Freedom Cry FAQ/Walkthrough - Guide for Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

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  |               Note that donations are always welcome!                   |
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                         |                     |
                         |   FAQ/WALKTHROUGH   |

                                By Sokkus

Guide stats:    
Time taken to write : 20+ hours
Word Count to date  : 15,000+

Last Updated        : 20/01/2014


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         /___/_/ /_/\__/_/   \____/\__,_/\__,_/\___/\__/_/\____/_/ /_/


Welcome to my guide for Ubisoft's first piece of single player campaign-based
DLC for Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag - Freedom Cry! If you see any errors, 
have a question, a tip or an alternate strategy for a section of the guide 
please head to the contact section and flick me an email to let me know!

If you like what you see here, be sure to check out more of my guides, reviews
and podcasts at and consider donating to my Paypal if
you are feeling a little generous!

Note: In its current state, the guide currently contains:

     > Full walkthrough of all story missions from start to finish
       accomplishing all optional objective requirements for full
       synchronisation on each.
     > Completed Liberation side-tasks guide.
     > Completed Liberation rewards guide.
     > Completed Achievement/trophy guide.

Join me on Facebook      \

I have started a facebook group for readers to keep track of the latest updates
to my guides, you can find it here:

Donate to my Noble Cause!\

After a few generous emails and suggestions from readers and because donations
seems to be a growing trend among other contemporary guide writers, I have
decided to put in the option to allow you to donate some money to me for 
helping you out if you wish to do so.

Although I make these guides for free in my spare time, I probably don’t 
need to point out to gamers that purchasing games is an extremely expensive
hobby (games in Australia cost on average $90 - $120) and writing guides for
them can be a very long, incredibly difficult and thankless task at the best
of times, but one that is very challenging and occasionally rewarding.
Considering you could be paying upwards of $20+ for guides in a game shop,these
free and easily available guides make a cost-effective substitute. Whilst most
are happy to use and move on without a word I would move that a simple donation
is a great, easy way to say thanks if you feel that my guide has saved you some
time, money and frustration in some small way.

By no means feel obligated to donate just for viewing my guide, but if you are
feeling a little generous I certainly won’t object! Any amount is appreciated
whether it be 10 cents or $10.

Thankyou for all that read this far, if you are interested in donating, my
Paypal address is listed below, if not, skip down to the table of contents
below and get stuck into the pirate's life on the high seas with Assassin's
Creed IV and plunder that world crazy!

Paypal ID:


Read my Review!          \

Want to know what I thought of Assassin's creed IV: Black Flag? Check out my
review here:

    ______      __    __              ____
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                                  \____/\____/_/ /_/\__/\___/_/ /_/\__/____/  


>> Note: To fast travel to a section of the guide, copy the text code next to
         the section of interest. Press CTRL +F and paste the code in there to
         jump down to where you want to go in a flash!

  / Assassin's Creed IV: Freedom Cry Walkthrough     \_________________.
  \__________________________________________________/                 |
    |                                                                  |
    |    1. Campaign Mission Walkthroughs ..................... [FCWLKT]
    |        1.01  The Calm Before the Storm................... [ACFC01]
    |        1.02  A Common Enemy ............................. [ACFC02]
    |        1.03  Laying the First Brick ..................... [ACFC03]
    |                                                                  |
    |        1.03A Interlude - Liberation 01 .................. [ACFC3A]
    |                                                                  |
    |        1.04  A Ship of his Own .......................... [ACFC04]
    |                                                                  |
    |        1.04A Interlude - Liberation 02 .................. [ACFC4A]
    |                                                                  |
    |        1.05  Lifting the Veil ........................... [ACFC05]
    |        1.06  A Scientific Inquiry ....................... [ACFC06]
    |                                                                  |
    |        1.06A Interlude - Liberation 03 .................. [ACFC6A]
    |                                                                  |
    |        1.07  Planting the Seeds ......................... [ACFC07]
    |        1.08  Down with the Ship ......................... [ACFC08]
    |        1.09  de Fayet's Last Stand ...................... [ACFC09]
    |                                                                  |
    |                                                                  |
    |    2. Liberation Missions ............................... [ACFCSD]
    |        2.01 Auctions .................................... [ACFCS1]
    |        2.02 Escapes ..................................... [ACFCS2]
    |        2.03 Injuries .................................... [ACFCS3]
    |        2.04 Jail ........................................ [ACFCS4]
    |        2.05 Plantations ................................. [ACFCS5]
    |        2.06 Punishment .................................. [ACFCS6]
    |        2.07 Slave Convoys ............................... [ACFCS7]
    |        2.08 Slave Ships ................................. [ACFCS8]
    |                                                                  |
    |                                                                  |
    |    3. Upgrades and Rewards .............................. [ACFCUR]
    |        3.01 Liberation Rewards .......................... [ACFCLR]
    |        3.02 Resistance Rewards .......................... [ACFCRR]
    |                                                                  |
    |                                                                  |
    |    4.  Collectible Locations Guide ...................... [ACFCCL]
    |        4.01. Port-Au-Prince ............................. [CFC00A]
    |        4.02 Cumberland Bay .............................. [CFC00B]
    |        4.03 Isla Faro ................................... [CFC00C]
    |        4.04 Isla Paramo ................................. [CFC00D]
    |        4.05 Isle-du-Fey ................................. [CFC00E]
    |        4.06 Fort Lully .................................. [CFC00F]
    |        4.07 Fort Matias ................................. [CFC00G]
    |        4.08 Maroon Hideout .............................. [CFC00H]
    |        4.09 Martok Island ............................... [CFC00I]
    |        4.10 Montez ...................................... [CFC00J]
    |        4.11 Scafell Island .............................. [CFC00K]
    |        4.12 Shipwreck ................................... [CFC00L]
    |        4.13 Tortuga ..................................... [CFC00M]
    |        4.14 Wellington .................................. [CFC00N]
    |                                                                  |
    |    5. AC4: Freedom Cry Achievement/Trophy Guide ......... [ACFCT1]
    |                                                                  |
    |                                                                  |
  / Miscellaneous                                 \____________________.
  \_______________________________________________/                    |
    |                                                                  |
    |    6. Contact............................................ [CONTCT]
    |                                                                  |
    |    7. About Me........................................... [INTRDT]
    |                                                                  |
    |       7.01  Me                                                   |
    |       7.02  Donations                                            |
    |       7.03  Console Domination                                   |
    |                                                                  |
    |    8. Special Thanks..................................... [STHNKS]
    |                                                                  |
    |    9. Version History.................................... [VERHIS]
    |                                                                  |
    |   10. Legal ............................................. [LEGL01]
    |                                                                  |
    |                                                                  |

>> Note: To fast travel to a section of the guide, copy the text code next to
         the section of interest. Press CTRL +F and paste the code in there to
         jump down to where you want to go in a flash!


                      F   R   E   E   D   O   M     C   R   Y

          |\       /|      ____   __  __                           __  
          | |     / /___ _/ / /__/ /_/ /_  _________  __  ______ _/ /_ 
          | | /| / / __ `/ / //_/ __/ __ \/ ___/ __ \/ / / / __ `/ __ \
          | |/ |/ / /_/ / / ,< / /_/ / / / /  / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / /
          |__/|__/\__,_/_/_/|_|\__/_/ /_/_/   \____/\__,_/\__, /_/ /_/ 


Welcome to my walkthrough for Ubisoft's latest add on to the epic action 
adventure title Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag - Freedom Cry. This guide will
help you play through this DLC from start to finish, completing all of the 
missions whilst fulfilling all of those pesky mission parameters and optional 
objectives required for 100% synchronisation.

Note that whilst collectibles will appear during missions, I will not be 
including them in the walkthrough unless for location descriptions. There is a
complete collectible locations guide below the main walkthrough.

To fast travel to a chapter, go to the table of contents and copy the code next
to the section of interest. Press CTRL +F and paste the code in there to jump
down to where you want to go in a flash.

A complete list of each type of liberation mission, every type of collectible 
and their locations as well as a complete achievement/trophy guide can
also be located in the relevant spots below the walkthrough in the guide below.



---------------------------------FIRST MISSION---------------------------------
 /                                                                            \
 ]  Memory 01 - The Calm Before the Storm                             [ACFC01][
  \ Optional Objectives:                                                     |
    \ 01. Locate the target ship using the spyglass.                         |
     \                                                                       |
      \  02. Use a mortar to surprise the Templar fleet.                     |

Part 1: Naval Battle
As we begin, we’ll be sailing towards a group of ships in the distance. We
need to sink these. From a distance, pull out your spyglass and use it to look
at the largest of the four ships ahead. This is the Admiral’s ship and
identifying it with the spyglass will complete the first objective. 

As you approach, use a mortar to initiate combat. This will fulfil the second
of the two optional objectives. Focus on the large ship as you move in and
continue to unleash mortars as you approach. As you arrive, veer off to one of
the sides and use your heavy shot/broadside attacks on the admiral’s ship
until it is disabled. Afterwards, take down the three escort vessels. 
Fortuitously, they are quite weak so they won’t take much to destroy.

Once all of the opposition ships have been destroyed, a scene will play and a
dive spot will appear nearby. Sail over to this and dock to initiate a dive

Part 2: Dive
From the diving bell swim directly to the northeast to find a chest beneath
the second air barrel that you come across. Loot this and use the air barrel
to refill your lungs. Swim back towards the diving bell and take a left when
you are able towards the sunken ship. Use the seaweed on the ocean bed to
avoid detection by the sharks swimming about. 

As you arrive at the ship, just in front you’ll find a chest to loot. Do so
and then use a nearby air barrel if you require it. Now we need to swim
upwards towards the deck of the shipwreck. Before you arrive however, enter
the hole allowing you inside the hull.  Swim to the southernmost room to find
the chest with the objective inside. 

Once you have looted it, turn to the right and you’ll notice a hole in the wall
and a green objective marker indicating the diving bell in the distance. Swim
over there, using the seaweed to avoid sharks where necessary and when you
arrive, interact with it to return to the surface.

