FAQ/Walkthrough - Guide for Wario World

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Wario World
Nintendo GameCube
written by: David "Zoop" McCutcheon
e-mail: [email protected]
version: 2.0
date: 06/26/03

this document is Copyright 2003 David McCutcheon.

/~ NOTE ~ Due to new regulations, this document  will ONLY BE HOSTED BY\
| GAMEFAQS.COM, NEOSEEKER, AND IGN.COM! Do NOT post it without my      |
|permission. I DEFINITELY WILL TAKE LEGAL ACTION, as my lawyer is one  |
\of the BEST IN THE STATE OF MISSOURI. Thank you.                      /

~ Revision History ~

~ 2.0 ~ 
Updated the formatting, and added the Horror Manor stage, as well as 
some of the stage after that. Added to the items/objects section, 
enemies section, and boss section, as well.

~ 1.0 ~
Just finished Mega Man 2 with Psycho Penguin. Thought I'd do this one 
for good luck. Enjoy it. Note that this is incomplete, and will be 
updated regularly. If you see an item that I missed throughout the 
stage, feel free to e-mail me about it, and you will be credited.

         T A B L E            o f              C O N T E N T S

If you need to find a certain something in the guide, press and hold 
Control (Ctrl) and press the F key. Type out the word you are looking 
for, and search. If you're too lazy to do this, don't bother e-mailing 
or IMing me. Thank you.

Table of Contents:
I.      Introduction
 Ia.     Contact Me
II.     Controls/Game Basics
III.    Story
IV.     Walkthrough

 IV.a    Greenhorn Forest
 IV.b    Greenhorn Ruins
 IV.c    DinoMighty's Showdown

 -------SPOOKTASTIC WORLD--------
 IV.d    Horror Manor
 IV.e    Wonky Circus

V.      Enemies
VI.     Bosses
VII.    Items/Objects
VIII.   Wario Ware, Inc. Minigames
IX.     Credits
X.      Disclaimer

  :::  :::  :::  :::   SECTION I. - INTRODUCTION    :::  :::  :::  :::

Hey guys and gals, I am back to wrote for another hot, new 
action/platformer yet again, and no, it's not a Mario game. It's a Wario 
game! Ohhh boy, am I clever or what? As I type this, I am listening to 
the repetitive "Pause" screen music, so if this introduction seems a 
little... loose... then you know what to blame it on! I got to play this 
game at E3 2002 in Los Angeles, and it clicked with me right away. I 
hope you are enjoying this game just as much as I am!

Okay, here is the rundown of how this FAQ will play out. The 
Controls/Game Basics section will allow you to view the Controls (how to 
control your character) and the basics of the game (tips to help you if 
you're stuck on common parts of the game). The Story section is taken 
from the Instruction Booklet. The Walkthrough is 100% me at my best on 
describing how to overcome the game's trials and tribulations. The 

The Enemies section holds information regarding characteristics and 
weaknesses of all of the enemies in the game. The Boss section holds 
information regarding how to defeat every single boss with full 
strategies. The Items/Objects section has details regarding what EVERY 
item/object in the game does (Confused what the Green "W" things on the 
ground are? Come to this section). The Wario Ware, Inc. section 
describes how to play each minigame that you can unlock.

That about does it for the basic rundown. I've been planning to write 
for this game since March of this year (2003), and after just opening 
the game freshly, I am hot with anticipation on the success of this 
walkthrough. I hope you find this FAQ/Walkthrough as satisfactory as 
that of a player's guide, and please feel free to leave me comments, or 
suggestions, about the FAQ.

Take it easy,

  -David "Zoop" McCutcheon

  ***  ***  ***  ***    SECTION I.a - CONTACT ME    ***  ***  ***  ***

If you need me for anything whatsoever that IS NOT covered in the guide, 
and that means SEARCHING THE GUIDE by pressing Control and F together 
and typing out what you are looking for, and then hitting enter. But as 
long as it has to do with the game. Sorry, but I don't feel like hearing 
about how cute your kitten is if I don't really know you, yanno? 
Actually, kittens are cute... Ahem. You can contact me via e-mail, or 
sometimes IM. I check my e-mail several times a day; so don't hesitate 
if you have a question! But please read the long paragraph below my 
contact info.

E-Mail address: [email protected]

Please only e-mail me if it's something you do NOT see in the guide. Try 
to look for it; If it's not there, feel free to e-mail me. 

If you don't know how to e-mail me, just simply bring up a new, 
unwritten mail (this varies with different services. It should say 
"Write Mail" on the button, though) and write out my e-mail address. For 
the subject, copy and paste this: Castle Of Illusion FAQ. In the body of 
the mail, write whatever you like, even hate mail! Just one request: 
Only e-mail in English. Any foreign language e-mails will be discarded. 
Sorry, I'm not smart enough to know a second language. I don't care what 
you send, but positive feedback is always nice. But if you're into the 
hate mail thing, I can dig that, too.

  :::  :::  :::  :::  SECTION II. - CONTROLS/BASICS :::  :::  :::  :::


Left Control Stick = Control Wario
A Button = Jump
B Button = Attack
Hold B Button = Mad Dash
A Button + R Button = Ground Pound
B Button + B Button + B Button = Combo Attack
B Button on a KO'ed enemy = Pick Enemy Up
B Button whilst holding KO'ed enemy/item = Throw Enemy/Item
Hold B Button whilst holding KO'ed enemy/item = Super Throw
R Button = Mad Dash
L Button = Hyper Suction (Suck Up Items)
B Button on KO'ed enemy + A Button + R Button = Piledriver
R Button + A Button = The Corkscrew Conk (Somersault)
Rotate Control Stick in circles while holding an enemy = Autospin
Rotate Control Stick in circles while holding an enemy + B Button = 
Throw enemy
Rotate Yellow C Stick = Changes Camera Angle


* If you wish to receive more coins in a completely standard, "legal" 
way as opposed to cheating, KO bigger enemies and launch them into one 
another. This will give you three large coins as opposed to two. *

* If you find a button on the ground that will not go inside once you 
punch it, or jump on top of it, you will likely need to Ground Pound it. 
To Ground Pound, simply jump into the air by pressing the A Button, and 
press the R Button quickly after that. *

* If you have missed one of the treasures, I highly suggest starting the 
stage over after you complete it, and looking for ladders and such that 
you might have missed in the beginning. *

* If you decide to break open a Treasure Chest that is not on a Wario 
Pad, then I highly suggest that you pay close attention. You will either 
get some Garlic, some Coins, or a big Bomb that will practically explode 
in your face. *

  :::  :::  :::  :::    SECTION III.   -   STORY    :::  :::  :::  :::

[Thanks to the instruction booklet for this information.]

"Ah, ha ha ha! I've finally done it!" Wario chuckles to himself as he 
does some exploring up his nose. Why does he chuckle, you ask? Because 
he's finally completed construction of his beloved castle!

"So, whaddya think? Pretty sweet, eh? The sparkling golden walls, the 
luxurious chandeliers... And how about these marble floors? It's a 
wonderfully gorgeous castle for wonderful and gorgeous me. Hey, by the 
way---and this is a secret---the lower chambers are brimming with jewels 
and treasures that I've pilfered from all around the world! What? You 
wanna take a peek? No way! They're mine, all mine! ...As if I'd actually 
let you put a single grubby finger on any of my fine treasures! Please! 
I'm not even gonna let you look at any of them!"

Yes, Wario is feeling pretty fine. However, unbeknownst to him, 
something terrible has happened to his jewels. Sleeping buried under all 
of his treasures is a powerful black jewel that all but wiped out 
civilization long ago. And now, on an evening where a red moon rises, 
the evil jewel awakens.

"Huh? What's all that noise downstairs?! I was just getting ready to 
floss the gunk out of my toes! Gah! I HATE distractions!"

When Wario finally notices that something strange is happening, it's 
already too late. The evil black jewel downstairs has managed to engulf 
many of the other treasures and is rapidly growing larger and larger! 
And not only that---it's churning out monsters as well! Yes, that's 
right! It seems that the curse that this jewel carries lets it turn 
treasures into monsters. To make matters worse, the black jewel has 
decided that it wants to build a kingdom of its own and is changing 
Wario's world into quite a weird place.

"Whoa! What the heck's going on here?! My castle's going nuts! Who did 
this? Who are all these weirdos? WHAT IN THE WORLD IS HAPPENING TO MY 

After yelling this, Wario begins angrily stomping his feet. He's come 
completely unglued! But then, somehow, he subdues his anger, and while 
thoughtfully prospecting in his nostrils, he gets ahold of himself.

Using my brilliant brainpower, I think... Wait! That must be it! This is 
the work of that weird, black-colored jewel! I thought there was 
something off about that thing the first time I laid eyes on it! Why, 
that arrogant little PUNK! It actually thinks it can outwit the great 
Wario! Somehow, someway, I'm gonna take back every last treasure it 
stole from me! Then I'll smack that thing 100 times!! 

Once Wario gets angry, absolutely nothing scares him. And so, after 
stuffing four full heads of garlic into his mouth, he stomps out in a 
furious rage to meet the monsters!

  :::  :::  :::  :::   SECTION IV. - WALKTHROUGH    :::  :::  :::  :::

When we start the game out, you will notice several sections that you 
can walk to, but only two that you can enter inside of. The first is a 
forest-like scenery, and the second is a gigantic chest that you cannot 
currently open up. What a shame. Go through the open door inside of the 
forest-like area to meet the first stage in this awesome game!


 E   X   C   I   T   E   M   E   N   T      C   E   N   T   R   A   L


                IV.a --------------- GREENHORN FOREST

What a perfect introductory stage this is. You can start off by going 
over towards the right a tad bit, and cross over the bridge made out of 
a fallen tree. Once you reach the other side, you will watch a cut-scene 
between the Spriteling and Wario. This will teach you to save these 
creatures whenever you see them trapped in boxes. The Spriteling will 
also tell you about the game's basics.

After the cut-scene, backtrack across the tree-like bridge and look for 
a ladder in the background attached to a tree. Climb up the ladder, and 
jump off over to the left. After this, go left a bit and you will 
encounter five Magons, and one Super Magon. Aim for the Super Magon, and 
hit him once. Pick him up by pressing the B Button, and jump in the air 
using the A Button. Press the R Trigger to perform a Piledriver.

After the Piledriver aftermath, collect all of the coins from the Super 
Magon and his (likely) dead underlings. Coins are a useful substance in 
this game, so learn to love them. Read the Game Basics and Items section 
for more on the Coins, as well as other things about this game. Now that 
these enemies are dead, walk over to the purple Wario Button and Ground 
Pound (A Button + R Button) on top of it.

Go over towards the right, and slightly down some. You will notice a 
Treasure Chest on a Wario Pad. Break open the Treasure Chest by punching 
it, and collect the Diamond. This is one of eight Treasures that you 
will find in this stage. If you collect all eight Treasures, you will 
unlock a sample minigame that you can transfer to your Game Boy Advance 
(read the instruction booklet for more information) from the cult hit 
game, Wario Ware, Inc.

Climb down the ladder to the right, and cross the tree bridge yet again. 
Begin climbing the tree stumps (which will test how well you do in this 
3D side-scroller) and reach new land. Once here, grab the golden thingy 
flying in the sky. This is a Wario Statue Piece. You must collect all of 
these in this stage to gain a piece of heart, sort of like the Zelda 

Hop on over to dry, solid land, and take out the eight Magons that rest 
below here. There will be two Super Magons in the region, as well, so 
knock one out with a swift punch, and then knock the other out, as well. 
Pick up either one of the KO'ed Super Magons, and jump into the air and 
perform a Piledriver to the second KO'ed Super Magon lying there. This 
will get you three Large Coins instead of two.

