Walkthrough - Guide for Kid Icarus: Uprising

Scroll down to read our guide named "Walkthrough" for Kid Icarus: Uprising on Nintendo 3DS (3DS), or click the above links for more cheats.

                    _  ___     _   _____                           
                   | |/ (_)   | | |_   _|                          
                   | ' / _  __| |   | |   ___  __ _ _ __ _   _ ___ 
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                        \____/| .__/|_|  |_|___/_|_| |_|\__, |
                              | |                        __/ |
                              |_|                       |___/ 

                                    By HeartBlade89

Hey guys, here is my first shooter walkthrough for Nintendo series Kid Icarus.
I'm still working to improve this walkthrough so it will be informative to
any beginners who have trouble with the game. I am currently having trouble
getting enemy names and am not sure how to name enemies, especially since the
number and variety of enemies change depending on difficutly. The walkthrough
will naturally be more detailed in the adventure-based portions of the game
but I will work on improving the flying/shooting portions of this walkthrough
as well so constructive criticism is appreciated, pure criticism is not.

I am also playing a Japanese version of Kid Icarus Uprising and am translating
the names of the enemies and titles with my own skills which are likely to be
different with the English translation. Please do not critique my translation
but rather send me an email with the correct titles and enemy names for to
improve this walkthrough.

HISTORY v0.3    Start of walkthrough
        v0.6    75% of walkthrough finished (beat but need to rebeat levels
                left blank and fill in some boss sections)
        v1.0    Walkthrough of stages complete, boss strategies complete


____ ____ __   ____ ____ ____ __   ___  
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| \__| . ||  \|  || |  <_| . || |__[__ \
|___/|___/|/\_/  |/ |/\_/|___/|___/|___/

The control scheme for Kid Icarus: Uprising is a little different from most
games since it relies heavily on the touch screen for gameplay.


Analog Stick                                  Move Pit
      Smash                                   Rolling

L Shoulder Button                             Attack
     Hold                                     Rapid Fire
     *Target held on enemy                    Charged shot
     *Enemy is close                          Melee Attack
     Tap repeatedly                           Melee combo

Touch Screen                                  Aim
     Tap Blue Orb                             Special Attack


Analog Stick                                  Move Pit
     Tilt                                     Run
     Smash                                    Dash/Dodge

L Shoulder Button                             Attack
     Hold                                     Rapid Fire
     *Target held on enemy                    Charged shot
     *Enemy is close                          Melee Attack
     Tap repeatedly                           Melee combo

Touch Screen                                  Aim
      Slide/Flick                             Turn camera
R shoulder Button                             Quick turn camera

Direction Pad Down                            Miracle

=The Art of Dashing/Dodging=


Pit can dash in this game by smashing the direction pad in one direction,
allowing Pit to dash in the directio the stick is tilted toward. Combined
with attacks leads to new attacks for Pit to use.

Forward Dash + Attack                         Increases power of attack

Side Dash + Attack                            Attack while dodging

Backward Dash + Attack                        Different charge attack

Similar to Resident Evil Revelations, Pit can dodge attacks by using the
side-dashing motion when the enemies' attacks are at a certain proximity.
When an attack comes to close proximity to Pit, smash the analog stick in
a direction for Pit to dodge the attack. Pit will gain invincibility frames
during the dodge which will allow him to also dodge "through" an attack and
not recieve damage. Dodging the same attack multiple times gets harder each
time as the timing becomes more strict however.

You can also side-step enemies to get behind them by side-dashing when Pit
faces an enemy that is standing up. This allows Pit to get behind the enemy,
dealing additional damage. Furthermore, some enemies are only vulnurable at
the back which makes side-stepping necessary.

=I'm Only Human=
Although he is an angel, Pit still has to walk to the boss battle to end the
level and the levels are big (imagine walking all the way to a huge fight
after just flying through the air and shooting/dodging attacks!!). Thus, Pit
can a stamina gauge on the ground and Pit can get tired if you run to much.
Thus, you cannot attempt to run past every enemy to get to the end of the
stage. As Pit gets tired, his body beings to flash deep purple and sweat
drops appear above him.

=Status Effects=
In the game Kid Icarus, both Pit and his enemies can inflict status effects
on each other to deal additional complications throughout the battle. Some
enemies have natural status effects linked to their attacks. Pit can deal
status effects in addition to damage with his attacks depending on the weapon
he is using and the powers he has. Some powers can be activated to add this
additional status effects when attacking.

Status Effect     Appearance                      Effect
Burning           Flames around body              Drain health over time
Poison            Purple bubbles around body      Drain health over time
Stun              Thunder around body             Pit gets tired quicker
Confuse           Pit is multi-colored            Analog directions switched
Tired             Pit purple and bent over        Cannot walk/attack

                   _____ _                   _               
                  |     | |_ ___ ___ ___ ___| |_ ___ ___ ___ 
                  |   --|   | .'|  _| .'|  _|  _| -_|  _|_ -|
                  |_____|_|_|__,|_| |__,|___|_| |___|_| |___|


Pit is the main character who you will be controlling throughout the game.
Despite his youthful appearence, Pit is Palutena's most loyal servant and
captain of her royal bodyguard. After 25 years, the teenage Pit is tasked to
once again defeat Medusa and her army of monsters.


The Goddess of Light and ruler of Angel Land and Pit's patron diety. She is
the person responsible for banishing Medusa from Angel land and changing her
into a horrible monster. In Upriding, Palutena will be both a source of
information for Pit when facing unknown enemies as well as the person who
gives Pit the Power of Flight to allow him to fight airborne for five minutes


Initially a co-ruler of Angel Land, Medusa was banished due to her cruetly
against humanity to the Underworld where she now resides. Medusa vows to one
day overthrow Palutena and retake her position. Despite building an army and
successfully capturing Palutena and turning her Centurions to stone, she was
defeated by Pit's efforts. Medusa plans to invade again after 25 years.


An human hero who is a foil to Pit, Magnus is older, muscular, experienced
hero who wields a large sword. Representing the greatest strength of the
human race, Magnus is a gun for hire who works with Pit throughout his

                             -Dark Lord Gaol-

A mysterious dark knight who resides in a castle. He opposes both Palutena
and Magnus.

  _________  __                           _____             .___       
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/_______  / |__| \____/|__|    / ____| \____|__  /\____/\____ | \___  >
        \/                     \/              \/            \/     \/ 

This walkthrough is a clean walkthrough that will go through the game.

The game is split as mission-based stages to allow players to quickly pick
up and play the game. Each stage is divided in two playstyles, the first
part being the flying/shooting phase and the second phase being land-based
adventure. Unfortunately, our five minute Power of Flight does not let us
bypass the enemies to the boss...

As you play through the game, you will notice that the stages have gold and
green wreaths on them. This shows how much of the level you discovered.

=Gold Wreath Requirements=
-Open all chests (trapped ones included)
-All intensity gates explored (if available)
-Zodiac Weapon acquired (if available)

Chapter 1: The Return of Palutena


We start off flying in the air. The only enemeis we will encounter will be
monoeyes (red winged enemies with one eye). There will be one monoeye,
followed by 2 eyes. There will only be monoeyes in this first part, the max
being four on stage. after flying for a bit, Pit will see Medusa appear.

While Medusa is talking, monoeyes will still appear so don't be sitting
around while talking. After Medusa leaves, Pit will speed up and dive
through the clouds. Here we will fight monoeyes and frogs who will jump from
the ground at Pit.

As you keep flying, there will be more monoeyes, frogs, and some occasional
daphnes that will shoot horizontal lazers. Keep moving in a circle and you
should be fine.

As we get to the city, we hear celebration. It seems that the city is holding
a festival for Palutena and we will need to protect them to ensure that the
festival remains.


Swing your touch pen to the left to turn left and go down the corridor for
meat, cake, and a doughnut. Go along the path into the open where 4 Shemum
appear. Go forward for 3 monoeye to appear, followed by a nettler. Take them
out for another monoeye to appear. This will be followed by a yellow star.

Go to the left to find a chest containing some hearts and a hamburger. You
can also find grenades on the floor which you can use on the big pot and
other nearby enemies. The door on the right is locked unless you are playing
at an intensity of 5 or above.

Intensity Gate lv. 5

Through the gate is a huge tank enemy and 2 stars. The tank is invulnurable
to damage in the front and sides but has a vulnurable spot at its back. The
tank has several attacks, a purple arrow attack that homes in on Pit, a shell
which deals decent AoE damage, and several white arrows to hit Pit.

The shell attack will outline a light spot that homes in on Pit until it is
about to launch, thereby disappearing. When the ring disappears, have Pit
dash out from where he is standing to avoid the shot. Side dodge the arrows
to get to the tank's back.

Since the tank is large, Pit's melee attacks are not effective so use ranged
attacks rather than melee to take ot the tank using side-dashes to get to the
tank's back.

Once the tank is defeated, a chest appears. Open the chest for a [cannon].


Go forward and take out the monoeyes and shemum. The sky will turn red but
just keep killing enemies. Go past the pot and open the chest for a power
[Item Pitcher ]. Kill the enemy between the stairs for a chest containing a
[violet parts]. Kill the shemum on the stairs and go up to meet 2 Mick. Go
up the  stairs and pick up the God's Drink to replenish your life before
going into the Stadium.

We have met the checkpoint and now face the first boss 


Claw- Twin Bellows slashes in front of him to deal damage
Fireball- Twin Bellows launches 3 fireballs at Pit
Fire breath- Twin Bellows will sweep fire from right to left
Slide- Twin Bellows slides its body along the ground toward Pit
Roar- Twin Bellows roars, inflicting Pit with fire status

This fight is a really easy first boss. Since you are using the blade, keep
your distance from Twin Bellows and kill it with shots from afar. By keeping
your distance, Twin Bellows' only attack against you is his slide attack,
which you can dodge by dashing away as Twin Bellows closes in. Keep your
reticule on Twin Bellows to kill him and end the battle.

Pit taunts Medusa but retreats for the time being.

Chapter 2: Magnus and the Dark Lord


You will first first 2 waves of 4 monoeyes, followed by a wave of 5 monoeyes
and 3 birds. This will be followed by 4 Micks popping up. You will then face
4 monoeyes and a mick, followed by a close up Ganewmede which you need to
slash to kill.

Kill the monoeyes and mick that appears and a thunder strike will appear.
These are caused by the Dark Lord so you will need to dodge them. The next
2 strikes come from the right to the center and bottom to the center. The
next strike is a horizontal strike through the middle. After the strike,
Pit flies down through the clouds.

In the cloud tunnel, we face stars, frogs, and monoeyes so avoid the lazers
while shooting. The tunnel is not long and you will get to the surface.

The surface is filled with monoeyes and frogs. As you approach a piller, Pit
will stop and will have to fight 2 monoeyes and a spike. Pit will fly and
stop again to face a monoeye and a spike. Dodge the spikes and kill/fly by
the enemy through the opening.

You will be chased by a big crown fish who releases sword bugs and monoeyes
from its mouth. You can kill the big fish by constantly shooting at it for
some hearts.

Pit will then dash up the mountain. Stars, monoeyes, and sword bugs appear
here so avoid them while flying to get to the battlefield.

There are stars, bugs and monoeyes on the battlefield. Kill the bugs and
monoeyes that chase you to get to the castle.


In the castle, Pit will see a melon, meat, and apple to eat for some health.
Go into the castle and shoot the blue emblem on the statue right of the door.
Go through the door, kill the monoeye, and drop down the hole.

In the bottom of the hole are two cannons and two soldiers. Pick up the fire
tablet on the left to gain the burn effect on your weapon and use that on the
two soldiers in the middle. Go collect the chest for []. Go up the stairs
and shoot the two switches to open the door. A Ganewmede so use forward dash
shots to take it out followed by sideway dodges to avoid the counter attacks.
Go through the open door.

Take out the two soldiers and the cannon and go through the left door. You
will find a trap chest that will release 4 soldiers. Kill them to unlock the
door and go to the far end to find 2 chests with [Recovery] and a [Crusher].
Exit the room to face a Specknose. Kill it to get a melon and apple to refill
health and exit the room.

Go across the bridge and kill the pot. Go down the stairs to meet Magnus. He
will help us fight the enemies in the room which consist of a a mick, monoeye
specknose, shield, and ganewmede. Kill the enemies for a chest containing a
[Bracelet], and grape and melon to recover health. Go down the hole.

Kill the flying dragon for a chest containing [Bellows Cannon]. Kill the
two red spikes but be aware that they explode after dying to deal damage.
Before going through the door, collect the [antidote] on the right and meat
for some health.

The room will fill with poison gas but you should be fine with the antidote.
Kill the soldiers that appear, a total of 6, for the barrier to come down. Go
into the cage.

Go to the room to the right for a hot spring. Go in the water to recover life
There is a trap chest to the left of the door which summons 2 specknose, a
crownfish, and a soldier. Take out the enemies to take the barrier down.
Recover health in the spring and go through the other door.

Go up the spiral path. There is a spider in the center so take it out before
going up. You will encounter a spike enemy in the first section. The second
section has an enemy that puts up a rainbow barrier. Shoot it down for it to
break and attack the enemies. Go up the spiral to the door and collect the
God Drink for health. Enter the door.

BOSS: Dark Lord Gaol

Plasma Shot- Dark Lord shoots two green plasma balls at Pit
Dash- Dark Lord dashes at Pit covered in energy
Gravity Ball- Dark Lord summons a purple ball that sucks Pit in and deals
Beam-Dark Lord shoots a dark red beam across the screen
Reflect Barrier- Dark Lord puts up a barrier which reflects shots

The Dark Lord is a big step up from Twin Bellows, especially if you are not
too used to the controls yet. Dark Lord's attacks deal alot of damage if you
are not careful and need to be dodged through or attacked from a distance to
avoid getting hit. Luckily, we have Magnus staying on the Dark Lord and
unleashing hell.

The Dark Lord's most damaging attacks are his beam and gravity ball. Stay
away from the Dark Lord so his gravity ball does not suck you in and get
ready to dodge the Dark Lord's beam attack. The beam attack has signficant
distance so dodge through the attack rather than get distance from it.

Be sure to use your recovery power to keep your health up and survive. Dark
Lord will dish out alot of pain. Keep your distance and dodge his attacks
and Magnus will take out most of its health.

Magnus reveals the face of the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord defeated, Pit leaves
to the next area.

Chapter 3: Heads of the Hewdraw


Pit will fly while Palutena tells him to hurry. You will be swarmed by
enemies so keep circling and rely on your charged shots to take out groups
of enemies. Do not hold the shoot button down or you will slow down and get
hurt in.

After defeating a couple of waves, we see hewdraw in the distance. Pit will
close in on the hewdraw. During your flight, you will run into monoeyes,
exploding red, and specknose so use your rapid fire and quickly move around
to avoid the exploding remains of the red star.

As you close in on the Hewdraw, don't forget to collect the red orbs for
additional health.

There will be monoeyes flying around the Hewdraw so shoot them down while it
is talking.

Mini BOSS: 3-headed Hewdraw

Fireball-left head launches huge fireball
Beam-Middle head shoots purple beam
Bite-head closes in and bites Pit
Wave-right head launches a wave that homes on Pit.

This is a mini-boss battle with hewdraw. It has low health but decent damage
so don't take this battle too lightly.

Fly around and shoot the hewdraws heads. It will go down soon enough.

Pit will chase down the body by diving into the clouds. You will encounter
specknose, mick, and komayto here so shoot down the specknose and mick and
avoid the komayto. If they latch onto Pit, roll to get them off.

As you get to the bottom, you see the city is burning. Pit will fly toward
the city. You will encounter monoeyes, bugs, specknose, and mick so keep
shooting them as Pit goes to the city.


On the ground, pick up the hamburger, soft cream, and grape to refill your
health. 3 monoeyes appear but do not attack you. Turn right and go down the
corridor. Two stars will appear to shoot lazers from the side so shoot them
down before crossing. Drop down into the next area.

In this area, there are two squid monsters so kill them. Up the stairs is a
intensity gate level 4. Ignore it and go up the stairs behind you.

Intensity Gate Lv 4

Go through the gate and up the stairs. There is a chest here with [Orbitars].

Up the stairs is a beam shooting creature. To defeat it, you must shoot the
head while avoiding the sideways blue beam. Use rapid shots to slowly bring
the monster down and kill it for a cake. If you have difficutly dodging, use
the stairs and go down when the beam passes so the beam goes over your head.

Go up the stairs to meet a komayto. Get close to it to deal damage since it
is immune to shots. Continue to walk up the stairs.

Up here are 2 birds so take them out before going forward. Go left and defeat
the shemum before jumping up the platform. Kill the big daphne and jump up to
the next platform.

Kill the pot behind you to collect a [key]. Go down the corridor and kill the
3 mick that appear. Go to the open area and kill the enemies here. The chest
in the back contains a God Drink for health. Use the key on the gate.

Mini BOSS: Hewdraw Head

Charge-the head charges at Pit
Bite-head jumps in close to bite Pit

In the arena, you will face 1 hewdraw head, a monoeye, and a star. I
recommend getting rid of the enemies so you can focus completely on the
Hewdraw head. The head can only jump and does not get much distance so dodge
the hewdraw's charges and follow up with a quick melee attack.

After the battle, the purple barrier goes down so go through the small gate.
Here, there is an oyster enemy so kill it by shooting the 3 red pearls inside
it. The panel guards some food so dash past it to refill your health and
dash out. There is an intensity gate for a level 7. Ignore it and go down the
path the oyster was guarding.

Another totem pole enemy appears so kill it using the same way. On the top is
a boomarang using enemy so shoot its lower half to kill it. Take the jump
platform to jump into the hole.

There are three dompa so shoot them from afar so they explode without you
near their vicinity. There is a komayto so kill it with melee strikes. There
is an enemy pot releasing shemum so kill it with melee strikes to get a chest
containing some hearts and an apple. Go up the stairs.

3 monoeyes and a star are here so kill them and take the jump platform to the
next area. You will need to kill 3 waves to enemies here. The first wave is
some bugs. The second wave is 2 ganewmede and an oyster. The third wave is
a dancer and a totem pole. After killing the waves, collect the back shield
that appears and go down the path. 3 monoeyes appear so kill them and walk
to the door. Pick up the God Drink to refill your health back to full and go
through the door.

BOSS: Hewdraw

Beam-Hewdraw charges a beam and shoots multiple small beams at Pit
Missile-Hewdraw shoots a homing missile at Pit
Bomb-Hewdraw launches an orange bomb in the air while underwater

This battle is much easier than Dark Lord because the attacks are very easy
to avoid. Hewdraw will start the battle with a missile homing in on Pit and
will charge his lazer. Hewdraw is vulnurable throughout his body and head so
shoot him while he is charging. Sidestep dodge or stand to one side and run
to the other so the beams will miss.

Hewdraw will then dive into the water so shoot the orange bombs that appear
above to get Hewdraw out. Hewdraw will land on the ground in front of Pit so
use this opportunity to dish out your melee combos. Hewdraw will recover and
dive back into the water and the cycle repeats.

Keep shooting Hewdraw anywhere on his body while he is charging so his health
goes down. Dodging the homing missile is hard but the beams can be avoided
by moving from side to side so keep the pressure on hewdraw and drop a bomb
when he dives into the water to get him out.

Obtain power [Recovery] and a new [bow].

Chapter 4: The Reaper's Line of Sight


Pit will fly out and immediately encounter micks stars, and birds. Shoot
them down and keep circling. The second wave with bring more birds, micks,
and a squid that shoots a circle of smoke at Pit. Fly through the middle or
around the smoke to avoid damage.

Pit will them dive through the clouds. Kill the daphnes that appear. A crown
fish also appears so kill it before it releases any enemies. As you fly, you
will run into a group of purple spiders on the ground which shoots small
pellets at Pit. Circle around and shoot them down.

Red eyes in the distance (Reaper eyes) will shoot lazers so Pit will move
toward an alcove to get closer to the reaper. Avoid the stalagmites in the
area by staying near the center and moving up and down. There are enemies
here that explode and leave a poison gas behind after dying so kill them
from afar or ignore them to avoid getting poisoned.

Pit will them fly into a cave and an oyster will attack from the side. Time
your shots with the openings in the cave walls to kill the oyster. After Pit
leaves the cave, you will have to avoid more stalagmites and lazers from
Reaper eyes coming from the sides. Move up and down to avoid the stalagmites
and lazers and shoot the enemies ahead. Pit will fly through a hole where you
will face some enemies but they should not be too much trouble.

Pit will see the reaper castle he needs to get to. Some bugs will appear to
attack Pit so shoot them down. As Pit approaches the castle, he will be
chased away by red lasers. Circle near the top to avoid the lazers until Pit
flies back and chooses to dive into the castle. Stay near the bottom to avoid
the lazers and Pit will crash into the castle.


Walk past the guillotine and shoot the three pots for some food to refill
your health. Turn to the right and avoid the guillotine blade and go through
the door.

Try to sneak past the reaper in the corridor and go through the door (DO NOT
SHOOT the reaper unless you want to face a world of hurt). You will face a
wave of enemies consisting of two poison bombs, a specknose, and a soldier.
Kill them and move up the barrier. Time you dashes to enter the alcoves to
collect the chocolate and graps for health.

There will be a gust monster that attempts to suck Pit in. If you get too
close, the monster will hit Pit for damage and poison status to stay away and
shoot the head. Grind the purple stream to get to the next area. Shoot the
3 mini reapers before you get to the end.

In this next area, you will need to kill 3 waves of enemies. The first wave
is a tank enemy so just shoot from afar to kill it. The second wave is a
crownfish. The third wave is the gust monster with 2 poison bombs that
recover so focus your fire on the gust enemy. After killing these enemies,
the barrier is gone.

Before going through the big door, go through the smaller door in the left.
There is a reaper enemy so kill it before entering. Break the boxes and go
through the left path for a chest containing a [Staff]. Exit the room and
go through the other door.

Go through the corridor and kill the shemum and monster pot that appears
with melee attacks and enter the next room. We see a plum wizard in the
distance, the infamous wizard that turns Pit into a plum. Since there are no
nurses in this game to heal plum-turned Pit, Palutena will heal Pit if he is
transformed although that will take some time. Keep your distance or run in
quick for a couple melee attacks and run out to avoid the wizard's spell and 
it will fall soon. Go through the other door.

There is a chest you can get to here if you use the jump power. Run to the
right and avoid the swinging blades. After the first blade, a gust monster
will appear to suck you in so shoot it/melee it and run to the other side.
Take the jump platform up to the next area and go through the door.

There is reaper in this room who circles it from left to right so run behind
the reaper and stay out of its line of sight. You can use the two jump
platforms to get to some food to recover health. Break the boxes along the
bridge and enter the next area.

Kill the two blue enemies and enter the left room and kill the star. Use the
jump platform to get to a chest containing [Wind orb]. Jump down and continue
along the path down the hole.

Get to the red light for some enemies to appear. Kill the 3 waves of enemies
that appear. The first wave consists of some small enemies. The second wave
is a specknose and 2 smoke monsters. The third is 2 purple spiders and a
boomarang enemy. After the enemies are defeated, shoot the target above for
the grind rail to appear.

You will need to shoot the targets along the walls to increase the length of
the grind rail. There should be 4 targets in all. After shooting all the
targets, Pit will grind to the top door. Go through it and take the elevator

Go into the left room for a hot springs to recover health. There is a hot
spring for reapers in the right so avoid that room. Go through the center
and avoid the two guillotine blades. As you get to the chain door, it opens
and enemies come out but they will ignore you so just stand aside as they
pass or shoot them from afar since they explode. Go through the now opened

BOSS: Big Reaper

Blade- Reaper swings blade down, launching a horizontal beam at Pit
Wave- Reaper will swing blade, sending a wave at Pit
Summon- Reaper will summon two enemies to attack Pit
Stomp- Reaper will try to stomp on Pit on the ground
Swing- Reaper will spin and 

Weaknesses: Head, Toes

This battle is not too tough as long as you keep calm. On the ground floor,
you can shoot the reaper's toes to deal some damage. However, since the 
reaper will constantly try to stomp Pit, go up the stairs or the jumping
platform to get to the higher area if you have a range weapon.

