Full Final Fantasy VII Walkthrough - Guide for Final Fantasy 7

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Final Fantasy VII Walkthrough
Play station

Walkthrough By : Sephiroth the Great A.K.A. Jay Delaney
Print out : Approxomatly 266 pages
E-MAIL : [email protected] for if you find any errors in this walkthrough
Completion : 100%
Version : 1.0 (first)
C O N T E N T S 
1. R E V I S I O N H I S T O R Y 
2. I N T R O D U C T I O N 
3. D I S C 1 W A L K T H R O U G H 
3.1 Mako Power Plant 
3.2 Midgar City 
3.3 Avalanche Base 
3.4 Mako Reactor Number 5 
3.5 Midgar City Slums 
3.6 Wall Market 
3.7 The Sewers / Train Yard Revisited 
3.8 Into The Sky 
3.9 Shinra Headquarters 
3.10 Escape! 
3.11 Kalm Town / Chocobo Farm 
3.12 Mythril Mine / Junon Town 
3.13 Shinra Boat 
3.14 Costa Del Sol / New Continent 
3.15 Gold Saucer 
3.16 Gongaga Town / Cosmo Canyon 
3.17 Return of Sephiroth 
3.18 The Inventor 
3.19 Betrayal 
3.20 The Temple 
3.21 Excavator's Site / The Forest 
3.22 Ancient City 
4. D I S C 2 W A L K T H R O U G H 
4.1 The Cave 
4.2 Icicle Lodge 
4.3 Lost in the Snow 
4.4 The Crater / Tornado Labyrinth 
4.5 Junon Town Attacked! 
4.6 Where's Cloud? / North Corel Express 
4.8 Fort Condor 
4.9 Inside Cloud's Head 
4.10 100 Leagues Under the Sea 
4.11 Underwater Adventure 
4.12 Cid's Rocket 
4.13 Return to the Ancient City / Midgar City Under Siege 
5. D I S C 3 W A L K T H R O U G H 
5.1 Makou Pit 
6. B O N U S A R E A S A N D S U B - Q U E S T S 
6.1 Old Forest 
6.2 Vincent's Waterfall 
6.3 Bonus Materia Locations 
6.4 Yuffie's Sub-Quest 
7. P L A Y I N G T H E G A M E 
7.1 Terminology 
7.2 Starting The Game 
7.3 Controller Functions 
7.4 Fighting Battles 
7.5 World Map and the Area Map 
7.6 List of Status Changes 
7.7 Visiting Towns and Shops 
7.8 Having Fun 
7.9 Main Menu 
8. S E C R E T S A N D C O D E S 
8.1 Getting Yuffie Kisaragi 
8.2 Getting Vincent Valentine 
8.3 The Safe in Nivelheim 
8.4 The Sleeping Man 
8.5 Piano Trick 
8.6 Key to Midgar City 
8.7 Turtle's Paradise Flyers 
8.8 All 7 Fever 
8.9 FMV Viewing Trick 
8.10 Always Run from Battles 
8.11 Raising Chocobos 
8.12 Uncharted Isles 
8.13 Game Shark Codes 
9. A P P E N D I X 
9.1 Materia Orbs 
9.2 Huge Materia / Master Materia 
9.3 Materia List 
9.4 Enemy Skill List 
9.5 Learning Limit Breaks 
9.6 Limit Break List 
9.7 Ultimate Weapons 
9.8 Items and Equipment 
9.9 Shopping List 
9.10 Monster List 

