Achievement/Trophy Guide - Guide for BioShock Infinite

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By Hypoxify
"Why do you ask what, when the delicious question is when?"

|                               Table of Contents                            |

[INTR] Introduction
[OVRV] Achievement Overview
[ACHV] Achievement Guide
['99T] Tips for 1999 mode
[COTC] How to contact me

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|  [INTR]                      Introduction                                  |

Welcome to my FAQ. This is my first FAQ, and I didn't want to embark on such a 
long quest as to conquer a full fledged walkthrough. This guide covers Bioshock 
Infinite, the third game in the Bioshock trilogy, following Bioshock 2. I am a 
big fan of both, and I thoroughly enjoyed the games that came out before those 
two, System Shock 1 and 2. The purpose of this guide is to help all you 
achievement hunters out there who are  interested in netting a 1000g for this 
game. This is a simple game to ace, except for  two achievements which will 
consume most of your efforts. Thank you for reading this, I hope that this faq 
helps you.

|  [OVRV]                    Achievement Overview                            |

Number of Achievements: 50 (For now)

Achievement Difficulty: (from 1 - 10, 10 being the hardest) 5

Least amount of playthroughs to get all Achievements: 1 (If you really try), 
probably 2

Number of Missable Achievements: 0 (they carry over through checkpoint select)

Story Related Achievements: 10 - 15 (depending on difficulty)

Details: At the time of this writing, none of the dlc's have come out. 
Generally, each dlc includes 10 new achievements worth 200g. I don't know what 
the case will be with this game, but I do know that I will be covering those 
when they come out. I will make this faq 99% spoiler free, covering the story 
related achievements last, and I will also have to include spoilers in the 
ending analyzation (obviously). If there happens to be a spoiler in a 
particular section, I will warn you with something like *SPOILER*.

|   [ACHV]                     Achievement Guide                             |

The bulk of this faq, I will now list every achievement and how to unlock it. 
First, I will create an example of an achievement so you understand how this 
section will work.


Achievement: This is the name of the achievement

In - Game description: What the description of the achievement in game is

What you have to do: Sometimes the description in game is wonky, here I will 

Gamerscore: How much gamerscore this achievement is worth

Guide: Here I will tell you how to earn the achievement, giving you the area 
where you can unlock it and giving you tips on how to unlock this achievement 


Lets get started.

Achievement: Tin Soldier

In - Game description: Completed the game on Easy difficulty or above

What you have to do: Simply finish the game on easy difficulty.

Gamerscore: 10g

Guide:  When you start the game, select easy difficulty. When you complete 
the final battle, this achievement will unlock.


Achievement: Saw the Elephant

In - Game description: Completed the game on Normal difficulty or above

What you have to do: Simply finish the game on normal difficulty.

Gamerscore: 25g

Guide: When you start the game, select Normal. When you complete the final 
battle, you will unlock this achievement.


Achievement: Stone Cold Pinkerton

In - Game description: Completed the game on Hard difficulty or above.

What you have to do: Simply finish the game on hard difficulty.

Gamerscore: 50g

Guide: When you start the game, select Hard. When you complete the final 
battle, you will unlock this achievement.


Achievement: Auld Lang Syne

In - Game description: Completed the game on 1999 mode.

What you have to do: You have to finish the game on 1999 mode to unlock this.

Gamerscore: 75g

Guide: There are two ways that you can go about unlocking 1999 mode. The first,
recommended way is to complete the game. When you finish the game on any 
difficulty, you will unlock 1999 mode, and you will have experience with the 
game in order to simplify your run. The second, quicker way is to input the 
konami code at the title screen (confirmation needed as to which screen you 
actually input the code, please shoot me an email if you know). 
The konami code on xbox is:
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A.      
The code on playstation is:
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, X, O.
Anyways, complete the game on this difficult difficulty(!) and this hefty 
achievement will pop. (For tips and hints on how to deal with 1999 mode, please 
visit this ['99T] section of the FAQ.) Also, if you play on this mode and beat 
the game, you get all achievements for easier difficulties as well.


Achievement: Should Auld Acquaintance

In - Game description: Unlocked 1999 mode.

What you have to do: Unlock 1999 mode.

