The Best GTA V FAQ And Strategy Guide - Guide for Grand Theft Auto V

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             Video support guide at:                   \     /
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   Add me on LifeInvader!              ___
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                  Grand Theft Auto, Virtuality and The Matrix

I remember playing the first Grand Theft Auto (you know, the one with the third
person helicopter view) when I was around the age of eleven. Being a notoriously
difficult game I was terrible at it; it's hard for me to remember whether I
finished the game or not. The same basically applied to Grand Theft Auto 2, but
when the third installment of the series came around I was instantly hooked. I
recall roaming the virtual world of Liberty City for months and I'm pretty sure
all of my friends did as well. It was almost as if we moved to a different city
that also existed. And so it was with the sequels.

Reflect on all of this and it becomes apparent that digital, virtual worlds do
'exist' in a rather important sense, in that you can memorize and recall their
'existential spatiality' as well as their narrative, music and sounds. Touch,
smell and taste are missing as of yet, surely because they're not going to be
all that pleasant at times in a GTA universe, but we can nonetheless speak of a
true lifeworld in which one can meaningfully dwell, in our present age mostly
for recreational purposes (although the internet is in its own right a virtual
world with a more diverse set of goals). Virtual lifeworlds share similarities
with everyday worlds but are fundamentally different in that they're created by
humans from the bottom up, and thus every single piece of content is meaningful
or intended (glitches aside, which are the unintended side effects and
manifestation of the imperfection of human existence). In a demythologized real
world the meaning of life for people addicted to videogames is thus: "Stay

Many virtual lifeworlds are extremely linear, despite exploration being one of
the most fundamental attractive forces of (virtual) worlds in general. Diving
into a flat digital universe (which can be 'three-dimensional' yet nonetheless
still flat) in which you're robbed of some of your 'existential freedom' is an
extremely disappointing experience, the prime reason why such worlds are fairly
quickly forgotten. After all, narrative-driven videogames distinguish themselves
from books (which can be simply read) and movies (which are simply watched from
beginning to end) in that they're dynamic experiences instead of static;
narrative is variable and so is the playful aspect between semantic core points
of the world's meaningful structure.

Besides our own non-digital world becoming increasingly more infested with
virtual behavior (e.g. people constantly using their smartphone), classic
videogame worlds are also becoming larger and more complex, up to the point that
one can virtually spend months if not years inside such realms. Perhaps it's
good to realize that as with for example any object of art it is the dynamical
interaction between person and object that's most interesting here; a stored-
away painting that no one ever gets to see doesn't 'exist' in its potentially
most vital form, it only exists as having a frame and some paint gently put onto
(or smashed at) a canvas, or if not even that, doesn't exist at all.

The same applies to any virtual world; people need to be plugged in to make it
important in this vital sense. The virtual system craves our attention, needs us
desperately; demands our visit. And so it's not only us who benefit from
technological enhancements, but virtual entities - thought of as a dynamically
complex form of human behavior in interaction with technology - benefit from us
as well and can indeed steer us in a certain direction. Obviously no one will
claim with any seriousness that we collectively have the existential willpower
to destroy all our smartphones, computers, televisions and so on (even though it
can theoretically be done, but that is completely irrelevant at this point).

A supra-individual lifeworld may not be too far away, a world in which man's
will is primarily subordinate to the dynamic control of virtual entities, while
living with the illusion that he is historically more free than ever. Balancing
one's activities seems like a natural first step to close in on an understanding
of this paradox. It thus becomes clear that avoiding virtuality altogether is
not the solution (and if it isn't outright impossible, it's certainly
undesirable). With Grand Theft Auto 5 we have yet another digital playfield at
'our' disposal to try and find a constructive attitude towards virtuality. For
those with some (sub)conscious understanding of the above matters it can be
interpreted as an invitation to test and further explore paradoxes of
virtuality. Rests us to greet those ignorant of these matters as follows:
"Welcome to the Matrix."

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  `._______|`.______.´|___||___|`._______| `.______.´|___|`.______.´|___||___|

                   "Don't be a leech; be a seed! Respect."

                  If you find this guide helpful and are
                  thankful for all the hard work, consider
                  one of the following options to donate:

                  1. Paypal donation at: [email protected]
                  2. Make a purchase at by searching
                     for your item through my referral search
                     box (this grants me 4% profit with no
                     additional costs for you), found at:

                  Thank you very much for your consideration!

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   Use Ctrl+F to find what you're looking for, and copy/paste the brackets [].

      I.     CONTROLS [CON]
      1.1    Playstation 3 Controls ............................ [CON-1]
      1.2    Xbox 360 Controls ................................. [CON-2]

      II.    BASICS & TIPS [BSC]
      2.1    Basics ............................................ [BSC-1]
      2.2    Tips .............................................. [BSC-2]

      3.001  MM #1: Prologue ................................... [WLK-001]
      3.002  MM #2: Franklin and Lamar ......................... [WLK-002]
      3.003  MM #3: Repossession ............................... [WLK-003]
      3.004  MM #4: Complications .............................. [WLK-004]
      3.005  MM #5: Father/Son ................................. [WLK-005]
      3.006  MM #6: Marriage Counseling ........................ [WLK-006]
      3.007  MM #7: Friend Request ............................. [WLK-007]
      3.008  MM #8: The Good Husband ........................... [WLK-008]
      3.009  MM #9: Casing the Jewel Store ..................... [WLK-009]
      3.010  MM #10: Chop ...................................... [WLK-010]
      3.011  MM #11: The Long Stretch .......................... [WLK-011]
      3.012  MM #12: Daddy's Little Girl ....................... [WLK-012]
      3.013  MM #13: Bugstars Equipment ........................ [WLK-013]
      3.014  MM #14: BZ Gas Grenades ........................... [WLK-014]
      3.015  MM #15: The Jewel Store Job ....................... [WLK-015]
      3.016  MM #16: Mr. Philips ............................... [WLK-016]
      3.017  MM #17: Trevor Philips Industries ................. [WLK-017]
      3.018  MM #18: Nervous Ron ............................... [WLK-018]
      3.019  MM #19: Crystal Maze .............................. [WLK-019]
      3.020  MM #20: Friends Reunited .......................... [WLK-020]
      3.021  MM #21: Fame or Shame ............................. [WLK-021]
      3.022  MM #22: Dead Man Walking .......................... [WLK-022]
      3.023  MM #23: Did Somebody Say Yoga? .................... [WLK-023]
      3.024  MM #24: Three's Company ........................... [WLK-024]
      3.025  MM #25: Hood Safari ............................... [WLK-025]
      3.026  MM #26: By the Book ............................... [WLK-026]
      3.027  MM #27: Scouting the Port ......................... [WLK-027]
      3.028  MM #28: Hotel Assassination ....................... [WLK-028]
      3.029  MM #29: The Multi Target Assassination ............ [WLK-029]
      3.030  MM #30: Minisub ................................... [WLK-030]
      3.031  MM #31: Tow Truck ................................. [WLK-031]
      3.032  MM #32: Trash Truck ............................... [WLK-032]
      3.033  MM #33: Boiler Suits .............................. [WLK-033]
      3.034  MM #34: Masks ..................................... [WLK-034]
      3.035  MM #35: The Merryweather Heist .................... [WLK-035]
      3.036  MM #36: Blitz Play ................................ [WLK-036]
      3.037  MM #37: Mr. Richards .............................. [WLK-037]
      3.038  MM #38: I Fought the Law.. ........................ [WLK-038]
      3.039  MM #39: Eye in the Sky ............................ [WLK-039]
      3.040  MM #40: Caida Libre ............................... [WLK-040]
      3.041  MM #41: The Vice Assassination .................... [WLK-041]
      3.042  MM #42: Deep Inside ............................... [WLK-042]
      3.043  MM #43: The Bus Assassination ..................... [WLK-043]
      3.044  MM #44: Minor Turbulence .......................... [WLK-044]
      3.045  MM #45: Paleto Score Setup ........................ [WLK-045]
      3.046  MM #46: Military Hardware ......................... [WLK-046]
      3.047  MM #47: Predator .................................. [WLK-047]
      3.048  MM #48: The Paleto Score .......................... [WLK-048]
      3.049  MM #49: Derailed .................................. [WLK-049]
      3.050  MM #50: Monkey Business ........................... [WLK-050]
      3.051  MM #51: Hang Ten .................................. [WLK-051]
      3.052  MM #52: Surveying the Score ....................... [WLK-052]
      3.053  MM #53: Bury the Hatchet .......................... [WLK-053]
      3.054  MM #54: Pack Man .................................. [WLK-054]
      3.055  MM #55: Fresh Meat ................................ [WLK-055]
      3.056  MM #56: The Ballad of Rocco ....................... [WLK-056]
      3.057  MM #57: Cleaning out the Bureau ................... [WLK-057]
      3.058  MM #58: Reuniting the Family ...................... [WLK-058]
      3.059  MM #59: Architect's Plans ......................... [WLK-059]
      3.060  MM #60: Doting Dad ................................ [WLK-060]
      3.061  MM #61: Fire Truck ................................ [WLK-061]
      3.062  MM #62: Legal Trouble ............................. [WLK-062]
      3.063  MM #63: The Construction Assassination ............ [WLK-063]
      3.064  MM #64: The Bureau Raid ........................... [WLK-064]
      3.065  MM #65: The Wrap Up ............................... [WLK-065]
      3.066  MM #66: Lamar Down ................................ [WLK-066]
      3.067  MM #67: Meltdown .................................. [WLK-067]
      3.068  MM #68: Stingers .................................. [WLK-068]
      3.069  MM #69: Gauntlet - Pillbox Hill ................... [WLK-069]
      3.070  MM #70: Gauntlet - Rockford Hills ................. [WLK-070]
      3.071  MM #71: Gauntlet - Mission Row .................... [WLK-071]
      3.072  MM #72: The Big One ............................... [WLK-072]
      3.073  MM #73: The Third Way ............................. [WLK-073]

             RADIO [RAD]
             APPENDICES [APX]
             FAQS [FAQ]

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  `._____.´`.______.´|___||___| `.______.´|___||___|`.______.´|_______||____.´

            _.——————._     PS3 GAME CONTROLS [CON-1]      _.——————._
           |    L2    |    ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯     |    R2    |
          /|—´¯¯¯¯¯¯`—|\                                /|—´¯¯¯¯¯¯`—|\
         //|    L1    |\\______________________________//|    R1    |\\
       //'               `.        S  O  N  Y        .´               '\\
      /'       .——.        '                        '        .——.       '\
     /         |UP|         \   ____        ____   /        ( /\ )        \
    (     .——.  \/  .——.     ) [ SL ]      [ ST > (    .——.  `——´  .——.    )
    |     |LT >    < RT|     |  ¯¯¯¯        ¯¯¯¯  |   ( [] )      ( () )   |
   .(     '——'  /\  '——'     )_       .——.       _(    `——´  .——.  `——´    ).
     \         |DN|            `.    ( PS )    .´           ( >< )        /
  ´   `.       '——'      .´¯¯`.  \    `——´    /  .´¯¯`.      `——´       .´   `
  |     `._             .  LA  .  )          (  .  RA  .             _.´     |
  |        ¯—._____.—.  '  L3  '  |__________|  '  R3  '  .—._____.—¯        |
  |                  /\  `.__.´  /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\  `.__.´  /\                  |
  |                 /  `._    _,´              `._    _,´  \                 |
  |                /      ¯¯¯¯                    ¯¯¯¯      \                |
  '              .´                                          `.              '
   \           .´                                              `.           /
    `._     _.´                                                  `._     _.´
       ¯¯¯¯¯    .´¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯`.    ¯¯¯¯¯
                |   UP = UP            |   /\ = TRIANGLE       |
                |   DN = DOWN          |   [] = SQUARE         |
                |   LT = LEFT          |   () = CIRCLE         |
                |   RT = RIGHT         |   >< = CROSS          |
                |                      |                       |
                |   L1 = L1 TRIGGER    |   R1 = R1 TRIGGER     |
                |   L2 = L2 TRIGGER    |   R2 = R2 TRIGGER     |
                |                      |                       |
                |   LA = LEFT ANALOG   |   RA = RIGHT ANALOG   |
                |   L3 = L3 (PRESS)    |   R3 = R3 (PRESS)     |
                |                      |                       |
                |   SL = SELECT        |   ST = START          |
                |                      |                       |
                |            PS = PLAYSTATION BUTTON           |

                 ____    XBOX 360 GAME CONTROLS [CON-2]    ____
               .´ LT `.  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯  .´ RT `.
            .—´————————`—._                          _.—´————————`—.
          .´      LB     / `—.____________________.—´\      RB      `.
         ´¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯`—.___    Microsoft    ___.—´¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯`
        ´                      ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                       `
       ´                      __     .\¯¯/.     __            .—.       `
      ´     .´¯¯`.           (BK)   .  \/  .   (ST)          ( Y )       `
     ´     .  LA  .           ¯¯    '  /\  '    ¯¯       .—.  `—´  .—.    `
    ,      '  LP  '                  `/__\´             ( X )     ( B )    .
            `.__.´        .——.                           `—´  .—.  `—´
   ´                      |UP|                               ( A )          `
                      .——. \/ .——.              .´¯¯`.        `—´
  ´                   |LT >  < RT|             .  RA  .                      `
 .                    '——' /\ '——'             '  RP  '                      .
 |                        |DN|                  `.__.´                       |
 |                        '——'                                               |
 |                                                                           |
 |                      . ´¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯` .                      |
 |                   .´                                 `.                   |
 .                 .´                                     `.                 .
                 .´                                         `.
  `            .´                                             `.            ´
   `.        .´                                                 `.        .´
     `._  _.´  .´¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯`.   `._  _.´
        ¯¯     |   UP = UP            |    Y = Y              |      ¯¯
               |   DN = DOWN          |    X = X              |
               |   LT = LEFT          |    B = B              |
               |   RT = RIGHT         |    A = A              |
               |                      |                       |
               |   LB = LEFT BUTTON   |   RB = RIGHT BUTTON   |
               |   LT = LEFT TRIGGER  |   RT = RIGHT TRIGGER  |
               |                      |                       |
               |   LA = LEFT ANALOG   |   RA = RIGHT ANALOG   |
               |   LP = LEFT ANALOG   |   RP = RIGHT ANALOG   |
               |        (PUSH DOWN)   |        (PUSH DOWN)    |
               |                      |                       |
               |   BK = BACK          |   ST = START          |
               |                      |                       |
               |            GIANT "X" = XBOX GUIDE            |

            |        COMMAND:         |          ACTION:          |
            |   Left Analog Stick     |         Movement          |
            |   Right Analog Stick    |      Camera Movement      |
            | Left Analog Stick (Push)|       Stealth Mode        |
            |Right Analog Stick (Push)|         Zoom aim          |
            |                         |                           |
            |  Directional Pad (Up)   |         Use Phone         |
            | Directional Pad (Left)  | Contextual/Blow Explosives|
            | Directional Pad (Right) |        Contextual         |
            | Directional Pad (Down)  |  Zoom out minimap/SWITCH  |
            |                         |                           |
            |           A             |       Sprint/Brake        |
            |           B             |       Cancel/Reload       |
            |           X             |           Climb           |
            |           Y             |       Enter Vehicle       |
            |                         |                           |
            |           LB            |        Weapon Wheel       |
            |           LT            |            Aim            |
            |           RB            |         Take cover        |
            |           RT            |            Fire           |
            |                         |                           |
            |          Start          |       Pause/Options       |
            |          Back           |       Change Camera       |

              |   |                         _
              |   |                 _____  |_|             _____
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              |        ||   ''   |.———'  ||   ||   ''   |.———'  |
              |_______.´`._______||____.´ |___| `._____.´|____.´ [BSC]

                              UNDER CONSTRUCTION

                                       _                               _
                                      | |                             | |
                    _           .'¯'—.| '——.                          | '——.
   |¯| __ |¯|.´¯¯`.| |   |¯|/¯/|   __||    ||¯¯¯¯`..´¯¯`.|¯||¯|.´¯¯¯¯||    |
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    `..´`..´ `.___||_____|_|\_\ `.__.´|_||_||_||__|`.__.´`.__.´`._   ||_||_|
                                                               .——'  | [WLK]
| MAIN MISSION #1 - Prologue [WLK-001]|
| EMPLOYER: ---                                                                |
| PREREQUISITES: ---                                                           |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS: MM #2 (Franklin and Lamar)                                  |
| VIDEO:              |

When the game starts, head to the guard, then aim at the hostages to make them
move into the closet. Bring up your phone to detonate the explosives set by T.
and move through the hall to collect your reward. After the short scene, switch
to T. by holding the down button. Use the right analog stick to switch and kill
the guard with a headshot.

At the end of the hallway, take cover behind some crates. Move outside and a 5-
star Wanted Level is automatically triggered. Kill the cops one by one while
staying behind pillars and objects, then slowly but surely move forward on the
road until you reach the vehicle at the far left side. Drive to the end of the
road, turn right when indicated and shoot as many cops as you can to trigger a
series of scenes and to finish the game's first mission 'successfully'.

| MAIN MISSION #2 - Franklin and Lamar [WLK-002]|
| EMPLOYER: ---                                                                |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #1 (Prologue)                                              |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS: ---                                                         |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Not a Scratch: Deliver the repo car with minimal damage. |
|                  2. Focused Driver: Use Franklin's special ability for 7     |
|                     seconds.                                                 |
|                  3. Winner: Win the race against Lamar.                      |
|                  4. We Come in Peace: Avoid hitting any aliens in the movie  |
|                     studio.                                                  |
| VIDEO:    |

As Franklin, follow Lamar and choose one of the cars (red or white). Keep
following Lamar by car until he enters a parking lot; simply keep track of the
little blip on your minimap to get an idea of where Lamar is (or is headed).
Be sure not to hit any of the 'aliens' at the movie set, and keep up with Lamar
to fulfill all completion requirements (besides not damaging the car too much,
and using Franklin's special ability for 7 seconds).

Just your luck; the cops show up and you'll have to get rid of a 2-star Wanted
Level. Exit the parking lot and accelerate on the road while also monitoring
your minimap to avoid any incoming police cars. If you can stay out of the
Wanted Zone long enough you'll automatically lose the Wanted Level. When you
have done so, take your car back to the dealer. After the scene, all you have to
do is drive to Franklins home and park the car in his garage to end the mission.

              TROPHY/ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Welcome to Los Santos
You can rest (save your game) in his bedroom. There's a health pack in the
kitchen (as well as beer) and of course you can watch some funny TV shows.

| MAIN MISSION #3 - Repossession [WLK-003]|
| EMPLOYER: Simeon                                                             |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #2 (Franklin and Lamar)                                    |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Time: Complete within 06:30.                             |
|                  2. Trail Blazer: Shoot the gasoline trail.                  |
|                  3. Headshots: Kill 6 enemies with a headshot.               |
|                  4. Accuracy: Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 70%|
| VIDEO:          |

Head over to Simeon's dealership, then follow the waypoint and park the car on
the road. Climb over the fence and follow Lamar to the end of the street. Since
you'll want to finish this mission in a speedy fashion, immediately open up the
garage on the right (which triggers a scene - the other doesn't).

Collect the dropped weapon afterwards and start dispatching the gang members one
by one while staying mostly covered. Keep in mind that if you want a perfect
ranking, you'll have to kill at least six enemies with headshots, and you must
also have a shooting accuracy of 70%+. When the car crashes into the wall, shoot
the gasoline trail, then quickly dispatch any remaining enemies and run back to
your car to chase the biker.

Don't allow for too much distance between you and the biker, or the mission will
automatically fail. If you can catch up with him, try driving next to him and
trigger Franklin's special to enter slow motion; this allows you to get a good
shot at the driver. Alternatively you can also crash your car into him if you're
certain you'll hit him. Grab the bike and drive it back to the indicated carwash
to finish the mission.

| MAIN MISSION #4 - Complications [WLK-004]|
| EMPLOYER: Simeon                                                             |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #3 (Repossession)                                          |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS: Switch between Franklin and Michael                         |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Time: Complete within 05:00.                             |
|                  2. Can't Touch This: Take no damage during the fight with   |
|                     Simeon.                                                  |
|                  3. Dirt Nap: Knock out the gardener with a stealth attack.  |
| VIDEO:         |

Head back to Simeon to find out he wants another vehicle. Drive yourself to the
waypoint and climb over the fence. Enter stealth mode (press the left analog
stick) and sneak up on the gardener, then knock him out. Enter the house by
going via the back; climb on the car, then on the roof and go inside the window.

Although the scenes that play when detected are hilarious (especially the one
downstairs), you cannot be seen by any of the residents or it'll be game over.
Head downstairs, turn left and enter the garage to reach the car.

Drive back to Simeon and do as you're told; drive through the glass window of
his shop. After this, defeat Simeon in a hand-to-hand fight. Be sure to never
get hit by him if you want 100% completion for this mission.



| MAIN MISSION #5 - Father/Son [WLK-005]|
| EMPLOYER: Michael                                                            |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #4 (Complications)                                         |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Quick Catch: Rescue Jimmy within 10 seconds.             |
|                  2. Not a Scratch: Deliver Amanda's car with no damage.      |
| VIDEO:             |

Switch back to Franklin and head over to Michael's house; he's 'waiting' for you
in the backyard. Turns out there's some work to do, so hop in the car and drive
towards the waypoint.

Once you reach it, a truck with the boat on top drives past; quickly chase it!
Move the car close enough so Franklin can climb on top of the vehicle and help
him out by shooting the gang member when he asks for your help. Be sure to catch
Jimmy as soon as possible by driving underneath him; do so within 10 seconds if
you want full completion for this mission. After all this, drive towards the
closest Los Santos Customs (Pay & Spray) to repair your car. Drive Jimmy back to
Michael's house and be sure not to get as much as a scratch on it.

| STRANGER AND FREAKS #1 - Pulling Favors [WLK-SF-001]|
| EMPLOYER: Tonya                                                              |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #2 (Franklin and Lamar)                                    |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Time: Complete within 05:00.                             |
|                  2. Unhook Bonus: Keep the vehicle hooked until delivery.    |

Drive up to the question mark indicated on your minimap. Tonya is one of the
many 'Stranger and Freaks' characters who give out (side) missions. This one's
a mandatory one in order to continue with the main story.

The mission itself is very simple. Drive up to indicated waypoint and get inside
the vehicle. Drive up to the car you're supposed to deliver and hook the crane
onto the car by driving up in front of it; the crane can be lowered by using
the left analog stick. Make your way back to the parking lot and place the
vehicle inside the indicated zone to finish this mission.

| MAIN MISSION #6 - Marriage Counseling [WLK-006]|
| EMPLOYER: Michael                                                            |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #4 (Complications) & SF #1 (Pulling Favors)                |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Not a Scratch: Complete with minimal damage to the Bison.|
|                  2. Time: Complete within 05:30.                             |
|                  3. Drive-by Killer: Kill 3 enemies whilst in a vehicle.     |
| VIDEO:   |

Head back to Michael (as Franklin) and you'll find more (household) trouble.
Follow the car and drive up the tracks as indicated, then stop the car and hook
it up.

As you drive back home, Madrazo's men are on your tail. Switch to Franklin and
kill all three of them. Save the driver for last and quickly head back home to
fully complete this mission.

After this you can pay Dr. Friedlander a visit for a funny scene (although it
does cost you $500 - yeah, sometimes it sucks to live in the capitalistic U.S.).

| MAIN MISSION #7 - Friend Request [WLK-007]|
| EMPLOYER: Lester                                                             |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #6 (Complications)                                         |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Time: Complete within 08:30.                             |
|                  2. Popups Clear: Clear all popups within 32 seconds.        |
| VIDEO:        |

There are several missions you can do at this point, but we have to start
somewhere, so let's meet a new employer called Lester. Remember that you can
turn on navigation by entering the main menu, going over to the map, and click
on any location on the map (in our case the 'L') to turn on a 'quickest-route'
navigation towards your indicated waypoint.

Lester wants you to invade the Lifeinvader building for starters. You'll need to
dress as a geek first, so stop by the Suburban outfitter and purchase a new set
of jeans and shirt. When you're all set to go, head over to the Lifeinvader
office and chill out with the programmer, then follow him to his office. You'll
have to help him get rid of his porn-laden PC first (as if a programmer doesn't
know how to); do this within 32 seconds to get full completion on this mission.

After this, head inside the nearby office marked on your minimap to place the
prototype. Head back home, watch some TV and flick on the right channel where
Lifeinvader CEO Jay Norris is doing a marketing talk. As soon as he pulls out
his smartphone, grab your own, go to contacts and 'call' Jay to finish this

| MAIN MISSION #8 - The Good Husband [WLK-008]|
| EMPLOYER: Amanda                                                             |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #7 (Friend Request)                                        |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: ---                                                         |
| VIDEO:      |

Once you've done the previous mission and drive around a little, Amanda will
call you saying she's in trouble. If you agree to help her (and as a good
husband, you should) then this mission is automatically accepted. 

Drive over to the police car as indicated on your minimap and hop inside. This
will instantly trigger a 3-star Wanted Level, so you'll want to step on it while
at the same time keeping a close eye on the minimap to avoid any incoming cops.
Avoid them long enough and the stars will begin to blink, until they vanish
completely after a little more time has passed. After this, simply drive Amanda
back home and dump the police car.

| MAIN MISSION #9 - Casing the Jewel Store [WLK-009]|
| EMPLOYER: Lester                                                             |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #7 (Friend Request)                                        |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Time: Complete within 08:00.                             |
|                  2. Picture Perfect: Capture all 3 security features in one  |
|                     picture.                                                 |

Before going back to Lester for the next mission, suit up (that's right, in a
suit, not in casual clothes) at Michael's place. Lester has an idea on how to
make some decent dollars and it involves jewelry.

Drive over to the waypoint and enter the Vangelico jewelry store. Inside, look
to your left and make a photo of the alarm keypad. Next, turn right and take a
photo of the vent. Then search the ceiling nearby (still on the right side) for
the camera and take a picture of that as well. If you get too close to the sales
lady, Michael will be forced into a conversation; it's not harmful, but it does
add to the mission time, which makes it more difficult to get 100%.

Exit the store and drive around the block to find an entrance to the roofs. Go
upstairs and up the two ladders, then move to the far end of the roofs, climbing
another ladder and moving on top of the last roof to find a high vantage point.
From here you can photograph the ventilation system of the jewelry store. Head
back to your vehicle and drive back to Lester's place.

Here you'll set up the first heist of the game. Depending on your approach, a
good gunman supposedly becomes more or less important, as Lester mentions
himself. However, it is worth mentioning that hiring a good gunman *is*
important in this case. A good driver and a good hacker are also important to
have around.

| MAIN MISSION #10 - Chop [WLK-010]|
| EMPLOYER: Franklin (Lamar)                                                   |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #7 (Friend Request) (?)                                    |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Not a Scratch: Complete with minimal damage to Lamar's   |
|                     van.                                                     |
|                  2. Homedog: Enter Chop's perspective for 10 seconds.        |
|                  3. Advanced Reflexes: Use Franklin's special ability for 7  |
|                     seconds.                                                 |
| VIDEO:                 |

As Franklin, drive up to his house to initiate this mission. Follow Lamar into
the van and drive to the waypoint. After the short scene, chase the biker until
he gets off, then give chase by foot. After climbing over several obstacles and
crashing through a fence you'll reach some train tracks, where you'll soon
enough lose the biker.

Change to Chop and stay in his perspective for ten seconds, then switch back to
Franklin again and start opening up the train boxcars. The first two don't hold
anything, but (after Chop goes 'I say what what in the butt') the next train
does. At this point you'll essentially have caught the biker, so carefully drive
back to Franklin's place, then park the car at the nearby parking lot to finish
this mission.

| MAIN MISSION #11 - The Long Stretch [WLK-011]|
| EMPLOYER: Franklin (Lamar & Stretch)                                         |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #10 (Chop)                                                 |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Accuracy: Finish wit a shooting accuracy of at least 60%.|
|                  2. Headshots: Kill 10 enemies with a headshot.              |
|                  3. Unmarked: Complete with minimal damage to health and     |
|                     armor.                                                   |
|                  4. Time: Complete within 10:30.                             |
| VIDEO:     |

As Franklin, drive home to activate this mission, which consists of three
phases. The first phase is easiest; simply drive to the indicated waypoint to
purchase a Shotgun (with Flashlight) and some ammunition at Ammu-Nation. It's
a good idea to also purchase some armor. Don't take your time since there's a
time limit on this mission for 100% completion. Drive to the waypoint and enter
the building to trigger a scene.

Of course things go wrong or it wouldn't be much of a mission. Make your way
through the room up ahead by staying behind cover and killing the gang members
with your shotgun. Try to kill as many as you can by aiming for their heads and
prevent getting hit as much as possible if you want a golden ranking. In the
next hall (where Lamar falls to the ground due to an exploding door) look for a
health kit. There is one more health kit at the far end of the big storage room;
it's next to the double doors you're supposed to go through in the corner. Waste
the last few gang members and head outside.

A 3-star Wanted Level is the price you pay for accepting shady offers from
friends. You can try to kill the gunmen from the helicopter although you might
as well make a run for it to the nearby ladder. Follow Stretch and Lamar until
you reach the road; quickly steal a car and escape the cops 'as usual'. You may
find it difficult to escape them at first, but take a good look at your minimap
and step on it. Eventually you'll lose the cops and you can drive back home.

| MAIN MISSION #12 - Daddy's Little Girl [WLK-012]|
| EMPLOYER: Michael                                                            |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #09 (Casing the Jewel Store)                               |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Fastest Speed: Reach top speed on the Seashark.          |
|                  2. Stabilizer: Don't fall off the bicycle.                  |
|                  3. Faster Than Fish: Swim to the boat within 01:00.         |

At Michael's place a scene automatically takes place when you return. Drive to
the beach and select one of the bikes. The race is straightforward and there is
no penalty for losing, but you'll want to stay on the bike without falling off
even once to get full completion. When you've reached the end of the race, swim
to the boat as fast as you can (under one minute is required for completion).

When you're racing the Seashark, quickly head for the sewers as indicated on the
minimap and try to reach the top speed. You should be able to lose the celebs
as long as you don't bump into things all the time. Return to the beach to
finish this mission.

| MAIN MISSION #13 - Bugstars Equipment [WLK-013]|
| EMPLOYER: Michael                                                            |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #12 (Daddy's Little Girl)                                  |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Sneaky Pest: Steal the Bugstars van without being        |
|                     detected.                                                |
| VIDEO:   |

This is in fact a very easy mission if you do it right. One easy way to get a
Bugstar van is to go to the southmost 'H' (mark it with a waypoint for your
convenience). When you reach the building, head around the right side (instead
of the front side) and enter stealth mode by pressing the left analog stick.
Knock out the man standing behind the van and steal the vehicle; simply drive
back out (not through the front, since there are more employees there) and park
the van near Lester's place.

Note: If one of the employees notices you during the theft, they'll call the
      police and you'll have to shake them off first.

| MAIN MISSION #14 - BZ Gas Grenades [WLK-014]|
| EMPLOYER: Michael                                                            |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #13 (Bugstars Equipment)                                   |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Loose Cargo: Shoot open the back doors to release the    |
|                     cargo.                                                   |

Pinpoint the second 'H' (heist) setup and follow the van. Be sure to shoot open
the back doors to get 100% completion on this mission, then take the van and
avoid the cops. Drive back to Lester to finish this short mission.

| MAIN MISSION #15 - The Jewel Store Job [WLK-015]|
| EMPLOYER: Michael/Lester                                                     |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #13 (Bugstars Equipment) & MM #14 (BZ Gas Grenades)        |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Quick Grab: Steal the Jewelry within 50 seconds.         |
|                  2. Protege Protected: Protect Franklin during the LS River  |
|                     chase.                                                   |
|                  3. Clean Sweep: Steal the jewelry from all 20 glass         |
|                     cabinets.                                                |
| VIDEO:  |

After getting the necessary equipment for the heist, it's on! Drive to the
jewelry store's block, then - as Franklin - head back to the highest vantage
point on the roofs and throw a Gas Grenade into the ventilation system.

After this, steal the jewelry with Michael as quickly as possible. All breakable
cases are indicated with green dots and there are 20 of them in total. Snatch
all of them within 50 seconds for 100% completion.

Back outside, follow your teammates by bike and drive through the sewers. When
you're back outside, keep the cops of your team members by driving into them;
the truck's heavy enough to destroy cop cars easily. You'll soon enough lose the
cops, after which you only have to drive back to the final waypoint.

| MAIN MISSION #16 - Mr. Philips [WLK-016]|
| EMPLOYER: Trevor                                                             |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #15 (The Jewel Store Job)                                  |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. No Survivors: Kill all fleeing bikers.                   |
|                  2. Headshots: Kill 12 enemies with a headshot.              |
|                  3. Time: Complete within 12:00.                             |
|                  4. Trailer Trashed: Cause $5000 damage to Ortega's trailer. |
|                  5. Lost and Damned: Kill Terry and Clay during the chase.   |
| VIDEO:           |

It's finally time to revisit one of the most insane videogame characters of all
time; Trevor. Drive to the indicated waypoint and a chase begins. Kill the two
bikers by shooting them and keep following the van.

When the van finally stops, a large shootout commences. Take cover and start
killing bikers, preferably with headshots. There are some large gas containers
you can shoot which can help you destroy the area/bikers. When the last few
bikers start fleeing, show no mercy and quickly kill every last one of them
(that is, if you want 100% completion, and you do want that).

Drive up to Ortega's trailer and push it into the river, then kill him and
return to Trevors house after dropping off Ron.

| MAIN MISSION #17 - Trevor Philips Industries [WLK-017]|
| EMPLOYER: Cheng                                                              |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #16 (Mr. Philips)                                          |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Body Count: Kill 32 Enemies.                             |
|                  2. Unmarked: Complete with minimal damage to health and     |
|                     armor.                                                   |
|                  3. Scrap Man: Destroy 6 vehicles.                           |
|                  4. Time: Complete within 04:30.                             |
| VIDEO:              |
|        philips-industries                                                    |

Drive up to the bar indicated by the only mission letter on your map, then drive
your companions to the 'lab'. After more bizarre hilariousness, get ready for a
big shootout. Stay covered and take out the Aztecas one by one. The first wave
can partly be defeated by aiming for the cars while using Trevor's special to
blow them up. 

Follow Chef's instructions and be sure not to get hit to ensure completion.
When Chef offers you a bigger weapon, quickly head back inside and find him on
the other roof. The Grenade Launcher he hands to you is very effective for
distant crowd control, and it also allows you to destroy the required 6 vehicles
for full mission completion. When you get back downstairs, pop another grenade
out the entrance, then be sure to go outside and destroy the vehicles in which
some of Ortega's men are trying to escape to ensure you've reached 32 kills.
To recover any health lost, grab the health kit from the counter.

| MAIN MISSION #18 - Nervous Ron [WLK-018]|
| EMPLOYER: Trevor (Oscar Guzman)                                              |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #17 (Trevor Philips Industries)                            |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Headshots: Kill 5 enemies with a headshot.               |
|                  2. Time: Complete within 12:30.                             |
|                  3. Nervous Twitch: Win the race against Ron.                |
|                  4. 6 Bridges, 1 Plane: Fly under any 6 bridges found along  |
|                     the flight path.                                         |
|                  5. Death on a Wing: Kill all bikers whilst lying on the     |
|                     plane.                                                   |

This is a fairly lengthy mission; first you'll have to collect a Sniper Rifle
from the Ammu-Nation along with a scope and silencer. Drive to the vantage point
afterward. From here, the idea is to cover Ron from any guards. After you kill
the first guard below the watchtower, shoot the lights to prevent the guard in
the jeep from seeing him. Keep taking out guards - preferably at least 5 with
headshots, although those headshots can also be done later - as Ron draws closer
to the gas tanks. Also take out the helicopter pilot when he's settled. After it
has crashed, quickly make your way over to Ron and kill any bikers in your way
(and perform any headshots you still had to make). Beware of the last biker in
the hangar as you enter.

While on the wing of the plane, kill all bikers you see - this is part of the
requirements for mission completion. First aim for the guy on the bike, then
waste the rest in front of you. When you take control of the plane, one of the
bikers clings on to the plane. He'll let go sooner or later, so don't worry
about it.

Flying is new and thus may be tricky. There are six bridges along the flight
path (which essentially means the path that Ron is taking) and if you want this
mission fully completed, you'll have to carefully fly underneath all six of
them. I'd suggest doing this later on a replay. For now, focus on dropping the
cargo near the boats in the sea (but be sure to fly relatively low while near a
military base); simply release the cargo while flying through the blue circle on
your minimap.

After this, the only thing left to do is to head back to the landing strip.
Winning the race against Ron isn't hard, but landing can indeed be tricky,
especially if you've never done it before. Try to align the plane correctly as
you start to approach the landing strip; this is the most important part and you
can't make major adjustments when you're about to land or you'll tear the plane
apart. Focus on the landing strip with B (Xbox 360) or Circle (PS3). Stop
accelerating and slowly lose some altitude. The landing gear can be extended by
pressing the left analog stick.

                         PROPERTIES CAN NOW BE BOUGHT

| MAIN MISSION #19 - Crystal Maze [WLK-019]|
| EMPLOYER: Trevor (Cheng)                                                     |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #18 (Nervous Ron)                                          |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Headshots: Kill 10 enemies with a headshot.              |
|                  2. Unmarked: Complete with minimal damage to health and     |
|                     armor.                                                   |
|                  3. 2 Birds 1 Stone: Kill 2 enemies with one shot.           |
|                  4. Accuracy: Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 80%|

Cheng's got more work for you - or has he? After meeting up, drive to O'Neil
brother's farm and approach the vantage point by foot. You'll want to start
taking out enemies with headshots as soon as possible, but also pay attention to
your accuracy if you're going for perfection.

Inside the farm, take cover and turn left, then immediately take out the guys
in the adjacent rooms. You can find a health kit in the nearby restroom, and
there's one more in the living room - to your immediate left as you enter.
These should keep you going as you make your way downstairs from that same
living room. Kill the last guy here and grab the gasoline tank. Pour gasoline
along the indicated line and shoot it once outside. Simply back away from the
farm to complete this mission. Whassup, Cheng?

| MAIN MISSION #20 - Friends Reunited [WLK-020]|
| EMPLOYER: Trevor (Cheng)                                                     |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #19 (Crystal Maze)                                         |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Headshots: Kill 5 enemies with a headshot.               |
|                  2. Mystery Gift: Destroy the trailers without being detected|
|                  3. Unmarked: Complete with minimal damage to health and     |
|                     armor.                                                   |
|                  4. Perfect Gift: Destroy all trailers at once.              |

Go to Trevor's house to start this mission. Drive to the trailer park and take
out your sniper rifle; shoot the first guard straight ahead (and make it a
headshot). The idea is quite simple: plant the sticky bombs at the indicated
trailers without being detected (you can still finish the mission when you're
detected, but 100% completion is out of reach). Two bikers will soon make their
way off; if you want to you can ignore them, but shooting them through the head
allows for a perfect score.

There are two other bikers standing still down the road to the right/east side
of the trailer park that you'll also want to take out with headshots. Then
there's the arguing couple nearby the trailer in the middle; take out the guy
with a headshot as well.

Once you've placed all sticky bombs, destroy all trailers all at once. After
this you'll only have to make your way to Los Santos with a short scenery stop
on the way.

| MAIN MISSION #21 - Fame or Shame [WLK-021]|
| EMPLOYER: Michael                                                            |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #20 (Friends United)                                       |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Fastest Speed: Reach top speed in the Phantom.           |
|                  2. Bearing Down: Stay close to Lazlow throughout the chase. |
|                  3. No, I Can Park Here: Knock out the even coordinator.     |
|                  4. All Hooked Up: Don't unhook the trailer.                 |

As Trevor, drive to Michael's place for a happy reunion... or something like it,
anyway. Make your way to the Fame and Shame studio to watch a scene. After this,
chase Lazlow outside and get in the huge Phantom truck.

A chase begins; don't worry about having to knock Lazlow off the road - that's
not going to happen. Instead try keeping the trailer hooked while also stepping
on it to get the maximum speed out of this beast. Staying close to Lazlow is
also an important part of 100% completion.

| MAIN MISSION #22 - Dead Man Walking [WLK-022]|
| EMPLOYER: Dave (B)                                                           |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #21 (Fame or Shame)                                        |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS: MM #23 (Did Somebody Say Yoga?)                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Accuracy: Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 70%|
|                  2. Headshots: Kill 14 enemies with a headshot.              |
|                  3. Time: Complete within 09:30.                             |
|                  4. Focused Killer: Kill 4 enemies using Michael's special   |
|                     ability.                                                 |
|                  5. Unmarked: Complete with minimal damage to health and     |
|                     armor.                                                   |
| VIDEO:     |

Drive over to the FIB to have a little chat with Dave. Some mysteries are
unraveled and you're forced to do a mission for him.. After waking up from a
body bag, sneak behind the nearby FIB agent and knock him out. Just so you know,
this isn't a sneaking mission, so you can take out any other enemies beyond this
point by simply shooting them (preferably with headshots). First check the two
bodies in the other room, then start making your way through the hall up ahead,
taking out FIB agents as you go. There's a health kit on the counter if you
need it.

