Hamtaro Walkthrough - Guide for Hamtaro: Ham Hams Unite!

Scroll down to read our guide named "Hamtaro Walkthrough" for Hamtaro: Ham Hams Unite! on Game Boy (GB), or click the above links for more cheats.

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I.     Introduction
II.    Email Guidelines
III.   Walkthrough
IV.    Items
V.     Ham-Chat Words
VI.    HM Boutiques
VII.   Frequently Asked Questions
VIII.  Special Thanks
IX.    Copyright Information
Hamtaro:  Ham-hams Unite! is a Game Boy Color game in the Communication and
Adventure genres that was developed and distributed by Nintendo. Shigeru 
Miyamato is a producer for the game, just so you naysayers out there can shut 
yer pieholes. NoA translated and released the game to the NA gaming
audience on October 28, 2002.  The goal of this game is to communicate with
the other hamsters in the world, complete tasks and quests, learn the Ham-
Chat language, and bring Hamtaro's friends back to the Clubhouse.

gundamtotoro:  Well I've written a few FAQs now, and I thought I needed to
subject Otaku to the hell that these things can be sometimes.  ^_^;

otaku:  Well, it wasn't THAT bad...

gundamtotoro:  Wait until you see the emails you will get...  Anyway we
thought we would collaborate together on a FAQ/Walkthrough for this
incredibly awesome little game, even if it will probably slip under the radar
of almost everybody.  >_<  Who would have thought that a liscensed first
party Nintendo game would be virtually ignored?  o_o;  Bakas... Anyway, for
those of you cool enough to be reading this, we hope that you enjoy this
guide. ^_^

otaku: Tootru!

Totoro sez: First off, please do not email us concerning rom requests or
the like. That is like rude and stuff, besides it is not too hard of a
game to find. ^^;

Please put GBC Hamtaro: (name of subject) or something similar in the
subject heading, I normally do not read emails where there is no subject.
Also avoid using caps, bad spelling, colors, or any strange fonts.  

Common courtesy will also do wonders for your chance of receiving a reply

I would highly appreciate any help with the FAQ, though. Any clarification,
corrections, and additional information would be very much appreciated and,
credit will be given.  
The game starts with Boss being busy and asking for you to help him out. The
player has the opportunity to change Hamtaro's name here to another 7
character name if they so wish.  

Hamtaro is asked to retrieve the rest of the Ham-Hams, and to try using Ham-
chat, the newest craze among hamsters which Hamtaro happens to be clueless
about... Lesson time! Boss takes Hamtaro in the next room, gives him a
Notebook to record Ham-chat words and teaches him the "Ham-ha!" word to greet
other Ham-hams. Boss then teaches the "Tack-Q" word, which makes Hamtaro roll
into an object.  Boss then teaches the Hif-hif word in order to make Hamtaro
sniff the area around him, which obtains 10 sunflower seeds for Hamtaro. Boss
then teaches the Digdig word that allows Hamtaro to dig and search for items
or return to the clubhouse.
Boss realizes this process is taking too long and will write some more basic
Ham-Chat words in the notebook (Yep-P, No-P, Lookie, Go-P, Pakapaka, Scrit-T,
and Scoochie). Hamtaro is then given a tour of the Clubhouse such as the Dance
Room, the other Ham-ham's rooms, a map showing the locations of the Ham-hams,
and the exit from the clubhouse. 

Hamtaro then leaves the clubhouse, and the only place to go is the Acorn

Acorn Shrine

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Room #1:  
A white hamster will greet you and scamper away.  Walk down, and take the 
ladder down. There is a sunflower seed here that can be obtained if you use
the Hif-hif word. Greet the hamster with the Hamha word to start a
conversation, where the hamster informs you a hamster with blue ribbons went
into the forest. Use Digdig on the soft ground nearby to obtain a Rock and
exit to the right.  

Room #2
Hamtaro will see Bijou, who asks if Hamtaro can catch her as she blushes...
Scoochie up the tree to obtain an Acorn. Go-P on the tree to leave some marks,
or use Tack-Q to make a spider appear. Digdig on the soft ground if you want
to visit the first HM Boutique. Continue right.

Room #3
A hamster is sleeping here, thinking of her sweetheart. ^_^ Say Hamha to wake
her up and you will learn "Mega-Q." Hif-hif to make her blush, and use Tack-Q
to convince her that rolling into her sweetheart is the way to go. Tack-Q the
tree to make an acorn drop, and use Hif-hif to pick it up. Go right for now.

Room #4
Using Hamha next to the door will make an old hamster come out who will teach
Hamtaro "Hamsolo." Saying Hamha again will make the old hamster drag Hamtaro
into the home and tell him a long story. ^^; Hif-hif near the dandelion to
make Hamtaro sneeze and cause some bugs to appear, which will not matter until
later. Go left and then up.

Room #5
Tack-Q the building to make the bug fly away, which will reveal a rope ladder
for you to climb. Say Hamha to the white hamster and jump across the railings
to the left. You'll mess up, and he will teach you "Nopibloo." Climb back down 
and Digdig on the soft ground to obtain some sunflower seeds, then head left.

Room #6
Say Hamha next to the blue hamster in the hole to wake him up. There is
nothing else to do here, so go two screens right.    

