Strategy Guide - Guide for Super Mario 3D World

Scroll down to read our guide named "Strategy Guide" for Super Mario 3D World on Wii U (WiiU), or click the above links for more cheats.

                            ABXInferno presents...
     ohs../++o.-y.:+./:-+..:+y.---o`   `   `.------.`-///++++/-.               
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 +ddhs+:/+///+d+/////++shyysssho+/.``.::.                FAQ/Walkthrough
  :ydhy+///+oyhsoo++/`    ```                             Version 0.2.5
    .:/++/:-`                                            ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

+ The locations of all 200+ Green Stars! (soon)
+ All 90+ stamps detailed! (soon)
+ Beginner's guide detailing controls, characters and powerups!
+ Recommendations for the best player for each level! (soon)
+ Checklist to tick off as you go along!
+ Multiplayer guide to get maximum points! (coming soon)
+ High-profile alerts to make sure you don't miss a single Green Star, Stamp or
Checkpoint Flag!

The latest version of this guide will always be available for download on (GameFAQs takes some time to allow posting of the

If you enjoyed this guide, check out the author's Facebook, follow him on
Twitter and susbcribe on YouTube!
                                       | . [TABL]
 ___ ____ ___  _    ____    ____ ____    ____ ____ _  _ ___ ____ _  _ ___ ____ 
  |  |__| |__] |    |___    |  | |___    |    |  | |\ |  |  |___ |\ |  |  [__  
  |  |  | |__] |___ |___    |__| |       |___ |__| | \|  |  |___ | \|  |  ___]
| A. PRE-GAME CONTENT           |
| 1. Table of Contents [TABL]   |
|   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯           |
| 2. Introduction [INTR]        |
|    ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯               |
| 3. Legal Notice [LEGL]        |
|    ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯               |
| B. BEGINNER'S GUIDE           |
| 4. Controls [CONT]            |
|    ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                   |
| 5. Powerups [POWR]            |
|    ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                   |
| 6. Playable Characters [PLAY] |
|    ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯        |
| C. THE MEAT                   |
| 7. Walkthrough [WALK]         |
|    ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                |
| 7.1. World 1 [WOR1]           |
| 7.2. World 2 [WOR2]           |
| 7.3. World 3 [WOR3]           |
| 7.4. World 4 [WOR4]           |
| 7.5. World 5 [WOR5]           |
| 7.6. World 6 [WOR6]           |
| 7.7. World Castle/7 [WOR7]    |
| 7.8. World Bowser/8 [WOR8]    |
| 7.9. World Star [WOR9]        |
| 7.10. World Mushroom [WOR10]  |
| 7.11. World Flower [WOR11]    |
| 7.12. World Crown [WOR12]     |
| 8. Mario's Checklist [CHEK]   |
|    ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯          |
| 9. FAQs [FAQS]                |
|    ¯¯¯¯                       |
| E. FAREWELL                   |
| 10. Version History [VERS]    |
|     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯           |
| 11. Contact Me(ow!) [TALK]    |
|     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯           |
| 12. Final Words [CLSE]        |
|     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯               |

You guys know how to use the quick find system right? Use Ctrl + F and type the
four letter code with the brackets and press enter.
                                     _ _                         
                                     | |                         
                                     | | . [INTR]
             _ _  _ ___ ____ ____ ___  _  _ ____ ___ _ ____ _  _ 
             | |\ |  |  |__/ |  | |  \ |  | |     |  | |  | |\ | 
             | | \|  |  |  \ |__| |__/ |__| |___  |  | |__| | \| 

"Super Mario 3D World makes everyone else look like they got HD all wrong."
                                              - Official Nintendo Magazine, 93%
"Super Mario 3D World is marvelous, and its constant variety and fantastic
light-hearted co-op gameplay proves Nintendo still knows how to tweak their
Mario formula in fun new ways."
                                                     - Jose Otero,, 9.6
"Super Mario 3D World is a game of exceptional craft, of painstaking focus on
the minute details that are integral to making it feel special."
                                                   - Mark Walton, GameSpot, 9.0

Super Mario 3D World marks Nintendo's first stab at a 3D multiplayer Mario game
and hands-down, it's the best Wii U game yet. This guide aims to inform you of
all the positions of the Green Stars and stamps and the best player to play a
level. It's a game you should pick up if you're a Wii U owner, especially if
you love platformers. Have fun!

1. Captain Toad and Mystery House levels are listed as the last level of every
2. The term "Cat Climb" is used. It means that you climb the wall as a cat.
3. This guide will not cover the locations of 1-Ups and powerups for now. It
will be included in the multiplayer guide to obtain maximum points, but for now
it's not yet included.
4. If somehow you don't understand where you are supposed to be to get the item
after seeing the Green Star alert, consider reading the previous paragraph as
some Green Stars are in bonus areas.
5. Keep in mind some of the enemy names listed aren't their official names.