Gamerscore: 10g

Guide: There are two ways that you can go about unlocking 1999 mode. The first,
recommended way is to complete the game. When you finish the game on any 
difficulty, you will unlock 1999 mode, and you will have experience with the 
game in order to simplify your run. The second, quicker way is to input the 
konami code at the title screen (confirmation needed as to which screen you 
actually input the code, please shoot me an email if you know). 
The konami code on xbox is: 
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A.      
The code on playstation is:
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, X, O.


Achievement: Industrial Accident

In - Game description: Killed 20 enemies with a Sky-Hook Execution.

What you have to do: Go into the brutal execution animation 20 times.

Gamerscore: 5g

Guide: At random points during melee encounters with enemies, an RS stick 
symbol will appear above the enemies head. At this point, hold the right stick 
until an animation plays, killing the enemy. Repeat this 20 times in order to 
unlock this achievement.


Achievement: Aerial Assassin

In - Game description: Killed 20 enemies with a Sky-Line Strike.

What you have to do: Go into the Sky-Line Strike animation 20 times(if you kill 

Gamerscore: 5g

Guide: Jump onto a skyline. Keep swinging until you get close to enemies, and 
slow down
by pulling back on your control stick. If you look at an enemy, then an "A" 
will appear
above their head. Press A. You should be flying towards them at a rapid pace, 
and when
you get close, you strike them with your Sky-Hook. If you kill the enemy 
(because bigger
enemies won't be insta-killed), then you did it! Now just do this twenty more 


Achievement: A Real Pistol

In - Game description: Killed 25 enemies with the Broadsider Pistol

What you have to do: Pick up a pistol and kill people with it.

Gamerscore: 5g

Guide: The moment you get the pistol at the raffle, kill people with it. This 
gun is outclassed by literally every single other gun in the game, and as such 
you should get this achievement over as soon as possible.


Achievement: Passionately Reciprocated

In - Game description: Killed 150 enemies with the Founder Triple R Machine Gun 
or Vox Repeater.

What you have to do: Pick up either of these two machine guns and use them to 
kill 150 enemies.

Gamerscore: 5g

Guide: Find one of these guns and use them to kill 150 enemies. Your choice
is which one you should carry. The Founder Triple R Machine gun has more ammo, 
but it does less damage. The Vox repeater, on the other hand, has less ammo, 
but it can kill people faster due to its higher damage.


Achievement: Street Sweeper

In - Game description: Killed 50 enemies with the Founder China Broom Shotgun 
or the Vox Heater.

What you have to do: Pick up either of these two shotguns and use them to kill 
50 enemies.

Gamerscore: 5g

Guide: I find the shotgun to be much easier to use for this one. You find the 
China Broom way to late into the game, and it only has 10 shots max. Anyways, 
use the shotgun to kill 50 enemies and this achievement will pop.


Achievement: Big Game Hunter

In - Game description: Killed 100 enemies with the Founder Huntsman Carbine or 
the Vox Burstgun.

What you have to do: Kill 100 enemies with either of these two weapons.

Gamerscore: 5g

Guide: Pick up either of these two guns and use them to kill 100 enemies. I 
believe that the Huntsman Carbine is much better for this achievement because 
it has more range. The Vox Burstgun is 3 round burst, and as such it is harder 
to hit distant targets. The carbine doesn't suffer this range loss, and can be 
used both in close range and long.


Achievement: Loose Cannon

In - Game description: Killed 25 enemies with the Paddywhacker Hand Cannon.

What you have to do: Pick up the hand cannon and kill 25 people with it.

Gamerscore: 5g

Guide: I personally don't like the hand cannon, but one of the areas that you 
find it in (Good Time Club) is fairly close quarters and you should use it as 
much as you can in this area. Once you kill 25 enemies, this achievement will 


Achievement: On a Clear Day...

In - Game description: Killed 30 enemies with the Bird's Eye Sniper Rifle.

What you have to do: Put 30 enemies out of their misery by sniping them.

Gamerscore: 5g

Guide: Find a sniper rifle. This achievement is not generally hard to get, but 
if you are not the best sniper then find a high perched spot away from all the 
action, and this will give you time to line up your shots. Then, kill 30 


Achievement: Here Little Piggy

In - Game description: Killed 30 enemies with the Founder Pig Volley Gun or Vox 
Hail Fire.

What you have to do: Have 30 enemies meet their demise by using either of these 

Gamerscore: 5g

Guide: Both of these guns are similar, so I don't think that either one is 
easier to use than the other. So, find either of these weapons and fire off 
some rounds on enemies. When you kill 30, this achievement will pop.


