Forge Guide - Guide for Halo 3

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A Guide to using Halo 3’s Forge Feature
Written by Ryan Tippet A.K.A Weremidget
Version 1.1 completed 13/12/2007
Table of Contents:
Section 1: Introductions
	- Section 1.1: An Introduction to this Guide 
	- Section 1.2: What is Forge? 
	- Section 1.3: Version History 

Section 2: How to use Forge
	- Section 2.1: The Basics 
	- Section 2.2: The Controls 
 	- Section 2.3: Spawn Categories
	- Section 2.4: Forge Walkthrough 
	- Section 2.5: Forge Tips and Tricks 

Section 3: Frequently Asked Questions

Section 4: Miscellaneous Information
	- Section 4.1: Foundry
	- Section 4.2: Recommended Downloads

Section 5: Forge Statistics
	- Section 5.1: Maps 
		- Weapons
		- Vehicles
		- Equipment
		- Scenery
		- Teleporters
		- Spawners
		- Goals
	- Section 5.2: Spawned Items 
		- Weapons
		- Vehicles
		- Equipment

Section 6: In Closing
	- Section 6.1: Bibliography/Credits
	- Section 6.2: Sites Allowed to Host this Guide
	- Section 6.3: Contact Information
	- Section 6.4: Copyright and Stuff

SECTION 1: Introductions

> 1.1: An Introduction <
It is unfortunate that so many players find Forge too difficult to use,
or too time-consuming, or too open. It’s not uncommon for a player to spend
hours perfecting a map only to find it’s horribly unbalanced and completely 
unplayable. Others never even get that far and give up when they can’t work
out how to make stuff respawn instantly. It is unfortunate because of how
much the players that skip past ‘FORGE’ on the main menu are missing out on.

This guide has been written to help all kinds of players enjoy Forge, and
to steer them away from creating explosions with Fusion Coils. Sure it’s fun,
but it’s not particularly productive and you do have to move on at some point.
I hope this proves to be helpful for the afore-mentioned players and that
they can learn how to use Forge to its fullest potential.

Obligatory “Ctrl+F is your friend.”

> 1.2: What is Forge? <

‘The Forge’, or just ‘Forge’, is a map editing tool for Bungie’s final
installment in the Halo series, Halo 3. While Forge doesn’t allow the user
to create their own maps from scratch, or mess with the geometry of existing
maps, it does allow for movement and placement of objects on the maps and
can have a huge effect on games, especially considering the variety of
game-types available in Halo 3. For example, the flow of a Capture The Flag
match can be greatly altered by the movement of spawn zones, return points, or
the addition of weapons, vehicles or scenery. With subtle, or blatantly obvious,
changes to a map, Forge can create a near infinite number of variations of
maps to be played in Custom Games and thus has a huge impact on the game’s

Forge is expected to have a huge effect on one level in particular of the
soon-to-be-released downloadable content known as 'Foundry' which has more
customizable scenery and blank space than any of the built in maps that came
with the original game.

> 1.3: Version History <

Version 1.0, 22/11/07
-Started and finished everything I planned to have. Will have to add
 the Heroic map pack when I get it.

Version 1.1, 13/12/07
- Added spawnable objects information from the Heroic map pack (courtesy of
- Added allowed sites section at the bottom.
- Added Foundry section (incomplete).
- Added Recommended Downloads Section (Incomplete).
- Fixed a handful of errors and typos.

SECTION 2: How to use Forge

> 2.1: The Basics <

To start a Forge match, select ‘FORGE’ from the main menu. This takes
you to a lobby not unlike the Custom Games one, the only real difference being
the inability to change the gametype. Choose a map and start the game to begin

When you start a Forge map on a usual level, you won’t notice any
difference between a usual Team Slayer match and what you’re currently enjoying,
but with the press of a button, that all changes. In Forge, maps are edited in
real time by players who are in the game. More than one player can play in a
Forge map and the time can be spent using Forge to kill one another like a usual
Team Slayer match.

But, as soon as you press [Up] on the directional-pad, the entire map
becomes your oyster as your player turns into a Monitor not unlike 343 Guilty
Spark. Once you’ve become a Monitor you can spawn and edit any non-geometrical
objects  on a map. You can fly around, you can boost to a higher speed, but
you can’t shoot lasers unfortunately, well not directly… Press [Up] once more
and you’ll switch back into your player and possibly drop some height to the
ground. The upside to being able to switch between a player and a monitor is
the ability to easily and quickly playtest anything you’ve just constructed.
Now, on to spawning. Once you’re a Monitor, the score at the bottom will
turn into a different coloured bar with a dollar amount to the left of it. This
is entitled ‘BUDGET’ for that is exactly what it is. Like many map editors,
Forge has a limit to the amount of stuff you can place and this is shown by a
dollar value. Everything has a cost which varies from a $2 Energy Sword to a
$40 Scorpion. When playing on a built-in map, you’ll find you don’t have a huge
amount of currency left to spend, but that’s because there are already items
existing on the map. Never fear, they can be deleted fairly quickly.
To save, pause the game at any point and select 'Save As New Map'. After the
little legal message courtesy of Bungie's best advice, save your map under
whichever name you choose and return to the game. If you want to save the
changes to your map, just pause the game and select 'Save Changes'.
As the monitor, bring up the spawning menu. With the bumpers you can switch
between the categories of items which are as follows: Weapons, Vehicles,
Equipment, Scenery, Teleporters, Spawners and Goals. More on those soon
enough. Scroll down a list and press [X]. This will bring up a list of
information telling you how many of the selected item are placed on the map,
the minimum and maximum that can be on the map at any one time, the maximum
allowed and the total cost of those existing.
Cancel out of that then press [A] to ‘Place’ an object. The object will
appear in front of you and the Monitor’s reticule will turn green with a small
fist at the bottom. This means that you are currently holding an item, in this
case that will be whatever you just spawned. If you move around, you’ll find
that the picked up item follows you. Pressing [X] while holding an item brings
up information about that particular item which varies between items and
Once out of that menu, press [A] to place the object. It will fall to the
ground or settle in to place. The reticule will return to blue and and the fist
will disappear. Move the reticule back over the object and, if you’re close
enough, it will change back to green and an open hand will appear at the bottom,
this means you can pick the object up, again by pressing [A].
Notice the little blue cone somewhere on the object? That shows where it
will be placed or respawn to if it is moved. Change from the Monitor and that
will disappear, pick up or move the object and then change back into the
Monitor. While the object will have moved, or disappeared completely, the blue
cone remains and shortly the object will return to that position.

Lastly, to delete an object, hover near it as the Monitor so that the reticule
is on the intended victim and green, and press [Y]. It will instantly zap out
of existence and you’ll get whatever it’s worth in currency back, no loss. Be
careful about deleting stuff, there’s no undo button in Forge for if you delete
the wrong thing.

It is recommended that while Forging a map, you are in either a Local lobby, or
you set the Xbox Live party to 'Invite Only'. Otherwise, you may have people
joining your match while you're working on Forging something, and mess stuff up
for you without you knowing. While this hasn't happened to me, it has caused a
headache for other users.