Now, climb the ladder in the background that rests against a tree stump. 
Jump over to the lower left, and land onto the second tree stump. On the 
upper left is a third and final tree stump, with a Wario Statue Piece 
floating above it. Jump over to here, grab the Wario Statue Piece, and 
fall down from the tree stumps.

Walk over towards the right, and you will soon notice a group of six 
Magons and one Super Magon. Destroy them all, collect their Coins (and 
Large Coin), and walk over to the background. Destroy the Treasure Chest 
on the right to receive a boatload of Coins, and then Ground Pound on 
the Wario Button to the left. From here, destroy the Treasure Chest on 
the Wario Pad and collect the Ruby Treasure Item.

Fall down off of the small tree stumps, and destroy the Magons that have 
resurrected throughout yet again. Collect their Coins, and carry on to 
the right. Drop down into the pit, and Ground Pound on top of the Wario 
Button to the far right. Break open the Treasure Chest and collect the 
Coins inside. Go back to the left and climb up.

Go over to where the teal pair of footsteps are painted on the ground, 
and jump into the pole. Hold to the right, and you will turn over to 
that area. From here, jump onto the pole in the background and climb up. 
Jump off to the left, and begin to break open the Treasure Chest on top 
of the Wario Pad. Collect the Opal Treasure inside of it, and jump down 
by coming towards the screen.

Now that we are down here, jump over to the next line of climbing poles 
to the right (align yourself with the pair of teal footsteps, too). 
After all of this, kill the five Magons, and the Super Magon that soon 
follows behind them. Remember the whole "Piledriver On Top Of The Rest 
Of Them" technique, as it works throughout the entire game.

In the background, you will notice a box that will hop up and down on 
top of a tree stump. How peculiar. Break it open to save one of the 
Spritelings in this stage, and he will give you a distinctive tip about 
the Stone Doohickey that sits atop the exit of the stage. This is known 
as the Goal Trap Door in this FAQ, as you can clearly see in the 
Items/Objects section.

Speaking of items and objects in the game, if you look straight down, 
you will notice a Wooden Trap Door that has a big "X" painted on it, and 
it is glowing, seemingly. Odd. Get on top of it, and Ground Pound (I had 
a lot of trouble with this in my Ratchet & Clank FAQ, so once again, it 
is A Button + R Button in mid-air) to break through the trap door and 
reach a new area.

In the depths below of the stage, we will run into these areas. The 
underground sections hide away some of the Red Diamonds that we need to 
complete the stage that we are in. This particular puzzle is very simple 
compared to the rest of them. 

Rotate the camera angle by moving the yellow C stick on the controller 
to where the camera is in back of Wario, and climb the platforms to the 
right. Cross over the sinking blocks fairly quickly (once you jump off 
of them, they will begin floating back upwards), and collect the Red 
Diamond. After this, jump down and hit the Spring object to jump back up 
to the surface of the stage.

Go right a tad bit, and you will get caught up in a conversation with a 
big stupid looking thing that I like to call a Garlic Seller. Garlic is 
the healing item of choice by Wario, and Garlic Sellers are the things 
that sell it. You can buy some Garlic for 20 Coins, which is definitely 
worth it, if you are in dire-straights for health. Remember, you can 
always go back and kill regenerated enemies for Coins, if need be.

After this, go towards the right and punch the brick with the big "X" on 
it. These are X Bricks, and can be destroyed ONLY where the "X" is. 
Don't believe me? Try destroying the other X Brick from the same side. 
See what I mean? You will get three small Coins for destroying them, so 
destroy ever one of them that you can reach, and enter the Wooden Trap 
Door after you Ground Pound it.

Once you are inside of your second underground area, you will have to 
turn the camera around, and jump onto the lowest platform (directly in 
front of you). From here, jump to the right, and follow this path as you 
go along to the very top platform. Collect the Red Diamond item, and 
fall down from here. There is a Wario Statue Piece in this area, as 
well, in between two platforms. Grab it! Tap the Spring to send your fat 
booty flying upwards!

Crash the X Brick and walk over to the Bouncer that is shaped like a 
bunny rabbit. Hop onto it, and Ground Pound. This will send you high 
into the air, so hook a right and you will land on a new platform. Go 
up, and to the left. There's a Treasure Chest containing Garlic/Coins, 
so bust it open whenever you want to.

Keep on trailing to the left, and hop onto the Bouncer. Ground Pound and 
hug to the left to reach a new area, with a couple of Cactyls in the 
region. You can Jump Punch them (A Button + B Button), and then 
Piledriver them, if you wish. After they are defeated (or avoided, for 
that matter) go into the Wooden Trap Door to reach another underground 

This area is kind of funny. Just destroy one of the X Bricks directly in 
front of you, and jump high into the air to grab onto the ledge of the 
top. From here, climb up and collect the Wario Statue Piece. After this, 
jump back down, and begin pounding away at the X Bricks in front of you 
again. You will have to knock out some of the X Bricks facing upwards by 
Ground Pounding them. Collect the hidden Red Diamond, and either destroy 
the rest of these X Bricks for Coins, or exit via the Spring.

Climb the ladder behind you and to the left. Jump off to the left, and 
attack one of the three Super Magons. From here, pick up the KO'ed body 
and Piledrive it into the two other Super Magons. Collect the Large 
Coins galore, and then travel further to the left. You will encounter 
five small Magons, and one Super Magon. KO the Super Magon, pick it up 
and Piledrive it into the smaller Magons.

After this, go farther to the left, and you will find a few more Super 
Magons in a group. Punch one of them to knock it out, and lift it up. 
Use the Piledriver move on the others to eliminate them. Now, you have a 
much larger threat. You will square off with a big Clubosaurous. Get 
behind this thing so it will not attack you dead on, and begin beating 
it up. Once it is KO'ed, lift it, and throw it against the Wario Button 
on the Tree.

To kill the Clubosaurous, you will have to Piledrive it, or throw it the 
long way home (hold the throw button down before throwing it). 
Backtrack, and make your way passed the Magons and Super Magons. Go down 
the ladder, and break open the Treasure Chest to the left to reveal the 
Amethyst Treasure. Head back up the ladder, and get off to the right.

Once you have arrived up here, you will have to jump down from platform 
to platform, and go across a tree shard to reach a Wario Statue Piece 
hanging in mid-air. Continue along, fighting off the rabid Magon and 
Super Magon enemies as you go. Once you Piledrive them into next 
Tuesday, Ground Pound the Wario Button on the right of this platform. 
Backtrack, and go down the ladder.

Fall down, bust open the Treasure Chest, and collect the Amber Treasure. 
Bounce up on the Bouncer, and you will notice a captured Spriteling that 
is inside of it's box, waiting to be rescued on the tree stump. Break it 
open, and it will discuss some pummeling matters with you. A 
Clubosaurous will appear shortly after this, so beat him up from behind, 
and test out the moves that you have learnt from here!

Go into the Wooden Trap Door in the background, and we will be 
underground, and happy there, too (five bonus points to anyone that gets 
the pun). On the left row, knock away four bricks. On the middle row, 
knock away three bricks. On the last row, knock away only one. Now climb 
them from left to right, and collect the Red Diamond/Treasure Chest item 
up top. Fall onto the Spring to exit.

Carry on to the right of the screen, and you will see a few Magons and 
one Super Magon. Try out the Somersault technique (dash with the R 
Button, and press the A Button whilst you dash) to knock the little 
buggers out. After you have eliminated them, you can collect some Coins 
from their bodies, and buy a piece of Garlic from the Garlic Seller.

Fall into the pit, and fend off the fiendish fiends. These fiends 
include three Super Magons, and one Clubosaurous. You can Piledrive a 
Super Magon into the Clubosaurous for it to lose its club. You can 
eliminate it easily from here by just pounding away at it. Jump onto the 
platform, and jump in the air to collect the Wario Statue Piece.

Climb the ladder in the background that you see, and jump off to the 
right. There will be a few Clubosaurouses up here, so destroy them with 
that big Wario head. After they are KO'ed, use one of their bodies (or 
the big Wario Head) to activate the Wario Button on the tree in the 
background. Drop back down from the left, and destroy the Treasure Chest 
to collect some goods.

After this, ignore the tons of villains in the region, and jump down 
into the Wooden Trap Door. Once inside the underground area, get 
prepared for an extremely annoying bout. Hop onto the Glue Globe, and 
turn your camera angle to Wario's side. 

Wait until you are JUST about to get hit by the spiked center, then jump 
over and cling to the next side. Remember to move slightly straight, but 
hug backwards right after that to cling back onto the Glue Glove. Ride 
this up, and get off at the top. Collect the Red Diamond and whatever 
may be inside of the Treasure Chest, and jump back down. Hit the Spring 
to go back up.

Go towards the right, stomping a hole through the legion of Magons and 
Super Magons along the way. Collect their Coins, and hop over the logs 
with the Bouncer. Make your way over yet another set of logs, and break 
open the Treasure Chest to grab the Sapphire Treasure. After this, watch 
out for the Cactyl, and carry on towards the right.

Break open the crate containing the Spriteling, and he will warn you 
about the ever-so-dangerous pits down below. If you fall into one, you 
will have to dodge the tons of Unithorns inside, and bust open every 
crate to find the Spring to exit. The crates without the Spring will 
usually contain Bombs, so get away from those.

Bust through the Wooden Trap Door in the background from here, and you 
will be faced with another puzzle, but a simple one, at that. Pull the 
Switch/Lever thingy, and the blocks in front of you will turn into a 
platform leading towards the top of the screen. Begin climbing, and bust 
the Treasure Chest to collect some goods, and then take the Red Diamond. 
Hit that Spring!

Once back at the surface of things, travel right, and across the 
bridge(s). I suggest taking the low bridge, as the top one will give 
way. Once across, there is a Garlic Seller to get you away from the pain 
of those Cactyls, as well as the last Spriteling. Listen to what it has 
to say about the big Goal Trap Door that blocks the Boss entrance. Place 
your three Red Diamonds inside to open the hatch.

...But don't go through just yet, Pilgrim. Carry on towards the right 
side, and blast away the X Bricks. Hot the blue Wario Button on the 
wall, and jump into the Wooden Trap Door down below to reach another one 
of those underground areas that we have come to either love, or despise.

Now that you're down here, you will face another Switch/Lever puzzle. 
This one isn't too hard, and I figured it out without much thinking 
(which proves something. hehe). Pull the left Switch twice, and the 
right Switch three times. After this, climb onto the small platform on 
the right, and hop up to collect whatever's inside of the Treasure 
Chest, and the Red Diamond. Spring up, Scotty.

Break on through towards the right, and Piledrive an unsuspecting 
Clubosaurous with three suspecting Super Magons. Pretty suspicious, 
don't ya think? After this, collect whatever is inside of the Treasure 
Chest, and climb up the ladder behind you. Barely fall off from behind 
to land on a tree stump. From here, activate the Wario Button.

Fall off, and climb back up the ladder. Instead of falling off this 
time, continue going left. There will be two Clubosaurouses and three 
Super Magons. Ingore all five of the villains, and bust through the 
Wooden Trap Door behind you to enter another one of the underground 
puzzles to reach a Red Diamond.