Part 3: Escape
Following the story sequence, an objective marker will appear in the distance.
Sail towards this. As you do a large number of ships will appear and converge
on your position. Continue to sail towards the marker, but try to take down
the vessel that comes at you from the right as it will ram you if you let it
get close. 

Once you reach the storm, you’ll need to keep an eye on the mini-map for both
water spouts and rogue waves. Just to jog your memory, you want to avoid the
water spouts by navigating around them and we can nullify the damaging rogue
waves by piloting the ship directly into them front on.  We simply need to
make it through these obstacles until we reach the marker in the distance. I
counted two of each before I arrived, so it shouldn’t be too difficult! 

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION---------------------------------

 /                                                                            \
 ]  Memory 02 - A Common Enemy                                        [ACFC02][
  \ Optional Objectives:                                                     |
    \ 01. N/A: There are no optional objectives for this mission.            |
     \                                                                       |

Part 1: Chase
Following the introductory scene, we’ll be on foot and have a nice big machete
as a weapon. As we begin, you’ll see a man marked with a red target marker
running away from you along a dirt trail. Chase after him and kill him when
you catch up with him for a scene.

At this point you will unlock the achievement/trophy ‘Liberation Day’.

Part 2: Tailing
For the moment at least we have a little bit of free-roam action to enjoy. Our
ultimate goal is to reach the green objective marker, but feel free to have a
look around and synchronise a waypoint or two. As we approach the objective
marker, it will expand into a green search area. The guy we need to locate is
in the north-western most part of the green zone, just next to the slave
auction. You’ll need to use Eagle Vision to tag him.

Follow the target along the street to the east using the crowds, building
corners and occasional piece of foliage as cover. He’ll only stop once as you
go, so as long as you keep your distance and don’t cause too much of a
disturbance, you can follow him without too much trouble. After he crosses the
river, he will enter a nearby building. Follow him inside.

Part 3: Eavesdrop
As you enter, the targets will be on the staircase to your left. We need to
listen to their conversation. Move over and stand with the group of patrons at
the foot of the stairs to begin the sequence. Once started, the pair will cut
a lap of the brothel bar area, making 3 stops along the way. Follow them
around the room, whilst staying within the green circle. Use the standing
patrons as cover for the first two stops and then the table with the girl and
two men along the right hand wall at the final stop.

Once the eavesdrop has been completed, approach the glowing woman. Interact
with her for a scene to end the memory.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION---------------------------------

 /                                                                            \
 ]  Memory 03 - Laying the First Brick                                [ACFC03][
  \ Optional Objectives:                                                     |
    \ 01. Push an overseer into the water.                                   |
     \                                                                       |
      \  02. Perform an air assassination from a height of at least 10m.     |

Following the previous mission’s completion, we will again have the option for
a bit of free-roaming action on our hands if we choose to do so.  Ultimately,
we need to make our way over to the green search area within the restricted
area at the plantation to the east.

Part 1: Infiltration
Once we enter the gate to the plantation, continue along the road for a short
distance until you spot a building on your left. Make your way behind this and
follow the narrow passage until you reach a shrub at the top of a wall at the
end. Activate eagle vision here and look into the cane field below to spot our
target. When it is safe to do so, hop the wall, stay in the cover of the field
and speak to her.

Having spoken to the contact, a new objective marker will appear on the map.
When the nearby guard is looking away, hop the fence near the target and
continue along the left hand side of the area using the bushes and buildings
as cover to avoid being spotted by the various guards.  After passing behind
the second building, you will be close to a small, less populated dirt path
leading linking this with another plantation area to the south. Wait for the
guards to look away and run along the path to the new area. Hide in the first
cane field.

Again, when no-one is looking leave the field and follow the dirt path to the
northeast until you reach the green beam indicating the objective in a small
clearing. Approach this for a scene.

Part 2: Attack
We will find ourselves in a new location now and are given the objective of
killing all the overseers in the area. There are 14 hostiles and we’ll need to
clear them out to progress. Note that this section is the point at which the
two optional objectives are able to be achieved. We’ll be sneaky to start with
so that we can earn the assassination from above objective.

Run across the rope bridge here and enter the bush at the end. Assassinate the
guy nearby. Look off to the left and you’ll see a raised platform with one
guard on top and another patrolling from there, down to your level and then
back up again. Whistle the patroller over when you get a chance and eliminate
him. Head up the stairs now and kill the guard at the top. From here, look
back to the area below. There are another two guards standing before a bush
ahead talking. Approach them from behind and double assassinate them. 

From this bush, if you look opposite of the stairs we just came from, you
should see the top of a small wooden crane. Climb up on top of this and from
here air assassinate the guard on the dock below. This will complete the first

Now that the sneakiness is no longer necessary, we need to get some guards
alerted to our presence to get the second objective done. Get spotted by one
of the remaining guards on the docks and stand near the edge of some water.
Wait for combat to begin and when you get a chance, grab a guard and throw him
into the water nearby for the objective.

Once both objectives have been met, simply kill the remaining enemies. After
killing the final overseer, approach the glowing man and interact with him for
a scene.

Part 3: Chase
Following the scene, we’ll need to chase the fellows in the boat. Immediately
run over and use the rope lift nearby, race across the platform and hop over
to the beam sticking out of the cliff face. Climb the wall on the next platform
and then run along the fairly straightforward platforming path until you arrive
outside. Quickly hop across the wooden poles to reach the island and run to
the top of the hill here for a scene to end the mission proper.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION---------------------------------

 /                                                                            \
 ]  Memory 3A - Interlude: Liberation 01                              [ACFC3A][
  \ Optional Objectives:                                                     |
    \ 01. N/A: There are no optional objectives for this mission.            |
     \                                                                       |

Once the scene ending the previous mission is complete, you’ll still be in the
Maroon hideout. You will have a quick tutorial flash up in regards to
liberation tasks and how they can help you. Following this, head over to the
nearby objective marker and buy some blunderbuss ammunition. Once you have
completed this task, you will be able to return to Port-au-Prince via the green
objective marker at the exit.

You’ll now also receive a quick crash course in the blunderbuss (think bad-ass
shotgun). Following the pop-ups use the blunderbuss to aim at and eliminate
the four guards ahead. We’re now free to do as we please again.

Note that the next mission will not unlock until we have recruited 20 maroons
by completing liberation side-missions. You should have a couple of recruits
in your back pocket already, but if not, no matter we are still going to have
to do some liberating at this point. To liberate maroons we can do a number of
things including:

  • Attack a plantation and kill all of its guards, 
  • Save a fleeing slave from pursuers,
  • Free slaves from cages by looting the key from a guard,
  • Free slaves from a slave auction by either buying them for 500 Reales or 
    by killing all of the guards, 
  • Free slaves being escorted through the streets,
  • Free slaves from punishment,
  • Carry injured slaves to a safe location.

Note: for more information regarding liberation missions, some locations to 
find each, and how to complete them, please look at the side-quest guide below.
Link here: [ACFCLM].

Note that liberating citizens will not always yield the same number of Maroons,
so you will likely need to accomplish a number of these tasks to continue. As
we are already at the plantation, you may as well deal with the side-mission.
Now depending on whether it is daytime or night time, you will have a different

If it is day time, you will need to eliminate the target number of guards here 
(20 in this case) to liberate the slaves. Keep in mind that you want to stay 
undetected during this process. If you are spotted, the guards will start 
killing slaves and reducing the total number that you can rescue. Doing so 
undetected will earn you 30 slaves and 10 maroons.

Alternatively, if it is currently night time when you enter the plantation zone
you will need to find and loot a key from a target guard (usually located near
the manor house) inside the green investigation zone. Once we have his key, we
then need to make our way over to three marked doors and unlock them to 
complete the side-mission. 

Either way you go about it, once you are finished, head back to town and 
complete any other tasks you feel like until you reach your quota – I would 
recommend freeing at least 50 slaves in total (not maroons) to make the next 
liberation sequence a little shorter.

Either way, once you have recruited the desired number of Marrons, the next
sequence will be unlocked.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION---------------------------------

 /                                                                            \
 ]  Memory 04 - A Ship of his Own                                     [ACFC04][
  \ Optional Objectives:                                                     |
    \ 01. Distract 4 guards with firecrackers.                               |
     \                                                                       |
      \  02. Use dancing girls to distract the guards.                       |

Once you have freed 20 Maroons, this quest marker will become active and is
located on a rooftop in the main city area of Port-au-Prince.

Part 1: Infiltrate
From the beginning, the game will pop-up a few screens explaining your newest
acquisition – firecrackers.  When you are able, drop some firecrackers into the
alley below and note pair of guards who come to investigate (note that there
will be only one guard if you reload the checkpoint).  When you are able to
move again, turn around and jump across to the roof of the building behind you.
Make your way over to the right (western side of the roof) and jump onto the
branch.  Follow the treetop path until you are above a set of stairs with some
guards at the top. Look towards the base of the stairs and drop some fireworks
here) this is a great place to earn the optional objective for drawing four
guards with firecrackers) and whilst the guards are distracted, follow the
branch you are on all the way west and hop into the hay stack near the end.

Now we can either stay at ground level and work our way slowly over towards the
objective markers using the shrubs and other hiding places, or we can eliminate
the gunner on the roof further to the west and then use the rooftops to
approach the target marker. The latter option is much easier as you can use the
rope lift directly below the gunner to gain easy access to the roof to
assassinate him, or pull him to you by sitting in his line of sight for a few
seconds, then hiding.

The objective marker is highlighting a guard tower. As you approach, you’ll
want to pull out your sleep darts and hit the gunner on top of it with one of
those. At the base of the building facing the tower to the south you will find
a group of dancing girls (there is another group to the north east of the tower
as well if you mess up the optional objective the first time!). 

Hire the first group and walk with them to the west. There is a sheltered
storage area with a red marker indicating a powder keg. As you approach the
shelter, have the dancing girls distract the guards here to complete the second
optional objective. Now quickly grab the flashing keg, run over and drop it
beneath the guard tower and shoot it to blow it up (don’t worry about being
detected once the second optional objective has been completed as nothing will

Part 2: Infiltrate
Once the guard tower is alight, we want to quickly run to the end of the dock
nearby and dive into the water. Swim to the far side of the ship (away from
the shore) and use the stealth swim for as long as possible to stay out of
sight and to shake off alerted guards. 