> 2.2: The Controls <
The controls as a usual player are no different to usual in Forge, but the
Monitor has its own controls. Movement for it is not unlike moving the camera
in Saved Films, move with the right toggle, and look with the left. Hold the
Left Trigger to ‘Thrust’ as in move quicker. Right and Left Bumpers move
straight up and down respectively with regards to which way the Monitor’s
facing; for example: If the Monitor’s directly horizontal and completely
upright, then the toggles will move it straight up or straight down,
but if the Monitor’s facing straight down then the bumpers will move it straight
forward or backwards. It’s difficult to explain so test it out.
[X] Brings up the item spawning menu. It also brings up information on an object
being held or selected from the spawning menu. Note: You don’t have to be
holding an object to bring up its menu. Have the reticule on it and press [X]
and it will take you straight to the item’s menu.
[A] Is the select button, as per usual. Pick up objects, drop objects, spawn
objects; not hard to remember.
[Y] Deletes an object. Like [X], that object doesn’t need to be being held by
you for it to be deleted with the press of the button, you can just look at it
and wish it away. That means be careful.
[B] Doesn’t really do anything except quit out of menus. Poor, poor B button.
[Up] Switches between the Monitor and usual player, been through that already.
[Start] Brings up the usual Start menu. There is an extra option in this menu
a player is the Monitor which is ‘Change Game Type’. This effectively just
the objects available to be spawned in the ‘Goals’ category of objects.

[Select] Shows the score, like in a usual game.
[Right Trigger] Is an interesting one. Squeeze this trigger while holding an
object and move the right toggle to flip it and twist it. Move the left toggle
while squeezing the trigger to move the object far away from you or bring it
closer. The left toggle can also spin the object on one axis. Once you get used
to using both toggles at once, an object can be easily twisted into the right
position to be placed.

> 2.3: Spawn Categories <
A bit above I mentioned the categories for items, here’s that list again with
descriptions of the category in general and a few key items:
I’ll start with an easy one, shall I? This category features the weapons that
you can dump on a map. These vary in price between $2 for a Battle Rifle and
a $10 Flamethrower. The number of these that can be placed also varies quite
hugely. This category includes usual weapons that shoot stuff, melee based
weapons (read: Swords and Hammers), and heavy turret weapons, but not grenades.
Another easy one. This category includes vehicles. Like the weapons, these vary
in number and spawnability (Go-go-gadget, made up word!) from map to map. The
most limited vehicles are Banshees and Hornets which are rarely available and
even then not in huge numbers. The prices for these range between $10 for a
Mongoose and $40 for a Scorpion.
This is where we find the grenades, it’s also where we find the actual
equipment-Equipment. This category also houses powerups: Overshields, Active
Camo and Custom Powerups. Custom Powerups are placed in Forge but their effects
are set in the actual Gametype (that’s the stuff you change in the lobby) so
don’t worry about them in Forge. The prices here range from a $1 Frag to a $2
anything else.
Now this is a fun group. This is anything that doesn’t directly affect you
playing. Things like barrels and crates and roadblocks and toolboxes and, most
importantly, Fusion Coils, Plasma Batteries and Propane Tanks. Everybody always
forgets about the Propane Tanks. Don’t forget weapon holders and activated
Gravity Lifts, those two work well as a combination. The prices in this
category are anything between $2 and $6.
These are exactly what they sound like, spawn the teleportation nodes from
multiplayer anywhere you wish. There are 3 types of nodes: Sender Nodes which
can only send stuff to Reciever Nodes which can only receive stuff and 2 Way
Nodes which can receive from Sender Nodes, Send to Reciever Nodes or go either
way between other 2 Way Nodes. These are each $5.
This is another small category featuring Starting Points, Respawn Points and
Respawn Areas. These are all fairly self-explanatory except for the Respawn
Areas which I’ll explain now: These are shapes that you can alter the size of
which will set all Respawn Points placed inside of them to one Team’s. When you
make a respawn point, you set which team it belongs to (usually one of
Attackers, Defenders or Neutral), A Respawn Area is set to one team and then
sets all the Respawn Points inside it to that team. Other respawning objects
are type-specific such as 'Respawn, Flag Away' and 'Respawn, Flag At Home'. All
Spawners are free. Also, don't forget to place these facing the right way!
This is all the stuff like Flag Spawn Points, Flag Return Points, Bomb Spawn
points; all completely type-specific. They are also all free. Like Spawners,
they need to be set an owner through the [X] menu. 
*Remember: Not all objects are available on all maps and across all gametypes.
> 2.4: Forge Walkthrough <
In this section, I will give a walkthrough of Forging a map from scratch, in
this case my D-Day map on High Ground, not the most original of ideas but a
good example nonetheless. To start off with, you need an idea. Many maps are
built to fit a particular gametype, in this case I'm tailoring the map to fit
Territories. Load up High Ground in Forge, switch to the Monitor and press
start. Select 'Change Gametype' and choose which gametype you want to work
in. When you choose, the screen will fade out and you will respawn as if
starting a new round but with a different gametype. The only difference now
is that you can place type-specific Goal objects on the map as the Monitor.
Anything you placed on the map before you changed the gametype will
still be there. When you load up your Forged map in Forge if you saved it
before completion, then it will automatically be in 'All Gametypes', so remember
to swap to the right Gametype at the start of each session Forging if you want
to place Goal objects and Starting Points.
It's important to make the flow of your map clear in your head before you start.
In this case, I want to have my attacking team move up the beach from the water
towards the wall. There's a bunker halfway up the hill with access to the base
which I'll want to block off. An important rule to remember is, for everything
you do that will help or hinder one team, do something to help or hinder the
other to keep it balanced. Once you have a clear idea of how you want your map
to play it's time to put in the building blocks and get to work on it.
In this Territories match, I want to have three Territories: one on top of the
bunker before the wall, one just inside the wall, and one behind the missile
launcher at the far end of the base. These are all difficult territories for
the attackers to reach and keep, so I have to remember to make something harder
for the defenders, and also remember to place respawn points thoughtfully, not
too close to any one of the intended territories.
Bring up the item menu and bumper along to Goals. Select Territory Marker and
spawn one in front of you. If you press [X] while holding it you'll see an
array of perhaps unfamiliar options. These can change the size, shape and
height of the marker. I'll select a decent shape to cover the top of the bunker
and place my marker. The outer ring shows the size of the Territory. If you go
away for long enough, that ring will disappear, bring your reticule over the
actual item and it will reappear for you.
At the moment, this territory is looking pretty difficult to take, it's uphill,
there's no cover and the enemy will have no problems keeping you back from the
wall. Find a way to counter this, either by stunting the defenders or aiding
the attackers. In my map, I'm gonna set a couple of barricades just in front of
the territory. The attacking team can take cover from defenders in front of
them, but they have to move out of the territory to do that. This creates the
need for team work in the attacking side, with some members giving cover fire
or drawing out fire while others stand in the territory to take it.
I'll work in order, the way I expect the game to run, moving up the beach which
means now I'm going to block off that bunker. A lot of people have trouble
blocking routes off because there's always someone that wants to do their best
to get past everything despite the map's creator clearly intending for it to
not be used. There are three tricks for the this that I'll list now. The first
is pretty obvious, cram crates, barricades and 343 only knows what else you
can find in there, then drop into player mode and try to break through. This
sometimes works, but more often than not you'll find a single frag lays waste
to your entire plan. The second technique is slightly more articulate. Work out
which way 2 Weapon Holders are facing (yeah, their model is no indicator
unfortunately so run a test with a gun of some sort) and then place them facing
out of the bunker. Next, spawn a Grav Lift (there are 4 of these available on
every map) and place it carefully on top of one of the weapon holders. The Grav
Lift should swivel around and face the way you aimed the holder: out of the
bunker. Do the same thing on the other Weapon Holder and you have a near
inpassable barrier. The problems with this technique are that Grav Lifts can
be destroyed (although I'll teach you how to respawn them instantly in the next
section), their range is a bit long for my needs, and that they're a pain in
the ass to place in the first place. This brings us to our final technique and
the one which I'll end up using in this case. Take two or three Sender Nodes
and block off the entrance with them, set them to the same channel and spawn a
reciever node back outside of the bunker, preferably nearby, on that same
channel. Now if anyone tries to break into the bunker they'll find themselves
teleported promptly back outside.
Now what I've completed is the placement and moulding, so to speak, of one
third of the proposed map. To finish forming the basis of this map, I'll spawn
the other two Territories and block off any more routes I want blocked off. I
always like to have at least two routes for a team to get somewhere for variety,
so I'll end up building new paths for the attackers to take. Also, I'll try not
to forget the defending team, they need to have fun too.
A perfect example of balancing out the playing field that I've devised involves
opening the giant gate in the wall. To get to the control panel which is a just
inside the base, I put a Reciever Node nearby it and a Sender Node out in front
of the wall in the open, then I placed two Machine Gun Turrets where there is
usually only one. Anyone wanting to open the gate can just run for the
teleporter, but it's a dash across a fair bit of open ground with a pair of
Machine Gun Turrets following your movement. The risk/reward factor can always
be used to balance a map and raise tensions (read: enjoyability levels. If
you're screaming, it means you're happy).
Once I've got the Territories in place, I may be tempted to save the game and
congratulate myself on a map well made. Unfortunately, there's lots more to do
and the rest can get a bit tedious. First is the objects. Place the weapons you
want on the map where you want them. Remember balance, if you give 1 team an
Energy Sword, consider a Gravity Hammer for the other. The weapons you use will
have a huge impact on the way the game's played. For example, in this
Territories map I've decided to use primarily Battle Rifles and Carbines,
mid-range weapons. If I placed shotguns on the map it would change the
strategies for both teams.
After the weapons comes vehicles, if I choose to use them. The cool thing about
vehicles is that they don't need to be duplicated to create balance. Instead of
giving both teams a Gauss Hog, give one team a Gauss Hog and the other a Rocket
Launcher, one team a Wraith and the other a Splazer. Equipment works the same
way. Try to give teams equipment that will aid them on their particular task,
for example a Regenerator for the Attackers to use while they hold a Territory,
or, on the other hand, a Power Drainer for the Defenders. Don't forget to throw
in scenery for aesthetic value, that can always be fun.
Having set my territories, filled the map with obstacles, littered the place
with my choice of weapons and dropped off a set of vehicles, all that remains
is the spawn points. I always start with the Starting Points, usually a good
place to... begin. There's a limit of twenty per map to these things, so it's
probably best to split them 10 each way (in a two team match, anyway) and use
all twenty. Don't forget to hit [X] on each of these and set them to the right
team, it's a pain in the ass I know, but it's neccessary. Now I'll do the
respawns. You have 100 of these suckers to place anywhere on any map. In the
case of this map I won't using any Neutral Respawns, but they do often help.
I have around about 45 Respawn Points placed, twenty-odd per team. Don't forget
to make use of Respawn Areas (detailed above and below).
After placing your Spawn Points, you're pretty much finished. Run through a
mental checklist and step back to envision how this map will run. If you've put
enough thought into it, it should be fine. Save it, quit out and invite all your
little buddies over for the best Custom Game experience they'll ever have.
Whether or not that's true, it tends to draw in a couple takers at the least.
> 2.5: Forge Tricks and Tips <
Bashing Stuff Out of The Way:
Quite often in Forge you'll find you can't place one object without smashing
around another. This can be highly frustrating, or it would, were it not
positive that the object will soon reset to where you originally placed it. Not
really a Trick or Tip per se, but just remember not to fret when you send your
well placed objects sprawling, in MOST cases they will reset without any

