Use potion to open door. 
    CREST 1: use DW to get SPECS. Use SPECS to build shears. Use shears to
      trim bushes next to gate
    Milkman: dig up baseplate. Use BAG to get flower pot. zap flower
    Slughorn (Pajamas): zap 5 gnomes. Requires DW and key access
    CREST 2: fix tractor and drive over 5 grass spots
A2: use WL to move piano and place handle on door. Open door. Use RED to 
  destroy silver items in rear. Build table to get 1st picture. Use WL to 
  repair light on right side and place overhead light to get 2nd picture. 
  Zap fireplace on right side and use broom to sweep to get 3rd picture. 
  A4: use DW on door on left side of A2
    Dumbledore (Cursed): zap tub and shelf above tub. Zap bubbles and 
      build toilet tank. Place tank on toilet and flush
    CREST 3: Fill tank with water
A3: Zap items circling wizard on stairs. Zap target to open tent. Go 
  through black and yellow tent. Use Weasley box. Move object to 
  foreground and use WL to move glass case on to wizard. 
    STUDENT IN PERIL: use DW on 2nd level to gain access Weasley box. Use 
      Weasley box and climb sticky wall on right side of 2nd level. 
      Apparate to left side of 3rd level and use DIF on student in box. 
      Use WL to put box back together
    CREST 4: use DIF on left side of 3rd level to build rubber ball. Ride
      ball along wall

 London Train Station
  RED BRICK: Score x4, use DIF on red object on back of train platform
  Dudley (Shirt): up pet tunnel
  GOLD BRICK: up pet tunnel
Hogsmeade Station
Get spectrespecs out of mailbox and build armor with hammer to smash 
  Spectrespecs unlocked
  GOLD BRICK unlocked
  GOLD BRICK: use WL on clock
Station Path
Get SPECS out of box and build clock. Use WL on clock to open gate.
  James Potter (Young): use potion to pull orange handle
Get SPECS and use WL to build item next to Potions Classroom. Place 
  statues on platform to open door to Potions.
  GOLD BRICK: in front of Potions
Use WL to move wizard portraits on to proper place to get 1st ingredient. 
  Open parsel cabinet to get 2nd ingredient. Use WL to build SPECS box on 
  left side. Get SPECS and build cabinet on right side. Zap cabinet and 
  use WL put wood in stove to get 3rd ingredient. 
  Draught of Living Death unlocked
  GOLD BRICK unlocked
  STUDENT IN PERIL: cobweb next to parsel cabinet 
  GOLD BRICK: in alcove on left side
  Charity Burbage: free 4 frogs in Potions Classroom
Moving Staircase
Use SPECS to build staircase. Use DIF to build bell. Zap bell to summon 
  stairs. Open Weasley box and use rocket to build stairs. Use WL to pull 
  stairs up. 
  STUDENT IN PERIL: use DIF on chest 
  GOLD BRICK: behind red wall on 2nd landing
  Zacharias Smith: behind red wall on 2nd landing
  Ernie Prang: open puzzle cabinet on landing above Dumbledore's Office
Use Mrs. Cole to open gate. Use key to raise elevator. Place valve and 
  turn. Build gate and turn key. Go up stairs and build object. Turn key 
  to raise bridge. Use WL to open gate. Build door. Go up stairs and turn 
  key to open door. 
  Slughorn vial unlocked
  GOLD BRICK unlocked
FOC on person next to gate on Path to Train Station. Zap nearby rocks to 
  find ladle. Give to person and open lock. 
 Path to Hogsmeade
  Fred (Winter): zap wagon on path to Hogsmeade
  George (Winter): zap tree on path to Hogsmeade
  Dean (Winter): left dig spot in Hogsmeade
  Seamus (Winter): right dig spot in Hogsmeade
  Marietta Edgecombe: jump on top of safe on right side
  Parvati Patil: zap wagon on left side of tavern
  RED BRICK: Score x2, use specs to build snowman near exit on left side
  Harry (Winter): zap 7 icicles on tavern in Hogsmeade

Y6L2 - Just Desserts (TW 65,000)
Story: Hermione (Scarf), Harry (Winter), Ron (Winter Clothes), Luna (Pink 
A1: Zap duck on back wall on upper level. Give duck to portrait to get keg
  part. Fill mug and give to Slughorn.
  CREST 1: Use WL on object on bar to get 1st mug. Zap brown wall in right 
    rear to get 2nd mug. Zap cabinet on upper level to get 3rd mug. 
    Cormac (Suit): douse flames in rear fireplace
  A4: use DW on upper level of A1
    Madam Rosmerta: jump on couch
    CREST 2: use DELUM to move light from left to right lamp. Use pink
      BAG to get broom to clean chimney
A2: Zap cart near painting and build sink. Use WL to brush of table and 
  remove dishes. Use brush to clean table. 
    CREST 3: pull handle on cabinet and give hat to wizard in painting
A3: Use WL to remove lampshade from student. Replace pumpkin on plant. 
  Lift pot off of table. Place knobs on curtain in back. Turn knobs. 
    Harry (Christmas): Use BAG in A5 to get anvil. Place anvil on 
      curtain and build SPECS case. Use SPECS to build painting. Use WL to
      turn painting around and stand in front of painting. 
  A5: use DW on door on right side of A3
    CREST 4: use WL on 5 lamps
    STUDENT IN PERIL: use puzzle cabinet to build gargoyle

Charms Classroom Left
Use AGUAMENTI to fill container by puzzle cabinet and douse flames in 
  front of cabinet. Open cabinet to get clam and use clam to close 
  container holding stairs. Fill container with stairs. Fill container 
  next to painting on upper level and move gears. Build watering can and 
  fill. Use watering can to water plant. Use key to open chest
  AGUAMENTI unlocked
  GOLD BRICK unlocked
  STUDENT IN PERIL: douse flames near stairs 
  GOLD BRICK: on right side of room
  Lavender Brown: zap wizard statue 3 times 