1 . R E V I S I O N H I S T O R Y 
VERSION 0.1 (10--22--2003-WENDSDAY) 
Basic information. Much of this FAQ is based on my earlier Japanese FF7 
FAQ. Created Game Shark codes 'Item Select', 'Materia Select' and 
'Character Select' have been included. If the FAQ seems a bit sloppy 
right now, well, it is based on the Japanese FAQ so it'll take a revision 
or two to get everything into shape, as this is a big file :) 
Also, my spell-checker and 'find/replace' options went a little crazy, 
so if you spot any strange mistakes, please let me know! ^_^; 
2. I N T R O D U C T I O N 
If this is your first time playing FF7, then trust me, you'll enjoy it. 
If you were around back when I was working on the Japanese FF7 FAQ, then 
I'd like to say, "Welcome back!" Square has a lot in store for us gamers 
and this version of FF7 is by far the best, in my opinion. 
For those of you who don't know, there are three versions of FF7. The 
first one is the original Japanese game. The second is the English-text 
release you've probably popped into your PlayStation just now. The third 
version is the pending Japanese re-release, which is just like the one 
you're playing, but with Japanese text :) If you're looking for a FAQ 
for the original Japanese version, then please download my Japanese FF7 
FAQ from: 
It's divided into two parts, "The Complete Walkthrough", and "Extra Stuff 
You Should Know". Since the combined size of both documents stands at 
993,670 ub, I think you'll be able to find just about whatever you're 
looking for in one part or another. 
If you want a FAQ for the Japanese re-release, then I suggest you check 
out that FAQ, too, but refer to this one if you want information on new 
things added to the game, like the Weapon monster scenarios. And if you 
want a FAQ for the English-text version of FF7, then you're at the right 
place, keep reading. 
Please don't ask me to send you a copy of either FAQ because I don't have 
the time to send them out to everyone who asks, and secondly, this isn't 
my e-mail address. However, if you have any suggestions, corrections, 
questions, or comments, then you can reach me via . 
Comments are always welcome and I'll be happy to answer any questions I 
receive either via e-mail or I'll include an answer in the upcoming 
revision of the FAQ. I won't answer questions if they are already 
answered in either of the FAQs, so please read whichever document you are 
using carefully before e-mailing me. 
3 . D I S C O N E W A L K T H R O U G H 
(Note that the beginning of this game has been altered somewhat from the 
FF7 demo disc packaged with Total No. 1 and other FF7 demos.) 
3 . 1 m a k o r o p o w e r p l an n t 
ITEMS IN THIS AREA: Potion x3, Phoenix Down, Restore materia, 
Assault Gun. 
At the start of the game, you'll have 3 Potions, a Phoenix Down, and Ether. You 
can't equip Materia until you reach Section 3.3, by the way. 
Once you leave the train, check the body of the closest guard twice to 
get two Potions. Then head north. Some guars will attack you. 
Take them out with your sword (you may win a Potion for killing them) 
and then move left to go outside. Now, talk to your team-mates (Biggs, 
Wedge, and Jessie), then name yourself and Barret. Make your way to the 
north-western door, and head up in the next room to enter the heart of 
the power plant. 
Talk to Barret, (who joins you) and then talk to each Avalanche member 
to open the doors. After opening the second door, head right to enter 
another chamber with a treasure chest (Phoenix Down). Then, go back 
and enter the elevator (you'll have to talk to Jessie first). Press the 
arrow switch to activate it. 
Work your way down the stairs and go through the door to the left. Then 
follow Jessie down the ladder. When he stops, search the area in front 
of him for a Potion (it's hard to see because of the steam). Climb 
down, cross the pipes, descend the nearby ladder, and take note of 
the Save Point before heading down the walkway. 
Pick up the Restore materia on the ground in the next area and set the 
bomb. An alarm will sound and you'll have to fight the boss, a huge 
scorpion-like machine. 
Cloud's Bolt magic works well, while Barret should be attacking. The 
Search Scope won't damage you, it just warns as to whom the boss will 
attack next. When you've done enough damage, the boss will start to 
shake and Barret will warn Cloud. From this point onward, don't attack 
the boss and heal yourself or simply guard until the boss attacks you. 
If you try to hurt it during this time, the boss responds with a damaging 
laser ray shot from his tail. A few more hits after it stops shaking and 
the boss dies. You'll get an Assault Gun when you kill it. 
You now have ten minutes to escape from the power plant. You'll need 
to make your way back to the upside-down T-shaped entrance hall where 
one of the Avalanche members is waiting. (If you've played the demo 
disc, know that you don't need to 'search' for the other members; just 
talk to Jessie to free him and then get out. Since Barret gets a new 
gun after the battle, be sure to equip it. Also, talk to the other 
members to open the two doors on your way back. 
3 . 2 m i d g a r c i t y 
After the Avalanche members blow up the passage, head up the stairs. 
You'll meet Aeries here, but she won't join you yet. In the next 
screen, there's a Potion to the southwest of the circular structure 
(near the lampposts). Walk south when you're done. In this next area, 
you'll meet up with guards and have the choice of running (bottom 
choice) or fighting (top choice). After a few more encounters with the 
Shinra guards, Clod will jump onto the passing train and run into the 
Avalanche gang. After talking to them, walk to the 'front' of the 
screen and you'll jump off into another area. Talk to the people here 
and one of the members (Jessie) will show you a picture of the Macro 
plant on the train's screen. Approach Barret and you'll end up going 
to the group's base. 
3 . 3 a v and l a n c h e b a s e 
ITEMS IN THIS AREA: 1500 gil, all materia, Ether. 
Head west and go upwards. Talk to the kid by the fence, then head west 
again (there's a Save Point nearby, too). Talk to the people here, 
then check out the bar. At the top of the tallest building in the south- 
east is a bedroom. The kid here will let you spend the night for 10 gil. 
In the bar, you'll meet Tiff, who is also a member of Avalanche, as well 
as Marlene, who is supposedly Barrett’s daughter. After naming Tiff, 
Barret shows up when you try to leave and reveals the hidden base 
underneath the bar. After talking to Barret, Tiff shows up. Leave the 
base and you'll have a short intermission with Tiff. When you meet 
Barret afterwards, he'll give you 1500 gil. If you go to the Beginner's 
Hall above the Weapon Shop outside, you can learn more about playing the 
game. You'll also find that there inside the huge cage. The man in 
the right corner of this room has a Materia by his feet (All). Take it 
and a chest will drop down that has Ether inside of it. If you 
haven't already noticed, the two buildings that were locked the other 
day are now open. 
When you're ready, go back to the train station to prepare for 
Avalanche's next mission. If you like, you can go to the far right to 
enter a train yard, but there's not much of interest there. 
3 . 4 m a k o r e a c t o r n u m b e r f i v e 
ITEMS IN THIS AREA: Ether x2, Potion, Tent, Titan Bangle. 
Board the train. When the timer appears after you talk to Tiff, go 
through each train car until Tiff jumps off one of the cars and you and 
Barret follow her. You'll end up in an Underground Railroad passageway. 
If you go south (towards the 'front' of the screen), you'll go through 
the same screen 5 times before coming to two guards who you can fight. 
When the battles over, choose the bottom option to keep fighting or the 
top option to run away. You can fight the same battle over and over, 
so when you get tired of fighting, just pick the top option. An OK place 
to gain some experience, gil, and AP, if you think you'll need it. 
Anyway, it's a lot faster to just head north to where the green barrier 
is and go down the hatch to the west (examine it and choose the top 
choice twice or the middle option once). Pick up the Ether in the 
adjoining passage, climb down the two ladders, and talk to Wedge. Then 
go up the ladder near him to reach a room where Jessie is waiting for 
you. Take the Potion that's next to him and climb down the ladder on the 
far left end of the room to reach a chamber where you can find a Tent, a 
Save Point, and Biggs. 
Go up the ladder here to reach the No. 5 Reactor. The room you're in 
should be familiar. Slide down the pipe and then work your way back to 
the heart of the plant. After Cloud fiddles with the machinery, go back 
to the large room and climb up the stairs and into the elevator. It'll 
take you to a new floor. Grab the contents of the treasure chest outside 
(Ether) and then head to the left where there are three control panels. 
You'll need to hit your panel as the same time Barret and Tiff hit 
theirs (using the O button), so give it a shot. Instead of waiting for 
them to raise their arms, you'll have an easier time if you time it so 
that you hit your panel _just_ before they do. You can't use the panel 
if you didn't go back to the heart of the power plant. Afterwards, go 
through the opened gate (there's a Save Point here), and head north. 
In the T-shaped room, you'll be stopped by a group of guards, and then 
meet President Shinra. After that, a helicopter and a hydrofoil-like 
machine show up. The Shinra president leaves in the helicopter, but 
the huge machine attack you and your friends. 
Weak against Lightning 
This machine turns to face (and attack) whomever hits it. So, if one of 
your characters is low on life, have the person on the opposite side 
attack to draw the boss' attention away. Be especially careful of its 
Big Bomber--it causes tons of damage (but also increases your Limit 
meter quickly). Remember that even if it's back is turned, it can use a 
weak machine gun attack on you. Use potions and the Restore Materia to 
keep up your Hips and use Bolt as well as your Limit Break attacks to take 
this machine out. You'll receive a Titan Bangle if you win the battle. 
3 . 5 m a k o r o c i t y s l u m s 
ITEMS IN THIS AREA: 5 gil, Potion, Phoenix Down, Cover materia, Ether. 
After the battle, the boss will explode, sending Cloud off the walkway 
in the ensuing blast. When you awake, you'll find yourself in a church. 
Aeries are here, and you can name her after talking to her several times. 
Reno shows up afterwards with some guards. In the next room, Aeries 
falls down while trying to escape with Cloud. Tell her to hold on. 
You now have the option of fighting the guards using Aeries or trying to 
bean the guards on the head with barrels on the upper floor (if you 
miss, you'll have to fight using Aeries anyway). Remember, she starts off 
in the back row, so to increase damage, make her move up by choosing 
'Change' at the start of each battle (do this by pressing left, then the 
O button). 
The correct order of barrels to drop is: the leftmost barrel (in the 
back), the far right barrel (in the back), and the far right barrel 
(in the front). Simply tell Aeries to hold on each time, examine each 
barrel, and choose the top option to drop it. This way, Aeries won't 
have to fight anybody. When Aeries meets you at the top of the chapel, 
she'll hook up with Cloud. 
In the upper area, climb up the second beam on the left and jump out of 
the hole in the roof. After you and Aeries make it back to ground level, 
head left to find a Save Point. To the northwest is a town. Be sure to 
meet the man in the pipe near the entrance. In one of the houses, you 
can also find 5 gil if you talk to the drunk man in bed, then examine 
the drawers nearby. There are several stores here in the slums, 
including one that sells Materia. To the far, far right is a path that 
leads to Aegis’s house and a garden. You can spend the night here once 
you've met Elmira, Aegis’s mother. When you wake up, look between the 
desk and the bed for a Potion and a Phoenix Down. Then, sneak downstairs 
(or Aeries will make you go back to bed) and leave the house (you can do 
this by not touching the walls and not running, either). In the lower 
flower bed to the right, you can get a Protect materia and Ether. 
There's another Save Point near Aeries' house if you need to use it. 
Leave the town and go left to the hole in the wall. Aeries will be here 
waiting for you and will rejoin you. In the next location, work your 
way upward (by going across the hole-filled metal length, then down the 
iron beams and through the passage, then up the brown pipe and finally 
down the stairs and heading to the left). After Aeries leaves you at the 
playground, head east, then go north to arrive at the Wall Market. 
3 . 6 w an l m an r k e t 
ITEMS IN THIS AREA: Ether, Phoenix Down, Hyper. 
Aeries rejoin you (again) here. There's a Save Point in the upper-right 
part of the village. The building in the lower left is an inn, where you 
can spend the night for 10 gil. To the right of it is the entrance to a 
brothel. The building in the middle has nothing in it but a computer. 
(If you touch it, a machine gun will fire at you and Cloud jumps away. 
You can't do anything here until later). Just above that building is an 
item shop. North of the shop is a sushi bar. Finally, there is a 
clothing store to the upper left and some sort of pottery store to the 
upper right. A path by the clothing store leads to another part of town. 
Here, there is a gym, a restaurant, and a weapon shop. In the northern 
area lies a large building. If you go east from here, you'll reach a 
dead-end area. 
Your objective in this part of the game is to sneak into the large 
building where Tiff is being kept. To do this, Cloud will have to 
dress up as a woman in order to get inside since men aren't allowed 
into the building. So, follow these steps to get the items you need 
to 'alter' Cloud's appearance. You may want to read this entire 
section before starting so that you'll know how your choices will 
affect the game. 
a) Go to the brothel and talk to the big guy with silver hair whose 
chatting with the bouncer at the door. Talk to him and pick the 
first option to inquire about Tiff. 
b) Go back to the building at the end of town (Cornea’s mansion) and 
talk to the guy near the door. Aeries and Cloud will move away and 
have a short conversation. She tells Cloud that he'll have to 
dress up if he wants to find out if Tiff’s okay. 
c) Return to the first screen, go to the clothing store, and talk to 
the store owner by standing near the bottom edge of the counter. 
She'll tell you that you can't get a dress unless you do something 
about her drunken father. 
d) Go to the bar in the second screen and talk to the lone man by the 
door. During the conversation, you'll have to make two decisions. 
So when you're asked a question, pick either the first or second 
choice. After you're done talking to the man, return to the 
clothing store. 
e) At the store, you'll see that the man from the inn is now behind 
the counter. Talk to him and you'll receive an item based upon 
your decisions: 
- If you answered: first choice, first or second choice, you'll 
get the Cotton Dress. 
- If you answered: second choice, first choice, you'll be given 
the Satin Dress. 
- If you answered: second choice, second choice again, he'll give 
you the Silk Dress. 
f) Cloud will try on the dress, but won't actually wear it. Leave 
the clothing store and go to the second screen. Enter the gym 
and converse with the woman (he) by the fighting ring. When you 
have the chance, pick the bottom option twice to start fighting, 
although if you want to practice, you can choose the bottom 
option, then the top one. Anyway, as soon as the message box 
disappears, start pressing the S, X, and O buttons repeatedly in 
that order. The object of the game is to go fast enough to make 
Cloud do more squats than the African gymnast, but you don't want 
to press the buttons too fast or Cloud can't keep up. It's not 
too hard to win since the other guy will often stop to scratch his 
head, but you only have 30 seconds, so get in as many squats as you 
- If you are able to do more squats than the gymnast, you'll be 
given the Blonde Wig. 
- If you and the gymnast have the same score, the lady will give 
you the Dyed Wig. 
- If the gymnast does better than you, then the lady will give 
you the Wig. 
At this point, you can just return to the clothing shop and enter the 
stall; Cloud will dress up as a woman and you can return to Cornea’s 
mansion to get inside. You can also choose to not change yet and 
explore more of the Wall Market, picking up items that you can use to 
make Cloud more 'feminine'. If you're finished, then skip down a ways 
to find out what to do next. Otherwise, keep reading (these events 
can be done in any order): 
g) Go to the pottery shop. When you have to choose an answer, pick 
the top one twice. (You can't talk to him unless you chatted with 
the guard at the north building). Then go to the inn and pay 10 gil 
to spend the night. In the middle of the night, you'll find 
yourself in front of the vending machine in the outer hallway. Pick 
any option (I hope you have enough gil). The next morning, return 
to the pottery shop and talk to the man to get an item: 
- If you bought the first item (200 gil), he'll give you the 
Diamond Tiara. 
- If you bought the second item (100 gil), he'll give you the 
Ruby Tiara. 
- If you bought the third item (50 gil), he'll give you the 
Glass Tiara. 
(Note that the dialogue here was changed from the Japanese version, 
in which you were buying a 'gift' for the shopkeeper's girlfriend 
that he was too embarrassed to buy  Why this was 
changed, I have no idea.) 
h) Enter the sushi bar and walk past the empty seat. When a message 
appears, choose the top option. Then choose any option, (you'll 
need 70 gil), followed by the middle choice ("the food was all 
right") to get a Pharmacy Coupon. Now go to the item store and 
talk to the man behind the Counter Attack. Choose one of the three 
options to get an item, then head back to the restaurant. Go to 
the bathroom and talk to the woman inside. Accept the first choice 
- You'll get the Cologne if you traded the Coupon for the 
- You'll get the Flower Cologne if you traded the Coupon for the 
- You'll get the Sexy Cologne if you traded the Coupon for the 
Digestive (medicine). 
i) Talk to the large man in the white shirt that's standing near the 
edge of the screen in the first area to get the Member's Card. 
He won't give it to you unless you talked to the guard by the door 
of the Cornea’s mansion. Head right to arrive at the brothel. 
If you talk to the bouncer, he'll let you in once he sees the Card, 
but Aeries won't come with you (yes, they messed up the dialogue 
here, too). 
Inside the Honeybee Inn, you'll find that the doors on the right side 
are locked, but if you chose the bottom option, you can look inside 
them and peer around using the control pad and the O button. If you 
look in the upper-right keyhole, you'll see a familiar face...a small 
version of Cat Seth! If you go to the north room and talk to the 
farthest girl on the right several times, you can choose the top 
option to make her dance faster and faster. When you're ready (you 
better brace yourself), you can do one or the other: 
Examine the lower-left door and pick the top option twice. In the 
room, talk to the girl and pick the top option three times to take 
a soak with Mucky and his friends. Answer however you like while 
in the tub and Cloud will be given the Bikini briefs. 
Or, examine the upper-left door and pick the top option twice. 
Inside, talk to the ghostly Cloud near the stone tub and Cloud 
will have a psychotic episode. When you come to, all your HP 
and MP is restored, thanks to...Mucky :( Talk to him and choose 
the bottom option. Then talk to the girl and you'll get the 
All done? There's nothing left to do now but return to the clothing 
store and dress up as a woman. When you finish, go to the large building 
in the north and talk to the man by the food carts again. He'll let you 
into a posh-looking parlour. Now, go up the stairs and into the door on 
the far left after talking to the receptionist. Then, go down the 
staircase to the torture room (!) where you'll find Tiff and Ether by 
the smouldering coals. Once she's joined you, head back up the stairs 
and go into the middle door. Inside is Tiff’s kidnapper, the nefarious 
Don Cornea. He will examine each of you when you try to approach him. 
Who he picks for his 'friend' is determined by what items you collected 
in the Wall Market: 
- He'll pick Cloud if you're wearing the Silk Dress, Blonde Wig, and 
have the 'best' extra items (the Diamond Tiara, Sexy Cologne, and 
Lingerie or Bikini briefs. 
- He'll pick Aeries if you're wearing the Silk Dress, the Blonde Wig, 
the Lingerie and the Sexy Cologne (in addition to anything else you 
may have). 
- He'll pick Tiff if you're wearing the Silk Dress, Blonde Wig, and one 
or two of the extra items not mentioned above (or anything worse than 
If Cornea picked Tiff or Aeries, then read below: 
In the next room, examine the item bag by the bed to get a Phoenix Down, 
and talk to the man by the television set after talking to the other 
henchmen. After revealing your true nature to the love-struck goons, 
they'll fight you. This is followed by another fight with the other 
three punks. Afterward, get Aeries from the torture chamber and then 
go into the middle door again (if Aeries was picked, then you'll meet 
Tiff when you go outside). When you're through intimidating Cornea, 
look behind his bead for a Hyper, then stand by your allies. He'll 
make you choose one of three options. No matter which one you choose, 
you'll fall through a trapdoor. 
If Cornea picked Cloud, then you'll end up in his room. Search behind 
his bed for a Hyper, then talk to him and answer anyway you like (if 
you try to make Cloud kiss Cornea, then maybe you need to get out of 
the house more....^_^;) Your friends will burst in and threaten him 
(youth!) and Cornea will ask you a question; pick any answer you 
like and you'll still plummet to the sewers below. 
3 . 7 t h e s e w e r s / t r a i n y a r d 
r e v i s i t e d 
ITEMS IN THIS AREA: Potion x4, Phoenix Down, Steal materia, 
Hi-Potion x3, Echo Screen, Ether x2. 
Once the cut scene with the Shinra flunky’s ends, you'll find yourself 
in a sewer. Before talking to Tiff or Aeries, climb up the stairs to 
the south and go along the walkway to nab a Potion. When you try to 
escape, a blue monster appears attacks your party. 
BOSS TIPS: APS LV: 18 HP: 1800 MP: 0 
weak against Fire 
His Sewer Tsunami attack hurts all members, so use Potions and the 
Restore Materia to heal your wounds. Luckily, the Tsunami will damage 
him, too (he uses this attack as a counterattack before dying if he can 
manage it). When he does the reverse Sewer Tsunami, it causes less 
damage to him. Fire spells work the best on him. Use Cloud's Limit 
Break to harm the boss and use Aeries' Limit Break to heal you. 
You'll receive a Phoenix Down for winning the battle. 
Climb up the ladder and head right. Go down into the sewage, then up the 
stairs. Grab the Yellow Materia (Steal) and go down the hatch. In the 
next room, go down the stairs, then climb up the side of the curved 
structure. Climb up the ladder and you'll go outside. There's a Save 
Point here. Check out the oil drum nearby by entering the train car 
(near the Save Point) to get a Hi-Potion. Get another Hi-Potion on the 
roof of adjacent car, then hop off onto the iron beam and check the oil 
drum to the north for an Echo Screen. Walk east, then south and enter 
the nearby train car to get a Potion. Climb up the ladder, head north, 
and climb down again. Go north once more through the train car, then 
exit to your left to find a second Potion. Then, go north to arrive at 
the next screen. 
Here, circle left around the car to get a Potion. Circle left again to 
find an oil can with Ether inside of it. Go north and enter the 
train to the right to move the other train car out of the way. Climb 
atop the formerly blocked car to net a Hi-Potion. Now, ride the other 
train back backwards, climb onto the eastern train car, jump onto the 
train you just moved, and climb across it and the last car before going 
down the ladder to get back to the front part of the Train Graveyard. 
Head left. The Avalanche members will be fighting atop the support 
pillar you first saw when you arrived at the base. After Wedge plummets 
to the ground, save you’re game at the Save Point and talk to the man on 
the left if you need to buy items. Climb up the stairs and you'll meet 
Barret, who is firing at the Shinra helicopter you saw back at the 
plant. Reno will jump out, and you'll have to fight him. Good thing 
Barret joins you. When you inflict enough damage, the boss runs away! 
BOSS TIPS: RENO LV: 17 HP: 1000 MP: 0 
This guy packs a wallop. He can imprison your friends using his golden 
Pyramid attack, and if he does this to all your members, you lose. To 
break the pyramids, attack your allies (they won't be damaged). Watch 
for his spark bolt attack (which can paralyse you) and use your Limit 
Breaks whenever possible. Ice works well on him. For some players, 
this may be the first battle they lose! You'll get Ether for scaring 
him off should you win. 
3 . 8 i n t o t h e s k y 
ITEMS IN THIS AREA: Sense materia, Battery x3, Ether. 
After fending off the boss, Tseng will kidnap Aeries (and p**p slap her)! 
As he escapes, the entire city explodes and falls down a level, 
destroying it. Cloud, Tiff, and Barret all come to in the playground at 
the Sector 6 Slums. After Barret yells for Marlene, Wedge, and his other 
friends, he and Tiff join you in the next area when you try to leave. Go 
back to get a sparkling yellow Materia (Sense), before returning to Wall 
Market. The man in the pottery store will now sell you Materia, and if 
you go back to the parlour, you have the option of freeing one of Don 
Cornea’s men from the torture chamber. Even if you got the Member's Card 
the first time around, you can no longer enter the brothel, by the way. 
When you're done, leave and go south from the playground. Return to the 
Sector 5 Slum and go to Aegis’s house. Talk to Elmira, her mother. You 
can spend the night in the upstairs bedroom once the intermission ends. 
Return to the Wall Market and go to the dead-end area near the parlour. 
(you'll see a bunch of kids run in there). Climb up the pipe, and you'll 
find yourself high above the town. If you haven't gotten them already, 
go to the 'Machine & Gun' store and talk to the man at the left end of 
the store; he'll sell you 3 Battery for 300 gil. You'll need them 
to activate the boxes in this part of the game. With that in mind, 
examine the box-shaped object in the lower right to try and start a 
nearby propeller. Head up, and you'll jump onto the propeller. From 
there, make your way to the other box and activate the painted barrier. 
Climb up it, and use the O button to jump onto the swinging metal pipe. 
Despite what Cloud says, jump when it is close to you (just as it stops 
squeaking). After that, climb up to the next screen. 
Here, climb up, then drop down to activate the next box and you'll find 
Ether. Climb down the left-hand pipe and make your way back up again. 
Instead of dropping down, continue up, and you'll find yourself at 
Shire’s headquarters. 
3 . 9 s h i n - r a h e a d q u a r t e r s 
ITEMS IN THIS AREA: Elixir, Elemental materia, Star Pendant, Four Slots, 
All materia, Phoenix Down, Ether, Poison materia, 
Grenade x1~3, Talisman, Enemy Skill materia, 
Potion x4, Mythic Armlet, Protect Vest, Guard 
There's a Save Point here. You have the option of either heading to the 
left and climbing up a stairwell (sneaking in) or barging in through the 
front door ('kick some Shinra butt!', as Barret would say). 
Going up the stairs takes forever, but it's free of enemies and you can 
get an Elixir that's lying on one of the landings. On the other hand, 
going through the front door and taking the elevators in the back is 
faster, but you have to fight several battles along the way. Not only 
that, but you can chase around the Shinra staff before taking the 
elevator :) (or at least, you could in the Japanese version. They 
all ran away....) you can't use the circular lifts by the doors yet, but 
you can use them once you reach the 60th floor. If you go up the stairs, 
you'll see a door marked 'Accessories'. Inside the room, you can look 
at a monitor to see a short FMV sequence about Shire’s produces (this 
is the most overlooked FMV in the game). There are two chests here, but 
the lady won't let you open them. She will sell you items, though. 
Remember, if you go through the front, check the control panel in the 
elevator (the one that goes haywire) after each enemy encounter in order 
to continue upwards. If you go up the stairs then change your mind and 
go back down, you won't have to fight anybody on the elevators, and the 
main area of the ground floor will be empty (an easy trick for not 
having to fight anyone :)). 
No matter what method you use, you'll eventually reach the 59th floor. 
Head southeast and kill the armoured guards to get the Key card 60, then 
take the lift to the 60th floor. Here, you'll have to head to the room 
in the upper-left and make it to the other side without being seen by 
the patrolling guards. In order to stay hidden from them, pause behind 
the gold statues, then lead Tiff and Barret across using the O button. 
If you mess up, not only to you get attacked (ambush-style combat), but also 
you'll have to start all over again. Keep in mind that the set of 
guards on the right half of the screen move faster than the ones on the 
Take the stairway up to the 61st floor. Talk to everyone here. A man 
who asks you about Aeries will give you the Key card 62 if you answer 
"......". On floor 62, talk to the man in the room, Domino, and the man 
in white, (Hart) then check out the two library rooms. Answer Domino's 
question and he'll give you the Key card 65. The problem with this is 
that the answer changes with each game you play. It seems like it would 
be easy enough to simply try each answer until you get it right, but you 
get an Elemental Materia for free if you answer correctly the first time. 
So, it's in your best interest to just reset and keep trying in order to 
get the materia. Hart will help you out if you need it, but he'll want 
you to pay him first. To get the answer, simply look for the misplaced 
files, write down the first letter of the file name, and when you get 
all four, try to organize them into a word. Then talk to Domino, and 
find which word matches the one you came up with (or at least hast the 
letters you found). He gives you varying items depending on how many 
tries it takes you (you'll get lesser items if you mess up each time). 
The 63rd floor is tricky. You have to collect 3 Coupons from all three 
rooms, but you're only able to open 3 doors at a time. You can reset 
the doors by investigating the computer in the right-hand room, but that 
also resets the location of the Coupons. You can move around using 
walkways in the ducts; to enter them you have to climb into the black, 
box-shaped structures (there's one in the computer room). You can't do 
that unless you have at least one of the three items. 
To get the items, follow this procedure: activate the computer, then 
head to the top of the screen and open the gate farthest to the right. 
Head right and open the left-hand gate, then walk right and go south 
to enter the room where A Coupon is. Choose the top option to climb 
into the black box and use the walkway to get to the room where B Coupon 
is. Finally, go through the door in this room and open the door to the 
left, then go north to enter the room containing C Coupon. Then use the 
walkway to return to the computer room. 
Now if you want, you can just trade one of the Coupons for an item, 
but if you have all three then you'll get all three items. The trade 
set-up works like this (choose 'Coupon Change'): 
- Trade Coupon A for the Star Pendant accessory 
- Trade Coupon B for the Four Slots bracelet 
- Trade Coupon C for the all materia 
To get your items (depending on how many coupons you have) go to the 
computer and choose the bottom option, then the top. Keep in mind 
that you can only do this once. 
On the 64th floor, you'll find a Save Point and bedroom to your left. 
You can use the machines in the exercise room, or waste 250 gil trying 
to get a health drink (which you can't actually get, BTW.) If you 
examine the lockers in the back room, you can find a Phoenix Down, 
Ether, and a M-phone (HP Shout), but you can only take the first 
two items for now. Head to the 65th floor. 
Here, you have to open a treasure chest, then examine a broken section 
of the model in the circular room and choose the top option to repair 
it. This unlocks one of the other chests, allowing you to open it and 
use the part inside to repair another section of the model. When you 
have finished, you'll get the Key card 66 from the final chest. You 
must fix the model in a counter-clockwise fashion starting from the 
bottom. The order of the chests you open goes like this: 
- Upper-left room: bottom chest 
- Upper-left room: top chest 
- Lower-left room: left chest 
- Lower-left room: top chest 
- Upper-right room: chest 
- Middle-right room: get the Key card 66 from here when you're done. 
On the 66th floor, you can either run into the meeting hall as quickly 
as you can (if you took the elevator...it's a glitch, and was possible 
in the Japanese version, at least :)), or you can enter the stall in the 
bathroom located in the northwest corner of the floor. Choose the 
middle option, and you'll climb on top of the toilet and enter an air 
duct. Move forward to see what the Shinra members (Reeve, Palmer, 
President Shinra, Hedger, Hobo, and Scarlet) are discussing. 
Climb back out, then climb up the stairwell after Hobo (the pony-tailed 
scientist) in the room to the right of the meeting hall. Note that 
you'll end up in the air duct even if you ran into the hall...he, he. 
On the next floor (67), talk to the people and keep following the 
scientist. After looking in the purple chamber (and after Cloud gets 
another headache), move beyond the crates and to the right to find a 
Save Point and a treasure chest with a Poison Materia inside. 
Enter the elevator to the north, and then watch as the scientist toys 
with Aeries. Now, choose who you want to protect Aeries, (either 
Barret or Tiff), and then you can name the lion-like creature (Red 13) 
that was attacking Hobo. He'll fight alongside you when the mutant 
boss shows up. Don't forget that Red 13 comes equipped with his own 
BOSS TIPS: Sample:HO512 LV: 19 HP: 1000 MP: 120 
Sample:HO512-OPT LV: 7 HP: 300 MP: 48 
Don't try to kill this guy's little guardians; he'll only create more. 
Instead, use Bolt or Fire on him and try Restore to keep up your own 
life power. Avoid using physical attacks, Ice, or Poison. This means 
that Red 13 is better off using Fire against the boss than attacking. 
This battle is easier if you have Barret, who can inflict more damage. 
Don't worry about getting poisoned since you can get infected again when 
the boss uses the pink gas attack on your characters (there's no point in 
trying to de-poison yourselves). You'll get a Talisman should you kill 
the boss, and Grenades depending on the Opts that you killed. 
Tiff or Barret return after the battle (depending on who you chose). 
You'll be asked to make a new party (but you can keep the old one you had 
before, if you wish). When you're in control of Cloud again, be sure to 
grab the yellow materia (Enemy Skill) that's left behind in the sample 
chamber. Then go up the ladder and head south. Talk to the man in the 
grey coat to get the Key card 68. Go back down to floor 66 and try 
entering one of the lifts; you'll get caught by Rude (he's a Turk who 
you'll be running into constantly throughout the game). He and Tseng 
will 'escort' you to a meeting with the president of Shinra. Afterwards, 
you'll end up in the jail cells on floor 67. Here, listen to everyone, 
then go to sleep. 
The next morning, you'll find that your door is unlocked. Investigate 
the guard, then talk to Tiff. Check the guard again to unlock the doors, 
then look in on Barret and Red 13. After freeing your companions, return 
to the lab and talk to Red 13. Talk to him again after taking the 
elevator up to the 68th floor, then use the incline to reach the walkway 
again. Go all the way along it until you find two purple Potions, then 
climb back down and enter the door from the ground floor. The green bars 
of light won't hurt you; run through them and pick up two more Potions 
before climbing up the stairs to the 69th floor. 
Go out the center door to reach a Save Point. Then, run up either of 
the purple stairs. Check out the dead Shinra president, capture Palmer, 
and then go through the door to the north to exit the room. Outside, talk 
to the man in white. He's Rufus, son of the Shinra president. 
The other characters will return to the floor below, and you must lead 
them outside (you can also choose to unequal Aeries' and Cloud's materia 
in case you want to juggle them around for the upcoming battles). Your 
team now consists of Red 13, Barret, and Aeries; don't forget to re-equip 
your Materia (it seems as if the top option removes it....) Head to the 
lift (by taking the lower door). When you activate it, you are attacked 
by a huge gun-wielding machine while going down the side of the Shinra 
weak against Lightning 
You can only use long-range attacks, so use Barrett’s attacks and his 
Limit Break as well as magic to harm this foe. Poison-based magic 
inflicts no damage, while Bolt does the most damage. Red 13 is a 
sitting duck if he doesn't have any spell Materia equipped, so be sure 
to deck him out with some magic spells (he can still use his Limit 
Break). When you inflict enough damage, the boss starts to break down. 
After the second collapse, he starts firing heat blasts that damage all 
members, so be careful. 
After killing the boss, you must fight a flying machine. 
weak against Lightning 
As with the other boss, don't use Bio but do use Bolt. You may be weak 
after the last battle, so make use of Potions, the Restore Materia, and 
Aeries' B1/1 Break (Healing Wind) to restore lost life. You'll win a 
Mythic Armlet when the boss dies. 
The scene switches back to Cloud. Heal yourself if necessary, equip 
Materia, then press Start. Rufus will then attack you. Feel free to 
adjust his equipment/Materia if need be before the battle. 
BOSS TIPS: RUFUS LV: 21 HP: 500 MP: 0 
DARK NATION LV: 18 HP: 140 MP: 80 
Kill the panther guardian first, then go after the boss. Although you 
can't do anything about the panther casting Barrier on Rufus, you can 
use magic instead to inflict damage. He can only hurt you with his 
shotgun, so don't worry about healing yourself after each round (just 
heal yourself when your life gets lower). Sock him with your Limit 
Breaks and he'll escape onto the circling helicopter after you've 
damaged him enough. Cloud will get a Protect Vest and a Guard Source 
when the battle ends. 
Leave the rooftop and head back to where Tiff is waiting for you. As 
Aeries, try to approach the front doors. After a short conversation, 
you and the gang will escape by motorcycle (and truck). Your team is 
now made up of Cloud, Tiff, and Barret. 
An option screen appears where you have the following options: 
S Left Attack 
X Switch members 
O Right Attack 
T Main Menu 
Start Return to game 
Be sure to re-equip Materia before returning to the game! 
3 . 1 0 e s c a p e ! 
ITEMS IN THIS AREA: Star Pendant. 
Use the controller to move any direction. Pressing S makes you slash 
to the left, and pressing O makes you slash to the right. The object 
here is to protect your friends in the truck from enemy cyclists. 
Eventually, you'll reach a dead end and fight the boss. The amount of 
life you start off with during the battle depends on how much life you 
and your friends lost during the high-speed escape. If a character lost 
all his life, he begins with only 1 point when the battle starts, but 
since the boss gets to make the first attack, they'll have to be revived 
using Phoenix Downs if there are any party members who survived. The 
boss is a spiked, armoured robot with six wheels. 
BOSS TIPS: MOTOR BALL LV: 19 2600 MP: 120 
weak against Lightning 
This boss gets a free attack from behind...sheet. Most of his attacks 
do little damage, but his Fire thrower and flying fire sweep attacks 
can kill your party in a single blast (the fire sweep does around 220 
damage)! The best way to beat this group is have your party consist of 
Aeries and Barret. Give the All and Restore materia to either Cloud or 
Barret, and give the other character Lightning. This way, you can heal 
with one character, attack with another, and then use Aeries' Limit Break 
to keep your life up at all times. Ice works better than Fire against 
the boss (for those characters that don't have Lightning equipped). 
Remember, your rows are reversed when attacked from behind, so put Cloud 
and Barret in the back and Aeries in the front if you want them to line 
up properly when the boss shows up (assuming that's who you use...I found 
that they worked the best). If you beat the boss, you'll get a Star 
3 . 1 1 k a l m t o w n / c h o c o b o f a r m 
ITEMS IN THIS AREA: Ether x3, Peacemaker, Guard Source, Choco/Mog 
You'll find yourselves outside of the gate after beating the boss (you 
could also see this scene by going south from the church where you met 
Aeries the first time). Decide who will be in your group, then head 
towards the screen to exit and arrive at the World Map (the outside 
Outer World Controls 
T Menu Screen 
L2/R2 Change from overhead/side view 
L1/R2 Same effect as L2/R2 
Turn left/right (during side view) 
Start shows World Map 
Start x2 Shows Large World Map 
Start x3 No map is shown 
Select Same as Start 
Kalm Town isn't far from Midgar; you should be able to see it if you 
walk north a ways. Go into the inn to see the rest of the gang waiting 
for you. Cloud will talk to the others about Sephiroth via a series of 
semi-interactive flashbacks: 
- You'll start off in a truck being driven by Shinra soldiers. After 
talking to the soldiers and Sephiroth (Cloud's former ally in the 
Shinra army and now a wanted criminal), the truck will be stopped 
by a dragon. You'll have to fight it, but Sephiroth (who is Shotgun- 
powerful) can kill it in two hits. In the flashback, Cloud's 
portrait is different; this 'Young Cloud' is of a low level, but 
Sephiroth is so strong that you need not worry about losing battles. 
However, you can't control Sephiroth's actions and you can't hurt 
him (because of your low level), either. Although Young Cloud comes 
equipped with an Pre-emptive materia and Sephiroth has several 
mastered materia equipped, you can't take them for your own (although 
you can if you use a Game Shark code...see section 14). Also, Young 
Cloud and Sephiroth can't use Limit Breaks (because they don't have 
- After the battle, you'll end up in Nibelheim, Cloud's hometown. 
Talk to Sephiroth and the guards if you wish, then head north. 
If you want to look around the town, feel free to, but nothing 
you do during this part of the game has an affect on the rest of 
your quest (although is does affect the character's questions 
and reactions to Cloud's story). One thing you might want to do 
is go into Tifa's house (the large building on the 'south-eastern' 
side of town). You can read her stuff, play the piano (if you 
play the 'Highwind' theme, Cloud will act like he remembers it 
from somewhere), or even search her closet (hey, they changed 
'slightly-stretched underwear' to 'orthopaedic underwear'. What's 
the big deal? :)) Also note that you can't get Vincent Valentine 
during Cloud's flashback because you can't examine the safe :( 
- When you're done looking around town, go to the inn and head 
upstairs. Talk to Sephiroth and choose to get some sleep. 
The next day, talk to Sephiroth and get your picture taken, then 
sit back and watch the FMV. When you're in control of Cloud, 
head along the bridge and talk to Tiff, then talk to her again 
further along the bridge and it will break. After you've 
recovered, head northeast into the cave, then keep heading north. 
Eventually, you'll arrive at the Enova plant. Enter it, head 
along the beams, then walk onto the wood platform and climb down 
the chains and go after Sephiroth. Talk to him in the next area, 
examine the chamber to the left of Sephiroth, then talk to him 
twice, once to make him move out of the way and once to make Cloud 
look inside the chamber. After Sephiroth goes ballistic, you'll 
return to Kalm Town. Pick the top option to save your game, or 
the bottom option to continue. Cloud's narrative starts off back 
at Nibelheim, where he enters the large mansion at the edge of 
- Inside, climb the two staircases and head to the right. Enter the 
lower door and make your way into the next room; if you examine 
the circular part of the stone wall, a passage appears. Enter it 
and climb down the spiralling walkway until you reach the bottom; 
keep walking from here to find a library. Leave after Sephiroth 
finishes talking. After Cloud wakes up, return to the library. 
Sephiroth gives a little speech then he exits the mansion; return 
to the town square. Try entering the house to your right. 
- Back at the Enova plant, return to the area with the chambers after 
witnessing the struggle between Tiff and Sephiroth. Examine Tiff to 
carry her out of harm's way, then run up the stairs and enter the 
door that Sephiroth opened. After the FMV sequence, Cloud's 
flashback ends and you are returned to Kalm Town. 
Note that you have to go to Kalm Town to proceed with the game; you 
can't make your way through the Mythic Mines beforehand, although you 
can visit the Chocobo Farm if you want to. As for treasure, there's an 
Ether in the door beneath the stairs in the house near the inn, another 
Ether in the cabinet on the second floor of the house to the right of 
that house, and a Peacemaker in the chest on the second floor of the 
third house (take the curving stairs). If you take the normal stairs in 
the same house, you can get a Guard Source in the cabinet by the little 
girl. Finally, in the house on the other side of the town, there is an 
Ether in the door beneath the stairs on the north wall of the first 
floor. Oh, you'll be given the PHS (Party Hensley System) when you talk 
to your allies on the first floor of the inn; it allows you to switch 
group members whenever you want, providing that you're in the World Map 
or standing on a Save Point (there are a few exceptions to this rule). 
Leave the town and head east to reach the Chocobo Farm. Talk to the 
Chocobo at the front end of the pen and choose the top option to see 
the big yellow birds dance; you'll get the Choco/Mog materia afterwards. 
Then, talk to Chico Billy (the man with the hat) in the stables behind 
the pen. Choose the first option, then the 4th option, and then the top option 
again. Providing you have 2000 gil to spare, he'll sell you a 
Chocobo Lure materia, which lets you attract Chocobos to ride. 
To catch a Chocobo, wander around outside on the Chocobo tracks (in 
this area of the game, you can meet them on the light patches of 
grass, too), until you are attacked. If a Chocobo is one of your 
opponents, then kill off the other enemies and when the battle ends, 
you'll be riding the Chocobo. If you attack the Chocobo, it will 
hurt you and the other enemies, then escape, so you'll have to try 
again. Don't forget, you can only fight Chocobos if you have the 
Chocobo Lure materia equipped. When riding a Chocobo, your can move 
around normally, and you won't get attacked by enemies. You can press 
X to dismount, but if you do this, the Chocobo will run away and you'll 
have to catch another one. 
A little to the south and directly west of the Chocobo farm is a cave, 
but a creeping snake in the marsh before the cave entrance will rise up 
to attack you. Instead of trying to kill it now, go get a Chocobo 
instead, who can outrun the snake and enter the cave. Yes, you will 
still get attacked if the snake touches your Chocobo. 
Note that you can run across the marsh on foot, but nothing special 
happens if you do so (and it's nigh-impossible to pull off without 
running into Midgar Zoom). 
This boss has two deadly attacks: one is a tail swipe that knocks a team 
member off-screen and puts them out of commission for the rest of the 
battle. The other one is the Beta enemy skill, which inflicts around 
1000-1200 points of damage (which spells instant defeat if your allies 
are weak, although you should try to pick up this skill if you have a 
Take no Wada equipped). Along with his bite attack, this serpent can be 
a tough enemy if you try to fight him earlier in the game. It's easier 
if you try to defeat him after you have Cid's airplane, since you can 
use Limit Breaks and powerful summon and magic spells to kill it. 
Unfortunately, you get a measly amount of EXP, AP, and gil for beating 
the boss and what's worse, he reappears when you return to the World 
Map, and so you're right back where you started. 
Note that if Midgar Zoom knocks one of your allies off-screen, the 
game won't end should the other members be killed; instead, you'll find 
yourself standing at the edge of the marsh. 
The first time you get across the marsh, you'll see a large snake 
impaled on a tree. Just exit the screen to continue playing. Also, if 
you get off your Chocobo while on the patch of grass before the mine 
entrance, he'll stay there in case you need to return to the farm (this 
doesn't seem to happen all the time--I don't know why). If you're 
strong enough, you can get to the Mythic Mines without ever having to 
go to the Chocobo Farm. 
3 . 1 2 m i t h r i l m i n e / j u n o n t o w n 
ITEMS IN THIS AREA: Ether, Tent, Long Range materia, Mind Source x2, 
Elixir, Power Wrist, Shiva materia, Grenade or 
Potion x6 or Ether x6, Enemy Skill materia, 1/35 
Shinra x2, Luck Source, Power Source, Guard Source, 
Speed Plus Source, Silver Glasses or HP Plus or Force 
Inside the Mythic Mine, head northeast to find a green Ether on the 
stone steps. In the chest is a Tent, so be sure to grab it. If you try 
climbing up the brown vine on the western rock face, you'll find a purple 
materia (Long Range). Climb back down, return to the first area, then 
head left. Make your way southeast to find a chest with a Mind Source 
inside, then head west to reach the next area. 
Here, you'll run into some of the Turks again: Rude, Elena, and Tseng. 
Once they leave, walk north. There's a chest with a Elixir inside it 
and a Hi-Potion just to the north of the chest. Return to the area 
where you met the Turks, climb up the vine, and go through the door to 
exit the mine and return to the World Map. From now on, you can meet 
Yuffie in the forests and have her join you (refer to section 8.1 for 
Nearby is a rocky outcropping with a huge bird statue atop it, the Condor 
Fort. Enter it and choose the second option when talking to the man out 
front. After climbing up the rope, you'll find yourself in a town built 
into the rock itself. There is a Save Point, item shop, bedroom (you can 
sleep for free), and Materia shop here. Talk to everyone. If you have 
enough Gil, you can hang around and fight the 'mini-battle' as many 
times as you want (it's fun!). Otherwise, leave and go northwest through 
the forest to Junon Town by the shore. For information on fighting the 
battles, refer to section 7.8 (Having Fun). 
Once you arrive at Junon, talk to the villagers, then go down the stairs 
to the shore. Here, a young girl named Punisher is playing with a 
dolphin. Out of nowhere, a big flying boss shows up and attacks her, 
then your party. 
BOSS TIPS: BOTOMUSUWARU (Bottom Sawyer) LV: 23 HP: 2500 MP: 100 
There's not much to worry about; just attack with Lightning or Poison-based 
spells and keep your life up. Since this guy's flying, some characters 
can't attack him (like Tiff), while some can (like Cloud). Find out 
which guys should be casting magic and which should be attacking early on 
in the battle. Sometimes, the boss puts an HP-reducing bubble around a 
character. It only disappears if you cast a magic spell upon it (this 
won't hurt the 'bubbled' person). If you have the Affect All materia, 
you can use this to cast a spell on the bubbled person and the boss at 
the same time. Before dying, the boss will attack with a wave, (he 
can do this normally, but always does one before he disappears) so watch 
out and make sure your hp is high enough to withstand an attack. If you 
want, you can equip characters (like Barret) with weaker, long-ranged 
weapons so that they can attack the boss, but it may not be worth it. 
You'll receive a Power Wrist when the battle is over. 
After killing the boss, you'll have to revive Punisher. To do this, 
watch the lung-shaped meter that appears in the upper right. Press 
the S button once to make the meter start to raise. Just as it reaches 
the top, press S again to make Cloud breathe into the girl's mouth. 
It will take a couple of tries. Afterwards, go to the house near the 
entrance to town and talk to the person there (for some reason, choosing 
the top option won't make Cloud go to bed, but if you go back in the 
house and try again, he will go to sleep). 
During the night, Cloud will have another bad dream. In the morning, 
leave and go to the house above the stairs (your friends will be 
gathered near it). Punisher will give you the 'Summon Shiva' materia, 
a gift for saving her life. Follow her to the shore, then talk to her 
a second time. Barret will show up and the girl will keep talking; 
when you have the chance, choose the middle option. Your goal in this 
part of the game is to leap atop the iron beam above the electrical 
tower so that you can sneak into the heart of Junon Town. Your 
controls are: 
X Swim faster 
S Makes the dolphin flip you into the air 
If you get to close to the electric blasts traveling along the tower, 
you'll get shocked and will have to try again (just pick the second 
option). The easiest way to get up there is to simply not move and 
press S. The dolphin will miss and deposit you near the bottom of 
the screen. However, you'll be perfectly positioned, so if you press 
X again, Cloud will land on the beam. Once you're on it, head to the 
left to get a good view of the flying airship 'Highwind'. Make your 
way south (towards the 'front' of the screen) to continue. 
The next area has a higher and lower level. If you investigate the box- 
like switch, you'll be taken to the lower level. From there, head south 
to find a building. There is a projecting roof nearby which has a door 
underneath it; just press against the edge and you'll enter a hallway 
filled with soldiers. In the halls, go up to find a locker room. Check 
out the half-open locker and choose the second option to dress up as a 
guard. When the captain of the guards asks you another question, pick 
the bottom answer. 
Then, leave the locker and take note of the Save Point before heading 
through the door (follow the other soldiers). Now that you're outside, 
go into the first alleyway. You'll come across a group of marching 
soldiers. The head guard will want you to join in and march with them 
perfectly, so it may take a couple of attempts before this event will 
end. You also have to move your gun in time with the soldiers by 
pressing and releasing the O button. Depending on how high or low the 
counter was during this scene (the one in the lower right-hand corner), 
you will get the following: 
21% = Grenade Item 
37% - 39% = Potion x6 Item 
45% (?) = Ether x6 Item 
(I'll figure out the rest later....) 
Afterwards, you'll have to stand at attention while Rufus and Hedger 
talk to each other...press in any direction and the captain of the guard 
will tell you to get back in line. After the rest of the soldiers leave, 
the captain will give you an option; choose either option and you'll 
return to the locker room for some training on the next event. There, 
you can try to follow the captain's orders, if you wish. When he asks 
you a question, choose the top choice to try training again, or the 
bottom option to finish the training. Once the soldiers leave, follow 
them outside. 
Now's your chance to do a little shopping and treasure hunting. You'll 
run into Rude in the basement of the first weapon shop, but he won't 
recognize you in your Shinra guard uniform. Go through the third door 
and talk to the guard near the back of the room, then jump down to an 
area with several Shinra guards and some holograms. In the far corner 
of the room is a yellow materia (Enemy Skill). This place 
(I believe) is similar to the 'House of Learning' back in Area 7 Town 
where you could learn about the game's mechanics. On the second floor 
of the same building, you can get a 1/35 soldier and a Mind Source. In 
the room with the cats nearby is a Luck Source. On the third floor are a 
red Power Source and a green Guard Source. 
If you enter the fourth door on the other side of town, you'll find that 
that Elena, Redo, and Tseng of the Turks are here. It's a good thing 
that you're in that uniform :) Go through the sixth door to find a room 
with a soldier; you can check the silver trashcan for a message and pick 
up a yellow Speed Source in the side room. On the floor above, you can 
pick up another 1/35 soldier. 
In the next area, Hedger and Rufus show up again. You have to do 
your salute according to what the captain of the guard tells you to do 
(remember your training)! At the very end, all you have to do is be 
facing forward: pressing any button will make you do the 'spinning gun' 
salute. Unfortunately, the order of commands is random each time you 
play, so just do your best. Afterwards, you can press the following 
buttons to make Cloud do funny things: 
S Scratch back with gun 
X Put one leg forward 
T Shrug 
Pad Stand at attention 
Depending on how well you did during the salute, Heidekkaa will give you 
an item. Each 'button press' action was worth 10 points, and the final 
salute was worth 30 points. Changing direction was worth 0 points, but 
unless you were facing in the correct direction, any action you performed 
was worth 0 points. Also, performing an action was worth 0 points if you 
did it too late (although you'll get full points if you do the action 
early). Your total score determines what you will receive (notice that 
Rufus' reactions change depending on what item you will be given): 
000 - 050 = Silver Glasses Accessory 
060 - 090 = HP Plus Independent Materia 
100 - 190 = Force Stealer Weapon (for Cloud) 
200 = (I'll figure out this one later....) 
After everyone else leaves, Red 13 (who was watching from just inside the 
boat) will talk to you if you try to leave instead of boarding the boat. 
Either way, you'll end up joining your friends in the boat's hull. 
3 . 1 3 s h i n - r a b o a t 
ITEMS IN THIS AREA: Ether, Affect All materia, Wind Slash, White Cape. 
Open the treasure chest to get an Ether, and be sure to pick up the blue 
materia (All). Talk to the people here, then go up on the deck and 
talk to everyone else; you'll notice that they are your companions 
(don't miss Red 13 :)). The man in white will sell you items if you talk 
to him. Once you're done, go back down and talk to Aeris, then return 
to the deck and go all the way to the left; one of the guards has left, 
allowing you to sneak to the front of the ship. 
Here, talk to Barret, who is spying on the Shinra members. After talking 
to him a couple of times, an alarm will sound. Go back to the center of 
the boat to find your friends. Then, assemble your party. If you want 
to change the setup, talk to your friends again. When you're ready, go 
downstairs and head through the door that the one guard was standing in 
front of. In the next room, watch out for enemies and climb up the 
ladder, the walkway leads to a chest with a Wind Slash inside. Did you 
get all the items on the boat? When you're ready, go and talk to the 
captain of the guards. It turns out that he's dead. Then, Sephiroth 
shows up, and summons a huge monster for you to fight before he flies 
BOSS TIPS: JENOBA*BIRTH (Jenova*Birth) LV: 25 HP: 4000 MP: 110 
Earth, Fire, and Cold magic work well against it, but don't use Poison. 
Attack with your Summon Materia and hit it with everything you've got. 
Keeping your HP Plus is a priority, since it can use lasers to attack one 
or all members. Only use physical attacks if you are running low on MP. 
The boss can cast 'Stop' on a single ally so make sure that you're not 
too dependent on any one character during the battle. Some Phoenix 
Tails will also come in handy, since the boss sometimes uses a laser 
that hits all allies (Terror Laser) twice in a row (which can inflict 
loads of damage). You'll get a White Cape when the battle is over. 
3 . 1 4 c o s t a d e l s o l 
ITEMS IN THIS AREA: 'Summon Ifrit' materia, Power Source x2, Motor Drive, 
Fire Ring, Double Machinegun, Turbo Ether, 
Transform materia, Wizard Staff, Star Pendant, 
Soft x2, Phoenix Down x10, Mind Source, Tent. 
Grab the red Materia (Summon Ifrit) after the battle and wait for the 
boat to dock. Talk to the people here and then go up the stairs. A 
short automatic sequence follows. In the next area, go into the door 
to meet a shady guy who will sell you this room for 30,000 gil; you can 
sleep here for free anytime you want afterwards. Climb down the stairs 
in the bottom part of the room to reach a basement with a sleeping man. 
You can get a Power Source and a Motor Drive here, as well as a Fire Ring 
from the treasure chest. You'll meet Mukki (from the cabaret in the 
Wall Market) in the bar, as well as some of his friends. If you go down 
to the beach, you'll run into Hojo (the scientist you met in the 
Shinra HQ). You can talk to him if you want, but you won't get anything 
out of it. 
Outside of the town, head through the mountains and across the bridge. 
You'll find a cave-like entrance. Talk to the man on the hill, then 
keep heading north. Eventually, you'll reach a walkway that leads to 
a large Makoro furnace. Head south and follow the train tracks; there's 
no point in looking around here. Keep going, and you'll come across 
some curving tracks and a Save Point. As you walk along the tracks, you 
can get the following items: Double Machinegun, Turbo Ether, and a 
Transform materia. 
These tracks are rickety, and when you walk across them in certain areas 
a message will appear telling you to press O so that you don't fall 
through them. It's better to let yourself fall, because you can then 
hold left or right and rapidly press O to land beneath the tracks. Then, 
press Up to climb back up. If you landed on the left side of the tracks, 
you can pick up a Wizard Staff. If you landed in the middle, you can't 
get anything, but if you landed on the right side, you'll find a Star 
Pendant. There are three places where you can fall through the tracks, 
so be sure to get these items. 
Take the upper rail path to the next area. Are your friends waiting for 
you on the lower track? If they're not, then go back and take the lower 
path. You'll get an option to summon them using the PHS system (NSS). 
Assuming they're there, take the upper path and keep walking until you 
find a wooden shed. Enter it and pick the top choice when you're 
prompted to make a decision. This will lower the tracks on the bottom 
path. Before returning to the lower rail path and following after your 
allies, you can walk to the end of the path you're on and climb the wall; 
you'll hear birds chirping if you're in the right place. 
After finding the nest, you can choose to take the treasure in the nest 
(the top option), or leave the birds alone (the bottom option). If you 
choose the top option, you're attacked. 
TIPS: KOKATORISU (Cocatrice) LV: 17 HP: 420 MP: 0 
This guy's easy; just attack until it dies. You'll get 10 Phoenix Downs 
should you kill it. You can get two Softs from it; one by 
stealing, the other by killing it with Morph. 
You'll get 10 Phoenix Downs after the battle is over. Cloud will then 
return to the train tracks. Keep in mind that this is a one-shot deal; 
whether you decide to take the treasure or not, you can only make a choice 
one time. As you're traveling along the lower rail path, you'll see a 
part where the track splits in two directions. Take the left path (the 
one that turns back). Walk north (towards the bridge), then right (under 
the first bridge). It may sound confusing, but you'll end up in a little 
shack where there's a bunch of items and a man resting on a bulldozer. 
There's a Mind Source and a Power Source here, and the chest has a Tent 
inside of it. Leave and follow the other path across the bridge in the 
next area to reach the town of North Corel. 
3 . 1 5 g o l d s a u c e r 
ITEMS IN THIS AREA: Silver Armlet, 'Summon Ramuh' materia. 
There's some merchants here at North Corel and an inn. You can also 
learn more about Barret here, whether he's in your party or not. When 
you're done shopping and chatting, go to the sky lift. After Barret has 
a flashback about his friend Dain, take the lift up to the Gold Saucer. 
You can return to the World Map by heading right from the bottom area of 
the town, but there's nothing to do out there (aside from saving your 
game or riding around on a Chocobo). 
You'll see a Save Point in the background of the first area of the Gold 
Saucer, but you'll need GP (not gil, like what you've been using) to 
activate it. Pay the man to get in (the first choice is for a one-time 
entrance, the second choice will let you enter as often as you'd like), 
and then choose the path of your choice after your companions separate. 
If you try to leave the Station Square (the area where you're at; all 
the areas in the Saucer are divided into 'squares'), Aeris will join 
you. As you explore the rest of the Gold Saucer, you'll discover that 
Shinra soldiers are snooping around, looking for Sephiroth. When 
you're ready to move on, go to the Wonder Square. Here, you'll meet 
Cait Sith, a would-be fortuneteller. He'll automatically join you since 
you only have two members (you and your friend) at this point. 
Go to the Battle Square and you'll find a bunch of dead bodies; the 
handiwork of Sephiroth. As you're talking to the few who are still 
alive, Dio, the proprietor of the Gold Saucer shows up and promptly 
blames you for the carnage. Cait Sith makes a dash for freedom, but 
after following him, the party is trapped. Dio and his henchmen then 
summon three large robots that throw you and your allies through the 
'Gateway to Heaven' to a desolate area, the Corel Prison, which lies 
at the base of the Gold Saucer. 
Here, you'll find Barret. After he runs away, examine the dead body 
and talk to the other guy before going though the southern gate. There 
is a treasure chest here (in the chamber at the base of the ladder), but 
it's already opened (anyone know if there's supposed to be something in 
it that you could have gotten earlier?) 
In the second area, talk to everyone here. The building to the far 
southeast is a bar, and a man inside will sell you items. After looking 
around here, enter the building to the east (it doesn't matter which 
entrance you take). Barret will show up once you're inside, as will 
Tifa and Aeris. After Barret's flashback (in which his best friend 
falls down a gorge and North Corel is razed to the ground), reassemble 
your team and go back to the first area. Examine the guard (who is 
dead), then either leave through the gate. If you exit by going through 
the area between the gate and the building to the right, you'll end up 
wandering around in a wasteland until a caravan (the same one that Tifa 
was captured in) shows up. When it does, pick the top option to get a 
ride back to the area beyond the gate or choose the bottom option to 
stay where you are (in the middle of nowhere...you'll have to keep 
wandering around until the caravan shows up again). 
Anyway, once you've gone past the gate, talk to the man out here and go 
to the _right_. Any other direction leaves you stranded in the desert 
(read the above paragraph again if you want to get back on track). This 
takes you to the caryard. Go up from here and you'll run into none 
other than Dain (the guy from Barret's flashback). He tells Barret 
about Erenoa and Marlene (who is actually his daughter), then (for what 
reason, I have no idea), decides to attack Barret. In the battle, 
you're forced to fight using just Barret. 
BOSS TIPS: DAIN LV: 23 HP: 1200 MP: 20 
The easiest way to kill this boss is simply let him hit you; his attacks 
increase your Limit meter quickly. Use the Kaifuku Materia to restore 
lost life, then hit him with the Heavy Shot when your meter maxes out. 
A summoning Materia (like Shiva or Ifrit) is also a good way to inflict 
added damage. Just make sure you have all the MPs you need, and you can 
win in no time. The boss can pull off a final attack before dying, so 
keep your life up (but he can't do it if you kill him fast enough). You 
get a Silver Armlet for beating him. 
After Barret's friend dies, you'll find yourself back in the trailer. 
After talking to Kooshi (Coach?), you'll be invited to become a Chocobo 
racer. In the elevator shaft, choose the top option to have the racing 
process explained to you (NSS), or pick the bottom one to skip it. In 
the room with the other men, check the alcove by the Chocobo poster for 
a red Summon Materia (Ramuh). Then, talk to the girl in pink (Esuto) to 
start racing. 
Your controls as a Chocobo racer are: 
S Speed Plus Source 
X Speed Plus Down 
O Dash (uses up your Dash Meter) 
Select Switch between Automatic and Manual control 
R1+R2 Hold these buttons to refill your Dash Meter. 
The more you Dash, the slower your walking Speed Plus is, so conserve your 
Dash Meter for when you really need it. You have to keep racing until 
you win, so get good fast! Esuto will explain the controls to you again 
prior to the race if you choose the top option, or you can conclude your 
conversation with her and start racing by choosing the bottom option. 
If you can't get the hang of it, then just keep racing using the 
Automatic Sequence mode until you get first place. 
After winning, you'll receive the Bagii (Buggy) as first prize, and can 
now roam freely about the overworld and even pass through shallow rivers! 
(Look for lighter-shaded fords along the rivers.) Your controls are set 
up in the following manner: 
X Exit buggy 
O Enter buggy 
T Main Menu 
Select/Start World Map (press repeatedly to enlarge/hide map) 
L1/R1 Rotate view (or return to side view if in overhead view) 
L2/R2 Change view 
You _can_ run into enemies in the buggy, so be careful. Also, you can 
only return to the Golden Saucer if you take the sky lift from North 
Corel Town; you can't get there using the buggy. If you go across the 
river south from the Golden Saucer and look around, you'll find a house 
on a peninsula; you can't explore it yet, so ignore it for now. BTW, 
you can return to the desert if you get in the buggy, enter the dirt pit 
surrounding the Saucer, and touch the houses at the base of the Saucer. 
However, you'll find that there's nothing to do here but wander through 
the desert--do so long enough and the same cart that Tifa was abducted 
in will pull up and offer you a ride back to your vehicle. Choose the 
top option to accept and the bottom option to stay where you are. And 
as the help menu indicates, it's possible to return to Junon Town and 
take the Buggy with you. After you've completed the scenario with Cid, 
you can explore the house on the penninsula; you can also get Aeris's 
Level 4 Limit Break manual at that point in the game (see section 14 
for details). 
3 . 1 6 g o n g a g a t o w n / c o s m o c a n y o n 
ITEMS IN THIS AREA: Fairy Tale, X Potion x2, 'Summon Titan' materia, 
Deathblow materia, Added Effect materia, 
Ether, Black M-phone, X Potion, Fairy Ring, Ether 
Turbo, Wizer Staff, Demi materia (and you can get an 
Elixir, Magic Source, and the Full Cure materia here 
from Disc 2 onwards). 
Your next goal should be to head south from the Golden Saucer across the 
river to a forested area. Go into the black structure (it's called 
Jungle, for some reason). Reno and Rude are here. After Elena shows 
up and alerts the other Turks to your prescence, you'll be asked a 
question. No matter what your answer is, you'll have to fight 
Reno and Rude at the same time. 
BOSS TIPS: RENO LV: 22 HP: 2000 MP: 80 
Rude LV: 23 HP: 2000 MP: 135 
Use Summoning spells to even the odds at the start of the round, then go 
after either one. Once you injure one enough times, he'll leave, then 
the other one will. It may be better to attack Rude, since he can heal 
himself and Reno, but then again, Reno can inflict more damage. In any 
case, this fight isn't too hard either way. You'll get a Fairy Tale and 
a X Potion should you win the battle. 
After the Turks leave, head northeast, then go north to reach a pile of 
scrapped machinery. As you're looking around, Sukaretto and Tseng show 
up in the Shinra helicopter and talk about 'Huge Materia' (which you'll 
learn more about in Disc 2). After they leave, examine the area where 
Sukaretto was standing and choose the bottom option to get the 'Summon 
Titan' materia. Then go back to the first area and head left. In the 
second area, there is a Deathblow materia near the left path (which 
returns you to the World Map). If you take the north path, you'll 
arrive at Gongaga Town. 
Be sure to visit the stores (don't forget that you can climb up the pole 
in the Accessory Shop to reach a room where you can buy weapons) and 
get the treasure chests from the inn (X Potion) and the old man's 
house (White M-phone). If you go into the far right house, you'll meet 
an old couple who apparently know Cloud (or someone just like him), and 
someone else named Zekkusu. When you're done here, return to the World 
Map. Head southwest, then turn toward the river and go over the 
shallows, and then make your way up through the mountains to reach Cosmo 
Canyon. If you try to drive past the town, the buggy will short out, 
so you don't really have any choice but to enter the town (and you can't 
get anywhere else without the buggy, so even if you didn't drive it past 
Cosmo Canyon and entered on foot, it wouldn't matter....) 
When you approach the man at the gate, Red 13 will talk to him (he'll 
either bound up the steps past your party if he's not with you, or he'll 
just leave your party and start talking if he was with you previously). 
Everyone here knows Red 13 by the name 'Nanaki'. After Red heads up the 
stairs, talk to the guard and choose the bottom option to be let into the 
town (Red 13 will reappear to make sure you guys get in). If he was in 
your party, you'll have the option to make a new team; otherwise, you can 
look around town freely. Don't miss the Save Point located in the 
Tigerlily Arms Shop. In the Item Shop, there is a passage with a red 
rope across it that prevents you from checking out the room in the back. 
Keep this place in mind because if you return to Cosmo Canyon in Disc 2 
or 3, the rope will have been removed and you can get an Elixir, a Magic 
Up, and the Full Cure materia orb from the back room. 
Eventually head up to the observatory, where you'll run into Red 13 
and Buugen Haagen, an old geezer who knows all kinds of things. After 
Red 13 leaves, go back down and talk to your friends in order to make 
a new party. Then talk to Red 13 in the room connected to the inn 
before returning to the observatory. Enter the side door, chat with 
Buugen Haagen, and you'll see a short FMV sequence. 
When it's over, return to the large bonfire to the right of the 
entrance. Your friends are here. Talk to everyone here, then chat 
with Red 13 a second time. Buugen Haagen will show up, and you'll 
make a new group (with Red 13 as a permanent member). If you want 
someone else, just talk to another ally (it doesn't matter which one). 
Follow Buugen Haagen back to the sealed door above the weapons shop 
and talk to him, then choose the top option. He'll open the door for 
you. Enter and climb down to the very bottom of the shaft, then head 
In the next area, head right and up until you see a hole facing left*. 
Enter it and you'll be given an option. Pick the top one to make an 
opening appear nearby. Go through it, then head up and left. You'll 
slide on the oil and hit a spiked wall, reducing every member's HP by 
500 points. Then go south, through the hole, and head right to reach 
the Combination materia you couldn't get in the first area (Additional 
Effect). Go back and carefully _walk_ along the edge of the path to 
avoid slipping across the oil. Then go right, up, left, down the 
stairs, and through the underpassage to reach a chest with an Eeteru 
inside of it. Then return to the stairs and go left, then down to 
find a second chest containing a Black M-phone. Then climb back up 
the stairs and head to the upper-left to leave this area. 
* If you enter any of the other three holes, you'll be given the 
same option, but if you choose the top choice, you'll be attacked. 
Doing this doesn't seem to alter the level in any way, but you're 
better off doing this after you've cleared the _whole_ area out 
instead of doing it right now; I'd rather be safe than sorry, in 
my opinion. 
There are five passages in this area; you only want to take the 2nd and 
4th passages from the left. First, take the 4th passage. When you 
touch the web beyond it, you'll have to fight a giant spider (Stinger). 
When you've killed it, follow the path north to find a chest with an 
X Potion inside. Then go back and take the 2nd passage from the left. 
Kill the Stinger that attacks you when you touch the web and then head 
left and down. As you're going through the tunnel, hold right and 
you'll find an alternate path that leads to yet another treasure chest. 
You'll find a Fairy Ring in it. Go back up to where the web was and 
walk north to find another web. Past it is the exit, but try holding 
left and Cloud will go along a passage hidden by the rock that leads to 
a chest. There's an Turbo Ether inside. 
When you approach the giant face in the next cavern, it begins to move 
and you are attacked. 
Don't worry about the Soul Fires this boss has with him; just use your 
Summon Materia, then concentrate on attacking and using Limit Breaks on 
the big guy himself. If your spell Materia has hit second level, then 
Cold and Lightning work nicely on him. You don't even need to worry 
about your life much; the boss can be taken down before any serious 
damage is done to your party. You'll get a Wizer Staff should 
you be successful in battle. 
Grab the spell Materia (Demi) that's left behind and follow Buugen 
Haagen up the steps. After the sequence with Red 13 and the other 
creature (his father, who was transformed into metal or something?), 
make a new party and leave the town. Don't worry, Red 13 will rejoin 
you when you try to leave. Oh yes, the Buggy will be working again 
when you leave Cosmo Canyon. 
3 . 1 7 r e t u r n o f s e p h i r o t h 
ITEMS IN THIS AREA: Luck Source x2, Elixir x2, Platinum Fist, Turbo Ether 
Silver M-phone, Twin Viper, Enemy Launcher, Magic 
Source, Destruct materia, Rune Blade, Platinum 
Barrette, Powersoul, All Materia, Elemental Materia, 
Sniper CR, Jem Ring, Counter materia (if you open up 
the safe in the mansion, you can get the Cosmo Memory 
manual and the 'Summon Odin' materia, not to mention 
a Key Item (the gold key). 
Get in the buggy and continue past Cosmo Canyon. Head north to find a 
river with a shallow ford you can cross. Past it, the mountains are 
of a different type than what you usually see. Near them is a small 
town, Nivelheim. Look familiar? It's the same one Sephiroth and Cloud 
went to in Cloud's flashback. 
First, go into the inn. Talk to the black creature in the back to get 
a Luck Source. You can get an Elixir from another one of the creatures 
in the Item Shop, and a second Luck Source if you talk to the small 
creatures in the upper floor of the southeastern house. The large house 
to the east is Tifa's home, and you'll be given a Platinum Fist and an 
Turbo Ether if you talk to the creatures here. There's a piano in 
Tifa's room that you can fool around with (see section 14 for details). 
This next section is optional--you can just continue on through the 
mountains if you want. However, Sephiroth won't show up in the 
mansion after you reach Disc 2, meaning you can't nab the Destruct 
materia unless you get it from him during the first disc (read below 
for details). 
Now, go into the large mansion at the edge of town. Left of the 
entrance is a piece of paper written by the Turks (?). It has 
several hints on it that clue you in to the combination of the safe on 
the upper floor (but it's useless if you don't know Japanese :)). 
You can get the 4th number by chosing the blank space beneath the 
first three tips (look at the paper, choose the top option, then move 
the cursor down to the blank space and press O). 
Head right and look for the sliver of light near the stairway, it's 
very hard to see. It's an opening that leads to the lower section of 
another room. There's a chest here, with a Silver M-phone inside. 
Go back out and go into the northern door beneath the staircase. In 
the adjoining hall, head right and and up to find a chest with a 
Twin Viper in it. To the left is a room with a broken piano (which 
you could have also reached by looking for the opening near the left 
staircase in the main room). 
Go up the stairs and head left. In the circular room is a chest that 
has an Enemy Launcher inside. There's nothing in the northern room 
except for a locked safe--you'll need the right combination in order 
to open it (see section 14 if you don't know how). If you want to 
try your luck, examine it with the O button and choose the top option 
to enter the combination or the bottom option to quit. 
Open the safe (or not), then go right and into the right wing of the 
manor house. If you go up, you'll find a chest with a Magic Source 
inside. Then go into the lower room and examine the curved wall to 
open a secret passage. Go down the spiralling walkway, and then head 
right. If you got the gold key from the safe, you can open the 
northern door (refer to section 14 for details). Continue to the 
right to find a libarary. Then go north and you'll run into none 
other than Sephiroth, who will pelt you with a green materia before 
flying away. Be sure to get the materia (Destruct) before 
leaving the mansion. 
Once you're back outside, leave Nivelheim from the northern entrace 
and contine along until you see a passage leading into the mountains. 
In the next area, follow the path until it splits, and take the north 
path, which wraps around the back of a spire and leads to a chest 
with a Rune Blade inside of it. Now go back and follow the original 
path. You'll notice that just before the bridge, there's a path that 
curves away to the north. Follow it up into the mountains and when 
it curves south, take that path instead of continuing in the same 
direction. The path curves several times, but eventually you'll make 
it to the top of the mountain, where you can find a chest with a 
Plus Barrette. It may help if you press SELECT so that you can see 
yourself when a mountain is blocking your view, and if you can't seem 
to get any further, press in other directions (like down) to scale the 
back of the mountain. 
Go back down to the main path and head up the bridge. Inside the 
cavern, take the ladder down instead of the tubes, or you won't be 
able to get all the treasure in this area. You don't have to worry 
about the large boss near the door just yet. Feel free to make use 
of the Save Point, then climb back to the top of the area. Enter the 
pipe labled '2' to end up on a rocky ledge. There's an item bag here 
with an Powersoul inside; get it and then press down to jump down 
to a lower ledge, then press down again to reach the floor. Climb back 
up one last time and go into the pipe labled '4' in order to reach the 
treasure chest on the bottom ledge below; there's an All materia 
lying within. Walk against the right edge of the ledge to drop down 
to the floor. 
See the path heading south, just below the path that the boss is 
blocking? Follow it to go outside, then try to keep walking and you'll 
drop down to the lower ledge. Following the path here leads to a dead 
end, so enter the cave instead and take the righthand path once you're 
inside. Ignore the exit at the other end of the cave and work your way 
southwest, then go through the small hole. Walk up, then left, then 
down in order to reach the treasure chest you could see when you first 
came in here. Inside it is an Elixir. Now go through the exit to 
arrive at a wooded area. On the ground, to the left of the mass of 
crystalized Materia is an Elemental materia. Take it and proceed north, 
going through the opening to go back into the caves. 
Inside, head to the right, then go up as far as you can and walk left 
past the stone walls to reach a chest containing a Sniper CR. Then 
go back and take the rightmost passage. It goes south and leads you 
back to the outside. From here, head left (going right leads you to 
a dead end). You'll eventually end up at the Jenova Plant you visited 
in Cloud's flashback. There's nothing to do inside the plant, so 
continue beyond it to the door set in the rock wall. Enter it and 
you'll end up back in the chamber with the pipes again. 
It's true that you could have taken the door and done this entire 
sequence in reverse, but then you couldn't have scaled the ledge and 
you would have to go all the way back, instead of taking the express 
route like you just did :) Now climb down and examine the boss, and 
it will attack you. 
Don't use Honou-related attacks; it'll only heal him. Red 13's Limit 
Break B1/1 works well, as does Cloud's B2/1 Limit Break. I'd also 
suggest using the 'Choco/Mog' materia as much as you can--it's 
ability to stun this boss is very useful. Physical attacks should do the 
trick if you have good weapons; save your MPs for healing yourselves. 
Kealra and All Materia are a good combination (remember to link 
them when selecting holders) if you want to stay alive, since the boss 
can inflict 300-800 points of damage with its stabbing/mauling attacks. 
Also, he can heal himself (around 1000 hp's worth), and use the damaging 
Tryne skill, which causes about 500 points of damage to all those still 
alive. If Red's learned his B1/2 break or someone knows Haste, it would 
be a wise idea to use it at the start of the round. Since the Materia 
Keeper is one of the few enemies that can use Tryne, it comes highly 
recommended that you have a Enemy Skill materia equipped so 
that you can learn this enemy technqiue. You'll get a Jem Ring should 
you be victorious. 
After the battle is over, examine the purple materia that is left behind 
in order to take it (Counter Attack). Then follow the path outside--it 
leads back to the World Map. 
3 . 1 8 t h e i n v e n t o r 
ITEMS IN THIS AREA: Power Source, Yoshiyuki, Drill Arm, Edincoat. 
Head southwest, then turn north (you're making a big C around the 
mountains). Keep walking and you'll see Rocket Town up ahead. In 
the Accessory Shop, you'll recieve a message if you go to the left end 
of the counter and examine it (anyone know what it means?) If you go 
into the house farthest to the right, you can find a chest with a 
Power Source inside of it in next to the stove. Then talk to the old man 
standing near the house that's just left of the rocket's launch pad. 
Talk to him again, and he'll ask you a question. Pick the top answer 
and the view will pan up to show the rocket. Then the old geezer will 
give you the Yoshiyuki; it's a weapon for Cloud. 
Go into the house to the right of the old man. This is the home of 
Shiera and Cid, although neither of them are around at the moment. 
There's a chest here with a Drill Arm inside it. If you go out the 
back entrance, you'll find a light airplane in the backyard--it's one 
of Cid's inventions, the 'Tiny Bronco'. After looking at the airplane, 
Shiera will show up. When she leaves, go outside and head north to 
arrive at the rocket--climb inside it to find Cid. After chatting with 
him, name him. You can then ask him several questions; you have to at 
least ask the first one (top choice) in order to proceed with the game. 
Then leave the rocket and return to Cid's house. Shiera will show up, 
then Cid, too. After Cid goes out back, Shiera will explain how Cid 
was going to pilot his rocket into outer space some time ago, but 
aborted the launch when he discovered that Shiera was still making last- 
minute checks and hadn't left the launch pad yet; she would be burned 
to ashes since the launch could only be aborted, not delayed. By saving 
her life, Cid's dreams were shattered, since he did not have the 
resources to repair the rocket, which tipped over after falling back 
onto the lauch pad. 
Cid comes back into the house, then Palmer shows up--an employee of 
Shinra. Go outside and you'll run into Rufus and a Shinra guard, who 
have come to 'borrow' the Tiny Bronco. After Shiera brings you back 
inside the house, go out the back entrance to find Palmer standing 
atop the Tiny Bronco. Talk to him and he'll attack you. 
BOSS TIPS: Palmer  LV: 38 HP: 6000 MP: 240 
His gun causes a fair amount of damage since it has the effects of Fire 2, 
Ice 2, and Bolt 2, so make sure Aeris is in your party or that you 
have some Restore Materia. Use Haste and All on your party as 
well as Slow magic and/or Summon Chocobo on him to even the odds a bit. 
You'll want to have Cloud's B2/2 by now--it comes in handy. Your prize 
for beating Palmer is an Edincoat. 
After the boss gets wasted (heh, heh), your party and Cid will escape 
on the Tiny Bronco. Although it gets damaged during your escape it 
can still be used to skim across shallow water and traverse rivers 
(although you can't go up or down waterfalls). Here are the airplane 
X Exit airplane 
O Enter airplane 
Select/Start World Map (press repeatedly to enlarge/hide map) 
L1/R1 Rotate view (or return to side view if in overhead view) 
L2/R2 Change view 
You now have several options that are available to you: you can get 
Aeris's Level 4 Limit Break manual (see section 14 for details) or 
go on Yuffie's sub-quest (if you have her in your party, see section 
6 for further information). Even if you don't have Yuffie, you can 
purchase some pretty good weapons and find some treasure chests 
lying around in Uutai, so you may want to stop there anyways. You 
can even go back and kill the big snake you had to flee from in 
section 3k, if you've been itching to do so (you'll now have enough 
HPs to learn the enemy skill 'Beta' from it without dying). In any 
case, it would be a good idea to explore other areas and pick up items 
you missed/buy stuff you couldn't afford before instead of continuing 
on your quest just yet. I would suggest checking out the excavators' 
site to the north, since you can pick up the powerful 'Summon Kjata' 
materia there as well as buy some useful bracelets and items (see 
section 3u for details). 
3 . 1 9 b e t r a y a l 
ITEMS IN THIS AREA: Protect Vest, Choco Feather, Elixir. 
Pilot the Tiny Bronco back to the Gold Saucer area. Go to the 
weaponsmith's house on the penninsula near the dirt pit and talk to 
him--he'll explain that you need the Kiiston (Keystone), which he no 
longer has. Get back in Cid's airplane, and leave it on the shore by 
the dirt pit. You need to get to the Golden Saucer, so either walk or 
find a wild Chocobo and ride it back to North Corel. Then take the 
sky lift up to the Gold Saucer. Go to the Battle Square and look for 
an opening on the right side of the room labled 'Dio's Show Room'. 
Inside, examine the glittering object on top of the large stand; it's 
the Kiiston. Dio, the big lug who threw you out of the Gold Saucer 
before, will show up and offer you a challenge: fight in the Battle 
Square and he'll give you the Kiiston. When you have a choice, pick 
the top option to accept or the bottom option to temporarily decline. 
You'll now have to fight in the Battle Square using only Cloud. Keep 
in mind that even if you lose the very first battle, Dio will still 
give you the Kiiston. 
If you want to try and see if you can win all the battles, then keep 
fighting. After each battle, the message 'GREAT!' will appear, 
followed by two options. Choose the right option to stop fighting, 
or the left option to continue fighting. If you choose to continue, 
a jackpot-like device will appear. You can stop it from spinning 
by pressing the O button, and whatever comes up when you press O will 
take affect prior to the start of the next battle. Depening on what 
you get, different things will happen to you, although certain 
accessories can render you immune to some of the more debiliating 
Furthermore, the status ailments that you are afflicted with as a 
result of the jackpot stay with you from battle to battle, and you're 
forced to stop the jackpot after each battle, so you could end up 
being a poisoned, petrified frog in a few rounds, if you're not 
careful. If you last through seven battles, then the fighting ends. 
Refer to the 'Having Fun' section for a complete explanation of how the 
Battle Square works, but keep in mind that although you will earn 
Battle Points during the battle, they are reset to zero when the battle 
ends since you end up in the Show Room (and the way things work you lose 
all the Battle Points you earn if you leave the main room at any time). 
Should you make it through all the battles, Dio will give you a Boudan 
Chokki and a Choco Feather, in addition to the Kiiston. 
There's nothing else you need to do at the Gold Saucer now, but when 
you try to leave, you'll discover that the ropeway that the sky lift 
travels up and down is broken, leaving you stranded in the Saucer. 
Cait Sith will either show up (or leave your party, if he's already 
with you guys) and suggest that you all meet him at the Ghost Hotel. 
At the Hotel, you and your allies will chat for awhile. In the next 
scence, you'll find yourself in your room. 
At this point in the game, a character will come into your room and ask 
to go on a date with you. While it's usually Aeris, it's been 
confirmed that you can go on a date with Tifa instead, if you were nice 
to her and mean to Aeris throughout the course of the game. It's much 
harder to do, but if you have had Yuffie in your party for a while, she 
may wish to date Cloud as well. If you're really mean to all the women 
in your party, Barret will date you (so be nice!) It's not what you 
think--just a friendly outing (he had a wife, so what are you thinking 
^_^;) I'll write down the exact method to date each character when I 
learn what they are. 
Both times that I've played through this part, it's always been Aeris 
who comes to ask Cloud to go on a date, so I'll write the next section 
with her in mind, although you may end up with someone else. 
First, you'll go to the Event Square. Since you're the 100th person 
to come here that day, you and Aeris will be offered a role in the 
upcoming play. What you do here doesn't affect the game in any way, 
so just pick whatever options you'd like and watch one of the many 
humorous endings. If I wrote it out, it would ruin the fun, so.... 
Next, you'll ride the gondola in the Round Square. When Aeris looks 
out the window, you can press left to look out, too, and see various 
FMV sequences showcasing the events at the Gold Saucer. 
After the date is over, Cloud and Aeris will return to the Station 
Square only to find Cait Sith sneaking around with the Kiiston. He'll 
run away when Cloud yells at him, and you have to chase him around 
various sections of the Gold Saucer. (If you don't want to waste time 
doing that, then go to the Chocobo Square, enter it, and chase Cait 
Sith back outside). Eventually, Cait will stop at the steps outside 
of the Chocobo Square. The Shinra helicopter shows up, and Cait will 
toss the Kiiston up to Tseng. When confronted by Cloud and Aeris, Cait 
reveals that he is in fact a spy for the Shinra. He insists that he 
continues to travel with Cloud and his friends because he has taken 
Marlene as a hostage back in Midgar (Right? That's what he seems to say). 
Once Cait Sith leaves, you'll find yourself back in the Ghost Hotel. 
Check the iron maiden for an Elixir (notice the sound it makes; it 
sounds just like Norstein Bekkler's laugh [the guy from Chrono 
Trigger!]). Leave the room to meet up with your allies again. After 
a brief talk, Aeris will join your party, becoming a permanent member. 
Pick another ally and then leave the Saucer, since the ropeway is now 
Now that you're back at North Corel, leave and return where you parked 
the Tiny Bronco. Look at the World Map. See the tiny chain of islands 
near the bottom of the map? Just to the right of them and to the left 
of Mideel and the Fort Condor is a large island. If you go there, you'll 
see a large temple surrounded by a forest. This is your next 
destination, so land the Tiny Bronco at the shore and head to the temple. 
3 . 2 0 t h e t e m p l e 
ITEMS IN THIS AREA: Trident, Mind Source, Silver Rifle, Turbo Ether x2, 
Rocket Punch, Luck Plus materia, Morph materia, 
Princess Guard, Ribbon, Hou xx, Mega Elixir, Nail 
Bat, Dragon Armlet, 'Summon Bahamut' materia, 
Gigas Armlet. 
At the top of the temple is a black creature, similar to the ones you 
met in Nivelheim. If you talk to it, it floats into the air in a flash 
of light. Inside the temple, you'll find the Turk, Tseng. He was badly 
wounded by Sephiroth. He gives you the Kiiston so that you can go after 
his attacker; examine the dais in the center of the room and you'll be 
transported into the depths of the temple. 
This area has a very confusing layout; it's a mass of stairs, walkways 
and passages. There are chests everywhere, and a kooky old man in a 
blue robe is also running around down here. From where you arrived, 
head up, then left, then up again and go down the stairs to the ground 
level. There's an opening just above you; go in it, turn to the right, 
then climb down the vines clinging to the wall beneath you. If you 
run underneath the long staircase nearby, you can reach a treasure chest 
that has a Trident inside of it. From there, head right, go down the 
stairs, then turn and climb up the wall using the vines. Head past the 
opening (which you can't enter at this point, anyway) and go up the 
stairs. The old man will dash away; ignore him for now and climb up the 
vines to reach a platform. There's a shiny pink item here (Mind Source). 
Take it and go down the stairs, then enter the door to your left to find 
a room with a treasure chest and the old man. Inside the chest is the 
Silver Rifle. Talk to the geezer twice and he'll offer his services 
to you: 
- Purchase Items 
- Restore HP and MP to maximum 
- Save your game* 
- Nothing 
* Choose the top option to decline or the bottom option to accept and 
save your game. 
Outside, go back up the stairs and down the vines, but this time, head 
down and to the left. You can pick up a green item here (Turbo Ether). 
Then go down the long stairway. At the bottom, climb down the smaller 
set of steps to your left, then work your way towards the southwest 
corner of the screen. Ther's a small patch of vines here that you can 
climb down. Be sure to open the nearby chest; there's a Rocket Punch 
inside of it. Now, go down the stairs and walk northeast along the 
path to find some more vines and the old man, who scampers away when 
you get too close. Climb up the vines, then go up the stairs next to 
you, go through the archway, turn east and go down the stairs, and 
climb up the long stretch of vines on the nearby wall. Head left, 
underneath the staircase, and you can nab a purple materia (Luck Plus). 
Now, go back the way you came (go right, down the vines, up the stairs 
and down and out through the archway so that you're back on the path 
that the old man was standing on, just above the vines). Walk to the 
east until the path stops, then head south and turn east again to enter 
the nearby door. As you enter, the old man will dash away. There are 
huge hollow boulders that are rolling down this walkway. To get past 
them, time your dashes so that the hollow part will be directly over 
you, causing Cloud to kneel as the boulder rolls over you. Then keep 
going until you reach a side path that leads to a pool of water. Grab 
the Morph materia near the pool, then continue along the 
walkway, avoiding the boulders. Once you reach the end of the path, 
they'll disappear for good, but remember that if you get hit by a 
boulder, you'll be dragged all the way back to the beginning of the 
path (ouch!) Alternately, you can wait until the boulders disppear and 
then go back and pick up the materia after the sequnce with Sephiroth. 
Once the boulders are gone, Aeris will sense a powerful prescence in 
the chamber and return to the pool. Light will erupt from the surface 
of the pool, and you'll be able to see what I presume is a flashback of 
Tseng and Elena (both Turks) running around in the shrine. After Elena 
leaves, Sephiroth shows up and creates a double of himself. While he 
busies himself with attacking Tseng, the laughing double flies up into 
the air. After this sequence is over, Sephiroth's double will descend 
into the pool and then fly away (is this supposed to mean anything?) 
When you return to the end of the passage, the old geezer will be 
waiting for you, and will once again offer his help: 
- Restore HP and MP to maximum 
- Save your game 
- Nothing 
When you're ready, go down the stairs. There's a huge room here with 
twelve doors labeled I to XII. In the center of the room is the ever- 
annoying talking clock. I was ready to use my FF7 discs as frisbees 
by the time I figured out how to solve this little 'mini-game'. Here's 
how it works: 
If you press O (Roulette), the hour and minute hands move around very 
quickly. Even when you press O again to stop the hands, they'll both 
move three more spaces in the direction they were traveling. 
If you press T, you're given two options: one in blue, one in green: 
BLUE: This gives you four _more_ options, one in blue, one 
in green, one in red, and one in white. 
- BLUE The hour hand moves ahead by one space. 
- GREEN The hour hand moves ahead seven spaces. 
- RED The hour hand moves ahead by 17 spaces. 
This invariably sets the minute hand ahead 
by at least one space. 
- WHITE This does nothing. 
GREEN: This gives you _another_ four options, in blue, 
green, red, and white, respectively. 
- BLUE The hour hand moves back by two spaces. 
- GREEN The hour hand moves back by ten spaces, 
setting the minute hand back by one. 
- RED The hour hand moves back by 20 spaces. 
This makes the minute hand decrease 
by at least one space, too. 
- WHITE This does nothing. 
If you press X, the damn clock shuts up and you're free to move onto 
the hands of the clock (providing you've aligned them properly). You 
can only walk on the hour and minute hands of the clock. 
Isn't this fun? Well, there are twelve passages (labeled I to XII), 
and you get to explore them by setting the clock to various positions. 
Here's a list of what's in each passage: 
I - When you open up the chest, you'll be attacked by 
monsters. You won't get anything for beating them, 
POIZUNFUROGGU  LV: 26 HP: 500 MP: 100 
POIZUNFUROGGU  LV: 26 HP: 500 MP: 100 
The Poison Frogs are weak against Reiki, so use cold-based attacks/spells 
on them. Their attacks will turn you into a frog, but they attack so 
often that it's better for you to wait until they hit you again (turning 
you back into a human) instead of wasting a Maiden's Kiss or other 
restorative item. The woman (Jeminisumii) is weak against Poison, so 
use one of the Bio spells on her for good results. The only point in 
fighting this battle is if you want to learn Song of the Frog from the 
frogs (providing you have a Enemy Skill materia equipped). 
II - This passage is blocked off by rocks. You can't 
do anything here, so return and pick another path. 
III - A treasure chest. It contains monsters, too. 
You won't get anything for defeating them. 
TIPS: HEKUTOAIZU  LV: 30 HP: 500 MP: 220 
HEKUTOAIZU  LV: 30 HP: 500 MP: 220 
Both of these red, multi-eyed monsters are weak against Poison, so use 
the best Bio spell you've got, or simply attack to dispatch them. If 
you've got Morph equipped, you can morph both of them into 
Magic Source items, which is really the only point in fighting this battle. 
Although weak, either enemy can drain _lots_ of HP from you (around 1200- 
1400 points!) 
IIII - Shouldn't this be IV? Anyway, there's a chest 
here, and Aeris's Ultimate Weapon, the 
Princess Guard is inside. 
V - This passage leads outside to the gold chest you 
could see but not normally reach. Inside it is 
a Ribbon. 
VI - Read below to find out what to do here. 
VII - There's a chest here. A weapon for Cait Sith, 
the Hou xx, is inside it. 
VIII - You can get a Mega Elixir from the chest in 
this room. 
IX - A passage blocked by fallen rock. 
X - This is where you came in, bud! 
XI - Yet another blocked passage. 
XII - What a creepy room! You'll be seeing more of 
it soon enough. 
At some point, you should stand on the hour or minute hand and let the 
second hand approach. When it passes over you, it will knock you down 
into the pit below. When you land, you'll find yourself in a room with 
a treasure chest. Before you can open it, you'll be ambushed by two 
(weak against Demi) 
Using Demi or some Summon Materia will kill these dragons quickly. 
Even physical attacks work well. Either enemy can only attack for about 
500 points of damage, or use a Sazankurosu (Southern Cross) attack that 
hit's one enemy for the same amount of damage, so they don't pose too 
serious a threat. You can also control them, even though they're bosses. 
You'll win an Turbo Ether for defeating both of them. 
In the chest is the Nail Bat, the strongest weapon Cloud can get during 
Disc 1. Take it and leave the room. You'll find yourself back at the 
door you couldn't enter earlier (in the area with the vines and 
staircases. Simply work your way back to the talking clock, and pick 
up any items you might have missed the first time around. 
Before going down this passage, make sure you've cleared out the other 
rooms since you won't be able to go back to them after the next event. 
When you step out into the open, the bouncing old man will see you and 
run away. When Aeris asks you a question, pick the bottom answer if 
you want to return and explore more of the clock puzzle room (NSS), or 
choose the top answer if you want to hunt down the old man. To find 
him, simply go through the passages; you want to end up going into a 
passage that he plans to come out of. You can go down to another set 
of passages by going to the left end of each ledge and pressing the O 
button to jump down a level. The passage entrances and exits are 
random, but you can catch him without too much difficulty. Don't forget 
to take the chest lying on the lowest level; there's a pair of Army 
Cotton Gloves inside. As usual, beat the old man at his own game and 
he'll help you in return: 
- Restore HP and MP to maximum 
- Save your game 
- Nothing 
Now that you've caught the old man, the large door on the top level will 
open. Go inside and head to the right. You'll encoutner Sephiroth four 
times. Up to his usual evil, Sephiroth talks about the energy within 
the temple as he as swings his sword around, his every motion trailed by 
the double that he made earlier. After disappearing, Cloud will suffer 
from some sort of fit (something about the Materia taking over his body?) 
After coming to his senses, the party examines a mural on the wall which 
shows a meteorite speeding towards the people of the earth. Aeris talks 
about the spell 'Meteo' which Sephiroth is planning to cast, when the 
party hears Sephiroth's voice. The temple starts to shake, and a large 
red dragon appears and attacks the allies. 
Slow the dragon and Haste yourself to gain the upper hand. Some Summon 
Materia will also even the odds, but don't use Kjata since it will heal 
the boss by about 2100 points. Also, Demi won't work against it. 
Limit Breaks and physical attacks should do the trick. You'll win a 
Dragon Armlet should you win the battle. 
Pick up the summon materia that's left behind (Bahamut). Then go back 
and examine the floating gold object on the dais. Aeris refers to it 
as the 'Kuro Materia' (Black Materia) but it's _gold_...in any case, 
Aeris will then ask you a question. It doesn't matter which answer 
you choose. At this point, if Cait Sith isn't in your party, you'll 
here a ringing sound and Cloud will answer the PHS phone. Cait will 
talk to him through the phone. If he is in you party, then he starts 
hopping around and talking to you. When he finishes, leave this 
chamber, let the old man heal you if you need it, then go back to the 
clock room. The only direction you can go in is straight up through 
passage XII. When you examine the door in the room beyond, yet another 
boss appears to finish you off. 
The bad news is that the boss can hit for lots of damage. The good news 
is that most of his attacks (especially the earthquake and body slam 
attack) quickly max out your Limit bars. Now's a good time to try out 
the Bahamut materia, but most other Summon materia don't do much damage. 
Make good use of Aeris's B1/1 and Cloud's B2/2, and you'll want to 
Barrier and Haste yourselves. Luckily, this boss can't instantly kill 
you as a similar boss in FF2 could. You'll win a Gigas Armlet from 
this boss if you're victorious. 
Once the boss is defeated, Cait Sith will have an animated conversation 
with your party. If he's not in your group, then he bursts out of the 
door and starts talking. He'll then return to the chamber where the 
Black Materia was and take it. Afterwards, the entire temple vanishes! 
In the following scene, Cloud and Aeris go down into the foundation 
of the temple and retrieve the Black Materia, but Sephiroth shows up 
and forces Cloud to give the Materia to him. During this time, you 
control a ghostly image of Cloud as a child. If you stand in Cloud's 
path and keep talking to him, you'll prevent him from approaching 
Sephiroth, but there's no point in doing this since Cloud will continue 
to advance until you give up. After Cloud gives Sephiroth the Black 
Materia, he will attack Aeris (and you can't do anything about that, 
either). Cait Sith will show up (actually Cait Sith 2--the same person, 
but with a new robot body since the first one got trashed when the 
temple was destroyed. He sure got there fast, huh?) Then your other 
party member will leap down and prevent Cloud from killing Aeris. 
After what I take to be a dream sequence, you'll awake in, of all 
places, the inn at Gongaga Town, with Barret and Tifa by your side. 
Answer Barret's question any way you like, then go outside. Tifa and 
Barret will join your party, but you don't have to keep them as 
permanent members. Look for the Tiny Bronco on the southern shore near 
Gongaga Town. 
Also, Aeris has left your party for good. However, you'll have all of 
her weapons, equipment, accessories and materia in your item menu. Now, 
you need to go to the forest that you saw in Cloud's dream. First, get 
in the Tiny Bronco. 
3 . 2 1 e x c a v a t o r s ' s i t e / t h e f o r e s t 
ITEMS IN THIS AREA: 'Summon Kjata' materia, Water Ring. 
Make your way up to the Northern Continent by going around the left side 
of the Western Continent after going along the river by the Gold Saucer. 
Head to the right edge of the continent, where you'll find a forest 
surrounded by mountains. In the middle of the forest is a big rib cage 
and a large skull. Approach it, and you'll find yourself in a excavation 
site where a bunch of archaeologists spend their time digging. Before 
doing anything else, you might want to head up the ladder and go through 
the hole in the back to reach a forest, the same one from Cloud's dream. 
Keep walking until you reach the second forest screen. If you stand here 
for a moment, you'll see a red Materia floating on the left side of the 
screen. It will switch to the right side and back again every few 
seconds. Try to predict where it will show up and use the O button to 
grab it. Your reward is the Summon Kjata materia. If you try to 
continue through the forest, you'll find that this screen repeats 
endlessly. So, go back outside. Before going on to the next part of 
the game, you may want to buy some bracelets and items; talk to the 
man sitting near the rib cage and pick the second option in order to 
buy things from him. 
What you need to do at this point in the game is comission one of the 
men to dig up the Runahaapu (Luna Harp) for you. As long as you have 
it in your possession, you're able to pass through the 'endless' 
- First, talk to the man sitting just outside of the rib-cage room. 
Pick the first option twice*. The screen will fade out. 
- When the screen fades back in, all the men will be gone. What you 
do is choose a place where you want a digger to stand and press the 
S button. It costs 100 gil to place a digger. Use the top option 
to place a digger, or the bottom option to quit. You can place up 
to five diggers. 
- You'll quit once you choose the bottom option or after you've placed 
five diggers. Now, press the S button to set off an explosion. 
You'll hear a music cue, and the diggers will turn in different 
- Stand where you want one of the diggers to search through the night 
and press S again after clearing the dialogue box. You'll find 
yourself back at the bottom of the screen the next morning. The 
treasure chest nearby will be closed, and it may or may not hold an 
item, depending on where you chose to dig. 
- The key to getting the right item is to watch the diggers after the 
explosion occurs. They'll all look toward the location of the item 
you need, so try placing them in compass-point style layout so that 
you can follow their vision to the place where the item lies. If 
you're really stuck, the Runahaapo lies just a little ways to the 
west and ever so slightly south of the tent on the upper ledge. 
* Normally, the first option is used to dig for the Runahaapu (all 
the diggers will look in the direction of the harp). The other 
two options are used to dig up other items (the diggers will look 
in the direction of the closest item/next item to be found). But 
not only do you not have to place diggers in order to find an item, 
but you can use any of the three choice to dig up the Runahaapu or 
any other item--it's just that the diggers won't look in the correct 
direction if you don't use the first option, and you can't use the 
first option after obtaining the Runahaapu. 
How do you know if you got the right item? Well, it will show up on the 
Key Item menu (where the important stuff like the PHS is kept). Also, if 
you talk to the digger sitting by the room, and choose the first option 
twice, he won't let you select and place diggers. Finally, try going 
into the forest. If the screen turns green, then you've got the right 
When you've got Runahaapu, go into the forest. When you reach the second 
area, the screen changes to a green color, and the forest will no longer 
repeat. Beyond the forest is a rocky area. First, go under the tree 
trunk to reach the treasure chest with a Water Ring inside. Climb up the 
rocks near the pink mass of coral, then go through the fallen trunk and 
head north to reach the next area (you can't climb up the vine in the 
first area, so ignore it). Walk along the curving path and you'll find 
yourself back in the World Map, in the canyon near the forest. Head 
straight forward to the top-like object to continue your quest. 
3 . 2 2 a n c i e n t c i t y 
ITEMS IN THIS AREA: Magic Source, Aurora Armlet, Comet materia, Guard 
Up, Elixir, Enemy Skill materia, Wizard 
This area looks a lot like the floor of the sea; there's shells and coral 
everywhere. At the crossroads, take the left path. It leads to a stone 
building--inisde of the building is a Save Point, and there's a chest on 
the upper ledge with a Magic Source inside it. Leave the building and 
continue past it, following the path east into the rock face. Inside, 
go down the stairs and head all the way right to find a chest with an 
Aurora Armlet in it. You can check out the blue crystal if you want, 
but there's nothing you can do with it at this point in the game. Return 
to the crossroads and take the middle path. Enter the shell building and 
climb the spiraling walkway to the very to to find a green materia lying 
on the ground (Comet). Go back to the crossroads yet again and take 
the right road. It leads to an area with several shell buildings. Go 
all the way to the right, then go north to enter the building before you. 
Climb all the way to the top level. There's a chest here containing a 
Guard Source. 
There's nothing else to do in this area but enter the last shell house; 
your friends won't let you take the path leading out of the city, and 
the main path leads to another part of the chamber with the blue crystal, 
but there's nothing you can do there. So, if you're ready to proceed, 
enter the shell house to the right of the main path. On the ground 
floor is a chest holding an Elixir. Take it and climb up the ladder. 
When you approach the beds, you'll be given an option. You can choose 
the bottom option, grab the yellow materia behind the headboard of the 
third bed (Enemy Skill), exit the house, then enter it again, 
approach the beds, and choose the top option to go to sleep. Or, you can 
just pick the top option the first time around, go to sleep, and when you 
wake up in the night, grab the materia (it's easier to see at night, too). 
Originally, I though this was a 'bug' materia (don't I feel silly now), 
but it's not. 
No matter what you decide to do, go to sleep when you're ready to. 
You'll wake up in the middle of the night. After Cloud's companions join 
him, return to the crossroads a final time and take the middle path again. 
When you enter the shell building, the fish floating in the middle of the 
spiraling passageway will have disappeared; there are blue steps in it's 
place. Go down them and you'll find yourself in an underwater palace. 
At the bottom of the stairs, leave the building and take note of the Save 
Point before going down both sets of stairs below. 
Aeris's here, and you have to get to her by jumping across several 
pillars. Press in the direction of the next pillar to get proceed, 
but you'll have to use just Cloud; your allies will wait for you back 
on the ground. Once you get close to Aeris, Cloud has another spastic 
fit and will draw his sword. You can press the controller and the 
buttons to make Cloud do different things, but pressing O three times 
will make him try to strike Aeris. Luckily, he'll come to his senses 
beforehand with some help from his friends, but Sephiroth makes an 
appearance and attacks Aeris. After her death, Sephiroth escapes, 
leaving behind another monster in his wake. 
BOSS TIPS: JENOBA*LIFE  LV: 50 HP: 10000 MP: 300 
This boss is weak against earth attacks, so use Earth and Titan. Also, 
Comet, Bahamut, and Kjata all work very well. Physical attacks do a 
surprising amount of damage. The boss will cast Reflect on itself the 
first time you cast a spell on it, so be wary about using spells too 
often. Jenova*Life's attacks are not that strong (about 400-700 points), 
but it has an ultra-deadly blue bubble attack (Aqua Breath) that inflicts 
+1500 damage to each character. Be sure to have some Restore Materia 
handy. Considering it's the last boss on this disc, this is not a very 
hard battle. You'll get a Wizard Bracelet when you win the battle. 
After beating the boss, there's another FMV sequence, then you're given 
the option to save your game. Guess what? You just finished Disc One! 
My times (if you're interested, and even if you're not :)) were 29:04 
initially, and 25:20 for the rewrite. 
4 . D I S C T W O W A L K T H R O U G H 
4 . 1 t h e c a v e 
ITEMS IN THIS AREA: Viper Halberd, Bolt Armlet, HypnoCrown, 
Mega Elixir, Magic Plus materia, Power Source. 
You'll start off outside of one of the shell-shaped buildings on the east 
side of the Ancient City. If you walk to the left, Cloud will have 
another attack and you'll see the ghostly form of Sephiroth leaving the 
Ancient City. Once Cloud has recovered, follow Sephiroth by heading 
north, then east along the path you couldn't take before. Note that 
you're free to go back through the Forest and return to the World Map, 
but there's no point in doing so unless you wanted to buy some items or 
find Vincent or Yuffie (unless you already have them). Although you're 
now on Disc 2, none of the other events that occur in this disc will 
actually happen until you get the Highwind in section 4e (meaning that if 
you were to return to the World Map, you couldn't go on the Huge materia 
quests yet, dig up the Gate 5 Key, or bring Buugen Haagen back to the 
Ancient City). 
In the next area, ignore the white, spiked object for a moment. Instead, 
walk behind it (look for a path to your left). This will allow you to 
reach a chest containing a Viper Halberd (a weapon for Cid). Once 
you've gotten it, climb up the spiky object. It's a little tricky to 
navigate due to it's spiraling shape, but you'll eventually reach a 
cave entrace after making your way to the top. 
Inside, walk to the left and press against the second cleft in the wall. 
You'll climb to the top and be given two options (Right or Left). Pick 
the bottom option (Left). Walk over to the next cleft and climb up it, 
then choose the bottom option when you reach the top to land on a litte 
ledge with a chest above it. You can open the chest from where you are; 
there's a Bolt Armlet inside. Face the cleft and choose the bottom 
choice, then the top one to jump to the other side. Now, go to the right 
and when two options appear, pick the bottom one. This lets you climb 
down to where the first chest is; there's a HypnoCrown inside of it. 
Climb back up to the top of the cleft, pick the bottom option, then press 
against it to try and get back on. When two optoins appear, choose the 
top one. Then, make your way up to the ledge with the chest, and pick 
the top option. You can now take the Mega Elixir from inside the chest. 
Get back into the cleft and choose the bottom option to jump to the west 
side of the path. Work your way to the left, climb up the cleft, and 
head left a second time to reach a long ladder. Selecting the bottom 
option will left you climb down to the bottom of the ladder. 
If you search using the O button, you'll find a purple materia (Magic Plus) 
near the lower-left corner of the screen. When you approach the ladder, 
you'll automatically climb up to the ledge you were at. Now pick the top 
option after nearing the ladder and climb all the way to the top. Once 
you're off the ladder, run to the right and go through the opening on the 
north wall. In the next room, take the contents of the treasure chest 
(Power Source) before exiting through the far opening to the northwest. 
Once outside, keep to the east. After heading along the coastline 
for a while, you'll come across a sharp curve that turns to the west. 
Just beyond it is a village and a deep valley, which you can't enter 
without exploring the village (Icicle Lodge) first. 
4 . 2 i c i c l e l o d g e 
ITEMS IN THIS AREA: X Potion, Hero Drink, Vaccine, Turbo Ether. 
Go to the far end of town and talk to the man in purple standing near 
the trees. Pick the top option. Two Shinra members will show up, along 
with Elena (a Turk). After confronting Cloud, she will try to knock him 
out. To avoid her strike, press left just after you see the transparent 
message box. If she does hit you, you'll wake up in one of the houses, 
but if she doesn't, then she'll roll right out of the town. It doesn't 
make a difference whether you get hit or not. 
After that's done with, go to town entrance and check out the house 
that's just to your right. In the back room, there's a boy, a cat, 
and a snowboard. Talk to the boy and the cat will leave the room, 
enabling you to take the snowboard by examining it. You'll need it for 
the upcoming event. Now, go to the inn, head to the upper floor, and 
examine the window in the lower left-hand corner to get an X Potion. 
Leave and enter the house on the far right (near the snowman). Take 
the items in the back room (an Hero Drink and a Vaccine), then 
examine the map on the wall in the main room. You can examine it by 
choosing the top option, but before you leave, you'll want to choose 
the bottom option to take it. 
Finally, go into the house on the left side of town, just to the right 
of the weapons shop. If Elena KO'd you, this is where you'll wake 
up :) If you go down the stairs and look by the windowsill, you can 
get another item (Turbo Ether). You can also take a look at the 
machinery on the ground floor to see a series of pre-recorded videos 
dating back many years ago; they show Aeris's mother (Ifaruna, a Setora 
just like Aeris) and her father, a 'renegade' Shinra scientist named 
Gasuto (Gast). There are several videos, but watching them has no 
effect on the game itself, aside from cluing you in to Aeris's past 
(providing you can read it :)) There's a device to the left that will 
allow more light into the room, but it doesn't seem to have any purpose 
Before you leave the town, you may want to buy weapons, Hi-Potions 
and Tents at the shop. When you're ready to go, simply walk past the 
man in the back of town (the one near the trees), and the snowboard 
sequence will start up: 
Your controls while using the snowboard are: 
S Brake 
X Jump 
Pad Move left or right, down to brake 
Start Pause/unpause 
L1/R1 Quick turn to the left or right when used 
with control pad 
Basically, you want to make your way through the mountains. You can 
collect balloons along the way, but I don't know what they do for you. 
There are also obstacles to crash into, like dead wood, pine trees, 
igloos, moogles, snowmen, rocks, ice boulders, and chocobos. I believe 
there are four different 'exit' paths; I'll take the left path twice 
and go from there in this FAQ. 
My characters came to in a white forest. Did yours? From this point 
onward, you can press S to look at the map you took (but not in some 
screens), which shows where you need to go but not where you are. I 
spent hours trying to map this place out, only to discover that there's 
almost nothing of interest in this area. So, I've simply described each 
location and where it is on the map; getting there isn't much of a 
problem. Your ultimate goal, BTW, is to make it to the red check mark 
shown on the map. 
The locations are: 
ENTRANCE (looks like a square at the bottom-center of the screen) 
Heading south from this area takes you back out to the World Map. If 
you return to Icicle Lodge to heal yourself, you'll have to snowboard 
in here again. 
MOUNTAIN CAVE (small opening just to the right of the ENTRANCE) 
You can hop across the ledges to the top of the screen, but in the next 
room, there's nothing to do but choose to fall/not fall down an icy 
chute that has no effect aside from ejecting you back into the world 
map. The entrance to this cave is hard to see; it's in the lower-right 
area of the T-junction screen. You can also get here by going right 
from the LAKE CAVE area. 
FOREST (forest divided by Y-shaped paths) 
In the main forest screen, there's an item (Mind Source) at the foot of a 
tree near the upper left part of the screen. If this is where you 
landed after the snowboarding event, then it's just up and to the right 
of where you crashed. 
BURIED AIRPLANE (tail of plane sticking out to left of forest) 
Nothing here. 
LAKE CAVE (cave in the middle of the central lake) 
On the surface of the frozen lake, near the shore, there is a green 
item (a Potion). Be sure to get it. Then head to the left to reach 
a screen full of ice floes. Here, you'll have to jump on the floating 
ice chunks to get across, but the chunks surrounding the one you're 
currently standing on will submerge or raise depending on how they 
looked when you arrived there. If you mess up and they are all 
submerged, you'll have to start all over. The key is to make sure that 
you're not jumping onto a floe when the ones surrounding it are all 
raised, or else they'll all submerge and you'll fall into the water. 
To get on the ice floats, choose the top option, then use the O button 
and the controller to jump around. Enter the cave in the next area, 
grab the item bag (it contains a Safety Bit accessory), and leave. 
LONE TREE (pine tree up and right from the LAKE CAVE) 
Nothing here, either. 
ICE BOULDERS (northwest corner, left and below the STONE FACE) 
Go into the small cave entrance and grab the item in the northwest 
corner of the cavern (an Elixir), then go out the other entrance. 
RIVER LOG (above central lake, at mouth of river) 
There's nothing here. 
STONE FACE (left of the red check mark) 
Nothing here. Seem familiar? The stone face has also appeared in 
Secret of Mana and FF5j. 
STEAMING LAKES (south and east of the check mark) 
You can touch the water on the lefthand bank if you want. In fact, 
you should, since you can't get the Alexander Materia any other way. 
(Keep reading for details.) Just maneuver yourself as close to the 
shore of the left lake as you can, and when an option appears, pick 
the top one. 
MOUNTAIN CROSSROADS (top of mountain east of the STEAMING LAKES) 
Once you reach the crossroads (da dum da da :)) head to the upper 
right corner of the screen to go off the map. In the next area, 
work your way up and to the left. When this screen repeats a second 
time, look for a Blue Materia (Added Cut) near the beginning 
of the screen, in the upper-right part of the path. This road takes 
you to the Steaming Lakes area, but if you try to back the way you 
came, you'll see that the screen has changed. Put another way, you 
couldn't have gotten the Materia unless you took this path since the 
'switching' road isn't marked on the map. 
If you're fast, you can reach the 'lost in the snowfield' section (the 
red checkmark) before anything bad happens. But if you waste your time 
in this area, you'll pass out. (This will still happen to you even if 
you reached the snowfield, but then returned to any part of the 'first 
area'. If that happens, go to the next section. If you made it to the 
snowfield area, then skip the first paragraph to find out where you are. 
Personally, my suggestion is that you follow the example in the FAQ 
and take the left path twice so that you land in the Forest. From 
there, you can go right to the Lake Cave area, then continue right 
past the Mountain Cave area (the T-junction), and up into the Mountain 
Crossroads, where you can take the switching path to the Steaming 
Lakes, and then head left into the snowfield. Not only is this a 
fast way to get through this area, but it also lets you pick up all 
the items along the way and get the Alexander Materia later on (since 
you touched the lake on your way out). 
Also, you'll start off at the bottom end of the snowfield when you first 
get there, so you can just head up to the cave to get the Blue Materia, 
then keep heading north to reach the old man's shack (if you're in need 
of healing and a Save Point). After talking with him, you can go to the 
Stone Face Area, head south to the Ice Boulders area where an Elixir is, 
then backtrack to the snowfield and go to the right in order to get the 
Alexander Materia before returning to the shack. Voila! You've just 
cleared out this _entire_ area in only a few minutes! 
Remember, you _will_ pass out eventually if you return to the first 
area--there's nothing you can do about it, even if you've already 
gone to Horuzofu's shack. If you don't want to waste too much time 
backtracking just run around in the same few areas until it happens, 
then leave the old man's shack and continue exploring. Why this still 
happens to you after clearing out this area doesn't seem to make much 
sense, as it's more of a nuisance than anything else, but there's not 
much you can do about it. If you return to the first area after 
falling unconsious and wait around there again, you'll pass out a 
second time. In fact, this will always happen to you, so get moving! 
4 . 3 l o s t i n t h e s n o w 
ITEMS IN THIS AREA: All Materia, Circlet, Alexander Materia. 
You'll awake in the house of an old man (Horuzofu). Go up the stairs 
and let the old man talk to you; choose the bottom option twice when he 
asks you two questions. When you wake up the next morning, check out 
the Save Point (since you probably haven't saved prior to entering the 
Icicle Lodge). If you want to spend the night again, talk to the old 
man in the first room and choose the top choice. When you leave the 
shack, your friends will be waiting outside. Make a new party if you 
wish, (see below for directions) then head south. You may have noticed 
that you can talk to the man from the ground floor even though he is 
above you :) 
If you _didn't_ pass out, then go directly to the shack so that you 
won't pass out. There, you'll meet an old hermit named Horuzofu. 
Talk to him, and when he asks you a question, answer any way you like. 
The second time he asks you a question, choose the bottom reply. 
You'll spend the night at his shack, and when you leave the next 
morning, your allies will be standing around outside. Choose either 
choice when an option appears. Then talk to any member and pick the 
top option to accept a party change or the bottom option to decline, 
if you want to change your members. 
If you don't want to explore the snowfield any more, skip to section d. 
After all, you can return here at any future point in the game, 
providing you have the Highwind. 
Outside, you'll be in a large snowfield. Use the O button to set down 
spikes that you can use to track your location (since your direction 
changes when the wind picks up). If you want to explore the rest of 
that first area that you left/passed out in, head south. When you leave 
the first area from the Steaming Lakes exit, you'll see a rock formation 
with a cave entrance if you keep walking north. Inside, a Blue Materia 
(All) is lying near the tent. What's odd is that you seem to 
always run into this on your way back from the first area instead of on 
the way to it (i.e. from the old man's shack). 
If you head east, you'll go through some snowy areas, then arrive at a 
cave entrance. Talk to the purple fellow inside to enter a battle, but 
only if you touched the water back at the Steaming Lakes. 
BOSS TIPS: SUNOU  LV: 32 HP: 4000 MP: 160 
(weak against Fire) 
You can't Control or Morph her, but you can steal a Saakuretto 
(Circlet) during the battle. Her cold-based attacks (Cold Breath and 
Blizzard 2) are nothing to worry about, but be careful if she Amulets 
one of your own members. 
If you are victorious, she'll disappear and a Summon Materia (Alexander) 
will drop to the floor, so don't miss it. While you can use the map here, 
you can't reach this place normally from the first area. If you go right, 
then down the snowy path, you'll end up at the 'switching' crossroads in 
the first area, though (sort of like a one-way path). 
Going west from the snowfield takes you to an alternate entrance to the 
first area. There's not that much to do there, anyway, unless you want 
a shortcut to the ICE BOULDERS area where an item is lying in a cave 
(refer to the previous section for more information). 
If you're really having trouble navigating around, think of the 
snowfield like this: 
Old Man's Shack 
S | | A 
1 t | | l M 
s o | | e a N 
t n | | x t | 
e | | a e W-- + --E 
A | | n r | 
r F | Cave | d i S 
e a | | e a 
a c | | r 
e | | 
First Area (Steaming Lakes) 
So no matter how far you are along a boundary, you'll still enter that 
area when you hit it. The same applies to the corners -- you'll hit 
one boundary or the other, so going in a diagonal direction won't get 
you to a new place. Don't worry about finding an 'exact' spot to enter 
an area, just head in that direction. The only real landmark is the 
cave with the All materia, but if you head north from the 
Steaming Lakes exit, you're bound to spot it. 
4 . 4 t h e c r a t e r / t o r n a d o l a b y r i n t h 
ITEMS IN THIS AREA: Ribbon, Javelin, Elixir, Fire Armlet, 
Mega Elixir, Speed Source, Enhance Sword, Fang of 
Dragon Pair, Neo Bahamut, Ether, Hi-Potion, 
Kaiser Knuckle, Reflect Ring, MP Turbo materia, 
Poison Ring. 
Once you've had your fun in the snowfield, return to the old man's 
house and heal up or save your game if you need to. Then, go north 
from the shack to arrive at the slopes of a icy mountain. Keep in 
mind that you can't explore this area at any time other than right 
now in Disc 2, so make sure to get all the items and other stuff. 
Now, get ready for some finger-smashing fun! the meter that appears on 
screen when you're outside is your body temperature (the kanji you see 
by the numbers, 'do' actually means 'degrees'): it goes down because of 
the cold climate. To keep your temperature up, you need to rapidly hit 
the S button. The highest temperature you can get to is 38, while the 
lowest is 27. Any less than that (26), and you pass out and find 
yourself back in the old man's house. It sounds like keeping your heat 
up is easy, but you can only increase it when you're on one of the 
ledges, not while you're climbing up the rock face. So for those long 
climbs, you have to max out your heat and climb as quickly as you can. 
Luckily, your heat doesn't go down during a battle. Remember, it's not 
how hard you press the S button, but how fast you press it, so try to 
get in as many presses as you can to max out your temperature. If you'd 
rather cheat, refer to the Game Shark code section in the second part 
of this FAQ--one of my 'fix-all' codes is in there that will give you a 
high body heat no matter how long you stand around. 
In this area, there's nowhere else to go but up, so climb along the 
rock face until you arrive at the cave entrance, pausing at each ledge 
to restore your body heat. Always keep an eye out for the red flags; 