                                   _ _ _
                                   | | |
                                   | | | . [LEGL]
            _    ____ ____ ____ _       _  _ ____ ___ _ ____ ____ 
            |    |___ | __ |__| |       |\ | |  |  |  | |    |___ 
            |___ |___ |__] |  | |___    | \| |__|  |  | |___ |___
                _ _  _ ___  ____ ____ ___ ____ _  _ ___   /
                | |\/| |__] |  | |__/  |  |__| |\ |  |   /            
                | |  | |    |__| |  \  |  |  | | \|  |  .             

Meeeeeeeow! Here are some guidelines to follow when you use this guide!

- Don't plagiarize. You cannot take this entire guide or part of it and claim
  you wrote it yourself.
- GameFAQs, Neoseeker and CheatCC (yes people, move along) can post this guide.
  Should you want to post this guide on your site, please tell me in advance.
- Don't use this guide to make money for yourself.
- Don't change this guide if you post this on your website once you've obtained
- Even though I've tried my best to make sure all the information is correct, I
  cannot make a guarantee. If you find a mistake, go to GameFAQs/WordPress and
  check for the latest version first before contacting me.
- I've tried to exclude all copyright materials from this guide, but if I do
  happen to do so, contact me and I will remove it after confirmation that you
  do own the material.
- Super Mario 3D World and names included in the game are trademarks of

If you do not agree to the terms above, return to the previous page or I will
scratch you with my fingers, I mean, claws. MEOW!

                                   _ _  _                                 
                                   | |  |                                 
                                   |  \/  . [CONT]
                    ____ ____ _  _ ___ ____ ____ _    ____ 
                    |    |  | |\ |  |  |__/ |  | |    [__  
                    |___ |__| | \|  |  |  \ |__| |___ ___]

Here are the controls for this game, which supports the GamePad, the Wiimote,
Wiimote + Nunchuk, Pro Controller and Classic Controller Pro.
 _________________ ___________________________________________________________
|                 |                                                           |
|     BUTTON      |                          FUNCTION                         |
|                 |                                                           |
|L Stick (GamePad)| Move your character around the screen.                    |
| D-pad (Wiimote) | Use with: A/2/a Button - Jump in that direction.          |
|  L Stick (Pro)  |           X/1/x Button - Run in that direction.           |
|L Stick (Classic)|           In pause menu - Select options.                 |
|C Stick (Nunchuk)|           On map screen - Move around.                    |
|                 |           On level start screen - Cycle through character |
|                 |           selection after pressing B.                     |
|                 |                                                           |
|R Stick (GamePad)| Change the camera angle.                                  |
|  R Stick (Pro)  |                                                           |
|R Stick (Classic)|                                                           |
|                 |                                                           |
|A/B Button (GPad)| Make your character jump.                                 |
|2 Button(Wiimote)| Use with: X/1/x Button - Jump further and higher.         |
|A/B Button (Pro) |           L Stick - Jump in that direction.               |
|a/b Button (Clsc)|           In pause menu - Confirm selection.              |
|A Button(Nunchuk)|           On map screen - Select level/jump.              |
|                 |           On level start screen - Play level.             |
|                 |                                                           |
|X/Y Button (GPad)| Make your character jump.                                 |
|1 Button(Wiimote)| Use with: A/2/a Button - Jump further and higher.         |
|X/Y Button (Pro) |           L Stick - Run in that direction.                |
|x/y Button (Clsc)|           In pause menu - Nothing.                        |
|Z Button(Nunchuk)|           On map screen - Run.                            |
|                 |           On level start screen - Nothing.                |
|                 |                                                           |
|ZL/ZRButton(GPad)| Make your character crouch.                               |
|B Button(Wiimote)| Use with: A/2/a Button - Backflip (need to wait).         |
|ZL/ZR Button(Pro)|           X/1/x Button - Roll.                            |
|ZL/ZRButton(Clsc)|           L Stick - Move while crouching.                 |
|B Button(Nunchuk)|           X+A/1+2/x+a - Rolling long jump.                |
|                 |           On map screen - Nothing.                        |
|                 |           On level start screen - Nothing.                |
|                 |                                                           |
| + Button (GPad) | Pause the game.                                           |
|+ Button(Wiimote)| Use with: A/2/a Button - Confirm selection.               |
| + Button (Pro)  |           X/1/x Button - Nothing.                         |
| + Button (Clsc) |           L Stick - Choose options after pausing.         |
|+ Button(Nunchuk)|           In pause menu - Return to game.                 |
|                 |           On map screen - Pause.                          |
|                 |           On level start screen - Nothing.                |
|                 |                                                           |
| - Button (GPad) | Use spare item.                                           |
|- Button(Wiimote)|                                                           |
| - Button (Pro)  |                                                           |
| - Button (Clsc) |                                                           |
|- Button(Nunchuk)|                                                           |

The controls listed below are those on the GamePad. With the exception of the
section named GamePad controls, all the others can be performed on any other
controller. To find out which button to press, match up the GamePad button with
the button on your controller using the chart above.

