Digimon World 2003 Digivolution and Boss guide - Guide for Digimon World 3

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DIGIMON WORLD 2003 Walkthrough 


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Put simply, this is an RPG game (Role Playing). You go round collecting all 8 
Digimon and training them up. All DVs (Except some DNA) are available. If a website 
says you can get AncientGreymon as a permanent DV, they are wrong. The following are 
unobtainabe at all:


Blade Garurumon


Any Black Digimon Except BK WarGreymon (See below)

These Digimon DO NOT EXIST as partners:




BK Agumon


Digivolve Guide

Boss Guide (Updated)

How to achieve your digimon's DVs  


 Greymon: Agumon at Level 5

MetalGreymon: Agumon at Level 20.

Wargreymon: Agumon at level 40

Onimon: Wargreymon at Level 40, MetalGarurumon at Level 40

Dark DV:

 Skullgreymon: Greymon at level 50, Agumon's Dark tolerance at 130

 BK WarGreymon: SkullGreymon at Level 99

Related Digivolutions:

 MetalMamemon: WarGreymon at Level 10

 MetalGarurumon: MetalMamemon at Level 40


Angemon: Kabuterimon lv. 20, Intelligence 300 
Devimon: MagnaAngemon lv. 30, Dark 250 
Dinohumon: Wargreymon lv. 20 
ExVeemon: MetalGreymon lv. 30, Ice 320 
Grizzmon: MetalGarurumon lv. 30, Defense 400 
Growlmon: Greymon lv. 20 
Hookmon: WarGrowlmon lv. 30 
Kabuterimon: Stingmon lv. 50 
Kyubimon: MetalGreymon lv. 20, Spirit 300 
Stingmon: Wargreymon lv. 30, Speed 260 

Angewomon: MagnaAngemon lv. 20 
Armormon: Hookmon lv. 50 
Digitamamon: MetalGarurumon lv. 20 
GrapLeomon: Grizzmon lv. 50 
Kyukimon: Dinohumon lv. 50 
MagnaAngemon: Angemon lv. 50 
MetalMamemon: Wargreymon lv. 10 
Myotismon: Devimon lv. 40 
Paildramon: Exveemon and Stingmon lv. 5 
Taomon: Kyubimon lv. 40 
WarGrowlmon: Growlmon lv. 40, Agumon lv. 15 

Beelzemon: MaloMyotismon and Gallantmon lv. 40 
Cannondramon: Armormon lv. 99 
Diaboromon: GranKuwagamon and Black Wargreymon lv. 99 
Gallantmon: WarGrowlmon lv. 99 
GranKuwagamon: Imperialdramon and Kabuterimon lv. 40 
GuardiAngemon: Kyukimon 99 
Imperialdramon: Paildramon lv. 50 
Imperialdramon FM: Imperialdramon lv. 99 
Imperialdramon PM: Imperialdramon FM and Omnimon lv. 40 
MaloMyotismon: Myotismon lv. 99 
Marsmon: Grap Leomon lv. 99 
Pheonixnmon: Rosemon lv. 99 
Rosemon: Angewomon: lv. 40 
Sakuyamon: Taomon lv. 99 
Seraphimon: Magna Angemon lv. 99 


 Growlmon: Guilmon at Level 5

 WarGrowlmon: Guilmon at Level 20

 Gallantmon: Guilmon at level 40


Angemon: WarGrowlmon lv. 20, Spirit 180 
Devimon: GrapLeomon lv. 20, Dark 160 
Dinohumon: MetalGreymon lv. 20, Strength 400 
ExVeemon: Gallantmon lv. 20, Wind 300 
Greymon: Gallantmon lv. 30, Fire 280 
Grizzmon: Gallantmon lv. 10 
Hookmon: Dinohumon lv. 20 
Kabuterimon: Stingmon lv. 40 
Kyubimon: Angewomon lv. 10, Spirit 200 
Stingmon: Growlmon lv. 30, Lightning 80