they indicate which part of the wall you can climb. Inside, go through 
the two archways into the next cavern. Here, climb up the stairs and 
go through the south exit. In the adjoining area, walk all the way to 
the right to find a hidden chamber with a chest; inside it is a Ribbon. 
Then return to the main path and head north, then west, through the 
entrance. Cross the icy bridge in the third cavern and press the 
SELECT button to bring up the cursor; it'll help you navigate through 
the twsiting passage before you. Once you reach the top, examine the 
boulder and choose the top option when it presents itself. This will 
make you push the boulder and free up the blocked passage beneath you. 
You can still move while the boulder is rolling--notice that you can 
stand right where it falls and you will recieve no damage (then again, 
Cloud is the same guy who can run around in the cold wearing a 
sleeveless shirt and not die of hypothermia...must be those corn 
Go back to the other room (where you got the Ribbon), and open the 
purple chest to the northeast; there's a Javelin lying inside it. Now, 
return to the room that you exited from the south (the one with the 
formerly blocked passage), and go north along the passage until you 
reach another exit. This leads to the upper path above the chest with 
the Javelin--keep following it and you'll find yourself outside. 
Build up your temperature, then climb up the wall. After going a short 
distance, you're given a choice (up, down, or right). Pick the top 
option (up), and head up until you reach a ledge. Keep climbing upward, 
and you'll be prompted with another choice (right or down). Pick the 
top option and head right to arrive at another ledge. Then climb up 
until you raech the next ledge; it has a path going left and an 
unmarked path that goes to the right (i.e. there's no flag by it). The 
right path is a dead end, so take the left path and keep climbing up 
along the wall (you'll find another ledge on the way) until you reach a 
second cave entrace. 
This large cavern is pocked with holes. There's an exit and a treasure 
chest, but they are too high to reach, at the moment. Don't miss the 
Save Point between the chest and the exit. Nab the other chest in the 
lower right corner of the room (there's an Elixir inside of it), then go 
north from the chest to find a passage that leads outside. Once you're 
out in the open again, head north, then go around the bend and head 
south and east. 
In the next room, examine the area immediately to the right to find a 
chest with an Fire Armlet inside. There are four huge icicles 
here that you need to knock into the holes in the lower cavern. This is 
done by 'fighting' them. Each icicle is guarded by several yellow bats. 
TIPS: TSURARA  LEVEL: 30 HP: 3000 MP: 300 
(weak agains Fire, Earth, and Demi) 
The icicle (Tsurara) can counter with 'Tsurara Otoshi' (Icicle Drop). 
It will do this to any person who attacks it, tries to steal from it, or 
the like. You don't have to kill the bats in order to win the battle 
(all you have to do is 'kill' the icicle), but since they can Silence 
your characters and recover HP when they attack you, you may want to get 
them out of the way before attacking the icicle. Killing the icicle is 
worth 500 exp, 0 AP, and 0 gil, so if you want some AP and gil, you may 
want to kill the Ibiruheddos (which, incidentally, you can Morph 
into Holy Torches. 
Each time you win a battle, you'll be given an option. If you pick the 
bottom choice, you'll drop down to the room below, while picking the top 
choice lets you stay where you are (so you can continue to 'fight' the 
other icicles. After knocking down the last icicle, choose to stay 
where you are so that you can get the chest on the far left (it has a 
Mega Elixir inside). Then, go back along the path. Just before you 
reach the door, an option appears; pick the bottom choice to jump down 
to the room below. 
When the icicles drop down here, the floor of the cavern is 'raised'. 
After knocking down 3 of them, you can reach the exit, knock down all 
4 and you can get the chest on the ledge in the upper left corner of 
the room (which contains a Speed Source). When you're ready, go through 
the now-avilable exit by hopping across the stones. This leads to the 
left side of the outer path. Be sure to examine the chest that's here 
to get an Enhance Sword, then follow the path as it curves back on 
itself and leads to the lower passage in the icicle room. 
Keep following the path, and you'll find yourself on the side of the 
mountain yet again. Grab the rock face and climb to the right. 
After a while, three options will appear (up, left, or right). Pick 
the bottom choice and keep holding right to make Cloud ascend the 
side of the mountain. When you reach the next ledge, raise your 
temperature and take the path that leads to the left. As you're 
climbing, another set of options will appear (up, down, or right). 
Choose the top option and keep climbing up. Once you've made it 
beyond the second ledge, you'll find a final cave entrance. 
This area has a hard-to-miss Save Point in it, and if you examine the 
nearby pool of light, your HP and MP will be completely restored, and 
all dead characters will be revived. Now is a perfect time to stock 
up on goodies--you can use the pool to stay healthy while fighting the 
enemies for exp, AP, and gil, and you can learn Smelly Breath from the 
Molbols just outside (be sure to wear a Ribbon!) Plus, you can win 
Dragon Armlets from the Blue Dragons in this cave, which will halve 
damage taken from Fire, Cold, or Lightning attacks, and win Molbol 
Tentacles from defeated Molbols. There's a boss encounter coming your 
way, so make sure you're ready to do battle, then exit the chamber by 
going to the far right. 
In the adjoining hallway, you'll see one of those shrouded creatures 
(similar to the ones in Nibelheim be thrown to the floor. Before you 
have a chance to examine it, you'll be attacked by a two-headed boss. 
Each time you win a battle, you'll be given an option. If you pick the 
bottom choice, you'll drop down to the room below, while picking the top 
choice lets you stay where you are (so you can continue to 'fight' the 
other icicles. After knocking down the last icicle, choose to stay 
where you are so that you can get the chest on the far left (it has a 
Mega Elixir inside). Then, go back along the path. Just before you 
reach the door, an option appears; pick the bottom choice to jump down 
to the room below. 
When the icicles drop down here, the floor of the cavern is 'raised'. 
After knocking down 3 of them, you can reach the exit, knock down all 
4 and you can get the chest on the ledge in the upper left corner of 
the room (which contains a Speed Source). When you're ready, go through 
the now-avilable exit by hopping across the stones. This leads to the 
left side of the outer path. Be sure to examine the chest that's here 
to get an Enhance Sword, then follow the path as it curves back on 
itself and leads to the lower passage in the icicle room. 
Keep following the path, and you'll find yourself on the side of the 
mountain yet again. Grab the rock face and climb to the right. 
After a while, three options will appear (up, left, or right). Pick 
the bottom choice and keep holding right to make Cloud ascend the 
side of the mountain. When you reach the next ledge, raise your 
temperature and take the path that leads to the left. As you're 
climbing, another set of options will appear (up, down, or right). 
Choose the top option and keep climbing up. Once you've made it 
beyond the second ledge, you'll find a final cave entrance. 
This area has a hard-to-miss Save Point in it, and if you examine the 
nearby pool of light, your HP and MP will be completely restored, and 
all dead characters will be revived. Now is a perfect time to stock 
up on goodies--you can use the pool to stay healthy while fighting the 
enemies for exp, AP, and gil, and you can learn Smelly Breath from the 
Molbols just outside (be sure to wear a Ribbon!) Plus, you can win 
Dragon Armlets from the Blue Dragons in this cave, which will halve 
damage taken from Fire, Cold, or Lightning attacks, and win Molbol 
Tentacles from defeated Molbols. There's a boss encounter coming your 
way, so make sure you're ready to do battle, then exit the chamber by 
going to the far right. 
In the adjoining hallway, you'll see one of those shrouded creatures 
(similar to the ones in Nivelheim be thrown to the floor. Before you 
have a chance to examine it, you'll be attacked by a two-headed boss. 
BOSS TIPS: TSUINHEDDO  LV: 43 HP: 18000 MP: 350 
TSUINHEDDO  LV: 43 HP: 18000 MP: 350 
In case you're confused, the 'right head' is the scaly one, and the 'left 
head' is the one with horns. Anyway, you should have the Aurora, Dragon, 
and Fire Armlets equipped on your members to reduce damage from 
the scaly head's Fire breath and the horned head's ice breath. Use 
Mabarrier to up your defense, then Haste yourselves. Try using Earth and 
Comet spells, as well and summonings, like Alexander, Leviathan, and 
Bahamut to soften the boss up. However, don't use Poison (which does no 
damage) or the Kjata summon spell (which will heal both heads). Ice 
works well on the scaly head, and Fire works well on the horned head, 
but don't confuse the two since you will heal a head instead of hurt it. 
You may also want to use Tsuika Kouka and attack a Fire or Cold materia 
in order to attack with that sort of element (but don't attack the 
other head, for the same reason). In addition to breath attacks, the 
boss can also use a dual cold/Fire breath attack, it can cast Quega, 
and has an explosion type attack that will inflict around 1400 damage 
to all members. It will use this attack when each head is killed (so 
you will have to deal with it twice during the battle, once when you 
kill one head, and then again when you kill the other). I highly 
advise that you concentrate on one head at first instead of trying to 
kill them both at the same time because this attack _will_ kill your 
pary if it happens in succession (which means you lose). When it's 
defeated, you'll get a Dragon Fang from the boss. 
If you were badly beaten during the fight, you can always return to the 
room with the pool to heal yourselves. Otherwise, continue down the 
passage; it leads outside (Cloud sure moves slow out here, doesn't he?) 
Then climb the icy wall up to the top, where an automatic sequence will 
play. After it finishes, head along the side of the inner crater. In 
the next area, Tifa will talk with you if she's in your party; if she 
isn't, she'll promptly appear and insist on coming with you, which 
means you'll have to kick a member out of your current group. Head 
to the left. 
In the next area, climb down to the lower path and look for a red materia 
(Neo Bahamut) near the bottom edge of the screen. You can't do 
anything about the shrouded guy leaping off-screen, so ignore him. After 
getting the materia, you can hop up to a small island of rock where there 
is a Save Point. When you're done there, juMP Plus again to return to the 
top path, and walk to the left. You'll see a short intermission with 
the three heads of Shinra and several scientists heading towards the 
Crater in the Highwind, the airship you saw back in Junon Town. 
Once the intermission is over, walk left and you'll reach the first of 
three 'shield' screens. Talk to the two shrouded men, and they'll 
each leave behind an item when they die (an Ether and a Hi-Potion). 
To get past the flickering shield that's in front of you, stand as close 
to it as you can, then wait until the green aura is almost gone. Now, 
quickly run through it or you'll be knocked back when the shield's aura 
grows stronger. If you mess up, you'll be repelled by the shield and 
will be attacked by a monster: 
TIPS: UINDOUINGU  LV: 36 HP: 1900 MP: 350 
For starters, you can steal a Hi-Potion from the Wind Wing, and you can 
transform it into a Phoenix Down. Even better, you can control it using 
a Manipulate materia and make it attack itself! In other words, this is 
an easy battle. 
If you happen to touch the shield from the other side, you'll get 
knocked back to the beginning, so be careful. 
In the next screen, more of those shrouded creatures are running around 
and dying. Ignore them, but don't miss the chest near the first left 
turn of the path; there's a Kaiser Knuckle inside it. Follow the path 
until you reach the next screen. The second shield is here, but unlike 
the first one, there's a surge of energy travelling along the shield 
that will knock you back even if the shield's aura is almost gone. So, 
wait until the energy surge has passed _and_ the aura is nearly 
invisible, then dash across. If either defense knocks you back, you'll 
have to fight a second Wind Wing (see the above strategy). 
Beyond the shield, Sephiroth awaits. He'll cut down two more of those 
black creatures before turning invisible and toying around with Cloud. 
After he attacks the party, he'll summon a second version of Jenova to 
kill Cloud and his friends. 
Jenova will try to Silence your members from time to time, and uses a 
Red Light attack often (usually after being attacked with magic). It 
causes little damage, but too many of these will really mess up your 
party. Jenova's last form of attack is a spurt of fire bubbles (even 
weaker than the Red Light attack). As you can see, this battle is not 
hard at all; just hack away with physical attacks, or if you think you 
have enough HPs, use Comet and cast Bahamut, Neo Bahamut, and 
Alexander. It's advisable that you wear the Fire Armlet or 
Dragon Armlet, since Jenova's attacks all cause Fire-based damage. 
Give the Fire Armlet to your best spellcaster, and you can 
knock out Jenova and gain life back at the same time :) You'll win 
a Reflect Ring when the battle's over. 
After the boss is killed, you'll get the Black Materia back (and it's 
actually black this time :)) Once you're back in control of Cloud, 
he confesses that since Sephiroth was able to manipulate him last time, 
he might try it again. Therefore, someone else should hold the Black 
Materia and stay here while Cloud and the others follow after Sephiroth. 
The first time I got here, only Red 13 would take the Black Materia. 
This time, only Barret would. No matter what character you get, simply 
choose the top option when it is available (you won't get an option if 
that character refuses to take it). Finally, talk to Tifa. 
When you're in control of Cloud again, head north. There's a materia 
here (MP Turbo, but notice that it's yellow when you pick it up!), as 
well as a Save Point and a chest containing a Poison Ring. If you go 
north from here, you'll run into the third and final shield. In 
addition to having all the defenses of the previous shield (the glowing 
aura and the moving energy surge), bolts of lightning will strike the 
ground repeatedly. Since the lightning strikes in short bursts with 
long pauses in between, wait for the shield's aura to fade, the energy 
surge to pass, _and_ wait for a pause in the lightning strikes before 
attempting to pass through the shield. If you're hit by any one of 
those defenses, you'll have to fight a Wind Wing again (refer to the 
strategy section above). Once you're past the shield, head along the 
path. It leads to an exact replicate of Nivelheim. 
This next scene is sorta like a 'semi-interactive' flashback. You get 
to see Sephiroth run around in Nivelheim, but this time, there's another 
guy following him (Zekkusu, the guy you heard about in Gongaga Village). 
Talk to your other party member, then to Tifa. In the next scene, 
Zekkusu will look around Nivelheim (which has been reduced to smoldering 
rubble), and chat with Zangan (sp?), who I think was Tifa's mentor. 
(BTW, you can go to the Main Menu while Zekkusu is running around. It's 
pointless, but I thought it was sort of amusing :)) Then, your party 
appears in a flaming building, and Sephiroth appears. Instead of 
attacking, he talks to the party. When you can move, talk to Sephiroth 
and he'll teleport around the room. When you're in control of Cloud once 
more, talk to Tifa twice. Sephiroth warps around some more, then shows 
Cloud a picture of him, Tifa, and Zekkusu. After that, Cloud has another 
fit, and the screen fades out. 
In the next scene, Rufus, Scarlet, and Hojo (the scientist) 
arrive at the crater. Before them is a monster encased in ice. It's 
one of the three 'Weapons', which awakens and watches them, then starts 
moving. Following that, Sephiroth appears in the guise of Tifa and 
knocks out the other characters, then tricks whoever is guarding the 
Black Materia to go to the center of the crater. Your party will 
appear in the area where the Shinra members are at, and the person with 
the Black Materia gives it to Cloud, who then flies to the structure 
where Sephiroth is at (while you can move around up here, the game takes 
over your controls in a few seconds anyway). Once Cloud's given the 
Black Materia to Sephiroth, the whole crater starts to break apart and 
your party (sans Cloud) escape on the Highwind along with the rest of 
the Shinra crew. 
4 . 5 j u n o n t o w n a t t a c k e d ! 
ITEMS IN THIS AREA: Enemy Skill materia, Chocobo Attract 
Materia, Fourth Bracelet, Yoshiyuki (if you 
didn't get it the first time). Note that none of 
these items are actually found in Junon Town, but 
since I talk about them in this section, they're 
listed here. 
When you come to, you'll find yourself incarcerated back in Junon Town. 
Without Cloud, you'll be taking control of Barret and Tifa for most of 
this section. As Tifa, talk to Barret. Rufus and Haidekka will show 
up. Now that you're in control of Barret, follow Tifa as the guards take 
her away (don't miss the Save Point), and prepare to execute her. Once 
Junon Town is attacked by the freed Weapon, one of the Shinra officials 
knocks out Scarlet. It's turns out to be none other than Cait Sith, 
who helps Barret fight the two soldiers who are guarding him. 
TIPS: xxxx LV: 34 HP: 1300 MP: 100 
xxxx LV: 34 HP: 1300 MP: 100 
Physical attacks will do the trick here, although you can control them 
if you want. If this battle gives you trouble, you need to gain some 
levels at some point in the game. 
Notice how the guard will run away and disappear after the battle? I 
guess that glitch went unnoticed...anyway, examine the door in the lower 
right corner of the screen and use the controller or the O button to make 
Barret try to pull it open. An FMV sequence follows in which the Sister 
Ray is readied and Junon Town prepares to engage the approaching Weapon. 
When it collides with the city, gas starts pumping into the chamber Tifa 
is trapped in. When you're in control of Barret, go and talk to Cait 
Sith. Then go out the door and when it closes, head right, then out the 
door. Outside, head down the road. If you got Yuffie, she'll be here 
masquerading as a newscaster; talk to her and continue to your left. 
Once the Weapon has rose out of the water, continue to the left until 
you arrive at the Airport. Then, run to the center platform and examine 
the yellow box to be lifted to the upper level. From there, continue 
towards the airship by heading right. 
When you're in control of Tifa again, you have to pick up the key on 
the ground so you can free yourself from the gas chamber. Your 
controls are: 
S Move right arm 
X Move feet 
O Move left arm 
T Move Tifa's head 
You'll need to press the buttons in this order: X, X, T, X+T, T+O, O. 
(Or, press X, X, T, X+T, T+S, S if you want to free her other hand 
instead...it makes no difference). 
Pressing them has the following effect: 
When you press X, Tifa will stretch out her legs. Pressing X a second 
time makes her drag the key towards her. Then press T to sit back in 
the chair. Then press T and X at the same time (you don't need to hold 
them, just press them), and she'll lift the key up with her feet and 
take hold of it with her teeth at the same time. After that, T+O 
together will make her free her arm using the key. Finally, press O 
so that she can grab the key and use it to release her other arm. 
Feel free to take your time doing this since waiting around won't do 
anything to you (Tifa's invincible! Mwa, ha ha!!) 
Examine the back of the room by the left side of the chair to shut off 
the gas, then examine the door. After the monster provides you with 
an exit, climb outside and work your way down the front of the tower 
(don't worry about the guards). When you reach the bottom, head toward 
the upper left corner of the screen (the cursor will appear to help you 
keep track of your location, but you can disable it if you want). In 
the next screen, make your way down to the frontmost cylinder of the 
cannon, then press up to go along the front of it and end up on the 
cannon barrel itself (this can be a little tricky). Just as you reach 
the edge of the cannon, Scarlet. She'll start slapping you, so 
press the O button to slap back (go Tifa, go)! If you're fast enough, 
you'll slap her to the floor after 5-6 good hits. If she gets in more 
slaps, you get knocked over. Despite the outcome of the 'fight', Tifa 
will still be rescued by Barret in the Highwind. 
Once in the airship, head to the cockpit where you'll talk with Cid. 
When he finishes, talk to Red 13 and Cid again, then chat with the man 
piloting the airship. After that, go to the room marked 'Operations' 
and talk to the man there. He will let you assemble a new group with 
Tifa as the leader. From this point onward, you can return to this room 
and talk with the man to activate PHS, restore your HP and MP, or save 
your game. Now that you have a party, return to the cockpit and talk to 
the man again. Choose the top option, and you can control the Highwind! 
To pilot it, use these controls: 
S When held, you can use the Pad to fly without changing the 
direction you're facing 
X Press to land 
O Move the Highwind in the direction you're facing 
T Takes you inside the Highwind 
Pad Press left/right to turn, up/down to rise or descend 
Start Reveals/enlarges/hides the map 
Select Same as Start 
Notice that your other vehicles (the Gold Saucer vehicle and Cid's 
airplane) are gone for good. BTW, you enter the Highwind by pressing 
O when you're close to it (like other vehicles). To gain control of 
it again, just talk to the man at the wheel and pick the top option. 
At this point, you'll probably want to look around and go to various 
places. However, you can only land on _green, grassy_ ground, and 
nowhere else, which limits the areas you can explore (this doesn't 
include the canyon floor on the Northern Continent). There are two 
areas you can now reach with the Highwind. The first one is a cave 
with a sleeping man that's just beyond the mountain range near Midgar 
City (you can go here with the Buggy, but since you no longer have it, 
you'll have to use the Highwind). Also, there's a house to the right 
of Icicle Lodge, you can talk to the green Chocobo inside to get a 
free Enemy Skill Materia, and the purple geezer who lives 
here will sell you various chocobo foods. Finally, if you return to 
the Chocobo Farm, you'll find a purple materia (Chocobo Attract) near 
the edge of the now-empty Chocobo pen. From now on, you can breed 
Chocobos here (refer to the 'Secrets and Strategies' section for 
If you look, there's a lake near Junon now (I thought this didn't 
appear until Disc 3 *sheepish grin*) There's also a barrier 
surrounding the Crater, and of course, a huge meteor is hanging in the 
sky (the result of Sephiroth casting Meteo via the Black Materia). A 
lot of places now sell different items, among them Junon Town*, 
Fort Condor, Costa Del Sol, and Rocket Town, for example. There's also 
some new treasure to be found in Rocket Town: there's a chest with a 
Fourth Bracelet in the store that sells accessories, in the back of the 
adjoining room. And if you didn't get the Yoshiyuki from the 
old man in Disc 1, you can get it now. 
* In very last area of Junon, there's a man standing out in the middle 
of the road. If you talk to him and choose the bottom option, 
nothing happens. But if you choose the top option, the Shinra 
helicopter lands and you're given another choice. Pick the top option 
and you can ride it back to the first area of Junon Town! If you 
choose the bottom option, you'll be flown back out to the World Map. 
Finally, keep in mind that there are some things that Tifa can't do, 
like enter the Gold Saucer or play the piano in her house in Nivelheim. 
Ditto with Cid, who becomes the leader during the next section (keep 
4 . 6 w h e r e ' s c l o u d ? / n o r t h c o r e l 
e x p r e s s 
ITEMS IN THIS AREA: Curse Ring, Elixir. 
Get in the Highwind and fly to the Southern Continent. Look around until 
you spot a forest with a small village nearby. Land in the grass, and 
enter the village, Mideel. Look around, and be sure to do some shopping; 
the items here are expensive, but well worth your money. When you're 
done, go to the weapon shop and examine the door in the back of the room. 
You will try to knock on it. Go outside and climb up the stairs, then 
walk along the floorboards behind the house where you can buy 
accessories. You should hear a sound. If you press O to examine the 
floor, you'll receive a message. Return to the weapon shop and examine 
the door in the back again. When an option appears, select the top 
choice. You'll mess around with the door. When the shopkeeper asks 
what's going on, pick the bottom option, and he'll give you the Cursed 
Ring accessory. (If you want to see your character act funny, pick the 
top option instead--works better with Tifa than with anyone else, IMO. 
Of course, you'll have to reset and try again if you want the Cursed 
When you try to explore the north end of the town, Tifa automatically 
goes over to the cat in the middle of the screen. While playing with 
it she hears that a strange man has been brought to the hospital--inside 
is none other than Cloud, who survived the blast of energy back at the 
Crater. However, he's nothing more than a vegetable now. Tifa insists 
on staying by his side. Back at the Highwind, Cait Sith reveals that 
the Shinra are hunting for the four Huge Materia, which they plan to 
use in order to destroy the Meteo before it crashes into the Earth. 
Barret gets distressed when he learns that the Shinra plan to destroy 
North Corel in order to get the Huge Materia, then Cid declares himself 
the new party leader! Despite his dorky running style, Cid makes a 
good front man. Once you're able to control him, go to the Operations 
room and make a new team. 
Before you go anywhere else, land and return to Mideel. You can now 
check out the house in the middle of the town, where an old man sits 
betting his cat. There's a large green item on the man's bed (an 
Elixir). If you try to leave, the cat turns out to be a ferocious 
dog! When an option appears, pick the top one to admit that you took 
the Elixir. However, the man will let you keep it. On the other hand, 
if you pick the bottom option, Cid will feign innocence, until the old 
man tells him that he took his Elixir. Either way, you still get the 
item. There's nothing else to do here (at least for now, anyways), so 
leave the town behind and board the Highwind (notice how Cid mentions 
the Fort Condor). 
At this point in the game, two of the four Huge Materia sub-quests are 
available to you: you can either get the Huge Materia in North Corel, 
or get the one at Fort Condor. The choice is yours. If you want the 
one in North Corel first, keep reading. If you'd rather pick up the 
one at Fort Condor first, skip to section 4g below. Remember, you 
DON'T have to succeed at Huge Materia Quests; in fact, you can lose all 
four and still proceed with the game (if you decide to do this, just 
ignore any mention of Huge Materia for the remainder of the FAQ). 
Ready to go? The next thing you have to do is stop a train from smashing 
into the town of North Corel. You can pilot the Highwind to two places; 
North Corel, and then work your way back through the old train tracks to 
the Makoro furnace, or you can land at the nearby cave-like entrance that 
leads to the furnace and take the train from there. Either way, you'll 
still have to do a bit of walking, so it's up to you (check out sections 
3n and 3o if you don't remember what I'm talking about). Anyway, once 
you reach the furnace, head to the center and you'll be attacked by some 
Shinra guards (easy to defeat). After you do them in, a train will 
leave the furnace. What you have to do is catch up with it before it 
rams into North Corel. The next scene finds you and your companions on 
a train trying to catch up to the Shinra train. 
Remember the digit-damaging fun you had back at the Frozen Mountain? 
Well, this time, it's worse. You have to press Up and the T button 
in a steady, yet _extremely_ fast motion to make Cid pull the levers 
of the train so that you can catch up to the Shinra train. Even worse, 
there's a time limit--you have to reach the train, board it, kill the 
enemies on board, and stop it all within 10 minutes. If you practice, 
you should be able to catch up to the train in about 23-30 seconds, but 
remember that you'll need about 4 minutes, at best, to beat the enemies 
on board, so work quickly. You fight monsters each time you leap to 
a new train car, (five battles in all) and while they're relatively 
easy to win, they do take up your time. If you have learned it by now, 
Degeon can be used in the first two battles for a quick win. If you're 
low on time, don't use Summon Materia because the Counter Attack still 
decreases during the casting (which usually takes some time). 
Assuming you get to the locomotive with time remaining, wait for the 
conversation between Cid and your other characters to stop. You can 
now do the following; press up + T to slow the train, or down + X to 
Speed Plus it up. Once Cid grabs the controls, press: 
Up + Triangle, Down + X, Down + X 
or: Down + X, Down + X, Down + X 
(if there are more commands then these, let me know, pls) 
You can't enter either command while your buddies are talking to you, 
so skip through the conversations when they occur. The train will 
speed up, but will slow just as it reaches the town, if you've done it 
If you stop the train in time, you get a Key Item (the Huge Materia), 
and a little boy gives you a green materia (Ultima). The next morning, 
go to the house below the inn and a lady in a hat will give you Barret's 
Level 4 Limit Break Manual. If you messed up, then the train runs 
straight through North Corel. You don't get the Huge Materia, and if you 
want the Ultima materia, you'll have to buy it from the same kid for 
50,000 gil. However, you can still get the manual from the lady in the 
hat and spend some free time at the inn ;P. So, it's really in your 
best interest to save the town. If you really want to keep playing 
after losing the Huge Materia, then continue on to section 3g, or if 
this is your second attempted quest, go to section 3h. 
4 . 7 c o n d o r f o r t 
(Remember, you can do this before or after the North Corel Huge Materia 
quest; it's your choice). 
Pop into the Highwind and fly back to the blue tower with the big gold 
bird on it (read section 3l if you don't remember where it was). Enter 
it, and climb to the top of the tower. Talk to the man in the room with 
the locked door. Choose the middle option, and you'll get to play a 
mini-game. For instructions/strategies, please refer to the 'Having Fun' 
bit in section 7. 
When you win, you can open the sealed door. On the rooftop is a red 
materia (Summon Phoenix), and if you talk to the man in white wearing 
the large hat in the lower room, you get a Huge Materia. For a condor's 
baby, that bird sure looks like a Chocobo if you ask me.... 
4 . 8 i n s i d e c l o u d ' s h e a d 
Head back to the village on the Southern Continent where you left Tifa 
and Cloud behind. When you talk to Tifa, the screen will start to 
shake. Go outside, and you'll be attacked by a huge black dragon. 
BOSS TIPS: ARUTEMAUEPON  (you can't see his stats.) 
This boss has only two attacks, Quega, and the Ultima Beam. He's pretty 
easy to beat, so just keep summoning your best monsters and use physical 
attacks to deal out damage. After you've injured it enough, it will fly 
The next scene with Tifa and Cloud is so funny! They're puffy and 
Shotgundeformed, and well let's just say any sense of danger or 
surprise at this sudden attack is forgotten once you see their wide- 
eyed faces as they escape the crumbling village. 
After Tifa and Cloud take a dive, you'll find yourself playing with 
Tifa, who's in a strange world filled with Cloud's memories. First, 
talk to the northmost Cloud. You'll head into his memories of the 
trip he took to that one town near the Jenova plant with Sephiroth. 
When Cloud shows up, speak to him again. When you reach the 'center' 
of Cloud's mind again, speak to the Cloud on the left. Once you're in 
control of Tifa, converse with the Cloud sitting on the steps to the 
right (near the 'kid' Cloud). 
Then talk to the 'kid' Cloud and look in the window. When you can 
move Tifa, talk to the 'shadow' Cloud. Once you're back in Cloud's 
mind talk to the 'real' Cloud and go back to the town area again. 
Everything else unfolds by itself (you can go to the Main Menu 
during the burning of Nivelheim--again!) At the end, speak with Cloud 
one last time, and you'll return to the 'real' world. 
4 . 9 1 0 0 l e a g u e s u n d e r t h e s e a 
ITEMS IN THIS AREA: Contain materia, God's Hand, Battle Trumpet, x ryuu 
x getsutou, Suishin x no Uroko (it's a Key Item, but 
since you don't have to get it, I'm listing it up 
Back at the airship, prepare a new team and take control of the Highwind. 
You can buy goods that weren't available before back in Mideel, and 
you'll want to get the Contain materia orb at some point. To get it, 
climb up the slope on the west side of town to where the hyperactive kid 
is running around (remember him?) Talk to his White Chocobo and pick the 
first option (make sure you have at least one Mimetto Greens on you). 
When a list of six options appear, pick the fifth one from the top. The 
chocobo will then reveal the Contain materia, which you can take. 
Furthermore, if you went into each store in Mideel and talked to the 
hyperactive kid in each one, he will now be selling all the items that 
you could normally buy there! However, if you didn't go into any of 
the shops, or only talked to him in one shop or two shops, then he will 
only be selling items from those stores or will be selling nothing at 
Also, at this point in the game, the man who lost his keys will appear 
outside Midgar City, enabling you to get the Key to Midgar City, among 
other things. You might want to take some time now to breed Chocobos, 
do some shopping, or maybe have some fun at the Gold Saucer (since you 
can now get in with Cloud in your party). 
Whenever you're ready to proceed with the game, head to Junon Town for 
the third Huge Materia quest (you can't do the fourth one until later). 
Head into the center of Junon, and go down the main road (you'll see a 
scene with Cloud inspecting the damage that the Weapon inflicted on the 
town earlier). Keep walking until you arrive at the gray underpassage 
where a commander is drilling his men. He will order his men to run 
away when he sees you. Continue down the passage until you see a door 
labeled '1' against the left wall. Enter it, and you'll find yourself 
in an elevator. Two guards in here will attack you; dispatch them and 
let the lady take you down to the bottom of the elevator shaft. 
When you step out, you'll be attacked by more Shinra soldiers. Ignore 
the dog and go down the slope, then through the door. In the next room, 
head down the set of stairs until you reach another door. Past it is 
yet another set of stairs, and at the bottom is a Save Point. Go through 
the door here to reach a second lift which takes you to the bottom of 
the sea floor. Head north unil you reach the underwater tunnel, and 
follow it until you arrive at the Makoro plant. Inside, examine the red 
light on the far wall to pump water out of the chamber. Step outside 
and you'll find yourself in a huge undersea dock where several submarines 
are sitting. Go along the walkway--it leads to a hall with a Save Point. 
Walk north from here to arrive at a room filled with guards. 
If you talk to the guard who's walking around, he'll attack you. You'll 
then fight the two other guards by the opening in a second battle. If 
you don't talk to the walking guard, then all three will ambush you. 
However, if you let yourself get ambushed, you won't have to fight the 
second set of soldiers by the other opening. Decide what you want to do 
(fun, isn't it?) and fight the guards accordingly. Then go through the 
opening to your right to find a chamber full of machinery. Cloud will 
automatically stop in front of one of the machines as you walk past it. 
When you can control him again, head to the right to see the Red Huge 
Materia being loaded onto a Shinra subMarlenee. Reno of the Turks is 
here, and he'll summon a mechanical freak to take you out while he makes 
a hasty retreat. 
BOSS TIPS: KARIIAAMAA  LV: 45 HP: 24000 MP: 200 
MIGIUDE  LV: 45 HP: 10000 MP: 100 
SAUDE  LV: 45 HP: 10000 MP: 200 
(all weak vs. lightning) 
This boss is composed of three parts. It can imprison two of your 
characters in his arms, and they recieve 1/3 the amount of damage that 
it receives from your attacks. However, since it has three parts, if 
you're making an attack that hits more than once, your ally gets struck 
twice or even three times! Furthermore, if the third character is 
killed while the other two are imprisoned, the battle is instantly lost. 
Destroying it's arms should be your top priority, but the arms rotate 
and switch sides when they are hit, so adjust your attacks accordingly. 
Summoning spells and enemy skills work well here. The boss' attacks are 
not so strong, but they come quickly. The worst one is the Lapis Laser 
that strikes all members for +1600 damage. BTW, the only way to free a 
character is to destroy the arm that's holding them, or have him or her 
die. This makes the Phoenix summon very useful if you just freed a 
friend and want to revive and attack at the same time. You'll get the 
God's Hand weapon when you kill it and both arms. 
With the Carry Armor out of the way, head to the left to find a chest 
with the Battle Trumpet inside it. Then go back to the right and run 
along the pier until you reach gray submarine. Open the chest by the 
stairs to get the Scimitar. To the left of that chest is a 
chest holding a Key Item: the Suishin x no Uroko (Fire Extinguisher). 
You'll need it later so be sure to pick it up. Go up the stairs to 
find a bunch of soldiers running around in place (ha!) who will fight 
you. Cloud will then enter the submarine and be ambushed by three 
soldiers. You may win a set of 'Shinra Relaxed Form Defense Tool' 
armor from the guards, but it's not that great. Anyway, there's a Save 
Point here, and when you're done using it, head through the northern 
door to reach the bridge of the submarine. 
Here, you'll meet two guards and their scared-as-hell commander. You 
can either choose the bottom option and let them live, or you can pick 
the top option and kill them. You can steal the 'Shinra Armor Type 
Defend Tool Reform' (_very_ strong armor) from the captain if you 
choose to fight. Whatever your choice, examine the captain's seat when 
you're able to and you'll be given three options. Pick the second one 
to climb into the chair. From there, pick the top option to see a 
description of the sub controls, or the bottom option to start up the 
sub and enter the submarine mini-game (explained below). 
Your controls on the submarine are: 
S Shoot torpedoes (only when you're near an enemy craft) 
X Backward thrust 
T Forward thrust 
Pad Move left/right or descend/raise 
R1 Switch between close-up or bird's eye view 
R2 Switch between near, overhead, or cockpit view 
Start Pause; show control screen 
The walls of the ocean floor are shown in blue, and there are diamond- 
shaped mines that are invisible until you get close. You can tell how 
far they are from the floor by the red columns beneath them. The 
purpose of this 'mini-game' is to destroy the the main Shinra sub (red) 
in the time allotted, although you can kill some of the ten yellow 
submarines if you want to. During the mission, the following warnings 
will appear: 
WARNING When an enemy sub is approaching 
ALERT When an enemy sub is firing 
MINE You are about to run into a mine 
CONFLICT The sub cannot move because you are 
steering it against/along a rock face 
You lose the game if one of two things happen; time runs out (you have 
10 minutes to destroy the submarine), or if your life bar (which is 
represented by the red/green bar at the bottom of the screen) is 
depleted as a result of being hit by missiles, crashing into the walls 
or floor once too often, or ramming another sub. If you win, then the 
submarine you're in is automatically piloted to shore. If you mess up, 
your characters will jettison themselves from the sub. Either way, 
you'll learn that a Huge Materia is being transported from the Junon 
Airport. You can go there (it's the same place where the Highwind was 
docked) to see some FMV of the plane taking off, or not (it's optional). 
At this point in the game, you have two options available to you. You 
can either sneak back into Junon and get yourself another submarine, 
or you can go to Rocket Town and do the fourth and final Huge Materia 
quest. If you already have a submarine, then you can do some underwater 
exploring or do the last Huge Materia quest (refer to section 3j for 
the former and section 3k for the latter). If you need to get a second 
submarine, then keep reading. 
Go back into the main part of Junon Town and work your way back to the 
gray hallway, down the elevator with the woman, and to the room with the 
guards, a dog, and the sloping floor. Beat the guards and examine the 
dog. When he moves aside, follow him and examine him again. Choose the 
top option, and you'll enter the red Shinra submarine. When the guards 
show up, choose the top option to let them go, or the bottom option to 
fight them. In the cockpit room, choose the top option to save the 
commander, or the bottom option to fight him and his men. Either way, 
you still get to pilot the sub. Note that if you got the gray sub, you 
can't go through here and get the red sub. 
4 . 1 0 u n d e r w a t e r a d v e n t u r e 
ITEMS IN THIS AREA: Red Huge Materia (listed here because you don't 
have to get it), Heaven's Cloud, Escort Guard, 
Conformer, Continuous Slice, Mega Elixir x2, 
Elixir, Spirit Lance, Outsider, Highwind Manual, 
'Summon Hades' materia, Old x x no Key (listed 
here because you don't have to get it just yet), 
Oritsuru, Steal as well materia. 
This section outlines a series of side-quests and optional events. While 
some have to be done at a certain point, the others are listed here only 
because you now have a submarine and can explore the ocean. You can skip 
this section and go on to 3k for the final Huge Materia Quest if you'd 
rather do the things in here at a later point. 
The controls for either submarine (gray or red) are as follows: 
X Submerge/Ascend 
O Propel forward 
- (doesn't work in overhead view) 
Pad Move in any direction 
- (raise or lower while underwater) 
L1/R1 Turn to the left or right 
L2/R2 Switch from side/overhead view 
- (doesn't work while underwater) 
Start Show/enlarge/hide map 
- (cannot enlarge map while underwater) 
Select Same as Start 
The submarine can cross deep water, but not shallows. If you can't 
get by an area while skimming the sea, try submerging and looking for 
a passage. If you can't get over a rock wall while submerged, try 
ascending and looking for another way around. Also, the sub can only 
land at docks such as the one near Junon Town. BTW, the mini-game at 
the Gold Saucer also becomes available once you have a submarine. 
If you sunk the red submarine, then get in your submarine and look at 
the map. Head to the chain of small islands southeast from the 
weaponsmith's house (the guy who lived near the Gold Saucer). Submerge 
and you'll find the red submarine. Should you touch it, Cloud will 
retrieve the Red Huge Materia from the wrecked submarine. If you 
failed to sink it earlier, then it won't be here. Note that you can 
wait and pick up the Red Huge Materia in Disc 3 if you'd rather not get 
it right now. 
Next, return to the Junon Town dock and go west until you reach a 
jutting peninsula (or go north from where the red submarine was, 
assuming you sunk it). Go around the penninsula and head south until 
you reach land (you'll be in a little bay, near a dock, and you should 
be able to see the Golden Saucer from where you are). Descend and 
you'll find a wrecked plane lying on the sea floor. Touch it to board 
the sunken plane. 
Inside the plane, go down the ladder. Run to the left to find a Save 
Point and a treasure chest (iniside is the Heaven's Cloud sword). 
Enter the northern door (the one with the Shinra emblem on it) and 
head east along the walkway. There's a green chest here with an 
Escort Guard in it. Go down the incline to the lowest level of this 
room and head to the upper-left corner. Hidden by a pipe is another 
green chest; inside it is Yuffie's Ultimate Weapon, the Conformer 
(in English, it means 'Conformer'). Now to all the way to the 
upper-right corner and search the wall for a hard to see yellow materia 
(Continuous Slice). Finally, return to the entrance and go north and 
then east across the beams. This leads to the final chest which has a 
Mega Elixir inside of it. 
Return to the main room and go through the door on the left wall. In 
the adjoining chamber are Reno and Rude of the Turks, who will talk 
to you briefly before attacking your party. 
BOSS TIPS: RENO LV: 42 HP: 15000 MP: 230 
Rude LV: 49 HP: 20000 MP: 280 
Rude (the bald guy) can cast Ice 2 and Fire 2, while Reno will attack 
you with his Neo Turks' Light Ray attack. They also have the nasty 
ability to confuse you, which can be a serious problem if the confused 
member has a Continuous Slice or Slice Everybody materia equipped. Once 
you inflict enough damage on one of them, that person will leave. If 
you kill Reno, then Rude will simply stand around until you lower his 
HP to zero. Since this battle is tougher than it might seem, Haste 
your characters and use your best attacking and summon spells. If he's 
learned it, Cloud's B3/1 should be used whenever possible. You'll get 
an Elixir when the battle is concluded. 
With the Turks out of the way, go through the northern door. A chest 
sitting near the entrance contains a Mega Elixir, and if you continue 
along the walkway and go all the way to the right, you'll find another 
chest with a Spirit Lance inside. Go down the stairs to the lower area; 
near the bottom of the screen are two chests; one to the left and one 
to the right. The left one has an Outsider gun in it, and the right 
one contains Cid's Level 4 Limit Break Manual (Highwind). Before 
leaving, look by the wrecked helicopter for a shimmering red sphere 
(it's lying between the body of the helicopter and one of the broken, 
detached parts next to it). It's the 'Summon Hades' materia, so pick 
it up and then head back to your submarine. You don't need to return 
to the wrecked plane again, although you can fight the monsters here 
and transform them into various '-Up' items (you can also do this to 
several of the monsters in the Mideel Area). Considering this game's 
difficulty (the lack of, that is), you shouldn't have to do this, 
Once you're in the submarine, look at your map. Just south and east of 
the southeastern tip of the Northern Continent are three islands in a 
sort of a curving pattern. If you can't quite tell where you are, just 
go along the coast of the Northern Continent until you reach an area 
surounded by shallows where there are three islands (you should be 
near snowy ground with patches of grass, in addition to a large 
mountain). Submerge the submarine and look for an underwater tunnel 
around here (guide the submarine into the dead-end and turn around; you 
should see it as you're moving). The short tunnel leads to a twisted, 
spikey object which you will take (it's called the Old x x no Key; 
Buugen Haagen asks you to find it later on when you return to the 
Ancient City in section 3l). 
Finally, get back in your airship and fly to Uutai on the Westernmost 
Continent. Go up into the Dachao Statue area, and head along the path 
until you reach the path that heads north. Follow it past the statue's 
head until you reach another crossroads with a cave entrance nearby. 
Enter the cave. Try to walk into the first fire-pit twice and Cloud 
will use the Suishin x no Uroko on the Fires each time, exposing a 
green chest which contains a Oritsuru (a shuriken for Yuffie). Explore 
the rest of the cave until you find a second fire-pit. Press against 
it to douse it with the Suishin x no Uroko. This allows you to take 
the blue materia lying on the floor (Steal as well). 
4 . 1 1 c i d ' s r o c k e t 
Return to Rocket Town (it's beyond the mountains near the Gold Saucer). 
Go to the launch pad. It's swarming with Shinra soldiers! Make your 
way to the stairs leading up to the rocket and you'll be attacked by 
two soldiers. Deal with them and you'll be attacked by another pair 
of soldiers. At the top of the stairs, you'll fight two more soldiers 
and their captain. After killing them, Cid will show up and insist on 
joining if he's not already with you. After you've made a party, press 
X to continue playing, T to go to the Main Menu, or O to change your 
party's configuration (but Cloud and Cid cannot be removed from the 
current party). After you choose to continue playing, climb up the 
ladder and you'll face off with two Shinra soldiers and Rude of the 
BOSS TIPS: Rude LV: 42 HP: 9000 MP: 240 
xxxx LV: 34 HP: 1300 MP: 100 
xxxx LV: 34 HP: 1300 MP: 100 
Use physical attacks to kill the soldiers and injure Rude, especially 
if you've got the Continuous Slice and Slice Everybody materia equipped. 
Rude can use a jumping wave attack, but it only causes about 500 points 
of damage. He can also create a Mabarrier which he usually casts when 
one or both of the soldiers are killed, and he can cast Bolt 2 and heal 
himself for about 1100 hit points. Despite all his powers, he's still 
easily beaten. If you kill Rude before finishing off the guards, you'll 
automatically win the battle. You may win an S-mine once you win the 
Go inside the rocket ship--you'll have to fight another battle, but it's 
easily won. Press O to open the northern door, then go into the main 
room, where Cid will talk to the workers. After the rocket lifts off, 
go to the right into the next room and climb up the ladder. Examine the 
Huge Materia in the next room and choose the top option. Cid will chat 
with Cloud and several numbered boxes will appear. When they do, punch 
in the following code, one press per message box: 
First Message (1): O 
Second Message (2): S 
Third Message (3): X 
Fourth Message (4): X 
If you did it correctly, the glass tube will open and you can take the 
Huge Materia. If you mess up, you'll have 3 minutes to get the code 
right, and Cid will try to clue you in to the correct code. Should the 
timer reach zero, the Huge Materia is lowered into the ground. 
Whether you got the Huge Materia or not, return to the entry room and 
climb down the ladder; when you get near the sparking tanks, they will 
explode. With a little help from Shiera, you'll free Cid from under a 
piece of metal. Follow Shiera into the next room (which turns out to 
be an escape capsule). After a lengthy FMV sequence, you'll find 
yourself back in Highwind, and the Meteor hanging in the sky will now 
be much closer than it was before. Alternately, you can do this part 
(see the tanks explode) and then go back and get/not get the Huge 
Materia, or you can even do this part and then take the escape pod 
without even attempting to free the Huge Materia (which means you 
obviously won't get it). 
4 . 1 2 r e t u r n t o t h e a n c i e n t c i t y / 
m i d g a r c i t y u n d e r s i e g e 
ITEMS IN THIS AREA: Ultima Weapon, Elixir x3, Mega Elixir, Aegis 
Bracelet, Starlight Horn, Max Ray, Power Source x2, 
Guard Source, Magic Source, Mind Source, W-Item 
materia, Master Fist, Pile Banger, HP Shout, 
Ragnarok, Missing Score. 
Get in the Highwind and return to Cosmo Canyon. Make your way up to the 
observatory and talk to Buugen Haagen. Cloud will use the PHS system to 
call the rest of his friends up to Buugen Haagen's home. They'll all 
talk about Sephiroth and Aeris, and then leave Cloud alone with Buugen 
Haagen, who offers to keep the Huge Materia at his observatory for 
safekeeping. Touch any of the Huge Materia you have and pick the 
bottom option to return to the Highwind. Buugen Haagen will accompany 
you. Pilot the Highwind back to the Northern Continent and land in the 
canyon where the Ancient City is located. At the crossroads, take the 
left path and follow it into the chamber with the blue crystal that 
you couldn't do anything to earlier. Head right along the upper path 
and take the stairs up to the crystal. Buugen Haagen will talk to 
Cloud and his friends. If you already got the Old x x no Key, Buugen 
Haagen uses it to create a waterfall. If you didn't get it yet, he'll 
remain here in the Ancient City until you find it and return to him 
with it. 
Once the waterfall has been activated, walk towards the crystal a 
second time. Pictures of Aeris will be shown in the falling water 
while Buugen talks to your party. Now, leave the Ancient City. As 
you do, Cait Sith calls on Cloud's phone and tells him that the Sister 
Ray in Junon Town has been re-installed in Midgar City, and that it's 
going to be used to destroy the barrier around the crater (where 
Sephiroth's at). After seeing some more FMV, return to the Highwind. 
Just as you're about to board it, another Weapon monster shows up and 
starts advancing towards Midgar City. Since you can't attack it while 
in the Highwind, and you can't reach it using the submarine, wait until 
it reaches dry land, then try and touch it in order to see another FMV 
sequence in which the Sister Ray is used to kill the Weapon and break 
the shield at the same time. 
At this point in the game, if you return to the lake near Junon Town, 
the Ultima Weapon will be hovering over the lake. You can battle the 
Ultima Weapon by ramming into it while aboard the Highwind. However, 
it will fly away after fighting with you for awhile. From this point 
on, it will fly around the sky and make it's way to various random 
locations. It might seem as if you could just wait around for the 
Ultima Weapon to show up here and there, but the beast will fly in 
circles unless you find it and ram into it repeatedly. After 4 or 5 
tries, it will then head towards a new location and sit there until you 
attack again. After escaping a few more times, it will make a final 
stop at Cosmo Canyon. You can fight it to the death here (it's a 
pushover, so don't expect too much of a challenge), and when it dies, 
you get Cloud's Ultimate Weapon (the Ultima Weapon). Furthermore, 
it will create a crater when it crashes into the ground, wiping out 
several of the rock formations around Cosmo Canyon. However, you can 
now walk across the crater and go into the Old Forest! Normally, you 
can't reach this place unless you're using a colored Chocobo. If you 
don't want to fight the Ultima Weapon now, you still fight it during 
Disc 3. 
Anyway, pilot the Highwind back to the crater when you're ready. Before 
you can explore it further, Reeve (y'know, the guy who controls Cait 
Sith) reveals that Hojo (one of the members of the Jenova Project) is 
planning to use the Sister Ray again, even though the results could be 
catastrophic considering how much energy it used up last time. So you 
have to get back into Midgar City and stop Hojo beforehand. 
When you're ready to raid Midgar City, fly the Highwind straight towards 
it, as if you were going to ram into it. Cloud and his allies will 
gather together on the airship's deck. You can now choose the top 
option to assemble a new party, or the bottom option to leap off the 
ship and parachute into the city. When you can move, follow your 
friend to an alleyway where your pals are waiting. There's also a Save 
Point here. Talk to whoever is by the wooden panel and they'll open it 
to reveal a ladder leading down into the depths of Midgar City. At the 
bottom of the ladder, go along the metal passage and down the slope. 
Go up the the next slope and when you reach the wall, head right to 
find a chest containing an Elixir, and then run to the left to find a 
chest with a Mega Elixir inside of it. 
Make your way back to the area with the ladder and take the stairs down 
to an area with a ladder. If you climb down the ladder, you'll reach a 
long walkway; head east and then go north to arrive at another ladder. 
Climb up it and you'll have access to the green chest you saw earlier; 
it contains an Aegis Bracelet. Climb back down to the long walkway and 
run to the right. The floor will give way and you'll be deposited on a 
lower walkway. Head left, jump on top of the pipe, and then ascend the 
ladder. When you arrive at another ladder, climb up it, too. 
Eventually you'll arrive at a path just below the one you were walking 
around on earlier. Walk along it until you reach a chute; walk into it 
and you'll be deposited in a new area. Check out the green chest to the 
left (there's a Starlight Horn inside it). Then go to the right and open 
the chest that's near the ladder (it contains an Elixir). Climb down the 
ladder and press against the right lip of the platform in order to jump 
down to the chute labled '42'. Enter the chute, and when you arrive at 
the other end, head left and then go up the ladder. At the top, you'll 
find a chest to the left; there's a Max Ray inside it. Retrace your 
steps until you're back at the other area, press left to jump off the 
chute and back onto the platform, and then climb up the ladder and go 
up the stairs to your left (it's right next to the chute labled '12'). 
At the top of the stairs is a Save Point. To the right of it is a 
crawlway. Make you way along it and you'll arrive in an underground 
tunnel system. Climb down to the floor and head south. While many of 
the passages here split off in two directions, one direction will always 
end in a blocked door, so keep going south. As you keep going, you'll 
run into your friends (remember, who you meet up with depends on who is 
and isn't in your group). After heading south for a couple of screens, 
you'll find a treasure chest lying against the left wall of one of those 
'split-passage' areas I mentioned earlier. Inside it is a Power Source. 
At the next split-passage area that you come across, there is a treasure 
chest in the area between the doorways. There's a Guard Source inside it. 
Keep going south, and when you reach the next split-passage area, there 
will be two chests lying in the area between the doorways. The one to 
the left has a Magic Source inside it, and the one to the right contains 
a Mind Source. If you go south from here, you'll arrive at a dead end. 
In the left corner of this area is a Save Point, and in the right corner 
there is a yellow materia (W-Item). If you press against the wall, 
you'll discover that you can't go any further. 
So, go all the way back to the first area (where the ladder was). Try 
to head to the north and guess who shows up! It's the remaining Turks, 
and they're here for a final showdown with Cloud and his friends. I 
could swear that the first time I came through here, they asked if I 
wanted to fight or not...but I guess not, since nothing like that 
happened this time around. Perhaps it has something to do with 
completing Yuffie's sub-quest before coming here? 
BOSS TIPS: Elena (can't see her stats.) 
RENO LV: 50 HP: 25000 MP: 200 
Rude LV: 51 HP: 28000 MP: 250 
Elena is healed by lightning attacks, Reno by ice attacks, and Rude 
by fire attacks. Rude has a punch attack that hits one character for 
2000 points of damage, Elena can throw a firebomb that inflicts 500 to 
600 points of damage (in addition to a Amulet attack), and Reno uses a 
spark attack which will cause 800 HPs worth of damage. They all have 
more attacks than these; but I'm listing the ones the seem to use most 
often. Alone, they aren't much, but with all three of them fighting 
together, this becomes one of the toughest battles in game. Barrier 
and Haste your allies, then use spells like Ultima and Tornado to soften 
the Turks up in addition to Limit Breaks. Try to save Phoenix until you 
really need it, since it will revive your members but heal Rude. All 
three Turks will escape once you've defeated them in battle. You'll get 
an Elixir when the battle is over. 
After the battle, go north. When you reach the split passage area, go 
north again. If Cid isn't in your party, he'll show up here. Take the 
right path and at the next split passage, take the left path. You'll 
arrive at a blocked passage, but there's a ladder against the left wall 
that leads to the Shinra Building. If Cait Sith is in your party, 
he'll talk to you. Otherwise, you'll see him hop out of the building. 
If you didn't read Kamedouraku Flyer No. 2 the first time around, you 
can check out the billboard at the back end of the first floor to read 
it now. Go up the stairs near the front and look for a door marked 
'Accessories' near the other end of this floor. In the adjoining room, 
you can open two chests that a Shinra employee wouldn't let you 
examine eaarlier. The one to the right contains a Master Fist and the 
left one has a Pile Banger inside of it. Before leaving, go up to the 
64th floor and look for the lockers (go north from the elevators). If 
you examine the left end of the row of lockers against the wall, you'll 
find the HP Shout (Cait Sith's Ultimate Weapon that you couldn't 
take earlier). 
Return to the underground passages again. Go south past one split- 
passage room, and when you reach the second room, take the left path. 
You'll go outside. Walk towards the lefthand red beam to climb up it 
and jump onto the main street. Head north and a huge mechanical monster 
will appear from behind you; it's being controlled by Heidegger and 
Scarlet. After laughing in your face, they'll attack you. 
BOSS TIPS: PURAUDO KURADDO  (can't see it's stats.) 
JAMAAAAAMAA  LV: 62 HP: 20000 MP: 300 
This mechanical monstrosity has two parts; a head and a chest area that 
you can aim your attacks at. The boss can only cause around 500-800 
points of damage, but it can kneel and fire a ray from it's back (the 
Beam Cannon attack) that causes 1100 damage to all members. Even after 
disabling the Jammer Armor (it can use it's Materia Jammer attack to 
disable your Materia), you'll still have to keep attacking the main part 
if you want to kill it. Spells and summonings work nicely, and you 
shouldn't worry about your HP until the boss kneels and readies it's 
laser attack. You'll get the Ragnarok sword once the fight is over. 
Once the machine explodes, it starts to rain. Head north. There are 
two chests near the entrance. The one closest to you has an Elixir in 
it, while the one that's further away contains a Mystile. Use the 
Save Point that's nearby if you want to, then climb up the ladders. 
If he's not in your party, Vincent will be on the lower landing. The 
second landing is normally empty, but if Barret is in your party, you 
will see a green chest there. Open it to get Barret's Ultimate Weapon, 
the Missing Score. If Barret's not in you party, you won't find anything 
on the landing, even if you search it thoroughly. Once you've climbed 
all the way to the top, run to the right. Sitting at the Mako Cannon's 
(Sister Ray's) controls is Hojo, who will attack your party when you 
talk to him. 
BOSS TIPS: Hojo LV: 50 HP: 13000 MP: 250 
PUDUREA SANPURU  LV: 42 HP: 10000 MP: 200 
HERETIKKU Hojo  LV: 55 HP: 26000 MP: 200 
MIGUIDE  LV: 55 HP: 5000 MP: 300 
SAUDE  LV: 55 HP: 24000 MP: 400 
xxxxx Hojo NA  (can't see his stats.) 
Hojo can use his 'Capsule' power to summon the two 'Sample' monsters 
every time you kill them. So, concentrate on defeating Hojo instead of 
the lesser monsters. He'll then reappear as a huge monster with two 
independant arms (Heretic Hojo). Since Hojo can bring the arms back 
to life, aim your attacks at the main body of the boss. He may cast 
Confuse or Silence on you, so I hope you have some Ribbons equipped. 
The right arm will also inflict a lot of damage, so cast Barrier 
beforehand. In his final form, Hojo can cast Slow and employ a 
multiple-hit attack (Combo), which will poison whoever is hit by it. 
As long as you keep your HPs up, this battle is a cinch. You'll receive 
a Power Source once you've killed Hojo. 
You'll return to the Highwind after killing the boss. There's a short 
sequence with Tifa and Cloud afterward, then the Highwind blasts off 
into the sky. Well, that's the end of this disc! My time...17:25 the 
first time around, and 14:24 for the rewrite. 
5 . D I S C T H R E E W A L K T H R O U G H 
5 . 1 m a k o u p i t 
ITEMS IN THIS AREA: Limited Moon, Save Crystal, Guard Source x3, Mind 
Source x2, Magic Source x2, Elixir x2, Power 
Source x2, HP Absorb materia, Mega Elixir x4, Hero 
Drink x3, Mystile, Speed Source x2, Tetra Elemental, 
Almighty Medicine x2, Vaccine x2, Shield materia, 
Imperial Guard, W-Magic materia, Counter Attack 
materia, X Potion x2, Turbo Ether x2, Everything 
All materia, Luck Source 
You'll start off on the deck of the Highwind. If you'd rather explore 
the World Map instead, just go back to the cockpit, talk to the engineer 
next to Cid, and choose the top option. If you haven't noticed it yet, 
the Highwind is now rocket-powered. 
Before descending into the crater and exploring the Makou Pit, you may 
want to pick up Red 13's Ultimate Weapon. Return to Cosmo Canyon and 
climb up to the second floor of the observatory, making sure that Red 13 
is in your group beforehand (you can switch characters at the Save Point 
near the Tiger Lily Arms Shop if you need to). Buugen Haagen is lying 
on his couch, and he is about to pass away. He chats with Red 13 for a 
while, then dies. Back at the bonfire, Red 13 rejoins his companions, 
and now has the Limited Moon in his inventory. Also, if you haven't 
gotten either of the 'optional' characters yet (Yuffie or Vincent), then 
now would be a good time to add them to your party. 
When you're ready to explore the Makou Pit, land the Highwind and go 
out to the deck. You can talk to the man out here to change party 
members (he'll automatically ask you every time you return to the 
Highwind). Climb down the rope ladder to reach a new area, then head 
southwest. In the next screen you'll be given an option: pick the 
bottom one to turn back or the top one to descend into the pit. After 
hopping down the steps, you'll see a cavern entrance. If you go inside 
it, it merely returns you to the last area, in which you can climb up 
the stone column and make your way back to the Highwind. Otherwise, 
simply follow the path as it winds it's way down into the ground. Don't 
worry should the ground crumble away since you can jump over the gaps. 
The first chest you find contains a Save Crystal. It can be used once 
while in the Makou Pit to create a Save Point. Considering that there 
are no Save Points at all in this level, the Save Crystal is a handy 
item to have. The next chest you find has a Guard Source in it. 
In the next area, you can climb the silver parts of the ledges by 
pressing O when you are standing near them (a message appears prompting 
you to do this). Go to the right and hop down the 'steps'. The first 
chest you find has a Guard Source inside of it. Be sure to make your way 
to the next chest and not explore the edge of the ledge below the chest 
you just opened or you'll jump down to the bottom and will have to 
climb all the way back up again (although you'll be doing that at some 
point anyway, so it's no big deal). In the second chest is a Mind Source. 
You can now either climb back up and get the rest of the chests, or 
continue searching the Makou Pit and get the chests when you are coming 
back out (assuming you want to make more than one journey into the Pit). 
To get the chests, climb up the ledge to your left (you're at the 
bottom of the screen, remember?) Go all the way to the left and climb 
up two ledges, then walk to the right to find another chest containing 
a Magic Source. Go left again, go up to the next ledge, then go to the 
right and climb up again. Walk all the way to the right, climb up the 
tall ledge, then head left to find a chest holding an Elixir. From 
there, walk up to the next ledge, go to the left, and climb up the 
silver part to arrive at a chest that has a Power Source in it. If you go 
to the right, you'll find an HP Absorb materia just past a large rock. 
Finally, jump back down, go to the right, and climb up the ledge to 
reach the top again (you can jump to the top ledge from here and exit 
the Pit by going back up the spiraling passage). 
If you head south from the bottom of the screen, you'll arrive at a large 
chamber pocked with holes. Walk to the right until you fall down a 
level, then go left to uncover a chest (inside is a Mind Source). Go to 
the edge of this ledge, turn around, and press O to juMP Plus to the upper 
ledge (just like in the last area, you'll be prompted to jump whenever 
you are near a ledge ending). Head left until you fall down, then go to 
the right and step into the hole by pressing up. Beyond the opening is a 
treasure chest containing a Mega Elixir. Go back out again and walk all 
the way to the left and you will fall down to a new level (since you 
can't see Cloud, move left or right until he falls). Run to the right in 
order to find a chest, which has an Hero Drink inside of it. Walk 
to the left and enter the hole. As you walk along the adjoining path, 
stop to open a treasure chest to your left which holds a Guard Source, and 
go through the hole that's a little farther up to reach a chest with a 
Power Source inside it. Go back out the hole and keep climbing to reach 
an opening that deposits you back at the top of the screen. To get back 
down to the bottom, run to the right until you drop down, press right 
again to fall a second time, and enter the hole. The passage beyond it 
leads to another hole; press left to fall down it (if you want to get 
back up, just climb the ledges to your left). Then walk to the left 
until you fall, and walk right to fall again. 
Here, climb down the two stalagtites in order to reach the ground where 
your friends are waiting. Each one asks you which path they should take, 
the left one (top option), or the right one (bottom option). 
Furthermore, you may have certain characters join you, or you may be 
asked to make a new group (and you may not have many characters to pick 
from). Unfortunately, I really have no clue as to how this part of the 
game works even after playing through it numerous times. (Yes, that 
means that you should still treat this whole paragraph as a NSS :)) 
Take whatever path is available to you (you'll get a message if you can't 
go in that direction). Refer to the LEFT PATH or RIGHT PATH sections 
depending on which one is available to you. Note that once you reach the 
PLACE OF GATHERING, you can go back and explore all the areas freely 
(remember that because you may be approaching an area from a different 
location, you may have to do it in a different order. For instance, you 
can tackle the LEFT PATH: LOWER ROUTE area from either the top or bottom, 
so take note while playing (and no, I'm not going to write out the 
section backwards and forwards, just figure it out yourself depending on 
where you're going!) 
You'll find yourself on a column of stone. Follow the winding path that 
leads along the column. Eventually, you'll reach a gap in the path. 
Pick the top option to jump down to the area below, or the bottom option 
to turn back. When you land on the ground, look to your right for a 
chest containing a Mystile. To your left is a green Elixir. Take it 
and continue along the path until you reach a broad, gray area. Here, 
there is a treasure chest to the north containing a Speed Source. If you 
look to the south, wedged between several broken structures is another 
chest that has a Tetra Elemental inside it. Go back to the main path 
and head east, then north. Here, the path splits to the north or the 
Take the west branch and it'll lead to a dead-end where there is a chest. 
Iniside it is a Mega Elixir. Retrace your steps and keep going north; 
just to your right will be a chest that also has a Mega Elixir inside of 
it. If you keep going north, you'll arrive at a bridge made of curving 
bones. Work your way down it and you'll arrive at the PLACE OF GATHERING 
(see below). 
In this room, your teammates will each ask if you should take the upper 
(top option) or lower (bottom option) route. Pick accordingly, and refer 
to the UPPER ROUTE and LOWER ROUTE sub-sections depending on what you 
chose. You may be prompted to make a new party yet again after you have 
decided on the route you will take. 
Hop down onto the branch-like structure, run to the right, and when you 
can't go any further, press Up to jump to another branch. From here, go 
right to reach a chest containing a Magic Source. Now, hop back to the 
first branch and go left, then north. When you reach the edge, Cloud 
will jump onto the nearby rocks. Walk north along the path and Cloud 
will dive in the water and jump out on the other side of the screen. If 
you walk to the left, then go north, you'll arrive at a chest which has 
an Remedy within it. Head right, but take the upper branch 
(go east, then north) in order to arrive at a new area. 
Here, head to the far right to find a chest which contains an Ei x no 
Kusuri. Then take the upper path and run all he way to the left. If 
you go a little ways to the north, you'll see a chest; it has a Vaccine 
in it. To the right of the chest is a large rock; walk in front of it 
and you'll see a path that leads up to the top of the rock, where a 
green materia is lying on the ground (Shield). Take it and walk to 
the left, then press Down to descend the rock face. Cloud will jump 
into the water and pop out again near a treasure chest (Imperial Guard). 
After opening the chest, keep pressing Down and Cloud will dive into the 
water again and end up on the other side of the screen. From here, run 
south and then east to reach yet another unexplored area. 
This area is full of green shrubbery and stone tiers. Walk to the left 
in order to work your way down the tiers, but then go to the center of 
the screen and walk north until you're right beneath the shrubbery. 
There is a small dot here; press O to examine it and you'll find that 
it's the W-Magic materia. From here, work your way down to the 
shining light (go south, then east). There is a patch of darkness in 
the light--examine it and you'll get the Counter Attack materia. Now, 
walk west and then north to find a cave entrance. It leads to the 
PLACE OF GATHERING (see below). 
Hop down the stone columns and investigate the chest to your left to 
find an Remedy. Head to the right and hop up the stone 
columns to arrive at a chest that has an Elixir inside of it. Then 
go back to the first treasure chest and press against the bottom of 
the ledge. You'll hop down to a column where there is a chest 
containing an X Potion. Make your way to the southeast. In the next 
screen, hop down the stone columns and then go to the left to find a 
chest with an Turbo Ether in it. Then follow the path east and north. 
There's another chest here and a Vaccine is inside it. Walk to the 
west, then follow the path south and hop across the columns. When you 
reach the bottom of the screen, run to the south. 
In this area, go to the right and press down to hop down to a small 
ledge. Below is a larger ledge and a green chest (X Potion). Walk to 
the left across the thin stone bridge, drop down a level, then keep 
going right until you see some stone 'steps'. Go down them; to the 
left is a green chest containing a Turbo Ether. If you walk to the 
left, you'll jump down to a low ledge. Nearby, there is a ball 
floating in the air. Hold Up in order to jump from a small ledge to a 
larger ledge, and when you get near the ball, tap O repeatedly. If you 
timed it right, you'll be able to take the ball, which is actually the 
Mega All materia. If you missed it, just press left to 
jump back down to the lower ledge and then try again. You can only get 
the materia while jumping to the small ledge, not while jumping from 
the large western ledge. 
Once you've gotten the materia and are on the large ledge, walk to the 
other end of it. There's a chest here (Speed Plus Source). Now walk to 
the south and press against the edge to jump down to a lower area. Keep 
walking south and you'll reach the PLACE OF GATHERING. 
On the right side of this chamber is a chest containing a Luck Source. 
Follow the path as it curves around until you reach a set of stone 
steps. Your friends will show up here. Depending on where you told 
them to go earlier, they may or may not have items to give you. Talk 
to each one of them to get an item (or not), then approach the stone 
steps. Pick the top option to go down them or the bottom option to 
stay where you are. Once you pick the top option, you can't go back, 
so feel free to choose the bottom option and then leave this area from 
the upper ledge (walk to the left) if you have more exploring to do. 
Once you've chosen the top option, assemble a new group. You'll leap 
down the steps and arrive at the lowest levels of the Makou Pit (home 
not only to Jenova and Sephiroth but also to massive slowdown). Simply 
jump from floating ledge to floating ledge, working your way towards 
the bottom of the screen. In the second screen, make your way to the 
central island of rock, where the final form of Jenova will appear and 
attack you. 
BOSS TIPS: JENOBA*SYNTHESIS  (can't see her stats.) 
JENOBA*SYNTHESIS B  LV: 61 HP: 10000 MP: 600 
JENOBA*SYNTHESIS C  LV: 61 HP: 8000 MP: 600 
Start the round by using Haste and Barrier on yourselves, then use Enemy 
Skills and Summon Materia to dish out damage. The tentacle-like arms 
will droop and become useless after you've attacked them long enough, 
but they regenerate with some HP if you don't kill the boss quickly, so 
use high-level spells (Ultima or Inseki) to take them out and injure 
Jenova at the same time. When she is about to die, a message appears 
and starts counting down the rounds from 5; if you don't kill her by the 
time it reaches zero, Jenova Synthesis will cast Ultima. For the second- 
to-last boss, this is an easy battle. She has very weak physical attacks 
(500-800 damage), and not much else. If you want to conserve MP, you can 
take out the boss using physical attacks with little injury to yourself. 
If she does cast Ultima, the battle ends, but you get no EXP, GP, or AP, 
so try to kill her as quickly as possible. 
After the death of Jenova Synthesis, the ground will break up and Cloud 
and his friends will awaken to find themselves floating in space. 
Sephiroth makes his final appearance here, floating next to the core of 
the Makou Pit. You'll get to make a new party*, then the battle with 
Sephiroth will commence. 
* Apparently, the number of teams you can make is determined randomly. 
The first time I played this game, I was able to make two parties, 
but since then I've been able to make just one party or three parties 
(the third had only two members, since you only have 8 characters). 
For a time, I thought this was based on the paths you took when you 
talked to your friends at various locations in the Makou Pit, but I 
guess it is simply a random occurence after all. 
BOSS TIPS: RIBAASU SEFIROSU  (can't see it's stats) 
RIBAASU SEFIROSU C LV: 61 HP: 10000 MP: 400 
Use Wall and Haste on yourselves (maybe even Regen), then use your best 
attacks against Sephiroth, like Coin Toss, Ultima, and summon spells. 
Every time you kill a few of of it's body parts, you'll be asked if you 
want to switch to another team (left option to switch, right option to 
keep using the current party). In this case (if you have more than one 
team), you'll find that only one team can damage the yellow orb (part C) 
of Sephiroth's body. Once part C is sufficiently damaged, you'll get a 
message stating that Cloud can now attack part C as well, so switch back 
to him and attack Sephiroth. Once part C is destroyed, kill off the 
rest of the body parts. If you only have one team, all you can do is 
attack. The number of teams you have will affect the strategy used 
against this boss, so keep that in mind when attacking*. I'm not exactly 
sure about this, but: Sephiroth will gain more HP and MP in proportion 
to Cloud's experience level, and using the Knights of Round materia 
will _usually_ kill Sephiroth. If you more than one team, keep in mind 
that the battle will end if even one team is killed. And interestingly 
enough, the number of times you've used a summon materia resets when you 
switch to a team and back. 
Sephiroth can heal himself using a technique called Reverse Energy, and 
he can use it to bring defeat body parts back to life. Among his attacks 
are Graviga, an explosion attack that causes 1500+ points of damage, a 
fire ray emitted from his chest that inflicts 1700+ damage, and a 'Fallen 
Angel'-type attack that reduces all party members' HP to one point. 
* I'm saying this because one time I was able to kill Reverse Sephiroth 
before receiving the message to attack part C. 
Once Reverse Sephiroth has been defeated, Sephiroth shows up in a new 
form. You always fight him using the team that Cloud is a part of. 
BOSS TIPS: SEEFA SEFIROSU  (can't see his stats.) 
Looks like Square couldn't bother creating a new end boss, could they? 
Seraph Sephiroth can cast Slow, Flare, Break, Doom, and Dispel (Dispel 
will affect all members). Other attacks include Shotgunnova (a 'summon' 
style spell that inflicts 1100-2200 damage to all allies; it causes 
confusion and silence), Pyro Holes (a laser attack causing 3700-3800 
damage), and Dein (ring-shaped flares break apart the ground and cause 
1200-1300 damage to all members. His sole physical attack is a wing 
slash that causes upwards of 5000 damage points. Sephiroth can fly 
around, too, preventing some characters from using certain skills or 
attacks against him. 
Use Wall on yourself, and then heal, revive, and fix status ailments 
with the Angel's Whisper Enemy Skill. Haste yourselves and use physical 
attacks, your best summon materia, and Ultima. You can even use Coin 
Toss or Throw if you want. Seraph Sephiroth isn't easy to kill, but 
he's certainly no challenge, even if you have low levels. There's only 
one thing to watch out for: if Cloud's level is at 98-99, then Sephiroth 
becomes monsterously powerful and much harder to kill. 
After a brief automated sequence, Cloud fights Sephiroth one last time. 
I'll leave this up to you...I doubt you'll lose! My time was 6:20 the 
first time around, and 1:30 for the rewrite. 
6 . B O N U S A R E A S 
You can only go to these areas in Disc 2 or 3. There's some information 
on these bonus areas in the 'Secrets and Strategies' section, too. 
6 . 1 o l d f o r e s t ( c o s m o a r e a ) 
Location: On a cliff near Cosmo Canyon on the Western Continent. 
How to get there: Use a Green, Black, or Gold Chocobo. Or, climb past 
the crater that's left behind when you kill the 
Ultima Weapon in Disc 3--it destroys part of the 
Items to get: Supershot ST, Spring Gun Clip, Slice Everybody 
materia, Summon Typoon materia, Apocalypse sword, 
You can grab items (frogs, big frogs, wasp nests, etc.) by pressing the 
O button. When you grab a frog for the first time, you get a message 
informing you that if you press the S button, the _entire_ area will 
reset, returning all the items to their proper place. However, it also 
returns you to the very start of the area, no matter how many screens 
you've worked your way through. If you mess up on an area (you run 
out of frogs to use for transportation), you can cheat by leaving the 
area and returning (if it's possible to leave given your current 
location). But if you're really stuck, you have no choice but to reset 
the whole level by pressing S. You will keep all items and materia orbs 
you've collected so far, though. Also, when you hear a frog croaking, 
look for a place where you can let go of a small frog you might be 
carrying as it'll be replaced with a big frog. 
In the first area, pick up three frogs and go beneath the earth bridge. 
Put them near the three bags hanging from the trees. Now, quickly take 
the frogs and press the O button to make them hop into the bags; repeat 
this until all three bags are full by standing on a bag and pressing O 
to put a frog into the next bag. When they're all full, hop to the 
other side of the gap. Once on the other side, go down the slope and 
_carefully_ inch towards the center of the large snapping plant. Press 
O to grab the bag (which contains the Supershot ST gun). If you get too 
close, the plant will close and you'll lose almost all your HP. You can 
make as many attempts as you want, but it's best to try and not touch 
the center of the plant in the first place. Continue to the right when 
you're finished here and Cloud will automatically use the pink vine to 
reach the other side. Go past the tree and nab the item bag on the hill 
(there's a Spring Gun Clip inside), and head right to reach the next part 
of the forest. 
In the second area, pick up one frog and approach the pink vine. Choose 
the top option to leap to the ledge. If you leave the frog on the ledge, 
it'll be switched with a big frog (or you can just use your small frog). 
From here, you can put the frog in the bag and leap across to the second 
(already-full) bag. You'll automatically use the pink vine to jump to 
the ground. Now, pick up a frog and climb on top of the green ledge to 
your right; let it go and it will leap into the left bag. If you wait 
long enough, you'll be sent flying to the ledge above when the frog 
escapes (you have to use a big one). Once on the ledge, take the wasp 
nest. Jump back down. Stand near the small snapping plant and press O 
to release the nest; if you're at the right distance, the nest will fly 
backward and land in the plant, which will snap it up. Take the yellow 
materia (Slice Everybody). Pick up the big frog again. Climb to the 
green ledge one more time and let the frog jump into the right bag. Jump 
atop it and wait until you are thrust onto the opposite side of the huge 
snapping plant. Run to the right to reach the next zone. 
In the third area, pick up two frogs, toss them into the bags, and leap 
across to the pink vine. You'll be lifted into the treetops. Go left, 
then down the trunk to reach the big bag you saw back in the second area. 
A Minerva Band is inside. If you go too far down the trunk, you'll jump 
down to the ground, so return to the treetops after grabbing the bag. If 
for some reason you can't, just hop back down repeat the last few steps 
to get across the plant, get into the next screen, and return to the 
Once you're back in the trees, climb to the upmost branch and head right, 
then make your way towards the broken branch; Cloud will vault across 
three of the pink vines and land on another branch. Go south to get yet 
another item bag holding a red materia (Summon Typoon). Now, go back 
across the vines, and take the lower branch that leads behind the leaves 
to the ground level (look for a path leading right). Once on the ground, 
grab a frog. There are two bags to your right; look for a high ledge 
beneath them, stand on it, and toss the frog into the bag. Then, hop 
onto it and make your way over to the second bag, then to the ledge with 
the wasp's nest. Take it and drop to the ground, then approach the 
snapping plant and press O to release the nest. If you are positioned 
correctly, you'll toss the nest into the plant, which will close up. 
Pick up a small frog and move past the plant. Stand on the left ledge, 
and let go of the frog; it will jump into the nearby bag. Hop across 
the bag and onto the ground. Run to the left and grab a frog. Put it 
in the hollow in the tree next to you and a big frog will jump out. 
Take it and go back the way you came (put the big frog in the bag, jump 
to the other side, and wait for it to land by your feet). Grab it 
again, go to the far right ledge, and release it into the bag. Now, 
stand on the bag and wait for the frog to escape. Doing this sends you 
flying across the gap to a cave entrance. 
In the cave, walk to the right to find a chest with the Apocalypse sword 
lying within. Head to the north, then go east to find another chest 
(there's an Elixir in it). Finally, exit through the opening to your 
left. You're back outside! Yup, there are no bosses to fight in this 
area (which is a good thing in case you had a hard time dealing with the 
snapping plants). 
6 . 2 v i n c e n t ' s w a t e r f a l l 
Location: Waterfall in the center of the Western Continent. 
How to get there: Use a Green, Black, or Gold Chocobo to go to the 
west side of the waterfall by the lake. Dismount 
and touch the waterfall to enter it. Alternately, 
you can go there in submarine--you can dock on 
the dark-colored western side of the shore. 
Items to get: Death Penalty, Chaos Manual (in Disc 3, see below). 
Beyond the waterfall is a room made of white stone. If Vincent isn't 
in your party, then you'll get a message stating his name when you 
step past the threshold of the room. So, return with Vincent. This 
time, there's a woman there (Rukuressia), and you'll get to see a 
flashback of Vincent's past. While you don't get anything out of this 
if you visit during the third disc, you can get Vincent's best weapon 
and his Level 4 Limit Break Manual if you come here with him in your 
party during the second disc and then visit the waterfall again in the 
third disc. Refer to the 'Ultimate Weapons' section in part two of the 
FAQ for more information on this area. 
6 . 3 b o n u s m a t e r i a l o c a t i o n s 
Location: Cave lying to the east of a mountain in the bridge- 
covered region of the Westernmost Continent. 
How to get there: Use a Green, Black, or Gold Chocobo to climb over 
the mountain. Dismount and enter the cave. 
Items to get: Mime materia. 
There's nothing in here but a glowing yellow light. Try to touch it, 
and you'll get a yellow materia (Mime). Notice how there's still 
a glow after you've taken the Materia? :) 
WESTERN CAVE (North Norel Area) 
Location: Cave next to a mountain lying on a square of brown 
land. There's a river running nearby. It's 
beyond the mountain footpath by the shallow part 
of the river near the Gold Saucer, on the Western 
Continent--there's another cave entrance by the 
river you need to cross. 
How to get there: Use a Blue, Black, or Gold Chocobo to cross the 
river to the patch of land where the cave is. 
Items to get: HP<->MP materia. 
Inside this icy blue cave is a twinkling purple materia (HP<->MP). 
Location: Cave lying at the end of a penninsula on the north 
stretch of land on the Southernmost Continent. 
How to get there: If you have a Blue Chocobo, land the Highwind on the 
patch of grass on the thin island near Mideel. Then 
use the shallows connecting the penninsulas to reach 
the area where the cave is. If you have a Black or 
Gold Chocobo, simply land on the grassy area near the 
cave and keep walking down the cliff and out to where 
the cave entrance is. If you have the Gold Chocobo, 
you can just walk southeast from the Chocobo Farm 
across the water to the penninsula where the cave is. 
Items to get: Quadra Magic materia. 
This sandy cave is empty, save for a blue pyramid-shaped object. If you 
examine it, you'll get a blue materia (Quadra Magic). 
Location: Oval-shaped island surrounded by mountains and trees 
that is in the northwestern part of the world. It 
is one of the Uncharted Isles (it doesn't show up on 
the map). 
How to get there: Use a Gold Chocobo to fly to the island and climb 
over the mountains. Dismount and enter the cave 
mouth that's at the edge of the forest. 
Items to get: Summon Knights of Round materia. 
This may be another empty area, but the red pyramid lying by the tree 
trunks is none other than the Knights of Round summon materia--the 
most damaging summon spell in the entire game. Simply examine it to 
pick it up. 
6 . 4 y u f f i e ' s s u b - q u e s t 
Location: Town of Wutai. You can go here in Disc 1 after 
you get the Tiny Bronco, or you can do this in Disc 2, 
once you have the Highwind or a colored Chocobo. You 
CANNOT do this in Disc 3, however. 
How to get there: Go to the southern end of the Westernmost Continent 
using the Tiny Bronco, Highwind, a Chocobo, or a 
Chocobo + the Highwind. You MUST have gotten Yuffie 
(though she doesn't have to be in the current party) 
in order to perform this sub-quest. 
Items to get: Hairpin, Fuuma Shuriken, MP Absorb materia, Fast 
Lightning, Elixir x2, Peace Ring, HP Absorb materia, 
X Potion, Turbo Ether, Ice Ring, Universe Manual, 
'Summon Leviathan' materia. 
After arriving at the soutern tip of the Westernmost Continent, head 
north. There is a curving path that leads up to a high plateau. As 
you go along the curve (even if you are riding a Chocobo) you will be 
interrupted by Yuffie. The screen switches to that of a plain, and 
Yuffie runs up, steals your Materia*, and escapes, but not before 
leaving you with two Shinra guards to contend with! The guards are 
easily beaten, though. If Yuffie was in your party when she tricked 
you, you'll have to fight the guards only using two people (in which 
case Barret will join the party afterwards, and if he's already in 
your party, then whoever isn't being used will join. Keep in mind that 
you can rearrange the party in whatever way you'd like afterwards). 
* She can take 48-50 Materia (the number varies), and will steal them 
in this order of preference: Master Materia, Summon Materia, 
Independant Materia, Command Materia, Combination Materia and then 
Magic Materia. This means that it is possible to be left with a few 
materia after she has escaped. Note that if you're using the Materia 
Select Game Shark code and you have disabled Materia equipped/in your 
inventory, she'll steal them and you _won't_ get them back. 
At this point, your characters will refuse to board the vehicle you 
used to get here (Highwind, Tiny Bronco, or Chocobo), insisting that 
they find Yuffie instead. If you were on a Chocobo when Yuffie stole 
your Materia, then you'll still be on it when the sequence ends, but 
you won't be able to board the Highwind, and if you get off the Chocobo, 
you can't get back on. If you use the 'Start with Gold Chocobo' code, 
then you can leave the island, but I don't know what happens if you do 
this sub-quest while riding a real Gold Chocobo. In any case, you can 
use the Chocobo to cheat and simply ride all the way to Wutai, Yuffie's 
hometown. If you're not on a Chocobo, you'll have to walk. 
From the curving path, head north until you cross a bridge, then go west 
across a second bridge. Head southeast once you reach the other side; 
this leads to a north-bound path that runs under the bridge. Follow it 
and it will lead up to another bridge. Past the bridge, the land 
becomes flat and grassy. Keep heading north and you'll arrive at Wutai. 
When you enter the town, Yuffie will see you and run away. Head to the 
upper-left corner of town. There's a path here that leads to a large 
courtyard and a pagoda. Enter the building to your right and walk along 
the hall until you arrive at a room with a man sleeping inside. Enter 
it and talk to the man. He is Godoo, Yuffie's father. Keep talking to 
him until he stands up, at which point Yuffie will appear and then be 
chased away by her father. If you follow Yuffie, you'll find that she 
has disappeared. Before leaving this area, enter the room next to 
Godoo's and examine the right wall. There is a hidden panel here that 
will open, revealing a passage. At the end of the passage is a chest 
containing the Hairpin (a weapon for Red 13). On your way out, go into 
the room to the left of the entrance. You can come here and spend the 
night for free, but if you examine the scroll on the left wall, it will 
lift up, revealing another passage. The chest at the end of this 
passage has a Fuuma Shuriken (Wind Demon Throwing Star) inside it. 
Return to town and go into the eatery in the southwest corner of town. 
The Turks are her! Talk to them all (Elena, Rude, and Reno). When 
you are finished, go to the Item Shop. Normally, there is a woman 
standing in front of a treasure chest (preventing you from getting at 
it) but now she will have moved away. Open the chest and you'll get 
a MP Absorb materia, but Yuffie will drop down from the ceiling and 
swipe it from your hands! Leave the shop and go to the southeast 
edge of town. There's a building here near the entrace. Go inside 
and examine the folding panel to the left. Hiding behind it is Yuffie, 
who dashes away as soon as she is discovered. Chase her outside and 
go to the eatery. If you look at the jar standing outside the eatery, 
you'll see that it is moving. Approach it and press O to make your 
friends block all the exits. Then press O three times to make your 
main character hit the jar until Yuffie jumps out. Seeing that she 
can't escape, she'll lead your characters to her house. 
Meanwhile, two Shinra soldiers run into the eatery to meet with the 
Turks. After Elena leaves, you'll find your characters in Yuffie's 
house. When she goes downstairs, follow her. I was sure that I 
found an item in this room once, but I guess I was mistaken...anyway, 
don't miss the Kamedouraku Flyer that's on the far wall when you go 
downstairs. Talk to Yuffie. When you can move again, examine the 
levers in the back room; you can pull the right lever or the left one. 
It doesn't matter which one you choose, since either one will make 
a cage drop on top of your allies! Yes, Yuffie has tricked you again. 
Examine either lever a second time to free your friends, then leave 
the house. 
Return to the courtyard area where the pagoda is and you'll see that 
you can now enter the building to your left. Climb up the steps and 
examine the bell to ring it; this will reveal a hidden door. Beyond 
the door, you'll find Yuffie, who has been taken hostage by none other 
than Don Corneo, the mohawked pervert that tricked you back in the 
Wall Market. He has captured Elena as well. Before chasing after 
him, open the chest to your right to find a Swift Bolt, and open 
the chest to your left to get an Elixir. Go up the stairs and you'll 
find yourselves in the altar room back in Godoo's house. Three Shinra 
soldiers appear and attack you, allowing Corneo to escape. Kill the 
guards (they're the same as the ones that attacked you back on the 
curving path), then go outside. 
Here, you'll run into Rude and Reno. Talk to them, then return to town 
and head to the northeastern corner of Wutai. There's a path here that 
leads up into the mountains, where huge Dachao statues have been carved 
into the rock. Talk to the Turks again as you follow the path, and keep 
going along the path until it splits. Take the path that goes north. 
It leads past a huge head to a crossroads. Rude is standing here, 
blocking the entrace to a cave. If you talk to him, he'll enter the 
cave. Go inside and open the chest in here to get a weapon for Cid. 
You can't get across the fire-pits yet unless you've gotten the Suishin 
x no Uroko from the submarine docks (see section 4i for more information 
on the Suishin x no Uroko, and section 4j to find out what treasure you 
can get from the fire-pits). There's a chest here that has a weapon for 
Cid in it, but I got it back in Disc 1 so I forgot (I think it's the 
Grow Lance or the Mop). ^_^; Talk to Rude again and then exit the cave 
and head south to find Corneo, who's tied Elena and Yuffie to the face 
of a Dachao statue. When you confront him, he summons a boss to attack 
BOSS TIPS: RAPUSU LV: 39 HP: 6000 MP: 300 
This winged beast isn't that tough, but unless you were able to hold onto 
some Materia, all you can do is attack. Use Phoenix Downs and Hi-Potions 
or other restorative items to heal your party, and you may want to use 
'attack' items like the Deadly Waste or Swift Bolt in order to 
inflict damage along with your normal attacks. Because of their high 
attack power, Red 13 and Vincent make the best allies to have in this 
fight. If you think you can make it without Vincent assiting you, then 
use his breaks to inflict lots of damage on the boss. You'll recieve a 
Peace Ring when the battle is finished. 
After the battle, Don Corneo will ask you a question and you have three 
answers to choose from. Pick any one you like. Corneo threatens to 
kill Yuffie and Elena, but then Reno and Rude show up and send Corneo 
to his well-deserved demise. Back at her house, Yuffie will give all 
the materia she stole back to your characters (including the MP Absorb 
You'll find yourself back in the World Map again, but I wouldn't leave 
just yet if I were you. Return to Wutai and enter the building near 
Yuffie's house. It's full of cats. Normally, there's nothing you can 
do here, but now you can climb up the steps in the back to find a 
secret passage. Walk north (towards the screen), to find a cat and a 
chest. Inside the chest is a HP Absorb materia. Take it and go back 
Now, head back to the courtyard. Enter the pagoda and talk to the man 
there, Goorikii. He'll inform you that if she wishes, Yuffie can 
fight by herself against the five guardians of the Pagoda of Five Strong. 
Choose the top option to accept and the bottom option to decline. After 
each battle, go up the stairs and talk to the person there, picking the 
top option to fight them and the bottom option to not fight them. You 
don't have to kill all the guardians in one go, and if Yuffie is killed 
in battle, the game won't end, although she'll have zero HP and will 
need to be revived before she can fight again. Your enemies are: 
First Floor: Goorikii, a winged creature. 
BOSS TIPS: GOORIKII LV: 30 HP: 3000 MP: 150 
(weak vs. Wind) 
Use Haste on yourself, then use the Deathblow materia repeatedly in 
order to inflict lots of damage. Don't forget to heal yourself when 
your life gets low. The boss can use Barrier, but he's still easy to 
defeat. Yuffie gets an X Potion once she's won the battle. 
Second Floor: Sheiku, a penguin-like monster. 
BOSS TIPS: SHEIKU LV: 32 HP: 4000 MP: 180 
Use the same strategy that you used against Goorikii. You might try 
the Barrier spell to reduce physical damage. His 'Furious Bomber' attack 
causes a lot of damage, but it will fill up your Limit Break bar very 
quickly. Yuffie will recieve an Turbo Ether when the fight ends. 
Third Floor: Chehofu, a four-armed foe. 
BOSS TIPS: CHEHOFU LV: 34 HP: 5000 MP: 210 
Keep your HPs up in case you get paralyzed. Once again, using Haste, 
Barrier, and then attacking with the Hissatsu materia should do the trick 
if your attack power is low. Yuffie's prize for winning this battle is 
a Ice Ring. 
Fourth Floor: Sutanifu, a creature swinging and iron ball. 
BOSS TIPS: SUTANIFU LV: 36 HP: 6000 MP: 240 
Fight him the same way you fought Sheiku. Without a doubt, the easiest 
boss of the Pagoda of Five Strong. If you win, Yuffie will get an 
Elixir from him. 
Fifth Floor: Godoo, a three-headed monster. Note that he will 
automatically attack you win you talk to him. 
BOSS TIPS: GODOO LV: 41 HP: 10000 MP: 1000 
Godoo's attack style changes depending on which head is facing you. He 
has many attacks, including the Tryne Enemy Skill and the ability to 
drain your HP. He will also use his supply of MP to heal himself for 
around 1200+ points per use. To beat him, deplete him MP supply by using 
the Ghost Hand item or Magic Hammer Enemy Skill (you can learn it from 
the Ashigirisous that live north of Wutai; they look like bunches of 
grass). The other way to beat him is simply Berserk yourself, assuming 
you have enough HP and your attacks do over 1200 points of damage. Your 
only other tactic is to stay alive until he runs out of HP and then 
attack him. You'll get Yuffie's Level 4 Limit Break Manual (Universe) 
once Godoo is defeated. 
After Yuffie defeats Godoo, he'll give you the 'Summon Leviathan' 
7 . P L A Y I N G T H E G A M E 
7 . 1 t e r m i n o l o g y 
Certain notations and abbreviations are used in this FAQ. This is what 
they mean: 
S Square Button L1 Front Left Shift 
X X Button L2 Back Left Shift 
O Circle button R1 Front Right Shift 
T Triangle button R2 Back Right Shift 
START Start Button SELECT Select Button 
B#/# - Indicates the Break Level and which one to use (i.e. Red 13's 
B2/2 would be the Stardust Ray, while Barret's 3/1 would be his 
Satellite Beam). 
Field - Any area aside from the World Map. Towns, caves, dungeons, power 
plants, and so on are all considered 'field' areas. 
World Map - The 3-d overhead world in which you can travel to towns and 
other locations, and activate the map. When first starting the game, you 
will not reach the 'World Map' area until a good part of the first disc 
has been completed. This is also referred to as the 'outer world' or 
'overworld' throughout this FAQ. 
A note on Materia: Since I was able to get many of the correct names 
for new revisions, I've replaced the names of materia, spells, etc. 
with their proper names. However, in most cases I won't list the spell 
in particular but the Materia you should use (i.e. Honoo  
instead of Fire 3 ). This means that you should use the highest 
level that you have (or the one that suits you the best. 
And as usual, 'x' denotes Kanji I could not translate into English. 
7 . 2 s t a r t i n g / s a v i n g t h e g a m e 
After inserting the disc you're currently on, watch the intro or bypass 
it by pressing START. Then, choose NEW GAME to start from the beginning 
(you'll need to have Disc One entered), or choose the bottom option to 
continue a saved game. If you choose to continue, select SLOT 1 or 
SLOT 2 (depending on which slot your memory card is in). Then, select 
the saved file you wish to continue. 
To save your game, you must be in the World Map or standing on a Save 
Point while in an Area Map (these are glowing blue circles with a 
rotating 'C' shape above them). Go to the main menu and choose SAVE, 
(the last option), then specify which memory card and which save 
slot you wish to use. If all the slots are full, you will get a 
message telling you that you cannot save. A note on Save Points; 
you can also (in most cases), use the PHS system to change members 
while standing on a Save Point. 
7 . 3 c o n t r o l l e r f u n c t i o n s 
The default settings of the PSX controller are: 
CONTROL PAD - Moves your character in eight directions. Also 
used to move the cursor during menu screens and 
to highlight enemies/allies and options during 
SELECT - Shows location of character on-screen using a 
cursor. In battle, this turns on/off the 
HELP window. In the World Map, it has the 
same effect as the START button. 
START - In the World Map, it displays/removes the map. 
During battles, it pauses the action. 
SQUARE (pink) - During battle, holding this button removes the 
Command window, making the Barrier gauges more 
visible. It also switches between the Materia 
window and Equip window on the Menu Screen 
(providing you are in either of those windows). 
X (blue) - Cancels selections in the Shop screen. During 
battle, it cancels choices and during the Menu 
screen, it cancels choices and closes the screen 
if no choices have been made. If not assigned 
an ability, this button cancels choices and 
returns you to the previous option during any 
other screen. When used in conjunction with the 
control pad, your character dashes while on the 
field. Dashing can be combined with L1 and R1 
to run at an angle. 
TRIANGLE (green) - In the field, it opens the Menu screen. In the 
Menu Screen, it de-equips whatever Materia is 
selected if you are in the Materia window. In 
battle, it highlights whoever you want to fight 
next (assuming they have a full Time bar). 
CIRCLE (red) - In the field, press it when near something to 
examine it or to talk to a person. This button 
is also used to pick up items, open treasure 
chests, and latch onto ladders and objects. 
It will select the items you wish to buy or sell 
at shops, and can be used to verify commands or 
perform an action (like opening a gate, running 
an elevator, etc.) 
LEFT ONE (L/1) - When held and used in conjunction with the 
control pad, your character walks at a 45-degree 
angle to his left. When selecting items or magic 
in the Menu Screen, it moves the view up a screen 
with each press. When selecting a character to 
check that person's Materia, magic, equipment, 
status, or Limit Break, pressing this button 
scrolls backwards through the characters according 
to their lineup. 
In the World Map, this button makes your character 
turn left while it is held down. If you are in 
overhead view, pressing this button returns you 
to ground-level view. 
LEFT TWO (L/2) - While in the World Map, switches the viewpoint 
from ground-level to overhead. 
RIGHT ONE (R/1) - When held and used in conjunction with the 
control pad, your character walks at a 45-degree 
angle to his right. When selecting items or 
magic in the Menu Screen, it moves the view down 
a screen with each press. When selecting a 
character to check that person's Materia, magic 
equipment, status, or Limit Break, pressing this 
button scrolls forward through the characters 
according to their lineup. 
In the World Map, this button makes your character 
turn right while it is held down. If you are in 
overhead view, pressing this button returns you 
to ground-level view. 
RIGHT TWO (L/2) - While in the World Map, switches the viewpoint 
from ground-level to overhead. 
Other Commands: 
L1 + R1 - During battle, makes you run away if held down 
for a while. Doesn't always work, and is 
ineffective in certain fights. 
L1 or R1 - Selects between a single target or all targets 
during battle when using magic/commands 
(assuming you have an All or Everything 
All materia working in conjunction with 
whatever materia are equipped). You can also 
do this by press Left or Right on the controller. 
L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 - Resets the game. Doesn't work during battles or 
+ SELECT + START the Fort Condor simulation battle. 
Note that these are the default settings: they can be changed in the Menu 
Screen. Additional button commands (for vehicles, games, etc.) are 
listed throughout the FAQ's walkthrough section. 
7 . 4 b a t t l e s 
There are two ways to enter a battle. The most common way is to be 
randomly attacked while exploring the World/Area map screen. You will 
also fight boss battles, which aren't random and occur only after a 
certain event/arriving at a certain location. 
When the battle starts, the camera will move inwards for a better view 
(it switches constantly during battles, but you can set it to remain 
stationary in the Configuration screen located in the Main Menu). 
The enemies will be on the left, and your characters appear on the right 
(usually). Depending on a person's Speed Plus, either you or the enemy 
will attack first (not the whole party, just a single character). The 
object of battle is to kill all your enemies without getting killed 
yourself. A battle ends when either side has died, or if the enemy or 
your party runs away. 
To the left on the Battle Menu window is the word NAME. Underneath this 
appears the names of the three characters currently in your party. Next 
to that is the word BARRIER. Beneath that is a double-gauge that informs 
you how long your Barrier (vs. physical attacks), or Mabarrier (vs. magic 
attacks) will last. Note that they are only full if you have a 
(ma)barrier spell in use, have an equipped accessory (Reflect Ring) or 
are using some other form of physical/Magic Plus defense. 
To the right of that is the word HP. This shows the current/total amount 
of HP each character possesses using both numbers and a bar. If you have 
few HPs left, the numbers turn yellow. And if your status has been 
changed (i. e. you are poisoned), the total amount of HPs is replaced by 
the name of your status condition. Depending on the amount of HPs 
remaining and the type of status you have, your character may fall to 
one knee or crouch on the ground to show that he is weakened. Farther to 
the right is the word MP. Below that is the current amount of MPs each 
character has, represented in both number and bar format. If you are low 
on MPs, the numbers turn yellow. If you die, your HP and MP numbers are 
shown in red. Finally, on the far right are two bars. 
The first bar is the Limit bar. As you are attacked, this bar increases 
in proportion to the damage received. When it is full, it will flash 
rapidly. During this time, you can use your Limit Break attacks instead 
of fighting (described later on), and your agility is increased. If you 
don't use your Limit Break when a battle ends, it is carried into the 
next battle. If you don't use your Limit Break for several rounds during 
a battle, it empties slightly (but can be refilled). Choosing to be 
attacked by yourself or your friends, or being attacked by a confused 
friend will not increase your Limit bar. 
The last bar is the Time bar. It increases in proportion to a person's 
Speed Plus rating. When it is full, it flashes orange, and you are now 
able to choose a command (this is also signified by the yellow, pyramid- 
shaped icon that appears over the person's head and by their name, which 
flashes between white and gray). When it is not full, you cannot control 
that character. 
When a person's Time bar maxes out, the Command Window appears, covering 
the Barrier gauges (they can be uncovered by holding the S button). The 
first option is Attack (one enemy or one friend). If your Limit Bar is 
full, then it is replaced with a rainbow-colored font and you cannot 
Attack but can use Limit Breaks. The next option is Magic (assuming your 
character knows magic/has a Magic Materia equipped). This allows you to 
select a magic spell to use, providing you have the proper number of MPs 
left. The third option is usually blank, unless you have a Command 
Materia equipped. When such Materia are in use, this option can be many 
things: Steal, Throw, etc. The fourth option is Item, and it allows you 
to use your inventory of unequipped items on yourself or against an enemy. 
Note that you cannot equip or de-equip items or Materia during battle. 
Depending on the number of Materia equipped, you may have more than four 
options available, in which case the Command Window will expand to show 
them all. Other commands are listed in the order that your materia are 
At any time while the Command Window is showing and you haven't yet made 
a selection, you can press right (then the O button) to guard. You 
can't attack while guarding (which lasts the whole round), but any 
damage inflicted on you is halved. Likewise, pressing left (then the 
O button) makes you change rows. This takes a whole round and you can 
do no other action while changing. Characters in the front row inflict 
and recieve more damage, while characters in the back inflict and 
receive less damage (you can also change row position in the Menu Screen; 
changing position during battle isn't permanent). 
There are several ways to attack or get attacked. The situation chosen 
when entering a battle is somewhat random, but your abilities and 
statistics can change the outcome: 
(Attack) The standard you-versus-them setup. Priority 
is determined by Speed Plus. 
(Chance) The enemies will have their backs turned and 
you can all attack, run, or perform any other 
command without being attacked for the first 
round only. 
(Back Attack) You have your backs turned to the enemy, who 
appears on the right. Not only are your rows 
reversed (front to back/back to front), but 
the enemy gets to attack first without you 
being able to do anything about it for the 
first round only. Note that Materia that 
work automatically (like Guard and Counter 
Attack), will still function normally. 
(Side Attack) You appear on either side of your enemy. 
Although you can't use the CHANGE command, 
this method prevents the enemy from turning 
his full attention to all characters and lets 
you attack from the front and behind. 
(Scissors Attack - Ambush) The enemy appears on either side. You cannot 
use the CHANGE command, and it is impossible 
to direct an attack or spell towards all 
enemies. Your foes can make both front and 
back attacks. Keep in mind that it is very 
important whether or not you are facing your 
opponent--your attacks/limit breaks/magic 
won't hit enemies who are behind you. 
Normally, you can run away from an enemy party, but not always. If you 
can't run away, a message will tell you so and holding L1 and R1 will 
have no further effect. Unless fighting a boss (who you can never 
run away from), you can almost always run from an Initial Attack (first 
round only) or Side Attack formation. You cannot run from a back attack 
for the first round, and you must be facing toward your enemy in order 
to run away (since you run in the opposite direction). If ambushed, 
you cannot run unless you kill all the enemies on one side of you and 
are facing toward your foes (for the same reason listed above). 
When you run away, the battle ends, but you gain no money, AP, or EXP. 
Also, you can be attacked while running and it may take anywhere from a 
second to several minutes to escape a battle, (if it is possible to do 
so). You can select and confirm commands while trying to escape (in 
which case you will stop running to attack, use an item, etc.), but you 
won't run away while doing such things. 
While the game is paused during battle, you can do nothing but remove 
the Command Window (if it is showing) by holding the S button. While 
a character is summoning a monster, you can build up your Time bar and 
select commands, but not confirm them (this includes running). During 
enemy actions and some of your own actions, the 'Time' message changes 
to 'Wait' and your bars won't fill until either you or the enemy finish 
doing whatever caused the 'Wait' status in the first place. 
If you lose a battle (the enemy is able to reduce your party's HP to zero 
via attacking, magic, etc.), the game ends. You must start over from 
your previously saved game. If you win the battle (by reducing all 
enemies' HP to zero via attacking, magic, etc.), then a screen appears 
showing you how many EXP and AP points you've gained*. Pressing O calls 
up another screen where the amount of Gil (currency) you've won is shown, 
and you have the option of taking items from your fallen foes (if they 
had any items). Once the battle is over, you are returned to the field/ 
area you were at prior to the battle. 
If a character is dead when the battle ends, he or she will gain no 
EXP or AP. The same applies to _fully_ petrified characters. 
7 . 5 l i s t o f s t a t u s c h a n g e s 
It's possible to have your status changed outside of battles, but most 
status changes occur during combat. Enemies can also suffer from 
status ailments, which include: 
Appearance Character flashes blue and faces in opposite direction 
Effect Character is controlled by the enemy 
Duration Until controlled character is damaged, killed, or put 
to sleep 
Remedy Successful physical attack from friend or foe 
Appearance Character's skin is red 
Effect Character automatically fights using physical attacks, 
however, Attack Power is raised 
Duration Battle 
Remedy Remedy or Esuna magic 
Appearance Shield appears when physically attacked; Barrier gauge 
is filled (to a degree) 
Effect Physical damage from enemies is reduced 
Duration Until gauge runs out 
Remedy Debarrier or Dispel magic 
Appearance "......" word bubble appears over head 
Effect Cannot cast magic or summon monsters 
Duration Battle 
Remedy Echo Smoke*, Remedy, Esuna magic 
Appearance Character spins around and around 
Effect Character is uncontrollable and will attack or cast 
magic on both friends and foes 
Duration Battle; or until physically attacked 
Remedy Remedy, Esuna magic 
Appearance Counter Attack appears over person's head 
Effect Character dies when Counter Attack hits zero 
Duration Battle; or until Counter Attack reaches zero 
Remedy Finish/escape from battle before your time is up 
(ha ha ha). If you revive a Condemned character, the 
Counter Attack will not reappear. 
Appearance Character is kneeling, HPs are shown in yellow 
Effect None 
Duration Until character dies or is healed 
Remedy Cure, Full Cure, or Regen spells, or Potion, Hi 
Potion, X Potion, Elixir, or Mega Elixir. 
Appearance Character is lying face down 
Effect Character does nothing (he/she's dead) 
Duration Forever* 
Remedy Phoenix Down, Raise/Life 2 magic, Phoenix summon 
spell, or you can spend the night at an inn. 
* Dead characters receive no EXP or AP should their teammates win 
the battle for them. 
Appearance Character kneels and flashes green 
Effect Lowers HP each turn 
Duration Battle 
Remedy Poison Neutralize, Remedy, or 
Poisona magic. 
Appearance Character moves faster 
Effect Time bar increases twice as fast 
Duration Battle 
Remedy Slow, Stop, or Dispel magic 
Appearance Limit gauge is colored red 
Effect Amount of damage received doubles, Hit Rate decreases, 
and Limit gauge fills faster 
Duration Battle 
Remedy Tranquilizer 
Appearance Limit gauge is colored blue 
Effect Character's physical attacks do less damage; Limit 
gauge fills slower 
Duration Until healed 
Remedy Hyper 
Appearance Character flashes black 
Effect Hit Rate is dramatically reduced 
Duration Battle 
Remedy Eye drop, Remedy, Esuna magic 
Appearance Magic shield appears when magic is cast on that 
character; Mabarrier gauge is filled (to a degree) 
Effect Reduces the effects of magic cast on that character 
from friends or foes 
Duration Until gauge runs out 
Remedy Debarrier or Dispel magic 
Appearance Mega shield appears when a character is hit by 
physical attacks or has magic cast upon him; both 
gauges are filled 
Effect Reduces effectiveness of physical attacks and magic 
spells directed towards the shielded person 
Duration Until gauges run out 
Remedy Debarrier or Dispel magic 
Appearance Character shrinks, becoming very small 
Effect Attack/Defense Power is lowered greatly; almost all 
attacks cause only 1 point of damage (even magic 
spells or attacks that can be affected by Materia) 
Duration Battle 
Remedy Minimum magic, Magic Hammer Enemy Skill 
Appearance Characters flash yellow* 
Effect Character cannot lose HP or be killed 
Duration Only a few rounds 
Remedy None 
* Not if you become invincible using the 'Shield' spell. 
Appearance Character doesn't move 
Effect Character does nothing 
Duration Variable 
Remedy Remedy, Esuna magic 
Appearance None 
Effect Character gains back lost HP each turn 
Duration Variable 
Remedy None 
Effect Reflects all magic cast upon character by friend 
or enemy 
Duration Variable 
Remedy Dispel magic 
Appearance Character has gray skin and doesn't move 
Effect Character does nothing 
Duration Battle 
Remedy Golden Needle, Remedy, Esuna magic 
* Petrified characters will not receive EXP or AP should their teammates 
win the battle for them. 
Appearance Character flashes white while Counter Attack appears over 
Effect Causes Petrification (see above) 
Duration Battle; or until petrification occurs 
Remedy Golden Needle, Remedy, or Esuna magic 
Appearance Character kneels and 'ZZZs' rise from body 
Effect Character does nothing 
Duration Battle; or until physically attacked 
Remedy Remedy, successful physical attack from 
friend or foe 
Appearance Character moves slower 
Effect Time gauge fills slower 
Duration Variable 
Remedy Haste or Dispel magic 
Appearance Character doesn't move 
Effect Character does nothing; Time gauge doesn't fill 
Duration Variable 
Remedy Dispel magic 
Appearance Character looks like a toad 
Effect Attack/Defense Power is lowered, cannot use 
any magic other than 'Toad' magic* 
Duration Battle 
Remedy Toad or Dispel magic, Maiden's Kiss 
* If you tried to cast magic or summon a creature and got turned into 
a frog, no MP is lost (and you can still summon the following round). 
However, if you tried to Throw an item, that item isn't even thrown 
but is still lost forever. Also, all flying enemies are immune to 
this status ailment. 
Your status condition is usually always shown at the bottom of the 
screen, over the 'MAX HP' section in red letters. If you have more than 
one change (i.e. you are poisoned and slowed), then the condition 
message will constantly change back and forth. 
7 . 6 w o r l d m a p a n d t h e a r e a m a p 
While in the World Map, you can show, enlarge, or hide the Map by 
pressing Start or Select repeatedly. When you get them, the river- 
crossing Buggy and Cid's Airplane are represented as green and blue dots, 
while the submarine is shown as a red dot and the airship 'Highwind' is a 
white dot. Here in the 3-d 'overworld', you can travel through forests, 
plains, and fields in search of towns, caves, and other places. As in 
previous Final Fantasy games, mountains, rivers, and oceans are 
impassable while walking, but may be traversed using other means, such 
as vehicles or special breeds of Chocobos. When you enter a 'location' 
(i.e. a town or dungeon), you enter the area map and leave behind the 
World Map. No matter where you are on the World Map, you always run the 
risk of fighting monsters. 
Area maps are a series of rendered backgrounds linked together to make up 
a location. Your freedom of movement is somewhat limited in these areas. 
Most FMV sequences take place while in an area map. Aside from talking 
to people and fighting battles (depending on where you are), you can also 
find treasure chests, navigate through hidden passages, climb up ropes, 
activate switches and levers, or save your game at Save Points. With few 
exceptions, area maps are the only place where you'll find bosses. 
7 . 7 v i s i t i n g t o w n s a n d s h o p s 
In towns, be sure to talk to the townspeople and investigate the 
buildings to get clues, items, etc. There are, of course, shops in most 
of the towns, too. Shops sell anything from potions and weapons to 
bracelets and Materia orbs. In a shop, you're given three choices 
initially. The rightmost one is BUY*. Choose the item you want to buy, 
then press left, right, up or down to confirm how many of that item you 
want. The middle option is SELL. Choosing the left choice lets you sell 
items and weapons, while the right lets you sell your Materia. The third 
option is QUIT, and returns you to the game. 
* These are not the exact English equivalents of the Japanese used. 
7 . 8 h a v i n g f u n 
To play this game, go to the Battle Square and enter the main building. 
Talk to the lady by the righthand booth and she'll give you an option. 
Choose the top one to enter the Battle Arena, or the bottom one to 
decline. It costs 10 GP to enter the Battle Arena each time. Should 
you accept, you have to choose which character will fight by himself 
in the Arena. 
Once inside the Arena, you have to fight 8 consecutive battles against 
randomly-picked sets of monsters. Fighting is done normally, and you 
can use anything you have equipped (weapons, spell materia, command 
materia, items, etc.) to attack your enemies with. Each time you finish 
a battle, you get the message 'GREAT!' and you're then told how many BP 
(Battle Points) you've won in that particular battle (it's on the right 
side of the window). You have two options; pick the left one to keep 
fighting or the right one to give up and leave the Arena. 
If you choose to keep fighting, a slot machine appears prior to your next 
bout and you have to press O to stop the wheel. Whatever you land on 
will have a significant effect upon you as soon as the next battle 
starts. However, most of these conditions can be remedied by using 
items, and some (such as Minimum) won't even affect you if you're wearing 
an accessory that protects you from that type of status ailment. Below 
is a list of many of the various results you may land on*: 
Poison - 'Poisoned' status. 
Frog - 'Toad' status. 
Mini-Cloud - 'Minimum' status. 
Red Orb - Disables Red (Summon) Materia. 
Yellow Orb - Disables Yellow (Command) Materia. 
Green Orb - Disables Green (Magic) Materia. 
Purple Orb - Disables Purple (Independent) Materia. 
Blue Orb - Disables Blue (Combination) Materia. 
Five Orbs - Disables all Materia. 
Ring - Disables accessories. 
Bag - Disables items. 
Luck Plus 7 - Luck is cut in half. 
Boots - Speed Plus is cut in half. 
HP & MP - Max HP and MP is halved. 
MP Sign - Max MP is halved. 
MP Zero - Max MP is reduced to 0. 
Sword - Attack power is lowered. 
Bracelet - Your defense is lowered. 
Stopwatch - Time bar takes x30 longer to max out. 
Lv. Down - This lowers your level by 5, 10, 15.... 
Cure - Gain back 9999 HP. 
* Of course, it is possible to cheat. For example, if your Magic 
materia have been disabled but you just used Monomane after casting 
a magic spell, you can mimic yourself to still use that spell. Or 
if you have Nageru combined to a Counter Attack materia and your 
items are disabled, you will still hurl one of your throwable items. 
Each time you choose to keep fighting, yet another bar appears on the 
slot machine. And because the eight battles are continuous, you'll keep 
whatever ailment you landed on in the last battle (unless you cured it), 
and get another ailment as well, making the battles progressively harder 
as you suffer from more and more handicaps. 
You do not gain AP, EXP, or gil for fighting in the Battle Arena. You 
can't learn enemy skills, either, even if you proceed to win all eight 
battles. You can steal or henka enemies to get items, but that's it. 
Using Limit Breaks in the Arena won't deplete your Limit bar when the 
battles are over, though. Your fighting spree ends if: 
- You win all 8 battles. 
- You choose to give up after completing a battle. 
- You cast Escape on yourself or use an item that has a similar effect. 
- You run away :) 
- You are killed during the course of the battles :( 
Unless you're killed or run away, you will keep all the Battle Points 
that you've earned from each fight. What's more, you can continuously 
enter the Battle Arena (providing that you have enough GP) and fight 
over and over to pick up even more Battle Points. However, you lose 
_all_ your BP if you leave the Battle Square, so you have to get the 
number of points you want in one trip. You can trade in the Points 
you've earned for prizes by going to the machines on the left or right 
side of the entrance and examining them. The following chart appears if 
you have enough BP to purchase something: 
Phoenix Down 100 BP Item 
Remedy 200 Item 
Mimett Greens 400 Item 
Enemy Lure 800 Independant Materia 
Choco Feather 1600 Accessory 
S-mine 3200 Item 
Pre-emptive 6400 Independant Materia 
Speed Plus Plus 12800 Independant Materia 
Champion Belt 25600 Accessory 
OmniSlash 51200 Cloud's Level 4 Limit Break Manual 
Remedy 100 BP Item 
Enemy Lure 250 Independent Materia 
Right arm 500 Item 
Pre-emptive 1000 Independent Materia 
Reagan Greens 2000 Item 
Speed Plus Plus 4000 Independent Materia 
Stardust 8000 Item 
Champion Belt 16000 Accessory 
OmniSlash 32000 Cloud's Level 4 Limit Break Manual 
W-Summon 64000 Command Materia 
You can buy as many of each item as you like if you have enough BP. 
In order to gain access to the URA (reverse) Battle, you have to be in 
Disc 2 or 3. Cloud must be in your party, and you have to have the 
Ultima Weapon as well. Go to the Battle Square and keep fighting 
until you have enough BP to buy Cloud's Limit Break Manual or the Double 
Summon materia (you don't have to use Cloud to earn the Battle Points). 
Purchase one of them, then fight some more until you can afford the 
other item. Make sure that Cloud has learned all his limit breaks 
except for his Level 4 Limit Break, then use his Manual on him and 
equip him with the Ultima Weapon and the W-Summon materia (you 
don't need to attach a Summon Materia to it). Talk to the lady at the 
desk and she'll invite you to participate in the URA Battle. You'll 
have to win eight consecutive fights against 8 boss monsters, even ones 
that you may not have met yet, like PuraudoKuraddo and JamaaAamaa. If 
you're able to defeat all the bosses, then Dio will reward Cloud with 
the Final Attack materia. 
While I have yet to meet him, several people have told me that a man 
will show up outside of the Gold Saucer from time to time. He'll be 
standing near the back of the screen in the outer entrace area (where 
the Save Point is). If you talk to him, he will trade you 1 GP for 
100 gil. You can purchase up to 100 GP off him every time he appears. 
If you get a high enough time score in the Snowboarding game at the 
Gold Saucer (which, BTW, has different courses than the one at Icicle 
Lodge), you'll get to race against a 'ghost' racer. Who could this 
master of the snowy slopes be? A Moogle, that's what. Don't make 
Cloud look bad in front of all his friends--beat the Moogle! 
You can fight at the Fort Condor during any disc, although if you want 
the Huge Materia, you'll have to play and win at least once in Disc Two. 
What's written here are brief instructions and simple strategies to win. 
The object of the game is to prevent the enemy from taking your land 
(this is indicated by a pink bar to the left of the screen), and to wipe 
your foes out before they finish you off. Your guys are blue; the 
enemy's force is red. 
In the beginning, you'll be in control of a cursor and there are no 
enemies on the screen. You can use this time to place your allies 
before the battle begins (while you can place icons during the battle, 
it's easier to start off right now). You can only set people as far 
as the red line; if you can't place a person, a red X appears over the 
hand cursor. Placing icons costs money (gil). Remember, you can't 
place bad guys! The types and statistics of each icon (good and bad) 
are as follows: 
Note that not all of these will be available intially (like the Fire 
Catapult and Tristoner). 
STATS. OF THE GOOD GUYS ________________________________________________ 
Stoner 100 20 1~4 480 n/a 
Tristoner 150 30 1~5 1000 n/a 
Catapult 100 18 1~5 480 n/a 
Fire Catapult 120 25 1~6 600 n/a 
Fighter 200 30 1 400 n/a 
Attacker 180 25 1 420 Beast / Barbarian 
Defender 220 35 1 440 Barbarian / Wyvern 
Shooter 160 20 1~3 520 Wyvern / Beast 
Repairer 160 10 1 480 n/a 
Worker 160 15 1 400 n/a 
STATS. OF THE BAD GUYS _________________________________________________ 
Beast 230 Shooters / Attackers 
Wyvern* 190 Defenders / Shooters 
Barbarian 100 Attackers / Defenders 
Commander 250 ??? 
* These guys can fly over obstacles, giving them more range. 
The bad part about all this is that it cost real money (your money!) to 
play this game. So it's best that you stock up on gil before playing. 
However, you'll be paid gil for every ally left standing when the battle 
ends. To buy an icon, use the controller to select them and press O. 
Then choose where you want to place one and press O again. If you're 
placing a (Fire) Catapult or (Tri)stoner, then you'll see a red circle 
or wedge-shape when you place them; this indicates their line of fire. 
Use the Control Pad to choose how you want them to aim their attack. 
When you're ready, press X and choose the top option. The battle 
begins! Your controls work like this: 
O Accept a command. Place the cursor over a character 
and place this button and you'll be given an option; 
see the list of icons to see what options are available. 
X Decline a command 
L1 / L2 Decrease the Speed Plus of the battle 
R1 / R2 Increase the Speed Plus of the battle 
Start Pause/unpause the game 
Select Show/hide instruction screen 
Pad Moves cursor/put over ally or foe to see their 
statistics and the direction they're heading in. 
Every time one of your icons finishes walking, enters battle, or is 
killed, you will be asked if you want to go to their location/give them 
a new command (if they died, it asks if you want to place a new one). 
Press O to accept, or X to decline. 
ICON OPTIONS ___________________________________________________________ 
Stoner TOP OPTION - DIRECTION. You can redirect 
TriStoner either type of droppers' line of fire. 
BOTTOM OPTION - REMOVE. The dropper is 
Catapult TOP OPTION - DIRECTION You can redirect 
Fire Catapult either type of catapult's line of fire. 
BOTTOM OPTION - REMOVE. The catapult is 
Fighter OPTION - ACTION. Pick where you want any of the 
Defender three icons to move to and press O. If they 
Shooter can't walk to a certain location, an X appears 
over the cursor. 
Repairer OPTION - ACTION. Works just like the ACTION 
command explained above. 
If you make a Repairer walk near a damaged 
Catapult, Fire Catapult, Boulder, or Triple 
Boulder, he can repair them (give them back 
HPs). These guys can automatically fight, too. 
Worker TOP OPTION - ACTION. Works just like the WALK 
command explained above. 
BOTTOM OPTION - BOMB. Creates a bomb that 
explodes when enemies approach. 
The 'Dismantle' command for the catapults and droppers may seem useless, 
but once an enemy force has passed beyond the range of one of these 
icons, they are useless. To free up space for more icons, (you can only 
have 20 at a time, remember?) you'll want to use this ability. 
Basically, the battle is fairly automatic. People attack when close, 
the catapults and droppers fire continuously. All you have to do is 
move, replenish, and place new members. The battle ends when the 'land 
taken' meter maxes out (i.e. they reach the little brown hut) or you 
win the battle by destroying all the enemies. Including the boss who 
shows up when most of the enemy force is defeated, there are about 40 
enemies in total, who climb up the screen in a more or less steady, 
continuous wave. If you've played FF3, this feels a little like those 
'mass-crazy-fight-till-you drop battles', but without the rush of 
adrenaline that usually accompanies such a fight. 
(Note that you'll have to wait a while before another fight is 
available. Also, as far as I can tell, there's no point in donating 
money since you'll have to spend Gil to hire troops, anyway.) 
Battle One: 10 Enemies: 6 Beasts, 3 Wyverns, 1 Commander 
Prize - Magic Comb 
Battle Two: 

