FAQ - Guide for Gunnm: Martian Memory

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GunnmFAQ ver. 2.1
Feb 22, 1999
by Rick Banks ([email protected]) 
and [email protected]

c JUMP COMICS                  c EA

This FAQ is cCopywrite 2/5/99, Rick Banks & Thomas7g 
This is for personal use only. All rights reserved. It is not to be sold, in 
whole or in part, without our expressed permission.


This is a basic FAQ for the game. There is also playing information in the 
GunnmTranslatedManual.txt and the GunnmWalkthrough.txt. Contact 
[email protected] for it.


1.    INTRO


Well, this is not a FAQ first of all, but rather an Infoguide that will help you 
learn how to play this game.  I'll be improving it until I feel it's complete.  
After owning the game for several months, and not having a clue as to how to 
play it (it's all in Japanese), I was playing it one day and took a wrong 
turn...and presto!!!  I figured out how to play the game from there.  I even 
finished it!  A while back I told someone I would not do a FAQ on this, but here 
is a guide to tell you about the game, and how to play it.  -RB

If you are going to play Gunnm, I would suggest you also download the 
GunnmTranslatedManual. It translates each page of the manual and explains some 
parts of the game more thoroughly. -T7G


Japanese PSX game
Single Player RPG (1 CD)
1-3 memory blocks required
Analog controller is not supported.

This game is weird!!!  It's an Action RPG based on the anime of the same name.  
It took me about 25 - 30 hours to finish it.  The story (which actually spans 
about 20 years) is about Gally, the main character, who is one day discovered in 
a heap of rubble.  The guy who finds her is a specialist in making cyborgs, 
which is what Gally is.  I believe the point of this game is for Gally to find 
out who she really is, and where she came from...and let me tell you, this game 
goes off the deep end.  That is to say, I believe the game has one heck of a 
story.  I say this because the game goes on way after the original movie ends.  
And I mean way after!!!  

For example, if you were to take the movie (which was maybe 1hr 10min long), and 
consider that to be a part of the overall story (as included in the game), then 
the movie makes up only about 1/10th of the overall story!!!  When playing this 
game, just when you think it's over then WHAM!!!...a different twist pops up and 
off you go trying to solve yet another mystery.  You not only play as Gally, but 
as a few other players as well.  They all figure into the overall scheme of 

This game packs lots of variety.  As you progress in the game, Gally must fight 
her way through roller derby contests (win or die), a death match contest, and 
instances where she must prove herself.  Many of the bosses in this game are 
tough as nails, and only certain attacks will kill them.  Also, Gally goes 
through several changes throughout the game.  She starts off very weak, but as 
you progress, she receives several modifications to her body that make her all 
the more deadly.    

The battle system in the game is 3D, and is not turn based.  You get to move 
freely in your environment except with some restraints.  You get a decent array 
of weapons to buy, items to equip, and modifications to your body that you can 
purchase.  Gally fights like Taki of SoulEdge.  The moves are almost identical.  
You buy items in this game by killing cyborgs.  There are bounties for killing 
certain cyborgs, and you get money for taking them out.  In all, the game is fun 
to play.


This game very closely follows the original comic book. Originally called Gunnm 
(Gun Dream) this was released as a manga (Japanese comic). The story followed a 
little cyborg girl named Gally. The manga was eventually translated by Viz 
Graphics (www.viz.com) as Battle Angel Alita. (Alita became the Americanized 
name for Gally.) Eventually All the comic books were compiled and rereleased as 
a 9 book series. If you saw the animation, you saw the equivalent of the first 
two books. This game actually continues past the last book to fill about another 
book worth. I don't want to spoil the end, so I'll leave it to the walkthrough. 
If you haven't gotten the books I would suggest it. The titles are(in order): 

   in Japan              translated in America

   GUNNM:Rusty Angel     Battle Angel Alita
   GUNNM:Iron Maiden     Tears of an Angel
   GUNNM:Killing Angel   Battle Angel Alita: Killing Angel
   GUNNM:Ars Magma       Battle Angel Alita: Angel of Victory
   GUNNM:Lost Sheep      Battle Angel Alita: Angel of Redemption
   GUNNM:Rain Maker      Battle Angel Alita: Angel of Death
   GUNNM:Panzer Bride    Battle Angel Alita: Angel of Chaos
   GUNNM:War Chronicle   Battle Angel Alita: Fallen Angel
   GUNNM:Conquest        Battle Angel Alita: Angel's Ascension