Object Instant Respawn:
To have an object respawn instantly after being blown up/set/alight/whatever
else you find the time to do to Fusion Coils, press [X] on said object and go
into the summary. Inspect the 'Minimum Run Time' and 'Maximum Run Time' options.
What these options do is set the minimum and maximum number of said object that
need to exist on the map at any given time. So if I have 4 Fusion Coils and I
set the Maximum number to 3, then the most recently placed will disappear to
follow my maximum rule. The same goes in reverse for the Minimum Run Time,
If I place 4 Fusion Coils, destroy one, and set the minimum count at 4, then
one more will INSTANTLY respawn to follow my minimum rule. Set the Maximum Run
Time and Minimum Run Time to the same value and you have instantly respawning
Falling objects:
To make something fall from the sky and, most importantly, respawn back up
there, stack a load of big things, Crates usually do the job, Containers if
they're available; into a tower and place the object you want to fall at the
top of said tower. Now delete the stuff beneath the object and it should stay up
in the sky. Some objects will stay up there for as long as you leave them alone,
but most will fall to the ground when they physicalise (as in get shot or nudged
by anything). When they respawn, they'll fall to the ground (and explode,
depending on what you put up there).
Floating Objects:
These work similarly to the falling objects. Like I said, some objects will fall
and others won't. Machine Gun Turrets are an example of what won't (yes,
really - try it out), but otherwise it's mostly Goal Markers and Teleporter
Nodes. The easiest way involves a Reciever Node: do what you would if you were
going to make the node spawn upside down and drop from the sky (see above
paragraph, add the term 'upside-down'). Delete the stuff beneath the upside down
node and you'll find that it doesn't drop no matter what you do short of
grabbing it as the Monitor. Now you can place anything on top of the Receiver
Node. Most objects will stay there if you can balance them right. 
Being Careful:
Sometimes in Forge you wanna really carefully move something to make it look
right or to stand it up against a wall. You'll find that when you pick something
up, most of the time it will float towards you a little. This can be annoying
when it drags the other stuff you spent the past half hour placing along with
it. There are 2 not particularly great methods to counter this and one really
awful one. First, you can just delete it and put in a new one (of whatever it
is). You'll be surprised at how often that will end up saving you time. The
second option is get really close to it so that when you pick it up it doesn't
have far, if at all, to float. This doesn't always work particularly well
though, which leads me to the third (awful) idea, which is throw your controller
at your big fancy TV and go find a stiff drink.
Moving Quicker as the Monitor:
Quite often you'll find you wanna move quickly as the Monitor. Say, from one
base on Valhalla to the other. Most people will just squeeze the left trigger
and take their wireless controllers to the bathroom for a  minute or so. There
is an easier way! To move quicker as the Monitor, aim down - as in straight at
the ground, thrust, and hold down a bumper. The bumper's move the Monitor in
the direction that either its top or its bottom is facing, so if you aim at the
ground, then your top is facing forwards in the direction you want to go. Trust
me, it's quicker.

Grav Lifts:
To have a Grav Lift face in a direction that's NOT straight up for a change,
you can use a Weapon Holder. Weapon Holders will automatically swivel whatever's
placed on them in a particular direction. Unfortunately, you can't easily tell
which direction this is until you place something on one. Once you know which
way your Weapon Holder's facing and you have it placed where you want, carefully
lower a Grav Lift on to it and let go. If you did everything right, the
Grav Lift should balance for a moment and then swivel round and face in the
right direction. Great for parties!

Using Nodes to Block:
To use Nodes to block off access to something or somewhere, place a line of them
that can't be edged passed, hurdled over or snuck between. Have these Nodes all
sender types and set them to one channel of their own. Now spawn a Reciever Node
on the same channel nearby, on the right side of the Node Wall. Done! Run at
your Node Wall and you'll  find yourself mystically transported to your Reciever
Node without having gained anything. It's always fun to watch people to see how
many times they try to take it. I'm yet to see anyone give up after the first

SECTION 3: Frequently Asked Questions
...Now with brand new Answers! Since half of these questions are already
answered above, I don't see the harm of copy-pasting the answers into this

Q. How do I make stuff fall from the sky?

A. To make something fall from the sky and, most importantly, respawn back up
there, stack a load of big things, Crates usually do the job, Containers if
they're available; into a tower and place the object you want to fall at the
top of said tower. Now delete the stuff beneath the object and it should stay
up in the sky. Some objects will stay up there for as long as you leave them
alone, but most will fall to the ground when they physicalise (as in get shot
or nudged by anything). When they respawn, they'll fall to the ground (and
explode, depending on what you put up there).