Hope you have some money. Start by placing Tristoner at the top of each 
path and angle their line of fire to follow the path (that's 4). Then, 
buy another one and place it at the main junction and make it fire 
straight forward. Now, purchase four Fire Catapults and place them at 
the bottom of the paths, as close to the red line as you can. Angle 
their line of fire to hit where the Tristoners can't. If you can spare 
the gil, place two more just a little ways south and to either side from 
the main Tristoners for added protection. Still with me? Place some 
Defenders and Attackers down at the bottom, then place a whole bunch of 
Fighters, Attackers, and Defenders at the top of the screen. Last, stick 
in some Shooters in hard-to-reach areas where they can pelt the enemy. 
As your installments are destroyed/killed, all you have to do is place 
new ones. 
If you have a _lot_ of cash, then just go crazy with the Tristoners and 
keep placing new ones (since they'll instantly fire). If the enemy 
gains too much ground, start amassing forces of Defenders and Attackers 
to take your opponents out and defend your installations. The boss is 
easy to kill since he's slow and shows up when there's not a lot of 
people left (leaving him all buy himself). Just gang up on him with 
Defenders and Fighters, and if you've placed them earlier, try to steer 
him towards the Bombs that the Workers can lay. 
7 . 9 m a i n m e n u 
At any time, press T to go to the Main menu. Here, you'll see portraits 
of the members of your party, and to the right of each portrait, the 
following stats: 
Current level of experience (LV) 
Current/maximum HP 
Current/maximum MP 
Amount of experience gained (top bar) 
Maximum Limit Break Level 
Amount of energy in the Limit Break gauge (bottom bar) 
At the bottom of the screen is listed the amount of time you've spent 
playing, and beneath that, the amount of gil (currency) you're carrying. 
Beneath that is the name of your location. To the far right are ten 
commands that you can select and choose: 
This screen shows the items you have. You can USE an item, ARRANGE your 
items in eight different styles, or view your KEY ITEMS (these commands 
are in order from left to right). Depending on the item you choose, you 
may be able to use it on you or your companions (choose with the pointer). 
USE - Move the cursor to select and use an item. 
PUT IN ORDER - Arrange the items in one of eight ways: 
ZIBUNDE - Do-it-yourself. 
FIELD - Items usable while on the World Map/Field are at the top of 
the list. 
BATTLE - Items usable during a battle are at the top of the list. 
THROW - Items that can be thrown are at the top of the list. 
CATEGORY - Items are grouped by category (Weapons, Bracelets, 
Accessories, and Items). 
NAME - Items are sorted by name (using the Japanese alphabet). 
OOI - Items that you have the most of are at the top of the list. 
TSUKUNAI - Items that you have the least of are at the top of the list. 
KEY ITEM - Shows what Key Items you have. You can see an item's 
description by pressing O and moving the cursor. 
After choosing this command, choose the character whose magic you'd like 
to view. When the screen changes, highlight MAHOU to see what magic 
your character has equipped, SHOUKAN to see what summon materia he or 
she is wearing, or TEKI NO WAZA, to see what enemy skills have been 
learned. You can use the O button and the cursor to see descriptions of 
the spells and use the ones that are highlighted. 
After choosing this command, choose the character whose Materia you'd like 
to view. The top row shows Materia holders on your weapon, and the bottom 
shows holders attached to your bracelet. To the left of the weapon bar is 
this command: 
TESIKA - lets you see how your Materia will be displayed during battles. 
To left of the bracelet bar are these commands (press O to reveal them): 
PUT IN ORDER - arrange your materia (by color, not type). 
REMOVE ALL - unequip all your materia. 
THROW AWAY - dispose of a materia. 
To equip materia, place the cursor over a slot and press O. A list of 
materia will be shown. Scroll up or down using the controller or the 
L1 and L2 buttons until you find the materia you want, then press O 
again. If you do this to a slot that already has a materia in it, it 
will be switched with the one you selected. To de-equip materia, select 
a slot with a materia on it, move the cursor to a blank space in the 
materia list, and press O. 
When the cursor is hilighting a materia, the following information is 
- A description of the materia (this appears in the long, thin box) 
- An information box showing the following stats.: 
Type of Materia / Materia name no. of level stars 
Symbol for Damage Type (if any) Current AP 
AP needed for next level 
Ability of materia Score Changes 
(either the spell name, like (shows how the materia will 
Fire 1 or Cure, or a alter your scores when it 
description, such as Gil Plus. is equipped, such as changes 
Otherwise, just the materia's to Luck or Maximum HP. A 
name will be given. If a increase is shown in yellow; 
ability is shown in black, decreases are in red. 
it cannot be used). 
Please refer to the 'Materia Orbs' part of Section 15 of the FF7 FAQ for 
more detailed information. 
After choosing this command, pick the character whose equipment you'd 
like to change. The first row changes your weapon, the second row 
changes your bracelet, and the third row changes any special items you 
have equipped. If you have other items that can be equipped, they're 
shown in the box to the right. In the top-left box, the number of 
Materia holders for that item is shown, and in the lower box, the 
benefit/loss of equipping a certain item will be shown (yellow is better, 
red is worse). Beneath the materia box, the AP growth for that item is 
shown (normal, x0, x2 or x3). 
The fifth option is STATUS. Choose the character whose status you want 
to see. Here, you see the same stats shown on the main screen, although 
the EXP and Limit Break bars are also shown in number format. On the 
left are a list of stats, they are, in order: 
Speed Plus 
Physical Strength 
Magic Plus Power 
Attack Power - Power + Physical Strength 
Hit Rate - Power + Speed Plus 
Defense Power - Physical Strength + Mind 
Evade Rate - Speed Plus + Luck 
Magic Attack - Magic Plus Power + Mind 
Magic Defense - Magic Plus Power + Mind 
Magic Evade Rate - Magic Plus Power + Speed Plus 
To the right is shown your character's commands in the battle screen, and 
below that is shown the weapon, bracelet, and special item name and the 
Materia they can hold. Pressing O while at this screen shows another 
screen where different Elementals your character has are highlighted. 
The first four rows are for damage types. Although the rows go from 
left to right, I'm listing it in a top to bottom format: 
Fire Damage 
Ice Damage 
Lightning Damage 
Earth Damage 
Poison Damage 
Demi Damage 
Water Damage 
Wind Damage 
Holy Damage 
Halfway down the screen is a larger, two-row list (it's shown twice). 
The list is for status changes: 
Going left to right, top row.... 
Going left to right, bottom row.... 
Slow Petrifying 
If you check this screen and one of the symbols is lit up, that means 
that that particular type of damage is being affected by the item you're 
wearing (it does no damage, is halved, restores HP, etc.) If part of 
one of the lower lists is lit up, that means that that particular kind 
of status ailment is being affected by the item you're wearing. To see 
what kind of 'affect' is in place, you need only look at the blue words 
to the far right: 
Elemental ______________________________________________________________ 
The damage type row is listed four times because there are four 
Elementals that can affect damage types. They are: 
- Attacks hit with highlighted Elemental. 
(To Halve) 
- Damage from highlighted Elemental is halved. 
(No Effect) 
- Attacks that hit with the highlighted Elemental have no effect on 
- When hit, you will absorb the highlighted Elemental and gain HP 
instead of losing it. 
ADDITIONAL _____________________________________________________________ 
The two-row list of status changes is shown twice because there are two 
additional affects that affect status changes. They are: 
- An attack you make also hits with the highlighted status ailment. 
- In addition to damage you take during battle, you will defend 
yourself against the highlighted status ailment. 
Special damage is damage that can't be defended against because it has no 
element type or traits (meaning that even with an accessory, Barrier, or 
Mabarrier equipped, it will still hit for full damage). I think the only 
way to protect against special damage is if you are invincible (via the 
Shield spell or Aeris's Breaks) but this may not be true. 
After choosing this command, press the O button twice to switch a person 
between front and back row, or choose one character, than another, to 
make them switch position. The switch is permanent until you change it. 
This screen shows you the same stats as on the main screen (minus the EXP 
bar). Your max Limit level and learned Limit Breaks are highlighted 
below. To the right are two commands. 
SET - Choose what Limit Break level you want to use, as long 
as it's available. Choosing a new level will empty 
your Break meter, BTW. This is the left option. 
CHECK - Pick this and use the cursor to see descriptions of each 
Limit Break after picking the Break Level you want to 
view. This is the right option. 
Choosing this command take you to the Configuration screen. There, you 
have the following options: 
(Window Color) 
After selecting this option, choose a corner of the small window and 
adjust the amount of red, blue or green by using the control pad. To 
verify a color change, back up twice to the config. screen. You cannot 
return to the default color unless you enter it manually. 
Pick between: 
(Monaural) - for monaural sound output. 
(Stereo) - for stereo sound output. 
Pick between: 
(Normal) - Use the default controller settings. 
(Custom) - Customize the controller. 
To customize your controller, highlight 'Custom' and press O. Then 
press Start. Now, use the cursor to move to the function you want 
to change and press the desired button to assign that function to the 
pressed button. The order of functions is: 
O = (Accept) 
X = (Cancel) 
T = (Menu) 
S = (Extra) 
L1 = (Left One) 
R1 = (Right One) 
L2 = (Left Two) 
R2 = (Right Two) 
Select = (Help) 
Start = (Pause) 
You can set the buttons to have any command, but you can't exit out of 
this screen if you try to give each button the same commands. Press 
LEFT when you are done setting the controller the way you want. 
Pick between: 
(Initial) - The cursor will always appear at the top of the Main Menu. 
(Memory) - The cursor will appear on the sub-menu you last selected 
when it is opened. 
ATB (Active Time Battle) 
Choose from: 
(Active) - Time is always running. 
(Recommended) - Time stops during item or magic use. 
(Wait) - Time stops when selecting items or magic (and their 
respective targets). 
Even with Active Battle turned on, time still pauses during the use 
of a summon spell, certain enemy actions, and other various attacks. 
(Battle Speed Plus) 
Press right to slow down the speed of battles, or left to increase it. 
(Battle Message) 
Press right to make a message during battle appear longer, or left to 
make it appear for a shorter period of time. 
(Field Message) 
Press right to make a message spell out slower, or left to make it spell 
out faster. 
(Camera Angle) 
Pick from: 
(Auto) - The camera will move around freely and focus on ally and enemy 
(Fixed) - The camera view stays in the exact position as when the battle 
first begins. 
(Magic Rank) 
This option lets you set up your magic spell order (attacking, healing, 
and other, I suppose), in one of six setups. This doesn't seem to affect 
your list of spells, though, so I'm not too sure of this option's purpose. 
NO. 1: Restore Attacking Indirect 
NO. 2: Restore Indirect Attacking 
NO. 3: Attacking Indirect Restore 
NO. 4: Attacking Restore Indirect 
NO. 5: Indirect Restore Attacking 
NO. 6: Indirect Attacking Restore 
PHS (Party Hensei System) 
In most cases, PHS is usable while standing on a Save Point or during 
any time while standing on the World Map. You don't have this option 
in the beginning, BTW. Choose the character you which to eject from 
your party and the person you want to join from the right (or vice 
versa). Keep in mind that you can't eject the leader of your party 
(usually Cloud), and in some cases, certain characters insist on going 
with you, so they can't be removed for the time being, either. 
NOTE: Characters who aren't in your immediate party still gain levels! 
However, they only gain a small amount of EXP in relation to your 
party, so they tend to fall 3-5 levels behind if not used for a 
long time. 
The last option. Pick it, then choose the Memory Card slot you want to 
use, then choose one of fifteen Save slots you want to save your game in. 
Choose the top option to save or the bottom option to not save. If no 
Memory Card is inserted or there's no more space, a message will tell 
you so. 
8 . S E C R E T S A N D C O D E S 
8 . 1 g e t t i n g y u f f i e k i s a r a g i 
You can get Yuffie in your party during any disc. If you're in Disc 1 
and are riding around in the Buggy, that will work, too. The two 
places that she appears most often are the forests beyond the Gold 
Saucer (in the Gongaga Area), and most forests in the Junon Area. 
After a few battles, you'll fight Yuffie (seems to be a 1 in 15 chance, 
if you ask me). 
BOSS TIPS: MEI NO NINJA  LV: 37 HP: 1950 MP: 280 
Just attack, really. The Summon Materia 'Titan' works well. Yuffie can 
do all kinds of cool attacks during this time, but not once she joins 
you! Yuffie's level, HP and MP vary depending on what level your 
characters are at. 
When the battle ends, you'll be in a plain with Yuffie lying nearby. 
There's also a Save Point here. However, if you touch the Save Point, 
then go to your menu screen to save, Yuffie escapes and steals 200 gil! 
Don't worry, you can meet her again. You'll have to talk to her several 
times to get her to join. As she and you converse, she'll ask you 
several questions, and you can reply in two ways. To get her to join, 
respond like this: 
Bottom answer, Top answer, Bottom answer, Top answer, Bottom answer 
Put another way, respond using the second reply, then the first reply, 
then the second reply... and so on. After that, you can name her, and 
she'll hook up with Cloud and the rest of the gang. Note that if you 
choose the top answer for the last question she asks, you can name her, 
but she'll steal 700 gil from you and run away. You'll have to repeat 
the whole process if you want to get her in your party. 
8 . 2 g e t t i n g v i n c e n t v a l e n t i n e 
The second 'optional' (or hidden) character in the game, Vincent can 
also join your party during any disc. You'll need the gold key from the 
safe in Nivelheim's Shinra Mansion (see below if you don't know how to 
open it). Go down to the pink cavern leading to Sephiroth's library 
(it's in the Shinra Mansion, the entrance is in the stone wall in the 
eastern wing). 
Remember the door to the crypt you couldn't get through? You can now 
enter it. Stand at the foot of the purple coffin and hit O. The lid 
will fly off and Vincent will talk to you. Choose the bottom reply when 
he asks you a question. When the coffin closes, press O again. Choose 
the second (bottom) reply when Vincent poses another question, and you 
can name him. Then, try to leave the cavern and he'll join you. Vincent 
can join you from the first time you reach Nivelheim onwards (but not 
during Cloud's flashback). 
8 . 3 t h e s a f e i n n i v e l h e i m 
What most people forget when trying to open the safe is that it's just 
like a real combination lock...so you have to go in more than one 
direction when inputting the numbers. Furthermore, unless you're 
fast enough, you'll run out of time if you try any other combination. 
The code is: 
This means that you hold right and scroll through the numbers, then 
hold left until you reach 10, then hold right for the last two numbers. 
Don't forget to press O to verify each entry. When the safe opens, a 
Summon Materia (Odin) pops out, and you are assaulted by a big goon 
(how'd he fit into that little safe?) 
This boss can be taken out just by attacking and using Limit Breaks. 
Magic spells (Fire, Cold, Lighting) that are at level 2 are also 
okay to use. Heal yourself and use Summon Materia (like 'Sumon Chocobo 
and Moogle', and you'll win in no time. Aside from physical attacks, 
all this guy can really do is use a Lightning 2 spell on you, but it only 
does 400-500 points of damage to one character, so it's nothing to 
worry about. Rarely, he does a double-fisted hammer punch to one 
character that averages 2200 points of damage, though, so pack in some 
Phoenix Downs before trying to tackle him. If you blow off his red 
half (the one that uses magic) his physical attacks become more 
aggressive, so keep your HP Plus. Likewise, if his purple half is 
destroyed first, the Lost Number will use more mid-level spells, like 
Quake 2, against your party. It is possible to kill this boss without 
either part of it dying (by stunning it using the 'Summon Chocobo and 
Moogle' spell). 
Not only do you get an item from the boss once you beat it (it's the 
manual for Red 13's Level 4 Limit Break, the Cosmo Memory), but there's 
also a gold key lying in the safe that you can grab (Chi x x no Key). 
Don't forget to take the Red Materia! Apparently, there's a paper in 
the lower room in the right wing of the mansion that hints at the correct 
combination for the safe, but someone like me can't read it :( Once 
you've read the paper, you can find hints throughout the house (by the 
piano, next to the chair in the bedroom, etc.) Refer to the Disc One 
Walkthrough for more information. 
Did the code still not work? Remember, the safe's lock is LIKE A REAL 
COMBINATION LOCK. So, when you're turning to 36, you can either land 
on it or creep up to it, but you can't hit 37 and go back. This 
applies to the rest of the digits, too; you can't go farther than the 
number you want. If you do (i.e. you go to 09 when trying to get to 
10), you'll have to start all over again. 
8 . 4 t h e s l e e p i n g m a n 
Get over 100 wins by fighting battles. To see how many wins you have, 
get in the Highwind or ride a Green, Blue, Black, or Gold Chocobo 
ever so slightly south and a little ways to the east of Midgar City, 
where you'll find a cave surrounded by mountains with a river nearby. 
Inside the cave is a sleeping fellow who (usually) tells you how many 
wins you've gotten so far. Not only do you need to have over 100 wins, 
but the last two digits have to be the same (100, 111, 255, 733, etc.) 
When you have the correct number of victories, talk to the sleeping 
man. He'll toss and turn, then give you an item (Mythril). Next, 
go to the house on the penninsula near the Gold Saucer (you should 
recognize it since it's full of weapons inside). Talk to the man in 
the house, and when he gives you a choice, pick the top option. 
You'll lose the Mythril, but you now have the choice of opening the 
long wooden chest by the bed to get a Gold Armlet, or examining the 
metal lid on the upper floor at the end of the walkway to get the 
manual for Aeris's Level 4 Limit Break. 
It's probable that you can do this with less than 100 wins, but I'm 
not certain of that. Someone want to verify it for me? 
8 . 5 p i a n o t r i c k 
Go to Nivelheim (the town by the pointed mountains on the Western 
Continent). Enter Tifa's house (the second building on the right side) 
and head upstairs to where her piano is. Choose the bottom option, 
then the bottom option again to play it (you can't use the top option 
if you want the manual). Then, press: 
X, S, T, L1+T, L1+S, X, S, T, L1+X, O, X, S, X 
D, L, U, L1+T, L1+S, D, L, U, L1+X, R, D, L, D 
* You can also use a combination of buttons and direction presses. 
I'd like to stress that as far as I can determine, the result of 
playing the piano is random. Sometimes, nothing happens, other times, 
you'll find 1 gil, and other times, you'll find Tifa's Level 4 Limit 
Break Manual (keep reading). I'd also like to state that I've gotten 
her manual _without_ having Tifa in my party. I'm not sure how I did 
it, but I have a save file that proves it (see? see!) I thought I did 
it by playing the melody once, exiting out, playing it again, exiting 
out again, and then getting back on the piano and pressing L1+T. 
But, the way that you're _supposed_ to do it is to stick Tifa in your 
party, go to the piano, play it once using the 'button only' method, 
and she'll eventually find a letter from her master, Zangan (the caped 
guy you saw during the first Nivelheim flashback). Tifa will get the 
Final Heaven Limit Break Manual after reading his letter. 
8 . 6 k e y t o m i d g a r c i t y ( s e c t o r 5 
k e y ) 
 First talk to the man standing by the doors back at 
Midgar City. He won't appear until after you've gotten the Highwind 
and rescued Cloud from Mideel Village. Talk to him, then return to the 
excavator's village on the Northern Continent. Chat with the man by the 
door and pick the first option, then the second or third option. While 
you could place diggers and hunt for the Key yourself, if you want to 
cheat, go over to the destroyed plane atop the dinosaur's skull. See 
the one excavtor near the bottom of the screen? Near him is a tiny 
piece of metal sticking outwards; position yourself underneath it and 
press up so that your character is looking forward, then dig. 
You can use the Key to enter the locked gates near Area 7 and look 
around Midgar City. If you go into the church where you met Aeris, 
you can see her bending over the flowers; she'll flicker and disappear 
after a second. There's not a lot to do here, but if you go back to 
the Wall Market and go to the 'ITEM' building with the machine gun 
inside it, you can get Tifa's Ultimate Weapon by examining the computer 
before the gun fires upon you (you don't need Tifa to get the item). 
Also, remember the man in the gun shop that you bought the Battery 
from to reach the Shinra Building back in Disc 1? The man in the left 
side of the shop will sell you an accessory (Sneak Glove) for 
129,000 gil this time around. 
8 . 7 t u r t l e s ' p a r a d i s e f l y e r s 
There are six of these flyers scattered throughout the world. You can 
find them in the following locations: 
Flyer No. 1: Midgar City...the town next to Aeris' house. Go to 
the second floor of the southeastern building and look 
at the papers taped to the wall by the stairwell. 
Flyer No. 2: Shinra HQ...on the first floor, check out the board with 
the papers on it near the elevators. The only time you 
can read this flyer is at the beginning of the game or 
when you raid Midgar in Disc 2. 
Flyer No. 3: Gold Saucer...go to the Ghost Square and enter the hotel. 
Read the sign that says 'SHOP' next to the shop entrance. 
Flyer No. 4: Cosmo Canyon...check the left wood post of the Tigerlily 
Arms Shop. 
Flyer No. 5: Cosmo Canyon...the gold paper by the door on the second 
floor of the inn (the entrance is behind some hanging 
cloth near the bonfire). 
Flyer No. 6: Utai...the bottom floor of Yuffie's house; it's the wall 
scroll to the right of the doorway. You can't get there 
unless you've done the sub-quest (refer to the 'Bonus 
Areas' section). 
You don't have to find the flyers (they look like pieces of paper) in 
order. Whenever you have read all six of them, go to the restaurant 
in Wutai (the large building in the southwestern corner of town). Talk 
to the barkeep and you'll get a Power Source, Guard Source, Magic Source, 
Mind Source, Speed Source, Luck Source, and a Mega Elixir. 
8 . 8 a l l 7 f e v e r 
As easy as this trick sounds, it's harder to perform than you might 
think. One of your characters has to have a current HP of 7777 (or a 
maximum and a current HP of 7777...I'm not sure yet). This can be done 
by getting injured, equipping materia, or raising levels. When that 
particular character enters a battle, the message 'Ooru 7 Fiibaa' (All 7 
Fever) will appear. It will show up every time the 'fevered' character 
attacks, too. 
During this time, the person affected by the 'All 7 Fever' will make one 
_normal_ attack against each enemy when their Time Bar is filled, even if 
you have materia such as Slice Everybody or Mega All 
equipped. However, assuming they don't miss, that person will always 
strike for 7777 damage, even if an enemy has special defenses. 
Furthermore, that person behaves as if he/she was berzerked (i.e. you 
can't select commands for them since they will do nothing but attack), 
and can take no other action (even if you're wearing a Counter Attack 
materia). They can still lose HP or be affected by enemy abilties/magic/ 
There are two major drawbacks to this trick; your current HP drops to 1 
point after the battle (it can be healed by normal means), and you can't 
repeat the trick unless you have 7777 HP exactly. Since I think your 
maximum HP has to be 7777 too, this means that you can't repeat that 
trick once you raise a level, since you will gain HP and it will affect 
the amount of HP a materia is adding/taking away from your 'real' total. 
This means that the only way to permanently keep this trick is to get 
really good at using materia orbs to customize your character's life, 
or by killing that character before the end of the battle so that they 
don't gain experience ^_^; 
8 . 9 f m v v i e w i n g t r i c k 
All you FF7 owners out there should try this! Go to any point in the 
game with an FMV sequence (such as starting a new game--the part where 
Cloud runs up to the Makoro furnace). Open your PSX and put in another 
disc. When you continue playing (the game won't crash) the FMV sequence 
will be replaced with one from the disc! (Using the last example, put 
in Disc 3 and you'll see the sequence with the stone pillars rising from 
the center of the last level; it's the same bit you see after killing 
Jenova Synthesis before fighting Sephiroth for the last time.) 
What's really weird is that you can keep playing the game with another 
disc in your system! I beat the whole first part of the game and the CD 
would load up the various levels! I don't know for sure, but I guess 
that means that the ENTIRE game is written on each disc (barring the FMV, 
obviously)! If you want to verify this, try starting up a save file from 
disc 3 and replace it with, say, the first disc. You can do the 
submarine/snowboard sequences, or go to any place you couldn't go to in 
the first disc--and all the data loads up! 
Going back to the trick, though, you can try this anywhere, and you 
usually get cool results. For instance, near the end of Disc 2, the 
Weapon monster rises up from the sea and attacks Midgar City--and gets 
decapitated by the Mako Cannon. I switched to the first disc before 
viewing the FMV and saw parts of the intro, and some parts from the 
FMV during/after Aeris's death! If you're fast, try switching the 
discs during the opening FMV when you start a new game; with Disc 2 
inserted, it showed some more FMV of Aeris (this is when you return 
with Buugen Haagen to the Ancient City). 
Even stranger is the fact that you can still see text/graphics over the 
FMV in some cases, such as Cloud and the Avalanche member running 
offscreen just after the furnace explodes near the start of the first 
disc, or Cid talking to Cloud on his phone during the part where the 
Weapon attacks Midgar City (of course, this is over the FMV from the 
disc you've chosen). And as I mentioned before, you can play normally 
after the FMV is over, even with the other disc in your PSX! 
In earlier versions of this FAQ, I said that there was 'hidden' FMV of 
a silver car rotating around. Several people e-mailed me and informed 
me that you can normally view this in the Shinra HQ during Disc One. 
What's interesting, though, is that when I saw this FMV by using the 
trick above, I had switched Disc One with Disc Three (at the FMV with 
the bridge collapsing in Cloud's flashback). This means that it's on 
at least two of the three discs. Why it's there is another story. 
Also, the scene with the planets in Buugen Haagen's observatory (which 
is only in Disc 1) will also be partially displayed if you switch it 
with Disc 2 or 3. 
8 . 1 0 a l w a y s r u n f r o m b a t t l e s 
Interestingly enough, you will instantly flee a battle if at least one 
character is petrified, stopped, or paralyzed while in the 'running' 
pose. So as long as you are not fighting a boss or have been ambushed 
(see the Running section for more detail), you can always escape simply 
by letting the enemy do one of the above attacks to you, or by doing it 
to yourself (via Spell Materia)! This is also useful if all your members 
are paralyzed, stopped, or whatever, and your last character is about to 
suffer a similar fate. Simply try to run away (even if you can't), and 
you'll escape the moment you are hit by the attack. The only exception 
to this trick is that if you are petrified and your other teammates are 
dead or petrified, then you will always lose. This doesn't work on boss 
battles, by the way. 
8 . 1 1 r a i s i n g c h o c o b o s 
This section is based upon a summarized guide written by Nikki. Some 
information is also taken from a more detailed guide written by Crow. 
Their addresses can be found in the Special Thanks section near the end 
of the FF7 FAQ. 
You're going to need a lot of money, patience, and luck if you want to 
raise chocobos. The payoff is that you can breed chocobos that can fly, 
swim, climb over mountains and go to places normal vehicles can't reach. 
a) Go to the Chocobo Farm once you've accquired the Highwind. Enter 
the house (not the barn) and talk to the person there. Choose 
the first option, then choose the top choice. Doing this will let 
you purchase one of the stalls in the barn. You'll need to purchase 
all six, but they cost 10000 gil a pop. If you want, you can do 
the process with only four stalls, but you'll have to kick out the 
chocobos you don't need to make room for the newer ones. 
b) Leave and get on the airship. Fly to the northern continent and 
land near the lone house surrounded by grass (it's exactly to the 
northwest of the farm). Equip one character with a Steal (yellow) 
materia and keep walking around on the grass until you fight a 
large red reptile (Brachosaur?) Try to steal from him until you 
get a Carob Nut (you'll get a message with an exclamation mark 
if you stole something). Run away or beat him, then repeat the 
process three times so that you have three Carob Nuts. You can 
also get this item from the same enemy if you go to the tip of the 
penninsula near the excavator's village on the Northern Continent 
where the dark grass is. 
c) Now, go to the chocobo tracks near the Gold Saucer (by the shore). 
Equip someone with a Chocobo Attract materia and walk along the 
tracks until you enter a battle with a Chocobo. Don't kill the 
chocobo, but do kill the other enemies. When the battle is over, 
press X to dismount and select the top option to make the chocobo 
return to the farm. 
d) Go to the tracks on the Southern Continent, near the forest where 
you found Cloud in Disc 2. Unlike the walking kind, you can get 
running chocobos here. Just repeat step (c) to catch one. Wait 
a second--save your game. If you didn't get the right type of 
chocobo (more about this in part e), you can reset the game and 
try again: the chocobo's gender is determined randomly each time, 
so you can end up with the correct gender if you keep resetting 
and naming the Chocobo until you get the one you want. 
e) Return to the chocobo farm. Talk to the guy standing still in the 
barn and choose the 3rd option, then the first choice twice. Name 
your chocobo, then repeat with the other bird. This will also place 
your chocobos in the stables. You can tell by their stance (walking 
or running) if they are the right type. To tell your chocobo's 
gender and race ranking (more on this later), go up to them in the 
barn and press O. 
You'll want to make sure that the running chocobo is female and 
the walking chocobo is male. If you have a chocobo walking with 
his head down, put it in a stall, then talk to the man again and 
choose the 6th option from the top. Pick that chocobo and choose 
the top option twice, then the bottom option once to let that bird 
go so you can get another one. If the sex of the chocobo is wrong, 
just use the trick in the above section to change it. 
f) Do you have the correct type and gender? Talk to the man in the 
barn again and choose the fifth option from the top. Choose one 
of the chocobos by walking up to it and pressing O. Pick the top 
option, then repeat with the other chocobo. When you get another 
choice, pick the top option. A list will appear. Remember the 
items you stole from that reptile in the north? It will appear 
as the item 7th from the top (there should be a 3 next to it 
since you stole 3 items). Choose and and choose the top choice. 
g) Hopefully you got a green Chocobo! If you got a blue one or a 
yellow one, reset and try to mate the two chocobos again (repeat 
step f). You'll want a blue chocobo, but if you get one right 
now, it's harder to breed a green one -NSS-. Keep note of your 
chocobo's gender--it's important. 
h) At this point, you can't mate the yellow chocobos again or the 
green chocobo. If you don't want to wait, repeat steps (c) 
through (f) and try to breed a Blue Chocobo who is the opposite 
gender of your Green Chocobo. If you have time on your hands, 
though, waste it and come back later. You can re-breed your 
two yellow chocobos and try to get a Blue Chocobo. Either way, 
it will take _a lot_ of tries, but you save the trouble of 
capturing and renaming chocobos if you waste some time and just 
re-breed your two yellow birds. Remember the item that you 
used (Carob Nut), will now have a '2' next to it since you 
already used one. Don't worry, it will still stay in the same 
place on the menu. 
i) Okay! Now, you should have a Blue chocobo and a Green chocobo of 
opposite genders. If you caught another pair of yellow chocobos, 
you won't have any more stall space and you'll have to let the 
two yellow ones go. If you simply breeded them again, you'll 
still have two stalls left open. Since the Blue chocobo is a 
newborn, you'll need to waste some more time before you can breed 
it to the Green one. Hop in the Highwind and fly back to the 
house on the grassy patch in the Northern Continent. Talk to the 
purple geezer and choose the first option. He will offer to sell 
ou items; buy 40 of the ones that cost 5000 gil (Shirukisu 
Return to the Chocobo Farm and give ten of them to your blue 
chocobo and 10 to your green chocobo. You can do this by picking 
the fourth option when you talk to the man, then picking the 
Sylkis Greens (it's the next to last one). Pick the chocobo 
you want to feed it to and press up or down on your controller to 
increase the number. Then press O twice to feed the chocobo. 
j) Go to the Gold Saucer (you can get there from the sky lift in 
North Corel). Go to the Chocobo Square, enter the main 
building, and talk to the girl in front of the 'STAFF ROOM' 
door. Choose the first option and pick either your green 
chocobo or your blue chocobo to race. Then pick the top choice 
two times and press Start at the next screen to start the race. 
The point of racing is to improve your chocobo's race ranking. 
Remember what happened when you checked your chocobo's stats? 
Underneath the gender was the race ranking. You need to improve 
it from a C to an A-class ranking, and you can do so by racing. 
It doesn't matter if you lose; just keep racing until you gain 
new classes. Refer to the chocobo-racing tips in section 3o if 
you need help, although it's easy to win the races using 
Automatic Sequence Mode. Every time you win a race, pick the 
top option to get an item, the bottom option twice to get an 
item, or the bottom option, then the top option to get some GP. 
Remember, to raise a class level, you have to come in first place 
(and even then you may need to get a high score such as 1-2 or 
1-2 a few times before you'll gain a level). When you do raise 
a race ranking, the girl will tell you. You can see your 
chocobo's class every time you race it (at the screen before the 
race starts). Obviously, it will take quite a few races before 
you can hit class 'A' (it took me around 3 races to raise to 
the next class each time). 
k) Fun, wasn't it? Get back in the Highwind and return to the 
Chocobo Farm. Refer to step (f) and breed the blue and green 
chocobos together. With a little luck, you'll find a black 
chocobo in one of the empty stalls the following day. Yes, 
you may have used up your last piece of Karabu, but you won't 
need it anymore. Once again, take note of your black chocobo's 
l) There's an elongated island with a forest on it northeast of the 
Chocobo Farm. Go into the forest and wander around until you 
run into a tiny monster wearing boxing gloves (Goblin). You can 
steal a Zeio Nut off of it--you only need one. After you 
get it, fly to the chocobo tracks on the west edge of the Northern 
Continent and capture one; you can get the dashing kind here. 
Then go back to the farm, name your yellow Chocobo, and put it in 
the stalls. If it isn't the opposite gender of your black chocobo, 
reset and try the naming process again. Refer to step (e) if you 
forgot how to do this. 
m) You should have 20 Sylkis Greenss left, so feed 10 of them to 
the dashing yellow chocobo and 10 to your black chocobo (just like 
how you did it in step i). Now for the real fun part--you have to 
get an A-rank class for both the yellow and black chocobos! So, 
just repeat what you did back in step (j). It will take a while, 
but when they're both at race ranking A, leave the Gold Saucer and 
return to the Chococbo Farm. 
n) Now, breed your yellow and black chocobo together. This time, 
use the Zeio Nut (it's at the very bottom of the list). 
Once again, refer to step (f) if you have trouble navigating 
the menus. It may have to retry a few times, but you'll end up 
with the gold chocobo eventually. Now you can go anywhere on 
the World Map! 
YELLOW CHOCOBOS can go anywhere you can normally get to on foot. The 
sole advantage is that a chocobo is a lot quicker than walking. 
BLUE CHOCOBOS can walk along rivers, but they can't go past waterfalls. 
They can also walk in shallow water, just like Cid's airplane could. 
GREEN CHOCOBOS can run over mountains, even the pointed mountains by 
Nivelheim. They can also dash over _most_ cliffs and drops. 
BLACK CHOCOBOS can walk along rivers and move around in shallow water. 
They can also run over mountains and cliffs. Unlike the blue or green 
chocobos, the black variety can go over any cliff or drop: even 
walk up or down waterfalls, enter the canyon surrounding the Ancient 
City, or walk _over_ the ice forest that you have to traverse in Disc 
2 after the snowboard scene! 
GOLD CHOCOBOS can do everything a black chocobo can--they can also 
walk in the ocean, allowing you to go anywhere you want, even into 
the dirt pit surrounding the Gold Saucer (just like the Saucer 
vehicle). Truly the ultimate in transportation! 
In case you didn't know about it, you can rotate the chocobo you're 
viewing when using the various options in the Chocobo Farm by holding 
the R1 or L1 buttons :) 
Unlike chocobos that you capture and ride around on, the ones that you 
ride out from the Chocobo Farm are a little tamer. They'll stay where 
you get off them until you ride them again, and you can do this as much 
as you want and return them to the Farm whenever you want (although you 
can only have one chocobo out at a time). If you're riding a chocobo 
and you try to enter the Highwind, you'll find it in the 'Chocobo' area 
of the the ship. You'll automatically be riding the chocobo when you 
land the ship, too. 
8 . 1 2 u n c h a r t e d i s l e s 
Head due south from Cosmo Canyon in the Highwind, then go a little to 
the west. You'll see an island that's part dirt, part grass, with 
a smaller grassy island nearby. This isle doesn't appear on the Map, 
but if you land the Highwind on the grassy plain and run around in 
the dirt long enough, you can fight Sabotenders (better known as 
Cactrots; those little cactus guys from FF3)! You can't get Rename 
Cards from them or anything like that, but it's kinda fun fighting 
them. Actually, the name of this island is 'Cactus Island' so it 
makes sense to find them here. 
To get to the second isle, head for the two islands near to each other 
on the northeastern edge of the map. Then go north (and a little more 
to the east), and you'll come across an oval-shaped island surrounded 
by mountains. There's a cave entrance here, but you can't land there 
in the Highwind. For more about the island, refer to the Bonus Areas 
part in section 6. The name of this place is 'Round Island'. 
8 . 1 3 g a m e s h a r k c o d e s 
I'm not much of a code-maker myself, but here are some cheats you might 
want to try. Remember, you need a Game Shark or a Pro Action Replay for 
these to work. Some people have reported problems with these codes 
(such as, these codes don't work with a PAR). FYI, I made these codes 
using a Game Shark with PAR software (version 1.98), so I really don't 
know why it wouldn't work on both devices. 
All of the codes in this FAQ were made by me, unless otherwise stated. 
If you want to reprint, submit, or display these codes, please give 
credit where it is due. If you want to submit a code, just tell me 
the code itself, what it does, and include any glitches/problems with 
the code. Oh, and please tell me the code's creator if you didn't make 
it yourself. 
Finally, the reason why I've made these codes is because I didn't see 
anything like them beforehand. So don't BS me about making the 'Materia 
Select' code first or any of that garbage, as I'm not interested. 
FF7 MASTER CODE 80000000 - 0000 
This is the cheat that lets you use other codes with this game. I don't 
know if it (and the other codes listed here) will work on every disc, 
but if a code doesn't, then I'll let you know. 
Enter this code, but replace the last digit with one of the following: 
x = 0 - Cloud Strife 
1 - Barett Wallace 
2 - Tifa Rockheart 
3 - Aerith Gainsborough 
4 - Red 13 
5 - Yuffie Kisaragi 
6 - Cait Sith (sometimes, Young Cloud) 
7 - Vincent Valentine (sometimes, Sephiroth) 
8 - Cid Hiwind 
9 -  
A -  
B -  
C - <'Nau Purintingu'> (Now Printing) 
D - <'Nau Purintingu'> (Now Printing) 
When you turn on the code, the character in the 3rd position will turn 
into whatever character you specified. You may want to go into the 
PHS menu, turn off the code, and put the character in/out of the PHS 
groups a few times to 'debug' it a bit. When you return to the Main 
Menu screen, that person will have the portrait/stats. of the desired 
It is HIGHLY recommended that you have the 3rd space EMPTY when you 
use this code as in some cases, a pre-existing character may overlap 
with the selected one. The result is that, when you enter a battle, 
that character does not appear, cannot interact, and his/her HP drops 
steadily until it hits zero. 
Using this code: 
Characters all start off at their 'base' level (1). If you use this 
code to get a character that you don't have at the moment (say picking 
Aeris while in Disc 2 or 3), they'll have the same stats and abilities 
as they did when you last had them in your party. If you level them 
up, change their equipment, etc., then save the game and use the code 
to replace them with another character and put them back in, any changes 
you made will be saved, too. Note that if you use this code to get a 
character you already have (say, if Cid is in the 3rd position and you 
put in the code for Cid), you'll get multiple copies of the character. 
This also happens if you have the code on while you try to pull a 
character in/out of the active group. Copied characters disappear when 
you exit the PHS menu. 
Yes, if you save the game, you save the added characters. The only way 
to remove them is to use the code to 'select' a new character, or to 
put them in PHS (inactive party) and then return to your Main Menu. 
Also note that sticking a 'selected' character in the first position 
will make Cloud disappear on-screen (you can still use the cursor). 
Finally, note that if you enter a conversation/event with a character 
you're not supposed to have (say, Sephiroth outside of the flashback 
or Aeris after Disc 1), the game may (and probably will) crash. The 
only exception to this are the 'general' quotes which a character will 
say automatically, regardless of who he/she is. 
Specific Character info.: 
Both Cloud and Aeris become 'permanent' members of either your active 
party or the inactive party. To remove them, you'll have to stick 
them in the third position (use Order), and put in a code for one of 
your normal characters. 
Sephiroth is still controlled by the computer, although you can take or 
change his equipment and Materia. As he only has one weapon (Masamune), 
using the 'Item Select' code to have this item is useless as it's the 
only weapon he can equip. Although it will act as if he and Young Cloud 
have Limit Breaks, they don't in actuality (if you look, you'll see 
that it's Vincent's and Cait's Breaks instead). 
This code has trouble realizing who is Cait Sith/Young Cloud and who 
is Vincent/Sephiroth, because of the way the characters' data is 
stored. As a result, you may not always get the character you want 
when trying to get either of these characters. 
The 'Chocobo' and 'Now Printing' are not real characters. They have 
no weapons, statistics, etc. (if you look, you'll see that they 
borrow the stats. of another character, usually your leader). If you 
try to enter a battle with one of them in your party, you get the 
'overlap' result described above (as they are not playable). 
ITEM SELECT 8009CCxx - yzzz 
Please take note: As long as you follow the below guidelines (remember 
to be careful when putting in the two 'location' digits), this code 
should work. Several people have been complaining that they can't get 
the code to work--even the people with the same GS and version number 
aS-mine (1.98). If you've _carefully_ tried this code and can't get any 
results, then you may simply not be able to use the code on your game. 
I have NO IDEA what causes this and I'm sorry I can't offer more help to 
those with problems concerning this code or the Materia Select code 
(they both work in the same manner). 
And yes, saving your game with this code _will_ save the items into 
memory--you'll still have to be careful that you don't end up with the 
'battle' glitch' described below (although it seems as if it's not in 
the English version). 
An example code would be 8009CCA8 - 202A for the Ghost Hand item, for 
those of you who don't understand how the x/y/z entries work. 
xx = Location where item appears on the Item Select Screen. You can 
change this number to enter the code multiple times to have 
multiple items of your choice, but you _must_ use EVEN numbers 
(i.e. C2, 9A, or 88) or the game may glitch. Also, if this code 
would put an item over an occupied space and not a blank one, the 
game may freeze or the item may not appear. Finally, try to keep 
the location range between 8_ and C_ or the game may crash. 
y = No. of items; you'll have an infinite amount unless you turn 
the switch off (usually). The number you enter is converted 
to hexidecimal form (so what you put in won't correlate with 
the # of items you get). Keep in mind that 0 is a valid 
number and can be used. 
zzz = Item name: 
000 = Potion 0A0 = Gatling Gun 
001 = Hi-Potion 0A1 = Assault Gun 
002 = X-Potion 0A2 = Cannon Ball 
003 = Ether 0A3 = Atomic Scissorss 
004 = Turbo Ether 0A4 = Heavy Vulcan 
005 = Elixir 0A5 = Chainsaw 
006 = Megaelixir 0A6 = Microlaser 
007 = Phoenix Down 0A7 = A*M Cannon 
008 = Antidote 0A8 = W Machine Gun 
009 = Soft 0A9 = Drill Arm 
00A = Maiden's Kiss 0AA = Solid Bazooka 
00B = Cornucopia 0AB = Rocket Punch 
00C = Echo Screen 0AC = Enemy Launcher 
00D = Hyper 0AD = Pile Banger 
00E = Tranquilizer 0AE = Max Ray 
00F = Remedy 0AF = Missing Score 
010 = Smoke Bomb 0B0 = Mythril Clip 
011 = Speed Drink 0B1 = Diamond Pin 
012 = Hero Drink 0B2 = Silver Barrette 
013 = Vaccine 0B3 = Gold Barrette 
014 = Grenade 0B4 = Adaman Clip 
015 = Shrapnel 0B5 = Crystal Comb 
016 = Right arm 0B6 = Magic Comb 
017 = Hourglass 0B7 = Plus Barrette 
018 = Kiss of Death 0B8 = Centclip 
019 = Spider Web 0B9 = Hairpin 
01A = Dream Powder 0BA = Seraph Comb 
01B = Mute Mask 0BB = Behimoth Horn 
01C = War Gong 0BC = Spring Gun Clip 
01D = Loco weed 0BD = Limited Moon 
01E = Fire Fang 0BE = Guard Stick 
01F = Fire Veil 0BF = Mythril Rod 
020 = Antarctic Wind 0C0 = Full Metal Staff 
021 = Ice Crystal 0C1 = Striking Staff 
022 = Bolt Plume 0C2 = Prism Staff 
023 = Swift Bolt 0C3 = Aurora Rod 
024 = Earth Drum 0C4 = Wizard Staff 
025 = Earth Mallet 0C5 = Wizer Staff 
026 = Deadly Waste 0C6 = Fairy Tale 
027 = M-Tentacles 0C7 = Umbrella 
028 = Stardust 0C8 = Princess Guard 
029 = Vampire Fang 0C9 = Spear 
02A = Ghost Hand 0CA = Slash Lance 
02B = Vagyrisk Claw 0CB = Trident 
02C = Light Curtain 0CC = Mast Axe 
02D = Lunar Curtain 0CD = Partisan 
02E = Mirror 0CE = Viper Halberd 
02F = Holy Torch 0CF = Javelin 
030 = Bird Wing 0D0 = Grow Lance 
031 = Dragon Scales 0D1 = Mop 
032 = Impaler 0D2 = Dragoon Lance 
033 = Shrivel 0D3 = Scimitar 
034 = Eye drop 0D4 = Flayer 
035 = Molotov 0D5 = Spirit Lance 
036 = S-mine 0D6 = Venus Gospel 
037 = 8inch Cannon 0D7 = 4-point Shuriken 
038 = Graviball 0D8 = Boomerang 
039 = T/S Bomb 0D9 = Pinwheel 
03A = Ink 0DA = Razor Ring 
03B = Dazers 0DB = Hawkeye 
03C = Dragon Fang 0DC = Crystal Cross 
03D = Cauldron 0DD = Wind Slash 
03E = Sylkis Greens 0DE = Twin Viper 
03F = Reagan Greens 0DF = Spiral Shuriken 
040 = Mimett Greens 0E0 = Shotgunball 
041 = Curiel Greens 0E1 = Magic Shuriken 
042 = Pahsana Greens 0E2 = Rising Sun 
043 = Tantal Greens 0E3 = Oritsuru 
044 = Krakka Greens 0E4 = Conformer 
045 = Gysahl Greens 0E5 = Yellow M-phone 
046 = Tent 0E6 = Green M-phone 
047 = Power Source 0E7 = Blue M-phone 
048 = Guard Source 0E8 = Red M-phone 
049 = Magic Source 0E9 = Crystal M-phone 
04A = Mind Source 0EA = White M-phone 
04B = Speed Source 0EB = Black M-phone 
04C = Luck Source 0EC = Silver M-phone 
04D = Zeio Nut 0ED = Trumpet Shell 
04E = Carob Nut 0EE = Gold M-phone 
04F = Porov Nut 0EF = Battle Trumpet 
050 = Pram Nut 0F0 = Starlight Phone 
051 = Lasan Nut 0F1 = HP Shout 
052 = Saraha Nut 0F2 = Quicksilver 
053 = Luchile Nut 0F3 = Shotgun 
054 = Pepio Nut 0F4 = Shortbarrel 
055 = Battery 0F5 = Lariat 
056 = Tissue 0F6 = Winchester 
057 = Omnislash 0F7 = Peacemaker 
058 = Catastrophe 0F8 = Buntline 
059 = Final Heaven 0F9 = Long Barrel R 
05A = Great Gospel 0FA = Silver Rifle 
05B = Cosmo Memory 0FB = Sniper CR 
05C = All Creation 0FC = Shotgunshot ST 
05D = Chaos 0FD = Outsider 
05E = Highwind 0FE = Death Penalty 
05F = 1/35 Soldier 0FF = Masamune 
060 = Super Sweeper 100 = Bronze Bangle 
061 = Masamune Blade 101 = Iron Bangle 
062 = Save Crystal 102 = Titan Bangle 
063 = Combat Diary 103 = Mythril Armlet 
064 = Autograph 104 = Carbon Bangle 
065 = Gambler 105 = Silver Armlet 
066 = Desert Rose  106 = Gold Armlet 
067 = Earth Harp  107 = Diamond Bangle 
068 = Guide Book  108 = Crystal Bangle 
069 =  109 = Platinum Bangle 
06A =  10A = Rune Armlet 
06B =  10B = Edincoat 
06C =  10C = Wizard Braceletlet 
06D =  10D = Adaman Bangle 
06E =  10E = Gigas Armlet 
06F =  10F = Imperial Guard 
070 =  110 = Aegis Armlet 
071 =  111 = Fourth Bracelet 
072 =  112 = Warrior Bangle 
073 =  113 = Shinra Beta 
074 =  114 = Shinra Alpha 
075 =  115 = Four Slotss 
076 =  116 = Fire Armlet 
077 =  117 = Aurora Armlet 
078 =  118 = Bolt Armlet 
079 =  119 = Dragon Armlet 
07A =  11A = Minerva Band 
07B =  11B = Escort Guard 
07C =  11C = Mystile 
07D =  11D = Ziedrich 
07E =  11E = Precious Watch 
07F =  11F = Chocobracelet 
080 = Buster Sword 120 = Power Wrist 
081 = Mythril Saber 121 = Protect Vest 
082 = Hardedge 122 = Earring 
083 = Butterfly Edge 123 = Talisman 
084 = Enhance Sword 124 = Choco Feather 
085 = Organics 125 = Amulet 
086 = Crystal Sword 126 = Champion Belt 
087 = Force Stealer 127 = Poison Ring 
088 = Rune Blade 128 = Touph Ring 
089 = Murasame 129 = Circlet 
08A = Nail Bat 12A = Star Pendant 
08B = Yoshiyuki 12B = Silver Glasses 
08C = Apocalypse 12C = Headband 
08D = Heaven's Cloud 12D = Fairy Ring 
08E = Ragnarok 12E = Jem Ring 
08F = Ultima Weapon 12F = White Cape 
090 = Leather Glove 130 = Sprint Shoes 
091 = Metal Knuckle 131 = Peace Ring 
092 = Mythril Claw 132 = Ribbon 
093 = Grand Glove 133 = Fire Ring 
094 = Tiger Fang 134 = Ice Ring 
095 = Diamond Knuckle 135 = Bolt Ring 
096 = Dragon Claw 136 = Tetra Elemental 
097 = Crystal Glove 137 = Safety Bit 
098 = Motor Drive 138 = Fury Ring 
099 = Platinum Fist 139 = Curse Ring 
09A = Kaiser Knuckle 13A = Protect Ring 
09B = Work Glove 13B = Cat's Bell 
09C = Powersoul 13C = Reflect Ring 
09D = Master Fist 13D = Water Ring 
09E = God's Hand 13E = Sneak Glove 
09F = Premium Heart 13F = HypnoCrown 
- Codes ending in 069 - 07F give you these items. As of right now, 
I don't know what their purpose is (they may be disabled Key 
Items, I think). 
- Codes ending in 080 - 08F are swords for Cloud. 
- Codes ending in 090 - 09F are claws for Tifa. 
- Codes ending in 0A0 - 0AF are cannons for Barret. 
- Codes ending in 0B0 - 0BD are combs for Red XIII. 
- Codes ending in 0BE - 0C8 are rods for Aeris. 
- Codes ending in 0C9 - 0D6 are spears for Cid. 
- Codes ending in 0D7 - 0E4 are shurikens for Yuffie. 
- Codes ending in 0E5 - 0F1 are M-phones for Cait Sith. 
- Codes ending in 0F2 - 0FE are handguns for Vincent. 
The code ending in 0FF looks like a gun, but it is in 
fact Sephiroth's Masamune blade. 
- Codes ending in 100 - 11F are defensive bracelets. 
- Codes ending in 120 - 13F are accessories you equip. 
- Codes ending in 140 - FFF are 'glitch' items that don't exist 
and have no purpose/effect on the game. 
If you have this code activated and you go into a battle, you may get 
a strange effect that prevents you from fighting the battle. As the 
battle begins, these messages will appear, one after the other: 
xxx: ### / Error Occurred: ## 
L1+R1+SELECT x Reset xxx 
System Error x xx xxxx 
Should you press L1+R1+Select at any time, you're instantly taken out of 
the battle. While you don't gain AP, gil, or experience points or items, 
you don't lose anything, either. Not only can this be used to bypass 
normal battles, but it can be used during boss battles and the game will 
continue as if you had fought and beaten the boss! 
This is pure speculation on my part, but I think this is probably some 
sort of error checker/debugger that was used by the game's programmers 
to test battle sequences, probably to fix up any flaws in the 'Active 
Time Battle' system. This seems possible because the number seem to 
indicate your party's Agility compared to the enemies (I think). And 
assuming my translations are correct (assuming, mind you :)) it would 
make some sense. 
Keep in mind that this may still happen even with the code off. So, 
it's a good idea not to have this code on when you go into a battle. 
The best procedure would probably be to put in the codes for the items 
you want, then save your game and load it without using this code. 
Then, make sure that you don't have any spare items left in your menu 
(use them, sell them, or try 're-equipping' them to reduce the amount 
that you have--if you re-equip them you'll still keep one, but the 
others will vanish). Of course, if you don't want to fight any battles, 
then leave the code activated :) 
MATERIA SELECT 8009D0xx - 00yy 
Well well! Here's an interesting code. It works very much like the 
Item Select code above, except that you have to go into the Materia 
Screen. As long as the switch is up, you have an infinite number of 
whatever Materia you've selected. The only bad thing about this code 
is that it will sometimes start off the Materia orbs with 'beyond master' 
levels, meaning that you can use all their abilities, but you can't get 
another one by mastering it. 
xx = Location where the materia appears on the Materia Menu. You can 
change this number to enter the code multiple times to have 
multiple materia of your choice, but you _must_ use EVEN numbers 
(i.e. A0, C4, or 86) or the game may glitch. Also, if this code 
would put a materia over an occupied space and not a blank one, the 
game may freeze or the materia may not appear. Finally, try to 
keep the location range between 8_ and C_ or the game may crash. 
yy = Name of Materia: 
00 = MP Plus 2E = (glitch) 
01 = HP Plus 2F = (glitch) 
02 = Speed Plus 30 = Master Command 
03 = Magic Plus 31 = Fire 
04 = Luck Plus 32 = Ice 
05 = EXP. Plus 33 = Earth 
06 = Gil Plus 34 = Lightning 
07 = Enemy Away 35 = Restore 
08 = Enemy Plus 36 = Heal 
09 = Chocobo Plus 37 = Revive 
0A = Pre-emptive 38 = Seal 
0B = Long Range 39 = Mystify 
0C = Mega All 3A = Transform 
0D = Counter Attack 3B = Exit 
0E = Slash-All 3C = Poison 
0F = Double Cut 3D = Demi 
10 = Cover 3E = Barrier 
11 = Underwater  3F =  
12 = HP <-> MP 40 = Comet 
13 = W-Magic 41 = Time 
14 = W-Summon 42 =  
15 = W-Item 43 =  
16 =  44 = Destruct 
17 = All 45 = Contain 
18 = Counter 46 = Full Cure 
19 = Magic Counter 47 = Shield 
1A = MP Turbo 48 = Ultima 
1B = MP Absorb 49 = Master Magic 
1C = HP Absorb 4A = Choco/Mog 
1D = Elemental 4B = Shiva 
1E = Added Effect 4C = Ifrit 
1F = Sneak Attack 4D = Titan 
20 = Final Attack 4E = Ramuh 
21 = Added Cut 4F = Odin 
22 = Steal as well 50 = Leviathan 
23 = Quadra Magic 51 = Bahamut 
24 = Steal 52 = Kjata 
25 = Sense 53 = Alexander 
26 =  54 = Phoenix 
27 = Throw 55 = Neo Bahamut 
28 = Morph 56 = Hades 
29 = Deathblow 57 = Typoon 
2A = Manipulate 58 = Bahamut ZERO 
2B = Mime 59 = Knights of Round 
2C = Enemy Skill ** 5A = Master Summon 
2D = (glitch) 89 = (glitch) 
* Codes ending in 16, 26, 3F, 42 and 43 are 'disabled' Materia that 
you can't normally get during the game. In the Japanese game, 
they were still usable, but their abilities, descriptions, and 
other stats. have been removed/altered in this release. 
Note that the Underwater materia has been made into a 
real, usable Materia! It's not used to revive Aerith, but to 
explore more of the underwater areas (and fight the underwater 
Weapon monster). 
** Starts off with a variable number of stars (usually missing the 
first eight or stars 3, 6, and 7). 
- Codes ending in 00 - 0D, 10 and 12 are Independant Materia. 
- Codes ending in 0E, 0F and 17 - 23 are Combination Materia. 
- Codes ending in 13 - 15, 24, 25, 27 - 2C and 30 are Command Materia. 
- Codes ending in 31 - 3E, 40, 41, and 44 - 49 are Magic Materia. 
- Codes ending in 4A - 5A are Summon Materia. 
- Codes ending in 2D - 2F, 89 are game glitches and not real Materia. 
- However, equipping the '089' materia will raise most of your stats. 
to 255 and your MAX MP to 999, although your HP will be dramatically 
- All other codes (5B - FF, excluding 89) are game glitches and not 
real Materia. 
Here are materia charts for each of the 'disabled' materia. Please note 
that the abilities/AP levels of these materia tend to fluctuate, even if 
you put these in using the Game Shark, saved your game, and then played 
again without the GS codes on. Refer to the 'Main Menu' section of the 
first part of the FAQ for information on Materia descriptions, etc. 
These stats are taken from the Japanese version, only because they are 
more descriptive. In the American version, none of the Materia have 
names (except for SuichuuKokyuu, which is 'Underwater'), and they have 
altered/disabled stats. and abilties. For some reason, the only two 
Materia with abilities that work are Mabarrier and Law (in the Japanese 
version, all the materia had an effect except for 'Underwater' 
and 'Booster'). 
MABARIA (Mabarrier) - Magic Materia 20000 AP 3 stars 
LV1: Mabarrier ¥Þ¥Ð¥ê¥¢ 24 Lessens Magic Plus damage 
LV2: Mabarrier ¥Þ¥Ð¥ê¥¢ 24 Lessens Magic Plus damage 
LV3: Mabarrier ¥Þ¥Ð¥ê¥¢ 24 Lessens Magic Plus damage 
This materia has its own description, Mabaria no.... Although it is just 
like other Magic Materia descriptions, note that the bracket-like quotes 
put around most magic spells are not used in this description (as in 
Mabaria instead of [Mabaria], sort of). 
Status Changes: POWER -02 MAGIC +02 MAXHP -05% 
Find: Use the 'Materia Select' Game Shark code (3F). 
RIFUREKU (Reflect) - Magic Materia 20000 AP 4 stars 
LV1: Reflect ¥ê¥Õ¥ì¥¯ 30 Reflects most magic 
LV2: Wall ¥¦¥ª¡¼¥ë 58 Barrier and Mabarrier cast at once 
This materia has its own description, Rifureku no.... Although it is 
just like other Magic Materia descriptions, note that the bracket-like 
quotes put around most magic spells are not used in this description (as 
in Rifureku instead of [Rifureku], sort of). 
Status Changes: POWER -02 MAGIC +02 MAXHP -05% 
Find: Use the 'Materia Select' Game Shark code (42). 
RIFUABU (Reflect Wave?) - Magic Materia 60000 AP 3 stars 
L1: -- -- -- 
L2: Wall ¥¦¥ª¡¼¥ë 58 Barrier and Mabarrier cast at once 
This materia has its own description, Uooru no.... Although it is just 
like other Magic Materia descriptions, note that the bracket-like quotes 
put around most magic spells are not used in this description (as in 
Uooru instead of [Uooru], sort of). 
Status Changes: POWER -02 MAGIC +02 MAXHP -05% 
Find: Use the 'Materia Select' Game Shark code (43). 
SUICHUU KOKYUU (Underwater Breath) - Independant Materia 1 star 
Has no description. 
It says it's ability is 'SuichuuKokyuu*' 
This materia seems to have no effect when equipped, nor does it affect 
anything or anyone at any point in the game, as far as I can tell. 
Unlike all other materia, it has only one star. I would assume that 
this Materia starts off mastered, but because of the Materia Select code, 
I have way over a million AP and I can't seem to make that number go 
down. It could be that you have to master it (just like other materia) 
but then it would be the only materia in the game that starts off with 
no mastered star levels. 
* The info. box will give the stats. of the last Materia the cursor was 
on should you move it around (unless it was last on an Independant 
Materia, in which case it will display 'SuichuuKokyuu' for the ability 
Find: Use the 'Materia Select' Game Shark code (11). 
NOTE: If you want to learn more about this materia, please refer to the 
'Rumors and Speculation' and 'Documents' sections for more detailed 
conjecture. For those of you who keep asking, I've been to the Ancient 
City and _nothing_ happens. Believe me, I've experimented with this 
materia in just about every possible way and it doesn't seem to have 
any effect in the game. 
HOUSOKU (Law*) - Command Materia 20000 AP 2 stars 
Has no description. 
LV1: ZENINAGE (Coin Toss) ¤¼¤Ë¤Ê¤² 
Just like the 'Zeninage' skill of the 'Nageru' materia. Although 
it doesn't say it, you also have the Nageru skill (Throw) in 
battle, too. 
Find: Use the 'Materia Select' Game Shark code (26). 
* Mr. Kelley points out that this is most likely a joke by the 
programmers. 'Law' is what lawyers deal with, and the listed skill 
given for this materia is Coin Toss. As in 'you have to throw away 
your money when dealing with lawyers'. 
BUUSUTAA (Booster) - Combination Materia 90000 AP 5 stars 
Has no description. 
It says it's ability is 'Buusutaa'. 
So far, it doesn't seem to affect any Materia I equip it to. From the 
name, though, I'd imagine that it's supposed to increase the range/ 
effectiveness/power of the Materia that you combine it with or perhaps 
increase the amount of AP you earn for that Materia. 
Find: Use the 'Materia Select' Game Shark code (16). 
9 . A P P E N D I X 
9 . 1 m a t e r i a o r b s 
As you play the game, you'll find, buy, and be given Materia Orbs. When 
equipped, these orbs have various functions (like Relics from FF3), and 
become stronger as you use them (like the Classes from FF5j). There are 
five types of Materia: 
Green - Spell Materia. When equipped, you can cast 
spells like Lightning, Fire, Cure, Barrier, etc. 
Yellow - Command Materia. These give you the ability 
to Steal, Throw, Mimic, etc. 
Purple - Independent Materia. These will increase 
your scores, like Max HP or Speed Plus. 
Blue - Support Materia. These augment the power 
of certain other Materia. For instance, 
the 'Select All' Materia, when combined with 
a Fire materia, lets you cast a fire spell on 
all foes. 
Red - Summon Materia. These let you summon monsters, 
like Chocobo, Shiva, Bahamut, or even Typoon! 
* My tv has some strange color properties. This means that when I 
mention a 'Purple Materia', it may actually be a Blue Materia. I 
didn't even realize this until after first releasing this FAQ, so 
try and bear with me, okay? I'll avoid incorrect naming in the 
future, but I may still get it wrong sometimes. Sorry! ^_^; 
You can equip Materia from the Main Menu, and mix and match them in 
any way you want. This is how they work: 
Weapons and bracelets have a certain number of 'holders' on them. You 
can equip one Materia per holder. So, if a sword has one holder and a 
bracelet has five holders, you can equip six Materia in all. The benefit 
to equipping a Materia is the skills/magic/etc. it gives you. The bad 
part is that equipping Materia tends to lower your statistics. While 
this is only temporary, you'll have to decide if you value skills or 
scores more when equipping certain Materia. To restore your stats. to 
normal, simply unequip the Materia you're using. You'll notice that 
some holders aren't connected, and some are (it looks something like 
this: 0=0 ). Connected holders are used to couple an Independent 
Materia with another Materia, since Independent Materia have no effect 
on their own. 
When you win a battle, you gain AP (Ability Points). Each Materia has 
a number of stars, representing its' 'levels'. All Materia start off 
at level 1, but can be increased to their max. level. The more level 
stars a Materia has, the stronger and more useful it becomes. To 
gain a star level, you have to gain a certain number of Ability Points, 
just like raising levels or learning Esper magic (in FF3). However, 
only Materia that you have equipped earn AP. Luckily, that Materia has 
the same number of points no matter who uses it. For example, let's 
say Cloud keeps the Summon Chocobo materia equipped for a long time, 
and manages to raise it to level 2. If Barret, who's never worn that 
Materia before, equips it, he can also use it at level 2 strength. When 
you do 'master' a Materia (by gaining all its' levels), you will 
instantly get another Materia of the same type! Even though it will 
begin at level 1 (i.e. unused), this means that you can have as many 
Ultima or Summon Bahamut materia as you want (for example), providing 
you max out the ones you already have beforehand. Be sure to sell off 
Materia that you don't need; if you have a full Materia list with no 
empty places and you master a materia that you have equipped, it will 
appear in a random location on the list, permanently erasing the Materia 
that was in it's place (guess the programmers at Square never bothered 
to check that out, did they?) 
You'll want to be careful if you have more than one of the same Materia, 
because you have to raise them seperately. And there's no point in 
giving two of the same Materia to the same person! Try to figure out 
what Materia works best with which person (i.e. give the MAX MP Plus 
Materia to a good magic-user, and give the Deathblow materia to a 
character with low normal attack power). Also, take note of the way 
the holders look; if they don't have silver dots in them (like this: 
O=O or just O), then you can still equip Materia, but you can't level- 
up them since none of the AP you gain in battles will be distributed to 
the Materia in that weapon or item. The tradeoff is that such equipment 
is usually very strong. 
9 . 2 h u g e m a t e r i a / m a s t e r m a t e r i a 
From Disc 2 onwards, you have the chance to find and collect four 'Huge 
Materia'. They can be gotten from these locations: 
Blue Materia - North Corel. You have to save the town from being 
destroyed by a train during Disc 2. 
Yellow Materia - The other Huge Materia is located in the Fort Condor-- 
you can only get this during Disc 2. What you have to 
do is win the 'mini-battle' sequence atop the tower or 
you won't receive the Huge Materia. 
Green Materia* - Rocket Town. After you and Cid blast off in his ship, 
you'll have to enter the code command to free the huge 
Green Materia. If you can't save the Materia, it's lost 
for good. This quest can only be done during Disc 2. 
Red Materia - Red Submarine. If you were able to sink the red sub 
during the return trip to Junon Town in Disc 2, you can 
capture the huge Red Materia from the sunken submarine 
at any time during Discs 2 or 3. If you weren't able 
to stop the sub, then this Materia is permanently lost. 
* In one game, I tried beating every quest but Corel. I had three of 
the materia, Yellow, Green, and Red. I always thought the Blue Materia 
was part of the Rocket Town sub-quest, but I guess not. 
While you have to get two of the Huge Materia in order to make the game 
progress during Disc 2, you don't need to collect all four of them. 
However, you can get the powerful 'Master Materia' from the Huge Materia, 
as well as the strongest Bahamut summon materia, 'Bahamut Form Zero', so 
it's advisable that you try to find them all. You can receive the 
following materia from each Huge Materia: 
Master Magic Cast any magic spell Huge Green materia and a 
'master' level for all 21 
magic materia. 
Master Command Use most commands Huge Yellow materia and a 
'master' level for seven 
command materia (see below). 
Master Summon Use all summon spells Huge Red materia and a 
'master' level for all 16 
summon materia. 
Bahamut Form Zero A summon materia Huge Blue materia and the 
Bahamut and Neo Bahamut 
summon materia orbs. 
Once you've fulfilled the prerequisites to get a certain master materia, 
simply return to Buugen Haagen's observatory in Cosmo Canyon and touch 
the correct Huge Materia (I hope you have the Huge Materia on you/have 
already taken it to the observatory in Cosmo Canyon beforehand!) Pick 
the first option and the screen will glow; pick the top option to get 
your master materia or the bottom option if you want to get that 
particular master materia later. You do have to have all the mastered 
materia on hand, but it doesn't matter whether they're equipped or not. 
If you're trying to get Bahamut Form Zero, then all you have to do is 
touch the huge blue materia and you'll automatically receive it after 
choosing the first option; you have to get this summon spell before you 
can receive the Master Summon materia. There's good news and bad news, 
- All of the Master materia do not have level stars, so you can't 
simply 'master' them and get a second Master Materia. Wearing 
one doesn't effect your statistics, either (so all of you who 
were hoping for a 'MAX MP +80%' or something like that will be 
- When you receive a Master materia, you lose all the materia that 
you mastered. This means that not only will you be left with a 
bunch of low-level materia (since you get another materia of the 
same type when you master it, remember?), but you'll have to master 
each of them if you want to get a second Master materia of that 
type. The good news is that if you have two mastered orbs of the 
same type (say, two Fires and you're trying to get the Master 
Magic materia), you'll only lose one and keep the other. So, if 
you have two mastered Kjata materia and you get a Master Summon 
materia and want another one, you'll only have to level-up 15 orbs 
instead of 16 since one is already mastered. 
Individual notes on the Master materia: 
- If you affix a combination materia like All or Random Magic 
Strike to the Master Magic orb, it will affect all the spells! 
However, not all combination materia work with each spell. 
- When you master a Summon materia, you can call a particular summoned 
beast five times. With the Master Summon materia equipped, you can 
summon any beast an infinite number of times (providing you have the 
MP for it)! Like the Master Magic materia, Combination materia 
attached to this orb will affect all summon spells. 
- You only have to master the Steal, Sense, Throw, Morph, 
Deathblow, Manipulate and Mime materia orbs in order to get the 
Master Command materia. This may sound good, but then again, all you 
get are the above abilities of those materia: this orb won't let you 
use other commands like Swordplay, W-Item, Techniques of the 
Enemy, or Continuous Slice, for example (but you can equip these 
seperately, if you like). 
- And of course, there are no Master Combination or Master Independant 
Materia :) 
9 . 3 m a t e r i a l i s t 
This section lists each Materia and explains it's abilities and other 
information. A new addition to this section is 'AP to Master': this 
tells you how many AP you will need to master that materia. It's easy 
enough to check your current AP level in the Main Menu, but you can't 
figure out what the master amount of AP is until you're at the next 
to the last level--the reason for this addition. 
Levels: Name MP Cost Effect when used 
Changes to status when Materia is equipped: 
Who has it when they first join you: 
Where you can buy it from: (may change depending on what Disc 
you're currently on) 
Where you can find it at: (* anything else you should know) 
Fire 35000 AP 4 stars 
LV1: Fire 1 4 Fire damage 
LV2: Fire 2 22 Fire damage x2 
LV3: Fire 3 52 Fire damage x3 
Status Changes: POWER -01 MAX HP -02% 
MAGIC +01 MAX MP +02% 
Initially equipped: Red 13 
Purchase from: Wall Market, Costa Del Sol, Fort Condor, Mideel 
COLD 35000 AP 4 stars 
LV1: Blizzard 1 4 Ice damage 
LV2: Blizzard 2 22 Ice damage x2 
LV3: Blizzard 3 52 Ice damage x3 
Status Changes: POWER -01 MAXHP -02% 
MAGIC +01 MAXMP +02% 
Initially equipped: Cloud 
Purchase from: Wall Market, Costa Del Sol, Mideel, Fort Condor 
THUNDER 35000 AP 4 stars 
LV1: Lightning 4 Lightning (bolt) damage 
LV2: Lightning 2 22 Lightning (bolt) damage x2 
LV3: Lightning 3 52 Lightning (bolt) damage x3 
Status Changes: POWER -01 MAXHP -02% 
MAGIC +01 MAXMP +02% 
Initially equipped: Cloud 
Purchase from: Wall Market, Costa Del Sol, Mideel, Fort Condor 
EARTH 40000 AP 4 stars 
LV1: Quake 6 Earth damage 
LV2: Quake 2 28 Earth damage x2 
LV3: Quake 3 68 Earth damage x3 
Status Changes: POWER -01 MAXHP -02% 
MAGIC +01 MAXMP +02% 
Purchase from: Kalm Town, Costa Del Sol 
POISON 38000 AP 4 stars 
¤É¤¯ ¡ÊÆÇ¡Ë 
LV1: Bio 8 Poison dmg., then continuous damage 
LV2: Bio 2 36 Poison dmg., then continuous damage x2 
LV3: Bio 3 80 Poison dmg., then continuous damage x3 
Status Changes: POWER -01 MAXHP -02% 
MAGIC +02 MAXMP +02% 
Purchase from: Kalm Town, Costa Del Sol 
Find: Shinra HQ -- 68th floor 
GRAVITY 40000 AP 4 stars 
LV1: Demi 14 Reduces current HP to 3/4* 
LV2: Demi 2 33 Reduces current HP to 1/2 
LV3: Demi 3 48 Reduces current HP to 1/4 
Status Changes: POWER -01 MAXHP -02% 
MAGIC +01 MAXMP +02% 
Purchase from: Costa Del Sol, Mideel 
Find: Cave below Cosmo Canyon after beating the boss. 
* If the description doesn't make sense, think of it like this: Demi 
reduces current HP by 1/4, Demi 2 reduces current HP by 1/2, and 
Demi 3 reduces current HP by 3/4. Make sense now? 
METEORITE 60000 AP 3 stars 
LV1: Comet 70 Special damage x4 against one enemy 
LV2: Comet 2 110 Special damage x4 against all foes 
Status Changes: POWER -02 MAGIC +02 MAXHP -05% 
Find: Ancient City 
SEALED OFF 60000 AP 5 stars 
LV1: Freeze 82 Ice damage + Stop (chance) 
LV2: Break 86 Earth damage + Petrify (chance) 
LV3: Tornado 90 Wind damage + Confyuu (chance) 
LV4: Flare 100 Fire damage 
Status Changes: POWER -04 MAGIC +04 MAXHP -10% 
Find: Mideel (see note *1) 
*1 Go to the town on the Southernmost Continent and feed the hyperactive 
boy's chocobo. You'll have to make sure that you have the proper 
seasoning on you (buy it for 1500 gil from the Chocobo Farm; it's the 
same one you use to learn Chocobockle; the 5th item from the top). 
Choose the top option when you examine the chocobo, then choose the 
5th option (the next to last one), and you'll get this materia. You 
can still do it even after the town is partially destroyed. 
ULTIMA 100000 AP 3 stars 
LV1: -- -- -- 
LV2: Ultima 130 Special damage (heavy) to all foes 
Status Changes: POWER -04 MAGIC +04 MAXHP -10% 
Purchase from: North Corel (see note *2) 
Find: North Corel 
*2 You get this for free if you save the town. If you fail, you can 
still buy it from a kid in one of the train cars for 50,000 gil. 
Restore 40000 AP 5 stars 
LV1: Cure 5 Recover lost HP 
LV2: Cure 2 24 Recover lost HP x1.5 
LV3: Regene 30 Gain back some HP each round 
LV4: Cure 3 64 Recover lost HP x3 
Status Changes: POWER -01 MAXHP -02% 
MAGIC +01 MAXMP +02% 
Purchase from: Midgar City -- Area 5, Wall Market, Mideel, 
Fort Condor 
Find: Makoro Furnace 
FULL CURE 100000 AP 3 stars 
LV1: -- -- -- 
LV2: Full Cure 99 Recover all lost HP 
Status Changes: POWER -04 MAGIC +04 MAXHP -10% 
Find: Cosmo Canyon; behind the Item Shop (Disc 2+ only) 
LV1: Poisona 3 Cures Poison status 
LV2: Esuna 15 Cures any bad status 
LV3: Resist 120 Prevents status change 
Status Changes: POWER -01 MAXHP -02% 
MAGIC +01 MAXMP +02% 
Purchase from: Kalm Town, Gongaga Town, Junon Town 
RESURRECT 55000 AP 3 stars 
LV1: Raise 34 Come back to life with some HP 
LV2: Life 2 100 Come back to life with all HP 
Status Changes: POWER -02 MAGIC +02 MAXHP -05% 
Purchase from: Junon Town, Costa Del Sol (Disc 2+) 
SEAL 20000 AP 3 stars 
LV1: Sleepel 8 Enemy falls asleep 
LV2: Silence 24 Enemy is silenced 
Status Changes: POWER -01 MAXHP -02% 
MAGIC +01 MAXMP +02% 
Purchase from: Junon Town 
PERPLEX 30000 AP 3 stars 
LV1: Confuse 18 Enemy is confused 
LV2: Berserk 28 Automatic attack/Attack Power goes up 
Status Changes: POWER -01 MAXHP -02% 
MAGIC +01 MAXMP +02% 
Purchase from: Cosmo Canyon (see note *3) 
*3 Berserk is useful against magic-casting enemies because they're 
forced to attack and can't use spells. You can also use this 
spell on yourself; while the ally can do nothing but attack, his 
attack power is greatly increased (but this is true for enemies 
hit with this spell, too). 
TRANSFORM 24000 AP 3 stars 
LV1: Minimum 10 Body shrinks; stats./damage drop to 1. 
LV2: Toad 14 Can do nothing but attack/ cast 'Toad' 
Status Changes: POWER -01 MAXHP -02% 
MAGIC +01 MAXMP +02% 
Initially equipped: Cait Sith 
Purchase from: North Corel, Cosmo Canyon, Gongaga Town, Mideel 
SEPERATION 30000 AP 3 stars 
LV1: Escape 16 Escape from battles (some exceptions) 
LV2: Degeon 99 All enemies are banished (killed) 
Status Changes: POWER -01 MAXHP -02% 
MAGIC +01 MAXMP +02% 
Purchase from: Rocket Village (see note *4) 
*4 Yes, if you cast Degeon on yourself then you'll all die ^_^; 
TIME 42000 AP 4 stars 
LV1: Haste 18 Time bar fills faster 
LV2: Slow 20 Time bar fills slower 
LV3: Stop 34 Time bar can't fill for a short while 
Status Changes: POWER -02 MAGIC +02 MAXHP -05% 
Purchase from: Gongaga Town, Rocket Village 
BARRIER 45000 AP 5 stars 
LV1: Barrier 16 Lessens physical damage 
LV2: Mabarrier 24 Lessens Magic Plus damage 
LV3: Reflect 30 Reflects most magic 
LV4: Wall 58 Barrier and Mabarrier cast at once 
Status Changes: POWER -02 MAGIC +02 MAXHP -05% 
Purchase from: Rocket Village (see note *5) 
*5 Reflect reflects a magic spell to the opposite party (foe to ally, ally 
to foe) even if the caster and receiver are both allies or enemies. 
If a spell affects more than one person, only the people with Reflect 
will have the spell reflected. 
Unlike previous Final Fantasy games, a reflected spell (at least, if 
the reflective power is automatic or due to an accessory like the 
Reflect Ring) will bounce back and forth until it 'breaks through' 
a target's reflectiveness (which will still be there--it's not 
permanently removed) or misses. This is quite a change from the 
normal 'reflect one time' rule of other FF incarnations, and whether 
it was programmed in purposely or is a glitch remains to be seen. 
Riflek doesn't work against Juuryoku-type spells, Inseki-type spells, 
Ultima, Shield, Debarrier, or Dispel. 
ANNIHILATION 45000 AP 4 stars 
LV1: Debarrier 12 Cancels Barrier spells 
LV2: Dispel 20 Cancels any magic 
LV3: Death 30 Kills foe instantly 
Status Changes: POWER -02 MAGIC +02 MAXHP -05% 
Purchase from: Fort Condor, Mideel (see note *6) 
*6 Dispel removes status-changing magics such as Wall, Haste, Slow, 
Regene, Toad, etc. It only affects the spells in use, but can 
remove more than one Magic Plus status at once. 
SHIELD 100000 AP 3 stars 
LV1: -- -- -- 
LV2: Shield 180 Ally becomes invincible for a while 
Status Changes: POWER -04 MAGIC +04 MAXHP -10% 
Find: Makou Pit 
MASTER MAGIC n/a no stars 
When equipped, you can cast ANY magic spell, providing you have enough 
MP. Remember, using a combination materia together with the Master Magic 
materia will affect all your spells, but not all of them will be 
compatible with certain types of combination materia. 
STEAL 50000 AP 3 stars 
LV1: (Steal) 
Attempt to steal an item from an enemy. It doesn't always work, 
and you can't steal if an enemy has no items. 
LV2: (Plunder) 
As above, but you will attack and steal at the same time. Once 
you learn this, you can't use Nusumu. 
Status Changes: Speed Plus +02 
Purchase: Kalm Town 
Find: After killing the boss when you fall into the sewers 
once you've rescued Tifa from Wall Market (Disc 1). 
THROW 60000 AP 3 stars 
LV1: (Throw) 
You can throw one of the weapons in your inventory at an enemy. 
You'll lose the weapon you throw, however. The only items you're 
allowed to throw are: swords (Cloud), rods (Aeris), cannons 
(Barret), shuriken (Yuffie), M-phones (Cait Sith), handguns 
(Vincent), and spears (Cid). You cannot throw a weapon an ally 
is equipped with. 
LV2: (Coin Toss) 
Once you learn it, this command and Nageru switch constantly while 
the Battle Window is open. If you choose it, you must then decide 
how much money you will _keep_ by using the controller (just like 
purchasing a certain amount of items). No matter how much gil you 
toss, the maximum damage is always 9999. The ratio of gil to 
damage points is 10:1, so you'd better have a lot of money. 
Status Changes: STRENGTH +01 
Intially Equipped: Yuffie 
Purchase: Fort Condor, Rocket Town 
CONTINUOUS SLICE 150000 AP 3 stars 
LV1: (Continuous Slice) 
You can make make two physical attacks on one enemy. 
LV2: (Random Hit) 
You can attack 4 times, but the damage you inflict is slightly 
lower than normal. Each enemy that you attack is picked at 
Status Changes: Speed Plus +02 
Find: Wrecked Plane 
SLICE EVERYBODY 150000 AP 3 stars 
LV1: Slice Everybody) You can make one attack which will hit all 
enemies. It's possible to hit and miss at the same time with this 
LV2: (Swordplay) 
All enemies facing you are instantly killed. This command doesn't 
always work. 
Find: Old Forest 
PERCIEVE 40000 AP 2 stars 
You're shown an enemy's HP, MP, experience level, and any weaknesses they 
may have. Furthermore, their current HP and MP rate is shown if you 
select them while the Help Window is activated. Not all enemies can be 
scanned with this command. 
Initially Equipped: Red 13 
Purchase: Kalm Town, Junon Town 
Find: Midgar City -- Area 7 
Morph 100000 AP 2 stars 
This command makes you do a physical attack at roughly 2/3rds less 
damage. If your foe is killed with this hit, he will transform into an 
item for you to take. Not all enemies can be morphed. 
Find: At the Temple 
Deathblow 40000 AP 2 stars 
When used, an ally will try to make a critical strike. This attack 
misses often, but still hits more frequently than a regular critical 
attack does. 
Status Changes: LUCK +01 
Purchase: Fort Condor, Rocket Village 
Find: Area near Gongaga Town 
MANIPULATE 40000 AP 2 stars 
You can control an enemy with this command. If it works, your character 
can't do anything aside from controlling the enemy. Not all enemies can 
be controlled, and on top of that, this command doesn't always work. 
While an enemy is under your command, you can do nothing aside from 
direct it (you can't perform normal commands, only pick commands for the 
monster under your control). If you're using this materia and Subete 
All, you'll attempt to control all monsters, but you can only 
control one, no matter how successful you are :( 
Initially equipped: Cait Sith 
Purchase: Fort Condor, Rocket Village 
Enemy Skill n/a 24 stars 
You can learn certain skills normally available only to your enemies 
with this materia equipped. To learn a skill, the enemy must use it 
on you (even if you dodge it or are killed by it), and you must then 
proceed to win the battle. Each time you gain a new skill, one of the 
24 stars in the Materia Menu lights up and the skill's name is added 
to the gray box beneath it. Using enemy skills costs MP, in most cases. 
You can also check out Enemy Skills in the Magic Menu. 
Find: Shinra HQ -- 68th floor, after killing the boss. 
Ancient City (behind a bed), Chocobo Sennin's 
house (talk to the Green Chocobo), basement of 
Junon Town (the room with the soldiers). 
Mime 100000 AP 2 stars 
You can mimic the last action one of your allies made when using this 
command, whether it was spell-casting, using up an item, activating a 
Command Materia, summoning a monster, changing rows, etc. You won't 
lose any HP, MP, items, or anything else that would be used up or 
depleted normally. Since Monomane mimics the last action made, you can 
skip through the other allies until it is your turn again to repeatedly 
imitate yourself. And while you can't mimic Limit Breaks, you can 
imitate your own Breaks. What's really cool about this materia is that 
you will imitate the person's combination materia, too. So if someone 
casts Fire 2, and it's combined with Quadra Magic, then you will 
use Quadra Magic as well when you mimic them without having to have 
it equipped! 
Find: One of the bonus areas...refer to section 5b. 
W-Magic / W MAGIC 250000 AP 2 stars 
This command lets you cast two spells, one right after the other. MP 
consumption remains normal and you have to have enough for both spells. 
The great thing about this materia is that you can still use Mahou 
Midareuchi, All, Subete All, MP Turbo, or any other materia 
that affects magic along with this to affect both spells that you're 
Find: Makou Pit. 
W-Summon / W SUMMON 250000 AP 2 stars 
You can summon two monsters, one right after the other, when this Materia 
is equipped. You have to have enough MP to perform the summons, and if 
you've already called a monster the maximum number of times, you can't 
call it again using this command. 
Find: A prize you can buy at the Gold Saucer's Battle 
W-Item / W ITEM 250000 AP 2 stars 
You can use two items, one right after the other, with this command. 
You must have enough items to use, though. 
Find: At the end of the passageway leading south when you 
raid Midgar City at the end of Disc 2. 
MASTER COMMAND n/a no stars 
When equipped, you can use the following commands in battle: Certain 
Kill, Coin Toss, Manipulate, Morph, Mime, Sense, Steal, 
and Throw. 
Note that when more than one of the following Materia are worn, their 
bonus is culmulative: HP Plus, MP Plus, Luck Plus, Magic Plus, and Plus. 
This means that you can wear more than one for an even higher increase in 
your scores (but you can only wear so many--try to equip lots of the 
same type of Materia and you'll see that your stats. remain the same. 
The rest of the Purple Materia (Gil Plus, Teki Yose, etc.) have no 
Added Effect of two or more of them are worn at once. The only 
exception is when you wear the Counter Materia; see below for details. 
HP Plus 50000 AP 5 stars 
LV1: HP 10% Up When equipped, your Maximum HP increases by the 
LV2: HP 20% Up listed amount, allowing you to gain back more HP. 
LV3: HP 30% Up Your HP cannot be raised above 9999, though, and you 
LV4: HP 40% Up lose your HP bonus when this materia is de-equipped. 
LV5: HP 50% Up 
Purchase: Cosmo Canyon or Mideel. 
MP Plus 50000 AP 5 stars 
LV1: MP 10% Up When worn, your Maximum MP increases by the listed 
LV2: MP 20% Up amount, allowing you to gain back more MP. Your MP 
LV3: MP 30% Up cannot be raised above 999, though, and you lose the 
LV4: MP 40% Up MP bonus when this materia is taken off. 
LV5: MP 50% Up 
Purchase: Cosmo Canyon or Mideel. 
HP<->MP 80000 AP 2 stars 
This materia switches your maximum HP score with your maximum MP score. 
While this allows you to have up to 9999 MP, your HPs can never go 
beyond 999 while wearing this materia. Interestingly enough, equipping 
an 'HP Plus' materia will increase your MP amount (up to 9999), and 
wearing a 'MP Plus' materia will increase your maximum HP (but you still 
can't go beyond 999 Hit Points). 
Find: One of the bonus areas...refer to section 5b. 
Luck Plus 100000 AP 5 stars 
LV1: Luck 10% Up This materia raises your luck score (which helps 
LV2: Luck 20% Up determine your critical hit (Hissatsu) rate. If 
LV3: Luck 30% Up it is removed, your luck drops back to normal. 
LV4: Luck 40% Up 
LV5: Luck 50% Up 
Find: At the Temple. 
Magic Plus 50000 AP 5 stars 
LV1: Magic 10% Up This materia raises your magic score (which helps 
LV2: Magic 20% Up rate the effectiveness of Mahou materia). When 
LV3: Magic 30% Up de-equipped, your magic score returns to normal. 
LV4: Magic 40% Up 
LV5: Magic 50% Up 
Find: Bottom of ladder in the cave beyond the Ancient 
City in Disc 2. 
Speed Plus 100000 AP 5 stars 
LV1: Speed Plus 10% Up This materia increases your Speed rating (which 
LV2: Speed Plus 20% Up determines, in part, battle initiative and your 
LV3: Speed Plus 30% Up ability to dodge attacks). Should this materia 
LV4: Speed Plus 40% Up be taken off, your speed will go back to it's 
LV5: Speed Plus 50% Up former level. 
Find: A prize you can buy at the Gold Saucer's Battle 
Gil Plus 150000 AP 3 stars 
LV1: Receive 1.5 times more gil than usual when you win a battle. 
LV2: Receive twice as more gil than usual when you win a battle. 
Status Changes: LUCK +01 
Purchase: Gold Saucer's Wonder Square. 
EXP. Plus 150000 AP 3 stars 
LV1: Receive 1.5 times more EXP than usual when you win a battle. 
LV2: Receive twice as more EXP than usual when you win a battle. 
Status Chagnes: LUCK +01 
Purchase: Gold Saucer's Wonder Square. 
Enemy Away 50000 AP 3 stars 
LV1: Enemy enCounter Attack rate drops to one-half. 
LV2: Enemy enCounter Attack rate drops to one-fourth. 
Status Changes: LUCK +01 
Find: Receive as a prize if you did well in the chocobo 
races at the Gold Saucer. 
Enemy Plus 50000 AP 3 stars 
LV1: EnCounter Attack enemies 1.5 times more often. 
LV2: EnCounter Attack enemies twice as often. 
Status Changes: LUCK -01 
Find: A prize you can buy at the Gold Saucer's Battle 
Chocobo Plus 30000 AP 4 stars 
Allows you to enCounter Attack chocobos while in areas with very light 
grass or with Chocobo tracks. 
LV1: Chocobo enCounter Attack rate is 2 times higher. 
LV2: Chocobo enCounter Attack rate is 4 times higher. 
LV3: Chocobo enCounter Attack rate is 8 times higher. 
Status Changes: LUCK +01 
Purchase: The man in the chocobo stables at the Chocobo Farm. 
Find: Edge of the Chocobo pen at the Chocobo Farm (Disc 
Pre-emptive 80000 AP 5 stars 
LV1: Chance of attacking first is 12% When worn, this materia gives 
LV2: Chance of attacking first is 24% your party an increased chance 
LV3: Chance of attacking first is 36% of getting a free round of 
LV4: Chance of attacking first is 48% fighting, just as if you had 
made an initial attack. 
Status Changes: Speed Plus +02 
Find: A prize you can buy at the Gold Saucer's Battle 
You may attack from the back row without any reduction in your attack 
power. This materia has no effect if you are in the front row. 
Find: In the Mythril Mine. 
PROTECT 40000 AP 5 stars 
LV1: 20% Up The character wearing this Materia will block 
LV2: 40% Up an enemy's attack by standing in front of one of 
LV3: 60% Up his allies when they are attacked. It won't 
LV4: 80% Up always happen (unless you're at 100%), and that 
LV5: 100% Up ally will keep guarding even if his HPs are low. 
This only works when another ally is hit by a 
physical attack, not by magic or certain enemy 
Status Changes: STRENGTH +01 
Find: In the garden next to Aeris's house. 
Counter Attack 100000 AP 5 stars 
The character wearing this will Counteattack using his weapon if he is 
targeted by an enemy (the attack doesn't have to be physical, and it 
doesn't have to be aimed specifically at the person wearing the Counter 
Attack Materia. In fact, it doesn't even have to hit or do damage in 
order to trigger a counterattack). Damage is the same, just as if you 
had attacked normally (it's even possible to miss). 
A counterattack is made only against the enemy you hit; combining 
this materia with Subete All, Renzokugiri, or any other materia that 
affects your ability to attack will have no effect. However, I'm not 
sure how Enkyori Kougeki would affect this materia. The chance of you 
Counter Attacking when hit raises at 20% per star. You won't 
counterattack your friends if they attack you, BTW. 
Note that the more of these that you wear, the more times you make a 
counterattack. So if you have 4 Counter Attack materia equipped and an 
enemy hits you with a physical attack, you will strike that foe 4 times. 
Find: Caves behind Nivelheim, or you can receive it as a 
prize for winning the chocobo races held at the 
Gold Saucer. 
Mega All 160000 AP 5 stars 
Like All, this materia allows you to target all allies or enemies 
instead of just one. However, the Subete All affects _every_ 
ability your character possesses. The ability must be a selectable one 
(in the Battle Window), and not an ability such as Counter Attack or 
Cover. This Materia doesn't work with Summon Spells or the ability to use 
Items (even with W Item equipped). 
Find: Makou Pit. 
HP ABSORB 100000 AP 2 stars 
Every time you hit an enemy with magic, 1/10th of the damage you did is 
given back to you in the form of HPs. 
Find: Mako Pit. 
MP ABSORB 100000 AP 2 stars 
Every time you hit an enemy with magic, 1/10th of the damage you did is 
given back to you in the form of MPs. 
Find: Chest in Wutai. 
MP TURBO 120000 AP 5 stars 
When paired with a Mahou or Summon materia, the MP cost raises by about 
1/3rd the original amount. However, the effectiveness of the spell cast 
is increased by a third as well, whether it is damaged inflicted or HP 
restored. The only exception to this that I've found so far is the 
Knights of Round materia--pair it to MP Turbo and the cost raises 
only 5 points, yet the amount of damage is still raised by a third. 
Find: In the Temple. 
All 35000 AP 5 stars 
When linked to a green materia, you will target that spell on all allies 
or enemies instead of just one. This allows you to hit them all with 
that spell. The more levels you raise this materia, the more times you 
can do this; after enough uses of that spell, you'll have to target 
one enemy again until the next battle. Note that All will not work 
with the following materia: Altema, Chiryou (Resist only), Fulkea, Fuuin, 
Inseki, Ridatsu, or Shield. 
Initially Equipped: Red 13 
Purchase from: Fort Condor 
Find: Shinra HQ -- trade in one of the bags from the 
'locked door' puzzle to get it. 
Quadra Magic 200000 AP 5 stars 
This can be combined with Spell or Summon Materia. When used, the spell 
strikes 4 times, with the target randomly chosen each time. The damage 
that spell would inflict is reduced, but the you only lose MP as if you 
had casted the spell once. The same applies if it is combined with a 
Summon Materia. This Materia works with every magic spell and summon 
skill except for Escape and Knights of Round. 
Find: One of the bonus areas...refer to section 5b. 
Sneak Attack 150000 AP 5 stars 
If you have a Mahou, Summon, or Command materia attached to the Fuiuchi 
materia, then the character wearing them will instantly use the 
attached materia before the allies or enemies can attack. However, 
there is only a small chance of this working, but you can increase it 
by raising this materia's levels. This materia doesn't work against 
enemies that are supposed to attack first (such as the armored tank 
that you fight after escaping from Shinra HQ in Disc One). 
Find: Receive as a prize if you did well in the chocobo 
races at the Gold Saucer. 
MAGIC Counter Attack 300000 AP 5 stars 
Despite it's name, you can attach a Mahou or a Summon materia to this 
materia orb. If you are attacked, there is a chance that you will 
Counterattack with whatever spell or Shoukan you have equipped, providing 
you have the MP for it. The chance of you making a Counterattack 
increases 20% per level star you earn. If you have either the Master 
Magic or Master Summon materia equipped, the Shoukanjuu or magic spell 
used is determined randomly. 
Find: Receive as a prize if you did well in the chocobo 
races at the Gold Saucer. 
Counter Attack 100000 AP 5 stars 
This materia will only work if it is attached to a Command Materia. 
Furthermore, it will will only work with the following Materia: 
Ayatsuru, Henka, Hissatsu, Miyaburu, Monomane*, Nageru, and Nusumu. 
If you have the Master Command materia linked to this one, then one of 
the eight commands will be picked at random. When you are attacked by 
an enemy, you will Counter Attackattack with the command materia you have 
equipped. The chance of you counterattacking increases by 20% for each 
new level star you earn. If the command chosen is Nageru or Zeninage, 
then the item thrown/amount of gil thrown is randomly determined. 
* Since Monomane will make you imitate what you or your allies just did, 
you can use Monomane to Counter Attackattack with Renzokugiri, a Summon 
spell, or any other Materia ability. It's probably the best Materia 
to have when using the Counter Attack because you can strike back 
with just about any ability you can think of. 
Find: Makou Pit. 
FINAL ATTACK 160000 AP 5 stars 
This works just like the ability that many of your enemies have; when 
your HP is reduced to 0, you will activate whatever Materia is attached 
to the Final Attack Materia, but that Materia has to be a Mahou, Shoukan, 
or Command materia. Be careful, though, since if one of your allies 
kills you, you'll attack them with the Materia you have equipped! You 
can equip a Materia like Sosei or Barrier to revive yourself or protect 
your party once you pass away, though, making this useful as both an 
offensive and defensive tactic. The more stars you've earned, the more 
times you can use this Materia when you are killed. 
Find: A prize you can win at the Gold Saucer's Battle 
Square, should you win the URA Battle. 
ADDITIONAL SLICE 200000 AP 2 stars 
After using the materia that this is combined with, you'll perform a 
single physical attack on the enemy affected by the materia. This means 
that if you use a materia on yourself (like Barrier), you'll attack 
yourself or your allies! 
Find: Look on the 'switching path' in the Mountain 
Crossroads area (it's where you can use your map 
in the 2nd disk, just before the snowfield). 
Steal as well* 200000 AP 2 stars 
After using the materia that this is combined with, you'll attempt to 
steal from the enemy affected by the previous materia (you won't move 
or anything--you simply receive a message telling you if you were 
successful or not). Combining this with the Nusumu materia is obviously 
pointless unless you're having a hard time stealing from a particular 
Find: In a cavern above Wutai (you need to be able to 
cross the fire-pits before you can reach it). 
* Could also be translated 'Steal while you are doing (action)'. 
Added Effect 100000 AP 2 stars 
This materia is affect not only by which Mahou or Shoukan materia you 
combine it with, but if you affix it to your weapon or your bracelet. 
It takes the properties of the linked materia and gives your weapon or 
bracelet those properties. For example, equip Shiva on your paired 
bracelet holders and you are protected from Ice damage. Equip it and 
the Ikazuchi materia on your weapon's holders and your normal attacks 
will hit for lightning damage. Like Zokusei (below), not all materia 
will work with this combination materia. 
Find: Cosmo Canyon -- the cave that you and the old man 
Elemental 80000 AP 4 stars 
Like Tsuika Kouka, this materia affects the weapon or armor it is 
attached to as well as the materia it is combined with. Zokusei only 
works when paired with certain Mahou or Shoukan materia. If it is 
attached to a weapon, the type of damage you inflict is the same as the 
Materia combined with Zokusei (so if you have Phoenix attached to your 
weapon and it is combined with this materia, you'll hit for fire damage. 
And if you have Doku attached to you armor along with this materia, you 
will be protected from Poison attacks). This Materia has no additional 
power when linked with a weapon, but if it is combined with a bracelet, 
it has the following abilities: 
LV1: Damage inflicted is reduced to 1/2 if it is the corresponding type. 
LV2: No damage is received if it is the corresponding type. 
LV3: Gain HP if you are struck with the corresponding type of attack. 
Zokusei will only work when paired with these materia: 
Poison Alexander Titan 
Fire Ifrit Ramuh 
Lightning Leviathan 
Demi Phoenix 
Cold Shiva 
Find: From Domino on the 62nd floor of the Shinra HQ. 
Also in either Tifa's house or the mountains 
behind Nivelheim (NSS). 
All summon materia have five level stars. The more levels you raise, 
the more times you can summon that particular Shoukanjuu (Summoned 
Beast) during a battle. Unless mentioned, all summon attacks strike 
all enemies at once. 
Dash attack hitting for physical damage. Has a small 
chance of stunning your foes for several rounds. In 
case you're wondering, the kanji on the moogle's 
headband is the real name of this Summon in the 
Japanese version (it is 'HissatsuWaza' or 'Ultimate 
Special Technique'). 
Technique: FAT CHOCOBO 
Fat Chocobo performs squashing attack hitting for 
physical damage. Occurs 1/16th of the time. 
Status Changes: MAGIC +01 MAXHP -02% 
MAXMP +02% 
Find: Talk to the fenced in Chocobo at the Chocobo Farm. 
SHIVA 50000 AP COST - 32 MP 
Technique: DIMOND DUST 
Attacks with frost blast for ice damage. 
Status Changes: MAGIC +01 MAXHP -02% 
MAXMP +02% 
Find: In the cave between the chocobo farm and Fort Condor 
(before Junon Town).  
IFRIT 50000 AP COST - 34 MP 
Technique: Fire OF HELL 
Flaming body check hitting for fire damage. 
Status Changes: MAGIC +01 MAXHP -02% 
MAXMP +02% 
Find: After killing Jenova Birth on the Shinra Boat.  
TITAN 80000 AP COST - 46 MP 
Technique: ANGER OF EARTH 
Ground lift and crush hitting for earth damage. 
Status Changes: MAGIC +01 MAXHP -02% 
MAXMP +02% 
Find: Check the ruined machinery after the Shinra minions 
leave in the village located before Cosmo Canyon. 
RAMUH 70000 AP COST - 40 MP 
Lightning storm striking for thunder damage. 
Status Changes: MAGIC +01 MAXHP -02% 
MAXMP +02% 
Find: Alcove in Chocobo racer's room in the Golden Saucer. 
ODIN 90000 AP COST - 80 MP 
Slashes with sword, instantly killing all enemies. 
Impales one foe with spear for special damage (done 
only vs. foes that cannot be 'instantly killed', such 
as bosses). 
Status Changes: MAGIC +01 MAXHP -05% 
Find: After opening the safe and defeating the boss in the 
mansion in Nivelheim (where Vincent is found). 
Summons tidal wave that hits for water damage. 
Status Changes: MAGIC +01 MAXHP -05% 
Find: Given to you after beating the Ashura-like monster at 
the top of the pagoda in Utai on the Westmost Continent. 
KJATA 140000 AP COST - 110 MP 
Technique: TRI-DISASTER 
Hits for three element damage (Fire, Ice, Bolt) 
Status Changes: MAGIC +01 MAXHP -05% 
Find: Second screen of endless Forest on Northern Continent. 
BAHAMUT 120000 AP COST - 100 MP 
Technique: MEGAFLARE 
Attacks with flare breath for special damage. 
Status Changes: MAGIC +01 MAXHP -05% 
Find: After beating the dragon in the Temple once you've met 
Sephiroth and the Temple starts to shake.  
ALEXANDER 150000 AP COST - 120 MP 
Laser ray hitting for holy power damage. 
Status Changes: MAGIC +01 MAXHP -05% 
Find: In a cave on the east edge of the icy wasteland below 
the old man's shack on the Northern Continent. 
NEO BAHAMUT 200000 AP COST - 140 MP 
Technique: GIGAFLARE 
Attacks with stronger flare breath for special damage. 
Status Changes: MAGIC +02 MAXHP -10% 
Find: Lying on path leading to first barrier at top of the 
crater in the Frozen Mountain.  
PHOENIX 180000 AP COST - 180 MP 
Causes fire damage to enemy and revives all dead allies 
(restores a dead character's HP to max). 
Status Changes: MAGIC +02 MAXHP -10% 
Find: Win the Mini-Battle at Fort Condor.  
HADES 250000 AP COST - 150 MP 
Hades appears and summons a gas from within his cauldron 
which will affect enemies with various status ailments, 
in addition to inflicting poison damage. 
Status Changes: MAGIC +04 MAXHP -10% 
Find: Near the ruined helicopter in the sunken Shinra plane 
next to the Gold Saucer.  
Technique: TERAFLARE 
Bahamut's ultimate form appears in outer space and 
eradicates all enemies with a Shotgun flare for special 
damage. This attack hits for around 8000-9999 damage. 
Status Changes: MAGIC +04 MAXHP -10% 
Find: Touch the floating blue stone in Cosmo Canyon after 
revisiting the Ancient City with the old man. You 
must have Bahamut and Bahamut Kai or you won't 
receive this materia.  
TYPOON 250000 AP COST - 160 MP 
Typoon creates a wind vortex, then turns the ground 
upside-down and all the enemies fall down into the 
sky :) This attack instantly kills foes, but it can 
Status Changes: MAGIC +04 MAXHP -10% 
Find: In a bag on a branch across from three pink vines, in 
the third area of the Old Forest.  

