Gameshark code - Guide for Pokemon: LeafGreen
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Hi everyone. i found some very helpful gameshark codes and i would like to share them with all of you. UPDATES V.1.0 updated on 1/17/2009 V.2.0 updated on 2/3/2010- added a section of codes submitted by viewers LEGAL NOTICE All rights are reserved by the author If This FAQ is found on any other site than please alert me the author at [email protected] If you would like to copy any part of this FAQ please email me explaining why and if reason is valid i will give permission. CHEAT CODES Ok then well this is a Guide of Gameshark codes.The Date marks the date i discovered this code. Important Note on Using GBA Cheat Codes... If you activate too many cheats, the game software will not know how to handle so many changes. Your GBA will let you know when you have too many active by giving you and error message that states, "Too many codes are activated. Some will not be running. Press Start.". If you press Start, your GameShark software will seem to hang. If you get this error message, it is best just to turn your GBA off, instead of pressing Start. When you turn the GBA back on, activate fewer cheat codes to avoid this.[M] Must Be On July 02, 2008 9820F6AE8203 8359EBCF20F5 DC89BB73F72F Infinite Cash July 02, 2008 7B9BF36F3E54 057F598C429E 67506BC45CBD 00B6F1903AF7 CC4F8C630144 A30F4BE92B37 4EA3D5281636 424F078E7AD1 0FC3F521963E 832B1FF442CB 6FA755041618 C70BBAD883D3 C5B56DEED1B8 Warp to Location: (Note 1) Birth Island July 02, 2008 97C2EBE303EF 728932907385 Navel Rock July 02, 2008 97C2EBE303EF 7289329073BF All Items on Sale: Part 1/2 July 02, 2008 B0C2B2C133C7 98C0B213B37F CB0DFF7FEF42 7692A08152FF 1596E32F0267 7CB4129CD293 C75FFB7F5664 16C4B29B1375 Part 2/2 July 02, 2008 57E4472A4D01 5494B29F5253 4746E96B5141 3EF4129C9291 56E406224B08 16E4129A1335 C25BBE57F27D 3AC0B2B9B3E5 Have Complete PokeDex Part 1/2 July 02, 2008 15FDD3B558FD 10FB92CD72DF 8569CBC15DD9 87ED2453BD86 CB952D51C35E EF0FAACA834B 4A97D5343710 AB6B5FD0AA3D 83D3F54B7352 C14BFFF142EF EFB5C56D5374 725E6EE05BC9 A6C524BC5282 Part 2/2 July 02, 2008 18B496BDE2E7 6D7BC7A02A6D CFC5E591D2FE 5BF41C26BCB2 67399522724E E85F3B49EB45 A1C1EDF1E2EE 851FFBD743C1 0D9143DC090D AE6FBEF9047F A1F3556C3702 3CD44577542E 1D6A93B492C9 Clone Pokemon (Note 2) Part 1/2 July 02, 2008 DA82A0F133F8 98C2A0F1F3E2 E6699AD95BD1 2B7659D0AAAD CC4F8C430154 A32F4BF92B17 CDE1DD4BC270 A70FE3A30367 E82B2D680718 Part 2/2 July 02, 2008 7E90A285CEFF AF7F5FF4AA09 ABF1C5B173EC 8F6F7FB382A5 E9A145B272EC 1A943C2FBCB8 8037E49091C6 AFCF12909531 9D6A8BE482C9 Misc. Codes: Encounter Less July 02, 2008 A83F9AD9A2F7 Always Your Turn July 02, 2008 E74BE30D537F 8D09EBCF83F7 E27F02207209 4A7B1AD662BD Easy Win (Trainer) July 02, 2008 0824929FB3D3 FEFB8201D259 Weak Opponents July 02, 2008 D79FE38742DB 4506FDD347FF Single Pokemon Battles July 02, 2008 C72F4BC253BF 2F46FDD1877D Ride Bike over Water July 02, 2008 3886329423BF 4772D3BB4241 Gain 5000 Exp July 02, 2008 FEBB0A6A8203 087B9AD720EE Free Daycare July 02, 2008 6F1FF3B5C2EF Quick Level Gain (Daycare) July 02, 2008 E6343C0CCC28 6F5DCD154C62 Quick Egg Hatch July 02, 2008 908D349E3D92 Instant Male Egg July 02, 2008 43546BC26EBD Instant Female Egg July 02, 2008 EB7DDB51EA7C Infinite Safari Time July 02, 2008 663F08E44889 Infinite Safari Balls July 02, 2008 4B294D4AE337 Safari PKMN Easy Catch July 02, 2008 660032045925 E2308E556465 Wild PKMN Easy Catch July 02, 2008 9DDB6DDA0A88 E2308E556465 Infinite PP July 02, 2008 6E2494715369 17D4F39712D9 1st Pokemon-Maximum