Head upstairs and clear out the room ahead. There's another health kit in the
storage room, as well as a window which is your way out of the building. Snatch
a decent car (one of the parked ones should suffice) and make your way out of
here; you've got a 3-star Wanted Level you'll need to escape. After you've done
so, meet up with Franklin to finish this mission.

| MAIN MISSION #23 - Did Somebody Say Yoga? [WLK-023]|
| EMPLOYER: Michael                                                            |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #22 (Dead Man Walking)                                     |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Time: Complete within 15:00.                             |
|                  2. Warrior: Complete the 1st yoga pose without fault.       |
|                  3. Triangle: Complete the 2nd yoga pose without fault.      |
|                  4. Praise the Sun!: Complete the 3rd yoga pose w/o fault.   |

As Michael, drive back home to start this mission. The start is fairly strange
for a mission; you'll have to perform three sets of yoga moves. These are very
simple to perform, and the analog sticks arrows will light up green when they're
in the right position. At this point all you need to do is hold them that way,
hold down LT/RT or L2/R2, and release those triggers again after Michael's air
gauge has filled up completely, all while holding the analogs sticks still in
the indicated direction.

After successfully performing the yoga poses (or not), quickly go to Jimmy's 
room and drive to the indicated waypoint as soon as possible, then back to
Michael's house again. You'll find that driving soon becomes more and more
difficult. What's going on? One of the weirdest scenes in the game plays, and
you're out on the street again afterwards. Quickly snatch a car and drive home,
since there's a time limit on this mission for completion.

| MAIN MISSION #24 - Three's Company [WLK-024]|
| EMPLOYER: Dave ('B', FIB)                                                    |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #23 (Did Somebody Say Yoga?)                               |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Complete within 07:30.                                   |
|                  2. Accuracy: Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 60%|
|                  3. Headshots: Kill 10 enemies with headshots.               |
| VIDEO:       |

As Michael, drive up to the FIB headquarters to meet up with Dave. After the
scene, quickly drive to the indicated waypoint to meet up with Trevor and

Your goal now is to fly the chopper to one of the highest buildings in town, as
indicated on your minimap. When you hover over the right spot (but don't fly
too high above it), Michael will be able to automatically drop himself. Descend
by jumping until you reach the interrogation room.

At this point it's a good idea to switch to Franklin and start wasting agents;
remember you'll need 10 headshots for mission completion, but also 60%+
accuracy. When the game tells you to, immediately switch to Michael and finish
off the remaining agents (and now's your time to get any remaining headshots).

When you've done so, switch back to Franklin to deal with the first chopper;
kill the pilot with a headshot whenever you get him steady in your scope. Switch
to Michael after this and gun down the three remaining choppers, but be careful;
you'll want to keep your accuracy up, so shoot in controlled bursts and only
when the crosshair's aimed directly at one of your opponents. Defeat them and
the mission's a success.

| MAIN MISSION #25 - Hood Safari [WLK-025]|
| EMPLOYER: Franklin (Lamar)                                                   |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #24 (Three's Company)                                      |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Time: Complete within 07:00.                             |
|                  2. Accuracy: Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 70%|
|                  3. Headshots: Kill 12 enemies with a headshot.              |
| VIDEO:          |

Head over to Franklin's house where both Lamar and Trevor show up. After the
scene, get inside the van and drive to the place where the 'thing' is happening.
Things quickly go bad and a big shootout commences. Stay behind walls and cars
while you push through the street. As usual, try to focus on headshots and
accuracy for completion.

When the cops show up, press through the alley to the far left side of the
street until you reach a sewer canal. Climb on one of the jet ski's and follow
Lamar. Soon enough you'll split ways; at this point all you have to do is lose
the cops. One way to do this is to simply keep going over the water near the
coast. The chopper sooner or later gives up. Stay out of sight from any police
boats and you'll be fine.

| MAIN MISSION #26 - By the Book [WLK-026]|
| EMPLOYER: Dave/FIB                                                           |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #24 (Three's Company)                                      |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Don't Stop Me Now: Complete without Mr. K's heart        |
|                     stopping.                                                |
|                  2. Electrocutioner: Electrocute Mr. K.                      |
|                  3. The Tooth Hurts: Pull out Mr. K's tooth.                 |
|                  4. Wrenched: Hit Mr. K. with the wrench.                    |
|                  5. It's Legal!: Use waterboarding on Mr. K.                 |

Switch back to Trevor and you'll soon get a call from Michael. If you switch to
Michael at this point, Trevor will automatically meet him. After the scene,
drive to the first target. You'll have to torture Mr. K. afterward. In order to
fully complete this mission, all you need to do is make sure he never gets a
heart attack, and you'll have to perform all four possible torture methods on
him. Simply don't torture him too long and scare him to fulfill the necessary

Meanwhile, as Michael, you're first going to have to drive towards the target's
house. Then, as you get more and more clues, search for a bearded man smoking
a lot with his left hand. He should be on the lower level near the TV. After 
this, all you need to do is drive Mr. K to the airport to finish this mission.

| MAIN MISSION #27 - Scouting the Port [WLK-027]|
| EMPLOYER: Trevor                                                             |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #24 (Three's Company) & MM #26 (By the Book)               |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Time: Complete within 20:00.                             |
|                  2. Employee of the Month: Complete without damaging the     |
|                     containers.                                              |
|                  3. Perfect Surveillance: Snap all 3 photographs of the boat |
|                     as instructed.                                           |
|                  4. An Honest Day's Work: Complete without causing a         |
|                     disturbance at the docks.                                |
| VIDEO:    |

Head back to "Trevor's" safehouse to initiate this mission. Drive to the docks
and follow Floyd to the container handler. You're supposed to grab the two
containers standing at the other side of the area by moving the handler to their
(long) side and picking them up (one at a time). Once the handler has been
positioned correctly, lower it and attach the container with the right button.
Move the container up a bit with the left analog stick and move it to the
designated area, then lower it again with the left analog and detach it; do the
same for the second container.

Climb up the nearby crane (indicated on your minimap) and enter the cabin by
climbing the ladder down near your colleague. The goal here is to position the
crane directly above the containers. You can switch viewpoints by pressing
BACK/SELECT, and the right analog stick moves the crane left/right and up/back.
Once you've attached a container, hoist it up and move the crane to the other
end of the containers - the right side, where you can drop it off on the truck.
Do the same for the second container.

You'll now have to photograph the front of the ship, a guard (there's one in the
middle of the ship) and the back of the ship respectively and send these photos
to Ron. Climb back down and drive the truck to the waypoint. Be sure you do not
lose the container or the mission will fail; in other words, drive safely! A
scene triggers when you reach the waypoint. Simply make a run for it and return
to the safehouse.

| MAIN MISSION #28 - Hotel Assassination [WLK-028]|
| EMPLOYER: Lester                                                             |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #24 (Three's Company)                                      |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS: $9000,-                                                     |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Sniper Boy: Kill the target using a Sniper Rifle.        |
| VIDEO:  |

As Franklin, drive over to Lester who's got an opportunity for him. The deal's
simple: You have to assassinate some big guy and you get a nice reward in terms
of cash.

Drive over to the waypoint, which is at the lowest floor of a parking lot, and
move a little to the right side of the parking lot. Grab out your sniper rifle
and wait for the target to come out of the hotel. He's very easy to spot, but
if you must know, he's got a pink shirt and is escorted by two guards. Kill him
and leave the area to complete this mission. Easy as pie!

| MAIN MISSION #29 - The Multi Target Assassination [WLK-029]|
| EMPLOYER: Lester                                                             |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #28 (Hotel Assassination)                                  |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS: $5000,-                                                     |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Speedy Killer: Kill all targets as quickly as possible.  |
| VIDEO:           |
|        target-assassination                                                  |

This is another mission for Franklin. Pick up the phone (oldschool GTA style) as
indicated by 'L' to start this multi-assassination mission, which is a lot
harder than the previous one. You'll need to kill the following four targets:

1. A bodybuilder juror near the beach.
2. A juror on a sailboat.
3. A window cleaner juror (attached high up to a building).
4. A juror on a bike.

You have considerably less time compared to the previous mission, and if you
want 100% completion you'll have to step on it and kill them one after another
as quickly as possible.

| MAIN MISSION #30 - Minisub [WLK-030]|
| EMPLOYER: Trevor                                                             |
| PREREQUISITES:                                                               |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS: MM #27 (Scouting the Port)                                  |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Time: Complete within 08:30.                             |
|                  2. No Boarding: Steal the Submarine without boarding the    |
|                     boat.                                                    |
| VIDEO:              |

This is a very easy mission, but for 100% completion you do have to know what
you're doing. Locate the submarine and you'll notice it's hanging from a large
freighter. Don't board the boat; instead move to the right side and look for a
long ladder leading you to a good high vantage point. Grab out your sniper rifle
and shoot off the cables at the pulleys to make the sub drop in the water.

Quickly climb back down and run around the freighter, dive in the water around
the right side, climb on top of the sub and enter. Now all you need to do is
steer it all the way to the indicated waypoint; however, directions may be
confusing at this point, and there are some harbors up ahead that take extra
time if you end up sailing into those. It's a good idea to bring up your main
menu map and see where you're supposed to go, saving yourself any detours.

The last and final part of this mission consists of driving the truck with the
sub loaded onto it to a safe spot.

| MAIN MISSION #31 - Tow Truck [WLK-031]|
| EMPLOYER: FIB                                                                |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #30 (Minisub)                                              |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Time: Complete within 03:00.                             |
|                  2. Not a Scratch: Deliver the Tow Truck with no damage.     |
|                  3. Truckin': Reach top speed in the Tow Truck.              |
| VIDEO:            |

For now, this walkthrough will continue with a series of FIB related missions,
but feel free to skip ahead to a mission you'd like to do instead.

Head over to the 'B' for another FIB mission. There are four FIB-related heist
locations you can now go to. Let's start with the one on the southwest part of
town; this is a simply pick-up-a-truck-and-deliver-it-back mission. Knock out
the man working on his car (so he can't complain about you stealing his truck,
but more importantly so that you don't get any Wanted Level) and quickly drive
the truck back to the FIB lot.

| MAIN MISSION #32 - Trash Truck [WLK-032]|
| EMPLOYER: FIB                                                                |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #30 (Minisub)                                              |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Time: Complete within 05:00.                             |
|                  2. Underfed: Deliver the Trash Truck with no damage.        |
|                  3. In the Dust: Reach top speed in the Trash Truck.         |
| VIDEO:          |

This FIB-related heist location is on the east/northeast of town and pinpoints
a trash truck. Unfortunately stealing it triggers a 2-star Wanted Level which
you'll have to get rid of. One way to do this is to drive off a hill into the
highway, where you can strategically wait until the Wanted Level wears off. If
you can also keep the truck undamaged, this should be enough for completion.

| MAIN MISSION #33 - Boiler Suits [WLK-033]|
| EMPLOYER: FIB                                                                |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #30 (Minisub)                                              |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Quick Shopper: Purchase all outfits within 30 seconds.   |
|                  2. United Colors: Purchase a different color for each       |
|                     character.                                               |
| VIDEO:         |

The easiest mission in the game, this simply requires you to go to the Ammu-
Nation in the middle of town (also indicated with a Heist icon) and purchase
three (different colored) boiler suits. Do this within 30 seconds and leave the
store to get 100% mission completion.

| MAIN MISSION #34 - Masks [WLK-034]|
| EMPLOYER: FIB                                                                |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #30 (Minisub)                                              |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Face Time: Purchase all masks within 20 seconds.         |
|                  2. Cliché: Purchase a white hockey mask for each character. |
| VIDEO:                |

The last part of the FIB heist setup series (besides getting a getaway vehicle,
which is easy - it's not too relevant where you place it) requires you to
purchase three masks. For 100% completion, you'll have to purchase the masks
within 20 seconds and the masks have to be white hockey masks.

| MAIN MISSION #35 - The Merryweather Heist [WLK-035]|
| EMPLOYER: Trevor (Heist)                                                     |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #30 (Minisub)                                              |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Headshots: Kill 12 enemies with a headshot.              |
|                  2. Accuracy: Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 80%|
|                  3. Ninja: Kill 12 enemies using stealth attacks.            |
|                  4. Container Hunter: Find the container within 60 seconds.  |
|                  5. No Alarms: Get to the ship interior without being        |
|                     detected.                                                |

Visit Trevor's safehouse (for example as Michael) to start this heist. You'll
first have to drive Franklin into position. After this, take out the two guys on
the freighter with headshots.

As Michael, sneak around the ship while you plant the bombs at the indicated
spots. This isn't too hard, but you'll want to avoid being seen. Take out any
enemies as soon as possible, preferably with headshots to save Franklin as much
trouble as you can. After setting the first three bombs, move to the ship's
stern entrance and go upstairs. Michael will take care of the last bomb by

As Franklin you'll now have to snipe a great deal of enemies, including a pilot
chopper. Aim for their heads as much as possible and keep track of how many
headshots you still need (out of 12) for 100% completion, then take out the
enemies regularly when you've reached that amount.

Quick dive towards the device as soon as you gain control of Michael. When he's
located it, all you have to do is get Trevor to fetch it with the sub. Hover
over the blip (check your minimap) and lower the submarine to attach it, then
make your way to the other side of the docks to finish this mission.

| MAIN MISSION #36 - Blitz Play [WLK-036]|
| EMPLOYER: FIB (Heist)                                                        |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #31 - #34 (Preparations)                                   |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Hawk Down: Shoot down the helicopter as Trevor.          |
|                  2. Headshots: Kill 12 enemies with a headshot.              |
|                  3. Accuracy: Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 60%|
|                  4. Switcher: Switch character 10 times.                     |
| VIDEO:           |

When you've done all the FIB heist preparations, meet back at the original
meeting place to start this mission (indicated by 'H'). You'll first have to
block the road with the garbage truck, which is easy. Ram the security truck,
then plant a sticky bomb at the back.

A *lot* of cops show up afterwards and a 4-star Wanted Level is automatically
gained. At this point, take cover with Franklin behind the road blocks and start
taking out police officers. When the game tells you to switch characters it's
always a good idea to do so. Michael's position is a little higher than
Franklin's and he has a good overview of a large part of the street, including
the back alley.

Trevor on the other hand has a long distant vantage point. The game will tell
you to switch to him when snipers on the roof to the right side (across the
street) are shooting at Michael and Franklin, and he'll also need to take out
the chopper. Be sure to switch regularly (and at least ten times).

When the cops have finally been thinned out, get in the garbage truck as
Franklin and drive to your getaway vehicle, then destroy the truck. The mission
is as good as complete now. As Michael, simply drive towards a new contact to
finish things.

| MAIN MISSION #37 - Mr. Richards [WLK-037]|
| EMPLOYER: Solomon                                                            |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #36 (Blitz Play)                                           |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Time: Complete within 10:00.                             |
|                  2. Silent Assassin: Kill 3 enemies using stealth attacks.   |
|                  3. Can't Touch This 2.0: Take no damage during the flight   |
|                     with Rocco.                                              |
|                  4. Perfect Touchdown: Land the Frogger without damaging it. |
| VIDEO:          |

As Michael, drive over to 'S', that is - Solomon the famous movie director. He's
got a little problem he could use your help with. First of all, drive to the
waypoint and climb over the fence. Sneak to the ladder on the left side of the
two workers and make your way over the roofs, sneaking behind workers and
knocking them out before the get a chance to alarm anyone else.

At the top, give Rocco a beating, then get inside the helicopter. You'll have 
scare the movie star, which isn't too hard. Simply ascend as far as you can,
then quickly descend (but without hitting anything). Do this a couple of times,
then return to the studio. Landing might be a little tricky, especially if you
don't want to damage the Frogger at all, so take your time and slowly hold it
steady as you lower it. Make your way back to Solomon to finish the mission.

| MAIN MISSION #38 - I Fought the Law.. [WLK-038]|
| EMPLOYER: Devin                                                              |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #36 (Blitz Play)                                           |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Tight Squeeze: Race between the two trucks.              |
|                  2. Bus Passed: Race between the two buses.                  |
|                  3. Follow the Leader: Follow Trevor through the tunnel.     |
|                  4. Time: Complete within 12:00.                             |
|                  5. Split Seconds: Use Franklin's special ability during the |
|                     race.                                                    |
| VIDEO:     |

Meet Devin to get this mission, which is fairly straightforward. As Franklin
you'll have to drive towards the waypoint at a gas station where you're supposed
to race two youngsters in speedy cars. The race itself isn't too hard, but you
will have to step up that pedal to keep up, since their cars are very fast.
Be sure to drive between the two trucks and buses as well for completion
purposes, and you might as well use Franklin's special ability during those

After racing for a while you'll shift to police officers Michael and Trevor.
The race now basically pursues by bike. Be sure to follow Trevor through the
tunnel for completion purposes. Other than that, the race is easy. After the
scene, quickly head back to town to finish the mission timely.

| MAIN MISSION #39 - Eye in the Sky [WLK-039]|
| EMPLOYER: Devin                                                              |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #36 (Blitz Play)                                           |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Not a Scratch: Deliver the Z-Type with no damage.        |
|                  2. Eavesdropper: Listen to 3 conversations.                 |
|                  3. I See You: Find Chad's hiding place on the 1st attempt.  |
| VIDEO:       |

Meet up with Devin (as either Franklin or Trevor) to activate this mission.
During the first part you'll be using Trevor's LSPD chopper to see if you can
spot the right target. Eavesdrop on three conversations while you're at it.
When you've located the target, keep following him and when he gets in the
Z-Type, keep on doing what you're doing.

The Z-Type will enter a building soon. Turn on heat sensors and spot the guy
sitting in a car to the far left, who's somewhat nervously looking around;
that's your target. As Franklin, pop him (otherwise you'll have to deal with a
2-star Wanted Level) and deliver the Z-Type back to Devin; ride easy and take
no damage for 100% completion!

| MAIN MISSION #40 - Caida Libre [WLK-040]|
| EMPLOYER: Martin Madrazo                                                     |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #38 (I Fought the Law..)                                   |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Floor It: Reach top speed on the Sanchez.                |
|                  2. Glued to the Seat: Don't fall off the Sanchez during the |
|                     chase.                                                   |
|                  3. One Two Three: Shoot down the plane with 3 shots only.   |
|                  4. Time: Complete within 09:45.                             |
| VIDEO:          |

Visit your old friend Martin Madrazo (with either Michael or Trevor) to start
this mission. As Michael, drive to the van with the special gun. You'll have to
shoot the airplane three times, but you can't just aim at it directly and
expect to hit it; the distance is too long. You'll have to shoot in the red
square instead; do this correctly three times and the plane will crash. It's
much easier to shoot the square when the plane is still coming at you in the
far distance right at the beginning, so try taking it out during that time.

When the plane crashes, follow it with Trevor on the Sanchez bike. Don't fall
off and speed up to reach top speed and do the mission under the given time
limit for 100% completion. When you've retrieved the files, all you need to do
is get the van away from the observatory and destroy it. Afterwards, drive back
to Trevor to find out what's going on.

| MAIN MISSION #41 - The Vice Assassination [WLK-041]|
| EMPLOYER: Lester                                                             |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #40 (I Fought the Law..)                                   |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS: $5000                                                       |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Clean Escape: Complete without alerting the cops.        |

Another classic assassination mission, and a very easy one at that. Drive to the
waypoint, get out of the vehicle across the road and run up the hill so you can
see the hooker through your sniper rifle's scope. Wait for a guy in a car with
an open roof to drive up and immediately shoot him in the head as soon as the
hooker enters his car. Quickly get in your car and leave the area.

| MAIN MISSION #42 - Deep Inside [WLK-042]|
| EMPLOYER: Devin                                                              |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #40 (I Fought the Law..)                                   |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Not a Scratch: Deliver the JB 700 with minimal damage.   |
|                  2. Fastest Speed: Reach the top speed in the JB 700.        |
|                  3. Stealthy Recasting: Knock out the actor with a stealth   |
|                     attack.                                                  |
|                  4. Premature Ejector: Use the ejector seat within 10 seconds|
|                  5. Second Strike: Run over the actor as you escape in the   |
|                     JB 700.                                                  |
| VIDEO:          |

Meet Devin with Franklin to steal another exclusive car. You'll have to sneak
into the movie studio and knock the actor out cold stealthily. Snatch the car
(indicated by the dot) and as you exit the studio, drive over the actor again.

Unfortunately one of the actresses is still in the car and she'll make handling
the vehicle more difficult than it normally is. To make matters worse, security
from the studio will be following you. Fortunately you soon discover that this
car has the special ability to drop spikes, allowing you to shake off your
pursuers. Not too long after that the ejector button becomes available. Quickly
give it a try, will you?

Since there's no time limit on this mission, now's a good time to try and reach
the top speed on the JB 700. Just do it safely, please. You'll want to deliver
the car in perfect shape, remember?

| MAIN MISSION #43 - The Bus Assassination [WLK-043]|
| EMPLOYER: Lester                                                             |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #41 (The Vice Assassination)                               |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Hit and Run: Kill the target using the bus.              |

This is another fairly simply assassination job. After getting the call from
Lester, drive to the bus and present yourself as busdriver as you make a few
stops. Your target will soon enter. It's much easier to kill him by simply
shooting him, although driving him over after he gets on his bike will count
towards completion. Escape the 2-star Wanted Level afterwards to finish this

| MAIN MISSION #44 - Minor Turbulence [WLK-044]|
| EMPLOYER: Trevor                                                             |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #40 (Caida Libre)                                          |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Accuracy: Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 80%|
|                  2. Four Wheel Flier: Exit the cargo plane in the Mesa.      |
| VIDEO:     |

As Franklin, drive over to 'M' (Michael's place), to do a mission with *Trevor*.
Yeah, strange setup, but that's how it is. With Trevor, drive to the airplane
and fly it to the big jet while staying low to the ground so you stay
undetected; there's really not much more to it than that. When you get close
enough, gain some altitude and crash into the back of the jet. They'll shoot
some RPG's at you as you approach, but that shouldn't be much of a problem.

Inside, kill everyone including the pilot and steer the jet back to the
indicated waypoint.. except that things go slightly different. To 'shake off'
the F-16's, gain some altitude. They will engage nonetheless, so you'll have to
leave the plane. You can in fact do this by getting into the car in the cargo
room (which is part of this mission's 100% completion), but alternatively you
can just jump out the plane regularly. Yep, perfectly normal, jumping out of

| MAIN MISSION #45 - Paleto Score Setup [WLK-045]|
| EMPLOYER: Heist                                                              |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #44 (Minor Turbulence)                                     |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Leisurely Drive: Drive to the bank within 03:30.         |
|                  2. Winner: Win the race back to the meth lab.               |

Drive over to the 'B' to progress with the main story. You'll first have to
drive to the bus and pick up Lester. From here, drive to the bank, which isn't
far away. Drive around the other side and shoot the alarm (focus on it to better
spot the red-shaped alarm attached to the wall). Drive up to the nearby gas
station to see what the response rate is. After this it's only a matter of
racing Michael back to the meth lab. If you don't do anything stupid (and
especially watch the wild curves after exiting the tunnel) you should be fine;
the bike's more than fast enough.

It is here that you'll choose a gunman for your next heist. Chef's a good one;
in any case, don't take the worst.

| MAIN MISSION #46 - Military Hardware [WLK-046]|
| EMPLOYER: Heist                                                              |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #45 (Paleto Score Setup)                                   |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Head Hunter: Kill 5 enemies with a headshot.             |
|                  2. Sticky Strategist: Stop the convoy using a sticky bomb.  |
| VIDEO:    |

To prepare for the upcoming heist you'll need some military hardware. Getting
this isn't too easy, but with the right strategy it's far from hard. Get a
decent car and close in on the 'H' military convoy. When you're just a little
beyond the nearby crossroads, park the car in the middle of the left lane and
back away slightly; let the convoy get a little closer. Alternatively you'll
want to plant a sticky bomb a little further down the road and stop the convoy
with that.

Either way, shoot the driver of the military truck in the head and do the same
with as many other soldiers as you can. Quickly take cover behind your own car
as soon as they start shooting at you. Remember that you can use Trevor's
special which also reduces incurred damage. With the soldiers out of the way,
all that's left to do now is to get in the military truck and park it in the
indicated space a little further down the road.

| MAIN MISSION #47 - Predator [WLK-047]|
| EMPLOYER: Trevor                                                             |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #46 (Military Hardware)                                    |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Accuracy: Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 70%|
|                  2. Time: Complete within 09:00.                             |
|                  3. Headshots: Kill 3 enemies with a headshot.               |
|                  4. Thin the Herd.                                           |

Visit Trevor's place to do this mission. Get in the truck and the scene soon
shifts to Franklin, who's chasing the guys trying to take revenge on Trevor.
After a short chase, walk to the vehicle and the scene shifts back to Trevor.

Fly the chopper to the designated point and Michael will get out a sniper rifle.
Toggle between regular vision and night vision by tapping the right button. Try
to kill the hillbillies with a headshot and don't shoot any wildlife if you want
100% completion on this mission. One of the guys is swimming in the creek to the
left of the forest, the second is walking somewhere in the forest, usually more
on the right side.

The game switches back to Franklin who now has to get the final guy. When you
reach him, quickly grab out your sniper rifle and shoot him in the head. Land
the chopper and go back to the helipad to complete the mission.

| MAIN MISSION #48 - The Paleto Score [WLK-048]|
| EMPLOYER: Heist                                                              |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #47 (Predator)                                             |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS: $442169 (for each main character)                           |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Let it Rain: Fire over 4000 bullets.                     |
|                  2. Accuracy: Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 50%|
|                  3. Time: Complete within 16:00.                             |
|                  4. Collateral Damage: Cause $1,000,000 damage in Paleto Bay.|
| VIDEO:     |

Drive to Trevor's place to finally pull off this heist. Drive towards the bank
and drop Franklin off on the way. When you reach the bank in the van, head
inside and kick the door in. The real action starts when you go back outside...

Looks like that military equipment was good for something after all! Destroy all
vehicles (and officers) to press straight onward and keep expanding the trail
of destruction as the military arrives. You may want to pay attention to your
accuracy, but other than that there are no restrictions.

Soon you'll switch back to Trevor who has acquired not the fastest, but
certainly one of the sturdiest vehicles in the game, a bulldozer. Make your way
to the team so they can get piggyback along. When the tank arrives, quickly
head for the building across the street.

Inside the building it's just a matter of pushing forward. The suits can take a
lot of damage and you should be quick enough to kill most soldiers before they
can shoot at you anyway. At the end, hold off the soldiers long enough until a
train shows up; catch it to beat this mission.

TIP: Now that you have gained some serious cash, it's a good idea to purchase
¯¯¯¯ all available weapons and weapon upgrades, along with a healthy stock of
     ammunition. It's also a good idea to purchase a heavy armor before every
     mission - you'll last much longer that way, and you can easily afford it!
     Be sure to switch to the better weapon types in your weapon wheel after
     purchasing them (use the directional pad).

| MAIN MISSION #49 - Derailed [WLK-049]|
| EMPLOYER: Trevor                                                             |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #47 (Predator)                                             |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Time: Complete within 11:30.                             |
|                  2. Fastest Speed: Reach top speed on the Sanchez.           |
|                  3. Better than CJ: Land on the train using the 1st jump.    |
| VIDEO:             |

Go back to Trevor's to do this mission. Get on the bike with Trevor and chase
the train. You'll need to jump on top of it with the bike, which can be fairly
tricky; drive besides it on the elevated path and when you see an opportunity to
stunt on top of it, do so. If you manage to do so on the first jump it'll count
for completion - good for you. Now drive to the front and Trevor will
automatically get inside.

As Michael, sail to the bridge and move close to the orange container. Select a
sticky bomb throw it at the doors and back away, then blow it open. You'll need
to keep the Merryweather security forces off Michael as he salvages the loot.
After deal with the security guys on the boats and choppers, grab out your
sniper rifle and switch to thermal vision to take out the four snipers on top of
the bridge (one of them is in the far back). Switch back to your assault rifle
afterwards as another chopper is incoming, along with a few paratroopers.

When they have all been killed, get on the boat. Naturally there will be
pursuers both on the water and land. Try to shoot the *guys* on the boats
instead of the boats themselves; it's more effective. Get rid of the jeeps and
the chopper and you're all clear to smoothly sail to the waypoint at the beach
up ahead.

| MAIN MISSION #50 - Monkey Business [WLK-050]|
| EMPLOYER: FIB                                                                |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #49 (Derailed)                                             |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Stunner: Stun 8 enemies with the Stun Gun.               |
|                  2. Headshots: Kill 15 enemies with a headshot.              |
|                  3. Accuracy: Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 70%|
|                  4. Time: Complete within 13:30.                             |
| VIDEO:      |

It's best to switch to Franklin since he should be close to the starting point
(very close in fact, while Trevor is all the way on the other side of the
island) of this mission.

Sail the boat to the waypoint and dive into the water. Dive towards the grid and
cut it loose. Hold the cutting tool at the green dots and then cut away for
about a secondly you'll hear a metal clunk sound when you've fully cut a spot.
Swim to the far end of the tunnel and get out of the water.

Our James Bond-esque mission continues as our (anti)heroes sneak further into
the facility. Take out the scientists by using your stun gun. When you've
retrieved the gas, switch to your assault rifle (yeah, no problem, all your guns
were in that diving suit, between your legs). As you press onward through the
halls, keep taking cover on one side of the wall and shoot any enemies from
there, preferably in the head - you know the drill by now. In the final hall,
right after the double doors near the monkeys is shot open, hide behind the box
immediately around the corner and clear the way first.

When you're finally back outside, have Trevor align the chopper above the
container - carefully. Fly to the waypoint and drop the container on the truck.
After this, all you have to do is drive Trevor to the waypoint and you'll see
for yourself what happens.

| MAIN MISSION #51 - Hang Ten [WLK-051]|
| EMPLOYER: Trevor                                                             |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #50 (Monkey Business)                                      |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS: MM #52 (Surveying the Score)                                |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Complete within 04:00.                                   |
| VIDEO:             |

This is one of the shortest and easiest missions in the game. As Trevor, go back
to 'your' hideout to start this mission. Afterwards, simply drive (relatively
quickly) to the stripclub. Do so within four minutes for 100% completion.

| MAIN MISSION #52 - Surveying the Score [WLK-052]|
| EMPLOYER: Heist                                                              |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #51 (Hang Ten)                                             |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Perfect Distance: Follow the vans without being warned on|
|                     distance.                                                |
|                  2. Cavity Search: Find the construction hole within 20 secs.|
|                  3. Under the Bridge: Fly under the bridge whilst following  |
|                     the security vans.                                       |
|                  4. Tunnel Flight: Fly through the tunnel whilst following   |
|                     the security vans.                                       |
|                  5. Time: Complete within 11:00.                             |
| VIDEO:  |

Make you way to Trevor's newly acquired stripclub to start this mission. After
that, drive to the Union Depository and visit the two important entrances of
the bank. After that, (as Trevor), drive to the chopper and fly to the city.

You'll soon spot the convoy; the goal is to keep track of them (which doesn't
necessarily have to be in focus mode - that's only a visual aid) while keeping
the right distance (not too close, not too far away). There are a couple crazy
completionist requirements that are best done on a replay of this mission, since
they require some skill at flying the chopper.

The convoy will soon enough drive through a tunnel; it's a straight one so
simply follow the road until you spot them again at the other side. As soon as
they've entered the Union Depository, quickly go around the (white/red)
building and hover above the construction site so Lester can shoot some video
material. After this, simply switch back to Michael and drive Franklin back to
his home to finish up.

| MAIN MISSION #53 - Bury the Hatchet [WLK-053]|
| EMPLOYER: Michael/Trevor                                                     |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #52 (Surveying the Score)                                  |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Time: Complete within 11:00.                             |
|                  2. Headshots: Kill 20 enemies with headshots.               |
|                  3. Accuracy: Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 80%|
| VIDEO:     |

As Michael, drive to his home to start this main storyline mission. After the
scene, drive to the airport and you'll fly to another state with a whole new
map - it's not as large as Los Santos obviously, but clearly a lot of work went
into it nonetheless.

Drive to the graveyard to meet up with Trevor. Unfortunately for Michael, a
firefight with Cheng's men will take place after this. Taking cover behind one
of the tombstones near the steps is a good idea; you have a great vantage point
with good overview and it should allow you to clear the first few waves of
enemies. When they've been thinned out, press onward until you finally reach
your car. Kill your opponents with headshots if you're aiming for 100%
completion, but mind your accuracy.

After this, fly the plane back to the airstrip and gently land it. Remember to
eject the landing gear by pressing the left analog stick, and start your descent

| MAIN MISSION #54 - Pack Man [WLK-054]|
| EMPLOYER: Devin                                                              |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #53 (Bury the Hatchet)                                     |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Time: Complete within 12:00.                             |
|                  2. Not a Scratch: Complete with minimal damage to the JB700.|
|                  3. Shredder: Take out 3 cop cars using the spikes.          |
| VIDEO:             |

As Franklin, drive over to Devin to get ready and deliver the stolen vehicles.
Once you've put the last car on the truck, you're in for a long, *long* drive.
After about covering about 75% of the distance, cops will be on you. Franklin
will get in the JB 700 to help lose them; remember that this car has built in
guns and can even drop spikes (press the left analog stick for the latter).
With these measures you should be able to shake off the cops. Meet Molly at the
waypoint and the mission's all done.

| MAIN MISSION #55 - Fresh Meat [WLK-055]|
| EMPLOYER: Franklin/Michael                                                   |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #54 (Pack Man)                                             |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Switch Limiter: Don't switch more than 3 times.          |
|                  2. Accuracy: Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 70%|
|                  3. Headshots: Kill 10 enemies with a headshot.              |
|                  4. Swift Rescue: Rescue Michael within 03:30.               |
|                  5. Sense of Direction: Don't use a map waypoint.            |
| VIDEO:           |

Head back to Franklin's old house - unfortunately, coming from the previous
mission, there's not exactly a fast way to get there. Steal a fast car and you
can be there in about five real-life minutes, which isn't that bad actually.

Michael's being held by Cheng's men. Select the app Lester gives you (bottom
right of your phone) to track him. Next to the garage doors where the blip on
your radar takes you is a ladder; climb it to reach a courtyard. Take out the
men and head inside to start a major shootout. Push onward and you'll soon
reach Michael - toss him and gun and continue the slaughter.

The last part of this mission simply requires you to get back to Michael's
house. It's not *that* easy, though, as you're constantly pursued. Be quick and
you'll soon enough reach Michael's place, at which point you no longer have to
worry about your pursuers.

| MAIN MISSION #56 - The Ballad of Rocco [WLK-056]|
| EMPLOYER: Solomon                                                            |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #55 (Fresh Meat)                                           |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Complete within 03:00.                                   |
| VIDEO:  |

Visit Solomon as Michael and you'll activate this mission. Quickly get in the
nearby car and race after Rocco. Try to shoot at them as you catch up; if you
can manage to ram their car (several times) they may get out. Either shoot them
or drive over 'em, then return to the studio to finish this mission.

| MAIN MISSION #57 - Cleaning out the Bureau [WLK-057]|
| EMPLOYER: Lester / FIB                                                       |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #56 (The Ballad of Rocco)                                  |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Eagle Eye: Check all license plates.                     |
|                  2. He Missed a Spot: Follow the janitor without being       |
|                     spotted.                                                 |
|                  3. Time: Complete within 09:00.                             |
| VIDEO:        |
|        the-bureau                                                            |

Head over to Lester's factory; after the scene, drive up to the waypoint and
inspect all license plates. When the janitor drive out, follow him from a
distance of, say, ten meters (yeah, the metric system - every sane person on
earth uses that, get over it). Follow him into his apartment on the 1st floor,
go inside and leave after the scene. Drive back to Lester's place to finish the

| MAIN MISSION #58 - Reuniting the Family [WLK-058]|
| EMPLOYER: Michael                                                            |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #57 (Cleaning out the Bureau)                              |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Time: Complete within 10:30.                             |

As Michael, head home to start this mission. It's a straightforward A to B
mission: First, drive to Amanda to trigger a scene. Second, drive up to the
tattoo shop and do some 'creative work' there. Head to Friendlander's officer
afterwards, and finally, drive back to home.

| MAIN MISSION #59 - Architect's Plans [WLK-059]|
| EMPLOYER: Lester (Heist)                                                     |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #58 (Reuniting the Family)                                 |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Quick Getaway: Leave the construction site within 45     |
|                     seconds.                                                 |
| VIDEO:     |

Meet up with Lester to get the details of this mission. It's straightforward,
once you've reached the construction site with Franklin, stealthily follow the
architect by going around the right side of the construction area. Watch out for
the pit and sneak back to the main road in the middle of the construction area
to avoid being seen by the two workers.

Ride the elevator up and wait for the architect to converse with the workers,
then follow him inside and knock him out from behind; grab the suitcase and
quickly leave the construction site. If you have a Wanted Level, escape the cops
and return to Lester afterwards.

| MAIN MISSION #60 - Doting Dad [WLK-060]|
| EMPLOYER: Tracey                                                             |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #59 (Architect's Plans)                                    |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |

After the previous mission, drive around as Michael and you'll soon get a call
from Tracey who is being stalked. The mission is very simple: Pick Tracey up
and drive around in her car looking for the guy who's got the hots for her, then
when you've located him, waste him and drive back home.

| MAIN MISSION #61 - Fire Truck [WLK-061]|
| EMPLOYER: Heist                                                              |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #59 (Architect's Plans)                                    |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. What is your Emergency?: Call 911 to contact the Fire    |
|                     Department.                                              |
|                  2. Not a Scratch: Deliver the Fire Truck with no damage.    |

You'll soon get a text from Lester who reminds you that a fire truck is
required for the heist (if you chose option A, that is). Call 911 and steal the
fire truck after it arrives; escape the cops and drive it back to Lester's

| MAIN MISSION #62 - Legal Trouble [WLK-062]|
| EMPLOYER: Solomon                                                            |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #59 (Architect's Plans)                                    |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Time: Complete within 05:30.                             |
|                  2. Floor It: Reach top speed in any car.                    |
|                  3. Clean Escape: Lose the wanted level within 02:00.        |
|                  4. News Hound: View the Weazel News camera for 15 seconds.  |

As Michael, get back to Solomon to start this mission. Pursue Molly until the
cops add some flavor to the mission. The craziness starts at the airport, so be
sure to watch the Weazel News camera for 15 seconds before all that.

After the first police car smashes into a gas truck, watch out for the other one
that will be swept off its wheels by a plane; don't crash into it! Keep your
distance as Molly destroys half the airport and she'll soon enough crash into a
wall. Follow her inside and collect the film reel. You'll now have to lose the
3-star Wanted Level. One easy way to do it is to get into the nearby plane and
quickly fly away. As far as mission completion goes, that should cover it,
although you might have to lose the cops again if you choose to land on the
same airport. You could also land it at Trevor's airstrip if you wish.

| MAIN MISSION #63 - The Construction Assassination [WLK-063]|
| EMPLOYER: Lester                                                             |
| PREREQUISITES:                                                               |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS: $10000                                                      |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. No Fly Zone: Shoot down the target's helicopter.         |
| VIDEO:                 |
|        construction-assassination                                            |

It's true, this mission could've been done a while ago, but now you've got a
little break from the stream of main storyline missions, plus you have more than
enough cash to purchase some heavy armor and great set of weapons from Ammu-
Nation (including RPG's). Head over to the construction site and kill all the
body guards both outside as well as inside the building. When you reach the
roof, your target will attempt to escape by helicopter. Grab out your RPG and
fire slightly in front of the chopper (in the direction it's flying) to waste
him. Kill any remaining bodyguards and look for the parachute, then jump off
the building with your chute.

| MAIN MISSION #64 - The Bureau Raid [WLK-064]|
| EMPLOYER: Solomon                                                            |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #59 (Architect's Plans)                                    |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Time: Complete within 18:00.                             |
|                  2. Out of Breath: Escape with 40% oxygen remaining.         |
|                  3. You Missed a Spot: Complete the mopping section within   |
|                     03:00.                                                   |
|                  4. Abseiler: Abseil down the elevator shaft within 30 secs. |
| VIDEO:      |

Visit Lester's factory to start this mission. As Michael, drive to the FIB
building and go inside. Ride the elevator up and start mopping the floor. You
can clean the dirty spots (indicated with dots on your minimap) by pressing A
(or X on PS3) and clean the mop with LB (or L1 on PS3). The mop can clean two
dirty spots, then it needs to be washed.