Climb up the rigging near the front of the ship and climb up to the first
platform on the mast. You will probably be spotted by a gunner in the mast to
your left, but keep climbing until you reach the platform. Assassinate the
guard here and use your blow pipe to sleep the gunner on the other mast. Now
simply climb to the green hologram at the very top of the mast you are climbing
for a scene.

This will complete the mission.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION---------------------------------

 /                                                                            \
 ]  Memory 4A - Interlude: Liberation 02                              [ACFC4A][
  \ Optional Objectives:                                                     |
    \ 01. N/A: There are no optional objectives for this mission.            |
     \                                                                       |

Once the scene ending the previous mission is complete, you’ll now be in
control of your very own ship. Note that the next mission will not unlock
until we have attacked a slave ship and liberated its inhabitants and freed a
total of 150 slaves by completing liberation side-missions. You should have at
least 40 (or 50 if you did as I suggested earlier) freed slaves by now, so
it’s just a matter of grinding out the rest! 

Fortunately, slave ships contain up to 100 slaves that we can free!

Unfortunately they are usually being escorted by groups of 2-3 frigates and
brigs. As we need to liberate one of these bad boys to continue, follow the
ship icon on the mini-map until you find it. As you approach, let loose with
your mortars on the escorts and then finish them off with some broadside/heavy
shots. Destroying these will allow you to board the slave ship. As per usual,
kill the set number of crew to free the slaves on board.

Afterwards, set sail to explore, or head back to town and complete any other
liberation tasks you feel like until you reach the requisite number. Once you
have recruited the desired number of Maroons, the next sequence will be

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION---------------------------------

 /                                                                            \
 ]  Memory 05 - Lifting the Veil                                      [ACFC05][
  \ Optional Objectives:                                                     |
    \ 01. Kill the overseer who led the slaves.                              |
     \                                                                       |
      \  02. Free the slaves from the barracks.                              |

Once you have freed 150 total slaves (and liberated a slave ship), this quest
marker will become active and is located back at the brothel we visited
earlier in the southeast part of the main city area of Port-au-Prince.

Part 1: Follow
From the start of the mission, follow your friend who is marked with the blue
objective marker. She’ll give you a rolling breakdown of what you’ll need to
do for the rest of the mission. After a short walk a scene will play. Once this
is done, follow the group of slaves in front of you in through the open gate
and into the restricted area containing our target.

Place the crate near the green objective marker and then follow the other NPC
marked with the blue indicator until you reach a stable area. Move over to the
green hologram a scene will play.

Part 2: Infiltrate
When we regain control, it will be night time and there will be guards
patrolling about. At this point, we need to sneak into the mansion in the
centre of the grounds. We are also able to complete the first optional
objective at this point – killing the overseer who marched you in here

From the start, look around the corner and wait for the guard here to patrol
off. Enter the bushes when he is away and then whistle him over and assassinate
him when he returns. Now turn on Eagle Vision and look along the wall until
you see the gate. 

The golden target here is our assassination target for the optional objective.
Now we want to work our way along the wall using the foliage provided and wait
in the bush beneath the tree closest to the gate. Wait for the pair of guards
here to separate and then quickly sprint across the dirt road and perform a
running assassination on the golden target. Continue into the bush in the
corner of the wall ahead.

Follow the perimeter wall to the south and climb the smaller wall adjacent to
the shack here and hang from the ledge. Wait for the guard in front to face
towards the mansion and climb over and hide in the bushes behind him to take
him down. Continue to the north, using the bushes as cover until you reach
another wall. This one will have guard leaning up against it.

Look at the mini-map and wait until the other guards are far enough away and
then whistle the leaning guard over and dispatch him. Run across the dirt road
and climb the wall of the mansion up to the balcony. Look in the window to
spot our target.

Part 3: Eavesdrop
Once we see the target, the eavesdrop sequence will begin. Quickly hop over
the railing to the left and follow the targets through the house, being sure
to stay between the windows to avoid detection whilst also staying inside the
green circle. Once the targets move to the centre of the house out of range,
our objectives will update. 

Climb up to the top of the roof and make your way to the south side of the
mansion. Dive into the hay stack marked with the green objective marker.
Assassinate the guard standing nearby if necessary. 

When you are clear, run over to the base of the mansion and enter the stalking
zone beneath the deck with the targets on it. The eavesdropping sequence will
start up once again. As they move, hug the wall at the base of the deck and
follow them around the corner using the shrubs provided. Keep going with them
until you reach the steps blocking your path in front. At this point, the
eavesdrop sequence will be complete. 

Part 4: Escape
Now that the conversation is over, the game prompts us to return to the 
brothel. Before we do that however, we can earn the second optional objective –
freeing the slaves from the barracks.  To do this, we need to sneak back over 
to where we started the last part of the mission (working your way back up the 
perimeter wall works well!) and kill the three guards now hanging out there. 
Be sure to kill them quickly however as once they are aware of your presence 
they will start killing the slaves.

Once you have done that, climb up on top of the slave barracks building on the
perimeter fence and climb through the hole in the iron spikes atop it to
escape the restricted area. Now make your way back to the brothel to complete
the mission.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION---------------------------------

 /                                                                            \
 ]  Memory 06 - A Scientific Inquiry                                  [ACFC06][
  \ Optional Objectives:                                                     |
    \ 01. Complete all 5 of the investigations.                              |
     \                                                                       |
      \  02. Complete all of your investigations without killing anyone.     |

The mission start marker will once again appear over our contact at the
brothel. So when you are ready to continue, head back inside and speak with
her to start the mission.

Part 1: Eavesdrop
Head over to the warehouse near the docks. The targets are inside. The best
way to get at them stealthily though is climbing up through the gap in the wall
on the south side of the building which you can do by approaching just to the
left of the southern doorway and using the crate next to it as cover from the
guards at the entrance to climb the wall. Eliminate the guy patrolling on the
second floor of the warehouse.

Take cover behind the wooden wall directly above the targets and listen to
their conversation. Once it is over, the screen will go black and our
objectives will update.

Part 2: Investigate
Following the conversation, five magnifying glass markers will appear on the
map, these are investigations we need to complete to finish the mission. We
need to complete at least three of them to progress, it should be noted however
that we need to complete all five to earn the first optional objective and we
cannot kill anyone during the investigations to earn the second optional
objective. Note that the not killing anybody objective appears to extend to
knocking people out whilst unarmed and doing so will void the objective for
you. So try not to!

Below are listed the five investigations and how to complete each. To find out
which is which, go to the map and hover your cursor over the marker to see
the labels for each. 

     1. Courier   – The courier is located on the deck of the ship at the end 
                    of the dock west of the warehouse. As you approach his 
                    location, he will run or swim off. Follow him, tackle him 
                    and loot him when he is on the ground to complete the 

     2. Carrier   – The carrier is located around 100 metres to the east of the
                    warehouse where the eavesdropping took place. As we arrive
                    in the green investigation circle, the game will prompt you
                    to turn on Eagle Vision to spot the target. He’ll be the
                    guard arm wrestling.  He’ll get up and walk away. Simply
                    follow after him and pick pocket him when you get the 
                    chance to finish the investigation.

     3. Scientist – This investigation starts at a green hologram objective
                    marker located just to the west of the slave auction in the
                    central city area of Port-au-Prince. This requires you to
                    eavesdrop a pair of scientists. Use the fences here to
                    begin with and then climb the building when you cannot use
                    the fences any further. Utilise the treetop path here to
                    continue following them onto the next set of rooves. Drop
                    down to the ground when you can no longer use the rooftops
                    and use the citizens hanging around and shrubs to continue
                    following them until their conversation ends. 

     4. Fisherman – The fisherman is located along the beach to the south of
                    the warehouse where we eavesdropped on the conversation
                    earlier. He asks you to steal the key to a slave pen. Once
                    you have talked to him, an orange objective icon will
                    appear on the map to the northeast. Find the target and
                    pickpocket him when you are able. Unlock the nearby slave
                    pen (if you approach from behind, you can drop down and 
                    open the door without the guards spotting you). Return to
                    the fisherman to complete the investigation.

     5. Messenger – Located leaning up against a building just to the east to
                    the restricted area in the southern part of the 
                    Port-au-Prince city area. As you get close, the game asks
                    you to target him with Eagle Vision, so do so. As you 
                    approach he will run off, so chase him down and tackle him 
                    to complete the investigation.

Once you have completed the target number of investigations, return to the
brothel and speak with your contact inside to end the mission. 

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION---------------------------------

 /                                                                            \
 ]  Memory 6A - Interlude: Liberation 03                              [ACFC6A][
  \ Optional Objectives:                                                     |
    \ 01. N/A: There are no optional objectives for this mission.            |
     \                                                                       |

Note that the next mission will not unlock until we have attacked and
liberated the wellington plantation which is located out in the Caribbean. As
such, fast travel to the Maroon’s Hideout and exit the cave here to reach your
ship outside. Get behind the wheel and get sailing! Note that this is a good
time to enter the captain’s cabin and upgrade the ship a little.

I would recommend upgrading to at least the following:

  • Level 2 hull
  • Level 2 cannons
  • Level 2 round shot
  • Level 2 heavy shot

Check out your map and set a course for the Wellington plantation which should
be a brief journey to the southwest of your current location (at co-ordinates
205,148). As you approach, you will notice a level 60 man-o-war ship sitting
just outside of it. Yep, you are going to have to attack that and destroy it.

As you approach, let it cop a few of your mortars and then continue to drop
shells on it as it heads in your direction. Once it is in range of your other
weapons, finish it off with some broadside/heavy shots. Destroying these will
allow you to dock with the Wellington Plantation zone via the highlighted
section of water nearby.

Now that we are at the plantation, go and liberate it. If you have freed a
plantation before, you just need to repeat the normal procedure of sneaking
around the grounds and taking out 20 of the guards, if this is your first
attempt at a plantation, keep in mind that as you take out guards you want to
stay undetected. If you are spotted, the guards will start killing slaves and
reducing the total number that you can rescue. Eliminating the set number of

guards undetected will earn you 30 slaves and 10 maroons.  

