Escape From Monkey Island - Guide for Escape From Monkey Island

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Look at the brazier of hot coals and use it.
Then pick up the pile of hot coals.
Turn to the loaded cannon on the right and kick the coal to it.

Stop The Catapult Operator From Destroy The Mansion: 
Go to the Harbour and pick up the popped inner tube.
Then go to Melee Town, into the SCUMM Bar, go to the back and look at the balloon.
Talk to the dart players and get them to hit the balloon.
Pick up the Jerky Pretzels at the drunken sailor's table.

Now go to the Governor's Mansion, and use the inner tube at the funny-looking 
Offer the pretzels to the catapult operator and when he leaves, tinker with 
catapult controls. 

Get a Crew: 
Go to The Scumm Bar and talk to Mr. Cheese.
Ask him to join your crew to travel to Lucre where you'll meet with your wife's 
Then ask him about Insult Arm Wrestling, ask him to join your crew once again, and 
challenge him to insult arm wrestling. Use the various insults to win the insult 
arm wrestling and you got yourself a navigator. 

Talk to Carla and Otis in Melee Town. They'll be the other crew members.
Ask them to join your crew, by offering cushy government jobs.

Go inside the Governor's Mansion, pick up the contract form on the table and show 
it to Elaine, she'll sign it.
Also, pick up the government paper that's on the commode. Look at it.
Let Elaine sign it also.
Now go back to Carla and Otis, show them the signed cushy form and they'll join 
your crew.
You're crew is now ready to sail on! 

Get a Ship: 
Go to the mansion and talk to Elaine. Tell her you don't got the authority to get a 
She'll give you the Gubernatorial Symbol.
Go to the harbour and show the symbol to the Harbour Mistress to get access to your 
new ship. 

Lucre Island

Meet The Lawyers:
Go to the Law Office.
You'll receive a letter. Talk to the lawyers again if they have found a way yet.

To Get The Heirlooms:
Go to the bank, talk to the girl.
Tell her you want to retrieve items from a deposit box.

Escape From The Vault:
Pick up the sword, the hanky and the three sponges.
Look in the safe deposit box; pick up the music box and the grog that's inside. Use 
the sword with the bottom hinge and use the broken sword with the crack.
Now use the three sponges with the sword in the crack and use the grog with the 
sword/crack/sponges thingy.

To Get The Directions To Pegnose Pete:
You'll need to pick up some items before you proceed:
In Jail, pick up The chicken Grease.
In Sense and Sensibilities pick up an empty bottle and cologne.
In House Of Sticks pick up the Wood Shavings.
Outside the Bait Shoppe pick up the duck and inside talk to the store owner about 
the no-nosed thief and pick up a free bait.

Leave town, go to mansion, pick up flower and use it on the bottle. Go to the Swamp 
and use the homemade perfume on the puddle. Now use the home-made perfume with the 
free bait and with the wood shavings.

Go to the Palace of Prostheses; use the homemade perfume on Deadeye Dave.
Dave will tell you the name of the odour owner. The name is different in every game.
The name always consists of 3 names. Use the first letters of the names on the 
filling contraption.

Bunny = A-D
Tree = E-H
Pumpkin = I-M
Monkey = N-S
Banana = T-Z

Guybrush M. Threepwood = G M T = Tree Pumpkin Banana 

To Get To Pegnose Pete's House:
In the town, there are two pirates playing chess.
Talk to them, confuse them and make them look the other way when they are moving a 
piece. Until they get into a fight.
Now pick up the clock.

Go to the swamp; use the clock on the raft. The clock will now show the time.
Use the clock and the directions to get into the swamp.

Example: when the clock says 1:25, look at the directions.
On the paper, there are some times. So when you see 1:25 W, you go west.

Use the directions until you get to a gate. Another Guybrush will appear.
He will give you a key, a gun, a rope, and a chicken with a pulley in the middle.
Remember or write down in which order he gave you the stuff.
Also, remember everything he says.
Talk to Guybrush, he'll tell you a number. Remember the number also.
Now use the key to open the gate.

Go further with the directions, until you reach the gate again, but now you're on 
the other side.
Now give the other Guybrush the stuff in the same order he gave it to you.
Continue until you reach Pegnose Pete's house.