On the higher platform, the big reaper will attack using his blade to shoot
a beam of energy at Pit or swing a wave. These two attacks can be avoided by
sidestepping the blade and dodging the wave. On the platform, aim your
attacks at the Reaper's head.

After dealing enough damage, light will break through the reaper's head. The
reaper will then start spinning his blade quickly, making the timing to
dodge the reaper's attack very difficut. However, the reaper is close to dead
at this point so keep firing at the reaper's head or jump down and attack the
toes to end this battle.

You gain a new [bow].

Chapter 5: Pandora's Trap


Shoot the crack in the sky to open the secret passage. In it, you will face
monoeyes, panels, komayto, and micks so avoid the panels and defeat the
enemies as they approach. Be aware that the panels are immune to damage.

Pit will arrive in the trap dungeon. As you fly inside, you will face birds
and monoeyes. Avoid the tornados the birds shoot at you and the red blocks
that emerge to block your path. The first will come vertically through the
screen. The second will come horizontally through the center.

after stopping at the picture and turning right, there will be a vertical,
followed by two horiztonal red beams. Shoot the micks and monoeyes at appear.
After the second picture where Pit turns left, he will dive down the hole.

Through this hole, Pit will have to fly through one of three tunnels, two of
the tunnels being blocked. The first tunnel Pit is going to go through it on
the bottom left. The next unblocked tunnel is at the top. Go through the big
center tunnel. The final tunnel will have both bottom tunnels open so go
through one of them.

Pit will now have to fly past the big panels. Fly to the right of the first
panel. You will run into smaller blue panels and monoeyes so avoid the panels
and fly to the left of the next big panel. Fly to the big panels and you will
get to a large area. There will be rows of spiders so defeat them. Pit will
then fly out of the exit and enter the open skies again.

There will be a crownfish so attack it and the enemies it spews. The image
will fade and you will be back in the trap room. Kill the monoeyes and micks
here and keep going. Pit will meet two dead ends. As you backtrack, be aware
of the stars at the bottom of the screen and hug the right. Pit will then
go into space. Kill the group of enemies before you as Pit flies.

Entering the next area, the panels will hide enemies that emerge to attack
Pit. Keep an eye on the panels and see their empty spots where the enemies
emerge out from. There are only 2 waves of enemies to deal with here. Pit
will land here.


Go through the door in front of you and take out the 2 cannons and big enemy
in the area. There is food to the right but I recommend saving it after the
end of the battle here. Go through the unlocked barrier to the next area.

There are 2 cannon enemies here so take them out. There are trap doors here
so choose wisely. Go through the door on the second right and kill the 2
monoeyes and hula dancer inside. Go in the second left door for some food.
Go into the second right door to enter the next area.

You will face 2 waves of enemies. The first wave is a big beetle underground.
Attack its pinchers and melee if when it comes out of the ground for more
damage. The second wave is a cannon and 2 mick. Kill them to open the barrier

In the next area, the walls close in so dash to the other door. The second
room has a wall that moves back and forth so run to the right of the wall
until you see the opening at the end and run through it to the other side
and go into the next area.

In the next area, kill the monoeye and cannon in the room. The wall is moving
forward and back so move left with the wall until you see the path appear and
run to the other side. The chest has some hearts and the jump platform will
take you to the next area.

In this area, you can try the beetle for the first time. Get close to it and
press L for Pit to get on. You can fire with the attack button but can only
hit enemies in front. Use the touch pad to change your camera and the blue
arrows tell you which direction you are going. The beetle uses tank controls
so take this time to get used to them. After you are done, get off by 
pressing the arrow on the touch screen and take the jump platform to the next

This area has some platforming. Pit will jump automatically as you get to the
edge of the platform so use that opportunity to get to the next area. The
first platform should not be too tough. The second will require you to dash
to the second orange platform and onto the next blue one. The final platform
has P shaped orange platforms so land on the long part of the P and run to
the next area. Falling resets you to the last blue platform you were on but
takes off a chunk of health.

In the next area, just run to the door. It gets far away but you will catch
up to it soon. The next area has a smoke monster so kill it and get on the 
blue section to jump up. Go on the next jump to face a specknose and 2
monoeyes. Go up the left blue pad and kill the monoeye. Take the next jump
platform and kill the specknose here. The next platform has a mick and a hula
dancer to kill both and jump up to a constantly jumping platform with 3
hearts and a blue panel. Jump to the door and enter the next area.

This is a beetle circuit. Get on the beetle and go once around the circuit
for a platform to appear to take Pit to the next area. Ride up the platform,
get off the beetle, and use the jump platform to get to the door to the next

In this next area, there is an invisible floor you must shoot to see the
platforms to get to the next area. There is a soldier across the room so kill
it before crossing. Stay on the right and go left to get across the room.

Take the next platform to the right. There is a hectross here so kill it
before crossing. There is sushi straight ahead to regain some life. Take the
left (or right if you got the sushi) to the next platform. There is another
hectross so kill it and kill the 2 barrier enemies. Get on the platform and
shoot to your left to find the next invisible platform to walk across.

You will face a cannon so kill it. In the distance is a mick and a large
enemy so kill both. Before crossing the invisible platform however, turn
around to find a chest containing a [cannon]. Go along the invisible platform
to the next platform. The final invisible platform curves right. As you go
across, an enemy appears so kill it with melee attacks and continue toward
the door. Go in and collect the God Drink to refill your health and go into
the next door.

BOSS: Pandora

Bomb- Pandora drops 3 bombs at Pit
Fireball- Pandora launches 6 blue fireballs at Pit
Dash- Pandora goes underground and rises up to hit Pit

Weaknesses: Bombs

The first part of the battle has Pandora fighting you herself by rushing
toward you and launching bombs at you. Hit the bombs back at Pandora to
deal damage and keep shooting Pandora. This battle is not too tough to

Pit rushes to break the mirror but is too late.

BOSS: Pandora

Wave- Pandora launches 2 waves at Pit
Fireball- Pandora launches 6 blue fireballs at Pit
Bomb- Pandora drops 3 bombs at Pit
Dash- Pandora goes underground and rises up to hit Pit

Pandora becomes stronger but luckily, Black Pit decides to help us by turning
against her. Black Pit will attack Pandora but her attention will be turned
toward you so keep your health up with power.

Pandora will be more aggressive and use waves as a new attack to deal damage.
Try to dash away from Pandora and wait for her to drop bombs so you can toss
them back at her. Pit will automatically hit the bombs at Pandora regardless
of where he is facing so use the bombs to your advantage. Pandora will fall
quickly to the power of both Pits.

Gained power [Roulette]

Black Pit takes the remnants of Pandora's power before leaving. Nothing we
can do about it.

Chapter 6: Black Pit


You will be facing off with Black Pit from the start of the match. Black Pit
will occasionally shoot back at you with blue arrows that run in a circle so
avoid them and keep the pressure on Black Pit to earn hearts. After a while,
both Pits will go inside a tornado.

After leaving the tornado, Pit will be assaulted by monoeyes, bugs, stars,
and a specknose. You will also meet green stars that glow and rush at Pit.
Black Pit will still occasionally shoot you but will also focus on the
enemies and leave you alone. Circle around the shots and keep the pressure on
your enemies.

After a while, Black Pit will get caught in a trap and will not be able to
move. During this period, stay to the right since Black Pit will shoot you.
Try to stay out of Black Pit's sight until he is free from the trap and Pit
will continue to chase him.

Black Pit will go land somewhere so Pit will follow through.


Collect the food infront to refill your health. You will run into 3 cannons,
followed by 2 Mick. Keep going forward into the next big area.

The path splits in two. Go to the left to find a Gigas, a machine that Pit
can ride. use it to kill the enemy in the area. Since it cannot use the jump
platform, you will need to leave it behind.

Go to the path staight ahead to find a mick and daphne. Kill both enemies and
continue ahead. Continue along the path until you get to the jump platform
and go back.

Going to the left path up the hill will have you meet a mick and 2 soldiers.
However, there is nothing here.

The next path straight ahead has a big enemy and two trap anchors so kill
them and drop down the hole to the next area. Here, you will have a mini
battle with Black Pit

Mini-BOSS: Black Pit (Club)

Wave- Black Pit tosses a black wave at Pit
Melee- Black Pit melees Pit

Black Pit is using a club in this battle and shoots large purple beams at Pit
for damage. Side-dash to ddoge these projectiles and use melee attacks to
take down Black Pit (he does not really use melee attacks much in this fight)
Black Pit will be down after a couple of hits and will escape.

Leave the area and go back to the center. There is a mick here and some food
Palutena gives us in the middle of the area so pick them up to refill health.

Go up the hill toward the temple. There will be 3 micks here. At the top,
there will be 2 soldiers and Black Pit. Focus your attacks on Black Pit in
this fight and take out the soldiers if they get in the way

Mini-BOSS: Black Pit (Cannon)

Fireball- Black Pit shoots 3 fireballs at Pit
Missile- Black Pit fires a huge missile at Pit

Black Pit is using a cannon in this battle and launches many projectiles at
Pit to deal huge damage. This is a much tougher fight than before since the
cannon missiles deal significant damage. (How come Black Pit can change his

Black Pit still has trouble with melee attacks however so, regardless of
weapon, run toward Black Pit and unleash melee combos on him to get his
health down. After his is down, he will escape again.

After your battle with Black Pit, return back to the center area. Pick up the
God Drink to refill your health back to its maximum and ride the grind rail
up. 3 monoeyes and 2 bird appear but they will not hurt you. At the end, Pit
will jump onto an elevated platform with Black Pit waiting.

BOSS: Black Pit (Bow)

Shot- Black Pit shoots 5 consecutive shots at Pit
Single Shot- Black Pit shoots an arrow at Pit
Dash- Black Pit charges at Pit
Melee- Black Pit flies toward Pit and melees him
Special- while flying Black Pit will shoot the air, dropping thousands of
         arrows within the red circle that appears

This battle is tougher than before do to the limited space to move around and
the more powerful attacks Black Pit has although the attacks do not do as
much damage as the cannon missile.

Black Pit will initially stay on the ground and trade shots with you. Dash
close toward Black Pit and unleash melee combos on him for more damage. If
you fall off the main platform, there are three lower platforms you can
land on from which you can get back up to the main platform using jump
platforms. Keep trading shots and you will wear Black Pit down.

After some damage, Black Pit will use the power he gained from Pandora to fly
outside the area. Once airbone, Black Pit will gain more attacks such as a
dashing toward Pit and unleashing his special attack, raining arrows in a
given area. Pit can side dash to avoid the dash and has enough time to run
out of the red area Black Pit marks before unleashing his special attack.

Once Black Pit is airbone, you want to rely on shots from afar and melee 
combos after Black Pit's dash attacks. Try to keep Black Pit in your sights
by keeping your camera constantly on him as well. If you fall off the main
platform, get back on since this will be where Black Pit spends the majority
of the battle.

Obtain power [Quake Charge] and [Shoot through walls].

Chapter 7: The God within the Deep Sea


Pit will being in the desert. You will face mick, specknose, monoeyes, and
bugs in this area so fly around and try to avoid enemy attacks. 2 barrier
enemies also appear so shoot down their barriers or move to the sides so Pit
does not fly into them. After a while, Pit will fly into a series of panels
that he must dodge.

After getting to the sea, the sea parts so Pit can enter. We find out that
Posidon parted the seas for Pit and Pit flies into the deep sea. You will
face stars and komayto in the sea so move around to avoid lazers. The stars'
lazer attacks will often be on the bottom screen so stay in the top half and
avoid any incoming smoke attacks.

Entering the deep sea, you will face monoeyes and smoke monsters so kill them
and keep on flying. You will encounter a small wave of mini reapers so kill
them as well. As Pit flies, there will be coral reef you can destroy to avoid
getting damage. Near the end is some health for Pit to recover.

As you fly through the parted waves, monoeyes will appear on top of panels so
shoot them before they attack. You will also face an elephant so kill it
before it uses its arm attack on you or roll away at the last second. Pit
will have to face a group of monoeyes that appear behind the panels so shoot
them down and fly toward Altantis. As you approach, some enemies will appear
but not enough to bother you.


After Pit lands, he is immediately attacked by two enemies so collect the
food and run up the stairs to the next area. You will have to face 2 waves
of enemies. The first wave is 1 star and 2 wave enemies. The second wave is
2 pots spewing shemum and a shielded enemy. Shoot the vulnurable white part
of the shield enemy to defeat it and move to the next area once the barrier
is down.

We encounter 3 grind rails which we can switch among my moving Pit left and
right. There are electric barriers far ahead to choose the rails and switch
while traveling. Take one of left two to avoid the barrier, move left to
avoid the enemy, jump to the center to avoid the barrier. Try to get to the
red line to get to the chest at the end and the middle to go down the hole.

Down the hole, kill 4 smoke monsters and the gust monster to get the barrier
to go down. Try to avoid the holes from sucking you down and get to the next
area. Go up the elevator back to the first area. There is now a chest with a
[Blade]. There are 3 mick and a cannon here so kill them and take the new
path left.

This area is covered in ice, making it very slippery for Pit to walk on.
There are 3 skeletons that freeze Pit so avoid their ice beams. The first
can be dealt by doding. The other 2 are tougher but you can pick up a fire
attack emblem to increase your power. Go through the barrier to the next

You will be on an elevator. At the second floor, 2 handra fall down. Enter
the third floor and collect the food before entering the room. You face 2
waves of enemies here. The first wave is 2 skeletons and an exploding rock
so shoot the exploding rock to take out the skeletons and pick up the fire
emblem. The second wave is an ice chandalier so kill it with your fire
imbued attacks for the barrier to go down.

The next room has 2 chests. The first chest is a trap that attacks you. The
second chest is a trap that brings you one area down. Ignore the first chest
and drop down to the next area. The next room has an intensity gate level 4.

Intensity Gate Lv 4

In this gate is a chest guarded by 2 ice chadaliers and a green slug. The
chandaliers should be defeated with long range attacks from up the hill. The
green slug retailiates to long range attacks with a quick dash so use melee
attacks to kill it. The chest gives [Claws].


The next area has 2 smoke monsters and an electric barrier guarding hearts.
I recommend just running past the hearts through the door to the next area.

This room contains 2 waves of enemies. The first wave is an energy absorber
and 2 smoke monsters so take out the smoke monsters and shoot the energy
absorber until it unleashes an attack. Dodge the attack and fire until dead.
The second wave consists of shielded snakes so take them out and get on the
elevator up.

The platform takes us to a place where we need to dodge incoming platforms as
the platform takes us to our destination. Stay on the right and move left to
dodge the first and second platforms. Kill the handra on the stairs and take
the stairs up and jump back onto the platform. Take the stairs on the left
and kill the cannon. There is a star blocking a chest with hearts and meat.
Kill the cloud enemy and wait for another platform to arrive and jump to the

Avoid the light and get to the chest to get the power [Altas' Foot]. Go into
the light to the next area.

You will face 4 waves of enemies in this throne room. The first is a bunch
of Shemum. The second is a cannon and a totem pole. The third is a gust
monster and the green dash monster. The fourth is a skeleton, an ice
chandalier, and an oyster. Enemies will drop food occasionally so pick them
up for some health. At the end, the door at the end is unlocked. Pick up the
God Drink to refill health and enter the final room.

BOSS: Thanatos

-Skull-              Thanatos shoots a purple skull at Pit
-Poison Shot-        Thanatos shoots 4 small purple balls at Pit, inflicting
                     damage and poison
-Bat Smoke-          Thanatos fires a bat shaped smoke attack at Pit
-Divide-             Bat disintegrates into groups of smaller bats which
                     charge at Pit

Matryoshka doll
-Hit-                Thanatos jumps toward Pit to deal damage

Weakness: red jewel on main body

-White skull-        Thanatos in pot form tosses white skulls which explode
-Red Skull-          Thanatos in pot form tosses red skulls which explode and
                     deal damage and fire effect

Claymore and Spears
-Swing-              Thanatos in claymore form swings at Pit for damage

Thanatos is complicated because he takes many forms in this battle, each with
its own strategy. However, nearly all of Thanatos' attacks are single attacks
that can be avoided if you keep calm.

The first form has Thanatos can simply be hurt by shooting at its main body
as he shoots skulls and shots at Pit. Thanatos is not very good at dodging
and his attacks are relatively slow so dodging and melee comboing or shooting
from afar should be quite easy with this form. Side dash the skulls and shots
and Thanatos will change.

The second form has Thanatos turn into a bat. Although his main bat form is
vulnurable, Thanatos is faster and a smaller target to hit. Thanatos repeats
his attacks between his bat smoke attack and dividing into smaller bats.
During the second attack, Thanatos is invulnurable but can hit Pit so stop
attacking and dash away. Only attack Thanatos when he is in his main bat form
to deal damage.

The third form has Thanatos turn into a Matryoshka doll that jumps toward
Pit. Shooting the jewel will have the doll eventually open with Thanatos
being in the smaller doll although the bigger doll still continues to jump
toward Pit. Use ranged attacks focusing directly on the jewel to get Thanatos
to come out of the doll. Five statues are needed for Thanatos to come out.

The fourth form has Thanatos turn into a pot and tossing skulls at Pit. Pit
cannot bat the skulls back to damage Thanatos so have Pit constantly strafe
the pot and keep attacking until Thanatos changes form.

The fifth form has Thanatos turn into a claymore surrounded by six spears.
Due to the constant swinging by the spears and claymore, it is highly
recommended that Pit rely exclusively on ranged attacks rather than melee
combos to hurt Thanatos. After dealing enough damage, Thanatos will fall.

Obtain power [Super Speed]

Chapter 8: Star Ship of the Heavens


Pit will fly into the sky where he will face some monoeyes and smoke monsters.
After flying for a bit, Pit will encounter some panels guarding some monoeyes
so shoot them down and fly past the panels. Have Pit on the middle left or
right of the screen to safely fly past the panels.

Pit will encouter some more monoeyes, smoke monsters, and bugs as he flies
thorough the sky. Palutena will speed up Pit as he flies through the sky. Pit
will face 2 smoke monsters and 3 bugs that spin toward Pit for melee damage 
so shoot them from afar until Pit reaches space.

In space, Pit will face bombs so shoot the leader to cause the others to
explode instantly once the leader is killed. Pit will also face some micks
and monoeyes as he travels through space so keep an eye out for plasma shots.

After flying through some astroids, there will be 3 regiments of bombs coming
to attack Pit so identify the leader and focus on shooting it before the bombs
come too close to hurt Pit with their blasts. 

When Pit flies through the cave, shoot the clear enemy for a gun. There will
be some birds here so shoot them as they pass Pit. Near the end of the cave
will be recovery balls so collect them to refill health.

after exiting the cave, Pit will run into a crown fish so kill it after it
releases its enemies and attempts to flee. After flying a bit more in the
sky,a ship will emerge from the clouds. The ship will fly away so Pit will
give chase.

While flying toward the ship, there will be micks, monoeyes, and bombs that
appear toward Pit. Shoot the bombs from afar to avoid them from exploding to
close to Pit and watch out for plasma shots.

After dealing with the first couple waves of enemies, the next wave will be
of a flame skull and mini reaper. As Pit flies toward the ship, it will begin
firing lazers at Pit although they will rarely hit. Shoot the enemies and bugs
that appear in waves to attack Pit. After clearing the enemies, Pit will crash
into the ship to enter it.


After getting up, collect the food to recover health and go through the door.
There will be 4 melee enemies, 3 jumping down to engage Pit and on on the
top platform sniping him. After defeating the enemies, use the jump platforms
that appear to get to the top and go through the doorway.

In this alley is a bomb so shoot it when the melee enemy comes to get it
caught in the blast. GO forward and take out the other enemy guarding the
door. The next area has 2 melee enemies running up so whittle them down from
afar with ranged attacks or run to the corner and pick up the grenade. Walk
down the sprial and take out 2 snipers. Get to the bottom and there will be
2 melee enemies, a missile enemy, and another sniper. Kill them all for a
chest with a [Power] . Go through the door.

In the next area, there is 1 melee enemy and 1 sniper. Kill both for the
barrier to go down. Go across to the next area where you face 1 sniper, 1
missile enemy, and 1 melee that drops down later. There is a grenade to the
right to use. Kill all three for the barrier to go down and go to the next

Take the elevator up. When you reach the top, 2 melee enemies wait for you so
be prepared for them. Go down the hall and kill the sniper and crown fish.
There is an intensity gate lv 6 to your right. Go through the door straight

Intensity Gate Lv. 6


The next area will be filled with large yellow balls. Kill the melee enemy
here and go straight. There is another melee enemu and a ice skeleton so kill
both and proceed up the jump platform. You will run into a mick and 2 monoeyes
so kill them. Kill the cannon far ahead and the elephant and use the jump
platform to go up. Kill the enemy daphne up ahead and go through the door.

You will face a cannon and a armored soldier in this room. Kill the cannon
quickly so you can focus on the armored soldier. The soldier is invulnurable
to Pit's attacks but Pit can bat his attack back at the soldier. The soldier
launches the floating eye at Pit at a slow pace so use melee attacks to bat
it back for damage. Go through the door to the next area.

On this space walkway, go forward. There will be a barrier enemy and 2 daphne
so kill them and proceed left to the door.

In the next room, go along the corridor and kill the melee enemy. Hit the
switch with a melee attack to open the door. Hit both switches and kill the
melee and missile enemies that appear and go through the big door. In the
next room, hit the switch on the right alcove, then run around to the left
alcove and hit the switch to open the door. One of the chests in the lower
alcove has treasure but the rest are traps that can hurt Pit. Go through the
door and go through the front door for a hot spring. Kill the enemy inside
and refill your health, then turn right and go through the doors.

There is a poison gust monster and a sniper behind him so eliminate the
monster infront and forward dash toward the sniper to take him out before he
does significant damage to Pit. Walk along the path and eliminate the oyster
up ahead. Drop onto the lower walkway and run forward. The crown fish will
drop a monster so kill the fish. The brute monster will attack the snipers
guarding the doorway and fall down so kill any survivors and go through the

The next section will have a grind rail. Get on it and travel to the next
area. 2 Monoeyes and a mick appear so eliminate them as Pit gets close. There
will be another wave of monoeye and mick as Pit travels further.

Once Pit gets off the rail, there will be a fight with 2 waves. The fight
wave consists of a spinning turtle, 2 missile enemies, and a crown fish. The
second wave is an armored solider, 2 stars, 1 monoeye, and 1 mick. After
defeating the waves, 2 doorways will appear, one with a brute and one
previously with a barrier.

Go through the doorway with the brute and run past him as he deals with the
2 snipers in the room. Go into the door and collect the God Drink to refill
your health. Go on the platform up.

BOSS: Kraken

Phase 1
-Slam- the tentacles slam the platform to hit Pit

Weakness: Tenctacles

Phase 2
-Water Breath- the karken shoots a stream of water from right to left
-Water- the Kraken shoots water straight in front of its face
-Plasma Shot- The kraken launches 3 plasma shots from right to left

Weakness: Head

The first phase will consist of 4 tentacles around the platform that Pit must
eliminate. The tentacles are not touching the platform so Pit must use ranged
attacks to hit the tentacles. After the tentacles slam the platform, they
will rest on the platform for a bit so use that opportunity to unleash a melee
combo. Each tentacle with flash when they are killed.

After all 4 tentacles are defeated, Kraken itself appears. Shoot the face to
deal damage as it attacks. The water breath sweeps the area and has long
range so side-dash through the attack. The water attack that follows has wide
range but targets the front of the kraken only so side-dash to the left or
right and keep shooting. The plasma shots are pretty easy to dodge. If you
constantly shoot the Kraken, it should go down soon.

Chapter 9: Final battle: Medusa!


Pit equips the Goddess equipment and flies into battle. Since you will be
using Paletuna's bow, your attacks will have strong power and significant
range. A charged shot should be enough to one-shot most enemies in the air
and the range will allow you to kill most enemies even at the end of the sky.