 Advanced controls
Backflip         : Press and hold ZL and wait until it's charged up then press
Spin Jump        : Spin the Control Stick a few times and when your character
                   is spinning then press A. This is the highest jump.
Sideflip         : Go in one direction, suddenly change to the opposite
                   direction then press A.
Long jump        : While running, tap ZL then A.
Roll             : While running, tap ZL then X.
Rolling long jump: While running, tap ZL, X then A.
Ground pound     : In midair, press ZL.
Enter pipe       : Press ZL if it is below you or hold the C-stick in its

 GamePad controls
Move touch-based purple platforms  : Touch the GamePad screen in that area.
Move blue platforms with propeelers: Blow on the GamePad mic.

 Swimming controls
Move: Tilt the L stick in the direction you want to go to.
Swim: Press A.
Sink: Press ZL.
All powerups work as usual in water with the exception of the Cat Suit and the
Tanooki suit.

 Cat controls
Scratch                     : Press X.
Scratch attack from overhead: In midair, press and hold X.
Cat Climb                   : Jump towards any wall and hold the L stick in the
                              direction you wish for it to move.

 Fire flower controls
Shoot: Press X once. You can have up to 2 on screen at one time.

 Boomerang controls
Shoot: Press X once. You can only have 1 on screen at one time.
NOTE : If you jump while the boomerang returns, it will go behind for a short
       ways, which is useful for killing enemies behind you.

 Tanooki controls
Float    : Press and hold A in the air.
Spin tail: Press X.

 Cannon box controls
Shoot : Automatic.
Charge: Press and hold X, release to fire.

I'm still unsure of the controls on the Nunchuk - I haven't had the chance to
try it out yet.
                                    _  _                                        
                                    |  |                        
                                     \/  . [POWR]
                ___  ____ _ _ _ ____ ____    _  _ ___  ____
                |__] |  | | | | |___ |__/ __ |  | |__] [__  
                |    |__| |_|_| |___ |  \    |__| |    ___]

 Super Bell
This new powerup takes platforming to new levels. It allows Mario and his
friends to turn into furry felines that make the game easy for beginners, yet
requires a lot of skill to master. Jump, claw and meow your way through levels
with this powerup.

 Double Cherry
Boost your firepower with this special fruit! It creates an exact copy of your
character that mirrors the original's every move, including getting powerups
and using them! One will disappear if you get hit, but keep collecting them to
see how many Marios or Luigis there can be on screen! (And to test how powerful
the Wii U is)

 Beam/Light Box
This new powerup murders ghosts, Boos and shows you how dark areas look like!
Shine it onto a ghost and before long, they'll disappear! Reveal secrets and
find your way in the dark with this powerup.

 Cannon Box
Shoot cannonballs and kill enemies when you're in a hurry. This new powerup
helps you destroy baddies and pulverize bosses, especially when you charge your

 Coin Box
Earn coins for walking and moving around and earn even more when you run and
don't stop. Earn extra lives as you go along and gain coins galore!

 Propeller Block
Fly up hard-to-reach or otherwise impossible-to-reach spots with this over-the-
top (pun intended) powerup.

 Super Mushroom
Get extra protection and grow up so you won't die when you get hit. This is one
of gaming's most recognizable powerups and it returns in this adventure.

 Mega Mushroom
Grow Hulk-sized with this powerup and stomp on everything you see for a limited
time! Now this is what I call awesome!

 Fire Flower
Another one of gaming's most loved powerups, the Fire Flower lets you shoot 2
fireballs at a team to burn Goombas and other enemies alive. Ouch! Goes
perfectly with a Double Cherry to double firepower.

 Tanooki Leaf
One of the most popular powerups in Mario's extensive arsenal, this leaf turns
Mario into a racoon/bear that can float and spin his tail to kill enemies.
                                   _  _ _            
                                   |  | |               
                                    \/  | . [PLAY]
                   ___  _    ____ _   _ ____ ___  _    ____
                   |__] |    |__|  \_/  |__| |__] |    |___
                   |    |___ |  |   |   |  | |__] |___ |___
               ____ _  _ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ 
               |    |__| |__| |__/ |__| |     |  |___ |__/ [__  
               |___ |  | |  | |  \ |  | |___  |  |___ |  \ ___] 