Plant the explosive in the locker and move into the next hall. Clean the floor
here and plant the second explosive in the restroom. Exit the building after
doing so.

As Franklin, drive up to the FIB building and head inside. Once you're all the
way upstairs, blow out the doors to get the containment drive by using a sticky
bomb. Remember that you can detonate these by pressing left. After this, make
your way through the building, and as Franklin, kill any FIB agents in your way.
When you're reunited, abseil down the elevator shaft as quickly as possible.
Exit the building and drive to your getaway vehicle. Destroy the fire truck 

| MAIN MISSION #65 - The Wrap Up [WLK-065]|
| EMPLOYER: Dave / FIB                                                         |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #64 (The Bureau Raid)                                      |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Time: Complete within 07:00.                             |
|                  2. Headshots: Kill 18 enemies with a headshot.              |
|                  3. Buzz Off!: Shoot down the pursuing helicopter.           |
| VIDEO:          |

Soon after the last mission, Dave calls you. Meet him to trigger a scene in
which things go horribly wrong and - obviously - leaving you in the middle of a
large firefight. Press onward as you kill your opponents, preferably with
headshots for completion purposes. When you reach the court, Trevor shows up
and helps you out; ideally kill enemies with headshots again while sniping.
Continue as Michael and protect Dave from any crossfire, then switch to Trevor
and waste a couple more enemies.

When you drive away as Michael, a chopper pursues. Grab out a decent weapon and
gun it down - this is part of 100% mission completion anyway. Drive to the
waypoint to meet Trevor again.

| MAIN MISSION #66 - Lamar Down [WLK-066]|
| EMPLOYER: Franklin                                                           |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #65 (The Wrap Up)                                          |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Headshots: Kill 18 enemies with a headshot.              |
|                  2. Accuracy: Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 70%|
|                  3. Three Way: Kill an enemy with all 3 characters.          |
|                  4. Time: Complete within 13:30.                             |

As Franklin, visit your home to trigger this mission. Drive up to the place
where Lamar is being held and split up your characters to three designated
vantage points. It doesn't matter too much where you put them, as you can switch
between them anyway.

A major shootout starts, so take cover as Franklin when you close in on Lamar's
location, and preferably use headshots. Use your sniper rifle with Michael to
rack up some more headshots. Whenever a character is in trouble, quickly switch
over to them so you can kill any incoming gang members.

When you've reached Lamar and going back to the cars with him, some enemies will
engage Michael, so be quick to switch over and waste them. When you've finally
reached the car again, drive Lamar home to end this mission.

| MAIN MISSION #67 - Meltdown [WLK-067]|
| EMPLOYER: Michael/Devin                                                      |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #65 (The Wrap Up)                                          |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Time: Complete within 06:30.                             |
|                  2. Pedal to the Metal: Reach top speed in any vehicle.      |
|                  3. Tier One Operator: Kill 12 enemies with a headshot.      |
|                  4. Headshot Rescue: Rescue Amanda and Tracey with a         |
|                     headshot.                                                |

As soon as you arrive at the indicated starting position (for Michael), purchase
a suit and you'll be driven to the movie. Devin shows up and tells you something
you're not going to be pleased with hearing. Quickly drive to your home and step
on it. Inside, kill the two Merryweather security guys with a headshot, then
head downstairs and sweep the house clear. Push through the garden, staying
covered at all times, then move closer to the front yard and more Merryweather
security shows up. Pulling out your grenade launcher and blasting their jeep
works wonders; shoot any stragglers with your assault rifle and go back upstairs
to finish this mission.

| MAIN MISSION #68 - Stingers [WLK-068]|
| EMPLOYER: Heist                                                              |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #67 (Meltdown)                                             |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Escapee: Steal the Police Transporter and escape within  |
|                     02:00.                                                   |
|                  2. Not a Scratch: Deliver the Police Transporter with no    |
|                     damage.                                                  |

Get to Trevor's stripclub to start preparing for the biggest heist ever.
Depending on which path you choose you'll get different missions. For now, this
guide follows path A; the other path will be implemented soon. It is advisable
to get some good people working on this heist.

You're going to need a Police Transporter (a van), which isn't the easiest
vehicle to steal. The heist location not too far from the stipclub marks one.
Walk past the main entrance and past the police officers, climb over the fence
(the police will turn hostile from this point on), punch the officer coming out
of the building and get in the van.

You'll now have to lose a 3-star Wanted Level, which can be tricky. One way to
do it is to drive into the sewer tunnels. Either way, once you've lost the cops,
park it at the waypoint to complete this mission.

| MAIN MISSION #69 - Gauntlet - Pillbox Hill [WLK-069]|
| EMPLOYER: Heist                                                              |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #68                                                        |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Mapped: Deliver the Gauntlet pictured in the email.      |
|                  2. Not a Scratch: Deliver the Gauntlet with no damage.      |
|                  3. Pimped Out: Sped $17000 modifying the Gauntlet.          |

One of three pickup missions, you're required to pick up this Gauntlet car at
Pillbox Hill, modify it for the heist and bring it to the indicated garage.
Check your email (on your smartphone) to find the car's position on the map,
along with a photograph.

| MAIN MISSION #70 - Gauntlet - Rockford Hills [WLK-070]|
| EMPLOYER: Heist                                                              |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #68                                                        |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Mapped: Deliver the Gauntlet pictured in the email.      |
|                  2. Not a Scatch: Deliver the Gauntlet with no damage.       |
|                  3. Pimped Out: Sped $17000 modifying the Gauntlet.          |

One of three pickup missions, you're required to pick up this Gauntlet car at
Rockford Hills, modify it for the heist and bring it to the indicated garage.
Check your email (on your smartphone) to find the car's position on the map,
along with a photograph.

| MAIN MISSION #71 - Gauntlet - Mission Row [WLK-071]|
| EMPLOYER: Heist                                                              |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #68                                                        |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Mapped: Deliver the Gauntlet pictured in the email.      |
|                  2. Not a Scatch: Deliver the Gauntlet with no damage.       |
|                  3. Pimped Out: Sped $17000 modifying the Gauntlet.          |
| VIDEO: |

One of three pickup missions, you're required to pick up this Gauntlet car at
Mission Row, modify it for the heist and bring it to the indicated garage.
Check your email (on your smartphone) to find the car's position on the map,
along with a photograph.

| MAIN MISSION #72 - The Big One [WLK-072]|
| EMPLOYER: Heist                                                              |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #69, #70, #71                                              |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Headshots: Kill 20 enemies with a headshot.              |
|                  2. Signal Man: Perform less than 10 traffic light changes.  |
|                  3. Accuracy: Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 60%|
| VIDEO:          |

Needless to say, purchase heavy armor and good guns before attempting this.

Head over to Trevor's place to start this mission, the biggest heist ever
pulled. Drive the van to the indicated waypoint in the tunnel and drop the
stinger with the right button, then move away slightly from it. Aim at the
guards as the exit their vehicles, but don't shoot them. 

After entering the vehicle, drive to the Union Depository and get the gold from
the safe. Drive away afterwards until the scene shifts to Franklin. He's in
charge of getting the team safe around town by manipulating the traffic lights.
Keep the lights green for Michael & co. while you keep the lights red for
Merryweather. There's one exception; when your team reaches the lower left
corner of the screen, turn the lights green for the nearby (moving away)
Merryweather so they won't see Michael's team. In turn, stop your own team if
required at this point.

A scene will play after which a massive shootout takes place. Stay behind cover
and switch characters if the game tells you to. It helps quite a bit to take out
any incoming jeeps with the grenade launcher; the explosion will take out
multiple enemies at once. Other than that, use your assault rifle and try to
get at least 20 headshots while keeping your accuracy high as well.

When you've cleared out the area, get inside the cars. You'll have a 5-star
Wanted Level, so step on it and follow your teammates. When you reach the
tunnel, drive into the right truck; the time frame for this is fairly short so
you'll have two attempts at most. Do this successfully and you'll have escaped
the cops. All you have to do now is drive back to Michael's home.

| MAIN MISSION #73 - The Third Way [WLK-073]|
| EMPLOYER: Heist                                                              |
| PREREQUISITES: MM #72                                                        |
| REWARDS/UNLOCKS:                                                             |
| COMPLETION REQS: 1. Time: Complete within 21:30.                             |
|                  2. Headshots: Kill 20 enemies with a headshot.              |
|                  3. Accuracy: Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 70%|
|                  4. Stick, Tick... Boom!: Kill Cheng with a Sticky Bomb.     |
|                  5. Lead Lobotomy: Kill Steve Haines with a headshot.        |
|                  6. Stretched Out: Kill Stretch with a melee attack.         |
| VIDEO:        |

It is highly advisable to purchase some heavy armor before doing this mission.
The grenade launcher with plenty of ammunition is also invaluable.

You have three options here, but for now this guide is going to take the hard
route; the other two will be added tomorrow. Drive to Lester's place to discuss
the situation, then head to Franklin's old house to pick up Lamar. Drive to
the indicated factory afterwards and head inside to watch a scene.

Shit is about to hit the fan; both Merryweather and the FIB will be searching
the place any minute. Start taking them out one by one and switch characters
whenever required. When Lamar calls for Franklin's help, go upstairs and move to
the far end of the walkway, turn left and go outside. Quickly start taking out
more enemies and use your grenade launcher to take out vehicles. After clearing
out the area in front (near Lamar), switch back to Michael and clear the area,
then move to Trevor.

Head outside (together with Trevor) and take out another wave of enemies, using
any means necessary. Especially watch out for any enemies climbing up the
ladder of the walkway if you decide to stay there for the moment. Be sure to
make use of the holy grenade launcher to wipe out any vehicles including the
incoming chopper(s). When you've dealt with the last few enemies, all that's
left to do now are the following things:

1. Kill Cheng with Franklin. You can use sticky bombs to take out his vehicle.
   Quickly pull out the grenade launcher to destroy the other two vehicles and
   you should be able to escape without any Wanted Level whatsoever.

2. Waste Stretch with Michael. Don't get too close to his parked vehicle;
   instead, get out of your car in the main street, pull out the grenade
   launcher and pop him. Quickly escape the area by car, as his homies are
   eager to gun you down. If you're aiming for 100% completion, however, you'll
   have to take out Stretch with a melee attack.

3. Murder Steve Haines with Trevor. Steve's in the moving Ferris wheel and thus
   may be a little difficult to hit. Move to the left side (on which the wheel
   is coming down) to get a better angle and shoot him in the head when you the
   chance. Quickly get in your vehicle and escape the area from the cops.

4. Kidnap Devin from his home with Trevor. Although Devin has hired some
   Merryweather protecting, it's nothing compared to the last few shootouts
   you've been through. Waste the guards with an assault rifle and approach the
   swimming pool. Devin is in the trunk, so get close enough to trigger a scene.


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The GTA series has always been known for it's hilarious radio shows. This
section contains (almost) all lyrics of any songs played on the radio. At this
moment it's not yet fully complete, but it will be soon enough. Songs are listed
alphabetically on a track-by-track basis per radio station.

West Coast Classics [Classic Hiphop]
Host: DJ Pooh
2pac - Ambitionz Az A Ridah
Compton's Most Wanted - Late Night Hype
DJ Quik - Dollars and Sense
Geto Boys - Mind Playin' Tricks
Ice Cube - You Know How We Do It
King T - Played Like A Piano'
Kurupt - C Walk
Mc Eiht - Straight Up Menace
N.W.A. - Appetite For Destruction
N.W.A. - Gangsta Gangsta
Snoop Dogg - Gin N Juice
Snoop Dogg Ft. Dr. Dre - Still D.R.E
Snoop Dogg Ft. Dr. Dre - The Next Episode
The Dogg Pound Ft. Mack 10 - Nothin' But The Cavi Hit
The Dogg Pound - What Would You Do
Too $hort - So You Want To Be A Gangster
Kausion - What You Wanna Do (Ft. Ice Cube)

Radio Los Santos [Modern Hiphop]
Host: Big Boii
Ab-Soul - Illuminate
A$AP Rocky - r-cali
Clyde Carson Ft. The Team - Slow Down
Far East Movement - Bassheads
Freddie Gibbs - Still Livin
Game - Ali Bomaye
Gucci Mane Ft. Ciara - Too Hood
Ja Rule - Smokin and Ridin
Jay Rock - Hood Gone Love It
Kendrick Lamar - A.D.H.D.
Marion Band$ ft. Nipsey Hussle - Hold Up
MC Eiht - Straight Up Menace
PROBLEM Ft. Glasses Malone - Say That Then
YG - I'm A Real 1
The Alchemist + Oh No (Gangrene) - ???
??? - In The Life of a Mac

Soulwax FM [Techno/Electronic]
Host: Soulwax
Daniel Maloso - Body Music
FKCLUB - The Strange Art (In Flagranti Remix)
Goose - Synrise (Soulwax Remix)
Green Velvet & Harvard Bass - Lazer Beams
Joe Goddard Ft. Valentina - Gabriel (Soulwax Remix)
Matias Aguayo - El Sucu Tucu
Mim Suleiman - Mingi
Pulp - After You (Soulwax Remix)
The Hacker - Shockwave (Gesaffelstein Remix)
Tiga - Plush (Jacques Lu Cont Remix)
Zombie Nation - Tryouts

Non Stop Pop Fm [Pop/Dance]
All Saints - Pure Shores
Amerie - One Thing
Britney Spears - Gimme more
Corona - Rhythm Of The Night
Fergie - Glamorous
Hall And Oates - Adult Education
Jane Child - Don't Wanna Fall In Love
Kelly Rowland - Work
Mis-Teeq - Scandalous
Modjo - Lady
Moloko - Time Is Now
Petshop Boys - West End Girls
Rihanna - Only Girl (In the World)
Robyn - Every Heartbeat
Stardust - Music Sounds Better With You
Wham! - Everything She Wants

Rebel Radio [Country]
Charlie Feathers - Can't Hardly Stand It
C.W. McCall - Convoy
Hank Snow - It Don't Hurt Anymore
Jerry Reed - You Took All The Ramblin' Out Of Me
Johnny Cash - The General Lee
Ozark Mountain Daredevils - If You Wanna Get To Heaven
Waylon Jennings - Are You Sure Hank Done It This Way
Waylon Jennings - I Ain't Living Long Like this
Willie Nelson - Whiskey River
Johnny Paycheck - It Won't Be Long (And I'll Be Hating You)

Vinewood Boulevard Radio [Alternative Rock]
Hosts: Nate and Steve
Bass Drum Of Death - Crawling After You
Ceremony - Histeria
FIDLAR - Cocaine
Hot Snakes - This Mystic Decade
Metz - Wet Blanket
Sam Flax - Fire Doesn't Burn Itself
The Black Angels - Black Grease
Thee Oh Sees - The Dream
Ty Segall Band - Diddy Wah Diddy
Moon Duo - Sleepwalker
Shark? - California Grrrls

World Wide FM [Ambient/Electronic]
Cashmerecat - Mirror Maru
Django Django - Waveform
Donald Byrd - You and the Music
Gaslamp Killer - Nissim
I.N.C. - The Place
Kyodai - Breaking
Mala - Ghost
Swindle - Forest Funk
The Hics - Cold Air
Tom Browne - Throw Down
Toro y Moi - Harm In Change
Yuna - Live Your Life
Candido - Thousand Finger Man
Guts - ???
Hackman - Forgotten Notes
Owiny Sigoma Band - Harpoonland
Richard Spaven Ft. José James - ???

Channel X [Punk Rock]
Adolescents - Amoeba
Black Flag - My War
Circle Jerks - Rock House
Descendents - Pervert
Fear - The Mouth Don't Stop (The Trouble with Women Is)
Suicidal Tendencies - Subliminal
The Germs - Lexicon Devil
The Weirdos - Life Of Crime
T.S.O.L. - Abolish Government/Silent Majority
Youth Brigade - Blown Away

Los Santos Rock Radio [Classic Rock]
Billy Squier - Lonely Is the Night
Bob Seger and The Silver Bullet Band - Hollywood Nights
Chicago - If You Leave Me Now
Deff Lepard - Photograph
Elton John - Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting
Foreigner - Dirty White Boy
Greg Kihn Band - The Breakup Song (They Don't Write 'Em)
Julian Lennon - Too Late for Goodbyes
Phil Collins - I Don't Care Anymore
Queen - Radio Ga Ga
Steve Miller Band - Rock 'N Me
The Cult - Rain
The Doobie Brothers - What a Fool Believes
Small Faces - Ogdens Nut Gone Flake

Blue Ark FM [Reggae]
Host: Lee Scratch Perry
Chronixx - Odd Ras
Dennis Brown - Money In My Pocket
Gregory Issacs - Night Nurse
Konshens - Gun Shot A Fire
Protoje - Kingston Be Wise
Tommy Lee - Pyscho
Yellowman - Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt
Half Pint - Crazy Girl
Joe Gibbs & The Professionals - Chapter Three
Junior Delgado - Sons of Slaves
Lee Perry & The Full Experience - Disco Devil
Lee Perry & The Upsetters - Grumblin' Dub
Lee Perry & The Upsetters - I Am A Madman
Vybz Kartel & Popcaan - We Never Fear Dem

Radio Mirror Park [Contemporary Indie]
Host: DJ George
Dan Croll - From Nowhere (Baardsen Remix)
DJ Mehdi - Lucky Boy (Outlines Remix)
Jai Paul - Jasmine (Demo)
Miami Horror - Sometimes
Poolside - Do You Believe?
Toro y Moi - So Many Details
Twin Shadow - Shooting Holes
Yacht - Psychic City
Black Strobe - Boogie In Zero Gravity
Feathers - Dark Matter
The C90's - Shine A Light (Flight Facilities Remix)
Yeasayer - Don't Come Close

The Space [Funk]
D Train - You're the One for Me
Eddie Murphy - Party All The Time
Evelyn "Champagne" King - I'm In Love
Kano - Can't Hold Back (Your Loving)
Kleeer - Tonight
One Way - Cutie Pie
Rick James - Give It To Me Baby
Zapp - Hearbreaker, Pt.1, Pt.2

Flylo FM
Aphex Twin - Widowlicker
KingDom - Stalker Ha
Shadow Child Ft. Tymer - 23
Thundercat - Oh Sheit It's X

Aaron Neville - Hercules
All Saints - Pure Shores
B.T. Express - Do It
Bernard Wright - Haboglabotribin'
Gerry Rafferty - Baker Street
Inner Circle - Bad Boys
Marlena Shaw - California Soul
Mis-Teeq - Scandalous
Outkast - Elevators (Me & You)
Smokey Robinson- Cruisin
Warren G Ft. Nate Dogg / Song Name: Regulate

West Coast Classics [Classic Hiphop]
Host: DJ Pooh

Artist: 2pac / Song Name: Ambitionz Az A Ridah
I won't deny it, I'm a straight ridah
You don't wanna fuck with me, got the police bustin' at me
But they can't do nothing to a G
Let's get ready to rumble

Now you know how we do it like a G
What really go on in the mind of a nigga
That get down for theirs
Constantly, money over bitches
Not bitches over money
Stay on your grind nigga
My ambitions as a ridah
My ambitions as a ridah

So many battlefield scars while driven in plush cars
This life as a rap star is nothing without heart
Was born rough and rugged, addressing the mass public
My attitude was "fuck it", cause motherfuckers love it
To be a soldier, must maintain composure at ease
Though life is complicated, only what you make it to be
Uh, and my ambitions as a ridah to catch her
While she hot and horny, go up inside her
Then I spit some game in her ear, "go to the telly, ho"
Equipped with money in a Benz, cause bitch I'm barely broke
I'm smoking bomb ass weed, feeling crucial
From player to player, the game's tight, the feeling's mutual
From hustling and prayers, to breaking motherfuckers to pay up
I got no time for these bitches, cause these hoes try to play us
I'm on a meal ticket mission, want a mill, so I'm wishing
Competition got me ripped, on that bullshit they stressing (booyah!)
I'mma rhyme though, clown hoes like it's mandatory
No guts no glory, my nigga, bitch got the game distorted
Now it's on and it's on because I said so
Can't trust a bitch in the business so I got with Death Row
Now these money hungry bitches getting suspicious
Started plotting and planning on schemes, to come and trick us
But thug niggas be on point and game tight
Me, Syke and Bogart, strapped up the same night
Got problems then handle it, motherfuckers see me
These niggas is jealous cause deep in they heart they wanna be me
Uh, yeah, and now ya got me right beside ya
Hoping you listen I catch you paying attention
To my ambitions as a ridah

I won't deny it, I'm a straight ridah
You don't wanna fuck with me, got the police bustin' at me
But they can't do nothing to a G
Let's get ready to rumble

Peep it, it was my only wish to rise
Above these jealous coward motherfuckers I despise
When it's time to ride, I was the first off this side, 
give me the nine
I'm ready to die right here tonight, and motherfuck they life 
(yeah nigga!)
That's what they screaming as they drill me, but I'm hard to kill
So open fire, I see you kill me, witness my steel
Spitting at adversaries, envious and after me
I'd rather die before they capture me, watch me bleed
Mama come rescue me I'm suicidal, thinking thoughts
I'm innocent, so there'll be bullets flying when I'm caught
(Shoot!) Fuck doing jail time, better day, sacrificing
Won't get a chance to do me like they did my nigga Tyson
Thugging for life, and if you right, then nigga die for it
Let them other brothers try, at least you tried for it
When it's time to die, to be a man, you pick the way you leave
Fuck peace and the police, my ambitions as a ridah

I won't deny it, I'm a straight ridah
You don't wanna fuck with me, got the police bustin' at me
But they can't do nothing to a G
Let's get ready to rumble

My murderous lyrics equipped with spirits of the thugs before me
Pay off the block, evade the cops cause I know they coming for me
I been hesitant to reappear, been away for years
Now I'm back my adversaries been reduced to tears
Question my methods to switch up speeds, sure as some bitches bleed
Niggas'll feel the fire of my mother's corrupted seed
Blast me but they didn't finish, (buck buck buck buck buck)
Didn't diminish my powers
So now I'm back to be a motherfucking menace, they cowards
That's why they tried to set me up
Had bitch ass niggas on my team, so indeed, they wet me up
But I'm back reincarnated, incarcerated
At the time I caught the perfect way that God made it
Lace em with lyrics that's legendary, musical mercenary
For money, I'll have these motherfuckers buried (I been)
Getting much mail in jail, niggas telling me to kill it
Knowing when I get out, they gon' feel it
Witness the realest, a hoo-ridah when I put the shit inside
The cry from all your people when they find her
Just remind ya, my history'll prove authentic
Revenge on them niggas that played me
And all the cowards that was down with it
Now it's yo nigga right beside ya
Hoping you listening, catch you paying attention
To my ambitions as a ridah

Artist: DJ Quik / Song Name: Dollars and Sense
Now let's get down to business, bitches
Cause it seems like y'all just keep on tryin to diss this
Nigga that you know that's been down for years
I've clowned for years, and y'all could never fade my peers
One two three four five six seven
Nine, ten, Eiht you can't win
Cause all the way around nigga I gets respect
and youse a nigga that can't even get no props in your set
Tragniew Park you say huh
Wanna be rippin, but now it's time to do some set trippin
So listen close, cause I don't want y'all to miss
That I'm bout to break it down for this bitch, check it
Acacia, Poplar Maple Spruce Cedar Elm
Westside trees sprayin all the fleas
that's from the three and four hundred block P-Funk riders
(So niggaz watch yo' ass at that center divider) [gun blast]
Now Aaron Tyler, tell my why you seem so tame
When I caught you at the airport, shakin like a crap game
You looked up and you seen my niggaz comin
And you looked like your bitch ass was bout to start runnin
But all I wanted to do was kick a little coversation (yo whatup)
And see if we can fix this little situation
But would I fuck you up was what you wondered
Yeah, that's probably why you changed your little pager number 
(punk ass)
But bitches like you don't grow
You can't even look me in my eye, let alone go toe to toe
And callin me skinny, youse a clown
I'ma call you Theo, cause you weigh ninety-two point three pounds
Wack ass actor, movie script killer
Fool don't you know, Quik is still the nigga
Compton psycho, boy you oughta quit
Your records don't hit, and bitches don't jock your shit
You need to stay down you Compton clown
and get off of the nuts of the niggaz with guts
Because I'm down with the Trees, I'm down with Death Row
I'm down with Black Tone, and I'm down with the fo'
So when we cross paths and I hope that's soon
I'ma boot your motherfuckin ass to the moon
You need to quit bangin under false pretense
Cause if don't make dollars, it don't make sense

If it don't make dollars, it don't make sense
So don't kill game, let the pimpin commence
If it don't make dollars, it don't make sense
So don't kill game, let the people, commence
If it don't make dollars, it don't make sense
So don't kill game, let the pimpin commence
If it don't make dollars, it don't make sense
Because you gotta give it up to the crown prince

Now I'ma swing it to the right and, right into the left hand
Take a deep breath and, cook it like a chef and
this is dedicated to the C-P-T
No better yet T-T-P, or the niggaz that look up to me
I make it my business, to be that true forever
and whenever I can come clever well that's my endeavor
so whether or not you understand, that there's only one DJ Q-U-I-K
with no C still you can't be me
Because I'm floatin in my Lex and, depositin fat checks and
gettin mad sex while I floss the NSX and
doin what I wanna, and youse a goner nigga
for thinkin that you can catch me slippin on a street corner
Remember Compton's in the house, and Quik is in the hood
Sippin yak with all my niggaz cause it's tooted good
So don't knock it til you try it, cause Eiht he tried to knock it
But he's still walkin round with my nuts in his pocket (beyotch)
So put tha P in it represent and sip that Miller
And for those of y'all concerned, this is still Eiht Killa [gun blast]
Let me take a load off my scrotum little pest
If it don't make dollers nigga, you know the rest

If it don't make dollars, it don't make sense
So don't kill game, let the pimpin commence
If it don't make dollars, it don't make sense
So don't kill game, let the people, commence
If it don't make dollars, it don't make sense
So don't kill game, let the pimpin commence
If it don't make dollars, it don't make sense
Because you gotta give it up to the crown prince

Now I done sold my fuckin soul to the shit that I kick
While you groupie ass niggaz keep on ridin the dick
You oughta know that DJ Quik ain't your average everyday motherfucker
(hah) Slick like a snake cause I stuck ya
Now, I never had my dick sucked by a man befo'
But you gon be the first you little trick ass hoe
Then you can tell me just how it taste
But before I nut I shoot some piss in your face
you fuckin coward, tremblin like a nervous wreck
Cause when I caught your ass, you put yourself in check
And when you left my presence, you left expedient
You ain't no fuckin killer, youse a comedian, beyotch
Tell me why you act so scary
Givin your set a bad name wit your misspelled name
E-I-H-T, now should I continue
Yeah you left out the G cause the G ain't in you
Remember that time you was rollin on the Westside
And a little brown bucket pulled up on your side
Caught at that light in your Camry in the midst of a
REAL killer, tell me did you feel a little nervous (hell yeah)
You was in the shadow of death
With two trey-five-sevens pointed at your chest, hmm
Whatchu gon do, where was your niggaz that kill at
You ain't got no killers so kill dat
Holdin up your hands and beggin for a pass
You lucky they didn't just to get to dumpin on yo' ass
Cause this game you think is funny is some real shit
So you need to be more careful who you fuckin wit, beyotch!

If it don't make dollars, it don't make sense
So don't kill game, let the pimpin commence
If it don't make dollars, it don't make sense
So don't kill game, let the people, commence
If it don't make dollars, it don't make sense
So don't kill game, let the pimpin commence
If it don't make dollars, it don't make sense
Because you gotta give it up to the crown prince

I'm through playin with your punk ass

Shouts goes out, to my well known road dog
What's up Dozun Tru, they don't understand it baby
they can't fade us out here on these Compton streets (beyotch)
It's bigger than they can imagine
To the whole entire Death Row family
Both sides, whassup niggaz
And my nigga big Suge, known for keepin shit poppin
To my nigga Big J, my little nigga Hi-C, little straight G
And that little singin ass nigga Danny Boy
Y'all don't understand, y'all can't fade this
I'M the first nigga that was "Bangin on Wax"
Yeah if you remember, nineteen eighty-seven underground tapes
And it don't stop, and it won't stop

Artist: Geto Boys / Song Name: Mind Playin' Tricks
I sit alone in my four-cornered room 
Staring at candles 
Oh that shit is on? heh 
Let me drop some shit like this here 
Real smooth 

At night I can't sleep, I toss and turn 
Candle sticks in the dark, visions of bodies being burned 
Four walls just staring at a nigga 
I'm paranoid, sleeping with my finger on the trigger 
My mother's always stressing I ain't living right 
But I ain't going out without a fight 
See, everytime my eyes close 
I start sweatin, and blood starts comin out my nose 
It's somebody watchin' the ak' 
But I don't know who it is, so I'm watchin my back 
I can see him when I'm deep in the covers 
When I awake I don't see the motherfucker 
He owns a black hat like I own 
A black suit and a cane like my own 
Some might say "take a chill, b" 
But fuck that shit, there's a nigga trying to kill me 
I'm pumping in the clip when the wind blows 
Every twenty seconds got me peeping out my window 
Investigating the joint for traps 
Checking my telephone for taps 
I'm staring at the woman on the corner 
It's fucked up when your mind is playing tricks on you 

Willie D:
I make big money, I drive big cars 
Everybody know me, it's like I'm a movie star 
But late at night, somethin ain't right 
I feel I'm being tailed by the same sucker's head lights 
Is it that fool that I ran off the block 
Or is it that nigga last week that I shot 
Or is it the one I beat for five thousand dollars 
Thought he had 'caine but it was gold medal flour 
Reach under my seat, grabbed my popper for the suckers 
Ain't no use to be lying, I was scareder than a motherfucker 
But they're laughing at pow pies and buried that quick 
If it's going down let's get this shit over with 
Here they come, just like I figured 
I got my hand on the motherfucking trigger 
What I saw'll make your ass start giggling 
Three black, crippled and crazy senior citizens 
I live by the sword 
I take my boys everywhere I go 
Because I'm paranoid 
I keep looking over my shoulder and peeping around corners 
My mind is playing tricks on me 

Day by day it's more impossible to cope 
I feel like I'm the one that's doing dope 
Can't keep a steady hand because I'm nervous 
Every sunday morning I'm in service 
Playing for forgiveness 
And trying to find an exit out of the business 
I know the lord is looking at me 
But yet and still it's hard for me to feel happy 
I often drift while I drive 
Havin fatal thoughts of suicide 
Bang and get it over with 
And then I'm worry-free, but that's bullshit 
I got a little boy to look after 
And if I died then my child would be a bastard 
I had a woman down with me 
But to me it seemed like she was down to get me 
She helped me out in this shit 
But to me she was just another bitch 
Now she's back with her mother 
Now I'm realizing that I love her 
Now I'm feeling lonely 
My mind is playing tricks on me 

Bushwick Bill:
This year halloween fell on a weekend 
Me and geto boyz are trick-or-treating 
Robbing little kids for bags 
Till an old man got behind our ass 
So we speeded up the pace 
Took a look back and he was right before our face 
We'd be in for a squab' no doubt 
So I swung and hit the nigga in his mouth 
He was going down, we figured 
But this was no ordinary nigga 
He stood about six or seven feet 
Now, that's the nigga I'd been seeing in my sleep 
So we triple-teamed on him 
Dropping them motherfuckin b's on him 
The more I swung the more blood flew 
Then he disappeared and my boys disappeared, too 
Then I felt just like a fiend 
It wasn't even close to halloween 
It was dark as fuck on the streets 
My hands were all bloody from punching on the concrete 
God damn, homie 
My mind is playing tricks on me

Artist: Ice Cube / Song Name: You Know How We Do It
Yeah... yeah! 
Fool -- you know how we do it

West Side
Comin from the West Side
Nothin but the West Side

Ain't nuttin goin on but the bomb-ass rap song
Hittin all night long
Just like me on the black and white ivory
Gettin six on artillery, you don't want to see a G
Break yo' ass like dishes
Buster-ass tricks, sleep with the fishes
Runnin from Lennox, up at Venice
They wanna have me in stripes, like Dennis the Menace
But that ain't poppin, ain't no stoppin
Fo'-hoppin, ass droppin, Coupe DeVille
My truth can, ill - fool I got skills
So, back on up 'fore I check that chin
Down as fuck and I'm full off Henn'
You gets no love and I thought you knew it
Fool, you know how we do it

Comin from the West Side
West Side, comin from the West Side

Chillin with the homies, smellin the bud
Double parked and I'm talkin to Dub
about who got a plan, who got a plot
whom got got, and who got shot
Cause everybody knows that he got the info
Crazy Toones hangin out the window
Fool I got them bomb-ass tapes
Da Lench Mob, _Planet of the Apes_
I'm down with Eiht, and _Watts Up_
Kam is solo, they got nuts
When Ice Cube write a sentence
I want "The Bomb," just like George Clinton
S-K-D is down to catch a body
Put on _Knee Deep_, we'll turn out your party
You gets no love and I thought you knew it
Fool, you know how we do it

You know how we do it

Jack B. Nimble, and Jack B. Quick
if you wanna jack me on a lick, cause
I'm that fool from South Central
You think you stuck yourself, with a number 2 pencil
That's how I poke hot lead in yo' ass
With "Mo' Bounce to the Ounce" in the dash
Mash up, Ve-nice, headed for the West 
Everything is great, slow down for the dip
On a 100 and 8th and keep mashin
Don't drink and drive to keep the fo' from crashin
Stashin a glock and I thought you knew it
You know how we do it

Comin from the West Side, West Side
Nuttin but a West Side
It's hittin on the West Side
Fool, you know how we do it

Artist: King T / Song Name: Played Like A Piano'
King T:
King Tee's drunk again...Yo, check this out: awww shit, aw shit, I
wanna dedicate this song to all them motherfuckers out there 
that-that-that-that (not again) perpentratin'...perpetratin'... 
perpin' tratin'. Wait, rewind. 
(eh but yo...King Tee, man, what is this? What is this?)

Some cool shit for the King's anthology,
and when I'm done, don't expect no apology.
Stupid motherfuckers shoulda stepped when I warned 'em.
I'm from the Boondocks of Compton, California.
I'm just anxious to whoop some ass,
I went to high school, but I flunked every class.
So what makes you think I give a fuck about respect?
I'll put your bitch in check, and I'll bet
you won't run up, son of a punk and a bitch, too.
I shoulda did a drive by on you and your crew.
Cuz ya'll be poppin' some shit that's unheard of.
For you, what's the word? Uh...(wack!)'s murder, son.
When I be crushin' your hood with a passion,
and I ain't talkin' that Action Jackson.
When I come you better run for ammo,
or get played like a fuckin' piano...

And yo, we got my homeboy Ice Cube in the house from the motherfuckin'
Lench Mob (what's up, nigger?), and yo Ice Cube, 
I heard you're a singer now,
man what's up? Yo, yo...

Ice Cube:
Do-Ray-Me. But I don't sing, mothafucker.
I kick shit with the King, mothafucker.
Ice Cube will clock the cash, rock the mass,
and if you run up, I'll sock your ass.
And watch that eye get swollen,
cuz I'm playin' punk niggas like Beethoven.
So bust a cap or swing and die.
Fuck Yul Brynner, it's still The King and I.
Cuz where I'm from the sun don't shine,
so One-Time hope I only bust one rhyme.
But I bust one more for the suckers,
last year I was Ruthless, now I'm Lenchin' mothafuckers.
And you'll see in a tree, MCs and crews.
Now they're lookin' for me, King Tee, and Pooh.
Now every nigga that crossed me's soprano,
cuz I played their ass like a fuckin' piano...

King T:
Yo, check this out, we got my homeboy Breeze in the
motherfuckin' house from the L.A. Posse, and he got some shit to holler. 
Come on, man, bust this shit.

MC Breeze:
Well, I'm-a take the mic like it was a jack move.
Run with the beat as long as the track moves.
Hot as lava, organized like a seminar,
serve you, your crew, him, and them and a
couple of rap-saps who think they can get butt.
You slipped and shit, so nitwit, just get the nuts.
Stealin' your high hopes, watchin' you write notes,
better walk a chalk line, not fuckin' a tightrope.
Rap slicker, thicker, quicker than others, then I stop swift.
Shift from 1st to 5th, while you stop to shoplift.
Take the mic stand whenever the duty calls,
if I bust a nut for every rhyme I had, I'd get blue balls.
Serious as drama, I'm-a watch her say "Me too."
You're shorter than Michu, your rhymes are see-through.
You're nothin' like GQ, transparent, I made it apparent.
I'm here to wax and tax the incoherent.
Cuz B-R-E-E-Z-E will eas-i-ly re-main to be-e a top MC.
When you see me, I wear a beanie, and not a Kangol.
Now you got played, like a fuckin' piano.

King T:
This is just a sample of three black Nig-roes
who grew up in the heart of the ghetto.
Doin' what we had to just to make ends meet,
some steal for a livin', some stand on the street,
just slang. Some gang-bang, but big deal.
They say in Compton, you gotta kill or get killed.
Mothafuckin' police pull ya over, slam ya down,
then tell ya that your hood is their town.
And I ain't goin' for no shit like that;
cuff me up, take me to jail, I'll come back.
Talkin' much shit, cuz I talk what the fuck I feel,
a few weeks in the county ain't no big deal.
So a punk like you can't fuck with me,
that big ballin'-ass nigga named King Tee.
You think ya can? I don't think that you can, though.
Peace to Ice Cube and Breeze, and the fuckin' piano.

Artist: Kurupt / Song Name: C-Walk
Yeah, this for the west coast cd
Let me clear my throat
Check it out, check it out, check it out
We gonna drop it like this
This album is the best of both worlds
Kurupt, daz dilly, this for the westcoast side, young gotti
Dont forget about tray deee, and snoop, this for the westcoast one

Saggin, nigga g'd up, sippin
Sip nigga, dip nigga, set trip nigga
Gotta grip nigga, getta grip nigga with tha gang
And rollin with tha alpine bangin
Homie whatcha got? a couple sacs to sell
Went from weed and dope to mics ta sell
Hit a switch nigga
Dont fuck around wit bitch niggaz
Im a money cash nigga
Cash gettin, hash hitten
Gang bang afiliate
Hit a stick real quick
And in a minute start killin shit real quick
Ima million dollar motherfuckin nigga 
(million dollar motherfuckin nigga)
I thought you knew about it
Bout it bout it do ya got it
Now tha homies bout it, ima bout ta do this
Hit a lick they hit back wit some new shit
Then have a gangster reunion, the homie told me (wut he say?)
Get cha' boogie on youngsta, c-walk homie

Get cha' walk on, c-walk homie, c-walk homie
Get cha' walk on, c-walk homie

Tray Deee:
Yeah ima tell you like this kurupt, you know how it was for me
Been regarded as the hardest since i hit the set
Young nigga with a rep, kept that gangsta step
Crocka sacs of blue cordiroy with house shoes on
Flawssin for the hoodrats gettin my groove on
Hangin in the park till all hours of dark
Tryna catch a mark slippin wit this thang that bark
Cry baby on the swamp got the exit locked
And aint no doubt comin out he gone wreck ya not
Pass me the satin locs so i can wet my throat
While i sag the blue khakiswit tha raoder coat
All the hoes really want is gangstaz just like us
Ruff and dont give a fuck aint that right kurupt (thas right)
Stay bangin on these niggaz on a regular basis
Big paper chasin, facin felony cases
Made it to be famous, livin hard and dangerous
Steppin on these bustaz wit my blue chuck taylors

Get cha' walk on, c-walk homie, c-walk homie
Get cha' walk on, c-walk homie

Slip Capone:
You know that ganstaz rock, gangstaz roll
Heres the gangsta shit, we on a gangsta stroll
Its gangstaz ride, gangstaz slide
Then the gangstaz rob with the gangsta glide
Cuz gangstaz move, and gangstaz groove
And most gangstaz got nuthin ta lose
Gangstaz live, and gangstaz die
Gangstaz form a gang and the gang multiply
Gangstaz give a fuck a g, dont ask why
Gangstaz dont snitch, and gangstaz dont cry
Gangstaz boogie, gangstaz don't dance
Gangsta pull the strap out cha' pants and blast
Gangstaz don't run, and gangstaz don't hide
Ima gangsta ass nigga from the sick southside
Thats how i know exactly what a gangsta do
Ya love the gangsta shit aint you a gangsta too?
Then c-walk homie

Get cha' walk on, c-walk homie, c-walk homie
Get cha' walk on, c-walk homie

C-walk homie
Slip capone, c-walk homie
O.g. tray deee, c-walk homie
Kurupt, that nigga daz, soopafly, now walk on 'em
C-walk homie, c-walk homie, now walk on 'em

Artist: Mc Eiht / Song Name: Straight Up Menace
Wake your punk ass up for the 93 shot
MC Eiht's in the motherfuckin house.. gyeah
And it ain't nothin but a compton thang y'all
And we ain't nuttin but niggaz on the run
And this goes out to my niggaz.. gyeah

A fucked up childhood, is why the way I am
It's got me in the state where I don't give a damn, hmm
Somebody help me, but nah they don't hear me though
I guess I'll be another victim of the ghetto
Ain't no escapin, cause I'm way too young
Pops is dealin, and on top of that got moms sprung
Scheamin off the top, pops never figured
That he'd go down by the hands of another nigga
Now my pops is gone and that ain't no good
Got to follow in the foot steps of the homies from the hood
And where's the role model?
Niggaz putting brew in my fuckin baby bottle!
Damn, and through all the motherfuckin pain
They done drove my moms in-sane
So I guess I gotta do work so I ain't finished
I grow up to be a streiht up menace, gyeah

Uhh, come on y'all
Streiht up menace

Now I'm of age, and livin in the projects
Gettin paid off the clucks and the county checks
I'm Fil-ia fresh outta high school, never did I wonder
That the motherfuckin hood would take me under
Gyeah, I'm kickin it with the homies and they got the straps
Off to the corner store, owned by the fuckin {Japs}
See a bitch in the right lane so I comes with the mack
Astro Bam pulls a motherfuckin jack from the back
Now he's got the strap to my homie's head
See him play that shit cool, and don't be a fool!
He shot my nigga in the fuckin head
I caught one in the shoulder, if I didn't run I was dead
Now I'm layin in the hospital bed
Thinkin about them punk motherfuckers and my eyes is bloodshot red
Gyeah motherfuckers, I ain't finished
Be on the look-out for the streiht up menace, gyeah

Uhh, whassup y'all
Streiht up menace .. damn!
Streiht up menace .. damn!