To Capture Pegnose Pete:
Walk towards the house, you will hear Pegnose Pete and Ozzie Mandrill talking.
Use the Chicken Grease on his doormat and throw the duck in the window.
Pegnose will fall into the trap.

To Get Into The Bank:
Go to the bank. Outside you will see a manhole.
Use your broken sword with the manhole and pick up the manhole cover.
Look at the cover. You will hear three names.

Go to palace of prostheses, talk to Dave.
Tell him you want to get a free prosthesis.
You must complete his story by using the 3 names from the manhole cover and you'll 
receive a fake skin.

Go back to the bank and use the skin on the manhole.
Use the manhole and you'll find yourself in the bank.
Climb down the ladder and use the pull chain. The lights will go on.
Pick up the Scupperware.
Notice the weird shadow that looks like a nose. It's Pegnose Pete's nose. Pick it 

To Get Back The Heirlooms:
Go to the palace of prostheses.
Use the music box on Dave, and pick up the wood prosthetic hand.
Pick up the music box again before leaving.

Go to the Bait Shoppe, and use the prosthetic hand on the termites.
Pick up some free bait. Use the bait with the Scupperware.

Go to the mansion.
Use your cologne on one of the stuffed animals.
Ozzie will break his stick.
Go to the House of Sticks, and use the termites with Ozzie's stick.

Now go back to Ozzie's mansion and tell him you saw him with Pete.
When he leaves, follow him trough the forest.

Near the trees you'll find an hidden passage. Go down.
You'll see a table with a red button - press it.

Go outside and dive into the lake.
Use the Scupperware with the fishes.
Go into the passage.
Pick up the heirlooms, and the screw.

Go back to the prison and show the loot to Canard.
After that, show the screw to Canard and you're free to go.

First, you must go to the House of Mojo to talk the Voodoo Lady.
Use the 'different' finger of the hand, she will appear.
Talk to her about everything, and then leave.

Where To Find The Parts To Make The Ultimate Insult?: 
Go to Meathook's place, then talk about everything, then pick up the

Go to the Harbour.
Pick up the quarter in the grog machine and use it with the machine.
Kick it, punch it, slam it until a lot of grog comes out.
Pick up a can of grog.

Go to the Scumm Bar that has now changed to LUA Bar.
Pick up the chopsticks on the table.
Sit down, and talk to the waitress.
Order the flaming scuttle fish.
When the flaming boat reaches the pole on your right side, use the brush on the 
(Stick the brush when the boat reaches the pole on the far side of the canal)
Now go into the kitchen, use the grog with the steam generator.
You will get the painting.

Go to the harbour; use the earrings, necklace, pen and painting on the
figurehead of your boat.

Jambalaya Island

Get The Pieces Of The Ultimate Insult 

To get the Silver Monkey Head:
Go to Starbuccaneers, look at the lady's bag and pick up the mug that's in it.

Now go out of town, to Stan's.
Pick up the glue.

Go to the micro groggery; use the glue on the manatee.
Ask the bartender if you can ride the manatee.
You will be given a coupon.

(Another way to get a coupon is to go to Starbuccaneers, outside look at the
cup near the window.
Now go inside Starbuccaneers, and pick up the cup at the window.
Give the cup to the counter clerk; he'll give you a refill.
Go to Stan's, drink the groggoccino.
Now talk to Stan, and listen to the pitch.
You will receive a coupon.)

Go to Planet Threepwood.
Read the menu.
Ask the waitress for something to eat, use the coupon.
When you sit on the chair, ask the Jolly pirate to make a caricature of
you with the Monkey Mug.
Now use the glue on the caricature, and use the caricature with your
Starbuccaneers mug.
Swap your self-made mug with the Monkey Mug.

To get the Golden Man:
You need to be the best at diving.
First, go to Starbuccaneers and pick up a mini-bagel and eat it.

Go to Knuttin Atoll (with the rowboat at the harbour) and go into the school.
When you get the test, have every answer wrong by acting real piraty.
You will get a dunce hat.
Outside the school ring the alarm and go into the school.
Once you're inside pick up the whistle in the box.