Once you have cleared out the plantation, climb the windmill and synchronise
the vantage point to unlock a fast-travel option (if you want).

Afterwards, set sail to explore, or head back to town and complete any other
liberation tasks you feel like until you are good to go. Then make your way
back to Port-au-and when you are ready to continue, head back to the brothel,
go on inside and speak with our friend (she is behind a door on the second
floor this time) to start the next mission.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION---------------------------------

 /                                                                            \
 ]  Memory 07 - Planting the Seeds                                    [ACFC07][
  \ Optional Objectives:                                                     |
    \ 01. Sink all six schooners before sinking the brig.                    |
     \                                                                       |
      \  02. Destroy the priate flotilla in less than six minutes.           |

Once you have liberated the Wellington plantation in the Caribbean, this quest
marker will become active and is located back at the brothel we visited
earlier in the southeast part of the main city area of Port-au-Prince. Head
inside and climb the stairs to the second floor to find her.

Part 1: Tailing
Following the introductory story sequence, you’ll notice a green search area
on the map. The guy we need to locate is located just southwest and across the
dirt street from the slave auction, close to the small outdoor storage shelter.
Stick on your Eagle Vision to locate him.

Once you have located the target, he will start walking off. Quickly highlight
him with your Eagle Vision once more and continue after him. As per usual,
you’ll want to keep your distance and use the various pieces of cover (people,
bushes and buildings) to stay out of sight when he stops and looks around. You
will also need to steer clear of the wardens about and the restricted areas if

When he walks past the slave auction stage, you’ll notice that there are a few
guards about and he wanders through some restricted areas at this point. To
avoid the restricted areas, you can climb up onto the grassy ledge above the
auction stage and continue along the top of the wall here straight ahead until
you exit back onto the streets (there should be a large staircase to the left).
Our target will meet with a friend at the base of the stairs, so stay in cover
until they begin moving again.

Target both of them and follow them into the restricted area to watch them go
into the small undercover area just south of the large warehouse by the docks.
After a few moments your objectives will be updated.

Part 2: Infiltrate
We’ll now see a green objective marker beneath the open storage area that our
targets walked into. We need to get inside undetected and interact with the
glowing sheet of paper. The easiest way to do this that I found was to climb
onto the roof of the building across the street to the east of the shelter and
perform a running jump from the roofs corner to land in the bushes at the
northwest corner of the target area.

From here, you can stealth assassinate the guard nearby with his back to the
shrub and whistle over any single patrollers that wander past your posiion.
Keep your eye on the mini-map and when no guards are looking, enter the
undercover area (if you get spotted here, quickly use some crates as cover
before they see you long enough to warrant an investigation), approach the
manifest and swap it. 

Now just escape the area for a scene to complete this section of the mission.

Part 3: Naval Battle
After the scene, we’ll now need to protect a ship (marked with the blue
objective marker) whilst it is attacked by a number of enemy vessels. Note that
this is the section of the mission in which we can earn the two optional
objectives. As you are doing this however, a storm will pick up, so keep on
the lookout for the occasional rogue wave during the next few minutes!

There are 7 enemy ships in total. As we approach, the ship will losing health
and be taking fire from a six schooners and a brig. Our first optional
objective asks us to destroy all six schooners before sinking the brig. As such
use your mortars from a distance as you work your way towards them to take out
as many as possible before sailing in quick and using a combination of
broadside and chase cannons to take them out hastily. 

Once you have taken down all of the schooners, turn your attention to the brig.
If you have upgraded a little, this should not be too much of a challenge for
you, as long as you can prevent the escort from taking too much damage.

After the brig has been dealt with the mission will be complete.

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION---------------------------------

 /                                                                            \
 ]  Memory 08 - Down with the Ship                                    [ACFC08][
  \ Optional Objectives:                                                     |
    \ 01. Take less than 50% damage during the naval battle.                 |
     \                                                                       |
      \  02. Liberate at least 15 slaves.                                    |

Before we start this mission, it is a good idea to restock your ship’s ammo
supplies (especially mortars, if you use them as much as I do!). 

To begin this mission, we’ll once again head inside the brothel in 
Port-au-Prince. This time, we want to step into the green mission start
hologram at the base of the stairs. 

After the introductory cinematic you’ll be behind the wheel of the Experto
Creed. If you look at the map, you will see that there is a green circle
indicating a slave ship named ‘Bourbon’. It is located at co-ordinates
(171,349) just south of the marker for Cumberland Bay on the world map.

Part 1: Naval Battle
As you approach the location, you will note that it is being escorted by 3
frigates.  Use your spyglass to mark the slave ship (so you know what not to
attack!) and then pepper the escorting frigates with mortars from a distance
until they come to greet you. At this point, cut big laps and hit them with
your heavy/round shot attacks until you have sunk two of them. 

When two of the three have been defeated a short scene will play and it will
show the third starting to attack the slave ship. Quickly make your way over
to its location, hitting it with mortars as you approach (to save time) and
then finish it off with a broadside or two. 

The game will prompt you to go over and board the slave ship. So go and do it!

Part 2: Rescue
Once you have boarded the ship, you’ll need to head over and interact with the
hatch beneath the green hologram near the rear of the vessel’s deck. 

You’ll be in a cabin that is flooded and burning at the same time. Huzzah! You
will see numerous slaves tied to beds throughout. We need to run up to the
glowing pillars by each group of slaves and interact with it. At this point
you will have to follow the on-screen button prompts to release them. 

Unfortunately we only have a limited amount of time here, so we need to free
as many as possible within the timeframe. I counted seven groups of slaves in
total, but you will only need to rescue five of the seven groups to complete
the second optional objective. 

After the time is up, a scene will play.

Part 3: Escape
Following the scene, you will find yourself underwater. Time to escape! Swim
through the open doorway in front of you and interact with the glowing hatch
on the floor.  Descend through the hatch and turn to trace the green objective
marker, swim to the right of the support in the centre, and swim along whilst
hugging the right hand wall to avoid the moving cargo. When you reach the end,
follow the passage around to the left and swim up the open hatch that is marked
for you.

After a brief scene, Ade will surface for us. Climb up the wall to the left
and when you are able, back eject to the wall opposite. Continue to climb all
the way to the top using the handholds and fairly obvious platforming pathway
that is laid out for you. 

As you arrive at the objective marker another scene will play to end the

----------------------------------NEXT MISSION---------------------------------

 /                                                                            \
 ]  Memory 09 - de Fayet's Last Stand                                 [ACFC09][
  \ Optional Objectives:                                                     |
    \ 01. Kill 5 guards with the blunderbuss.                                |
     \                                                                       |
      \  02. kill the assassination target with the branding iron.           |

To begin the ninth and final mission for the DLC, you will need to make your 
way to the Maroon Hideout either by going through the secret hatch on the 
ground next to the stairs in the brothel, or by fast traveling to the icon on 
the world map.  Once inside, run over and talk to our buddy who is marked with
the exclamation mark to begin.

Part 1: Assassinate
Make your way over to the Governor’s mansion which is conveniently indicated
by the green objective marker. As you approach it will become a wide, green
investigation area. Stand outside of the open gate with the guards blocking the
path at the south of the mansion. Stand in front of them and use Eagle vision
to look into the grounds of the courtyard beyond. This should trigger a scene
and identify the target for you. 

Now pull out your blunderbuss and shoot the four guards at the gate. This will
alert the target to your presence and he will run out the gate, past you and
down towards the waterfront. You’re your blunderbuss out and shoot a guard or
two that follow him to earn the first optional objective (but be sure not to
hit the target!). Now turn and follow him, doing your best to avoid the guards
that attempt to tackle you from behind and block your path. As with any chase
sequence, try to stay within 50 metres of him at all times or you are likely
to desynchronise!

Now comes the tricky part. The target will run to a small guard training area
along the south of the city area and it is unfortunately full of guards. Add
to that the fact that you just came running through the streets with half of
the guards in the city after you and you have a difficult fight ahead! Now, you
also need to keep in mind that to earn the second optional objective, we need
to kill the target with the branding iron – this means we will need to counter
and disarm the target before killing him. As such, make sure you are unarmed
before you take him on.

Fortunately there are a few things we can do to make it easier. If you pull
out the blunderbuss, you can circle around until you gather the enemies into a
nice group and then let loose (just make sure the target does not get hit). IF
you do this 2-3 times, this will thin them out nicely, allowing you to easily
counter and kill the remaining guards.  

Ensure at this point that you disarm and kill the target with the branding
iron and as he dies, a scene will play to complete the mission and the DLC. 

Note: For completing this mission whilst killing the target with the iron you
      will earn the achievement/trophy ‘His Own Medicine’.

Note: For completing this mission, you will earn the achievement/trophy ‘His 
      Word Was “Perhaps”’.

Congratulations, you have just completed Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag's DLC
Freedom Cry!
If you have enjoyed using the guide and are on GameFAQs, why not scroll to the
very top of the page, hit the recommend button and give me a brief bit of
feedback? It is much appreciated! 

Alternatively, consider making a donation to my Paypal account
(Sokkus[at]hotmail[dot]com), sending me a brief email or visiting the site that
I write for ( to check out some of my other reviews
and previews!

Again, I hope you enjoyed the guide and I look forward to see you again in my
next FAQ!


                  S  I  D  E  -  A  C  T  I  V  I  T  I  E  S  

                  __    _ __                    __  _           
                 / /   (_) /_  ___  _________ _/ /_(_)___  ____ 
                / /   / / __ \/ _ \/ ___/ __ `/ __/ / __ \/ __ \
               / /___/ / /_/ /  __/ /  / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / /
              /_____/_/_.___/\___/_/   \__,_/\__/_/\____/_/ /_/ 


Just like the vanilla Assassin's Creed IV experience, in addition to the main
campaign missions, there are several types of additional side-missions to keep
you occupied whilst taking a break from the main plot or during exploration
once the credits have rolled. In the case of Freedom Cry, these are all pooled
under the banner of liberation side-missions in which you find and assist 
random slaves in and around port-au-prince and the Caribbean.

for quicker navigation, please use the shortcuts here: 

     > Auctions ................................... [ACFCS1]
     > Escapes .................................... [ACFCS2]
     > Injuries ................................... [ACFCS3]
     > Jail ....................................... [ACFCS4]
     > Plantations ................................ [ACFCS5]
     > Punishment ................................. [ACFCS6]
     > Slave Convoys .............................. [ACFCS7]
     > Slave Ships ................................ [ACFCS8]

 /                                                                            \
 ] Auctions                                                           [ACFCS1][
  \  Rewards:   Maroons x 3,   Slaves x 2                                    |

In several locations throughout Port-au-Prince you will find slave auctions. 
There are two ways to complete these side-tasks. 