Immediately jumping out, Pit will be assaulted with monoeyes and stars. Shoot
them down. Pit will then encounter some stars and a smoke monster so shoot
them both down.

Pit will then dive down into a crevice in the mountain. There will be birds
that leave smoke in their wake so shoot them down as Pit dives down. Shoot
the bats in the cave. Collect the 4 recovery balls to recover some health.

Pit will then fly through a tunnel. There will be mick and monoeyes so shoot
them down. There is also some flame skulls so shoot them from afar with Pit's
new bow. Pit will fly through the eye at the end.

Back outside, shoot the monoeyes, mick, and stars. Some mini-reapers will also
appear so shoot them down. As you shoot past waves of enemies, Pit will face
off with 3 shields and some stars. Unfortunately, the enemies do not appear
out of their shields so Pit cannot damage them. Black Pit flies in to take out
the enemies for us.

Pit will fly through the land. More enemies will appear so shoot them down.
Pit will scale up the wall and come face to face with Medusa. She will summon
her warrior to fight Pit.

Mini-BOSS: Guardian

-Plasma Shot- the Guardian shoots 3 plasma shots at Pit
-Scatter Shot- the Guardian wil shoot small yellow shots from its left
               shoulder at Pit
-Dash- the Guardian will dash off screen and will dash across to hit Pit
-Barrier- the Guardian creates a green barrier

This mini-boss battle is not too tough since this is more of a survival fight
rather than a fight to kill the boss. The boss has thick armor that guards
its vulnurable areas so although you can inflict some damage, most of the
battle will be of Pit dodging in circles after the boss opens its wings to
fire plasma shots at Pit.

The boss will open its sides and launch 3 plasma shots from both shoulders to
hit Pit. Circle around to avoid the attack and keep shooting the boss at its
shoulders. After several waves, Black Pit will come in with a flying kick to
knock the boss out.

Black Pit comes in and ends the battle for us. Pit will fly into the castle
to face Medusa alone.


NOTE: The Palutena Bow Pit uses in this level has special shots for each.

Charge shot        Large Arrow
shot               Shoots many small arrows
Fwd shot           One large arrow followed by many small arrows
Side shot          Pit shoots 3 arrows rapidly
Back Shot          Pit shoots two arrows that hit the enemy from behind

Attack             3 hit combo
Fwd Attack         Spinning attack

The melee attacks deal more DPS than the ranged attacks so try to use melee
combos as much as possible against enemies.

Enter the temple. The first room has three seperate corridors to go through
before you reach Medusa. Go through the left hall first.

Go straight and destory the 3 mick that arrive. Walk to the right of the
street to walk past the crack in the floor. Jump down to the lower street on
the right and shoot the soldier here. Run to the jump platform and shoot the
oyster enemy here. Take the jump platforms to the next area.

Get on the float ring here. Pit will have to face 3 waves of enemies. The
first wave is a totem pole enemy and 2 stars. The second wave is a spike bomb
and 12 shemum, appearing in waves of 4. The third wave is 5 armored red
shemum. Exit the area once the enemies are defeated. Go down the hole with
the float ring.

In the sewer is two stars. Use the float ring to float along the platforms to
get to the chest on the far right for food and some hearts. Get out of the
ring and use the jump platform to go up to the next area.

Pit will face 2 monoeyes, 2 cannons, and 2 soldiers. Kill them for the door
to open and a God Drink to appear. Collect the God Drink to refill health and
go through the door.

Mini-BOSS: Hewdraw

Beam-Hewdraw shoots multiple small beams that home on Pit
Bomb-Hewdraw launches an orange bomb in the air while underwater

A repeat of the first battle with the single headed hewdraw. The hewdraw does
not launch missiles as often but his beam attack is a little different and
spreads a little wider. Side-dodge the missile and shoot the orange bombs in
the air when the hewdraw goes underwater to drive it out.

Once the hewdraw is out on land, use melee combos to deal damage and keep
shooting it when it dives back into the water. After a while, the hewdraw
will fall.

Pit will return back to the first room. Refill your health with the hot
spring in the center of the room and go through the center door.

Pit will fall into a seemingly enclosed room. The yellow spikes far ahead are
a mirage so run through them. Avoid the box and shoot the 2 stars far ahead
and run to the left and on the light spot.

The room will flip. Shoot the solider and bird on your left. Shoot the bird
on the right and the solider far ahead before stepping on the light spot.

Another flip. Kill the 2 stars in front of Pit and go through the door. There
is a solider across and a big monoeye so step on the light spot.

Run to the left and walk along the platform shooting the enemies here. After
they are cleared, run into the yellow spikes to find a light spot. Step on it
to flip.

Run forward and melee the glowing box to create another light spot. Go back to
the previous light spot.

There will be a reaper and a large skull. Ignore them and run to the new light
spot in front of Pit.

Run to the right and use the jump platforms to get to the chest for a [Panel]
Use the jump platforms to get back to the door and go through. Collect the
food to recover health and get on the gigas. Go through the door.

In this fight, Pit will be in a elevated platform. Pit will have to face 2
waves of enemies. The first wave consists of several newts, stars, and bugs
that drop in as previous ones are defeated. The second wave is 1 ice skeleton
and 1 enemy. Kill them for a God Drink to appear and a path to the door. Get
the drink to recover health and go through the door.

Mini-BOSS: Pandora

Wave- Pandora launches 2 waves at Pit
Fireball- Pandora launches 6 blue fireballs at Pit
Bomb- Pandora drops 3 bombs at Pit
Dash- Pandora goes underground and rises up to hit Pit

Pandora is a repeat of the last fight. Pandora's attacks are the same, using
waves, fireballs, and dashs to hit Pit. Pandora will also drop bombs more

The best way to fight Pandora is to use the bombs against her repeatedly by
attacking them with melee combos as they drop. Regardless of where Pit faces,
the bombs will be launched at Pandora so quickly attack the bombs with melee
attacks to drain Pandora's health down. Use some ranged attacks to kill it

One last mini-boss to defeat. Go through the right door after refilling your

Run forward to see a pot enemy and a dragon. Kill or ignore both and run to
the next section. There is a reaper, a newt, and a bug as well as a chest.
Ignore the enemies and open the chest for a power up, then run to the wooden
gate to the top right of the area.

In this allyway, a brute appears to fight Pit. Run forward and pick up the
thunder power and use it on the brute as it comes toward Pit. Shoot from afar
and use melee combos when the brute is in close range to kill it. Collect the
food it drops and go through the gate to the next area.

Run forward and kill the lazer enemy here. Run forward and there is another
2 lazer enemies. Shoot them both down and run up the stairs. There is another
lazer enemy and 2 stars so shoot them down and get on the beetle. Drive up
the stairs and kill the 3 soliders and 1 cannon on the stairs. Drive to the
next area.

In this area, Pit must fight 1 brute and 2 soldiers. Use the beetle's guns to
take down the enemies with ease. Defeat the enemies for the barrier to go down
and a God Drink to appear. Take the drink for health and enter the next area.

Mini-BOSS: Twin-Bellows

Claw- Twin Bellows slashes in front of him to deal damage
Fireball- Twin Bellows launches 3 fireballs at Pit
Fire breath- Twin Bellows blows a stream of fire across the arena
Slide- Twin Bellows slides its body along the ground toward Pit
Roar- Twin Bellows roars, inflicting Pit with fire status

Twin Bellows is a repeat of his last fight except there is a grenade in the
area to speed up the battle. Use the grenade quickly to deal some quick
damage so you can being attacking with your regular attacks.

Twin Bellows attacks are the same although he has one new attack, flame breath
where twin bellows launches a stream of fire which he breaths from right to
left. Side-dash dodge through the flames to avoid damage and keep using ranged
attacks to take it down. Don't be too worried about health since you will
return to the springs after this fight.

Back in the center room, pick up the God Drink to recover health and run back
through the doors behind Pit to enter the final section of the level.

The first area has 3 waves of enemies for Pit to defeat. The first wave is 2
flying cannon and 1 armored soldier. The second wave is some shemum and 1
lazer enemy. The third wave is a soldier and 1 heavy armor. Bat the bullet
back at the armored soldier in the first wave and side-dash behind the heavy
armor to defeat it. Go through the door to the next area.

In this path, go straight and take the left past the fire to the chest and
collect speed boots. Run back to the left and run to the right in the split
path through the door to the next area. In this area, run through the flames
and take a right through the big twin doors to the next area.

In this room, Pit will need to fight 3 cannons and 1 heavy armor. After the
enemies are defeated, go through the door to the next room.

In this room, Pit will have to fight 3 waves of enemies. The first wave is 1
plum wizard and 1 cannon. The second wave is 1 heavy armor. The third wave is
1 brute. Kill the enemies and focus on melee attacks. Collect the food and go
through the door once the barrier goes down.

In this next area, take the grind rail. 2 smoke monsters and 2 monoeye appear
alongside Pit followed by 1 mick so shoot them down. Pit will jump to the
next grind rail. There will be 1 shield enemy followed by 3 monoeyes so shoot
them down. Get off and get on the platform.

Go to the next grind rail and get to the other side. Take out the specknose
that appears. At the end of the rail, run past the lazer enemy and shoot down
the soldiers on the other side. Get on the rail again. On the other side,
shoot down the 2 shield enemies and go through the door.

In the next room, touch the button on the floor. Turn right and walk between
the two red torches to the next platform. Drop down the top right corner and
follow the trail to the door. Shoot the monoeye that is flying around here
and go through the door.

In this area, there is a red crystal so shoot at it. Pit will need to kill a
plum wizard and a reaper in this room but if he shoots the crystal enough, it
will explode and engulf the enemies, clearing the room quickly. Go up the
stairs to the next room.

Step on the button in this room for the platforms of torches to appear. The
green torches are where Pit can leap by dashing. Follow the first path and
kill the monoeyes here to get to the platform with the chest. The chest is
a trap so ignore it and jump on the first platform. Kill the 2 monoeyes and
the soldier here and take the left platform and go along the path to the main

Pit will need to kill a tempura wizard and 1 shield on this platform. After
they are defeated, drop down and go through the door to the next area.

Kill the 3 monoeyes here for a light path to appear to the next platform. The
next platform has 2 mick and 1 star so kill for the next path to appear. The
third platform has 3 bugs so kill them for the platform to appear. The final
platform has a plum wizard and a glowing skull, followed by a 2 part skeleton.
Kill them for the final light path to appear and have Pit walk up the stairs
to the door. Pick up the God Drink to recover health and go through the door.

BOSS: Medusa

Phase 1
-Eye Shot- Medusa shoots an eye shaped projectile which homes on Pit
-Plasma Bomb- Medusa launches 2 plasma bombs at Pit which stay on screen

Weakness: Body

Phase 2
-Projectile- Medusa shoots projectiles from her eye at Pit

Weakness: Body

Phase 3
-Projectile- Medusa's hair shoots a projectile at Pit
-Beam- Medusa's head shoots a constant purple beam from her mouth
-Plasma Ball- Medusa's head launches purple projectiles to home in on Pit

Weakness: Head

The first phase will have Medusa toss Pit away. Circle around to avoid the
green projectiles. As Pit flies forward, Medusa tosses a lazer square whose
lines extend so move through the spaces. This is followed by a pentagon so
repeat. Debris will then fall toward Pit so shoot them down as Pit flies
toward Medusa.

The second phase will consist of Medusa shooting 2 plasma bombs at Pit which
surround him, followed by an eye shot. The plasma bombs will move toward Pit
and stay on screen and touching them will cause them to explode. After the
attack, Medusa will teleport to another section of the arena and shoot
another two bombs, causing the previous two to disappear and shoots another
eye shot. Have Pit stay between the bombs and shoot Medusa to continue to
the next phase.

Palutena will restrict Medusa's movements. This time, Medusa will shoot
projectiles from her eye that will chase Pit so move in a slow circle while
shooting Medusa to stay ahead of the projectiles and continue to deal damage
to Medusa. After, Medusa will clutch her face and reveal her form.

Medusa in her one-eyed form will detach her head to chase Pit. Circle around
to dodge the projectiles and stay in the upper half ot eh screen to avoid the
mouth beam. Keep shooting and Medusa's head will fall, returning back to the
body with Medusa clutching her eye. Shoot her again to finish the battle.

So you beat the game. Short game, only 9 stages, what a rip off...wait, its
not over yet. Hades comes in and breaks the rolling credits, telling us that
this battle is far from over.

Chapter 10: Wishing Seed

Pit will be back to his normal self with the weapon you equiped for this
stage and will not have Palutena's bow. You will face stars, monoeyes, and
micks so repeat your circling. After Pit dives, you will be in a volcanic
area with lava shooting out from the ground. In this area, there will also be
flame enemies that shoot fireballs at Pit so move around to avoid getting

After defeating some monoeyes and stars, Pit will dive near the ground. After
flying a bit, 3 fire slime will fly out of the sprouting lava. Move left and
right to avoid the lava and shoot the stars, birds, and slime that appear.

After 3 lava spouts, Pit will face some bugs and 3 handra. Shoot them down as
Pit passes the next lava spout. Pit will fly through a hole in the stone to
the other side. Inside the cave, shoot the boomerang enemy and the fire
dragon in here. Pit will then face some birds and bombs so shoot them down as
Pit flies by.

Pit will exit the cave into a lava ocean. Shoot the mick here and stay to the
right to avoid the lava that leaps from the ocean. Move right to avoid the
first two streams and left to avoid the third and keep shooting the monoeye
and mick that appear.

Pit will fly through some stone arches so shoot the monoeyes and micks down
here. Pit will fly up and into a crevice in the ocean. Collect the 4 recovery
balls to recover some health. Move left and then right to avoid the streams
moving around, then down and up to avoid the next two streams. Pit will then
be given a choice to go one of two paths: the caves or the ocean

The Caves:

Pit will fly through a small cave entrace filled with enemies so shoot and
move around in a small circle to avoid damage. Pit will exit into a large
area with parachute enemies so shoot them down. Stay to the top right of the
screen to avoid the lava shooting out of the side and the river falling on
the left.

Pit will enter another hole but will be blocked from exiting. There will be
a large lava slime and 1 mick so shoot them down. Another 4 monoeyes and 2
mick appear so shoot them and Pit will fly through another hole. As Pit
leaves, lava fills the hole. 2 mick will pass Pit and when he turns, there
is a bird up ahead.

Once Pit exits the cave, shoot the 5 monoeye flying. Shoot the 2 birds that
appear and Pit will fly toward the area he needs to go to.

The Ocean:


Collect the food on Pit's right and shoot the lava slime in front. Kill the
rock throwing enemy up ahead and go along the thin path left. Kill the
hectross hiding underground, take the poison bomb, and go through the door.

In this area, Pit will need to kill 2 waves of enemies. The first wave has 2
lava slime. The second wave has 2 rock throwers and 1 spinning turtle. Kill
the enemies for the barrier to drop.

In the next area, kill the gust monster here and go up the stairs to get on
the beetle. Ride it down the stairs and kill the 3 soldiers below. Turn right
to meet 4 dogs and a star. Kill them and use a boost on the jump ramp on the
left to jump across. Boost across 2 more gaps with wave enemies to get to a
chest. Drop down.

Kill the brute here for a [Panel]. Continue on the path on the right and kill
the 2 dogs and monoeye up ahead. Kill the wave monster and 3 mick up ahead
and drive along the path. Kill the 2 stars at the end and use the jump
platform to get to the next area.

In this room, kill there are 3 bombs. Kill the bomb on the furthest right for
the other 2 to explode. Collect the food and use the jump platform to go up.
On the upper platform, climb the stairs to see another 3 bombs. Kill the
leader for the other 2 to go off and melee the blue box for the platform to
fall. Go on the new path through the door.

In this next room are 2 pakuchi (poison bombs) and 2 rock throwers. Kill them
and go through the door on the left.

Kill the gust monster and the boomerang monster here and open the chest for
a grenade. Use the jump platform up and use the grenade on the enemies to the
right. Run past the box and follow the path to the rising circle platform. Go
up. Kill the pakupaku here and follow the path. Run past the jump platform
and kill the hectross and gust monster here. Turn left and jump the gap to get
to the chest with a [Palm]. Turn back and walk up the hill. Open the chest on
the right for a [Claws]. Collect the powerup and walk through the lava. Kill
the blue spike and go on the platform up and through the door.

In the next room, go left and kill the heavy armor. Go to the top to collect
some food. Go down the cliff and run past the box. Before going into the door,
take the left path and dash the gap to get a centurion. A boomerang enemy, 1
monoeye, and a rock thrower appear so kill them and go through the door.

In the next area, kill the monoeye here and run along the path right. Run
past the 3 pakupaku and up to see another 4 monoeye. Shoot them down and jump
the platforms. Kill the 2 birds ahead and collect the food to recover some
health. Jump the platforms to the door. The second to last platform has a blue
spike so kill it and jump to the door.

In this room are 3 soldiers and 2 pakupaku. Kill them and go through to the
next room.

In the next room is a tempura wizard and a heavy armor. Kill both to lower
the barriers to the intensity gate lv 4 and the next room.

Intensity Gate Lv. 4

Go inside and kill the hectross hiding in the ground. Run past the box into
the hot spring to recover health. Run past the box back to the exit.

In the next room are 2 wave enemies and a blue spike. Kill them and walk up
the platform to face a solider and a rock thrower. Kill them and destory any
rocks that block the path from a distance since they explode. Collect the
God Drink on the right to recover health and enter the area.

BOSS: Phoenix

-Sweep- The phoneix turns into fire and sweeps the arena to hit Pit
-Wave- Phoenix pounds the ground to emit 3 waves
-Fireball- Phoenix shoots 3 fireballs at Pit
-Fire rock- Phoenix throws 3 fire rocks at Pit
-Feather- Phoenix shoots 3 feathers at Pit.

Weakness: Phoenix

This is a pretty tough battle due to the difficulty in dodging phoenix's
sweep attack and the relativly high damage each attack does due to the
additional fire burn.

Phoenix will use 4 attacks in a cycle. First, Phoenix will stomp the ground
to emit 3 waves. Run in between the waves to avoid damage. Phoenix will then
turn into flames and sweep the area. Use the jump platform in the area so Pit
will jump over the bird as it flies over the area. In the air, Phoenix will
fire 3 fireballs at Pit, followed quickly by 3 fire rocks. Side dash to avoid
these attacks and use ranged attacks to hit Phoenix.

Pit will need to rely on ranged attacks for most of this fight due to the
fact that Phoenix is airborne for most of the fight. Pit will be able to
deal some melee combos when Phoenix falls to the ground but a strong ranged
weapon would be best for this fight.

Chapter 11: Vindi, Goddess of Nature


Pit will fly out into a battlefield. Shoot the 4 monoeye and 3 mini reapers
in the first wave and shoot another 3 monoeye and mini reapers that follow.
Most of the enemies Pit will face with be monoeyes and mini reapers flying
around with the occasional bird.

After flying above the crowd, Pit will face 2 mick, followed by 4 birds. Keep
shooting down enemies and eventually, a huge comets crashes into the town.
Vindi, the Goddess of Nature appears and Pit will fly to examine the new
crater. 7 Acorn enemies appear so shoot them down.

As Pit flies to the crater, he will face 2 blue bombs, followed by 3 electric
field enemies. Keep shooting down enemies at Pit gets closer to the comet. On
the surface, Pit will see some acorns so shoot them down. Pit will then fly
into a hole in the comet.

Inside the comet will be some enemies, followed by a skeleton fish. Shoot the
enemies down for Pit to progress. There will be multiple log cannons on the
ground so shoot them down at Pit looks around. After Pit flies through the
hole, collect the 3 recovery balls that appear.

Shoot down the parachute enemies here and the acorns that fly around. Pit
will fly slowly toward a big area so keep shooting the enemies that appear.
As Pit flies toward the area, 4 blue bombs will appear, followed by several
acorns, and ending in 2 birds shooting from far range. Shoot down the blue
bombs and any projectiles and try to avoid the bird's attacks until they are
wiling range. Vindi will then shoot a beam, causing Pit to fall to the ground.


Pick up the food to the left and go down the pathway. Kill the 3 acorns here
and turn left. Shoot the log cannon here and free the trapped man by shooting
the branch. Follow the path right and shoot down the log cannon. Kill the
melee enemy here for the branches to disappear and go to the next area.

Walk off the cliff to the lower platform and kill the 3 acorns. Run forward
and eliminate the other 3 acorns up ahead. Turn left and kill the log cannon.
2 hook enemies will appear so shoot them down and free the man on the left.
Go through the hole on the other side.

Down the hall will be 2 acorns and an electric barrier enemy. Eliminate them
and use a melee attack to cut down the brown branches on the wall to the
left. Kill the log cannon and electric barrier inside and continue down the
path to the next area.

In this area are 2 vines and 2 blue bombs. Use the grenade on the enemies and
eliminate the survivors. There are two paths Pit can take. Go down the path
with the chest at the end and open it for [Claws]. A melee enemy will appear
so shoot it down. Take the jump platform up. Pit will be on some branches
with two log cannons ahead of him so shoot them down and take the jump
platforms to the next area.

Walk to the platform to find a lazer flower, a bird, and 2 acorns. Eliminate
them and walk up the wooden platform on the left and across. Free the man
and eliminate the hook enemy that appears. Take the jump platform up. There
will be an electric barrier enemy and another so kill them and take the jump
platform up. Go forward on the right past the spiky log on the side and
eliminate the blue bomb up ahead. An electric barrier enemy will appear
behind Pit. Continue forward to the next area.

There will be a grind rail. Up ahead are 2 electric barriers, followed by 2
acorns, followed by a log cannon. After Pit gets off, a lazer flower appears
so kill it and take the jump platform up.

Go left and kill the hook enemy and open the chest for a [Power]. A melee
enemy will run up to Pit and hit him and run off. Continue right, free the
man, and take the grind rail. Kill the log cannon and 2 acorns up ahead.

The next area has a float ring. Shoot the 2 acorns ahead and continue down
the path. Shoot down the electric barriers and acorns as Pit goes down the
path. At the bottom, eliminate the 2 acrons and huge enemy here and go left.
If Pit's ring it destroyed, and go into the tree and up the jump platform to
the left to find another ring. Go to the right before the jump platform to
find another chest with a [Staff]. Kill the 2 flowers here by shooting the
exploding rock. Then, go back, use the jump platform to go up to the next

In this area, shoot the hook enemy up ahead and drop down in a huge hot
spring. Kill the vine and acorn here and recover Pit's health back to full.
Open the chest for a grenade and use the jump platform to go up.

This next area is a little complicated due to the multiple paths Pit can
take, although there is no treasure in alternate paths. The easiest path to
collect everything is to simply take the jump platform up, kill the 2 enemies,
take the next jump platform. Run right under the arch. Free the trapped man
for some enemies to appear. Pit will need to defeat 2 waves. The first wave
is 1 acorn and 1 hook enemy. The second wave of 1 eletric  barrier and 1
melee monster. Shoot the monster with ranged attacks when it is red and
attack with melee combos when it is green. Open the chest for a [Panel].

Exit the area and go right to the main platform and kill the skeleton fish
and electric barrier here. Collect the food to the left and go under the arch.
Pit will need to face 3 waves of enemies. The first wave is a melee monster.
The second wave is 1 electric barrier, 1 acorn, and 1 hook enemy. The third
wave is 2 birds and 1 giant enemy. Defeat them for the barrier to go down and
take the jump platform to the next area. Collect the God Drink on the right
of the entrance and enter the arena to face the boss.

BOSS: Oram Rock

-Wave- the rock pounds the ground, emitting 3 waves
-Rock Toss- the rock tosses a projectile at Pit
-Stomp- the rock flies in the air toward Pit and lands down
-Dash- the rock spin-dashes forward at Pit
-Roll- the rock rolls toward Pit
-Arm- the rck swings its right arm, ending with its back to Pit
-Rock Barrier- the rock rasies several exploding rocks around it in a barrier,
               shooting them outward

Weakness: Red hole on the back

This battle is quite easy to beat but difficult to defeat quickly due to the
rock's constant side-stepping to face Pit, making this fight strongly geared
toward the melee fighter.