Angewomon: WarGrowlmon lv. 40, Water 140 
Armormon: Hookmon lv. 50 
Digitamamon: WarGrowlmon lv.30, Dark 120 
GrapLeomon: Grizzmon lv. 50 
Kyukimon: Dinohumon lv. 50 
MagnaAngemon: Angemon lv. 50 
MetalGreymon: Greymon lv. 40 
MetalMamemon: Growlmon lv. 20, Defense 100 
Myotismon: Devimon lv. 50 
Paildramon: Exveemon and Stingmon lv. 5 
SkullGreymon: Greymon lv. 50, Dark 160 
Taomon: Kyubimon lv. 40 

Beelzemon: MaloMyotismon and Gallantmon lv. 40 
BlackWarGreymon: SkullGreymon lv. 99 
Cannondramon: Armormon lv. 99 
Diaboromon: GranKuwagamon and Black WarGreymon lv. 99 
GranKuwagamon: Imperialdramon and Kabuterimon lv. 40 
GuardiAngemon: Kyukimon lv. 99 
Imperialdramon: Paildramon lv. 50 
Imperialdramon FM: Imperialdramon lv. 99 
Imperialdramon PM: Imperialdramon FM and Omnimon lv. 40 
MaloMyotismon: Myotismon lv. 99 
Marsmon: GrapLeomon lv. 99 
MegaGargomon: MetalGarurumon lv. 99 
MetalGarurumon: Metal Mamemon lv. 40, Machine 190 
Omnimon: Wargreymon and MetalGarurumon lv. 40 
Pheonixnmon: Rosemon lv. 99 
Rosemon: Angewomon lv. 40 
Sakuyamon: Taomon lv. 99 
Seraphimon: MagnaAngemon lv. 99 
WarGreymon: MetalGreymon lv. 40


 Kyuubimon: Renamon at level 5

 Taomon: Renamon at level 20

 Sakuyamon: Renamon at level 40


Angemon: Sakuyamon lv. 30, Wind 150 
Devimon: Sakuyamon lv. 10 
Dinohumon: Grizzmon lv. 20 
ExVeemon: Taomon lv. 20, Wind 120 
Greymon: Grizzmon lv. 30, Defense 280 
Grizzmon: Myotismon lv. 20, Strength 300 
Growlmon: Stingmon lv. 20, Defense 80 
Hookmon: Kyukimon lv. 20 
Kabuterimon: Stingmon lv. 40 
Stingmon: Kyubimon lv. 20, Strength 80

Angewomon: Kyubimon lv. 30, Spirit 160 
Armormon: Hookmon lv. 50 
Digitamamon: Sakuyamon lv. 20, Intelligence 400 
GrapLeomon: Grizzmon lv. 50 
Kyukimon: Dinohumon lv. 50 
MagnaAngemon: Angemon lv. 50 
MetalGreymon: Greymon lv. 40 
MetalMamemon: Taomon lv. 30, Machine 100 
Myotismon: Devimon lv. 50 
Paildramon: Exveemon and Stingmon lv. 5 
SkullGreymon: Greymon lv. 50, Dark 250 
WarGrowlmon: Growlmon lv. 40, Renamon lv. 25

Beelzemon: MaloMyotismon and Gallantmon lv. 40 
BlackWarGreymon: SkullGreymon lv. 99 
Cannondramon: Armormon lv. 99 
Diaboromon: GranKuwagamon and Black WarGreymon lv. 99 
Gallantmon: WarGrowlmon lv. 99 
GranKuwagamon: Imperialdramon and Kabuterimon lv. 40 
GuardiAngemon: Kyukimon lv. 99 
Imperialdramon: Paildramon lv. 50 
Imperialdramon FM: Imperialdramon lv. 99 
Imperialdramon PM: Imperialdramon FM and Omnimon lv. 40 
MaloMyotismon: Myotismon lv. 99 
Marsmon: GrapLeomon lv. 99 
MegaGargomon: MetalGarurumon lv. 99 
MetalGarurumon: Metal Mamemon lv. 40, Machine 120 
Omnimon: Wargreymon and MetalGarurumon lv. 40 
Pheonixnmon: Rosemon lv. 99 
Rosemon: Angewomon lv. 40, Renamon lv. 15 
Seraphimon: MagnaAngemon lv. 99 
WarGreymon: MetalGreymon lv. 99


 Angemon: Patamon at level 5

 MagnaAngemon: Patamon at level 20

 Seraphimon: Patamon at level 40

Other DV:

 Angewomon: Angemon at Level 10, Patamon's intelligence at 180

 Rosemon: Angewomon at level 40

 Phoenixmon: Rosemon at Level 99


Devimon: Armormon lv. 30, Dark 300 
Dinohumon: Growlmon lv. 20 
ExVeemon: Growlmon lv. 30, Wind 320 
Greymon: MagnaAngemon lv. 30, Fire 140 
Grizzmon: Growlmon lv. 40, Strength 240 
Growlmon: MetalMamemon lv. 20 
Hookmon: Seraphimon lv. 10 
Kabuterimon: Stingmon lv. 40 
Kyubimon: Armormon lv. 40, Spirit 300 
Stingmon: MagnaAngemon lv. 20, Lightning 100

Armormon: Hookmon lv. 50 
Digitamamon: Angemon lv. 20, Strength 100 
GrapLeomon: Grizzmon lv. 50 
Kyukimon: Dinohumon lv. 50 
MetalGreymon: Greymon lv. 40 
MetalMamemon: Armormon lv. 20, Machine 140 
Myotismon: Devimon lv. 50 
Paildramon: Exveemon and Stingmon lv. 5 
SkullGreymon: Greymon lv. 50, Dark 220 
Taomon: Kyubimon lv. 40 
WarGrowlmon: Growlmon lv. 50

Beelzemon: MaloMyotismon and Gallantmon lv. 40 
BlackWarGreymon: SkullGreymon lv. 99 
Cannondramon: Armormon lv. 99 
Diaboromon: GranKuwagamon and Black WarGreymon lv. 99 
Gallantmon: WarGrowlmon lv. 99 
GranKuwagamon: Imperialdramon and Kabuterimon lv. 40 
GuardiAngemon: Kyukimon lv. 99 
Imperialdramon: Paildramon lv. 50 
Imperialdramon FM: Imperialdramon lv. 99 
Imperialdramon PM: Imperialdramon FM and Omnimon lv. 40 
MaloMyotismon: Myotismon lv. 99 
Marsmon: GrapLeomon lv. 99 
MegaGargomon: MetalGarurumon lv. 99 
MetalGarurumon: Metal Mamemon lv. 50 
Omnimon: Wargreymon and MetalGarurumon lv. 40 
Sakuyamon: Taomon lv. 99 
WarGreymon: MetalGreymon lv. 99


Digimon Bosses  



Easy to beat. Just use a Digimon with any powerful or finisher move.


As Pharaohmon, but harder.


Uses Mad Pump. You might want a Digimon knowing a multiple-strike move.


At first, you cannot defeat him. Go to the Shaman hut (Tranquil Swamp) and go to the 
inn and talk to Gatomon. You can do the rest here. 2nd fight, he uses Hunting Knife 
that might KO your Digimon instantly. Wait until you are level 30 before facing him.


Atomic ray is another KO move (I think, anyway). Use a Digimon that knows Kyukimon 
that knows Blade Twister.


Beware. he uses Heart Break Attack, and it lowers your strength. Use Kyukimon again, 
or Kabuterimon with Hammer Rush.


BK MegaGargomon:

Beware of his Giant Missile! Use impact rush, hammer rush or blade twister.

BK Imperialdramon:

Not much of a threat. Impact Ruch or Blade Twister are good moves here!

BK Seraphimon:

He uses Giga Heal when his HP is critical. make sure your speed is high enough and 
use a multiple strike move.

BK WarGrowlmon:

Uses Atomic Blaster and Mega Strength. Use Imapct Rush here.

BK KingNumemon:

Very much harder than his Asuka an Amaterasu wild counterparts. His Attack will 
freeze you.



Has 3 Digimon: Fujinmon, Suijinmon and Raijinmon. All have ridiculously high HP. 
Suijinmon's the real #@!"%^*** here, as his attack strikes 3 times.


Tail: Counter his attacks. DO NOT USE ANY MP MOVES, otherwise the head will learn 
that move, even if it's your own finishing move!

Body: Just comes out, uses Ragnarok Cannon (Which weakens you to 1HP) and retreats.

Head: A true pain in the... He has Extremely high HP, and he counters your moves 
alot (You can tell, because he will block it). When he does his weak stance, get 
ready for his charge attack. He uses ?!!!!, which will take the form of a move you 
used on the tail. Once he is down, enjoy the movie of his destruction.

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