DBZ Sagas Ultimate Walkthrough - Guide for Dragon Ball Z Sagas: Evolution

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~~~Table of Contents~~~
 .1-Sayian Saga
  .11-The Arrival
  .12-The Mighty Nappa
  .13-Sayains Duel
 .2-Ginyu Saga
  .21-Journey to Namek
  .22-Captain Ginyu
  .23-Goku isn't Goku?
 .3-Frieza Saga
  .31-Tyranny of Frieza
  .32-Super Sayian Goku
 .4-Yardrat Saga
  .41-Goku on Yardrat
 .5-Trunks Saga
  .51-Future of Trunks
  .52-Last Hope
 .6-Android Saga
  .61-The Androids
  .62-Super Sayian Vegeta
  .63-Piccolo's Fusion
 .7-Cell Saga
  .71-The Time Chamber
  .72-Imperfect Cell
  .73-Super Sayian Gohan
  .74-The Cell Games
  .75-The Final Showdown
4.Pendulm Room
5.Hints and Tips
6.Copyright(Thanks to...)
7.About me

1. Controls    |
A+A-Fly in the air
Control Stick- Movement
X-Tap to fire energy blast. Hold in to fire special move(Must have special move 
R+A-Power up your ki energy. When you have a Sayian Bar your ki must be at max.
L-Lock on target.
Z-Quick movement(Teleportation) Must have teleport upgrade.
Start/Pause-Pause the game and look at objectives, etc.

Purchase combos and they tell you what to do.
You already have these:
B+B+B+B+B Force Punch
Y+Y+Y+Y+Y Force Kick

One of my own is:
Warp Kamehemaha Wave- Target your opponent, hold in X for the Kamehameha Wave, then 
when your about to unleash it press Z and you'll teleport by the opponent and blast 
them. (Must have special mvoe and teleport upgrades)

2. Story     |

Goku is a sayian(as you know, but did you know this?) His people took over the 
Planet Plant and renamed it Planet Vegeta(afters its great ruler) The scouters as 
you know, sayian armor and other stuff was not made by the sayians but was made by 
the people on Planet Plant.
People on Planet Plant(their names are too confusing) were winning the war against 
sayians but when the sayians turned into those giant monkeys(confusing name) they 
wiped out the race on Planet Plant. Before Freiza blew up plantet Vegeta(afraid of 
the legendary super sayian) Goku was sent to Earth to destroy it but when he was 
dropped on his head his sayian memory was lost and became one of earth's most 
strongest protecters. The only sayains that lived the dreadful blast of Freiza was 
Goku, Vegeta, Brolly, Nappa, Raditz, and more.

3. Walkthrough |

Sayian Saga
The Arrival- You start out of Goku of course and the tell you about his storyline 
and stuff like that. When you begin, run up and collect the Z-Coin. After you 
collect that, Saiba Men pop out of the ground. Kill them and advance. More Saiba Men 
come, kill them and run back to destroy a rock. Get the Red Health Capsule there and 
there is another back even further south. By now you should have 2 health capsules 
and 1 Z-Coin. Advance and collect the 2 health capules, then kill the Saiba men.
(Hint: to get the red saiba man shoot a ki blast from far away or fly by him and 
shoot a ki blast)After you destroy them advance and collect the Senzu Bean, Z-Coin, 
and Health Capsule. Blast the rock ahead and collect that Z-Coin. More Sabia Men 
appear.(2 red and 3 orange)Blast the rock to the left after Master Roshi talks and 
collect the Health Capsule. Jump on the upper area and collect that capsule. Then 
jump off of there to fly and collect the last Z-Coin and a health Capsule. Purchase 
the special mvoe upgrade then hold in X and blast the rocks with it. Advance and 
collect the 2 health capsules to increase your overall health. Kill the saiba men 
and destroy the big rocks. Go further to face Raditz.
~~Raditz~~ Power Lvl-1,200(weak) HP- 330
Knock him down with a punch or kick combo and then blast him with your Kamehameha 
Wave. Repeat this to win. Watch out for his slam, it hurts you a lot and also his ki 
blast. That hurts too.

The Mighty Nappa- I'm not going to help you at all on this one. Lol, j/k. Start off 
by collecting the Z-Coin in front of you. Blasts some rocks and kill the Saiba men. 
Jump up by the cliff type thing and blast all the rocks here. Get the dragonball and 
the z coin. Keep advacing and collecting coins and Dragonballs. Dont jump onto an 
upper area after the shop that leads into an open area until you have all the items 
in this level. I dont like this level so im giving less information on it.

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