 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
|            |            |            |            |            |*UNLOCKABLE*|
| ABILITIES  |   MARIO    |   LUIGI    |   PEACH    |    TOAD    |  ROSALINA  |
|            |            |            |            |            |            |
|   SPEED    |Medium speed|Medium speed|Slower speed|Faster speed|Slower speed|
|            |            |            |            |            |            |
|    JUMP    |Medium jump |Higher jump |Longer jump |Shorter jump|Double jump |
|            |            |            |            |            |            |
|  BEST FOR  |  Veterans  |  Veterans  | Beginners  |  Experts   | Beginners  |
                                 _  _ _ _  
                                 |  | | |  
                                  \/  | | .  [WALK]
           _ _ _ ____ _    _  _ ___ _  _ ____ ____ _  _ ____ _  _
           | | | |__| |    |_/   |  |__| |__/ |  | |  | | __ |__| 
           |_|_| |  | |___ | \_  |  |  | |  \ |__| |__| |__] |  |

The following paragraph has been copied from the Super Mario 3D World official

Big, bad Bowser and his crew have invaded the peaceful Sprixie Kingdom. Now
it's up to Mario and his friends to rescue the Sprixies by fighting their way
through a vast new kingdom. Play solo or with up to three friends in this new
Mario platforming adventure!

                _ _ _ ____ ____ _    ___     ____ _  _ ____
                | | | |  | |__/ |    |  \    |  | |\ | |___            
                |_|_| |__| |  \ |___ |__/    |__| | \| |___ [WOR1]           
      ___ _  _ ____    ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _    ____ _  _ ___  ____ 
       |  |__| |___    | __ |__/ |__| [__  [__  |    |__| |\ | |  \ [__  
       |  |  | |___    |__] |  \ |  | ___] ___] |___ |  | | \| |__/ ___]

I don't know where else to put this, so I'll put this here. The flagpoles on
the map differ on its completion status. The Bowser flag means it has not been
beaten, a Green Star at the top of the flag means all the Green Stars have been
collected and the flag will have different symbols depending on the last
character to complete it. The flag will also be gold if you hit the top of the
flag in the level itself.

                                   C   P
 R                            ----4----     F
 |                           |         |---------> TO WORLD 2 >
     1----2----A-BBBBB---3---|         |
             S               |         | CT
 R - Rocket Ship to World Star (after beating game)
 1 - World 1-1 Super Bell Hill
 2 - World 1-2 Koopa Troopa Cave
 A - World 1-A Chargin' Chuck Blockade
 B - Bridge
 3 - World 1-3 Mount Beanpole
 4 - World 1-4 Plessie's Plunging Falls
 5 - World 1-5 Switch Scramble Circus
 F - World 1-F Bowser's Highway Showdown
 CT - World 1-T Captain Toad Goes Forth
 C - Cave
 P - Pipe
 S - Slot Machine
 > - Clear Pipe to other worlds

Use the Control stick or D-pad to move your character to the only open level,
1-1. Press A/2/a depending on controller to select the level and start playing.

  _     _                                            
 / |___/ |                                           
 | |___| |                                           
 |_|_  |_|                 ___      _ _   _  _ _ _ _ 
 / __|_  _ _ __  ___ _ _  | _ ) ___| | | | || (_) | |
 \__ \ || | '_ \/ -_) '_| | _ \/ -_) | | | __ | | | |
 |___/\_,_| .__/\___|_|   |___/\___|_|_| |_||_|_|_|_|

Timer      : 500
Green Stars: 3
Stamp      : Cat Mario
Difficulty : 1/5

Woohoo! Welcome to World 1-1! As you gain control of your character, you have
some space to move around and get used to the controls. The game allows you to
move in any direction you want, but once you press X/Y/x/y/1/Z and run, then
you move in one of 8 directions. The game also has a slightly different running
system, you gain a quick burst of speed after running for a short while.

So, once you're used to the controls, head north and hit the sole ? block to
get a Super Bell! It turns your character into a cat, allowing you to climb
walls, claw enemies and run around on all fours. Oh, and did I mention it's
really cute? It's almost purr-fect!

You'll see an enemy approaching you - that's a Goomba! If   .----NEW ENEMY----.
you've been out of that rock for that last 25 years at all, | Goombas return! |
you should recognize this little guy. He's armless, most    | Goombas are the |
likely brainless and you'll see him a lot. Just jump on him | main soldiers   |
or scratch him or burn him (if you've got a Fire Flower) or | of Bowser's     |
do damage in any way you want and he dies.                  | army. It dies   |
                                                            | to a jump, a    |
OK, now proceed eastward and go through the Clear Pipe.     | Koopa shell or  |
Then, go through the Clear Pipe northeast once you exit to  | an attack of    |
climb to higher ground. Hit the wide ? block here to get a  | any kind.       |
second Super Bell, which goes to your item storage that is  '-----------------'
accessed via the - Button.


Now continue eastward and head into the Clear Pipe going up. As you go past it,
tilt up on the Control Stick/D-pad to go up and get the Green Star, the primary
collectible in this game.

As you exit, use either the wall to climb as a Cat or use the stairs to the
east to go up to higher ground. Here's a new mechanic: Goombas going through
pipes. Either defeat them all before proceeding or just jump over the gap to
head to the next platform. Then, head towards the cannon to be blasted over
to the next area.