    1. Approach the auctioneer and purchase them for 500 Reales.
    2. Kill the auctioneer and all the nearby guards, then interacting with
       the slaves to free them.

Here are some of the mission locations:

    1. In the northeast corner of the city area of Port-au-Prince, just west of
       the Governer's mansion.

    2. Just north of and directly across the road from the building with the 
       viewpoint in the city area of Port-au-prince.

 /                                                                            \
 ] Escapes                                                            [ACFCS2][
  \  Rewards:   Maroons x 1,   Slaves x 0                                    |

As you walk around the main city area of Port-au-Prince, you will every so
often get a prompt to fto save a freeing slave from a pursuer. Do do this, we
need to simply find the slave on the mini-map and then identify and kill his
the guard that is chasing after him. As long as you kill the guard before he
catches up with the slave, you will complete the task.

Here are some of the mission locations:

    1. Just northwest of the brothel where you recieve the majority of your
       missions. This is marked by a Maroon Store icon on the map, close to the
       Est-bourbon plantation.

    2. Close to the southern boundry of the map, almost directly south of the
       viewpoint in the city section of Port-au-prince.

    3. In the very northeast corner of the city area, close to the path leading
       to the Brousse du Nord-Est plantation area of Port-au-Prince, just
       northwest of the Governer's mansion.

 /                                                                            \
 ] Injuries                                                           [ACFCS3][
  \  Rewards:   Maroons x 0,   Slaves x 1                                    |

In Port-au-Prince there are a number of locations where you will find injured
slaves sitting on the ground. To complete the liberation task associated with
these guys, we need to pick them up and carry them to an objective marker that
appears once you are holding them, avoiding guards and jailers along the way.
As you arrive, you will complete the task.

Here are some of the mission locations:

    1. At the very southern end of the city portion of Port-au-Prince, almost
       directly south of the viewpoint in this area.

    2. Just to the west of the Maroon Store icon on the map closest to the 
       Brousse du Nord-Est plantation, north east of the Port-au-Prince city

    3. In the very northeast corner of the city area, close to the path leading
       to the Brousse du Nord-Est plantation area of Port-au-Prince, just
       northwest of the Governer's mansion.

 /                                                                            \
 ] Jail                                                               [ACFCS4][
  \  Rewards:   Maroons x 2,   Slaves x 2                                    |

There are a number of cages scattered around Port-au-Prince which are often
containing slaves. We can free them by finding a nearby guard in possession of
a key. Usually when you arrive at one such cage, an orange objective marker
will appear on the map to  identify the location of the target guard. Obtain
the key from him and use it on the cage to complete the task.

Note that most of these cages have a restricted area around them, so you will
either have to be sneaky, or kill all the enemies in the zone and return to
anonymous to interact with the cage.

Here are some of the mission locations:

    1. Just north of the viewpoint in the city area of Port-au-prince.

    2. In the northeast corner of the city area of Port-au-Prince, just west of
       the auction close to the entrance to the Governer's mansion.

 /                                                                            \
 ] Plantations                                                        [ACFCS5][
  \  Rewards:   Maroons x 10,   Slaves x 30                                  |

Plantations are one of the biggest additions to the game in Freedom Cry and
they act as ad-lib infiltration missions that you can attempt at any time, 
providing the target plantation is not abandoned.

Now depending on whether it is daytime or night time, you will have a different

If it is day time, you will need to eliminate the target number of guards here 
(20 in this case) to liberate the slaves. Keep in mind that you want to stay 
undetected during this process. If you are spotted, the guards will start 
killing slaves and reducing the total number that you can rescue. Doing so 
undetected will earn you 30 slaves and 10 maroons.

Alternatively, if it is currently night time when you enter the plantation zone
you will need to find and loot a key from a target guard (usually located near
the manor house) inside the green investigation zone. Once we have his key, we
then need to make our way over to three marked doors and unlock them to 
complete the side-mission.

Here are some of the mission locations:

There are six plantations in the DLC. Three are located in the Port-au-Prince
area and there are a further 3 around the caribbean that you will need to sail

    1. (418,246) Brousse du Nord-Est (North Eastern Port-au-Prince)
    2. (418,246) Est-Bourbon (South-East Port-au-Prince)
    3. (418,246) Lagon Nord (Northern Port-au-Prince)
    4. (231,376) Montez
    5. (377,371) Tortuga
    6. (205,148) Wellington

 /                                                                            \
 ] Punishment                                                         [ACFCS6][
  \  Rewards:   Maroons x 2,   Slaves x 0                                    |

This particular side-quest can be found in Port-au-Prince. When you see the
event, there will be a pair of slaves tied to a wall with a guard beating on
them. Two other guards are usually standing guard nearby. To complete the task,
kill all three guards and interact with the slaves. Easy!

Here are some of the mission locations:

    1. On the path linking the main Port-au-prince city area with the 
       Lagon-Nord plantation to the north.

    2. In the yard of the building just to the east of the warehouse to the
       north of the dock area. 

    3. At the base of the building with the viewpoint in the city section of 

 /                                                                            \
 ] Slave Convoys                                                      [ACFCS7][
  \  Rewards:   Maroons x 2,   Slaves x 1                                    |

In the city portion of Port-au-Prince, you will occasionally see slaves being
escorted through the streets by a number of guards. A yellow circle appears
around them on the mini-map, so if you step inside it you will be detected and
the guards will start killing the slaves. We need to assassinate all of the
escort guards before they kill any slaves to complete the task.

Here are some of the mission locations:

    1. Walking along the main street from north to south just to the east of 
       the dock area.

    2. Walking along the main street from north to south just to the west of 
       the dock area.

 /                                                                            \
 ] Slave Ships                                                        [ACFCS8][
  \  Rewards:   Maroons x 10,   Slaves x 90                                  |

Slave ships contain up to 100 slaves that we can free! Unfortunately though
they are usually being escorted by groups of 2-3 frigates and brigs. As we need
to liberate one of these bad boys to continue, follow the ship icon on the 
mini-map until you find it. As you approach, let loose with your mortars on the
escorts and then finish them off with some broadside/heavy shots. Destroying 
these will allow you to board the slave ship. As per usual, kill the set number
of crew to free the slaves on board.

Here are some of the mission locations:

Unfortunately there are no set locations for the slave ships, however when you
identify them on the world map, an icon will appear to give you their location.
Then its a simple matter of sailing over and taking its convoy down.

   __  __                           __                 
  / / / /___  ____ __________ _____/ /__  _____     __ 
 / / / / __ \/ __ `/ ___/ __ `/ __  / _ \/ ___/  __/ /_
/ /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /  / /_/ / /_/ /  __(__  )  /_  __/
\____/ .___/\__, /_/   \__,_/\__,_/\___/____/    /_/   
    /_/    /____/       
                                     ____                              __    
                                    / __ \___ _      ______ __________/ /____
                                   / /_/ / _ \ | /| / / __ `/ ___/ __  / ___/
                                  / _, _/  __/ |/ |/ / /_/ / /  / /_/ (__  ) 
                                 /_/ |_|\___/|__/|__/\__,_/_/   \__,_/____/
                   |   Upgrades, Rewards and Bonus Effects   |


There are a number of rewards that can be unlocked by completing various
numbers of liberation tasks, corresponding to the accumulated number of slaves
that you free or maroons you recruit. There are 10 rewards to unlock for each.
Liberation rewards refer to those unlocked by freeing slaves, resistance 
rewards are earned by recruiting maroons. For a more in-depth look at the tasks
and some hints and tips on how to accomplish each please check out the side
mission guide above [ACFCSD].

Once you have unlocked some rewards, you can either purchase them via a shop
in the case of weapons or item/ammo pouch upgrades or they will passively come
into effect in the case of additional resistance fighters and crew members. 

Here is a list of the rewards in the game, and how many slaves/maroons are 
required to be completed before they are unlocked.

Please use the shortcut to reach the table that you desire:

     > Liberation Rewards ......................... [ACFCLR]
     > Resistance Rewards ......................... [ACFCRR]

Liberation Rewards [ACFCLR]:

 /                          |                 |                               \
 ]     Liberation Reward    | Slaves Required |  Reward Effect/unlock         [
 |Rope Dart Pouch I         | > 25 Slaves     | > Carry +5 Rope Darts.        |
 |                          |                 |                               |
 |Smoke Bomb Pouch I        | > 50 Slaves     | > Carry +5 Smoke bombs.       |
 |                          |                 |                               |
 |Dart Pouch I              | > 75 Slaves     | > Carry +5 Sleep/Berserk Darts|
 |                          |                 |                               |
 |Experto Crede Appearance  | > 100 Slaves    | > New Sails, Wheel and figure |
 |                          |                 |   head unlocked.              |
 |                          |                 |                               |
 |Ironclad Ram              | > 125 Slaves    | > Ram upgrade available from  |
 |                          |                 |   Harbourmaster/Captains Cabin|
 |                          |                 |                               |
 |Blunderbuss Ammo Pouch I  | > 150 Slaves    | > Carry +4 small lead shot.   |
 |                          |                 |                               |
 |Firecracker Bag I         | > 200 Slaves    | > Carry +4 Firecrackers.      |
 |                          |                 |                               |
 |Steel-forged Machete      | > 300 Slaves    | > Upgraded melee weapon.      |
 |                          |                 |                               |
 |Portable Cannon           | > 400 Slaves    | > Upgraded blunderbuss-type   |
 |                          |                 |   weapon.                     |
 |                          |                 |                               |
 |Special Reward            | > 500 Slaves    | > Abstergo Credits for MP mode|
 |                          |                 |                               |