CONTROLS (see move list for more detail)

       direction pad    moves character around
       R1               run
       R2               jump
       select           turns on/off battle mode
       start            status (inventory) screen

       (in battle mode)
       square           punch
       X                kick
       circle           block
       triangle         plasma attack
       L1               aim missile, (square,X,circle to fire)

START SCREEN (beginning):

       --The top block is to load a game
       --The bottom block is to start a new game

       --The yellow bar is message speed. The next is stereo vs 


       --new game
       --memory card 1
       --memory card 2
       --return to main menu


       --Green bar:       health energy
       --Blue bar:        plasma gauge
       --Box:             missile item


--I will make sense of this by describing what each section of the screen deals 

       LEFT SIDE:

       --From top to bottom, left side of screen:
              PARTS (accessories)
              OPTIONS (same as options screen)
              LOAD (load game)
              RETURN (back to game) 


              her cash, in chips

       MIDDLE BOX:

              --cyborg model
              --weapon equipped
              --missile equipped
              --part equipped

              --reading across the top in list mode: 
              [EQUIP ITEM/USE]       [DROP ITEM]        [EXIT]


              --health energy             remaining/total
              --plasma gauge              remaining/total
              --attack power              defense strength


       --This is easy.  Use the circle button to select an item.  
       The yellow triangle shows you that the item is equipped.  
       When a section is highlighted in blue, this is showing what 
       part of Gally is affected if you use that item. Be careful 
       though--sometimes before you fight a boss, the game
       unequips you of everything.  So you'll have to re-equip
       everything.You'll notice this when it takes forever to beat
       a simple enemy.

FACTORY-33:  As you move on in the game you will come to F33, the factory.  The 
factory has six doors(cylinders) there:

       D1:  Save game
       D2:  Hunting result (collect bounty--money)
       D3:  Fighting result (number of kills)/Register
       D4:  Items Shop has non weapon items.
              Written across top: [BUY]   [SELL]   [EXIT]
       D5:  Shop for weapons
       D6:  Cyberne.  Pay here to improve your attack, 
              defense, or to replenish your health or energy.


direction pad              Moves Gally around. Changes selection.
circle                     talk  activate  choose selection
X                            cancel
R1+ direction key              Gally runs. 
R2                            jump
R2+ direction key              jump in a direction
start button                enter status screen
select button               turns on/off battle mode (must register as
                             a hunter-warrior first)

direction key            up, down, left or right
circle                   guard
R1 + direction key       step movement(forward, back, left or 
R2                       jump
R2 + direction key       flip (forward, back, left or right)
direction key twice      change direction
direction key twice      target change       
   (toward enemy)                     

square                   punch
X                        kick
forward + square         Spin Elbow
R1 + square              Hertze Haeon 
                            (circumference crush brunt fist)
square + X at same time  Hinter Sense (German for back scythe)
R1 + X                   Splash Kick
triangle                 plasma attack

square                   cut
X                        kick
forward + square         backspin cut
forward + X              backspin diagonal kick
R1 + square              Hertza Haeon
square + X at same time  Hinter Sense
R1 + X                   Splash Kick
triangle                 plasma cut

(combos are also longer. Must equip B-Damascus Blade)
square                   double thrust
X                        kick
forward + square         Korean Bamboo Cut
forward + X              backspin diagonal kick
R1 + square              double cut
square + X               Hinter Sense-2(wicked spin!)
R1 + X                   Splash Kick
triangle                 plasma double cut

X, X, X, X
square, square, square, square
forward+square, forward+square
triangle, triangle, triangle
X, square, X, square, X
R1+square, R1+square R1+square
R1+square, R1+square, R1+X
R1+X, R1+X
**More combos can be created by combining two or more of the above combos. 