Now go to the tall rock on Jambalaya, use the bagel on the lotion.
Talk to Marco Pollo, then talk to the judges and ask them if you can dive.
You will get a certificate.
Now dive against Marco. At the first you will see you won't do very well

Next thing is to be sure every judge will give you a 10 when you dive.

To Let The Hippie Judge Give You a 10:
Talk to the hippie judge, he will tell you need to imitate Marco's moves
to get a 10 from him.
He will also tell you how to make the moves:

Keelhaul = UP
Rum Barrel = DOWN
Spinning Swordsman = RIGHT
Alpha Monkey = LEFT

So when Marco uses a Keelhaul, Alpha Monkey, Keelhaul combination, press
UP, LEFT, UP when it's your turn.
If you do it well, the hippie judge will give you a 10.

To Let The Wise Old Judge Give You a 10:
Talk to the wise old judge, he will tell you you're splashes are too big.
So you need to be more aerodynamic.
When it's your turn to dive, wear the dunce hat when you dive.

To Let The Grouchy Judge Give You A 10
Go to Stan's and ask him about the pamphlets. You will receive one.
Now look at the pamphlet.

Go to the big rock; ask the grouchy judge why he's giving you 1's and 2's.
Then show the pamphlet to him.

Now dive, imitate Marco's moves and wear the dunce hat.
Dive again, just make 3 moves.
You will receive the golden man. 

To Get The Bronze Hat:
Go to the Micro Groggery and ask the bartender for some grog.

Now go to the statue, and talk to the tourist about it.

Go to Knuttin Atoll, talk to the puppets.
Ask the puppets if you can see the puppeteer.
Show the puppeteer your painting of the Ultimate Insult.
Pick up the puppets.

Go to Knuttin's beach.
Talk to the pirate.
Now go to the stone beach, use the whistle.
Give the grog to one of the parrots, that way you will be able to find out which 
one lies and which one is telling the truth.
Ask the truth telling parrot if this is the stone with the hat, if it isn't, ask 
him the direction you need to go. Continue until you find the stone.
Now use the puppets on the stone.

Go to the canyon and pick up the Banana Picker.

The Tunnel Puzzle:
Go to the Vista point.
Pick up a rock; throw it into the right canal.
When it hits a branch, throw a rock into the middle canal.
Then, when a rock hits a branch again, throw one in the left canal.
Finally when a rock reaches the last branch, throw a rock in the left canal again.

Now go to the church, pick up the little shields with the banana picker.
Ask the priest if you can ride the ride.
When you pass the milk bottle, pick it up with the banana picker.
Now steer your boat into the puddle, push the tree.

Go to the camp, pick up the coconut

Go back to the beach, use the banana picker to pick up the bananas.
Give a banana to Timmy. He'll follow you (when he stops following you give him
another banana).

Go into the mine, walk to the big door.
Open the vent and throw a banana in it (Timmy must go after the banana)
Close it again and use a banana on the portal.
Go into the tunnel; use the banana picker to pick up the weed whipper.

Go to the other side of the island (with the lava ride), and go to the village. Use 
the shields when you're near the monkey with the
Pick up the accordion.

Go to the camp, talk to Herman.

To Get Herman's Memory Back:
Throw the coconut at Herman.
Then throw the milk bottle at him.
And the last one: the accordion.

To Beat Jojo Jr At Monkey Kombat:
Go to the village, talk to the sitting monkey.
Ask him about the monkeys and about monkey kombat.
To get the bronze hat, you must beat Jojo Jr at Monkey Kombat.
You need practice first. Fight with the monkeys in the forest.
To remember all the moves and what move beats what.

When you beat the browny monkey, challenge Jojo Jr.
You'll win eventually, and receive the Bronze Hat. 

To Escape From Monkey Island:
Use the weed whipper at the weed near the lava pool.

Now go to the Giant Monkey Head.
Throw the Bronze hat on the head, and use the banana picker on its nose.
Once inside, use the Gubernatorial Symbol you got from H. T. Marley (Herman) on the


Pick up the plank, use it on the small tower and climb it up. Jump on the plank.
Once on the high tower, pull the switch.

You will face a giant LeChuck.
The secret to beat him in the Monkey Kombat is to get 3 draws.
And that's it. You have finished Escape From Monkey Island!

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