I'm in too deep
I done killed a motherfucker and I just can't sleep
One-Time's tryin to do a smooth, creep
And on top of that
Niggaz after me for fuckin one of they hood rats
I ain't got time for the fuckin bitch's story
Niggaz want me gotta come to my territory
And ain't no 'You Can Get the Fist'
Niggaz come, and they get done on they own risk
What is it all about?
Should I leave or should I stay cause I don't wanna punk out
Oh what should I do? The homies say
'The hood's where it's good, homeboy, I thought you knew'
So in the process to show the hood my best
No time to react, caught two in the chest
Now look who's down, I guess I'm finished
I go out like a streiht up menace, gyeah

Uhh, come on y'all
Streiht up menace .. damn!

And on and on
I guess we outta here
Peace to my niggaz on the run
And it ain't nuttin but streiht up menaces, damn!
Just like I said before y'all
It ain't nuttin but a compton thang
And MC Eiht's in the house for the 93 shot
And this one's for the niggaz, gyeah

Artist: N.W.A. / Song Name: Appetite For Destruction
I got a taste for waste and a taste and a blood
Murder I heard her when she screamed the "Drop!"
Cuz it's on part of slung
Relate this to no choice
And listen to this straight-up man before they ban the voice
While I ride to the rythem of a pop
Remember the first nigga that runs is the first to get shot
Whoever thinks that what I say and betray is negativity
Need to come kick it in the city with me
And find the black and crack de fact
And take that shit back cuz they don't wanna fuck with that
There's too many niggaz they're tryin' to calm
If mothafuckaz could get it, nobody would've fuck with it
Appetite for destruction -
For him to get a bit more shit he gotta commit -
Murder in the first degree - a man slaughter
Takin' a life of his wife and young doughter
A whole city of bitches they look sucked up
And the niggaz iz killin' it's straight fucked up
Whoever sayin' what I'm sayin'z for greed
The 9 even when they're tryin' to feed my appetite for destruction

" .. you gotta know I'm talkin' to .. "

The Appetite is tremendous
So I'm gonna spin this
Drop up some violence because they ax me to end this
Some trouble that I cought cuz I was noisy
A nigga tried to take advantage because I'm de kamikazi
He took de swing from my hand - thought I was faded
Start runnin' for the door but the fucker never made it
The sound of the 9 went BANG [shot]
And all over the wall was his mothafuckin' brain
Cuz I'm a nigga you can't sleep on
So set the alarm, cuz I'm hittin' like a mothafuckin' bomb
I do damage with the 9 in my hand
But the average nigga they do not mean to understand
I'm from the streets so therefor
You know I don't care for 
A sucker that ain't down with the real niggaz the niggaz the niggaz yo
And after when the shit gotta go ain't even sober
Any time that the 9 wanna leave
I got a .38 hittin' down the sleeve
And it's ready to go to work cuz that's what it's here for
I shoot down a milion niggaz and shoot one more
And that's the milion and one
They could'nt hang with the appetite
Cuz they was'nt rappin' right
So I had to destroy whoever was standin' in my presence
For fuckin' up de asses appetite for destruction

"Cops would'nt hurt you, on your ass, man, you know, 
they realy degrade you,
I suppose you don't believe that shit, don't believe in 
cops degrade you,
Oh come on, those biddin'z, those people was resistin' arrest"

Check it out yo, in de house yo
So I can show and flow and let the people know
So won't you ease on down to the yellow brick road to Compton
But first let me tell you somethin' -
I possess to 10 commendmendts of the Hip Hop Baxter,
Known as the thief and murderer :
First one -
I'm a be a nigga with an attitude
Gotta get respected, break your mothafuckin' neck
Second one -
Allwayz gotta fuck at a wedlock
I like it when the pussy goes snack crack and pop
Number three -
I'm a gangsta, an addict
I smoke any foolz tryin' to cause some statix
Number four -
Here's what's these are
A crazy-ass nigga that remains hard core
Fifth one -
My kill has just begun
I pull out my gun that will keep me on the run
Step six -
Hmmm, it's kinda tricky -
Can't forget that I'm mothafuckin' chickenshit
To the ones who tries to play the E -
By the time you reach Seven you'll be 6 feet deep
Number eight -
Make no mistake, 
Move real slicky and you're bound to catch yo' pray
Ninth one -
I gotta be raw, fuck any brain once your man made law
Last but not least, I must be real -
Number ten - is my appetite to ki ...

Artist: N.W.A. / Song Name: Gangsta Gangsta
Here's a little somethin' bout a nigga like me
Never shoulda been let out the penitentiary
Ice Cube would like ta say
That I'm a crazy mutha fucka from around the way

Since I was a youth, I smoked weed out
Now I'm the mutha fucka that ya read about
Takin' a life or two that's what the hell I do
You don't like how I'm livin', well fuck you

This is a gang and I'm in it
My man Dre'll fuck you up in a minute
With a right, left, right, left, you're toothless
And then you say, "Goddamn they ruthless!"

Everywhere we go they say, damn
NWA's fuckin' up the program
And then you realize we don't care
We don't just say no, we're too busy sayin' yeah

About drinkin' straight out the eight bottle
Do I look like a mutha fuckin' role model?
To a kid lookin' up ta me
Life ain't nothin' but bitches and money

'Cause, I'm tha type of nigga that's built ta last
If ya fuck wit me I'll put a foot in ya ass
See I don't give a fuck 'cause I keep bailin'
Yo, what the fuck are they yellin'?

Gangsta, gangsta, that's what they're yellin'
It's not about a salary, it's all about reality
Gangsta, gangsta
Hopin' you sophisticated motherfuckers hear what I have to say

When me and my posse stepped in the house
All the punk ass niggaz start breakin' out
'Cause, you know, they know whassup
So we started lookin' for the bitches with the big butt

Like her, but she keep cryin'
I got a boyfriend, bitch stop lyin'
Dumb ass hooker ain't nuttin' but a dyke
Suddenly I see, some niggaz that I don't like

Walked over to em, and said, "Whassup?"
The first nigga that I saw, hit 'em in the jaw
Ren started stompin' 'em and so did E
By that time got rushed by security

Out the door, but we don't quit
Ren said, "Let's start some shit"
I got a shotgun and here's the plot
Takin' niggaz out with a flurry of buckshots

Boom, boom, boom, yeah, I was gunnin'
And then you look, all you see is niggaz runnin'
And fallin' and yellin' and pushin' and screamin' and cussin'
I stepped back and I kept bustin'

And then I realized it's time for me to go
So I stopped, jumped in the vehicle
It's like this because of that hoo ride
NWA is wanted for a homicide

'Cause, I'm the type of nigga that's built to last
Fuck wit me, I'll put my foot in your ass
See I don't give a fuck, 'cause I keep bailin'
Yo, what the fuck are they yellin'?

Gangsta, gangsta, that's what they're yellin'
It's not about a salary, it's all about reality
Gangsta, gangsta
He'll tell you exactly how he feel and don't want a fuckin' thing back

Homies all standin' around, just hangin'
Some dope dealin', some gang bangin'
We decide to roll and we deep
See a nigga on Daytons and we creep

Real slow, and before you know
I had my shotgun pointed in the window
He got scared and hit the gas
Right then, I knew I had to smoke his ass

He kept rollin', I jumped in the bucket
We couldn't catch him, so I said fuck it
Then we headed right back to the fort
Sweatin' all the bitches in the biker shorts

We didn't get no play, from the ladies
With six niggaz in a car are you crazy?
She was scared and it was showin'
We all said, "Fuck you bitch" and kept goin'

To the hood and we was fin' to
Find somethin' else to get into
Like some pussy or in fact
A bum rush but we call it rat pack

On a nigga for nuttin' at all
Ice Cube'll go stupid when I'm full of eight ball
I might stumble but still won't lose
Now I'm dressed in the county blues

'Cause, I'm the type of nigga that's built to last
If you fuck wit me, I'll put my foot in your ass
I don't give a fuck 'cause I keep bailin'
Yo, what the fuck are they yellin'?

Wait a minute, wait a minute, cut this shit
Man whatcha gon' do now?
What we're gonna do right here is go back
How far you goin' back?
Way back
As we go a lil' somethin' like this, hit it

Here's a lil' gangsta, short in size
A T-shirt, Levis is his only disguise
Built like a tank yet hard to hit
Ice Cube and Eazy E cold runnin' shit

Well I'm Eazy E the one they're talkin' about
Nigga tried to roll the dice and just crapped out
Police tried to roll, so it's time to go
I creeped away real slow and jumped in the six-fo'

Wit the diamond in the back, sun-roof top
Diggin' the scene with the gangsta lean
'Cause, I'm the E, I don't slang or bang
I just smoke motherfuckers like it ain't no thang

And all you bitches, you know I'm talkin' to you
We want to fuck you, Eazy, I want to fuck you too
'Cause, you see, I don't really take no shit
So let me tell you motherfuckers who you're fuckin' with

'Cause, I'm the type of nigga that's built to last
If you fuck wit me, I'll put a foot in your ass
I don't give a fuck, 'cause I keep bailin'
Yo, what the fuck are they yellin'?

Gangsta, gangsta, that's what they're yellin'
It's not about a salary, it's all about reality
Gangsta, gangsta
He'll fuck up you and yours, and anything that gets in his way

Gangsta, gangsta, that's what they're yellin'
It's not about a salary, it's all about reality
Gangsta, gangsta
He'll just call you a low life motherfucker
And talk about your funky ways

Artist: Snoop Dogg / Song Name: Gin N Juice
Heah hah hah! 
I'm serious nigga one of y'all niggaz got this ass motherfuckin up
Aiy baby, aiy baby... aiy baby get some bubblegum in this motherfucker
Steady long, steady long nigga

With so much drama in the L-B-C
It's kinda hard bein Snoop D-O-double-G
But I, somehow, some way
Keep comin up with funky ass shit like every single day
May I, kick a little something for the G's (yeah)
and, make a few ends as (yeah!) I breeze, through
Two in the mornin and the party's still jumpin
cause my momma ain't home
I got bitches in the living room gettin it on
and, they ain't leavin til six in the mornin (six in the mornin)
So what you wanna do, sheeeit
I got a pocket full of rubbers and my homeboys do too
So turn off the lights and close the doors
But (but what) we don't love them hoes, yeah!
So we gonna smoke a ounce to this
G's up, hoes down, while you motherfuckers bounce to this

Rollin down the street, smokin indo, sippin on gin and juice
Laid back (with my mind on my money and my money on my mind)
Rollin down the street, smokin indo, sippin on gin and juice
Laid back (with my mind on my money and my money on my mind)

Now, that, I got me some Seagram's gin
Everybody got they cups, but they ain't chipped in
Now this types of shit, happens all the time
You got to get yours but fool I gotta get mine
Everything is fine when you listenin to the D-O-G
I got the cultivating music that be captivating he
who listens, to the words that I speak
As I take me a drink to the middle of the street
and get to mackin to this bitch named Sadie (Sadie?)
She used to be the homeboy's lady (Oh, that bitch)
Eighty degrees, when I tell that bitch please
Raise up off these N-U-T's, cause you gets none of these
At ease, as I mob with the Dogg Pound, feel the breeze
beeeitch, I'm just

Rollin down the street, smokin indo, sippin on gin and juice
Laid back (with my mind on my money and my money on my mind)

Later on that day
My homey Dr. Dre came through with a gang of Tanqueray
And a fat ass J, of some bubonic chronic that made me choke
Shit, this ain't no joke
I had to back up off of it and sit my cup down
Tanqueray and chronic, yeah I'm fucked up now
But it ain't no stoppin, I'm still poppin
Dre got some bitches from the city of Compton
To serve me, not with a cherry on top
Cause when I bust my nut, I'm raisin up off the cot
Don't get upset girl, that's just how it goes
I don't love you hoes, I'm out the do'
And I'll be

Rollin down the street, smokin indo, sippin on gin and juice
Laid back (with my mind on my money and my money on my mind)

Rollin down the street, smokin indo, sippin on gin and juice 
Laid back (with my mind on my money and my money on my mind)
Rollin down the street, smokin indo, sippin on gin and juice 
Laid back (with my mind on my money and my money on my mind)

Artist: Snoop Dogg Ft. Dr. Dre / Song Name: Still D.R.E
Still Snoop Dogg and D-R-E (Guess who's back)
Still, still doing that shit, huh Dre?

Dr. Dre:
Oh for sure, check me out
It's still Dre Day, A.K. nigga
Before I chrome the lot, can't keep it home a lot
'cause when I frequent the spots that I'm known to rock
You hear the bass from the trunk when I'm on the block
Ladies, they pay homage, but haters say Dre fell off
How nigga My last album was "The Chronic"
They want to know if he still got it
They say rap's changed, they want to know how I feel about it

If you ain't up on pace

Dr. Dre:
Dr. Dre is the name, I'm ahead of my game
Still, puffing my leafs, still with the beats
Still not loving police (Uh huh)
Still rock my khakis with a cuff and a crease
Still got love for the streets, repping 213
Still the beat bangs, still doing my thang
Since I left, ain't too much changed, still

Snoop Dogg:
I'm representing for the gangsters all across the world
Still hitting them corners in them low low's girl
Dr. Dre:
Still taking my time to perfect the beat
And I still got love for the streets, it's the D-R-E [Repeat 2x]

Since the last time you heard from me I lost some friends
Well, hell, me and Snoop, we dipping again
Kept my ear to the streets, signed Eminem
He's triple platinum, doing 50 a week
Still, I stay close to the heat
And even when I was close to defeat, I rose to my feet
My life is like a soundtrack I wrote to the beat
Treat my rap like Cali weed, I smoke till I sleep
Wake up in the A.M., compose a beat
I bring the fire till you're soaking in your seat
It's not a fluke, it's been tried, I'm the troop
It's "Turn Out the Lights" from the World Class Wreckin' Cru
I'm still at it, After-mathematic
In the home of drivebys and ak-matics
Swap meets, sticky green, and bad traffic
I dip through then I get skin, D-R-E

Snoop Dogg:
I'm representing for the gangsters all across the world
Still hitting them corners in them low low's girl
Dr. Dre:
Still taking my time to perfect the beat
And I still got love for the streets, it's the D-R-E [Repeat 2x]

It ain't nothing but more hot shit
Another classic CD for y'all to vibe with
Whether you're cooling on a corner with your fly bitch
Laid back in the shack, play this track
I'm representing for the gangsters all across the world
(Still hitting them corners in them low low's girl)
I'll break your neck, damn near put your face in your lap
Niggas try to be the king but the ace is back

So if you ain't up on thangs

Dr. Dre:
Dr. Dre be the name still running the game
Still got it wrapped like a mummy
Still ain't tripping, love to see young blacks get money
Spend time out the hood, take they moms out the hood
Hit my boys off with jobs, no more living hard
Barbeques every day, driving fancy cars
Still gonna get mine regardless

Snoop Dogg:
I'm representing for the gangsters all across the world
Still hitting them corners in them low low's girl
Dr. Dre:
Still taking my time to perfect the beat
And I still got love for the streets, it's the D-R-E [Repeat 1.5x]

Right back up in ya muthfuckin ass
'95 plus four pennies
Add that shit up, D-R-E right back on top of thangs
Smoke some with your dog
No stress, no seeds, no stems, no sticks!
Some of that real sticky icky
Ooo Wee, put it in the air
For you's a fool D.R.

Artist: Snoop Dogg Ft. Dr. Dre / Song Name: The Next Episode
Snoop Dogg and Kurupt:
It's the motherfucking D-O-double-G
You know I'm mobbing with the D.R.E
You know who's back up in this MOTHERFUCKER
What what what what
So blaze the weed up then
Blaze it up, blaze it up
Just blaze that shit up nigga
Yeah sup Snoop

Snoop Dogg:
Top Dogg, bite em all
Nigga burn the shit up
D-P-G-C my nigga turn that shit up
C-P-T, L-B-C
Yeah we hooking back up
And when they bang this in the club baby you got to get up
Thug niggas drug dealers yeah they giving it up
Lowlife, yo life
Boy we living it up
Taking chances while we dancing in the party for sure
Slip my ho a forty-fo' and she got in the back do'
Bitches looking at me strange but you know I don't care
Step up in this motherfucker just a-swanging my hair
Bitch quit talking, Crip walk, stay down with the set
Take a bullet with some dick and take this dope from this jet
Out of town, put it down for the Father of Rap
And if yo' ass get cracked, bitch shut yo' trap
Come back, get back, that's the part of success
If you believe in the S you'll be relieving your stress

Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre:
It's the motherfucking D.R.E.
Dr. Dre motherfucker
You know I'm mobbing with the D-O-double-G

Dr. Dre:
Straight off the fucking streets of C-P-T
King of the beats you ride to em in your Fleet (Fleetwood)
Or Coupe DeVille rolling on dubs
How you feeling whoopty whoop nigga what
Dre and Snoop chronic-ed out in the 'llac
With Doc in the back, sipping on 'gnac
Clip in the strap, dipping through hoods
Compton, Long Beach, Inglewood
South Central out to the Westside
It's California Love, this California bud got a nigga gang of pub
I'm on one, I might bail up in the Century Club
With my jeans on, and my team strong
Get my drink on, and my smoke on
Then go home with, something to poke on
Loc it's on for the two-triple-oh
Coming real, it's the next episode

Nate Dogg:
Hold up hey
For my niggas who be thinking we soft
We don't, play
We gonna rock it til the wheels fall off
Hold up, hey
For my niggas who be acting too bold
Take a, seat
Hope you ready for the next episode
Smoke weed every day

Artist: Tha Dogg Pound Ft. Mack 10 / Song Name: Nothin' But The Cavi Hit
Blaze up (Oh yeah!)
World wide, don't stop don't stop
West side, don't stop
Mack 10 with Tha Dogg Pound
Yeah and the hits don't stop (Sucka)
Hey, Daz, check this out, dog

Mack 10:
Now when I come to ya'll hood, ya'll watch my back
And when ya come to Inglewood I'm a front you a sack
So we can grind and get away with the cash like a caper
Cause it ain't about the set-trip, it's all about the paper
Made the poverty cease, on the rise like yeast
A pavé ‘lex piece, and I keep my khaki's creased
Mack 10 is the lick, and ya know what my set be
Connect gang, nigga, from the west, where the best be

Daz Dillinger:
It ain't no questions asked, you down to blast for me?
Down to ride for me? Down to die for me?
I come through for these sucka-ass niggas who rep
Come creepin' up on shorty slowly, show him death
Pull out the Mack 90 automatic for static
Blast a couple of niggas, leave 'em all panicked
And we swerve and hit the curb, smoke some herb
We came up too much, too tough, and too rough

We in the war zone where the war's on, where ya gun, nigga?
Show 'em where you're from, nigga, ridin'-ass young nigga
Arsenel equipped, hot enough to scorch
With the double fours on the hip rolling with the force
He's out to catch a body
Talking, 'bout I thought this was a gangsta party
Now he's walking around salty as the sea
Talking 'bout what's jumpin?
I'm about to get the pump to pumping and start dumping on something

Fuck you over there, party over here
And if you wanna trip, we got the straps near
Cause niggas like us do platinum every year
And if I ruled this sphere [your shit'd disappear]
Now everybody in the house, throw your dubs in the air
And wave 'em all around like ya just don't care
It's worldwide and dope, so, nigga, act like ya savvy
Mack 10 and Tha Pound cooking nothing but the cavi

Mack 10:
I'm servin' niggas like a host with the pound, so take a toast
Dog, this west coast and our shit bump the most
Cause vine to vine I swing through the woods of Ingle
And everything I make, fuck around and be a single
From the hoo-bangin' hits, to the yes, yes, ya'lls
Now all down my halls, got plaques on my walls
We might slow the roll, sit back and still kick it
But the shit don't stop 'til we hit a meal ticket

Daz Dillinger:
I'll be goddamned, I'm in it for a meal ticket
And the goal's successful I don't know who to prove a show
Usual swerve a corner and hit a block back-to-back
I don't know, it's like that, where the gang-bangers hang at
They say, "Daz, you a rider?"
I reply with, "Boy, hell yeah, I'm a rider!"
From the east side of Long Beach to the west side of Inglewood
On a cash mission bailing hood to hood

Once upon a time in the early stages of my life
Sacrifice, out for the loot shaking niggas like dice
Forever and a day, say what you say
On the mic I display, Philly to LA
I've been all over from Crenshaw and Imperial
To 108th, I'm sure Mack got my back
It's all about mashing, cash and heat in the stash
When you're in the neigborhood of assassins
What you say?

Fuck you over there, party over here
And if you wanna trip, we got the straps near
Cause niggas like us do platinum every year
And if I ruled this sphere [your shit'd disappear]
Now everybody in the house, throw your dubs in the air
And wave 'em all around like ya just don't care
It's worldwide and dope, so, nigga, act like ya savvy
Mack 10 and Tha Pound cooking nothing but the cavi

What do you consider fun?
(That's the bomb, that's the bomb)
All day night, and all night long
(That's the bomb, that's the bomb)
When you wake up in the morning and you start to yawn
(That's the bomb, that's the bomb)
All day night, and all day long
(That's the bomb, that's the bomb)
C'mon, c'mon
Yeah, dub S.C.G
Take a picture, trick
Take a picture, trick
Take a picture, trick
It might make ya rich
West side!
Death Row

Artist: Tha Dogg Pound / Song Name: What Would You Do
Yeah, back up in yo ass with a twenty sack
Don't wanna fuck with me
(Dogg Pound gangstaz)
We do it like that
Motherfuckers out there be like, takin' our styles
Be trying to do they own little dissing
But they can't do it, you know, so we gonna, do it like this
Sit back relax and get a cool one

Have you ever heard of a slughter? I oughta start dippin'
Sippin' on that S T get's me to trippin'
I don't slips, I bangs with that mad ass Dogg Pound gang
It's a DPG thang, Kurupt from the S.C
You wanna test me, let's see if you'll survive .45 times
Like a hollow point headed for your dome
Take a couple of steps, turn around and it's on
Couldn't withstand the murderous mental

I subdue and then take two to your temple
When I cause holocaust from what's spittin'
Niggaz collapse and when the straps is clickin'
Look, this is how it's done nigga
(One, two, three)
I grab my strap, you best run nigga
I gives a fuck, Kurupt's the kingpin of the click
Littlest G, with the biggest dick

Shit, a motherfucker betta recognize
With a twist of my wrist like O.J. you all die
I snack on motherfuckers like a bone
Known to be the shit upon the microphone

Ever since I was bown, not to ever love a bitch
Learned game after game, that's why we are the best
Motherfuckers be gankin' styles minute after minute
But soon as you did it I smelled the niggaz shitted

Now what would u do?
If you could fuck with me and my crew
But you can't, so don't even think about
Steppin' in the motherfuckin' house

Now what would u do?
If you could fuck with me and my crew
But you can't, so don't even think about
Steppin' in the motherfuckin' house

Bitches butterfly all day, while I steady make my pay
Every single day in the LBC
Cruisin' through the East side, me and Lil' Style
When I back up a green six-fo' bustin' free styles

There's no escape, give me the papes and the tape case
How much money can a nigga make in one place?
The review, ain't shit new
You stupid motherfuckers can't fuck wit' my crew

I see all these niggaz tryin' to get with my kin folk
Get so many busters on the West Coast and then to say the least
I see a few trick ass niggaz layin' low on the East Coast
And the question is asked

Do you wanna rap, scrap or blast to that nigga Daz
I'll be the first one to him 'em
Oh yeah, fuck B.G. Knockout and every nigga down with him
'Cuz I'm a natural born killer
And I steal a half, motherfucker 'cuz it's like that

Now what would u do?
If you could fuck with me and my crew

There's so many motherfuckers that I can include
Whose quick to blast motherfuckers in a feud
It doesn't make a difference 'cuz it's about
Who's the quickest on the draw to end all existence

For instance, let's take these Ruthless fools
These Ruthless fools and the Pound in one room
Assume, it's only for conversation, so let's
Conversate slip a nigga the .38 then dip
Empty out the clip
Mind on stead-trip, 'cuz niggaz talk shit

Now if a nigga had a prayer before a nigga died
Would the nigga be dead or would he stay alive?
And if I was in your shoes, would I survive?
Probably not, you'd probably let your glock go pop
Now drop, to your knees
And picture Dat Nigga Daz flowin' in the breeze

Now what would u do?
If you could fuck with me and my crew
But you can't, so don't even think about
Steppin' in the motherfuckin' house

From the twitch of the eyes
You can see the line, just know it when you see it
'Cuz it messes up the flow to the real fillings y'know
And I'd rather be sipping on a glass of wine
Can you feel yourself in the room with Everlast
Trying to steal a flow, I don't think so
Cock-blockers come with their hearts beating jealousy

In the way like a stray dog
Trying to climb, every bitch on his arm
Cock-blockers, come in every color
Even blue, now this is true
Trying to fuck your woman and even you
Now what the fuck would u do, motherfucker?

What would u do? Mmm
What would u do? What would u do?
What would u do?
If you could get with me and my crew

The weak ones stick and move
What would u do if you could get with my crew?
Why don't u tell me what?
Tell me what u would do if you could get with
The weak ones stick and move

What would u do if you could get with my crew?
Me and my crew, with me and my crew
What would u do? What would u do?
What would u do, if you could get with my crew?

What would u, what would u do
If you could get with the Dogg Pound?
What would u do?
Would you get caught with your pants down?

What would u do?
If you could get with the Dogg Pound?
What would u do?
Would you get caught with your pants down?

What would u do?
If you could get with the Dogg Pound?
What would u do?
If you get caught with your pants down?

Artist: Too $hort / Song Name: So You Want To Be A Gangster
So you want to be a gangster.. all that shit
Smoke any motherfucker, don't even trip
You be hard as hell, take whatever you want
Punk suckers wanna front -- they get done
Cause you a gangster -- nuttin more nuttin less
Put my boy to the test and catch one in your chest
Since he was young, homeboy won't back down
Cause real gangsters, always hold that frown
Until you lose control, then you sell your soul
To the devil motherfucker cause you're way too cold
And all the people hide and just run inside
Cause you keep usin yo' gat commitin homicide
Boy I tell ya, Life Is way Too $hort
Another brother just got smoked
And you killed him -- ain't that a bitch?
Cause it really ain't shit

(gangsta, gangsta)
Shoot em up (gangsters)
That ain't cool (gangsters)
Ain't that a bitch (gangsters)
Shoot em up (gangsters)
That ain't cool (gangsters)

Let me tell you somethin youngster.. you got it all wrong
Gangsters don't live that long
I had gangster potnahs get they HEADS to' off
For some of that gangster shit, get caught in the cross
You want stripes, take yo' ass to the service
Cause when it's on, ain't no time to get nervous
Pull the trigger.. yeah you did it
You'se a gangster and I got to admit it
But you'se a youngbuck.. you ain't learned yet
Killing don't make you a vet
Get out the fast line -- stick with the homeboys
Ready made gangster get gone boy
Cause where I'm from it's the same old shit
You call them shots, when you're down with the click
Niggas dyin everyday but that's a black thang
You either sell dope, or your gangbang
But you got the biggest heart in the click man
You did a murder, and now you're a hitman
All your homies tryin to tell you, that ain't cool
Playin shoot 'em up, like a fuckin fool
But you'se a gangster, one they can't destroy
Don't even give a fuck, about your boys
You go for self, you wanna be on top?
Fucked around and now your brother's shot

Shoot em up (gangsters)
That ain't cool (gangsters)
Ain't that a bitch (gangsters)
Shoot em up (gangsters)
That ain't cool (gangsters)
(gangsters) Ain't that a bitch
(gangsters) And it don't stop
To the beat

Radio Los Santos [Modern Hiphop]
Host: Big Boii

Artist: Ab-Soul / Song Name: Illuminate
Back when I first grabbed that pen
I told myself I was gon' win
And I ain't know when
But it was gon' end
Up happening, I want in
So you can take your top 5 list
Dead or alive and put me after Em
I'm a fucking genius
Gripping my fucking penis, living this life
You can't tell me nothing
Still ain't really got no money fucking right
I'm all about that real, about that real
This ain't no motion picture
I tell you how that feel, how that feel
Even when the odds against you
They wanna see me wearing Polo drawers
Put 2 chains on and that ain't wrong
But that ain't me, I go too damn hard
I don't need clothes or jewelry to stand out
Black lip nigga with his hair wild
Too damn proud
Been killing this since Cam made Oh Boy
Oh boy, I'm the man now
TDE, put the money in my hand ain't shit free
This business is quick sand and I won't sink
Put the pistol in my hand and I won't think
Rest in peace, you just made room for the next to be
I never been afraid to say what I wanna say when I wanna say it, 
okay then
Further more we do this for y'all
Rap is stressin' but it pays great
That is until you lose appeal
And your release date gets date raped
Stay safe, hold your head
I got two fish and a loaf of bread
Feed the people, food for thought
Because we are equal, who'd have thought

Ab-Soul & Kendrick:
They wanna share my light (Repeat x8)
You can have all my shine, I'll give you the light (Repeat x2)

I used to wanna rap like Jay-Z
Now I feel I could run laps around Jay-Z
Nas ain't seen nothing this nasty
B.I.G. & Pac got it coming when I pass too
You got the mic, I ain't the one you wanna pass to
My niggas say my new shit past due
I paid dues, even got that shit tattooed
HiiiPoWeR on another plateau
I know you know we need a few plaques too
The brand new niggas with a attitude
Poppin' Compton or Timbuktu
I might even sell my new shit for 10 bucks too
Too ill when I jot these words
True eel when I shock the world
I know life's a bitch
When you know life's a bitch and that's not your girl
Cold shit, I'm hot though
Like coal get, Ab-Soul
This is a shift in paradigm
I remember when I couldn't spare a dime
Now I step in with a pair of dimes
On P's, y'all know me
Flow like water, admiralty
The best author ever to breathe
And as we proceed to follow these dreams
I ain't losing no sleep
No, no on them NoDoz
Just know "No" if it's no dough
So high but I'm Soulo
Two cups and I sip slow
Taking my time
We don't just shine, we illuminate the whole show
Now let's go

Ab-Soul & Kendrick:
They wanna share my light (Repeat x8)
You can have all my shine, I'll give you the light (Repeat x2)

Kendrick Lamar:
Time and time I drop line for line
But only time will tell
If I ever go Columbine
And cop 30 nines and cock back and kill
See the truth is
They wanna know how close me and Dre and Snoop is
Or how the shoe fits when they choose this to beat 2Pac
But truth I give two shits 'bout
Expectations or critics hating
Shit, I just put moms on vacation
Bitch you never know my new location, it's across nations
Court cases get thrown out
So tell the motherfucking King dethrone now
I am ruler, I am highness
The Prince Zamunda
I am the shit like what the prune does
Black on black tint like Kinta Kunta
Black is back bitch I'm kin to coup de
Black on black crime resent the shooter
Blat, blat, blat, I intend to mute you
Racks on racks, I don't rap on tracks
Without my A-game so please don't ask
Me about no pressure
Bitch with the grip of my fingertip
I can hold this coast together

Ab-Soul & Kendrick:
They wanna share my light (Repeat x8)
You can have all my shine, I'll give you the light (Repeat x2)

Artist: Clyde Carson Ft. The Team / Song Name: Slow Down
I tell em
Slow down, you know you can't catch me
I move too fast on the gas, don't chase me
Slow down, slow down

I tell em
Slow down, you know you can't catch me
I move too fast on the gas, don't chase me
Slow down, slow down

Clyde Carson:
(I tell 'em)
Ay, I'm on the case gettin' sideways
Dolla fo' five on the highway
You know a nigga state to state
On a dolo mission I got a date with the cake
Wide awoke, 3 A.M
Prolly touch down when the sun come in
Ay, when them guards hit the gate I be tired as fuck 
after that 8-hour race
I come from the land where we swing our cars
Figure 8 Benz concrete leave marks
Call it paid, super-charged
Back to back race the Benz with the four door Porsche
I'm tearin' up tires in this luxury
Hella smoke says she wanna fuck with me
Money on my mind ain't nothin' for free
Tryna keep up with me but it's nothin' to me

I tell em
Slow down, you know you can't catch me
I move too fast on the gas, don't chase me
Slow down, slow down

I tell em
Slow down, you know you can't catch me
I move too fast on the gas, don't chase me
Slow down, slow down

Kaz Kyzah:
(I tell 'em)
Slow down, you know you can't catch me
Hype without fugitive, Snipes Wesley
Fuzz get on me tried to test me arrest me
Wet than a motha fucka whip like a jet ski
Ride like Presley, pills like Graceland
They wanna shit me the readee and off to reception
Nah, ain't tryna see the state pen
I'm Black Scaled out in my Ray-Bans
Diamond-certified, I ain't neva lied
I ain't had L's since Pac died
Ridin' through the biters, couple bundles talkin' bout sliders
Run from the labors, mind's still swift
FedEx movement all on the bitch
Audi with the stash box, Cazzy too swift
No frontin' push a button give a nigga that... gift

I tell em
Slow down, you know you can't catch me
I move too fast on the gas, don't chase me
Slow down, slow down

I tell em
Slow down, you know you can't catch me
I move too fast on the gas, don't chase me
Slow down, slow down

Mayne Mannish:
I'm Jeff Gordon in his heyday
Ridin' like Tony Stewart smashin' through a two-way
Doin' bout a hundred kinda burnin' up the Lou-ie
Lou-ie, Louie 13th motha fucka yeah Louie
D.U.I. drivin black Henny on my lap
Pedal to the flo' with a 808 clap
Money motivated doin' sprints when I'm chasin'
And it gotta be a hemi I don't normally do the basic
Six-cylinder, r-really bruh? Slow it down, keep up
And I'm killin' ya, hope I'm not offendin' ya
See you at the finish line, leavin' em
Burn rubba, bu-burn rubba
This is how we do it when I'm dippin' on a corna
Burn rubba, bu-burn rubba
This is how we do it in Northern California

Artist: Far East Movement / Song Name: Basshead
Give me that bass, make it bang
Boom, boom

Cruising down town with me and my crew
Girls on the sidewalk, how do you do ?
I like your bass, that’s something to screw
If you’re looking for a good time, follow the boom
Dip to the liquor store then to the crib
Knock on the door, damn look who it is
It’s the L.A. freaks with all that base
Ain't nothing like a hoochie with an 8o8

Pack that stump in, anything to trunk it
And girl is a basshead, let me see you pump it
Yeah, get wasted, to the, to the pavement
Let me see you pump it, girl you’re a basshead
Girl you’re a basshead, girl you’re a bass head
Let me see you pump it girl, you’re a basshead
Go girl you’re a bass head, yeah you’re a basshead
Let me see you pump it girl, you’re a basshead

Pop, pop, fizz, fizz
Take a sip, blacked out we the cool kids
Take a hit blacked out on a cool hit
Cross-faded all day on the new shit
Tripping out when the bass look real fat
She got a sub that can hit like a heart attack
Oh, girl got bass, with a nice shape
Nothing like a hoochie with an 8o8

Pack that stump in, anything to trunk it
And girl is a basshead, let me see you pump it
Yeah, get wasted, to the, to the pavement
Let me see you pump it, girl you’re a basshead
Girl you’re a basshead, girl you’re a bass head
Let me see you pump it girl, you’re a basshead
Go girl you’re a bass head, yeah you’re a basshead
Let me see you pump it girl, you’re a basshead

For my L.A. creep, no sleep, no tweek, just an L.A. freak
All bass, fly tweets, five highness' in the back seat
And they thumping, hell yeah, thump thumping, hell yeah
And they thumping, hell yeah, thump thumping, ya flow girl

Pack that stump in, anything to trunk it
And girl is a basshead, let me see you pump it
Yeah, get wasted, to the, to the pavement
Let me see you pump it, girl you’re a basshead
Girl you’re a basshead, girl you’re a bass head
Let me see you pump it girl, you’re a basshead
Go girl you’re a bass head, yeah you’re a basshead
Let me see you pump it girl, you’re a basshead

So, so fly, face so cute,her cush-cush taste like mango fruit
Heard you looking for a baller, shot caller
She gave me her number but I’m not gonna call her
I know what you gon' to, young 2Pac I got to choose
Them boys like Dr.Seuss now get higher than a mother
Show no love for the suckers, I ain’t never scared like no pressure
Said she love me but I don’t trust her
Get rich and have four baby mothers
Yeah, get hit or get lost
I’m trynna be the same person, pushing lip gloss
Now go girl, it's hurting them hair curls

Pack that stump in, anything to trunk it
And girl is a basshead, let me see you pump it
Yeah, get wasted, to the, to the pavement
Let me see you pump it, girl you’re a basshead
Girl you’re a basshead, girl you’re a bass head
Let me see you pump it girl, you’re a basshead
Go girl you’re a bass head, yeah you’re a basshead
Let me see you pump it girl, you’re a basshead

Artist: Freddie Gibbs / Song Name: Still Livin
What you know boy (x14)

I'm still livin like a dope dealer
And these streets they got no mercy on a broke nigga
Gain some on 'em so all my niggas gang bang
Girls come get your cook up 
I came up with the cane slangers
And I grew up next door to the doorman
Chevy red CL coupe clean as a coke can
DEA been doing surveillance they in the dope van
Nowadays they pay Walter Payton that's 34 benz
I'm still living like a jack boy
Got your family wrapped up and say I'm about to sex boy
And I heard it ain't where you from it's where you at boy
Make sure every place that I'm at next to the strap boy
Killing now, shit from these verses putting holes in herses
And these suckers need some product to purchase some at their service
Used to sale my yellow and next tail paid for these chirpers
Ain't no doubt we don't check out LCTE they close the curtains

And I'm still, still livin like a dope dealer
Finger on the trigger I ain't taking shit from no nigga
Still, I'm still living like a dope boy
Wrapping up the pack of drugs traffic what you know boy
And I'm still, still livin like a dope dealer
Finger on the trigger I ain't taking shit from no nigga
Still, I'm still living like a dope boy
Wrapping up the pack of drugs traffic what you know boy

Still cashing at dope check
Guns a contraband know that
Street said that I marked for death
And might be the one to give smoking next
Might fuck around might beat it down
That ass round and that throat wet
Your pussy boy straight gold dick
Got a hundred rounds bitch your death
Bitch hold that, bitch hold up
Bitch know what that 4 bus
Bought a 14 and they straight and hard
Serve double D of that broad up
That straight trap with no raps with me
Old teeth but they peekle me
Moonwalking on dope bitch I know real niggas on Jackson street
25th 49 , cali kush over night
Come back to my store dawg to make sure you got your order right
And my shop might close up so make sure you put your order seen
Just another day another dollar ducked in quarter can
Wrapping up the pack of drugs traffic watching out
When the summer spring fall nigga shove us not
And if I could I'd dig a tunnel straight to Mexico
Pass me my strap I think the police at my door 'cause I'm

Still, still livin like a dope dealer
Finger on the trigger I ain't taking shit from no nigga
Still, I'm still living like a dope boy
Wrapping up the pack of drugs traffic what you know boy
And I'm still, still livin like a dope dealer
Finger on the trigger I ain't taking shit from no nigga
Still, I'm still living like a dope boy
Wrapping up the pack of drugs traffic what you know boy

Artist: Game / Song Name: Ali Bomaye
Get my people out them chains nigga
I mean handcuffs, time to man up
Put my hands up? Fuck you sayin' bruh
Cause I'm a black man, in a Phantom
Or is it cause my windows tinted
Car cost 300 thou' and I blow Indo in it
You mad cause your daughter fuck with me on spring break
Well, I'mma fuck her 'til the springs break

2 Chainz:
Yeah Roll another one cause I’m winnin
In my four door looking real photogenic
Gentleman attire, in threads that won’t expire
I’m in a class of my own, my teacher got fired
Money getting long, pussy rate keep rising
Versace outfit cost me 3,000
From the P houses, did it from the wee hours
Selling that chicken no lemon pepper, no sweet and sour
First you get the power, then you get respect
I’m getting so much money I can buy ya bitch
Take it how you wanna, if you wanna take it
I like clubs where all the women working naked
Fell in love with a waitress what the fuck I’m thinking
Bought that ho a ring it was for her pinky
Uhn, that’s pimpin’ that’s slick
Got a bottle of cologne that cost more than your rent

Fuck y'all mad at me for
Got a black card, and a black phantom
With a white bitch in Idaho, I do the same thing in (Montana)
Got a thick bitch in Atlanta, got a redbone in the Chi
Got two chains, they two-tone, two hundred racks, no lie (true)
Ali Bomaye! Ali Bomaye!
I'm bout to rumble in the jungle in these new Kanye's
Ali Bomaye! Ali Bomaye!
My lawyer threw them gloves on and beat another case
Fuck y'all mad at me for, cause my belt got two G's on it
Her bag got two C's on it, my daughter's stroller got D's on it
Free Big Meech, Free Boosie and C-Murder
Like New Orleans, like Baltimore, come to Compton you'll see murders
And my AR see murders, that's beef nigga no burgers
I'm insane and you Usain, nigga better turn on them burners
Got coke swimming in that glass jar, bitch go turn on them burners
Got dope to sell in this hotel, no half price, no retail
You a bitch nigga, no female, I smack niggas, Sprewell
I'm on the block like D 12, I got the white, no D-12
Like a little nigga in Africa, I was born toting that K
And that's real shit, no Will Smith, and no Nona Gaye
But they yellin'...