Once you land, hit the Bowser flag in front of you. That's a Checkpoint Flag,
if you die you will return here. But it does not save your progress in the game
so if you return to the Map screen or quit the game, it won't save where you


The tree north of where you land has a Super Bell if you climb it, but the
particular thing of notice here is that you should chase and tag the bunny up
on higher ground. Once you tag it, it will leave a Green Star for you.


Next, head into the Green Pipe you see along the wall to the north. You will
arrive in an area with a Clear Pipe forming a T-shape. Head into the hole
through the bottom and arrive on the area above. Collect the glowing blue
thing that you see. That's a stamp. There's one per every normal level. This
one in particular is a Cat Mario stamp. You use stamps as a template of sorts
to post on Miiverse. Exit through the Green Pipe in the corner.

As you exit, climb the tree in between the pipe you entered the room and the
one you just exited. Climb it and jump towards the platform towards the north.
Here, there's a giant green clock you can collect to obtain a 100 extra seconds
on the timer. You then want to chase and tag the big bunny, who gives you a 
Mega Mushroom to make you grow Hulk-sized.


Rush towards the bridge eastward when you see a pile of giant bricks on the
ground, jump then press ZL/ZR/B depending on your controller to ground pound
and smash through the bricks. Head east and get Green Star #3. Now, go into
the Warp Box to return to the surface.

Either use the Clear Pipe or climb the wall with a Cat Suit to head to higher
ground. Now head North and climb the stairs. At the top, build up some speed if
you're not a cat and long jump to get to the top and get as points as you can,
or if you're a cat just chill because you can just climb up the pole. Anyway,
that's all for World 1-1!

As you exit, a path will form to 1-2 Koopa Troopa Cave.

  _    ___                                                                    
 / |__|_  )                                                                   
 | |___/ /                                                                    
 |_| _/___|                  _____                           ___              
 | |/ /___  ___ _ __  __ _  |_   _| _ ___  ___ _ __  __ _   / __|__ ___ _____ 
 | '  TO WORLD 3 >
                      |        |     .--A--'-5       
> FROM WORLD 1 > 1----|        |---4-'    M    1UP
                    S '---3----'

1 - World 2-1 Conkdor Canyon
2 - World 2-2 Puffprod Peaks
3 - World 2-3 Shadow Play Alley
4 - World 2-4 Really Rolling Hills
A - World 2-A Big Galoomba Blockade
5 - World 2-5 Double Cherry Pass
F - World 2-F Bowser's Bullet Bill Brigade
M - World 2-M Mystery House Melee
P - Pipe
C - Carnival Tent
1UP - 1UP Location
- - Path
S - Slot Machine
CT - Carnival Tent
> - Clear Pipe

  ___    _                                                     
 |_  )__/ |                                                    
  / /___| |                                                    
 /___|  |_|     _      _            ___                        
  / __|___ _ _ | |____| |___ _ _   / __|__ _ _ _ _  _ ___ _ _  
 | (__/ _ \ ' \| / / _` / _ \ '_| | (__/ _` | ' \ || / _ \ ' \ 
  \___\___/_||_|_\_\__,_\___/_|    \___\__,_|_||_\_, \___/_||_|

Timer      : 400
Green Stars: 3
Stamp      : Jumping Mario
Difficulty : 2/5

Please welcome the Conkdors! These ostrich-like enemies     .----NEW ENEMY----.
conk their head down and attempt to kill you, but a bonk    | Conkdors conk   |
on the head finishes them. Yeah, not that hard.             | down to hit you |
                                                            | but a bonk on   |
Anyways, proceed eastwards and beware of the Conkdor here   | the head kills  |
as you pass by it. You'll need to cross above the sand and  | them.           |
hit the ? block to obtain a Super Bell.                     '-----------------'


Get onto the trio of blocks and climb the wall here to obtain the first Green
Star in between a circle of coins.

Use the jump pad as you proceed east and climb the platforms, killing the
Conkdors as you go along. After the 2nd Conkdor, you will notice a green block
along the wall. Cat Climb all the way to the top and enter the golden pipe.

Hit the golden P-switch and...

So money does rain from the sky! Collect as many as you can, after that, exit
through the pipe.


Proceed east and activate the Red Coin Ring, collecting all the red coins to
obtain a 1-Up or powerup. Proceed east, then up the slope past a group of 6
Conkdors (just run past them) and trigger the Checkpoint Flag here.

Head north, carefully passing by the moving platforms. There's a Roulette Block
just past that and then, you have to navigate the narrow pathways with Conkdors
coming in for the kill.


Just run past them and hopefully, if you don't stop, you'll make it past the
Conkdors just fine. Past that, you'll see a Conkdor surrounded by 4 gray blocks.
Get him to destroy the northern block and get the second Green Star.