When you arrive, you will notice how both easy and hard this particular 
underground area is. All you have to do is grab onto the ledge of one of 
the sides, climb up, take the Wario Statue Piece, and the Red Diamond. 
The hard part, you ask? The several rotating spikes that will harm you 
if you happen to touch them. Timing means everything in this one. 
Afterwards, touch the Spring and you're back up top!

Destroy the Super Magon by slamming them into the Clubosaurouses. You 
can destroy them by simply jabbing at them, and Piledriving them into 
one another. Carry on to the left side of the screen, and cross over the 
small bridge. Here, you will find a few Super Magons, a few smaller 
Magons, and one big Ankiron enemy. Boy, is he mean looking or what? He 
is pretty easy. Just pound away at him, and use other enemies as weapons 
against him (Super Throws work wonders here).

After you have cleared the platform, break open the Treasure Chest on 
top of the Wario Pad, and collect the Topaz Treasure. Jump down to the 
left, and break open the next Treasure Chest to reveal the Emerald 
Treasure. This will complete the set of eight Treasures in this stage. 
Congratulations! With practically everything done, it is time for the 
boss fight, so go through the Goal Trap Door.


The Brunosaur (cute name, I know) is a highly deadly boss that reminds 
me of something that you would see out of a Crash Bandicoot game, and I 
think that is why the Brunosaur is so charming in himself. He is fairly 
easy, if you know what you are doing, but will give trouble to novices 
of the genre.

You can start the battle out by luring the Brunosaur over near you, and 
then quickly getting behind him. From here, take cruise control with a 
series of combo attacks (B Button + B Button + B Button) over and over 
again, until he begins to turn around. Once he begins turning around, 
get behind him again and beat him to death.

Once he drops, quickly grab his lifeless body and Piledrive him hard 
into the ground. After this, he will get up, shake the dust off, and get 
ready for more. He is a tough cookie, which is why he is the Brunosaur, 

He has an attack that I like to simply call the "Rage Attack." Whenever 
the Brunosaur turns around while you are pummeling him from behind, he 
will turn beet red and begin the Rage Attack in full force, but only if 
he catches a glimpse of you. To avoid the attack, just run around in 
wide circles as fast as you can.

Repeat this process twice more to defeat him. You will likely be able to 
dodge the Rage Attack the first two times, but will likely get hit the 
third. After he is dead, he will expose several (and by several, I mean 
A LOT) Large Coins and smaller Coins alike, so grab them up.

                IV.b ---------------- GREENHORN RUINS

As we start off, you will NOT want to destroy the X Brick above your 
character. Instead, climb the X Brick, and activate the Wario Button up 
atop of this platform. Afterwards, fall down and break the X Brick to 
reveal the Porcelain Vase Treasure. After this, walk over to the right 
and break all of the X Bricks, revealing another Wario Button, and a 
Fine China Treasure. Two down, six to go!

That was fast, I know. Climb the ladder, and take out the six Magons up 
here. Little heathens! Afterwards, trail on over towards the right, and 
save the Spriteling inside of the box on top of the platform-like 
object. He will give you a tip regarding swinging rotation move that we 
must do in the upcoming area.

There will be twelve (12) Magons, and a few Super Magons to boot. 
Destroy them all for their Coins, and continue along your journey. Free 
the Spriteling on the next platform-like thingy. This one will give you 
some tips regarding the gear-turning that we will have to do in the next 
area. I know I said that last time, but this time I'm for real, and not 

Break open the Treasure Chest and collect whatever is inside of it. Jump 
down to the lower platform, and destroy a few of the Super Magons, but 
leave one KO'ed. Pick it out, and do the Wild Swing-Ding move (with 
enemy picked up, rotate the grey analog stick). Do this on the gear to 
the right, in the background. This will open up the gate to the right.

Once through the gate, jump up and punch the yellow Wario Button on the 
wall in the background. After this, climb up and charge through all of 
the hectic-ness, and pick up a Clubosaurous while you avoid the tons of 
those Magons/Super Magons in that Genie Lamp. Now that you have the 
enemy in your hands, go to the back and Piledrive the Steel Trap Door. 
(NOTE: For Steel Trap Doors, you need a monster with you.)

Now that we are in one of the Red Diamond areas, you can play with that 
red arrow on the left for fun. Now you will need to cross through the 
platforms that are presented to you, which is pretty easy, actually. 
Quickly press the Switch, and jump onto the Glue Globe. It will take you 
up. Hop off of it, and carry on. 

Collect all of the circular Coins that are lined up on the big, wide 
platform (number one), as well as the Wario Statue Piece. You will have 
to cross the rotating platforms, which is very simple. Just stand on one 
until it aligns you to cross without any problems to the next platform. 
I highly suggest turning your view to overhead. At the end, collect the 
Red Diamond and exit via the Spring.

Climb the stairway to the left, and free the third Spriteling on top of 
the platform-like thingy (boy, there are a lot of those platform-like 
thingies here). He will give you some stupid speech about how hard one 
of the easiest parts of the game is, and how frustrated you will get 
trying to perform it. What an idiot.

Go towards the right, and kill the three Super Magons in this area. Once 
they are defeated, go to where the teal footsteps are, and begin jumping 
from Glue Globe to Glue Globe. Hold the Control Stick in the direction 
that the next Glue Glove is located at. Once you reach the top, go to 
the left and ignore all of the enemies. Go straight for the Wooden Trap 
Door near the back of the room.

Once you are down here, you will be faced with an extremely simple 
puzzle that complete. You must jump over the random, swaying Spikes in 
the area to reach the Red Diamond that we want so badly. If you wish to 
collect the Coins in this room afterwards, feel free to do so, however, 
you could get hit pretty hard if you waste haste. Don't forget the 
Treasure chest, either!  Exit through the Spring.

When you arise from the pit of lovely doom, we will be faced with a 
whole bunch of problems, and all of those problems just so happen to 
want us dead. Destroy the Cactyls in the area with the infamous 
Piledriver attack, and you can also attack the assortment of Magons this 
same way, as well.

After the mayhem, there is a Garlic Seller to the left, if you need some 
health (which you may, actually). Otherwise, go straight near the bottom 
of the screen, and begin killing the sets of three Magons as you 
proceed. You will cross a green, empty Wario Pad. Once you reach an 
arrow, jump in the direction the arrow points. Destroy the Treasure 
Chest to collect the Ceramic Vase Treasure. Three down!

Backtrack to the area that you climbed up from, and begin climbing up 
the second set of those Glue Globes. After you have reached the top of 
this, go to the left and begin climbing a chain that is dangling down. 
After you have reached the top of this area, carry on through to the 
next (through the tunnel of pillars) and into the battlefield...

What you will encounter here are a few nasty, new enemies, which are 
simply called the Laserbot and the Robo-Descendants. This area is fairly 
easy, so don't panic. You can harm the Laserbot by KO'ing the Robo-
Descendants, and using the Robo-Descendants in the Wild Swing-Ding 
attack on the Laserbot. 

Be sure to dodge the Laserbot's Laser attacks, as they will make you 
drop whatever Robo-Descendant you currently have in open arms. Sooner 
than later, the Laserbot will be KO'ed. Pick up the Laserbot, and do 
away with her by Piledriving the poor Laserbot into the concrete. Serves 
ya right, Pilgrim. Carry on by going down the chain.

Hop over to the second chain, and hit the Wario Button that is sticking 
out, as well as kill all of the huge amounts of Magons/Super Magons in 
the area (remember, that Piledriver is an awesome move in situations 
like this, as is the Wild Swing-Ding). Afterwards, punch the standing 
wall in the face three times, and cross over it once it falls.

We are back in this area again! Ahhh, yes! Destroy as many villains in 
the area as you wish, and begin going downwards on the screen to reach 
those very thin catwalks that we were on earlier. Remember how there was 
an empty Wario Pad that was green on the ground over here? It now has a 
Treasure Chest on it. Break it open and take the Teapot Treasure. 
Backtrack over the nearly made bridge afterwards.

Once you have made it back, safe and sound, hop over to the Glue Globes 
(where the teal footsteps tell you to go), and begin climbing across the 
gap. You will find a Wario Statue Piece in this area, hanging above the 
center Glue Globe. If you fall into the pit below, two Clubosaurouses 
will appear, so quickly get out.

Now that you are on the other side, you will want to drop all the way 
down. Well, all the way down to the point that you will be in between 
three Super Magons and one Clubosaurous. Now, from here, start running 
to the right. Clobber the Ankiron that is in this cubbyhole, and blast 
away the X Brick. Go into the Wooden Trap Door.

Once inside of here, you will have to climb on the lone platform, and 
from here, jump straight up. Go towards the right corner nearest the 
screen and hop up. One brick over, and jump again. Blow away the 
Treasure Chest, collect the goods, and climb up where it once was. From 
here, you can easily find your way to the Red Diamond. After you grab 
it, drop down and hit the Spring.

Once you exit this area, punch away the X Bricks, and press the Wario 
Button on the wall dead ahead, where the Ankiron is. After this is done, 
you will have to climb up the Glue Globes towards the left. Now, begin 
dropping down again, only this time from platform to platform. On the 
second to the left, blast away the Treasure Chest to collect the Vase 

After this, drop down further. There is a Garlic Seller here, if you 
happen to need the health. Drop down all the way, and go to the left. 
Use the Clubosaurous to unlock the winding gate (you know, spin the 
Clubby around in a circle to open that gate from the gear). After this, 
cross through and continue left.

Kill the three aligned Magons, and ignore that damned annoying Genie 
Lamp. After this, hop onto dry land and slam in the Wario Button on the 
ground. Go over and punch the wall in the face three times to make it 
drop. After this, climb the Glue Globes to the right, and collect the 
Wario Statue Piece that floats at the end of the trail.

Cross over the nearly created bridge that is made out of a living wall 
(talk about being scary), and you will notice that there is now a 
Treasure Chest lying on top of the Wario Pad that was once empty. Oh 
joy! Break it open and collect the sixth Treasure, the Precious Pot. 
Now, you can go back across the bridge.

Open the gate by using a Super Magon from the Genie Lamp to spin the 
lock open. After this, go inside and hop up the lined up Glue Globes in 
front of the Ankiron. Once you are at the top of them, go to the right. 
You will notice another Spriteling, this time on... another platform-
like thingy. Save him, and he will mention the battle ring. Go into the 
Wooden Trap Door afterwards.

Now that you are inside of the Red Diamond area, you will have to climb 
the stacked platforms over on the left, and punch the platform that has 
the arrows all over it in the direction of the high platform straight 
ahead. After this, jump down, and go over to the Arrow Block, and hang 
onto the ledge. Climb up, grab the Red Diamond and Wario Statue Piece, 
and hit the Spring to exit!

Go ahead and trail over to the right to enter the Battle Ring. You will 
face plenty of Magons, Super Magons, Clubosaurouses, and the like, in 
unlimited amounts, to boot. You will basically just have to whip some 
ass in this Battle Ring, relentlessly. After the time has expired (the 
time is in the middle of the screen, up top), go right further, and down 
the stairs.

Slide down the two chains, and begin to pummel the Magons and Super 
Magons to the right. Grab a Super Magon, and Piledrive it into the Steel 
Trap Door to the left. You will have to prepare for a very tough Red 
Diamond area in the game, and something that resembles a stage in Super 
Mario Sunshine. Gah.