Ali Bomaye! Ali Bomaye!
Thank God that a nigga seen another day
Ali Bomaye! Ali Bomaye!
Got a chopper and a bottle fuck it let 'em spray

Rick Ross:
I take my case to trial, hire the Dream Team
Robbie Kardashian, Johnnie Cochran, I seen things
I dream big, I think sharp
Inhale smoke, Hawaiian tree bark
Humble yourself, you not a G, keep it one with yourself
Run to niggas for help, favors I keep one on the shelf
I got rifles with lasers, swing it just like the majors
Hit you right above navel, now you swimming in pavement
Gold medals on my neck, I call it Michael Phelps
Hoes settling for less, I call 'em bottom shelf
Niggas tough on them blogs and never did nothing at all
On the road to the riches, bitches not tagging along

Unless it's ass in a thong, hit that ass and I'm gone
Disrespect my nigga Boss and I'm flashing the chrome
I'm waving the Tec, Tity spraying the Mac
Extendos in the back, gonna lap
Got a bitch that look like Laila Ali sitting in my lap
Got a call from Skateboard, pick 'em up at Lax
Speaking skateboards, where Tune at?
Fuck with him, I'll break a skateboard on a nigga back
2 Chainz!

2 Chainz:
Skateboard on a nigga track
No lie, No Lie already got a plaque
Mama got a house, daughter got accounts
Just to think a nigga like me started with a ounce
Bad bitches and D-boys, we bring 'em out
If them niggas pussy, we douche 'em, we clean 'em out
This the voice of ghetto intelligence, if you got work
Go to work, don't work at your residence

...For presidents
Word to Muhammad, that triple beam is heaven-sent
Riding through the jungles in that muthafuckin' elephant
That's a gray ghost, with the ears on it
Swimming through the hood like it got fins on it (Tell 'em!)
You know I got that work on the foreman grill
Weigh the muthafuckas in, made another mill'
Got a nigga feeling like Cassius Clay
Thrilla in Manilla, nigga want it whip his ass today

Ali Bomaye! Ali Bomaye!
Thank God that a nigga seen another day
Ali Bomaye! Ali Bomaye!
Got a chopper and a bottle fuck it let 'em spray

Artist: Gucci Mane Ft. Ciara / Song Name: Too Hood
He's so hood, he's some damn hood
He's so hood, he's some damn hood

Come on and ... I'ma turn you up into a soldier
... privilege, I'ma show ...
So don't lie to me I know you're scared of me
You ain't got me ... you stay on top of me
Plus I let her drive, then I make a ride
... like she ...
Say paying ... she get on my 
.... money's not a problem
Take it to the hood, move out the hood, but I park the booth
...then call the jeweler, ...make it look like Gucci look
Shawty got a mean swag, ... she don't need no lame nigger
She need a thug nigger

I ain't gotta worry about nothing
He's ...trouble ...something
He's so hood, he's some damn hood
That ... and he doing good
Watching hood for my own good
But we can ball to the mall down ...
He's so hood, he's some damn good...

She know I like the small lot of gamble
I'm in my hood see I'm low in my lambo
And we can be a duo, a ...come through ... pay the back fountains
Her mama like he ain't got no ...
But her mama like damn Gucci ...
... take my, ... yeah I got my ... that's some brain like
... Shawty staring at me but it's ... hesitate
Maybe it's my ... maybe it's my camouflage

I ain't gotta worry about nothing
He's ...trouble ...something
He's so hood, he's some damn hood
That ... and he doing good
Watching hood for my own good
But we can ball to the mall down ...
He's so hood, he's some damn good...

... can't be 6, ... down like this
... find them in Ny, find them in L.A.

She got a ... I hold it down, is too much for you
He's so hood, he's some damn hood
He's so hood, he's some damn hood...

Artist: Ja Rule / Song Name: Smokin And Ridin
Ja Rule:
Gangsta.. you know
Huh, gangsta, c'mon, hehe
Uhh.. got my nigga Vin Diesel in the house, y'know
Number one movie in the country and all that
Haha! Yo..

Ja Rule:
Nuttin but some gangsters, smokin and ridin (YO!)
Come on get high with us (NIGGA!)
Come on and ride with us (BITCHES!)
Cause, we're.. nuttin but some gangsters (YO!) smokin and ridin (YO!)
Come on get high with us (C'MON NIGGAZ!)
Come on and ride with us (YO!)

Ja Rule:
Hey baby; c'mon and hop in my fo'-three-oh, S-E
And let's see, how quick you fall victim to this G
I'm a gangsta BITCH, a mack like Goldie
But I never let the strength of this money control money
Niggaz is somethin like pimps, the Rule is an O.G.
I make three G's a day, thirty-three a week
And my hoes hardly speak - they smoke while they ride
Just, blowin the driver, when I'm one car behind ya
(Nuttin but some gangsters) on Daytons and lowriders
And three-wheel motion, bumpin Tha Eastsidaz
I love Cali-for-ni-ay, on a hot day
Where the green is wetter, and the head is even better
(So get high tonight.. and if you rollin like I'm rollin
you ridin right.. and if she fuckin with them gangstas
ain't nuttin nice.. and if you knowin what I'm knowin
then live your life.. cause, we're..)

Ja Rule:
Nuttin but some gangsters, smokin and ridin (YO!)
Come on get high with us (NIGGA!)
Come on and ride with us (BITCHES!)
Cause, we're.. nuttin but some gangsters (YO!) smokin and ridin (YO!)
Come on get high with us (C'MON NIGGAZ!)
Come on and ride with us (YO!)

(Cause, we're..)

(Nuttin but some gangsters..) Ridin by in them big trucks
Chrome wheels spinnin and killin niggaz with big bucks
See baby I came up, from bein a thug
From a nigga sellin them drugs on the corner throwin up slugs
(Show me love!) All of y'all biches wanna ride with us
(Mask and gloves!) Up when it's time to fuck bitches
(Wanna be loved!) All you get is hard dick off the drugs
(Pass the bud!) Yo bitch I ain't seen none of that dub
But give me that Remi, a half a bottle already in me
I cop a ounce, from one stizzy, and smoke 'til I'm dizzy
Who ridin with me? Both of y'all bitches slide right in
Just me, you, and your friend - I'll be fuckin y'all 'til the mornin
C'mon, I love bitches with thongs on, that love to get it on
with gangsters, leavin they pussies warm
'til like four in the mornin, baby girl, I'm gone
Hop in the 6, devour your lawn BITCH, cause we're

Ja Rule:
Nuttin but some gangsters, smokin and ridin (YO!)
Come on get high with us (NIGGA!)
Come on and ride with us (BITCHES!)
Cause, we're.. nuttin but some gangsters (YO!) smokin and ridin (YO!)
Come on get high with us (C'MON NIGGAZ!)
Come on and ride with us (YO!)

(Cause, we're..)

Jodie Mack:
(Nuttin but some gangsters..) Holla!
And if you, bout the dollars then pop your collars
Cause we ain't nuttin but some gangsters, nigga smokin and ridin
Who put it down for real, got this dough multiplyin
Straight, livin it up and fuckin with thugs
that push trucks that's sittin on dubs, not givin a fuck
Y'all niggaz know me, Chris Black slash the O.G.
So please believe I'm gangsta I control these streets

Ja Rule:
Yo, nobody leaves nobody breathes until I enter the party
And ease up in a 550 Medina Ferrari
Pull in handicapped parkin, hop out with the lock in
and wink at the hoes while I walk in
Who's ridin and smokin tonight with players
And I ain't talkin bout them niggaz with them Marvin gators
I'm talkin bout them niggaz all up in fronts and gauges
and runnin up in spots and blazin, we call them gangsters, yo!

Ja Rule:
Nuttin but some gangsters, smokin and ridin (YO!)
Come on get high with us (NIGGA!)
Come on and ride with us (BITCHES!)
Cause, we're.. nuttin but some gangsters (YO!) smokin and ridin (YO!)
Come on get high with us (C'MON NIGGAZ!)
Come on and ride with us (YO!)

Ja Rule:
Cause, we're.. nuttin but some gangsters, smokin and ridin
Come on get high with us
Come on and ride with us
Cause, we're.. nuttin but some gangsters.. smokin and ridin
Come on get high with us
Come on and ride with us
Cause, we're.. nuttin but some gangsters

Artist: Jay Rock / Song Name: Hood Gone Love It
Jay Rock:
Keeping it G ain't nuttin, you ain't gotta like it 
cause the hood gone love it
You ain't gotta like it cause the hood gone love it
Watch a young nigga show his ass out in public
I got the whole block bumpin
You ain't gotta like it cause the hood gone love it
You ain't gotta like it cause the hood gone love it
Watch a young nigga show his ass out in public

Jay Rock:
Na na na na now now you know what this is
Tell em its a celebration bitches
With the barbeque pits and the mini-bikes
Mini-skirts, Hennessys, and the Miller Lights
Domino tables, who got big 6?
Where I'm from we do concrete backflips
Flip flop flip flop flip flop back
To the ghetto's where I bring hip hop back
Real niggas love me, they tell me keep it pushin
The only niggas speak from way inside Central Bookings
County jails and the lock downs up north
Said I should have it if Scarface pass the torch
Thats how they feel Jack, built much more than rap
This that project haircut in the culdesac
This is where Jose front you them quarters at
Meet your quota whenever I put a quote on a track

Jay Rock:
Keeping it G ain't nuttin, you ain't gotta like it 
cause the hood gone love it
You ain't gotta like it cause the hood gone love it
Watch a young nigga show his ass out in public
I got the whole block bumpin
You ain't gotta like it cause the hood gone love it
You ain't gotta like it cause the hood gone love it
Watch a young nigga show his ass out in public

Kendrick Lamar:
From Compton to Baltimore I'mma kill it
I buy a morgue in the minute
The public house, the plastic couch of a section 8 tenant
The Regal window is tinted
The air conditioner broke but I'm cool enough to ensure you my ride is an 
Eskimo, huh?
And I peel off in the midst of getting my thrills off
And I thrive off energies from the inner cities that we lost, huh?
I'm putting the ghetto on top of my back
And I live in the back of the jungle
Lions, tigers, bears, oh my
Hear the siren, walk up, (*gunshot* *gunshot*) drive by
Shooters, looters, federal fed intruders
The engines on back of scooters
The real can recognize real and we need to know just who you are
You are in the presence of many presents
Kendrick the gift for the future oh yeah I said it
Thug life, good kid mad city mad respect representin the hub right

Jay Rock:
Keeping it G ain't nuttin, you ain't gotta like it 
cause the hood gone love it
You ain't gotta like it cause the hood gone love it
Watch a young nigga show his ass out in public
I got the whole block bumpin
You ain't gotta like it cause the hood gone love it
You ain't gotta like it cause the hood gone love it
Watch a young nigga show his ass out in public

Jay Rock:
The home girls tells me I'm the shit
I break them off so they can buy some outfits
I buy them sons a pack of pampers, some new jordans
Give em the game, school em on whats really important
It's how I was raised, the og's had me
13 fresh off the porch, slangin' cabby
But I'm wiser now, show all my young niggers
There's other ways you get them dollars and funds niggas
Coming down in an old school, co cool
Whip like a fire ball call it Goku
You don't know the tribulations that we go through
Put your ears to the speakers I'mma show you
I paint the picture so perfect
In my cd you see Mona Lisa in person
Courtesy of a hunnit beat
Got my crips and esse's at arm reach, one West

Jay Rock:
Keeping it G ain't nuttin, you ain't gotta like it 
cause the hood gone love it
You ain't gotta like it cause the hood gone love it
Watch a young nigga show his ass out in public
I got the whole block bumpin
You ain't gotta like it cause the hood gone love it
You ain't gotta like it cause the hood gone love it
Watch a young nigga show his ass out in public

Artist: Kendrick Lamar / Song Name: A.D.H.D.
Fuck that
8 doobies to the face
Fuck that
12 bottles in the case
Nigga, fuck that
2 pills and a half, wait
Nigga, fuck that
Got a high tolerance
When your age don’t exist

Man, I swear
My nigga trippin off that shit again
Pick him up, then I set him in
Cold water, then I order someone to bring him vicodin
Hope to take the pain away
From the feeling that he feel today
You know when you part of section 80
And you feeling like no one can relate
Cause you are, you are
A loner, loner
Marijuana, endorphins
Make you stronger, stronger
I’m in the house party trippin off
My generation sippin cough syrup like its water
Never no pancakes in the kitchen
Man, no wonder our lives is caught up
In the daily superstition
That the word is bout to end
Who gives a fuck? we never do listen
Unless it comes with an 808
A melody and some hoes
Playstation and some drank
Technology bumping Soul
Looking around and all I see
Is a big crowd, that’s product of me
And they probably relatives
Relevant for a rebel’s dream
Yep, the president is black
She black too
Purple label on her back
But that dap
Is like when she take it straight to the head
Then she look at me
She got ADHD

Fuck that
8 doobies to the face
Fuck that
12 bottles in the case
Nigga, fuck that
2 pills and a half, wait
Nigga, fuck that
Got a high tolerance
When your age don’t exist

Like woah oh oh woah [x4]
(Don’t got a limit just gimme some more with it)
(Don’t got a limit just gimme some more with it)
(They always told me ad-hd did it)

And then she started
And then she started
Feeling herself like no on else in this apartment
Beg you pardon
Oh I rap baby, how old are you?
She say 22, I say 23
Ok then we all crack babies
Damn, why you say that?
She said where my drink at?
I’mma tell you later, just tell your neighbors
Have the police relax
I stood up, shut the blinds
Closed the screen, jumbotron
Made it to the back, where she reside
Then she said, read between the lines
Yep, hope that I get close enough
When the lights turn down
And the fact that she just might open up
When the new flow start to drown
Her body and I, know the both of us really deep in the move now
It’s nothing we can do now
Somebody walked in with a pound
Of that Bay Area kush
She looked at me then looked
At it, then she grabbed it
Then she said, get it understood
You know why we crack babies
Because we born in the 80s
That ADHD crazy

Fuck that
8 doobies to the face
Fuck that
12 bottles in the case
Nigga, fuck that
2 pills and a half, wait
Nigga, fuck that
Got a high tolerance
When your age don’t exist

Like woah oh oh woah [x4]
(Don’t got a limit just gimme some more with it)
(Don’t got a limit just gimme some more with it)
(They always told me ad-hd did it)

You can have all my shine
I’ll give you the light
Double cup, deuce, four, six
Just mix it in Sprite
Ecstasy, shrooms, blow, dro, hoes
Whatever you like
You can have all my shine
I’ll give you the light

Artist: Mc Eiht / Song Name: Straight Up Menace
Wake your punk ass up for the 93 shot
MC Eiht's in the motherfuckin house.. gyeah
And it ain't nothin but a compton thang y'all
And we ain't nuttin but niggaz on the run
And this goes out to my niggaz.. gyeah

A fucked up childhood, is why the way I am
It's got me in the state where I don't give a damn, hmm
Somebody help me, but nah they don't hear me though
I guess I'll be another victim of the ghetto
Ain't no escapin, cause I'm way too young
Pops is dealin, and on top of that got moms sprung
Scheamin off the top, pops never figured
That he'd go down by the hands of another nigga
Now my pops is gone and that ain't no good
Got to follow in the foot steps of the homies from the hood
And where's the role model?
Niggaz putting brew in my fuckin baby bottle!
Damn, and through all the motherfuckin pain
They done drove my moms in-sane
So I guess I gotta do work so I ain't finished
I grow up to be a streiht up menace, gyeah

Uhh, come on y'all
Streiht up menace

Now I'm of age, and livin in the projects
Gettin paid off the clucks and the county checks
I'm Fil-ia fresh outta high school, never did I wonder
That the motherfuckin hood would take me under
Gyeah, I'm kickin it with the homies and they got the straps
Off to the corner store, owned by the fuckin {Japs}
See a bitch in the right lane so I comes with the mack
Astro Bam pulls a motherfuckin jack from the back
Now he's got the strap to my homie's head
See him play that shit cool, and don't be a fool!
He shot my nigga in the fuckin head
I caught one in the shoulder, if I didn't run I was dead
Now I'm layin in the hospital bed
Thinkin about them punk motherfuckers and my eyes is bloodshot red
Gyeah motherfuckers, I ain't finished
Be on the look-out for the streiht up menace, gyeah

Uhh, whassup y'all
Streiht up menace .. damn!
Streiht up menace .. damn!

I'm in too deep
I done killed a motherfucker and I just can't sleep
One-Time's tryin to do a smooth, creep
And on top of that
Niggaz after me for fuckin one of they hood rats
I ain't got time for the fuckin bitch's story
Niggaz want me gotta come to my territory
And ain't no 'You Can Get the Fist'
Niggaz come, and they get done on they own risk
What is it all about?
Should I leave or should I stay cause I don't wanna punk out
Oh what should I do? The homies say
'The hood's where it's good, homeboy, I thought you knew'
So in the process to show the hood my best
No time to react, caught two in the chest
Now look who's down, I guess I'm finished
I go out like a streiht up menace, gyeah

Uhh, come on y'all
Streiht up menace .. damn!

And on and on
I guess we outta here
Peace to my niggaz on the run
And it ain't nuttin but streiht up menaces, damn!
Just like I said before y'all
It ain't nuttin but a compton thang
And MC Eiht's in the house for the 93 shot
And this one's for the niggaz, gyeah

Artist: PROBLEM Ft. Glasses Malone / Song Name: Say That Then
Talk one nigga to say what’s up
Straight up

Wut? I am CA
They go LA to the bank
Yea, it’s my shit my nigga
L Gang got this my nigga
On lock, on wrap, whatever
I’m rich, come to smell my leather
Rich now but I’m with whatever
Cheese banging, no beef Coachella
Man I ain’t trippin, take it all in
Look, ya girl click then she take it all in
Best kush fillin my joints
Say I say I’m too LA, that’s the point
Nigga, what?

Nigga you know where I’m from
You know what I represent
Nigga you know where I’m from
You know what I represent

Got a problem? Say that then
Say that then, Say that then (huh?)
Want a problem? Say that then
Say that then, Say say that then (wut?)

Aye, where the bitches at?
Will you steer me away from where the snitches at?
Cuz I ain’t tryna hear what you gon tell me
At least stay with one hoe like I barely
Cash on the smelly cuz a nigga getting it
Climb and I’m picturing it
A shit different
Nigga you sweet, you gon need some missling
Get him coz I thought I ride deep like a fisherman
Look at where the kitchen is
Fuck er on the floor though
Pop the nigga molly, rollin like a 4 door
I ain’t goin down, yea like yo ho go
Getting this money nigga, ball like a cholo

Nigga you know where I’m from
You know what I represent
Nigga you know where I’m from
You know what I represent

Got a problem? Say that then
Say that then, Say that then (huh?)
Want a problem? Say that then
Say that then, Say say that then (wut?)

I am CA
As that count she side of yay
And nigga this my shit
Man that’s the implant
True gang mobbing
See the wrong thing – got a problem
Ain’t noboby learning nothing up
Interference, we all fuck em up
Drink east side, no cuts, fuck a bandaid
Eating on some crumbs with the mayonnaise
I’m the man and all the hoes see that
Tell me pull up if a bitch nigga need that
On the set

Nigga you know where I’m from
You know what I represent
Nigga you know where I’m from
You know what I represent

Got a problem? Say that then
Say that then, Say that then (huh?)
Want a problem? Say that then
Say that then, Say say that then (wut?)

Artist: YG / Song Name: I'm A Real 1
Smash off in that porsche like Skrr!
My niggas smoke kush no purp
If that puss got a bush I’m like no!
Hairy pussy bitch, you the type that got herps
I’m 6 figure nigga your account no digits
Fuck the bitch and bust a nut in 4 minutes
Cause I ain't got time for pussy
YG what's yo' type, I'm hittin' all kinds of pussy
You the type that hang with niggas you don’t like
For the fame, that’s a shame, your lifestyle is all hype
I used to drive that all white beamer
I had to get that Porsche, cause it was cleaner
Now I’m 'bout to throw 4’s on that bitch
I’m in the party stumping, tricking falls on that bitch
And if one fight, then we all fight
Boom, bow, bing, nigga, on sight!

Nigga I’m a real one, You do? whatever for the fame
You make me wanna go CLICK CLACK BANG
Nigga I’m a real one
I can’t stand you niggas
I be wanting back hand you niggas
Nigga I’m a real one
Yep, all my niggas bangers
Watch how I twist my fingers
Nigga I’m a real one
If one fight then we all fight
Powder put and fuck all night!

Rollie on the wrist, Louie on the belt
I’m bout to cop the a on so myself
Mg benzes, porsches on 4’s
Me and Mustard pull up, that’s a car show
Niggas getting mad but we just getting money
I can be your boo thang not your huggy
All the bitches love me, all the bitches love me
If I had a 100 dicks I had all the bitches fuck me
New house, new whip, new year, new goal
Same nigga, same shit, same clique, same bros
Nigga I’m a real one, if I ain't got it I steal one
Niggas, I never feel one
I eat the pussy on the first date
Then brush my teeth with colgate
I rather spend money before I spend time
Ask Drake, he'll tell you know lie

Nigga I’m a real one, You do? whatever for the fame
You make me wanna go CLICK CLACK BANG
Nigga I’m a real one
I can’t stand you niggas
I be wanting back hand you niggas
Nigga I’m a real one
Yep, all my niggas bangers
Watch how I twist my fingers
Nigga I’m a real one
If one fight then we all fight
Powder put and fuck all night!

Say nigga I’m a real one
Say nigga I’m a real one
You ain't a real one 'til you kill one
Well click, clack, pow, I’m a real one
Nigga, can no nigga tell me nothin' bout me
Can no nigga tell me nothin' bout me
Can no nigga tell me nothin' bout me
Nah nigga not me

Nigga I’m a real one, You do? whatever for the fame
You make me wanna go CLICK CLACK BANG
Nigga I’m a real one
I can’t stand you niggas
I be wanting back hand you niggas
Nigga I’m a real one
Yep, all my niggas bangers
Watch how I twist my fingers
Nigga I’m a real one
If one fight then we all fight
Powder put and fuck all night!

Soulwax FM [Techno/Electronic]
Host: Soulwax

Artist: Daniel Maloso / Song Name: Body Music

Artist: FKCLUB / Song Name: The Strange Art (In Flagranti Remix)

Artist: Goose / Song Name: Synrise (Soulwax Remix)

Artist: Green Velvet & Harvard Bass / Song Name: Lazer Beams

Artist: Joe Goddard Ft. Valentina / Song Name: Gabriel (Soulwax Remix)
He’s falling, he’s falling, he’s falling, hold on.

Gabriel how, Gabriel how, how, how,
Gabriel you’ve gone too far
Gabriel you’ve gone too far and you should hang your head in shame
For these wounds I cannot stay, you’ve gone too far
You’ve broke my heart, you’ve gone too far
Gabriel, Gabriel, Gabriel, Gabriel,

Wide awake and I can hear my heart beat
Hope it cradles me and rocks my bones to sleep
Protector in the light and a stranger in the dark
And he don’t say anything more
Bound by suffocating secrets I must keep

The sum of all the parts that you have taken
Are a fraction of the parts that make me whole
But He was stronger than I was but it’s strength you can’t sustain
Do not come to give me counsel you should beg forgiveness
Of me Gabriel, Gabriel, Gabriel, Gabriel, Gabriel, Gabriel, Gabriel, 
For he was stronger than I was but it’s strength you can’t sustain
Do not come to give me counsel you should beg forgiveness
Of me Gabriel, Gabriel, Gabriel, Gabriel, Gabriel, Gabriel, Gabriel,

Artist: Matias Aguayo / Song Name: El Sucu Tucu

Artist: Mim Suleiman / Song Name: Mingi

Artist: Pulp / Song Name: After You (Soulwax Remix)
On the last night on earth when the horses run free
The scriptures foretell of a party in Hackney
In a dimly lit room crammed with loathing and hate
They’re selling their souls and I just can’t wait

I shrivel inside at the sight of her beauty
I fall to the floor as she’s shaking her booty
The rain makes me shiver; the wind turns me blue
Oh – the things we get up to, to get through the night after you

I knew it was wrong; I began to suspect
When she reached over and pressed the eject
I was up to the gunnels against your advice
I felt so ashamed that I did it twice
From disco to disco; from Safeway to Tesco
We’re shopping around from the cradle til death row
From Tesco it’s down to the 7-11
To chase through the night time, to chase through the night after you
After you

I can’t explain why I need to be free
But if you need to be naked that’s alright by me
It’s the fast track express to the graveyard, I know
So what are you waiting for? Hey ho, let’s go

From disco to disco; from Safeway to tesco
We’re shopping around from the cradle til death row
Don’t stop til the train has pulled into the station
I’ll hold the door for you – no, I insist, after you
After you
After you	

Artist: The Hacker / Song Name: Shockwave (Gesaffelstein Remix)

Artist: Tiga / Song Name: Plush (Jacques Lu Cont Remix)

Artist: Zombie Nation / Song Name: Tryouts

Non Stop Pop Fm [Pop/Dance]

Artist: All Saints / Song Name: Pure Shores
I've crossed the deserts for miles
Swam water for time
Searching places to find
A piece of something to call mine
(I'm coming)
A piece of something to call mine
(I'm coming)
(I'm coming)
Coming closer to you

Went along many moors
Walked through many doors
The place where I wanna be
Is the place I can call mine
(I'm coming)
Is the place I can call mine
(I'm coming)
(I'm coming)
Coming closer to you

I'm moving
I'm coming
Can you hear, what I hear
It's calling you my dear
Out of reach
(Take me to my beach)
I can hear it, calling you
I'm coming not drowning
Swimming closer to you

Never been here before
I'm intrigued, I'm unsure
I'm searching for more
I've got something thats all mine
I've got something thats all mine

Take me somewhere I can breathe
I've got so much to see
This is where I want to be
In a place I can call mine
In a place I can call mine

I'm moving
I'm coming
Can you hear, what I hear
It's calling you my dear
Out of reach
(Take me to my beach)
I can hear it, calling you
I'm coming not drowning
Swimming closer to you

Moving, coming
Can you hear what I hear?
(Hear it out of reach)
I hear it calling you
Swimming closer to you

Many faces I have seen
Many places I have been
Walked the deserts, swam the shores
(Coming closer to you)
Many faces I have know
Many way in which I've grown
Moving closer on my own
(Coming closer to you)

I move it
I feel it
I'm coming
Not drowning

I move it
I feel it
I'm coming
Not drowning

I'm moving
I'm coming
Can you hear, what I hear
It's calling you my dear
Out of reach
(Take me to my beach)
I can hear it, calling you
I'm coming not drowning
Swimming closer to you
(Take me to my beach)

I'm moving
I'm coming
Can you hear, what I hear
It's calling you my dear
Out of reach
(Take me to my beach)
I can hear it, calling you
I'm coming not drowning
Swimming closer to you
(Take me to my beach)

Artist: Amerie / Song Name: One Thing
Na, na, na, na, na, oh
Na, na, na, na, na, oh
Na, na, na, na, na, oh
Na, na, na, na, na

Oh, been trying to let it go
Trying to keep my eyes closed
Trying to keep it just like before
The times we never even thought to speak
Don’t wanna tell you what it is
Oh wee it felt so serious
Got me thinking just too much
I wanna set it off, but

It’s this 1 thing that’s got me trippin
It’s this 1 thing that’s got me trippin (you did)
This 1 thing my soul may be feeling
It’s this 1 thing you did oh oh
It’s this 1 thing that caught me slippin
It’s this 1 thing I want to admit it (you did)
This 1 thing and I was so with it
It’s this 1 thing you did oh oh

Hey, we don’t know each other well
so why I keep pickin' up my cell?
Memories just keep ringing bells
Oh oh, Oh oh, Oh
Hear voices I don’t want to understand
My car keys are jingling in my hand
My high heels are clicking towards your door.
Oh oh, Oh oh, Oh

It’s this 1 thing that’s got me trippin
It’s this 1 thing that’s got me trippin (you did)
This 1 thing my soul may be feeling
It’s this 1 thing you did oh oh
It’s this 1 thing that’s caught me slippin
It’s this 1 thing I want to admit it (you did)
This 1 thing and I was so with it
It’s this 1 thing you did oh oh

Maybe I just can’t believe it
It’s this one thing you did oh oh
I can’t deny, tired of trying
Nothin' left to do but to keep on seein' you
I’m hoping you can keep a secret
For me, for me, for me
But what you did, yeah

It’s this 1 thing that’s got me trippin
It’s this 1 thing that’s got me trippin (you did)
This 1 thing my soul may be feeling
It’s this 1 thing you did oh oh
It’s this 1 thing that’s caught me slippin
It’s this 1 thing I want to admit it (you did)
This 1 thing and I was so with it
It’s this 1 thing you did oh oh

Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh

Na, na, na, na, na, oh
Na, na, na, na, na, oh
Na, na, na, na, na, oh
Na, na, na, na, na, oh
Na, na, na, na, na

It’s this 1 thing that’s got me trippin
It’s this 1 thing that’s got me trippin (you did)
This 1 thing my soul may be feeling
It’s this 1 thing you did oh oh
It’s this 1 thing that’s caught me slippin
It’s this 1 thing I want to admit it (you did)
This 1 thing and I was so with it
It’s this 1 thing you did oh oh

It’s this 1 thing that’s got me trippin
It’s this 1 thing that’s got me trippin (you did)
This 1 thing my soul may be feeling
It’s this 1 thing you did oh oh
It’s this 1 thing that’s caught me slippin
It’s this 1 thing I want to admit it (you did)
This 1 thing and I was so with it
It’s this 1 thing you did oh oh

Oh oh, Oh oh

Artist: Britney Spears / Song Name: Gimme more
It's Britney bitch
I see you
And I just wanna dance with you

Every time they turn the lights down
Just wanna go that extra mile for you
You got my display of affection
Feels like no one else in the room but you

We can get down like theres no one around
We keep on rockin, we keep on rockin'
Cameras are flashin while we're dirty dancin
They keep watchin, keep watchin'
Feels like the crowd is sayin

Gimme gimme more, gimme more, gimme gimme more
Gimme gimme more, gimme more, gimme gimme more
Gimme gimme more, gimme more, gimme gimme more
Gimme gimme more, gimme more, gimme gimme more

The center of attention
Even when theyre up against the wall
You got me in a crazy position
If youre on a mission you got my permission

We can get down like theres no one around
We keep on rockin, we keep on rockin', rockin'
Cameras are flashin while we're dirty dancin
They keep watchin, keep watchin'
Feels like the crowd is sayin

Gimme gimme more, gimme more, gimme gimme more
Gimme gimme more, gimme more, gimme gimme more
Gimme gimme more, gimme more, gimme gimme more
Gimme gimme more, gimme more, gimme gimme more

I just can't control myself, oh!
They want more? Well I'll give them more, ow!

Gimme gimme more, gimme more, gimme gimme more
Gimme gimme more, gimme more, gimme gimme more
Gimme gimme more, gimme more, gimme gimme more
Gimme gimme more, gimme more, gimme gimme more

Gimme more, gimme more
Gimme more, gimme more babe
(Danja, Danja, Danja, Danja)
I just want more

Gimme gimme, gimme, gimme gimme
Gimme gimme, gimme, gimme gimme
(Danja, Danja, Danja, Danja)
Gimme gimme, gimme, gimme gimme
Gimme gimme, gimme, gimme gimme

Bet you didnt see this one comin
The incredible Ligo
The legendary Miss Britney Spears
And the unstoppable Danja
Ah, you gonna have to remove me
Cause I aint goin nowhere

Artist: Corona / Song Name: Rhythm Of The Night
This is the rhythm of the night
the night
oh yeah
the rhythm of the night
I know you wanna say it
This is the rhythm of my life
my life
oh yeah
the rhythm of my life

You could put some joy upon my face
oh sunshine in an empty place
take me to turn to and babe I'll make you stay

Oh I can ease you of your pain
feel you give me love again
round and round we go, each time I hear you say

This is the rhythm of the night
the night
oh yeah
the rhythm of the night

This is the rhythm of my life
my life
oh yeah
the rhythm of my life

Won't you teach me how to love learn
there'll be nothing left for me to yearn
think of me burn and let me hold your hand

I don't wanna face the world in tears
please think again I'm on my knees
sing that song to me
no reason to repent

I know you wanna say it

This is the rhythm of the night
the night
oh yeah
the rhythm of the night

This is the rhythm of my life
my life
oh yeah
the rhythm of my life

Artist: Fergie / Song Name: Glamorous
Are you ready?
If you ain't got no money take your broke self home
If you ain't got no money take your broke self home

G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S, yeah

We flyin' first class up in the sky
We flyin' first class, livin' the life
In the fast lane and I won't change
By the glamorous, ooh, the flossy, flossy

The glamorous, the glamorous, glamorous
By the glamorous, ooh, the flossy, flossy
The glamorous, the glamorous, glamorous
By the glamorous, ooh the flossy, flossy

Wear them gold and diamonds rings, all them things don't mean a thing
Chaperons and limousines, shoppin' for expensive things
I be on the movie screens, magazines and boogie scenes
I'm not clean, I'm not pristine, I'm no queen, I'm no machine

I still go to Taco Bell, drive through, raw, yeah
I don't care, I'm still real, no matter how many records Ill sell
After the show, after the Grammys I like to go cool out with the family
Sippin', reminiscing on days when I had a Mustang and now I'm

First class up in the sky
Flyin' first class, livin' my life
In the fast lane and I won't change
By the glamorous, ooh, the flossy, flossy

The glamorous, the glamorous, glamorous
By the glamorous, ooh, the flossy, flossy
The glamorous, the glamorous, glamorous
By the glamorous, ooh, the flossy, flossy

I got problems up to here, I got people in my ear
Tellin' me these crazy things that I don't want to know
I got money in the bank and I'd really like to thank
All the fans, I'd like to thank, thank you really though

'Cause I remember yesterday when I dreamt about the days
When I'd rock on MTV, that'd be really cool
Yeah, it's been a long road and the industry is cold
I'm glad my daddy told me so, he let his daughter know


We flyin' first class up in the sky
Flyin' first class, livin' my life
In the fast lane and I won't change
By the glamorous, ooh, the flossy, flossy

The glamorous, the glamorous, glamorous
By the glamorous, ooh, the flossy, flossy
The glamorous, the glamorous, glamorous
By the glamorous, ooh, the flossy, flossy

Artist: Hall And Oates / Song Name: Adult Education
Its afternoon in the homeroom and they're about to let you go.
And the locker slam on the plan you had tonight.
Youve been messing around with a boyfriend maybe better left alone.
There's a wise guy that you know could put you right.

In the lot the boy that's idling by doesnt't't rev your heart.
Cause it's only lonely spots he shares with you.
And the long halls and the gray walls are gonna split apart.
Believe it or not there's life after high school.

The student bodys got a bad reputation.
What they need is adult education.
Back to school it's a bad situation.
But what you want is an adult education.

The teacher don't know about how to deal with the student body.
And the underclassmen are flashing hot and cool.
All your girlfriends care about the watch you wear 
and they're talkin about it.
Believe it or not there's life after high school.

They're calling it a preparation.
Youre waiting for a separation.
Youre nothing but another odd number,
Memories that you wont remember.
So you got a little education.
And a lot of dedication.
But you want a little night school.
Maybe some of it will rub off on you.
The boys are busy in the mirrors.
Trying to imitate their heroes.
You make it with a false surrender.
More memories you wont remember.
The senior with the junior misss
I wonder what the junior wishes.
That she could graduate to adult.
That she could graduate to adult kisses.