Y6L3 - A Not So Merry Christmas (TW 60,000)
Story: Harry (Blue Checked Shirt), Arthur (Cardigan), Remus Lupin, Tonks 
  (Pink Coat), Molly Weasley 
A1: use RED to open lock in back right. Zap cobweb to get hat. Zap left    
  bench to get shirt. Fix vacuum cleaner on middle bench. Build sewing 
  machine and use to get pants. Place clothes in washing machine to open 
  CREST 1: zap 4 ducks 
    CREST 2: use DW on TV 
A2: Douse flames in front of shed. Use WL to move log pile on top of dig 
  spot and dig up handle. Put handle on shed. Use Lupin to open shed and 
  get SPECS. Build fire engine. Fill with water and put out fire. Put 
  wheel on fire engine. Build showerhead to put out fire near tub. Fix 
  fire engine. Put out flames next to basketball hoop.
  STUDENT IN PERIL: Use fire engine to put out fire on the left. Fix 
    broken machine
  Molly Weasley: Use SPECS to build part and place on object next to shed.
    Turn handle.
    CREST 3: dig up pet tunnel and use WL to repair. Use tunnel to get 
      ball. Use WL to put ball into basketball hoop
    Bill Weasley (Wedding): use DELUM to move light from lamp by house to
      one in middle field. Ride fan
A3: Use dig spot and build scissors. Use scissors to cut down grass. Use 
  LS to move plants covering boat and move boat. 
  Tonks (Pink Coat): dig up stump on far right
    CREST 4: dig up SPECS on right. Use SPECS to build pump. Use
      apparate panel and use LS on vines. Use key access.
A4: Zap enemies. Use WL to throw objects back at Bellatrix and zap after
  each throw. Use Lupin as a werewolf to attack Fenrir.

Zap 5 metal objects in Charms Classroom Right
  REDUCTO unlocked
  GOLD BRICK unlocked
  Hannah Abbott: use SPECS to build conductor stand 
  Professor Flitwick: use AGUA to fill fish tank on upper level and use
    WL on hoop
  STUDENT IN PERIL: in locked cabinet to the right of Potions 
 Moving Staircase
  Dumbledore (Young): douse flame in right brazier next to Dumbledore's
  Regulus Black: douse flame in left brazier next to Dumbledore's office
  Dedalus Diggle: use AGUA to extend stairs up. Jump on cobwebs at top 
Great Hall Entrance
  Ron (Green Shirt): use Weasley Box and climb sticky wall. Use RED on 
 Requirement Corridor
  RED BRICK: Stud Magnet, use RED on statue on left side of requirement 

Y6L4 - Love Hurts (TW 35,000)
Story: (Harry (Red Jacket), Slughorn (Pajamas), Ginny (Light Grey Hoodie)
A1: Fill container on table behind sofa. Place sheet music on piano and 
  play piano to get 1st ingredient. Turn knobs on fireplace to get 2nd 
  ingredient. Zap metal object on table to get 3rd ingredient. Drink 
  Build deer head and place above fireplace. Use RED on chandelier to get 
  key. Use key to open cabinet and search cabinet. 
    CREST 1: use RED on wall under painting then use key access
    Ginny Weasley: turn knobs on fireplace. Douse flames and dig up
    Professor Slughorn: use orange handle on chest and build piano playing
A2: Duel Draco. Zap far right toilet stall. Use pet tunnel to tilt pipe. 
  Fill pipe with water. Move pipe to fill tank. Build dynamite and put in 
  far right stall. Pull chain. Duel Draco.
    CREST 2: pull handle on sink and ride water up
    STUDENT IN PERIL: use DW on cart next to pet tunnel. 
    Draco (Suit): use DW on cart next to pet tunnel. Use DELUM to move 
      light to lamp over sinks on left side
A3: Open locked cabinet to get 1st ingredient. Zap red wall to build 
  stairs to get 2nd ingredient. Use pet tunnel to get 3rd ingredient. Pull
  cart out of the way. Zap metal object and build chandelier. Use 
  chandlier to knock Weasley box off of stack. Use box to move barrier. 
  Use Weasley box and use RED on metal statue. Build player to move 
  barrier. Use DIF to build anvil. Move anvil to curtain and fill bowl on 
  left side of curtain with water. 
    CREST 3: use DW on harp to put wizard in painting asleep
    CREST 4: 3 display cases. Fix 1st. Build 2nd. Clean 3rd.

 Lobby Corridor
  Rita Skeeter: water 4 plants in grassy area and then zap them
Water plant on left side of Large Courtyard.
 Herbology corridor 
  Cornelius Fudge: water plant on left side of Herbology door and zap 
  STUDENT IN PERIL: left side of Herbology door

Y6L5 - Felix Felicis (TW 45,000)
Story: Harry (Grey Jacket), Professor Slughorn, Fang
A1: Fill container with water and zap plant twice. Use WL to enter room on
  the right and use WL on colored jars in back. Zap plant twice. Use LS to
  open gate and use WL to spray plants blocking door. Break open cage in 
  left room and zap plant twice. Destroy plant in front of opening. 
  CREST 1: use WL on 5 yellow flowers
  Professor Sprout: use RED on metal object in left room. Use SPECS to
    build box. Destroy box  
    CREST 2: use key access in left room
A2: Use LS to move plants off machine and build machine. Zap metal rocks 
  to reach upper level. Zap mole to get cauldron and unlock Fang. Use DIF 
  to build cart to get 1st ingredient. The 2nd ingredient is just behind 
  the cauldron. The 3rd ingredient is in the lower area to the left of the 
  cauldron. Build part. Use WL to move bushes to right of spider and dig. 
  Place two parts on machine and jump on machine. 
  Fang: zap mole 
    Hagrid: use DW to move rocks off of baseplate. Use BAG to
      get box and zap box
    CREST 3: use DW to move rocks off of dig spot. Dig up and build 
    CREST 4: use DW on 3 cobwebs
    STUDENT IN PERIL: use Weasley box and use WL to empty trash can

  RED BRICK: Fast Dig, use SPECS to build rock pile 
  Professor Grubbly-Plank: water plants on right standing rock

Y6L6 - The Horcrux and the Hand (TW 35,000)
Story: Dumbledore (Cursed), Harry (Red Jacket)
A1: Apparate across the rocks and pull chain. Use DIF to build torch
  and use torch to scare bug to the right. Climb up and use LS to uncover 
  parsel cabinet. Use cabinet to lift bridge. Build crest on wall.
    Professor Dumbledore: use DW on object on right side of cave
    CREST 2: use BAG 
A2: Use WL to build bridge. Lift bushes to get parsel cabinet. Use cabinet
  to get broom. Use broom to sweep floor. Jump on panels to raise boat. 
  CREST 1: use WL on 5 objects
    CREST 3: pull handle on snake statue
A3: Step on panels to lower right rock barrier. Place item and step on 
  panels to lower left rock barrier. Use RED on horde while Dumbledore
    Tom Riddle (Orphanage): use DW on 3 rocks
A4: Use AGUA to douse flames blocking path to rear and pick up hose part. 
  Fill pump next to flames on right side and douse flames. Duel.
  STUDENT IN PERIL: defeat death eater in right corner next to Hagrid's 
    CREST 4: use DELUM to move light to lamp next to vine. Use WL to 
      remove trash can lid
    Hagrid (Wedding): pull handle next to dueling circle