Q. How do I make stuff float?

A. These work similarly to the falling objects. Like I said, some objects will
fall and others won't. Machine Gun Turrets are an example of what won't (yes,
really - try it out), but otherwise it's mostly Goal Markers and Teleporter
Nodes. The easiest way involves a Reciever Node: do what you would if you were
going to make the node spawn upside down and drop from the sky (see above
paragraph, add the term 'upside-down'). Delete the stuff beneath the upside down
node and you'll find that it doesn't drop no matter what you do short of
grabbing it as the Monitor. Now you can place anything on top of the Receiver
Node. Most objects will stay there if you can balance them right.

Q. How do I make stuff respawn instantly?

A. To have an object respawn instantly after being blown up/set/alight/whatever
else you find the time to do to Fusion Coils, press [X] on said object and go
into the summary. Inspect the 'Minimum Run Time' and 'Maximum Run Time' options.
What these options do is set the minimum and maximum number of said object that
need to exist on the map at any given time. So if I have 4 Fusion Coils and I
set the Maximum number to 3, then the most recently placed will disappear to
follow my maximum rule. The same goes in reverse for the Minimum Run Time, If
I place 4 Fusion Coils, destroy one, and set the minimum count at 4, then one
more will INSTANTLY respawn to follow my minimum rule. Set the Maximum Run Time
and Minimum Run Time to the same value and you have instantly respawning

Q. How do I change [insert gametype related option here]?

A. That's not actually an option for Forge, but something you change in the
Custom Games lobby. Remember Gametypes? Many of the things people believe they
can customise in Forge are actually changed in the Gametype options. Often,
specific Gametype options are required for a specific type of Forged map, so
don't forget to save a Gametype once you've tuned it the way you want it with a
press of the [X] button in the lobby.

Q. How do I clear off maps?

A. Since September the 25th, people have been asking that question and
unfortunately there's no quick answer. There's no button to just wipe clean a
map and leave you with all the power, so if you want to start from scratch you
need to painstakingly delete every object you can find. That, or you could take
advantage of having some poor sucker on the internet doing it for you!
Mason Cain (A.K.A lordraven)'s fileshare features every Halo 3 map (at time of
writing) completely cleared out for your enjoyment! Here's the link to his

Don't forget to try out the rest of the stuff he has in his fileshare, too.
It's all highly worthwhile. This coming from a guy that wrote a Guide to using
Forge, that's GOT to mean something.

Q.How do I configure my Custom Powerups?

A. Strangely, this is one of the options you need to change in the Custom Games
Lobby. Just drop the Custom Powerup where you want it in Forge and save the map,
then, when you're in the Custom Games Lobby, hit [X], and go
'WEAPONS AND VEHICLES'>'CUSTOM POWERUPS' and set everything the way you want it
in there.

Q.How do I play [insert non-Slayer gametype here] in Forge?

A. Step one: start Forge. Step two: swap to the Monitor. Step three: press
[START]. Step four: Go down to 'CHANGE GAMETYPE' Don't worry when the round
ends, everything you've done on the map thus far will stay there, the only
difference is that there are new things to spawn from the Goals section.

Q. What do Respawn Areas do?

A. Respawn Areas set all Respawn Points inside of them to one owner,
eliminating the painstaking and time-consuming process of going through your map
selecting an owner for each non-neutral Respawn Point. Don't forget to set the
owner for the Respawn Area though, or else it won't know what to do with your
Respawn Points and will leave them Neutral.

SECTION 4: Miscellaneous Information

> 4.1: Foundry <
The map 'Foundry', is one of three released on the 12th of December, 2007, as a
part of the Heroic Map Pack. The pack is retailed exclusively on the Xbox Live
Marketplace for 800 Microsoft Points and will becoming free within a few months.
Foundry was designed for the Forge. It 'ships' with a default configuration made
from Containers, Crates, Staircases etc. all items that can be spawned and 
deleted in the new maps. The difference with Foundry is that once all these
items have been deleted, it is an empty, largely unobstructed Forge playground.
The spawnability of a large variety of objects (including a Soccer Ball) makes
it possible to design a near infinite variety of maps and ideas. It is
theoretically possible to reconstruct an earlier map, such as Elongation, in

[I will have more information on Foundry, the map that gets it's own section,
when I download the maps myself closer to Christmas.]

> 4.2: Recommended Downloads <

[Coming Soon! If you know of any awesome maps that you think this section could
include, send me an email including the name of it, and the name of the author]

SECTION 5: Forge Statistics

> 5.1: Maps <
This section details the placeable objects for each map. The Goal objects are
not listed as they vary with gametypes and are available on all maps. Some of
the spawners also vary with gametypes such as Respawn, Flag at Home.

16 Assault Rifles 	16 Battle Rifles	8 Shotguns
8 Sniper Rifles		16 SMGs			16 Spikers
16 Magnums		16 Plasma Pistols	16 Plasma Rifles
8 Needlers		8 Beam Rifles		8 Brute Shots
8 Rocket Launchers	8 Spartan lasers	8 Energy Swords
4 MG Turrets		8 Gravity Hammers	4 Missile Pods
16 Carbines		16 Maulers		8 Sentinel Beams
1 Flamethrower

8 Mongooses		4 Banshees		4 Hornets

32 Frag Grenades	32 Plasma Grenades	32 Spike Grenades
8 Firebombs		4 Bubble Shields	4 Power Drainers	
4 Trip Mines		4 Grav Lifts		4 Regenerators	
4 Radar Jammers		4 Flares		4 Deployable C.s	
4 Overshields		4 Active Camos		4 Custom P.Ups

16 Fusion Coils		16 Single Crates	8 Crates		 
16 Turret Cases		8 Radio Antennae	16 Camping Stools		
16 Drums, 55 Gal.	16 Equipment Cases	16 Radio Sets, Small
8 Drop Pods, Closed	8 Drop Pod Panels	8 Barricades		
16 Medical Crates	4 Computers, Small	16 Rucksacks
8 Blitz Cans		16 Supply Cases		8 Plasma Batteries	
4 Grav Lifts		16 Power Cores		8 Weapon Holders

8 Sender Nodes		8 Reciever Nodes	8 Two Way Nodes

20 Starting Points	100 Respawn Points

16 Assault Rifles 	16 Battle Rifles	8 Shotguns
8 Sniper Rifles		16 SMGs			16 Spikers
16 Magnums		8 Plasma Pistols	16 Plasma Rifles
8 Needlers		8 Beam Rifles		8 Brute Shots
8 Rocket Launchers	8 Spartan lasers	8 Energy Swords
4 MG Turrets		8 Gravity Hammers	4 Fuel Rod Guns
16 Carbines		8 Maulers		8 Sentinel Beams
4 Plasma Cannons	1 Flamethrower

8 Mongooses

32 Frag Grenades	32 Plasma Grenades	32 Spike Grenades
8 Firebombs		4 Bubble Shields	4 Power Drainers	
4 Trip Mines		4 Grav Lifts		4 Regenerators	
4 Radar Jammers		4 Flares		4 Deployable Covers	
4 Overshields		4 Active Camos		4 Custom Powerups

16 Ammo Cases		8 Barriers		8 Barriers, Short
16 Barrels		16 Barrels, Small	8 Roadblocks
16 Streetcones		8 Pallets		16 Camping Stools
16 Single Crates   	8 Crates		8 Radio Sets
32 Fusion Coils		8 Generators, Small	4 Turret Cases
16 Ammo Crates		16 Drums, 12 Gal.	16 Drums, 55 Gal.
8 Weapon Holders	4 Grav Lifts