Room #7
Hif-hif on the flower to make a hamster rise up and teach you "Koochie-Q."
Hif-hif the sunflower, then go up.

Room #8
Tack-Q the tree to make a hamster fall down and learn "Oopsie," then go up

Room #9
Bijou remarks on Hamtaro chasing her and exits left. Try to Scoochie up the
tree, and you will learn "Sparklie," then Digdig on the hole to the upper
right to get some sunflower seeds. Scoochie up the tree again if you want to
to visit the second HM Boutique, then go left.

Room #10
Hif-hif to bring a hamster out of hiding directly above the entrance.
This hamster will teach you "Delichu." The hamster will also offer to trade
you some sunflower seeds in exchange for your acorn if you choose to allow
the deal to take place.  The pigeon will tell Hamtaro that if you make a girl
cry you must apologize like crazy, and that hamsters should all have as much
spirit as he does. ^_^ Go left.

Room #11
Say Hamha to the hamster to learn "Teenie." Tack-Q him to get a love note to
deliver to the little hamster in Room #2.  Using Digdig on the hole in the
grass will result in Hamtaro almost being eaten by a snake. :( Deliver the
note if you like, then come back, and go upward. 

Room #12
The soft ground here will return you to the Clubhouse. Digdig the hole in the
grass to get some sunflower seeds, then Tack-Q the tree to make Bijou come
out. Say Oopsie in order to apologize to her. Digdig into the hole in the
grass again to get Bijou's Shiny Rock. Bijou will then teach you "Thank-Q,"
and return to the Clubhouse with you.  

Room #13
Tack-Q the wall below the hole twice, then Hamha on the spot where the
sunlight comes through to make Maxwell fall. Say Nopibloo to cheer Maxwell up,
and he'll teach you "Bizzaroo." Maxwell will then return to the Clubhouse.
Room #14
Tack-Q the sleeping hamster to wake him up and learn "Zuzuzu," then say Teenie
to make the hamster move. Digdig on the spot where it was sleeping, and you'll
get an Acorn. Tack-Q the rock to make a bug appear, then Digdig on the spot
where the rock was to get a Rock. Go figure, eh?
You can go to Hamtaro's room and change clothes if you bought any at the HM
Boutiques.  When you return to the main room in the Clubhouse, Boss will
inform you of Pashmina's whereabouts.  
Sunflower Park

2--3    8~~~13
|  |   / \
1  4--7--9--10--11
   |  |          |
   5--6         12

Room #1
Digdig on hole to see a hiding hamster, and continue up.

Hif-hif the sunbathing hamster to learn "Hushgo," then continue right.

Room #3
Say Hamha to Oxnard and learn he is missing his special sunflower seed. He
smells kind of like a sunflower seed, though...  Continue down.

Room #4
Hif-hif on the hamster to learn "Blanko," and continue down.

Room #5
Hif-hif on upper left for a seed, then Tack-Q the right side of the sign to
get the pink hamster out of hiding and learn "Hushie." Return to Room #1 (up,
up, left, down).

Room #1
Digdig again to get the hamster out of hiding and learn "Meep-P."  Return to
Room #5 (up, right, down, down).

Room #5
Go right.

Room #6
Hif-hif to get some sunflower seeds. Actually, this is a semi-important room
because you can enter and re-enter to stock up on sunflower seeds (the amount
is either 3 or 5 all the time).  Say Hamha to the hamster with his head
buried, and Hif-hif to smell a Cucumber.  Say Koochi-Q to learn "Hammo" and
receive a Cucumber. The soft ground here will take you back to the Clubhouse.
Exit up.

Room #7
Digdig to find HM Boutique #3. Hif-hif to find a rock, then exit right.

Room #9
Digdig on the brown hamster to learn Chukchuk. Now that you know Chukchuk
return to Room #3 (left, left, up). You will watch a scene of the hamsters
hiding again in Room #4, then continue on up to #3.

Room #3
Chukchuk on Oxnard to learn Gasp-P. Oxnard will start rolling around in
frustration and realize he was sitting on his special sunflower seed... He
will then return to the Clubhouse with you. Boss will give you some hints on
Jingle's whereabouts at Sunflower Elementary and Penelope at the Ruins.  Boss
will also teach Hamtaro Tuggie and Stickie.  There are still some things to do 
on Acorn Shrine and Sunflower Park though. Return to Acorn Shrine first and go 
to Room #7 (right, right, up, right). Remember that bug that looked like a
sunflower seed? That is Tricket, use Hif-hif again to obtain Tricket (it
counts as an item) and return to Sunflower Park.

Room #3
This room is now replaced with a Sunflower Digging game.  For 3 seeds you can
dig three times. Potential prizes are 1 Seed, 3 Seeds, 5 Seeds, 30 Seeds, and
a Rock.

Room #4
Hif-hif on the hamster to earn the Limburger item.

Room #6
Return Tricket to the hamster to receive This.

Room #7
Climb up the stairs to room 8, and slide down with the olive oil-covered 
hamster to find...

Room #13
The Secret Garden! Digdig on the soft ground if you want to visit HM Boutique
#4, then Tack-Q the chest and Lookie to find 3 Rocks.  Wake up the hamster by
using Digdig on the puddle next to him, and he'll get on a floor switch so you 
can exit back to Room #6.