(requires missile items in inventory)
Hold L1 for lock-on, press square, X, or circle

(requires plasma and a plasma-capable cyborg body)

triangle                 plasma attack (uses 8 plasma units)
R1 + triangle            plasma sting (uses 10 units)
triangle + circle        magnetic barrier (uses 20 units)
hold L1 for lock-on,     homing plasma attack, multi targets,
   press square,  X,     imaginos body only (uses 40 units)
   or circle                     

(must stun first by apply block immediately before enemy attacks)

stun + punch button     Wiruherun Haoen (devastating bruntfist)
stun + kick button      Doraiforan Sense 
                           (continuous whirlpool scythe attack)
stun + plasma button    Center Bolt
stun+(triangle+circle)  Solenoid Quench Gun Punch*

(*This attack comes late in the story and is her MOST powerfull, attack. It is 
so powerful, if you cheat (raise your attack power with the Gameshark) this 
attack can overflow its memory slot!! It can crash the game!! Or the screen will 
mess-up. OR the damage will be so large it will cycle over and become negative 
and heal the enemy PAST his maximum hit points!!!)
square                  punch
X                       kick
forward + square        spin elbow
R1 + square             hertze haeon
square + X at same time charge attack
R1 + X                  splash kick


--Never rush into a scene.

--Try not to fight more than one enemy at a time.

--Learn how to move in and out of battle mode when in a fight.

--You can save in Gally's room.  Go to her desk.  You can also 
sleep in her bed to replenish her health for free.

--Charging in for a hit is more powerful than a regular hit or kick.

--Use a splash kick (R1+X) in tight situations.  For example, when 
surrounded. Or a magnetic burst (triangle+circle).

--After you knock the enemy down, go next to him. Do a double splash kick(R1+X 
twice) as he gets up to knock him back down. Repeat until death. This doesn't 
work on some bosses.

--Plasma attacks do a increased amount of damage.  Press triangle by itself, or 
hold R1 and press triangle for her "plasma sting"(a rushing attack). The most 
powerful attack she can do is to block and stun just as they attack, then hit 
triangle for her "Center Bolt" attack.

--The best attack is achieved with what I'll call the "perfect block".  When you 
achieve this, you'll stun the attacker.  When you do this, attack (punch or kick 
Or better yet plasma!). You'll get one heck of a combo attack out of it. 

--Don't fight up close if you can use a "missile" (projectile) item--kill from a 

--TUNED ammo cannot be blocked.

--The magnetic burst (triangle + circle) makes for a powerful attack later in 
the game. It attacks all around you, and makes you invulnerable during the 

--When you get really powerful, try using an item with nothing in 
your right hand.

--Max out on all HP, attack points, and defense points before you battle the 
main boss of the level.

--You will need different techniques to defeat many of the bosses.  Sometimes 
the kick/punch combination works, but in others you will need the plasma attack 
or some other special attack to defeat the boss.


--Makaku (first boss, first encounter):  just kick and punch him. Double splash 
kick as he gets up.

--Makaku (second encounter):  jumping over his razor fingers is the key. 
Electric ball grenades are useful.

--Megiru(Blue wolf): Double splash kick as he gets up.

--Gray Plum (guy with the flat hat and sword, as in the end of the 
movie):  plasma attacks work.

--Motorball: Hold down the attack button to charge up your gage. Get too charged 
up and it takes your health.  When the gage is purple, get close to an enemy and 
release the attack button. The second guy (Ajakutty) is real tough, but the rest 
are easy.  For the blue tank(Tiegel), hit all four wheels.  Your main difficulty 
fighting the tank is time. (And the fact that he's so big you can't see Gally or 
his far wheel!) Jashugan is the hardest.  Try and get the "perfect block" 
against him.  Plasma attacks are somewhat effective.  Try sidestepping and 
timing your attacks to hit him just before he hits you. Make sure you save 
before taking him on. 

--Dark Doctor King(Doctor boss):  he's too easy.
--Berserker Zapan(octopus cyborg):  jump his attacks.

--Den (Giant Centaur):  the cannon moves like a pilot joystick.  
Lock on and fire. Anticipate and jump before he strikes you.