Jump over to the first wheel, and await for the big wheel to turn on a 
clean slate. Jump over to it, hop up top, collect the Coins, and time 
your jump perfectly over to the next. Collect all of the Coins while 
avoiding the spinning Spikes, and time your next jump over to the next 
platform. After the easy hop (ignore the Coins), collect the Red 
Diamond, as well as the Wario Statue Piece. Exit via the Spring.

Trail on over towards the right again, and punch the falling wall in the 
face three times to make it fall over. Cross over it, and head towards 
the right. Ignore the Genie Lamp, and break ONE of the X Bricks. Climb 
towards the top, and hit the Wario Button. Go back down, and break away 
all of the other X Bricks (they are like dominos, if you hit one, it 
leads to the blasting point of this next. Remember to Ground Pound the 
one facing up) to reveal a second Wario Button. Punch it.

After the two Wario Buttons have been activated, you will notice a Steel 
Trap Door in the area that must be slammed down with a buddy, so go over 
to the Genie Lamp and wait the arrival of a Super Magon. Once the Super 
Magon pops out, punch him once, and pick him out. Take him over to the 
Steel Trap Door and perform a Piledriver to fall through.

Once inside of the Red Diamond area, you will notice that straight 
ahead, there is an area that is more annoying than most of those Super 
Monkey Ball stages. My best advice for this is to walk through on the 
bottom, ignoring the Coins and such on the "push" platforms. Do not get 
pushed off by the platforms, though.

As you make your way through this area, dodging all of the "push" 
platforms, you will eventually make your way to the end of this platform 
terror, and to another. Collect the Wario Statue Piece, and jump over to 
the closest platform once it is about to be on top. You will face 
several of these platforms, and the thing to remember is to jump on top 
of them once the farthest of the two platforms surfaces for jumping.

After you jump across the platforms that are pretty much straight ahead, 
you will have to face another set from either the left, or the right. 
Take you time if you need, just remember to hop onto the "fresh" 
platform as soon as it's ready. Now jump across, through the long 
platforms that are juggling, to another pair of short ones, and to the 
solid platform. Patience is everything, so DO NOT RUSH THROUGH THIS. 
Collect the Red Diamond, and exit because of that lovely Spring.

Now that we have that Hellish ordeal completed, go to the left, and take 
a Super Magon with the Wild Swing-Ding to the gear in the background. 
Don't even bother with climbing up the ladder to the right, just jump up 
the one exposed to the left that is cut off at mid-way. By the way, I 
must admit that I love the ladders-behind-the-gate idea.

After you have reached the top, go to the left, and up the Glue Globe. 
Hurry up and dart in the back of the Ankiron, and you will notice a 
Wooden Trap Door. Go through it to reach a Red Diamond Area. This is 
easy, but annoying. Simply search all of the big Wario Heads, and there 
will be a Red Diamond (hint: you can see it glowing from out of the 
Wario Head), and a Wario Statue Piece underneath two of them. Exit from 
the Spring.

You can destroy the Blastoise... er... Ankiron now. Go over to the left, 
and collect the Lucky Figurine Treasure from the Treasure Chest. Only 
one more, and we will unlock another Minigame! Backtrack, and go to the 
right of the Ankiron, and over the Glue Globes. You will reach another 
Garlic Seller, and a few Clubosaurouses. Defeat them, and go right.

Here, you will find a group of Magons lined up to block your way 
through, as well as some Cactyls in the next area. Right down from here 
is a Treasure Chest containing the NES Treasure. Congrats, you've 
collected all eight Treasures. Break open the Spriteling above, and it 
will tell you about Spritelings and rewards... Hmm...

Head on over towards the right, and release the lock on the Goal Trap 
Door by standing around. Go through the Steel Trap Door farther right 
using a Cactyl, and you will enter another Super Monkey Ball-like area. 
EASY stuff, though. Go across the wavy platforms (looks like they're 
doing the wave... heh...), and grab the Wario Statue Piece to complete 
the statue, and the Red Diamond. Touch the Spring!

Go through the Goal Trap Door to reach the second of the bosses... Yeah, 
this is a short paragraph, if you even consider it a paragraph. But hey, 
everything's done, yanno.

>------GULP WORM------<

The Gulp Worm reminds me an awful lot of the one Gulp Worm boss in one 
of the castles in the new Legend of Zelda game (The Wind Maker.. er, 
Waker [inside joke]). Is it just me, or do you see it, too? That, or the 
Gulp Worm from The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past. Regardless, this 
boss looks like a Zelda boss, alright?

The Gulp Worm has two different attacks that it cares to frequent 
against poor old Wario, and it has a lot of the same patterns as the 
Brunosaur used, as well. The first attack, and most popular, is the Hail 
Spiking attack, in which the Gulp Worm will pick a spot, and spit out 
around ten Spikes into the region. Needless to say, you might want to 
keep in motion.

The second attack, which is the one that will more than likely hit you 
in comparison to the other attack, is the Slice And Dice. This attack is 
where the Gulp Worm will appear to be a Preying Mantis and begin slicing 
and, well, dicing you. It will use its long, sharp legs as knives, and 
slam them down, one after another, on top of you.

There is an easy way to tell where the Gulp Worm will show up at, and 
that is by looking at the movement (followed by a darker image, somewhat 
like a shadow) inside of the quick sand, which is also very dangerous, 
might I add, yet it will not suck you in for the kill. If you do happen 
to follow the Gulp Worm's shadow movements, you will get a few seconds 
advantage on him.

To kill him, you will notice that he has a health meter, as well. You 
will need to deplete his health five times, which is pretty easy, if you 
have a few hearts left. You will need to perform a combo on the Gulp 
Worm's head as it is surfaced (combos are just the B Button three times 
in a row, folks). Yes, it's that easy...

...sort of, anyway. The main bad thing about attacking the Gulp Worm is 
the fact that it will get very pissed off about you wanting to harm it, 
and begin flashing red (much like Brunosaur) and using the Slice And 
Dice attack up close. If far away, it will go into the center of the 
quick sand and VERY quickly spit out the Spikes to hit you. If you are 
too close, jump out of the center like a mad man. Once it is dead, 
collect your pay that the dead body somehow throws out. Go figure, eh?

                IV.c ---------- DINOMIGHTY's SHOWDOWN

Instead of putting up with a full stage, we will just go through the 
door and automatically enter the Super Boss Fight. Youch!

DinoMighty is big. Very big, in fact. So big, that he makes Wario look 
like Jared AFTER the Subway diet. That is how big DinoMighty is. But 
enough about this VERY BIG monster's size (which is very big, btw). 
Despite DinoMighty's size, Wario CAN take him out, and a lot of gamers 
may find a bit of trouble in doing so.

In this paragraph, I will give a simple explanation on how to defeat 
DinoMighty the extremely easy way. Instead of going about with such 
tough struggles like attacking the feet/stomach of DinoMighty, you can 
simply pick up a Pillar, and throw it into DinoMighty. This will either 
KO DinoMighty, setting up the pick up/Piledriver combo, or knock 
DinoMighty into the lava, taking away a Skull, as well as giving you a 
LOT of Coins.

DinoMighty's weak points are fairly simple; you can attack DinoMighty's 
feet, for one, if you are once of the lazy gamers in the world that 
hates performing a bunch of tense jumps and the like. DinoMighty's feet 
are a fairly big weak point, however, the main thing about staying right 
near DinoMighty's feet is the fact that you could easily get crushed.

Which brings me to the whole "attack" scheme, again. If you desire to 
avoid DinoMighty's attacks, then listen up. DinoMighty will use a very 
heavy foot stomp with both feet, where it will lift a foot and perform a 
Sumo Roundhouse Kick. In other words, it will pick up a leg, and drop it 
after stretching farther (left leg will stretch far left and drop, right 
leg will stretch far right and drop, etc). Don't forget to jump whenever 
DinoMighty leaps into the air, as when DinoMighty falls, a shock wave 
will go around the room.

Now that you are aware of the basic leg dropping technique that 
DinoMighty favors so frequently, you can avoid it to the maximum by 
simply jumping onto DinoMighty's tail, and riding along the way. This is 
fairly pointless, however, as it does no damage to DinoMighty. 
Sometimes, DinoMighty will become damaged by itself while you are on the 
tail by jumping onto a Pillar. Do not hold on too long to DinoMighty's 
tail, as it will whip it downwards and crash you into the floor.

Which brings us on how to destroy DinoMighty... You can KO DinoMighty by 
attacking the stomach/feet of it for long enough, hitting it in the 
stomach with a Pillar, or even waiting for DinoMighty to hit itself with 
one of the Pillars in the big room. Once it is OK'ed, jump off of its 
tail or run up to it, pick it up, and Piledrive it. DinoMighty will also 
use it's mouth to attack, which I believe is pointless to jump onto the 
Glue Globe that is it's tongue. 

After you Piledrive DinoMighty five times to deplete it's health (and 
remember to jump in the air after every attack to avoid the shock wave), 
you will be rewarded by opening up a new part of the game to play in, 
and unlocking part of the super big key in the game. Congratulations! 
You have cleared Excitement Central!


 S   P   O   O   K   T   A   S   T   I   C          W   O   R   L   D


                IV.d ------------------- HORROR MANOR

As we enter Horror Manor (the stage, not the Manor, which will come 
later on in the stage), we will notice that there is no way to go but 
up, so do so. OH MY GOD! It's a skinless version of the Magons that we 
encountered in the Excitement Central levels! No need to fret here, 
ladies and gentlemen. They will die just as easily as those Magons.

Go over towards the left a tad bit, and break open the Spriteling that 
is trapped inside of the box. He will give you a tip on the upcoming 
enemy, the Big Bone-Fist. After you have a nice chit-chat with the 
Spriteling (as well as some mint herbal tea), head on over towards the 
dead (HAHA! Pun!) center, and destroy all of the Fossagons that pop up.

After you get through with those stupid Fossagons that you could kill 
whilst blindfolded, you will soon discover that Big Bone-Fist that they 
mentioned back at the Spriteling. The easy way to defeat the Big Bone-
Fist is to await its attack, the Smoking Gun, and dodge the backfire 
that it presents. Here, it will either grab you (which you can easily 
escape), or attempt to squash you with it's fist. While it's fist is on 
the ground, jump into the air and come down with a Ground Pound on top 
of the glowing part.

Collect the Coins that drop in a circle, and go through the doorway. You 
will find a lot of Fossagons to the right, as well as your first set of 
Super Fossagons to the right (only farther). I highly suggest using the 
Wild Swing-Ding attack to take every last one of them out. After this, 
punch the Wario Button on the wall.

From here, quickly jump up onto the Wario Button, and jump straight up 
to the platform above.Bust open the Treasure Chest to receive the 
Candlestick Treasure. Seven to go. Walk over to the left, and activate 
the Ghost Globe. If you walk over near it, a ghost carrying a Glue Globe 
will appear from the ground. It will begin floating towards the top, so 
grab onto the Glue Globe and ride it up. Jump off to the left.

Go around the front of the small railing that you will see in front of 
the gates that you cannot climb over. Once you have made your way around 
the gates, you will notice a Wario Button on the ground. Ground Pound it 
to activate a Treasure Chest in the far distance. Ignore that for now, 
and Ground Pound through the Wooden Trap Door.

