FAQ/Move List - Guide for Super Smash Bros. Melee

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Super Smash Bros. Melee
FAQ/Move List
Nintendo GameCube
Version 2.1
[email protected]
                        Super Smash Bros. Melee - FAQ

Table of Contents
A) Main Menu
     1) 1-P Mode
     2) VS. Mode
     3) Trophies
     4) Options
     5) Data
B) General Information
     1) Main Menu (Continued)
     2) Characters Clones
     3) Collecting Trophies
C) List
     1) Classic Match
     2) Adventure Match
     3) Event Match
     4) Default Characters
     5) Secret Characters
     6) Default Stages
     7) Secret Stages
     8) Old Items
     9) New Items
D) Detailed Information
     1) Unlock Characters
     2) Unlock Stages
     3) Unlock Other Secrets
     4) Adventure Match (Details) 
     5) Adventure Match (Secrets)
     6) Bonus Stages
     7) Move List (Default Characters)
     8) Move List (Secret Characters)
E) Copyright Information
     1) Copyrights
     2) Credits
F) Version History
			- A -     Main Menu 
1) 1-P Mode

Regular Match          "Multiple levels of standard Smash."
Event Match            "Special Smash situation matches."
Stadium                "Mini-Game testing Ground."

Regular Match
Classic                "Defeat each foe to advance."
Adventure              "Battle through various stages."
All-Star               "Conquer all enemies using limited recovery items."

Event Match
Event Match            "Special Smash situation matches."

Target Test            "Smash ten targets!"
Home-Run Contest       "Smash Sandbag as far as you can!"
Multi-Man Melee        "Fight for your life! Fight!"

2) VS. Mode

Melee                  "A standard Smash Battle for 1 to 4 players."
Tournament Melee       "A tournament for up to 64 players."
Special Melee          "A melee with special rules. No records will be saved."
Custom Rules           "Change the melee rules here."
Name Entry             "Enter your name"

Melee                  "A standard Smash Battle for 1 to 4 players."

Tournament Melee
Tournament Melee       "A tournament for up to 64 players."

Special Melee
Camera Mode            "Take snapshots with the special Smash Cam!"
Stamina Mode           "Players fight until HPs reach zero."
Super Sudden Death     "All players start with 300% Damage.
Giant Melee            "All players are giant-sized." 
Tiny Melee             "All players are tiny."
Invisible Melee        "All players are invisible"
Fixed Camera Mode      "The camera does not zoom or scroll."
Single-Button Mode     "The player uses only the A Button and the Control Stick"
Lightning Melee        "All players move at high speeds."
Slo-Mo Melee           "All players move in slow motion.

Custom Rules
Stock                  "1-99 "Set number or stock lives."
Time Limit             "Set the time limit from 1-99 minutes, turn the time limit 
Handicap               "Choose between ON, AUTO, or OFF"
Damage Ratio           "The larger the damage ratio, the faster you get KO'd"
Stage Selection        "Choose between ON, RANDOM, ORDERED, TURNS, or LOSER"
Item Switch            "Choose how often items will appear, turn specific items 
ON or OFF."

Additional Rules       "Set even more detailed rules."
Stock Match Time Limit "Set a time limit for Stock Matches."
Friendly Fire          "Choose weather team members can damage each other."
Pause                  "Choose if player will be able to pause in mid-game."
Self Destructs         "Self-destructs will subtract # point/s from players' 
Random Stage           "If set, players will be able to choose stages to exclude."

3) Trophies

Gallery                 "View the individual trophies you've collected."
Lottery                 "Use the coins you've earned to get trophies!"
Collection              "View your entire trophy collection."

4) Options

Rumble                  "Turn the Rumble feature ON or OFF."
Sound                   "Select sound options."
Screen Display          "Adjust screen display."
Language                "Select Language Display"
Erase Data              "Erase melee records, etc."

Turn the Rumble feature ON or OFF.

Choose Stereo or Mono and the balance between the music and sounds.

Screen Display
You choose ON or OFF for the built in Deflicker. 
ON:  Display will be smoother and softer
OFF: Display will be sharper and harder.

Select Language Display.