8 Sender Nodes		8 Reciever Nodes	8 Two Way Nodes

20 Starting Points	100 Respawn Points

16 Assault Rifles 	16 Battle Rifles	8 Shotguns
8 Sniper Rifles		16 SMGs			16 Spikers
16 Magnums		8 Plasma Pistols	16 Plasma Rifles
8 Needlers		8 Beam Rifles		8 Brute Shots
8 Rocket Launchers	8 Spartan lasers	8 Energy Swords
4 MG Turrets		8 Gravity Hammers	4 Fuel Rod Guns
16 Carbines		8 Maulers		8 Sentinel Beams
4 Plasma Cannons	1 Flamethrower

6 Mongooses

32 Frag Grenades	32 Plasma Grenades	32 Spike Grenades
8 Firebombs		4 Bubble Shields	4 Power Drainers	
4 Trip Mines		4 Grav Lifts		4 Regenerators	
4 Radar Jammers		4 Flares		4 Deployable Covers	
4 Overshields		4 Active Camos		4 Custom Powerups

16 Radio Sets		16 Rucksacks		16 Drums, 55 Gal.
16 Camping Stools	16 Single Crates	8 Crates
16 Barrels		16 Barrels, Small	8 Pallets
8 Roadblocks		16 Street Cones		20 Plasma Batteries
20 Power Cores		4 Turret Cases		8 Generators, Small
8 Weapon Holders	4 Grav Lifts		
8 Sender Nodes		8 Reciever Nodes	8 Two Way Nodes

20 Starting Points	100 Respawn Points

16 Assault Rifles 	16 Battle Rifles	8 Shotguns
8 Sniper Rifles		16 SMGs			16 Spikers
16 Magnums		8 Plasma Pistols	8 Needlers		
8 Beam Rifles		8 Brute Shots		8 Rocket Launchers
8 Spartan lasers	8 Energy Swords		1 Flamethrower
4 MG Turrets		8 Gravity Hammers	4 Fuel Rod Guns
16 Carbines		8 Maulers		8 Sentinel Beams
4 Plasma Cannons

4 Ghosts		6 Mongooses 		2 Warthogs
2 Choppers		2 Prowlers		1 Wraith
1 Scorpion		2 Warthogs, Gauss

32 Frag Grenades	32 Plasma Grenades	32 Spike Grenades
8 Firebombs		4 Bubble Shields	4 Power Drainers	
4 Trip Mines		4 Grav Lifts		4 Regenerators	
4 Radar Jammers		4 Flares		4 Deployable Covers	
4 Overshields		4 Active Camos		4 Custom Powerups

32 Fusion Coils		8 Crates		16 Barrels
16 Small Barrels	16 Single Crates	8 Medical Cabinets
16 Camping Stools	8 Turret Case Lids	8 Open Turret Cases
8 Computers		8 Small Computers	8 Medical Carts
16 Drums, 12 Gal.	16 Drums, 55 Gal.	8 Floodlights
16 Ammo Crates		8 Radio Sets		8 Medical Crates
8 Medical Trays		8 Pallets		16 Toolboxes
16 Small Toolboxes	8 Roadblocks		32 Streetcones
8 Barriers		8 Barriers, Short	8 Tires
3 Telephones		16 Propane Tanks	8 Weapon Holders
4 Grav Lifts

8 Sender Nodes	 	8 Reciever Nodes	8 Two Way Nodes

20 Starting Points	100 Respawn Points

16 Assault Rifles 	16 Battle Rifles	8 Shotguns
8 Sniper Rifles		16 SMGs			16 Spikers
16 Magnums		16 Plasma Pistols	8 Needlers		
8 Beam Rifles		8 Brute Shots		8 Rocket Launchers
8 Spartan lasers	8 Energy Swords		1 Flamethrower
4 MG Turrets		8 Gravity Hammers	4 Missile Pods
16 Carbines		16 Maulers		8 Sentinel Beams
16 Plasma Rifles

2 Warthogs		8 Mongooses		8 Ghosts
4 Choppers		2 Banshees

32 Frag Grenades	32 Plasma Grenades	32 Spike Grenades
8 Firebombs		4 Bubble Shields	4 Power Drainers	
4 Trip Mines		4 Grav Lifts		4 Regenerators	
4 Radar Jammers		4 Flares		4 Deployable Covers	
4 Overshields		4 Active Camos		4 Custom Powerups

16 Power Cores		16 Fusion Coils		16 Single Crates
8 Crates		16 Turret Cases		8 Radio Antennae
16 camping Stools	16 Drums, 55 Gal.	16 Equipment Cases
16 Radio Sets, Small	8 Drop Pods, Closed	8 Drop Pod Panels
8 Barricades		16 Medical Crates	4 Small Computers
16 Blitz Cans		16 Supply Cases		8 Plasma Batteries
4 Grav Lifts		8 Weapon Holders

8 Sender Nodes		8 Reciever Nodes	8 Two Way Nodes

20 Starting Points	100 Respawn Points

16 Assault Rifles 	16 Battle Rifles	8 Shotguns
8 Sniper Rifles		16 SMGs			16 Spikers
16 Magnums		8 Plasma Pistols	8 Needlers		
8 Beam Rifles		8 Brute Shots		8 Rocket Launchers
8 Spartan lasers	8 Energy Swords		4 Missile Pods
4 MG Turrets		8 Gravity Hammers

2 Warthogs		6 Mongooses		3 Ghosts
2 Scorpions		2 Warthogs, Gauss

32 Frag Grenades	32 Plasma Grenades	32 Spike Grenades
8 Firebombs		4 Bubble Shields	4 Power Drainers	
4 Trip Mines		4 Grav Lifts		4 Regenerators	
4 Radar Jammers		4 Flares		4 Deployable Covers	
4 Overshields		4 Active Camos		4 Custom Powerups

32 Fusion Coils		32 Single Crates	16 Crates
16 Turret Cases		8 Radio Antennae	16 Camping Stools
16 Drums, 55 Gal.	16 Equipment Cases	16 Radio Sets, Small
8 Containers		8 Open Containers	16 Streetcones
8 Forklifts		16 Barriers		8 Roadblocks
8 Pallets		8 Garbage Cans		8 Barrels
16 Propane Tanks	8 Weapon Holders	4 Grav Lifts

8 Sender Nodes		8 Reciever Nodes	8 Two Way Nodes

20 Starting Points	100 Respawn Points

16 Assault Rifles 	16 Battle Rifles	8 Shotguns
8 Sniper Rifles		16 SMGs			16 Spikers
16 Magnums		8 Plasma Pistols	16 Plasma Rifles
8 Beam Rifles		8 Brute Shots		8 Rocket Launchers
8 Spartan lasers	8 Energy Swords		1 Flamethrower
4 MG Turrets		8 Gravity Hammers	4 Missile Pods
4 Fuel Rod Guns 	8 Maulers		8 Sentinel Beams
8 Needlers		4 Plasma Cannons

6 Mongooses		4 Ghosts

32 Frag Grenades	32 Plasma Grenades	32 Spike Grenades
8 Firebombs		4 Bubble Shields	4 Power Drainers	
4 Trip Mines		4 Grav Lifts		4 Regenerators	
4 Radar Jammers		4 Flares		4 Deployable Covers	
4 Overshields		4 Active Camos		4 Custom Powerups

16 Camping Stools	32 Single Crates	16 Crates
16 Radio Sets		16 Rucksacks		16 Drums, 55 Gal.
8 Roadblocks		16 Pallets		16 Streetcones
8 Turret Cases		16 Drums, 12 Gal.	16 Small Radio Sets
16 Small Generators	8 Floodlights		16 Ammo Crates
8 Propane Burners	32 Fusion Coils		4 Grav Lifts