Technique: ULTIMATE END 
King Arthur and his fellow knights (they don't look 
like knights to me) each take a turn attacking your 
opponents with all kinds of attacks (causing fire 
damage, ice damage, special damage, etc.) 
Status Changes: MAGIC +08 MAXHP -10% 
Find: In a cave on the uncharted island in the northeast 
corner of the map. You'll need the Gold Chocobo to 
reach it.  
MASTER SUMMON n/a no stars 
When equipped, you can summon ANY monster. 
9 . 4 e n e m y s k i l l l i s t 
This section lists the enemy skills you can learn in numerical order. 
It also lists the amount of MP needed to use an enemy skill, the effect 
of that skill, and the locations of monsters you can learn them from. 
Effect: Transforms all foes into frogs and puts them to sleep. 
Learn: From the green frogs (Tatchimi) in the circular forest near 
Gongaga Town (also from the other forests nearby).  
Tip: You can control the enemy and make it use Kaeru no Uta on you 
(pick the bottom option). 
Effect: All enemies with an experience level that is a multiple of 4 
loses almost all their HP (you can't kill an enemy with this 
spell--the best you can do is reduce their HP to one point). 
In addition, they may be afflicted with the 'Minimum' status. 
Learn: Burrowing squirrel-like foes (Muu) found near the Chocobo Farm. 
Tip: You can't control this enemy, so you'll have to wait until they 
use it on you. 
Effect: Bop one foe on the head and gain up to 100 MP (assuming 
the monster has enough MP). 
Learn: Plant-like monsters (Ashigirisou) found on the tip of the 
Westernmost Continent (in the dark grass).  
Tip: You can control an Ashigiisou and have it use the Magic 
Hammer against one of your allies (choose the third 
Effect: Each ally regains lost HP and their status ailments are cured 
and dispelled. The amount of HP recovered depends on the 
current HP of the caster. 
Learn: The white and green cactus-like monsters (Zemzerett) in the 
grassy area by Junon Town , or from the winged 
serpents you fight if you're hit by a barrier at the Frozen 
Tip: You can't learn White Wind from a Zemzerett unless you control 
it and make it use the skill on you (pick the bottom choice to 
do this). 
Effect: Has the same effect as casting Haste, Barrier, and Mabarrier on 
all your allies. 
Learn: The spiky, shelled creatures with green tentacles (Beach Plug) 
that live on the shore near the Gongaga Town.  
Tip: The Beach Plug won't use Mighty Guard unless you control it 
and make it use the skill on one of your members (it's the 
middle option). 
Effect: An angel appears above one person and brings them back to life 
if they are dead. They also relieve any status ailments and 
dispel any bad effects. In addition HP is restored to the 
amount shown during the skill's use; however, this can be a 
bane to characters with high HP because if your life is higher 
than the amount shown, it is reduced to that amount. You'd 
think that this would be a great way to weaken enemies with 
more than 9999 HP, but it won't work on your opponents in this 
manner--it will only heal them, remove status ailments, etc. :( 
Learn: From the beckoning women in the yellow swimsuits (Polan Solita) 
you meet in the Makou Pit if you take the right path the first 
time you meet your friends.  
Tip: The easiest way to learn this skill is by controlling your 
enemy and picking the bottom option to make them use this skill 
on you. 
Effect: Increases your physical and Magic Plus defense rating. 
Learn: From the dragons (Dark Dragon) you meet during the descent into 
the Makou Pit.  
Tip: You can't learn this unless you control the Dark Dragon and have 
it use Dragon Force on one of you (pick the second choice). 
Effect: One ally becomes immune to instant death attacks (this doesn't 
protect you from dying if you lose all your HP). 
Learn: The huge tusked turtles (Adamantaimai) by the shoreline of the 
Westmost Continent.  
Tip: You can't learn this skill unless you control the turtle and 
make it use Death Force against you. To do this, choose the 
bottom option once it's under your control. 
STAR 09 - Fire BLASTER COST - 10 MP 
Effect: A stream of fire burns one foe for fire (Honoo) damage. 
Learn: From any enemy that utilizes a fire breath attack. One of the 
earliest locations would be the room with the ladders and 
pipes where you fight the boss of the mountains behind 
Nivelheim; you can fight Dragons in that area that use Kaen 
Housha often.  You can also learn it from the 
flying yellow monsters (Aakudoragon) in the Mythril Mine. 
Tip: While you could learn this skill by controlling a Dragon and 
picking the bottom choice to make it use this skill on you, 
chances are it will hit you with Kaen Housha as it's initial 
attack in the first place. The same goes for the flying 
Effect: Reduces an enemy's HP by one-half. 
Learn: From the dragons (Dark Dragon) you meet during the descent into 
the Makou Pit.  
Tip: You can either let the Dark Dragon use this ability on you, or 
you can control it (using Ayatsuru), and pick the top option 
to make it use Laser on one of your allies. 
Effect: Fire a pack of missiles at one enemy for magic damage. 
Learn: Machines with big feet and guns for arms (Sweeper Custom) around 
Junon Town.  Or from the wheeled robo-creatures in 
the underwater part of Junon Town.  
Tip: To learn this skill from the Sweeper Custom, just control it 
and choose the last option. 
Effect: Inflict multiple status ailments upon all enemies, including 
Confusion, Frog, Minimum (Shrink), Mute, Poison, and Sleepel. 
Learn: From the Mobol creatures (green guys with tentacles and really 
big mouths) living on the outside ledges in the Frozen Mountain. 
 You can also meet them in the Makou Pit, if you take 
the right path the first time you run into your friends. 
Tip: Be sure to have some protective accessories equipped when trying 
to learn this skill or your party may be too weakened by the 
Smelly Breath to kill the Molbol or even escape! 
STAR 13 - BETA COST - 35 MP 
Effect: A swirling red shape appears, surrounded by specks of white. 
All targets are hit for magic damage. 
Learn: The big shadow snake (Midgal Zuolm) in the marsh near the 
Chocobo Farm.  
Tip: This monster won't use Beta unless he's waving back and forth. 
To make him do that, inflict heavy damage on him. Then just 
wait until he uses Beta. If he still doesn't use it, take off 
a little bit of his life since he tends to use Beta more when 
he's near death. 
Effect: Blue bubbles strike all enemies for water damage. 
Learn: From the boss of the Ancient City , the winged chimera 
in the plains surrounding the Gold Saucer ; or from 
the floating sea-dragon creature (Saapando) in the sunken plane 
near the Gold Saucer.  
Tip: To pick up this skill, just control a Chimera and choose the 
bottom option to make it use Aqua Breath. 
Effect: A Delta Force-like attack that hits all enemies for lighting 
(Ikazuchi) damage. 
Learn: The Ashura-like boss (Godo) of the pagoda's top floor in Utai. 
 Also from the red spider/crab-like creature (Stilve) 
living inside the Frozen Mountain , or the spider-like 
boss (Materia Keeper) of the mountains behind Nivelheim. . Remember, the _only_ time you can learn this skill is while 
fighting one of the above monsters, so learn it while you still 
can! If you miss it, it's possible to learn it from the Stilves 
you meet in the Gold Saucer's Battle Square, though -NSS-. 
Tip: Actually, the Materia Keeper is more likely to use this against 
your characters than any other enemy that can use this skill. 
It's a good thing, too, since you can't control it. 
STAR 16 - Magic Breath COST - 75 MP 
Effect: Rainbow orbs hit all foes for fire, ice, and lighting damage. 
Learn: From the red spider/crab-like creatures (Stilve) living inside 
the Frozen Mountain.  Also from the blue, leech-like 
enemies (Parasite) in the Makou Pit.  
Tip: To learn this skill from a Parasite quickly, control it and 
pick the last option to have it use Magic Breath on your 
STAR 17 - ???? COST - 3 MP 
Effect: A weight drops and hits for special damage. The amount is 
equal to the amount of damage the caster has received in 
Learn: From the balance-like creatures (Judge) in Nivelheim.  
Also from the purple behemoths (Behemoth) you encounter when 
raiding Midgar City.  Keep in mind that you won't 
actually learn this skill unless you take damage from it. 
Tip: The Judges will use this skill eventually. You can't control 
them, but they're easier to run into than the Behemoths. 
Effect: One foe is hit for physical damage. The damage inflicted is 
multiplied if your opponent has the same EXP level that you 
Learn: Imp-like monsters wearing boxing gloves :) (Goblin) found on the 
only forested island in the northeast area of the map.  
Tip: You can control the Goblins if you want (pick the middle option 
to use the Goblin Punch), but it's more likely that they'll hit 
you with it in the first place, so don't even bother and just 
let them strike first. 
Effect: A fat chocobo bounces around and hits one foe for special 
damage. This attack gains strength each time you flee from a 
Learn: Go to the Chocobo Farm. Talk to the man in the barn and choose 
the first choice. The 5th item from the top costs 1500 gil; 
purchase three of them. Then go to the chocobo tracks on the 
Southern Continent near the forest. Equip yourself with a 
Chocobo Yose materia. When you encounter a chocobo, kill off 
all but one of the other enemies and use the item you bought 3 
of on the chocobo (it looks like an orange squash). This will 
make the chocobo peck at the ground. At any time after that 
point (whether or not the chocobo is still pecking), use the 
Level 4 Jibaku enemy skill and you'll be hit by the Chocobockle. 
Tip: Make sure you're in the right location (the forest near Mideel); 
you can't learn this skill from any other type of Chocobo (these 
are the only ones who will be affected by Level 4 Jibaku). 
Effect: Any enemy whose level is a multiple of 5 is instantly killed. 
Learn: From the blue, leech-like enemies (Parasite) in the Makou Pit. 
Tip: Simply use Control to command your foe and then choose the 
middle option if you want the Parasite to use Level 5 Death 
on one of your members. 
Effect: One enemy is Condemned (they die when the counter over their 
head reaches zero). 
Learn: The yellow, spiked enemies (Bound Fat) that live in front of and 
in the area behind the Ancient City.  
Tip: You could control these guys, but if you kill one it will 
counterattack with this skill so it may be easier to simply 
off one, especially if you don't have the Ayatsuru materia. If 
you do, then simply control them and pick the bottom option to 
use the Death Sentence. 
Effect: One friend or foe is randomly killed. 
Learn: From the floating card-jesters (Death Dealer) in the Makou Pit 
if you take the right path the first time you meet your friends. 
Tip: You can control the Death Dealer and make him use Shi no 
Roulette on you by picking the second option when the enemy 
abilities window appears. If it kills one of your enemies, 
you'll have to try again until the pointer lands on you. 
Effect: A black flare hits a single opponent for magic damage. 
Learn: From the flying black dragon in Disc 3; it uses it as a 
Counter Attackattack before dying. Or, learn it from the Dragon 
Zombies in the Makou Pit.  
Tip: If you're fighting the flying dragon, just kill it and it will 
use the Shadow Flare on you. If you're trying to learn it from 
a Dragon Zombie, you'll have to wait until it uses it since you 
can't control them. 
STAR 24 - WHAT??? COST - 110 MP 
Effect: A star field and question mark appear; hits all enemies for 
physical damage. 
Learn: From the huge, multi-limbed bone dragons (Dragon Zombie) in 
the Makou Pit if you take the right path the first time you 
meet your friends.  
Tip: As the Dragon Zombies are uncontrollable, you'll simply have 
to keep fighting them until they use this skill on one of 
your characters. 
To learn an enemy skill, you must be equipped with a Teki no Waza (Learn 
Enemy Skill) yellow materia. When an enemy hits you with it's special 
skill, you will learn it, even if it misses or kills you. However, 
unless you win the battle, you won't keep the skill you've learned. 
There are 24 skills in all, and one of the 24 stars on the Materia Menu 
will light up as you get more enemy skills. Note that you can't learn 
a skill and then have your player cast it on another person with a 
Teki no Waza; they _must_ learn it from enemies. You'll know if you 
learned a skill because the character with the materia equipped will 
spin in a circle once and you'll get a message ending in an exclamation 
point. Keep in mind that if you're controlling a monster to learn a 
particular skill, you'll have to target the character wearing the Teki 
no Waza in order to learn the skill. 
For those of you who would like a more definitive guide, here is a list 
that shows the earliest point at which you can learn each skill as you 
play through the game: 
DISC ONE ______________________________________________________________ 
Matora Magic - from the Sweeper Customs after you've escaped from 
Midgar City. 
Level 4 Self-... - from the Muus in the area around the Chocobo Farm. 
Beta - from Midogaru Zuorumu, the snake you encounter after 
reaching the Chocobo Farm. 
Fire Blaster - from the Aakudoragons in the Mythril Mine (I tried to 
learn it from the Mootaabooru boss, but I couldn't 
get it, so....) 
White Wind - from the Zemzeretts in the Junon Area (land between 
the Fort Condor and Junon Town). 
Aqua Breath - use the Gold Saucer vehicle to get attacked by a 
Chimera in the dirt pit around the Saucer. 
Song of the Frog - the Tatchimis in the forests around Gongaga Town. 
Mighty Guard - the Beach Plugs on the shore near Gongaga Town. 
???? - from the Judges in Sephiroth's Mansion in Nivelheim. 
Tryne - from the Materia Keeper boss of the Nivelheim 
mountain range. 
Death Force* - from the Adamantaimais on the shores of the 
Westermost Continent (once you have Cid's airplane). 
Magic Hammer* - from the Ashigiisous found in the dark, grassy areas 
of the Westernmost Continent (just before entering 
Death Sentence - from the Bound Fats found just before the Ancient 
* If Yuffie hasn't joined you yet, then you can get these skills without 
worry. But if she has joined your party, then she'll steal all your 
Materia, preventing you from learning these two skills until after 
you've completed her sub-quest and gotten your Teki no Waza materia 
back (along with the rest of your materia). 
DISC TWO ______________________________________________________________ 
Smelly Breath - from the Molbols while climbing up the Frozen 
Magic Breath - from the Stilves inside the Frozen Mountain. 
Once you get the Highwind... 
Chocobockle - from the Chocobs found in the forest near Mideel. 
Goblin Punch - from the Goblins on the forested isle in the 
northeast part of the World Map. 
Shadow Flare - from the Ultima Weapon flying around in the sky. 
DISC THREE ____________________________________________________________ 
Dragon Force - from the Dark Dragons in the Makou Pit. 
Laser - from the Dark Dragons in the Makou Pit. 
Level 5 Death - from the Parasites in the Makou Pit. 
Angel's Whisper - from the Polan Solitas in the Makou Pit. 
Death Roulette - from the Death Dealers in the Makou Pit. 
What??? - from the Dragon Zombies in the Makou Pit 
(you can also learn Shadow Flare from them). 
9 . 5 l e a r n i n g l i m i t b r e a k s 
A lot of people don't know how the process to learn Limit Breaks works, 
or they may not know how to learn all the Breaks. Basically, the Limit 
Break mastery process goes like this: 
- Breaks are divided into four levels of power, and most characters 
have two Breaks per level, excluding level four (you only have one 
break for that level). 
- Each ally starts out with his first Level 1 break, so you don't 
have to fret over learning it. 
- But when you want to learn the second Limit Break of that particular 
level, you have to use the first break approximately: 
Ten times to get your second Level 1 break 
Eight times to get your second Level 2 break 
Six times to get you second Level 3 break 
You don't have to do this all in one battle, but you do have to kill 
the enemy your Break affects (if it is an attacking type of Break), 
Also, you do have to win the battle, since the new Limit Break you 
learn appears in the 'EXP/AP Gained' screen, although you don't have 
to be the one to kill the last opponent, as long as you killed at 
least one enemy with a Break. I'm a little unsure when it comes to 
non-attacking breaks...I think you just have to use them a certain 
number of times (see above). 
- Once you have your second Break, your goal is to reach the next 
level of power (and get that level's first Break in the process). 
To do this, your character has to win 40 battles _on his own_. 
This means that if the other characters kill the enemies and you 
do nothing or only inflict damage, you won't reach the next level. 
You have to win the battle using your abilities (attacking, magic, 
Limit Breaks, items, etc.), although it's okay if other characters 
damage that enemy before you kill it. 
- Finally, there is the Level 4 Limit Break. To learn it, you must 
have learned _all_ of that character's other breaks. Furthermore, 
you must have a special manual (you can tell what it is since it 
has the same name as the Limit Break). If you try to use the manual 
on another character, or on a character who has yet to learn all his 
or her breaks, you'll get a message in red and white. But when you 
have filled all the requirements, simply using the manual on the 
correct person will automatically give them their last Break (don't 
forget to set that person's level to 4 so that you can use it in 
battle :)) Here are the locations of each character's manual: 
You must earn 32,000 battle points at the Gold Saucer in _one visit_. 
You can then trade them in for the manual. 
Get it from a lady wearing a hat in one of the buildings in North 
Corel after the train ride in Disc 2. 
Go to Nivelheim and play the 'Highwind' theme twice on the piano in 
Tifa's house followed by L1+T (see section 8 for details). 
Get 1xx wins in battle (where xx are two matching digits). Then go 
to the cave where the sleeping man is and he'll give you the Mythril. 
Head to the blacksmith's house by the Gold Saucer, give him the 
Mythril, then climb up the stairs and examine the metal lid at the 
end of the walkway. Once you get the Highwind, doing this is a snap. 
But Aeris will have already left you by then. So, to get her 
manual while she's still in your party in Disc 1, do the following: 
Hop on the Gold Saucer Buggy. If you haven't gotten it yet, keep 
playing until you've finished the Gold Saucer area. Then pilot the 
Buggy _into_ Costa Del Sol. You'll enter the town as if you had 
walked into it. Go to the harbor and talk to the sailor by the boat. 
Choose the top option to pay 100 gil and you can then walk along the 
dock and enter a ship, which will return to Junon Town. Although 
there's not much new here, you will get a different reaction from 
most people because you're no longer dressed up as a guard. Anyway, 
once you exit the city (the fastest way is to take the helicopter-- 
refer to the end of section 4e for details), you'll find that you've 
brought the Buggy with you! From here, it's a simple matter of 
heading towards the river, crossing it at the ford below the 
waterfall, then heading up to the cave where the sleeping man is. 
And after getting the Mythril, you have to go _all_ the way back to 
the Eastern Continent so you can reach the blacksmith's house. 
Well, don't say I didn't warn you! 
Go to Nivelheim and unlock the safe in the right wing of Sephiroth's 
Mansion (use the code in section 8 if you don't know how). You'll 
receive Red 13's manual from the boss when you defeat him. 
Return to Wutai after completing Yuffie's sub-quest. Head to the 
pagoda and beat the five bosses within--she'll get her manual once 
Godo is defeated in battle. 
Once you have the submarine or a Green, Black, or Gold Chocobo, go to 
the waterfall in the middle of the Western Continent. If you enter 
the waterfall from the left side with Vincent in your party, he'll 
meet a girl from his past (Rukuresshia). You have to visit the falls 
twice, once during Disc 2 and again in Disc 3; it's during your 
second visit that you'll get his manual. Much to my surprise, I 
tried this and it _doesn't work_! I've heard from more than one 
source that this is the correct method, so if someone can tell me 
what I did wrong, it'd be appreciated. All I know is that I went 
to the room under the falls in Disc 3 and there's no one there, 
even when I stuck Vincent in my party. 
After you get a submarine, go underwater and search for the wrecked 
plane near the southern part of the World Map, between the Western 
and Eastern continents. His manual is in one of the treasure chests 
inside the plane. 
- Note that Cait Sith only has two Limit Breaks; his inital one and 
one for Level 2. You still learn it the normal way you'd learn 
the first break of a new level. The same applies to Vincent, who 
has four Break levels but only one break per level. All other 
characters have two breaks a level (but only one break for Level 4). 
Limit Breaks become stronger and stronger as you play. This is due in 
part to your character's current level. Limit breaks that inflict 
damage become stronger depending on your Attack Power as well, even 
ones like Cait's Dice attack (in which the damage amount can vary), 
and Vincent's transformations (even though he doesn't use his guns). 
At the very least, equipping a strong weapon will add to the basic 
amount of damage a Limit Break can inflict*. 
* The only exception to this is Cait's Slot attack, when he summons 
a monster; damage is determined normally for this attack. Remember, 
if the Break doesn't inflict damage, it isn't affected by your 
character's Attack Power. 
9 . 6 l i m i t b r e a k l i s t 
This is a list of each character's Limit Break, it's effect, and a brief 
description. The letters and numbers mean the Break Level and which one 
it is (i.e. B3/1 is Level 3, 1st Break). 
Cloud Strife 
B1/1:  (Braver) 
Cloud dashes forward and performs a diving slash against one opponent. 
B1/2:  (Cross Slash) 
Cloud's three slashes create a symbol over his enemy. When it fades 
away, that enemy is hit once. It also has a chance of paralyzing the 
hit foe. 
Cloud sends a wave of green energy at the targeted foe. When it hits, 
smaller waves shoot outward to hit each remaining foe, although the 
damage is less than the first, big wave. 
Cloud sticks his sword into an enemy and then yanks it upwards while 
jumping for heavy damage. 
Cloud twirls his sword and leaps into the air. With one swing, he sends 
a shower of meteors down upon his foes, hitting 4 times. 
Creating a light at the tip of his sword, Cloud throws a funnel of rising 
air that sucks in all opponents for an instant kill attack. Those that 
survive are dropped to the ground for further physical damage. 
A column of wind surrounds Cloud and his sword lights up. He then 
attacks all enemies for a total of 15 hits, finishing with a diving sword 
slash. The sword strikes cause physical damage, while the last strike 
hits all foes. 
Barret Wallace 
B1/1:  (Heavy Shot) 
Collecting energy, Barret fires a huge fireball at one opponent. 
Similar in appearance to the Heavy Shot, Barret launches a ball of azure 
energy at one opponent. While it inflicts no damage, it completely 
drains that enemy of MP. 
Barret fires an invisible shot that explodes into a huge hemisphere of 
fire that damages all opponents. 
Barret dashes forward and punches one enemy as purple waves emanate from 
his arm. If it misses, this attack causes no damage, but if it hits, 
the enemy is instantly killed. 
Barret locks on to his enemies and calls down beams of blue light to 
fry the opposition. This attack hits for special damage. 
Using his weapon like a machine gun, Barret fires repeated rounds of 
ammunition at all opponents. 
Steam erupts from Barret's weapon as he leaps into the air and fires an 
earth-scorching beam of yellow light at all his enemies. This attack 
hits ten times in all for special damage. 
Tifa Rockheart* 
A quick combination of punches. 
A somersault kick. 
A sweep kick that hits for water damage. 
A back-slam. 
A rising uppercut accompanied by a geyser of water with a dolphin riding 
on top of it. 
Tifa grabs her opponent, jumps in the air, and body-slams them as a 
huge explosion appears. 
Tifa strikes her enemy with a huge, exploding attack. 
* Tifa's Limit Break works like this; the more Limit Breaks she learns, 
the more slots appear in the slot machine that picks the skill she 
uses (the abilities listed above). When she gains a new Break, she 
is able to use a new attack. She can learn up to 10 slots total. 
When picking a slot, there are three outcomes: HIT, which makes Tifa 
perform one of the above attacks, YEAH!, which works like HIT but 
increases the damage inflicted, and MISS, which makes Tifa do nothing. 
Tifa will then proceed to perform all the moves you end up with in 
a row. She will randomly switch to a new enemy (or stay with the one 
she's attacking) for each new move. 
Aeris Gainsborough 
Aeris creates an encircling wind that restores a large amount of lost 
HP to herself and her friends. 
Purple lights fly into all of Aeris's opponents. This attack causes 
no damage but has the same effect as 'Stop' and 'Silence' on all of them. 
Streams of blue light wrap around the allies, curing status ailments. 
Aeris waves her staff, causing blue lightning to hit herself and her 
allies, followed by yellow, circular lights. This will instantly max 
out the other characters' Limit gauges. 
Stars rotate around Aeris and her friends as the screen turns yellow, 
making them invincible for a short while. 
Aeris kneels and prays; every ally's status ailments are cured and they 
gain back all lost HP and MP. 
Rain falls upon Aeris and her companions. It is replaced by a bright 
sky where three angels can be seen floating around. All allies have 
their HP and MP restored, and are made invincible for a short time. 
Red 13 
Swirls of blue energy surround Red 13, who tackles his opponent for 
physical damage. 
Sheets of yellow vapor shoot up from around Red 13 and his companions. 
It has the same affect as 'Haste'. Each ally is also 'powered up' (?). 
Swirls of energy surround Red 13, who tackles his opponent. In addition 
to striking for physical damage, Red is healed for a small amount of HP 
and also gains back some MP as well. 
A field of stars replaces the background. Red 13 howls and a shower of 
blue lights rain down on all opponents striking twelve times. 
A full moon appears, making Red 13 leap up and howl at it. He is 
affected by Berserk and Haste at the same time. 
Red 13 attacks the enemy with jumping bites and claw scratches. Each 
time he attacks, balls of fire burst forth and shower over the enemy. 
This attack hits five times for physical and fire damage. 
Red 13 summons a flare into which a field of stars and balls of fire are 
absorbed. The flare then explodes in a ray of Fire followed by an 
explosion that hits all foes for fire damage. 
Yuffie Kisaragi 
Yuffie slashes once with her weapon, causing no damage. A second slash 
mark then appears and her opponent is hit for physical damage. 
Globes of water surround Yuffie and her companions. When they pop open, 
each character regains some HP. 
Yuffie hits the ground and a line of blast waves heads towards her 
enemy. The ground buckles, then explodes, inflicting earth damage. 
The screen turns red and Yuffie hits all enemies with her weapon 10 
times for physical damage. 
Yuffie creates a blue light beneath all her opponents. A column of blue 
light bursts upward, hitting every one for special dmaage. 
The screen turns blue as Yuffie leaps from enemy to enemy, striking for 
a total of 15 hits. With each hit, purple light flashes from her weapon. 
Yuffie creates a swirling circular mass of red, purple, and white light. 
Out of it fires a large beam of white light that damages all enemies for 
special damage. 
Cait Sith 
Cait's stuffed moogle throws several dice to the ground. The score that 
is rolled determines how much damage the targeted enemy will receive. 
A slot machine appears. Depending on what you pick, a different result 
will occur: 
-  3 bars 
Cait Sith randomly calls upon a summoned monster. 
-  3 crowns 
Six toy soldiers appear and fire at all enemies for special damage. 
-  3 stars 
A moogle (from the 'Summon Chocobo & Moguri' spell) appears and does 
a dance that completely restores each members' HP and MP. 
-  3 hearts 
A cat-girl appears and all allies have a 100% hit rate (no chance of 
missing) for the rest of the battle. 
-  3 moogles 
Cait's allies disappear and his moogle grows twice as large, gaining 
9999 HP and 999 MP. In this form, he can do anything but use Limit 
Breaks, and his attacks cause more damage. When the battle is over, 
everyone's current HP and MP drop to 1/3rd their former amount. He 
can't use this ability if there are less than 3 allies. 
-  3 faces 
All enemies facing you are instantly killed. This ALWAYS works 
against any enemy. 
-  face, face, bar 
All allies are instantly killed. There's no way to avoid this, even 
with the help of accessories like the Safety Bit or an Enemy Skill 
such as Death Force. 
-  any other combination 
A random object is dropped on one enemy, inflicting physical damage. 
It can be a Hell House, Debu Chocobo, Magic Hammer, icicles, a 
boulder, or a Comet 2-like meteor attack. Just like when you attack 
normally, it's possible to hit for extra damage (like making a 
critical hit attack). 
Vincent Valentine* 
Vincent alters his form and becomes a horned, purple monster. 
Vincent claws and bites one opponent. 
Vincent throws golden orbs at all foes that hit for ice/lightning 
This Morph changes Vincent into a Frankenstein's Monster. 
Vincent jumps and punches one enemy. 
Vincent pounds his chest and fires electricity at all enemies, which 
strikes for lightning damage. 
Vincent transforms into a Jason look-alike, complete with chainsaw and 
hockey mask. 
Vincent attacks 5 times with his saw. 
A poison gas with skulls flying out of it appears and afflicts an 
enemy with Silence, Sleepel, and Toad ailments in addition to causing 
poison damage. 
Vincent turns into a skull-faced demon with bat wings. 
Vincent slashes all foes with his wings. 
The ground rises in the shape of a skull and it's eyes flash, causing 
an instant death attack. The survivors are attacked by orange skulls 
that hit for special damage. 
* At the start of any of Vincent's Limit Breaks, his HP is doubled and 
is filled up to it's maximum amount. It returns to normal afterwards. 
Also, Vincent can still be affected by status changes while in another 
form (such as Minimum or Poison). While transformed, Vincent is 
uncontrollable and will randomly perform one of his form's two attacks 
when his Time bar is maxed out. 
Cid Hiwind 
Cid performs a diving slash to one enemy. 
Using his cigarette, Cid lights a stick of dynamite and tosses it at 
his enemies, causing a damaging explosion. 
Cid spins into the sky and drives his weapon into the ground, which is 
covered in a blue light. Upon pulling it out, all enemies are damaged. 
A serpent-like dragon flies from behind Cloud and encircles one enemy 
before flying away. HP and MP stolen from the target are given to Cid. 
Cid leaps in the air and comes down with his weapon 6 times, creating a 
column of multi-colored energy each time he lands that causes damage. 
Cid pokes and impales opponents with his weapon 8 times while dust rises 
around him. 
Cid calls down a barrage of missiles (from the Highwind, I guess?) to 
strike all enemies repeatedly. 
Doesn't really exist; it's just a name (Cait's B1/1, in fact) 
Doesn't really exist; it's just a name (Vincent's B1/1, in fact) 
- Words in CAPS are the translated name. 
- Words in ( ) are the English name (from the FF7 demo disk). 
- Words in < > are the guessed English name. 
- 'x' means that I don't know the character and couldn't 
translate it. 
- 'Physical' is damage caused by your weapon which you can lessen using 
Barrier. 'Elemental' is element damage (fire, ice, lightning, etc.) 
that you can lessen using accessories and to which some enemies are 
immune. 'Special' damage is from an attack that can't be defended 
against/avoided by any means short of invincibility. 
- Yes, I used the GameShark to see Young Cloud and Sephiroth's Breaks. 
9 . 7 u l t i m a t e w e a p o n s 
Truly the best in offensive weaponry, the Ultimate Weapons can make 
mincemeat out of even the strongest opponent (like there are any :)). 
How do you know if you got an Ultimate Weapon? Well: 
* The weapon will have eight connected Materia holders. 
* Materia attached to the weapon don't gain AP (the holders are 
* The weapon will power-up and do more damage after certain 
conditions are met. 
* The weapon (usually) has a higher Attack Power and Hit Rate than 
any other weapon. 
* The weapon's power won't decrease if you're using the Morph 
(Henka) materia. With other weapons, Attack Power is reduced by 
about 2/3rds when using this materia against an enemy. 
The sole exception to this is Aeris--her Ultimate Weapon has only 
seven slots, and you _can_ earn AP for Materia equipped to them. 
Also, another one of her weapons (the Umbrella), has a higher Attack 
Power than her Ultimate Weapon (the Princess Guard). 
Where you can find each weapon, and what you have to do to make it 
power-up, is listed below: 
Location: Kill the Ultima Weapon (the big dragon) flying around in Disc 
2/3. It will take a few tries as he will escape from battle 
several times before finally facing you. 
Condition: The more current HP you have, the more damage this weapon 
inflicts. (i.e. the closer your score is to the maximum 
amount, the higher the damage, regardless of defenses). 
Location: Look on the landing near the Sister Ray during the raid on 
Midgar City in Disc 2 (if Vincent's not in your party, he'll 
be on the landing near the chest with the Ultimate Weapon in 
Condition: Equip materia on this weapon. The more AP a materia has, 
the higher the damage (so if you're wearing 8 mastered 
materia, Barret will do _lots_ of damage). 
Location: Return to Midgar City in Disc 2 or 3 and examine the computer 
in the Wall Market. It's in a room marked 'ITEM'. 
Condition: When Tifa performs her Limit Break, but gets a 'MISS' for 
one or more of the spinning wheels, her weapon powers-up. 
Location: You can get it in the Temple, during the talking clock mini- 
game. This only has seven materia holders instead of eight, 
but it's still considered an Ultimate Weapon. Since Aeris 
has no Limit Breaks that inflict damage, I wonder if this 
weapon has any effect when you use a Limit Break (see below 
for details). 
Condition: 'This weapon (should) power-up when protecting an ally.' 
The English translation of this weapon's description, more 
or less. I guess this means that this weapon is stronger 
when Aeris is healing injured companions, or that it works 
only when she's defending with a Kabau (Protect) materia? 
Location: Buugen Haagen will give this to Red 13 when he dies at Cosmo 
Canyon after the monster attacks Midgar City in Disc 2 
(although you can get it in Disc 3, as well). 
Condition: The more current MP you have remaining (the closer you are 
to you maximum amount of MP), the stronger this weapon is. 
YUFFIE: Conformer 
Loaction: Look in the Wrecked Plane in Disc 2 or 3. 
Condition: If an enemy's experience level is higher than Yuffie's, 
this weapon will power-up and do added damage. 
Loaction: Search the lockers on the 64th floor of the Shinra HQ during 
your raid on Midgar City during Disc 2. You can get to the 
HQ by heading north along the underground rail passage. 
Condition: The more current MP you have remaining (the closer you are 
to you maximum amount of MP), the stronger this weapon is. 
Location: You get this when you get his limit break manual (see above). 
Condition: The more enemies that Vincent kills (as in, he finishes them 
off, at least), the stronger this weapon becomes. This 
counts for all the enemies he's killed since he joined you, 
not the enemies he's defeated since getting this weapon 
(just like the way the computer determines damage for the 
Chocobockle Enemy Skill). 
Location: Talk to the old man standing outside the house that's just 
left of the rocket launch pad (the same one who gave Cloud 
a sword in Disc 1). You can only do this after completing 
the 'Huge Materia' rocket sub-quest in Disc 2 or 3 (which 
means the rocket has been destroyed). After talking to the 
geezer three times in a row, he'll give Cid his Ultimate 
Condition: The more current MP you have remaining (the closer you are 
to you maximum amount of MP), the stronger this weapon is. 
Finding these weapons can be hard or difficult; Cloud's weapon can be 
easily won from the Ultima Weapon monster, but Barret's weapon won't 
appear if he's not in your party, so it's easy to miss. I myself 
haven't been able to verify it, but it's been said that the power of 
your character's Limit Breaks are _greatly_ increased when he/she is 
wielding their 'Ultimate Weapon'. 
9 . 8 i t e m s a n d e q u i p m e n t 
This section contains a list of all the items, weapons, bracelets, and 
accessories in the game. It lists their names in Japanese and English, 
and explains the purpose or effect of each item. 
Potion 1 Restores 100 HP 
Hi-Potion 1 Restores 500 HP 
X Potion 1 Restores all lost HP 
Ether 1 Restores 100 MP 
Turbo Ether 1 Restores all lost MP 
Elixir 1 Restores all lost HP/MP 
Mega Elixir A Restores all lost HP/MP 
Phoenix Down 1 Revive with 1/10th HP 
Antidote 1 Cures 'Poison' status 
Soft 1 Cures 'Petrify' status 
Maiden's Kiss 1 Cures 'Toad' status 
Cornucopia 1 Cures 'Minimum' status 
Echo Screen 1 Cures 'Sleepel' status 
Hyper 1 Causes 'Anger' status, cures 'Sadness' status 
Tranquilizer 1 Causes 'Sadness' status, cures 'Anger' status 
Remedy 1 Cures any status ailment 
Smoke Bomb A Escape from battle if used on allies or enemies 
Speed Drink 1 Casts 'Haste' 
Hero Drink 1 Casts 'Mighty Guard' 
Vaccine 1 Prevents status ailments 
Grenade 1 Minor special damage 
Shrapnel 1 Medium fire damage 
Right arm 1 Heavy special damage 
Hourglass A Casts 'Stop' 
Kiss of Death A Same effect as 'All Over' 
Spider Web A Casts 'Slow' 
Dream Powder A Casts 'Sleepel' 
Mute Mask A Casts 'Silence' 
War Gong A Casts 'Berserk' 
Loco weed A Casts 'Confuse' 
Fire Fang A Casts 'Fire 2' 
Fire Veil A Casts 'Fire 3' 
Antarctic Wind A Casts 'Ice 2' 
Ice Crystal A Casts 'Ice 3' 
Bolt Plume A Casts 'Bolt 2' 
Swift Bolt A Casts 'Bolt 3' 
Earth Drum A Casts 'Quera' 
Earth Mallet A Casts 'Quega' 
Hazardous Waste A Casts 'Bio 2' 
M-Tentacles A Casts 'Bioga' 
Stardust A Casts 'Comet 2' 
Vampire Fang 1 Gain HP stolen from target 
Ghost Hand 1 Gain MP stolen from target 
Vagyrisk Claw 1 Causes 'Petrify' 
Light Curtain A Casts 'Barrier' 
Lunar Curtain A Casts 'Mabarrier' 
Mirror A Casts 'Reflect' 
Holy Torch A Casts 'Dispel' 
Bird Feather A Inflicts Wind damage 
Dragon Scales A Casts 'Aqua Breath' 
Imapler 1 Casts 'Toad' 
Shrivel A Casts 'Minimum' 
Eye drop 1 Cures 'Dark' status 
Molotov 1 Causes fire damage 
S-mine 1 Medium special damage 
8inch Cannon 1 Heavy special damage 
Graviball 1 Casts 'Gravite' 
T/S Bomb 1 Casts 'Gravira' 
Ink 1 Causes 'Dark' 
Dazers 1 Causes 'Paralysis' 
Dragon Fang A Causes lightning damage 
Cauldron 1 Casts 'Smelly Breath' 
Sylkis Greens C Speed Plus, Stamina, and Kashiisa Up 
Reagan Greens C Stamina Up 
Mimett Greens C (no effect)* 
Cureil Greens C Stamina Up 
Pahsana Greens C Kashiisa Up 
Tantal Greens C Stamina and Kashiisa Up 
Krakka Greens C Kashiisa Up 
Gysahl Greens C Stamina Up 
Tent A Restores all HP/MP (Save Point or World Map) 
Power Source 1 'Power' up by one point 
Guard Source 1 'Guard' up by one point 
Magic Source 1 'Magic' up by one point 
Mind Source 1 'Mind' up by one point 
Speed Plus Source 1 'Speed Plus' up by one point 
Luck Source 1 'Luck' up by one point 
Zeio Nut - Used to breed chocobos 
Carob Nut - Used to breed chocobos 
Porov Nut - Used to breed chocobos 
Pram Nut - Used to breed chocobos 
Lasan Nut - Used to breed chocobos 
Saraha Nut - Used to breed chocobos 
Luchile Nut - Used to breed chocobos 
Pipio Nut - Used to breed chocobos 
Battery - Used in Midgar, Disc One 
Tissue -  
OmniSlash M Lv.4 Limit Break - Cloud 
Catastrophe M Lv.4 Limit Break - Barret 
Final Heaven M Lv.4 Limit Break - Tifa 
Great Gospel M Lv.4 Limit Break - Aeris 
Cosmo Memory M Lv.4 Limit Break - Red 13 
All Creation M Lv.4 Limit Break - Yuffie 
Chaos M Lv.4 Limit Break - Vincent 
Highwind M Lv.4 Limit Break - Cid 
1/35 Soldier - Part of a set of twelve 
Shotgun Sweeper - (no purpose) 
Masamune Blade - (no purpose) 
Save Crystal - Make a Save Point once in the Makou Pit 
Fight Diary - (no purpose) 
Autograph - (no purpose) 
Gambler - (no purpose) 
Earth Harp - ? 
Desert Rose - ? 
Guide Book - ? 
1 = Affects one target only. 
A = Affects all targets (all allies or all enemies). 
C = Only Affects chocobos that you've captured in Disc 2 or 3. 
If used in battle, these items restore 100 HP to the target. 
M = This is the manual required for a character to learn his or 
her 4th Level (also called Ultimate) Limit Break. 
* = This item has no effect when used on Chocobos, but it can be used 
to get the Fuuin materia and can be used in conjuction with a Teki 
no Waza materia to learn the Enemy Skill 'Chocobockle'. 
CLOUD - SWORDS _________________________________________________________ 
Buster Sword 18 96 2c 
Mythril Saber 23 98 2c/1s 
Hardedge 32 98 2c/2s 
Butterfly Edge 39 100 4c 
Enhance Sword 43 107 8c 
Organics 62 103 4c/2s 
Crystal Sword 76 105 6c 
Force Stealer 36 100 3s APx2 
Rune Blade 40 108 4s APx2 
Murasame 51 100 4c/1s 
Nail Bat 70 100 none 
Yukiyoshi 56 100 2s 
Apocalypse 88 110 3s APx3 
Heaven's Cloud 93 100 6s 
Ragnarok 97 105 6c 
Ultima Weapon 100 110 8c APx0 
TIFA - GLOVES __________________________________________________________ 
Leather Glove 13 99 1s 
Metal Knuckle 18 102 2c 
Mythril Claw 24 106 2c/1s 
Grand Glove 31 110 2c/2s 
Tiger Fang 38 110 4c 
Dimond Knuckle 51 112 4c/1s 
Dragon Claw 62 114 4c/2s 
Crystal Glove 75 115 6c 
Motor Drive 27 106 3s APx2 
Platinum Fist 30 108 4s APx2 
Kaiser Knuckle 44 110 2c/6s 
Work Glove 68 114 none 
Powersoul 28 106 4s APx2 
Master Fist 38 108 6s 
God's Hand 86 255 4c 
Premium Heart 99 112 8c APx0 
- The Powersoul will 'power-up' when Tifa is in critical condition 
(i.e. near death). 
- The Master Fist will power-up when Tifa is suffering from a status 
ailment. (NSS) 
Barret - CANNONS _______________________________________________________ 
Gatling Gun 14 97 1s 
Assault Gun 17 98 2c 
Cannon Ball 23 98 2c/1s 
Atomic Scissorss 32 99 2c/2s 
Heavy Vulcan 39 100 4c 
Chainsaw 52 100 4c/1s 
Microlaser 63 101 4c/2s 
A*M Cannon 77 103 6c 
W Machine Gun 30 100 3s APx2 
Drill Arm 37 97 4s APx2 
Solid Bazooka 61 100 8c 
Rocket Punch 62 110 none 
Enemy Launcher 35 100 2c/3s 
Pile Banger 90 80 6c APx0 
Max Ray 97 98 6c 
Missing Score 98 108 8c APx0 
- The Gatling Gun, Assault Gun, Cannon Ball, Heavy Vulcan, Microlaser, 
A.M Cannon, W Machine Gun, Solid Bazooka, Enemy Launcher, 
Max Ray, and Missing Score are all projectile weapons. They will 
cause the same amount of damage whether Barret is in the front or 
back row. 
RED 13 - COMBS _________________________________________________________ 
Mythril Clip 24 100 2c/1s 
Diamond Pin 33 102 2c/2s 
Silver Barrette 40 110 4c 
Gold Barrette 50 104 4c/1s 
Adaman Clip 60 106 4c/2s 
Crystal Comb 76 108 6c 
Magic Comb 37 100 3s APx2 
Plus Barrette 39 104 4s APx2 
Centclip 58 108 8s 
Hairpin 57 120 none 
Seraph Comb 68 110 4s 
Behimoth Horn 91 75 6s 
Spring Gun Clip 87 100 6c 
Limited Moon 93 114 8c APx0 
- The Hairpin will hit for the same amount of damage whether Red 13 is 
in the front or the back row during battles. 
Aeris - RODS __________________________________________________________ 
Guard Stick 12 99 1s 
Mythril Rod 16 100 2c 
Full Metal Staff 22 100 2c/1s 
Striking Staff 32 100 2c/2s 
Prism Staff 40 105 4c 
Aurora Rod 51 110 4c/1s 
Wizard Staff 28 100 3s APx2 
Wizer Staff 33 100 4s APx2 
Fairy Tale 37 103 7s 
Umbrella 58 118 none 
Princess Guard 52 111 6c/1s 
The Princess Guard (should) power-up when protecting an ally. (NSS) 
CID - POLEARMS _________________________________________________________ 
Spear 44 97 2c/2s 
Slash Lance 56 98 4c/1s 
Trident 60 105 6s 
Mast Axe 64 99 4c/2s 
Partisan 78 100 6c 
Viper Halberd 58 102 4s APx2 
Javelin 62 104 4c/1s APx2 
Grow Lance 78 102 6c 
Mop 68 118 none 
Dragoon Lance 66 100 8s 
Scimitar 86 102 2c APx3 
Flayer 100 100 6s 
Spirit Lance 92 112 4c 
Venus Gospel 97 103 8c APx0 
YUFFIE - SHURIKEN ______________________________________________________ 
4-point Shuriken 23 100 2c/1s 
Boomerang 30 101 2c/2s 
Pinwheel 37 104 4c 
Razor Ring 49 105 4c/1s 
Hawk Eye 61 107 4c/2s 
Crystal Cross 74 110 6c 
Wind Slash 30 103 3s APx2 
Twin Viper 36 108 4s APx2 
Spiral Shuriken 68 110 2c/6s 
Shotgunball 68 120 none 
Magic Shuriken 64 113 3s 
Rising Sun 68 108 4c APx2 
Oritsuru 90 116 4c/4s 
Conformer 96 112 8c APx0 
- Yuffie will always strike for the same amount of damage whether she 
is in the front or back row since she uses projectile weapons. 
CAIT SITH - M-phoneS _________________________________________________ 
Yellow M-phone 36 100 2c/2s 
Green M-phone 41 100 4c 
Blue M-phone 48 100 4c/1s 
Red M-phone 60 100 4c/2s 
Crystal M-phone 74 100 6c 
White M-phone 35 102 3s APx2 
Black M-phone 31 104 4s APx2 
Silver M-phone 28 106 8s 
Trumpet Shell 68 118 none 
Gold M-phone 58 103 8c 
Battle Trumpet 95 95 6c APx0 
Starlight Phone 88 102 8c 
HP Shout 95 110 8c APx0 
VINCENT - GUNS _________________________________________________________ 
Quicksilver 38 110 2c/2s 
Shotgun 48 112 4c 
Shortbarrel 51 118 4c/1s 
Lariat 64 120 4c/2s 
Winchester 73 120 6c 
Peacemaker 38 118 2c/1s APx2 
Buntline 48 124 4c APx2 
Long Barrel R 66 255 8c 
Silver Rifle 62 120 none 
Sniper CR 42 255 4c 
Shotgunshot ST 97 120 6c APx0 
Outsider 80 120 4c/4s 
Death Penalty 99 115 8c APx0 
- Vincent will always strike for the same amount of damage whether he 
is in the front or back row since he uses projectile weapons. 
SEPHIROTH - KATANA _____________________________________________________ 
Masamune 99 255 6c 
- The materia description acts as if this item has no holders. You can 
only get this weapon by using the Item Select GS code (look elsewhere 
in the FAQ for details). It appears with a handgun icon, as if it 
were a weapon for Vincent, but he cannot equip it. Equipping it on 
Sephiroth is kinda useless since he already has one. 
Bronze Bangle 8 0 0 0 none 
Iron Bangle 10 0 2 0 1s 
Titan Bangle 14 2 4 0 2s 
Mythril Armlet 18 3 8 0 2c 
Carbon Bangle 27 3 14 0 2c/1s 
Silver Armlet 34 4 22 0 2c/2s 
Gold Armlet 46 4 28 0 4c 
Diamond Bangle 57 6 37 0 4c/1s 
Crystal Bangle 70 8 45 1 6c 
Platinum Bangle 20 0 12 0 2s APx2 
Rune Armlet 43 5 24 0 4s APx2 
Edincoat 50 0 33 0 7s 
Wizard Braceletlet 6 3 85 3 8c 
Adaman Bangle 93 0 23 0 2c 
Gigas Armlet 59 0 0 0 4c/1s APx0 
Imperial Guard 82 0 74 0 6c 
Aegis Armlet 55 15 86 50 4c 
Fourth Brace 74 3 100 3 4c/1s 
Warrior Bangle 96 0 21 0 4c APx0 
Shinra Beta 30 0 0 0 2c/2s 
Shinra Alpha 77 0 34 0 6c 
Four Slotss 12 0 10 0 4s 
Fire Bracelet 72 8 52 3 4c 
Aurora Armlet 76 8 54 3 4c 
Bolt Bracelet 74 8 55 3 4c 
Dragon Armlet 58 3 47 2 6c 
Minerva Band 60 8 57 0 6c 
Escort Guard 62 5 55 0 6c 
Mystile 65 50 72 60 6c 
Zeidrich 100 15 98 18 none 
Precious Watch 0 0 0 0 8s 
Choco Bracelet 35 10 38 10 4s 
Fire Armlet - Absorb fire-based attacks. 
Aurora Armlet - Absorb cold-based attacks. 
Bolt Armlet - Absorb lighting-based attacks. 
Dragon Armlet - Half damage from fire, cold, and lightning- 
based attacks. 
Escort Guard - No damage from lighting, earth, water, or 
poison-based attacks. 
Ziedrich - Half damage from every damage type. 
Chocobracelet - Speed Plus increases by 30 points when worn. 
Minerva Band - Can only be worn by women (Aeris, Tifa, 
or Yuffie). 
Power Wrist Power goes up by 10 
Protect Vest Strength goes up by 10 
Earring Magic goes up by 10 
Talisman Mental Power goes up by 10 
Choco Feather Speed Plus goes up by 10 
Amulet Luck goes up by 10 
Champion Belt Power and Strength go up by 30 
Poison Ring Absorbs Poison-based attacks, and your attacks 
strike with the 'Poison' Elemental 
Touph Ring Strength and Mental Power go up by 50 
Circlet Magic and Mental Power go up by 30 
Star Pendant Immune to Poison 
Silver Glasses Immune to Dark 
Headband Immune to Sleepel 
Fairy Ring Immune to Poison and Darkness 
Jem Ring Immune to Petrify, Slow Petrifying, and Paralysis 
White Cape Immune to Minimum and Toad 
Sprint Shoes Automatic 'Haste' in battle 
Peace Ring Immune to Sadness, Anger, Confusion, and Berserk 
Ribbon Immune to Sleepel, Poison, Sadness, Anger, Confusion, 
Silence, Toad, Minimum, Slow Petrifying, Petrify, 
Condemned, Berserk, Paralysis, and Darkness 
Fire Ring Immune to fire-based attacks 
Ice Ring Immune to cold-based attacks 
Bolt Ring Immune to lighting-based attacks 
Tetra Elemental Absorb fire, cold, lightning and earth-based 
Safety Bit Immune to Death, Slow Petrifying, Petrify and 
Fury Ring Automatic 'Berserk' in battle 
Curse Ring Status up (?); but you're Condemned during battles 
Protect Ring Automatic 'Barrier' and 'Mabarrier' in battles 
Cat's Bell Regain 2 HP with each full step 
Reflect Ring Automatic 'Reflect' in battle 
Water Ring Absorbs water-based attacks 
Sneak Glove Increases success rate when using 'Steal' or 'Mug' 
HypnoCrown Increases success rate when using 'Control' 
Curse Ring - If you die while wearing this ring (or if time runs 
out), and you are revived, the Counter Attack will not 
appear again. 
9 . 9 s h o p p i n g l i s t 
This section is a list of each shop in the game and what you can purchase 
there. Please keep the following notation in mind: 
Bracelet - a bracelet anyone can wear. 'd' means 'Defense Power' 
and the number afterwards shows what your defense power 
will be changed to if this bracelet is equipped. Next 
to that is a number and a letter; this indicates the 
number of Materia holders and whether they are single 
(s), or combined (c). 
Weapon - a weapon. The name next to it indicates who can wield 
it. 'a' means 'Attack Power' and the number afterwards 
shows what your attack power will be changed to if this 
weapon is carried. Next to that is a number and a 
letter; this indicates the number of Materia holders and 
whether they are single (s), or combined (c). 'None' 
means that that weapon has no Materia holders. 
All the statistics below apply to all three discs. If the goods for 
sale or prices change from one disc to the next, then it will say 
'(location) - DISC #' afterwards, which is why a location may be listed 
more than once. 
MIDGAR - SECTION 7 TOWN ________________________________________________ 
Potion 50 Item 
Phoenix Down 300 Item 
Antidote 80 Item 
Fire 600 Magic Materia 
Cold 600 Magic Materia 
Lightning 600 Magic Materia 
Restore 750 Magic Materia 
Iron Bangle 160 Bracelet - d10 1s 
Assault Gun 350 Barret - a17 2c 
Grenade 80 Item 
MIDGAR - SECTION 5 TOWN ________________________________________________ 
Potion 50 Item 
Phoenix Down 300 Item 
Antidote 80 Item 
Tent 500 Item 
Fire 600 Magic Materia 
Cold 600 Magic Materia 
Lightning 600 Magic Materia 
Restore 750 Magic Materia 
Titan Bangle 280 Bracelet - d14 2s 
Grenade 80 Item 
MIDGAR - WALL MARKET ___________________________________________________ 
INN 300 gil 
Potion 50 Item 
Phoenix Down 300 Item 
Antidote 80 Item 
Echo Screen 100 Item 
Eye drop 50 Item 
Hyper 100 Item 
Tranquilizer 100 Item 
Hi-Potion 300 Item 
Tent 500 Item 
MATERIA SHOP (after Section 7 is destroyed) 
Fire 600 Magic Materia 
Cold 600 Magic Materia 
Lightning 600 Magic Materia 
Restore 750 Magic Materia 
Cover 1000 Independent Materia 
Mythril Rod 370 Aeris - a16 2c 
Metal Knuckle 320 Tifa - a18 2c 
Assault Gun 350 Barret - a17 2c 
Titan Bangle 280 Bracelet - d14 2s 
Mythril Armlet 350 Bracelet - d18 2c 
Battery 300 Item (Disc 1 only) 
Sneak Glove 129000 Accessory (Disc 2+) 
SUPPORT PILLAR NEAR SECTOR 7 SLUMS _____________________________________ 
MAN SELLING ITEMS (during fight atop the power generator) 
Potion 50 gil Item 
Phoenix Down 300 Item 
Antidote 80 Item 
Grenade 80 Item 
Hyper 100 Item 
Tranquilizer 100 Item 
Tent 500 Item 
SHINRA HQ, ACCESSORIES ROOM ____________________________________________ 
Potion 50 gil Item 
Phoenix Down 300 Item 
Antidote 80 Item 
Eye drop 50 Item 
Tent 500 Item 
KALM TOWN ______________________________________________________________ 
INN 300 gil 
Potion 50 Item 
Phoenix Down 300 Item 
Antidote 80 Item 
Eye drop 50 Item 
Hyper 100 Item 
Tranquilizer 100 Item 
Tent 500 Item 
Earth 1500 Magic Materia 
Poison 1500 Magic Materia 
Steal 1200 Command Materia 
Sense 1000 Command Materia 
Remedy 1500 Magic Materia 
Mythril Saber 1000 Cloud - a23 2c/1s 
Cannon Ball 950 Barret - a23 2c/1s 
Mythril Claw 750 Tifa - a24 2c/1s 
Full Metal Staff 800 Aeris - a22 2c/1s 
Mythril Armlet 350 Bracelet - d18 2c/1s 
CHOCOBO FARM ___________________________________________________________ 
INN - MAIN HOUSE 100 gil 
Chocobo Plus 2000 Independent Materia 
Rasan Nut 600 Item 
Saraha Nut 400 Item 
Luchile Nut 200 Item 
Pepio Nut 100 Item 
Mimetto Greens 1500 Item 
Curiel Greens 1000 Item 
Pahsana Greens 800 Item 
Tantal Greens 400 Item 
Krakka Greens 250 Item 
Gysahl Greens 100 Item 
Purchase Stall (1-6) 10000 Used to breed Chocobos 
Fort Condor ____________________________________________________________ 
INN - BEDROOM 0 gil 
Potion 50 Item 
Phoenix Down 300 Item 
Hyper 100 Item 
Tranquilizer 100 Item 
Tent 500 Item 
Fire 600 Magic Materia 
Lightning 600 Magic Materia 
Cold 600 Magic Materia 
Restore 750 Magic Materia 
Fort Condor - DISC TWO AND THREE _______________________________________ 
INN - BEDROOM 0 gil 
Hi-Potion 300 Item 
Phoenix Down 300 Item 
Ether 1500 Item 
Hyper 100 Item 
Tranquilizer 100 Item 
Tent 500 Item 
S-mine 1000 Item 
Throw 10000 Command Materia 
Manipulate 10000 Command Materia 
Deathblow 10000 Command Materia 
Destruct 9000 Magic Materia 
All 20000 Combination Materia 
JUNON TOWN - OUTER AREA ________________________________________________ 
INN - WOMAN'S HOUSE 0 gil (you must save Purishira first) 
Mythril Armlet 350 Bracelet - d18 2c/1s 
Potion 50 Item 
Phoenix Down 300 Item 
Grenade 80 Item 
Tent 500 Item 
JUNON TOWN - INNER AREA ________________________________________________ 
INN - FIFTH DOOR 30 gil (Disc 1) 
Sense 1000 Command Materia 
Seal 3000 Magic Materia 
Restore 750 Magic Materia 
Remedy 1500 Magic Materia 
Resurrect 3000 Magic Materia 
Hardedge 1500 Cloud - a32 2c/2s 
Grand Glove 1200 Tifa - a31 2c/2s 
Atomic Scissors 1400 Barret - a32 2c/2s 
Striking Staff 1300 Aeris - a32 2c/2s 
Diamond Pin 1300 Red XIII - a33 2c/2s 
Boomerang 1400 Yuffie - a30 2c/2s 
Potion 50 Item 
Hi-Potion 300 Item 
Phoenix Down 300 Item 
Antidote 80 Item 
Eye drop 50 Item 
Echo Screen 100 Item 
Hyper 100 Item 
Tranquilizer 100 Item 
Tent 500 Item 
Fire 600 Magic Materia 
Cold 600 Magic Materia 
Lightning 600 Magic Materia 
Earth 1500 Magic Materia 
Poison 1500 Magic Materia 
Silver Glasses 3000 Accessory 
Headband 3000 Accessory 
Mythril Saber 1000 Cloud - a23 2c/1s 
Cannon Ball 950 Barret - a23 2c/1s 
Mythril Claw 750 Tifa - a24 2c/1s 
Full Metal Staff 800 Aeris - a22 2c/1s 
Mythril Clip 800 Red XIII - a24 2c/1s 
JUNON TOWN - INNER AREA - DISC TWO AND THREE ___________________________ 
INN - FIFTH DOOR 400 gil 
Sense 1000 Command Materia 
Seal 3000 Magic Materia 
Restore 750 Magic Materia 
Remedy 1500 Magic Materia 
Resurrect 3000 Magic Materia 
Rune Blade 3800 Cloud - a40 4s 
Enhance Sword 12000 Cloud - a43 8c 
W Machine Gun 2000 Barret - a30 3s 
Drill Arm 3300 Barret - a37 4s 
Platinum Fist 2700 Tifa - a30 4s 
Kaiser Knuckle 15000 Tifa - a44 2c/6s 
Fairy Tale 2500 Aeris - a37 7s 
Wind Slash 2000 Yuffie - a30 3s 
Twin Viper 3200 Yuffie - a36 4s 
Viper Halberd 7000 Cid - a58 4s 
Dragoon Lance 6200 Cid - a66 8s 
Peacemaker 3500 Vincent - a38 2c/1s 
Buntline 6800 Vincent - a48 4c 
Magic Comb 2000 Red XIII - a37 3s 
Plus Barrette 3500 Red XIII - a39 4s 
Wizard Staff 1800 Aeris - a28 3s 
Wizer Staff 3200 Aeris - a33 4s 
Nail Bat 2800 Cloud - a70 none 
Rocket Punch 3200 Barret - a62 none 
Work Glove 2200 Tifa - a68 none 
Hairpin 6000 Red XIII - a57 none 
Shotgunball 3000 Yuffie - a68 none 
Trumpet Shell 3000 Cait Sith - a68 none 
Mop 3200 Cid - a68 none 
Silver Rifle 3000 Vincent - a62 none 
Platinum Bangle 1800 Bracelet - d20 2s 
Powersoul 4200 Tifa - a28 4s 
Enemy Launcher 3300 Barret - a35 2c/3s 
Fuuma Shuriken 6000 Yuffie - a64 3s 
White M-phone 2300 Cait Sith - a35 3s 
Black M-phone 2800 Cait Sith - a31 4s 
Silver M-phone 3300 Cait Sith - a28 8s 
Sniper CR 3300 Vincent - a42 4c 
Atomic Scissors 1400 Barret - a32 2c/2s 
Grand Glove 1200 Tifa - a31 2c/2s 
Striking Staff 1300 Aeris - a32 2c/2s 
Diamond Pin 1300 Red XIII - a33 2c/2s 
Boomerang 1400 Yuffie - a30 2c/2s 
Yellow M-phone 500 Cait Sith - a36 2c/2s 
Spear 1200 Cid - a44 2c/2s 
Trident 7500 Cid - a60 6s 
Quicksilver 1000 Vincent - a38 2c/2s 
SHINRA BOAT ____________________________________________________________ 
Shotgun Drink 250 gil (restores HP/MP) 
Potion 50 Item 
Phoenix Down 300 Item 
COSTA DEL SOL __________________________________________________________ 
INN 200 gil 
Potion 50 Item 
Hi-Potion 300 Item 
Phoenix Down 300 Item 
Soft 150 Item 
Antidote 80 Item 
Eye drop 50 Item 
Hyper 100 Item 
Tranquilizer 100 Item 
Tent 500 Item 
Remedy 1500 Magic Materia 
Revive 3000 Magic Materia 
Restore 750 Magic Materia 
Seal 3000 Magic Materia 
Fire 600 Magic Materia 
Cold 600 Magic Materia 
Lightning 600 Magic Materia 
Platinum Bangle 1800 Bracelet - d20 2s 
Carbon Bangle 800 Bracelet - d27 2c/1s 
Four Slots 1300 Bracelet - d12 4s 
Molotov 400 Item 
COSTA DEL SOL - DISC TWO AND THREE _____________________________________ 
INN 0 gil 
Potion 50 Item 
Hi-Potion 300 Item 
Phoenix Down 300 Item 
Ether 1500 Item 
Hyper 100 Item 
Tranquilizer 100 Item 
Tent 500 Item 
Fire 600 Magic Materia 
Cold 600 Magic Materia 
Lightning 600 Magic Materia 
Earth 1500 Magic Materia 
Demi 8000 Magic Materia 
Poison 1500 Magic Materia 
Solid Bazooka 16000 Barret - a61 8c 
Sento Clip 14000 Red XIII - a58 8s 
Spiral Shuriken 14000 Yuffie - a68 2c/6s 
Long Barrel R 13000 Vincent - a66 8c 
Gold M-phone 15000 Cait Sith - a58 8c 
S-mine 1000 Item 
NORTH COREL ____________________________________________________________ 
INN 50 gil 
Potion 50 Item 
Phoenix Down 300 Item 
Tent 500 Item 
Transform 5000 Magic Materia 
Maiden's Kiss 150 Item 
Cornucopia 150 Item 
Soft 150 Item 
Hyper 100 Item 
Tranquilizer 100 Item 
Carbon Bangle 800 Bracelet - d27 2c/1s 
Force Stealer 2200 Cloud - a36 3s 
Molotov 400 Item 
GOLD SAUCER ____________________________________________________________ 
ENTRANCE FEE 3000 gil 
Potion 50 Item 
Phoenix Down 300 Item 
Ether 1500 Item 
Antidote 80 Item 
Maiden's Kiss 150 Item 
Cornucopia 150 Item 
Soft 150 Item 
Echo Screen 100 Item 
Hyper 100 Item 
Tranquilizer 100 Item 
Ghost Hotel (Inn) 5 
Ferris Wheel 3 
Speed Plus SQUARE 
'Shooting Coaster' 10 
Arena Battle 10 
Potion 1 Item 
Ether 20 Item 
X Potion 80 Item 
Turbo Ether 100 Item 
Gold Ticket 300 
???????? 500 
Arm Wrestling 100 gil 
Basket Game 200 
Wonder Catcher 100 
Mog House 100 
Urani (Fortune Teller) 50 
G Bike 200 
3D Battler 200 
GONGAGA TOWN ___________________________________________________________ 
INN 300 gil 
Potion 50 Item 
Hi-Potion 300 Item 
Phoenix Down 300 Item 
Tent 500 Item 
Maiden's Kiss 150 Item 
Cornucopia 150 Item 
Soft 150 Item 
Hyper 100 Item 
Tranquilizer 100 Item 
Headband 3000 Accessory 
Silver Glasses 3000 Accessory 
Star Pendant 4000 Accessory 
Talisman 4000 Accessory 
White Cape 5000 Accessory 
Fury Ring 5000 Accessory 
Mystify 6000 Magic Materia 
Time 6000 Magic Materia 
Remedy 1500 Magic Materia 
Transform 5000 Magic Materia 
Hardedge 1500 Cloud - a32 2c/2s 
Grand Glove 1200 Tifa - a31 2c/2s 
Atomic Scissors 1400 Barret - a32 2c/2s 
Striking Staff 1300 Aeris - a32 2c/2s 
Diamond Pin 1300 Red XIII - a33 2c/2s 
Boomerang 1400 Yuffie - a30 2c/2s 
Impaler 500 Item 
Shrivel 400 Item 
Molotov 400 Item 
COSMO CANYON ___________________________________________________________ 
Potion 50 Item 
Hi-Potion 300 Item 
Phoenix Down 300 Item 
Ether 1500 Item 
Tent 500 Item 
Maiden's Kiss 150 Item 
Cornucopia 150 Item 
Soft 150 Item 
Hyper 100 Item 
Tranquilizer 100 Item 
MP Plus 8000 Independent Materia 
HP Plus 8000 Independent Materia 
Mystify 6000 Magic Materia 
Transform 5000 Magic Materia 
Butterfly Edge 2800 Cloud - a39 4c 
Tiger Fang 2500 Tifa - a38 4c 
Heavy Vulcan 2700 Barret - a39 4c 
Prism Staff 2600 Aeris - a40 4c 
Silver Barrette 2500 Red XIII - a40 4c 
Pinwheel 2600 Yuffie - a37 4c 
Green M-phone 2400 Cait Sith - a41 4c 
Silver Armlet 1300 Bracelet - d34 2c/2s 
COREL PRISON ___________________________________________________________ 
Potion 50 gil 
Phoenix Down 300 
Tent 500 
NIVELHEIM ______________________________________________________________ 
INN 100 gil 
Potion 50 Item 
Hi-Potion 300 Item 
Phoenix Down 300 Item 
Tent 500 Item 
ROCKET TOWN - DISC ONE __________________________________________________ 
INN 100 gil 
Supasu 3100 Vincent - a48 4c 
Gold Armlet 2000 Bracelet - d46 4c 
Power Wrist 7500 Accessory 
Protect Vest 3500 Accessory 
Earring 7500 Accessory 
Talisman 4000 Accessory 
Potion 50 Item 
Hi-Potion 300 Item 
Phoenix Down 300 Item 
Ether 1500 Item 
Hyper 100 Item 
Tranquilizer 100 Item 
Tent 500 Item 
Barrier 10000 Magic Materia 
Seperation 10000 Magic Materia 
Time 10000 Magic Materia 
ROCKET TOWN - DISC 2 ____________________________________________________ 
INN 300 gil 
Hi-Potion 300 Item 
Phoenix Down 300 Item 
Ether 1500 Item 
Tent 500 Item 
Barrier 10000 Magic Materia 
Seperation 10000 Magic Materia 
Time 6000 Magic Materia 
Throw 10000 Command Materia 
Deathblow 10000 Command Materia 
Manipulate 10000 Command Materia 
S-mine 1000 Item 
Gold Armlet 2000 Bracelet - d46 4c 
Edincoat 8000 Bracelet - d50 7c 
Power Wrist 7500 Accessory 
Protect Vest 3500 Accessory 
Earring 7500 Accessory 
Talisman 4000 Accessory 
Peace Ring 7500 Accessory 
Safety Bit 7500 Accessory 
Wutai __________________________________________________________________ 
INN 0 gil 
Hi-Potion 300 Item 
Phoenix Down 300 Item 
Ether 1500 Item 
Hyper 100 Item 
Tranquilizer 100 Item 
Tent 500 Item 
Fire Veil 800 Item 
Swift Bolt 800 Item 
Choco Feather 10000 Accessory 
Murasame 6500 Cloud - a51 4c/1s 
Diamond Knuckle 5800 Tifa - a51 4c/1s 
Chainsaw 6300 Barret - a52 4c/1s 
Aurora Rod 5800 Aeris - a51 4c/1s 
Gold Barrette 6000 Red XIII - a50 4c/1s 
Slash Lance 6500 Cid - a56 4c/1s 
Blue M-phone 5500 Cait Sith - a48 4c/1s 
Razor Ring 6000 Yuffie - a49 4c/1s 
Shortbarrel 6400 Vincent - a51 4c/1s 
EXCAVATORS' SITE _______________________________________________________ 
Placing Diggers 100 gil 
Diamond Bangle 3200 Bracelet - d57 4c/1s 
Rune Armlet 3700 Bracelet - d43 4s 
Potion 50 Item 
Hi-Potion 300 Item 
Phoenix Down 30 Item 
Ether 1500 Item 
Hyper 100 Item 
Tranquilizer 100 Item 
Tent 500 Item 
THE TEMPLE _____________________________________________________________ 
Potion 50 Item 
Hi-Potion 300 Item 
Phoenix Down 300 Item 
Ether 1500 Item 
Hyper 100 Item 
Tranquilizer 100 Item 
Maiden's Kiss 150 Item 
Tent 500 Item 
ICICLE LODGE ___________________________________________________________ 
INN 200 gil 
Organics 12000 Cloud - a62 4c/2s 
Dragon Claw 10000 Tifa - a62 4c/2s 
Microlaser 12000 Barret - a63 4c/2s 
Adaman Clip 11000 Red XIII - a60 4c/2s 
Hawk Eye 12000 Yuffie - a61 4c/2s 
Red M-phone 12000 Cait Sith - a60 4c/2s 
Mast Ax 13000 Cid - a64 4c/2s 
Lariat 12000 Vincent - a64 4c/2s 
Tent 500 Item 
Hi-Potion 300 Item 
CHOCOBO SENNIN _________________________________________________________ 
Porov Nut 2000 gil Item 
Pram Nut 1500 Item 
Sylkis Greens 5000 Item 
Reagan Greens 3000 Item 
MIDEEL VILLAGE _________________________________________________________ 
INN - NURSE 0 gil 
Hi-Potion 300 Item 
Phoenix Down 300 Item 
Ether 1500 Item 
Hyper 100 Item 
Tranquilizer 100 Item 
Remedy 1000 Item 
Tent 100 Item 
HP Plus 8000 Independent Materia 
MP Plus 8000 Independent Materia 
Transform 5000 Magic Materia 
Demi 8000 Magic Materia 
Destruct 9000 Magic Materia 
Crystal Sword 18000 Cloud - a76 6c 
Crystal Glove 16000 Tifa - a75 6c 
A.M Cannon 18000 Barret - a77 6c 
Crystal Comb 17000 Red XIII - a76 6c 
Crystal Cross 18000 Yuffie - a74 6c 
Crystal M-phone 18000 Cait Sith - a74 6c 
Partisan 19000 Cid - a78 6c 
Winchester 18000 Vincent - a73 6c 
Crystal Bangle 4800 Bracelet - d70 6c 
Wizard Bracelet 12000 Bracelet - d6 8c 
Amulet 10000 Accessory 
Fire Ring 8000 Accessory 
Ice Ring 8000 Accessory 
Bolt Ring 8000 Accessory 
Fairy Ring 7000 Accessory 
Jem Ring 7500 Accessory 
White Cape 5000 Accessory 
MIDEEL VILLAGE - AFTER IT IS DESTROYED / DISC 3 ________________________ 
INN - NURSE 0 gil 
Potion 50 Item 
Phoenix Down 300 Item 
Antidote 80 Item 
Tent 500 Item 
Amulet 10000 Accessory 
Fire Ring 8000 Accessory 
Ice Ring 8000 Accessory 
Bolt Ring 8000 Accessory 
Fairy Ring 7000 Accessory 
Jem Ring 7500 Accessory 
White Cape 5000 Accessory 
Fire 600 Magic Materia 
Cold 600 Magic Materia 
Lightning 600 Magic Materia 
Restore 750 Magic Materia 
Hi-Potion 300 Item 
Phoenix Down 300 Item 
Ether 1500 Item 
Hyper 100 Item 
Tranquilizer 100 Item 
Remedy 1000 Item 
Tent 500 Item 
Crystal Sword 18000 Cloud - a76 6c 
Crystal Glove 16000 Tifa - a75 6c 
A.M Cannon 18000 Barret - a77 6c 
Crystal Comb 17000 Red XIII - a76 6c 
Crystal Cross 18000 Yuffie - a74 6c 
Crystal M-phone 18000 Cait Sith - a74 6c 
Partisan 19000 Cid - a78 6c 
Winchester 18000 Vincent - a73 6c 
Crystal Bangle 4800 Bracelet - d70 6c 
Wizard Bracelet 12000 Bracelet - d6 8c 
HP Plus 8000 Independent Materia 
MP Plus 8000 Independent Materia 
Transform 5000 Magic Materia 
Demi 8000 Magic Materia 
Destruct 9000 Magic Materia 
* Depending on how many times you met the kid before Mideel was 
destroyed determines what he has for sale. 
9 . 1 0 m o n s t e r l i s t 
This section lists each monster in the game and gives it's statistics, 
what you can win from it, where it's found at, and other information, 
all shown below. 
PLEASE NOTE! This section was based on a document written by someone 
from the Final Fantasy 7 Database Index (sp?) All I did was translate 
it into English and alphabetize it. I can't answer questions about 
this section because I haven't fully verified everything yet. If you 
didn't catch that the first time, proper credit goes to whoever wrote 
this. If you know the URL of the Final Fantasy 7 Database Index (?), 
or the name of the person who wrote the original file, please let me 
know so I can give them proper credit. 
Also, I know there's lots of Japanese and mis-translations in here 
still. That's my fault ^_^; I'll try my best to correct it in the 
LV: 30 EXP: 720 Steal: Adaman Bangle 
HP: 1600 AP: 100 Win: Phoenix Tail 
MP: 240 Gil: 2000 Morph: Cancel 
Control: Light Bullet, Death Force 
Attacks: Barrier and Mabarrier magicks 
Notes: Found in Wutai, near the shore 
LV: 48 EXP: 1300 Steal: Eye drop 
HP: 8000 AP: 100 Win: Eye drop 
MP: 200 Gil: 1360 Morph: n/a 
Control: Claw, Level 4 Death, Level 3 Flare 
Attacks: Level 3 Flare, Big Mouth Breath, Eye Tear 
Notes: Weak against Wind attacks. 
Found in the Makou Pit. <ÂçõÆÆâÉô> 