5) Data

Erase Data              "Erase melee records"
Data                    "View game records."
Snapshots               "View photo album of pictures taken in camera mode."
Archives                "View Smash Bros. movies."
Melee Records           "View various combat records."
Special                 "Information on hidden elements"

                        -B-     General Information
1)Main Menu (Continued)

1) 1-P Mode > Stadium > Multi-Man Melee
10 Man Melee            "How fast can you defeat 10 opponents?"
100 Man Melee           "100 enemies! Can you defeat them all?"
3 Minute Melee          "How many foes can you KO in 3 minutes?"
15 Minute Melee         "A 15-minute test of skill and endurance."
Endless Melee           "The enemies don't stop until you're defeated."
Cruel Melee             "The Toughest enemies around and no items?"

2) VS. Mode > Custom Rules > Stage Selection
ON                      "Choose stages to battle on."
Random                  "Stages chosen Randomly."
Ordered                 "Battle through stages in a predetermined order."
Turns                   "Players take turns choosing stages."
Loser                   "The loser of the last match chooses the next stage."

3) Options >  Erase Data > Archives
Special Movie           "Smash Bros. Bonus Video"
How to Play             "Melee Manual Video."

4) Options > Erase Data > Melee Records

VS. Records             "Records for VS. matches."
Bonus Records           "Record of all special bonuses."
Misc. Records           "Various Records kept after initial play."

2) Character Clones
Character               Characters Clone

Dr. Mario               Mario			
Falco Lombardi          Fox McCloud		
Ganondorf               Captain Falcon		
Young Link              Link			
Pichu                   Pikachu			
Roy                     Prince Marth

3) Collecting Trophies

1) Choose a charcacter
2) Complete Classic Mode
3) You will automatically earn a trophy of the character you played as.

			-C-     List

1) Classic Match

Match 1: Normal Melee
         "Traditional one on one battle against a random enemy."

Match 2: Team Melee  
         "You and a CPU controlled ally and face off against two random enemies."

Match 3: Giant Melee
         "You and two random CPU allies against one giant enemy."

Match 4: Multi-Man Melee  
         "You fight 10 easy to defeat characters. You only fight 3 at one time."

Match 5: Bonus Stage
         "You will play 1/3 Bonus Stages"

Match 6: Metal Melee
         "You fight a metal version of a randomly selected character."

Match 7: Boss Battle
         "The Boss will change depending on the difficulty level set."

2) Adventure Match

Stage                          Style

01) Mushroom Kingdom           Super Mario Bros.   (NES)
02) Kongo Jungle               Donkey Kong Country (SNES)
03) Hyrule Caverns             Ocarina of Time     (N64)
04) Brinstar                   Metroid             (NES)   
05) Kirby's Dream Land         Kirby's Dream Land  (GB)   
06) Corneria                   Starfox             (SNES)
07) Pokémon Stadium            Pokémon Stadium     (N64)
08) F-Zero Grand Prix          F-Zero              (SNES)
09) Onett                      Earthbound          (SNES)
10) Icicle Mountain            Ice Climbers        (NES)
11) Wireframe Team             Super Smash Bros.   (N64)
12) Final Battle               Super Mario 64      (N64)

3) Event Match

Lv. 01 Trouble King            
        "Fight Bowser in a classic Mushroom Kingdom clash!"

Lv. 02 Lord of the Jungle      
        "A duel of epic proportions! Which ape is top primate?"

Lv. 03 Bomb-fest               
        "Bombs are everywhere in this explosive battle."

Lv. 04 Dino-wrangling          
        "A giant Yoshi is on the loose! Somebody stop it!"

Lv. 05 Spare Change            
        "Don't stop until you get 200 coins!"

Lv. 06 Kirby's on Parade        
        "Look out! Rainbows of Kirby's are after you!"

Lv. 07 Pokémon Battle          
        "Use Poke Balls to duel with Pikachu."

Lv. 08 Hot Date on Brinstar    
        "You're interfering with Samus's Brinstar raid!"

Lv. 09 Hide 'n' Sheik          
        "Only Sheik KO's count! Wait for the change..."

Lv. 10 All-Star Match 1        
        "It's the Mario Stars: Mario, DK, Yoshi, Peach and Bowser."

Lv. 11 King of the Mountain    
        "Ice Climbers protect their turf! Just try to survive!"

Lv. 12 Seconds, Anyone?        
        "Take out Captain Falcon in less than seven seconds!"

Lv. 13 Yoshi's Egg             
        "Protect the single remaining Yoshi egg from being broken!"

Lv. 14 Trophy Tussle 1          
        "Face off for a trophy! The prize this time: Goomba!"