Stats July 02, 2008 38A014382724 3FF453949219 2nd Pokemon-Maximum Stats July 02, 2008 A019AC6DB640 3FF453949219 3rd Pokemon-Maximum Stats July 02, 2008 25345D549618 3FF453949219 4th Pokemon-Maximum Stats July 02, 2008 AD6DCD41177E 3FF453949219 5th Pokemon-Maximum Stats July 02, 2008 BCDD240C0612 3FF453949219 6th Pokemon-Maximum Stats July 02, 2008 3CE494190776 3FF453949219 Access Your PC [L+Up] July 02, 2008 F4992E69CC26 E232061E2C2A F4992E69CC26 4E2D12B885AF 77925552860E 5F86F3B183EF 17D4F39712D9 Access Poke PC [R+Up] July 02, 2008 F4992E694C24 739BFD07BA59 F4992E694C24 0C4FB2B9C1ED F4992E694C24 662F123A0327 Battle Deoxys [Select] July 02, 2008 97E24BE207AD 8920C9A9E1F4 97E24BE207AD 5ECD32909FB5 Battle Ho-oh [Select] July 02, 2008 97E24BE207AD 4A4B38B0A7BD 97E24BE207AD 5ECD32909FB5 Battle Lugia [Select] July 02, 2008 97E24BE207AD 09197DBC6493 97E24BE207AD 5ECD32909FB5 Note 1: Hold L whilst entering/exiting. Note 2: Press L+R+Up. Copies Box1-Slot1 to Slot2 SUBMITED BY VEIWERS The following codes were sent into me and i have herby acredited them to there finder. Thx to all that sent stuff in. Walk Through Walls 509197D3 542975F4 78DA95DF 44018CB4 Sent in by Adam12501 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meet any pokemon you want. You need to have this one on: (M) 0000BE99000A 1003DAE60007 Pokémon: 83007CEE0001 = Bulbasaur 83007CEE0002 = Ivysaur 83007CEE0003 = Venusaur 83007CEE0004 = Charmander 83007CEE0005 = Charmeleon 83007CEE0006 = Charizard 83007CEE0007 = Squirtle 83007CEE0008 = Wartortle 83007CEE0009 = Blastoise 83007CEE000A = Caterpie 83007CEE000B = Metapod 83007CEE000C = Butterfree 83007CEE000D = Weedle 83007CEE000E = Kakuna 83007CEE000F = Beedrill 83007CEE0010 = Pidgey 83007CEE0011 = Pidgeotto 83007CEE0012 = Pidgeot 83007CEE0013 = Rattata 83007CEE0014 = Raticate 83007CEE0015 = Spearow 83007CEE0016 = Fearow 83007CEE0017 = Ekans 83007CEE0018 = Arbok 83007CEE0019 = Pikachu 83007CEE001A = Raichu 83007CEE001B = Sandshrew 83007CEE001C = Sandslash 83007CEE001D = Nidoran(female) 83007CEE001E = Nidorina 83007CEE001F = Nidoqueen 83007CEE0020 = Nidoran(male) 83007CEE0021 = Nidorino 83007CEE0022 = Nidoking 83007CEE0023 = Clefairy 83007CEE0024 = Clefable 83007CEE0025 = Vulpix 83007CEE0026 = Ninetales 83007CEE0027 = Jigglypuff 83007CEE0028 = Wigglytuff 83007CEE0029 = Zubat 83007CEE002A = Golbat 83007CEE002B = Oddish 83007CEE002C = Gloom 83007CEE002D = Vileplume 83007CEE002E = Paras 83007CEE002F = Parasect 83007CEE0030 = Venonat 83007CEE0031 = Venomoth 83007CEE0032 = Diglett 83007CEE0033 = Dugtrio 83007CEE0034 = Meowth 83007CEE0035 = Persian 83007CEE0036 = Psyduck 83007CEE0037 = GolducK 83007CEE0038 = Mankey 83007CEE0039 = Primeape 83007CEE003A = Growlithe 83007CEE003B = Arcanine 83007CEE003C = Poliwag 83007CEE003D = Poliwhirl 83007CEE003E = Poliwrath 83007CEE003F = Abra 83007CEE0040 = Kadabra 83007CEE0041 = Alakazam 83007CEE0042 = Machop 83007CEE0043 = Machoke 83007CEE0044 = Machamp 83007CEE0045 = Bellsprout 83007CEE0046 = Weepinbell 83007CEE0047 = Victreebel 83007CEE0048 = Tentacool 83007CEE0049 = Tentacruel 83007CEE004A = Geodude 83007CEE004B = Graveler 83007CEE004C = Golem 83007CEE004D = Ponyta 83007CEE004E = Rapidash 83007CEE004F = Slowpoke 83007CEE0050 = Slowbro 83007CEE0051 = Magnemite 83007CEE0052 = Magneton 83007CEE0053 = Farfetch'd 83007CEE0054 = Doduo 83007CEE0055 = Dodrio 83007CEE0056 = Seel 83007CEE0057 = Dewgong 83007CEE0058 = Grimer 83007CEE0059 = Muk 83007CEE005A = Shellder 83007CEE005B = Cloyster 83007CEE005C = Gastly 83007CEE005D = Haunter 83007CEE005E = Gengar 83007CEE005F = Onix 