Artist: Jane Child / Song Name: Don't Wanna Fall In Love
Ain't no personal thing boy
But you have got to stay away
Far, far away from my heart, my heart
Don't you know what your kiss is doing
Let me tell it to from the start, boy

I don't wanna fall in love, no no
Love cuts just like a knife, woo woo
You make the knife feel good baby
I'll fight you to the end

You've been hanging around boy
And you have started sinking in
Whoa baby you're way out of line now
Unaware how this all got started
Let me tell it to you one more time boy

I don't wanna fall in love no no
Love cuts just like a knife woo woo
You make the knife feel good baby
I'll fight you to the end

I don't wanna fall in love no no
Love cuts just like a knife woo woo
You make the knife feel good baby
I'll fight you to the end

I learned something about myself
Last night with you I knew
I didn't want nobody else
And your scaring me to death now baby

I don't wanna fall in love no no
Love cuts just like a knife woo woo
You make the knife feel good baby
I'll fight you to the end

I don't wanna fall in love no no
Love cuts just like a knife woo woo
You make the knife feel good baby
I'll fight you to the end

Artist: Kelly Rowland / Song Name: Work
This ain't gon' be easy
You got it? You got it?
Put it in

Tables turnin' to a situation
Now you standin' in my face and you been patiently waitin'
I'm rollin' over words, forget the conversation
Thinkin' maybe we can make a combination

Wanna see me lose my breath and wanna hear me moan
Better be ready, we'll enable when we get alone
You was talkin' confident upon the telephone
So you gotta put it in when we get it on

No turnin' back from this party
Put you through enough to complain
Ain't no comin' down from this side
My love, don't go nowhere the sunset

Look at what you got yourself into
Best take advantage, be all that you can be
Best take advantage, see all that you can see
'Cause this could be your last opportunity to move me

(Put it in)
Check it, baby, get it, baby, check it, baby, get it
Do it, baby, do it, do it, baby, get it

(Put it in)
Check it, baby, get it, baby, check it, baby, get it
Do it, baby, do it, do it, baby, get it

(Go on)
Check it, baby, get it, baby, check it, baby, get it
Do it, baby, do it, do it, baby, get it

Don't come around if you gon' let me down
You gotta get it all the way in
I wanna see you work

Now you lookin' like you're lookin' for an explanation
Use the curves in my body for your motivation
Skip the petty games, no need for complication
Useful things for sure, I reach my destination

Better leave a good impression 'fore you hit the door
'Cause you don't want me talkin' 'bout your business on the low?
If you show it off, I had to fit you in my schedule
So you better put it on, but when it's time to go

No turnin' back from this party
Put you through enough to complain
Ain't no comin' down from this side
My love, don't go nowhere the sunset

Look at what you got yourself into
Best take advantage, be all that you can be
Best take advantage, see all that you can see
'Cause this could be your last opportunity to move me

(Put it in)
Check it, baby, get it, baby, check it, baby, get it
Do it, baby, do it, do it, baby, get it

(Put it in)
Check it, baby, get it, baby, check it, baby, get it
Do it, baby, do it, do it, baby, get it

(Go on)
Check it, baby, get it, baby, check it, baby, get it
Do it, baby, do it, do it, baby, get it

Don't come around if you gon' let me down
You gotta get it all the way in
I wanna see you work

I ain't acceptin' no excuses, baby
To brag about it, it'd be useless, baby
You better blow me away
Make a girl wanna stay
At your spot, go another round

Here's your chance to prove
Don't forget your move
There's nothing to lose for me

(Put it in)
Check it, baby, get it, baby, check it, baby, get it
Do it, baby, do it, do it, baby, get it

(Put it in)
Check it, baby, get it, baby, check it, baby, get it
Do it, baby, do it, do it, baby, get it

(Go on)
Check it, baby, get it, baby, check it, baby, get it
Do it, baby, do it, do it, baby, get it

Don't come around if you gon' let me down
You gotta get it all the way in
I wanna see you work

Check it, baby, get it, baby, check it, baby, get it
Do it, baby, do it, do it, baby, get it
Check it, baby, get it, baby, check it, baby, get it
Do it, baby, do it, do it, baby, get it
Check it, baby, get it, baby, check it, baby, get it
Do it, baby, do it, do it, baby, get it

Artist: Mis-Teeq / Song Name: Scandalous
You know you wanna sing with us
That's why you know you should be scared of us
You know you wanna sing with us
That's why you know you should be scared of us

Last night looks to kill
Straight talk sex appeal
One touch gives me chills
And we ain't even close yet

Ruffneck all around
Ain't been all over town
Show me how you get down
'Coz we ain't even close yet

You got me feeling and you got me feeling weak
Listen as I speak 'coz I'm careful as a freak
You got me going crazy and you know I can't sleep
I love watchin' your moves and you hypnotize me

You got me trembling like a little baby girl
Your so special, you're like diamonds and pearls
You got me spinning and you got me in a twirl
Your my number one, baby and you've come to rock my world

You're dangerous, just get it off, the way you move so scandalous
It's all about the two of us, a one night stand just ain't enough
I need some stimulation, baby, a little conversation maybe
You got me spinnin' round like crazy, there goes my baby
Scandalous, so scandalous, scandalous

Hot stuff head to toe
Where you go no one knows
You smile, plenty don't
And we ain't even close yet

Solid as a rock
How many way can you hit the spot
Show me what you got
'Coz we ain't even close yet

You got me feeling and you got me feeling weak
Listen as I speak 'coz I'm careful as a freak
You got me going crazy and you know I can't sleep
I love watchin' your moves and you hypnotize me

You got me trembling like a little baby girl
Your so special, you're like diamonds and pearls
You got me spinning and you got me in a twirl
Your my number one, baby and you've come to rock my world

You're dangerous, just get it off, the way you move so scandalous
It's all about the two of us, a one night stand just ain't enough
I need some stimulation, baby, a little conversation maybe
You got me spinnin' round like crazy, there goes my baby
Scandalous, so scandalous, scandalous

A little conversation
Goes a long way
Show a little patience
That you are here to stay
'Coz show me that your game, oh

You're dangerous, just get it off, the way you move so scandalous
It's all about the two of us, a one night stand just ain't enough
I need some stimulation, baby, a little conversation maybe
You got me spinnin' round like crazy, there goes my baby

You're dangerous, just get it off, the way you move so scandalous
It's all about the two of us, a one night stand just ain't enough
I need some stimulation, baby, a little conversation maybe
You got me spinnin' round like crazy, there goes my baby

You know you wanna sing with us
That's why you know you should be scared of us
You know you wanna sing with us
That's why you know you should be scared of us

Artist: Modjo / Song Name: Lady
Hear me tonight
Cause my feeling
Is just so right
As we dance
By the moonlight
Can't you see
You're my delight
I just feel like
I won't get you
Out of my mind
I feel loved
For the first time
And I know that it's true
I can tell by the look in your eyes

Hear me tonight
Cause my feeling
Is just so right
As we dance
By the moonlight
Can't you see
You're my delight
I just feel like
I won't get you
Out of my mind
I feel loved
For the first time
And I know that it's true
I can tell by the look in your eyes

Hear me tonight
Cause my feeling
Is just so right
As we dance
By the moonlight
Can't you see
You're my delight
I just feel like
I won't get you
Out of my mind
I feel loved
For the first time
And I know that it's true
I can tell by the look in your eyes

Hear me tonight
Can't you see
You're my delight

I just feel like
I feel loved
For the first time

Hear me tonight
Can't you see
You're my delight

Artist: Moloko / Song Name: Time Is Now
You're my last breathe 
You're a breathe of fresh air to me 
Hi, I'm empty 
So tell me you care for me 

You're the first thing 
And the last thing on my mind 
In your arms I feel 

On a promise 
A daydream yet to come 
Time is upon us 
Oh but the night is young 

Flowers blossom 
In the winter time 
In your arms I feel 

Give up yourself unto the moment 
The time is now 
Give up yourself unto the moment 
Let's make this moment last 

You may find yourself 
Out on a limb for me 
Could you accept it as 
A part of your destiny 

I give all I have 
But it's not enough 
And my patience I shot 
So I'm calling you a bluff 

Give up yourself unto the moment 
The time is now 
Give up yourself unto the moment 
Let's make this moment last 

Give up yourself unto the moment 
The time is now 
Give up yourself unto the moment 
Let's make this moment... last 

And we gave it time 
All eyes are on the clock 
Time takes too much time 
Please make the waiting stop 

And the atmosphere is charged. 
In you I trust. 
And I feel no fear as I 
Do as I must. 

Give up yourself unto the moment 
The time is now 
Give up yourself unto the moment 
Let's make this moment last. 

Give up yourself unto the moment 
The time is now 
Give up yourself unto the moment 
Let's make this moment last 

Tempted by fate 
And I won't hesitate 
The time is now 
And I can't wait 

I've been empty too long 
The time is now 
The tender night has gone 
And the time has gone 
Let's make this moment last 
And the night is young 
The time is now. 
Let's make this moment last. 

Give up yourself unto the moment 
The time is now 
Give up yourself unto the moment 
Let's make this moment... last.

Artist: Petshop Boys / Song Name: West End Girls

Sometimes you're better off dead
There's gun in your hand and it's pointing at your head
You think you're mad, too unstable
Kicking in chairs and knocking down tables
In a restaurant in a West End town
Call the police, there's a madman around
Running down underground to a dive bar
In a West End town

In a West End town, a dead end world
The East End boys and West End girls
In a West End town, a dead end world
The East End boys and West End girls
West End girls

Too many shadows, whispering voices
Faces on posters, too many choices
If, when, why, what?
How much have you got?
Have you got it, do you get it, if so, how often?
And which do you choose, a hard or soft option?
(How much do you need?)

In a West End town, a dead end world
The East End boys and West End girls
In a West End town, a dead end world
The East End boys and West End girls
West End girls
West End girls

(How much do you need?)

In a West End town, a dead end world
The East End boys and West End girls
Oooh West End town, a dead end world
East End boys, West End Girls
West End girls

You've got a heart of glass or a heart of stone
Just you wait 'til I get you home
We've got no future, we've got no past
Here today, built to last
In every city, in every nation
From Lake Geneva to the Finland station
(How far have you been?)

In a West End town, a dead end world
The East End boys and West End girls
A West End town, a dead end world
East End Boys, West End girls
West End girls

West End girls

West End girls
(How far have you been?)

East End boys
And West End girls
And West End girls
(... forever)
And West End girls
(How far have you been?)

East End boys
The West End girls
The West End boys
And West End girls

The West End girls
The West End boys
The West End girls

Artist: Rihanna / Song Name: Only Girl (In the World)
La la la la
La la la la
La la la la

I want you to love me, like I'm a hot ride
Be thinkin' of me, doin' what you like
So boy forget about the world cause it's gon' be me and you tonight
I'm gonna make your bed for ya, then imma make you swallow your pride

Want you to make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world
Like I'm the only one that you'll ever love
Like I'm the only one who knows your heart
Only girl in the world...
Like I'm the only one that's in command
Cause I'm the only one who understands how to make you feel like a man, 
Want you to make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world
Like I'm the only one that you'll ever love
Like I'm the only one who knows your heart
Only one...

Want you to take it like a thief in the night
Hold me like a pillow, make me feel right
Baby I'll tell you all my secrets that I'm keepin', you can come inside
And when you enter, you ain't leavin', be my prisoner for the night, oh

Want you to make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world
Like I'm the only one that you'll ever love
Like I'm the only one who knows your heart
Only girl in the world...
Like I'm the only one that's in command
Cuz I'm the only one who understands, like I'm the only one who knows your 
heart, only one...

Take me for a ride, ride
Oh baby, take me high, high
Let me make you rise, rise
Oh make it last all night, night
Take me for a ride, ride
Oh baby, take me high, high
Let me make you rise, rise
Make it last all night

Want you to make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world
Like I'm the only one that you'll ever love
Like I'm the only one who knows your heart
Only girl in the world...
Like I'm the only one that's in command
Cuz I'm the only one who understands how to make you feel like a man
Only girl in the world...
Girl in the world...
Only girl in the world...
Girl in the world....

Artist: Robyn / Song Name: Every Heartbeat
Maybe we can make it alright
We could make it better sometime
Maybe we can make it happen baby
We could keep trying but things will never change

So I dont look back
Still Im dying with every step I take
But I dont look back
Just a little little bit better

Good enough to waste some time
Tell me, would it make you happy baby?
We could keep trying but things will never change

So I dont look back
Still Im dying with every step I take
But I dont look back
We could keep trying but things will never change

So I dont look back
Still Im dying with every step I take
But I dont look back

And it hurts with every heartbeat
And it hurts with every heartbeat
And it hurts with every heartbeat
And it hurts with every heartbeat

And it hurts with every heartbeat
And it hurts with every heartbeat
And it hurts with every heartbeat
And it hurts with every heartbeat

Artist: Stardust / Song Name: Music Sounds Better With You
I feel like the music sounds better with you
Love might bring us back together

Oooooh baby
I feel like the music sounds better with you
Love might bring us back together
I feel so good
I feel like the music sounds better with you
Love might bring us back together

Oooooh baby
I feel like the music sounds better with you
Love might bring us back together
I feel so good
I feel like the music sounds better with you
Love might bring us back together

Oooooh!! baby
I feel like the music sounds better with you
Love might bring us back together
I feel so good
I feel like the music sounds better with you
Love might bring us back together

Oooooh baby
I feel like the music sounds better with you
Love might bring us back together
I feel so good
I feel like the music sounds better with you
Love might bring us back together

Oooooh baby
I feel like the music sounds better with you
Love might bring us back together
I feel so good
I feel like...

Artist: Wham! / Song Name: Everything She Wants
Uh huh huh...
Oh yeah...

Somebody told me,
"Boy, everything she wants is everything she sees..."
I guess I must have loved you.
'Cause I said you were the perfect girl for me,
But now we're six months older...
And everything you want and everything you see,
Is out of reach...not good enough...
I don't know what the hell you want from me but boy...

Uh huh huh...
Uh huh huh...
Doo doo doo...
La la la la...

Somebody tell me,
Won't you tell me...
Why I work so hard for you?
All to give you money
All to give you money...

Some people work for a living,
Some people work for fun,
Girl, I just work for you.
They told me marriage was a give and take,
Well, show me you can take you've got some giving to do.
And now you tell me that you're having my baby,
I'll tell you that I'm happy if you want me to...
One step further and my back will break,
If my best isn't good enough
Than how can it be good enough for two?
I can't work any harder than I do...

Somebody tell me,
Won't you tell me...
Why I work so hard for you?
All to give you money,
All to give you money...

Why do I do the things I do?
I'd tell you if I knew.
My God...
I don't even think that I love you....
Won't you tell me...
Tell me...tell me...tell me...

How could you settle for a boy like me,
When all I could see was the end of the week...
All the things we sign,
And the things we buy,
Ain't gonna keep us together...
It's just a matter of time.

My situation,
Never changes.
Walking in and out of that door!
Like a stranger,
But with wages...
I give you all you say you want more...

And all I can see is the end of the week,
All the things we sign,
And the things we buy,
Ain't gonna keep us together...
Girl, it's just a matter of time.

Rebel Radio [Country]

Artist: Charlie Feathers / Song Name: Can't Hardly Stand It
Well, the sun's gone down
And you're uptown
And you're just out runnin' around

I can't hardly stand it
You're troublin' me
I can't hardly stand
It just can't be
Well, you don't know, a-babe I love you so
You got me all tore up, all tore up

You say you're trough with me
You're settin' me free
You're just out with your used-to-be

I can't hardly stand it
You're troublin' me
I can't hardly stand
It just can't be
Well, you don't know, a-babe I love you so
You got me all tore up, all tore up

Well, my spirit's low
I love (miss) you so
I stand alone and watch you go

I can't hardly stand it
You're troublin' me
I can't hardly stand
It just can't be
Well, you don't know, a-babe I love you so
You got me all tore up, all tore up

Well, now that you are gone
And I'm alone
All I do is sit and moan

I can't hardly stand it
You're troublin' me
I can't hardly stand
It just can't be
Well, you don't know, a-babe I love you so
You got me all tore up, all tore up

Baby, all tore up
Baby, all tore up
All tore up...

Artist: C.W. McCall / Song Name: Convoy
Ah, breaker one-nine, this here's the Rubber Duck. 
You gotta copy on me, Big Ben, c'mon? 
Ah, yeah, 10-4, Big Ben, for sure, for sure. 
By golly, it's clean clear to Flag Town, c'mon. 
Yeah, that's a big 10-4 there, 
Big Ben, yeah, we definitely got the front door,
good buddy. 
Mercy sakes alive, looks like we got us a convoy... 

Was the dark of the moon on the sixth of June 
In a Kenworth pullin' logs 
Cab over Pete with a reefer on 
And a Jimmy haulin' hogs 
We is headin' for bear on I-one-oh 
'Bout a mile outta Shaky Town 
I says, "Big Ben, this here's Rubber Duck. 
And I'm about to put the hammer down." 
'Cause we got a little ol' convoy 
Rockin' through the night. 
Yeah, we got a little ol' convoy, 
Ain't she a beautiful sight? 
Come on and join our convoy 
Ain't nothin' gonna get in our way. 
We gonna roll this truckin' convoy 
'Cross the U-S-A. 

Ah, breaker, Big Ben, this here's the Duck. 
And, you wanna back off them hogs? Yeah, 10-4, 'bout five mile or so. 
Ten, roger. Them hogs is gettin' in-tense up here. 

By the time we got into Tulsa Town, 
We had eighty-five trucks in all. 
But they's a roadblock up on the cloverleaf, 
And them bears was wall-to-wall. 
Yeah, them smokies is thick as bugs on a bumper; 
They even had a bear in the air! 
I says, "Callin' all trucks, this here's the Duck. 
"We about to go a-huntin' bear." 

'Cause we got a great big convoy 
Rockin' through the night. 
Yeah, we got a great big convoy, 
Ain't she a beautiful sight? 
Come on and join our convoy 
Ain't nothin' gonna get in our way. 
We gonna roll this truckin' convoy 
'Cross the U-S-A. 

Ah, you wanna give me a 10-9 on that, Big Ben? 
Negatory, Big Ben; you're still too close. 
Yeah, them hogs is startin' to close up my sinuses. 
Mercy sakes, you better back off another ten. 

Well, we rolled up Interstate 44 
Like a rocket sled on rails. 
We tore up all of our swindle sheets, 
And left 'em settin' on the scales. 
By the time we hit that Shy-town, 
Them bears was a-gettin' smart: 
They'd brought up some reinforcements 
From the Illinois National Guard. 
There's armored cars, and tanks, and jeeps, 
And rigs of ev'ry size. 
Yeah, them chicken coops was full'a bears 
And choppers filled the skies. 
Well, we shot the line and we went for broke 
With a thousand screamin' trucks 
An' eleven long-haired Friends a' Jesus 
In a chartreuse micro-bus. 

Ah, Rubber Duck to Sodbuster, come over. 
Yeah, 10-4, Sodbuster? 
Lissen, you wanna put that micro-bus in behind that suicide jockey? 
Yeah, he's haulin' dynamite, and he needs all the help he can get. 

Well, we laid a strip for the Jersey shore 
And prepared to cross the line 
I could see the bridge was lined with bears 
But I didn't have a dog-goned dime. 
I says, "Big Ben, this here's the Rubber Duck. 
We just ain't a-gonna pay no toll." 
So we crashed the gate doing ninety-eight 
I says "Let them truckers roll, 10-4." 

'Cause we got a mighty convoy 
Rockin' through the night. 
Yeah, we got a mighty convoy, 
Ain't she a beautiful sight? 
Come on and join our convoy 
Ain't nothin' gonna get in our way. 
We gonna roll this truckin' convoy 
'Cross the U-S-A. 

Convoy! Ah, 10-4, Big Ben, what's your twenty? 
Convoy! OMAHA? Well, they oughta know what to do with them hogs out 
there for sure. Well, mercy 
Convoy! sakes, good buddy, we gonna back on outta here, 
so keep the bugs off your glass and the bears off your... 
Convoy! tail. We'll catch you on the flip-flop. 
This here's the Rubber Duck on the side. 
Convoy! We gone. 'Bye, 'bye.

Artist: Hank Snow / Song Name: It Don't Hurt Anymore
It don't hurt anymore, all my teardrops are dried
No more walkin' the floor, with that burnin' inside
Just to think it could be, time has opened the door
And at last I am free, I don't hurt anymore

No use to deny I wanted to die, the day you said we were through
But now that I find you're out of my mind, I can't believe that it's true
I've forgotten somehow that I cared so before
And it's wonderful now, I don't hurt anymore

No use to deny I wanted to die, the day you said we were through
But now that I find you're out of my mind, I can't believe that it's true
I've forgotten somehow that I cared so before
And it's wonderful now, I don't hurt anymore

Artist: Jerry Reed / Song Name: You Took All The Ramblin' Out Of Me
You took all the ramblin’ out of me girl
With the finest lovin’ I ever done seen
Now all I wanna do is sit home and play my little guitar
And sing songs about all the places that I’ve seen

Your country loving and your country cooking
Done blowed my mind and set me free
You took away all my urge to roam
All I wanna do is just hang around home
Cause you took all the ramblin’ out of me

How I wound up down here in Monroe
Somethin’ I’m never gonna figure out it’s true
But your sweet love settled me down
Made me quit all my travelin’ round
Now all I wanna do is sit home and grow old with you

Last night I heard a freight train through my window
And I couldn’t help thinkin’ as I heard that whistle scream
How that old lonesome sound don’t make me itch and want to move around
Cause you took all the ramblin’ out of me

You took all the ramblin’ out of me girl…
Your country loving and your country cooking…
You took all the ramblin’ out of me girl…

Artist: Johnny Cash / Song Name: The General Lee
I'm a charger
That charges through the night
Like an orange bolt of lightning
Passing everything in sight
I'm the best pal the Duke boys' ever had
I'm thunder on the highway looking bad, bad, bad

I'm a knight
Like the kind in shining armor
With my polished body gleaming
I'm a fighter and a charmer
If trouble comes your way just ask for me
My friends all know me as the General Lee

I'm the General Lee
A piston pumpin' steel belted cavalry
I'll never let you down when you're riding with me
Buckle up and I'll show you what I mean
Take a look back there
Sirens blowing red lights flashing everywhere
We'll cross the field and we'll be runnin' free
They'll eat dust with compliments of me
The General Lee

I'm a hero
And that's how I'll make you feel
When you're riding shotgun with me
And the law is at your heels
I'm glory bound and when the chase is done
I'll take off through the mountains and have fun, fun, fun

I've got style
Tearing through the curves
With my flag waving proudly to the people that I serve
I'm number 1 and I'll always be
The pride of the South they call the General Lee

I'm the General Lee
A piston pumpin' steel belted cavalry
I'll never let you down when you're riding with me
Buckle up and I'll show you what I mean
Take a look back there
Sirens blowing red lights flashing everywhere
I'll jump that pond and we'll be running free
And they'll go swimming compliments of me
The General Lee
The General Lee
General Lee

Artist: Ozark Mountain Daredevils / Song Name: If You Wanna Get To Heaven
I never read it in a book
I never saw it on a show
but I heard it in the alley
on a weird radio
if you want a drink of water
you got to get it from a well
if you want to get to heaven
you got to raise a little hell

I never felt it in my feet
I never felt it in my soul
but I heard it the alley
now it's in my rock and roll
if you want to know a secret
you got to promise not to tell
if you want to get to heaven
you got to raise a little hell

I never thought it'd be so easy
I never thought it'd be so fun
but I heard it in the alley
now I got it on the run
if you want to see an angel
you got to find it where it fell
if you want to get to heaven
you got to raise a little hell

if you want to get to heaven
if you want to get to heaven
if you want to get to heaven
if you want to get to heaven

Artist: Waylon Jennings / Song Name: Are You Sure Hank Done It This Way
It's the same old tune, fiddle and guitar
Where do we take it from here
Rhinestone suits and new shiny cars
We've been the same way for years
We need to change

Somebody told me when I got to Nashville
Son you finally got it made
Old Hank made it here, we’re all sure that you will
But I don't think Hank done it this way
I don't think Hank done it this way

Ten years down the road, making one night stands
Speeding my young life away
Tell me one more time just so I understand
Are you sure Hank done it this way
Did Ol' Hank really do it this way?

I've seen the world with a five piece band
Looking at the back side of me 
Singing my songs and one of his now and then
But I don't think Hank done 'em this a'way
No I don't think Hank done 'em this a'way

Take it home

Artist: Waylon Jennings / Song Name: I Ain't Living Long Like This
I look for trouble and i found it son
Straight down the barrel of a lawman's gun
I tried to run but i don't think i can
You make one move and you're a dead man friend
Ain't living long like this
Can't live at all like this,can i baby?

He slipped the handcuffs on behind my back
And left me reeling on a steel reel rack
They got'em all in the jailhouse baby
Ain't living long like this
Can't live at all like this,can i baby?

Grew up in Houston off the wayside drives
Son of a carhop and some all night dives
Dad drove a stock car to an early death
All i remember was a drunk man's breath
Ain't living long like this
Can't live at all like this,can i baby?

You know the story how the wheel goes 'round
Don't let them take you to the man down town
Can't sleep at all in a jailhouse baby
Ain't living long like this
Can't live at all like this,can i baby?

I live with Angel she's a roadhouse queen
Makes Texas Ruby look like Sandra Dee
I want to love her but i don't know how
I'm at the bottom in the jailhouse now
Ain't living long like this
Can't live at all like this,can i baby?

You know the story about the jailhouse rock
Don't want to do it but just don't get caught
They got'em all in the jailhouse baby
Ain't living long like this
Can't live at all like this,can i baby?

Artist: Willie Nelson / Song Name: Whiskey River
Whiskey River take my mind,
Don't let her mem'ry torture me.
Whiskey River don't run dry,
You're all I've got, take care of me. 

Whiskey River take my mind,
Don't let her mem'ry torture me.
Whiskey River don't run dry,
You're all I've got, take care of me. 

I'm drowning in a whiskey river,
Bathing my mem'ried mind in the wetness of its soul.
Feeling the amber current flowin' from my mind.
And warm an empty heart you left so cold. 

Whiskey River take my mind,
Don't let her mem'ry torture me.
Whiskey River don't run dry,
You're all I've got, take care of me. 

I'm drowning in a whiskey river,
Bathing my mem'ried mind in the wetness of its soul.
Feeling the amber current flowin' from my mind.
And warm an empty heart you left so cold. 

Whiskey River take my mind,
Don't let her mem'ry torture me.
Whiskey River don't run dry,
You're all I've got, take care of me.

Vinewood Boulevard Radio [Alternative Rock]
Hosts: Nate and Steve

Artist: Bass Drum of Death / Song Name: Crawling After You
Well i’ve wasted all my time
Trying bad to make you mine
And i know it’s not ok
I can’t find that perfect line
And when things are not the same
Too far down in my brain
Toss my drinks into the sky
And i’m face-down in my mind

Crawling after you
And i’m waiting for something
While you occupy my head
And it’s getting far too loud
When your face is oh so proud
When i feel like i am dead
Alone all day in bed
Toss my drinks into the sky
I’ve been wasting all my time
And i can’t get better
If i don’t let you down
All night i sweat her
I can’t get further down

Artist: Ceremony / Song Name: Histeria
How will we survive
They continue to ask
No one ever does
There's so much grief
In breaking for bread
All we've ever known
No birth without blood
No confusion without us
The book of nightmare carries the moan
Our bodies in a war knot tightening

Artist: FIDLAR / Song Name: Cocaine
You take Sally and I’ll take Sue
There ain’t no difference between the two
Coke’s for whores, it’s not for men
They say it kills but they don’t know when

Cocaine running round in my
Cocaine running round in my
Cocaine running round in my brain

Woke up this morning had a hunger pain
And all I want for breakfast is my good Cocaine
Oh mama! Come here quick!
That old cocaine's about to make me sick

Cocaine running round in my
Cocaine running round in my
Cocaine running round in my brain

Cocaine running round in my
Cocaine running round in my
Cocaine running round in my brain

Artist: Hot Snakes / Song Name: This Mystic Decade
Ten years to the minute
No longer in it
It's finished now
Finished with you
No exceptions
No extensions
You saw the angles
You missed the truth

And I know my heart is set in plaster
And I know in my heart
I am my own master

This mystic decade
Will finish here

I dug a pit
I put you in it
The pit of my chest
The pit of my eye
Now turn the clock back
Driving a comeback
Drive up in a hearse
Drive off in reverse 

Artist: Metz / Song Name: Wet Blanket
Im passed out on the floor
I wish you would
Stop the room from spinning round
Your eyes are burning and theres noting I can do about it

Youll never be the same
Youll never be the same

Wet blanket

Im waiting in the dark
Cant hold it in
Please, please give me what I need
My patience is wearing thin

Youll never be the same
Youll never be the same

Wet blanket

Artist: Sam Flax / Song Name: Fire Doesn't Burn Itself
Fire Doesn't Burn Itself [repeatedly]
Higher [repeatedly]

Artist: The Black Angels / Song Name: Black Grease
You're a storm, you're so emotional
Moody and controlled, sly and involved
You're alright, you come to me in times
You make me realize I'm not the kindest guy

But I give, give, give, give
I give what I can give
So just give, give, give, give
Give me what you have, dear

Slow, you kept me in that storm
You showed me things galore
Made me want much more
And now denied, the things I saw inside
The things I saw inside is what really caught my eye

And you give, give, give, give
Just give what you can
And I'll live, live, live, live
Live while I can, dear

You're so surprised, you see me put up fights
You hear me realize, you come along for rides
You're just so kind, the eagle with red wine
You made me see that bright eye between me and time

To just kill, kill, kill, kill
You kill what you can
And you kill, kill, kill, kill
Anything you want

Artist: Thee Oh Sees / Song Name: The Dream
I had a dream, a dream I said
A bloody dream in which I said:
"I'm not dead, oh dead"
I lie awake until I sleep, I see the sky tear, and then it weeps.
I was scared.
So scared.

The dream, it seems, is peeking, into real life.
The sun can't burn, the dream, from my eyes.
The dream, seeking, peeking, real life.

Artist: Ty Segall Band / Song Name: Diddy Wah Diddy
You're gonna spin around the world 
and I'm..seeing you.. 
said I..
I'm gonna..tell you what.. 

Diddy wah 
..there's in love with you 
said I'm gonna..the zoo
Ohh, everyone is gonna..

Diddy wah 

I'm gonna take that girl out
I'm gonna..
yeah you know
yeah I will know 
there's gonna be 
This is my car 
I got a nice car 
and I'm..with a wheel 
who f*ckin cares
f*ck this f*cking song 
did it want you 

I don't know what we're doing 
let's ..again

World Wide FM [Ambient/Electronic]

Artist: Cashmerecat / Song Name: Mirror Maru

Artist: Django Django / Song Name: Waveform
Waveforms, reach through my mind
And take me back there tonight
The reverb I feel, it signals to me
It’s never been far from sight
A long time ago, my heart was in two
It's written in black and white
The rhythm machine through the smoke and the screen
Their heads in the hills tonight

Oh you wanna know why 
All these rivers run dry
And when I see you again
I see it there in your eyes

Radar, scanning my mind
Lost in the clouds above
The rattle of drums, the click of my thumb
Their eyes in the hills below

Oh you wanna know why 
All these rivers run dry
And when I see you again
I see it there in your eyes 
I see it there in your eyes

Touch it, break it, shake it yeah
Take it apart and break it yeah
try to rearrange it yeah
couldn't recreate it yeah
couldn't recreate it yeah
couldn't recreate it yeah

Artist: Donald Byrd / Song Name: You and the Music
Can you feel the magic hangin' in the air?
Can you feel the magic? Oh, yeah
Love is a mystery, I can't demystify, oh, no
Sometimes I wonder why we're here
But I don't care, I don't care
When I hear the drummer, get me in the groove
When I hear the guitar, makes me wanna move
Can you feel the magic, floatin' in the air?
Can you feel the magic? oh, yeah
Sometimes you're feelin' you've been pushed around
And your rainbow just ain't here
Don't you fear, don't you fear
When you hear the music trouble disappear
When you hear the music ringin' in your ears
Can you feel the magic floatin' in the air?
Can you feel the magic? Oh, yeah, yeah
Can you hear the music? Can you hear the music?
Can you feel the magic dancin' in the air?
Can you feel the magic? Oh, yeah
Love is a mystery, I can't demystify, oh, no
Sometimes I'm dancin' on air
But I get scared, I get scared
When you hear the music ringin' in my ear
Can you hear the music? Oh, yeah
Can you hear the drummer? Gets you in the groove
Can you hear the guitar make you wanna move? Yeah
Can you hear the music? Oh, yeah
Can you hear the music ringin' in my ear?
Can you hear the music? Can you hear the music?
Can you hear the music? Can you hear the music?
Can you hear the music? Can you hear the music?
Can you hear the music? Can you hear the music?
Can you hear the music? Can you hear the music?
Can you hear the music?

Artist: Gaslamp Killer / Song Name: Nissim

Artist: I.N.C. / Song Name: The Place
the price to be by his side
i know I have to try
to be my best because
that is all he ever wants

i know there's something more
when i feel it my tears fall
that is when i'm at my best
nothing more nothingless

you seem like you already know
seem like you already know
i feel like you've been here before
i feel like you've been here before

time only makes it strong

in the seconds in the song
that's why it hurts when something's wrong
hope i never wait too long

never right, never wrong
hope i never wait too long

you already know
you already know
i feel like we've been here before
i feel like we've been here before

the place that we already know
the place that we already know
i feel like we've been here before
i feel like we've been here before

Artist: Kyodai / Song Name: Breaking

Artist: Mala / Song Name: Ghost

Artist: Swindle / Song Name: Forest Funk

Artist: The Hics / Song Name: Cold Air
If only I can fear your stare now
Cold air!

We keeps in shadow
Once more now the sea says too far
My offering was simple 
Yet to get to a downfall
In the time you showed me something... withdraw 
And now I see your silence signs
All the longing was love in your eyes!

If only I could feel your stare now
Cold air!
If only you would let me in now
Cold air! 
If only I could feel your stare now
Cold air!
If only you would let me in now
Cold air! 

Right into darkness, open look
Silence feeling behind! 
Looking for a sign to find the secret you're keeping 
It always... and you always seems to keep me from...
You and I will sleep until it dies
Nothing left to...

Fly to do the...
Fly to do the...

If only I could feel your stare now
Cold air!
If only you would let me in now
Cold air! 
If only I could feel your stare now
Cold air!
If only you would let me in now
Cold air!

Artist: Tom Browne / Song Name: Throw Down

Artist: Toro y Moi / Song Name: Harm in Change
Don't let me hold you down
We could be there now
And I'd rather drive it through the night
It's only one more day
Till we leave this state
And I know she thinks I've changed my mind
And I know she thinks I've changed my mind
And I know she thinks I've changed my mind

Don't let me hold you down
We could be there by now
It's only one more day
Till we leave this state
And I know she thinks I've changed my mind
And I know she thinks I've changed my mind

Don't let me hold you down
We could be there by now

Cause you know me
And I know you too
And that's not like me
Let me hold you tonight
Let me hold you tonight
Let me hold you tonight
Let me hold you tonight
Let me hold you tonight
Let me hold you tonight

Artist: Yuna / Song Name: Live Your Life (MELO-X MOTHERLAND GOD MIX)
Find your light
Dont hide from what you are
And rise before you fall
And hope for something more
Live if you really want to
Live if you really want to

All my life Ive been looking for something amazing
Its almost like Ive been stargazing
The sky is right above me
We were meant for something bigger than this
Dont ever try to dismiss yourself cause you dont have to

All my life my dreams just seemed so far away
And now its like theyre here to stay
I hold it close to me
We were meant for something bigger than this
Dont ever try to dismiss yourself cause you dont have to

Live if we really want to
Live if we really want to
Live if we really want to
Live if we really want to

Channel X [Punk Rock]

Artist: Adolescents / Song Name: Amoeba


We are the scientists in the lab
Looking through a microscope
The little glass slides they never lie
How can this small mind cope?

I've never seen anything like it before
This amoeba's got a mind of it's own
But don't turn your back you stupid science world
This is reaching for the telephone



A one celled creature, a one celled thing
It hardly knows it's alive
You're better off dead if you only knew
Your growing life is taking a dive

I've never seen anything like it before
This amoeba's got a mind of it's own
But don't turn your back you stupid science world
This is reaching for the telephone





Artist: Black Flag / Song Name: My War
My war you're one of them 
You say that you're my friend 
But you're one of them 

You don't want to see me live 
You don't want me to give 
'cause you're one of them 

My war you're one of them 
You say that you're my friend 
But you're one of them 

I might not know what a friend is 
All I know is what you're not 
'cause you're one of them 

My war you're one of them 
You say that you're my friend 
But you're one of them 

I have a prediction, it lives in my brain 
It's with me every day, it drives me insane 
I feel it in my heart, that if I has a gun 
I feel it in my heart, I'd wanna kill some 
I feel it in my heart, the end will come 
Come on!! 

My war you're one of them 
You say that you're my friend 
But you're one of them 

Tell me that I'm wrong 
Try to sing me your ego song 
You're one of them 

My war you're one of them 
You say that you're my friend 
But you're one of them 

My war.

Artist: Circle Jerks / Song Name: Rock House
Party waste, found the base
Had a taste, daryl gates is breaking through
Stole my car, in my drawer, stole my bucks
Really sucks, I can't trust you
Candle light, door shut tight, gonna fight
Losers here are so uncool
Brought me here, took my cash, get away
Take me for a fool

Rock house is destroying you
Low life's smoking kools
locked door are the rule
Ramdoors breaking through

Zombie girls drooping eyes
Can't get enough, one more puff
We're not through
Dealer says give 'em head
He's got something that will make you really smooth
Legs are spread, mouths are open
Most of them are hoping that it might be you
Spent the cash, make a dash
Keep inhaling till your face is turning blue

Rock house is destroying you
Low life's smoking kools
locked door are the rule
Ramdoors breaking through

Artist: Descendents / Song Name: Pervert
Don't you think it's time I let you know
Don't you think I should before you go
I'm not gonna let you get away
Cuz I want to fuck you night and day
I'm a pervert

I like to go out on dates
See a movie communicate
We'll go home and have some fun
I'll tell you sure you're the only one
Then when I leave your house I smell of sex

Then I know I'm a pervert because I like it
Then I know I'm perverted because I want it
Want it all of the time

Don't you sometimes wonder what I want
Don't you sometimes think I just want your cunt
I'd hate to think that romance is just a pose
But all I want to do is rip off your clothes
I'm a pervert

I like to hold you in my arms
You know I wouldn't do you harm
I never take advantage in my book that's a sin
But somehow I find myself caressing your skin
Then there's one word on my mind and that word is fuck

Artist: Fear / Song Name: The Mouth Don't Stop (The Trouble With Women IS)
There's a sinister feeling brewing 
'Bout a women and her non-stop yap??In a couple weeks she'll be stewing 
Bait the hook of a tender trap
?Spend your money on countless reasons?Brick-a-brack that cannot be used?
Snivel on the ground that she walks on?Give an inch and that women wants two 

The trouble today with women: The mouth don't stop
?There's an older one yakity-yackin' 
Husband's credit cards let her shop
?There's a younger one gums keep flappin'?Will the jawbone never stop??
There's an ugly one she need screwin'?Never in your life no not me! 

There's a pretty one always talkin'
Will the women's mouth never cease?
?The trouble today with women: The mouth don't stop

The mouth don't stop
The mouth don't stop
The mouth don't stop
The mouth don't stop

There's an older one yakity-yackin' 
Husband's credit cards let her shop
?There's a younger one gums keep flappin'?Will the jawbone never stop??
There's an ugly one she need screwin'?Never in your life no not me! 

There's a pretty one always talkin'
Will the women's mouth never cease?

The mouth don't stop
The mouth don't stop
The mouth don't stop
The mouth don't stop

Artist: Suicidal Tendencies / Song Name: Subliminal
Flashing pictures on my screen
Shown too quickly to be seen
Does not register in my conscious mind
Propaganda of another kind
They're Fucking with me subliminaily
They're Fucking with me subliminally

Danger - Nightmare
Doomsday - Nightmare
Murder - Nightmare
Nightmare, Nightmare

Watching T.V. I start to cry
For no reason I don't know why
Could it be from messages on my TV
Which I'm getting subliminally?

Mind control the easiest way
Sponsered by the C.I.A.
It's a weapon you cannot see
It's propaganda subliminally

Artist: The Germs / Song Name: Lexicon Devil
I'm a lexicon devil with a
battered brain
And I'm searchin' for a future-
the world's my aim
So gimme gimme your hands-
gimme gimme your minds
Gimme gimme this-gimme
gimme tha-yea-yea-t...

I want toy tin soldiers that can
push and shove
I want gunboy rovers that'll
wreck this club
I'll build you up and level your heads
We'll run it my way cold men
and politics dead...

I'll get silver guns to drip old blood
Let's give this established
joke a shove
We're gonna wreak havoc
on the rancid mill
I'm serachin' for something
even if I'm killed...

Empty out your pockets-you
don't need their change
I'm giving you the power
to rearrange
Together we'll run to the
highest prop
Tear it down and let it drop...away...

Artist: The Weirdos / Song Name: Life of Crime
I don't wanna play aroun' no more
I see that black cross painted on your door
We was good friends for a long, long time
But baby you got hungry for a life of crime
Get the message now?

The car you drive is painted red and grey
But if you ask me to get in
Well I'll jst run away
We was good friends for a long, long time
But baby you got hungry for a life of crime

Get the message now?

Artist: T.S.O.L. / Song Name: Abolish Government/Silent Majority
Abolish government, it's nothing to me
Forget about god, He's not here to see
We live by a system a perfect mold
People perfect people who are poor and old

Lives were spent on the ladder of success
Working for nothing in this, in this worthless mess
Presidents a name, presidents a label
Highest man on the government table

America, land of the free
Free to the power of the people in uniform

People are so blind they just can't see
Send your son to boot-camp, send him off to war
If he comes back he'll be dead and nothing more
Struggle for a land, for a country, for a freedom
All you mindless people looking for someone to lead them

Wake up to the same old shit
Live your life to suit their fit
Some people, they don't like your hair
Police, they just don't care

Snipers that want to be
Rifle sites are aimed at me
Wake up silent majority

The government, they don't want us here
You folks can't feel that fear
You can walk the streets today
You can walk in your own way

People think that I'm crazy
These people just can't see
Wake up silent majority

Live your life day by day
Doing everything that they say
Silent majority

Promote freedom, let it be heard
Don't forget that it's only a word
Silent majority
When you gonna wake up?