Once inside of the first Red Diamond area, fix the camera angle to where 
it is facing the left side of the original screen, and you will notice a 
hole inside of the huge block platform in the center. Climb into this, 
and jump over to the left and go through. You will now have to fix the 
camera angle in it's original place, and go left, and then up. Jump out 
and collect the Red Diamond, as well as the Wario Statue Piece, and 

Now, jump back down from this area, and make your way passed the 
doorway, and passed every area that you have seen thus far. Now you will 
duel with three sets of Fossagons that will pop out of the ground over 
the bridge that you are standing on. A one-two punch should eliminate 
each set without struggle. Cross the bridge.

After you have crossed the bridge, you will battle with another 
Laserbot, and the Robo-Descendants that she brings along with her. The 
reason I call the Laserbot a "her"? It looks feminine, dude. Anyways, 
remember the routine that we did back at the Greenhorn Ruins on the 
Laserbot, and this should be a simple battle.

Carry on after this battle, and you will enter the graveyard of the 
Horror Manor. Down below, you will notice amidst the tons of Fossagons 
and Super Fossagons, a Treasure Chest located atop of a Wario Pad. Break 
it open, and collect the Silver Candlestick Treasure. By now, you have 
two. Break open the Treasure Chest above, and enter the Wooden Trap 

Inside of the second Red Diamond area, you will have to attack the 
Switch/Lever, and quickly jump onto the platform to the right, and hang 
on. Jump on top of it, and attack the next Switch/Lever, and quickly 
cling onto it, and ride it upwards. Collect the Red Diamond, and free 
the Spriteling in the box. He will tell you about the Swirly Slabs. 
Hmm... Exit here via the Spring.

Backtrack to the small area right outside of the graveyard's gates, and 
you will notice a Swirly Slab down below. You will have to enter the 
graveyard and look for a Super Fossagon. Ahh! There's one! KO him, and 
carry him to the Swirly Slab. From here, jump atop of the Swirly Slab, 
and begin performing the Wild Swing-Ding move. This will raise the 
platform. Collect the Wario Statue Piece above the pillar, and fall 

Continue back passed the graveyard, and you will notice on the upper 
path, there is a Wario Button. Slam down on it with the Ground Pound, 
and ignore that area to the right, as we will get to that later on. 
Follow the bottom path, and you will have to take out another one of 
those annoying Big Bone-Fist. Gah. This one is crazier with the Smoking 
Gun, so watch out.

After the Big Bone-Fist has been destroyed, go through the doorway and 
you will find your first set of three Bone Cactyls. Lame name on my 
part, I know. Knock one of them out with a swift karate punch, and pick 
him up. Take him to the Swirly Slab, and begin doing the Wild Swing-
Ding. This will kill all three, and make it so that you can reach the 
Wario Statue Piece. Carry on.

Now that we have three of the Wario Statue Pieces, march forward until 
you notice a new enemy; The Swift Shark. The Swift Shark, which I named 
after the GameFAQs contributors for no apparent reason, is a shark that 
is swift. If it notices you in the water, it will begin zooming towards 
you at a very fast pace. It will even hide underground, and pop out 
every once and a while to attack you. Three hits will KO it, setting you 
up for the pick up.

Jump over the Steel Trap Door, and Piledriver the Swift Shark through 
it. In this Red Diamond area, there will be rotating platforms that lead 
you through two set of Spikes that rotate around the platforms, to boot. 
Jump onto a platform, and set the camera up on the side. Jump over both 
sets of Spikes, and collect the Red Diamond. 

You can break open a Treasure Chest in the center of this room by 
jumping to the platform via two different rotating platforms, however, I 
highly suggest not doing it, unless you are REALLY low on health or 
something like that, since it wastes a bit of time, yanno. Hit the 
Spring once you are done here.

Make your way through the second pit of Swift Sharks to the right, and 
go up the stairway. There is a Garlic Seller for 40 Coins at the top, if 
you need any. Go to the left, and go up the ladder. Head over towards 
the left again, killing the Fossagons in your way, and head up the Ghost 

Jump off to the right, and defeat the Fossagons. You will be forced to 
jump over a well-placed Spike, and defeat more Fossagons, to boot. Jump 
over a pair of Spikes, and go up the second Ghost Globe. Jump off over 
to the left this time. Ground Pound the Wario Button, which will trigger 
a Laserbot to come out of nowhere. You know how to defeat her by now.

After all of this, jump off the roof to the left, hugging up while 
you're at it. You should land where you took the first Ghost Globe out 
of this recent set, so go left further. Crack the Treasure Chest, and 
jump onto the second Ghost Globe that you see. Hop over the door to the 
left, and break the Treasure Chest in front of the Steel Trap Door to 
collect the Forest Painting Treasure. You now have three.

Grab a Bone Cactyl, and bust through the Steel Trap Door. This maze 
looks hard, but isn't too much trouble. Wait until the first line forms 
straight, and right away, begin running forward. It will soon transform 
into a block of steps that you must climb to the top of. Jump off 
straight ahead and land on the solid platform, and collect the Wario 
Statue Piece.

The second of the two transforming platform is a lot faster than the 
first one, so we will need to think things through before we jump over 
to it. Wait until it comes around and straightens. Right before it 
becomes straight, jump onto it and jump. 

Climb up the platforms once it changes, and stand on the very top 
platform once it straightens vertically. Now begin climbing down the 
platforms once it changes again, and stand on the very last platform 
once it straightens again. Jump over to the next platform after it rises 
again, and collect the Red Diamond. Exit through the Spring. 

Jump down, and follow the path. Instead of climbing up the stairs this 
time, go straight. You will encounter seven Fossagons, and two 
Bonosaurouses. These things are the exact same thing as the 
Clubosaurouses, only with a different skin. Destroy one by Piledriving 
it onto the other, and then Super Throw the second one into the Gold 

For your information, the Gold Doorkeeper is very easy. Seven hits will 
kill it, but it throws flames at you, so killing it with the Bonosaurous 
is a wise move. Once inside of the manor, climb the Ghost Globe in the 
background, and destroy the Gold Doorkeeper to the left. Afterwards, go 
through the doorway, across the balconies, and save the Spriteling. 
He'll fess up about the Hyper Suction by pressing L to collect Coins in 
the distance.

Backtrack over the balconies, and through the doorway. See those teal 
footsteps? Go over to them, and jump onto the chain that is hanging 
there. Jump over to the next platform, and pound in the Wario Button. 
After this, simply jump over to the next chain on the right, and hop 
over to the solid platform. Destroy the Gold Doorkeeper that is firing 
fireballs at you.

After this, go into the background and bust open the Treasure Chest on 
top of the Wario Pad to collect the Crystal Ball Treasure, but be highly 
aware of the electricity. Wait for it to stop before crossing. Now go 
back to the second Gold Doorkeeper doorway, and go through it. Break 
open the Spriteling to hear about Autospin.

With this done, we need one more Spriteling. Carry on to the right and 
you will encounter a Bonkiron, which is just like an Ankiron, only it 
looks less like Blastoise. Knock him out, and carry him over to the 
Silver Doorkeeper and throw him into it. The Silver Doorkeeper will 
release a large laser beam if you hit it long enough, so halt on killing 
it after three hits until it cools off.

Go through the doorway of the Silver Doorkeeper, and bust through the 
Wooden Trap Door. You will land in a very easy Red Diamond area. There 
will be two strands of electricity that are wrapped around the platform 
containing the Red Diamond, so simply jump over them and collect the Red 
Diamond. There's a Treasure Chest straight ahead, if you need. Hit that 
Spring to exit!

Destroy the Bone Cactyls in the area, floating above, and go down the 
stairway, Ground Pounding the blue Wario Button along the way. Crack 
open the Treasure Chest to reveal some Coins or a piece of Garlic. Go 
left and destroy the Silver Doorkeeper, taking breaks in between 
attacks, and then go through. Go over to the stairway on the opposite 
side, and collect the Wario Statue Piece.

Fall into the big hole in center, and you will land in a Battle Ring. 
Ouch! You will have to do battle with everything from Fossagons to Super 
Fossagons to Bonosaurouses. Regardless, it is only one minute, and it 
will not be too hard if you Piledrive into the Bonosaurouses, and Wild 
Swing-Ding everything else that shows up.

Once you get through with the Battle Ring, head right, and you will soon 
find a few Swift Sharks in the area. Leave at least one of them alive, 
as you will need it for the Swirly Slab to the right. Before you use 
this, you can grab some Garlic from the Garlic Seller above, if you 
need. Now use the Swirly Slab using the Swift Shark, and climb up to the 

In the background, there is a Treasure Chest blocked by an on and off 
again electricity outlet, so grab the treasure inside of it (Castle 
Painting). You should have five Treasures now. Climb up the Ghost Globe 
that is down and to the left. Jump off, and go to the left. You will 
have to avoid the Death Smashers in the area, and make a very long jump 
to a small platform. Ground Pound the Wooden Trap Door.

In this Red Diamond area, you will have to jump onto the large platform 
to the left, and avoid getting knocked off of the upcoming smaller 
platforms that will turn every other second. This is not as hard as it 
sounds, as you can jump up straight into the air to avoid falling off of 
the platform. There are five turning platforms in total. Once at the 
top, collect the Wario Statue Piece and the Red Diamond. Now exit by 
hitting that Spring.

Jump down, and backtrack by using a Swift Shark on the Swirly Slab to 
reach the platform, and take the Ghost Globe to reach the next platform. 
Instead of going left, go right this time. Go down the ladder, and you 
will soon encounter a few Swift Sharks inside of this pool. Use one of 
them on the Steel Trap Door in the center.

The Red Diamond area here is extremely simple, and the only reason I 
could not call it the easiest Red Diamond area yet is due to the fact 
that you COULD fall, if you tried that hard to collect all of the Coins 
in the area. Wait until the platforms slow down, and then jump onto a 
platform, and begin jumping across several other blocks (including the 
icy blue ones). Wait for it to carry you to the Red Diamond. Jump off, 
and to the Red Diamond, and then the Wario Statue Piece. Hit the exit 

With this finished, we need one more Red Diamond in the stage. Go 
straight in the bachground, and hop onto one of the Glue Globes on the 
big wheel. Now, jump off towards the right after you jump on top of the 
wheel. Go down, avoiding the electricity outlets, and you will notice a 
Wario Pad with a Treasure Chest to the left. Collect the Knight's Helmet 
Treasure Item.

Trail over to the right, and collect whatever item(s) is/are in the 
Treasure Chest. Backtrack, and go up, passed the electricity outlets, 
and to the right. Jump onto the two Glue Globes, and make a long jump to 
the chain. Jump off to the right, and Ground Pound the Wario Button. 
Backtrack to the thin platform with the two electricity outlets.

Once you are back here, cross over passed the wheel to the left, and 
climb the Glue Globe. Go passed the two electricity outlets, and to the 
right. Break open the Treasure Chest atop of the Wario Pad to reveal the 
seventh Treasure, the Gladiator's Helmet. Now, go back across the first 
wheel, and over the Glue Globe.

Cross over the next wheel by jumping onto the two Glue Globes, and onto 
the chain. Yes, we were just here. Jump onto the platform, and then to 
the next chain. Drop onto the huge gear, and jump over onto the Glue 
Globes to the right. Watch out for the Death Smashers, and get in 
between them. Free the last Spriteling, and it will tell you about the 
boss, Brawl Doll.

Drop down completely to the left, and press the pink Wario Button to the 
right. There will be a couple of Genie Lamps down here, so use a Super 
Fossagon to pump away at the Swirly Slab to the lower left of the screen 
(it may take a while for the Genie Lamp to spit one out). After this, 
jump onto the platform to the left, and go through the Steel Trap Door 
using the Bonkiron up ahead.