Lv. 15 Girl Power              
        "A group of femme fatales has dropped by for a visit..."

Lv. 16 Kirby's Air-raid        
        "Warp Stars are everywhere! Climb aboard and hang on!"

Lv. 17 Bounty Hunters          
        "Fight a fellow bounty hunter for the bounty on Bowser!"

Lv. 18 Link's Adventure        
        "Everyone has a dark side... Link has two!"

Lv. 19 Peach's Peril           
        "Bowser's after Peach! Again! Guard her until time runs out."

Lv. 20 All-Star Match 2        
        "Nintendo's realistic stars are out in force."

Lv. 21 Ice Breaker             
        "Your cold mission... is to KO both Nanas."

Lv. 22 Super Mario 128         
        "Battle 128 tiny Mario's in a wild endurance match!"

Lv. 23 Slippy's Invention      
        "Slippy: With my new device, you guys will be invisible!"

Lv. 24 The Yoshi Herd          
        "Yoshi's, Yoshi's, everywhere! Defeat 30 within 2 minutes."

Lv. 25 Gargantuans             
        "Giant Bowser VS Giant DK in a spectacular war of titans!"

Lv. 26 Trophy Tussle 2         
        "Another match for a prize... Who will get Entei?"

Lv. 27 Cold Armor              
        "These metal bounty hunters take no prisoners!"

Lv. 28 Puffballs Unite!        
        "Kirby's galore...each with a unique copied ability!"

Lv. 29 Triforce Gathering      
        "Enter Ganondorf! Team up with Zelda and fight evil!"

Lv. 30 All-Star Match 3        
        "Kirby, Pikachu, Ness and Ice climbers want to fight!"

Lv. 31 Mario Bros. Madness     
        "A classic plumber clash in the Mushroom Kingdom!"

Lv. 32 Target Acquired         
        "Incoming Arwings! KO Jigglypuff more than they do!"

Lv. 33 Lethal Marathon         
        "Avoid the F-Zero machines and race for the finish."

Lv. 34 Seven Years             
        "Young Link VS. Link! How can you fight yourself?"

Lv. 35 Time for a Checkup      
        "Are routine physicals supposed to hurt this much?"

Lv. 36 Space Travelers         
        "Adventurers head for Earth: Ness is the welcome wagon."

Lv. 37 Legendary Pokémon       
        "A slew of legendary Pokémon are all the help you'll get!"

Lv. 38 Super Mario Bros. 2     
        "The cast of the classic NES title are raring to go!"

Lv. 39 Jigglypuff Live!        
        "Jigglypuff nabs the spotlight on center stage."

Lv. 40 All-Star Match 4        
        "Secret characters emerge to join forces."

Lv. 41 En Garde!               
        "The lithe Marth challenges Link in a battle of steel!"

Lv. 42 Trouble King 2          
        "Hey, Mario! When did Bowser get so big, huh?"

Lv. 43 Birds of Prey           
        "Captain Falcon and Falco join forces to take out Fox!"

Lv. 44 Mewtwo Strikes!         
        "Don't waste your time battling Zelda..."

Lv. 45 Game & Watch Forever!   
        "The system that started a worldwide boom lives on!"

Lv. 46 Fire Emblem Pride       
        "The heroes of Fire Emblem join forces to fight you!"

Lv. 47 Trophy Tussle 3         
        "Want a new trophy? Here's your shot at Majora's Mask."

Lv. 48 Pikachu and Pichu       
        "These Pokémon are pals... but not with you!"

Lv. 49 All-Star Match Deluxe   
        "Dr. Mario, Falco, Ganondorf, Roy, Young Link and Pichu!"

Lv. 50 Final Destination Match 
        "Master Hand's the right hand; now meet the left!"

Lv. 51 The Showdown            
        "Giga Bowser, Mewtwo and Ganondorf unite!"