The rock is a slow enemy but durable, always facing Pit. Its attacks are
easily avoidable. The waves can be avoided with side dodges to keep Pit
between the 3 waves. The projectile tossed can be shot down. When the rock
flies toward Pit, dash to the forward to avoid the stomp and to get a shot at
the rock's back. The spin dash and roll are similar attacks that can be
avoided with a side dash.

The rock barrier is a sort of desperation room for the rock, only unleashing
when the rock has sustained enough damage. The barrier is impenetrable to
attacks and its outward burst can hurt enemies. It is in Pit's best interest
to dash away and side dash as the boulders are shot out.

The rock's weak point will rarely be exposed during the battle since it is
difficult to get to the rock's back. The rock also has a weak point on its
arm but will not use its arm attack often. If Pit is using ranged attacks, he
should continuously shoot the rock's face to deal damage. If Pit is using
melee combos, Pit can side dash around the rock to get to his back. Ensure
that the rock is standing to allow Pit to side dash around the rock.

Chapter 12: Fear of the Bomb


Pit will fly out and immediately face several birds, monoeyes, and komayto.
Luckily, their attention is drawn away from Pit due to the fact that Hades
and Vindi are also fighting each other. After the initial wave of enemies,
Pit will wave a wave enemy, 2 monoeyes, and a crown fish, followed by 4 acorns
but their attention is diverted away from Pit so attack for hearts.

After, 3 acorns and 3 monoeyes appear to attack Pit, followed by 2 birds.
After flying over the first lake, Pit will face some mick and parachute
enemies fighting each other and Pit so shoot them down. The second wave will
be some acorns, followed by mick and parachute enemies. Pit will see the
falling comet from a distance and fly toward it.

While flying past the rocks, acorns and blue bombs will attack so shoot them
down when they are in range. Be careful of the rocks although it is unlikely
Pit will run into any of them. After the rock field, Pit will face some stars
that form lines of lazers so shoot them down and Pit will fly into the sky.

The comet will fall close so Pit will have to try to destroy it. While Pit
flies around the comet, he must shoot off the cover to expose the comet's
core. Shoot the 5 green ovals down for the comet's cover to come off, then
focus fire on the orange oval inside to destroy the comet. While attempting
to destroy the comet, acorns and birds will come to disrupt Pit so either
choose to avoid their attacks and focus on the ovals or kill them depending
on the strength of Pit's weapon (stronger weapons can break the ovals and
kill enemies quicker).

After the core falls, 2 birds pass Pit so shoot them down and fly to the left
to collect 4 recovery balls. As Pit flies into the next area, he will face a
circle formation of 5 acorns and lazers will shoot at Pit from afar. There is
nothing Pit can do about the lazers so focus on shooting down the acorns as
Pit closes in. The acorns will be replaced by stars.

Pit will fly above the land and into a corridor on the side. Pit will fly in
the corridor and face 3 birds. Pit will then fly through a tunnel and land.


Pick up the food in front to recover health. Walk along the path and Pit will
encounter 3 acorns. Continue along the path onto the area with the statue.
Pit will have to face 2 waves of enemies here. The first wave is a rolling
bomb. The second wave is a roling bomb and an electric barrier. Kill the
enemies and go through the barrier to the next area.

In the next area, get on the gigas and either jump or walk up the platforms
to continue along the path. Pit will encounter a log cannon and an acorn so
shoot them down with the gigas. Jump the gap to get to the third platform for
some hearts.

Fall off the platform to the lower arena. Here, Pit will have to kill 2
soliders, 2 melee trees, a cannon, a electric barrier, and a crown fish. Kill
the enemies for the barrier to go down. Get out of the gigas and take the
jump platform to the next area.

In this corridor are parts of a wall. Go forward to see a lazer flower. The
flower's lazer has huge horizontal reach so stay behind the wall and shoot
the flower when it stops shooting. There is another 2 flowers up ahead so use
the wall for cover. Be careful not to shoot the wall since Pit can also
destroy the wall and lose his cover in the process. After the 2 flowers, Pit
will face 2 lazer flowers together. Run up and shoot the pink egg to cause it
to explode and take out the 2 flowers and continue on. Pit will encounter
another but will a wall in front of the bomb so destroy the wall and then the
bomb to kill the flowers.

At the end of the path is a mud enemy. Shoot it down 3 times and the mud enemy
will be destroyed, allowing Pit to continue forward. Continue onto the yellow
path but turn left for some food. On the next path is a log cannon fighting
2 handra so destory all 3 and continue forward.

The next path has an electric fence running through the middle. Go down the
left side since there is an enemy on the right and go to the center platform.
3 spiders and a crab will enter so kill them and continue along the path. An
acorn will appear along the path.

When you get to the center platform, a rolling bomb will appear as well as a
cannon log on the very right path and a crab. Kill them and take the very
right path to get to center platform. Collect the [Power] if you wish but go
to the left path to the next area and go through the gate.

Pit will have to face 3 waves of enemies here. The first wave is 2 soldiers
and a log enemy. The second wave is 2 soliders. The third wave is a fire
wizard. Go through the door and go on the blue platform down.

Go along the blue path on the right. Pit will run into 2 monoeyes fighting
an acorn so kill all three and continue on. Take the left blue path and dash
over the gaps. Eliminate the log cannon and pick up the grenade. Activate the
trap chest and kill it with ranged attacks and the grenade for the chest to
drop a [Club]. Jump back and eliminate the new enemies on the platforms.

Take the right path down. Pit will run into a crab and a log cannon. Continue
down the path and Pit will see a daphne and a hook enemy fight each other.
Let the daphne kill the hook and kill the daphne and go to the end and up the
jump platform. Pit will have to face a log cannon, a mushroom enemy, and a
dasher so kill all 3 for the barrier to go down.

Go along the path but take the jump platform on the right. Open the chest for
some hearts and kill the mud enemy for a chest containing a [Power]. Take the
jump platform to go back. Continue along the left path down and dash the two
gaps for Pit to land on a jump platform and a grind rail.

On the platform at the end, Pit will have to face a rolling snail and 2 crabs.
Kill them both to bring the barrier down. Run to the other end and get on the
jump platform. The next platform has a electric barrier and 4 rolling bombs
so shoot the pink egg to eliminate 2. Kill the enemies for a chest containing
a [Jump Platform]. Use the platform to jump for some hearts and take the newly
appeared jump platform to the next area.

Kill the water lobber and the electric barrier here and continue along the
blue path. Run past the entrance to the very left for a jump platform to a
higher platform. There is a swinging platform so walk along it to the other
side. There is an electric barrier that appears so shoot it down. Open the
chest at the end for a God Drink and take the jump platform back.

Run to the right and turn left into the entrace. A skeleton fish emerges from
the other side so shoot it down. Exit to the other side. There is a bomb next
to a log cannon and a water lobber so shoot it to kill both. 3 monoeyes and
a log appear so use the grenades at the very right to kill them. After, a
platform appears over the previously empty hole. Before going on the platform
however, go right and down the platform on to get to a cave. Inside the cave
is a light so go in it and collect the [Palm]. Exit and go back up the
platform and take the new platform to the next area.

Go through the door to exit to the outside. Go to the left and get in the
gigas. Pit will have to fight a couple waves of enemies here. The first wave
is 2 acorns and a water lobber. The second wave is another 4 acorns, 1 water
lobber, and 1 electric barrier. The third wave is a dasher, 2 spiders, a melee
tree, and a log. After the enemies are defeated, take the gigas out along the
yellow path.

Pit will face a lazer flower and 2 acorns. Shoot them down and get out of the
gigas to collect the food. Go into the next area to fight 2 birds followed by
a rolling snail, a skeleton fish, and a fire wizard. Get out of the gigas and
go through the door and onto the blue platform down.

Once Pit gets to the bottom floor, collect the God Drink on the left to
recover Pit's health and go through the door to face the boss.

BOSS: Oram Core

-Shield- the core ups un an invulnurable shield

-Shoot- the guard shoots a plasma shot at Pit
-Melee- the guard swings at Pit

Weakness: Core (shield down)

This is an interesting boss battle in that the boss itself does no damage to
Pit and it is the enemies in the area that attack Pit rather than the boss
itself. Furthermore, the boss raises its shields to make itself invulnurable
to Pit's attacks.

To gain access to the core itself to deal damage, Pit will need to attack
the green minions in the area. There are 4 guards in the area that swarm Pit
so fight them as you usually would. When Pit kills a guard, it will fly into
the air and down the hole where the core its held above and explode, lowering
the shield in the process and exposing the core.

When the core is down, Pit should redirect all his firepower on the core
since the shield does not stay down for long and the minions respawn
indefininately. After some damage, the shields will go back up so repeat
killing another minion to lower the shields, attack with forward dash and
side dash attacks to shoot stronger shots quicker, and the core will fall.

Gain power [Confuse]

Chapter 13: The Lunar Sanctum


Pit will fly out and meet 2 waves of 3 acorn. Pit will then meet 3 squid. The
next 2 waves of 3 acorn are together so they can be defeated with a single
charged shot. Pit will see two moons in the sky and will fly to one which
will being to open up.

The moon will shoot lazers at Pit. The lazers will not hit so ignore them and
focus on eliminating the 6 acorns that appear. Multiple lazers will shoot from
the moon but focus on the parachutes, birds, and acorns that appear and circle
around to avoid the homing blue ball coming toward Pit.

After a while, red and green lazers will being shooting from the moon. These
lazers can hit Pit but are unlikely too. After defeating a couple more
enemies, 4 recovery balls appear so collect them to refill health.

Pit will fly around the surface of the surface of the moon. Birds will appear
so shoot them down. A group of acorns will then appear. Some electric cubes
will appear but they will not interfere with Pit. Pit will fly through two
craters in the moon. The first crater has some acorns. The second crater has
2 lazer flowers and a fire wizard. Avoid the fire wizard's blue astroid and
focus on eliminating the flowers first before continuing.

Pit will then fly within the corridors of the moon. There will be 2 waves of
4 acorns protected by a barrier so break the barrier to engage with the acorns
as they will pellet Pit from behind the barrier. Pit will then fly into the
mouth of the cannon. Pit will avoid the lazer so focus on the acorns that
appear to attack Pit.

Pit will then fly away and into a corridor in the moon. A skeleton fish
appears to the right, followed by another shortly after. There will be two
turrents ahead shooting lazers so stay to the bottom left to avoid both. 2
birds join the fish so when Pit faces right, shoot them down. Pit will then
run into 3 green ghosts so shoot them as they chase Pit until he turns the
corner left.

This hall is filled with lazers. Go up to avoid the first lazer, then to the
top of the screen or bottom for the second. Stay to the bottom left to avoid
the first group, going up at the last second. Stay at the top center of the
screen and go down to avoid the second group of lazers. Stay near the middle
to avoid the third group.

Doors will then shut in the hall so Pit will have to shoot the light brown
square and fly through. Stay in the bottom middle for the first door. Middle
right for the second. Top center for the third. Middle left for the fourth.
Middle right for the fifth. Center of the screen for the sixth. What is hard
about this section is that enemies appear to disrupt Pit and block his shots
so use rapid fire here.

After, Pit will fly into a steam room. Kill the bird, fire wizard, and log
cannon here and Pit will fly into a vent to end the section.


Walk down the stairs and collect the food on the right for health. Continue
walking down to the lower platform. Pit will face a melee tree and 2 acorns.
Continue straight down the stairs to face 2 acorns and one mirage. The mirage
will not hurt Pit so ignore it. Go past the acorns and ignore the mirage log
cannon and go through the wall in the center to find a door.

Go into the next area and kill the acorn and mud enemy here. Go forward and
down the sand on the hill. Kill the cannon log on the stairs orIn t walk to the
left. Go further down and kill the green ghost and avoid the bomb in the
middle. Go to the right onto the platform and through the door.

Get on the grind rail and kill the 2 acorns flying. Shoot the switch so it
turns blue. There are 2 lazer flowers but they will miss Pit so be careful
not to shoot the switch again. Pit will pass a log cannon and 2 water lobbers
so kill them from afar. There is another switch ahead so shoot it once to
turn it blue. Go onto the platform.

Pit will have to eliminate 2 waves of enemies here. The first wave is a mud
enemy, a spider, and a water lobber. The second wave is 2 acorns and a
barrier enemy. Kill them for a grind rail to appear on the far right.

Get on the grind rail. A skeleton fish will come to Pit's left and another
rail will appear next to Pit. Have Pit jump onto the left rail and focus
fire on the skeleton fish as it moves to Pit's right. Shoot the switch up
ahead to turn it blue and go through the door at the end.

In this room, Pit will have to face 2 waves of enemies. The first wave is 2
rolling bombs and a mushroom. The second wave is 2 log cannons, 2 mirage log
cannons, and a tree melee. The enemies drop food when they are defeated so
collect them to recover health. Go through the barrier after all are defeated
to enter the next room.

The next room has a big mirror in front that shows the realities of the room.
The middle walls on the left and right are fake so go into the left to find
a chest with a [Power]. Go out and into the right corridor and through the

The next room has another mirror and 2 visible switches. Step on the 2
switches and use the mirror to find the third switch (between the two switches
and to the back of the room) for the door to open.

This room is the final room with a big mirror and is a little tricker to
navigate. There are holes in the floor that are fake and Pit can walk over
which he must determine with the mirror in front of him. Walk staight to the
mirror and go to the left until Pit gets to the visible platform. Walk to the
back of the room until Pit is next to the visible grey platform and get on it
to step on the switch (screen will flash). Go back to the front of the mirror
and continue left to the next visible platform. Walk to the very back to the
visible platform. The walkway is curved from here to the door so walk at a
45 degree diagonal (adjust according to Pit's location on the mirror) to get
to the door and go through.

Mini-BOSS: Black Pit (Bow)

-Charged Arrow- Black Pit shoots a charged large green arrow at Pit
-Arrow- Black Pit shoots a single yellow arrow at Pit
-Melee- Black Pit melee combos Pit
-Dodge- Black Pit will side dash to avoid attacks

This is a pretty easy fight both ranged and melee. Black Pit is using a bow
which means that he has good range but his melee attacks are weak and since
Black Pit only shoots one projectile at a time, his ranged attacks are
mediocre and easy to dodge and retaliate with side dash + projectiles to hit
Black Pit. Keep attacking until he leaves.

Black Pit will trade shots with Pit by moving around and shooting a single
charged arrow, occasionally followed by a single arrow. As these attacks do
not repeat, they are very easy to dodge 

Black Pit will attempt to keep Pit away with arrows and side dashing away
from Pit. Dash toward Black Pit and unleashe your combos until Black Pit goes
flying. Black Pit will dodge away and repeat shooting single arrows so dodge
them and get close to Black Pit for another combo. Repeat until he leaves.

After Black Pit is defeated, Pit must destroy the core in the center. The
core counter attacks with a explosive projectile aimed at Pit from where he
was standing so attack and side-dash to avoid the counter. After dealing
enough damage, the core will be destroyed and the door will unlock. Collect
the God drink to recover health and go through to the next area.

Go onto the center platform and go up. Pit will be up in space and there will
be 3 acorns so shoot them down. Go forward through the center path to pick up
a [Staff] and a fire wizard will appear so kill it. Go back and to the left
path and continue straight up. Go to the very right and down to collect the
food and kill the melee monster that appears. Go to the very left and through
the door.

Pit will be in a new area. Get on the beetle on the right and drive past the
3 acorns, 2 log cannons, 2 electric barriers, and mud monster through the
door on the right.

In the next area, shoot the 2 log cannons on the right. Kill the lazer flower
up ahead and use the boost on the beetle to jump the gap and get to the chest.
Get off the beetle and open the chest for a [Staff]. Dash off the right and
drive past the mines and 2 blue bombs into the next area.

Drop down to face 2 waves of enemies. The first wave is a log cannon and a
snail. The second wave is a apple enemy and a lazer flower. Kill the enemies
and use the jump platform to get above. Kill the vine and get in the hot
spring to recover health. Exit and go into the quick sand and fall down the
hole in the center.

Go forward and kill the 2 log cannons on the right. Go past them to collect
a temporary upgrade and go through the door on the left.

Pit will face 2 dashers in this room. Let them run toward Pit and side dash
around them and shoot them in the back. After the enemes are dead, get on the
gold part of the floor for the platform to go up. When the platform reaches
another, get on the inner platform to continue going up. At the very top, go
down the stairs on the right. Pit will have to kill a lazer flower, a acorn,
and a spider. Kill them for the barrier to go down and go through the door.

In the next area is a spinning platform with 3 bombs and 2 apple enemies.
Kill the two enemies for a chest to appear at the end containing a [Power].
Go through the door to the next area.

In this next area, go up the stairs and to the right of a corridor. There is
a mushroom enemy blocking the way and a skeleton fish flying around the
center pillar to Pit's left. Up above blocking the door is a snail. Kill the
enemies to unlock the door and go through.

Go across the small bridge and pick up the God Drink on the right to recover
Pit's health. Go through the double doors to face the boss.

BOSS: Arlon

-Darkness- Arlon covers half of the area in darkness and hides within it
-Projectile- Arlon shoots 5 purple projectiles at Pit
-Barrage- Arlon shoots a barrage of blue projectiles at Pit
-Mine- Arlon shoots 3 plasma mines that land on the ground and explode
-Lazer- Arlon shoots a giant lazer at Pit

This is a pretty simple but interesting boss battle since the boss attempts
to stay hidden for the majority of the fight. However, having a weapon with
homing makes this fight very easy.

Arlon will start the fight by casting darkness, causing half the area to be
enshrouded in darkness. Arlon will then hide within the dark. The 3DS'
graphics make it so that Arlon is truly hidden. However, although Arlon can
only be vaguely seen as a black silhouette within the darkness, homing
projectiles that are shot close to Arlon will home onto him for damage.

At the very beginning, Arlon will launch projectiles at Pit so dodge them
and shoot. Arlon will then cover the area in darkness to hide himself. While
in the darkness, Arlon will either shoot projectiles or a barrage at Pit,
fire a lazer, or lay mines while he jumps.

The mines can be avoided by dashing away from Arlon when he jumps toward Pit.
The barrage and projectiles can be avoided by side dashing when Pit sees them
since the projectiles have no homing. Pit must interrupt Arlon before he
shoots the lazer or keep dashing around to avoid being hit when it is shot.

Arlon will stay in the darkness for most of this fight and although his
background can be seen slightly, Pit should focus mostly on running around
and shooting in the darkness to hit Arlon. Arlon's location can be seen from
where the projectiles come from and from where the mines drop from to show
where he has jumped. Use Arlon's attacks to find his location and rely on
homing attacks to bring him down.

Chapter 14: Attack of the Electrician


You will fly open into a world filled with monoeyes, micks, and stars. Shoot
one of the pair of starts to break the lazer chain between them so Pit can
fly through unharmed. We see that Thanatos is still alive and fighting. As
the two gods fight, you will face monoeyes and acorns so keep killing them
and avoid their attacks.

as you approach the rock, stars will shoot up into the sky so stay to the left
to avoid getting hurt. The fight can be distracting but try to keep an eye out
for enemy attacks to avoid. There will be two stars and a fish fighting each
other and ignoring you so kill them or ignore them as you wish.

When you get to the next area, you will face monoeyes and micks. Keep killing
them and you will see Thanatos fall. Monoeyes and micks still appear so keep
firing . As Pit goes around the big tornado, 2 pairs of stars appear so stay
to the top or the bottom of the screen to avoid the lazers.

After a while, 2 barriers with acorns appear. Shoot the barriers to break
them down. After killing several enemies, Pit will choose to fly into the
large tornado. Two mini tornados appear so stay to the left and move right to
avoid both.

Palutena will open a hole in the tornado for Pit to go through. In the hole
are green ghosts and birds as well as thunder strikes to avoid. Stay in the
middle of the screen when the thunder strikes form a triangle and move left,
right, and left to avoid the single thunder strikes. After a while, Pit will
see the town where the thunder goddess resides.

There will be some enemies near the town but the real threat is the thunder
tower. The first and second strikes come from the bottom right to the left so
stay on the top left and move right above the strike. The third strike goes
from bottom left to right so after the second strike, move to the right and
the top left to avoid the final strike. Pit will fly into the city.


Collect the food to recover your health once you land. Go up the stairs and
take out the two acorns. Avoid touching the electric pillars and go to the
next area. Kill the acorn and run up the stairs and kill the cannon log
before it hits you.

Go through the corridor but avoid touching the sides so you do not take
damage. At the far side of the area is an electric enemy who generates
electric fields so try to kill the enemy from afar. Go up the stairs to meet
the Green enemy. The enemy uses ranged attacks when Green but rushs at Pit
with melee when red with rage. Side-step to avoid the attacks and shoot to
kill the enemy to bring down the barrier to the next area.

Go on the elevator up. To your right will be 3 enemies on the opposing
elevator. Try to shoot but strafe and avoid dashing too much due to the
limited space. Get off the elevator and kill the enemies before going on the
jump platform to the next area.

There is an acorn enemy, 3 eletrci enemies, and 4 blue block enemies as well
as a generator. The generator can take alot of damage so kill the enemies
before destroying the generator to lower the barrier and go through the door
to the next area.

There are 2 acorns, a blue block, and a tree enemy. The tree enemy uses melee
attacks to deal damage so use charged forward and backward dash shots to kill
this enemy. The stairs do not given much space to dodge around. Ignore the
moving block and go through to the next area.

Kill the two acorn enemies that appear and go down the path. An enemy runs
by you so kill it or ignore it. There is a tree enemy below so kill it before
going down. There is a green monster and 2 green ghosts below, with the
monster in rage mode already so side-dash to avoid the melee attacks and
keep your focus on the green monster. Kill the enemies and go through the door

In this next area, there is a clear bridge with bombs running toward Pit. use
forward dash + attacks to kill the enemies since you do not have alot of
space to side-dash freely on the bridge and the bomb's explosion area is
large. There will be 3 bombs on the bridge so use forward dash ranged attacks
to kill the bombs before they get within proximity to Pit. Walk up the bridge
to the next area.

Take the grind rail. Pit will run into 2 acorn enemies and 2 birds but they
will not attack Pit so kill them for hearts. At the end of the grind rail,
there is an elevated platform surrounded by electricity and two balls to the
sides. Knock the left ball down the hole. Go to the right and knock the ball
down the hole. Then, look to the left and follow that thin pathway for some
hearts and another ball at the end to knock down. The light in the center
of the elevated platform should be filled so have Pit take the wind up to
the top of the area.

at the top is 2 spiders and two grenades. use one grenade on the opponents
here and pick up the other grenade and go down the hole. Use the grenade on
the apple enemy. Take out the 2 stars on the elevated platforms and the
water tossing enemy to bring the barrier down.

In the next area is 3 waves of enemies. The first wave is an acorn and a
water tossing enemy on the bottom platform. The second wave is two lazer
flowers on the middle platform. The third wave on the top platform is 2 green
ghosts and a water tossing enemy. On these platforms are electric lazers that
travel back and forth during the battle. To avoid damage, side-step dodge the
electric beams as they come close to Pit. Once the enemies are defeated, the
beams disappear and the barrier goes down.

In this next room, pick up the chocolate to the side for health and kill the
log cannon from afar. Walk to the center platform and destroy the generator
to fall through the hole. Pit will jump onto the grind rail and get to the
center platform. Run past the rolling dung beetle and eliminate the electric
enemy and 2 spiders as you walk around the area. Kill the lazer flower and
use the jump platform to get across the gap. Kill the skeleton fish before
crossing the next gap. Kill the bird that appears and jump the final gap for
some health.

There are some chests along the path but ignore them since they are traps.
There is an electric enemy so kill it before passing. You will see some wind
blowing up from the ground. These mark parts of the floor that are ready to
fall so run across them so Pit does not fall to his death. Run to the end to
find a door and use the jump platform inside to get to a higher area.