  George (Pajamas): 3 metal objects
 Borgin and Burke’s
  Narcissa Malfoy: fill tank and destroy 

Y7.1L1 - The Seven Harrys (TW 97,000)
Story: Harry (Dark Blue Jacket), Arthur Weasley, Mad-Eye Moody, Hagrid 
  (Goggles), Hermione (Cardigan), Ron (Wedding), Harry (Waistcoat), 
  Hermione (Red Dress), Harry (Tuxedo)
A1: Raise shade and use WL on jars to get 1st ingredient. Zap refrigerator
  to get 2nd ingredient. Fix vacuum and use WL on it to get 3rd 
A2: to left of A1
  CREST 1: straighten 3 pictures on wall, 2 in A1, 1 in A2  
  STUDENT IN PERIL: use LS on shed 
  CREST 2: use LS on shed and use WL to build wheelchair. Ride wheelchair
    over hose
A3: Move trash can to get motorcycle part. Fill tank on right side, 
  move pipe and move hose to get motorcycle part. Use WL on tree on left 
  side to get motorcycle part. 
    Mad-Eye Moody: dig up key next to car. Use key to turn on light. Use
      DELUM to move light from right to left lamp. Use DW to open garage
      door and build rocket. Fill rocket with water and jump on plunger.
    CREST 4: Zap fountain and dig up gnome. Put gnome next to other 
A4: Follow stud trail.
A5: Use DELUMINATOR to capture light at back left of room. Transfer light
  to lamp in front of fireplace. Use BAG to open door.
A6: Zap object next to yellow balloon the right. Build cloud and use cloud 
  to douse fire on right. Douse fire on baseplate and use ax to clear off
  swan. Use swan to douse fire to right. Douse fire on baseplate and use. 
  Fill cooler with water and use to douse fire. Transfer light on the 
  right to cake. 
  CREST 3: build and zap 3 dove cotes
    Ron (Wedding): use DW on gift and build apparate panel. Apparate and 
      use SPECS to build cello.
    Hermione (Red Dress): pull handle on keg

Apparition unlocked
 London Road
  Mary Cattermole: use AGUA on picture of yellow brick on right side
  Mafalda Hopkirk: use AGUA on picture to left of yellow brick in front of 
    phone booth
  Rufus Scrimager: use DELUM to transfer light in front of store on right 
 Use WL to create barrier to hide behind. Use WL to throw objects back and 
  attack after throwing.
  Petunia Dursley: use chalk on chalkboard on left side 
  Petunia (Green Coat): use WL on clocks on right side 
  STUDENT IN PERIL: Use WL on sink in diner kitchen
  Vernon Dursley: clean dishes and put them away in diner kitchen
  Waitress (Luchino): turn on radio in diner kitchen
  Dudley Dursley: cook chicken in diner kitchen and put on table. Fill mug 
    at back of diner and put on table

Y7.1L2 - Magic is Might (TW 50,000)
Story: Harry (ALbert Runcorn), Ron (Reg Cattermole), Harry (Ministry), 
  Hermione (Ministry), Mary Cattermole, 
A1: Zap metal pulls on curtain on right side. Use DIF to build decoy.
  Wind up decoy. Transfer light to lamp next to statue by door. Build 
  violin and play to get past door.
  Ron (Reg Cattermole): turn on 3 lamps
    CREST : pull handle on left side and zap 5 ducks
    Harry (Albert Runcorn): use puzzle cabinet on left side
A2: Use WL on crossed swords on wall and zap desk to get keys. Turn 
  keys in lock.
    CREST 3: use key access 
A3: Fill water can and water plant. Move plant to window to open gate.
A4: Break lock to build pet tunnel. Use tunnel and build elevator.
    Hermione (Mafalda): use DW on elevator door
    STUDENT IN PERIL: use DW on elevator door
    CREST 4: use DW on chest and scroll
A5: use WL to throw objects back at Umbridge. Duel.
A6: Follow stud trail.
  CREST 1: behind gold statue on left
  Xenophilius (Wedding): use puzzle cabinet in winter tent
 Use BAG to move rock barrier. Build apparate panel and use.
  STUDENT IN PERIL: water plant on left side near owl
  Fleur Delacour: zap plant that held SIP
  RED BRICK: Christmas, pull mushroom out of ground and ride over 5 
  Hermione (Ministry): Zap rock to right of tent
  Percy Weasley: zap 3 frogs into pond in Forest
  Reg Cattermole: water plants next to DW item in Forest and destroy plant

Y7.1L3 - In Grave Danger (TW 36,000)
Story: Harry (Godric's Hollow), Hermione (Grey Coat)
A1: use WL to move snow off of left front grave. Use BAG and 
  use hair dryer to move snow off of right front grave. Use DIF to build 
  fire. Use fire to clear off right rear grave. Zap drainpipe and move to 
  clear off left rear grave. Use WL to move grave marker into place and 
  build salt dispenser. Pour salt on middle front grave. 
  CREST 1: use WL on 5 flower bouquets 
    STUDENT IN PERIL: use DW on grate on right side
    CREST 2: use WL to move Weasley box and use box to open left gate. Use
      DELUM to move light to lamp next to red wall. Use BAG and use
      WL on record player 
    Lily Potter: use WL to move Weasley box and use box to open left gate.
      Zap statue on left and jump up
    CREST 3: use WL to move Weasley box and use box to open left gate.
      Use dig spot and use SPECS to build statue
A2: Zap lock off of cabinet. Use BAG to get watering can. Fill can and 
  douse fire. Build set of teeth and use teeth to devour books in front of 
  A4: use DW on door in rear passage in A2
    CREST 4: use WL to throw garbage away and put lid on can
    Bathilda (Snake): use WL to run item through press
A3: Use WL to throw objects at snake. Build baseplate and use hammer on 
    Harry (Godric's Hollow): zap 4 spiders, 2 in A2, 1 in A4, 1 in A3