Room #10
Go right for a moment.

Room #11
Scoochie up the first pole to get a rock, then go down.

Room #12
Cheerful flowers bloom when you say hello to them. ^_^ Say Hamha in the middle
of each flower row, then say it to the larger flowers to recieve ten seeds and 
a bee-sting. The hole here will return you to the map, but for now go back to
room #10.

Room #10
Tack-Q the second post to make a blue hamster fall down.  Tack-Q him to learn
"Blash-T." Now Scoochie up the second pole to find Pashmina, who loses her
scarf. Go back down and Scoochie up the first pole to reach the crow, who has
her scarf. Gasp-P, and he will drop it. Reply to the crow's question with
Hammo, then Scoochie up the second pole again and return the scarf to Pashmina 
and learn "Bestest."  Pashmina will now return to the Clubhouse. Boss gives
Sandy's whereabouts at Sky Garden, and Dexter at Sunflower Market.
         8   / |
         | 11-10-13
1--2  5--6    /  /
   |  |  |   /  /
   |  |  7  /  /
   |  | 14-/-15
   |  |  |/

Room #1
Say Hamha to the good hamaritan to learn "Lotsa." Digdig in the puddle three
times to make the flower bloom, then pick up the ten sunflower seeds and go

Room #2
Talk to the old ham a bit and pick up the seed, then Tack-Q the pile of dirt
and Dig-dig into the hole to visit HM Boutique #5 if you feel like it. 

Room #3
Cappy will greet you, and say that he lost Penelope. See that switch on the
right part of the TV? Tack-Q it four times, and see what happens. After the
fourth time, go back up...

Room #2
Say Hamha to the old ham to learn "Pooie." Poor guy. ^_^; Return to Room #3.

Room #3
Agree to find Penelope if you have not already, then go right.

Room #4
Tack-Q the middle of the clock twice, and reply to the hamster with Koochi-Q
to learn "Ta-Dah." Hif-hif to get a rock here, then climb up the lamp.

Room #5
Stickie the white car to reveal a hamster, then Tack-Q him to learn "Shashaa"
(Char reference?). Tack-Q the right side of the tire to bounce off, and you'll
land on top of the overturned car with the sunflower seed. Go right.

Room #6
Tack-Q to bounce off the tire into a semi-secret area.

Room #7
Tack-Q and Lookie at the chest to receive 3 Rocks, then exit by going right 
and up.

Room #6
Hamha on the hamster to learn "Grit-T, then climb up the ladder.

Room #8
Tuggie on the white plug on the right side. Digdig on the upper right to find
HM Boutique #6. Go up and greet with Hamha and reply with Hammo to learn "Bye
-Q" and return Penelope to the Clubhouse. Hamtaro can now learn "Wait-Q" from
Pashmina. Now go back to the Ruins for a few more things...

Room #3
Say Hamha to the frog, and he will tell you that he can forecast the weather.
Say that it's Bestest and he will tell you the secret. Hif-hif, and he will
give you a frog badge. Hamtaro is now an honorary forecasting frog. o_o

Room #9
Talk to the nervous hamster (it's automatic), and he will teach you "Panic-
Q." Go up the ladder and say Hamha to the ham in the shadows and he will teach
you "Herk-Q." Agree to pay him 5 sunflower seeds, and he will take you up
(press up on the d-pad). You can also scratch, bite, climb and pee on him for
amusing results. Don't worry, he dodges the pee. XD

Room #10
Collect sunflower seeds and exit left past the ladybug.

Room #11
Say hello to the acrophobic hamster, and Tack-Q him to learn "Nopookie."
(NoPedro, maybe?) Now climb up the post.

Room #12
Hif-hif to forecast the weather for the hams having a picnic. Tell them that
the weather looks Pooie, and you will learn "Soak-Q." Now Digdig in the hole
where their blanket was to go into an area of #10 that was unreachable.

Room #10
Pick up the rock to your left, and go right. Whoops! Good thing there was a
soft cushion there. ^_^ 

Room #13
Say Ta-da to Cappy and he will... not go back to the clubhouse. -_-; He'll do
it twice, too! Anyway, obviously you need to play some Tack-Q bowling. Read
the sign for an explanation, then say Hamha to the proprietor on the arrow and 
pay him three seeds. Play for a bit and you can win a rock. I got the Shogun
Wig when I scored 130 points. It's best to pay attention to when the two blue
balloons show up, and try to hit them both. Use the far-right ball to do this.
Once you get the wig, say Ta-da to Cappy again, and he will become "Blissie,"
and return to the clubhouse with you. Of course, there are still some things
to finish at the Ruins...

Room #9
Hamtaro can now go through the hole since it is no longer blocked.

Room #14
Hif-hif above the entrance to find a rock.  Go right.

Room #15
Say Hamha to the treadmill hamster to learn "Blahh."  Now it is time to head
back to Room #5 (left, down, left, up).

Room #5
Now this is fun.  ^_^  Stickie the white car again. If the hamster is absent,
digdig the hole to find some poetry. Exit, re-enter, and repeat four times.
The hamster will then come back, and Hamtaro will learn Blushie.