83007CEE0060 = Drowzee 83007CEE0061 = Hypno 83007CEE0062 = Krabby 83007CEE0063 = Kingler 83007CEE0064 = Voltorb 83007CEE0065 = Electrode 83007CEE0066 = Exeggcute 83007CEE0067 = Exeggutor 83007CEE0068 = Cubone 83007CEE0069 = Marowak 83007CEE006A = Hitmonlee 83007CEE006B = Hitmonchan 83007CEE006C = Lickitung 83007CEE006D = Koffing 83007CEE006E = Weezing 83007CEE006F = Rhyhorn 83007CEE0070 = Rhydon 83007CEE0071 = Chansey 83007CEE0072 = Tangela 83007CEE0073 = Kangaskhan 83007CEE0074 = Horsea 83007CEE0075 = Seadra 83007CEE0076 = Goldeen 83007CEE0077 = Seaking 83007CEE0078 = Staryu 83007CEE0079 = Starmie 83007CEE007A = Mr. Mime 83007CEE007B = Scyther 83007CEE007C = Jynx 83007CEE007D = Electabuzz 83007CEE007E = Magmar 83007CEE007F = Pinsir 83007CEE0080 = Tauros 83007CEE0081 = Magikarp 83007CEE0082 = Gyarados 83007CEE0083 = Lapras 83007CEE0084 = Ditto 83007CEE0085 = Eevee 83007CEE0086 = Vaporeon 83007CEE0087 = Jolteon 83007CEE0088 = Flareon 83007CEE0089 = Porygon 83007CEE008A = Omanyte 83007CEE008B = Omastar 83007CEE008C = Kabuto 83007CEE008D = Kabutops 83007CEE008E = Aerodactyl 83007CEE008F = Snorlax 83007CEE0090 = Articuno 83007CEE0091 = Zapdos 83007CEE0092 = Moltres 83007CEE0093 = Dratini 83007CEE0094 = Dragonair 83007CEE0095 = Dragonite 83007CEE0096 = MewTwo 83007CEE0097 = Mew You can also have Pokémon from the other games but I didn't bother :] You can figure it out yourself, it's really not hard. Sent in by Poképhi -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The mystery battle? If every one wonders what is behind the boxes at seven island in english version Use this code to find out 82031DBC 0c18 HeHEhE you will know...... Sent in by red_zter -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- infinite money This is the code: 7B9BF36F3E54 057F598C429E 67506BC45CBD 00B6F1903AF7 CC4F8C630144 A30F4BE92B37 4EA3D5281636 424F078E7AD1 0FC3F521963E 832B1FF442CB 6FA755041618 C70BBAD883D3 C5B56DEED1B8 Hope you like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sent in by Porygon_max -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Easy safari Pokemon catch code The code is:E20D22347134 So now you can catch rare Pokemon lik chansey and kangaschan(sorry bad spelling) Sent in by pokeboy mike -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sprite codes Pokemon RBY sprites 016745093 789032445 A34012223 Sent in by freak-a-zoid -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Master Code and Anti DMA for GameShark v1 *This master code and Anti DMA code is for users with Game Shark version 1* Master Code (M) 78A0B2AE 45CB4E65 4D2BB04F 34651E54 Anti DMA Code (Must be on) 20AAA133 853F98EB If you experience problems with the above master code and Anti DMA, please check your Game Shark version. Remember for all cheat devices use at your own risk. Sent in by Aeon-Flux -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some Pokemon cheats All these codes should work for a GameShark SP: (M) for LeafGreen: 0000BE99000A 1003DAE60007 (Mew) Note: Mew wont obey when caught in the wild, but he can learn every HM: 83007CEE0097 (Deoxys) Note: Deoxys wont obey if caught in the wild either: 83007CEE019A (Groudon) 83007CEE0195 (Kyogre) 83007CEE0194 (Jirachi) 83007CEE0199 (Lugia) 83007CEE00F9 (Bulbasaur) 83007CEE0001 (Squirtle) 83007CEE0007 (Charmander) 83007CEE0004 Sent in by PhattDogg13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All Leaf Green GameShark SP codes (M) Must Be On 9820F6AE8203 8359EBCF20F5 DC89BB73F72F No Random Battles A83F9AD9A2F7 Always Your Turn E74BE30D537F 8D09EBCF83F7 