Resistance Rewards [ACFCRR]:
 /                          |                 |                               \
 ]     Liberation Reward    | Slaves Required |  Reward Effect/unlock         [
 |Core Crew Members         | > 20 Maroons    | > Recruited maroons become the|
 |                          |                 |   crew for the Experto Crede. |
 |                          |                 |                               |
 |Resistance Fighters I     | > 25 Maroons    | > Groups of maroons will now  |
 |                          |                 |   appear at plantations to    |
 |                          |                 |   help in combat.             |
 |                          |                 |                               |
 |Plantation Raid Bonus I   | > 30 Maroons    | > You will earn some Reales   |
 |                          |                 |   upon successfully raiding a |
 |                          |                 |   plantation.                 |
 |                          |                 |                               |
 |Ammunition Rebate         | > 35 Maroons    | > Ammo costs 50% less if      |
 |                          |                 |   purchased from the Maroon   |
 |                          |                 |   stores.                     |
 |                          |                 |                               |
 |Resistance Fighters II    | > 40 Maroons    | > Groups of maroons will now  |
 |                          |                 |   appear at plantations to    |
 |                          |                 |   help in combat.             |
 |                          |                 |                               |
 |Additional Crew Members   | > 45 Maroons    | > Additional maroons join the |
 |                          |                 |   crew of the Experto Crede.  |
 |                          |                 |                               |
 |Plantation Raid Bonus II  | > 50 Maroons    | > You will earn more Reales   |
 |                          |                 |   upon successfully raiding a |
 |                          |                 |   plantation.                 |
 |                          |                 |                               |
 |Full Crew Members         | > 55 Maroons    | > More maroons join the crew  |
 |                          |                 |   of the Experto Crede to have|
 |                          |                 |   it reach maximum capcity.   |
 |                          |                 |                               |
 |Resistance Fighters III   | > 60 Maroons    | > Groups of maroons will now  |
 |                          |                 |   appear at plantations to    |
 |                          |                 |   help in combat.             |
 |                          |                 |                               |
 |Free Ammunition           | > 70 Maroons    | > Ammunition is now free when |
 |                          |                 |   purchased from Maroon stores|
 |                          |                 |                               |


                ______      ____          __  _ __    __         
               / ____/___  / / /__  _____/ /_(_) /_  / /__  _____
              / /   / __ \/ / / _ \/ ___/ __/ / __ \/ / _ \/ ___/
             / /___/ /_/ / / /  __/ /__/ /_/ / /_/ / /  __(__  ) 
                     | Freedom Cry Collectible Locations |


There is a plethora of Collectibles littered throughout the DLC's game world
in Port-au-Prince itself as well as secondary locations such as shipwrecks,
plantations and on one or two of the little islands scattered about the 
Caribbean zone. 

The collectibles come in a couple of flavours. This collectible locations guide
will give you a brief description of each type of collectible, a brief intro on
how and what they are used for and then a complete list of all of the different
collectibles in the game sorted by the locations available. I have included a
brief description for the location of each collectible to assist you in finding

Note that climbing and synchronising viewpoints will reveal all of the various
collectibles on the mini-map, so you should definitely consider doing so prior
to starting your hunt!

The different collectibles include:

   > 63 Treasure Chests
     There are an abundance of treasure chests scattered across the Caribbean.
     They appear as your stock, standard chest and can be opened by approaching
     them and using the interact button when the prompt appears to do so. These
     often contain various sums of Reales and reagents. They are not only found
     all over Port-au-Prince but also in the abandoned ruins, shipwreck dive 
     sites and on uncharted islands in the middle of the ocean as well. 

     Fortunately, collecting all of these is not required to complete the DLC
     at 100% synchronisation.

   > 5 Secrets
     There are a good number of secrets hidden around the caribbean island 
     locations that you can visit in the free-roaming naval area. Unlike the 
     secrets in the main game, these secrets are incredibly useful and provide 
     players with new weapons and upgrades to make Adewale even more of a force
     to be reckoned with.

     Fortunately, collecting all of these is not required to complete the DLC
     at 100% synchronisation.


                 C   O   L   L   E   C   T   I   B   L   E   S
                  __                     __  _                 
                 / /   ____  _________ _/ /_(_)___  ____  _____
                / /   / __ \/ ___/ __ `/ __/ / __ \/ __ \/ ___/
               / /___/ /_/ / /__/ /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / / / (__  ) 
              /_____/\____/\___/\__,_/\__/_/\____/_/ /_/____/

Freedom Cry's locations consist of each of the major population centre of 
Port-au-Prince as well as three plantations in the caribbean - Montez, Tortuga
and Wellington and several other locations marked with a location marker on the
naval world map. Here you'll find a section for each location along with a 
location description for each collectible hidden in that location.

Note that climbing and synchronising viewpoints in the larger zones will reveal
all of the various collectibles on the mini-map and also add a fast travel 
point, so you should definitely consider doing so prior to starting your hunt!

The following are the main locations as found on the world map. Please use the
associated shortcut to jump down to the location of interest.

     > A. Port-Au-Prince .......................... [CFC00A]
     > B. Cumberland Bay .......................... [CFC00B]
     > C. Isla Faro ............................... [CFC00C]
     > D. Isla Paramo ............................. [CFC00D]
     > E. Isle-du-Fey ............................. [CFC00E]
     > F. Fort Lully .............................. [CFC00F]
     > G. Fort Matias ............................. [CFC00G]
     > H. Maroon Hideout .......................... [CFC00H]
     > I. Martok Island ........................... [CFC00I]
     > J. Montez .................................. [CFC00J]
     > K. Scafell Island .......................... [CFC00K]
     > L. Shipwreck ............................... [CFC00L]
     > M. Tortuga ................................. [CFC00M]
     > N. Wellington .............................. [CFC00N]

--------------------------------FIRST LOCATION---------------------------------
 /                                                                            \
 ]  Port-Au-Prince                                                    [CFC00A][
  \ Co-ordinates      \  Collectibles:             \  Secrets:               |
    \    (418,246)      \  30 x Treasure Chest       \  N/A No secrets       |

Treasure Chests (30)
     01. On a small beach area, close to a campfire and an overturned rowboat
         in the very south west corner of the map.
     02. In a small open shed along the southern section of the map. It is 
         located almost directly south of the view point in the main city 
         portion of Port-Au-Prince.

     03. On a raised ledge accessible via a wooden stump. This can be found 
         along a small dirt path at the southern end of the map and to the west
         of the brothel where we receive all of our missions from.

     04. Located at the base of the building with the viewpoint in the city 
         portion of Port-au-Prince.

     05. On the roof of the second building to the west of the viewpoint in the
         city portion of Port-au-Prince.

     06. At the northern end of the restricted area along the beach to the 
         south of the docking area. Note this is fairly heavily guarded, so go 
         in blunderbuss ready to make things easier.

     07. Behind a building directly north east of the viewpoint in the city 
         part of Port-au-Prince.

     08. At the Governor’s mansion, enter via the front gate, climb the stairs
         to the mansion itself and turn to the right at the top to find the 

     09. In the garden area behind the mansion, near the gazebo in the 
         easternmost corner of the square restricted area around the Governor’s

     10. On the roof of the building directly east of the rowboat icon (the one
         for fast travel back to the ship).

     11. In the narrow passageway between the building described in location 10
         and the next building to the east. 

     12. On a rooftop around halfway between the northernmost point of the 
         restricted area surrounding the Governor’s mansion and the dock. 

     13. Inside the warehouse just to the northeast of the dock. 

     14. On a raised grassy platform at the northernmost part of the city area
         in Port-au-Prince. You can access it via a fallen tree, and then a 
         quick dash through the treetop pathway. The fallen tree is located 
         just to the east of the warehouse described in location 13.

     15. Behind the manor house in the southwest corner of the Est-Bourbon 
         plantation area (South-East Port-au-Prince).

     16. Between some stalking zone shrubs in the centre section along the 
         southernmost wall of the Est-Bourbon plantation area (South-East 

     17. Behind the small building directly south east of the Est-Bourbon 
         plantation viewpoint. Also directly north east of the small cow pen.
     18. On a small grassy knoll directly east of the Est- Bourbon plantation 

     19. On the ground beneath the guard tower north of the Est- Bourbon 
         plantation viewpoint.

     20. On a rocky ledge o the left of the path on the way between 
         Port-au-Prince’s city area and the Brousse du Nord-Est plantation area
         (north-east Port-au-Prince). You can use the stone steps to reach it.

     21. Beneath a tree in the northwest corner of the Brousse du Nord-Est 
         plantation area.

     22. On a small grassy ledge along the northern wall of the Brousse du 
         Nord-Est plantation area. It is directly north of the viewpoint in 
         this area.

     23. Sitting against the back wall of the manor house in the eastern part 
         of the Brousse du Nord-Est plantation area.

     24. Against the building opposite the guard tower to the northwest of the 
         viewpoint in the Brousse du Nord-Est plantation area. This is almost
         directly below the plantation liberation mission map marker. 

     25. Beneath the roof of an open storage area along the southern wall of 
         the Brousse du Nord-Est plantation area. It is directly south of the 
         viewpoint in this area.

     26. Beneath the roof of an open storage building in the south east corner 
         of the Lagon Nord plantation area (north Port-au-Prince). It is 
         directly south-east of the viewpoint in this area.

     27. Against the wall of the first building directly south of the viewpoint
         in the Lagon Nord plantation area.

     28. Against the wall of the first building directly north of the viewpoint
         in the Lagon Nord plantation area.

     29. In the garden area to the south of the manor house located on the 
         western side of the Lagon Nord plantation area.

     30. On a grassy ledge in the northwest region of the Against the Lagon
         Nord plantation area.

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION---------------------------------
 /                                                                            \
 ]  Cumberland Bay                                                    [CFC00B][
  \ Co-ordinates      \  Collectibles:             \  Secrets:               |
    \    (176,374)      \  3 x Treasure Chest        \  1 x Blunderbuss      |

Secrets (1) – Precision Shooter
     01. On a beach area on the north shore of the water running into the 
         centre of the island in the centre of a small camp guarded by three 
         soldiers. This appears as a flashing blunderbuss sitting atop a pile 
         of wooden planks. This is also right next to a treasure chest.

