Things About Chao - Guide for Sonic Adventure 2 Battle

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Hi, I'm marjo5858, and I'm pleased to introduce a guide that may help you with 
 1. A cool 
 2. Sad things that happen to 
 3. Ways to prevent sad 
 4. Tips on 
 1. A cool 
 I'll show you how to make a cool chao. OK, first, you need about 35-40 emblems. 
Get 4,000 rings. Go to the Black Market. You should see the item: "Shiny White 
Egg," buy it. Hatch it with a hero character (the nice way.) Give it only green 
chaos drives until it has 100 run power. Next, give it yellow chaos drives until it 
has 100 swim power. When it evolves, it should have fins for feet, and it should be 
a hero. Bring it to the chao docter. On the medical chart, the swim ability should 
be an A. Cool, 
 2. Sad things that happen to 
 There are numerous events that happen to chao that can be very sad. Have you ever 
wondered how chao die? They look tired, and sit down. A gray cocoon appears around 
the chao. *NOTE: for this to happen, this must be a second evolution. Funeral music 
plays. After the cocoon goes away, the chao disappears. Another thing is chao 
getting dizzy. They're eyes get swirly, just as if they're being hypnotized. I 
don't know what it even comes from. Something that really bothers me is this: only 
8 chao are allowed per garden. So, if you want another chao, and you have too many, 
you must good-bye to one of your chao. This can be a tough 
 3. Ways to prevent sad 
 To prevent a chao from dying, you must take good care of it. You can also give it 
a heart fruit (Black Market, 300 rings) to get it to breed other chao and live 
forever. Do this quick, though. It only takes 4 chao years for a second evolution. 
I don't know where diziness comes from, but I'll try to update it later. To prevent 
saying good-bye, don't go to crazy with buying 
 4. Tips on 
 In slot A, you'll probably get the dark garden first. In slot B, you'll probably 
get hero garden first. If you make your chao really powerful, you're upping the 
chance of your chao winning races and karate. To put an item on your chao's head 
(example: paper bag,Black Market 4,000 rings) you must give the dead dog to your 
chao. Now he'll place an item on his 
 That's all for "Things About Chao." BYE!!!!!!!!!! 

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