Use BAG outside of tent to get dragon to melt snowman. 
  Ron (Winter Clothes): use WL on 3 trees in winter forest

Y7.1L4 - Sword and Locket (TW 35,000)
Story: Harry (Locket), Ron (Underwear)
A1: Zap object on right side. Use WL to cut a hole in the ice. Use LS to 
  move plants. Use WL to move barrier floor. Use WL to move rock. Use WL 
  to move crab. Use WL to move hook onto line. Build hammer and use hammer
  to free sword. 
  CREST 1: zap 3 octopi
  Harry (Locket): use hammer to break 
    CREST 3: use DW on chest on left side
A2: Use DIF to build torch. Use torch to melt ice around part. Use WL to
  raise apparate panel and use. Use LS to move plants. Use WL to move to
  upper level to get part. Place parts to free parsel cabinet. Use cabinet
  to free locket. Defeat spiders. Build flower fan to blow away enemies. 
  Use Ron to attack boss.
  Ron (Underwear): use WL on snowman on right side by red wall
  CREST 2: pull Weasley box out of ice and use box to free crest
    CREST 4: use BAG to get jump mushroom and jump up
    Hermione (Grey Coat): use BAG to get jump mushroom and jump up.
      Use SPECS to build 3 statues
    STUDENT IN PERIL: use BAG to get jump mushroom and jump up and 
      use DW

  STUDENT IN PERIL: use DELUM to free from back of tent
 Use BAG to knock down tree and build apparate panel.
  Xenophilius Lovegood: Use BAG to knockdown tree

Y7.1L5 - Lovegood's Lunacy (TW 35,000)
Story: Hermione (Dark Coat), Ron (Jacket), Harry (Dark Blue Jacket)
A1: Fill up container on right side. Use WL to free balloon and balloon
  next to door. Use LS to uncover dig spots. Dig up ice cream and use WL 
  to free balloon in front of sticky wall. Build door knocker and place on 
  door and use.
  STUDENT IN PERIL: use LS to free at the end of the road
  CREST 1: pull up 5 carrots from garden
  CREST 2: zap 5 crows
    Xenophilius (Luna): Dig up ice cream and zap plants in front of sticky
      wall.  Dig up dynamite and use DW on. Use Weasley box to climb 
      sticky wall. Use DW to get SPECS and build rabbit.
A2: Zap red object on left side and build chain. Pull chain to lower 
  Luna (Purple Coat): zap dishes by fireplace to build drumest then 
    destroy it
    Skeleton: use DW on object and paint circle 
    CREST 4: fix machine on left bench and clean up 5 spots
A3: zap gold chest. Jump on leaf elevator to knock objects off of tree. 
  Build mushroom and jump to upper level. Use resurrection stone to move 
  ghost girl to pull lever to raise bridge. Use Brother 1 to destroy gold 
  roots. Use IC to sneak past death and use axe to chop down tree. Use 
  Elder Wand to destroy gold log. Use resurrection stone to shut down 
  windmill. Use IC to sneak past and throw pumpkin at death. Use Elder 
  Wand on anchor. Jump in boat and use Resurrection Stone to cross lake. 
  Cross bridge and use WL to rebuild. Use Elder Wand on gold chest and 
  build bell. Use Resurrection Stone to open gate. Use IC to sneak past 
  and use WL on lamp. Use Elder Wand on gold crate and pull up bucket from
  well. Build weight to break through floor. Zap gold trash cans and 
  build stairs. 
A4: Use DIF to build feather duster. Dust cobweb on right side and 
  use WL on pot to get 1st ingredient. Use puzzle cabinet and move paper 
  to press to get 2nd ingredient. Zap locked cabinet and use SPECS to 
  build dragon head to get 3rd ingredient. Use potion to break down rear 
  wall. Use pet tunnel to build chain. Pull chain to lower stairs. 
A5: Use WL on bed and use RED on locked cabinet to get handle. Put handle
  on chest and turn. 
  CREST 3: use DELUM to move light from A4 to A5

Use BAG to get wrecking ball. Use wrecking ball to knock down 

Y7.1L6 - Dobby! (TW 64,000)
Story: Harry (Dark Blue Jacket), Ron (Jacket), Ollivander (Brown 
  Waistcoat), Luna (Overalls)
A1: Use SPECS to build chest. Knock down key from top of shelves to open 
  chest. Build cauldron. Use pet tunnel to get 1st ingredient. Use DELUM 
  to transfer light to lamp in back right corner to get 2nd ingredient. 
  Knock down cans on left side and build fly to get 3rd ingredient. Use 
  parsel cabinet to build mirror. 
  Ollivander: use DELUM to clear plants from chest in foreground
    STUDENT IN PERIL: use RED on metal object near pet tunnel
    CREST 2: zap 3 skeletons
    CREST 3: use DIF to build cleaner and clean up 5 puddles
    Wormtail: black chest in left front
A2: Duel. Use WL to thrown object at Bellatrix. 
  CREST 1: use WL on plates on table 3 times
    CREST 4: use DW on object
    Dobby: Use DW on fireplace


Y7.2L1 - The Thief's Downfall (TW 110,000)
Story: Harry (Grey Jacket), Hermione (Gringotts), Ron (Gringotts) 
  Griphook, Bogrod
A1: Zap 5 red switches
A2: Use WL on green machine and build baseplate. Use baseplate to get 
  cart. Use WL to lift hammer and break ball. Put key in cart and wind up.
  Ride cart next to dragon.
  CREST 1: use RED on 4 metal rocks
    Griphook: Use DW on signal on right side and place sticky wall. Move 
      Weasley box and use to climb sticky wall.
A3: Use WL on the swords on right side. Smash object on left side of door 
  and douse flames on baseplate. Use BAG to summon bird and 
  get feather. Use feather and build object.  Build parsel cabinet and 
  use to get cup. Touch cups to create ramp. Build key and use to lower 
  lamp. UseDELUM to move light to lamp next to rear key access. Use key 
  access to raise lamp. Climb ramp and use BAG. 
    CREST 2: use DW on music box on left side
    Hermione (Gringotts): use DW on claw and place head on stand
    Bogrod: use DW on chest and scroll on right side
    STUDENT IN PERIL: use DW on cage on right side
    CREST 3: pull handle on crate to get SPECS. Use SPECS to build skull
      and zap it
A2: Douse fire on baseplate and use BAG to get axe to break ice. Use key 
  access to lower lamps and move light from right lamp to left lamp. Use 
  key access to raise left lamp to remove plants. Use WL to break chains. 
  Target 5 goblins on balcony along back wall.
    CREST 4: pull handle on box to get SPECS. Use SPECS to build firepit.
    Turn handle