Achievement: Master of Pyrotechnics

In - Game description: Killed 20 enemies with the Barnstormer RPG.

What you have to do: Pick up an RPG and blow 'em to smithereens.

Gamerscore: 5g

Guide: This achievement is easily unlock at 

The hall of heroes, where you unlock shock jockey.

In this area, there are enough enemies to kill with the RPG to net you this 
achievement, and you can ditch this gun after this. Of course, you could also 
just find one lying around in the heat of battle and use it to kill people. 
Kill 20 and this achievement is yours.


Achievement: Seasoned to Taste

In - Game description: Killed 30 enemies with the Peppermill Crank Gun.

What you have to do: Pick up this bad boy and unleash its insides on 30 unlucky 

Gamerscore: 5g

Guide: The only way to find a Crank Gun is to loot a patriot, or have Elizabeth 
open a tear which will give you a crank gun. Thus, whenever you kill a patriot, 
pick up its crank gun and kill people with it, and when you run out of ammo, 
ditch it. There are more than enough patriots to get crank guns, so as long as 
your accuracy doesn't suck too bad, you should be able to get this achievement. 
Just kill 30 people with it.


Achievement: Well Rounded

In - Game description: Used all 8 Vigors against enemies.

What you have to do: Find and use every vigor against an enemy. (Actually hit 
an enemy)

Gamerscore: 10g (Finally! Something not worth 5g!)

Guide: This one could be hard. Sadly, some of the vigors are missable. Let's 
list'em off.

Bucking Bronco: Can't miss it, on path
Devil's Kiss: Can't miss it, on path
Possession: Can't miss it, have to pick it up to progress
Murder of Crows: You COULD miss it, if you try. It's right after the first 
crow-man fight.
Shock Jockey: Can't miss it, needed to progress in main story
Charge: MISSABLE: 

After you open the tear without Chen Lins tools, you have to return to his 
workshop. After the first area is completed, exit through the door. In this 
area, there will be glass right in front of you. Walk around it, and look in 
the display case. There, you will find Charge.

Undertow: Can't miss it, on path
Return to sender: Two ways you can get it. 

First: At one point, closer to the end of the game, you will reach the Salty 
Oyster pub. Remember where this area is. Now, go on with your quest until you 
reach an optional toy store, which you can miss. Elizabeth will warn you 
however, so be aware. Enter the toy store, and go to the lower floor. Scout 
around, and you should find a Voxophone which will give you an optional side 
quest to access a hidden door. Return to the Salty Oyster. Look on the left and 
you will see a cash register. Walk up to it, and on the left you will see a 
hidden button, which will open a door. In that door is Return to sender.

Second: When you go to Comstock House, one of the paths will have a vial on the 
right with Return to Sender in it. (This way is far easier, but the other way 
will net you an infusion upgrade.)

Use each of these on an enemy and this achievement will pop.


Achievement: Combination Shock

In - Game description: Performed all 8 of the Vigor combinations.

What you have to do: There are 8 combinations with vigors. Do all of them.

Gamerscore: 50g

Guide: You don't need Return to sender for this. There are 8 combinations that 
you can do with vigors. Let's see all of'em:

Possession and Shock Jockey
Possession and Devil's Kiss
Devil's Kiss and Charge
Murder of Crows and Devil's Kiss
Murder of Crows and Shock Jockey
Bucking Bronco and Devil's Kiss
Bucking Bronco and Charge
Undertow and Shock Jockey

Go down the list doing each of the combinations. In order to do a combination, 
use one vigor, and then switch and use the other. Some combinations are hard to 
do. Here they are:

Bucking Bronco and Devil's Kiss
This one may be hard to pull off because the enemy is in the air and you need 
to hit them with devils kiss. To make this easier, launch the enemy into the 
air and create a Devil's Kiss trap right below them.

Undertow and Shock Jockey
You have to reel the enemy in with a charged Undertow in order for this 
combination to work.

Bucking Bronco and Charge
You have to hit the enemy with charge while they are floating with Bucking 

You will be told when you do a combination for the first time, and if the 
achievement doesn't unlock, then go through the list again.


Achievement: Vigorous Opposition

In - Game description: Killed 75 enemies with a Vigor or while they are under 
the effects of a vigor.