--Super Dogma(Main computer): you must first destroy the towers surrounding the 
center. Fire-MOVE-fire-MOVE!  Watch your meter, too--you have a special attack 
when it's full(square+X).

--Tournament: Technique is the key when in the rink. Remember that only certain 
attacks work!!

--Berserker Martian Bear: Kill from a distance.

--Zouo (Blue guy with four arms):  Beware of Zouo! His attacks are deadly! To 
fight him, stock up massively on health and plasma packs. Keep your health up. 
He does have an achilles heel. But I won't spoil it. Good luck!


ENEMIES          reward(chips)  description
Junkman                  3600  -chunky tin man with knife
Mutant Woman             3600  -first enemy, big blond mane
Makaku                100,000  -the first Boss, sucks brains
Big Shoulder             6400  -yellow horned guy
Army Cyberne             6400  -gray metal guy
Sobatto Man            14,000  -yellow & leggy
Izuchi                   6500  -blue guy throws knives
Drumboiler Man           7400  -looks like an oil drum
Megiru                 50,000  -blue werewolf
Zapan                  10,000  -former hunter, major loser
T-Head                 16,000  -name says it all
Armed Cyberne          16,000  -electric fist cyberne
Hypodermic Demon       14,000  -blue surgeon w/ big hypo
Dark Doctor King      200,000  -blue surgeon boss, w/blackcross
Black Dog              21,000  -uh,...a BLACK dog
Zapan Berserker           ---  -Octopuss-ish Boss you shoot
Circuit Soldier A        7000  -chunky gray soldier w/machinegun
Commander                7500  -thin drab soldier w/pistol
Moth Man               38,000  -looks completely stupid
Tokage Man             32,000  -a Sleezak from "Land of the Lost"?
Kaeru Man              32,000  -rriiibbit
Ninja #1               28,000  -yellow ninja w/pole
Ninja #2               28,000  -yellow ninja w/sword
Ninja #3               28,000  -yellow ninja two picks
Warrior Cyborg         51,000  -red samurai
Wrestling Cyberne      37,000  -pale yellowskin, blue jeans,boots
Bazarld               300,000  -obese henchman of Nove
Eelai                 400,000  -slut henchwoman of Nove
Desty Nove          1,000,000  -Flan eating madman       
Den                   800,000  -BIG BIG centaur
MIB Machine            45,000  -breasted robot in sky cities
KikanbouMountain    1,000,000  -tournament, fat black ninja
Sentinel            1,200,000  -tournament, thin white cyborg
Behemouth           1,400,000  -tournament, fat naked naval gaser
ForJourner          1,600,000  -tournament, squatty red bishop
Ekonoraite          2,000,000  -tournament, rocky
Uomen               2,500,000  -tournament, spaceshiplike
Berserker Wood         65,000  -attacking tree in space
Berserker Woodman      50,000  -lumberjack in space
Bochomakin          3,000,000  -green tubby turned berserker
Cosmic Cyberne         66,000  -another cyberne, now on mars
Berserker Junkman      60,000  -still easy money, just gray now.
BerserkerMarsBear     170,000  -Big cyborg Bahr on Mars
Mokujin                70,000  -attacking dummies on Phobos
Zouo                      ---  -Blue, Four armed Boss


    Double-edged blade, 20cm. 2000 chips, adds +2 to attack 
Aseimi Knife            
    Single-edged blade, 18cm. Made from stainless steel made 
    10,000 chips, attack +10
Kukuri Knife            
    Uniquely shaped single-edged blade. Long length, 30cm. 
    40,000 chips, attack +10
Damascus Blade        
    Not for sale. Received latter in the story. Actually it is
    her final blade from her motorball days. She uses it after
    she quits motorball. 
    attack +24
Esdoc Blade        
    Forged from Damascus Steel. Ed(Esdoc) has the blade made for 
    her. Her initial blade from motorball. 
    100,000 chips, attack +12
B-Damascus Blade    
    Not for sale. Also received latter in the story. This is her
    "tuned" weapon. It uses her Damascus Blade but with a
    modified butterfly handle. Adds attacks to her combo. 
Bowie Knife        
    Single-edged, 25cm. 100,000        
Cyberball Knife    
    Sharp single-edged knife. 130,000    
Combat Knife        
    Originally used by the military. A practical knife with a 
    single-edged design. 160,000 chips        
N-Damascus Blade
    The Nova version of her Damascus Blade. Similar to the
    original version.
Ceramic Knife     300,000 chips
Faruta Blade      300,000 chips
    the Golden version of the Damascus Blade.