Room #4
Come back here after learning Clapclap, and say it to the dancing hamster
three times to earn the song Bolero.
Sunflower Elementary
   14          19   20
    |           |   /
15-13-12-16-17-18  7 
   11  |          /
    |  |         /
Room #1
Tack-Q the dog to learn Hamchu, then go up.

Room #2
Digdig the soft ground to find HM Boutique #7. Hif-hif the caterpillar to
watch it transform. O_O; Continue up.

Room #3
Hif-hif the flyer, then Tack-Q each shelf for some sunflower seeds. The seller
on the left sells a Bottle for 50 Seeds (it will be available when you come
back later), Tear Essence for 20 Seeds (Hamtaro can Blash-T it down to 5, but
don't bother getting it unless you want to laugh), and Hamtaro Time for 50
Seeds.  This seller will also buy your Limburger for 20 Seeds, but will sell
it for 9999 Seeds (but Hamtaro can Blash-T that down to 1000 Seeds o_O). The
seller on the right sells fake Ham-Chat words like "Yup-P." When you're done
here, continue up.

Room #4
Go right.

Room #5
Go right

Room #6
Go up.

Room #7
Say Hamha to the snoozing hamster below the banannas and reply with Bestest,
and you will learn "Huffpuff." Hif-hif to get a Banana, then go down, and all
the way left.

Room #6
Go left.

Room #5
Go left... stupid school hallways.

Room #4
Go left... Wow, I don't miss elementary school... Those halls seem huge when
you are a chibi.

Room #8
Continue on left... I wonder if Hamtaro would have run track...

Room #9
You guessed it. Go left.

Room #10
Hif-hif to get a rock and, leave right.

Room #9
Go up.

Room #11
Say Hamha to greet Panda and have him return to the Clubhouse, then retun to
the Elementary.

Room #3
You can buy that bottle now... Go up, left, and up the stairs.

Room #12
Go left.

Room #13
Go up.

Room #14
Blash-T the skeleton to learn "Cramcram," then search the lower left for a
rock. Greet the white hamster with Hamha and reply with Huffpuff to realize
the bottle has a hole... Go down.

Room #13
Go right.

Room #12
Go right.

Room #16
Go right.

Room #17
Go right

Room #18 
Go up.

Room #19
Say Hamha to the blue hamster to learn "Wishie." Now climb up the wire, and go 
to the computer tower and use Stickie to turn it on. You can move the mouse
around with Hamtaro. (it's cute ^_^) Click on the hamster face to see
Hamtaro.com, which will teach you "Smoochie." Wow, blatant in-game
advertising, but it was cute and tied into the game, so it works. XD  Return
to the Clubhouse and use Wishie on Panda to repair the bottle and learn
Whawha."  Panda and Hamtaro will return to Panda's Workshop in Room #11 of
Sunflower Elementary. Go back to Room #14.

Room #14
Hamha and Huffpuff on the white hamster again to earn Flower Tea, then Hif-hif 
the brown hamster, and say Hamha to learn "Noworrie." Return to Room #7 (down, 
right, down, right, right, right, up).

Room #7
Give Flower Tea to the brown hamster, exit, and come back. Say Hamha to the
pink hamster to learn Perksie. Climb up the left side of the milk bottles, and 
you will hop over the windowsill.

Room #20
Hif-hif for a rock, then Tack-Q the tree to earn some sunflower seeds. Say
Pooie on Jingle and learn "Clapclap," then use Smoochie to return Jingle to
the Clubhouse. Say Bye-Q to him there, and you'll learn "Givehoo."  Go visit
Cappy in his room, and he will say the Shogun Wig is no longer his favorite.
Get Blash-T at him to learn "Grab-B." Now that you know Clapclap, you can
Return to Room #4 of the Ruins and complete that area.
Sky Garden

   |     |
  10 15 14
   |  |  |
   |  |  |
   6  1  4

Room #1
Digdig the upper right corner to reach the Rock Door. Collect a rock here
using Hif-hif, and drop off your collection to be weighed. Now Scoochie on the
vine outside to climb up. Hif-hif followed by Hammo to speak to the crow, then
Tack-Q to fall down to Room #2

Room #2
Hif-hif to collect a rock and some sunflower seeds, then exit right.

Room #3
Tack-Q the tree to learn that you must climb up the left gutter to reach the
Sky Garden (aka the roof :p). Exit down.

Room #4
The hole on the right leads to HM Boutique #8, and the one on the left leads
to the Clubhouse. Talk to the hamster to learn "Hamtast," and trade This for
That. If you missed This, return to the Acorn Shrine to retrieve Tricket, and
bring it to its friend in Sunflower Park. Now go to Room #5 (up, left, left).
Take That to the hamster in Room #9 of Acorn Shrine to receive a Nut, which
can be traded with the crying hamster in Room #3 for a Heavy Rock. 

Room #5
It's a hungry monkey... give the Banana to the monkey, exit, and come back to
find the monkey gone. Digdig on the pipe to crawl up, but realize that the way
is blocked. Go down.