What you have to do: Kill 75 people with vigors or kill them during the effect 
of a vigor.

Gamerscore: 50g

Guide: This game has been (sorry for the term) "Call of Dutyified," and as 
such, you can beat the game without vigors. To get this achievement, USE YOUR 
VIGORS! Start as early as possible, and hit every enemy you see with a vigor if 
you have salts to spare. This is not a hard achievement, as it should come 
naturally if you play the game as it was intended.


Achievement: More for Your Money

In - Game description: Lured 3 enemies into a single Vigor trap 5 times.

What you have to do: Put down a vigor trap and have it effect 3 people. Do this 
5 times.

Gamerscore: 25g

Guide: This should come to you if you use traps often, but if not, then don't 
fret. I find that murder of crows is easiest to use as it has the most AOE 
range and as thus it is easier to hit 3 enemies at once. As you progress 
through the story, there should be clusters of enemies that you can use a trap 
on. Because you only have to get 3 enemies and you only have to do it 5 times 
means that this isn't a difficult achievement to get. A SUPER easy way to do 
this is to load up CH 19 where you're in the good time club, about to fight the 
first wave of enemies. Before they come out, head up to the curtain place a
vigor trap right there. About 8 enemies come out of this one door, and you can 
get all 8 with one well placed vigor trap!


Achievement: Mind Over Matter

In - Game description: Killed 20 enemies using possessed machines.

What you have to do: Possess any turret, and have it kill 20 enemies while 

Gamerscore: 10g

Guide: This is a difficult achievement. This is much easier on easy(!). When 
you find a turret with enemies around it, take cover. Find a piece of cover 
that will allow you to shoot the enemies but without the turret shooting you. 
Now, weaken the enemies as much as possible, but without killing them. Possess 
the turret! It will tear everything apart as you sit back and watch while 
gathering kills for your achievement. Repeat this until the possessed machine 
kills 20 people and you have yourself an achievement!


Achievement: Tear'em a New One

In - Game description: Opened 30 tears.

What you have to do: Have Elizabeth open 30 different tears.

Gamerscore: 25g

Guide: This is a very simple achievement as long as you remember to open every 
single tear that you come by. There are over 45 tears in the game, and you have 
to get 30 of them. The tears all have to be DIFFERENT. The tears that you open 
to progress in the story count as well. Overall, not a hard achievement.


Achievement: Strange Bedfellows

In - Game description: Killed 20 enemies using allies brought in through a 

What you have to do: Have Elizabeth open a tear that brings in an automatic 
turret. It has to kill 20 enemies.

Gamerscore: 10g

Guide: This achievement is almost identical to the Mind Over Matter 
achievement, except you don't need any salts. However, you can only do this 
achievement if the corresponding tear is available to use. So, get enemies down 
to very low health, and then open a tear that will kill them. Do this to 20 
enemies and the achievement is yours!


Achievement: On the Fly

In - Game description: Killed 30 enemies while riding a skyline.

What you have to do: Get on a skyline and kill 30 enemies.

Gamerscore: 25g

Guide: First, find a skyline and hook up to it. Then, find enemies and kill 30 
of them while riding the skyline. This is easier if you slow down as much as 
you can, and this is much easier if you have the THROTTLE CONTROL gear. Bata-
bing, Bata-bang.


Achievement: Bolt From the Blue

In - Game description: Killed 5 enemies with a headshot while riding a skyline.

What you have to do: Get a headshot 5 times on a skyline.

Gamerscore: 25g

Guide: This is the most pointless achievement in the game. You can get it the 
instant that you have access to skylines. Just hook yourself up, then slow down 
as much as possible. The enemies won't even move, making this achievement even 
easier. Just do this and get it over with, I'm mad that this one even exists.


Achievement: Hazard Pay

In - Game description: Killed 10 enemies by utilizing environmental hazards.

What you have to do: Use environmental hazards to kill 10 enemies.

Gamerscore: 25g

Guide: What? Environmental hazards? Where? I thought this during my first 
playthrough. It turns out that there are, *VERY RARELY*, tears and gas leaks 
that you can open or set on fire to kill enemies. Whenever you see a tesla 
coil, these actually fry enemies, and it counts as an environmental hazard. 
Also, there are oil leaks which are scattered around but hard to find. You can 
light enemies on fire with this leak. Finally, there are tears which open up 
water puddles. Have an enemy stand in the water puddle and electrocute it. Just 
like in Bioshock 1! 