 Use DIF to build box. Use WL on box to get Weasley box. Use Weasley box 
  To break barrier. Build apparate panel and use.
  Albert Runcorn: use WL on fishing pole to pull out of water
  Dragomir Despard: behind red wall

Y7.2L2 - Back to School (TW 51,000)
Story: Ron (Dark Red Check), Harry (Beige Jacket), Hermione (Denim 
  Jacket), McGonagall (Black)
A1: Dig up baseplate and use get cart. Place handle on cart and turn. The 
  1st ingredient is to the right of the cauldron. Use BAG next to cauldron 
  to get tub. Fill tub to get 2nd ingredient. Use DELUM to move light to 
  lamp next to cauldron to get 3rd ingredient. 
  CREST 1: zap 3 wanted posters
    Aleeto Carrow: use WL to build shed. Use key to open shed. 
A2: use WL to hang tapestries on wall. Build Weasley box and use to get 
  1st person. Use BAG and zap and use WL on radio to get 2nd person. Use  
  DIF to build clock and use clock to get 3rd person. 
    CREST 3: use key access
    Aberforth Dumbledore: pull handle on chest next to fireplace on right
    STUDENT IN PERIL: hanging from the ceiling. Use AGUA to get 
A3: Duel. Use WL to throw objects at Snape. Duel Snape.
  CREST 2: zap 3 metal statues on left wall 
    CREST 4: use puzzle cabinet on right wall
    Amycus Carrow: use DW on chest on right side

 Large Courtyard
 Wand is on front left side. Give to owner. Flowers are on front right 
  side. Give to owner. Mug is on bench next to owner. Give to owner. 
  McGonagall (Black): give flowers to owner in Large Courtyard

Y7.2L3 - Burning Bridges (TW 50,000)
Story: Harry (Beige Jacket), Luna (Blue Jumper), Neville (Cardigan), 
  Seamus Flannigan, Hermione (Denim Jacket), Ron (Dark Red Check)
A1: Pull cord and place items on painting. Douse flames. Build SPECS box 
  and use SPECS to build hammer and chisel. Use hammer to break stone. Use 
  RED to clear barrier. Water plants to get 1st ingredient. Use WL on 
  tapestry on right side to gain access to parsel cabinet. Use cabinet to 
  get 2nd ingredient. Use SPECS to build statue at top of stairs behind 
  cauldron. Zap statue to get 3rd ingredient. Use potion to build pump.    
  Use pump to clear green ooze. Fill tank and use to douse fire. 
  The Grey Lady: fill tank on far right and use to douse flames, then
    zap wizard statue
    CREST 3: use DW to uncover tank and fill tank with water
    CREST 4: use DELUM to move light to right lamp above basin. Fill 
      balloons with water
A2: Zap grey crate for 1st item. Use AGUA to create flower bridge. Use LS
  on grey crate to get 2nd item. On lower path, use WL to create a bridge.
  Zap cobweb to get 3rd item. Douse flames on upper path and use torch 
  to move vines away. Use DIF to build fly. Jump up to upper level 
  and zap chest to get 4th item. Use WL to build stairs on the right. Dig
  up 5th item.
    Seamus Finnigan: use DELUM to move light to lamp by spider to get
      Weasley box. Use Weasley box to climb sticky wall
    STUDENT IN PERIL: use DW on object after dig spot and water plant
A3: Use LS to clear baseplate and use plate to get brush. Use brush 
  to clean sticky wall. Jump to upper level and use Weasley box to cross 
  sticky wall. Use DELUM to move light to lamp by door. Build parsel 
  cabinet and use Ron to open door. 
  CREST 1: Use WL to move 3 fish into water
    Neville (Cardigan): use DW on objects on right side. Use BAG to
      get snake statue. Dig up part and place on snake statue.
A4: Move chest and build baseplate. Use BAG to break barrier. Move 
  object by skeleton and build baseplate. Use BAG to get pliers. Use
  pliers to break off tooth. 
  CREST 2: 3 skeletons, 1 in A3, 2 in A4 (zap cobweb before barrier, dig)

Y7.2L4 - Fiendfyre Frenzy (TW 80,000)
Story: Ron (Dark Red Check), Hermione (Denim Jacket), Harry (Beige Jacket)
A1: Zap cauldrons on right side to get potion cauldron. Zap table and dig 
  up 1st ingredient. Use BAG and clean up cobweb to get 2nd 
  ingredient. Use Weasley box and give item to painting to get 3rd 
  ingredient. Open puzzle cabinet and build shield. Give shield to armor 
  and climb to upper level to get SPECS. Use SPECS to build catapult. Use
  catapult to break barrier. Use DELUM to move light from left lamp to 
  right lamp. 
  STUDENT IN PERIL: zap swing near row of armor
    CREST 1:use DW on cage and use AGUA
A2: Zap items on scale to lower tunnel piece. Put piece in place and move
  tunnel section. Use pet tunnel to knock over books.
    CREST 2: use WL on 3 chest and build dancing skeletons, 1 in A1, 2 in 
      A2 (3rd one behind dragon next to Crest 3)
    CREST 3: zap dragon and pull handle. Turn handle on music box
A3: douse flames. Use WL to raise platform. Switch characters to get 3rd 
  person across. Zap metal table and build stairs. Use Weasley box to  
  build jump platform. Zap cabinet and use DIF to build ladder up.
    CREST 4: use DW on cage
    Gregory Goyle: use key access 
A4: Land on back left platform. Build airplane and ride to knock down 
  building. Destroy building and build tank. Fill tank with water. Land on
  rear right platform. Destroy building to uncover parsel cabinet. Use 
  cabinet to build tank. Fill tank with water. Land on middle platform. 
  Build tank and fill with water.
  Tom Riddle: land on front left platform. Use WL on chest and build bed. 
    Jump on bed.
    Harry (Brown Jacket): fix machine on front right platform