LV: ?? EXP: 180 Steal: ?? 
HP: 1200 AP: 16 Win: Titan Bangle 
MP: ?? Gil: 150 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Big Bomber, Energy Ball, "Behind Direction" Machinegun 
Notes: Found in Area 5 Makoro. 
LV: ?? EXP: 40 Steal: Potion 
HP: 190 AP: 4 Win: Potion 
MP: ?? Gil: 110 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Propeller 
LV: 34 EXP: 800 Steal: n/a 
HP: 2400 AP: 80 Win: Turbo Ether 
MP: 450 Gil: 800 Morph: n/a 
Control: <³Ñ kaku>, Southern Cross 
Attacks: Southern Cross 
Notes: Weak against Demi. Found in the Temple <¸ÅÂå¼ï¤Î¿ÀÅÂ>. 
LV: ?? EXP: 240 Steal: ?? 
HP: 300 AP: 22 Win: Phoenix Tail 
MP: ?? Gil: 253 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Kosuishinha (Water Port Wave), Nemeru 
Notes: Found in Ground Below Waterway. <Ãϲ¼²¼¿åÆ»> 

LV: 18 EXP: 84 Steal: Ether 
HP: 280 AP: 10 Win: Ether 
MP: 124 Gil: 180 Morph: Phoenix Tail 
Control: Claw, Flame Blaster (Enemy Skill) 
Attacks: Flame Blaster 
Notes: Weak against Wind. Found in the Mythril Mine. 
LV: 41 EXP: 2500 Steal: Turbo Ether 
HP: 10000 AP: 100 Win: Echo Screen 
MP: 200 Gil: 2680 Morph: Guard Source 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Finger Bullet, Golem Laser 
Notes: Found in the Makou Pit. 
LV: 23 EXP: 285 Steal: n/a 
HP: 640 AP: 20 Win: Mute Mask 
MP: 40 Gil: 280 Morph: Mute Mask 
Control: Soft Skeleton Sword <Æð¹ü·õ>, Jump Soft Skeleton Sword 
<Æð¹ü·õ>, Demon, Imbibing Soft Skeleton Sword <ËâµÛÆð¹ü·õ>. 
Attacks: Soft Skeleton Sword, Jump Soft Skeleton Sword, Claw, 
Notes: Found in the Nivelheim area. 
LV: 16 EXP: 110 Steal: Diamond Pin 
HP: 450 AP: 11 Win: Hi Potion 
MP: 60 Gil: 120 Morph: Guard Source 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Fang, Poison Breath, Claw, Horn 
Notes: Weak against Cold. Found in East Corel, the Corel Makoro, 
and Corel Mountain, West side. 
LV: 30 EXP: 510 Steal: n/a 
HP: 860 AP: 40 Win: Hi Potion 
MP: 100 Gil: 600 Morph: Ice Crystal 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Kamitsuki 
Notes: Weak against Fire. Found in the Aishikuru Area, and the 
LV: 17 EXP: 99 Steal: X Potion 
HP: 360 AP: 10 Win: Tent 
MP: 0 Gil: 220 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Katsuage, Strong Rob <¤«¤Ä¤¢¤²¡¢¯Ã¥>. 
Notes: Found in the Corel Prison. 
LV: 24 EXP: 270 Steal: Dazers 
HP: 640 AP: 32 Win: ?? 
MP: 58 Gil: 386 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Foe Laser, Side Shutting 
Notes: Found in the Nivelheim area. 
LV: 16 EXP: 95 Steal: n/a 
HP: 200 AP: 10 Win: Hi Potion 
MP: 100 Gil: 155 Morph: Turbo Ether 
Control: Kamitsuki, Mighty Guard (Enemy Skill), Burizado 
Attacks: ?? 
Notes: Found in the Corel, Gold Saucer, and Gongaga areas, 
always by the shore. 
LV: 45 EXP: 1500 Steal: War Gong, Phoenix Tail 
HP: 7000 AP: 100 Win: ?? 
MP: 400 Gil: 2200 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Claw, Flare, ???? (Enemy Skill) 
Notes: Found in <¥ß¥Ã¥É¥¥ë8ÈÖ³¹Ãϲ¼>. 
LV: 28 EXP: 420 Steal: n/a 
HP: 975 AP: 40 Win: X Potion 
MP: 0 Gil: 340 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Poison Powder 
Notes: Found in the Wutai Area, Wutai - Dachao Statues 
LV: 25 EXP: 270 Steal: n/a 
HP: 550 AP: 24 Win: Vampire Fang 
MP: 0 Gil: 80 Morph: Vampire Fang 
Control: Blood Suck 
Attacks: Blood Suck 
Notes: Weak against Wind and Holy. Found in the Shin-Ra Mansion, 
in the Concealed Stairs and Mansion Basement. 
LV: 18 EXP: 90 Steal: Soft 
HP: 240 AP: 9 Win: Hi Potion 
MP: 0 Gil: 125 Morph: Hi Potion 
Control: Body Blow, Vacuum, Hell Needle 
Attacks: Vacuum, Hell Needle 
Notes: Weak against Wind. Found in the Corel Makoro and Corel 
Mountains -- West. 
LV: ?? EXP: 24 Steal: ?? 
HP: 72 AP: 2 Win: Antidote 
MP: ?? Gil: 32 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Drain, Feeler 
Notes: Found in the Area 5 Makoro. 
LV: 41 EXP: 1200 Steal: n/a 
HP: 8800 AP: 200 Win: Dragon Armlet 
MP: 500 Gil: 1000 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Blue Dragon Breath, Large Rotating Wind 
Notes: Found in <ÀäÊÉÆâÉô>. 
LV: 18 EXP: 150 Steal: Right arm 
HP: 600 AP: 20 Win: Shrapnel 
MP: 30 Gil: 192 Morph: Shrapnel 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Bomb Self-Destruct, Fire Ball 
Notes: Found in the Corel Mountain -- West. 
(Bottom Swell and Water Sphere).......................................... 
LV: 23 EXP: 550 Steal: n/a 
HP: 2500 AP: 52 Win: Power Wrist 
MP: 100 Gil: 1000 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Tail Attack, Moon Strike, Big Wave 
Notes: Weak against Wind. Found in <¥¤¥ë¥«¤ÎÆþ¤ê¤¨>. 
LV: 4 EXP: 0 Steal: n/a 
HP: 40 AP: 0 Win: n/a 
MP: 0 Gil: 0 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: n/a 
Notes: Created by BOTOMUSUUERU. Use a magic attack to destroy it. 

