How to catch Latios using a great ball or ultra ball! - Guide for Pokemon Ruby

Scroll down to read our guide named "How to catch Latios using a great ball or ultra ball!" for Pokemon Ruby on Game Boy Advance (GBA), or click the above links for more cheats.


  1. How to contact/greetings

  2. What you should need

  3. How to catch Latios

  4. Other written things

                 How to contact/greetings

       As if you coudn't tell,I'm new on the website.If
       you need to reach me, e-mail me at coreyw93@yahoo
       .com.Please only contact if you think it needs more
       detail OR if you want to chat.Hope you read the rest.

                   What you should need
       First of all you need:89 Full restores, 45 Ultra 
       balls, 56 Great balls, 21 ethers, and a level 64
       Golbat that knows mist, mean look, poison fangs, 
       and wing attack.

                     How to catch Latios

       When you battle Latios make sure you have Golbat 
       first in you're party and use mean look then the fight
       should last a while.Use wing attack and poison fang
       untill it's either poisoned or in the red zone.The
       reason you bought all those full restores and ethers 
       are because latios will use phycic alot and you need
       to keep you're Golbat in top condition and it's moves
       replenished.Use mist to change you're Golbat's states
       back to what they use to be to stand a fighting chance.
       Use the ultra or great balls tocatch it when it's in the
       red zone and bingo, you have Latios.If you want it in 
       you're party, have a free space for it (no doh).Then
       I recomend you save the game or go threw it all over

                  Other written things

       Sorry!As of now I haven't written anything else. 

          See ya,

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