Y7.2L5 - Snape's Tears (TW 65,000)
Story: Ron (Dark Red Check), Hermione (Denim Jacket), Harry (Beige Jacket)
A1: Fill pot next to fire and use to douse fire. Use Weasley box to 
  climb to upper level. Build claw and attach to wall to raise gate. Zap 
  metal statue to uncover baseplate. Use BAG to get catapult. Fire 
  catapult to knock troll off of wall. Use WL to lift platforms into place
  and jump to upper level. Use IC to sneak past troll to the right. Use 
  DIF to build record player. Use Weasley box to get rid of troll.
  STUDENT IN PERIL: save from Death Eater on right side by troll blocking 
    Fenrir Greyback: use DW on object by sticky wall
    CREST 1: use DW on winch on upper level
    Death Eater: use key access
    CREST 2: use DW on 3 objects; 1 on upper level by winch, 2 in by 
      troll, 3 to left of troll blocking exit
A2: Use LS to move vine. Move anchor up and build winch. Turn winch. Use 
  puzzle cabinet to build boat. Build flower fan and travel up. Use DELUM 
  to move light to lamp on right side by vine. Pick up part and put in 
  place. Fill water tank and turn handle. Cast FOC on Snape and give 
  barrel to him. 
    Professor Snape: Use LS to move vine. Move anchor up and build winch. 
      Turn winch. Use DW on fish.
    CREST 3: pull handle to right of Snape
    CREST 4: fix machine behind puzzle cabinet on left (May need to adjust
      brightness level to see)

 Ride stone statue and attack troll.

Y7.2L6 - The Flaw in the Plan (TW 50,000)
Story: Hermione (Denim Jacket), Ron (Dark Red Check), Neville (Cardigan)
A1: Move objects by barricade to get cauldron. Build flower bed on left 
  side and water plants to get 1st ingredient. Zap red item to get 2nd 
  ingredient. Move item next to troll to get 3rd ingredient. 
  CREST 1: 3 dig spots
    STUDENT IN PERIL: use WL to move safe and use key access
A2: Use Weasley box to break barricade. Use WL to build bridge. Douse 
  flames and build weight. Use weight to raise bridge. Jump to lower level
  and build platform to cross. Move platform and raise bridge. Duel.
  CREST 2: in foreground after weight
  Bellatrix Lestrange: defeat in combat
    CREST 3: pull handle in rear after using weight. Use SPECS to build
      crate and zap.
    CREST 4: use DW on object on far right
A3: Throw spiders at snake and then use sword. Defeat dementors and match 
  spells with Voldemort. 
  Kingsley Shacklebolt: douse 5 small fires, 3 in A1, 2 in A3
  Lord Voldemort: hiding in hallway behind snake