Room #6
To reach the family on a picnic, here are the series of steps that you must
take:  down, down, left, left, left, left, down, left, down, down, down, down,
down, right, down, right, right, right, right, right, right, up, up, left,
left, up, and left.  Hif-hif to get the Lunch item (for the hamster than runs
the Digdig Shop game). Exit, and return to Room #3 (up from this room, right,
and right).  

Room #3
Hamha on the hamster to find out what happened, then use Scoochie to travel

Room #7
This hamster will beat down Hamtaro for every Ham-chat word available to him,
so go left for now.

Room #8
There's no way to cross the river for now, so go left.

Room #9
Digdig down the drain on the lower left and free a doctor from the pipe. Climb 
back up the drain and say Hamha followed by Bizaroo on the hamster in the hole 
to learn "Spiffie." Scoochie up the pole to earn some sunflower seeds, then
exit up.

Room #10
Nice and toasty hamster... There's not much to do for the moment, so leave up.  

Room #11
Hif-hif to learn "Shockie," then exit right.

Room #12
Talk to the vain hamster to learn that she wants some strawberry juice, then
exit right.

Room #13
Buy some strawberry juice for the hamster in Room #12 for 5 Seeds. While the
server is away, move behind the bar and Tuggie on the cord to pull it out.
Leave down.

Room #14
The hospital... move down.

Room #7
Use all of your hamchat options on the aggressive hamster, then say Spiffee to
learn "Twintoo," and exit left.

Room #8
Hamtaro can cross the river, but go left again for now.

Room #9
Go up.

Room #10
Slip on the banana peel and say Spiffie to learn "Hamteam."  Go back to Room
#8 (down, and right)

Room #8
Go up now into Room #15

Room #15
Lookie at Sandy to learn "Hulahula," then Hif-hif under her chair for a rock.
Exit downwards with Sandy.

Room #8
Say Hamteam to Sandy to convince her to help you catch Stan. Make Stan circle
back to this room, then talk to Stan to learn "Nogo." Stan and Sandy will now
return to the Clubhouse together.
Sunflower Market

12     9  |
 |     |  |
19  | 15  |
 |  |  |  |

Room #1
Wow... the good hamtarian looks ill...  Anyway, say Hamha to him to learn
"Dundeal." Follow up with a Tack-Q if you feel evil and want to make the poor
guy unconscious... Then again, he hasn't bathed in a while, so maybe you do
not want to touch him. XD Use Hif-hif in the lower right corner to get a rock.
Climb up the paper binding the newspapers together, find a sunflower seed on
the top, and hop off to the right.

Room #2
Wow... a bulbous wiggling furry butt... Okay, if you feel evil you can use
Tack-Q to make the poor guy even more squished and use Stickie to poke him in
the ass repeatedly just for fun. Use Tuggie to pull the guy out, though (you
will have to do it twice if you used Tack-Q). Actually, just for kicks you can 
repeatedly Tack-Q and Tuggie to continually give the illusion of possibly
obtaining freedom only to become stuck again. Anyway, after freeing the
hamster, Hamtaro will learn "Giftee" and receive a Strawberry.  Tuggie the
hamster again for a potentially disturbing animation. o_o;  Digdig in the hole
to find a sunflower seed. (You can return and tuggie this ham out again for 5
seeds.) Exit right.

Room #3
Ham-ham Fight... Ready!  Go!  Howdy and Dexter fight over who can get the better 
gift for Pashmina (oh I dunno, a scarf?).  Another hamster takes pictures and 
thinks of making a news scoop out of this...  I guess news is boring when all 
that happens is hamsters getting stuck between boxes.  ^^;
Examine the poster if you want, then exit right.

Room #4
Use Digdig on the drain to go back to the Clubhouse if you want. Crawl up the
second icicle and use Hamha to learn "Frost-"T.  Use Tack-Q on the mailbox to
receive Postman's Rush, then exit right.

Room #5
Crawl up the first icicle and use Hif-hif to get a semi-hidden rock. Crawl up
the second icicle to find Dexter, and say Hammo to learn "Hamspar." Return to
Room #3 (left, left) and go down.

Room #6
This hamster sells some Flugo. Say No-P once and then Yep-P to buy it for one
sunflower less than the normal price. Return to Room #1 now (up, left, left).

Room #1
Go up to the good hamtarian and you will give him the Flugo.  You will be
thanked by receiving an Acorn. Go back to Room #6 (right, right, down) and go

Room #7
Tack-Q the book, and then walk to the right side of it to have an embarrassing
encounter with the reporter hamster.  ^^;  Exit left into Room #6 and go left

Room #8
Climb up the little rope.

Room #9
A hamster is stuck in the soda cooler... Do not run on the soda or you will
just slip and fall. Use Digdig on the tipped over soda can to find a rock.
Use two Ham-chat words to bring up some more choices, say Bizaroo, and then
the hamster will follow you to the right side. Say Hamha to learn "See-tru."

Room #8
Go left.

Room #10
Collect some sunflower seeds and exit left.  

Room #11
Climb up.

Room #12
Use Hif-hif on top of the ladder to get a rock and some sunflower seeds, then
Hif-hif to get the coach out of the strawberry basket. Use Hif-hif to bounce
the strawberry ball on your head, then there is a test to see if you can
bounce a ball on your head 6 times in a row.  Hold the B button to run, and go
to where the shadow is going to bounce the ball back.  Hamtaro will receive
the Young 'n Wild music afterwards.  

