Dragon's Guide - Guide for Breath of Fire 4

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                               Dragon's Guide


Water Gem/Fou lu finds this beginning of 3rd chapter.
Fire Gem/Ledge in Mount Giga.
Earth Gem/In a bush in the Saldine Flats.
Flawed Gem/In the depths of En Jhou.
Wind Gem/North West side of the burnt forest.

Gem                     Dragon             Evolution

Water Gem               Serpent            Peist
Fire Gem                Wyvern             Wyer
Earth Gem               Behemoth           Mammoth
Flawed Gem              Mutant             Punk
Wind Gem                Myrmidon           Knight

Dragons all ready there             Who's dragon it is

Aura                                Ryu
Astral                              Fou Lu

Evolved Dragons                     When you get them

Kaiser                              The third fight with Rasso, Ryu must die.
Tyrant                              When you become Fou Lu after Ryu has Kaiser.
Wyer                                Summon Wyvern with over 10,000 game points.
Mammoth                             Summon Behemoth with over 20,000 game points.
Punk                                Summon Mutant with over 35,000 game points.
Knight                              Summon Myrmidon with over 50,000 game points.
Peist                               Summon Serpent once one of Ryu's dragons has 

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