Treasure Chests (3)
     01. On a beach area on the north shore of the water running into the 
         centre of the island in the centre of a small camp guarded by three 

     02. Just to the south and across the water from location 1. In a small 
         cave-like area, accessible by climbing a set of rocks and hidden by 
         some trees and vines.

     03. On the beach in the north-western corner of the map by an overturned 
         row boat. There are two guards standing nearby.

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION---------------------------------
 /                                                                            \
 ]  Isla Faro                                                         [CFC00C][
  \ Co-ordinates      \  Collectibles:             \  Secrets:               |
    \    (331,388)      \  1 x Treasure Chest        \  N/A No secrets       |

Treasure Chests (1)
     01. in the centre of the beach, close to the overturned rowboat.

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION---------------------------------
 /                                                                            \
 ]  Isla Paramo                                                       [CFC00D][
  \ Co-ordinates      \  Collectibles:             \  Secrets:               |
    \    (392,176)      \  1 x Treasure Chest        \  N/A No secrets       |

Treasure Chests (1)
     01. Beneath the rotting ship hull that is found washed up on the beach at 
         the specified co-ordinates.

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION---------------------------------
 /                                                                            \
 ]  Isle-du-Fey                                                       [CFC00E][
  \ Co-ordinates      \  Collectibles:             \  Secrets:               |
    \    (315,309)      \  1 x Treasure Chest        \  N/A No secrets       |

Treasure Chests (1)
     01. in the centre of the beach, close to the overturned rowboat.

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION---------------------------------
 /                                                                            \
 ]  Fort Lully                                                        [CFC00F][
  \ Co-ordinates      \  Collectibles:             \  Secrets:               |
    \    (230,219)      \  3 x Treasure Chest        \  N/A No secrets       |

Treasure Chests (3)
     01. If you fast travel to this location, you will find yourself to the 
         west of the destroyed fort on the Experto Creed on the western side of
         the area adjacent to a dock area. If you swim over and follow the dock
         until you reach the shore, you will see the chest on the beach.

     02. From chest location 1, look around the left of the main structure 
         directly in front of you at the end of the dock. The chest will be on
         the ground up against the wall here. 

     03. On a beach on the eastern side of the Fort Tully area. You will have 
         to sail around there and swim over to it. This one will not appear on 
         the mini map until you are quite close to it. 

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION---------------------------------
 /                                                                            \
 ]  Fort Matias                                                       [CFC00G][
  \ Co-ordinates      \  Collectibles:             \  Secrets:               |
    \    (276,402)      \  3 x Treasure Chest        \  1 x Machete          |

Secrets (1) – Golden Machete
     01. On a small beach at the south-eastern corner of the map. This is 
         further to the east of the Experto creed’s docking area. It appears as
         a shining machete sticking out of the sand.

Treasure Chests (3)
     01. Dock at the pier at the southern end of the fort and get out. There 
         are two chests just over the short wall directly behind the dock here.
     02. See location 1.

     03. On a small beach near an overturned rowboat, just to the east of the
         docking area for the Experto Creed. 

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION---------------------------------
 /                                                                            \
 ]  Maroon Hideout                                                    [CFC00H][
  \ Co-ordinates      \  Collectibles:             \  Secrets:               |
    \    (306,188)      \  1 x Treasure Chest        \  1 x Machete          |

Secret (1) – Iron Clad Machete
     01. In the outdoor section of the map on the eastern end of the largest 

Treasure Chests (1)
     01. In the outdoor section of the map up the hill on the beach just to the
         south of the large cave entrance to the maroon Hideout area.

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION---------------------------------
 /                                                                            \
 ]  Martok Island                                                     [CFC00I][
  \ Co-ordinates      \  Collectibles:             \  Secrets:               |
    \    (143,323)      \  1 x Treasure Chest        \  N/A No secrets       |

Treasure Chests (1)
     01. Between some shrubs on the northern end of the small beach located at 
         these co-ordinates.

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION---------------------------------
 /                                                                            \
 ]  Montez                                                            [CFC00J][
  \ Co-ordinates      \  Collectibles:             \  Secrets:               |
    \    (231,376)      \  5 x Treasure Chest        \  N/A No secrets       |

Treasure Chests (5)
     01. On the small beach area at the base of the cliff to the east of the 
         docking area. This is close to the rowboat you can use to fast travel 
         back to the ship.

     02. Tucked up against a pillar on the southern wall of the manor house 
         located in the eastern portion of the map. This is on top of the cliff
         described in location 1.

     03. Along the road to the west of the viewpoint.

     04. On a small, raised grassy area off the dirt track in the very 
         northwest area of the map.

     05. On a raised rocky outcrop to the northwest of the docking area and 
         along the dirt path to the south of location 4.

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION---------------------------------
 /                                                                            \
 ]  Scafell Island                                                    [CFC00K][
  \ Co-ordinates      \  Collectibles:             \  Secrets:               |
    \    (270,128)      \  N/A No collectibles       \  1 x Ammo Pouch       |

Secrets (1) – Ammo Pouch Upgrade
     01. This location is on the beach in the southeast corner of the island. 
         Interact with the body next to the beached whale to grab it.

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION---------------------------------
 /                                                                            \
 ]  Shipwreck                                                         [CFC00L][
  \ Co-ordinates      \  Collectibles:             \  Secrets:               |
    \    (237,277)      \  4 x Treasure Chest        \  1 x Figurehead       |

Secrets (1) – Jackdaw Figurehead
     01. From the starting spot, take the underwater tunnel to the north and 
         follow it all the way to the end. When you exit the far side you will
         see a sunken ship. Swim over to the front of the ship and look on the 
         seabed below it to find the figurehead.

Treasure Chests (4)
     01. Directly below the diving bell when you enter the area.

     02. Beneath the fallen mast just to the south of the diving bell location.

     03. Directly north of the diving bell you will find a small cave. Follow 
         this to the far end (and use an air barrel – you’ll need it!). The 
         chest is just behind the air barrels at the exit to the cave.

     04. When you exit the far side of the cave you will see a sunken ship. 
         Swim over to the front of the ship and look on the seabed below it to 
         find the final chest.

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION---------------------------------
 /                                                                            \
 ]  Tortuga                                                           [CFC00M][
  \ Co-ordinates      \  Collectibles:             \  Secrets:               |
    \    (377,371)      \  5 x Treasure Chest        \  N/A No secrets       |

Treasure Chests (5)
     01. Behind a short wall along the eastern coast of the area, juts to the
         north of the docking area.

     02. Behind a small building directly west of the docking area. This is 
         almost directly below the Plantation icon on the map.

     03. Inside the small shack directly west of the windmill acting as the 
         single viewpoint for the map.

     04. In the garden to the north of the manor house at the northern tip of 
         the main map area. 

     05. On the small island off the north of the main map area.

---------------------------------NEXT LOCATION---------------------------------
 /                                                                            \
 ]  Wellington                                                        [CFC00N][
  \ Co-ordinates      \  Collectibles:             \  Secrets:               |
    \    (205,148)      \  5 x Treasure Chest        \  N/A No secrets       |

Treasure Chests (5)
     01. Before some shrubs at the top of a small hill overlooking the ocean, 
         just along the coast to the southeast of the docking area.

     02. On the ground, up against the wall of the windmill (the only vantage 
         point in the area).

     03. At the end of a small dock in the centre of the southernmost coast of
         the map.

     04. Between some bundled piles of cut sugarcane in the southwest corner of
         the map.

     05. On the second floor balcony area of the manor house located in the 
         northwest corner of the area map.


    ___        __    _                                     __      
   /   | _____/ /_  (_)__ _   _____  ____ ___  ___  ____  / /______
  / /| |/ ___/ __ \/ / _ \ | / / _ \/ __ `__ \/ _ \/ __ \/ __/ ___/
 / ___ / /__/ / / / /  __/ |/ /  __/ / / / / /  __/ / / / /_(__  ) 
/_/  |_\___/_/ /_/_/\___/|___/\___/_/ /_/ /_/\___/_/ /_/\__/____/ 
                                  __   ______                 __    _          
                 ____ _____  ____/ /  /_  __/________  ____  / /_  (_)__  _____
                / __ `/ __ \/ __  /    / / / ___/ __ \/ __ \/ __ \/ / _ \/ ___/
               / /_/ / / / / /_/ /    / / / /  / /_/ / /_/ / / / / /  __(__  ) 
               \__,_/_/ /_/\__,_/    /_/ /_/   \____/ .___/_/ /_/_/\___/____/  
                    |          Freedom Cry DLC           |
                    | Achievements/Trophies Unlock Guide |


AC4's Freedom Cry DLC has a total of 6 achievements and 6 trophies. These are
awarded for experiencing the single player campaign, checking out some of the
game's many liberation side-missions and playing around with some of the new
gadgets. Below you'll find a list of the achievements/trophies in the game
and how you can unlock each one.