4) Default Characters

        Name                    Game Series

01) Mario                       Super Mario Bros.
02) Pikachu                     Pokémon
03) Bowser                      Super Mario Bros.
04) Princess Peach              Super Mario Bros.
05) Yoshi                       Super Mario Bros.
06) Donkey Kong                 Donkey Kong Country
07) Captain Falcon              F-Zero
08) Fox McCloud                 Starfox
09) Ness                        Earthbound
10) Ice Climbers                Ice Climbers
11) Kirby                       Kirby's Dream Land
12) Samus Aran                  Metroid
13) Princess Zelda              The Legend of Zelda
14) Link                        The Legend of Zelda

5) Secret Characters

       Name                     Game Series

15) Dr. Mario                   Super Mario Bros.
16) Luigi                       Super Mario Bros.
17) Ganondorf                   The Legend of Zelda
18) Falco Lombardi              Starfox
19) Young Link                  The Legend of Zelda
20) Pichu                       Pokémon
21) Jigglypuff                  Pokémon
22) Mewtwo                      Pokémon
23) Mr. Game & Watch            Game & Watch Gallery
24) Prince Marth                Fire Emblem
25) Roy                         Fire Emblem

6) Default Stages

        Title			Game Series

01) Icicle Mountain             Ice Climbers
02) Princess Peach's Castle     Super Mario Bros.
03) Kongo Jungle                Donkey Kong Country
04) Great Bay                   The Legend of Zelda
05) Yoshi's Island              Super Mario. Bros
06) Fountain of Dreams          Kirby's Dream Land
07) Corneria                    Starfox
08) Rainbow Ride                Super Mario Bros.
09) Jungle Japes                Donkey Kong Country
10) Temple                      The Legend of Zelda
11) Yoshi's Story               Super Mario Bros.
12) Green Greens                Kirby's Dream Land
13) Venom                       Starfox
14) Brinstar                    Metroid
15) Onett                       Earthbound
16) Mute City                   F-Zero
17) Pokémon Stadium             Pokémon

7) Secret Stages

        Title                   Game Series

18)Mushroom Kingdom             Super Mario Bros.
19)Brinstar Depths              Metroid
20)Fourside                     Earthbound
21)Big Blue                     F-Zero
22)Pokémon Floats               Pokémon
23)Subcon                       Super Mario Bros.
24)Game & Watch                 Game & Watch Gallery
25)Final Destination            Super Smash Bros. Melee

8) Old Items

01) Beam Sword
02) Homerun Bat
03) Hammer
04) Fan
05) Motion Sensor Bomb (Proximity Mine)
06) Bob-omb
07) Shell 
08) Pokéball
09) Ray Gun
10) Fire Flower
11) Star Rod
12) Maxim Tomato
13) Heart
14) Star (Starman)

9) New Items

15) Food
16) Warp Star
17) Super Scope
18) Lip's Stick
19) Flipper
20) Freezie
21) Mr. Saturn
22) Super Mushroom
23) Poison Mushroom
24) Parasol
25) Screw Attck
26) Metal Box
27) Bunny Hood
28) Cloaking Device
29) Barrel Cannon
30) Party Ball

			-D-     Detailed Information

1) Unlock Characters
Unlock Dr. Mario
Finish Classic Mode w/out losing a life as Mario. 

Unlock Luigi 
01) Complete the 1st stage of Adventure Mode with a time of xx:x2:xx.
02) You will have to battle Luigi and defeat him in under one minute.
03) Finish the remainder of Adventure Mode.
04) At the end of adventure mode you will fight Luigi.
05) Defeat Luigi and he will become a playable character.

Unlock Ganondorf 
Complete Event Mode #29 to unlock Ganondorf.

Unlock Falco Lombardi
Finish the 100 Man Melee.

Unlock Young Link 
1)Finish Adventure Mode 10 times. 
2)One time must be w/ Link. One time must be w/ Zelda.

Unlock Pichu 
(Option 1)   1) To unlock Pichu, you must first unlock both Luigi and Falco. 
             2) Complete Event #37. Once winning, Pichu will become playable. 
(Option 2)   -- Complete Adventure or Classic Mode with Mewtwo.
(Option 3)   -- Play 200 matches in VS. Mode.

Unlock Jigglypuff 
Beat the game with any character, any difficulty, continues allowed. 

Unlock Mewtwo
Play VS. Mode 700 times or play VS mode for 20 hours.

Unlock Mr. Game & Watch
(Option 1) Complete Classic Mode with 24/25 characters.
(Option 2) Complete Target Test with 24/25 characters.

Unlock Prince Marth
(Option 1) Play 70 rounds of VS. Mode
(Option 2) Play with all 14 default characters on VS. Mode

Unlock Roy
Finish Classic Mode w/out losing a life as Prince Marth. 