Achievement: Bon Voyage

In - Game description: Killed 20 enemies by knocking them off Columbia.

What you have to do: Knock 20 unlucky beings off of the wondrous Columbia.

Gamerscore: 25g

Guide: This is my favorite achievement in the game. This is one hard nut to 
crack if you aren't sure how to do it, mostly because it's very difficult to 
make somebody fall of by using only bucking bronco on them. The way you do 
this, is by using bucking bronco, and then charging into the enemy while they 
are in the air. This is easiest at the final battle. Also, make sure you are 
attacking heavy hitter (bigger) enemies, or you will kill them with charge.


Achievement: Skeet Shoot

In - Game description: Killed 5 enemies while they are falling.

What you have to do: End 5 people's lives by killing them while they fall.

Gamerscore: 25g

Guide: This is a difficult achievement because of the timing required. Use 
bucking bronco on an enemy, and wait for them to fall down by watching them 
with a shotgun. The *INSTANT* they pop out of bucking bronco, unload a round of 
the shotgun into their gut. Do this 5 times and the achievement is yours.


Achievement: Lost Weekend

In - Game description: Killed 5 enemies while you are drunk.

What you have to do: While you are drunk, use up all the stupidity in your 
brain and shoot a gun.

Gamerscore: 10g

Guide: I am almost positive that the bar in Shantytown is the best place for 
this. Get into the bar and drink all their alcohol. There are exactly 5 enemies 
in there which you can kill, so kill them an this achievement will pop.


Achievement: David and Goliath

In - Game description: Killed 20 "Heavy Hitter" enemies.

What you have to do: Kill 20 Crow Masters, Handymen, Sirens, Patriots or 

Gamerscore: 10g

Guide: You simply cannot miss this. You have to fight multiple heavy hitters 
throughout the story, so you can't miss this.


Achievement: Heartbreaker

In - Game description: Killed a Handyman by only shooting his heart.

What you have to do: Only shoot a Handyman in the heart, and kill him.

Gamerscore: 50g

Guide: This is by far the hardest non completionist achievement in the entire 
game. This will take you many tries. First off, set the difficulty to easy. 
Next, you can approach this achievement one of 2 ways:

1. The legit way: Load up the first Chen Lin checkpoint (CH18). When you leave 
his  workshop, take a left and then a right into a clock shop area. There will 
be a sniper there. Pick it up, and upgrade it TO THE MAX using the vending 
machine. Now, leave the area. Take a left and walk forth until the Handyman 
spawns. This is your first chance! Zoom in with the rifle, and unload a shot 
into his heart while he stops moving! Now, run away. Every time that he smashes 
the ground, he will linger for a second, cough, and cover his heart. The second 
his hand moves away from his heart, shoot him. He will take about 7 bullets to 
down on easy. Dang. (You can also do this with the hand cannon, but it would 
require you to stand closer to him as it has a bit of spread.) If you fail 
to hit him in the heart or you think you did(as there is no indication whether 
you did), then simply reload your checkpoint.

2. Glitch: Get the sniper and upgrade it, like in the first option. Then, 
summon the Handyman, and run into the back right area, to the right of the Good 
Time Club. There will be a freight hook, so launch up to that. Then, jump to 
the roof. Run to the end, and do a complicated jump to the barrels in the back. 
Shoot your gun so the Handyman notices you again. Now, move as far right as 
possible. The Handyman should get glitched so that he doesn't move at all, and 
you can shoot him. If this was confusing, then use this video tutorial:

Anyways. That's it. 


Achievement: Dress for Success

In - Game description: Equipped a piece of Gear in all four slots.

What you have to do: Find 4 different body types of gear, and equip them.

Gamerscore: 5g

Guide: No wonder this achievement is worth so little, you can't miss it. 


Achievement: Kitted Out

In - Game description: Fully upgraded one weapon and one Vigor.

What you have to do: Buy all possible upgrades for one weapon and one vigor.

Gamerscore: 10g

Guide: Find a vending machine when you have a lot of money. Don't worry, you 
can reload your checkpoint if you don't want to spend your money. Find the 
pistol upgrades, and buy all of them. Then, find a Vigor machine and buy the 
two cheapest vigor upgrades. (End game vending machines have the most 
upgrades.) The achievement is yours.