 /                                                                            \
 ]                   Freedom Cry Achievements/Trophies                [ACFCT1][

There are 6 achievements/trophies tied into the games combat system and 
performing various tasks whilst in combat. Here's a list of said achievements/
trophies and how to accomplish each:

  ___________________________  ______________________________________________
 /                           \/                                              \
 ]  Achievement/Trophy Name  []         Description & Unlock Guide           [
 | His Word Was “Perhaps”     | Description:                                 |
 |                            | ============                                 |
 |                            | Freedom Cry - Completed all missions.        |
 |                            |                                              |
 |                            |----------------------------------------------|
 |                            | How to unlock:                               |
 |                            | ==============                               |
 |                            | Complete all nine DLC memory sequences and   |
 |                            | you will unlock this achievement/trophy.     |
 |                            |                                              |
 | His Own Medicine           | Description:                                 |
 |                            | ============                                 |
 |                            | Complete the second optional mission         |
 |                            | objective in the final memory.               |
 |                            |                                              |
 |                            |----------------------------------------------|
 |                            | How to unlock:                               |
 |                            | ==============                               |
 |                            | To do this, we need to simply kill the target|
 |                            | with the branding iron that he is holding    |
 |                            | during most of the mission. To do so, get him|
 |                            | into a combat situation whilst being unarmed,|
 |                            | counter and disarm him to acquire the brand  |
 |                            | and then just attack him until you can finish|
 |                            | him off. Doing so will unlock this one.      |
 |                            |                                              |
 | His Full Attention         | Description:                                 |
 |                            | ============                                 |
 |                            | Freedom Cry - Achieve 100% synchronization.  |
 |                            |                                              |
 |                            |----------------------------------------------|
 |                            | How to unlock:                               |
 |                            | ==============                               |
 |                            | Fortunately achieving 100% sync in Freedom   |
 |                            | Cry is much easier than the full game as all |
 |                            | you need to do is complete all of the        |
 |                            | optional mission objectives on each mission  |
 |                            | to earn it. To do so, simply follow the      |
 |                            | walkthroughs above!                          |
 |                            |                                              |
 | Liberation Day             | Description:                                 |
 |                            | ============                                 |
 |                            | Free your first slave.                       |
 |                            |                                              |
 |                            |----------------------------------------------|
 |                            | How to unlock:                               |
 |                            | ==============                               |
 |                            | Liberating slaves will take up a fair bit of |
 |                            | time, to begin with though, you will have to |
 |                            | save a fleeing slave at the start of the     |
 |                            | second memory from a pursuer. Doing so will  |
 |                            | unlock the achievement/trophy.               |
 |                            |                                              |
 | Seeds of Independence      | Description:                                 |
 |                            | ============                                 |
 |                            | Liberate 500 slaves.                         |
 |                            |                                              |
 |                            |----------------------------------------------|
 |                            | How to unlock:                               |
 |                            | ==============                               |
 |                            | To liberate slaves we can do a number of side|
 |                            | missions around Port-Au-Prince and the other,|
 |                            | smaller caribbean locations. These include:  |
 |                            |                                              |
 |                            |  > Attacking a plantation and killing all of |
 |                            |    its guards.                               |
 |                            |  > Save a fleeing slave from pursuers.       |
 |                            |  > Free slaves from cages by looting the key |
 |                            |    from a guard.                             |
 |                            |  > Free slaves from a slave auction by either|
 |                            |    buying them for 500 Reales or by killing  |
 |                            |    all of the guards.                        |
 |                            |  > Free slaves being escorted through the    |
 |                            |    streets.                                  |
 |                            |  > Free slaves from punishment.              |
 |                            |  > Carry injured slaves to a safe location.  |
 |                            |  > Board a slave ship.                       |
 |                            |                                              |
 |                            |  Once you have undertaken enough of these to |
 |                            |  accumulate 500 slaves in total, you will    |
 |                            |  unlock this achievement/trophy.             |
 |                            |                                              |
 | Firepower                  | Description:                                 |
 |                            | ============                                 |
 |                            | Kill 5 guards at once with a blunderbuss.    |
 |                            |                                              |
 |                            |----------------------------------------------|
 |                            | How to unlock:                               |
 |                            | ==============                               |
 |                            | To do as the description says, you will need |
 |                            | to rope in a good number of guards by        |
 |                            | triggering an alert. Then pull out the       |
 |                            | blunderbus and circle around them to get them|
 |                            | to stack up and group together, then fire    |
 |                            | away! A great place to do this is during the |
 |                            | fight in the assassination mission in the    |
 |                            | final memory as you will have 10-15 guards   |
 |                            | wanting to take you at once. There is a good |
 |                            | spread ont he weapon so as long as you can   |
 |                            | see more thn 5 guards when you unleash, it   |
 |                            | should have the desired effect!              |
 |                            |                                              |


           __  ____                ____                                 
          /  |/  (_)____________  / / /___ _____  ___  ____  __  _______
         / /|_/ / / ___/ ___/ _ \/ / / __ `/ __ \/ _ \/ __ \/ / / / ___/
        / /  / / (__  ) /__/  __/ / / /_/ / / / /  __/ /_/ / /_/ (__  ) 
       /_/  /_/_/____/\___/\___/_/_/\__,_/_/ /_/\___/\____/\__,_/____/   


Contact  Me                                                            [CONTCT]


If you feel the need to contact me, there are a couple of ways you can go 
about doing this. You can reach me at:



Please include "AC4:FC" in the subject line.


Alternatively, you can check out my facebook page and ask a question and I'll
try to get back to you as soon as I can:


About Me                                                               [INTRDT]


Im 28, Australian and live with my lovely wife. I have been thrice  
named as the world sexiest hugging machine. I work full time and study at
University full time as well. I write game guides as a hobby in what little
spare time I have and have thouroughly enjoyed writing each and every one. 
Please head over to the website I write for - to 
check out  some of my guides, previews and reviews.

If you enjoyed using this guide, or it has helped you along and you are on
GameFAQs, Please hit the recommend button at the top of the page!

Please feel free to send me an email with any suggestions or corrections and
check out some of my other guides:

Complete FAQ/Walkthroughs:

    > Assassin's Creed III FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Bioshock Infinite FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Call of Duty: World at War FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Dante's Inferno FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Darksiders FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Darksiders 2 FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Dead Space 2 FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Dead Space 3 FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Deadlight FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Dishonored FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Farcry 3 FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Farcry 3: Blood Dragon FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Fable 2 FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Gears of War 2 FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Gears of War: Judgment FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Grand Theft Auto V FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Halo 3: ODST FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Halo 4 FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Homefront FAQ/Walkthrough
    > LIMBO FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Mass Effect 2 FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Medal of Honor: Warfighter FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Metro: Last Light FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Resident Evil 5 FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Star Wars: The Force Unleashed FAQ/Walkthrough

DLC content and other guides:

    > AC3: Tyranny of King Washington - The Infamy (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough
    > AC3: Tyranny of King Washington - The Betrayal (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough
    > AC3: Tyranny of King Washington - The Redemption (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough
    > AC4: Freedom Cry (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Bioshock Infinite Achievements/Trophies Guide
    > Bioshock Infinite Collectibles Guide
    > Darksiders 2: The Abyssal Forge (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Darksiders 2: Argul's Tomb (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Darksiders 2: The Demon Lord Belial (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Dead Space 2: Severed (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Dead Space 3: Awakened (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Dishonored: The Knife of Dunwall (DLC) FAQ/Walkthrough
    > Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Edition Skull Guide
    > Halo 2 Skull Guide
    > Halo 3 Skull Guide

or as mentioned before, check out more of my guides and reviews at:

Thanks for reading!




After a few generous emails and suggestions from readers and because donations
seems to be a growing trend among other contemporary guide writers, I have
decided to put in the option to allow you to donate some money to me for 
helping you out if you wish to do so.

Although I make these guides for free in my spare time, I probably don’t 
need to point out to gamers that purchasing games is an extremely expensive
hobby (games in Australia cost on average $90 - $120) and writing guides for
them can be a very long, incredibly difficult and thankless task at the best
of times, but one that is very challenging and occasionally rewarding.
Considering you could be paying upwards of $20+ for guides in a game shop,these
free and easily available guides make a cost-effective substitute. Whilst most
are happy to use and move on without a word I would move that a simple donation
is a great, easy way to say thanks if you feel that my guide has saved you some
time, money and frustration in some small way.

By no means feel obligated to donate just for viewing my guide, but if you are
feeling a little generous I certainly won’t object! Any amount is appreciated
whether it be 10 cents or $10.

Thankyou far all that read this far, if you are interested in donating, my
Paypal address is listed below, if not, why not send me an email or join my 
Facebook page and give me a shout out!

Paypal ID;



Console Domination


Console Domination is an Australian video gaming website founded and staffed 
by true-blue Aussie gamers united in the love of gaming. The site is all about
games, games and more games with a specific focus on current generation 
consoles. Console Domination previews upcoming titles, reviews the latest 
releases and produce a fortnightly podcast to keep you entertained. We also 
stay up to date with the latest trailers and provide daily updates on industry
news to keep you in the know. We are not paid professionals, just ordinary 
gamers dropping our hard earned cash on the latest titles to provide honest,
unadulterated content that tells it as it is. 

Check out the site here:

Check out our podcasts here:

Check out our Youtube Channel here:


SPECIAL THANKS                                                         [STHNKS]


I would like to thank the following people/entities:

- GameFAQs for always being there when I needed help and for accepting my FAQ.
- Ubisoft for yet another decent Assassin's Creed game. Keep them coming!
- My fiancee Kumiko, who has been incredibly patient and understanding.
- And everybody who has taken the time to read my FAQs so far.


- Hypnofunk for general spelling and other stuff.


Version History                                                        [VERHIS]


Date Submitted: 20/01/2014

Version 1.00 

Guide currently contains:
    > Walkthrough for the entire DLC from start to finish (with all 
      optional side-quest accomplished for 100% synchronisation).
    > Achievement/trophy guide.
    > Liberation side-missions guide
    > Liberation/Resistance unlocks guide
    > Added collectible locations guide


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               / /   / _ \/ __ `/ __ `/ /   \__ \/ __/ / / / /_/ /_  
              / /___/  __/ /_/ / /_/ / /   ___/ / /_/ /_/ / __/ __/  
             /_____/\___/\__, /\__,_/_/   /____/\__/\__,_/_/ /_/     


This guide has been written by Paul Williams aka Sokkus.

This document may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for
personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise
distributed publicly without advance written permission. Unless permitted,
under no circumstances are my guides to be changed, altered or edited in
any way. Use of this guide on any other website or as a part of any public
display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

If you do wish to use my guide on another website, please ask me for permission

Sites allowed/Not allowed to use my guide:

         _____________________________  ______________________________
        /   Sites Permitted           \/ Sites NOT permitted          \
         |____________________________  _____________________________|
         |                            ||                             |
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         |  >   ||                             |
         |  >         ||                             |
         |  >         ||                             |
         |  >           ||                             |
         |                            ||                             |

If you see this guide displayed on a site not listed or on one that has been
prohibited, please let me know via an email to sokkus[at]hotmail[dot]com.


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