LV: 27 EXP: 420 Steal: Dazers 
HP: 500 AP: 40 Win: Dazers 
MP: 80 Gil: 350 Morph: Dazers 
Control: Burizara, Dark Needle, Death Sentence (Enemy Skill) 
Attacks: Death Sentence, Dark Needle 
Notes: Found in the Coral Valley and the Forgotten Captial. 
LV: ?? EXP: 510 Steal: Carob Nut 
HP: 33333 AP: 40 Win: Carob Nut 
MP: 333 Gil: 460 Morph: Elixir 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Electric Shock Ball, Violent Advancing Thrust 
Notes: Found in the Icicle area. 

LV: 15 EXP: 52 Steal: Poison Neutralize 
HP: 240 AP: 6 Win: Deadly Waste 
MP: 46 Gil: 95 Morph: Deadly Waste 
Control: Body Blow, <ÇÑ´þ±øÀ÷> (listed twice) 
Attacks: <ÇÑ´þ±øÀ÷> "Reject Disgrace Color". 
Notes: Weak against Holy. Found in the Shinra Building, 67th, 
68th, and 69th floors. 
LV: 19 EXP: 92 Steal: X Potion 
HP: 420 AP: 9 Win: Ether 
MP: 96 Gil: 140 Morph: ?? 
Control: Body Blow, Matora Magic (Enemy Skill) 
Attacks: Matora Magic 
Notes: Found in the Corel Prison. 
LV: 20 EXP: 1 Steal: n/a 
HP: 200 AP: 1 Win: ?? 
MP: 20 Gil: 10000 Morph: Hi Potion 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: ?? 
Notes: Found in the KoreruSabaku (the pit around the Gold Saucer). 
LV: 15 EXP: 60 Steal: Ether 
HP: 210 AP: 6 Win: Potion 
MP: 20 Gil: 103 Morph: n/a 
Control: Wire Attack, Ground Run 
Attacks: Ground Run 
Notes: Found in Junon Area. 
(Carry Armor, Right Arm, and Left Arm)................................... 
LV: 45 EXP: 2800 Steal: n/a 
HP: 24000 AP: 240 Win: God's Hand 
MP: 200 Gil: 4000 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Lapis Laser 
Notes: Weak against Lightning. Found in the Sea Bottom Makoro. 
LV: 45 EXP: 1400 Steal: n/a 
HP: 10000 AP: 95 Win: ?? 
MP: 100 Gil: 0 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Arm Catch 
Notes: Weak against Lightning. Part of Carry Armor. 
LV: 45 EXP: 1500 Steal: n/a 
HP: 10000 AP: 90 Win: ?? 
MP: 100 Gil: 0 Morph: ?? 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Arm Catch 
Notes: Weak against Lightning. Part of Carry Armor. 
LV: 15 EXP: 65 Steal: n/a 
HP: 190 AP: 7 Win: Hi Potion 
MP: 0 Gil: 113 Morph: n/a 
Control: 2-Step Attack, Scissors Spark 
Attacks: 2-Step Attack, Scissors Spark 
Notes: Weak against Flame. Found in the Mythril Mine. 
(Christopher and Ziggy).................................................. 
LV: 34 EXP: 2000 Steal: Earth Drum 
HP: 6000 AP: 140 Win: Phoenix Tail, Ether 
MP: 200 Gil: 1400 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Aspire, Kealra, Song of the Frog, Bolt 3, Status Tomaachi 
Notes: Found in the Makou Pit. Always appears with ZIGII. 
LV: 34 EXP: (shared) Steal: Elixir 
HP: 5500 AP: (shared) Win: Phoenix Tail, Ether 
MP: 100 Gil: (shared) Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Stone Change Glare, Status Tomaachi 
Notes: Found in the Makou Pit. Always appears with KURISUTOFAA. 
LV: 34 EXP: 2900 Steal: n/a 
HP: 5000 AP: 50 Win: Ice Ring 
MP: 210 Gil: 0 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Glare, Imbibe Supply 
Notes: Found in Wutai -- The Pagoda of Five Strong 
LV: 18 EXP: 148 Steal: Striking Staff 
HP: 800 AP: 14 Win: ?? 
MP: 200 Gil: 210 Morph: Elixir 
Control: Claw, Poison Storm, Aqua Breath (Enemy Skill) 
Attacks: Poison Storm, Aqua Breath 
Notes: Found in the Gold Saucer Area. 
Level HP MP EXP/AP/Gil Found in: 
13 130 13 n/a Grassland area 
16 * 160 16 n/a Grassland area 
19 190 30 n/a Junon area 
22 220 100 n/a Gold Saucer and Rocket Port areas 
29 290 100 n/a Gold Saucer area 
30 300 100 n/a Wutai area 
33 330 100 n/a Icicle area 
36 * 360 100 n/a Mideel Area 
Steal: n/a Notes: You can learn the Enemy Skill 'Chocobockle' 
Win: n/a from the Chocobos with a '*' by their levels. 
Morph: n/a Refer to the 'Enemy Skills' list for details. 
Control: n/a Chocobos are invincible! \(^_^)/ 
LV: 42 EXP: 800 Steal: n/a 
HP: 3500 AP: 80 Win: 8inch Cannon 
MP: 120 Gil: 1500 Morph: n/a 
Control: <Ä̾ïÃÆ> 
Attacks: <Ä̾ïÃÆ> 
Notes: Found in Midgar Area 8 Town (Below ?) 
LV: ?? EXP: 23 Steal: ?? 
HP: 36 AP: 2 Win: Potion 
MP: ?? Gil: 30 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Rolling Cross 
Notes: Found in <4ÈÖ³¹¥×¥ì¡¼¥ÈÆâÉô¡¢4ÈÖ³¹¥×¥ì¡¼¥È²¼Éô>. 
LV: 17 EXP: 97 Steal: Soft 
HP: 420 AP: 10 Win: Soft 
MP: 0 Gil: 168 Morph: Soft 
Control: Beak, Bird Kick, Stone Change Smog 
Attacks: Stone Change Smog, Bird Kick 
Notes: Found in Corel Area and Corel Mountains -- West. 
LV: 36 EXP: 1050 Steal: Hyper 
HP: 3200 AP: 60 Win: Loco weed 
MP: 260 Gil: 2200 Morph: Light Curtain 
Control: Body Blow, Sharp Rikizami, Revolving Slash 
Attacks: Sharp Rikizami, Revolving Slash, Slap 
Notes: Found in the Sea Bottom Makoro 
LV: 15 EXP: 56 Steal: n/a 
HP: 140 AP: 6 Win: Hi Potion 
MP: 48 Gil: 65 Morph: n/a 
Control: Kamitsuki, Cold Breath 
Attacks: Kamitsuki, Cold Breath 
Notes: Weak against Earth. Found in the Mythril Mine. 
LV: 44 EXP: 800 Steal: Mute Mask 
HP: 3900 AP: 80 Win: Phoenix Tail, Ether 
MP: 340 Gil: 1300 Morph: Turbo Ether 
Control: Uppercut, Gun Attack 
Attacks: Gun Attack 
Notes: Weak against Lightning, Found in Midgar Area 8 Town (Below ?) 
LV: 20 EXP: 225 Steal: n/a 
HP: 440 AP: 23 Win: Hi Potion 
MP: 70 Gil: 400 Morph: Dream Powder 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Sleepel magic, Fear Needle, Bolt magic 
Notes: Weak against Flame. Found in the Cosmo and Rocket Port Areas. 
LV: 37 EXP: 800 Steal: n/a 
HP: 1500 AP: 80 Win: ?? 
MP: 100 Gil: 600 Morph: Dream Powder 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Sleepel Pulverizing Dust 
Notes: Found in the Mideel Area. 
LV: 15 EXP: 63 Steal: Atomic Scissors 
HP: 300 AP: 7 Win: Potion 
MP: 100 Gil: 120 Morph: X Potion 
Control: Double Machinegun, Smog Shot, Matora Magic (Enemy Skill) 
Attacks: Double Machinegun, Matora Magic 
Notes: Weak against Lightning. Found in Midgar Area. 
LV: 57 EXP: 5000 Steal: Dragon Armlet 
HP: 14000 AP: 350 Win: Elixir 
MP: 600 Gil: 2500 Morph: Vaccine 
Control: Laser, Dragon Force (Enemy Skill) 
Attacks: Ultima, Dark Dragon Breath, Dragon Force 
Notes: Found in the Makoro Pit. 
LV: 19 EXP: 96 Steal: Titan Bangle 
HP: 400 AP: 10 Win: Hi Potion 
MP: 120 Gil: 168 Morph: ?? 
Control: Claw, Death Claw, Laser 
Attacks: Claw, Mabarrier, Barrier, Death Claw, Laser 
Notes: Found in the Corel Prison. 
LV: 48 EXP: 1800 Steal: Turbo Ether 
HP: 7000 AP: 200 Win: Kiss of Death, Potion 
MP: 400 Gil: 1200 Morph: n/a 
Control: , Death Roulette 
Attacks: Death Roulette, Star, Flare Sun, <µ¹Ä>. 
Notes: Found in the Makou Pit. 
LV: 35 EXP: 900 Steal: Double Machinegun 
HP: 2500 AP: 80 Win: ?? 
MP: 150 Gil: 1200 Morph: n/a 
Control: Double Machinegun, Hundred Needler, Matora Magic 
Attacks: Hundred Needler, Double Machinegun 
Notes: Found in <³¤ÄìËâÚèϧ¤Ø¤ÎÄÌÏ©¡¢¥¸¥å¥Î¥ó¡¦ÄÌÏ©>. 
LV: ?? EXP: 35 Steal: Ether 
HP: 120 AP: 4 Win: Graviball 
MP: ?? Gil: 70 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: ?? 
Notes: Found in <Îó¼ÖÊè¾ì>. 
LV: 45 EXP: 3800 Steal: n/a 
HP: 10000 AP: 220 Win: Gigas Armlet 
MP: 400 Gil: 4000 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Demon's Crasher, Ceiling Drop <ÍîÈ×>. 
Notes: Found in the Temple. 
LV: 20 EXP: 230 Steal: Potion 
HP: 580 AP: 21 Win: Potion 
MP: 0 Gil: 300 Morph: Fire Veil 
Control: Lance, Sand Iron Cannon 
Attacks: Sand Iron Cannon 
Notes: Weak against Cold. Found in the Corel Area. 
LV: 13 EXP: 60 Steal: Hi Potion 
HP: 240 AP: 6 Win: Potion 
MP: 0 Gil: 100 Morph: Hi Potion 
Control: Wheelie, Drift Turn 
Attacks: Drift Turn 
Notes: Found in the Midgar Area. 
LV: 41 EXP: 1100 Steal: n/a 
HP: 4000 AP: 70 Win: ?? 
MP: 200 Gil: 1100 Morph: n/a 
Control: Horn Bonshii, Flame, Cold 
Attacks: ?? 
Notes: Found in the Old Forest <¸Å¤¨¤Î¿¹> 

LV: 38 EXP: 1340 Steal: n/a 
HP: 2800 AP: 60 Win: ?? 
MP: 100 Gil: 1250 Morph: n/a 
Control: Body Blow, Big Wave, Tornado Wave 
Attacks: Big Wave, Tornado Wave 
Notes: Found in the Sea Bottom Makoro. 
LV: 25 EXP: 340 Steal: Ether 
HP: 400 AP: 32 Win: Ether 
MP: 20 Gil: 320 Morph: Turbo Ether 
Control: Imbibe Supply, Glare 
Attacks: Imbibe Supply 
Notes: Found in the Nivelheim Mountains, N. Cave, and N. Makoro 
LV: 35 EXP: 760 Steal: Hi Potion 
HP: 2800 AP: 50 Win: Hi Potion 
MP: 160 Gil: 680 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Fang, Flame Bullet, Light Bullet. 
Notes: Found in the Temple. 
LV: 32 EXP: 900 Steal: Gold Armlet 
HP: 3500 AP: 110 Win: Fire Fang 
MP: 250 Gil: 1400 Morph: n/a 
Control: Dragon Fang, Flame Blaster (Enemy Skill) 
Attacks: Flame Blaster (Enemy Skill) 
Notes: Found in the Nivelheim Mountains and the Mountain Cavern. 
LV: 35 EXP: 1000 Steal: Hi Potion 
HP: 3500 AP: 80 Win: Hi Potion 
MP: 180 Gil: 690 Morph: Mind Source 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Twin Attack, Neck Hunt, Rider Breath 
Notes: Weak against Wind. Found in the Tornado Illusion 
Palace <ε´¤ÎÆ·¢>. 
LV: 54 EXP: 4000 Steal: Cauldron 
HP: 13000 AP: 300 Win: Cauldron, X Potion 
MP: 400 Gil: 2800 Morph: Vaccine 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Extraordinary Breath, Whole-body Tail, Horn, Shadow Flare, 
and Nantoka (both Enemy Skills). 
Notes: Weak against Holy. Found in the Makou Pit and the 'Star 
Inside Body'. 
LV: 30 EXP: 550 Steal: Pepio Nut 
HP: 2500 AP: 45 Win: Pepio Nut 
MP: 0 Gil: 500 Morph: n/a 
Control: Horn Thrust, Horn Rift 
Attacks: Horn Rift 
Notes: Found in the Woodland Area, and on the Goblin and Saboten 
LV: 23 EXP: 600 Steal: n/a 
HP: 1200 AP: 55 Win: Silver Armlet 
MP: 20 Gil: 750 Morph: ?? 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Needler Gun, Motlov Cocktail, S-mine 
Notes: Found in Corel Prison. You must fight with Barett alone. 
LV: 27 EXP: 370 Steal: n/a 
HP: 900 AP: 36 Win: Kemuridama 
MP: 80 Gil: 385 Morph: n/a 
Control: Scissors, Shoot Electricity 
Attacks: Shoot Electricity 
Notes: Found in the Wutai area. 
LV: 14 EXP: 64 Steal: Hi Potion 
HP: 220 AP: 7 Win: Potion 
MP: 34 Gil: 140 Morph: n/a 
Control: Body Blow, Shower 
Attacks: Shower 
Notes: Found in the Grassland Area. 
LV: ?? EXP: 36 Steal: Striking Staff 
HP: 300 AP: 4 Win: Echo Screen 
MP: ?? Gil: 12 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Mono-Eye Laser (One-Eye Laser) 
Notes: Found in <Îó¼ÖÊè¾ì>. 
LV: 36 EXP: 950 Steal: Wizard Bracelet 
HP: 1800 AP: 70 Win: ?? 
MP: 90 Gil: 1500 Morph: n/a 
Control: Bird Kick, Catapult, Acid Shower 
Attacks: Bird Kick, Catapult, Acid Shower 
Notes: Found in Old Forest. 
LV: 28 EXP: 650 Steal: n/a 
HP: 740 AP: 50 Win: Vampire Fang 
MP: 45 Gil: 400 Morph: Holy Torch 
Control: Blood Suck, Shotgunsonic Wave 
Attacks: Shotgunsonic Wave, Blood Suck 
Notes: Found in <ÀäÊÉÆâÉô>. 
LV: 38 EXP: 1100 Steal: Ink 
HP: 9000 AP: 70 Win: ?? 
MP: 120 Gil: 2500 Morph: Luck Source 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Big Fang, Ibiru Poison 
Notes: Found in <¿ÀÍåÈôõÄò¡¦ÄÌÏ©>. 
LV: ?? EXP: 12 Steal: ?? 
HP: 18 AP: 1 Win: ?? 
MP: ?? Gil: 5 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: ?? 
Notes: Found in the Area 1 Makoro. 
LV: 18 EXP: 140 Steal: T/S Bomb 
HP: 330 AP: 15 Win: T/S Bomb 
MP: 60 Gil: 186 Morph: T/S Bomb 
Control: Tail Bit, Whirlwind Cut 
Attacks: Whirlwind Cut 
Notes: Weak against Wind. Found in the Gold Saucer area. 
LV: 19 EXP: 240/220/200 Steal: n/a 
HP: 550 AP: 24/22/20 Win: Earth Drum 
MP: 68 Gil: 400/350/300 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Bio 2, Side Bullet, Double Laser, Flower Pollen. 
Notes: Weak against Flame and Earth, 
Found in the Jungle. The three listings for EXP, AP 
and Gil correspond to the type of FURAWAAPURANGU; little, 
center, and big, respectively. 
LV: 16 EXP: 65 Steal: Boomerang 
HP: 240 AP: 7 Win: Hi Potion 
MP: 100 Gil: 120 Morph: Speed Drink 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Blue Inpulse 
Notes: Weak against Wind. Found in the Junon Area. 
LV: 27 EXP: 440 Steal: n/a 
HP: 800 AP: 34 Win: Lunar Curtain, Fire Veil 
MP: 100 Gil: 460 Morph: n/a 
Control: Claw, Flame Dance/Wheel 
Attacks: Flame Dance/Wheel 
Notes: Found in Wutai, in the Dachao Statue area. 
LV: 28 EXP: 520 Steal: n/a 
HP: 1300 AP: 50 Win: ?? 
MP: 100 Gil: 800 Morph: n/a 
Control: Connecting Claw, Whirlwind Cut 
Attacks: Connecting Claw, Whirlwind Cut 
Notes: Found in the Great Water River <Âçɹ²Ï>. 
LV: 23 EXP: 300 Steal: Echo Screen 
HP: 520 AP: 35 Win: Phoenix Tail 
MP: 80 Gil: 202 Morph: Mute Mask 
Control: Cutter, Funny Gas, 'Norui no Genyou' 
Attacks: 'Norui no Genyou', Funny Gas <¤Î¤í¤¤¤Î¸ÀÍÕ>. 
Notes: Found in the Shin-Ra Mansion, 1st and 2nd floors, as well 
as the Concealed Stairs. 
LV: 19 EXP: 173 Steal: Soft 
HP: 480 AP: 18 Win: Soft 
MP: 55 Gil: 220 Morph: Remedy 
Control: Claw, Stone Change Glare 
Attacks: Stone Change Glare 
Notes: Found in the Gongaga area. 
LV: 43 EXP: 800 Steal: X Potion 
HP: 2000 AP: 80 Win: X Potion 
MP: 200 Gil: 2500 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Level 4 Death 
Notes: Found in <ÂçõÆÆâÉô>. 
LV: 29 EXP: 520 Steal: n/a 
HP: 1400 AP: 30 Morph: n/a 
MP: 200 Gil: 520 Win: Bolt Plume, 
Mute Mask, Light Curtain 
Control: Rod, Burizara, Bolt 2 
Attacks: Burizara, Decoy, Bolt 2 
Notes: Weak against Wind. Found in Wutai - Dachao Statues. 
LV: 42 EXP: 900 Steal: n/a 
HP: 3000 AP: 75 Win: ?? 
MP: 200 Gil: 1100 Morph: n/a 
Control: Punch, Shotgun Harmful Smog 
Attacks: Shotgun Harmful Smog 
Notes: Found in <ú¹ÛÎó¼Ö>. 
LV: 26 EXP: 380 Steal: n/a 
HP: 1600 AP: 44 Win: Phoenix Tail 
MP: 0 Gil: 300 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: ?? 
Notes: Weak against Demi. Found in the Shin-Ra Mansion -- 
Floor 2 and the Concealed Stairs. 
LV: ?? EXP: 30 Steal: Ghost Hand 
HP: 130 AP: 3 Win: Ghost Hand 
MP: ?? Gil: 22 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Drain, Fire 
Notes: Found in <Îó¼ÖÊè¾ì>. 
LV: 44 EXP: 1600 Steal: Phoenix Tail 
HP: 6600 AP: 60 Win: Phoenix Tail 
MP: 100 Gil: 2000 Morph: Guide Book (new to USA) 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Saint Elmo's Fire 
Notes: Weak against Holy. Found in the Ocean Bottom Makou. 
LV: 40 EXP: 840 Steal: Gigas Armlet 
HP: 3500 AP: 84 Win: Earth Mallet 
MP: 100 Gil: 560 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Moon Worse 
Notes: Found in the Crater. 
LV: 23 EXP: 260 Steal: n/a 
HP: 450 AP: 20 Win: Kemuridama 
MP: 88 Gil: 150 Morph: ?? 
Control: Kushizashi, Hell Spear, Death Sentence (Enemy Skill) 
Attacks: Kushizashi, Death Sentence 
Notes: Weak against Flame and Holy. Found in the cave beneath 
Cosmo Canyon (Tribe of the Dying Soul's Cave/Gi Tribe Cave) 
(Gi*Nanataku and Soul Fire)............................................. 
LV: 29 EXP: 1400 Steal: n/a 
HP: 5500 AP: 150 Win: Vizier Rod 
MP: 200 Gil: 3000 Morph: ?? 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Debaria magic, Drain, Aspire 
Notes: Weak against Holy. Found in the Gi Tribe Cave. 
LV: 21 EXP: 200 Steal: n/a 
HP: 1300 AP: 10 Win: ?? 
MP: 220 Gil: 100 Morph: ?? 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Fire 2, Power Shift 
Notes: Weak against Wind and Holy. Found in the Gi Tribe Cave 
along with Gi*Natataku. 
LV: 40 EXP: 20 Steal: Zeio Nut 
HP: 2000 AP: 20 Win: ?? 
MP: 80 Gil: 20 Morph: n/a 
Control: Attack, Goblin Punch (Enemy Skill), Sleepel 
Attacks: Goblin Punch, Sleepel 
Notes: Found in the Goblin Island and Round Island. 
LV: 41 EXP: 5000 Steal: n/a 
HP: 10000 AP: 60 Win: Universe Manual 
MP: 1000 Gil: 40000 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Beast Sword, Drain, Tryne, Bio 2, Demi 3 
Notes: Found in Wutai -- the Pagoda of Five Strong 
LV: 24 EXP: 300 Steal: Turbo Ether 
HP: 1000 AP: 22 Win: Hi Potion 
MP: 0 Gil: 500 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: ?? 
Notes: Found in Cosmo Area. 
LV: 30 EXP: 1500 Steal: n/a 
HP: 3000 AP: 50 Win: X Potion 
MP: 150 Gil: 0 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Barrier, Demi 2, Regene, Reflect 
Notes: Weak against Wind. Found in Wutai -- Pagoda of Five Strong 
LV: 19 EXP: 180 Steal: n/a 
HP: 460 AP: 15 Win: Hi Potion, War Gong 
MP: 43 Gil: 240 Morph: Hi Potion 
Control: Punch, Grand Punch 
Attacks: Grand Punch 
Notes: Found in the Gongaga and Cosmo Areas. 
LV: ?? EXP: 20 Steal: ?? 
HP: 42 AP: 2 Win: Spider Web 
MP: ?? Gil: 20 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Thread 
LV: 36 EXP: 750 Steal: Tent 
HP: 1500 AP: 60 Win: Shrivel 
MP: 100 Gil: 750 Morph: X Potion 
Control: Claw 
Attacks: Spiteful Words 
Notes: Found in the Tornado Labyrinth 
LV: 32 EXP: 900 Steal: Right arm 
HP: 2000 AP: 100 Win: Right arm 
MP: 0 Gil: 400 Morph: ?? 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Fire Erupt, Bomb Self-Destruct 
Notes: Found in the Crater. 
LV: 10 EXP: 42 Steal: Tranquilizer 
HP: 130 AP: 4 Win: Grenade 
MP: 0 Gil: 72 Morph: Grenade 
Control: Machinegun, Grenade 
Attacks: Grenade 
Notes: Found in the Shinra HQ, level 1 and 3 
LV: 21 EXP: 260 Steal: Phoenix Tail 
HP: 760 AP: 25 Win: Phoenix Tail 
MP: 40 Gil: 350 Morph: Phoenix Tail 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Kujaku (Peacock) 
Notes: Found in Cosmo Area. 
LV: 31 EXP: 600 Steal: Shrivel 
HP: 880 AP: 45 Win: Shrivel 
MP: 120 Gil: 560 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Shield Rotation, Burizara, Grim Rod 
Notes: Found in the Coral Valley. 
LV: ?? EXP: 22 Steal: ?? 
HP: 40 AP: 2 Win: Potion 
MP: ?? Gil: 15 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Machinegun Beam 
Notes: Found in Midgar Area 1 Makoro. 
LV: ?? EXP: 20 Steal: ?? 
HP: 42 AP: 2 Win: Potion 
MP: ?? Gil: 12 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Feeler 
Notes: Found in Area 1 Rail Station, Area 1 Town, Area 8 Town, and 
LV: 40 EXP: 940 Steal: n/a 
HP: 4000 AP: 60 Win: ?? 
MP: 340 Gil: 500 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Jumping Blow 
Notes: Found in Sea Bottom Makoro. 
LV: ?? EXP: 100 Steal: ?? 
HP: ?? AP: 10 Win: Assault Gun 
MP: ?? Gil: 100 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Search Scope, Gun Attack, Tail Laser, Scorpion Tail 
Notes: Found in Area 1 Makoro. Will counterattack with Tail Laser 
if you attack while it is shaking. 
LV: 35 EXP: 1100 Steal: n/a 
HP: 2200 AP: 80 Win: Molotov 
MP: 200 Gil: 1200 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Internal Quick Machinegun, Rocket Launcher (Aggressive 
Escaping Attack) 
Notes: Found in Sea Bottom Makoro Path <³¤ÄìËâÚèϧ¤Ø¤ÎÄÌÏ©>. 
LV: 39 EXP: 860 Steal: n/a 
HP: 3400 AP: 75 Win: ?? 
MP: 240 Gil: 1600 Morph: n/a 
Control: Common Bullet, Body Blow 
Attacks: Status Disorder Bullet, Common Bullet, Body Blow 
Notes: Weak against Lightning. Found in the Sea Bottom Makoro. 
(Gurangaran, Kogurangaran, and Magogurangaran)........................... 
¥°¥é¥ó¥¥é¥ó GURANGARAN 
LV: 16 EXP: 88 Steal: n/a 
HP: 550 AP: 10 Win: Hi Potion 
MP: 60 Gil: 220 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Silver Wheel, Dark Eye 
Notes: Found in the Corel Area along with Kogurangaran and 
¥³¥°¥é¥ó¥¥é¥ó KOGURANGARAN 
LV: 15 EXP: 77 Steal: n/a 
HP: 330 AP: 8 Win: Potion 
MP: 40 Gil: 110 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Silver Wheel, Sad Eye 
Notes: Weak against Gurangaran (Inside Section Exit?) 
¥Þ¥´¥°¥é¥ó¥¥Ã¥é¥ó MAGOGURANGARAN 
LV: 14 EXP: 66 Steal: n/a 
HP: 110 AP: 6 Win: ?? 
MP: 20 Gil: 55 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Silver Wheel 
Notes: Weak against Kogurangaran (Inside Section Exit?) 
(Gurousupanshaa - Large Gun Tower, Little Gun Tower, and Car Body)....... 
¥°¥í¥¦¥¹¥Ñ¥ó¥·¥ã¡¼ GUROUSUPANSHAA  
LV: 46 EXP: 800 Steal: n/a 
HP: 4600 AP: 80 Win: 8inch Cannon 
MP: 200 Gil: 3100 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: ?? 
Notes: Weak against Lightning. Found in Midgar Area 8 Town. 
¥°¥í¥¦¥¹¥Ñ¥ó¥·¥ã¡¼ GUROUSUPANSHAA  
LV: 42 EXP: 600 Steal: n/a 
HP: 2900 AP: 80 Win: ?? 
MP: 160 Gil: 700 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: ?? 
Notes: Weak against Lightning. 
¥°¥í¥¦¥¹¥Ñ¥ó¥·¥ã¡¼ GUROUSUPANSHAA  
LV: 50 EXP: 400 Steal: n/a 
HP: 10000 AP: 80 Win: ?? 
MP: 300 Gil: 1400 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: ?? 
Notes: Weak against Lightning. Part of Large Gun Tower and Little 
Gun Tower. 
LV: 12 EXP: 43 Steal: Echo Screen 
HP: 210 AP: 5 Win: Loco weed 
MP: 0 Gil: 80 Morph: Kemuridama 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: ?? 
Notes: Weak against Lightning. Found in the Shin-Ra Building, 
floors 63 and 65. 
LV: 32 EXP: 750 Steal: n/a 
HP: 2500 AP: 58 Win: Molotov 
MP: 150 Gil: 600 Morph: n/a 
Control: <ÂÎÅö¤¿¤ê>, Oil 
Attacks: Oil 
Notes: Found in the Sea Bottom Makoro 
LV: 35 EXP: 640 Steal: Tranquilizer 
HP: 1600 AP: 64 Win: Hyper 
MP: 200 Gil: 460 Morph: Tranquilizer 
Control: Bire Punch 
Attacks: Ultra Study Reverse Scale Bomber <ĵæµÕÎڥܥó¥Ð¡¼>. 
Notes: Found in < ¥¥¤¥¢¤ÎÀäÊÉ¡¢ÀäÊÉÆâÉô>. 
LV: 30 EXP: 650 Steal: Tranquilizer 
HP: 2000 AP: 80 Win: Ether 
MP: 100 Gil: 1000 Morph: n/a 
Control: Kettle Attack (?), Raging Dagger 
Attacks: Raging Dagger 
Notes: Found in the Mideel area. 
LV: 21 EXP: 340 Steal: Phoenix Tail 
HP: 1600 AP: 45 Win: Hi Potion 
MP: 25 Gil: 1300 Morph: Power Source 
Control: Advancing Thrust, Wheelie Attack, Large Revolver 
Attacks: Large Revolver, Wheelie Attack 
Notes: Found in the Meltdown Makoro. 
LV: 30 EXP: 1000 Steal: n/a 
HP: 500 AP: 100 Win: ?? 
MP: 220 Gil: 720 Morph: Magic Source 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: ?? 
Notes: Weak against Poison. Found in the Temple <¸ÅÂå¼ï¤Î¿ÀÅÂ>. 
LV: 6 EXP: 20 Steal: Ether 
HP: 40 AP: 3 Win: Potion 
MP: 52 Gil: 25 Morph: Ether 
Control: <ÂÎÅö¤¿¤ê>, Fire 
Attacks: Fire 
Notes: Weak against Cold. Found in <µ²ñ±ü¡¢µ²ñ²°ºÎ¢¡¢ 
AREA 5 SURAMU ÈÖ³¹¥¹¥é¥à> 