Artist: Youth Brigade / Song Name: Blown Away
It seems more and more the future's filled with uncertainty we seem to 
find ourselves living in an age of anxiety i know, 
we go, on living fearfully the leaders of the world won't realize 
their responsibility i say, 
i say will we get blown away can we go on existing hoping 
for another day one day, one day, 
we can get blown away or we can stop the madness before it's too 
late and we get blown away you tell me that you're scared 
well so am i we'll never get any answers asking the question why we can't, 
keep living day to day we all must find some way to overcome 
the apathy i know, we go, 
on living fearfully we can't, romance, keep living day to day i 
know that many say there seems to be no way there's no deceiving me 
apearance is not reality death is the end of life ah, why should life 
all labour be let us alone; 
time driveth onward fast let us alone; what is it that will last? 
let us alone; what pleasure can we have to war with evil? 
is their any peace

Los Santos Rock Radio [Classic Rock]

Artist: Billy Squier / Song Name: Lonely Is the Night
Lonely is the night when you find yourself alone
Your demons come to light and your mind is not your own
Lonely is the night when there's no one left to call
You feel the time is right, say the writin's on the wall

It's a high time to fight when the walls are closin' in
Call it what you like it's time you got to win
Lonely, lonely, lonely your spirit's sinkin' down
You find you're not the only stranger in this town

Red lights, green lights, stop and go jive
Headlines, deadlines jammin' your mind
You been stealin' shots from the side
Let your feelin's go for a ride

There's danger out tonight, the man is on the prowl
Get the dynamite, the boys are set to howl
Lonely is the night when you hear the voices call
Are you ready for a fight, do you wanna take it all?

Slowdown, showdown waitin' on line
Show time, no time for changin' your mind
Streets are ringin', march to the sound
Let your secrets follow you down

Somebody's watchin' you baby, so much you can do
Nobody's stoppin' you baby, from makin' it too
One glimpse'll show you now baby, what the music can do
One kiss'll show you now baby, it can happen to you

No more sleepin', wastin' our time
Midnight creepin's, first on our minds
No more lazin' 'round the TV
You'll go crazy, come out with me

Feelin' lonely
Lonely is the night
Feelin' lonely
Lonely is the night
Lonely, lonely, lonely

Artist: Bob Seger and The Silver Bullet Band / Song Name: Hollywood Nights
She stood there bright as the sun
On that California coast
He was a Midwestern boy on his own
She looked at him with those soft eyes
So innocent and blue
He knew right then he was too far from home
He was too far from home
She took his hand and she led him along that golden beach
They watched the waves tumble over the sand
They drove for miles and miles
Up those twisting turning roads
Higher and higher and higher they climbed
And those Hollywood nights
In those Hollywood hills
She was looking so right
In her diamonds and frills
Oh those big city nights
In those high rolling hills
Above all the lights
She had all of her skills
He'd headed west cause he felt that a change would do him good
See some old friends, good for the soul
She had been born with a face
That would let her get her way
He saw that face and he lost all control
He had lost all control
Night after night
Day after day
It went on and on
Then came that morning he woke up alone
He spent all night staring down at the lights on LA
Wondering if he could ever go home
And those Hollywood nights
In those Hollywood hills
She was looking so right
It was giving him chills
In those big city nights
In those high rolling hills
Above all the lights
With a passion that kills
In those Hollywood nights
In those Hollywood hills
She was looking so right
In her diamonds and frills
Oh those big city nights
In those high rolling hills
Above all the lights
She had all of her skills

Artist: Chicago / Song Name: If You Leave Me Now
If you leave me now,
you'll take away the biggest part of me

Woo...No baby please don't go

And If you leave me now, 
you'll take away the very heart of me

Woo...No baby please don't go

Woo....girl I just want you to stay 

A love like ours is love that's hard to find
How could we let it slip away
We've come too far to leave it all behind
How could we end it all this way
When tomorrow comes and we'll both regret
The Things we said today 

A love like ours is love that's hard to find
How could we let it slip away
We've come too far to leave it all behind
How could we end it all this way
When tomorrow comes and we'll both regret
The Things we said today 

If you leave me now,
you'll take away the biggest part of me
Woo...No baby please don't go

Woo....girl I just got to have you by my side

Woo...No baby please don't go

Woo... mama, I just got to have your loving help,

Artist: Deff Lepard / Song Name: Photograph
I'm outta luck, outta love 
Got a photograph, picture of 
Uh, passion killer, you're too much 
You're the only one I wanna touch 
I see your face every time I dream 
On every page, every magazine 
So wild and free, so far from me 
You're all I want, my fantasy 

Oh! Look what you've done to this rock 'n' roll clown 
Oh oh! Look what you've done 

Photograph - I don't want your 
Photograph - I don't need your 
Photograph - all I've got is a photograph 
But it's not enough 

I'd be your lover, if you were there 
Put your hurt on me, if you dare 
Such a woman, you got style 
You make every man feel like a child, oh 
You got some kinda hold on me 
You're all wrapped up in mystery 
So wild, so free, and so far from me 
You're all I want, my fantasy 

Oh! Look what you've done to this rock 'n' roll clown 
Oh oh! Look what you've done 

Photograph - I don't want your 
Photograph - I don't need your 
Photograph - all I've got is a photograph 
You've gone straight to my head 

Oh! Look what you've done to this rock 'n' roll clown 
Oh oh! Look what you've done 
I gotta have you 

Photograph - I don't want your 
Photograph - I don't need your 
Photograph - all I've got is a photograph 
I wanna touch you 

Photograph - your photograph 
Photograph - I need only your 
Photograph - I'm outta love 
Photograph - I'm outta love 
Photograph - you're the only one 
Photograph - I wanna touch

Artist: Elton John / Song Name: Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting
It's getting late have you seen my mates
Ma tell me when the boys get here
It's seven o'clock and I want to rock
Want to get a belly full of beer
My old man's drunker than a barrel full of monkeys
And my old lady she don't care
My sister looks cute in her braces and boots
A handful of grease in her hair

Don't give us none of your aggravation
We had it with your discipline
Saturday night's alright for fighting
Get a little action in

Get about as oiled as a diesel train
Gonna set this dance alight
'Cause Saturday night's the night I like
Saturday night's alright, alright, alright
Well they're packed pretty tight in here tonight
I'm looking for a dolly who'll see me right
I may use a little muscle to get what I need
I may sink a little drink and shout out "She's with me!"
A couple of the sound that I really like
Are the sounds of a switchblade and a motorbike
I'm a juvenile product of the working class
Whose best friend floats in the bottom of a glass

Don't give us none of your aggravation
We had it with your discipline
Saturday night's alright for fighting
Get a little action in

Don't give us none of your aggravation
We had it with your discipline
Saturday night's alright for fighting
Get a little action in

Artist: Foreigner / Song Name: Dirty White Boy
Hey, baby, if you're feelin' down 
I know what's good for you all day 
Are you worried what your friends see 
Will it ruin your reputation lovin' me 

'cause I'm a dirty white boy 
Yeah a dirty white boy 
A dirty white boy 

Don't drive no big black car 
Don't like no hollywood movie star 
You want me to be true to you 
You don't give a damn what I do to you 

I'm just a dirty white boy 
Dirty white boy, dirty white boy 
Dirty white boy, dirty white boy 
Dirty white boy 

Well, I'm a dirty white boy 
Dirty white boy, dirty white boy 
Dirty white boy, yeah, dirty white boy 
A dirty white boy 

I've been in trouble since I don't know when 
I'm in trouble now and I now somehow I'll find trouble again 
I'm a loner, but I'm never alone 
Every night I get one step closer to the danger zone 

'cause I'm a dirty white boy 
Dirty white boy, yeah, dirty white boy 
Dirty white boy, I'm a dirty white boy 
Dirty white boy 

C'mon, c'mon boy 
Dirty white boy, white boy 
Dirty white boy, I'm a dirty white boy 
Dirty white boy 

Hey, I'm a dirty white boy 
Dirty white boy, yeah, I'm a dirty white boy 
Dirty white boy, dirty white boy, yeah

Artist: Greg Kihn Band / Song Name: The Breakup Song (They Don't Write 'Em)
We had broken up for good just an hour before
Uh uh uh, uh uh uh uh uh
Now I'm staring at the bodies as there's dancin' 'cross the floor
Uh uh uh, uh uh uh uh uh
And then the band slowed the tempo and the music gets me down
Uh uh uh, uh uh uh uh uh
It was the same old song with the melancholy sound
Uh uh uh, uh uh uh uh uh

They don't write 'em like that anymore
They just don't write 'em like that anymore

We'd been living together for a million years
Uh uh uh, uh uh uh uh uh
But now it feels so strange out in the atmospheres
Uh uh uh, uh uh uh uh uh
And then the jukebox plays a song I used to know
Uh uh uh, uh uh uh uh uh
Now I'm staring at the bodies as they're dancin' so slow
Uh uh uh, uh uh uh uh uh

They don't write 'em like that anymore
They just don't write 'em like that anymore

Now I wind up staring at an empty glass
Uh uh uh, uh uh uh uh uh
Cause it's so easy to say that you'll forget your past
Uh uh uh, uh uh uh uh uh

They don't write 'em like that anymore, no! 
They just don't write 'em like that anymore

They don't write 'em like that anymore
They just don't write 'em like that anymore

Artist: Julian Lennon / Song Name: Too Late for Goodbyes
Ever since you've been leaving me
I've been wanting to cry
Now I know how it feels for you
I've been wanting to die
But it's much too late for goodbyes
Yes it's much too late for goodbyes 
Time has gone since I've been with you
We've been starting to die
Now it seems you don't care for me
and I don't understand why
But it's much too late for goodbyes
Yes it's much too late for goodbyes

Ever since you've been far away
I've been wanting to fly
Now I know what you meant to me
I'm the one who should cry
And it's much too late for goodbyes
Yes it's much too late for goodbyes

Ever since you've been leaving me
I've been wanting to cry
Now I know how it feels for you
I've been wanting to die
But it's much too late for goodbyes
Yes it's much too late for goodbyes

Ooh... Ah.....

Dit dit dit dit doo
ba da ba da ba da ba... ba
ba ba ba ba ba... ba ba ba ba ba... ba

Artist: Phil Collins / Song Name: I Don't Care Anymore
Well you can tell ev'ryone I'm a down disgrace
Drag my name all over the place.
I don't care anymore.
You can tell ev'rybody 'bout the state I'm in
You won't catch me crying 'cos I just can't win.
I don't care anymore I don't care anymore

I don't care what you say
I don't play the same games you play.

'Cos I've been talking to the people that you call your friends
And it seems to me there's a means to and end.
They don't care anymore.
And as for me I can sit here and bide my time
I got nothing to lose if I speak my mind.
I don't care anymore I don't care no more

I don't care what you say
We never played by the same rules anyway.

I won't be there anymore
Get out of my way
Let me by
I got better things to do with my time
I don't care anymore I don't care anymore
I don't care anymore I don't care anymore

Well, I don't care now what you say
'Cos ev'ry day I'm feeling fine with myself
And I don't care now what you say
Hey I'll do alright by myself
'Cos I know.

'Cos I remember all the times I tried so hard
And you laughed in my face 'cos you held all the cards.
I don't care anymore.
And I really ain't bothered what you think of me
'Cos all I want of you is just a let me be.
I don't care anymore D'you hear? I don't care no more

I don't care what you say
I never did believe you much anyway.

I won't be there no more
So get out of my way.
Let me by
I got better things to do with my time
I don't care anymore
D'you hear? I don't care anymore
I don't care no more
You listening? I don't care no more
No more!

You know I don't care no more!

Artist: Queen / Song Name: Radio Ga Ga
I'd sit alone and watch your light
My only friend through teenage nights
And everything I had to know
I heard it on my radio

You gave them all those old time stars
Through wars of worlds -- invaded by Mars
You made 'em laugh -- you made 'em cry
You made us feel like we could fly

So don't become some background noise
A backdrop for the girls and boys
Who just don't know or just don't care
And just complain when you're not there
You had your time, you had the power
You've yet to have your finest hour

All we hear is Radio ka ka
Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga
All we hear is Radio ga ga
Radio blah blah
Radio what's new?
Radio, someone still loves you!

We watch the shows -- we watch the stars
On videos for hours and hours
We hardly need to use our ears
How music changes through the years

Let's hope you never leave old friend
Like all good things on you we depend
So stick around cos we might miss you
When we grow tired of all this visual
You had your time, you had the power
You've yet to have your finest hour

All we hear is Radio ka ka
Radio goo goo
Radio GaGa
All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio goo goo
Radio GaGa
All we hear is Radio ga ga
Radio ga ga
Radio what's new?
Someone still loves you!

You had your time, you had the power
You've yet to have your finest hour

Artist: Steve Miller Band / Song Name: Rock 'N Me
Well I've been lookin' real hard
And I'm tryin' to find a job
But it just keeps gettin' tougher every day
But I got to do my part cause I know in my heart
I got to please my sweet baby, yeah

Well, I ain't superstitious
And I don't get suspicious
But my woman is a friend of mine
And I know that it's true that all the things that I do
Will come back to me in my sweet time

So keep on rock'n me baby
Keep on a rock'n me baby
Keep on a rock'n me baby
Keep on a rock'n me baby

I went from Phoenix, Arizona
All the way to Tacoma
Philadelphia, Atlanta, L.A.
Northern California where the girls are warm
So I could be with my sweet baby, yeah

Keep on a rock'n me baby
Keep on a rock'n me baby
Keep on a rock'n me baby
Keep on a rock'n me baby
Baby, baby, baby
Keep on rock'n
Rock'n me baby
Keep on a rock'n
Rock'n me baby

Don't get suspicious
Now don't be suspicious
Babe, you know you are a friend of mine
And you know that it's true
That all the things that I do
Are gonna come back to you in your sweet time

I went from Phoenix, Arizona
All the way to Tacoma
Philadelphia, Atlanta, L.A.
Northern California where the girls are warm
So I could hear my sweet baby say

Keep on a rock'n me baby
Keep on a rock'n me baby
Keep on a rock'n me baby
Keep on a rock'n me, rock'n me, rock'n
Baby, baby, baby
Keep on a rock'n me baby
Keep on a rock'n me baby
Keep on a rock'n me baby

Artist: The Cult / Song Name:  Rain
Hot sticky scenes, you know what I mean
Like a desert sun that burns my skin 
I've been waiting for her for so long
Open the sky and let her come down 

Here comes the rain 
Here comes the rain 
Here she comes again 
Here comes the rain

Hot sticky scenes, you know what I mean
Like a desert sun that burns my skin 
I've been waiting for her for so long
Open the sky and let her come down 

Here comes the rain 
Here comes the rain 
Here she comes again 
Here comes the rain
I love the rain 
I love the rain 
Here she comes again 
Here comes the rain 

Oh, rain 
Oh, here comes the rain 

I love the rain 
Well, I love the rain 
Here she comes again 
I love the rain 


Artist: The Doobie Brothers / Song Name: What a Fool Believes
He came from somewhere back in her long ago 
The sentimental fool don't see 
Tryin' hard to recreate 
What had yet to be created once in her life 

She musters a smile for his nostalgic tale 
Never coming near what he wanted to say 
Only to realize 
It never really was 

She had a place in his life 
He never made her think twice 
As he rises to her apology 
Anybody else would surely know 
He's watching her go 

But what a fool believes ... he sees 
No wise man has the power to reason away 
What seems ... to be 
Is always better than nothing 
And nothing at all keeps sending him ... 

Somewhere back in her long ago 
Where he can still believe there's a place in her life 
Someday, somewhere, she will return 

She had a place in his life 
He never made her think twice 
As he rises to her apology 
Anybody else would surely know 
He's watching her go 

But what a fool believes ... he sees 
No wise man has the power to reason away 
What seems ... to be 
Is always better than nothing 
There's nothing at all 
What seems ... to be 
Is always better than nothing 
There's nothing at all 
But what a fool believes he sees ... 
No wise man has the power to reason away 
What seems ... to be 
Is always better than nothing

Blue Ark FM [Reggae]
Host: Lee Scratch Perry

Artist: Chronixx / Song Name: Odd Ras
Ahhh Boy, Digital, one one
Chronixx again
Well nuff a talk bout buss
Buss what?
Lef some a dem a wait a di bus stop
Nuff get di bus and go fall off track
And siddung a bus back a wait fi buss back
But guess what, Selassi I alone mi salute
All when lie a di trend Chronixx a talk di truth
Say mi nah do weh babylon want mi do
dem inna straight jeans mi inna khaki suite

All when mi a di only man wid pants pon waiste
Mi nah falla nobody
And when the whole Jamaica a bleach dem face
Mi nah falla nobody
Tell dem a me man, A me same one
Settle Popa chronixx pon di microphone stand
All when a mi alone a sing rightous song
Mi nah falla nobody

Tell dem trend easy fi falla
It nuh easy fi set
Nuff settle fi the less
I proceed fi the best
And if you think a lie put me to the test
Gi me a beat and a mic mi nuh need nuttin less
Me see dem a drink rum but mi nah sip-up
And me no wah drunk till mi can't get up
Say mi nah sing no song bout di party buck
Worst mi nah show mi under pants fi buss

All when mi a di only man wid pants pon waiste
Mi nah falla nobody
And when the whole Jamaica a bleach dem face
Mi nah falla nobody
Tell dem a me man, A me same one
Settle Popa chronixx pon di microphone stand
All when a mi alone a sing rightous song
Mi nah falla nobody

Tell dem mi a one rasta you who nuh pree peer pressure
Nah falla some dread and go pree hairdresser
Nuff a talk say man and nuff a talk say dem badder
When you go a dem yard
Lox have in pure setters 
And a floss, floss who
Dem say mi nah buss without a tatoo
heh, a could'nt me dem a talk too
Dem haffi go settle down mek Chronixx pass tru

All when mi a di only man wid pants pon waiste
Mi nah falla nobody
And when the whole Jamaica a bleach dem face
Mi nah falla nobody
Tell dem trend easy fi falla
It nuh easy fi set
Nuff settle fi the less
I proceed fi the best
And if you think a lie put me to the test
Gi me a beat and a mic mi nuh need nuttin less
Me see dem a drink rum but mi nah sip-up
And me no wah drunk till mi can't get up
Say mi nah sing no song bout di party buck
Worst mi nah show mi under pants fi buss

All when mi a di only man wid pants pon waiste
Mi nah falla nobody
And when the whole Jamaica a bleach dem face
Mi nah falla nobody
Tell dem a me man, A me same one
Settle Popa chronixx pon di microphone stand
All when a mi alone a sing rightous song
Mi nah falla nobody

Artist: Dennis Brown / Song Name: Money in my Pocket
Money in my pocket but I just can't get no love
Money in my pocket but I just can't get no love
I'm praying for
A girl to be my own
Soon you said she coming but I don't believe a word she say
Cause she run away and left me one rainy day
She made me had in mind
That her love would never die
And now I'm alone, so alone
So alone, yeah, yeah
Money in my pocket but I just can't get no love, oh no
Money in my pocket but I just can't get no love
The love I had in mind
Was very, very hard to find, oh
It's hard for a man to live without a woman
And a woman needs a man to cling to
You'll see what love can do
After making me feel blue
Ain't that a shame, woah baby
Ain't that a shame, yeah, yeah, yeah
To make me feel blue, woah yeah, yeah
Ain't that a shame, baby
Ain't that a shame...

Artist: Gregory Isaacs / Song Name: Night Nurse
Tell her try your best jest to make it quick 
Whom attend to the sick 
'Cause there must be something she can do 
This heart is broken in two 
Tell her it's a case of emergency 
There's a patient by the name of Gregory 

Night nurse 
Only you alone can quench this Jah thirst 
My night nurse, oh gosh 
Oh the pain it's getting worse 

I don't wanna see no doc 
I need attendence from my nurse around the clock 
'Cause there's no prescription for me 
She's the one, the only remedy 

Night nurse 
Only you alone can quench this Jah thirst 
My night nurse 
Oh the pain it's getting worse 
I hurt my love 

I don't wanna see no doc 
I need attendence from my nurse around the clock 
'Cause there's no prescription for me 
She's the one, the only remedy 

Night nurse 
Only you alone can quench this Jah thirst 
My night nurse 
Oh the pain it's getting worse 
I hurt my love 

And I'm sure 
No doctor can cure 
Night nurse 
Night nurse

Artist: Konshens / Song Name: Gun Shot A Fire
Gun smoking in a di breeze
People a debate pon it over seas yea
Jamaica Jamaica
Dem seh dem a leave that
Wi naw follow dem
None a dem yea
Dem conscience a bother dem
Follow dem

Alright who that a talk?
Who that a talk?
You wa no have no gin a couldn't you that a talk
Best if you lock up yo mouth no bother talk
Hide under di bed when gunshot a bark
Dem seh di youth dem dark
Dem seh di youth dem vicious
Reach 13 deh seh dem look suspicious
But weh dem likkle youth deh fi get dem big gun deh
Fi buss dem up from Sunday to Sunday

Mi no know di seller but mi know di buyer
Gunshot a beat an di place under fire
If wi no fix di matter it a go get hotter
Who Jah Jah shot a rata ta, ta, ta, ta
Gunshot a wire, wire, wire
In a di street shot a fire, fire, fire
Poverty level get higher but no man a no mi syah
So high a take it to di father in a prayer

Gunshot a wire, wire, wire
In a di street shot a fire, fire, fire
Poverty level get higher but no woman a no mi syah
So high a take it to di father in a prayer

Tenement yard cyan even find food fi di boat
When di bat a run how dem yard deh lock so much gun pon top a gun
Di gun dem come when di forth campaign a run
Election time dem ship dem big container down
No youth a road naw pree fi send back a gun
To how dem set up life is like yuh need fi a lock a gun
When pocket empty an belly empty
Five in a di clip a more than plenty so mi no know di seller

Mi no know di seller but mi know di buyer
Gunshot a beat an di place under fire
If wi no fix di matter it a go get hotter
Who Jah Jah shot a rata ta, ta, ta, ta
Gunshot a wire, wire, wire
In a di street shot a fire, fire, fire
Poverty level get higher but no man a no mi syah
So high a take it to di father in a prayer

Listen this ghetto youth this a di plan
Hustle fi yo thing an no depend paw no one
No woman, no man, no green one, no orange one
Ha meck a tell yuh how di thing go
If yuh no play di game yuh cyan bingo
Stand up pon yuh feat as a man
No follow dem politics slang

Mi no know di seller but mi know di buyer
Gunshot a beat an di place under fire
If wi no fix di matter it a go get hotter
Who Jah Jah shot a rata ta, ta, ta, ta
Gunshot a wire, wire, wire
In a di street shot a fire, fire, fire
Poverty level get higher but no man a no mi syah
So high a take it to di father in a prayer

Artist: Protoje / Song Name: Kingston Be Wise
Ey, ey
Watch ya dread
Hey hey

Kingston, be wise
Kingston, free up your mind
Kingston, just be wise
Kingston, free up the I, yeah

When the city a go click-clack-blow, you bet
Government fingers and tic-tac-toes in it
And while they working on the X's and O's
I'm living I-N-I like I'm Mister Kamoze
No surprise when they sending foes to me
Opposite of when plain clothes approaching me
Follow they rules is what they propose to me
Selling they souls for what is owed, you see
Nothing is owed, nothing is promised
Never know the government woulda run up inna them garrison
Without no sorry, without excuse
Soldier man inna them lorry, everybody get abused, and
Everybody have them views now
The media is owned so know where you get your news from
And the blood deh pon them shoes now
When them walking it trace
Look them hard in them face
And say

Kingston, be wise
Kingston, free up your mind
Kingston, just be wise
Kingston, free up the I, yeah

Now all the damage can't quantify
Roy Rayon couldn't sanctify
Say a nuff a dem them send fi die
So the city a intensify
Say the ghetto them a gentrify
Well I, nobody nuh identify
Nuff bodies unidentified and just a lie deh
Then where the gun deh? Dead pon Saturday
Buried Sunday like Solomon Grundy
Like a no Sons of Solomon them have down deh
Leonard Howell, Pinnacle and them land deh
Subdivision, them deal it underhand deh
So learn it cause them come back with dem plan deh
So tell me how far do you wanna go now, hey
Cause them will ratta-tatta-tatta when u pow-pow-pow

Kingston, be wise
Kingston, free up your mind
Kingston, just be wise
Kingston, free up the I, yeah

Artist: Tommy Lee / Song Name: Pyscho
Dem nuh bad, act dem a act
Talk dem a talk, dem a chat
A Tommy Lee me a talk from me heart
Wid bere badness back a dat
hmmmmmm hmmmmmmm hmmmmmm
Man Psycho
Gaza run bout yaaa

Mi nuih known bout dem 
But me know bout who
A gaza we run bout yaa
Bwoy dem a flip me rachet
Me will push thru chest me
Will show one a dem bout yaa
Sparta send some
Cyanide and bout 2 drum a gun powder
Nuff bwoy just lip dem suck pussy mouth
Wi nuh born wid nuh fear round yaa
Wi nuh born wid nuh fear round yaa

Seh dem a kill and nuhbody nuh heard a dem
Tuff chat like yuh want man fraid a yuh
Mine me send one a mi demon gyal from 
Sparta come suck off yuh cock and murda yuh
Diss me now a nuh if nor suppose
Send me dead fren dem come shoot yuh inna crowd
And don't try run in caa yuh will get...

Mi nuih known bout dem 
But me know bout who
A gaza we run bout yaa
Bwoy dem a flip me rachet
Me will push thru chest me
Will show one a dem bout yaa
Sparta send some
Cyanide and bout 2 drum a gun powder
Nuff bwoy just lip dem suck pussy mouth
Wi nuh born wid nuh fear round yaa
Wi nuh born wid nuh fear round yaa

Buss bwoy head a dem gate daily
Infront pastor, school pickney
Try don't mek yuh luck guh run out
When di demonz come out fi yuh
soul weh di devil send fi
Rafe a di worse ting yuh will see
Woii dem set duppy pon me
Buss shot inna head arrogantly

Mi nuih known bout dem 
But me know bout who
A gaza we run bout yaa
Bwoy dem a flip me rachet
Me will push thru chest me
Will show one a dem bout yaa
Sparta send some
Cyanide and bout 2 drum a gun powder
Nuff bwoy just lip dem suck pussy mouth
Wi nuh born wid nuh fear round yaa
Wi nuh born wid nuh fear round yaa

Mi nuih known bout dem 
But me know bout who
A gaza we run bout yaa
Bwoy dem a flip me rachet
Me will push thru chest me
Will show one a dem bout yaa
Sparta send some
Cyanide and bout 2 drum a gun powder
Nuff bwoy just lip dem suck pussy mouth
Wi nuh born wid nuh fear round yaa
Wi nuh born wid nuh fear round yaa

Artist: Yellowman / Song Name: Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt
Well this one called, the vulcano erruption
Well yu si inna '84 people, Yellowman affi come new brand
It name...

Nobody move, nobody get hurt
Nobody move, nobody get hurt

Di yute dem juss a dress up inna white collar shirt
And sum a dem wear it till it resemble dirt
He said, he want me to join the army
I ain't gonna do it officer
No Way
I ain't gonna do it
Turn out yu leff pocket
A searching for a chrome automatic
A searching if yu have any rachet
He said what is your number
I didn't answer
What is your number
I still don't answer
What is your number boy
I really don't answer
Him grap up him choppa, mi mumma
Mi started to ansa
Guess weh mi seh
64 46 DMW
64 46 DMW
He say, give it to mi one time
Give it to mi 2 time
Give it to mi 3 time
Lawd, it name

Nobody move, nobody get hurt
Nobody move, nobody get hurt

Natty donian cattle
Natty donaian dirt
It come from di planet of Earth
It come from di planet of Earth
Seh Granny inna kitchen a cook rice an chicken
Di dread outta door, a cook ital stew
Nuh trouble Granny, Granny neva trouble yu
Natty cook up him ital stew
It name

Nobody move, nobody get hurt
Nobody move, nobody get hurt

Di yute dem juss a dress up inna white collar shirt
And sum a dem wear it till it resemble dirt
He said, he want me to join the army
I ain't gonna do it officer
No Way
I ain't gonna do it
Turn out yu leff pocket
A searching for a chrome automatic
A searching if yu have any rachet
He said what is your number
I didn't answer
What is your number
I still don't answer
What is your number boy
I really don't answer
Him grap up him choppa, mi mumma
Mi started to ansa
Guess weh mi seh
64 46 DMW
64 46 DMW
He say, give it to mi one time
Give it to mi 2 time
Give it to mi 3 time
Lawd, it name

Nobody move, nobody get hurt
Nobody move, nobody get hurt

Natty donian cattle
Natty donaian dirt
Natty donian cattle
Natty donaian dirt
It come from di planet of earth
Cause natty come from di planet of earth
Cause tings mi used to duh mi don't duh dem no more
Tings mi used to duh mi don't duh dem no more
Di year it change to, 84
But hear Yellowman come fi tell yu di score
He said, he want me to join the army
I ain't gonna do it officer
No Way
I ain't gonna do it 

Radio Mirror Park [Contemporary Indie]
Host: DJ George

Artist: Dan Croll / Song Name: From Nowhere (Baardsen Remix)
Every now and then I fall
Every now and then I lose control
In your eyes I see your thoughts surrounding me
And I've a little bit of thought for you

Cause every now and then I fall a bit behind
Every time I stare into your eyes

Your thrills I find
It's not hard to be left behind
So I'll run, you'll hide
We know better than to stay outside

You're cold and your awake
You said I should have never of stayed
But there's no better place for me

Cause every now and then I fall a bit behind
Every time I stare into your eyes"

Artist: DJ Mehdi / Song Name: Lucky Boy (Outlines Remix)
I am braiding records into my hair
Needles and record players
Everything's a
Possible record cover
Or a possible name for a band that I will never have
I will never have
'Cause I sing my songs all by myself
All to myself
From myself
I am cute
But I'm not in a band
Where's my band?
Where's my band?
Where's my amplifiers?
So why don't I just sleep in the middle of this kitchen
Surrounded by forks and a linoleum floor
I am drunk and there's no one here to stop me
From being so tired and sleeping with my mascara on
In the studio
They're adjusting the wires and microphones
And I'm about to sing my songs
And they won't be just my own
And I'm glad that they'll exist
But they'll make me obsolete
'Cause I sing it just once, and the wires, they remember it
And sing it right back
And they do it better than I can
Anytime, anywhere, I'm preserved
I'm a jelly or a jam
Jelly or a jam
So why don't I just sleep in the middle of this kitchen
A halo of forks and a linoleum floor
I am drunk and there's no one here to stop me
From being so tired and being so drunk
Why don't I just pee in the middle of this kitchen
Into a little teacup and I won't miss a drop
I am drunk and there's no one here to stop me
From being so eccentric and being so lonely
This is my
I know that I am lucky
I make shit up all the time
And I start to believe it myself
Just 'cause it rhymes
But I'm so inconsistent
My handwriting changes every other word
So I'm braiding records into my hair
Needles and record players
Everything's a
Possible record cover
Or a possible name for a band that I will never have
I will never have
Never have
Never have
Never have
So why don't I just sleep in the middle of this kitchen
A halo of forks and a linoleum floor
I am drunk and there's no one here to stop me
From being so drunk and being so drunk
Why don't I just pee in the middle of this kitchen
Into a little teacup and I won't miss a drop
I am drunk and there's no one here to stop me
From being so eccentric and being so lonely

Artist: Jai Paul / Song Name: Jasmine (Demo)
Are you with me, Jasmine?
Will you let me in?
Would you love me over?
Like a bottle of Gin
Is it cause I scheme?
Is it cause I knew?
She got the Jasmine
Moving it quickly past me

When I see you, Jasmine
What’s a boy to do?
Please come back to me
Make my dreams come true

When it comes to heartbreak
What's a guy to do?
When I'm close to her
Make my dream come true
Jasmine yeah

Can I meet ya Friday?
Saturday? If it's your day?
I must be a real dream
Cause it's all for me
Is it good without me?
Is it pulling in?
Cause I think I'm wrong
Cause you're thinking of me

When I see you, Jasmine
What’s a boy to do?
Please come back to me
Make my dreams come true

Cause when I'm close to her, babe
What's a little boy to do?
When I'm close to her
Make my dream come true
When I see ya Jasmine
I know what you're thinking
Looking down on me
Don't you think I'm cool?

When it comes to heart break
I don't wanna feel that way
Just go come back to me, baby
Make my dream come true
Make my dream come true

Artist: Miami Horror / Song Name: Sometimes
With eyes wide shut we lay stagnant awake
Safe for now in this wonderous state
Lost at a crossroad that's missing a sign
How do we know if they made it alive
There's something lurking in the distance ahead
Fragments of light shine away from the dead
They fantasize fury, no time left to stop
Its darkness approaching now we're at a loss

Sometimes, when all that's lost remains
Drink from the fountain of youth and never age again
Sometimes we jump across to every cloud
Fly away get lost and never be found

There's something lurking from the shadows within
Stealing the colour and life from my skin
They fantasize fury at no extra cost
Darkness approaches now we're at a loss

ohhh uuuuh

Sometimes, when all that's lost remains
Drink from the fountain of youth and never age again
Sometimes we jump across to every cloud
Fly away get lost and never be found
Never be found, never be found ...

Artist: Poolside / Song Name: Do You Believe?
Do you believe that we have ..
Do you believe, do you believe?
Do you believe that we have ...
Do you believe our love is true?

Do you believe that we have ..
Do you believe, do you believe?
Do you believe that we have ..
Do you believe our love is true?

Do you believe that we have ..
Do you believe, do you believe?
Do you believe that we have ..
Do you believe our love is true?

Artist: Toro Y Moi / Song Name: So Many Details
This ain’t appropriate, now
Brush my hand off your side
There’s no one else around
I just wanna tease your eyes
Every week i check these locks
I just wanna go inside
Why is it so dead on a Friday night
I guess the morning’s here if you wake by five

You send my life, into somewhere
I can’t describe, so many details

What had happened to a time we had
I thought you said you won't ever
You’ll never leave me
What happened to us? (i want to try)

Ok I’ll take you back
Alright, let’s pick up where we started
Don’t think that’s in my head

I’m not a bit cold hearted
Save yourself tonight, tomorrow I'll get you back
(I don’t think I have your problem)
I don’t think I have a problem
I don’t think I need to fuss
I don’t wanna bother you
And there is no reason to rush

You send my life, into somewhere
I can’t describe, so many details

What had happened to a time we had
I thought you said you won't ever
You’ll never leave me
What happened to us?

You send my life, into somewhere
I can’t describe, so many details
You send my life, into somewhere
I can’t describe, so many details
You send my life, into somewhere
I can’t describe, so many details

Artist: Twin Shadow / Song Name: Shooting Holes
Bite the hand, I know she doesn't care
Leave the trail, the hounds will find us anywhere
Call the cops and tell 'em what we've done
Tell 'em that tonight we stole your father's guns

With your right hand, you saying
I think we're gunna be so close
Let's sing a song on our way back home

You and me, shooting holes at the moon
You and me, (on our way back home) shooting' holes at the moon
You and me, shooting holes at the moon

Take my hand, theres no one here to see
Push your bones against the earth, believe

With your right hand, you saying
I think there's gunna be so close
Let's sing a song on our way back home

You and me, shooting holes at the moon
You and me, (on our way back home) shootin' holes at the moon
You and me, shooting holes at the moon
(on our way back home)

You and me, shooting holes at the moon
You and me, (on our way back home) shooting' holes at the moon
You and me, shooting holes at the moon

Artist: Yacht / Song Name: Psychic City
I used to live live in a psychic city, 
I never knew what would happen in a day.
I might be looking out the window
And a friend might say, 

"Come on over over, come on over over, 
Come on over we're having a party for you.
Come on over over, come on over over, 
Come on over we're having a party for you."

I used to live in a voodoo city, 
Where every little thing had it's own secret life.
I might be washing up the dishes
And the kitchen might say, 
"Hang around baby baby, hang around baby baby, 
Hang around baby we'll be baking a cake for you.
Hang around baby baby, hang around baby baby, 
Hang around baby we'll be baking a cake for you."

I used to live in a heartbeat city, 
I swear I'd fall in love every minute on the street.
You might be walking around the corner
And our eyes might meet.
Where you been darling darling? Where you been darling darling?
Where you been darling darling we've been holding this moment for you.
Where you been darling darling? Where you been darling darling?
Where you been darling darling we've been holding this moment for you.

I told you your dreams would come true
I told you your dreams would come true
I told you your dreams would come true
I told you your dreams would come true	

The Space [Funk]

Artist: D Train / Song Name: You're the One for Me
*With the love I have inside of me
We can turn this world around
We can live through all eternity
And we'll never touch the ground
We'll take a chance to ride upon a star
To a place that's far away
The light of love will shine on us
Forever and a day

**Bustin' up on a cloud, shout out loud
You're the one for me
With your love by my side
The world will be mine
You're the one for me

With this true love I found
Picks my feet up off the ground to fly away
With this true love my dear
Takes away my every fear, don't go away

You just don't know what you did to me
But I'm not the same
Since you gave me love that's sheltered
From the rain
You just don't know how you make me feel
Your sweet lovin', girl, is so unreal
I've got love, love desire
From your lovin' my soul's on fire

I'm ridin' on a cloud
Got to shout it out loud, you're my all
Baby, hold on tight
For the rest of my life, don't let me fall

You're the one for me, yeah
You're the one for me

Artist: Eddie Murphy / Song Name: Party All the Time
I can't understand it why you want to hurt me
After all the things I've done for you.
I buy you champagne and roses and diamonds on your finger -
Diamonds on your finger -
Still you hang out all night
what am I to do?

My girl wants to party all the time

Party all the time
party all the time.
My girl wants to party all the time
party all the time.

She parties all the time - party all the time

She likes to party all the time - party all the time

party all the time - she likes to party all the time

party all the time.

I've seen you in clubs just hanging out and dancing.
You give your number to every man you see.
You never come home at night because you're out romancing.
I wish you bring some of your love home to me.

But my girl wants to party all the time
. . .
My girl wants to party all the time
. . .

party she likes to party all the time.
She likes to party all the time -
She lets her hair down
she lets her body down:
She lets her body
she lets her body down.
Party all the time - do you wanna get any party
Party all the time - party all the time

Artist: Evelyn "Champagne" King / Song Name: I'm in Love
[I've been thinking about you]
[The way I feel about you]

I had you on my mind
Way we met it all happened so fast
It was love in your eyes
When we touched there was love, so lets make it last

[Sometimes you can't tell if love is real]
If love is real
[There ain't no doubt about the way I feel]
The way I feel, yeah

[I've been thinking about you]
And there ain't no doubt about it, I'm in love
[The way I feel about you]
There just ain't no doubt about it, I'm in love

[I'm in love]
[I'm in love]

I woke up late last night
Visions of you real they seem
Needed you by my side
Now with you in my life I can live in this dream

[Sometimes you can't tell if love is real]
If love is real
[There ain't no doubt about the way I feel]
The way I feel

[I've been thinking about you]
And there ain't no doubt about it, I'm in love
[The way I feel about you]
There just ain't no doubt about it, I'm in love

[I'm in love] I'm in love, yeah...hey...yeah...
[I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love]
[Love, oh...]