This Red Diamond area is pretty tough, and there is not much advice that 
I can expose to you. Terribly sorry, but you just need to time each jump 
across the tiny, floating platforms extremely well, and I highly suggest 
using either an overhead view, or a side view. At the end, grab the Red 
Diamond, as well as the Wario Statue Piece (completed! whee!) and exit 
via the Spring.

Afterwards, go back up to the top of the third big gear that we reached 
the last Spriteling from, and grab onto the Glue Globes from here. 
Instead of jumping up there, we will need to jump VERY lightly, and 
reach the platform below it. Beyond the electricity outlet is a Treasure 
Chest containing the last of the eight treasures in this stage, the 
Ornate Bag. 

Go passed the electricity outlet once it cools down, and go down further 
to unlock the Goal Trap Door. If you wish to get some Garlic right about 
now, you can take the Glue Globe to the right on the wall, and follow it 
further upwards to a Garlic Seller, who is pricey, but works all the 
same. Otherwise/afterwards, go through the Goal Trap Door.

>------BRAWL DOLL-----<

After watching a lengthy introduction to the boss, you will have to duel 
with the cute/spooky Brawl Doll. There are several methods to use 
whenever you are fighting with Brawl Doll, including using objects as 
weapons, fighting with your fist, etc... However, the most effective is 
also really impressively cool in detail.

The best way to defeat Brawl Doll is to pick up one of the three lit-up 
Pillars on the battlefield, and wait as the Brawl Doll begins to come 
near you (but not too close, as it will get interrupted by Brawl Doll 
herself), and then use the lit-up Pillar as a spinning weapon by 
performing the Wild Swing-Ding with the Pillar in hand.

This will hit the Brawl Doll, making her a little dizzy/out of it, per 
se. This will also make the room a little bit darker, considering you 
just destroyed one of the four things that light up the room. Quickly 
pick up Brawl Doll while she is KO'ed, and Piledrive her into the 
ground. That should teach her.

...Or not. Brawl Doll becomes enraged at this point, and decides to 
unleash her fury onto poor old Wario! She will release three small rays 
of energy, which are a lot like fast fireballs that will quickly glide 
through the floor in search of destroying your character. This is 
certainly not good. Just stand in between two of the energy balls.

After this, pick up another one of the well-lit Pillars, and await the 
arrival of the Brawl Doll. Once it gets somewhat close, begin spinning 
the Pillar in circles until the Wild Swing-Ding is performed. After 
hitting Brawl Doll upside the head with the Pillar, she will be KO'ed. 
Pick her up, and Piledrive her yet again. Three hits to go!

It is at this time that the Brawl Doll will shift over and into the 
background yet again, and this time will release two sets of three 
energy rays (six energy rays in total) that will zig zag, and come after 
you from the left to right, and right to left. This is fairly tough 
attack to dodge, but I suggest jumping.

Grab the third and final well-lit Pillar, and begin spinning it a bit 
prematurely compared to the last time that you spun the Pillar, since 
the Brawl Doll will begin coming after you faster. Once it crashes into 
the Brawl Doll, you know the drill! Take her out by picking up her limp 
body, and Piledriving it into the concrete!

At this time, the Brawl Doll will shift into the background once again, 
and release a devastating attack of energy rays that will consist of 
five separate beams, and two will trace across the room and zig zag to 
hit you. One will be a lone energy ray, the next will be a beam 
consisting of five rays, and the fourth that soon follows consists of 
the basic three (I believe).

Now, you are all out of well-lit Pillars, and the only light that exists 
to keep the room on the up and up is the halo above the Brawl Doll's 
head. So no matter what, the room will remained lit until the end of the 
battle. You have a choice here; you can take out the Brawl Doll head on 
by combo-ing her until she is KO'ed, or wait until the Pillars have 

After a swift Piledriver into the hard ground, the Brawl Doll will shift 
into the background yet again (which you are likely sick of) and unleash 
a terrifying attack of energy rays/beams. This consists of six beams, 
and only lord knows how many energy rays. The first three will zig zag 
to hit you, and the next three will be grounded, much like the ones 

Well, by now, you know to hit her with a Pillar to get the KO, and 
Piledrive her to finish the battle in a stunning victory on your part. 
However, I think I will mention that the other attack that the Brawl 
Doll uses is a combo of her own, much like yours, which will leave you 
loopy. After the battle, celebrate!

                IV.e ------------------- WONKY CIRCUS

Once you start out at Wonky Circus, you will be greeted by a few Clowns. 
These are basically just like the Fossagons, or the Magons, in that they 
are tiny and stupid and weak and pitiful. No, I'm not full of angst. 
What're you talking about? Simply push them away by DESTROYING THEM!!! 
Okay, my hate is out for the next few hours.

Cross over the bridge to the left, and watch out for the Clown Cannon. 
This bad boy will shoot out three massive bullets (even larger than 
those in Super Mario World) that will definitely harm you. After they 
are done, cross the bridge for real this time, and take out the Clowns. 
Free the Spritling on the platform above.

The Spriteling will mumble something about a Electric Clown Fence or 
something. That's lovely. Jump over to the next platform on the left, 
and break open the Treasure Chest inside of the cubbyhole. Collect 
whatever is inside of it, and exit. Jump over to the next platform on 
the left, and Ground Pound the Wario Button.

Hop down from the platform, and you will have to duel with a few Super 
Clowns in the area. There are four, so KO one of them, and perform the 
Wild Swing-Ding to send a few of the other ones for a loop. Cross the 
bridge to the left after you avoid the Clown Cannon, and destroy the 
group of Super Clowns over here.

Climb up onto the small platform above this, and break open the Treasure 
Chest above the Wario Pad to collect your first Treasure in the area, 
the Bugle. After this, jump on over to the next platform, and ignore the 
Wooden Trap Door for now. Jump over towards the left to reach the third 
platform containing a Wario Statue Piece floating above it. Now you can 
go through the Wooden Trap Door.

In this Red Diamond area, you will have to pick a ladder; the one dead 
ahead of you, or the one to the right of you. Either way you choose, you 
can reach your other destination. You will have to squeeze in between 
the Spikes that are rotating, and slowly climb the ladder (remember to 
stall right after this to avoid getting hit by the stopping Spike). 
Collect the Red Diamond, as well as the Wario Statue Piece, once you 
reach the top. Hop down and hit the Spring to exit.

Jump down from the platform, and begin attacking the Super Clowns in the 
area. Once you have downed them all, cross over the next bridge to the 
left whilst avoiding the Clown Cannon's bullets. Once you reach the 
other side of the bridge, you will have to square off with that so-
called Electric Clown Fence that the Spriteling mentioned.

Punch the Super Clown that will appear to the right directly in the 
face, and then pick up his limp body. Throw it into the target (jump and 
throw, if need be) that is rotating at random on the front panel of the 
Electric Clown Fence. If you hit it correctly three times, it will be 
destroyed, allowing you to pass if you wish to, and trust me, you do 
wish to. Word.

Collect the Coins, and go up the stairway. Ignore the Fat Birds, and go 
through the Wooden Trap Door. As you enter, you will soon notice a Glue 
Globe in front of you. Jump onto it, and then take it to the next Glue 
Globe on the left. From this one, jump onto the ledge and pull yourself 
up. Grab the Red Diamond. 

Hop over to the Glue Globe that was on the right and grab onto the ledge 
of that floor. Pull yourself up and collect the item in the Treasure 
Chest. Now you can exit via the Spring after you get through jumping 
down (and safely, might I add).

After you exit the Red Diamond area, kill the Fat Birds before they send 
their Bombs down onto you (you can kill them much like you do with the 
Cactyls and such), and head over to the left. You will notice a catapult 
that will send you flying across the screen, but ignore it for now and 
jump straight into the "pit."

Down here, you will be forced to play tag with a Laserbot, however, this 
Laserbot is not like the other Laserbots in the game that we have 
encountered thus far. Instead of using Lasers, this Laserbot will attack 
with energy rays (like the Gold Doorkeepers, kinda). Those energy rays 
will come out, and zoom in the direction that you are currently in. 
Regardless, they are still just as simple. You know how to take her out, 
so do so.

Afterwards, a whole bunch of Super Clowns will appear literally out of 
nowhere. Take one of them in your arms, and bust through the Steel Trap 
Door below. This Red Diamond area is EXTREMELY difficult, and once 
again, reminds me a lot of a Super Monkey Ball stage. Quickly jump over 
to the platform, and head northwest across them, leading straight north. 

The goal to heading all the up north is that we have to get to the 
farthest platform away, which will give us a path that leads down, and 
safely, to boot. Somewhere in between all of this, all of the platforms 
will slowly shift, so if you are still on one of the sides once this 
takes place, you will likely fall to your doom. So be sure to take 
breaks and slowly tip-toe (lightly press the Control Stick) to the other 
side when the time comes.

Once you have reached the platform that is the farthest away from where 
you started, begin looking for a Coin trail. When you see the lone Coin, 
fall off at this very point, and be sure to keep an eye on the ground 
below. Fall accordingly, and grab your Red Diamond, and your Wario 
Statue Piece. Now exit this hectic Red Diamond area via the Spring!


  :::  :::  :::  :::     SECTION V.  -  ENEMIES     :::  :::  :::  :::

Here is where you can find a full list of the enemies in the game. They 
will be in order of A through Z. I do hope that you enjoy the 
presentation. The stage listed is the stage section that you first find 
them in. Have fun!   

:                       : <------ NAME OF THE ENEMY
:                       : <------ NAME OF LEVEL SECTION THEY ARE IN


:        ANKIRON        :

The Ankiron is a big turtle with a huge cannon on it's back, and 
obviously makes his first appearance inside of the Excitement Central 
area of the game. You can dismantle him by using other enemies (such as 
Super Magons) as weapons against him. Just attack him hard and heavy to 
win the battle.

:     BIG BONE-FIST     :

The easy way to defeat the Big Bone-Fist is to await its attack, the 
Smoking Gun, and dodge the backfire that it presents. Here, it will 
either grab you (which you can easily escape), or attempt to squash you 
with it's fist. While it's fist is on the ground, jump into the air and 
come down with a Ground Pound on top of the glowing part.

:     BONE CRACTYL      :

Bone Cactyls are almost identical to their cousins, the Cactyls. They 
will fly around above you, swoop down below to pick you up, and 
Piledrive you into the ground. You can avoid this move by tapping a lot 
of buttons. They will also drop Bombs, which makes them different from 
their living counterparts. 

:       BONKIRON        :

Pronounced "Bone-kiron," not "Bonk-iron." This isn't an adventure about 
a character with a huge head to headbutts things, dammit. These are just 
merely fossilized versions of the Ankirons that we found earlier in the 
game at Excitement Central. Boy, the developers must have been 
thoughtless and/or bored to use this concept until it was dead. Dead! 
Get it?? Ha!

:      BONOSAUROUS      :

Pronounced "Bone-osaurous," not "Bono-saurous," like the lead singer 
from U2. This enemy is simply a devolution of the Clubosaurous from 
Excitement Central. The only difference here is the skin, or lack 
thereof, on the Bonosaurous.

:         CLOWN         :

Yes, I know I am extremely witty for making up such a wonderful and 
ingenious name as the "Clowns" for the clown enemies in the Wonky Circus 
stage. These things are just like the Magons, as in they are stupid and 

:     CLOWN CANNON      :

You cannot destroy the Clown Cannon, as it is an awful lot like the 
Death Smashers that you encounter in the Horror Manor stage. Just simply 
avoid the three bullets that they spit out.