LV: 22 EXP: 250 Steal: n/a 
HP: 400 AP: 20 Win: Hi Potion 
MP: 0 Gil: 240 Morph: ?? 
Control: Poison Fang, Horror Whip 
Attacks: Horror Whip 
Notes: Weak against Cold. Found in the Gi Tribe Cave. 
LV: 19 EXP: (shared) Steal: ?? 
HP: 1000 AP: (shared) Win: (shared) 
MP: 0 Gil: (shared) Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: AB Gun, C Gun, 'One Equal Shot' Attack, Flying Drill, 
Revolving <²óžÂÎÅö¤¿¤ê>. 
Notes: Weak against Lightning and Wind. Fought right after 
defeating the HANDOREDDOGANNAA. 
LV: 18 EXP: 72 Steal: Hi Potion 
HP: 350 AP: 8 Win: Potion 
MP: 50 Gil: 130 Morph: Hi Potion 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Magnetic Place Changer <¼§¾ìž´¹>. 
Notes: Found in the Junon area. 
LV: 11 EXP: 44 Steal: n/a 
HP: 450 AP: 6 Win: Hi Potion, Potion 
MP: 0 Gil: 250 Morph: Potion 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Hell Bomber, Self Destruct Drop, Hell Press, Crazy Attack 
Notes: Found in Area 6 Town <6ÈÖ³¹> 

LV: 37 EXP: 800 Steal: n/a 
HP: 3000 AP: 80 Win: Echo Screen 
MP: 280 Gil: 1500 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Level 2 Confuse 
Notes: Found in the Mideel area. 
LV: 18 EXP: 250 Steal: ?? 
HP: 1600 AP: 25 Win: Mythril Armlet 
MP: 0 Gil: 200 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Duplicate Gun, Duplicate Concealed Gun, Main Gun, Wave 
Motion Cannon. 
Notes: Weak against Lighting. Found in the Outside Elevator. 
LV: 33 EXP: 700 Steal: n/a 
HP: 2000 AP: 60 Win: Ether 
MP: 100 Gil: 600 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Minimum magic, Eat (Beru) <¿©¤Ù¤ë>. 
Notes: Found in the Coral Valley, Coral Valley Cave, and the 
<ÀéǯÁúÃì¤ÎÆ·¢>. The 'Eat' attack will put one ally 
out of commission for the duration of the battle. 
LV: 40 EXP: 1000 Steal: Hi Potion 
HP: 4000 AP: 70 Win: Hi Potion 
MP: 300 Gil: 1500 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Finger Freezing Bullet, Waidogureisaa 
Notes: Found in <Âçɹ²Ï, ¤Û¤é·ê, ¥¢¥¤¥·¥¯¥ë¥¨¥ê¥¢, ÀäÊɤΤդâ¤È>. 
LV: 30 EXP: 500 Steal: n/a 
HP: 3000 AP: 0 Win: ?? 
MP: 300 Gil: 0 Morph: ?? 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Tsurara Otoshi (Icicle Drop) 
Notes: Weak against Flame, Earth, and Demi. Found in 
LV: 46 EXP: 2000 Steal: Warrior Bangle 
HP: 17000 AP: 90 Win: X Potion 
MP: 50 Gil: 3800 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: One Wing Shoot Attack, Two Wing Shoot Attack 
Notes: Weak against Lightning attacks. Found in <ú¹ÛÎó¼Ö>. 
LV: 46 EXP: 10000 Steal: Elixir 
HP: 20000 AP: 150 Win: Phoenix Tail 
MP: 100 Gil: 600 Morph: Escort Guard 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Adrenalin, Grand Sword 
Notes: Weak against Water. Found in <À±¤ÎÂÎÆâ>. 
LV: 30 EXP: 900 Steal: Phoenix Tail 
HP: 2400 AP: 48 Win: ?? 
MP: 100 Gil: 680 Morph: n/a 
Control: Body Blow, Fly Upper, Sleepel magic 
Attacks: Body Blow, Fly Upper, Sleepel magic 
Notes: Found in the Tornado Illusion Palace. <ε´¤Î̵Ü> 

LV: 28 EXP: 410 Steal: n/a 
HP: 640 AP: 35 Morph: n/a 
MP: 20 Gil: 350 Win: Remedy, Harmfulness 
Control: Kamitsuki, Confusion Riot Scales Smash 
Attacks: Thread 
Notes: Found in Wutai -- The Dachao Statues 
LV: 24 EXP: 510 Steal: n/a 
HP: 800 AP: 50 Win: ?? 
MP: 80 Gil: 400 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Cold Breath, Toad 
Notes: Weak against Poison. Found in the Temple. 
LV: 18 EXP: 150 Steal: n/a 
HP: 370 AP: 30 Win: Hi Potion 
MP: 0 Gil: 260 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Spade Card, Club Card, Dimond Card, Heart Card, Joker Card 
Notes: Weak against Wind. Found in the Gold Saucer Area. 
LV: 25 EXP: 320 Steal: Turbo Ether 
HP: 500 AP: 30 Win: Turbo Ether 
MP: 100 Gil: 384 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Spin Attack, Fire, ???? (Enemy Skill) 
Notes: Found in the Shin-Ra Mansion, 2nd Floor or Concealed Stairs. 
LV: 24 EXP: 400 Steal: n/a 
HP: 999 AP: 30 Win: Hi Potion 
MP: 0 Gil: 50 Morph: Antarctic Wind 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Bokusa (!) Tsunin Jin Soodo, Diving Attack 
Notes: Found in the Icicle Area. 
LV: 34 EXP: 820 Win: Grenade 
HP: 1000 AP: 80 Morph: n/a 
MP: 100 Gil: 600 Steal: Shin-Ra Armor Type Defend 
Control: Machine Gun, Grenade Tool Reform 
Attacks: Grenade 
Notes: Found in Sea Bottom Makoro. 
LV: 10 EXP: 53 Steal: Ether 
HP: 160 AP: 5 Win: Potion 
MP: 0 Gil: 92 Morph: Hi Potion 
Control: Fang, Body Blow 
Attacks: Body Blow 
Notes: Weak against Flame. Found in the Midgar Area. 
LV: 12 EXP: 38 Steal: n/a 
HP: 270 AP: 4 Win: ?? 
MP: 0 Gil: 75 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Inside Section (Karamatsushingan), Laser Cannon 
(Exit Aggression Attack) 
Notes: Found in Shinra HQ -- Floors 67 and 68. 
LV: 30 EXP: 410 Steal: Poison Neutralize 
HP: 800 AP: 35 Win: Potion 
MP: 0 Gil: 400 Morph: Poison Neutralize 
Control: Claw, Poison Secrete 
Attacks: Poison Secrete 
Notes: Found in the Woodland Area. 
LV: 19 EXP: 190 Steal: Spider Web 
HP: 700 AP: 19 Win: Hi Potion 
MP: 25 Gil: 278 Morph: Hourglass 
Control: Butterfly Attack, Stop Wave, Spider Attack 
Attacks: Stopo Wave, Butterfly Attack 
Notes: Found in the Jungle area. 
LV: 60 EXP: 2000 Steal: Phoenix Tail 
HP: 18000 AP: 250 Win: X Potion 
MP: 560 Gil: 950 Morph: n/a 
Control: Behimoth Horn, Flare 
Attacks: Comet 2, King Tail, Snarl Bite 
Notes: Found in the Makou Pit 
KORUNEO GAADO  (Below Section) 
LV: ?? EXP: 8 Steal: ?? 
HP: ?? AP: 0 Win: ?? 
MP: ?? Gil: 10 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: ?? 
Notes: Found in Corneo's Mansion, 2nd Floor 
LV: 33 EXP: 720 Steal: Tranquilizer 
HP: 1300 AP: 70 Win: Hi Potion 
MP: 60 Gil: 800 Morph: Tranquilizer 
Control: Light Bullet, Blaster 
Attacks: Blaster 
LV: ?? EXP: 26 Steal: Potion 
HP: ?? AP: 3 Win: ?? 
MP: ?? Gil: 53 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Double Spike 
LV: 30 EXP: 700 Steal: Turbo Ether 
HP: 3200 AP: 150 Win: Ether 
MP: 380 Gil: 1000 Morph: Mind Source 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: ?? 
Notes: Found in the Tornado Illusion Palace. 
LV: 24 EXP: 340 Steal: n/a 
HP: 800 AP: 34 Win: Hi Potion 
MP: 0 Gil: 368 Morph: Hi Potion 
Control: Cling Against, Cling Attack 
Attacks: Cling Against, Cling Attack 
Notes: Weak against Flame. Found in the Nivelhiem Mountains, 
Nivelhiem Mountain Cave, and the Rocket Pad Area. 
LV: 22 EXP: 400 Steal: Turbo Ether 
HP: 1500 AP: 40 Win: Ether 
MP: 80 Gil: 256 Morph: Fire Fang 
Control: Earth Quake, Sand Storm 
Attacks: Earth Quake, Sand Storm 
Notes: Weak against Cold. Found in the Corel Desert (KoreruSabaku). 
LV: 8 EXP: 5 Steal: n/a 
HP: 155 AP: 0 Win: ?? 
MP: 0 Gil: 0 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Laser Cannon, Paralysis Laser 
Notes: Found in <¿ÀÍå¥Ó¥ë¡¦67¡¢68³(·Ù¹ðÈÄÆâÉô¤è¤ê½Ð¸½)>. 
LV: 14 EXP: 65 Steal: Ether 
HP: 200 AP: 7 Win: Hi Potion 
MP: 0 Gil: 128 Morph: Hi Potion 
Control: Bird Kick, 100 Violent Stabs 
Attacks: 100 Violent Stabs, Bird Kick 
Notes: Found in the Grassland Area. 
LV: 35 EXP: 2000 Steal: n/a 
HP: 7000 AP: 80 Win: Cosmo Memory Manual 
MP: 300 Gil: 2000 Morph: ?? 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Bolt 2 
Notes: Found in the Safe on the 2nd floor of the Shin-Ra Mansion. 
LV: 8 EXP: 5 Steal: n/a 
HP: 155 AP: 0 Win: ?? 
MP: 0 Gil: 0 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Machine Gun 
Notes: Weak against Lightning. Found on floors 67 and 68 of 
the Shin-Ra building. 
LV: 16 EXP: 70 Steal: Grand Glove 
HP: 220 AP: 8 Win: Hi Potion 
MP: 0 Gil: 150 Morph: Hi Potion 
Control: Iron Ball, Swamp Shoot 
Attacks: <¥¹¥ï¥ó¥×¥·¥å¡¼¥È>. 
Notes: Found in the Mythril Mine. 
LV: 41 EXP: 8000 Steal: n/a 
HP: 4096 AP: 1000 Win: Turbo Ether 
MP: 128 Gil: 8500 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: (steal items, but you'll get them back if you win) 
Notes: Will say 'Erikusaa Choudai' (please give me an Elixir), 
from time to time, but if you use one on it, there seems 
to be no effect. Found in the Makou Pit. 
LV: 35 EXP: 980 Steal: Phoenix Tail 
HP: 1000 AP: 50 Win: X Potion 
MP: 100 Gil: 1200 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Double Shield Throw, Powerful Kick 
Notes: Weak against Fire and Demi. Found in the 
LV: 32 EXP: 500 Steal: Phoenix Tail 
HP: 600 AP: 56 Win: Hi Potion 
MP: 100 Gil: 700 Morph: X Potion 
Control: Nail, Dance 
Attacks: Dance 
Notes: Found in the Coral Valley <¥µ¥ó¥´¤Îë>. 
LV: 10 EXP: 55 Steal: Rasan Nut 
HP: 120 AP: 6 Win: Rasan Nut 
MP: 0 Gil: 135 Morph: Ether 
Control: Grass Stab, Slow Dance 
Attacks: Slow Dance 
Notes: Found in the Grassland area 
LV: 35 EXP: 900 Steal: n/a 
HP: 2500 AP: 80 Win: X Potion 
MP: 110 Gil: 3000 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Ice 2, Fire 2 
Notes: Found in <¥ß¥Ã¥É¥¥ë8ÈÖ³¹Ãϲ¼>. 
LV: 16 EXP: 75 Win: Eye drop 
HP: 300 AP: 8 Morph: ?? 
MP: 20 Gil: 150 Steal: Shin-Ra Relaxed Form Defense 
Control: ?? Tool 
Attacks: ?? 
Notes: Found in Transport Boat; Machine Engine Room 
LV: ?? EXP: 6000 Steal: Elixir 
HP: 44444 AP: 200 Win: Mega Elixir 
MP: 100 Gil: 6800 Morph: Ribbon 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Minna no Urami (Malice of Everybody), <ÊñÃú> 
Notes: Weak against Freeze x4 (w/o using Quadra Magic). 
Found in the Makou Pit. 
LV: 38 EXP: 3000 Steal: n/a 
HP: 8400 AP: 200 Win: Jem Ring 
MP: 300 Gil: 2400 Morph: ?? 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Big Horn, Hell Combo, Kealra, Tryne (Enemy Skill) 
Notes: Found in the Nivelheim Mountains. 
LV: 49 EXP: 1200 Steal: n/a 
HP: 4000 AP: 90 Win: ?? 
MP: 350 Gil: 3800 Morph: Guard Source 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Northern Cross 
Notes: Found in the Makou Cannon <ËâÚ襭¥ã¥Î¥ó>. 
LV: 26 EXP: 250 Steal: n/a 
HP: 4000 AP: 25 Win: ?? 
MP: 348 Gil: 400 Morph: X Potion 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Beta (Enemy Skill) 
Notes: Found in the marsh in the Grassland Area. 
LV: 12 EXP: 50 Steal: Tranquilizer, Grenade 
HP: 230 AP: 5 Win: Tranquilzier 
MP: 0 Gil: 98 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Double Shot, Roller Spin 
Notes: Found in the Shinra HQ -- 2nd Floor, Levels 59, 60 Floor 
LV: 24 EXP: 290 Steal: n/a 
HP: 570 AP: 22 Win: Mirror 
MP: 0 Gil: 280 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: n/a 
Notes: Found in the Shin-Ra Mansion, 2nd floor, and in the 
Concealed Stairs. 
LV: ?? EXP: 13 Steal: ?? 
HP: 50 AP: 3 Win: ?? 
MP: ?? Gil: 7 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Rocket Launcher 
Notes: Found in <ÍæÀû¥È¥ó¥Í¥ë(DISC1)¡¢4ÈÖ³¹¥×¥ì¡¼¥È²¼Éô>. 
LV: 44 EXP: 1000 Steal: M-Tentacles 
HP: 4400 AP: 100 Win: M-Tentacles 
MP: 900 Gil: 100 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Smelly Breath (Enemy Skill), Freeze Breath 
Notes: Weak against Water. Found in the 
LV: ?? EXP: 18 Steal: ?? 
HP: 28 AP: 3 Win: Potion 
MP: 28 Gil: 8 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Fire 
Notes: Found in the Area 1 Makoro. 
LV: 13 EXP: 46 Steal: Carbon Bangle 
HP: 260 AP: 5 Win: ?? 
MP: 0 Gil: 75 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Speed Plus Slash 
Notes: Weak against Lightning. Found on floors 67 and 68 of 
the Shin-Ra Building. 
LV: 19 EXP: 440 Steal: n/a 
HP: 2600 AP: 45 Win: Star Pendant 
MP: 120 Gil: 350 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Arm Attack, Twin Burner, Rolling Fire 
Notes: Weak against Lightning. Found on the Midgar Highway. 

LV: 59 EXP: 0 Steal: Turbo Ether 
HP: 3000 AP: 800 Win: Turbo Ether 
MP: 120 Gil: 30000 Morph: Protect Ring 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: ?? 
LV: ?? EXP: 16 Steal: ?? 
HP: 30 AP: 2 Win: Potion 
MP: ?? Gil: 10 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Machinegun 
Notes: Found in <1ÈÖ³¹±Ø¥Û¡¼¥à¡¢1ÈÖ³¹±Ø¡¢1ÈÖ³¹¡¢1ÈÖËâÚèϧ> 

LV: 12 EXP: 54 Steal: n/a 
HP: 210 AP: 6 Win: ?? 
MP: 52 Gil: 130 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Geyser, Cave In, Flame Spring, Level 4 Self Destruct 
(Enemy Skill). 
Notes: Found in the Grassland Area. 
LV: 22 EXP: 240 Steal: n/a 
HP: 800 AP: 0 Win: ?? 
MP: 150 Gil: 800 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: ?? 
Notes: Found in Junon area, only in forests. If you haven't 
already guessed, this is Yuffie. Refer to the 'Secrets 
and Strategies' section of the FAQ to find out how to 
get her to join your party. 
LV: 17 EXP: 75 Steal: Soft 
HP: 180 AP: 8 Win: Bolt Plume 
MP: 40 Gil: 130 Morph: Remedy 
Control: Diving Attack, Lightning Kiss 
Attacks: Lightning Kiss 
Notes: Weak against Wind. Found in the Corel area and the Corel 
Mountain, East and West sides. 
LV: 16 EXP: 53 Steal: n/a 
HP: 150 AP: 5 Win: Hi Potion 
MP: 20 Gil: 146 Morph: n/a 
Control: Beak, Bit Wing 
Attacks: Bit Wing 
Notes: Found in the Junon area. 
LV: 23 EXP: 265 Steal: Luchile Nut 
HP: 700 AP: 24 Win: Luchile Nut 
MP: 0 Gil: 260 Morph: Hi Potion 
Control: <ÂÎÅö¤¿¤ê>, Fang 
Attacks: Fang 
Notes: Found in the Nivelheim and Rocket Port areas. 
LV: 39 EXP: ?? Steal: Circlet 
HP: 8600 AP: ?? Win: ?? 
MP: 290 Gil: ?? Morph: Ribbon 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Great Flower Pollen (Shibire Muchi) <Âç²ÖÊ´¡¢¤·¤Ó¤ì¥à¥Á>. 
Notes: Weak against Water. 
LV: 38 EXP: 1800 Steal: n/a 
HP: 6000 AP: 98 Win: Edincoat 
MP: 240 Gil: 5000 Morph: ?? 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Makou Gun (effects of Burizara, Fire 2, Bolt 2) 
Notes: Found in Rocket Town, in Cid's backyard. 
LV: 51 EXP: 1100 Steal: Remedy 
HP: 6000 AP: 100 Win: Remedy 
MP: 300 Gil: 1000 Morph: Remedy 
Control: Head Attack, Level 5 Death, Magic Breath (Enemy Skill) 
Attacks: Para-Tail, "Witch-type Cancel Perish" <ËâË¡¾ÃÌÇ> 
Notes: Weak against Wind and Holy. Found in the Makou Pit. 
LV: 26 EXP: 420 Steal: Impaler 
HP: 500 AP: 30 Win: Impaler 
MP: 100 Gil: 260 Morph: Remedy 
Control: Frog Punch, Song of the Frog (Enemy Skill), Poizona 
Attacks: Song of the Frog, Frog Punch 
Notes: Weak against Cold. Found in the Temple. 
LV: 41 EXP: 1000 Steal: Hyper 
HP: 4000 AP: 100 Win: X Potion 
MP: 220 Gil: 1000 Morph: n/a 
Control: Fire 3, Angel's Whisper (Enemy Skill) 
Attacks: Cold Breath, Amulet <Ì¥ÏÇ>, Fire 3, Angel's Whisper. 
Notes: Found in the Makou Pit. 
LV: ?? EXP: 16 Steal: ?? 
HP: 100 AP: 2 Win: ?? 
MP: ?? Gil: 15 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Machine Gun, <¥Þ¥·¥ó¥¥ó>. 
Notes: Found in the Area 5 Makoro. 
(Proud Clad and P.C. Armor).............................................. 
LV: ?? EXP: 7000 Steal: n/a 
HP: 62000? AP: 1000 Win: Ragnarok 
MP: 320 Gil: 10000 Morph: ?? 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Wrist Laser, Knee Fire, Knee Blender, Beam Cannon 
Notes: Found in Midgar City, Area 8 Town 
LV: 62 EXP: 8000 Steal: n/a 
HP: 20000 AP: 1500 Win: ?? 
MP: 300 Gil: 10000 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Materia Jammer 
LV: 12 EXP: 55 Steal: Ether 
HP: 150 AP: 5 Win: Potion 
MP: 0 Gil: 160 Morph: Hi Potion 
Control: Strike 
Attacks: Pick Pocket 
Notes: Found in the Midgar area. 
LV: ?? EXP: 18 Steal: ?? 
HP: 120 AP: 2 Win: Potion 
MP: ?? Gil: 35 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Froth Hell 
Notes: Found in <4ÈÖ³¹¥×¥ì¡¼¥È²¼Éô>. 
LV: 42 EXP: 900 Steal: Turbo Ether 
HP: 6000 AP: 70 Win: ?? 
MP: 220 Gil: 2500 Morph: Speed Plus Source 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Fire 
Notes: Found in the <¿ÀÍåÈôõÄò¡¦ÄÌÏ©>. 
LV: 20 EXP: 600 Steal: n/a 
HP: 1000 AP: 60 Win: ?? 
MP: 0 Gil: 300 Morph: Hi Potion 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Machine Gun 
Notes: Weak against Lightning. Found in the Sea Bottom Makoro Path, 
and the Guard System Inside Area. 
LV: ?? EXP: 3200 Steal: ?? 
HP: ?? AP: 33 Win: Peace Ring 
MP: ?? Gil: 20000 Morph: ?? 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Scorpion Tail, Aeroga 
Notes: Found in Wutai -- the Dachao Statues. 
LV: 27 EXP: 375 Steal: n/a 
HP: 1000 AP: 30 Morph: n/a 
MP: 145 Gil: 350 Win: Tranquilizer, Delusion Washi 
Weed, Hi Potion 
Control: Grass Cutter, Hysteric Voice, Magic Hammer (Enemy Skill) 
Attacks: Hysteric Voice 
Notes: Found in the Wutai Area, Wutai - Dachao Statues 
LV: 39 EXP: 3500 Steal: n/a 
HP: 6800 AP: 200 Win: Dragon Armlet 
MP: 300 Gil: 1000 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Red Dragon Breath 
Notes: Found in <Êɲè¤Î´Ö>. 
LV: 34 EXP: 920 Steal: Phoenix Down 
HP: 2000 AP: 65 Win: Phoenix Down 
MP: 400 Gil: 1000 Morph: Cancel 
Control: Wing Cut, Scorpion Tail 
Attacks: Scorpion Tail 
Notes: Weak against Wind. Found in 
LV: 40 EXP: 1000 Steal: n/a 
HP: 2000 AP: 70 Win: X Potion 
MP: 500 Gil: 900 Morph: n/a 
Control: Blood Suck, Boisterous Tree Dance <ÌÚ¤ÎÍÕÍðÉñ>. 
Attacks: Boisterous Tree Dance <ÌÚ¤ÎÍÕÍðÉñ>. 
Notes: Found in the Old Forest <¸Å¤¨¤Î¿¹>. 
LV: 20 EXP: 600 Steal: n/a 
HP: 1000 AP: 60 Win: ?? 
MP: 0 Gil: 300 Morph: Hi Potion 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Rocket Launcher, Fray Missile <º®Íð¥ß¥µ¥¤¥ë>. 
Notes: Weak against Lighting. Found in the 
LV: 38 EXP: 1200 Steal: n/a 
HP: 3000 AP: 100 Win: X Potion 
MP: 200 Gil: 1600 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: ?? 
Notes: Weak against Lightning. Found in Aru-Junon and the Airport. 
(Rufus and Dark Nation).................................................. 
LV: 21 EXP: 240 Steal: n/a 
HP: 500 AP: 35 Win: Protect Vest 
MP: 0 Gil: 400 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Shotgun 
Notes: Found on floor 70 of the Shinra Building, along with 
LV: 18 EXP: 70 Steal: n/a 
HP: 140 AP: 7 Win: Guard Source 
MP: 80 Gil: 250 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Barrier, Mabarrier, Bolt 
Notes: Found along with RUFAUSU. 
SABOTEN (not Cactaur :)) 
LV: 40 EXP: 1000 Steal: n/a 
HP: 6000 AP: 100 Win: ?? 
MP: 120 Gil: 1000 Morph: Tetra Element 
Control: HariSenBan , Kick???? 
Attacks: Ten Thousand Needles 
Notes: Found in the Saboten Island and North Corel Areas. 
LV: ?? EXP: 30 Steal: Hyper 
HP: 150 AP: 3 Win: Potion, Hyper 
MP: ?? Gil: 89 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Water Iron Cannon (MizuTetsuHou). 
Notes: Found in Earth Below Waterway (?). 
(Sample:H0512 and Sample:H0512-OPT)...................................... 
LV: 19 EXP: 300 Steal: n/a 
HP: 1000 AP: 30 Win: Talisman 
MP: 120 Gil: 250 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Mysterious Breath, Demon Revival System 
Notes: Boss of the Shin-Ra HQ, 68th floor. 
LV: 7 EXP: (shared) Steal: n/a 
HP: 300 AP: (shared) Win: ?? 
MP: 48 Gil: (shared) Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Fire, Burizado, Revolving Attack 
Notes: Found with SANPURU:H0512. 
(Scissors Upper Half and Scissors Lower Half)............................ 
LV: 33 EXP: 1000 Steal: Ether 
HP: 2900 AP: 90 Win: Turbo Ether 
MP: 88 Gil: 1400 Morph: Cancel 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Scissor Kick, Cross Scissor, Scissor Tail Attack 
Blood Nail, Scissor Tornado 
Notes: Found in the Makou Pit. Weak against upper and lower 
body detachment. 
LV: (shared) EXP: 3400 Steal: (shared) 
HP: (shared) AP: 270 Win: (shared) 
MP: (shared) Gil: 4200 Morph: (shared) 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Confuse  
Notes: Part of SHIZAASU (Upper Half). Weak against upper and 
lower body detachment. 
"Weak against two person (kara) Ether (ga) Steal (meru)" 
LV: 32 EXP: 860 Steal: n/a 
HP: 1700 AP: 60 Win: Hyper 
MP: 100 Gil: 640 Morph: n/a 
Control: Body Blow, Fire Bullet 
Attacks: Fire Bullet 
Notes: Weak against Holy. Found in the Whirlwind Illusion Palace. 
LV: 26 EXP: 400 Steal: n/a 
HP: 800 AP: 33 Win: Earth Drum 
MP: 40 Gil: 400 Morph: Power Source 
Control: Iron Ball, Iron Attack Quake, Heroic/Masculine Yell 
Attacks: Iron Attack Quake 
Notes: Found in the Nivelhiem Mountains. 
LV: 22 EXP: 1300 Steal: Dragon Scales 
HP: 9000 AP: 200 Win: ?? 
MP: 200 Gil: 5000 Morph: Dragon Scales 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Sand Storm, Sealing Crush 
Notes: Weak against Cold. Found in the shore zones of Mideel 
and North Corel Areas. 
LV: 16 EXP: 80 Steal: Turbo Ether 
HP: 150 AP: 8 Win: Hi Potion 
MP: 30 Gil: 111 Morph: Hi Potion 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Side Shutting, Foe Laser 
Notes: Found in the Corel Mountains -- East and C. M. -- West 
LV: 15 EXP: 80 Steal: Ether 
HP: 240 AP: 8 Win: Ether 
MP: 60 Gil: 120 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Fire 2, Burizara 
Notes: Weak against Wind. Found in the Transport Boat -- Mechanism 
Connection Room <±¿ÈÂÁ¥¡¦µ¡´Ø¼¼>. 
(Sei Tai Fumei, Sei Tai Fumei 2 and Sei Tai Fumei 3)..................... 
LV: 50 EXP: 1500 Steal: Fire Armlet 
HP: 11000 AP: 150 Win: ?? 
MP: 110 Gil: 5000 Morph: Power Source 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Tongue, Kamitsuki, Blaster 
Notes: Found in <¿ÀÍåÈôõÄò¡¦¥«¡¼¥´¥ë¡¼¥à> 

LV: 51 EXP: 3000 Steal: Aurora Armlet 
HP: 13000 AP: 300 Win: ?? 
MP: 130 Gil: 10000 Morph: Guard Source 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Extraordinary Breath, Feeler, Mysterious Needle 
Notes: Found in Shin-Ra (Kaagoruumu). 
LV: 52 EXP: 2000 Steal: Lightning Bracelet 
HP: 15000 AP: 200 Win: ?? 
MP: 150 Gil: 7500 Morph: Magic Source 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Bolt 2, Venom Fang, Slap, Negative Spirit Flavor Touch 
Notes: Found in Shin-Ra (Kaagoruumu). 
LV: 35 EXP: 930 Steal: n/a 
HP: 2600 AP: 90 Win: S-mine 
MP: 245 Gil: 800 Morph: n/a 
Control: Hand Claw, Harrier Beam, Water Wave Motion 
Attacks: Harrier Beam, Water Wave Motion 
Notes: Found in the Sea Bottom Makoro, Rocket Launching (during the 
Launching of Cid's rocket), and Ship Inner Path (?) 
LV: 40 EXP: 1400 Steal: Sui no Yubiwa 
HP: 14000 AP: 70 Win: ?? 
MP: 290 Gil: 2500 Morph: Mind Source 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Serpent Breath, Dragon Constellation Dance, Aqua Breath 
(Enemy Skill) 
Notes: Weak against Wind. Found in the <¿ÀÍåÈôõÄò¡¦¥«¡¼¥´¥ë¡¼¥à>. 
LV: 42 EXP: 500 Steal: Graviball 
HP: 2000 AP: 25 Win: Turbo Ether 
MP: 120 Gil: 500 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: ?? 
Notes: Weak against Lightning. Found in <ÍæÀû¥È¥ó¥Í¥ë(DISC2)> 
LV: 32 EXP: 2200 Steal: n/a 
HP: 4000 AP: 50 Win: Turbo Ether 
MP: 180 Gil: 0 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Furious Bomber 
Notes: Found in Wutai -- The Pagoda of Five Strong 
LV: ?? EXP: 23 Steal: Hyper 
HP: 120 AP: 2 Win: Potion 
MP: ?? Gil: 55 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Blue/Green Light 
Notes: Found in the Ground Below Waterway <Ãϲ¼²¼¿åÆ»>. 
LV: 34 EXP: 300 Steal: 8inch Cannon 
HP: 1300 AP: 10 Win: S-mine 
MP: 100 Gil: 420 Morph: n/a 
Control: Machinegun, Grenade, Smog Bullet 
Attacks: Grenade 
Notes: Found in <¹Ó¤ìÃÏ¡¢¥¦¡¼¥¿¥¤ÁíËÜ»³¡¢ÊóÆ»¼¼¡¢, 

LV: 32 EXP: 500 Steal: n/a 
HP: 900 AP: 40 Win: Ether 
MP: 100 Gil: 950 Morph: n/a 
Control: Gale, Magic Claw, Kealga 
Attacks: Mad Claw, Kealga 
Notes: Weak against Flame and Wind. Found in the Large Icicle 
LV: 20 EXP: 222 Steal: Tranquilizer 
HP: 540 AP: 22 Win: Hyper 
MP: 0 Gil: 222 Morph: Hyper 
Control: Beak, Furious Bomber 
Attacks: Furious Bomber 
Notes: Found in Cosmo Area. 
LV: 37 EXP: 700 Steal: Kemuridama 
HP: 1600 AP: 70 Win: Deadly Waste 
MP: 30 Gil: 1500 Morph: Hi Potion 
Control: Punch, Harmfulness Smog 
Attacks: Harmfulness Smog 
Notes: Found in the Sea Bottom Makoro Traffic Path (?). 
LV: 29 EXP: 370 Steal: n/a 
HP: 900 AP: 30 Win: Hi Potion 
MP: 50 Gil: 450 Morph: Hyper 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Paralyze Needle, Berserk Needle, Insect Stinger 
Notes: Weak against Wind. Found in the Woodland Area. 
LV: ?? EXP: 32 Steal: ?? 
HP: 90 AP: 3 Win: Deadly Waste 
MP: ?? Gil: 60 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Harmful Smog 
Notes: Found in the Midgar Area 5 Makoro. 
LV: 21 EXP: 270 Steal: n/a 
HP: 600 AP: 24 Win: Molbol's Tentacle 
MP: 65 Gil: 330 Morph: ?? 
Control: Trip Attack, Death Sentence (Enemy Skill) 
Attacks: Trip Attack, Death Sentence 
Notes: Found in the Gi Tribe Cave. 
LV: 32 EXP: 500 Steal: Circlet 
HP: 4000 AP: 42 Win: Ice Crystal 
MP: 160 Gil: 700 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Cold Breath, Amulet, Burizara 
Notes: Weak against Flame. Found in the Big Water River, Hora Hole, 
and the Frozen Mountain Cave (Fumoto). 
LV: ?? EXP: 22 Steal: ?? 
HP: ?? AP: 0 Win: ?? 
MP: ?? Gil: 60 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: ?? 
Notes: Found in Corneo's Mansion - 2nd Floor 
LV: 44 EXP: 960 Steal: Shinra Armor Type Defend Reform 
HP: 5000 AP: 90 Win: ?? 
MP: 400 Gil: 2400 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Inevitable Slash Sword, Silence 
Notes: Found atop the Makou Cannon. 
LV: 35 EXP: 1000 Steal: Remedy 
HP: 4000 AP: 85 Win: X Potion 
MP: 340 Gil: 750 Morph: n/a 
Control: Attack, Inevitable Slash Sword 
Attacks: Inevitable Slash Sword 
Notes: Found in the Traffic Path, Aru-Junon, Airport, Sea Bottom 
Makoro, and the Junon Submarine Dock. 
LV: 13 EXP: 54 Steal: Hardedge 
HP: 250 AP: 6 Win: Loco weed 
MP: 40 Gil: 116 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Whirlwind Cut, Sleepel, Bolt 2, Ice 2 
Notes: Weak against Fire. Found in the Shinra HQ, floors 67 and 68. 
Speed Plus SOUND 
LV: 26 EXP: 370 Steal: Ether 
HP: 750 AP: 28 Win: Hi Potion 
MP: 50 Gil: 330 Morph: Speed Drink 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Barrier magic 
Notes: Weak against Wind. Found in the Nivelheim Mountains, 
and the Nivelheim Makoro. 
LV: 17 EXP: 110 Steal: Saraha Nut 
HP: 250 AP: 11 Win: Saraha Nut 
MP: 0 Gil: 175 Morph: n/a 
Control: Blade Sword, Sword Upper 
Attacks: Sword Upper 
Notes: Found in the Gold Saucer Area. 
LV: 39 EXP: 700 Steal: X Potion 
HP: 2800 AP: 80 Win: Hi Potion 
MP: 100 Gil: 1300 Morph: Guard Source 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Spin 
Notes: Found in the Mideel Area. 
LV: 36 EXP: 3600 Steal: n/a 
HP: 6000 AP: 50 Win: Ether 
MP: 240 Gil: 0 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Heroic/Masculine Yell 
Notes: Found in Wutai -- The Pagoda of Five Strong 
LV: 40 EXP: 1000 Steal: n/a 
HP: 2000 AP: 110 Win: Ether 
MP: 300 Gil: 1100 Morph: Holy Torch 
Control: Big Red Clipper, Tryne, Magic Breath (both Enemy Skills) 
Attacks: Magic Breath, Jump Attack, Large Horn 
LV: 25 EXP: 290 Steal: Ether 
HP: 2200 AP: 25 Win: Hi Potion 
MP: 60 Gil: 358 Morph: ?? 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Stinger Bomb, Stab 
Notes: Found in the Gi Tribe Cave. 
LV: 32 EXP: 850 Steal: 8inch Cannon 
HP: 1500 AP: 80 Win: S-mine, ShinraRelaxDefendTool 
MP: 85 Gil: 500 Morph: n/a 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: ?? 
Notes: Found in the Elevator, Sea Bottom Makoro Path, Sea Bottom 
Makoro Submarine, Submarine Bridge 
Shotgun CANNON 
LV: 46 EXP: 2000 Steal: n/a 
HP: 20000 AP: 90 Win: Turbo Ether 
MP: 100 Gil: 3000 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Search, Target Set, Count Down, Angry Dragon Gun 
Notes: Weak against Lightning. Found in the Makou Cannon Area. 
LV: ?? EXP: 27 Steal: ?? 
HP: 140 AP: 3 Win: ?? 
MP: ?? Gil: 30 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Double Machinegun, Smog Shot 
Notes: Weak against Lightning. Found in the Area 1 Makoro. 
LV: 11 EXP: 39 Steal: Hyper 
HP: 160 AP: 6 Win: Loco weed 
MP: 0 Gil: 90 Morph: Light Curtain 
Control: Body Blow, Slap 
Attacks: Slap, Saw 
Notes: Found in the Shinra HQ, 65th floor. 
LV: 34 EXP: 850 Steal: Shinra Armor Type Reform 
HP: 2000 AP: 84 Win: ?? 
MP: 90 Gil: 1050 Morph: n/a 
Control: Machine Gun, Grenade 
Attacks: ?? 
Notes: Found in the Submarine Bridge. 
LV: 28 EXP: 440 Steal: n/a 
HP: 960 AP: 36 Win: Phoenix Down 
MP: 0 Gil: 380 Morph: n/a 
Control: Kamitsuki, Somersault 
Attacks: Somersault 
Notes: Found in the Wutai area. 
LV: 28 EXP: 385 Steal: Bolt Plume 
HP: 800 AP: 36 Morph: Fast Lightning 
MP: 80 Gil: 420 Win: Bolt Plume, 
Echo Screen, Hi Potion 
Control: Thrusting Stab, Lightning Attack <Íë·â>. 
Attacks: Lightning Attack <Íë·â>. 
Notes: Found in the Wutai area. 
LV: ?? EXP: 28 Steal: ?? 
HP: 60 AP: 3 Win: Shurdan, Poison Neutralize 
MP: ?? Gil: 40 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Machine Gun Beam, Wave Motion 
Notes: Found in <ÍæÀû¥È¥ó¥Í¥ë(DISC1)¡¢5ÈÖËâÚèϧ>. 
LV: ?? EXP: ?? Steal: Turbo Ether 
HP: ?? AP: ?? Win: ?? 
MP: ?? Gil: ?? Morph: Elixir 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Houchou (Kitchen Knife) 
LV: 30 EXP: 600 Steal: Bird Wing 
HP: 1600 AP: 45 Win: Bird Wing 
MP: 0 Gil: 600 Morph: n/a 
Control: Claw, Big Rotating Wind <ÂçÀûÉ÷>, Big Sound Wave <Âç²»ÇÈ> 
Attacks: Big Rotating Wind 
Notes: Weak against Wind. Found in the North Corel and 
Woodland areas. 
LV: 18 EXP: 170 Steal: Impaler 
HP: 300 AP: 23 Win: Maiden's Kiss 
MP: 74 Gil: 180 Morph: Remedy 
Control: Frog Punch, Song of the Frog (Enemy Skill) 
Attacks: Frog Punch, Song of the Frog 
Notes: Found in the Gongaga and Jungle Areas. 
LV: 24 EXP: 480 Steal: n/a 
HP: 1500 AP: 35 Win: Hi Potion 
MP: 100 Gil: 800 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Mountain of Gold <⻳>, Level 4 Self-Destruct (Enemy Skill), 
Magma, Cave In, Geyser <Ãϲ¼¿å>. 
Notes: Found in the Icicle Area, and the Forgotten Raruru Captial 
(Twin Head: Right Neck and Twin Head: Left Neck)......................... 
LV: 43 EXP: 4400 Steal: Peace Ring 
HP: 18000 AP: 240 Win: Dragon Fang 
MP: 350 Gil: 3000 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: ?? 
Notes: Part of TSUINHEDDO. 
LV: 43 EXP: (shared) Steal: n/a 
HP: 18000 AP: (shared) Win: (shared) 
MP: 350 Gil: (shared) Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: ?? 
Notes: Part of TSUINHEDDO. 
LV: 18 EXP: 100 Steal: Phoenix Down 
HP: 330 AP: 10 Win: Hi Potion 
MP: 80 Gil: 156 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Kealga, Self-Destruct 
Notes: Found in Corel Prison and <Ãϲ¼¼¼>. 
LV: 29 EXP: 440 Steal: Remedy 
HP: 1400 AP: 45 Win: Remedy 
MP: 140 Gil: 420 Morph: Remedy 
Control: Body Blow, Stone Morph  
Attacks: Stone Morph  
Notes: Found in Wutai Land, Goblin Island, Saboten Island 
and Temple <¸ÅÂå¼ï¤Î¿ÀÅ¡¢> areas. 
LV: 19 EXP: 240 Steal: Soft 
HP: 400 AP: 30 Win: Soft 
MP: 50 Gil: 275 Morph: ?? 
Control: Shippu, Stone Strike 
Attacks: Quera 
Notes: Found in the Cosmo area. 
LV: 24 EXP: 300 Steal: n/a 
HP: 950 AP: 30 Win: Hi Potion 
MP: 80 Gil: 300 Morph: Hi Potion 
Control: Dash Punch, Jump Kick, Dive Kick 
Attacks: Mabarrier, Dispel, Jump Kick, Graviga 
Notes: Found in the Nivelheim area, and Rocket Port area. 
LV: 9 EXP: 44 Steal: Tranquilizer 
HP: 140 AP: 7 Win: Phoenix Down 
MP: 28 Gil: 40 Morph: Tranquilizer 
Control: Stinger 
Attacks: Stinger, Self-Destruct 
Notes: Found in Shin-Ra HQ, Floor 67-69. 
LV: 26 EXP: 320 Steal: Remedy 
HP: 900 AP: 32 Win: Hi Potion 
MP: 28 Gil: 350 Morph: Remedy 
Control: Claw, Poison Breath 
Attacks: Poison Breath 
Notes: Found in the Rocket Port Area. 
LV: 7 EXP: 24 Steal: Speed Drink 
HP: 68 AP: 3 Win: Potion 
MP: 0 Gil: 80 Morph: Potion 
Control: Hit 
Attacks: Pick Pocket 
Notes: Found in the Midgar Area 5 Slum. 
LV: 9 EXP: 24 Steal: Potion 
HP: 72 AP: 2 Win: ?? 
MP: 0 Gil: 70 Morph: Potion 
Control: Kettle Attack (?) 
Attacks: ?? 
Notes: Found in <5ÈÖ³¹¥¹¥é¥à¡¢6ÈÖ³¹> 

LV: 36 EXP: 800 Steal: Hi Potion 
HP: 1900 AP: 60 Win: Phoenix Down 
MP: 350 Gil: 500 Morph: Phoenix Down 
Control: Tail Bit, Shamshir, Aeroga magic 
Attacks: White Wind (Enemy Skill), Shamshir, Aeroga magic 
Notes: Found in <ε´¤Î̵Ü>. 
LV: 43 EXP: 10000 Steal: n/a 
HP: 10000 AP: 100 Win: ?? 
MP: 200 Gil: 600 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Heavy Sword, Atomic Ray, Mighty Guard (Enemy Skill) 
Notes: Weak against Water attacks. Found in the train during 
the North Corel Huge Materia Quest. <ú¹ÛÎó¼Ö>. 
(Ying and Yang).......................................................... 
LV: 24 EXP: 300 Steal: n/a 
HP: 1200 AP: 40 Win: ?? 
MP: 220 Gil: 400 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Burizara and Bolt 2 magicks, Yang Self-Destruct 
Notes: Part of In~Yan. Found in Shin-Ra Mansion <¿ÀÍå²°ÉßÃϲ¼>. 
LV: 24 EXP: 400 Steal: n/a 
HP: 1200 AP: 30 Win: ?? 
MP: 0 Gil: 400 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Sadoin Attack 
Notes: Part of In~Yan. Found in Shin-Ra Mansion <¿ÀÍå²°ÉßÃϲ¼>. 
LV: 17 EXP: 70 Steal: n/a 
HP: 285 AP: 7 Win: ?? 
MP: 36 Gil: 165 Morph: 
Control: Lightning bolt, White Wind (Enemy Skill) 
Attacks: ?? 
Notes: Weak against Wind. Found in the Junon Area. 
LV: 14 EXP: 58 Steal: Deadly Waste 
HP: 250 AP: 6 Win: Ether 
MP: 93 Gil: 60 Morph: Remedy 
Control: Fang, (Puazo) Shower, (Gehena) Gunner 
Attacks: (Puazo) Shower, (Gehena) Gunner 
Notes: Weak against Holy. 
LV: 30 EXP: 700 Steal: n/a 
HP: 950 AP: 60 Win: X Potion 
MP: 90 Gil: 700 Morph: Antidote 
Control: Kamitsuki, Venom Spit 
Attacks: Venom Spit 
Notes: Gaia Wall (Frozen Mountain Area). 
LV: 27 EXP: 450 Steal: Bird Wing 
HP: 1200 AP: 38 Win: Bird Wing 
MP: 40 Gil: 430 Morph: Bird Wing 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Big Rotating Wind 
Notes: Weak against Wind. Found in Nivelheim Mountains and the 
Nivelheim Makoro. 
(The Taakusu: Reno, Ruuda and Iriina).................................... 
________________________________________________________ FIRST ENCOUNTER 
LV: ?? EXP: 290 Steal: n/a 
HP: ?? AP: 22 Win: Ether 
MP: ?? Gil: 500 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Pyramid, Electromagnetic Rod 
Notes: Found in <¥×¥ì¡¼¥È»ÙÃì>. 
_______________________________________________________ SECOND ENCOUNTER 
LV: 22 EXP: 660 Steal: n/a 
HP: 2000 AP: 60 Win: Fairy Tale 
MP: 80 Gil: 1500 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Turks' Light Arrow 
Notes: Found in the Jungle. 
LV: 23 EXP: 720 Steal: n/a 
HP: 2000 AP: 70 Win: X Potion 
MP: 135 Gil: 2000 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Fire 
Notes: Appears along with RENO. 
________________________________________________________ THIRD ENCOUNTER 
LV: 42 EXP: 3400 Steal: Ziedrich 
HP: 9000 AP: 80 Win: ?? 
MP: 240 Gil: 3000 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Mabarrier, Bolt 2, Kealra, <ÃÏÁö¤ê>. 
Notes: Appears atop the Rocket in Rocket Town. 
_______________________________________________________ FOURTH ENCOUNTER 
LV: 42 EXP: 10500 Steal: Touph Ring 
HP: 15000 AP: 660 Win: ?? 
MP: 230 Gil: 9000 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Neo Turks' Light Ray 
Notes: Found in <¿ÀÍåÈôõÄò¡¦ÄÌÏ©>. 
LV: 49 EXP: (shared) Steal: Ziedrich 
HP: 20000 AP: (shared) Win: ?? 
MP: 280 Gil: (shared) Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Bolt 2 
Notes: Appears along with RENO. 
________________________________________________________ FIFTH ENCOUNTER 
LV: ?? EXP: 6400 Steal: Minerva Band 
HP: 30000 AP: 800 Win: ?? 
MP: 100 Gil: 7000 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: ?? 
Notes: She can absorb Cold-based attacks. Found in the 
LV: 50 EXP: 4500 Steal: Touph Ring 
HP: 25000 AP: 450 Win: ?? 
MP: 200 Gil: 3000 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Electric Spirit Rod, Turks' Light Ray 
Notes: He can absorb Lighting-based attacks. Appears along with 
Irina and Rudo. 
LV: 51 EXP: 5500 Steal: Ziedrich 
HP: 28000 AP: 600 Win: ?? 
MP: 250 Gil: 5000 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: <ÃÏÁö¤ê>. 
Notes: He can absorb Flame-based attacks. Appears along with 
Irina and Reno. 
_______________________________________________________ BATTLE WITH HOJO 
LV: 50 EXP: 25000 Steal: n/a 
HP: 13000 AP: 2500 Win: ?? 
MP: 250 Gil: 6000 Morph: ?? 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: <¥«¥×¥»¥ë(¥¤¥Ó¥ë¥é¥Ã¥×¥µ¥ó¥×¥ë¤È¥×¥É¥¥¥ì¥¢¥µ¥ó¥×¥ë½Ð¸½)>. 
Notes: Can create SANPURU monsters (see below). Found atop the 
Makou Cannon. 
LV: 34 EXP: n/a Steal: n/a 
HP: 11000 AP: n/a Win: ?? 
MP: 120 Gil: n/a Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Big Fang, Ibil Poison 
Notes: Created by Hojo. 
LV: 42 EXP: n/a Steal: n/a 
HP: 10000 AP: n/a Win: ?? 
MP: 200 Gil: n/a Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: ?? 
Notes: Created by Hojo. 
LV: 55 EXP: (shared) Steal: n/a 
HP: 26000 AP: (shared) Win: ?? 
MP: 200 Gil: (shared) Morph: ?? 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Bio Gas, Confuse, Sleepel 
Notes: Second form of Hojo. 
LV: 55 EXP: (shared) Steal: n/a 
HP: 5000 AP: (shared) Win: ?? 
MP: 300 Gil: (shared) Morph: ?? 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: ?? 
Notes: Part of HERETIKKU. 
LV: 55 EXP: (shared) Steal: n/a 
HP: 24000 AP: (shared) Win: ?? 
MP: 400 Gil: (shared) Morph: ?? 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: ?? 
Notes: Part of HERETIKKU. 
LV: ?? EXP: (shared) Steal: n/a 
HP: ?? AP: (shared) Win: Power Source 
MP: 100 Gil: (shared) Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Combo, Silence 
Notes: Final form of Hojo. 
____________________________________ FIRST BATTLE WITH THE ULTIMA WEAPON 
LV: ?? EXP: 0 Steal: Curse Ring 
HP: ?? AP: 0 Win: ?? 
MP: ?? Gil: 0 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Quera, Ultima Beam 
Notes: Found in Mideel (Disc 2). 
_____________________________________ AIR BATTLES WITH THE ULTIMA WEAPON 
LV: ?? EXP: 0 Steal: Circlet 
HP: ?? AP: 0 Win: ?? 
MP: ?? Gil: 0 Morph: ?? 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Ultima Beam 
Notes: Found in the Flying (Airship) Battle, Junon Lake, Mideel, 
and North Corel. 
____________________________________ LAND BATTLES WITH THE ULTIMA WEAPON 
LV: ?? EXP: 0 Steal: Reflect Ring 
HP: ?? AP: 0 Win: ?? 
MP: ?? Gil: 0 Morph: ?? 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Ultima Beam, Quera 
Notes: Found in Mideel, Condor Fort, and Gongaga Town. 
_____________________________________ LAST BATTLE WITH THE ULTIMA WEAPON 
LV: ?? EXP: 35000 Steal: n/a 
HP: ?? AP: 3500 Win: Ultima Weapon 
MP: 400 Gil: 25000 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Ultima Beam, Shadow Flare (Enemy Skill) 
Notes: Found near Cosmo Canyon. 
_________________________________________ CONDOR FORT: SIMULATION BATTLE 
If you lose the Simulation Battle, you have to fight a Commander 
Grand Horn. It's level and stats. depends on which battle you're 
playing through (there are 7 of them) 
LV: 19 EXP: 200 Steal: n/a 
HP: 2000 AP: 20 Win: Vagyrisk Claw 
MP: 100 Gil: 2400 Morph: ?? 
Control: ?? 
Attacks: Grand Attack 
Notes: (Simulation...first battle) 
LV: 25 EXP: 400 Steal: n/a 
HP: 4000 AP: 40 Win: n/a 
MP: 200 Gil: 4800 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Poison Breath 
Notes: (Simulation...second battle) 

LV: 37 EXP: 800 Steal: n/a 
HP: 8000 AP: 80 Win: Imperial Guard 
MP: 300 Gil: 9600 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Poison Breath, Grand Attack 
Notes: (Simulation...final battle) 
____________________________________________________ BATTLES WITH JENOVA 
LV: 25 EXP: 680 Steal: n/a 
HP: 4000 AP: 64 Win: White Cape 
MP: 110 Gil: 800 Morph: ?? 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Stop, Tail Laser, Double Laser, Gas 
Notes: Found in <±¿ÈÂÁ¥¡¦µ¡´Ø¼¼>. 
LV: 50 EXP: 4000 Steal: n/a 
HP: 10000 AP: 350 Win: Wizard Bracelet 
MP: 300 Gil: 1500 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Blue Flame, Blue Ray, Aqua Breath (Enemy Skill) 
Notes: Weak against Earth. Found in the Water Podium Shrine 
LV: 55 EXP: 6000 Steal: n/a 
HP: 25000 AP: 400 Win: Reflect Ring 
MP: 800 Gil: 5000 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Red Ray, Hot Wind, Silence 
Notes: Fund in the Tornado Illusion Palace. 
LV: ?? EXP: 60000 Steal: n/a 
HP: ?? AP: 1000 Win: ?? 
MP: ?? Gil: 0 Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Suck Imbibe, Bio 2, Ultima <µÛ¼ý¡¢¥Ð¥¤¥ª¥é¡¢¥¢¥ë¥Æ¥>. 
Notes: Will count down from 5, then cast Ultima. If this 
happens, the battle ends, and if you're still alive, 
you receive no EXP or AP. Found in the <À±¤ÎÂÎÆâ>. 
LV: 61 EXP: (shared) Steal: n/a 
HP: 10000 AP: (shared) Win: ?? 
MP: 600 Gil: (shared) Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: ?? 
LV: 61 EXP: (shared) Steal: n/a 
HP: 8000 AP: (shared) Win: ?? 
MP: 600 Gil: (shared) Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: ?? 
____________________________________________ FIRST BATTLE WITH SEPHIROTH 
LV: ?? EXP: n/a Steal: n/a 
HP: ?? AP: n/a Win: n/a 
MP: ?? Gil: n/a Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Aurora Fence 
Notes: Found in ???? (bottom of the Makou Pit). 
LV: 61 EXP: n/a Steal: n/a 
HP: 2000 AP: n/a Win: n/a 
MP: 400 Gil: n/a Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Demi 3 
Notes: Part of RIBAASU SEFIROSU (the head) 
LV: 61 EXP: n/a Steal: n/a 
HP: 10000 AP: n/a Win: n/a 
MP: 400 Gil: n/a Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: (Reverse Energy Sutiguma) <¥ê¥Ð¡¼¥¹¥¨¥Ê¥¸¡¼¡¢¥¹¥Æ¥£¥°¥Þ>. 
Notes: Part of RIBAASU SEFIROSU (the yellow core) 
LV: 61 EXP: n/a Steal: n/a 
HP: 4000 AP: n/a Win: n/a 
MP: 400 Gil: n/a Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Bolt 3, Burizaga 
Notes: Part of RIBAASU SEFIROSU (the right wing) 
LV: 61 EXP: n/a Steal: n/a 
HP: 4000 AP: n/a Win: n/a 
MP: 400 Gil: n/a Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Fire 3 
Notes: Part of RIBAASU SEFIROSU (the left wing) 
LV: ?? EXP: n/a Steal: n/a 
HP: ?? AP: n/a Win: n/a 
MP: ?? Gil: n/a Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: Slow, Flare, Pyro Holes, Super Nova, Dispel, Dein (?) 
Notes: His HP level is tripled (?) if Cloud is at level 98 or 99. 
LV: ?? EXP: n/a Steal: n/a 
HP: 0 AP: n/a Win: n/a 
MP: ?? Gil: n/a Morph: n/a 
Control: n/a 
Attacks: (sword attack) 
Notes: You can only attack him using Cloud's Level 4 Limit Break 
(even if you don't have it yet). Even an attack that does 
0 points of damage will kill him (via a GameShark :)). 
Sephiroth cannot kill you, even if you let him strike first. 
And if he does, you will automatically counterattack. There's 
no way to lose this battle, in other words THIS IS NOT A REAL BATTLE.

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