Repair Kit          Restores 200 health. 4000 chips
Hi-Repair Kit       Restores 1000 health. 20,000 chips
Full Repair Kit     Restores maximum health. 40,000 chips
Plasma Supply       Restores 100 plasma energy. 4000 chips
Plasma Half         Restores 200 plasma energy. 20,000 chips
Plasma Maximum      Restores maximum plasma energy. 40,000 chips
Canned Food         Replenishes 300 health points. 4000 chips
Android Chi         Restores health and plasma to max. 7000 chips
Molotov Cocktail       
    Burns enemies. More effective against living-type enemies.
    1500 chips
Electromagnetic Needle    
    Discharges three needles per use. Electrifies enemies. More
    effective against cyberne -type enemies. 1500 chips
Ereki Teru
    (Electric Light?) Creates a big explosion at a distance. 
    Electrifies enemies. More effective against cyberne-type 
    enemies. 4000 chips    
    Makes possible multiple lock-ons. 3000 chips
Enkera (Firefly)
    Creates a big explosion at a distance. 6000 chips
Tuned Gun
    Once you have a lock-on, you can fire 3 times in 
Tuned Gun Bullets
    The Tuned Gun needs these to fire. 2000 chips
    Discharges three shuriken per use. 8000 chips
Can Shock Gem
    Discharges three shuriken per use. Creates a big explosion
    at a distance. 20,000 chips
Berserker Gun Ammo
    20,000 chips (I never did find the gun...)

Commando Parts
    Striking power up. 100,000 chips
Shock Absorber    
    Defense strength up. 100,000 chips
Generator Unit    
    Maximum Restoration Up. 200,000 chips
Plasma Sub Unit
    Reduces plasma consumption. 300,000 chips
Shield Generator    
    Reduces damage while blocking. 200,000 chips
Energy Detuner
    Megiru's custom part. Raises attack damage (+120), but
    drains health and plasma in battle mode. Received for 
    killing Megiru.
Clear Sight    
    Raises missile striking power. 200,000 chips
    When equiped it raises luck appreciably. Or so it says.
    200,000 chips
Laser Sight
    Speeds lock-on, raises missile striking power. 400,000 chips
Plasma Unit    
    Largely reduces plasma consumption. 600,000 chips
Restorer Unit
    Slowly raises her energy (health). 400,000 chips
Boost Unit
    Somehow increases attack. But drains Plasma in battle mode. 
    400,000 chips
Plasma Charger
    Slowly raises plasma level. 400,000 chips


--This game has some awkward angles. The perspective is in the 3rd person, but 
you never get to see what she sees, like in Tomb Raider.  It's more like you sit 
still while Gally moves back and forth, towards you and then away from you.  
(The camera is too far from Gally-t7g)

--The music sounds if it's coming through only one speaker...like it's in mono 
or something.  The no real base or depth to it.  It just sounds weak at times.

--I think this game has more text than MGS!!!  But that's actually sort of a 
plus for an RPG.  My concern is that during most of the dialog there is no 
background music or sound.  So you sit there in silence as you button mash your 
way through the text.

--The graphics are not superb, but for some odd reason, the graphics get really 
detailed in certain situations, or during up close shots of main characters.  I 
get the impression that Bandai rushed this game. (Ditto-T7g)


--This is a pretty good game.  I recommend it, especially if you 
like Gally. -RB

--I'd recommend it MOSTLY for fans of Gally/Alita. But I did like it!-T7g

**Need help?  reach me at [email protected]**  (I won't 
answer senseless questions due to you laziness).
-or ask [email protected] (I have a some more info on the game)

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