:      CLUBOSAUROUS     :

The Clubosaurous (a made up name, as far as I believe) is a big dinosaur 
with a huge club that it will use to beat you down with. Even after the 
Clubosaurous loses its club, it will attack you with a charge attack. A 
special throw, or Piledriver, will finish the job on this villain.

:        CRACTYL        :

The Cractyl enemies are pretty wicked towards poor Wario. They will pick 
you up, carry you high into the air, and power slam you down to the 
ground, removing a tad bit of health from your health meter. Not very 
nice at all, really. You can escape their claws from mid-air, so do not 
worry too much.


These things are simply big crushing devices which cannot by killed, nor 
harmed, nor stopped. See? They are Godly. *bows to them*


The Electric Clown Fence is actually a really cool idea that is, to my 
knowledge, fairly original. You will have to hit the moving target to 
destroy the Electric Clown Fence, leading to the area beyond it.

:        FAT BIRD       :

Yet another example of why I should never be given creative control over 
the name of an enemy. The Fat Birds are as fat as Wario (or myself, for 
that matter), and they enjoy dropping Bombs on your instead of bird poo. 
You can destroy them exactly like how you destroy the Cactyls/Bone 

:       FOSSAGONS       :

The Fossagons are a boned version of the Magons. There is absolutely no 
difference (besides the skin, or lack thereof) between the Fossagons and 
the Magons. They will both easily go down with a simple punch.

:       GENIE LAMP      :

The Genie Lamps are not really enemies in themselves, and are sometimes 
actually helpful. They will spit out several types of enemies for you to 
destroy over and over again, and are pretty friendly when it comes to 
making Coins.


The Gold Doorkeeper is one of the few enemies that have stayed from the 
very early E3 demo from 2002, the game's first build. You will simply 
have to run up and begin pounding on it with your fists to destroy it, 
that way it does not attack you with it's magic.

:        LASERBOT       :

The Laserbot is one of the sub-bosses that you will find in the game, in 
Greenhorn Ruins, to be completely exact. The Laserbot will spit out 
Robo-Descendants to distract you while it has the opportunity to blast 
away at you with its laser attack. Use a KO'ed Robo-Descendant with the 
Wild Swing-Ding attack on the Laserbot to make it KO'ed, and then 
Piledrive it to finish it off.

:         MAGON         :

The Magon are a very simple set of creatures, as well as the first that 
you will find in the game. You can easily destroy them by simply 
punching them. See? Told you it was somewhat easy.


The Robo-Descendants are just as weak as the Super Magon enemies, if not 
weaker. The Robo-Descendants will appear in the Greenhorn Ruins, as the 
Laserbot will summon them to annoy you. Sad for her that you can turn 
around and KO the Robo-Descendants to use them in a Wild Swing-Ding 
attack against the Laserbot! HAR HAR!


The Silver Doorkeeper is a very annoying enemy that is almost identical 
to the Gold Doorkeeper that you find before the Silver Doorkeeper. It 
will shoot a laser beam after the first set of attacks from your 
character, so stand back and do not punch when this happens.

:      SUPER CLOWN      :

The Super Clowns are just like the Super Fossagons or the Super Magons, 
in that they are bigger versions of a smaller enemy, and they are easily 
KO'ed in a single hit. Super Clowns are still incredibly small, and only 
slightly larger than the regular Clowns.


The Super Fossagon is identical to the Super Magon in every way, besides 
the lack of skin on the Super Fossagon's part. I highly suggest punching 
them once to KO them, and then using the Wild Swing-Ding move to destroy 
them, as well as the crowds of other Fossagons/Super Fossagons that will 
crowd around you. Yeehaw!

:      SUPER MAGON      :

Much like the regular Magons, only the color is a light deeper, and they 
are somewhat bigger than their descendants. You can destroy them by 
punching them, and then picking them up, using them as an object to 
throw, or Piledrive. Something of that sort, basically.

:      SWIFT SHARK      :

The Swift Shark, which I named after the GameFAQs contributors for no 
apparent reason, is a shark that is swift. If it notices you in the 
water, it will begin zooming towards you at a very fast pace. It will 
even hide underground, and pop out every once and a while to attack you. 
Three hits will KO it, setting you up for the Piledriver.

:       UNITHORNS       :
:        VARIOUS        :

Unithorns are ghost-like Rhinos that appear in areas where you have 
fallen down from above. You must quickly search crates in all directions 
to look for a Spring, that way you can escape the Unithorns evil grasp! 
Hurry, Wario, hurry!

  :::  :::  :::  :::     SECTION VI.  -  BOSSES     :::  :::  :::  :::

Here is where you can find a full list of the bosses in the game. They 
will be in order of appearance, so keep this in mind that it will NOT be 
in A-Z format, as I usually do.


The Brunosaur (cute name, I know) is a highly deadly boss that reminds 
me of something that you would see out of a Crash Bandicoot game, and I 
think that is why the Brunosaur is so charming in himself. He is fairly 
easy, if you know what you are doing, but will give trouble to novices 
of the genre.

You can start the battle out by luring the Brunosaur over near you, and 
then quickly getting behind him. From here, take cruise control with a 
series of combo attacks (B Button + B Button + B Button) over and over 
again, until he begins to turn around. Once he begins turning around, 
get behind him again and beat him to death.

Once he drops, quickly grab his lifeless body and Piledrive him hard 
into the ground. After this, he will get up, shake the dust off, and get 
ready for more. He is a tough cookie, which is why he is the Brunosaur, 

He has an attack that I like to simply call the "Rage Attack." Whenever 
the Brunosaur turns around while you are pummeling him from behind, he 
will turn beet red and begin the Rage Attack in full force, but only if 
he catches a glimpse of you. To avoid the attack, just run around in 
wide circles as fast as you can.

Repeat this process twice more to defeat him. You will likely be able to 
dodge the Rage Attack the first two times, but will likely get hit the 
third. After he is dead, he will expose several (and by several, I mean 
A LOT) Large Coins and smaller Coins alike, so grab them up.

>------GULP WORM------<

The Gulp Worm reminds me an awful lot of the one Gulp Worm boss in one 
of the castles in the new Legend of Zelda game (The Wind Maker.. er, 
Waker [inside joke]). Is it just me, or do you see it, too? That, or the 
Gulp Worm from The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past. Regardless, this 
boss looks like a Zelda boss, alright?

The Gulp Worm has two different attacks that it cares to frequent 
against poor old Wario, and it has a lot of the same patterns as the 
Brunosaur used, as well. The first attack, and most popular, is the Hail 
Spiking attack, in which the Gulp Worm will pick a spot, and spit out 
around ten Spikes into the region. Needless to say, you might want to 
keep in motion.

The second attack, which is the one that will more than likely hit you 
in comparison to the other attack, is the Slice And Dice. This attack is 
where the Gulp Worm will appear to be a Preying Mantis and begin slicing 
and, well, dicing you. It will use its long, sharp legs as knives, and 
slam them down, one after another, on top of you.

There is an easy way to tell where the Gulp Worm will show up at, and 
that is by looking at the movement (followed by a darker image, somewhat 
like a shadow) inside of the quick sand, which is also very dangerous, 
might I add, yet it will not suck you in for the kill. If you do happen 
to follow the Gulp Worm's shadow movements, you will get a few seconds 
advantage on him.

To kill him, you will notice that he has a health meter, as well. You 
will need to deplete his health five times, which is pretty easy, if you 
have a few hearts left. You will need to perform a combo on the Gulp 
Worm's head as it is surfaced (combos are just the B Button three times 
in a row, folks). Yes, it's that easy...

...sort of, anyway. The main bad thing about attacking the Gulp Worm is 
the fact that it will get very pissed off about you wanting to harm it, 
and begin flashing red (much like Brunosaur) and using the Slice And 
Dice attack up close.  If far away, it will go into the center of the 
quick sand and VERY quickly spit out the Spikes to hit you.  If you are 
too close, jump out of the center like a mad man.  Once it is dead, 
collect your pay that the dead body somehow throws out.  Go figure, eh?


DinoMighty is big. Very big, in fact. So big, that he makes Wario look 
like Jared AFTER the Subway diet. That is how big DinoMighty is. But 
enough about this VERY BIG monster's size (which is very big, btw). 
Despite DinoMighty's size, Wario CAN take him out, and a lot of gamers 
may find a bit of trouble in doing so.

In this paragraph, I will give a simple explanation on how to defeat 
DinoMighty the extremely easy way. Instead of going about with such 
tough struggles like attacking the feet/stomach of DinoMighty, you can 
simply pick up a Pillar, and throw it into DinoMighty. This will either 
KO DinoMighty, setting up the pick up/Piledriver combo, or knock 
DinoMighty into the lava, taking away a Skull, as well as giving you a 
LOT of Coins.

DinoMighty's weak points are fairly simple; you can attack DinoMighty's 
feet, for one, if you are once of the lazy gamers in the world that 
hates performing a bunch of tense jumps and the like. DinoMighty's feet 
are a fairly big weak point, however, the main thing about staying right 
near DinoMighty's feet is the fact that you could easily get crushed.

Which brings me to the whole "attack" scheme, again. If you desire to 
avoid DinoMighty's attacks, then listen up. DinoMighty will use a very 
heavy foot stomp with both feet, where it will lift a foot and perform a 
Sumo Roundhouse Kick. In other words, it will pick up a leg, and drop it 
after stretching farther (left leg will stretch far left and drop, right 
leg will stretch far right and drop, etc). Don't forget to jump whenever 
DinoMighty leaps into the air, as when DinoMighty falls, a shock wave 
will go around the room.

Now that you are aware of the basic leg dropping technique that 
DinoMighty favors so frequently, you can avoid it to the maximum by 
simply jumping onto DinoMighty's tail, and riding along the way. This is 
fairly pointless, however, as it does no damage to DinoMighty. 
Sometimes, DinoMighty will become damaged by itself while you are on the 
tail by jumping onto a Pillar. Do not hold on too long to DinoMighty's 
tail, as it will whip it downwards and crash you into the floor.

Which brings us on how to destroy DinoMighty... You can KO DinoMighty by 
attacking the stomach/feet of it for long enough, hitting it in the 
stomach with a Pillar, or even waiting for DinoMighty to hit itself with 
one of the Pillars in the big room. Once it is OK'ed, jump off of its 
tail or run up to it, pick it up, and Piledrive it. DinoMighty will also 
use it's mouth to attack, which I believe is pointless to jump onto the 
Glue Globe that is it's tongue. 

After you Piledrive DinoMighty five times to deplete it's health (and 
remember to jump in the air after every attack to avoid the shock wave), 
you will be rewarded by opening up a new part of the game to play in, 
and unlocking part of the super big key in the game. Congratulations! 
You have cleared Excitement Central!

>-----HORROR MANOR----<
>------BRAWL DOLL-----<

After watching a lengthy introduction to the boss, you will have to duel 
with the cute/spooky Brawl Doll. There are several methods to use 
whenever you are fighting with Brawl Doll, including using objects as 
weapons, fighting with your fist, etc... However, the most effective is 
also really impressively cool in detail.

The best way to defeat Brawl Doll is to pick up one of the three lit-up 
Pillars on the battlefield, and wait as the Brawl Doll begins to come 
near you (but not too close, as it will get interrupted by Brawl Doll 
herself), and then use the lit-up Pillar as a spinning weapon by 
performing the Wild Swing-Ding with the Pillar in hand.