8 Sender Nodes		8 Reciever Nodes	8 Two Way Nodes

20 Starting Points	100 Respawn Points

16 Assault Rifles 	16 Battle Rifles	8 Shotguns
8 Sniper Rifles		16 SMGs			16 Spikers
16 Magnums		16 Plasma Pistols	8 Sentinel Beams
8 Needlers		8 Beam Rifles		8 Brute Shots
8 Rocket Launchers	8 Spartan lasers	8 Energy Swords
4 MG Turrets		8 Gravity Hammers	4 Missile Pods

4 Banshees		4 Choppers		2 Hornets
8 Ghosts		4 Prowlers		8 Mongooses
2 Scorpions		4 Warthogs		2 Warthogs, Gauss
2 Wraith

32 Frag Grenades	32 Plasma Grenades	32 Spike Grenades
8 Firebombs		4 Bubble Shields	4 Power Drainers	
4 Trip Mines		4 Grav Lifts		4 Regenerators	
4 Radar Jammers		4 Flares		4 Deployable Covers	
4 Overshields		4 Active Camos		4 Custom Powerups

16 Fusion Coils		16 Single Crates	8 Crates
8 Turret Cases		8 Radio Antennae	16 Camping Stools
16 Drums, 55 Gal.	16 Equipment Cases	16 Radio Sets, Small
8 Drop Pods, Closed	8 Drop Pod Panels	8 Barricades
16 Medical Crates	4 Computers, Small	16 Rucksacks
8 Blitz Cans		8 Barrels		8 Barrels, Small
16 Supply Cases		8 Plasma Batteries	4 Grav Lifts
8 Weapon Holders

8 Sender Nodes		8 Reciever Nodes	8 Two Way Nodes

20 Starting Points	100 Respawn Points

16 Assault Rifles	16 Battle Rifles	8 Beam Rifles
8 Brute Shots		16 Carbines		8 Energy Swords
1 Flamethrower		4 Fuel Rod Guns		8 Gravity Hammers
4 MG Turrets		16 Magnums		8 Maulers
8 Needlers		4 Plasma Cannons	8 Plasma Pistols
16 Plasma Rifles	8 Rocket Launchers	8 Shotguns
16 SMGs			8 Sniper Rifles		8 Spartan Lasers
16 Spikers		8 Sentinel Beams

2 Choppers		4 Ghosts		6 Mongooses
2 Prowlers		2 Wraiths

32 Frag Grenades	32 Plasma Grenades	32 Spike Grenades
8 Firebombs		4 Bubble Shields	4 Power Drainers	
4 Trip Mines		4 Grav Lifts		4 Regenerators	
4 Radar Jammers		4 Flares		4 Deployable Covers	
4 Overshields		4 Active Camos		4 Custom Powerups

16 Barriers		16 Camping Stools	16 Comm. Nodes
20 Plasma Batteries	20 Power Cores		32 Supply Cases
32 Bare Supply Cases	32 Open Supply Cases 	8 Weapon Holders
8 Crates		4 Grav Lifts

8 Sender Nodes		8 Reciever Nodes	8 Two Way Nodes

20 Starting Points	100 Respawn Points

THE PIT (Note: The objects outside the level affect these numbers)
16 Assault Rifles 	16 Battle Rifles	8 Shotguns
8 Sniper Rifles		16 SMGs			16 Spikers
16 Magnums		8 Plasma Pistols	16 Plasma Rifles
8 Needlers		8 Beam Rifles		8 Brute Shots
8 Rocket Launchers	8 Spartan lasers	8 Energy Swords
4 MG Turrets		8 Gravity Hammers	1 Flamethrower
16 Carbines		16 Maulers		8 Sentinel Beams

6 Mongooses		4 Ghosts

32 Frag Grenades	32 Plasma Grenades	32 Spike Grenades
8 Firebombs		4 Bubble Shields	4 Power Drainers	
4 Trip Mines		4 Grav Lifts		4 Regenerators	
4 Radar Jammers		4 Flares		4 Deployable Covers	
4 Overshields		4 Active Camos		4 Custom Powerups

32 Fusion Coils		16 Ammo Cases		16 Camping Stools
16 Crates		16 Small Generators	8 Floodlights
8 Generators		16 Barrels		16 Small Barrels
16 Lockers		16 Barriers		16 Short Barriers
16 Missiles, Body	8 Missiles, Warhead	16 Pallets
16 Roadblocks		16 Streetcones		16 Small Toolboxes
16 Toolboxes		16 Rucksacks		16 Propane Tanks
8 Weapon Holders	4 Grav Lifts

8 Sender Nodes		8 Reciever Nodes	8 Two Way Nodes

20 Starting Points	100 Respawn Points

16 Assault Rifles 	24 Battle Rifles	8 Shotguns
8 Sniper Rifles		16 SMGs			16 Spikers
16 Magnums		16 Plasma Pistols	4 Missile Pods
8 Needlers		8 Beam Rifles		8 Brute Shots
8 Rocket Launchers	8 Spartan lasers	8 Energy Swords
4 MG Turrets		8 Gravity Hammers	1 Flamethrower
16 Carbines		16 Maulers		8 Sentinel Beams

4 Warthogs		8 Mongooses		4 Ghosts
4 Choppers		2 Wraiths		4 Banshees
2 Hornets		2 Scorpions

32 Frag Grenades	32 Plasma Grenades	32 Spike Grenades
8 Firebombs		4 Bubble Shields	4 Power Drainers	
4 Trip Mines		4 Grav Lifts		4 Regenerators	
4 Radar Jammers		4 Flares		4 Deployable Covers	
4 Overshields		4 Active Camos		4 Custom Powerups

16 Fusion Coils		16 Single Crates	8 Crates
16 Turret Cases		8 Radio Antennae	16 Camping Stools
16 Drums, 55 Gal.	16 Equipment Cases	16 Radio Sets, Small
8 Closed Drop Pods	8 Drop Pod Panels	8 Barricades
16 Medical Crates	4 Grav Lifts		8 Weapon Holders

8 Sender Nodes		8 Reciever Nodes	8 Two Way Nodes

20 Starting Points	100 Respawn Points

16 Assault Rifles	16 Battle Rifles	8 Shotguns
8 Sniper Rifles		16 SMGs			16 Spikers
16 Magnums		8 Plasma Pistols	16 Plasma Rifles
8 Needlers		8 Brute Shots		8 Rocket Launchers
8 Spartan Lasers	8 Energy Swords		4 Plasma Cannons
8 Gravity Hammers	16 Carbines		8 Maulers		
4 Fuel Rod Guns		8 Beam Rifles		8 Sentinel Beams	
4 MG Turrets		1 Flamethrower

4 Warthogs		2 Gauss Warthogs	8 Mongooses		
8 Ghosts		4 Choppers		2 Wraiths

32 Frag Grenades 	32 Plasma Grenades	32 Spike Grenades
8 Firebombs		4 Bubble Shields	4 Power Drains	
4 Trip Mines		4 Grav Lifts		4 Regenerators 
4 Radar Jammers		4 Flares		4 Deployable C.s
4 Overshields		4 Active Camos		4 Custom P.Ups		

24 Double Boxes		8 Open D. Boxes		16 Single Boxes
8 Open S. Boxes		16 Fence Walls		8 Fence Boxes	
8 Stairs		16 Walls		16 Double Walls	
16 Corner Walls		16 Bridges		16 Dumpsters
6 Doors			4 Forklifts		2 Trucks
16 Crates		8 Wire Spools		4 Sign Bs	
4 Sign As		6 Window Panels		32 Fusion Coils
16 Barrels		16 Small Barrels	16 Barriers
16 Short Barriers	16 Pallets		16 Roadblocks	
16 Street Cones		16 Propane Tanks	8 Weapon Holders
4 Grav Lifts		8 ManCannons		8 Large Shield Doors	
8 Shield Doors		4 Soccer Balls