Room #13
Exit right.

Room #14
The Flugo seller is back. Ignore him crawl up the rope for now, unless you
want to refuse his offer and see him thow a tantrum. XD

Room #15
Hif-hif for some sunflower seeds. Use Tack-Q on the hamster to knock him out,
and then use "Tuggie" on the box to open it and learn "Krmpkrmp."  Use Tuggie
on the cookie box to the top left and earn an Acorn. Exit it and return to
find the guy missing his mother's cookies (His mother happens to live in Acorn
Shrine... Go there to pick up cookies and bring them back to make this guy
homesick.) Go down to Room #13 and then right.

Room #16
Exit right.

Room #17
Awww, the poor little hamster is hungry. Feed him 20 Sunflower seeds to learn
"Nokrmp-P." Use Tack-Q to set up a photo opportunity for the reporter hamster,
then Digdig on the hole to find HM Boutique #9. Now go back and buy some more
Flugo from the seller, and return to room #1, only to realize that Flugo is
not strong enough.  Return to Sky Garden and get some Flugo+ from the doctor
for 10 Seeds, and give that to the good hamtarian to receive another Acorn.  
Now onward with the rest of this stage... Go to Room #16 (right, right, down,
left, left, down, left from Room #1)

Room #18
Use Digdig on the hole to return to the Clubhouse if you feel like it.
Otherwise, use Scoochie to climb up the cord.

Room #19
Use Digdig on Howdy to learn Minglie, then exit down.

Room #18
The reporter hamster will tell you that Dexter is in trouble in the freezer.
Scoochie back up the cord, then use "Gasp-P" on Howdy and he will run off to
help Dexter, and leave his coin behind. Go down, right, up, right, right, up,
and right to get back to the freezer.

Room #5
Use Pakapaka on Howdy to make him realize that his teeth can break through any 
surface.  XD  It turns out a Heat Patch is probably needed to save Dexter. The
Ham-Swap seller running around the market will only sell a Heat Patch for 9999 
seeds,   so return to Howdy and speak with him. He believes there must be some 
way to blackmail the seller... Return to Room # (left, up, left, left).

Room #1
Use Tack-Q on the bicycle, and a chain will fall from the bag, then Tuggie on
the chain and Hamtaro will obtain the Bag.  Go to Room #3 (right, right).

Room #3
Speak to the reporter hamster to return her bag and learn "Wondachu."  The
hamster will also give Hamtaro the "News Flash" item. Go back to Room #5
(right, right)

Room #5
Howdy will go talk to the seller now than he has evidence. Go to Room #6
(left, left, down).

Room #6
The seller will now sell the Heat Patch and Striped Sticker for 10 Seeds (or 9
seeds if Hamtaro says No-P once). After buying a Heat Patch return to Room #5.

Room #5
Dexter will be saved. Howdy and Dexter will now return the Clubhouse. ^_^
Pashmina's Room
Use Minglie on Stan to learn "Gorush."

Panda's Room
Use Bestest on Panda to learn "Smidgie."

Bijou's Room
Use Hamha, followed by Hamsolo, followed by Thank-Q to learn "Goodgo."

Maxwell's Room
Howdy is complaining about Dexter to Maxwell.  Use Nopibloo on Howdy to learn

Return to the main room to see the new Dance Hall that Boss created and watch
the credits roll.  Twelve stars fall out of the sky though, and Boss wakes up
Hamtaro the next morning, there is still work to do.

Maxwell's Room
Dexter is now in here complaining about Howdy...  Use Gasp-P on Dexter to
learn "Tootru."

Main Room
Use Zuzuzu on Snoozer to learn "Bluhoo."

Sandy's Room
Stan will flee... the punk... Use Goodgo on Sandy to learn "Hampact."

Maxwell's Room
Use Bizaroo on Maxwell to learn "Wit-T."

Oxnard's Room
Say Bluhoo to Oxnard when the picture falls to learn "Ouchichi."

Boss' Room
Say Smidgie to Boss after obtaining all 85 words to receive "Greatchu" and a
new cover for your Ham-Chat notebook, and to see the credits roll again...
12 Stars
Acorn Shrine Room #14:
Tack-Q the northern wall on the 2nd square from the left. (Tack-Q the rock and
watch the bug if you need help.)

Acorn Shrine Room #4
Say Hamha to the ladybug on the tree to make the bug circle an area near the
bottom left corner. Use Digdig where the bug was circling to find a Star.

Sunflower Park #3
There is a star hidden in the Digdig Shop game, so just keep playing until you 
get it.

Sunflower Park Room #13
Digdig on the spot with a golden triangle sticking out of it.

Ruins #7
Use Tack-Q followed by Lookie to search the chest and obtain a star.

Ruins #15
Score over 200 points on the Tack-Q Bowling Game.

Sunflower Elementary #3
Keep paying the hamster on top of the right shelf for the fake Ham-chat words,
and you will be repaid for being a good customer with a star.

Sunflower Elementary #11
Tack-Q the box on the upper right of the room and the star will fall down
next to Hamtaro.