Ahead is the boss door. However, before going inside, face the hole and look
to the left to find a doorway blocked by electricity. Although Pit cannot
walk through, he can dodge-dash through the electricity. Do so and take the
light pillar to a new area. Collect the [Picture Panel] and leave. Return to
the boss room, pick up the God Drink for full health, and go through the door

BOSS: Erica the Thunder Goddess

-Thunder ball- Erica shoots 3 green electric balls at Pit
-Big thunder ball- Erica shoots a large, slow purple ball at Pit
-Teleport- Erica disappears and reappears in another part of the arena
-Split Lightning- Erica launches an arching green bolt to the ground which
                  splits in 3 directions
-Thunder Dash- Erica charges herself with electricity and dashes at Pit
-Thunder Barrier- Erica stays still as electricity surrounds her and outlines
                  an electric circle around her. After a while, the entire
                  area is surrounded by electricity.

Erica is a very fast opponent and will move around the arena alot. She also
keeps up a decent electricity guard which Palutena warns us about but don't
be afraid to use melee attacks if they are your forte. This battle is much
easier if you have a good ranged weapon however.

Erica will teleport around the arena and use thunder ball, big thunder ball,
and split lighting in that order frequently throughout the battle. Although
she uses these attacks frequently, they are quite easy to dodge especially
if you are far away. Use side-dash + ranged attack to keep damaging Erica
and try to inflict status effects like fire or poison to drain her health.

As Erica takes damage, she will being to use more attacks like thunder dash.
After the dash, take the opportunity to unleash a melee combo on her and then
move away. If Erica beings to charge and an electric circle appears around
her, quickly dodge dash out of the circle and use ranged attacks as she
unleashes her shield.

This battle might take a while since Erica is fast but you will bring her

Get power [Explosion].

Chapter 15: The Mysterious Invader


We are treated to a scene seemingly out of Independence day with a large
number of upside down volcanos shooting lazers down on the city. You will
then face 3 wave of 3 steel triangle enemies. You will also face multicolor
triangles and monoeyes who appear to attack Pit. The plasma shots of the
steel triangles wave sideways while moving so keep a larger distance from
them to dodge safely.

After clearing the wave of enemies, Pit will look down and have glowing
yellow missiles shooting up at him. Fly counter-clockwise and shoot to avoid
the missiles from hitting Pit. After the barrage, Pit will see 3 cubes appear.
The cubes are invulnurable to damage until they open into hologram cubes which
shoot lazers so stay to the bottom of the screen and shoot.

Assuming these foreign invaders to be aliens, our enemies choose to unite
with us toward a common goal. Monoeyes and acorn enemies will appear but
you can kill them for hearts. Pit will fly toward the town and run into 3
block enemies. Shoot the red blocks in the center to destroy them.

As you fly toward the town, Mars will appear to help us. There will be a ton
of enemies appearing with the here but Mars will assist us with his fire
power. As you go through the corridor, there are two triangles that shoot
lazers so kill them before Pit goes through.

Mars will take out some more enemeis and Palutena tells us to let Mars take
care of the enemies here. Pit will dive into a small crevice. Inside this
crevice are some triangles but alot of green missiles that shoot across the
screen to hit Pit. You can tell where the missiles reside from their glow
so shoot them before Pit reaches them to minimize damage.

Pit will run into more triangles and sign enemies in this area. Circle and
shoot to avoid the shots. The next wave will be some cubes, followed by a
saucer and triangles. If you look closely at the saucer, there is some green
on the bottom sides which you can shoot for damage. The saucer opens up to
unleash an attack so shoot its exposed green area after it opens up to prevent
the attack. You will face some more enemies and blocks that shoot missiles so
shoot down their missiles and Pit will fly toward the tower.


After landing, collect the food to refill your health. Go forward to face
triangles and 2 squares. After defeating the enemies, shoot the red ball
underneath the elevated platform to destroy it and cross to the next area.

This area has a 2 squares, a wheel, and a panel enemy. The wheel will throw
off white panels to expose its vulnurable green section so shoot it when it
is vulnurable to deal damage. Shoot the 2 squares to prevent lazers from
attacking and shoot the crystal center of spinning panels to defeat the
enemy. After, shoot the red ball under the elevated platform to get to the
next area.

Shoot the triangles in the next area. Up the stairs is a new enemy that shoots
lazers and black holes so backdash out of the hole and destroy with melee
attacks. Go into the door to the next area.

There are 3 triangles and a black hole enemy before progressing. There are
also 2 enemies that attack to confuse Pit. Take them out with melee attacks.
Go through the door and take out the 2 triangles. Then, destory one of the
panels with ranged attacks and shoot the red ball to bring the platform down.
Cross to the other side.

The next area has 2 triangles and a black hole to defeat. Take the jump
platform to get above the above platform and walk across the raised platform
and jump down. Defeat the enemies here and shoot the red ball to lower the
platform. Corss the area and head toward the hot spring for it to go up. Go
up the stairs and kill the enemies and enter the springs to recover your
health. Shoot the enemies from afar and drop down to enter the door.

The next area has a beetle so get on it and drive past the enemies. Shoot the
red ball down to the next area. Take the jump platform and use the dash on
the touch screen to jump toward the chest. Kill the enemies here and shoot
the red ball to lower the platform to the next area. The next area has another
beetle if you lost it so get on it and shoot the 3 triangles. Drive down the
circular path and shoot the platform down. Get off the beetle and get on the
elevator in the next room.

Get off the elevator once you reach the top. Jump on the grind rail and kill
the 3 triangles as you travel. Jump on the next grind rail and kill the
enemies that appear. Ignore the monster and get on the next grind rail and
shoot the wheel down. Kill the triangles here to get some food and get on the
last grind rail. Shoot the enemies that appear. On the final platform, shoot
down the 2 wheels and the triangle enemy before jumping down for a chest to
appear with a [Panel]. If you jumped down, use the jump panel to get back up.
Go into the door and onto the elevator.

Walk down the bridge around the circular platform. Some monoeyes appear and
go down under Hades' instructions but cannot so it is up to Pit. After moving
left onto the inner platform, go to the end to collect some food. Some enemies
appear so kill them and go left onto the outer platform to walk lower.

In the next area is a cube behind a barrier. Shoot the cube in the center of
the barrier to lower it and kill the cube before walking down again. At the
bottom is a panel and a God Drink. Do not shoot the panel. Collect the God
Drink and get to the center to go down to the boss.

BOSS: Oram's Large Nucleus

-Shot- the white turrents will shoot plasma shots at Pit
-Plasma Floor-the floor will turn red and damage Pit

Weakness: Red core

This is a simple but hectic battle. The core is protected by four shields and
small white turrents (3 near the core, 6 on the outer side). Although the
turrents can be shot down, they reappear over time. The boss is only
vulnurable by shooting its red core so use your attacks on the core to defeat
the boss.

In the first phase, the nucleus will shoot some shots from the turrents so
side-dash to avoid the attacks and keep firing attacking the openings of the
core. Pit will be able to avoid damage by side-dashing and shooting the
openings in the core.

After some damage, the core will begin to spark. The turrents will become
more active and will shoot at Pit more often. Keep circling around the core
to damage it.

After further damage, the core will spark more and the room will turn red. At
this moment, the turrents at the back will become more active and will shoot
more often at Pit. Also, the floor will occasionally turn checkered red and
will damage Pit if he steps on it. However, the core is near the end so keep
cycling and shooting the core and heal with your powers when necessary. The
battle will end with the defeat of the core so focus your attacks on the core
rather than on turrents or avoiding damage.

Chapter 16: Oram's Threat


Pit will be tasked with attacking Oram's ships. When flying down, Palutena
will signal Pit to start shooting. There are green spots on the ships so
have Pit shoot them to collect some hearts.

After the initial dive, Pit will be attacked by steel triangles. After two
waves, the ships will join in my firing their lazers at Pit. stay near the
center of the screen and circle around the left section of the screen to
avoid the ship lazers. Hades will then send monoeyes to attack.

After the wave of triangles, there will be 2 barriers covering 4 squares.
Shoot the barriers down by shooting their centers and destroy the squares
and roll through or circle past their lazers.

After destroying the waves, several green comets will fall from above. Stay
near the right for the first to and move to the top for the third and to the
bottom left to avoid the fourth. After the comets, bombs will come to attack
Pit so shoot them from afar and try to avoid their blasts. The red bombs will
exlode and move the explosion toward Pit.

After, Pit will face mechanised micks. The oram have created copies of micks
to attack so shoot them down.

Pit will fly toward the tower. Collect the recovery balls and move left, right
left, right to avoid the rising towers. After leaving, you will face additional
waves of triangles as well as copied monoeyes and micks.

Pit will fly through the ships again so keep an eye out for the green targets
and keep shooting them. There will be a copy of the skeleton fish floating
around as well. Keep shooting the green targets on the ships and the last ship
will fall.

Pit will fly pas the ships again after another wave of oram so target the
green spots on the ships for additional hearts. There will be copy monoeyes
and copy micks as well as triangles and squares that attack Pit in waves so
circle around and avoid the attacks. Pit will mention that there is no way of
getting in the large station so Hades will crash a ship into the entrance.
Pit will fly in and through the ship.


Once Pit lands, collect the food to recover your health. Go through the door
and down the corridor. The first open room as a spiky ball so pick it up.
There are 2 balls and an enemy so attack the enemy with melee combos to use
your spiky ball to deal additional damage and use ranged attacks to defeat
the balls so the barrier goes down. Enter the next area.

There will be 3 triangles beyond the doors so kill them before entering. Go
to the center to go down and go through the doors. There are two ball enemies
here so kill them. This room has the floor change to purple so time when you
cross so you are not hurt and get to the door. 

Shoot the two squares here and use the jump platform. There are 2 copy pots
that toss out copy shemum so destroy the pots with melee attacks. The floor
between Pit and the pots turn purple to deal damage so time when you cross
to attack the pots. Use the jump platform that appears to get to the next

Destroy the 2 copy mick here. Run up across the the platform to the next room
and pick up the mirror orb before shooting the stand. The mirror orb will
allow Pit to reflect shots off him so keep shooting so that the enemy is
destroyed and Pit can collect a droped weapon. Drop down the hole in the room
and destroy the enemy here. The enemy launches slow projectiles at Pit so side
dash and shoot to kill the enemy for the barrier to drop.

In the next area, kill the two copy enemies that attack Pit. These enemies
use strong melee attacks but are vulnurable after to dodge away and attack
with ranged shots or use melee combos after. Avoid the spinning panels by
crossing when there is nothing blocking Pit's way and go through the door.

The next room has a large block run through the area. To avoid it, Pit will
have to run into the small alcoves in the sides while the machine runs past.
Do not shoot the platform in the second alcove as it turns into an enemy. The
third alcove contains another melee enemy so run past the alcove if possible.
The fourth alcove at the end will take you to the next area.

Go to the center of the platform and go down. Get in the hot spring to recover
health and continue forward onto the jump platform to the next area.

The next area is a room with a spinning wheel in the center. Get on the
floating ring and take out the 3 wave of enemies that appear. The first wave
is 3 squares and a bomb. The second wave is 2 wheels. The third wave is 3
melee enemies. Kill the enemies and open the jumping chest for a [Power].
Collect the sushi for health and take the ring out to the next room.

In this room are blocks that move forward and backward to crush Pit. using
the float ring will allow you to sustain crashes without damage through. Go
past the first two blocks and right where the third block appears and get to
the door to the next area.

2 triangles appear out of the hole in the center of this room so shoot them
down and go down the hole. Float down with the ring and destory the enemies
here. Get off on the first level and go in the pillar of light to collect
the [Scorpion Staff].

Return to the first area and go down the hole in the floor and ride the float
ring again through the door. As you progress, doors will open for hearts and
a chest. There is an intensity gate lv. 7 here as well. Go through the door
to the other side.

Intensity Gate lv 7


In this area, you will have to fight 3 waves of enemies. The first wave is 
3 triangles and a barrier. The second wave is 2 copy spiral enemies. The
third wave is some triangle enemies and a melee. This battle should be easy
given that you are in a float ring. After the 3 waves, the barrier goes down
and a jump platform appears so use it to jump to the next area.

The next area has a grind rail so get on it. 2 copy mick will appear so kill
them. They will be followed by 3 triangles and 2 monoeyes. As you grind along
the rail, 2 barriers and some squares will appear but a bird will save you.
The grind rail as two additional rails to the sides of Pit to allow him to
dodge attacks. You can take the left rail to the bottom platform.

As you go along the rail, there will be 2 square enemies up ahead. Kill them
before they charge their lazers at Pit or jump to the right rail. After the
first wave, the second wave of squares will also attack so jump to the very
left to avoid the attack.

One the next platform, take one of the two grind rails (does not matter since
they join into one u ahead). As you grind, 2 triangle enemies appear below.
When the two rails become one, Pit will speed up as his grinds the rail. At
the ned, shoot the clear enemy to collect [Claws].

There will be 2 waves of enemies here to clear. The first wave consists of a
panel enemy, 3 triangles, and a barrier enemy. The second wave consists of
a wheel, a spiral enemy, a orb enemy, and a bomb. Shoot the bomb for it to
damage the enemies and kill the spiral before taking on the wheel and orb
since its attack can confuse Pit.

After clearing the enemies, the barrier goes down and a God Drink appears for
Pit. Recover your health with the drink and go through the door.

BOSS: Orom's Reactor

-Barrier- the reactor brings up a blue barrier to guard the reactor
-Reflect Shot- any shots that hit the barrier will be magnified and reflected
               back at Pit
-Shock- a green electric shock appears on the grind rail

This fight will be entirely on grind rails so I hope you have a good ranged
weapon.  Pit will be on the yellow rail so turn to your left and shoot the
yellow reactor. There will be triangles to shoot at Pit so destroy them before
they get off a shot.

The first phase will consist of Pit shooting at the yellow reactor as he is
in range. Jump from the yellow grind rail to the red to remain in range
longer but jump back as the red and green rails occasionally have sparks on
them which can hurt Pit.

After dealing some damage, Mars will arrive to help by shooting the reactor.
Unfortunately, the reactor's defenses activate thanks to Mars' barrage and
two blue walls appear on the sides of the reactor. These walls reflect Pit's
shots back at him in the form of a large purple projectile so aim carefully.
Continue grinding the rails and shooting the reactor where it is exposed.

The yellow rail is the most consistent rail, unlikely to create any sparks to
hurt Pit and avoids enemy attacks but its out of range the most. The red rail
is good since it travels under the reactor and does not create sparks often.
The green rail is a poor choice since it creates a spark to hit Pit every
time Pit returns to choose the rail. The blue rail is also a good choice
since it bypasses on of the walls, giving Pit free reign to unleash a barrage
of attacks on the reactor. Choose the rail depending on the weapon you have.
After enough damage, the reactor will explode.

Chapter 17: Natural Oram


As Pit flies, he will meet some triangles. Shoot the triangles and the big
enemy ship will shoot with a large lazer. The lazers will not hit Pit so focus
on the triangles. Pit will fly through the floating island and 2 wheels appear
so shoot them down.

Our temporary allies will send in acorns, monoeyes, and micks to assist us to
shoot them for some hearts. Some triangles and squares will appear so shoot
them down. A panel and additional squares and barrier enemies appear so shoot
the center of the barriers to kill them.

Mars will join us. Collect the recovery orbs and kill the gravity generating
enemy. Pit will enter a cave and face sign enemies so shoot them down as Pit
flies through the cave.

At the end of the opening is a core. Mars will tell you to fire on it so do
so. 3 barrier enemies will appear to block your fire so shoot them down and
continue to focus your fire on the core. After the 3 barrier enemies are down,
2 block enemies and several triangles will appear. Shoot them down and keep
shooting the core. Mars will rush in as 3 triangles appear and will enter a
slow motion sequence where Mars rushes head first into the core, causing it
to explode.

Palutena will fly Pit out of the core before the explosion engulfs him. There
are 2 triangles chasing Pit so shoot them down for hearts. After flying out
to safety, Mars will reveal that he has gained power from his crash and turns
on Pit. Triangles, wheels, and missiles will appear to overwhelm Pit so roll
around to avoid damage.

The next wave will consist of triangles, copy micks,and barrier enemies to
protect those enemies. Shoot the barriers down by shooting the barriers or
the center to remove the barriers quicker. There will be many copy monoeyes
and triangles hiding behind the barriers so remove them quickly to avoid
taking additional fire.

After several waves of enemies, Pit will be unable to continue flying any
longer and his wings will burn up. Pit will topple through the air and will
be moving slowly through the air. A comet will fall for Pit to land on, a
large target sign appearing for both Pit and the comet. Although the comet
seems to fall toward the center, it ends up landing near the bottom left of
the screen so move Pit to the bottom left and line up with the target to land
on the falling comet.


Upon landing on the platform, Pit will be assaulted by triangles and copy mick
so keep shooting them from afar. Collec the food on the platform to refill
Pit's health. The platform is small so there is not much opportunity to dodge
the opponents' attacks but Pit will not fall off the platform if you dodge so
do not be worried and be free to dodge.

After killing the waves of enemies, Pit will ask for a bigger platform which
we get. The next platform will also have additional food for Pit. There will
be more missile enemies and an orb enemy that comes to attack Pit so move
around and keep shooting.

After the platform approaches the ship, the walls on the sides will be purple
and 2 barrier enemies appear. The walls inflict damage and fire on Pit so
avoid touching them and try to kill the barriers since dodging could
unintentionally toss Pit into a wall.

After the 2 barrier enemies, a ufo comes to attack Pit. The ufo launches
plasma projectiles at Pit so go close and shoot the underbelly for the ufo to
collapse, allowing the platform to pass it and out of the area.

After leaving the area, more food drops for Pit so consume to recover health.
There will be copy micks and triangles attacking Pit first in front, then
behind, then a copy specknose and 2 triangles to the front left so turn the
camera accordingly to face those enemies.

As the platform moves, Pit will also face two waves of 1 wheel and 2
triangles. After the waves, the platform it will get caught on the sides of
the ship. Triangles will come to the front so shoot them down. A wheel and
missile enemies will also emerge to attack to take them out.

After the wave of enemies, Mars shoots a large fire beam at Pit. Stay in the
center of the platform as it will shield Pit from the blast (going to the
sides will have Pit get hurt and burned). After, the platform will fall.

The calvary arrives with Palutena's army coming in to assist Pit. The platform
will have some food and a jump platform to help Pit dodge some attacks. A
wave of 3 triangles will come, followed by another wave of triangles. Then,
2 copy specknose will attack, followed by 2 waves of 2 triangles. Keep
shooting and use the jump platform when in trouble.

after 2 waves of a wheel, the platform will get close to the ship and move
up. Pit will be barraged by 6 missiles so dodge or shoot them down. As Pit
enters the hole in the ship, triangles and a square shoots lazers to attack.
Since the platform is big, stay near the front so your attacks hit. After the
wave, a copy skeleton fish attacks so shoot it down.

When the platform crashes through the barriers, go back a little to the middle
of the platform so Pit does not take damage. This will be followed by 3 lazers
Pit needs to avoid. Jump the first one with the jump platform. Stay on the
right of the platform for the second. Jump the third.

After, you will need to protect your centurion soldiers as they pull your
platform to the entrace. You will face waves of triangles and squares that
shoot lazers so stay near the front and shoot them down. If your first two
soldiers fall, Paluenta will send in another 2 to replace them but they do
not recover indefinately.

After the waves of triangles, wheels, and squares, Pit will face another ufo
so shoot it down. After beating the ufo, a God Drink drops so pick it up to
recover Pit's health to full and get ready for Mars.

BOSS: Oram Mars

-Fire Wave- Mars launches a fire wave that homes a little on Pit
-Fire Dragon- Mars launches a fire dragon that flies around Pit
-Fire ring- Mars creates a right of fire on the platform around Pit that
            closes in
-Explosion- Mars fires an explosion at Pit

Weakness: Green Locks

This is a pretty difficult battle if you don't have a good ranged weapon
because this fight is all ranged attacks and dodging. Mars is aggressive and
hits pretty hard so try to keep avoiding his attacks. Mars is fused with the
oram core, giving him incredible strength but limiting his movement.

During the first phase, the core is protected by a barrier created by the
green energy locks, preventing any attacks from dealing damage. The platform
will move counterclockwise around Mars so have Pit turn his back toward Mars
and shoot the green energy at the end of the green streams on the pillars to
destroy the barrier. After all 4 sources are down, the barrier is down.

During the first phase, Mars will launch fire dragons and fire rings at Pit.
The dragon does not home in on Pit much so ignore it and focus on the energy
sources. The fire ring surrounds Pit so Pit will need to dodge through the
ring as it closes in to get out unharmed.

Mars becomes more aggressive with the barrier down, shooting fire waves, fire
dragons, and creating fire rings around Pit more frequently. Pit will need to
side-dodge to avoid the fire wave and move out of the area when the explosion
occurs although the limited space on the platform restricts movement.

Rather than focus on dodging the attacks, focus on dealing damage to the orb.
Use forward dash + attack to increase the damage of your shots or side dash +
attack to unleash rapid attacks for quicker damage. After dealing enough
damage, Mars will fall.

It's not over yet!!!As Pit races out of the ship, there will be some copy
monoeyes that appear but they do not attack so shoot them down.

Chapter 18: In 3 Years Time


Now for something completely different. Pit wakes up as a ring, his memory
fuxxy and unsure how he became a ring in the first place. The ring is placed
on a young girl so we use this opportunity to control her.

Now in control of the girl, walk down the hill and follow the path back to
town. As the girl gets closer, Pit sees Palutena's army attacking the town.
Continue toward town to investigate. Walk to the big area.

The girl trips and loses the ring but it is picked up by a dog. Now in control
of the dog, walk to town. Unlike the girl, the dog can dash so use it to get
to town quickly. The dog also does not get tired and can dash constantly
unlike our protagonist.

Once in town, turn left into the alley. We see Pit shooting into town. Go
through the alley, turn right, and go through the hole in the wall.

Run to the right past the centurion and keep runing along the path. Go through
the hole in the wall and you will be in a temple. There will be a chest but
Pit will be unable to open it as a dog. Go back the chest and look back to
see some stairs.

Go up the stairs and follow the path. There will be a gap which the dog cannot
jump across. Luckily, there is a thin path for the dog to walk on to its right
so walk on it to get to the other side. There is another path on the left so
walk on it back to the left side and go through the hole in the wall up ahead.

We see Magnus against the centurion. After much coaxing, Magnus puts on the
ring and we take control of Magnus. Magnus only has melee attacks, a 3 hit
combo so you will need to rush in close to your enemies to deal damage when
using him. Go down the pathway to the next area.

You will enter a small area with the door closed by a barrier. There will be
a back shield to pick up to protect Magnus and 3 centurion arrive. Dash in to
get in range and kill the centurion for the barrier to lift. Magnus has great
strength and one hit should be enough for each. Go to the next area.

In this next area is a corridor of alleys with 4 centurion in the area. Move
through the alleys to get close to the centurion without them seeing you and
take them out. The last centurion is armored but several swings by Magnus is
enough to take it out. Go through the door and down the hallway.

In the next area is a huge muscle centurion. However, he is no match for the
strength of man. Rush in and unleash several melee combos to take it out
quickly and collect the dropped meat for some health. The barrier raises so
go through the door to the next area.

Go up the stairs to see a centurion and a soldier figthting each other. Kill
both and go through the door. Turn left and go up the stairs to the next area.
The area will be surrounded by an electric fence and a muscular centurion and
a normal centurion will face us. Kill both for the fence to go down. Be
careful of the fence since it will damage Magnus if he touches it.

Go forward and kill the rock launcher guarding the hallway with melee combos.
Before going forward however, go into the alcove in the right and kill the
armored centurion here. Exit and go left down the stairs. Pick up the back
shield. This machine shoots machinegun fire down the allyway so hit the clear
flying thing for some food, rush in close when the machine is not firing,
and unleash melee combos to kill it. stay close and to the center to avoid
damage. Go through the door up ahead.