8 Sender Nodes		8 Receiver Nodes	8 Two-Way Nodes

20 Starting Points	100 Respawn Points

16 Assault Rifles	16 Battle Rifles	8 Shotguns
8 Sniper Rifles		16 SMGs			16 Spikers
16 Magnums		8 Plasma Pistols	16 Plasma Rifles
8 Needlers		8 Beam Rifles		8 Brute Shots
8 Rocket Launchers	8 Spartan Lasers	8 Energy Swords
4 MG Turrets 		8 Gravity Hammers	4 Missile Pods	
8 Maulers		1 Flamethrower

6 Warthogs		8 Mongooses		4 Ghosts	
2 Gauss Warthogs	4 Choppers		2  Scorpions		

32 Frag Grenades 	32 Plasma Grenades	32 Spike Grenades
8 Firebombs		4 Bubble Shields	4 Power Drains	
4 Trip Mines		4 Grav Lifts		4 Regenerators
4 Radar Jammers		4 Flares		4 Deployable C.s
4 Overshields		4 Active Camos		4 Custom P.Ups		

32 Fusion Coils		32 Single Crates	16 Crates	
16 Camping Stools	16 55 Gal. Drums	16 Equipment Cases 
16 Small Radio Sets	8 Containers		8 Open Containers	
16 Street Cones		8 Forklifts		16 Barriers	
8 Roadblocks		8 Pallets		8 Garbage Cans	
16 Propane Tanks	8 Barrels		8 Small Barrels	
4 Missile Bodies	8 Wire Spools		8 Open D. Boxes
8 Bridges		8 Weapon Holders	4 Grav Lifts
8 Large Shield Doors	8 Shield Doors		8 ManCannons
4 Soccer Balls

8 Sender Nodes		8 Receiver Nodes	8 Two-Way Nodes

20 Starting Points	100 Respawn Points

8 Energy Swords		16 Magnums		8 Needlers	
8 Plasma Pistols	16 Assault Rifles	16 Battle Rifles
16 Carbines		8 Shotguns		16 SMGs
8 Sniper Rifles		16 Spikers		8 Rocket Launchers
8 Spartan Lasers	8 Brute Shots		4 MG Turrets
4 Plasma Cannons	8 Gravity Hammers	4 Fuel Rod Guns
8 Maulers		1 Flamethrower		8 Beam Rifles		
8 Sentinel Beams	4 Missile Pods

4 Ghosts		8 Mongooses		4 Warthogs	
2 Choppers		2 Banshees		2 Wraiths	
2 Gauss Warthogs	

32 Frag Grenades 	32 Plasma Grenades	32 Spike Grenades
8 Firebombs		4 Bubble Shields	4 Power Drains	
4 Trip Mines		4 Grav Lifts		4 Regenerators
4 Radar Jammers		4 Flares		4 Deployable C.s
4 Overshields		4 Active Camos		4 Custom P.Ups		

32 Fusion Coils		16 Crates		16 Barrels
16 Small Barrels	16 Single Crates	16 Camping Stools
8 Radio Antennae’s	8 Fence Boxes		16 12 Gal. Drums 
16 55 Gal. Drums	16 Small Generators	8 Radio Sets
8 Pallets		8 Roadblocks		16 Street Cones
14 Barriers		8 Short Barriers	8 Barricades
16 Propane Tanks	16 Missile Bodies	8 Forklifts
8 Wire Spools		8 Open D. Boxes		8 Bridges	
8 Weapon Holders	4 Grav Lifts		8 Large Shield Doors
8 Shield Doors		8 ManCannons		4 Soccer Balls

8 Sender Nodes		8 Receiver Nodes	8 Two-Way Nodes

20 Starting Points	100 Respawn Points

> 5.2: Spawned <
This section provides information on each of the weapons, vehicles and pieces
of equipment that can be spawned using Forge. The information includes where
each weapon is spawnable, the amount that can be spawned on that map and the
dollar price for that item. The number in brackets is the number that can be
spawned on each map. These do not yet include the Heroic Map Pack maps.


Assault Rifle		Battle Rifle		Shotgun
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯		¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯		¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
Cost: $2		Cost: $2		Cost: $2
Available:		Available:		Available:
Construct (16)		Construct (16)		Construct (8)
Epitaph (16)		Epitaph	(16)		Epitaph (8)
Guardian (16)		Guardian (16)		Guardian (8)
High Ground (16)	High Ground (16)	High Ground (8)
Isolation (16)		Isolation (16)		Isolation (8)
Last Resort (16)	Last Resort (16)	Last Resort (8)
Narrows (16)		Narrows	(16)		Narrows (8)
Sandtrap (16)		Sandtrap (16)		Sandtrap (8)
Snowbound (16)		Snowbound (16)		Snowbound (8)
The Pit (16)		The Pit	(16)		The Pit (8)
Valhalla (16)		Valhalla (24)		Valhalla (8)

Sniper Rifle		Sub-Machine Gun		Spiker
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯		¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯		¯¯¯¯¯¯
Cost: $2		Cost: $2		Cost: $2
Available:		Available:		Available:
Construct (8)		Construct (16)		Construct (16)
Epitaph (8)		Epitaph	(16)		Epitaph (16)
Guardian (8)		Guardian (16)		Guardian (16)
High Ground (8)		High Ground (16)	High Ground (16)
Isolation (8)		Isolation (16)		Isolation (16)
Last Resort (8) 	Last Resort (16)	Last Resort (16)
Narrows (8)		Narrows	(16)		Narrows (16)
Sandtrap (8)		Sandtrap (16)		Sandtrap (16)
Snowbound (8)		Snowbound (16)		Snowbound (16)
The Pit (8)		The Pit	(16)		The Pit (16)
Valhalla (8)		Valhalla (16)		Valhalla (16)

Magnum			Plasma Pistol		Plasma Rifle
¯¯¯¯¯¯			¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯		¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
Cost: $2		Cost: $2		Cost: $2
Available:		Available:		Available:
Construct (16)		Construct (16)		Construct (16)
Epitaph (16)		Epitaph	(8)		Epitaph (16)
Guardian (16)		Guardian (8)		Guardian (16)
High Ground (16)	High Ground (8)		Isolation (16)
Isolation (16)		Isolation (16) 		Narrows (16)
Last Resort (16)	Last Resort (8)		Snowbound (16)
Narrows (16)		Narrows (8)		The Pit (16)
Sandtrap (16)		Sandtrap (16)		
Snowbound (16)		Snowbound (16)			
The Pit (16)		The Pit	(8)			
Valhalla (16)		Valhalla (16)			

Needler			Beam Rifle		Brute Shot
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯			¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯		¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
Cost: $2		Cost: $2		Cost: $2
Available:		Available:		Available:
Construct (8)		Construct (8)		Construct (8)
Epitaph (8)		Epitaph	(8)		Epitaph (8)
Guardian (8)		Guardian (8)		Guardian (8)
High Ground (8)		High Ground (8)		High Ground (8)
Isolation (8)		Isolation (8)		Isolation (8)
Last Resort (8)		Last Resort (8)		Last Resort (8)
Narrows (8)		Narrows	(8)		Narrows (8)
Sandtrap (8)		Sandtrap (8)		Sandtrap (8)
Snowbound (8)		Snowbound (8)		Snowbound (8)
The Pit (8)		The Pit	(8)		The Pit (8)
Valhalla (8)		Valhalla (8)		Valhalla (8)

Rocket Launcher		Spartan Laser		Energy Sword
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯		¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯		¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
Cost: $2		Cost: $2		Cost: $2
Available:		Available:		Available:
Construct (8)		Construct (8)		Construct (8)
Epitaph (8)		Epitaph	(8)		Epitaph (8)
Guardian (8)		Guardian (8)		Guardian (8)
High Ground (8)		High Ground (8)		High Ground (8)
Isolation (8)		Isolation (8)		Isolation (8)
Last Resort (8)		Last Resort (8)		Last Resort (8)
Narrows (8)		Narrows	(8)		Narrows (8)
Sandtrap (8)		Sandtrap (8)		Sandtrap (8)
Snowbound (8)		Snowbound (8)		Snowbound (8)
The Pit (8)		The Pit	(8)		The Pit (8)
Valhalla (8)		Valhalla (8)		Valhalla (8)