E27F02207209 4A7B1AD662BD Easy Win against Trainer 0824929FB3D3 FEFB8201D259 Escape any Battle [Sel+B] A67B84289866 D6DB22825699 Weak Opponents D79FE38742DB 4506FDD347FF Ride Bike over Water 3886329423BF 4772D3BB4241 Single Pokemon Battles C72F4BC253BF 2F46FDD1877D Gain 5000 Exp FEBB0A6A8203 087B9AD720EE Infinite Safari Time 663F08E44889 Infinite Safari Balls 4B294D4AE337 Safari Pokemon Easily Caught 660032045925 E2308E556465 Wild Pokemon Easily Caught 9DDB6DDA0A88 E2308E556465 Infinite PP 6E2494715369 17D4F39712D9 1st Pokemon-Maximum Stats 38A014382724 3FF453949219 2nd Pokemon-Maximum Stats A019AC6DB640 3FF453949219 3rd Pokemon-Maximum Stats 25345D549618 3FF453949219 4th Pokemon-Maximum Stats AD6DCD41177E 3FF453949219 5th Pokemon-Maximum Stats BCDD240C0612 3FF453949219 6th Pokemon-Maximum Stats 3CE494190776 3FF453949219 Access Your PC [Press L+Up] F4992E69CC26 E232061E2C2A F4992E69CC26 4E2D12B885AF 77925552860E 5F86F3B183EF 17D4F39712D9 Access Pokemon PC [Press R+Up] F4992E694C24 739BFD07BA59 F4992E694C24 0C4FB2B9C1ED F4992E694C24 662F123A0327 Sent in by Cheater35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Xploder SP codes (REAL) Mastercode 9820F6AE 8203 8359EBCF 20F5 DC89BB73 F72F Gain 1000 Exp FEBB0A6A 8203 18EB9493 31DA Gain 5000 Exp FEBB0A6A 8203 087B9AD7 20EE Infinite PP 6E249471 5369 17D4F397 12D9 Infinite Safari Time 663F08E4 4889 Infinite Safari Balls 4B294D4A E337 Safari Pokemon Easily Caught 66003204 5925 E2308E55 6465 Wild Pokemon Easily Caught 9DDB6DDA 0A88 E2308E55 6465 Weak Opponents D79FE387 42DB 4506FDD3 47FF Single Pokemon Battles C72F4BC2 53BF 2F46FDD1 877D Ride Bike over Water 38863294 23BF 4772D3BB 4241 1st Pokemon-Maximum Stats 38A01438 2724 3FF45394 9219 2nd Pokemon-Maximum Stats A019AC6D B640 3FF45394 9219 3rd Pokemon-Maximum Stats 25345D54 9618 3FF45394 9219 4th Pokemon-Maximum AD6DCD41 177E 3FF45394 9219 5th Pokemon-Maximum Stats BCDD240C 0612 3FF45394 9219 6th Pokemon-Maximum Stats 3CE49419 0776 3FF45394 9219 Hope this helps! Sent in by blake909090 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st Pokemon-Maximum Stats 38A014382724 3FF453949219 Sent in by aznlovedwayne -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gain 5000 Exp Go into any patch of grass and fight a Pokemon. It will say the normal exp that you WOULD have won from that wild Pokemon fight, but you really get 5000 exp. Best used in the first patch of grass near pallet town. It's easier and much faster to kill them, and you get 5000 exp everytime. Does NOT work when you beat a trainer, instead you just get the amount shown. FEBB0A6A8203 087B9AD720EE Sent in by aznlovedwayne -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite PP 6E2494715369 17D4F39712D9 Sent in by aznlovedwayne -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Safari Balls 4B294D4AE337 Sent in by aznlovedwayne -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Safari Time 663F08E44889 Sent in by aznlovedwayne -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Single Pokemon Battles [Trainer Will Have only his/her first Pokemon to battle with. The rest are already fainted] C72F4BC253BF 2F46FDD1877D Sent in by aznlovedwayne NOTICE Thank you for reading my guide and thank you to all that submited codes for this guide. check back because i will be adding to this guide for your use. This guide MAY be printed but this guid MAY NOT be copied in part or whole without the authors permission. CONTACT ME with any questions, comments or submissions please email me at: [email protected] plz put the game title in the subject.