Continue along the path. There will be 2 muscular centurion and 2 centurion
in this area, one each on the lower and upper platforms. Kill the lower 2
centurions before going up the stairs and taking out the others and then go
through the door.

Run down the circular platform to the bottom. There will be 4 centurion
fighting against a tank (the same one you encounter past the intensity gate
in the first level). Let the tank kill off the centurion here and side dash
to the back of the tank by getting near and tilting the analog stick to the
side. Once behind the tank, unleash melee combos to destory the tank. Move
away once the tank is defeated since its explosion can hurt Magnus. Go through
the door.

There is a hot spring so get in it to recover your health. Drop down to the
right and go along the path toward the next area. As you approach, a barrier
is raised and a wave of enemies appear. There will be 1 muscular centurion,
1 regular centurion, and a boulder lobbing machine. Kill the regular centurion
as you approach the group and side-dash around the muscular centurion and
the machine. Try to get behind the machine to avoid its attacks and unleash
melee combos on it. When fighting the muscular centurion, its only attack is
to grab and slam Magnus from the front so slide behind the centurion and
unleash Magnus' melee combos on him. After the enemies are gone, a God Drink
appears so drink it to refill Magnus' health and go into the next area.

BOSS: Pit's Body

-Arrow- Pit shoots a single arrow at Magnus, has some homing
-Melee Combo- At close range, Pit deals a 3 hit combo on Magnus
-Dodge- Pit flashes blue and dodges away from Magnus

This battle is a little tough but since you know Pit's moves, its not too
difficult. This Pit is quite weak, not dashing often and only shooting single
arrows. The arrows have some homing capability but not enough to chase after
a successful dash.

Magnus cannot use ranged attacks but can deal significant melee damage so side
dash toward Pit to avoid his arrows. After avoiding the arrows, dash toward
Pit and use a 3-hit melee combo to toss Pit into the air. When on the ground,
Magnus can hit Pit with a single downward slash or kick. Use these to build
up additional damage.

After Pit gets up from the ground, he will automatically dodge dash away from
Magnus. Repeat dashing toward Pit. Pit will occasionally try to use a melee
combo on Magnus but he cannot toss Magnus into the air after his combos. Try
to side-dodge to Pit's back and hit with a 3-hit combo to toss him into the
air again. Rinse and repeat until Pit is down.

Gain power [Auto Target]. Its not over yet...


Now back in his real body, Pit recieves the Power of Flight and heads back
home. As Pit flies above the city, 6 recovery balls appear so collect them to
refill health after the battle. Monoeyes approach from the right so shoot
them down.

The skies will be filled with both monoeyes and centurion attacking both each
other and Pit. After some enemies, a crown fish appears so shoot it down. Some
debris will fall toward Pit so avoid them while flying and continue shooting
the centurion down.

As Pit flies toward the two tornados, more centurion appear. The centurion
appear in groups of 3 so shoot them down before they attack Pit will melee
attacks or arrows. As Pit gets closer to the tornado, monoeyes, micks, and
bugs appear so shoot them.

While flying in the midst of the tornado, more debris comes falling. Move to
the left to avoid the block, then toward the center to avoid the collosium
and fly between the pillars to avoid damage.

Centurion continue to attack so keep eliminating them. 2 machines appear to
be airborne and launch fire projectiles at Pit so take them out when they
are in range and avoid their attacks. Pit will fly up into the sky so collect
the 4 recovery balls that appear.

Once in Angel land, 3 armored centurion appear. Use melee attacks to break
down their shields and stun them and use that opening to shoot them down. As
Pit flies, there will be machines and centurion fighting monoeyes so shoot
them all down.

Pit will reach Palutena's temple. Palutena will throw one island close to Pit,
letting out 3 centurion so shoot them down. The second island has nothing.
The third island will reveal 3 centurion and 1 muscular centurion. Some more
waves of centurion will come to attack 

Pit will try to dive into Palutena's temple but it is protected by a barrier.
Vindi decides to take us in to her base for the time being.

Whoa, Wham episode anyone?

Chapter 19: The Soldier of Light


Pit will begin his flight with Vindi's blessing. Kill the stars that appear
followed by some komayto. A ganewmede will appear so avoid its counters and
shoot or ignore it.

After the wave of enemies, waves of monoeyes will appear so take them out.
A wave of koymayto with bombs will appear so shoot the bombs to take out the
komayto. A crown fish will sneak up behind Pit so shoot it down.

As Pit flies under the arches, some more enemies appear so shoot them down.
After the arches, Pit will face a clockhouse enemy that emits poison gas and
monoeyes. Shoot the clockhouse when it unleashes gas so it will be vulnurable
to Pit's attacks.

After some more enemies, Pit will face another ganewmede and a oyster enemy.
Get rid of the ganewmede first and shoot the 3 pearls in the oyster. There
will be alot of attacks on screen so keep circling. After the wave, 4 recovery
balls appear so collect them to refill health.

Pit will then arrive at the cannon. It is surrounded by mick and stars so kill
them at Pit flies toward the cannon. After circling it once, Pit will enter
the cannon and will be blasted off to the next area.

Up in space, get rid of the wave of monoeyes and the reaper that follows them.
The second wave will be of micks and another reaper. This will be followed by
a barrier enemy and a spiral. After, there is a spiral and two panels so
eliminate the spiral and fly between the panels.

2 Stars will appear behind Pit so shoot them and fly between the panels again.
Pit will turn around to see a regiment of mick so get rid of them. Pit will
see a light moving fast to the right. Turning right will have Pit face some
monoeyes. Pit will then face left and face some mick. Pit will then fly into
the light.

In the light will be mick and monoeyes as well as panels. Fly to the left and
move to the right to avoid the first two panels. Then fly to the right and
move to the left to avoid the second two. Then, fly to the top middle through
the two panels, to the bottom left past the second, and to the left to avoid
the third. Kill the bombs and komayto upon exit.

Hades will try to hinder us by launching thunder strikes down on Pit. Stay to
the right to avoid the first two and to the left to avoid the next three.
There will still be monoeyes on the field so keep shooting them down.

As Pit approaches the city, monoeyes, spirals, and komayto will appear so use
your respective attacks to kill them. After dealing with the waves of enemies,
Pit will fly into the city.


Go up the stairs and collect the food to recover your health, then go through
the door. The next area is a clear walkway. There will be 2 mick here so try
to get rid of them before they fly ahead. Halfway through the walkway is a
cannon so eliminate it and go through the door at the end.

In this next room is 8 holes through which enemies pop out of randomly. There
are 3 waves of enemies to defeat here. The first wave is 3 smoke monsters and
a red exploding enemy. Dodge the smoke and get close to kill them and remember
that the red enemy explodes into 3 pieces that attempt to hit Pit upon death.
The second wave is a single wave shooter so kill it as soon as it comes out.
The third wave is 4 mick. Kill the enemies for the barrier to go down.

Another hallway. Walk up and halfway, Pit will meet 3 monoeyes so shoot them
down. Keep walking and at the end, Pit will meet another 3 monoeyes so shoot
them and go through the door.

In this room are 2 cannons and a ganemwede. Get on the blue square to take Pit
across the room to the other side. It will stop halfway through so dodge the
cannon fire from the cannons until it moves to the other side. After getting
to the other side, Pit can run up to the platform and kill the ganemwede and
a total of 6 cannon for some food and a chest with a [Panel]. Go through the
door to the next area.

Another hallway. Run up and halfway through, you see a cute bunny that changes
into a dashing monster that charges at Pit. It can take quite alot of damage
and is fast so the best thing to do is side dodge it and continue up the path
and through the door to the next room.

This next room has the floor split into two colors: red on the left and blue
on the right. There are 2 waves of enemies to fight. The first wave is 2
spirals so stay on the blue and shoot them down as the red floor is a trap
that deals damage. The second wave is a gust monster and a reaper. The trap
floor switches to the blue so side-dash to the red and take out the enemies.
Collect food to recover health and go through the door.

Another hallway, run up to face a large Mick so kill it. Halfway up is another
mick so repeat. At the end is one final mick so kill it and go through the

In this room are pillars with cracks in them. Shoot or melee the pillars so
they fall, putting the pot enemies within range of Pit's attacks. There are
2 pot enemies, 1 on the top left pillar and 1 on the bottom right. There is
a chest on the bottom left pillar containing food and some hearts. Kill the
enemies and go through the door.

Another hallway, as Pit walks forward there is a jump platform. Before using
the platform, have Pit walk to the gap for the monster to jump out and kill
it. Then, use the jump platform to get to the other side. There is another
gap with another monster and platform so kill it and use the platform to get
to the end.

This next room is a thin pathway will rolling balls. Move Pit forward and kill
the 3 mick on the first pathway. A ball rolls down so Pit needs to use the
jump platform to jump over the ball and run to the slope on the other side.
The timing is tricky since the balls increase in speed as they roll and Pit
still suffers damage if he touches the ball. Jump past 3 balls and go through
the door above.

No monsters in this hallway. Run up and collect the grenade before going into
the next room.

This next room has an icy floor, making it hard for Pit to fight. Luckily,
there is also a float ring for Pit to use. There are two waves of enemies to
defeat. The first wave is an ice skeleton and a spinning turtle. The second
wave is an ice chandilier and a gust enemy. Use the grenade before getting on
the float ring and defeat the enemies to unlock the barrier. Collect any
dropped food to recover health and continue forward. (No we cannot take out
the float ring).

Another hallway with no monsters. Run up and enter the next room.

This next room has a circle in the center surrounded by land mines. Do not
step in the center. Pit will face two waves of enemies. The first wave is 1
reaper and 2 birds. The second wave is 1 gust monster and 2 komayto. Defeat
the enemies and go through the door.

The next hallway is a grind rail so take it up the the next door. No enemies

This next room has a big steel ball to the left and 10 mini-reapers arranged
like bowling pins. Hit the ball down into the arena to crush the reapers. When
all 10 are dead, the barrier goes down. It is easy to kill the reapers with
the ball since it bounces around but Pit will then need to walk down to get
to the door. After the reapers are dead, avoid the ball and go through the
door. Since the path down is elevated, wait for the ball to bounce to the
right while on the alley and jump down and run to the door.

In this hallway is a crown fish. Shoot it down before it releases any enemies
and take the two jump platforms to the next door.

This next room has 2 monoeyes and 1 cannon. After killing the enemies, dash
through the wind. Open the chest for a [Cannon]. Go up the stairs and dash
through the wind to the other side. Use the jump platform to get above and
kill 4 monoeyes here. Get as close as you can to the right without touching
the wind so Pit is almost facing the stairs and dash to diagonally toward the
right so Pit can get to the stairs. Use the jump platform, eat the food and
go through the door.

Another grind rail. This time however, there are 2 cannons waiting, 1 cannon
in the first half and another cannon in the second half. Shoot them down while
Pit grinds up to the door.

This next circular room forces Pit to face a wave of enemies. Kill the gust
monster and the 2 cannons for the barrier to go down and a beetle to appear.
Get on the beetle and drive up the path. Pit will drop onto a runway made of
light. As Pit travels along the light road, 2 lava monsters appear so shoot
them down with the beetle's guns. Near the end is a jump so stop before it
and use the beetle's boost (on the touch screen lower left) to jump to the
other side. Get off the beetle and go through the door.

Out in the corridor, run halfway for 2 cannons to drop down. Kill them and run
to the door to the next room.

In this room is a central pillar surrounded by purple energy. Shoot the
diamond on the front for it to fall down one step. Kill the monoeyes that
appears and run behind the pillar to shoot the second diamond. Kill the mick
and run right to shoot the third diamond. A specknose appears so kill it and
run left to the opposite side to shoot the fourth diamond. When the pillar
falls down completely, there will be 3 waves of enemies to defeat. The first
wave is 1 ice skeleton and 1 spinning turtle. The second wave is 2 handra and
a gust monster. The third wave is a energy absorber and 2 mick. Kill the
enemies for a jump platform to appear on the pillar and a God Drink. Take the
drink to recover Pit's health to full and take the platform up.

Pit will be on a doughnut platform and will need to defeat 2 waves of enemies.
The first wave will be 2 mick and a lazer monster. The second wave is 2 handra
and a gust monster. Defeat the enemies and take the jump platform up to the

Go up the hallway. There are 2 cute bunny/dash monsters so dodge past or kill
them and get to the door to the next room.

This next room is kind of a maze. Go forward and left. There is a lazer
monster so kill before going forward. Do not be afraid to hide behind the
corner until the lazer stops to get an opening. Go forward and immediately
turn right and kill the hectross. Go forward and on the left is another lazer
monster. Kill it and follow the path it was guarding for some food. Go back 
to the first corner where the hectross was and go straight under the bridge
and to the left. Go left and left and over the bridge. Kill the lazer monster
ahead from afar and go over the second bridge. Turn right and kill the
hectross hiding underground and go forward. Pit can turn right and follow the
path to a level 6 intensity gate. Go straight and through the door.

Intensity Gate Lv. 6


In the hallway, run up to meet a clockhouse. The clockhouse releases 2 cannons
every time it opens so shoot the clockhouse when it opens to defeat it and
kill the 2 cannons for another opening. After the enemies are dead, run up
and pick up the grenade before going into the next room.

This room have 3 waves of enemies. The first wave is a Plum Wizard so kill it
with the grenade. The second wave is 8 shemum that fall from the sky to pick
up the spinning spike ball and kill the shemum. The third wave is 2 cannons,
a grabbing enemy, and 1 tank. Kill the cannons and shoot the grabbing enemy
from afar. Run behind the tank and shoot its vulnurable spot at the back. At
the end, the barrier will come down and a God Drink will appear. Take the
drink to refill Pit's life and go through the door.

In this hallway, Pit will use the grindrails to quickly climb up the rest of
the tower. Pit will first encounter 3 monoeyes. Then, there is a handra on
the arch to the left. The rail will stop and Pit will jump onto the next rail.

Pit will then see 2 monoeyes to the right. The rail will stop and Pit will
get on a third rail. Pit will see 1 handra on the tower to his right, then
1 handra to his left on the arch. Pit will then see 2 mick up ahead. Pit will
then grind as several doors open. Kill the soldier that is on the platform
to the right and Pit will jump onto another rail. 1 smoke monster will appear
to Pit's left near the end so kill it and go through the door.

In this room is a gigas so get on it. Pit will have to face 3 waves of enemies
in this room. The first wave is 2 monoeyes, 1 mick, and 1 specknose. The
second wave is 9 mini-reapers, followed by 6 spirals. The third wave is a
clockhouse that releases 2 monoeyes, followed by 2 mick every time. Shoot the
clockhouse in the face until it is dead and go through the door.

In the hallway, there is a mick within the gap before the jump platform. Kill
the mick and use the platform to leap the gap. There is another mick in the
next gap so remove it. The final gap has a glowing skull so time you jump to
avoid the skull and enter the next room.

There is a hot spring in this room so use it to recover health and head out
to the next door.

There are no enemies here. Run up the hallyway into the next door. Go into
the pillar of light.

BOSS: Soldier of Light

-Thunder Strike- The soldier summons a purple thunder strike behind him to
                 hit Pit
-Blue Flame- The soldier creates 2 blue flames on either side to hit Pit
-Fireball- The soldier of light tosses 3 fireballs back at Pit
-Dash- The soldier turns into a blue flame and dashes past Pit

Pit will have to battle the soldier of light while both players are in horse
drawn carriages. On the carriage, move the analog stick left and right for
Pit to move along the runway and avoid the Soldier of Light's attacks. The
soldier will attempt to attack Pit with several ranged traps while Pit is
chasing him so chase the soldier down the runway and use ranged attacks on
him as you close in.

The soldier will cycle between 3 main attacks, thunder strike where the he
summons a purple bolt of thunder behind himself randomly to deal damage,
fireball where he tosses 3 fireballs behind to hit Pit, and blue flame where
he summones a blue flame on either side of him to damage Pit as he closes in.

Avoid the thunder strike by moving sideways after seeing where the strike hits
the ground. Move sideways to avoid the fireballs although they are pretty
tough to avoid. Just stay close and ignore the blue flame attack as Pit gets
close to the soldier. If Pit passes the soldier, the soldier will power up and
rush past Pit so move around to avoid the rush and keep firing.

In this fight, Pit was limited maneuverability since the horse is running and
does not have strong horizontal motion so time Pit's actions earlier than
usual. Pit cannot dodge while on the carriage either. Focus on using ranged
attacks to hit the soldier and maybe a melee combo as you run to his side and
wear down his health.

Well that was a long, long level.

Chapter 20: Soul of the Goddess


Pit will be riding out on Flash and Silver, his two new horses he got from
the Soldier of Light, out into space. Unlike previous flying segments, this
version is a 2D-ish shooter where Pit will can move up, down, left, and right
but his motions are similar to a ship shooter.

Pit opens to a wave of 4 monoeyes to the top right, followed by 4 mick from
the bottom right. Mick and Monoeyes will then randomly come in from the sides
as Pit travels. A piece of debris will fall through the center so avoid it.

Further along the fight, bugs will being to appear so shoot them as they
come in from opposing sides. The bugs will be followed by 2 stars shooting
lazers so move up the middle as the lazers close in and back out and to the
left and right to shoot the stars when their lazers stop. Another piece of
debris will fall through the middle.

More mick swining their tongues will appear so shoot them before they get too
close. Another piece of debris will fall through the center. A bunch of panels
will then fall to hit Pit so move forward and around the screen to avoid them.
There will be 2 waves of 4 handra in this section but ignore them and focus on
the panels.

After, a fire dragon appears along with random daphnes so shoot them all down.
Pit will then run into the light, going into mach speed. In the light will be
some monoeyes and 2 waves of 5 stars shooting their lazers in a circle. Circle
with the lazers or take some initial damage and kill the group of stars.

After the stars, a clockhouse will appear releasing monoeyes and micks. Shoot
it down. After, some monoeyes will randomly fall toward the screen so shoot
them down as Pit runs down the light to the end.


Pit is finally on the island. Collect the food to recover some health. Up
ahead are 3 centurion so take them out. Go to the right and jump on the first
platform. Go to the left platform to pick up the grenade and then jump to the
platform with the temple. There will be a machine and 2 stars so take them out
and enter the temple.

In this room are some statues and a muscular centurion. Kill the centurion
and break down the statues for some hearts, food, and a paralyze tablet. Go
through the door to the next area.

There is a beetle in the next room so get on it. Pit will pass an intensity
gate lv 5. Continue down the corridor in the beetle.

Intensity Gate Lv. 5

Jump down the platforms. There are 3 birds here so take them out to progress.
After the birds are gone, an oyster appears so destroy the 3 pears inside. Go
forward for a chest containing a [Blade]. Go to the very last platform for 3
centurion. Go through the door.

There are 3 centurion and 2 centurion archers here, followed by 2 shielded
centurion. Kill all the enemies for a jump platform to appear. Use it to get
up and go through the previously blocked doorway. Go down the stairs.

There are 2 monoeyes here so kill them. To the first room on the right is a
hot springs but be careful of the square before it as it falls to leave a hole
in the ground.

Go to the next room on the right to find a jail. Kill the 1 centurion here
and press the buttons to release the grab monster and the soldier and kill
them. Drop down a hole and kill the snail inside and open the chest for a
[Cannon]. Take the jump platform back up.

Go to the square before the locked gate and step on it to fall to the ground
below. Use the grenade if you have it on the big reaper and 2 enemies here.
There is an Intensity Gate Lv. 8 to the right.

Intensity Gate Lv. 8


Go straight to pick up a [key]. Go through the hole on your right and take
the right path. Press the switch and kill the 2 centurion inside. Go back and
take the left path and kill the 2 centurion and go up the stairs. Use the key
on the electric gate for a path to appear. Run along the path to the other
side and go through the door.

In this next area, the edges of the floor are deep holes for Pit to fall
through so try not to dodge recklessly. There is 1 machine and 2 centurion
archers in this room. Kill them to lower the barrier and go up the stairs.

In this next area is another big reaper and a tempura wizard. Pick up the
grenade and use it on one of the 2 opponents. After both enemies are dead,
run through the wind to the other side. 3 monoeyes appear so kill them or
ignore them and go through the gate.

Pit will need to face several enemies here although he has the beetle to use.
The first wave is 2 daphne and 3 poison bombs. The second wave is 2 dogs and
3 monoeyes. Defeat the enemies and take the beetle out to the next area.

The next area has another beetle. Go forward for 3 monoeyes, followed by 2
specknose. Kill the enemies and use the beetle dash to jump the edge of the
first island. use the dash again on the second edge to get to the third
platform. Get off the beetle and use the jump platform to get up and collect
the food to recover health.

Pit will have to fight 3 waves of enemies here. The first wave is 3 centurion
archers. The second wave is 1 muscular centurion, 1 centurion archer, and 1
machine. The third wave is 1 muscular centurion. After the enemies are
defeated, collect the God Drink to recover Pit's health and go down the
platform and to the left side to get a chest with a [Blade]. Go back up and
through the gate into the arena.

BOSS: Possessed Palutena

-Light Projectile- Palutena creates 3 horizontal light projectiles to shoot
                   at Pit
-Blinding Light- Palutena summons a bright light to blind Pit 
-Light Turrent- Palutena summons 3 vertical light projectiles that shoot at
                Pit twice each for a total of 6 shots

Weakness: Invisible Parasite

DO NOT go into this battle guns blazing. Killing Palutena in this battle is
both possible and leads to failure. Unfortunately, there is no obvious barrier
or target to shoot at. So now what.

While fighting Palutena, look above her to occasionally see some purple smoke
blowing around. That is the location of the invisible parasite that is
controlling the Goddess. Use ranged attacks to hit the parasite. After hitting
it enough, it will be stunned and land on the floor, visible. Use this
opportunity to unleash a melee combo on it.

The parasite itself does not attack but will use Palutena to do its dirty
work for it. Palutena's attacks do not do significant damage but impedes Pit
and moves around to make hitting the parasite harder to hit. Keep aiming for
the smoke above Palutena for it to go down.

The parasite takes Palutena's soul out of her body and she turns into stone.
Pit does not make it in time into the rift but Black Pit saves the day by
ramming the horses into the rift to break it wide open. Pit retreats for now.

Chapter 21: The Konton Rift


Pit will fly into the rift. There will be a wave of 4 enemies to the left,
then 3 blue enemies rolling toward Pit, followed by 4 monoeyes from the right.
Pit will see a bunch of eyes (freaky), but continue flying. Kill the komayto
that appear and the 2 birds. Pit will then be stopped by a hand.

Hands will pop out from the screen to block Pit and Pit will have to fly
through them. Stay to the right to avoid the first couple and them move to
the left for the rest. There will be bugs flying in so try to avoid them.

The screen will turn black and the enemies and Pit will be in contrast. Pit
will face some 2 waves of spirals, centurion poping from the edges of the
screen, and finally 2 balls that run toward Pit. Kill the enemies and avoid
the balls until Pit goes through the light doorway.

Pit will be out of the cave but completely black. However, he will fly under
a hotspring waterfall and be back to normal. As Pit flies, a monoeye will
come block the screen. It is too close for Pit to kill. Watch out as there
are still enemies on the screen. The monoeye will be joined by another.

The monoeye leave just as two panels fall toward Pit so avoid them. Keep
killing the enemies that appear. Pit will pass a regiment of parasites. These
do not have as much life as the bosses so kill them quickly. A regiment of
apple enemies will then appear so shoot them down and avoid the debris.

After the 2 waves, a regiment of 3 dark Pits will appear. Two have a bow, one
a cannon so kill them and continue on. More Pits will appear, some with blades,
others with orbitars, but they cannot take many hits so just shoot them down
and continue forward.

Collect the 3 recovery balls that appear and Pit will fly forward into the
crevice. Pit will chase a parasite. The parasite will drop pink projectiles
back at Pit so shoot them down as they home in on Pit. Pit will then enter
an eye. Keep chasing and shooting the parasite to prevent it from attacking
Pit. Kill the regiment of monoeyes that appear until Pit exits the eye.