Machine Gun Turret	Gravity Hammer		Missile Pod
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯	¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯		¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
Cost: $6		Cost: $2		Cost: $4
Available:		Available:		Available:
Construct (4)		Construct (8)		Construct (4) 
Epitaph (4) 		Epitaph	(8)		Isolation (4) 
Guardian (4)		Guardian (8)		Last Resort (4)
High Ground (4)		High Ground (8)		Narrows (4)
Isolation (4)		Isolation (8)		Sandtrap (4)
Last Resort (4)		Last Resort (8)		Valhalla (4)
Narrows (4)		Narrows	(8)		
Sandtrap (4)		Sandtrap (8)	
Snowbound (4)		Snowbound (8)
The Pit (4)		The Pit	(8)		
Valhalla (4)		Valhalla (8)

Covenant Carbine	Mauler			Sentinel Beam
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯	¯¯¯¯¯¯			¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
Cost: $2		Cost: $2		Cost: $2
Available:		Available:		Available:
Construct (16)		Construct (16)		Construct (8)
Epitaph (16)		Epitaph	(8)		Epitaph (8)
Guardian (16)		Guardian (8)		Guardian (8)
High Ground (16)	High Ground (8)		High Ground (8)
Isolation (16)		Isolation (16)		Isolation (8)
Snowbound (16)		Narrows	(8)		Narrows (8)
The Pit (16)		Snowbound (8)		Sandtrap (8)
Valhalla (16)		The Pit	(16)		Snowbound (8)
			Valhalla (16)		The Pit (8)
						Valhalla (8)

Flamethrower		Plasma Cannon		Fuel Rod Gun
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯		¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯		¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
Cost: $6		Cost: $6		Cost: $6
Available:		Available:		Available:
Construct (1)		Epitaph	(4)		Epitaph (4)
Epitaph (1)		Guardian (4)		Guardian (4)
Guardian (1)		High Ground (4)		High Ground (4)
High Ground (1)		Narrows	(4)		Narrows (4)
Isolation (1)		Snowbound (4)		Snowbound (4)	
Narrows (1)								
Snowbound (1)							
The Pit (1) 				 				
Valhalla (1)							


Warthog			Mongoose		Ghost
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯			¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯		¯¯¯¯¯	
Cost: $20		Cost: $10		Cost: $15
Available:		Available:		Available:
High Ground (2)		Construct (8)		High Ground (4)
Isolation (2)		Epitaph	(8)		Isolation (8)
Last Resort (2)		Guardian (6)		Last Resort (3)
Sandtrap (4)		High Ground (6)		Narrows (4)
Valhalla (4)		Isolation (8)		Sandtrap (8)
			Last Resort (6)		Snowbound (4)
Gauss Hog		Narrows	(6)		The Pit (4)
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯		Sandtrap (8)		Valhalla (4)
Cost: $20		Snowbound (6
Available:		The Pit	(6)
High Ground (2)		Valhalla (8)
Last Resort (2)		
Sandtrap (2)	

Chopper			Wraith			Hornet
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯			¯¯¯¯¯¯			¯¯¯¯¯¯
Cost: $20		Cost: $40		Cost: $20
Available:		Available:		Available:
High Ground (2)		Sandtrap (2)		Construct (4)
Isolation (4)		Snowbound (2)		Sandtrap (2)	
Sandtrap (4)		Valhalla (2)	 	Valhalla (2)	
Snowbound (2)				 			
Valhalla (4)								
Banshee			Scorpion		Prowler
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯			¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯		¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
Cost: $20		Cost: $40		Cost: $20
Available:		Available:		Available:
Construct (4)		High Ground (1)		High Ground (2)	
Isolation (2)		Last Resort (2)		Sandtrap (4) 	
Sandtrap (4)		Sandtrap (2)		Snowbound (2)	
Valhalla (4)		Valhalla (2) 

All Equipment things can be found on all levels so I didn't list those, but
instead listed how many can be placed on all maps and how much they are. If
you were looking for grenades, here's were they keep 'em.

Frag Grenades		Plasma Grenades		Spike Grenades
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯		¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯		¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
Cost: $1		Cost $1			Cost $1
Number Placable: 32 	Number Placable: 32 	Number Placable: 32 

Firebombs		Bubble Shields		Power Drainers
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯		¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯		¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯	
Cost: $2		Cost $2			Cost $2
Number Placable: 8 	Number Placable: 4	Number Placable: 4

Trip Mines		Grav Lifts		Regenerators	
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯		¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯		¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
Cost: $2		Cost $2			Cost $2
Number Placable: 4	Number Placable: 4	Number Placable: 4

Radar Jammers		Flares			Deployable Covers
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯		¯¯¯¯¯¯			¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯	
Cost: $2		Cost $2			Cost $2
Number Placable: 4 	Number Placable: 4 	Number Placable: 4

Overshields		Active Camos		Custom Powerups
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯		¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯		¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
Cost: $2		Cost $2			Cost $2
Number Placable: 4	Number Placable: 4	Number Placable: 4

SECTION 6: In Closing

> 6.1: Bibliography/Credits <
Written entirely by Ryan Tippet, AKA weremidget

Thanks to the following:

- Bungie Studios for creating an awesome game and inventing an awesome
  feature in Forge. May your future as a company free from the tyrannical
  control of Microsoft be as successful as your past.

- Omegachaos92 (GT: MoCiWe) for collecting the spawnable objects
  information for the Heroic map pack since I'm too poor/cheap to download
  them myself. Huge kudos to you.

- lordraven for providing the cleared out maps. As I said, don't forget to
  play his Forged Maps! (Yeah this was a condition of him letting me use his
  link, so what?)

- This ASCII Generator ( For making
  the title way up top.

- The GameFAQs Halo 3 board for providing questions for the FAQ section.

- My Better Judgement for taking out all the crappy jokes and one-liners
  I was going to leave in.

- Whoever wrote up the list of Equipment for Forge and made it the exact
  same for every map. You probably halved the work I had to put in to
  Section 4.

- Miki for mildly amusing me on numerous occasions

- I'm pretty much scraping the barrel of people to thank now, figure it
  will make this Guide look more impressive...


> 6.2: Sites Allowed to Host this Guide <
The following is a list of the sites that have emailed me requesting
permission to host this guide and had it granted. Thus far, I have not
declined to let any site host it, so long as no credit is misplaced.
Therefore, if you have any wish to see it on your own site, just email me a
request and I'll most likely see it granted. Group 'The Silent Cartographers'

If the name of your site isn't in that list, you shouldn't be hosting, or
linking to, this guide.

> 6.3: Contact Information <
If I failed to spot, overlooked, let pass, failed to see, failed to
notice, neglected, ignored or missed something; or if something was incorrect,
mistaken, erroneous, off beam, wide off the mark, in the wrong, amiss, not
right, unsuitable or wrong, please contact me at the following email address:

	[email protected]

Or you can visit my B.Net profile by looking up the following Gamertag:

I feel the need to say that my crappy k/d ratio was caused by a long time
in Lone Wolves trying to get Overkill, and I still don't have it. Don't have
Gold at the moment either. While you're at my profile, feel free
(read: obliged) to check out my screenshots and download my film clips. If
you've read this far, stop  stalking me and I hope you benefited from  my
Guide, kthanx.

> 6.4: Copyright and Stuff <
This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their 
respective trademark and copyright holders.

Copyright 2007 Ryan Tippet

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