Just west of the Conkdor climb the sandfall (get it?) to get an extra 100
seconds on the clock. Also, one of the blocks to the northeast is a Coin Box.
Hit it as many times as you can and it will become a Coin Box - the faster you
run the faster the coins come!


Proceed eastward and you will see the goal pole to the north. Collect the stamp
here first, but for now proceed towards the east.


Captain Toad is being harassed by a Conkdor! Kill it and he'll give you a Green
Star! Waahoo! Too easy!

Anyway, proceed back to where you found the stamp, run north and boom! You're
done for now!

The path will then open to 2-2 Puffprod Peaks (location at least) and 2-3
Shadow Play Alley. Also, you will be asked to set up Miiverse.
  ___   ___                                                  
 |_  )_|_  )                                                 
  / /___/ /                                                  
 /___| /___|__  __                  _   ___          _       
 | _ \_  _ / _|/ _|_ __ _ _ ___  __| | | _ \___ __ _| |__ ___
 |  _/ || |  _|  _| '_ \ '_/ _ \/ _` | |  _/ -_) _` | / /(_-<
 |_|  \_,_|_| |_| | .__/_| \___/\__,_| |_| \___\__,_|_\_\/__/

Hold on there! You need 15 Green Stars for this level, which you should have
plenty to spare if you've been following my guide.

Timer      : 400
Green Stars: 3
Stamp      : Goomba
Difficulty : 1.5/5

Welcome to Puffprod Peaks! You'll need the GamePad to play this level because
it is used to make platforms move using the touch screen and blow on platforms
to push them along.

As you begin, move forward and use the GamePad's touch screen to raise the
purple platform or alternatively Cat Climb the wall behind it. Head northwest
and use the touch screen to raise the platforms again. Do you see the two
platforms you can raise. Raise the northern one, the one further away and drop
down to the hole below.


Use the touch screen in this room again to raise the        .----NEW ENEMY----.
platform and obtain the Goomba stamp.                       | Galoombas are   |
                                                            | a stronger kind |
Anyways, exit using the Green Pipe. I forgot to mention     | of Goombas that |
that raising the first platform will reveal the Mini Goomba | require 2 hits  |
species of enemies. They're smaller and won't kill you, but | to kill.        |
instead hang on to you and slow you down.                   '-----------------'

                                                            .----NEW ENEMY----.
Proceed onwards and use the touch screen to extend the      | Mini Goombas    |
blocks and create stairs to proceed to the top. Extend the  | don't kill but  |
platforms in a zigzag pattern like this:                    | slow you down.  |
    G                     Follow the path and once you get to the top, either
                          wall jump off of the left wall or Cat Climb to obtain
 '------.     .-------<   the first Green Star.
        .------'          --- CHECKPOINT FLAG ALERT ---
 <------.                 Move towards the east and hit the Checkpoint Flag
        '------.          here before proceeding towards the north.
               .------>   In this next section, you will blow on the GamePad's
        .------'          microphone to move these platforms in their set path.
 X >----'                 So, do exactly just that to raise the platform and
                          proceed to the next area using the Warp Box.

In this next area, continue using the GamePad mic to blow the platforms. The
Mini Goombas here will get blown away, which is a nice little touch. In the
next section, there are 3 parallel platforms. Don't blow to let the first one
reach the end of its path, blow to use the second one and the transfer over to
the third one, let it return and use the Cloud Cannon to reach a bonus area.


Obtain the Starman and run through this area to obtain a 1UP as you kill all of
the Galoombas. Don't forget to jump at the end to obtain the second Green Star.


Proceed as usual and again use the touch screen to extend the platforms. You
will notice that under the third platform there is a track. Blow on the mic to
make a platform come and fetch, let your character drop and use the platform to
obtain Green Star number 3.

Use the blow platform and extend the second platform before going to the third
one to be back on solid ground.

Proceed west and do the usual affair, use the blow platform, extend the touch
platforms and GOAL!

Once you finish the path will open to a Pipe with a Toad House and 2-4 Really
Rolling Hills.

  ___   ____                                                           
 |_  )_|__ /                                                           
  / /___|_ \                                                           
 /___|_|___/       _              ___ _               _   _ _          
 / __| |_  __ _ __| |_____ __ __ | _ \ |__ _ _  _    /_\ | | |___ _  _ 
 \__ \ ' \/ _` / _` / _ \ V  V / |  _/ / _` | || |  / _ \| | / -_) || |
 |___/_||_\__,_\__,_\___/\_/\_/  |_| |_\__,_|\_, | /_/ \_\_|_\___|\_, |
                                             |__/                 |__/
Timer      : 400
Green Stars: 3
Stamp      : Piranha Plant
Difficulty : 1/5
Best player: Luigi

Welcome to 2-3, one of the levels Nintendo's really proud of, because boy I've
seen numerous videos and screenshots of it!