2) Unlock Stages

Unlock Brinstar Depths Stage
(Option 1) Play multiplayer mode 200 times to unlock Pokémon Floats.
(Option 2) 1) Play VS. Mode
           2) Start a match in Giant Mode, 1P vs. CPU
           3) The match must be Donkey Kong vs. Bowser

Unlock Fourside Stage
Play multiplayer mode 100 times to unlock Pokémon Floats.

Unlock Big Blue
Play multiplayer mode 150 times to unlock Big Blue.

Unlock Subcon Stage 
(Option 1) Finish Classic Mode w/out losing a life as Princess Peach. 
(Option 2) Finish Adventure Mode with Mario.

Unlock Pokémon Floats Stage 
Play multiplayer mode 200 times to unlock Pokémon Floats.

Unlock Game & Watch Gallery Stage 
Once unlocking Mr. Game & Watch, finish his Event, and you'll unlock his stage. 

3) Unlock Other Secrets

Unlock All-Star Mode
Obtain all of the secret characters to unlock All-Star Mode.

Unlock Event Mode Stages
1) Unlock Falco and Luigi to gain access to events #30 - 39.
2) Unlock all of the hidden characters to gain access to events #40 - 50. 

Unlock Sound Test 
Complete all 51 of the Event Match stages.

4) Adventure Match (Details)

Stage                              Description

01) Mushroom Kingdom           01) Scroll through Super Mario Bros. LV 1-1
                               02) Rescue Toad...Fight 10 Yoshi's
                               03) Continue scrolling through Super Mario Bros. 
LV 1-1
                               04) Fight Mario & Princess Peach
02) Kongo Jungle
                               01) Fight 02 Tiny Donkey Kong's
                               02) Fight 01 Giant Donkey Kong
03) Hyrule Caverns
                               01) This is a maze, find the Master Sword and 
fight Link
                               02) Find the Triforce and fight Princess Zelda
04) Brinstar
                               01) Fight Samus Aran
                               02) Escape from Brinstar
05) Kirby's Dream Land
                               01) Fight Kirby
                               02) Fight 15 Kirby's, just like a Kirby Team.
                               03) Fight a Giant Kirby
06) Corneria                  
                               01) Fight Fox McCloud
                               02) Fight Fox McCloud w/ backup from The Starfox
07) Pokémon Stadium            
                               01) Fight Pikachu's and Jigglypuff's
08) F-Zero Grand Prix          
                               01) Run the track in Mute City
                               02) Fight Captain Falcon
09) Onett                      
                               01) Fight 03 Nesses
10) Icicle Mountain            
                               01) Climb Icicle Mountain 
                               02) Fight the Ice Climbers
11) Wireframe Team             
                               01) Fight 15 Wireframe opponents
                               02) Fight Metal Mario
12) Final Battle
                               01) Fight Bowser

5) Adventure Match (Secrets)

Stage 06
Unlock Falco Lombardi and fight him instead of Fox McCloud again.

Stage 11
Unlock Luigi and fight him after Metal Mario.

6) Bonus Stages

01) Target Test        Break 10 targets in under two minutes.
02) Trophies           Hit trophies that fall from the sky onto the golden 
03) Get to the End     A maze where you must choose your own path to get to the 

7) Move List (Default Characters)

01) Mario

B                Fireball
B-Forward        Cape
B-Up             Super Jump Punch
B-Down           Mario Tornado

02) Pikachu

B                Thunder Jolt
B-Forward        Skull Bash
B-Up             Quick Attack
B-Down           Thunder

03) Bowser

B                Fire Breath
B-Forward        Koopa Klaw
B-Up             Whirling Fortress
B-Down           Bowser Bomb

04) Princess Peach

B                Toad Smash
B-Forward        Peach Bomb
B-Up             Peach Parasol
B-Down           Vegetable

05) Yoshi

B                Egg Lay
B-Forward        Egg Roll
B-Up             Egg Throw
B-Down           Yoshi Bomb

06) Donkey Kong

B                Giant Punch
B-Forward        Headbutt
B-Up             Spinning Kong
B-Down           Hand Slap

07) Captain Falcon

B                Falcon Punch
B-Forward        Raptor Boost
B-Up             Falcon Dive
B-Down           Falcon Kick

08) Fox McCloud

B                Blaster
B-Forward        Fox Illusion
B-Up             Fire Fox
B-Down           Reflector

09) Ness

B                PK Flash
B-Forward        PK Fire
B-Up             PK Thunder
B-Down           PSI Magnet