This will hit the Brawl Doll, making her a little dizzy/out of it, per 
se. This will also make the room a little bit darker, considering you 
just destroyed one of the four things that light up the room. Quickly 
pick up Brawl Doll while she is KO'ed, and Piledrive her into the 
ground. That should teach her.

...Or not. Brawl Doll becomes enraged at this point, and decides to 
unleash her fury onto poor old Wario! She will release three small rays 
of energy, which are a lot like fast fireballs that will quickly glide 
through the floor in search of destroying your character. This is 
certainly not good. Just stand in between two of the energy balls.

After this, pick up another one of the well-lit Pillars, and await the 
arrival of the Brawl Doll. Once it gets somewhat close, begin spinning 
the Pillar in circles until the Wild Swing-Ding is performed. After 
hitting Brawl Doll upside the head with the Pillar, she will be KO'ed. 
Pick her up, and Piledrive her yet again. Three hits to go!

It is at this time that the Brawl Doll will shift over and into the 
background yet again, and this time will release two sets of three 
energy rays (six energy rays in total) that will zig zag, and come after 
you from the left to right, and right to left. This is fairly tough 
attack to dodge, but I suggest jumping.

Grab the third and final well-lit Pillar, and begin spinning it a bit 
prematurely compared to the last time that you spun the Pillar, since 
the Brawl Doll will begin coming after you faster. Once it crashes into 
the Brawl Doll, you know the drill! Take her out by picking up her limp 
body, and Piledriving it into the concrete!

At this time, the Brawl Doll will shift into the background once again, 
and release a devastating attack of energy rays that will consist of 
five separate beams, and two will trace across the room and zig zag to 
hit you. One will be a lone energy ray, the next will be a beam 
consisting of five rays, and the fourth that soon follows consists of 
the basic three (I believe).

Now, you are all out of well-lit Pillars, and the only light that exists 
to keep the room on the up and up is the halo above the Brawl Doll's 
head. So no matter what, the room will remained lit until the end of the 
battle. You have a choice here; you can take out the Brawl Doll head on 
by combo-ing her until she is KO'ed, or wait until the Pillars have 

After a swift Piledriver into the hard ground, the Brawl Doll will shift 
into the background yet again (which you are likely sick of) and unleash 
a terrifying attack of energy rays/beams. This consists of six beams, 
and only lord knows how many energy rays. The first three will zig zag 
to hit you, and the next three will be grounded, much like the ones 

Well, by now, you know to hit her with a Pillar to get the KO, and 
Piledrive her to finish the battle in a stunning victory on your part. 
However, I think I will mention that the other attack that the Brawl 
Doll uses is a combo of her own, much like yours, which will leave you 
loopy. After the battle, celebrate!

  :::  :::  :::  :::  SECTION VII. - ITEMS/OBJECTS  :::  :::  :::  :::

In this section, I will list every object that you may wonder "What does 
that do?" and every item that you can collect, to boot. As always, this 
list is from A to Z, so everything is included here. If you would like 
to add additional, useful commentary to the item/object descriptions, 
just e-mail me with your information, and I will judge to see if it is 
worthy enough to be acknowledged. Thanks!

You will first find an Arrow Block in stage two of Excitement Central, 
the Greenhorn Ruins, inside of the Red Diamond area. Once you punch this 
block, it will trail over in the direction that you punched it in. Very 
useful, indeed.

The Battle Ring is neither an item, or an object, but it is worthy of a 
mention here, at least. The Battle Ring is a place in certain stages 
where unlimited amounts of enemies will appear out of nowhere to duel 
with you for one minute. The more enemies killed, the more Coins you 

Ahem... "Bombs are bad. They need to drugs, which are also bad. If you 
see a bomb, leave it alone by simply walking away, mmmkay?" Thank you, I 
love being bad impersonations.

No, they are not burly men that will destroy you with a backbreaker if 
you stage dive at a concert. These little thingymajiggers are very 
useful, as you can jump up on top of them and bounce up and down. If you 
do a Ground Pound while bouncing, you do skyrocket into the air.

Once you reach the end of a stage, you will be presented with some 
ByeBye Balloons, which will carry you back to the start of the stage. 
You can also use these are stages that you have completed, and they will 
carry you to different checkpoints of the stage.

Ahh... Coins are used as currency in Wario World, and you can buy some 
garlic from Garlic Sellers in the region with some Coins. There's also 
plenty of other things to use Coins on.

These look like those walls from Super Mario 64. They are walls that are 
alive and (presumably) healthy. You will have to punch them in the face 
three times to make them fall over, leading to a shortcut from another 
area of the stage. 

Garlic is the basic "heart container filler-upper" type of item in the 
game. If you take one of these, you will instantly gain some health 
back, granted it has been taken away in the first place. The Garlic 
looks like... garlic.

Garlic Sellers are actually quite useful, if you are in a jam. They will 
sell you some Garlic for a low, low price, and considering enemies will 
reappear if you go back to where they were, AND spit out extra Coins 
once you destroy them, it's nothing that you cannot gain back in a few 
seconds, right?

The Ghost Globe first appears inside of the first Spooktastic World 
stage, Horror Manor. If you walk over near it, a ghost carrying a Glue 
Globe will appear from the ground. It will begin floating towards the 
top, so grab onto the Glue Globe and ride it up.

The Glue Globes are objects that can be found (even back in the early 
demo in 2002 at E3) that Wario can jump onto. The controls are quite 
awkward once you do climb onto them, however, this object will allow you 
to cross over deadly/dangerous areas in the game.

These things sort of resemble that shape that the mean old Black Jewel 
takes at the end of the introduction. Well, that mixed with a big old 
squid. Place your Red Diamonds into the Goal Trap Door to release it, 
and exit the stage. Hooray! 

Large Coins are gotten from destroying the "bigger" enemies in the game. 
While regular Coins are worth a mere 1 coin per pick up, the Large Coins 
are worth a whopping ten Coins per pick up.  

The Pillar is just a simple throwing item that you can use to destroy 
enemies with, much like the Wario Head.

You will need the Red Diamonds to complete the stage. You can find them 
by going through the glowing Trap Doors that has the X logo on them, and 
solving a platform puzzle, or something of the sort. You will need a 
certain amount to make it through each stage.

You can find this first by going into the very first Red Diamond 
underground area in the first stage. You will have to cross them to 
reach the Red Diamond. They will sink as long as Wario is standing on 
them, but float back up once Wario jumps off of them.

They are Spikes. They will hurt you. Please tell me you did not need to 
know that, because if you did, I truly feel sorry for you.

The Springs can be found inside of the Trap Door areas, and if you hit 
them by walking into them, you will be sprung into the area above you. 
Basically, you can use the Springs as a way of exiting the Trap Door 
areas of the stage.

Spritelings are scary Link-lookalikes that will be on the watch for 
Wario in his quest. They are found in tiny boxes, wanting help. They 
will give you useful tips on what to do in certain subjects, so they are 
quite helpful. There are five in each area. 

These are much like the Wooden Trap Doors that you will find extremely 
early on in the game. You will need to be holding a KO'ed enemy and 
Ground Pound to get into these doors.

The Swirly Slabs are very interesting, and you will find your first one 
inside of the Spooktastic World's first stage, Horror Manor. You will 
have to be carrying a heavy enemy, and perform the Wild Swing-Ding on 
top of the Swirly Slab. This will raise the platform, allowing you to 
reach higher grounds, or hard to reach objects/items.

The Switch/Lever (whatever you wish to call it) is a funky little object 
that does one of many things, depending what environment you are 
currently in, so I cannot really give a good description. Sorry.

There are eight Treasures in each round, so you better keep your eye out 
for the Wario Pads and Wario Buttons. After you press a Wario Button, a 
Treasure Chest will appear on the Wario Pad. Collect the Treasures in 
the stages to collect a special prize.

The Treasure Chests contain Treasure items that you can find in every 
stage. You will have to activate the Treasure Chest, which will appear 
on a Wario Pad, by pressing the Wario Button located nearby the Wario 
Pad. I bet you're confused, right?

You will find Wario Buttons on walls (you must throw an object to 
activate it) or on the ground (you must Ground Pound to activate it). 
Afterwards, you will have to search the areas for a Wario Pad containing 
a Treasure Chest.

The Wario Head is just a simple throwing item that you can use to 
destroy enemies with, much like the Pillar.

The Wario Pad is a purple or green pad on the floor/ground that has a 
big "W" on it. After you press a Wario Button, a Treasure Chest 
containing a, well, Treasure, will appear on top of the Wario Pad. Break 
it open and take the Treasure inside! Gah ha ha!

The Wario Statue Pieces can be found throughout the stages in the game, 
and are quite dandy. If you collect all of the Wario Statue Pieces in 
each round, you will receive a Heart Container bonus, increasing your 
heart limit by one half. You can tell what these items are, since they 
are shiny and gold.

The Trap Doors in the game are extremely valuable, as they lead to Red 
Diamonds, which you will need to complete the stage that you are 
currently stuck on. Crash through them with the Ground Pound.

The X Bricks are here with the purpose of breaking them. Sadly, you 
cannot break them on just any side. It has to be the side with the "Z" 
on it. If you go breaking too many at once, you will likely ruin your 
chance of solving a puzzle (if one is without the bricks).

  :::  :::    SECTION VIII.  -  WARIO WARE, INC. MINIGAMES    :::  :::

  :::  :::  :::  :::    SECTION IX.  -   CREDITS    :::  :::  :::  :::

Huge amounts of thanks to Jeff "CJayC" Veasey for posting my work and 
putting up with the constant pressure of keeping GameFAQs.com one of the 
best websites on the internet. Major amounts of gratitude to the guys, 
especially Stephen Ng, over at IGN.com. You guys are starting to become 
better by the day.

Big thanks goes out to the guys at Treasure for making GunStar Heroes. 
Oh, and this game, as well. The guys over at Treasure have surely put 
together some classics over the years. I'd like to dedicate this 
FAQ/Walkthrough as a token of appreciation to Treasure, and in hopes of 
a future of platformers from them.

Oh, and thanks to that company Nintendo. They are none too shabby, I 
must admit. I truly find the Nintendo GameCube to be a marvel of 
science, as the sales aren't the best, yet they still produce the most 
classics. While I'm mainly a PlayStation 2 writer, I have to give props 
to this system. It's awesome.

Big huggles and kisses to my girlfriend, Valerie. With her working her 
butt off at her new job, I see her less, but enjoy her presence more. 
Even though she is screaming right now at this game. She usually ends up 
wanting to kill somebody over games like this, and Super Mario Sunshine. 
Relax, hun. ;-)

Thanks to Brian Sulpher for being sexy, and also for reading this ahead 
of time. Thanks to Andrew Testa for the support on the Wario World 
message board at GameFAQs.com, too. Much love for my homies across the 
world, love.

Check out The Beatles, because they're cool, and they are real rock 
music. Not that Linkin Park or Metallica crap. Take my advice, I used to 
write professionally about things like this. A Day In The Life owns 
Enter Sandman.

  :::  :::  :::  :::   SECTION X.  -  DISCLAIMER    :::  :::  :::  :::

This document is Copyright 2003 David McCutcheon. It may not be 
reproduced nor retransmitted in any form. It may not be altered, 
published, sold, given as an incentive to buy, etc. without advance 
permission from the author. Violation of the above terms can and will 
result in a lawsuit. Thank you.

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