This level is more of a side-scrolling level than a Full 3D one, but it's one
of my personal favorite levels in the game. Proceed east and you'll see a
potted Piranha Plant that you can grab. Take it and it takes the role of Yoshi
- it eats everything in sight!


As you proceed east, you'll come across gaps in between pillars. In the second
gap proceed south, towards the screen, to obtain the first Green Star. See, you
are using shadows to find secrets in this level, which I think is a really neat

Proceed east once again and you'll come across the annoying fuzzies. They're no
longer annoying (in this level) because your Piranha Plant devour them whole!

As you proceed right, if you're still is possesion of a potted Piranha, there's
a second one. Guess what yours does? It eats it and obliterates it! That's kind
of... disturbing, but OK...


Proceed right and you'll come across a new enemy - the      .----NEW ENEMY----.
Venus Firetraps! Your potted Plant buddy will eat them too, | Venus Firetraps |
so no worries for now. Continue towards the right and you   | shoot fireballs |
will then come across the Checkpoint Flag.                  | but they stay   |
                                                            | in one place so |
Hit it and you'll have to say goodbye to your buddy. Drop   | they're not too |
him and go through the Super Mario Bros. 2 style door.      | hard.           |
Now you're playing in the shadows, just like the silhouette levels in DKCR.
Continue right and you'll come across another potted plant to help you along
the way. Just past the fuzzies there's a Super Bell hanging out in the air so
grab that if you need one.


Be careful of the giant Piranha Plant here. Your smaller one won't eat it, so
you'll have to jump on it. Don't lose your cat powers, because you'll need it
to obtain the stamp. Use your scratch attack to claw through the bricks under
the Piranha Plant to obtain the Piranha Plant stamp.


As you return to the light world, proceed right and blow on .----NEW ENEMY----.
the Pink Fuzzies (that's what I call them). Use the GamePad | Pink Fuzzies    |
to knock them out for a few moments. Go into the Mystery    | can be knocked  |
Box behind it. Press the P-Switch and go under the stairs   | out with a blow |
to get the second Green Star.                               | of the mic.     |

Continue proceeding east, past the moving platforms. Bypass the door and go
into the hole in the wall. You'll find Captain Toad being harassed once again.
Proceed south and destroy the Bowser cutout and approach the Captain to get the
third and final Green Star.

Now return to the door, exit and GOAL!

The path will then form to 2-4 Really Rolling Hills.

  ___    _ _                                                      
 |_  )__| | |                                                     
  / /___|_  _|                                                    
 /___|    |_|  _ _        ___     _ _ _             _  _ _ _ _    
 | _ \___ __ _| | |_  _  | _ \___| | (_)_ _  __ _  | || (_) | |___
 |   / -_) _` | | | || | |   / _ \ | | | ' \/ _` | | __ | | | (_-<
 |_|_\___\__,_|_|_|\_, | |_|_\___/_|_|_|_||_\__, | |_||_|_|_|_/__/
                   |__/                     |___/  

Timer      : 500
Green Stars: 3
Stamp      : Small Mario
Difficulty : 1/5
Best player: Mario

Welcome to 2-4 Really Rolling Hills! This level has changed quite a bit since
it was first shown off, from changing from 2-1 to 2-4, to changing names from
Mice Hills to Really Rolling Hills and many other minor details in the level.

Anyways, as soon as you head north you'll meet a new enemy  .----NEW ENEMY----.
running on the rolling ground - mice! They don't do much    | Mice run on the |
except stand there and wait to be killed, so they don't put | rolling hills.  |
up much (if any) of a challenge to players.                 | They don't do   |
                                                            | much but stay   |
--- GREEN STAR ALERT ---                                    | there. Easiest  |
                                                            | kill ever.      |
Use the Clear Pipe just north of the rolling hill and Cat   '-----------------'
Climb the wall north. Up there is your first Green Star.


Immediately south of the first Green Star is a switch only Mario can trigger.
Stand on it as him to obtain the level's stamp - Small Mario.

Proceed east towards the rolling hills with Galoombas and mice. There's a red
coin ring in this area if you wish to collect a powerup or 1-Up. Immediately
east of where you enter, there's a crate containing a baseball that you can use
to defeat the Galoombas and mice if you wish and under one of the rolling hills
towards the southeast has a 1UP if you crawl under it.


You can Cat Climb the wall to the east and a load of coins will appear as you
run but once you're done playing around, head north and hit the Checkpoint Flag

Once you're done, head north and then east towards the Green Pipe in this area
to proceed to the next section.

Take the top route and once the path rejoins, Cat Climb the wall to the east to
access a hidden alcove where a load of coins await.


Enter the warp pipe below where you're standing and activate all of the floor
tiles here by stepping on them. Doing so will cause the level's second Green
Star to spawn. Exit and proceed east.