Sky Garden Room #9
Scoochie up the pole and use Hammo at the top. Choose to land at the Crow's
Nest and obtain a star.

Sky Garden Room #15
Digdig under the chair that Sandy was on.

Sunflower Market #19
Lookie in the change drawer that Howdy was in before to find a star.

Sunflower Market #17
Say Hamha to the hamster and feed him 20 sunflower seeds, exit, and repeat the 
process until he gives you a star to show his appreciation. You will also
recieve the Little Star music.
Item       Location         

Bag        Receive in Room #1 of Sunflower Market
Bottle     Scoochie up the left side of Room #3 in Sunflower Elementary
Cookies    Receive from old hamster in Acorn Shrine
Cucumber   Room #6 of Sunflower Park
Flower Tea Fill the Bottle in Room #14 of Sunflower Elementary
Flugo      Purchase from hamster in Room #6 of Sunflower Market
Flugo+     Purchase from doctor in Sky Garden after getting Flugo
Frog Badge Frog in Room #3 of Ruins (after returning Penelope)
Heat Patch Buy from seller in Sunflower Market
Heavy Rock Hamster in Room #3 of Sky Garden (after receiving Nut)
Limburger  Room #4 of Sunflower Park (after returning Oxnard)
Lunch      Room #6 of Sky Garden
News Flash Receive from hamster in Room #3 of Sunflower Market
Notebook   Boss (received at the beginning of the game)
Nut        Trade "That" in Acorn Shrine
Scarf      Crow in Room #9 of Sunflower Park
Sticker    Buy from seller in Sunflower Market
Strawberry Receive form hamster in Room #2 of Sunflower Market
That       Room #4 of Sky Garden (after receiving This)
This       Room #6 of Sunflower Park (after receiving Tricket)
Tricket    Room #7 of Acorn Shrine (after receiving Cucumber)

This is a listing of all the ham-chat words in alphabetical order.  The
meaning of the word provided by the game is in the next column, and where
Hamtaro learns the word is in the next column.