10) Ice Climbers

B                Ice Shot
B-Forward        Squall Hammer
B-Up             Belay
B-Down           Blizzard

11) Kirby

B                Swallow
B-Forward        Hammer
B-Up             Final Cutter
B-Down           Stone
12) Samus Aran

B                Charge Shot
B-Forward        Missile
B-Up             Screw Attack
B-Down           Bomb

------------------                        ------------------                  
13) Princess Zelda                        13) Sheik                  
------------------                        ------------------

B                Nayru's Love             B                Charge Needle
B-Forward        Din's Fire               B-Forward        Iron Wire Dance
B-Up             Farore's Wind            B-Up             Elude
B-Down           Transform                B-Down           Transform

14) Link

B                Bow
B-Forward        Boomerang
B-Up             Spin Attack
B-Down           Bomb

8) Move List (Secret Characters)

01) Dr. Mario

B                Pill
B-Forward        Cape
B-Up             Super Jump Punch
B-Down           Mario Tornado

02) Luigi

B                Fireball
B-Forward        Charge Headbutt
B-Up             Super Jump Punch
B-Down           Luigi Cyclone

03) Ganondorf

B                Ganon Punch
B-Forward        Ganon Knuckle
B-Up             Ganon Dive
B-Down           Ganon Kick

04) Falco Lombardi 

B                Blaster
B-Forward        Falco Illusion
B-Up             Fire Falco
B-Down           Reflector

05) Young Link

B                Bow (Fire Arrows)
B-Forward        Boomerang
B-Up             Spin Attack
B-Down           Bomb

06) Pichu

B                Thunder Jolt
B-Forward        Skull Bash
B-Up             Quick Attack
B-Down           Thunder

07) Jigglypuff

B                Roll Attack
B-Forward        Puff Punch
B-Up             Sing
B-Down           Sleep

08) Mewtwo

B               Energy Ball       
B-Forward       Telekinesis 
B-Up            Teleport
B-Down          Stun Ray

09) Mr. Game & Watch

B               Sausage
B-Forward       Hammer
B-Up            Trampoline
B-Down          Can

10) Prince Marth

B               Charged Sword
B-Forward       3 Hit Sword Combo
B-Up            Sword Uppercut
B-Down          Counter Attack

11) Roy

B               Fiery Charge Sword
B-Forward       Fiery 3 Hit Sword Combo
B-Up            Fiery Sword Uppercut
B-Down          Fiery Counter Attack

			-E-     Copyright Information

1) Copyrights

Super Smash Bros. Melee

Copyright 2001 Nintendo/HAL Laboratory, Inc.
Copyright Nintendo/HAL Laboratory, Inc./Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc./APE inc.

2) Credits

01) http://www.gamefaqs.com/
02) http://www.gamewinners.com/
03) http://www.smashboards.com/
04) http://www.nintendo.co.jp/smash/
05) http://www.nintendo.com/
06) http://www.smashworld.org/
07) http://www.igncube.com/
08) http://www.n-sider.com/
09) http://www.smashbros.com/
10) Afghan Bray    [GameFAQ's boards]   
11) ProdigySim     [GameFAQ's boards]
12) EvilBoris      [GameFAQ's boards]   
13) Ultimate Gamer [GameFAQ's boards]   
14) John           [GameFAQ's boards]
15) xNightBladEx   [GameFAQ's boards]
16) [email protected]
17) [email protected]
18) [email protected]
19) [email protected]
20) [email protected] 
21) [email protected]
22) Nintendo Power
			- F -     Version History

12/01/01       Version 2.1       Fixed Items and Unlock Stages.
11/30/01       Version 2.0       Fixed Table of Contents.
11/30/01       Version 1.9       General FAQ repairs and additions.
11/30/01       Version 1.8       Updated Unlock Characters and Unlock Stages.
11/29/01       Version 1.7       Updated Move List. Updated Unlock Characters.
11/28/01       Version 1.6       Fixed spacing.
11/28/01       Version 1.5	 Fixed spelling.
11/28/01       Version 1.4       General FAQ repairs. Added Move List.
11/27/01       Version 1.3       Added Adventure Match. Fixed punctuation.
11/27/01       Version 1.2       Fixed Items.
11/26/01       Version 1.1       Fixed spacing. Fixed Characters and Stages.
11/25/01       Version 1.0       Started FAQ

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