The parasite will speed up so Pit will ask Vindi to speed up his flight so
he can keep up. This becomes a much more hectic fight as Pit will have to fly
around and keep shooting down the parasite's pink projectiles and dodge its
waves back at Pit while enemies appear to disrupt Pit. Pit will not have much
time to deal with each enemy so shoot enemies as they appear and keep near
constant fire on the parasite to shoot down its pink projectiles. After a
while, the parasite will crash into a floating boulder so shoot it for it to
go down.


Upon landing, there will be 2 red explosions waiting for Pit. Kill the
enemies and avoid the 3 pieces of debris they explode into and collect the
food to recover health.

This land battle will consist of Pit fighting waves of enemies ranging from
monoeyes to triangles as Pit runs around the area. The are many enemies so
dash around and use the jump platforms to jump to the other side of the area
for an easy way to dodge attacks. Enemies will drop food upon defeat so pick
them up to recover health.

After the checkpoint, Black Pit will join in to help Pit fight. There will
be 2 tanks that drop down, followed by stronger enemies such as lazer monsters
guarded by panels, and ice skeletons. However, Black Pit will help take on
these enemies although his occasional misfired arrows will hurt Pit. Defeat
all enemies. Finally, a God Drink will drop from the sky to automatically
recover Pit's health as the boss battle begins.

BOSS: Konton Parasite

-Dash- The parasite runs away from Pit/Black Pit
-Projectile- The parasite shoots a projectile at Pit/Black Pit

This is a pretty easy boss battle after the grueling fights on the island.
Vindi will set up traps to restrict the parasite's movements if Pit or Black
Pit can lead the parasite into the trap. As this is unlikely, Pit should focus
on killing the parasite.

The parasite is fast and moves around alot so try to see where Black Pit is
shooting to get an idea of where the parasite is and keep shooting or melee
comboing it. Most of the damage Pit will recieve will come from projectiles
shot by the parasite or the occasional missed arrow by Black Pit so focus
on chasing and attacking the parasite for it to go down.

Its not over yet!!! Palutena's soul is recovered but Black Pit is captured by
a tiny piece of the parasite that was still alive. Black Pit falls to his
death so Pit must save him. However, Pit does not have the Power of Flight
and using it more than 5 minuites will burn his wings up. Nevertheless, he
asks Vindi to give him the power.

Both Pit and Black Pit will have targets again. Black Pit will stay near the
center of the screen so move Pit near to the center and try to keep him there
as Pit falls closer to Black Pit. Keep Pit near the center of the circle to
catch Black Pit.

Although we save Palutena, Pit's wings are burnt up and he may never fly

Chapter 22: Burnt Wings


Pit can no longer fly and is still in a coma so we are using Black Pit for
this mission. A crown fish will appear from the right so shoot it down. This
will be followed by a face and a reaper. Black pit will then have to face
some monoeyes and 4 handra on panels.

Then, 2 stars and a barrier enemy will appear. After, Black Pit will fly into
the woods. Avoid the reapers' line of sight or Black Pit will be killed
instantly by the flaming skulls. After passing 3 reapers, there will be birds
so shoot them down. After the wave of birds, 3 waves of 3 handra on the
ground will chase Black Pit so shoot them, Upon exiting the woods, collect
the 2 recovery balls.

3 spirals and 3 birds appear. Black Pit then meets with Hades. Pit will face
some monoeyes and micks so keep shooting them down. An oyster appears but it
will remain closed for the time being so focus on the monoeyes and mick that
appear. When Black Pit runs into a dead end, the oyster opens so shoot the
pearls. Handra will being appearing on the walls so shoot them as they appear.
After around 5 waves of 3 handra, Black Pit will fly through a hole in the
wall so collect the 3 recovery balls that appear.

Black Pit will then scale another wall. There will be handra, pot enemies,
monoeyes, and micks, and 1 barrier enemy appearing in the holes of these
walls so shoot them when you have an opening. Black Pit will then fly to the
right where spirals and monoeyes appear so shoot them down. Black Pit will
then fly forward to the next area.


Black Pit can fly without the Goddess' power so this will be another flying
section. Collect the 4 recovery balls that appear and shoot the monoeyes that
emerge from the left. We see the soul eating monster down below. The monster
rises up and attempts to eat Black Pit. Shoot the bulbs on the back of the
monster marked by arrows. After most of the bulbs are gone, a red ball appears
in the mouth of the monster so shoot it to kill the monster. Some mini-reapers
appear during the fight so kill them as they arrive.

Black Pit will then face some monoeyes and an oyster. Kill the waves of mini
reapers, micks, and monoeyes that follow and Black Pit will turn forward

Black Pit will face some birds and a clockhouse so kill it. Then, an energy
absorbing monster appears so defeat it as it shoots its lazer. 2 Daphne then
follow so shoot them down. They will be followed by an elephant and 4 stars.
Collect the 3 recovery balls on the top left.

Keep circling around as 2 ganewmede appear with some monoeyes. Avoid their
counters and shoot them down. They will be followed by 2 panels, one guarding
2 stars and another guarding 1 monoeye. Shoot down the 2 bugs that appear and
the 4 enemies afar.

Hades will appear again. This is just a mirage despite him choping that block
in half so take out the mick and monoeye that appear and Black Pit will fly
off. Kill the big monoeye followed by the micks. There will then be a big
mick followed by monoeyes so kill them. There will be some mini-reapers so
shoot them down.

Black Pit will get to the river of souls. There will be some enemies here so
do not let your guard down. 3 Daphne appear, followed by 4 reapers, and 3
monoeye. This will be followed by 4 more mini-reapers, a big mick, and a big
monoeye. Black Pit calls out on the gods and goes into the hole to a new

Black Pit will fly through the beams so shoot the 3 poison bombs and boulder
hurling enemies here. As Black Pit travels futher, there will be birds that
leave lazers in their trail. Avoid the lazers by staying near the bottom of
the screen. Fight through the waves of enemies that are here.

Black Pit will then arrive at the soul reversing platform. As Black Pit flies
there, 5 stars appear so shoot them down. Black Pit will fly toward the

Just as we get to the water, Pandora leaps out of Black Pit and enters the
water to recover her form. A God Drink drops on Black Pit to refill his
health so get ready for the boss fight.

BOSS: True Pandora

Phase 1
-Fireball- Pandora shoots 6 fireballs at Black Pit

Phase 2
-Heart Shot- Shoot a heart-shaped shot at Black Pit
-Bomb- Throws 3 bombs at Black Pit
-Teleport- Pandora teleports a short distance away
-Fake Chest- Pandora creates a fake chest that unleashes a trap when opened
-Fake Death- Pandora will fake her death
-Wave- Pandora tosses a homing wave at Black Pit
-Split Wave- Pandora tosses a wave that splits into 6

Pandora will be composed of red instead of blue flames. Dodge the initial
fireballs and shoot Pandora to defeat its first form quickly. After, a scene
will appear and Pandora will jump into the water, restoring herself into her
true form.

In the second Phase, Pandora will fight in her true form and is a much
stronger enemy. Pandora will often dodge around and toss heart shots at Black
Pit to deal damage. Side dodge this shots or interrupt them with a ranged shot
from Black Pit. Pandora will also toss 3 bombs around the around the area
which Black Pit can melee but they will not bounce back to Pandora. After
attacking, Pandora will teleport a short distance and follow with a wave.

Pandora will also create 2 or 3 chests on the platform. Opening them will
cause a trap to unleash where blue flames shoot out to hit Black Pit. However,
after the trap is over, the chest does sometimes leave a weapon or power so
it is not a bad idea to run past chests and collect the items after the trap
is over.

There is also a panel on the floor. Do no step on it since it will trap Black
Pit and leave him open to all of Pandora's attacks. In this trap, Black Pit
can't dodge or dash out so will be a sitting duck until the trap disappears.

In this battle, focus on shooting Pandora herself rather than go after the
bombs. Use either melee combos or ranged attacks, whichever is stronger for
the weapon Black Pit is currently using, and keep attacking Pandora. After
dealing about half her health, Pandora will fake her death with a sudden flash
on the screen, signalling the boss' death. This is a fake out and she is still
alive so keep dodging her attacks and fighting.

The fake death signals that Pandora has lost about half her health so keep
strafing and ignore the bombs and chests. After several more attacks, Pandora
will be defeated.

Pit's wings recover and he comes back to life although Black Pit has lost the
power to fly on his own.

Chapter 23: Final Battle Hades!


Pit will use the Goddess weaponry once again for the battle against Hades.
Remember that the Palutena bow has excellent range and can hit nearly all
enemies on screen.

Pit will face a wave of 7 or so monoeyes, followed by 5 spirals, more monoeyes
and micks, and some parachute enemies. After, shoot down the oyster and the
2 bugs that appear. Then, deal with the 2 Ganewmede that appear.

Pit will speed toward his next destination. 3 komayto appear so melee them.
3 stars appear next and shoot their lazers so move in a slow counterclockwise
motion to dodge their beams and shoot them down. Collect the 4 recovery balls.

A clockhouse appears. Remember that Palutena's bow has excellent range and
shoot at it while it releases some mini-reapers. Focus on the house and take
it down.

Pit will then dive into a crevice. Pit will first run into several monoeyes
and micks, ending with a big mick swinging its tongue so take it out from
afar. Next, 6 handra appear from behind so shoot them down. The hole will
be blocked by rotating arms so shoot the enemies and fly through the gaps.
Pit will have to fly through 3 so aim for the arm with a fuzzy end to kill
the enemy.

Pit will then encounter some komayto followed by a glowing skull. Collect the
4 recovery balls that appear. As Pit flies through the red tunnel, there will
be letters with a purple glow that deal damage so avoid them. After avoiding
the letters, Pit runs into Hades.

Hades throws his minions at us. There will be 3 monoeyes and 2 bugs at the
start, followed by 2 birds, micks, and a glowing skull. Hades will then blast
Pit with a curse, damaging the Goddess weaponry and forcing Pit to fight
without them.

Mini-BOSS: Hades

-Rapid Punch- Hades will rapidly punch a section of the screen, dealing
              damage if Pit is there

This is an easy fight. Simply stay to one side of the screen and shoot Hades
anywhere as he punches the air.

Hades will suck Pit in and swallow him.


Pit will arrive inside hades stomach. He will not be able to gain any advice
from Palutena.

In this first area, Pit will have to fight 2 waves of enemies. The first wave
is 2 red handra. The second wave is 2 red handra and a enemy. Defeat them for
the barrier to go down and go deeper into Hades.

There will be some clear enemies here so shoot them down. There are some clear
rectangles blocking Pit so shoot them so they shrink and run past them. Go to
the next section. Shoot the rectangle and run past to pick up the wind grenade
and use it on the hole in the right to destroy some enemies. Shoot the green
pillar so it sinks and walk across. Shoot the front of the two green pillars,
get on top and wait for it to go up. Shoot the second pillar and get on it
and go up. There is an Intensity Gate lv 8 to Pit's left. Go right into the
next area.

Intensity Gate Lv 8


Kill the enemies here and shoot the monoeye shaped statue until it is
destroyed for some food. Use the green pillar to get up to it. Go along the
left path and through the hole to the next area.

Go along the corridor and Pit will find 2 grenades. Pick up one and use it
on the enemy blocking the entrance. Pick up the other and use it on the faux
komayto. Go forward and kill the faux lazer monster blocking the corridor.
Shoot the green pillars behind the box and run up to them to climb up to the
next area without getting grabbed.

In this area, there will be 1 faux elephant head, 1 red handra, and 2 faux
komayto. Kill them all for the barrier to go down and get on the pink pillar
to go up.

In the next area, kill the faux solider and the red handra and shoot the green
pillar to bring it down. Get on and go across the bridge for some food. Kill
the faux lazer monster down the hall and open the chest on the left for a
[Power]. Go down the hall on the right and fight 2 fake stars. Turn the
corner to face 3 faux monoeyes and 1 fake star. Kill them for the pink pillar
on the right to come down and get Pit on it.

Go up to face 2 red handra. Go on the right pink pillar to face a fake star
that drops food upon death. Back down, a faux lazer enemy and 2 faux komayto
appear so kill them and get on the left pillar up.

Go up and kill the faux solider and 2 faux komayto. Wait for the panel to
arrive and chase it along the pathway and run past it at the end. Kill the 2
komayto here. Get on the grind rail.

As you grind the rail, shoot the piece on the rail to prevent Pit from damage.
On the center, there is a faux star, 2 faux monoeyes, and 1 barrier so kill
them all and get on the next red grind rail.

Again, shoot the debris on the rail but halfway through, have Pit jump to the
left to get onto the next grind rail and onto the platform. Kill the 2 faux
stars and run down on the side of the platform to the ground floor. There is
an enemy generator creating faux soliders so destory it for some food. Take
the grind rail and shoot 3 large boulders as Pit grinds into the next area.

In this area, Pit will need to fight several waves of enemies. The first wave
is a monoeye and a star. Hades will then punch the side. The second wave will
be 2 soldiers and a shield. The third wave is a bunny/dasher, a 2-part reaper,
a spinning turtle, and a charge dog. The fourth wave is a melee enemy and a
specknose. The fifth wave is 4 cannons and a tank. A hole will appear after
the battle so take it down to the next area.

Go along the corridor to meet 3 red handra. Kill them and go through the door
and onto the walkway. Keep going forward and through the door. Pick up the
God Drink by the door to refill Pit's health and go through the door.

BOSS: Hades' Heart

-Dash- Hades' heart run rapidly, crashing into Pit for damage
-Duplicate- Hades' heart duplicates itself into a copy with a glow
-Explode- a copy explodes, dealing damage that spreads to the open rows

This is quite a tough battle. Hades' heart runs around in the complex maze to
run away from Pit and is quite hard to avoid damage in the process. Hades'
heart attacks using two methods, running into Pit while in rage mode (glowing
red), or by catching Pit in the blast of a clone exploding.

During the start of the fight, Hades' heart will run away from Pit,
forcing Pit to chase after the heart to unleash a melee combo or shoot at it
from afar with a homing charge shot. After suffering enough damage, the heart
will glow run and run after Pit, running over him for damage. While the heart
is glowing red, it is invulnurable to damage.

After some damage, the heart will being to create clones of itself,
identifiable with a yellow glow to chase Pit. After getting to a corridor
where Pit is, the clone will explode to unleash a blast that travels straight
through the corridor (think Bomberman's bombs). If Pit is caught in the blast,
he will get hurt.

The clone blasts are not too tough as long as Pit keeps moving and keeps an
eye out for the clones. Although Pit can attack the clones, killing them
will cause them to explode and since the clones do not attempt to run over
Pit, Pit should try to stay as far away from them as possible.

The real problem comes from the heart's dash attack. The heart will lock in
on Pit and will run toward Pit's location to run him over. The heart can be
dodge past but it is very difficult and does not necessarily avoid damage.
The heart is also very fast and knows the maze (and the shortest path to Pit)
so attempting to outrun the heart is not a wise idea unless Pit has a speed
boost from his weapon or is far away from the heart already.

Pit should focus on using homing charge attacks to shoot over the walls to
deal damage so Pit can at least have some distance from the heart. When the
heart runs toward Pit, try to dash past the heart with a forward dash to
bypass it.

Black Pit will save Pit and Hades and escape before Hades grabs both Pits.
Despite his heart getting destroyed, Hades is still alive...

Chapter 24: The 3 Ordeals


Immediately upon leave, Pit will meet 3 smoke monsters and 5 parachute
monsters. Try to fly through the circle in the smoke and shoot the enemies
down. After 2 panels will appear and various enemies will arrive. Shoot them
down and avoid the counter of the red spikes. They will be followed by 4 birds

After, a spiral will fly by, leaving 4 copies in its wake. Shoot them down
for another spiral to repeat the process. If they are not shot down, the
spirals will shoot off like missiles at Pit. After the two waves, 5 copy
monoeye appear so eliminate them. They will be followed by 5 parachutes, then
3 frogs and some new oram.

A rock machine appears so destroy it. Pit will fly through black clouds so
collect the 2 recovery balls that appear. 4 pot monsters will appear on screen
followed by 4 brutes, followed by a wave of copy monoeyes. Kill the pots with
melee attacks, shoot or avoid the brutes, and circle to avoid the monoeye's
plasma shots.

Some bats will fly at Pit so circle and shoot them down. After some more
enemies, 2 panels appear, moving vertically. They hide an acorn as it passes
by and shoots at Pit so shoot the acorn before it goes behind the panel. This
process occurs 3 times, followed by a monster jumping on screen, and the acorn
attacking one more time.

As Pit gets closer to the planet (looks like a death star to me), a circle of
9 copy monoeye appear. This will be followed by an acorn and bomb coming to
Pit's right, followed by another duo. After, Pit will fly into the entrace.

As Pit flies, 4 recovery balls appear on the right as mini-reapers appear and
a rock machine flies by. Ignore the mini-reapers and collect the balls and
focus fire on the machine. 2 glowing skulls rush past Pit and then rush at him
so fly to the right, then the left to avoid both.

After, some pakupaku and bombs appear so avoid shooting them. Pit will them
look at the gap on the right and see a face (2 monoeye and a mick). Shoot it
down. When Pit faces forward again, there will be a white ball releasing
komayto, first only 3, then around 5 before transforming into a wheel.

Pit will then begin to fly faster and 3 pakupaku appear so shoot them from
afar. As Pit nears the end, he will see bugs spinning their swords so shoot
the upper left and right to kill 2 bugs, then the lower left for a third.

Pit will then face his weapons unleashing attacking for him to dodge. The
first is 3 blades shooting a wave each so move to the upper screen. The second
is claws shooting a cross wave so move through the space. The fourth is a bow
that shoots a circular wave so move to the upper left or lower right. After,
Pit will fly to the platform where the God await.


As soon as Pit lands, go forward and collect the food to recover health. Go
forward onto the center platform and it will carry Pit up. At the top, go to
the right and defeat the boomerang enemy. Go to the platform and go into the
light. Get a [Power] and go back out. On the stairs will be 2 melee enemies
and a blue spike. Go back to the first platform.

Follow the stairs to the left platform. Pit will face 2 copy monoeye, 2 faux
monoeye, and 2 monoeye along the stairs. Go further for a centurion archer,
a monoeye, and lazer monster. The platform has a signal.

Go up to the stairs to the platform. Pit will have to kill 2 green ghosts and
a fire enemy. After the enemies are defeated, collect the food and go through
the door.

Mini-BOSS: Revived Phoenix

-Sweep- The phoneix turns into fire and sweeps the arena to hit Pit
-Wave- Phoenix pounds the ground to emit 3 waves
-Fireball- Phoenix shoots 3 fireballs at Pit
-Fire rock- Phoenix throws 3 fire rocks at Pit
-Feather- Phoenix shoots 3 feathers at Pit.

Phoenix will come back to fight Pit. The Phoenix is a tough fight due to
its ability to stay far out of Pit's range as well as its damaging attacks
and its near unavoidable sweep. The best way to deal with Phoenix would be to
master its attack pattern.

Phoenix often begins the battle by initially stomping on the ground to emit
3 waves along the ground to hit Pit. Then, Phoenix will take to the air and
fly around the area, attacking Pit with fireballs, rocks, and feathers. When
Phoenix stops flying and lands on the ground, Pit should run to the jump
platform since Phoenix is really to sweep the area.

Phoenix's difficulty stems from its ability to stay out of Pit's range due to
the large size of the arena Pit fights in. Pit wants to stay near the jump
platform in the center to avoid the sweep but needs to move out to the outer
edges of the area to hit Phoenix. THus, focus on looking at Phoenix's actions
during the battle to see when Pit needs to run back to avoid the sweep.

After the fight, collect some food to the left of the entrance and walk along
the new path. Pit will face 2 mick and a snail. Defeat them all for a chest
containing a [Cannon]. Run forward to face 2 copy mick and a glowing skull.
Kill the 2 mick and dodge past the skull and get to the next platform.

Here, Pit will have to defeat 2 bombs and 2 trap chests. After, Pit will have
to defeat an enemy and a reaper. Pick up the medusa turrent and use before the
fight. The turrent will shoot at the reaper and occasionally turn it into
stone. Attack the reaper while it is in stone to defeat it easier. Collect
the food and go through the door.

Mini-BOSS: Oram Rock

-Wave- the rock pounds the ground, emitting 3 waves
-Rock Toss- the rock tosses a projectile at Pit
-Stomp- the rock flies in the air toward Pit and lands down
-Dash- the rock spin-dashes forward at Pit
-Roll- the rock rolls toward Pit
-Arm- the rck swings its right arm, ending with its back to Pit
-Rock Barrier- the rock rasies several exploding rocks around it in a barrier,
               shooting them outward

Weakness: Red hole on the back

This is another repeat of the Oram rock fight. Oram rock uses the same
strategies as before, keeping its face toward Pit and running side-ways to
avoid exposing its back. Have Pit contantly shoot the rock in the face or
side dash around and whale on its weak point to maximize damage. Since Pit
will be fighting a mutlitide of bosses in this level, Pit should focus on
using ranged attacks and staying out of the rock's ranges rather than quickly
defeat the rock.

Run forward on the platform to each some food and follow the stairs on the
right. A ufo will appear so defeat it. This will be followed by a copy pot
that produces melee enemies so destory it with melee attacks. At the end is
a blue bomb and a boomerang enemy. Defeat them and run to the main platform.

Pick up the back shield to give Pit some additional protection. Pit will have
to fight 3 waves of enemies. The first wave is a rock machine, a monoeye, and
a clockhouse. The second wave is a melee enemy, an acorn, and a signal. The
third wave is a monoeye with unusually significant health. The second wave of
enemies drop food upon defeat so collect them to recover. After the door is
opened, open the chest for a [Cannon] and chase the other chest for a poison
bomb. Take it with you to the next battle.

Mini-BOSS: Kraken

Phase 1
-Slam- the tentacles slam the platform to deal damage

Phase 2
-Water Breath- the Kraken shoots a beam of water from right to the left
-Water projectile- the Kraken shoots 3 projectiles from right to left

There is a grenade in the room so use the poison bomb if you have it one one
of the tentacles. Avoid the tentacle slams and keep shooting them down for
the Kracken's face to appear.

Run to collect the grenade and use it on the kraken's head. Attack the head
if it is still alive to drain the last of the kraken's health. It should
fall quickly after using the grenade.

After the Kraken is defeated, run to the center of the room and collect the
God Drink to refill Pit's health. 

Mini-BOSS: Magnus & Dark Lord Gaol

-3 hit combo- Magus will deal a 3 bit combo to send Pit flying

Dark Lord
-Plasma Ball- Dark Lord shoots a blue plasma ball at Pit
-Gravity- the Dark Lord launches a gravity attack that traps Pit and deals
-Plasma Shot- the Dark Lord shoots 2 green plasma shots at Pit

These two make a great combo, Magnus being a great melee attacker and the
Dark Lord being a great ranged attacker. There is no distance where Pit is
truly safe from either.

However, Lord Gaol's ranged attacks deal less damage than Magus' comboes and
are more easily avoiding from afar, making a ranged fight much better than a
close up battle for Pit to survive.

It is highly recommended that if Pit has any AoE powers on him like explosion,
he should use them now. Pit should focus on using ranged attacks for the
intial fight when both enemies are alive since Magnus deals huge melee damage
that will outpace Pit, especially since Lord Gaol will support him by dealing
additional damage. Pit should use powers and use ranged attacks to first take
out Magnus.

Once one enemy is defeated, they will drop a God Drink to allow Pit to
recover and defeat the other. Although there is another boss fight soon after
this fight, the drink will disappear and there is no life line to tell how
much life Lord Gaol has left so pick up the God Drink to recover Pit's health
and focus on Lord Gaol. Lord Gaol focuses on using ranged attacks to attack
Pit so keep on using ranged attacks or run into close to combo Lord Gaol to
defeat her.

No rest yet...

Mini-BOSS: Palutena?