Word     Meaning      Where Obtained

Bestest  Fantastic    Learn from Pashmina in Room #9 of Sunflower Park
Bizaroo  Strange      Learn from Maxwell in Room #13 in Acorn Shrine
Blahh    Tired        Learn from hamster in Room #15 of Ruins
Blanko   Forget       Learn from hamster in Room #4 of Sunflower Park
Blash-T  Angry        Learn from hamster in Room #9 of Sunflower Park
Blissie  Happy        Learn from Cappy in Room # 13 of Ruins
Bluhoo   Sad          Learn from Snoozer after Credits in main room
Blushie  Embarrass    Learn from hamster in Room #5 of Ruins
Bye-Q    Good-bye     Learn from Penelope in Room #8 of Ruins
Chukchuk Give Up      Learn from hamster in Room #8 of Sunflower Park
Clapclap Encore       Learn from Jingle in Room #20 of Sunflower Park
Cramcram Study        Learn from hamster in Room #11 in Sunflower Elementary
Delichu  Delicious    Learn from hamster in Room #10 in Acorn Shrine
Digdig   Dig          Learn from Boss at the beginning of the game
Dingdang Noisy        Learn from hamster in Room #6 in Acorn Shrine
Dundeal  Sell         Learn from hamster in Room #1 of Sunflower Market
Frost-T  Freezing     Learn from hamster in Room #4 of Sunflower Market
Gasp-P   Oh no!       Learn from Oxnard in Room #3 of Sunflower Park
Giftee   Give         Learn from hamster in Room #2 of Sunflower Market
Give-hoo Ask for      Learn from Jingle in Clubhouse.
Go-P     Bathroom     Learn from Boss at the beginning of the game
Goodgo   Luck         Learn from Bijou in her room
Gorush   Hurry        Learn from Stan in Clubhouse (after getting Minglie)
Grab-B   Get          Learn from Cappy in Clubhouse.
Greatchu Great        Learn from Boss in his room after receiving 85 words
Grit-T   Courage      Learn from hamster in Room #6 of Ruins
Hamchu   Kind         Learn from hamster in Room #1 of Sunflower Elementary
Hamha    Greeting     Learn from Boss at the beginning of the game
Hammo    Friend       Learn from hamster in Room #6 of Sunflower Park
Hampact  Promise      Learn from Sandy after Stan leaves her room.
Hamsolo  Lonely       Learn from hamster in Room #4 in Acorn Shrine
Hamspar  Enemy        Learn from Dexter in Room #5 of Sunflower Market
Hamtast  Perfect      Learn from hamster in Room #3 in Sky Garden
Hamteam  Cooperate    Learn from hamster in Room #10 of Sky Garden
Herk-Q   Powerful     Learn from hamster in Room #9 of Ruins
Hif-hif  Sniff        Learn from Boss at the beginning of the game
Huffpuff Carry        Learn from hamster in Room #7 of Sunflower Elementary
Hulahula Lollygag     Learn from Sandy in Room #15 of Sky Garden
Hushie   Secret       Learn from hamster in Room #5 of Sunflower Park
Hushugo  Reveal       Learn from hamster in Room #2 of Sunflower Park
Koochi-Q Pretty       Learn from hamster in Room #7 in Acorn Shrine 
Krmpkrmp Eat          Learn from hamster in Room #13 of Sunflower Market
Lookie   See          Learn from Boss at the beginning of the game
Lotsa    Many         Learn from hamster in Room #1 of Ruins
Meep-P   Regret       Learn from hamster in Room #1 of Sunflower Park
Mega-Q   Big          Learn from hamster in Room #2 in Acorn Shrine  
Minglie  Play         Learn from Howdy in Room #17 of Sunflower Market
Nogo     No can do    Learn from Stan in Room #8 of Sky Garden
Nokrmp-P Hungry       Learn from hamster in Room #15 of Sunflwower Market
No-P     No           Learn from Boss at the beginning of the game
Nopibloo Don't Fret   Learn from hamster in Room #5 in Acorn Shrine
Nopookie Dislike      Learn from hamster in Room #11 of Ruins
Noworrie Relax        Learn from hamster in Room #11 of Sunflower Elementary
Oopsie   Sorry        Learn from hamster in Room #8 of Acorn Shrine
Ouchichi Ouch         Learn from Oxnard in his room after the picture falls
Pakapaka Bite         Learn from Boss at the beginning of the game
Panic-Q  Scary        Learn from hamster in Room #9 of Ruins
Perksie  Listen       Learn from hamster in Room #9 of Sunflower Elementary
Pooie    Uncool       Learn from hamster in Room #2 of Ruins
Pookie   Like         Learn from Howdy in Maxwell's Room
Scrit-T  Scratch      Learn from Boss at the beginning of the game
See-tru  Invisible    Learn from Hamster in Room #9 in Sunflower Market
Shashaa  Hide         Learn from hamster in Room #5 of Ruins
Shockie  Surprise     Learn from hamster in Room #11 in Sky Garden
Smidgie  Perfect      Learn from Panda in Clubhouse
Smoochie Love         Learn from computer in Room #19 in Sunflower Elementary
Soak-Q   Wet          Learn from hamsters in Room #12 of Ruins
Sparklie Delight      Learn from hamster in Room #9 in Acorn Shrine
Spiffie  Stylish      Learn from hamster in Room #9 of Sky Garden
Stickie  Stick        Learn from Boss after returning Oxnard
Tack-Q   Roll         Learn from Boss at the beginning of the game
Ta-Dah   Show         Learn from hamster in Room #4 of Ruins
Teenie   Small        Learn from hamster in Room #11 in Acorn Shrine
Thank-Q  Thank you    Learn from Bijou in Room #12 in Acorn Shrine
Tootru   Really       Learn from Dexter in Maxwell's Room
Tuggie   Tug          Learn from Boss after returning Oxnard
Twintoo  Identical    Learn from hamster in Room #7 of Sky Garden
Wait-Q   Wait         Learn from Pashmina after returning Penelope
Whawha   Frantic      Learn from Panda in Clubhouse when repairing bottle
Wishie   Beg          Learn from hamster in Room #19 of Sunflower Elementary
Wit-T    Funny        Learn from Maxwell after Credits in his room
Wondachu Wonderful    Learn from hamster in Room #3 of Sunflower Market
Yep-P    Yes          Learn from Boss at the beginning of the game
Zuzuzu   Sleep        Learn from hamster in Room #14 in Acorn Shrine
When you buy clothing items from most boutiques, they will be replaced by the
same item with a different color.


HM Boutique #1
Digdig in Room #2 in Acorn Shrine.
     Sweater #1       -  5 Seeds
     Carrot #1        -  3 Seeds
     Chef Hat #1      -  3 Seeds  

HM Boutique #2
Scoochie in Room #9 in Acorn Shrine.
     Apron #1         - 20 Seeds
     Game Boy #1      - 25 Seeds
     Beret #1         - 15 Seeds
     Chick-Ah-Jam     - 25 Seeds

HM Boutique #3
Digdig in Room #7 in Sunflower Park.
     Bunny Suit       -  3 Seeds
     Earmuff          -  3 Seeds
     Magnifying Glass -  5 Seeds

HM Boutique #4
Digdig in Secret Garden (from slide in Room #7) in Sunflower Park.
     Santa Suit       - 20 Seeds
     Bat              - 15 Seeds
     Crown            - 20 Seeds
     Sunflower        - 25 Seeds

HM Boutique #5
Tack-Q and Digdig upper right corner of Room #2 in Ruins.  
     Jersey           - 20 Seeds
     Sword            - 20 Seeds
     Santa Hat        - 15 Seeds

HM Boutique #6
Digdig on upper right of Room #8 in Ruins.
     Kimono           - 10 Seeds
     Fan              - 10 Seeds

HM Boutique #7
Digdig in Room #2 of Sunflower Elementary
     Tennis T          -  5 Seeds
     Frying Pan        - 10 Seeds
     Bunny Ears        -  3 Seeds

HM Boutique #8
Digdig on the right side of Room #3 in Sky Garden
     Coat              -  5 Seeds
     Net               -  3 Seeds
     Straw Hat         -  3 Seeds

HM Boutique #9
"Digdig" in Room #15 of Sunflower Market
     Shirt             - 5 Seed
     Mittens           - 3 Seeds
     Ball Cap          - 5 Seeds

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