Knockturn Alley
  Pius Thicknesse: use DW on drainpipe at entrance 
  STUDENT IN PERIL: use DW on cauldron next to Borgin and Burke's 
  Mrs. Black: use DW on fish bowl in Borgin and Burke's. Build dancing
    skeleton and zap
  GOLD BRICK: use DW on object 
  Thorfin Rowle: use DW on table on left side 
  Dolohov (Workman): use DW on cabinet on left side and clean 3 tables
  Mrs. Cole: use DW on object in left front of Diner Kitchen
  GOLD BRICK: pull handle on stove in Diner Kitchen
London Road 
  Ministry Guard: use key access in London Road
  GOLD BRICK: use DW on object on left side of Tent
  Remus Lupin: zap 3 animal skeletons
  James Potter (Ghost): approach spirit on left side 
  Scabior: use DW on object in right rear 
  Lucius Malfoy: use DW on object in left rear 
  Snatcher: use DW on object next to owl stand
  Yaxley: use DW on object on left side 
  GOLD BRICK: use DW on object on top of cliff. Use gun to shoot targets.
Hogwarts Station
  STUDENT IN PERIL: Use BAG and WL to move object
  RED BRICK: Red Brick Detector, use DW on sign in and zap sign
  Luna (Overalls): use RED on object near pet tunnel. Use tunnel to get 
    broom. Ride broom along roof of station
Path to Station
  Lily (Young Casual): use RED to open lock and  jump in pond
  GOLD BRICK: ride water toy in pond behind locked gate. Follow stud 
  RED BRICK: Score x8, use BAG, near entrance to Hogwart's 
Path to Hogsmeade
  STUDENT IN PERIL: in trash can 
  Michael Corner: destroy trash can 
  GOLD BRICK: pull orange handle on
  RED BRICK: Score x6, use DELUM to move light from left to right lamp
  GOLD BRICK: use key 
  STUDENT IN PERIL: use DELUM to move light from left side to lamp above 
    frozen student
Small Courtyard
  STUDENT IN PERIL: use DELUM to move light from rear lamp to right front 
Herbology Corridor
  GOLD BRICK: use DW on object in right rear 
  STUDENT IN PERIL: fill jar and water plant.
  GOLD BRICK: use DIF to build vacuum. Ride vacuum over 5 objects
  Arthur (Cardigan): behind red wall, use BAG to build cactus with 
  Slughorn (Young): use DW on object in right rear behind red wall
  Bellatrix (Azkaban): use BAG in Hagrid's garden to get flying pumpkin.  
    Ride up to find.
Use BAG on Grounds to open gate to Docks.
  RED BRICK: Score x10, use RED on metal statue on top of stairs 
  GOLD BRICK: use BAG at bottom of stairs to get jump mushroom
  Crabbe (Jumper): pull orange handle at bottom of stairs 
  Professor Binns: use key on stairs
  STUDENT IN PERIL: use DW on gate
Thestral Area
  GOLD BRICK: ride thestral 
  Padma Patil: dig up 
  RED BRICK: Regenerate Hearts, use DW 
  Katie Bell: use DW in lower area and jump on rock
Quidditch Pitch
Use DELUM to move light from lamp by owl stand to quidditch pitch
  Madam Hooch
  Ron (Quittitch)
  Nymphdora Tonks
Fill up tank at top of stairs in Lobby to raise gate to Library
  GOLD BRICK: replace 5 books. 1st by door. 2nd use broom to sweep out of 
  cobweb. 3rd fix pet tunnal and use. 4th build cart. 5th open puzzle 
  cabinet and zap glass. Move glass over record player
  STUDENT IN PERIL: use BAG to get pool. Fill pool with water.
  Anthony Goldstein: use R. character on painting. Use DIF to build key 
   and turn key in lock
  RED BRICK: Fall Rescue, use R. character on painting. Use DIF to build 
    key and turn key in lock
  Madam Irma Pince: use DW to build fan in Library
Dorm Corridor
  Fat Lady: use WL to build statues next to G. door and zap
  Blaise Zabini: Use DW outside S. door to build baseplate. Use BAG to ram 
  Draco (Sweater): use parsel cabinet in S. entrance
  Goyle (Jumper): fill tank and jump on plunger in S. entrance
Use DW to gain access to Hufflepuff
  Neville (Tank Top): in locked chest in H. entrance
  Madam Pomfrey: zap flower bed in H. entrance
 Use AGUA to douse flames next to entrance to Ravenclaw and use WL to 
    build statue
    Moaning Myrtle: uncover 3 shades in R. 
    STUDENT IN PERIL: use DW in R. entrance
    Marcus Belby: use DW in R. entrance
    Luna (Pink Dress): use SPECS to build door knocker
  STUDENT IN PERIL: douse flames in fireplace in G. Common Room
  McGonagall (Pajamas): use DELUM to move light from lamp next to 
   fireplace in G. Common to painting on left side
  GOLD BRICK: jump on beds and destroy everything to get parts to build 
    stove in G. Dorm then zap
Requirement Corridor
  GOLD BRICK: use DW on chest on left side
Great Hall Entrance
  STUDENT IN PERIL: use DELUM to move light to vine in front right 
  RED BRICK: Hogwarts Crest Detector, use DW on object and build car
Great Hall
  STUDENT IN PERIL: under cover in left rear 
  RED BRICK: Character Studs, use DW on object 
Weasley Courtyard
  STUDENT IN PERIL: Use RED on metal object under bridge to build sticky 
    wall. Use Weasley box to climb sticky wall and zap tapestry 
  Fred (OWLs): fill tank next to fountain
  George (OWLs): place items on back wall. 1st in dig spot. 2nd use LS on
    plant on right side. 3rd in S. tapestry next to sticky wall
  RED BRICK: Super Strength, use DW on object
  Argus Filch: in puzzle cabinet 
  STUDENT IN PERIL: use DW on cabinet 
Dark Arts Classroom
  Umbridge (Wizengot): use DW on chest 
  Draco Malfoy: use DW on chest and build dinosaur skeleton
  RED BRICK: Extra hearts, use DW on skeleton and zap skeleton
Charms Left
  Cho Chang: use DELUM to move light from above painting to right side of
    upper level and use WL to replace head on statue
Garden Courtyard
Use DIF to build knight in MCE to gain access
  Ginny (Dress): build 3 hanging flower pots and zap them
  STUDENT IN PERIL: water plants to the right of stairs 
  RED BRICK: Invincibility, water plants in left rear. Destroy plants. 
  GOLD BRICK: use SPECS to build flower fan
  Neville (Waiter): use SPECS to build flower fan 
  Neville (Pajamas): zap 3 mugs and build cup
  Professor Trelawny: fill water cooler on left side
  STUDENT IN PERIL: zap cup pyramid next to water cooler
  GOLD BRICK: behind stack of cups on right side
  RED BRICK: Character Token Detector, move object on right side to box.   
    Jump on box to get SPECS. Use SPECS to build table. Zap table.
Use BAG in Garden Courtyard to place knocker to gain access to
  Grindelwald (Old): zap red globe on left side 
  STUDENT IN PERIL: use parsel cabinet to raise trap door in rear 
  Grindelwald (Young) open puzzle cabinet 
  Antoin Dolohov: zap telescope on left side 
  RED BRICK: Fast Magic, use DW on 5 candles 
  Professor McGonagall: use key to build lamp. Use DELUM to move light to
    lamp in painting

LEGO City: complete story mode and build door in Borgin and Burke's in
  Knockturn Alley

 1 Comedy specs              1,250
 2 Advanced Guide            2,500
 3 Disguise                  5,000
 4 Carrot Wands             10,000
 5 Super Strength           75,000
 6 Character Token Detect  250,000
 7 Fall Rescue             125,000
 8 Character Studs          75,000
 9 Score x2                200,000
10 Score x4                400,000
11 Score x6                600,000
12 Score x8                800,000
13 Score x10             1,000,000
14 Stud Magnet             250,000
15 Regenerate Hearts        50,000
16 Extra Hearts             75,000
17 Invincibility           500,000
18 Red Brick Detector      250,000
19 Hogwarts Crest Detect   250,000
20 Gold Brick Detector     250,000
21 Christmas                80,000
22 Collect Ghost Studs      99,000
23 Fast Magic               75,000
24 Fast Dig                 60,000

