Fast Cash - Guide for Animal Crossing

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Nintendo Gamecube - Animal Crossing
Fast Cash FAQ
By Link 3

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$                                                                             $
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$  CCCCCCCCCCC     AAAA         AAAA     $$$$$$$$$$$$     HHHHH          HHHHH$

Nintendo Gamecube - Animal Crossing
Fast Cash FAQ - Version 1.2

Section - 1 Table of Contents
1) Table of Contents
2) Introduction
3) Copyright Infomation
4) Frequently Asked Questions
5) Fast Cash
6) Other Method's To Get Cash
6.5) More Method's To Get Cash
7) Credit To...
8) Disclaimer/Contact

Section - 2 Introduction
Hi and Welcome to my first FAQ.
This will help you pay off your house in no time.
Will get you rich so you can put bells in your Post Office
Account, you can buy any thing you want, etc.

Section - 3 Copyright Information

This FAQ cannot be used without my permission. 

The following website(s) already have this FAQ

Section - 4 Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is this techinque going to take long?
A: Fastest way without using 3rd party software.

Q: Is there a way to get the forbidden 5?
A: Buy a cheat disk for the Game Cube called the Action Replay. It
will set you back $30 but, its worth it if you have a good bit of games you
want to try some cheats on.

That's the way to get the Forbidden five plus all the items even the NES games,
furniture, carpets, wallpapers, fossils, bugs, fish, clothing, and everthing
else in the game and in Tom Nooks catalog.

Section - 5 Fast Cash

How to get Fast Cash.
First, you need the 100 Turnips Code.
The Code is.

Tell Tom Nook

100 Turnips Code:

Tell Villager

100 Turnips Code:

Then, wait for the day he sells the turnips for 888 (or a high number close to
that) a piece.
(step 1) Tell the code for 100 Turnips to Tom Nook.
(step 2) Do it 3 times and he will say "you can't put in a code more than 3
times a day" if you try it again but, actually you can. Just sell the turnips
you currently have to Tom Nook.
(step 3) Next, Save and Quit then startup your file again and put in the code
again 3 times and repeat Steps 1-3.

Section-6 Other Method's To Get Cash

The Rock:
It's slow but kinda good for getting money. What you do is hit all the rocks
with a shovel or axe till you find one that turns red when you hit it. Continue
to hit it till the red fades away.
You might want to dig a hole behind you before you hit the rock, the holes
should be shaped like this

You = i
holes = O
rock = R

                   O          O          R          O
                  RiO   or   OiR   or   OiO   or   OiO
                   O          O          O          R

You should get 100 to 30,000 or a little more than that

Bug and fish:
It's kind of better than the rock techinque if it's raining. Go 
down to the bay and get out your fishing rod then start
fishing where the fish shadows are.
Sell them to Tom Nook. Continue till you have the money you want or
till you get sick of fishing.

Bugs :
Find bugs, catch them, and sell them (some you have to sneak up on).

Shake trees:
This techinque is kinda slow but, could get you cool items (but, rarely).
If bees fall down-
time your swing just right and then sell them to Tom Nook for 4,500
bells and you might get a present, furniture, clothes, rarely nes game,
wallpaper, carpet and other stuff.

Best place to look is in the Dump.

Fastest way to get cash :
Use a cheat disk.


Double your money in your Post Office Account Techinque :

Credit for this goes to Henry L. ([email protected])

But, it depends on how much money you have in your Post Office Account. 

What you need:

2 memory cards
1 with town data
1 memory card (with at least 3 blocks)

1. Deposit all your money in your account.
2. Talk to Porter and go on the train.
3. Take out the memory card with travel data.
4. Enter your file looking like a person without eyes or a mouth. The person
that has holes on thier face. 
5. Take out all your money in your account and drop them outside in any
6. Save and Quit the game.
7. Once back in the title screen you can insert the memory card back in.
8. Click Yes when they say that you already returned.
9. Once off the train go to the post office.
10. You will notice that you have money in the bank and out in the acres you
put them in.

Section - 7 Credit To...

And for posting this FAQ.
Henry L. ([email protected])

Section - 8 Disclaimer/Contact
Copyright protection

                                  The End

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