Achievement: Raising the Bar

In - Game description: Upgraded one attribute to its maximum level.

What you have to do: Get enough infusion upgrades to maximize any attribute.

Gamerscore: 10g

Guide: I really didn't think I would do this, but (See Infused with Greatness)


Achievement(s): Infused with Greatness/Sightseer/The Roguish Type/Eavesdropper

In - Game description: Nobody Cares. See below.

What you have to do: Get all Infusion Upgrades/Use all Telescopes and 
kinetoscopes/Pick 30 different lock/get all voxophones

Gamerscore: 25g/50g/25g/50g (That's a whopping mother F***ing 150g)

Guide: I'm Lazy. I don't want to write a guide for all 80 voxophones, all 37 
'scopes, or all those infusion upgrades (YET!). So, check these out:   (follow the videos!)  (Thats 


Achievement: Grand Largesse

In - Game description: Spent $10,000 (ten thousand) at the vending machines of 

What you have to do: Buy 10,000 dollars worth of stuff.

Gamerscore: 10g

Guide: Buy everything. This is actually hard to get, but luckily it stack 
through your playthroughs. There is however, a glitch:

Spend as much money as you want, then keep reloading the checkpoint. Waddaya 
know. This will actually count towards your progress.


Achievement: Coins in the Cushion

In - Game description: Looted 200 containers

What you have to do: Loot 200 containers

Gamerscore: 10g

Guide: Loot EVERYTHING. Starting from the beginning of the game, you should get 
this around the second to last mission. There are WAY MORE than 200 things to 
loot in this game, so this shouldn't be a problem. Remember, EVERYTHING.


Achievement: Scavenger Hunt

In - Game description: Completed the game in 1999 mode without purchasing 
anything from a dollar bill vending machine.

What you have to do: Above.

Gamerscore: 75g(!)

Guide: Ah, the brass balls of Infinite. This isn't as hard as you think it is, 
because vending machines don't even help you that much anyways. Plus, you can 
still use Vigor and Weapon upgrade machines. See ['99T] for tips.


The following achievements are story related and cannot be missed:

Written in the Clouds - 5g
Welcome to Monument Island - 10g
Shock Tactics - 10g
First Class Ticket - 10g
Armed Revolt - 10g
Working Class Hero - 25g
Blood in the Streets - 25g
Higher Learning - 25g
The Bird or The Cage - 25g


And that, my friends, are all the achievements in this game. Moving on.

|   ['99T]                     1999 Tips                                     |

1999 mode is hard. How do you survive?

Conserve Money - Don't waste money on vigors you won't use, or weapons upgrades 
you don't

Upgrade you Shields - Shields replenish, nothing else does. Elizabeth will 
throw you 
health and salts anyways.

Beat a Fight, then restart you checkpoint - Now that you know enemy spawns, 
movement, and
how you can beat them, don't waste all that money and beat them.

Search Everywhere - There are almost no resources in 1999, so look everywhere. 
every fight, you will need to find food.

Use these vigors:

Bucking bronco - Immobilizing the enemy for a few seconds while you relocate is 
way to stay on top of a fight.

Possession -  You want all the help you can get. Turrets shoot, and distract 

Murder of Crows - Great AOE distraction move, combined with crow nest upgrade 
is deadly.

Undertow - That sniper keeps getting you? Those rockets annoying you? Pull'em 
in with
Undertow, and kill them.

Weapons - Always use a short/middle range gun and a long range gun


Conserve Ammo, Scavenge for ammo, and upgrade only the weapons you are using.

Upgrade gear that will help you the most - Don't use pointless gear (thats a 

Have a plan for Hard enemies - 

Sirens - Shock Jockey + Hiding and popping out
Patriots - Possess one and they'll kill each other.
Handymen - Run away, turn around for a second and shoot him in the heart, 

YOU CAN RELOAD YOUR CHECKPOINTS! This makes tons and tons of achievements 
easier. Basically, all the achievement that require you to kill enemies still 
count if your reload the checkpoint, allowing you to farm kills.


|   [COTC]                     Contact ME/Legal                              |

If you found an error, want to contribute or have a question, feel free to 
shoot me an semail at peterzuk(@)gmail(.)com . I won't hesitate to include you 
in the faq!

This was written by Hypoxify, aka Peter Zukerman.

Thank to Charlze71 for the collectables locations.

THE END!!!!!!!

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