Harry Potter              story
Hermione Granger          story
Ron Weasley               story
Harry (Christmas)       110,000
Harry (Winter)           85,000
Harry (Brown Jacket)     32,500
Harry (Godric's Hollow)  25,000
Harry (Locket)          105,000
Harry (pajamas)         135,000
Hermione (Ball Gown)     25,000
Hermione (Gringotts)     85,000
Hermione (Grey Coat)     62,500
Hermione (Ministry)      57,500
Hermione (Mafalda)      125,000
Hermione (Cardigan)     125,000
Hermione (Red Dress)     57,500
Hermione (Jumper)       125,000
Hermione (Scarf)        125,000
Ron (Blue Pajamas)       25,000
Ron (Quittitch)          82,500
Ron (Green Shirt)        60,000
Ron (Red Sweater)        62,500
Ron (Reg Cattermole)     75,000
Ron (Underwear)          60,000
Ron (Wedding)            95,000
Ron (Winter Clothes)     45,000
Aberforth Dumbledore     20,000
Albert Runcorn           20,000
Aleeto Carrow            20,000
Amycus Carrow            20,000
S. Twin #1               30,000
S. Twin #2               20,000
Anthony Goldstein        20,000
Arthur Weasley           20,000
Arthur (Cardigan)        20,000
Arthur (Suit)            20,000
Arthur (Torn Suit)       20,000
Bathilda (Snake)        200,000
Bellatrix Lestrange   3,750,000
Bellatrix (Azkaban)   3,750,000
Bill Weasley (Wedding)   10,000
Charlie Weasley          30,000
Percy Weasley            50,000
Blaise Zabini            80,000
Blaise (Black Shirt)     80,000
Fat Friar                50,000
Fat Lady                 30,000
The Grey Lady            50,000
Moaning Myrtle          200,000
Professor Binns          50,000
The Bloody Baron         50,000
Bogrod                  100,000
Dobby                   750,000
Griphook                150,000
Kreacher                100,000
Charity Burbage          20,000
Cho Chang                75,000
Cho (Winter)             75,000
Cormac McLaggen          55,000
Cormac (Suit)            55,000
Cornelius Fudge         200,000
Fudge (Wizengamot)      200,000
Vincent Crabbe           60,000
Crabbe (Jumper)          60,000
Skeleton              5,000,000
Death Eater             250,000
Dean Thomas              50,000
Dean (Winter)            50,000
Dedalus Diggle           20,000
Dirk Cresswell           10,000
Antoin Dolohov          200,000
Dolohov (Workman)       200,000
Professor Umbridge      125,000
Umbridge (Wizengamot)   125,000
Dudley's Gang Member     10,000
Draco Malfoy          1,000,000
Draco (Suit)          1,000,000
Draco (Sweater)       1,000,000
Dragomir Despard         40,000
Professor Dumbledore  1,000,000
Dumbledore (Cursed)   1,000,000
Dumbledore (Young)    1,000,000
Elphias Doge             10,000
Emmeline Vance           30,000
Fang                     10,000
Fenrir Greyback       1,000,000
Argus Filch              20,000
Fleur Delacour           10,000
Fred Weasley             60,000
Fred (Winter)            60,000
Fred (Pajamas)           60,000
Fred (OWLs)              60,000
George Weasley           60,000
George (Winter)          60,000
George (Pajamas)         60,000
George (OWLs)            60,000
Ginny Weasley           100,000
Ginny (Dress)           100,000
Ginny (Pajamas)         100,000
Gregory Goyle            30,000
Goyle (Jumper)           30,000
Gregorovitch            750,000
Grindelwald (Old)       200,000
Grindelwald (Young)     200,000
Professor Grubbly-Plank  20,000
Hagrid                  500,000
Hagrid (Wedding)        500,000
Hannah Abbott            10,000
Vernon Dursley           50,000
Dudley Dursley           80,000
Dudley (Grey Top)       120,000
Dudley (Shirt)          120,000
Hestia Jones             20,000
Professor Slughorn       10,000
Slughorn (Pajamas)       10,000
Slughorn (Young)         10,000
Madam Irma Pince         20,000
James Potter (Ghost)    200,000
James Potter (Young)    200,000
Justing Finch-Fletchley  20,000
Katie Bell               70,000
Kingsley Shacklebolt     20,000
Lavender Brown           10,000
Lily Potter             200,000
Lily (Young Casual)     200,000
Lucius Malfoy           250,000
Lucius (Death Eater)    250,000
Luna Lovegood            50,000
Luna (Blue Jumper)       50,000
Luna (Overalls)          50,000
Luna (Pink Dress)       150,000
Luna (Purple Coat)       50,000
Luna (Yellow Dress)     150,000
Madam Hooch	             30,000
Madam Pomfrey            10,000
Madame Malkin            30,000
Madam Rosmerta           50,000
Mad-Eye Moody            10,000
Mafalda Hopkirk          60,000
Marcus Belby             90,000
Marietta Edgecombe       10,000
Mary Cattermole          10,000
Michael Corner           50,000
Milk Man                 80,000
Ministry Guard           70,000
Molly Weasley           750,000
Molly (Apron)           750,000
Mrs. Cole                40,000
Mrs. Figg                60,000
Muggle Orphan           250,000
Mundungus Fletcher       80,000
Narcissas Malfoy         70,000
Professor McGonagall     80,000
McGonagall (Black)       80,000
McGonagall (Pajamas)     80,000
Neville Longbottom       50,000
Neville (Tank Top)       50,000
Neville (Cardigan)       50,000
Neville (Pajamas)        50,000
Neville (Winter)         50,000
Neville (Waiter)        250,000
Nymphdora Tonks       1,250,000
Tonks (Pink Coat)       125,000
Ollivander               60,000
Padma Patil              10,000
Parvati Patil            10,000
Penelope Clearwater      60,000
Wormtail              1,000,000
Petunia Dursley          60,000
Petunia (Green Coat)     60,000
Ernie Prang             100,000
Pius Thicknesse          30,000
Professor Flitwick      200,000
Remus Lupin              10,000
Professor Sprout        250,000
Professor Trelawny      200,000
Reg Cattermole           60,000
Regulus Black         1,000,000
Rita Skeeter             30,000
Rufus Scrimgeour        900,000
Scabior                 650,000
Seamus Finnigan          10,000
Seamus (Winter)          10,000
Professor Snape         250,000
Snape (Underwear)       250,000
Sirius Black             10,000
Sirius (Azkaban)        250,000
Snatcher                 30,000
Station Guard            10,000
Susan Bones              50,000
Thorfin Rowle            60,000
Tom Riddle            2,000,000
Tom Riddle (Orphan)   2,000,000
Lord Voldemort       25,000,000
Waitress (Treats)        10,000
Waitress (Luchino)       30,000
Mrs. Black              250,000
Xenophilius Lovegood     30,000
Xenophilius (Luna)       30,000
Xenophilius (Wedding)    30,000
Yaxley                  260,000
Zacharias Smith          20,000

 24 for completing every story level
 24 for completing every Hogwarts crest
 24 for getting True Wizard on every level
 16 available for purchase
 60 students in peril
200 Total

Slugulus Eructo   500,000
Ritusempra         65,000
Entomorphis        80,000
Tarantallegra      75,000
Locomotor Mortis   30,000
Herbifors          15,000
Anteoculatia       95,000
Calvorio           20,000
Colovaria          75,000
Redactum Skullus   10,000
Glacius           110,000
Incarcerous       100,000
Expelliarmus       10,000
Flipendo          125,000
Trip Jinx          40,000
Immobilus         400,000
Engorgio Skullus   10,000
Transfiguration   200,000
Stupefy           150,000

Credit to voltaren101 for location of Ravenclaw crest in Y7.2L5: Snape's 
Credit to littlangelfox for location of Student in Peril in Y7.2L2: Back 
to School

Version 1.00
Copyright 2011 Ruth Hays. 
This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, 
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed 
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any 
other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, 
and a violation of copyright.
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by 
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