[I've been thinking about you]
[The way I feel about you]

[I'm in love]
I'm in love, love, love, yeah, yeah, yeah

[I've been thinking about you] Baby
And there ain't no doubt about it, I'm in love
[The way I feel about you]
There just ain't no doubt about it, I'm in love

[I'm in love]
I'm in love, ah
[I'm in love]
I'm in love, ooh

[I've been thinking about you] Ooh
And there ain't no doubt about it, I'm in love
[The way I feel about you]
Way I feel about you, there ain't no doubt about it

[I'm in love]
No, no, I'm in love

Artist: Kano / Song Name: Can't Hold Back (Your Loving)
Come to me she calls me (I really need your lovin')
Come to me I need you (Right now)
Come to me oh baby (I wanna feel your lovin')
Come to me I want you (Right now)

She's got what it takes
She can pin you to the floor
She knows just what she’ll do to you
She's dynamite dynamite

You can't hold back don’t fall for her she’s coming
You just can't hold back your lovin'
(You know you can’t resist her)

You can't hold back don't fall for her she's coming
You just can't hold back your lovin'
(That girl is out to get ya)

Come to me she calls me (I really need your lovin')
Come to me I need you (Right now)
Come to me oh baby (I wanna feel your lovin')
Come to me I want you (Right now)

She's got what it takes she can pin you to the floor
She knows just what she will do to you
She's dynamite, dynamite

You can't hold back, don't fall for her she's coming
You just can't hold back your lovin'
(You know you can't resist her)

You can't hold back, don't fall for her she's coming
You just can’t hold back your lovin'
(That girl is gonna get ya)

Come to me she cslls me (I really need your lovin')
Come to me I need you (Right now)
Come to me oh baby (I wanna feel your lovin’)
Come to me I want you (Right now)

You can't hold back, don't fall for her she's coming
You just can't hold back your lovin'
(You know you can’t resist her)

You can't hold back don't fall for her she's coming
You just can't hold back your lovin'
(That girl is out to get ya)

She's got what it takes she can pin you to the floor
She knows just what she will do to you
She's dynamite, dynamite

You can't hold back don't fall for her she's coming
You just can't hold back your lovin')
(You know you can't resist her)
You can't hold back, don’t fall for her she's coming
You just can't hold back your lovin’
(That girl is out to get ya)

Come to me she calls me (I really need your lovin')
Come to me I need you (Right now)
Come to me oh baby (I wanna feel your lovin')
Come to me I want you (Right now)

She's got what it takes she can pin you to the floor
She knows just what she will do to you
She's dynamite, dynamite

You can’t hold back don’t fall for her she’s coming

Come to me oh baby

Artist: Kleeer / Song Name: Tonight

Artist: One Way / Song Name: Cutie Pie
Cutie pie
You're the reason why
I love you so
I don't want you to go

You're the girl who makes me feel so good
Cutie pie

Cutie pie
You brighten up my day
It's impossible
For me to stay away

Lately hazy
Girl, I'm goin' ‘round
I want you to know
How much I love you so

Lately hazy
Girl, I'm goin' ‘round
Want you to see
How much you mean to me

You're the girl who makes me feel so good
Cutie pie
Nothin' but a cutie pie

Cutie pie
You really pick me up
Till I can't
Hardly get enough

You're the girl who makes me feel so good
Cutie pie

Cutie pie
You're the reason why
I'm full of joy
Since you came into my life

You're the girl who makes me feel so good
Cutie pie

Lately hazy
Girl, I'm goin' ‘round
I want you to know
How much I love you so

Lately hazy
Girl, I'm goin' ‘round
Want you to see
How much you mean to me

You're the girl who makes me feel so good
Cutie pie

You're the girl who makes me feel so good
Cutie pie
Nothin' but a cutie pie
Who makes me feel so good
You're my cutie pie

You're the girl who makes me feel so good
Cutie pie

You're nothin' but a cutie pie
Who makes me feel so good
You're my cutie pie

You're the girl who makes me feel good
Cutie pie

You're the girl who makes me feel so good
Cutie pie

You're the girl who makes me feel good
Cutie pie

Artist: Rick James / Song Name: Give It to Me Baby
When I came home last night
You wouldn't make love to me
You went fast asleep
YOu wouldn't even talk to me
said I'm so crazy
Coming home intoxicated
I said I just wanna love ya
(I just wanna love you baby)
Guess that's why I'm so elated (C'mon girl)

Give it to me baby (give to me baby)
Give it to me baby (give to me baby)
Make it hot like you've had enough
Give it to me baby (give it to me baby)
Just give it to me baby
Give it to me baby (give it to me baby)
I'll make you hot like you had enough

Give it to me
Give me that stuff
that funk
that sweet
that funky stuff
(Give it to me)
give me that stuff
that funk
that sweet
that funky stuff
Give it to me, give it to me
Give it to me, give it to me
Give me that stuff
that sweet, funky stuff

Oooooh HOW woo

(Give to me baby)

When I was high as the sky
Out all night just dancing
You say let's go home (c'mon, I'm tired let's go home)
That's the time I start romancin'
You say "how can I love ya?" 
(how can I love you baby)
"When your body keeps on moving"
I say "Wait til I sqeeze you" (oh)
Maybe then you'll start to groovin'
(c'mon girl)

Give it to me baby (give it to me baby)
Give it to me baby (give it to me baby)
(I betcha) I'll make ya hot like you had enough
Give it to me baby (give it to me baby)
(Just give it to me babyy)
Give it to me baby (give it to me baby)
(I betcha) I'll make ya hot like you had enough

Give it to me
Give me that stuff
that funk
that sweet
that funky stuff
(Give it to me)
give me that stuff
that funk
that sweet
that funky stuff
Give it to me, give it to me
Give it to me, give it to me
Give me that stuff
that sweet, funky stuff

Yoooooo Ho

(Hey Girl)
Give it to me what you say
Give it to me what you say
(give it to me) what you say
(give it to me) what you say
(Hey girl)
Give it to me what you say 
Give it to me what you say 
Give it to me
Give it to me (hey)
Give it to me

Artist: Zapp / Song Name: Hearbreaker*Pt*1, Pt*2
Somebody, somewhere
told me this about you
They say you're a heartbreaker
You just can't be true
I don't care what those other people say
I'm gonna love you anyway
Baby, sweet baby baby
Talkin' 'bout Haetbreaker

Just forget about those Fellas
Who are now in your past
Baby, oh baby
I hope they find last
You're my baby
An' I'm gonnalove you
Any way you want me to
Baby yeah Oh lord
I don't care what the pepole say
I'm gonna love you anyway
Haertbreaker, Heartbreaker
Yes, you are
Everybody thinks that you are a
nasty, nasty girl
Baby, heartbreaker
Wearin' short dresses and that sexy...
The ladies are talkin' bout the
talk that you talk
While the men are pickin' up
the way that you walk,oh
Baby, you little heartbreaker

If you got to break somebody's heart
You can' break my heart
Anytime you like
Good god
'Cause I want you to be happy
Baby oo baby
With all the good things
You been puttin' on my mind
I can surely put
My broken Heart behind
So please, so please
So please, so please
Please oh please break my heart
Uh, love ya baby

I don't care what the people say
I'm gonna love you anyway
So I want you good good lordy
I said I want true good lovin'
Because you know I want you
I wanna baby baby baby
Baby bu bay ba...
I said I want ya really mama mama
I said I want ya really ba ba ba...
But don't care that you never know
That I want you to break my heart, baby
You broke my heart
You broke my heart
You broke my heart
You broke my heart
said you broke my heart
yes,you did
Oh, You broke my heart
Don't you know you broke my heart?
You broke my heart
Oh baby yeah
Oh baby
don't you know?
Said to come no pretty baby
Yes, you did, yes, you did
Yes, you did, yes, you did
Yes, you did, yes, you did
Yes, you did, yes, you did
Mama mama
Mama ma, you broke my heart
See, you don't live with me baby
Don't you know I really love you ?
Pretty mama, don't you know I love you ?
Baby be baba ...

Baby baby
** Heartbreaker

Flylo FM

Artist: Aphex Twin / Song Name: Widowlicker

Artist: KingDom / Song Name: Stalker Ha

Artist: Shadow Child Ft. Tymer / Song Name: 23

Artist: Thundercat / Song Name: Oh Sheit It's X
The globe is spinning, 
And I'm not winning
Cause I thought before it too
And I don't know where the bathroom is
My friends saying you should be something
But I'm not worried, just gonna keep dancing
And it's gonna pay the cost
It's so is denim
So let's just slide on the dance floor, baby
Are you for dance floor

I just wanna party, you should be in here
And in this ecstasy, baby
I just wanna party, you should be in here
And in this ecstasy, baby
I just wanna party, you should be here
And I'm on ecstasy, baby
I just wanna party, you should be in here
And in this ecstasy, baby

Who are you, are you talking so loud
I forgot you was my friend
Your purse is nice baby, is it leather?
I'll put it this way
I'm confused as hell, stuck in pattern grid world
Don't want it to stop
Oh shit, I'm fucked up

I just wanna party, you should be in here
And in this ecstasy, baby
I just wanna party, you should be in here
And in this ecstasy, baby
I just wanna party, you should be here
And I'm on ecstasy, baby
I just wanna party, you should be in here
And in this ecstasy, baby.


Artist: Aaron Neville / Song Name: Hercules
All you fear, is fear its self
Check our your own back yard before you check out someone else

Railroad track, in my neighbourhood
Ain’t no trains around that part just ain’t no good

Wanna know, what’s going down,
When the pimp on the corner looks like the sharpest cat in town

Jungle rule, can’t be no fool
Might get caught by the hook of a crook no time for cool

Look out jay, what you say, what you carrying brother
I hope you’re clean cause the man is mean, don’t come another further

We all know the answer, will come out in time
I might even carry some of your load, right along with mine

Thank you ma’am, mister please
‘Cause I must be Hercules
I must be Hercules

Like a bird, on the wing
I just wanna be free enough to do my thing

I can feel the pressure, from every side
If you ain’t gonna help, don’t hurt, just pass me by

Oh, no

I must be Hercules

Jungle rule, can’t be no fool
Devil is on the loose, no coo
Got your feet, in the sand
Got to be down with the cats that around and still got the face the man

Talk about me if you please but I must be Hercules
I must be Hercules

Duckin’ rocks, catchin’ stones
Movin’ how can I survive what’s going on
Big steely borrow
Somehow I’ve got to make it to tomorrow

Can’t depend, on no-one else
Comin’ up the hard way I’ve got to save myself

Must be Hercules
I must be Hercules
Talk about me if you please
I must be hercules

Artist: All Saints / Song Name: Pure Shores
I've crossed the deserts for miles
Swam water for time
Searching places to find
A piece of something to call mine
(I'm coming)
A piece of something to call mine
(I'm coming)
(I'm coming)
Coming closer to you

Went along many moors
Walked through many doors
The place where I wanna be
Is the place I can call mine
(I'm coming)
Is the place I can call mine
(I'm coming)
(I'm coming)
Coming closer to you

I'm moving
I'm coming
Can you hear, what I hear
It's calling you my dear
Out of reach
(Take me to my beach)
I can hear it, calling you
I'm coming not drowning
Swimming closer to you

Never been here before
I'm intrigued, I'm unsure
I'm searching for more
I've got something thats all mine
I've got something thats all mine

Take me somewhere I can breathe
I've got so much to see
This is where I want to be
In a place I can call mine
In a place I can call mine

I'm moving
I'm coming
Can you hear, what I hear
It's calling you my dear
Out of reach
(Take me to my beach)
I can hear it, calling you
I'm coming not drowning
Swimming closer to you

Moving, coming
Can you hear what I hear?
(Hear it out of reach)
I hear it calling you
Swimming closer to you

Many faces I have seen
Many places I have been
Walked the deserts, swam the shores
(Coming closer to you)
Many faces I have know
Many way in which I've grown
Moving closer on my own
(Coming closer to you)

I move it
I feel it
I'm coming
Not drowning

I move it
I feel it
I'm coming
Not drowning

I'm moving
I'm coming
Can you hear, what I hear
It's calling you my dear
Out of reach
(Take me to my beach)
I can hear it, calling you
I'm coming not drowning
Swimming closer to you
(Take me to my beach)

I'm moving
I'm coming
Can you hear, what I hear
It's calling you my dear
Out of reach
(Take me to my beach)
I can hear it, calling you
I'm coming not drowning
Swimming closer to you
(Take me to my beach)

Artist: B.T. Express / Song Name: Do It
Ooh, go on and do it, do it,
Do it 'til you're satisfied,
Whatever it is, do it,
Do it 'til you're satisfied,

Go on and do it, do it,
Do it 'til you're satisfied,
Whatever it is, do it,
Do it 'til you're satisfied.

People know just what they'd like to do,
Whatever it is, you've got it, 'long as it pleases you.
Make it last as long as you can,
When you're through it's up to you to try it again.

Go on and do it, do it,
Do it 'til you're satisfied,
Whatever it is, do it,
Do it 'til you're satisfied.

Go on and do it, do it,
Do it 'til you're satisfied,
Whatever it is, do it,
Do it 'til you're satisfied.

Everybody knows what they like to do,
Whatever it is, do it, 'long as it pleases you.
Just take some time and relax your mind,
Then do it, do it, do it 'til you're satisfied.

Ooh, go on and do it, do it,
Do it 'til you're satisfied,
Whatever it is, do it,
Do it 'til you're satisfied.

Go on and do it,
Do it 'til you're satisfied,
Whatever it is, do it, now,
Do it 'til you're satisfied.

Baby, how I love, oh,
I'm satisfied, I'm satisfied.
Baby, how I love, wooh, hooh.

Go on and do it some more,
Do it 'til you're satisfied,
Whatever it is, 'gotta do it, just do it some more,
Do it 'til you're satisfied.

Go on and do it,
Do it 'til you're satisfied,
Whatever it is, do it,
Do it 'til you're satisfied.

Do it, do it,
Do it 'til you're satisfied,
Whatever it is, 'gotta do it,
Do it 'til you're satisfied.

Go on

Artist: Bernard Wright / Song Name: Haboglabotribin'
Have you been to Wonderland?
There's lots of toys and ice cream stands.
All the rides are fifty cents,
So take those ladies, all you gents.
Haven't had this much fun anywhere,
To go back home, I just don't care,
Me leave this place? No I don't dare!

Tilt-a-Whirl and Wonder Wheel,
Are all those things that you can feel.
Take your time so you can stay,
Having laughs and fun all day.
If you like to feel speed,
The roller coaster is your need.
All other rides are chicken feed!

Haboglabotribin' is an amusement park,
It's there for you from dawn to dark.
Lots of games that you can bid,
A nice clean place to take your kid.
Lights that sparkle all so bright,
I love to see them all at night.
My Wonderland is out of sight!

Whoo! A-take a ride, take a ride!

Artist: Gerry Rafferty / Song Name: Baker Street
Winding your way down on Baker Street
Light in your head and dead on your feet
Well another crazy day, you'll drink the night away
And forget about everything

This city desert makes you feel so cold
It's got so many people but it's got no soul
And it's taken you so long to find out you were wrong
When you thought it held everything

You used to think that it was so easy
You used to say that it was so easy
But you're tryin', you're tryin' now

Another year and then you'd be happy
Just one more year and then you'd be happy
But you're cryin', you're cryin' now

Way down the street there's a lad in his place
He opens the door, he's got that look on his face
And he asks you where you've been, you tell him who you've seen
And you talk about anything

He's got this dream about buyin' some land
He's gonna give up the booze and the one night stands
And then he'll settle down in some quiet little town
And forget about everything

But you know he'll always keep movin'
You know he's never gonna stop movin'
Cause he's rollin', he's the rollin' stone

And when you wake up it's a new morning
The sun is shining, it's a new morning
And you're going, you're going home

Artist: Taana Gardner / Song Name: Heartbeat (Club Version)
It makes me feel so weak
It makes me feel so weak

There's nothin' I won't do
Anything you want me to
Can't keep my hands off you
When you hold me in your arms
You shook up by me with your charms
And I just don't give a darn, my heartbeat

I don't see you every day
But in my own little way
Ooh... I love you

Ho... it really makes me wanna freak
{My heart beats for the one I love} 'Cause you're so sweet, 
sweet enough to eat
{My heart beats for the one I love} Oh, love is complete
{My heart beats for the one I love} Oh, the one I love, yeah, yeah, yeah
{My heart beats for the one I love} Ooh, you're sweet to me

It makes me feel so weak
It makes me feel so weak

When you hear my little fears
Why my sad and lonely tears
Haven't felt so good in years
My heartbeat

Those dark and lonely nights
I wish with all my might
Ooh, to have you

Now I'm here all alone
I wait here by the phone
To have you

Ho... it really makes me wanna freak, oh
{My heart beats for the one I love} You're so sweet, sweet enough to eat
{My heart beats for the one I love} My heartbeat
{My heart beats for the one I love} My love's complete
{My heart beats for the one I love} Oh, 'cause I'm the one I love

{My heart beats for the one I love} My heartbeat
{My heart beats for the one I love} Sweet, makes me weak, yeah
{My heart beats for the one I love} Sweet, my sweetness makes me freaky
{My heart beats for the one I love} My heart beats for the one I love

It makes me feel so weak
It makes me feel so weak

Oh... it really makes me wanna freak
{My heart beats for the one I love} 'Cause you're so sweet, 
sweet enough to eat
{My heart beats for the one I love} My heartbeat, oh
{My heart beats for the one I love} My love is complete
{My heart beats for the one I love} Oh, just for the one I love

{My heart beats for the one I love} My heartbeat
{My heart beats for the one I love} Sweet, makes me weak, yeah, yeah
{My heart beats for the one I love} Sweet, your sweetness makes me freaky
{My heart beats for the one I love} My heart beats for the one I love

Now you know this just don't make no kind of sense
Walkin' 'round here so intense
You make my heartbeat
You make me feel so weak
Movin' all around
From my head to the ground
You make my heartbeat
You make me feel so weak
'Cause everything you said
Went right straight to my head

Movin' all around
From my head to the ground
Everything you said
Went right straight to my head

Oh, you make me feel so weak, yeah

Lying here alone
I wait here by the phone
Oh, don't make no kind of sense
Feelin' this intense
Oh, my heartbeat

Oh, sweet, make me weak, yeah, yeah

It makes me feel so weak
It makes me feel so weak

It makes me feel so weak...

Artist: Inner Circle / Song Name: Bad Boys
hatcha want, watcha want
Whatcha gonna do
When sheriff John Brown come for you
Tell me
Whatcha wanna do, whatcha gonna dooo

Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you

Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you

When you were eight
And you had bad traits
You go to school
And learn the golden rule
So why are you
Acting like a bloody fool
If you get hot
You must get cool

Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you

Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you

You chuck it on that one
You chuck it on this one
You chuck it on your mother and
You chuck it on your father
You chuck it on your brother and
You chuck it on your sister
You chuck it on that one and
You chuck it on me

Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you

Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you

Nobody naw give you no break
Police naw give you no break
Soldier naw give you no break
Not even you idren naw give you no break

Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you

Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you

Why did you have to act so mean
Don't you know you're human being
Born of a mother with the love of a father
Reflections come and reflections go
I know sometimes you want to let go
I know sometimes you want to let go

Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you

Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you

(You're too bad, you're too rude)
(You're too bad, you're too rude)

Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you

Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you

Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you

You chuck it on that one
You chuck it on this one
You chuck it on your mother and
You chuck it on your father
You chuck it on your brother and
You chuck it on your sister
You chuck it on that one and
You chuck it on me

Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you

Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you

Artist: Marlena Shaw / Song Name: California Soul
Like a sound you hear
That lingers in your ear
But you can't forget
From sundown to sunset
It's all in the air
You hear it everywhere
No matter what you do
It's gonna grab a hold on you
California soul, California soul

They say the sun comes up every morning
And if you listen oh so carefully
The winds that ride on the high time
Whistle in melody
And so the people started to sing
And that's how the surf gave birth untold
To California soul, California soul

When you hear the beat
You wanna pat your feet
And you've got to move cause
It's really such a groove
Puts a brand new kind of thinkin' in your mind
And you can't go wrong
Cause you're groovin' all day long
California soul, California soul

They had the melody and the beat
But it still didn't seem complete
Until they saw two lovers kissin
They knew just what was missin
So happy they were rockin and reelin
Because that added that lovin feeling
To California soul, California soul
Like a sound you hear
That lingers in your ear

Artist: Mis-Teeq / Song Name: Scandalous
So, so, so scandalous
You know you wanna sing with us (baby)
Thats why you know you should be scared of us (baby)

Non stop looks to kill
Straight talk sex appeal
One touch gives me chills
And we aint even close yet
Rough neck all around
Inking all over town
Show me how you get down
cuz we aint even close yet

You got me feening and you got me feeling weak
Listen as I speak cuz I'm careful as I creep
You got me going crazy and you know I can't sleep
No fortune your moves and you hypnotise me
You got me tremblin like a little baby girl
You're so special, you're like diamonds and pearls
You got me spinning and you got me in a twirl
You're my number one baby and you come to rock my world

You're dangerous
Just get it up
The way you move so scandalous
Its all about the two of us
A one night stand just ain't enough
I need some stimulation baby
A little conversation maybe
You got me spinin round like crazy
There goes my baby

So Scandalous (baby)
So, so. so Scandalous

Hot stuff, head to toe
Where you go, no one knows
Cute smile, playin the dough
And we aint even close yet
Solid as a rock
How many ways can you hit the spot
Show me what you got cuz we ain't even close yet

You got me feening and you got me feeling weak
Listen as I speak cuz I'm careful as I creep
You got me going crazy and you know I cant sleep
No fortune your moves and you hypnotise me
You got me tremblin like a little baby girl
You're so special your like diamonds and pearls
You got me spinning and you got me in a twirl
You're my number one baby and you come to rock my world

You're dangerous
Just get it up
The way you move so scandalous
Its all about the two of us
A one night stand just ain't enough
I need some stimulation baby
A little conversation maybe
You got me spinnin round like crazy
There goes my baby

Scandalous (baby)
So Scandalous
Scandalous (baby)
So, so, so scandalous

A little conversation goes a long, long way
Show a little patience
That you are here to stay
So show me that you're game oh

You're dangerous
Just get it up
The way you move so scandalous
Its all about the two of us
A one night stand just ain't enough
I need some stimulation baby
A little conversation maybe
You got me spinnin round like crazy
There goes my baby

You're dangerous
Just get it up
The way you move so scandalous
Its all about the two of us
A one night stand just ain't enough,
I need some stimulation baby
A little conversation maybe
You got me spinnin round like crazy
There goes my baby

You know you wanna sing with us (baby)
Thats why you know you should be scared of us (baby)
You know you wanna sing with us (baby)
Thats why you know you should be scared of us (baby)

Artist: Outkast / Song Name: Elevators (Me & You)
One for the money yes uhh two for the show
A couple of years ago on Headland and Delowe
Was the start of somethin good
Where me and my nigga rodes the MARTA, through the hood
Just tryin ta find that hookup
Now everyday we look up at the ceiling
Watchin ceiling fans go around tryin ta catch that feelin
off instrumental, had my pencil, and plus my paper
We caught the 86 Lithonia headed to Decatur
Writing rhymes tryin ta find our spot off in that light
Light off in that spot, known that we could rock
Doin the hole in the wall clubs, this shit here must stop
Like freeze, we makin the crowd move but we not makin no G's
And that's a nono

Big Boi:
Yeah, uhh, check it
Ahh one two, ahh one two doe, niggaz
in the Cadillac they call us went from Player's Ball to ballers
Puttin the South up on the map was like Little Rock to bangin
Niggaz say motherfuck that playin, they payin
We stay in layin vo-cals, locals done made it with them big boys
up in dis industry, Outkast yea dem niggaz they makin big noise
Over a million sold to this day, niggaz they take it lightly
Ninety-six gon be that year that all y'all playa haters can bite me
...around this bitch

Me and you, your momma and your cousin too
Rollin down the strip on vogues
Comin up slammin Cadillac doz (doors)

Me and you, your momma and your cousin too
Rollin down the strip on vogues
Comin up slammin Cadillac doz (doors)

Big Boi:
Back in the day when I was younger, hunger
Lookin to fill me belly with that Rally's, bullshit, pull shit
off like it was supposed to be pulled
Full as a tick I was, stoned like white boys
Smokin them white golds before them blunts got krunk, chunky asses
passes gettin thrown like Hail Mary's and they lookin like Halle Berry
So so fine, intertwined, but we ain't sippin wine
We's just chillin, I'm the rabid villain, and I'm so high
Smokin freely, me Lil B, Greet, Mon and Shug
And my little brother James, thangs changed in the hood
where I live at, them rats know, mama I want to sing but
Mama I want to trick, and mama I'm suckin dick, now
We movin on up in da world like elevators
Me and the crew we pimps like eighty-two
Me and you like Tony Toni Tone
Like this Eastpointe and we gone

Me and you, your momma and your cousin too
Rollin down the strip on vogues
Comin up slammin Cadillac doz (doors)

Me and you, your momma and your cousin too
Rollin down the strip on vogues
Comin up slammin Cadillac doz (doors)

Got stopped at the mall the other day
Heard a call from the other way
that I just came from, some nigga was sayin somethin
talkin bout "Hey man, you remember me from school?" smoke some
Naw not really but he kept smilin like a clown
facial expression lookin silly
And he kept askin me, what kind of car you drive, I know you paid
I know y'all got buku of hoes from all them songs that y'all done made
And I replied that I had been goin through tha same thing that he had
True I got more fans than the average man but not enough loot to last me
to the end of the week, I live by the beat like you live check to check
If you don't move yo' foot then I don't eat, so we like neck to neck
Yes we done come a long way like them Slim ass cigarettes
from Virginia, this ain't gon stop so we just gonna continue

Me and you, your momma and your cousin too
Rollin down the strip on vogues
Comin up slammin Cadillac doz (doors)

Me and you, your momma and your cousin too
Rollin down the strip on vogues
Comin up slammin Cadillac doz (doors)

Artist: Smokey Robinson / Song Name: Cruisin

Baby, let's cruise away from here
Don't be confused, the way is clear
And if you want it, you got it forever
This is not a one night stand, baby

Let the music take your mind
Just release, and you will find
You're gonna fly away, glad you're going my way
I love it when we're cruisin' together

The music is played for love
Cruisin' is made for love
I love it when we're cruisin' together

Baby, tonight belongs to us
Everything's right, do what you must
And inch by inch we get closer and closer
To every little part of each other, oh baby yes

Let the music take your mind
Just release, and you will find
You're gonna fly away, glad you're going my way
I love it when we're cruisin' together

The music is played for love
Cruisin' is made for love
I love it when we're cruisin' together

Cruise with me, baby
Cruise with me, baby

So good to cruise with you, baby
So good to cruise with you, baby
You and me
Yeah, you and me, baby

Baby, let's cruise
Let's flow, let's glide
Ooh, let's open up and go inside

And if you want it, you got it forever
I can just stay there inside you
And love you baby, oh

Let the music take your mind
Just release, and you will find
You're gonna fly away, glad you're going my way
I love it when we're cruisin' together

The music is played for love
Cruisin' is made for love
I love it when we're cruisin' together

Oh, baby, we gonna fly away
Plan to go my way
I love it when we're cruisin' together

The music is played for love
Cruisin' is made for love
I love it when we're cruisin' together

You're gonna fly away
And you're going my way
I love it when we're cruisin' together

The music is played for love
Cruisin' is made for love
I love it when we're cruisin' together

You're gonna fly away
And you're going my way
I love it when we're cruisin' together

The music is played for love
Cruisin' is made for love
I love it when we're cruisin' together

Artist: Warren G Ft. Nate Dogg / Song Name: Regulate
We regulate any stealing of his property
And we're damn good too
But you can't be any geek off the street,
Gotta be handy with the steel if you know what I mean, earn your keep!

It was a clear black night, a clear white moon
Warren G was on the streets, trying to consume
Some skirts for the eve, so I can get some funk
Just rollin in my ride, chillin all alone

Just hit the Eastside of the LBC
On a mission trying to find Mr. Warren G.
Seen a car full of girls ain't no need to tweak
All you skirts know what's up with 213

So I hooks a left on the 21 and Lewis
Some brothas shootin dice so I said "Let's do this"
I jumped out the ride, and said "What's up?"
Some brothas pulled some gats so I said "I'm stuck."

Since these girls peepin me I'ma glide and swerve
These hookers lookin so hard they straight hit the curb
Won'tcha think of better things than some horny tricks
I see my homey had some suckas all in his mix

I'm gettin jacked, I'm breakin myself
I can't believe they taking Warren's wealth
They took my rings, they took my rolex
I looked at the brotha said "Damn, what's next?"

They got my homey hemmed up and they all around
Ain't none of them seeing if they going straight pound for pound
They wanna come up real quick before they start to clown
I best pull out my strap and lay them busters down

They got guns to my head
I think I'm going down
I can't believe this happenin in my own town
If I had wings I would fly
Let me contemplate
I glanced in the cut and I see my homey Nate

Sixteen in the clip and one in the hole
Nate Dogg is about to make some bodies turn cold
Now they droppin and yellin 
It's a tad bit late
Nate Dogg and Warren G had to regulate

I laid all them busters down
I let my gat explode
Now I'm switching my mind back into freak mode
If you want skirts sit back and observe
I just left a gang of those over there on the curb

Now Nate got the freaks
And that's a known fact
Before I got jacked I was on the same track
Back up back up cause it's on
N A T E and me
The Warren to the G

Just like I thought 
They were in the same spot
In need of some desperate help
The Nate Dogg and the G-child
Were in need of something else
One of them dames was sexy as hell
I said "ooo I like your size."
She said "my car's broke down and you seem real nice,
Would ya let me ride?"
I got a car full of girls and it's going real swell
The next stop is the Eastside Motel

I'm tweaking
Into a whole new era
Step to this
I dare ya
On a whole new level

The rhythm is the bass and the bass is the treble

We brings
Where rhythm is life
And life is rhythm

If you know I'll got know
You don't wanna step to this
It's the G-Funk era
Funked out with a gangsta twist
If you smoke like I smoke
Then you high like everyday
And if your ass is a buster
213 will regulate

    |                    PLAYSTATION 3 TROPHIES [APX-1]                    |
|NAME:                    |PNTS|DESCRIPTION/REQUIREMENT:                       |
|Solid Gold, Baby!        |  G |Earn 70 Gold Medals on Missions and Strangers  |
|                         |    |and Freaks.                                    |
|Career Criminal          |  G |Attain 100% Game Completion.                   |
|San Andreas Sightseer    |  S |Explore all of Los Santos and Blaine County.   |
|Alls Fare in Love and War|  B |Purchase Downtown Cab Co. and complete a       |
|                         |    |private fare.                                  |
|TP Industries Arms Race  |  B |Purchase McKenzie Field Hangar and win the arms|
|                         |    |race.                                          |
|Multi-Disciplined        |  S |Attain a gold medal in all applicable hobbies  |
|                         |    |and pastimes.                                  |
|From Beyond the Stars    |  B |Collect and return all spaceship parts.        |
|A Mystery, Solved        |  B |Solve the mystery of Leonora Johnson.          |
|Waste Management         |  B |Purchase the old dock and collect all nuclear  |
|                         |    |waste.                                         |
|Red Mist                 |  B |Complete all Rampages.                         |
|Show Off                 |  S |Complete all Stunt Jumps.                      |
|Kifflom!                 |  S |Complete your path to enlightenment... or not. |
|Three Man Army           |  S |Survive 3 minutes on at least a 3 star Wanted  |
|                         |    |Level with all three characters together off   |
|                         |    |mission.                                       |
|Out of Your Depth        |  B |You're gonna need a bigger boat...             |
|Altruist Acolyte         |  B |Deliver an unsuspecting victim to the Altruism |
|                         |    |Cult.                                          |
|A Lot of Cheddar         |  B |Spend a total of $200 million across all three |
|                         |    |characters.                                    |
|Trading Pure Alpha       |  B |Make a profit over your total investmens in the|
|                         |    |stock market.                                  |
|Pimp My Sidearm          |  B |Fully mod a weapon.                            |
|Wanted: Alive Or Alive   |  B |Deliver a bail bond target alive.              |
|Los Santos Customs       |  B |Fully mod a vehicle.                           |
|Close Shave              |  B |Complete all Under the Bridge and Knife Flight |
|                         |    |challenges.                                    |
|Off the Plane            |  B |GTA Online: Complete the Introduction.         |
|Three-Bit Gangster       |  B |GTA Online: Reach Rank 25.                     |
|Making Moves             |  S |GTA Online: Reach Rank 50.                     |
|Above the Law            |  G |GTA Online: Reach Rank 100.                    |
|Numero Uno               |  B |GTA Online: Obtain first place in all          |
|                         |    |competitive game types.                        |
|The Midnight Club        |  B |GTA Online: Use custom vehicles to win 5 races.|
|Unnatural Selection      |  B |GTA Online: Complete all 10 waves of a Survival|
|Backseat Driver          |  B |GTA Online: Direct a driver to 1st place as    |
|                         |    |co-driver in Rally Mode.                       |
|Run Like The Wind        |  B |GTA Online: Survive for a day with a Bounty on |
|                         |    |your head.                                     |
|Clean Sweep              |  B |GTA Online: Finish a Gang Attack without dying |
|                         |    |and kill at least 10 enemies.                  |
|Decorated                |  G |GTA Online: Earn 30 Platinum Awards.           |
|Stick Up Kid             |  B |GTA Online: Hold up all 20 Stores.             |
|Enjoy Your Stay          |  B |GTA Online: Participate in everything Los      |
|                         |    |Santos has to offer.                           |
|Crew Cut                 |  B |GTA Online: Complete a Job as a member of a    |
|                         |    |Crew.                                          |
|Full Refund              |  B |GTA Online: Kill the thief that mugged you.    |
|Dialing Digits           |  B |GTA Online: Call for gang backup for the first |
|                         |    |time.                                          |
|American Dream           |  B |GTA Online: Own an Apartment, Garage and an    |
|                         |    |Insured Vehicle.                               |
|Secret Achievement       |  B |Continue playing to unlock this achievement.   |
|Secret Achievement       |  B |Continue playing to unlock this achievement.   |
|Secret Achievement       |  B |Continue playing to unlock this achievement.   |
|Secret Achievement       |  B |Continue playing to unlock this achievement.   |
|Secret Achievement       |  B |Continue playing to unlock this achievement.   |
|Secret Achievement       |  B |Continue playing to unlock this achievement.   |
|Secret Achievement       |  B |Continue playing to unlock this achievement.   |
|Secret Achievement       |  B |Continue playing to unlock this achievement.   |
|Secret Achievement       |  B |Continue playing to unlock this achievement.   |
|Secret Achievement       |  B |Continue playing to unlock this achievement.   |
|Secret Achievement       |  S |Continue playing to unlock this achievement.   |

    |                    XBOX 360 ACHIEVEMENTS [APX-2]                     |
|NAME:                    |PNTS|DESCRIPTION/REQUIREMENT:                       |
|Solid Gold, Baby!        | 50 |Earn 70 Gold Medals on Missions and Strangers  |
|                         |    |and Freaks.                                    |
|Career Criminal          |100 |Attain 100% Game Completion.                   |
|San Andreas Sightseer    | 30 |Explore all of Los Santos and Blaine County.   |
|Alls Fare in Love and War| 10 |Purchase Downtown Cab Co. and complete a       |
|                         |    |private fare.                                  |
|TP Industries Arms Race  | 10 |Purchase McKenzie Field Hangar and win the arms|
|                         |    |race.                                          |
|Multi-Disciplined        | 30 |Attain a gold medal in all applicable hobbies  |
|                         |    |and pastimes.                                  |
|From Beyond the Stars    | 15 |Collect and return all spaceship parts.        |
|A Mystery, Solved        | 15 |Solve the mystery of Leonora Johnson.          |
|Waste Management         | 15 |Purchase the old dock and collect all nuclear  |
|                         |    |waste.                                         |
|Red Mist                 | 20 |Complete all Rampages.                         |
|Show Off                 | 30 |Complete all Stunt Jumps.                      |
|Kifflom!                 | 30 |Complete your path to enlightenment... or not. |
|Three Man Army           | 30 |Survive 3 minutes on at least a 3 star Wanted  |
|                         |    |Level with all three characters together off   |
|                         |    |mission.                                       |
|Out of Your Depth        |  5 |You're gonna need a bigger boat...             |
|Altruist Acolyte         |  5 |Deliver an unsuspecting victim to the Altruism |
|                         |    |Cult.                                          |
|A Lot of Cheddar         | 20 |Spend a total of $200 million across all three |
|                         |    |characters.                                    |
|Trading Pure Alpha       | 10 |Make a profit over your total investmens in the|
|                         |    |stock market.                                  |
|Pimp My Sidearm          | 10 |Fully mod a weapon.                            |
|Wanted: Alive Or Alive   | 10 |Deliver a bail bond target alive.              |
|Los Santos Customs       | 10 |Fully mod a vehicle.                           |
|Close Shave              | 20 |Complete all Under the Bridge and Knife Flight |
|                         |    |challenges.                                    |
|Off the Plane            |  5 |GTA Online: Complete the Introduction.         |
|Three-Bit Gangster       | 10 |GTA Online: Reach Rank 25.                     |
|Making Moves             | 30 |GTA Online: Reach Rank 50.                     |
|Above the Law            | 80 |GTA Online: Reach Rank 100.                    |
|Numero Uno               | 20 |GTA Online: Obtain first place in all          |
|                         |    |competitive game types.                        |
|The Midnight Club        | 20 |GTA Online: Use custom vehicles to win 5 races.|
|Unnatural Selection      | 20 |GTA Online: Complete all 10 waves of a Survival|
|Backseat Driver          | 10 |GTA Online: Direct a driver to 1st place as    |
|                         |    |co-driver in Rally Mode.                       |
|Run Like The Wind        | 20 |GTA Online: Survive for a day with a Bounty on |
|                         |    |your head.                                     |
|Clean Sweep              | 10 |GTA Online: Finish a Gang Attack without dying |
|                         |    |and kill at least 10 enemies.                  |
|Decorated                | 50 |GTA Online: Earn 30 Platinum Awards.           |
|Stick Up Kid             | 10 |GTA Online: Hold up all 20 Stores.             |
|Enjoy Your Stay          | 20 |GTA Online: Participate in everything Los      |
|                         |    |Santos has to offer.                           |
|Crew Cut                 |  5 |GTA Online: Complete a Job as a member of a    |
|                         |    |Crew.                                          |
|Full Refund              | 10 |GTA Online: Kill the thief that mugged you.    |
|Dialing Digits           |  5 |GTA Online: Call for gang backup for the first |
|                         |    |time.                                          |
|American Dream           | 10 |GTA Online: Own an Apartment, Garage and an    |
|                         |    |Insured Vehicle.                               |
|Secret Achievement       | 10 |Continue playing to unlock this achievement.   |
|Secret Achievement       | 10 |Continue playing to unlock this achievement.   |
|Secret Achievement       | 10 |Continue playing to unlock this achievement.   |
|Secret Achievement       | 10 |Continue playing to unlock this achievement.   |
|Secret Achievement       | 20 |Continue playing to unlock this achievement.   |
|Secret Achievement       | 20 |Continue playing to unlock this achievement.   |
|Secret Achievement       | 20 |Continue playing to unlock this achievement.   |
|Secret Achievement       | 20 |Continue playing to unlock this achievement.   |
|Secret Achievement       | 20 |Continue playing to unlock this achievement.   |
|Secret Achievement       | 20 |Continue playing to unlock this achievement.   |
|Secret Achievement       | 40 |Continue playing to unlock this achievement.   |

                      '     ____________________________|
                      |   .´ .´¯¯¯¯¯¯`..´¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|.´¯¯¯¯¯|
                      |   '—.|___'|   ||   ..   ||  .———'
                      |    _|.————'   ||   ||   |`.  `.
                      |   |  |   ..   ||   ||   |  `.  `.
                      |   |  |   ''   ||   ''   |.———'  |
                      |___|  `._______|`.___    ||____.´
                                            |   |[FAQ]

Q1: Is the Xbox 360 version of the game really two discs?
A1: Yes. The first disc is a mandatory install (which means a 4GB Xbox requires
    a flash drive or HDD replacement) of 8GB, the second disc is used to play
    the game. If you have a 20GB Xbox 360 you'll be fine too as long as you have
    8 gigs of free space. The installation takes approximately 15 minutes.

Q2: How big is the island?
A2: Rockstar wasn't lying: The map is bigger than their three last major games
    combined (GTA San Andreas, GTA4, Read Dead Redemption). If you have a very
    fast car you should be able to drive from one end to the other in about six
    minutes of real life time, provided you're a skilled driver. But clearly if
    you're going by foot there's an enormous amount of virtuality to be explored
    and there's a lot to do besides main storyline missions. There's even a
    second map for some of the game's missions, and that map isn't very small

   (Game Of The Year).

                       |   ||   ||   ''___||   ''___|
                       |   ||   ||   |     |   |
                       |   ||   ||   | ___ |   | ___
                        \      / |   ''   ||   ''   |
                         \____/   `._____.´ `._____.´[VCC]

17 September 2013 - [v1.00] - Main storyline finished. MANY other updates will
                              follow VERY SOON.

This document is © Absolute Steve 2013. All rights reserved. Controller ASCII 
art by Zy. GTA ASCII font inspired by ElectroSpecter, logo by Absolute Steve.
Radio lyrics made possible by Michelle. All lyrics © of their respective owners.

This may *not* be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use.  It may *not* be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission.  Use of this guide on any other web
site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation
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do not present it as your own.  The creation of this guide took a lot of time,
please respect that.  Below is a list of parties that are allowed to host this
document. Allowed are:,, B. Cousins.

*NOT* allowed: CheatCC or Cheat Code Central, nor any other cheat websites owned
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infringed the copyright of countless FAQs/guides and cheats and has altered
the copyright sections of countless more FAQs/guides, often removing 'GameFAQs'
and other trusted websites from the list while adding 'CheatCC'. This is a
serious violation of simple authorship rights and it has been going on for over
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You can say "hi" or "thanks" via email or facebook. Writing a thank-you only
takes a minute; the pleasure of reading it lasts all day. Tips will ONLY be read
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[email protected];


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