You will then come across three rolling wheels. Drop in between any of the gaps
to come to an underground area with the level's last Green Star. Use the pipe
to return and then enter the pipe next to it.

And we're done with this level! After hitting the flagpole the path will spawn
to 2-A Big Galoomba Blockade.

  ___     _                                          
 |_  )__ /_\                                         
  / /___/ _ \                                        
 /___|_/_/ \_\  ___      _                _          
 | _ |_)__ _   / __|__ _| |___  ___ _ __ | |__  __ _ 
 | _ \ / _` | | (_ / _` | / _ \/ _ \ '  \| '_ \/ _` |
 |___/_\__, |  \___\__,_|_\___/\___/_|_|_|_.__/\__,_|
 | _ ) |___/ __| |____ _ __| |___                    
 | _ \ / _ \/ _| / / _` / _` / -_)                   

Timer      : 200
Green Stars: 1
Stamp      : None
Difficulty : 1/5
Best player: Luigi

You're on a rock randomly floating in lava and you have 3   .----NEW ENEMY----.
Big Galoombas around you. What do you do? Take 'em down of  | Big Galoombas   |
course! After you defeat all three Big Galoombas you'll     | aren't hard. 2  |
get the level's Green Star.                                 | hits kill them. |
After you complete the level the path will form to 2-5 Double Cherry Pass.

  ___    ___                                                             
 |_  )__| __|                                                            
  / /___|__ \                                                            
 /___|  |___/   _    _        ___ _                       ___            
 |   \ ___ _  _| |__| |___   / __| |_  ___ _ _ _ _ _  _  | _ \__ _ ______
 | |) / _ \ || | '_ \ / -_) | (__| ' \/ -_) '_| '_| || | |  _/ _` (_-<_-<
 |___/\___/\_,_|_.__/_\___|  \___|_||_\___|_| |_|  \_, | |_| \__,_/__/__/

Timer      : 400
Green Stars: 3
Stamp      : Fire Peach
Difficulty : 1.5/5
Best player: Luigi

You will see a curious item as you enter the level - a Cherry! That's a new
powerup in the game that was put in accidentally by a programmer, but the team
liked it so they made a powerup for it! Anyways, the Double Cherry makes a
clone of your character that follows your every move! Doubles firepower and
doubles the challenge too!

Anyways, a note before we proceed - careful not to lose too many clones as the
level's stamp and one of the Green Stars requires 4 and 2 people respectively.

Proceed towards the northwest corner and jump to hit an invisible block that
contains a Fire Flower, which paired with the Double Cherry is ****ing deadly.


Proceed east and hit the leftmost crate to the left of the Clear Pipe to get a
second Double Cherry. Now destroy the top-right crate to get the level's first
Green Star.

Use the Clear Pipe and then the Green Pipe to proceed to the next area.


As you proceed forward, use your firepower to destroy all   .----NEW ENEMY----.
these new soldier like enemies (feel free to inform me of   | Soldier-like    |
their official name). Anyways, proceed forward and if you   | enemies walk in |
followed my advice of at least 2 characters on screen, use  | a line and die  |
the seperator to split up your clones and step on the 2     | after 1 hit.    |
panels to spawn the level's second Green Star.              '-----------------'


Use the rightmost Clear Pipe to proceed to the next area. Proceed north and hit
the level's Checkpoint Flag as you go. Use your firepower here and destroy all
of the soldier-like enemies. Be sure to collect the Double Cherry that one of
them leaves behind to spawn the third clone.

Proceed to the easternmost corner of this sloping area and jump just in front
of the purple block to get another Double Cherry for backup.


Move towards the western edge of this area and get one of your clones atop the
leftmost ? block. Now get another clone to hit below that and continue doing so
until you spot the level's Stamp. Oh and the rightmost ? block contains another
Double Cherry.

There's also a Red Coin Ring in this area if you wish to use it, but once all
your business is done proceed north. You will then come     .----NEW ENEMY----.
across a Fire Bros., easily killed with a fireball. Once he | Fire Bros shoot |
is dead, a Green Pipe will spawn which you enter to         | fireballs but   |
proceed to the level's final area.                          | are killed in a |
                                                            | single hit.     |
--- GREEN STAR ALERT ---                                    '-----------------'
In the final area, if you have at least 3 clones and yourself, step on the 4
platform and get it to rise to obtain the level's third and final Green Star.

Now you can proceed to the goal and we're done with this level! The path will
now spawn to 2-F Bowser's Bullet Bill Brigade and also the world's slot
machine will open up.

  ___    ___                                                          
 |_  )__| __|                                                         
  / /___| _|                                                          
 /___|  |_|                   _      ___      _ _     _     ___ _ _ _ 
 | _ ) _____ __ _____ ___ _ _( )___ | _ )_  _| | |___| |_  | _ |_) | |
 | _ \/ _ \ V  V (_-

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