-Light wave- Palutena shoots 3 waves at Pit
-Light turrent- Palutena creates 3 horizontal turrents that shoot at Pit
                twice each
-Light Projectile- Palutena creates 3 light projectiles and launches them at
-Arrows- Palutena shoots a barrage of purple arrows at Pit's direction
-Melee- Palutena hits Pit with one swing to knock him away
-Plasma Ball- Palutena shoots a large blue plasma ball at Pit

Unlike the previous battle, this is a one-on-one battle with Palutena so
shoot the Goddess of Light herself. After enough damage, Palutena will reveal
her face as an copy.

This Palutena is much more aggressive than her counterpart and can take much
more damage. However, Palutena in general does not have many overwhelming
attacks that cannot be dodged so keep an eye out for what kind of projectile
attack she is preparing and get ready to dodge. Palutena's waves and light
projectiles can be dodged with a side dash and Pit should dash horizontally
to avoid the barrage of arrows. Palutena's plasma ball is slow so will not
be a significant threat to Pit.

A God Drink drops on Pit to recover his health. 

BOSS: New 3 Legendary Weapons

-Arrows- The weapons shoot a barrage of blue arrows
-Large Arrow- The weapon shoots 3 large projectiles at Pit
-Dash- the weapon dashes at Pit
-Teleport- the weapon teleports to another area
-Super Lazer- the weapon outlines a large square on the floor marked with
              light, then shoots that area with a huge lazer, destorying it

Wow, a mobile suit. This battle is quite impressive after all the trouble we
had to go through to get here. Luckily, this battle is not too tough. The
weapon will first shoot some arrows and large arrows as Pit so dash to the
side and keep shooting the weapon. After, it will teleport away and the
ground will flash red. This is Pit's cue to dash out of that area because it
is going to be nuked (even Palutena warns Pit). Run to the left to get out
of the kill zone.

After the amazing display of overkill, keep shooting at the weapon as it
attacks Pit. The weapon will switch between using large arrows and dashing
toward Pit so focus on doding the machine when it closes in and keep
attacking to make the suit yours.

Pit gives the new weapons a whirl and ends up crashing. Oh well, at least we
are going to get to use this in the final...

Chapter 25: Fighting the Fight


Pit will take off in the new legendary weapons (sick!!) so off we go. Some
monoeyes and bugs appear but they are no match for the firepower Pit is now
packing so let loose. Here are some notes on the new weapon:

Charge Shot: Pit shoots a large shot that leaves an explosion in its wake
Hold Shoot: Pit shoots multiple arrows that home in on targets

After the first wave of enemies, 2 crown fish appear along with a monoeye so
shoot them down and keep flying. Remember that although Pit is powerful, he
is not invulnurable so keep dodging those projectiles. Soon after, Hades will
burst from the ground to greet Pit.

BOSS: Hades Part I

-Projectile- Hades shoots projectiles from his eyes at Pit

Pit will need to fight hades through several rounds in this fight. First,
Hades will punch the right so stay left. Hades will create some purple
projectiles that burst into small flames at home in on Pit so keep shooting
Hades and circle to avoid the attack.

Hades will then follow up with a jumping punch, getting his hand stuck in the
ground. Hades will be unable to move but will still be able to attack with
the projectiles so continue circling.

Hades will then turn into a tornado to attack Pit. Hades is invulnurable in
this state so stop firing and focus on dodging. Move to the right to avoid
the first tornado, then the left.

Hades will then run at full speed to hit Pit. Hades will be shooting several
projectiles from his eyes that home in on Pit while he is running so keep on
shooting Hades and circle around to avoid the projectiles. He will eventually

After dealing enough damage, Hades will try to falcon kick Pit although he
dodges it with the new machine. Hades jumps into the air and Pit gives

BOSS: Hades Part II

-Plasma Projectile- the turrents on Hades' feet shoot projectiles at Pit
-Barrier- a turrent creates a barrier to protect itself
-Large Projectile- the back turrent shoots 2 large projectiles at Pit

In this first fight on the legs, shoot the 6 turrents (boils) on Hades legs
and avoid the projectiles. After clearing the first row, Hades will turn

Shoot the 4 turrents on the back of Hades' right leg. Pit will then fly up
onto Hades' back. There will be a face and 2 turrents so focus on eliminating
the turrents and shoot Hades' face. As Pit flies further up, more faces
appear so shoot them all down.

On the upper back, there will be 2 turrents, 3 faces, and a huge hole on the
top right. Ignore the other turrents and focus all of Pit's firepower on the
big hole in Hades back to bring him down quickly.

Hades will shoot multiple projectiles to defeat Pit but Pit will enter into
combat mode. Collect the 4 recovery balls that appear.

BOSS: Hades Part III

-Projectile- turrents on Hades' body shoot projectiles at Pit
-Gravity- Hades's hand creates a black hole to suck Pit in and limit movement

In this first battle, shoot the turrent and 2 spiky things on Hades' chest
and the 3 stones on his left armpit. After the targets are destroyed, the
battle moves into its next phase.

Hades puts his right hand up and shoots projectiles from his eyes. Shoot his
hand to hinder its restriction on Pit's movement and circle around to avoid
the projectiles.

Hades will then repeat with his left hand. Again, shoot the palm of the left
hand to prevent Pit from not being able to dodge the projectiles and move
around in a circle.

Finally, Hades will expose his chest with 3 stars, some turrents, and the
gaping hole where his heart was. The stars surround the hole and shoot lazers
so eliminate them to get some room and focus Pit's firepower on the heart.
Destroy the gold enemy to destory the barrier and keep shooting the heart.
After enough damage, Hades will fall again.

Hades will grab Pit and will attempt to crush him with a drill emerging from
his heart. Pit will cut Hades in half. Pit will appear back in the world so
collect the 6 recovery balls that appear.

BOSS: Hades Part IV

-Large Plasma Ball- Hades shoots 3 large blue plasma balls at Pit from his
                    left hand
-Small Plasma Ball- Hades shoots 3 small purple plasma balls from his right
-Barriers- Hades shoots both hands forward to create several barriers, one
           which flashes red and shoots projectiles at Pit

Weakness: Red Core on stomach

Hades is cheap as hell in this fight. Hades will shoot 2 types of plasma
balls at Pit: Blue and Purple. Shoot the blue ones to disintegrate them. Do
not shoot the purple ones as they will turn into quick projectiles that home
in on Pit. These projectiles deal significant damage to Pit.

After two waves, Hades will launch several barriers at Pit. One of the
barriers flashes red and will shoot projectiles at Pit so quickly eliminate
it or circle around to avoid its attacks. Remember to also avoid the barriers
that fly in.

After three waves of barriers, Hades will shoot both purple and blue plasma
projectiles at Pit so remember to only shoot down the blue ones.

Hades will remain out of range for the normal shot, only able to be hit by
the strong charged attacks. Thus, Pit should focus on carefully placing his
shots so that he will be able to use charged shots as much as possible. Pit
can also shoot Hades whenever he steps forward to launch one of his attacks.

Hades will crush Pit's mecha suit, causing him to fall and tumble to the
ground. A target will appear around Pit and the ledge he needs to get to so
move Pit to the target. The target is near the center of the screen.

Hades will charge up for one last final attack while Pit is injured. Pit's
reticule will be damaged and hard to control but try to keep the reticule
on Hades (so it turns yellow). The thorns on the top of the screen will move
from left to right so keep it on him until it reaches the right part of the

Medusa will come in to save us although she is defeated quickly. Vindi will
give us the Power of Flight and Pit will arm himself with the cannon. Time
for the final showdown.

BOSS: Hades Part V

-Lazer- Hades shoots lazers from his eyes and hands at Pit.

Unlike previous fights, this is a survival battle where Pit must survive
until the gun charges, the charge outlined on the screen at the top bar. Pit
must avoid Hades' attacks until the bar is filled.

For help dodging the beams, do not be distracted by the purple and look at
the ends of the beams. Those are the points where Pit must avoid since those
are the points where Pit will be hit. It is tempting to avoid the purple beams
on the screen but ignore them and focus on the white ends.

Hades' hands are positioned at an angle, meaning that although the hands are
there, Pit can still move to the upper left and lower right to avoid damage.
The hands remain static while Hades' shoots a constant beam to move around
in a static motion for the first phase.

In the first phase, Hades will use his eyes to draw a circle around the open
area to hit Pit. Thus, Pit should focus on hiding near the edges of the top
left or bottom right of the screen to avoid the first wave.

Hades' hands will then switch position, shooting straight out to make the
top left and bottom right inhabitable. Hades' eyes will now move in the shape
of an infinity symbol. It would be best for Pit to move in a small circle
near the center to avoid the beams as they pass or to stay to one side and
move up and down to avoid the beams as they come.

After the gun is fully charged, press the L shoulder button to fire.

The game is now truly over. No, I'm not going to spoil the ending.

After the game is over, shoot the credits. There should be around 253 targets
total and shooting over 100 gives a score.

There is one final bonus stage after the game however.

Bonus Chapter: Boss Rush

The boss rush is split into 3 difficulties although only easy is available at
the beginning.

EASY                     Intensity Level 3



Pit will enter a simple blue room with 5 God Drinks at the back and a portal
to the boss frame above it, signifying the boss Pit will have to face. Pit
will have to manage both his health during and after the fights, consuming
God Drinks when his health gets low to ensure that he can survive all 20

Here is the list of bosses Pit will face.

=::=BOSS RUSH-::=

Twin Bellows

Dark Lord Gaol  (w/ Magnus)


Big Reaper

Pandora       (w/ Black Pit)

Black Pit w. Bow





Oram Rock

Oram Core


Erica the Thunder Goddess

Oram's Nucleus

Oram's Reactor

Oram Mars

Pit's Body (as Magnus)

Soldier of Light

Possessed Palutena

Konton Parasite (w/ Dark Pit)

True Pandora

Hades' Heart

Magnus & Dark Lord Gaol


New 3 Legendary Treasures

A good rule of thumb to follow is to only use God Drinks when Pit is at
maximum around 33% of his maximum health. God Drinks do not recover throughout
the rush so proper management of the drinks are essential. Definately equip
Pit with Recovery Lv. 3 and use it in lieu of drinks on the waiting stage as
recovery is interrupted if Pit is damaged while recovering. 

     ___________.__                    .___/\      
     \_   _____/|__|  ____    ____   __| _/)/______
      |    __)  |  |_/ __ \  /    \ / __ |  /  ___/
      |     \   |  |\  ___/ |   |  | /_/ |  \___ \ 
      \___  /   |__| \___  >|___|  |____ | /____  >
          \/             \/      \/     \/      \/ 

               _________         .__       .___                      
               \_   ___ \_____   |  |    __| _/_______  ____   ____  
               /    \  \/\__  \  |  |   / __ | \_  __ \/  _ \ /    \ 
               \     \____/ __ \_|  |__/ /_/ |  |  | \(  <_> )   |  \
                \______  (____  /|____/\____ |  |__|   \____/|___|  /
                       \/     \/            \/                    \/ 

Fiend's Caldron is a device available to players to change the difficulty of
the game throughout their journey. By putting in the hearts collected from
defeated enemies into the caldron, you can increase the difficulty of the
game from your previous level to a higher difficulty.

Higher intensities bring increases the quantity and strength of enemies that
appear for Pit to defeat but also increases the value of weapons and rewards
you can gain from the level, as well as collect more hearts to replenish your
spent points. At levels below 2.0, Pit is invincible but you are forced to
pay your heart points to play the level at such a low difficulty, preventing
players from simply rushing through the game on the easiest difficulty.

If you die during the game, the caldron tips to lose some hearts and reduces
the difficulty of the game.

The "intensity" of the game ranges from 0.0 to 9.0, 0 being the easiest where
Pit is invincible while 9.0 being the most difficult version of the game.

The game also has "Intensity Gates," gates that block Pit's progress to new
areas depending on the intensity at which the player is playing the game.

                     _  _ ____ ___  ____ ____ __   ___  
                     ||| \| __\|  \ | . \|   || \|\| _\ 
                     ||\ /|  ]_| . \| __/| . ||  \|[__ \
                     |/\/ |___/|/\_/|/   |___/|/\_/|___/

Weapons are categorized based on different types and values, the higher the
value the more powerful it is. You can collect additional weapons throughout
your story. However, the power of your weapons depends on the difficulty of
your game, the harder the game the better the weapons you can find.

Range: Range at which weapon can hit opponent (flying)
       Low       hit only front row
       Medium    can hit all but back row
       High      can hit all enemies

Melee: Melee damage

Damage: Average Damage output of weapon
                                \\        //
                                //        \\

                        "balanced and user-friendly"

The blade is a general use weapon. It has decent range with homing projectiles
as well as decent melee combos up close, make it an ideal weapon for beginners
still looking to find the form they want to play the game with. There are
very few faults with this weapon and players can easily play through the
entire game relying on a good blade. However, its lack of any exemplary pros
makes it a weak choice for multiplayer.

Charge Shot- one large projectile
Hold Shot- multiple weak rapid shots
Fwd Shot- shoot 1-3 larger projectiles
Side Shot- shoot 2-3 larger projectiles
Bwd Shot- shoot 1-3 larger projectiles

3-hit combo

Special Attack: Pit shoot the sky which summons lightning to hit his enemies

                                 \\     //
                                 //     \\

                        "guided high-speed arrows!"

The bow has 

Charge Shot
Fwd Shot- strong single arrow
Side Shot- 3 rapid arrows
Bwd Shot- backward single arrow

3-hit combo
Fwd melee- spinning combo (multi hit)

Special Attack: Pit aims at the sky and fires a rain of arrows on his enemies

                                \\        //
                                //        \\

                             "explosive rounds!"

Due to its large size, the cannon slows Pit's movement speed down on land but
not in the air. Its explosive rounds give an AoE attack that allows Pit to
defeat multiple enemies at once

Charge Shot- one large pro
Hold Shot- multiple weak rapid shots
Fwd Shot- shoot 1-3 larger projectiles
Side Shot- shoot 2-3 larger projectiles
Bwd Shot- shoot 1-3 larger projectiles

3-hit combo

Special Attack: Pit will backflip and shoot a large shell that hits all
                enemies on screen

                                \\      //
                                //      \\

                              "powerful melee!"

Due to its powerful single shot attacks, the arms are not great against
multiple opponents but great when facing a single strong opponent. It has
very limited range and no rapid fire although each attack hits with a decent

Charge Shot- one large projectile
Hold Shot- multiple weak rapid shots
Fwd Shot- shoot 1-3 larger projectiles
Side Shot- shoot 2-3 larger projectiles
Bwd Shot- shoot 1-3 larger projectiles

3-hit combo

Special Attack: Pit pulls back and punches multiple times, hitting all enemies
                on screen

                                \\       //
                                //       \\

                         "attack with blazing speed!"

The claws are very fast weapons that can build up combos quite well. They are
capable of producing rapid-fire attacks and charged shots although they are
limited to close range. 

Charge Shot- one large projectile
Hold Shot- multiple weak rapid shots
Fwd Shot- shoot 3 larger projectiles
Side Shot- shoot 3 larger projectiles
Bwd Shot- shoot 3 larger projectiles

5-hit combo
Run attack- x swipe

Special Attack: Pit will spin and launch a circle of spining waves at his
                                \\       //
                                //       \\

                           "improved homing shots!"

The palm is a 

Charge Shot- one large projectile
Hold Shot- multiple weak shots (around 20)
Fwd Shot- shoot 3 strongest projectiles
Side Shot- shoot 3 strong projectiles
Bwd Shot- shoot 3 strong projectiles

3-hit combo
Run attack- Stab (double damage)

Special Attack: Pit summons a large purple orb in his right hand which launches
                several orbs that home on enemies

                               \\          //
                               //          \\

                            "two shots at once!"

Orbitars are the machineguns of Angel Land. As both orbitars shoot projectiles
independently, the  damage builds up even though each shot does not inflict
significant damage. However, this assumes every shot reaches its target which
is not always the case due to the lack of homing on each projectile.

Charge- shoot 2 large projectiles to deal damage
Fwd Charge- Pit jumps forward and shoots 2 large projectiles
Side Charge- Pit jumps to the side and shoots 2 large projectiles
Bwd Charge- Pit jumps backward and shoots 2 large projectiles

HoldS Shot- rapidly shoots 3-6 shots each
Fwd Shot- rapidly shoot 1-3 shots each
Side Shot- rapidly shoot 3 shots each
Bwd Shot- rapidly shoot 1-3 shots each

3-hit combo

Special Attack: Pit will shoot several large shots from his orbitars which
                move around the screen and kill enemies

                                \\        //
                                //        \\

                             "ideal for sniping!"

The staff is all about range and accuracy, the strength of its attack based
on how faraway Pit is from the enemy. A weak staff can easily deal over 100
damage if Pit is over 80m away from the enemy and attacks with a charged shot
Staff's have terrible melee damage and no homing on their projectiles. Staff
requires players to keep their distance from their opponents and accurately
shoot their enemies due to the lack of homing.

Charge shot- shoot one shot at enemy instantly, no homing

Hold Shot- shoots 3 shots slowly
Fwd Shot- rapidly shoot 1-3 shots
Side Shot- rapidly shoot 1-3 shots
Bwd Shot- rapidly shoot 1-3 shots

3-hit combo
Run attack- Single slash (double damage)

Special Attack: Pit will charge his staff and shoot one large shot infront of
                him to remove the enemies in front

                                 \\       //
                                 //       \\

                    "powerful melee strikes and charged shots!"

The club is a very difficult weapon to use, especially in a game that focuses
significantly on ranged combat. In flight, the club has some range but they
can only hit enemies close to Pit and Pit will need to rely on batting back
enemy attacks to hit them. On the ground, the club has great damage close
range but limited, random long range attacks. However, due to its dependence
on close range, it is an excelllent weapon online.

Charge shot- (Random) Pit will toss a charged attack that moves forward

Hold- Infinite Swing
Fwd melee- Downward Swing
Side melee- Side Swipe
Bwd melee- Downward Swing
Run attack- Downward swing

Special Attack: Pit will swing his club to summon four tornados on screen to
                deal damage

                         ____ ____ _  _ ____ ____ ___  
                         | . \|   |||| \| __\| . \| _\ 
                         | __/| . |||\ /|  ]_|  < [__ \
                         |/   |___/|/\/ |___/|/\_/|___/

Powers a.k.a miracles, are abilities that give Pit special effects or allow
him to unleash a powerful attack during land battles to change the tide of

In the screen where you choose your powers, your powers are shaped in blocks
where Pit can pick and choose which powers he wants to bring with him on his
mission by fitting them carefully in his screen or letting Palutena do his
packing for him.

                                 \\        //
                                 //        \\

Powers with a Red Background

Idol Maker                Changes an enemy with lower health into an idol
                          *Single Player only

Beam                      Shoots a straight beam

Mega Laser                User fires straight, powerful beam

Explosion                 User creates large explosion for massive damage
                          (AoE attack)

Land Mine                 Sets an invisible bomb on the ground

Reflect Barrier           Creates barrier that reflects shots

Heaven's Light            A pillar of light falls on thr user, enemies who
                          close in are damaged

Comet                     User summons comets

                                 \\        //
                                 //        \\

Powers with a Purple Background

Sky Jump                  Allows user to leap into the air

Glider Jump               Allows user to jump high into the air and glide
Angelic Missile           User charges at foe

Rocket Jump               Creates explosin to jump high into the air

                                 \\          //
                                 //          \\

Powers with a Green Background

Health Recovery           Heals HP

Stone Recovery            Recovers user's status if turned to stone

Status Recovery           Heals status effects Poison, Paralysis

Second Wind               If user is killed when power is active, user will
                          come back to life immediately

                                \\            //
                                //            \\

Powers with a Yellow Background

Auto Target               After attacking, the reticule latches onto the

Auto Target (Weakness)    After attacking, the reticule latches onto the
                          enemy's weak point

Quick Charge              Allows user to use charge shot quicker

Homing Shot               Improves the homing of the user's shots

Slip Shot                 User's projectiles fire through walls

Invisible Shot            User's projectiles become invisible

Status Roulette           User gains a random status effect to attacks

Poison Add                User adds Posion effect to attacks

Paralysis Add             User adds Paralysis effect to attacks

Confusion Add             User adds Confusion effect to attacks

Burn Add                  User adds Burn effect to attacks

Freeze Add                User adds Freeze effect to attacks

Charge Will               The longer user waits without attacking, the
                          stronger the resulting attack.
                          Charge dissipates if user is hit while charging

Revenge Shot              The damage from the enemy's previous attack is added
                          onto the user's next attack

Eggplant Curse            Turns opponents into eggplants, prevents attacking

                                  \\         //
                                  //         \\

Powers with an Orange Background

Super Armor               Raises defense and user does not fly after attacks

One-Time Invincibility    No damage recieved from enemy's attack

No Sweat                  Stops user from sweating/getting tired

Super Speed               Increases user's speed and reduces fatigue rate
                          Increases damage from enemy attacks

                                  \\        //
                                  //        \\

Powers with a Blue Background

Auto Dodge               When user is attacked when power is active, user
                         will automatically dodge attack

Counter                  When user is attacked when power is active, user
                         will automatically counter

Transparency             Makes user invisible briefly

Playing Dead             Creates dying animation and limited invincibility

Heart Increase           Increases the number of hearts recieved from
                         defeated enemies

                                  \\        //
                                  //        \\

Powers with Apple Green/Purple Background

Item Pitcher             Increases distance user can throw item

Fireworks                User launches fireworks

___________                      .__                 
\_   _____/ ____   ____    _____ |__|  ____    ______
 |    __)_ /    \_/ __ \  /     \|  |_/ __ \  /  ___/
 |        \   |  \  ___/ |  Y Y  \  |\  ___/  \___ \ 
/_______  /___|  /\___  >|__|_|  /__| \___  >/____  >
        \/     \/     \/       \/         \/      \/ 

Description:looks like a flower

Description:green with a mouth and tentacle
-Plasma-    Mick spits a plasma projectile at Pit
-Tounge-    Mick lifts its tounge to slap Pit

Description:red with a single eye and tentacles
-Plasma-    Monoeye shoots a plasma projectile at Pit

Description: A blue hand with purple nails and eye in the palm
-Pellet-    Handra shoots small pearl pellets at Pit

Description: Green boil with four shuriken like fins and a red eye
-Spin-      Spim spins at Pit

Description: A blue dog with gold headress and wheel in front

Description:winged blue serpent

Description:Skull with spider legs and one eye


Description:one-eyed slugs

-Smoke Ring-     

Description:A flying nose with eyes
-Projectile bomb-        


Description:a transparent squid, similar to Metroids.
-Drain-   The Komayto latches onto Pit and drains his health


Description:large blue panel with markings

Description:Skeleton clocked in purple with a scythe

Eggplant Wizard
Description:A wizard with purple skin and bald head, reminiscent of an egg
-Plum Magic- The wizard tosses plums at Pit to transform him

Tempura Wizard
Description:A wizard with a fried shrimp for a head.

                           \__    ___/|__|______   ______
                             |    |   |  |\____ \ /  ___/
                             |    |   |  ||  |_> >\___ \ 
                             |____|   |__||   __//____  >
                                          |__|        \/ 

-Moving around in a wide circle will allow you to avoid most attacks,
 especially on lower difficulties.

-Shooting while moving decreases your moving speed by 75% depending on the

-Claws increase movement speed, orbitars have no effect

-If you are having trouble with a stage, you can grind earlier stages on
 harder difficulties to get more weapons which you can then fuse together to
 make more powerful ones


This file is Copyright (c)2012 Khan Kikkawa. All rights reserved. This FAQ is
only allowed to be posted on this website.


Copies appearing on other websites are a breach of copyright and will not be
tolerated. If you would like to host this walkthrough on your website, please
contact me before doing so. If you are making your own guide, please credit
me for your use and not plagiarize my work.

Please note that I am also a human being and will not be able to answer each
and every question immediately. Please read the FAQ before sending in questions
and dont spam me for answers to questions that are answered in the FAQ.

If you would like to contact me for hosting, improvements, corrections, or
questions to the FAQ, please contact me at [email protected]

Additional Thanks to:

patorjk.com Text Ascii Art Generator
Kid Icarus WIKI for background description of characters
Nintendo for choosing to continue the Kid Icarus series
You players who bought the game

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